Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 22, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Idaho Jurist Feels That Con
stitution Prohibits Him
Running for Governor.
Supreme Judge' Withdrawal From
Field Leave Clasun, Tajlor
and Swwtwr as Candidate
for Nomination.
BOISE. Idaho. Sept i 1 Special )
Tathcr than become a candidate for the
Republican Gubernatorial nomination
In this statei especially In view of th
Ixct the constitutional bar had been
raised. Jam F. Ailshl. Judir In th
bupremo Court, who was looked upon
aa tho party standard tearer by a boat
of friend, announce that he will re
tire) from th flfdd. t
The ait cuncement hat created a tlr
In political circle It leaves thre an
nounrel candidate for th Governor-
ftlo In the rare. They are Lleutenan
Governor 8wtar. Itul Clnaston and
Fteven D. Taylor. State Auditor. Th
elimination of A IN hie. It Is bedlewed.
will brina out numerous othar can
Withdrawal la AraH4,
Jud Ailshl made th announce
ment of hla OVclslon In an open letter.
He savs In Dart:
"I roerct that I am not ab' to
my way clear to announce that I will
be a ran 11. late for Governor. I hav
considered the question very ertou.ily
and hero reached the definite conclu
Hen that I will not b a candidate fr
the nomtuatlon for Governor at the 11!
"It Is a distinct honor to any man
to be the chlf executive of 'hla com
monwealth: It la equally crat an
honor to be held doa-.-rvln- and worthy
by the Deoulo to serve them In that
rush office, and I am much gratified
at these expressions of commendation
and confidence. coming aa they do from
citizens of tho state I havo been eorr
inc d.irln the laft nln year. Thes
considerations, however, admonish me
that trve dutiei at hand aro as Import
ant and irrave and the necessity of
their faithful discharge Is as vital to
thw iwoi.le a . are the dutlen of the
oornor of tho statev
Qaeatleaa I Raised.
-I a-o also aware there aro people in
th. atate who are flncere In their
belief that the constitution render
Justice of the Supreme Court Ineligible
to upon the duties or any niner
tte office durlnoj the full period of
ill Tea i-4 from the time of hi election
and whil many of the ableat lawyer
and Indites hav expressed a contrary
view. I feel that where th matter af
fects me personally. I would rather re
solve hit doubt In favor of those who
leliere me Inellcible. so that there may
he no question ab,-ut my observance of
the constitution.
The constitutional bar referred to by
Juries A. Is Ills Is as follows:
"No Justice of the Supreme Court
shall be elialble to any other office of
trust or profit order tho law of th
Mate during the term for which ho was
riaatatoa A ami a CaadMate.
l"pon th heels of th announcement
of t'.:m withdrawal of Judge AUhl th
candidacy of Paul Gladstone u an
nouncod here. Claaston wni srealcer
of the House of Representatives dur
ing the 10th session of th Legislature
He was drfcated for tho Republican
Clubernatorlal nomination last Fall and
later rtac.i In the hand of th Attor
nev.General vldence proportlng to
how that Jamea 1L Brady, the suc
cessful Republican nomlne-e violated
th primary law by spendlna more
fnnnev for fiwniei than was per
mitted, lie made the same charRO
aaatnst R F. ONelU who. too. wa
lefrated ! r the romlnatlon.
Lieutenant-Governor Swtser an
nninced Ms cur.rtldacy first. He Is be
I loved to be the strongest man so far
mentioned, due to his lone service In
the Lsla!tture and tho fact he Is the
?nly one of the threes who come from
ihe southeastern part of the state
which Is Kenerally conceded to hold
the balance of power. State Auditor
Tavlor announced his candidacy In the
northern part of tho state. Like Mr.
riaastone. Taylor l from Bonner
county, the moat northern of the panhandle.
day when the regular opening exer
cises of . the college were be held In
th Brighton chapel. Prospect Indi
cate a substantial Increase of students
over previous years. The chool will
b rreatly strengthened by the addi
tion of a number of new course; th
conservatory of music will b en
larged by th establishment of a
branch studio at Hlllsboro and th ad
dition of two new assistants to th
teaching; force. Miss Ada Taylor, who
has received her training at the Pa
ctfio conservatory, will be an edi
tions! assistant in the piano depart
ment, and Hiss GoKlie Peterson, a stu
dent of Mint. Pauline Miller Chapman,
of the conservatory, who possesses a
charming mexso-soprano voice, will be
added to the vocal department.
Professor Shlppe. of the history and
political science department, has an
nounced three new courses to be given
and In th modern lan Kua ires more ad
vanced French la to be offered. Pro
fessor Henry P. Gilbert, the new head
of th cbemistrv department, will of
fer four new courses and the biology
coursea will b advanced.
