SEPTEMBER 22. 1911. IS Trr- Mn'TixfVfl OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY. tiixTrn-)lwrU.NntS. WE PIT -LOTHI'-.. rVKNITUK t. TOOL . . . . i I ..n a ird ladl.a .It-t'f i...t..e. a-.- furouar.. too. K.rst at. TB. Q.b. 1.- ,., iiiih.i pr:ci lor a.: --a : t,na atcMnl'. logs,!n.: too.. lid.ra. Co. ITool ,n wri. JNC.PF.NT. ( -f Man Cf.'lce -Wretar-. Ewplo) .u-t lKpvtmftl, M C. A Youcf man. irtr. out f work b i t-LA. f-ri If I V 13 11 n.'."'nfOt B.mUi ship I t.a-e ou.y :t be:wen lat and etar- Veretar- If rv for ep:-l rn.s inirat me a.-r-.ip yo a win t4( r M. O. A. with Its KWuiki, t-s-t - ' v1 and .nra..a. Record for months endfc . August 3. f.. f-r n-e.- J;; I'oeuiors n .el . . .1..' J lo-7 N- minars ..... F.rrp'ov--et jntibrf-!.! frn"" exit t r-r-:nU of men.trar.rp f m-nt.-if fit memi r-..w in 1 i mn;.i' a .a! t.-.-e ar4 btIt.rr:a.M i- k-P v-.rvv 'tup.f d.-in .'- I-.' of mcanxnh.p w.:u- a: (art. r rnr- rta " r-.r.- n dxnn'I for Men ,rtr:trt mrft. .r JWO fitted for a fcef p--iE.on- ! -crtur tnp.oymexjl cto-Vtment. T- M. O JL TK , A MAN lr.WKf W l". and ;- of T prh. h.a a.aB.a nrkf 1 ia aaar. tut tho fee. ., d nfc t, .t-r me cr. rlon and con ..... i h.ruer.f i'h f t b-: pr"f ..:Mon tn pj-'t'.M'i. mn 1 r. sn ),afie.M h-r I- worklr f. - himself. n-i (h in r !.: k j.f'ilift h nor b wt'l lncr-4j. bl. 1 -oil.. :f h K man t!l ct '-r Mr. Jot at t .: M4T I FJftN JiiT TUE Ol' t I'yRrtMIT iti. WANTS. AIM K"-liVt. KI at', fr lh C Virr t crt lb of 1 t.4 li. MM t DAtltf l-r-t or bi lrt (.p-r; n.uMj i,r i dani-4 r uj.ri.(i"a r fd. cw:nmg. qunrw rJ rnfdukt Lirdnc fr, fir i yr" Kfu emu rttr w?!h br rnt f p :ioBr; rTlc si. M' l akip and ir la rrt of iir.:r(: t.. tt 4. Of. W ANTVlTVo I". !. A rmy. bI--toU.ta un rrrt4 n'. 1 ' f 1 ci;.n i.f I nlifl J' t . of g.. . i-r ri4 in.p-rmi. habit. h ran pk. ra. and rj ; Ih Knflt'h aa. l or ! f-irmt! n ,'p-jf I .f?i-r W r uir l a. ind Uak i.. I'rt.anU. 'r. VMTr.t' iTTEH NAVY' b ofK'U Hi .Ti.S'i rAlI'N 4t rtitar tt- rMn.f bul.dtr.4S. l'Ma. rir Infor mal. a i I b flitl:? n txut if K-'p TtuOKirt to yntng jri wr 1. T-t t'A.n ..f A Ma W iratn." a took t,. ant ' ut lb Naf. ul fr t- nn" wh want- It. W v .n r L 'it y Hic : r.'.UB. Bian cumcint t rua ;. rt- Hit and l-r pant: rwur "f -r . W i-tttr months, -n n l ialUr'C'it. 1 A. t. to 4i t. toum-m-r itmc. raln to it iln.i:t ; . va r-I-rti'.-a ana t.arjr tl tn t'.rat -,f or milt a p-ranI .BT'.la'ti.a if X4 ijra. Our ltt.vrir. S-C'o. ' WAN riii' la t 4: w.