tttt- "irrrnvrVCr OTtrOOXTAX. FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 22. 1911. z:o . . . i - DREDGING OF 23 MILES IS NEEDED Consulting Engineer Lock wood, of Port of Portland Body, Files Report. NEW WORK QUADRUPLED Ttla Submitted Showing: Tak Be fore. Cnmmlnlofl to Make Chan nrlt 55. SO and SS IY-t Drp. .Martins Called Todaj. J. R C. Lovkwood. consulting engi neer of the Tort of Portland Commu nion, has filed a iiiltm'sl bearing on rointifl conditions and work that mini he prosecuted to gala depths Xight 1"r tho accommodation of vessels x rertd In th. future. He Includes data haw atlven members of the board food for tnouarht. and will form part of d-talla to be Inquired Into today. when m iic UI commute wi;l visit the dredge ColuiuM). which la working i.ear KaUma Tfte statement l: t herM yno herewith eettmate of the -n.a.. amoun . of ore.!.!!.. B'r - 1 ,,: a:..i ...l-f channel dfrll. enj t..e r-il'-irs r i if"1 hrt-.r d; th f 1 .i.v..i-l the .- Inl fl. aectlane: .-at. tri. prtr. ec..n.l. tha ,Mp I' c;t lo th moutti of tti. tln. m.Ve. th.r.1. r. i.ra the mouth "f an. vil'.rrwt:. I lh. U'a.r mJ f aAaia.-.- ta fourth, from th. latter lo ?u:ar It ant n.'th. from I'llUr Kca lo Lie nuuu of ill. io:umbU. Pmhlif I Uoaanrptva. T. r r-"nt rkinsl ! feet wM. w!th a;:num dej.tfl of 'H feat end tola re al :lr. a .":! a nvlea of dredging .very j'ir a.--.....ri trie c.t and the loaer .nd nf tv -. -a p.l..r th. la'l.r polr-l. In. r(innl la maintained prlri'ipaM hv t-. L":'"l K'aliieert;ig ll'ar'ment lll h-; k r ir..l,ea. Afl.r th ao-f.-.t i m;t l. farted th. b'-r-per m''hlnee sn'.l te. r:"ntv f rk t...w rt:;.r Hx-is. it it ' it !. neeeaere it um lb plplin Iii-ritn.. il'WB t h.l point. l. octri of fr.'llnc f r th plp.l!n nachtii'. mill l in: r-4 from .Is mtii i. rut mtt. or nearly four ttm.a. lb. of ifrrtfl. cut wttl t aoout f ibl4 tKAt ai.owtn Tarjr llulo fr -I- a:op. tr. Biiuunt of mainlnan work oil ttto chann.i will b lit ir.t ihl vmr. oiucrt If tu chaan.1 width la kv(Jt t. aam. Th ; -ftwt prrJa.-t provide for a channal f.t nd Ir.f.atl of ? "0 fat u at rrnl. ruch a 1.1 mora Irtaa dAnblo th 'k aaali. If tha ttk ra lo ba dona r..l main! tlnr rr dr-la-nc. 1 Htlmatt that t.ra ta fui! ' timr. much work r-iulrd avarr aar for aaTaral yaara. aa t prwaant. aaal of Uradsa rrpat Tha Tnlt.1 Ittataa at clnaara ara provldlna; fnr a aB'am rt Uka. Mcb It ta ax f--t'l w.ll radiK'a both tha atnoont of n";Al d.'djrlnc anl tha onttual r.ialntvnanro wr It is bound in pa aarml yrara. kaa-frr. b fora trtraa brmimnt atorfca can fa mnt l-u-1 and In tha m.antima tha anrk ta aura to ba much mora than at pr.aant. mr.ti for aa tn1-rlnit Una arltl bo at least atari! t!ma aa much. I na niairrtal t- rrttiortj f'ora tha harbor, b'loar tha Itroadaar prMfa. will .rara at Last t.n faat for Ilia anllro ra b i. -n try harbor lin dawn to tha orth rttak Thts wilt to about : f.-.o,o caMa a.1a ar.d a oulj kaap a lika tha I'DluBih a bianir for mora t-ia-i four v-'ara. If II did Ruthin,; asa. Tha two athtrh tha I nitetl Statra Fnainov-tiir I . artmant la to build and ur pr'M'a! d-la will bats not o,uita duM tha rairliir of tha praawnt plant, at fou can rroro tha Eforra, tha urgent of prucvedtna: wttb a-uur dradsa. lAKfiO RAT ITS ARK ADJUSTED Mit.Tl.mi. lTr-t Will lie Handled Here Samr a In North. Any rlouht Frank Waterhouga en- rtatnr.l that In -ndina Teaaela of I io It ink Line to Tortlnnl tha mat-t-r of ilia.'harctna: and loadlns; would ivit b m an r.uality with Pucrt l-oiin.l tnrirf.-. wlil ntw bo d la pull ad. aa XVt; It Whi-rlwrU-lit. htad of tho l'ortland SfVrilorlnir Company, said ) i-tt-r'l 'y jTumtnaa had brfn ro tnved frttm local ateyadorlngr Intereita thiil In any id- vhrrs a dlfft-renca rut-tail In hantlltna; cariro on vesiela or tl'tcka the bu;inesa would ba ac-tt't'tt-d on tho atni batla aa In tha n.trta. That m-ana aU-l. aays Mr. HhrrlwrifM. that rate to tho Orlvnt an-i 51 m;l.i from Portland wtil re main t aanitt as from I'URrt Sound tn the Va:erhou- ahlps. The l:rltlri sl.-am.r Ptrathlyon. which M hrr Uritt voyasta under the Kink Line l.aii to the Far Ka.-t and Ianlla. clcartd yesterday and will proceed at-award earty Httdatr. ller n-rifet-t shitvrs that she has aboard 17t)rtot feet of lumber, valued at S1700; Si?50 barrels of flo-ir worth I1J. and xreneral t-araro thttt Incre.tttes tha t.ttal Taluatr-n to III" si. Th Hrltlah att-anier tirtrrtc. of the same fleet. Is expected here tomorrow. While mora r.irwo Is betnr offerrd than Is belac ac res te.l. sMitpera aasert that the service Is sati?3ctory and no discrimination In fwor of fttiaret tound Is found, because 0t-wrll t.'o. and tha Japanese lines have Kiven nolle that they wl l not crept lumber or oiher caraco besldea a-heu,t and flour nnttl after Itecember. orniMTiox Mtntfcs qtietly Mnnarrh I.umlter Companj Will He Agent for 1'ortland. No siarns of sttrrlnr eombat wero'yes