Miss Martha Holmes, formerly of
the Goldendale High School, will fill
a vacancy In the academy department
of the college, and Miss Alice Sewcll,
who has been atudyins; art In New
York for the past two year, will be
Average of e)0 Per Cent Peemed Too
Hard for Athletes.
HOOI RIVER. Or, Pept. Jl. iSpe
rUl. The student body of the Hood
F.iver High School have entered a
strong protest against the action of th
city (School Hoard la raising th
standard of scholarship to be main
tained by thoae participating In athlet
ics from a weekly grade of 75 per
cent to l per cent. By a unanimous
vote the Board was petitioned to re
duce the grade to th old standard.
The School Board, however, according
to on of Its members. lr. H. L. Dumble
will retain the t per cent standard.
The high school student have the
Idea that w in opposed to athletics."
said Dr. Dumble, "but no one believe
more In th benefit of (porta properly
rorducted. TV consider that no tu
dent who cannot maintain a grade of
more than s per cent has any busi
ness too much time on the
athletic Held."
Covrrnor-fVcneral Bay Shipload for
(Government, to Prevent Famine.
MANILA. Sept. SI. Danger of a
famine In th Philippine on account
of th failure of th rice crop ha be
come so threatening that Governor
General Forbea decided today to or
der the purch by th Government
of an entire shipload of th cereal In
Th carload will b ol J to th people
at coat. Th prtc of th staple on th
markets her baa advanced far above
all previous record, with only a small
supply In Bight.
Additions Are Made to lacnlty and
Course Are Advanced.
Grove. Or Sept. II. ( Special. Pa
cific University opened its door for
th H.h year of Us existence Thurs-
.. .
j! i tvi
t .- . ,
f . -I !
if '-r?
if i- J
e sfceasaaawi in it ii i 1 al. ar t A I
Alfred ri
lewera. t
. Sept. II (Spe-
clal. ) School openetl In the Adi
district Monday In charge of Mis
Madge HamMe. a graduate of th
University of Oregon. 111. Thl
rhool H unique In that, although
a country district having but a
small population and only about
16 children who attend school,
mor thnn half of those are dolno;
high school work, their school
having a two-year high achool
Florence School also opered
Monday with a good attendance.
Professor Alfred Power, head of
the county high school at pleas
ant Hill last year. Is principal,
and will teach the high achool
classes. Miss Jennie M. Roseen,
of Langlnls, a last-year graduate
of O. A. C. teache the Interme
diate classes, and Miss Jetty
Shrode. of Kugene. teaches the
primary department. Many reel
dents of th surrounding county
are moving to town to place
their children In achool, and th
town 1 filling so rapidly that
house to rent are at a premium.
at the head of th art coursea. Ath
letlca will be put on a more solid basis
than formerly by the addition of an
Instructor for the women of th school.
Chemical Treating of Ttlce Must Bo
Indicated, Says Commission.
Hereafter the law covering the mar
keting of food products treated with
chemicals la to be enforced where
small amount are bought the same aa
la required on large packages. This
applies to polished rice particularly.
tacks are marked, but the consumer
who rurchases small quantities Is Ig
norant of the real quality of the prod
The State Dairy and Focd Comml
elon has been led to this step by th
efforts of th Federal authorities to
stop the sale of inferior rice through
the method of polishing, which 1 not
only injurious but lessens th food
value of the rice as well. A circular
letter prepared by Commissioner
Bailey, clrects that all rice which la
coated with glucose or talc must b
abelrd on the package. "Coated with
Glucose and Talc. Wash Befor U-
"It la not the proportion of glucose
r.d talc that aro lnjuilou to health
so mucii a what la taken away from
the rlca before those are applied that
robe the grain of He nutrtlve value,"
said L. T. JudL of the Commissioner'
office esterd.iy. t'neoated rice la rice
whlci has been polished and the rice
meal removed, but without the applica
tion of glucose and talc.
Cut of 50 Prr Cent Promised Hood
rUver If Company I Admitted.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Sept. Jl. (Spe
cial.) Samuel ."empson. chief stock
holder of the Skamania Power A Light
Co. which la developing a C.000 horse
power lt on th Wind river, was In
hi city today Interviewing business
men and the members of th City Coun
cil relative to furnishing the muni
cipality with power at wholesale rate
and allowing the city to distribute It
at retail prices through a munlclpaj
Mr. Sampson say that h win submit
hla proposition formally to the City
Council tomorrow night. In th
vent that It entertain hi plan, he
will furnish power at a 10 per cent cut
n th present rale of the Pacific Power
a: Light Co. .Mr. Sampson says that he
s also wtfelng to submit bids In compa
nion with any company or companies.