-k fur hin in . nuui rfafr r.. 1 u.lin piint- ran lurn.ift h in t. sru tin oun..nri n, a jip . Ai.Uraa with frvn.' AN '.. f r. r. !in. 5TN7"K. Jipnr b-y c-.rl pc to attaod a. n...i r un.t irttT t l- p lmutliolJ w r in family; palX AJ- ,.. ttD tM.rtkc iU ana -A pr.a,c. x r l.unlr fuaa. rirl '1 la all UirtnV--ta. married man prv.Vrm! ; m .u.trumi tr Appiy by Jrti-r anil .t iry. Mjsr" L-aunry. li.ltCtoro. ur IITV anl eur.iry ifltti. hl il ir ar '.rr. .lt--ri c d rr. iUa. tal or ad, T J. A. MoirAyclh wl Oak m '. ; T . W VN. t l M-ll Ir-Ul ll t ; v i'. !, i u.imiB, il y4a;U aU. '..r :.r.a. " wa-,- to a-U or lln-a of Pa Cif! oaal f'-i nurarry atuck. an pt4 "kiy. iac:oa Nuraar C K. aul CorOatt kl. . A lKNTIT. r-a r-re-Lrmnrnt itt. tn n:rj at oc; ti..r. rhuM" ja.wia l'rt-lat8. 1S A h at . kV rTr: 1 A t hruV I - . p r V -, . r I a n 4 r.- .. Jp.-i..a In pnita famt.y. k : f a, a. 1'all J3- - M-0 - p. ai:4 k P a"al a t uf uUl.ll. Ap- v r A'.k- ,i at. 1 H - t.l-t n.. n want. I. r. n. - a a !i r r-4uirr.l. -- M-niuam .. a i r iM aiao..nr4 prm-n:t poal'.in. im.4 jy. i-i. U JMuhank, to 1 I :- Ti KK f.t A M Kll-Vml fr-t -. laa. ,ipl I- 1m A. M.. Wortuoan k . I .. I.r iui!ni .l.r..a i-par-.rt a.i th:: f-r r.-t lrt. m anT!" Iv A I Mfi-muk.T. atrai work. t tut - ! -;- n.l ipt . i nour a. AJr. ja irawi4 m- A uwr k'o. V AMKli- A :rl k man at I taat 4'.t:. bi- t . trrn and liarr.a a. Apply at n r M k. KK a. Va:ic-u ar. hl.f N .i :!. . -.arj ir4 m miaion ; .!.,.---! h.-i-- aor.. 4 Cttamuwr tf ..,,,r.. T-r . -!S . .; ( r. M- j; r. i N r i:'r: , a, tu'R -Ul mm an-1 balp . 't'uuorrc:! rL Appl - t(wn awr nun i. ninin. r ( nint r Jm. , al Ma-ah.lL li- -Y want-l f-T; a n"-rr . tltuat u i r r I n4 pt al.iM cf w ork. V ItT - iCV 1 . I .! ! nf k. App; J.inn -!t !t.r-. r'ronl JilJ t r-.-j-ir-.: I?. Mt'S t- 1 t.(b Wbr, A at. a'-f tatn. atrvlr work An kny t. J.'.t Kkl V--' N i 4th and i tr pr r-titrat'ir. r i w fpa-ra. roo-uuloo. ,1 t-!W f io o, App.y l: v ::it ar. ed at 3v Hurnstd at. ateady j i i 1..' . ' Al ii r-'ur and pwiUti: ageiaw j or 'u:ier-M MuHo. la. k a. da. . to,. . g WANTKI A ki-.rrker. CKd a.cea. Ta l at 44T Aiier. J K. Strro. Iad?ea. tallo.-. iTvr.rFli-w ml-..; nuit b rpat-cJaaa. Waahrr.atoa at livr.HFR wart-d f-r riaj";good man. t-, N.-rh tn at. li .v HF. -t wanted at once; ateady Joo. Frt Pt- ):.U..KH w anted . v.fri guaranteed. 3' '3 1-t r. i. y.H wanted fr i-turC X-t.-HW HKil f"r r-untr- hoteL Addrea k- -7. " a, an. tn-r. ri iPi pl'fr !1 A. at - o Mr.s l;. y t.t wra in litaraiT l.u- jr.juT-t rnk If u x'-tt pan ?. r.i:ith au4 V.- -rtH l a I N ? M K K K vU be trrn Kui r :ure t : , . IT 4M a-"a t am t:. a J. TW rarp-t-:a -n fit!tMrg wnrk; ut of t.n Ai: v -'J C-Tn tin iial r'un b'.'c J A:TKI'. t furnUure. App.y t t '-noiT'lki t";.it t:- a J i-IT!N -a ..kkr. p.r or o.ltca W -k . . r le r . i. 4.U. r. en'an. W AN l'Ki' Man ti Arw e furn.t - ir w agon at I'.-'n r A I- rrr irj K. 3d rr'.-n. iTtHi-;i MAN war.'ed. Galena Woo.ea Mi: a, 4" and A ide- ata. I. r Kf. I KNT r I buhe rna Ta. .r, trt 3 4 at antM. .Nicoll . I ...... I ! FOB RENT. mL- WtXTtD-MALE. I HHP WATK.