terday depicted as lklna place off the entrance to the O-lumbia batwrea tha I'o-t of Portland Commission and Ftiarat Sound Tugboat Company'a marina forces, but the opposition la ahead br rlrttie of hsvlnsr towed Inta the river the I'.ence and Isabel Browne. Ii only windjammers to arrlva ainc th strife buslne.s beran. tleneral M instrer I'lumraer. who ap pointed Captain liorllins; aaent at Astoria, wi.l return to Seattle today nd expects to be In Portland next week. for tha present the Monarch Lumber Company Is to represent the service her and the steamer Monarch w;i: do th river towlnsr. In th event the cannot handle all business promptly th tug lioliah will be sent down from Seattle to work on the river. The I.u--..n brk Isabel Browne la to leave t p uMay In tow of tha Monarch and Mil aro to the Unnton ballast docks. The Port of Portland haa ordered tha salaries of engineers on Its tuars In creased from !! to tl.O a month a.-J marten to lii0 a month, or what rver s im th oppo-ltlon pays for tha a.tme berfhs Mr. Plummer said there was no intention of lnduclna: men to ve the Port of Portland service. -TF..VJLSHIP trtV START E-ST Journey May Have to Do With Ret- terlnj Coat SerTlce. Tn vesterdav's departure from San 1 rancisco of R- P. r--hwerln. vlce-prest-r.nt an! feneral manaater of the Har r.maa aceaa line on Ins Pacific, ac eotEaan! by A. O. Ea. Karrall. sjenarai pasen(r elect, and Adolph OtUnger. tctra; aajeot of tha Ban Fravacssco A Portland Steamship Company, for tha Fast, hores have been raised In Port land that their mission deala with ne- a-otiatlona for a.MltlonaU tonnsato to care for buslne.s from Portland to polnta euuth. . Mr. Schwerln la saJd to be bent on trip concerning, tne construction of two new llnera for the pacilic Man licet. which be hopea will overshadow J. J. Mill's extension when he Introduced the riant Minnesota and aakols on the Pa cific. The same buslnesa doe not draw Mr. Kerrell and Mr. Ottlnger. however, and liielr purpose 1 renerally accepted as betnar In bettering th coast service. As passensrer travel Is at Its height, there la llltle encouragement held out th Hlg Tlire fleet will be aug mented tlil year, though tiie ateamer Kansas City la known to be avaiiabie. Marlne Notes. Arrangements are being made to lift the stetamer Monarch on clrytlocK in tompar.y with the Government dredge Clatsop. Having been floated from tha public drydock yesterday, tiie French bark F.'i.iuard Iwtallle was towed to Irving dock lo resum loading wueat. Hind. Rolph Co have chartered the Hrltlali steamer St ralthnalrn. now on the way from .Norfolk to SMin Fran cisco with ttal. to load lumber her for Australia. In terday' Merchanta Exchange reports It was shown t;:at the French bark Jolnvtlle. hour.d here from Itrls had reported at liobart Septem ber 1S- H. c. Contelow. general passenger agent ef the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, with headquarters at San Francisco, was In tho city yesterday. Cariro was discharged yesterday from th tleUyed steamer Golden Gate, which arrived late Wednesday after having be-en agrounJ near Kalarra for nearly a day. and she will aall for Tillainot'k this afternoon. Captain Bandstrom. of the steamer Ocklahama. charged by Captain Hramlt. of the barkentlne Georglna, with hav ing struck him. Is compiling a reply lo the which will be tiled with local Inpctora Edward and Fuller. In tow of the steamera Weown. Sarah Itlxon and O. K. Wentworth. th dredge North Hank, which was fitted with a false bow at Supple' yurds this week. was . successfully towed through the rnplds and th Castad Locka yesterday. Robert Itollar. of San Francisco, head of the Hollar Steamship Com pany. Is In tli city arraiiet'ig tr handling the new steamer Robert Dol- TbAMLR IXTELIJCKMCat Do te Arrive. Kama Paavar Carlos tira-hjyen. ... CoM.n iate. .. Tillamook. ... . Antrll Crt.tie. ....... Alliance sua II Elmore, liraakwater. . . Geo. W. Kldsr. Falcon . ....... ftose City. .... Hoanoka. ..... Rtala feuasrle....... From D . fan 1'e.lro. . .. In port jian Francisco In port I ion sit one. .. In port Tl .a -look. .. - in port roo,ullle S-'Pt. "J .Hai.cos. ..... atefU -i Manila fcpt. -' K jr.ka St pu -3 Tlllam.k. .. fl't. Coos Hat ff!l. aa ftteao.... t'-pt. San Pt-dr. . . Fan Francises et.t. .fan Pedro .-'PL so San DI.SO. ... CtcL .Honikuni. . .Maul. a Oct. gcaar laled t Depart. Kan Cold. a Oa-te. arttl Carlo Tlllamoa.a. ... F - ih. voa. ... Alliance ..a .- Pre H. Elmore Breakwai.r. . . fiao. a. Elder. Peer Ort.rte. ....... Fa'ron . ....... P city. .... Roanoke.. .... Xrsla But. I lo. ...... For Pat. Tillamook.... Vno-n fcpt. .Han Franclscort.-tu Coqulllr. . . . 