He left for Tne Dailea. where he will
make the same proposition. He ha
already conferred with the city govern
ments of ancouver ana asnougai.
where hi proposition fcae been met
with favorably.
Hop-Picking- "Sears Close.
SoectaL) Hop-picking will end her
omorrow. The yield haa been under
he average, but the quality la good.
Prune are a light crop, and there haa
been some damage from tne rain.
probably ten percent Much oat and
some wheat are yet onthreshed on tn
bottom lands Shocked grain that haa
not been reset has sprouted and I
wior or lee colored. Cahbages. kale
and potatoea are late. Livestock- Is
rooking well. Some Fall plowing and
seeding have already been done.
Edlefsen deliver fuel tie. CJJOS.
5 , 0-JH& p PfSWTn
......... r. . i j fjf -rr- - , jv.'Fi j
Free Pick and Choice
Any Suit in Either of o
Our Two Stores, Only
Only eight more days of the big Trade-Building Sale, In -which
for the sake of gaining new customers we give all our trade the
chance to come into our store, go through the entire stock at
their leisure and select any Suit in the house, paying only $15,
This is a rare opportunity, as there are plenty of suits, actually
worth and which we sell all the time at $20, $22.50, $2o and $30,
Do not think that the best suits have already been picked out,
as it is not the case. -Each day we aro adding from one hundred
to two hundred and fifty new Suits to the stock. The picking
is just as good as the first day the sale opened.
Free Pick and Choice of Any Boy's
Suit, JVorth $6.00, $6.50, $7.00,
$7.50 and $8.00, During This Great
Trade-Building Sale, for Only . . . .
TVe are interested in the boys. They will all be big men some
day and we want their patronage. "With this in view we now
offer them special prices during the Trade-Building Sale. They
us well as the men can now pick out a good Suit, paying only $5,
although they aro fully worth the regular prices, up to $8.
rownsviile woolen Mill
Third and Morrison Third and Stark
of them. We hold the entry of Alice
Montgpmery should be canceled."
Woman's "Business Transac
tion" Loses Homestead.
Laad Officials) Decree That Spouse
Who Deserts Husband Not En
titled to Privilege) Under
Government Act.
BOISE, Idaho. Sept. 21. (Special.)
To marrr and claaalfy th act as pur
lr a business transaction to collect a
$200 debt prored disastrous for Alice
i Montgomery an entrywoman. wno
attempted to hold a l0-acr home
stead, oonslstlns of valuable land.
Th realster and receiver or th uoise
Land Office, In a decision handed down
in a contest ca lntltutd by Bert w.
Cluan against th entrywoman, mad
clear th fact that a woman, who Is
deserted by her husband can claim thai
title aa head of a family and noid a
homestead, out tne spous wno jreri.
th -husband has no i.ghts under th
homestead act regardless of tho fact
that th court had granted a decre
of fltvorc.
aicrrisx la foe Debt.
Th case has attracted a great deal
of attention, due to tne remaraaoi
catmnt of Allc Montgomery that
she card nothing tor th man she
m.irid .iciDt th collection of a debt
that would b paia n
n.rriura ceremony. The omcieus
th Land Offlo bring out th Important
facta In th contest when they ay:
-The contest, herseii, tesuiiea mat
her marrias with John Montgomery
waa a bualnea transaction ; mat mum
married him for th purpos of secur
ing 1200. which h alleged was owed
her by Montgomery: ah further tetl
ftd that she nver lived with him and
sb mphael thle by aaylng that at
th tlm h married mm ne ""
emphatically that ah nvr wouia
llv with him.
"John Montgomery tesuiiea uimi mi
wife failed and rfued to llv with
him xceptlng for hort IntorvaJa H
..,..- ,..tiflil that he alway pro
vided for her when h did llv with
waa ready and willing to
provide for hr at all time If h would
mak hr nome w.wu
ia-assaa Drop Prvceedlaaa.
Mra Montgomery at one time. In
stituted divorce proceedings
her husband. Alter
tween thm sh
cedlng and
Fosses of Camas Prairie District
Search for Culprits.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Seot. 21. (Spe
cial.) Posses, composed of county of
ficials and residents of the Camas
Pralrl district, of Klickitat County,
Washington, aroused at the darlns
theft of a nair of. Iaree bay draft
horses, property of Contractor Ivirtle
son, of Tacoma, Wash., who has the
contract for the larare drainage dltcH
of Klickitat County Drainage-District
No. 1. have been scouring the regions
aldarent since last Tuesday night, bep-
tember 12, the time of the theft
searching for the culprits. The bays
stolen were said to be worth more than
700. the most valuable of tne 101.
nharlea 1 Wheeler, who returned
from the region yesterday, where he
had been Inspecting property there,
ays that It Is thought that the theft
waa committed by persons familiar with
the camp of the contractor's crew and
who were well acquainted with the
surrounding country. The horses were
taken from the barn at midnight. It
waa possible to follow their tracks for
six miles to the west, wien me u
became lost because of recent rains.