-rT.M riONS 7 7T " Boom. With Board f lrlT... Fa-llr. Apart-nt-nts. n. .a eol'ITT la ao lot t riL.oi for day labor; you Btar pot In fuii or jart tlma; fcaianca la paatr at $1 a monTn. lot iojlw city water, ou biu grour.d. -a K. .. ' N" A K U, I U i. L M 1 I N" A 1 R V ST IVWWNT. 4 4tta at. WANTl uue yua man of goo4 , 'ft nocr, littnc wita jruta. rood rZ trracm, muat b ua-Il around atr and attnd to out a.aa coliactluna. wilUng to tart on amail aalary: xhI cbanca for pr"mprion, K frrgoa lan 6AI.K.-MA N W aMED I f ou h to tnrat tn wr,.-orcanixe' buain-aa which ihu b.c annual prn: on uur mn y wa uu lu.riiucv you uoi la l;:an n 3tn.) a-.ary, lneaiifcat.oa aoiitiieO. 4 Oripin n. ni:T-ci,B.'i pai.emf:n, wanted ltl-UiKLi'. 415 Ral ajr &c-& Bu. AN opportunity :r a n man a-. line our Cua.aciraa Yaktm Valiay nuraary :o:k. aaciualva tat rtlory . ouiflt fr-a. caatt ak y; ' tuit.,M cot apn-nca, require-. Topxniah Nurnry :t.. Toypvpn-. W aan. W A NT K O S-I-aman. w-rtrnced roaaln ai..t hk mm. to rapr-a-nl "'urrrnt 1-lt--ratur." vntirv r.-w and a aure -ln-nrr. hicheal commt- on. "Current llt r'tfur." r -m 4' i Marquam Im-IK- W AN". .n to -1 a nuja.--ni to Portland. rvprantam -a ! han-iio our nrvhard 1 . la in iha H'I Ki-r--la.-r diairict; l:ral term. H-od Hitir urcliard Loind Umi'ior, Yaofi l'tu. WAXTKU Kiprrlenrrd crocary aal-aman; at -jn man who haa had ama amp-rirnr In in itn department prfrrad. At 4.. urr - n ian. WA.NTr.l) T'ittnj man aa aaitant hk-k-ir. ap.rnatd opportunity f r nht oun. man ; atate a. r-rf-r-nr-a and a'ary rap-fd. A K t. Oreonun. l;t.KKIllNL.::t. A it-od blatnk b-ok forward er that an do am CnlalilrB: waaa $.1 pr wr-h. I hour a. . Li. TXU Co., Akjr 1 - n. W a a fu WAN! KI Younc man atout IS llvtn at h-tma lo 1-a-n i;-nl I-cora:ln trad-. a:i t-twaan m.3v and' tbia alanine. Jlv 1-pald nr tiJ "WA NT K l Man to fd and watch ahtln r-a-ra; V pr month; muat La abi- to furnlah rfr-n:a; phon nurobar whrn ar.wrin. A 43. Oratfonlan. MAN of nrat aj i-aranca to attr!t for tare corporation; p-riannt ratiion; promo tion to man mAkttia (ooi. Api.y V . M. to 12. 7.1 V-'o I'-'c A N T fc. I I rWr t r Saturdajr, mow; guar ant. U rand a. iir.Lr ,Tr.n-f-MAi.. i'Kil,NJiTHATiR wanted, houta to hovaa. to take ordrra for mo.aa-a ana ayrup; aa!arv and rarfar. App brfora 9 A. M. and aftar I". M. O. U Olmn. 3H Jrffrr aon at. . EAT -iprlant ad a- -ond ma.d CJrman p r-f-rrxl ; on w..Un4l to aa!at in t ir .f rhKtl: was rafaranc-a. T ir"con i an. pKAi Tl AU M.KSB to will cara of j-r-oia in ai.d chiid. uit of town U-ai of rfrr-nra riui. .)y JS4 pr mn:h. Ar. 4-7. Oraa ntn. UANTKi' Woman to rnak aa.a-l- Jam. U'1 lina and other dalntira for caf-trria t.ii,-; mut ba gool brh ind tha counter. jifiUon taf-t-r.a. Tvd Morrin. W A.NVKl" An !r.ta.7lr-Dt. w:-!rraaed a. txonua ! to 4 J. to do hlgh-c a a i. :titi.. not houa to houa. nut) cua-antx-d. AD 4:4. OrFloDi.n. WANT atonocraphar with knowUdca of flro Iniuritict, accurate on machlna. atata eiinn-a and aalary wanted. AC 4.U. lrconiaru WANT K r A youna woman apri-nrej In rtianlrurtng. and hair work ; afate aa and aa.ary wanted. Martmllo fh"!. I'vra K. 