1 i r t. .r.g . Eureka r.tlro. . i lliam Mik. -Coa flay. .. aa I' .. ran P.dro. . Wsni:a . e-pt. . .Sept. eept. T-pt. ,.fpt. . .tt. . Sept. "I. fan pranctsco Oct. .San Pedra..,. net. Fan PI. so. ... Oct. Honrkong....C'ct. .klaxiliA Oct. lar1. which la due at San Pedro soon, being on her maiden voyage from Glasgow, where ahe waa launched. Purser Clarko. Chief IJnglneer Paul and First Officer Selke. of the steanv r Beaver, form a party that Harbor master Speler has been asked to pilot Into the depths of a caisson of tha Broadway Bridge, which the Union Brlilse A Construction Company Is Inking In midstream. Th trip may be made thts week. I'nd-rwear. aocks. stocking, table cloths, sheets, towels and other arti cles that formed part of the cargo of the ateamer Saginaw, which waa dam aged tnrousth striking on Orford Reef recently, wer disposed of yesterday on Couch-street dork, a local auctioneer paying t.:S for a lot, which waa about ' per cent of the wholesale price. G. W. McNear. of Snn Franclsro. one of the best known grain exporters on the Coast, reached the city yesterday on business In connection with the dis patch of vessels In the grain fleet, lie haa under charter the TorrtsJale and Isabel Browne, now In eVie river, and the French bark Kene, which la on the way. Fntrlea yesterday at the Custom House Included the steamers Beaver and Temple E. Dorr, from San Fran cisco, w-ltii the ara-"Ollne schooner Wll heimlna. from Florence. The Wllhel- Ir.a cleared for th return and tha Beaver for California harbors, with the Torr for Seattle. The steamer Saginaw cleared for Raymond to load lumber and ti e steamer Carlos for San Pedro with SSO.i'et) feet of lumber. When a new hull Is completed early In the year for the steamer America, which Is being counted on to give her additional speed with the same enalne and boiler. It ta announced that ratea between Portland and polnta on the river and Willamette Slouch will be lowered to S5 cents In opposition to th Astoria Columhla River Railroad passenger tariffs, which provide for a rate of 60 cents to Rocky Point and fa centa to Scappoosa. Movements of Vewls. PORTLAND. Sept. 21. Arrived Steamer Roeecraba. from tnterer. ealled Steamer Tample aw ttorr. for Seattle: ateamer Yo- eem It, for fan Fmnclsco and ea n Pedro: g-aeultne schooner Wllheimlna, for Florence. Astoria, tit ft. CI. Arrived down at 'J jii and s-aiie.l at a. To A. M. Steamer Roanoke, for San Ptrao aid way ports. Arrived at a .3 and left up at 11 A. M. steamer liose. crana. from M int.ray. Arrived at lo A. M. Sclioener lua May. f ailed at I w P. iu flt earner Yellowstone, for San Pettro. San Franc!co. .1. Arrived ettesm- er ceo, V Klder. fr m San itleso; STeamer t's-.anla. from portlar.d: at noon Steamer Vt'ashlngton, from Port. and. totta nar. e,pi. ,-i. .vmvea nteamsr Br-akwat.r. from Portland. Kurrka. serit. .-I ArmcC strainer Alli ance, trora Turtiand. ban I'eara. -i. Arriveo steamer Aurelis. from Port:ar.d. Prakes Far. ttept. si. la port Tug Her cules, with to raft, from Columbia River, for Ssn Dtrra. Hoi-art. !-e-u is. arrTveo rrencn para Jolnvtlle. from Bristol, for Portland. San Prancisco. eei't. "I. Arrived Steam ers Oamsy, rrom ivorioik; Catania, from Washmston. Astoria: Jennie, Irom Cook's lntet: fmatllla, from S-attle. Falle1 Steamera Seminole, ror Anr.arty. v.;s..:iiip via Seattle; tiee. ror Seattle- o. C. Llndauer, for ilrava llaroor: Point Anna, for Ctiui:la Kiasr; acbovusr Oresuiw for Co qullle Rivsr. TMee at Astoria Friday. TTlxh. Iaw A. m f T A. il.... H P. M.... -S feet 7 rtte P. M. . .. foot .1.1 fast Saloon Not for Clticaffo Women. . CHICAGO. Sept. II. A practical re sult of an investigation by the Civil Service) Commission of gambling and other vloea In Chicago, was the closing last night by order of th Chief of Fo lio of ail saloons to women. RAIL ROW SHIFTS Transcontinental Lines May Leave Third-Street Center. HANDIER BUILDINGS LURE Multnomah Hotel Management I'e alre Roads to K.-tnMI.-h Offices There, and Other Owners Seek Them as Tenants. Railroad row on Third street, which for many years hat contained all the ticket offices of the city, promises soon to break up. With owners of new buildings In various parts of town seeking rail roads as tenants -and with a general disposition that the city la too big to have all ticket offices restricted to on street. It Is possible that the next year will see many lines that have been familiarly represented; on amru street ever since that became the cen ter of business activity scattered else where. Lessees of the new Multnomah Hotel have approached several roads, urg ing tltein to establish offices there. Owners of property adjacent to the Multnomah, who contemplate construc tion of buildings also have visited th railroad men with the view of leas ing rooms. The Northern Pacific, the Canadian Fnrlfic and Soo roads, the Pennsyl vania, the Illinois Central and the Santa F are among those whom the Mullnom.ih Hotel owners solicited. None of the railroads has taken leases In the new hotel building, and none has even asked for an option, but agents of three or four lines have