Kalem Railroad Man Resigns.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 21. (Special.)
Assigning aa his reason the fact that
private Interests demand all of hl3
time, Roland K. Page, for a number of
years Salem manager of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company
her, haa formally tendered his resig
nation to General Manager Hlld, of
Portland. Mr. Page aome time ago
orally advised the company that he
desired to resign, but no action was
taken. Yesterday he took formal ac
tion and after considering the mat
ter a compromise waa reached where
by he would remain until November 1.
conference be-
wlthdrw the pro-
dlvorc case was then
brought by th nuuana
Th. outcome of th cas was
th lsuanc of a deer of divorce.
"If a wlf b deserted by her hus
band, and th latter neglect and re
to contribute toward her sup
port, she may then make entry under
he homestead "
family. We do not ima .u,
which a woman who deliberately de-
,,- has been permitted to
hold a homestead entry, nor do w find
any rul under which th allowance of
an entry under uch condition would
be authorised. Th dometlo life of this
couple waa certainly no credit to either
In All Enmtioa aod Abraelon
Poalaaa Kills Germ Li aad
Ueals Quickly.
AMT abraaloa of th skin, out. boll, blis
ter, rash or open sore spot Is danrerous as
a possible source of Infection, leadln to
serious skin disease, and should be treated
promptly with Foslam. the antiseptic, beal
ln rtmedr. . ,,,
Poelem readily shows Its power to am
(arm life by stopping all Itchlns and caus
ing the trouble to disappear. Poslam aots
In this manner In any skin disorder. In
cluding all ecsemas. acne, salt rheum, skin
scale, psoriasis, seven-year Itch, barber's
Itch and similar diseases. Every day brines
records of remarkable cures, exceedlns all
claims made for It. Minor affections, suc.h
as plmplss. are quickly driven away.
All who hav not yet tried Poslam should
write for free sample, sent by mall by the
Emanucr Laboratories. 3 West 23th
street. New York.
Poslam is sold for 80 cents by the Owl
Drut Store and all drurslits.
Poslam Soap offers the beallnc medica
tion of Poslam In milder form and tones
and protects the skin while cleansing. An
tiseptic. 24 cents at druggists'-
98,000,00 Electric Concern Or
dered to Quit Town Slakes Offer
to Take Over Power Property.
ASHLAND, Or., Sept 21. (Special.)
Report say that the Siskiyou Power
Company, which recently made a $3,
000,000 deal for the Rogue River Elec
tric Company's franchise and power
holdings in Southern Oregon, Is after
the Ashland municipal electrlo plant,
which began operation within the last
0 days.
The plant here has the distinction
of being the only Independent electric
generating: and . distributing system
anywhere In Southern Oregon or North
ern California
The Siskiyou corporation Is operat
ing here under a franchise without a
time limit and the City Council, main
taining that such a franchise Is ille
gal and void, has given the corpora
tion until October 15 to remove its
wires and poles from the streets.
The Siskiyou Company has come for
ward with a tentative proposal to. set
tle the difficulties permanently by tak
ing over the municipal plant, assuming
bonded Indebtedness incurred In Its
building aggregating $105,000 and other
considerations including a contract for
tho fixing of rates for service during
the period of the 50-yeax franchise It
asks. Officers of tho corporation have
Invited the City Councilmen to several
conferences on the subject within the
last week.
The Ashland municipal electric plant
was undertaken In 1809 as the outcome
bf a sudden rise In rates by the service
corporation. The. water rights of Ash
land Creek, owned exclusively by the
city, are In no way Involved In any
negotiations that have been entered Into
between the city and the corporation,
the corporation expecting to dismantle
the municipal power plant. It already
has wires Into Ashland from Gold
Ray and Is rushing work to complete
a power line here from its plant at
Fall Creek, on the Klamath River, Just
across the California line. The com
pany Is ' also completing installation
of a big electric power generating
plant on upper Rogue River.
Oregon Olty to Take Holiday.
OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 21. (Spe
cial.) Mayor Brownell today Issued a
proclamation designating Friday, Sep
tember 29, which will be Oregon Clty
day at the Clackamas County Fair, at
Canby, a holiday. The merchants of
the city are urged to close their places
of business and attend the fair.
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