'tr. Mr.tford. Or. JIOTH TKI.T"-man. tako fr ear-old babr. her home, rloa in praferrad ; gia ph r.a. T 43. Ortionim. , o-" ; h:prr. wait rea-a. h"uat k"p--ra. liowa'a lwtuirr Aganry. '.. -1 Waah. , HXI KHIKNCftD Blrl fr renerl huaework in f-inlly f thrra adr-V til 'J taal llth at. .North. J'hona Kaat JX TfTrT E NT El trl for irnernl housework; muat b fuHl plain rok. " irin at., ror 24th. A H?-J. Mmli KAI'KHIKNt'EI coal hind wantfd laillra' alternation department. R. M. liray. - TI 4orrian at tTi:i for (eneral hoawork. Apply In afTrm.'n. apt. J0. llUlad Court. I2d aud uUl-D. W A NT E P Competent rtrl for general bouae worfc. Mra U. W. linl-. Wilmar Apta.. - rv.f.11 CA.MIKHK Young Jaltea. X year or over. ApiU- to 10 A, M.. Olda, Wortman Ac Ku.g a. HI I.I.KKS T) pewrtlera who undcrat nd maklnc r-ut hl.'.m. Apply I to 1U A. M.. OIKI. or el'lerty woman to aaalat In houae aurk. no ccv,ktn; od homo and wagea tr ruht party. tV-O 3d at. V AN I rU apatie won.-n aoilcttora. fine i'mniiMloD to bustlara. can i.o.ncmm V NTH l Oon.petenl tirl for gener-I h.i-.Tk. finn.y of to. call morninga. ; .Nn'.n "tt. Wi.MLS TA I LOHS fr in n cI'Mhlng. Ap piv s to H A. M . t upr;ntedenia cfficc. ':-!. Wort .an Ac KUiica. WANT III' Ood lady agrnt to eell photo rut"i. autphan atudio, 30. W aahlng toti at. Ti:.VNSK Kit J1KL-?. 16 yeara or owr. At. ply to A. M. au;-rlritendpnt's rtUr. (!i!t. Workman A Kirg'a. liANSIuN'-i LAl-MfcS' AOtTNtT. 24S- aah:r.rton at., cor. Tth. up a ta Ira. r- jit at a in .'i-. W ANf Kl Wultrera and illahwaaher. toun try hot', goo! salary. A dor. -a Box (. r!a. W.i. A.NTKU A grl for aanaral houaawork In a .l uri n homa; 1o a month. A(.p stark. WAlTJif'S.i country hote 3 a month. .aU Madison at. l'hnnea Main -i. . r..: WANT Kriencr.l chanibcrniuld ul liot-l Colujubia, ancoucr, no other ne-d N'I"KL Moua-keepar by a widower: m.dd e-aard lady pteferTed. Ad-rwaa Hot 4'VNrarg.r: t WA NTS! Hih achoot girl to work for r it and N--id and car far, tail lod Haat Morr wTiI N to dJ chamber work. -! hour. 4..U tdKnilta at. cioldanitt h Hotel. Take I. car. WANTKl Kxp-itcnied ixon- girl; rami h..e r, (-rent a. good wagca. T-lephoua M '.4v 1 . N K AT. refined girl for rene-al house work in new nor e on For: land Height. Fhona Vrha!t Z?"'- M Kt IIOWKH LAU1F..S AGENCT. ' T.un!ci"n tf'r . 4th and w aau ata, Mam or A 5 -OA , ANTK11 'on--peteol atengrnpher and t nter. (.'ait Kront and Mftn. At. H-;d- A Son a. tt . TKU J eierianed aaleaiadiea. Apple at 9 o .ox k thla morning. Mr. Holinva. W".Hdrd. fiarka At Co- V A Mrl Waitreaa. ntuat be flrat-ciaaa; gjod wig-- Ituaaell at.. Alblna. Oil R I. for ro-king and a-nerl houi'wjrk. TJ nroadnay. rear 211 at. rUat Hi. WAN T F : C U.mxj lata dlppar. Reba'a. 404 Wnirgton at. F X I' I K N'KI fa-nlty ae.