vis ited the building and Inspected the rooms now being completed. Lease Kx plrew Soo n. The lease of the Northern Pacific on Its present office at Third and Mor rison streets expires within a year and as that site la desired for a sky scraper It Is probable that the ticket office will be moved elsewhere. If the Northern Paclflo or any other ter minal line leaves Third street there will be a general exodus of a number of "foreign" lines. The North Hank really broke the ire Inst Spring, when It established Its office at Fifth and Stnrk streets. Since then the position of Third street aa a ruilroad center has been insecure. Tho Northern Pacific has done noth ing definite toward seeking a new lo cation. It Is said that the advisabil ity of erecting a building on down town property has been considered by Northern Pacific officials. There is a desire to place the passenger and freight offices in the suroe building. Now they are five blocks apart and Inconvenience results. Inasmuch as Portland Is the extreme Western ter minus of the Northern Pacific, an in dividual building here is considered Important and desirable. Other Changes Dae. The Canadian Pacific also maintains separate passenger and freight offices. It la considering consolidation. Leases of the Harrlman offices, the Great Northern, the Pennsylvania and the Denver & RV Grande In the Fall ing building still have several years to run. With the exception of the Pennsylvania, they have not thought of moving. Samuel Moody. passenger traffic manager of the Pennsylvania. Is ex pected to be In Portland within a few weeks. Selection of a new office will be one of the duties confronting him. Most railroad men feel that they should be quartered nearer the lead ing hotels. The sentiment that It is necessary for all railroad offices to be grouped no longer prevails. A few years, therefore. Is given as the limit of the length of time that Third street as the home of virtually all the railroad offices in the city has to live. LAXD SCHOOLS WANTED WILLIAM.' HAXLEY SAYS THEY ARE LEAGUE'S ORJECT. President of Central Oregon Body to Meet at Hums Declares Soli Study Is Rig Need. Wllllum Hanley. president of tho Central Oregon Development League, waa In the city for a few days arrang ing details of the meeting of the State Development League with the Central Oregon League at Burn October 2 and 3. He returned to Burns yesterday morning. "The main purpose of this meeting." said Mr. Hanley before leaving for Burns yesterdn, "Is tu arrant: for land schools within reasonable distance of each fnrmer, to serve as a means of showing htm the best methods of farming, and the best special products In rotating crops, thus enabling him to become successful In eolving the first problems of making a living off the soil. -a "Let us make our Agricultural Col lege a real agricultural college by put ting the students In the country and on the soil at tho commencement of the seeding season In the Spring, until Winter sets In. This should be done both with girls studying domestic science and with the boys on the farm, to bring country conditions up to a point w hich will enable them to com pete with city life. "The Crook County farmers are rais ing tlO.vOO to start thts work before the next session of the Legislature. Harney has now one farmers' substa tion, authorized by a legislative ap propriation of IS000. The county has provided the land, buildings and equip ment at a cost of $ls, Out). "The object Is to extend this to all other parts of the state, for no matter how well any particular locality is worked, something better ean be found by scientific co-operation, as against individual endeavors. This la a means of getting settlers out on the farms. "The high cost of living has come to stay until there Is better adjustment between the one that lives and the one that produces, as the producing side la so far In the minority." James J. Hill Is expected to attend th convention at Burns. BIGAMY CHARGE ASKED Attorney DnniVay Appeals to Or and Jury to Indict Woman. Ralph R. Duniway, employed by Wll. Ham F. Suess. as a special prosecutor against his wUe. Will Edna Suess, un der Indictment on a statutory charge In which Karl Rockford is co-defend ant. went before the grand Jury yes terday and demanded that the woman be Indicted for bigamy. Mrs. Suess got into communication over the telephone with Rockford when he was a prisoner at th rockpile. A flirtation ensued which resulted In their elopement and the performance of a marriage ceremony after bis re lease. They were arrested and Rock ford Is again serving time. Mrs. Suess' husband has also filed suit for divorce against her and Au gust 23 obtained a default order, but the woman has now employed Oglesby Toung as attorney and Intends to fight his suit. Attorney Toung riled an affidavit Wednesday bearing Mrs. Suess' signature asking that the de fault be set aside and that she be al lowed to answer. The motion will come up for argument In a few days. The woman declares that she was In carcerated' in the Municipal Jail at the time the default was taken and that she was at that time financially unable to employ counsel and prepare a de fense. lndr the Impression that the de fault had been set aside without no tification. Attorney Duniway yester day morning appeared before Judge Gatens and made frequent references to conspiracy and fraud. It was final ly explained to him that a mistake had been made In reporting the move In the case to the Dally Abstract and he left the room to go before the grand Jury. Attorney Duniway caused subpenas to be issued calling upon Chief Slover, Captain of Police Bailey, Officer Fuller and Lola G. Baldwin, head of tho de partment of public safety for young women, to appear before the Jury and testify In the bigamy proceedings. COURT WIRES If SNARL CLERK FIELDS RAPS PHONE PLAX IX NEW OFFICES. ArcJiitect Is Target lor Volley of Complaints Charging Prodigal ity In County Building;. County Clerk Fields and Architect Whldden, In charge of the construc tion of the new Courthouse, had a verbal tilt yesterday, which ended by the County Clerk refusing to allow his office to be connected up with an In tercommunicating telephone system which is to be Installed In the build ing. Verbal warfare between the ar chitect and Mr. Fields, who expresses disgust at tho whole scheme of things connected with the new Courthouse, have been almost daily occurrences lately. Mr. Fields' objection to the telephone system arises from the fact that many of -the telephones will be arranged to receive calls and not transmit them, while the majority of those over which calls may he Incepted connect only with three or four other ofrtces. Mr. Fields' office, for example, would con nect only with the Circuit Judges, the tax office and one room on the sixth Boor. Mr. Fields questions the prudence of spending money for such a system. The County Clerk has in his posses sion a copy of a letter signed by the Butte Engineering & Electric Company, which has the contract for the Installa tion of the telephone system. In which It is stated that a plan whereby all tele phones could send and receive calls from all parts of the building was laid before Mr. Whidden and turned down. Mr. Whldflen, according to Mr. Fields, says that the Circuit Judges are responsible for the abbreviated tele phone system. They wish to be able to communicate with each other, the official reporters and the Jury rooma without moving from their "private of Hoes. "There Is an exchange In the build- MOTHER It is the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coming of her little one; to avoid aa far as possible the suffering of such occasions, and endeavor to )ass through the crisis with her lealth and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accom plished bo much good, that it is in co sense an experiment, but a prep aration which always produces the best results. It is for external ap plication and so penetrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and tendon involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by expanding the skin and tissues, re lieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thousands of mothers. and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother's Jreoa4gi3storld kothehs Write for free T'fT1TT -rFRlEKDa ant mothers which contains much valuable in formation. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. READ for PROFIT Use for Results FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly on the KIDNEYS, BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, lnd their beneficial effect is felt from the itart. Fear BACKACHE, KIDNEY and 3LADDERTROUBLE.RHEUMATISM CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of the BLADDER and xnnoyingURINARYIRREGULARITIES they exercise a permanent benefit. TOMIO W aetvioaa - ri"r IN SSW'LTf J. A. Maple. 115 9. 7th St. Eteuben vllla, O., says: "For years I suffered from weak kidneys and a severe blad der trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and tneir wonderful cures so I began taking them and sure enough I had as arood results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, expressman, that alone Is a great advantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. It is now a pleasure to work where It used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." Foe Sale by All Drmga-lstav . i . i When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking ex amination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice Is all you need. X-Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to commence treatment. YOU CAN PAY FEE WHEN CURED During our many years of active practice in MEN S AILME.NTa In Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have