-on. girl. t, luii Ap-ai ). WaJa ;- A1 7 Ti. t;i T. frn'l houaework : good wagaa. 4H K. 11th '. MAN and He to do Janitor w.rk for ua of an p.-i'titi'iit t'all Main '4. Y N-J fore'fnr war.ta firhfr to tach Futi -h. Ad-lr l-'7 4th at. W AiTtt i:.wS aril dtn w hrr for country .te!. lnVtre 4t rcoi.d WA.NTFt A rfiri-f.-oom glrU 415 X. ItHh pt Itaumann H.-r1!. W A TK.! ilrl for general houaework. I S' hUte- W A N'TFD com pot 'nt alrl to aanlat In h.uewnrk ; imull f-.mll'. 44 l-ovejoy. W" A NTK I -Watt reaa. Aplln a Jteata.rant. . 1 stark at. Ul KI. t aaaiat with tn'il houaework In amail family. Call li 1 No, i:d. GIHl- wanted to hlp with general houaa work. 41 F- M'-h at.. N. OrEUATi'RS on panta. ateady work, good pa. -3 Ruaacl btdg. CLPKTtl.T lady anta girl for ganaxal ork ; no lary gjj1. 147 7th. WANTKI An apr.ncad wait re-. 4J4 oirfton. n-r 1-lh. Pn'ACm f. WANT Y l A health e wet nuraa without -Mid V 4 1 4. Ores rtan. Ill AV UK KM MT wanted. Haahmark Ho te . 'a.l after 15 o rlork. GIRt. t help Jn prlvnta boai:ng-houae. 4i r,.):Jtnlih. F.aat 42 Si. GlRTto waif ob takle: Scandinavian pra ferrao. 3tT X. loth tt. S A 1 & U 1UUA1. 1 Ml"--..o-rw . . . I - paatrr cook (.Sundaya off. 910 to 912 pr we 1. Hot-t coik tout of cily), 933. 945, ana f ..o. iare advanced. fiturtnl cw-i. S and $9 per wa?k. Wutur-aa lout uf cuyt. f to. W aiireaa knd chambermaid. $2o each. Pantry fciri, 1 up jr week. Iisb a-.iera. factor gnla and general tleUera. .u to f--- P.firrc EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladle Dept. l'o." Mornaon. MAN and wtr. 9i. ranch; hotel cook. I; boarding-houae. f 4; paatry cook. $! we-k; email restaurant. AS wwk. room and board; wai.rt.-aa tout of cit . $-i; family cok. arcond girl. I3U- diah- waahrr. ramp. 920. H-navn's Ladles' Agency, ZJ -i Waah in g ton at., loom . OIRL8 WANTED. Apply Standard factory. No. 2. Grand ava. and aat Taylor at. l'LKASAXT rehned woman to bo com panion to elderly peraon. afternoons ; hum, 91.1 pvr month. catbollc Wo men's League. Main 4M. M A I L f-r two children; must hava good cur references. fcVi Uava. between -1st and r -d. WASTE!- Refined, capalda woman for ra aponaitde poa:tlnn. Viavl Co,. f,od Kotb chtid t-dg.. 4th and WaaniPgton. 1 1 ELT WAATT. D MALE OB JFTS MALM. TOI NG men or ladles w anted In every town In the state to repreaent uS; 10 will fit you for a life-long position; t-oO pr men ". h. U 41 7.OTegonlan. EXI'EHiKN.EI guarantee aKnt for high- c.a;a le turer, .oiumlaalon Uaais. AO 4-1. tr.oni.n. MAN and wile to work on uenilemsu's coun try place. All 4-U. Oregoinaru HFLP YTAVTCI MISCgLLANEOCg. 910 TO 9100. MaUa dai y In the MOVINO-I'ICTCUE BUSINESS. Wa u-ach ou to operate, alao a tart yon In buair.oaa frt ou a perceotaga baa la Kcduc ion on Iwimi today. JxfcW YOKK F I i. M EXCHANGE. t''J AVnehlngton llLN HA.VT-D. l !