invaded the city and tried to steal our methods and ad .crtisements, but, not being able to steal our brains, they were not able to succeed In their dishonest ways; so do not be mSled bv them, but come to us. the oldest established SPK CIAI.ISTS FOR MEN "in the city, who guarantee cures, or make no charge for their services. We Treat Men Only Cure Guaranteed Twenty vrara of successful practice as a specialist In Men's Aliments Jus " ,im 1 make. I promise my patients a complete cure In every .i.t7ce. -ni li ei- where 1 cannot -afely make th.. promise 1 po.1 tlvely refuse ta treat. v By the latest methods we cure, Nervo-Vital Debility, Weakness, Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Ailments, Kidney and Bladder Troubles It arm. cannot call. Write IOr vou tree Many cases cured at home. Hours 9 OREGON MiDICAL INSTITUH lng through which all offices may be reached," said Mr. Fields. "We are paying good money for It and I Bee no good In putting in this joke sys tem." . , More than half the space In this building Is occupied by stairways and halls," Mr. Fields complains. "I'tllity has been sacrificed absolutely to archi tectural effects." Halibut Schooner Reaches Aitorla. ASTORIA Or., Se-pt, 21. (Special.) The halibut flshlr.g schooner Ida May, that was recently purchased by F. Klevenhusen, who operates a cold stor age plant at Altoona. arrived here six days from Seattle, Wash. The vessel Is to be equipped with a 75 horsepower gasoline engine and will be used this Winter for halibut fishing, cither on th Const or In Alaskan waters. The vessel is of 33 tons and was built In South Seattle in 1903. Her dimensions are as follows: Length, 60. feet; beam. 15.S to$t: depth, 6.S feet. She was formerly owned by the Pacific States Trading Company. Santa Fe Road F(?und Guilty. SAN' BERNARDINO, Cal.. Sept 21. The Santa Fe Railroad was declared guilty today of a violation of the full crew law and ordered to pay a fine of $200 by Justice G. M. Plttman. The specific offense was that of having operated between this city and Los Angeles'a passenger train of more than three cars with only one brakeman on duty. IK. A. U. SMITH. I Am aft mtiritrred and licensed pby slrian, confining my ppeclal practice to the disorder of MEN. I have more money InTested In my entaliUabmcnt than all other Portland anoctallsU combined. I never adverttue cheap fees mm an In ducement to bring me patients. A true specialist need not resort to bargain -counter methods. No man. who places an Intcll! Kent value on his health will seek the services of a man who proclaims he ts a chrax doctor. You would not entrust a sick child In care of a cheap medical man. and you should ne the same care In your own case. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no other can share, and should not be clashed -with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend college. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any other state. A portrait, .whose personality and Identity are Indefinite. Is published as the legiti mate speclalibt of the office. Hired sub stitutes, ordinary doctors with question able ability, rive consultation, examina tion and treatment. Why treat wtth irresponslbles when you csn lecure the expert services of a reipocslble specialist? See me If you have any of the follow IriaT dlrorders: YariVHe Velnt, Nerve, lilood and Man ui.oru-rs. fiiuuuer irou at I ..e V,.l.uiw.a It'eatiwlaina 1'Ia- V leers. l-iles or .Vistula. FRKK CONSULTATION AND AD VIC K. Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. 10 to 1 Only. Sunday. Dr. A. G. SMITH'S Morrison Bt.'. Cor. Heeond. DR. GREEN METHOD MEANS CERTAIN CURE We enre quickly and permanently all curable caes f TAKKOSE IEINS without severe snrgrical oprrallons; SfKCIr IC BIXKD POI SON without Injurious drua-s; 06 skillfully adminUtered if pre ferred); NKRVO-V1TAL DKBIX.ITY nitlictit stimulative remedies; KI.ADUFR aod KIDVKY troubles; 11 Lbs and all JUvCTAX, ailments of mu- YOUR PROTECTION Our offer PAY WHEN 6ATIS FIKD Is your sb solute protection. Consultation, exam ination and diag nnsU fres. you want is a cure. Come to us and get It. Once under our treatment, you mili quickly realize how simple a thine: It Is to get well fn the hands of a special ist who knows his business. Our cures sdd not only year to life, but life u years Office hour daily. 9 to 5. Even ings, 7 to 8. Sun days. iu to i- DR. GREEN CO. 8S3 TTashlngton St Portland. Or. fcfefcj 1 A e, Z-.JIV.W mm A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 12. 20144 Morrison ., bet. 4th and Gth, FORTLAMJ. OREUOX. C. Gee Wo Is Known to Be One of the Leading Chinese Herbalists of This Country. THE CHlNtSE DOCTOR. His continued success has been founded on reliability and merit, ine public does not trust its confidence to anyone or give its patronage until worth has been proved by actual re sults accomplished. It is due to these things that C. Gee Wo has won so much recognition. He possesses thousands of scientific secrets of the healing powers of the Chinese herbs which have been handed down in his family from father to son from generation to generation. All claims for cures are borne out by tes timonials from grateful patients. CONSULTATION FREE. Those who cannot call should write, telling your symptoms fully. Send 4 cents in stamps for symptom blank. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. liV4 First St.. Cor. Morrison. Portland. Oregon. HELP FOR YOU! Have you tried in vain to rid yourself of any ailment, euch as OB- J STRUCTlON. VAR- i jaf? t i-t ci v. v f; t v s. SKIN, BLADDER, KIDNEY. BLOOD or NERVOUS AIL MENT. CPfC By all means 1 ' X mtt have DR. KEEFE examine saamV you and ferret out ,ne iMnhl. 1. Sk strict 1 v ra. liable aualifftd professional man. possesses skill, experience, ripe Judgment and every means to riring about the cures he promises. rjr "606," great German Discovery V.3 administered. For Blood Ailments. WHI PAT MORE? Consultation and Examination Free. 9 to 6, 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1. J.J. KE EFF, Ph. C. M. D. J13H WASHINGTON ST., COR, 6TH, Portlaud, Or. - I Cure Men ilO IS MY FEE Pay When Cnred. Gen eral Debility, Weak Nerves, In- nmnia KeSUltS of exposure, overwork ar.Jther vio lations of Nature' law a nents of Bladder and Kidney Vaxlcoae Veins, quickly and permanently cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as Varicose Veins. Plies, Specific Blood Poison, etc., completely and permanen 1 1 y, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. iL- to 8 P. M. Sui.days. 10 A, it to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO., ;24.a4 Washlna-ton St, Corner First, Portland. Oresron. A WONDERFUL CURE By The S. IC. Chan Chinese Medical Co, J'Jft tSSH Morrison St., Portland, Or. Mrs. Chan t m tfift vo am nid .r.rl have suffered from waaknesa and nervousness for three . months from a tumor on my face. At first I went to some doctors but they told me that It was lmposalljlo to cure, so upon the advice of my relatives, who had been cured by these Chinese doctors, I- went to them. 1 After taking two weeks of their herbs and roots compounded nd other medicines, the i tumor wss completely cured without the j use of a knife. I feel so grateful toward them and I recommend anybody who is 111 and wants to get well soon, to go to see or wrlt to them and secure some medi- ' cine which I am sure will bring results. J. A- Zlmmermann, Albany. Or. j Men and Women Cured Our wonderful herb treatment will positively cure diseases or the Throat, Heart, Liver, Lunfrs, Stomach. Kidneys, Con sumption, Asthma, pneraonia. Chronic Cough. Piles. Consti pation, Dysentery. Weakness. Nervousness. Dizziness, Neu ralgia. Headache, Lumbago, Appendicitis, Rheumatism, Ma larial Fever, Catarrh. Eczema, Blood Poison, Leucorrhrea, Urinary and Bladder Troubles LI and all organic diseases. Consultation free. Write for symptom blank. Office hours, 10 A- M. to ft P. 1L; all dav Sundays. Lady attendant. LEE HONG CHINESE HERB CO.. 142 Second at.. Portland. Or. C. Ce Gee y& ? Gee WoJ&. Wo a .- L . ... ... A-. 3a f2 : i BLADDER ! 2 1 JiifJ2 Hours : , L jsnle bears the MIDY ' ' , Satan ofeoinUerfeiU J The SpeciaTist Against The Quack. The clallet true spe- possesses the experience of years the right kind of exper ience doing the same thing the right way hun dreds and perhaps t h o u s ands of times, with un failing and per mannent results. His experience has taught htm Just what to do and when to do It. There Is $ J" -v Hi m L-tlri experiment!" henceCK. HoUmanM.D. no faliure. He does not have to resort to fake methods. His scien tific knowledge has made him the master. The quack experience is based on everlasting misrepresen tation upon doing the same thjig wrong as many times as the un suspecting will permit. He is ever experimenting upon the patient if one thing falls he tries another, and keeps on changing until tne patient despairs and leaves. He Is ever readv to promise anything and everything. He drugs the sys tem with .powerful medicines, just to obtain temporary results. He Is here today and gone tomorrow. He has as many names as-flngers and toes. He constantly apes the specialist. He Is a wolf in lamb s clothes. Beware ot him. I am the only expert specialist In Portland who owns his own of fice and equipment, advertises his full and correct name, publishes his re.-ent and true photograph and personally conducts his office. I make this statement so that you will know when you come to my office no deceit will be practiced. I meet you ao man to man, open and above bonrd. I want you to always keep before you the fact that I am trying to drive medi cal humbug and quackery out of Oregon. , I am the oldest licensed eyeo lalist in Portland IS years' ex perience vet I am not a mapician I do not work magic. I do not offer l-m!nute or 5-day Impossi ble cures. I do not make false promises. I cannot cure every disease under the sun, nor every case Included in the diseases I treat, for some of them are In curable, and the sooner the pa tient learns the truth the happier he will be. I simply apply tne scientific knowlodne my years of experience have given me. and I do this honestly and faithfully. I never accept a case for treat ment until I have made a thor ough examination, and then only when I am satisfied I can effect a permanent cure. This Is your best guarantee. If you wish my services they are yours at a fair and reasonable fee, which every sensible man expects and is glad to pav. You cannot get anything of value for nothing, and the sooner you wake up to this fact and regard the doctor who offers it to you with suspicion the hap pier you will be and the more money you will save. I offer you the services of the best doctor at a fair price and you will ever lastingly thank me for the per manent cure received at my hands. My office is the largest and best equipped on the Pacific coast. HYDROCELE VARICOSE VEI-Vg. I do not draw off the fluid, which Is only temporary, nor resort to the vi cious practice of Injecting painful drugs, as many quacks do, nor do 1 tie off the veins and destroy the vi tality. My method is direct and posi tive. No loss of time, no pain, no hum bus, but an absolute guarantee of a radical and permanent cure. WEAKNESS. Mentally strong, but vitally weak Is the sad condition of many men who, eager to have tneir strength restored, become easy victims to the quacks who promise to make young men out of old and descreplt ones, and who, for the consideration of a few miserable dollars, offer to find the fountain of youth for the aged and helpless. Tou take the quack's promise, he takes your money. That's all you get no result Just his promise. A fool and his money are Soon parted. Why play the fool forever? There are many dis tinct local conditions and causes of weakness. It cannot be cured by In ternal medicine, but by local treatment only. The cause must first be deter mined and until this la done, no cure can be effected by local or any other treatment. I do not use a single dose of Internal medicine, and yet. without It, I absolutely and permanently re store complete vitality In every case I accept for treatment, which la the best evidence of the truth of my con tention. MY TREATMENT MAKES MEN STRONG. It Is unfailing anr absolute. It is painless and permanent, and given under my absolute guaran tee. The quacks who pretend to cure you as I do, begin drugging with pow erful stimulants.' Just as soon as they succeed In separating you from your money. T can do no more than caution you against them. BLOOD POISON. Quacks reap a harvest by pretend ing that every little rash, skin erup tion or pimple Is a symptom of blood poison. The Vvassermann blood test' tells you whether or not you have the disease. The doctor may lie. but the test never does. This test la yours at my office for the asking. I use th. new German Remedy and Introduce It directly Into the blood. From my ex perience with It I am prepared to say It Is no longer an experiment but a positive cure and a blessing to man kind. It Is the salvation of the hu man race. Mv equipment for the prop er administration of this remedy Is the finest In Oregon and aecond to none In the tTnlted States. Tou are quite welcome to bring your family doctor with you and I will be pleased to have him present during, your treat ment. I alao treat all diseases of men, in cluding obstructions. Bladder, Kidney and Prostatic disease. My treatment for piles and Fistula 1, absolutely pain less, does not detain you from your work or home and a permanent cure Is effected without the aid of a knife. Yoa Are Always Welcome to Consul tation and Explanation. ' My office Is open all day from 8 A M. to 8 P. M. Sundays from 10 to 12. Ail correspondence treated confi dentially. Letters cheerfully answered. KIGN THIS fOtTON FOB TAL,7 ABLE INFOBJfAXlON FEUi. Please send me free your self-examination blank. "For Men." as I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose, of taking treatment if 1 decide you can cure me and your obaxga la low enough to suit Name Address Dr. C.. K. Holsman. t21H Morrison St., Co. 1st.. aVortland Or. WhenOlhersFai! COXSTTLT MB FREE r cure to stay cured where others fail. I am known as the specialist of last re sort the man of t r ustworthy charac ter and unerring k n o w 1 e d ge. I cure Blood Aliments, Nervous Decline Varicose Veins." Piles, Rupture, Kidney, B 1 a d d er. Consulta tion always free. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist, Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 Second street. Portland, Or. Office Bourse 9 A. M. to P. M. Sundays, 10 A, M. to 1 P. M,