-. fr Ilramea. 9 lot moat lily, bra k mil. an 910. on near or raiiroa-a. karianc -aunectaaaary ; na strike. Poaltl-'ue gurnte- rompeiam man. From.-.lon. Halt road Kmpiuirg Uoadgrartcra - 20 me a a-nt to positions a Auguau btata ga, e-nd stamp. l-ai- ti Aaaocigtioa. boa, W 94. Oregonlsn. W A NTry or board at start, leara trade a automobiiea. electricity, by actuual work oa iobe, omy tear montoa and no appranuca shlp drudgery, koo students last yaar; catalogue n-a- Caited liaUa ticaooi. i-oa AuititA Cai. UXou0i osTtlo N Sorg rad ua tcs last yaar; men and w omen learn barber trade In weeks, help to secure psaltion; gradu ate ea-n trout li to $2i weekly; expert ir.irt-:tora. tooui free; write for cata l' gjat. Moiilar iytem of Colleges, o .Ncrth 'h at., j'ortland. Or. li K'KK T.Pfc.HH. cashiers, bill cierka, etc.; 1 ui guarantee your qualification to fill pusitlona in :i0 dae; private Instruction I e put I c iiriurtUut, poaJtlou secured. J 4' i rfg"n'.an. IN ST IT I T H f privatei instruction, buslneas r.)ur. eapert couno in accounting. on haif tuition fr two oung ladlca beg in -rug at once. Wuh this ad. Call All Chamber of Commerce. XUH.)kanit snort-story manuscripts criticised, retlsed and typewritten. Addreaa Manu aciipt Editing bureau. 0J0 Maag.y-Ticbner b d . Portland Mo riON-PlCTL RE operating tajght la theater; a full, practical eouree; terms reeaonable; poat'.toa eecared. AS 40. lingonlaii. tiXN. K R w n ted at t n Ion Ave. T h ea te r. near Ku-rll evening work. Call at 1 J P. M. Kr.d ay. VAkE money writing abort stories or for papera. big pay; free booklet tell how. I luted prea i-.sndicate. Han Francisco. I'HII.AI'EI.PUIA I A R U E R COLL, EG 15 suaranlevs position free to those who learn barber trade In our college. 2 Couch. 717 Teach iu s association, ciu .vw vtTonJ bldg. WILL tint room fi at your o-t n r $. and point houses -e. Phone Fast gStf::. PRIVATE school SHOKTHAM) r.4.T(L,f." WHITING. o mo. 2i 14tta au Ma.n 4M4. HITCATtOXS ffAMKP MALB. Bookkeeper and C Irrka. uy VOL'NO man IU.". experienced book keeper and general office man; not afraid of work; ran furnish Al references, alao hond. permanent petition with rllnMJ t'tm t'cairid. a:--ri there la an oppor tunity fr advancement. U 41o. Oregoman. Ci.ilKk or c.tshler or nny similar p altion. by rauid and accurate acrountanr.; ateady aud n- labie; do not use liquor or tobacco; good rah r-nci C 44'. Oregonlan. YOCNO man wants poaltion keeping book or aeneral oflK-e work; no objection to leaving city; r-fcrencee. AD AiO. Orego- nian. WILL ACUIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up boos, prepare balan-cs and state ments. Instnil syatema. Gllllngham, diior. 411 Lewis Mtg. Varahn'.l 717. k- x PK Klt:M'Kl clerk desires position In urocery or general store, city or country; best cf referrnce.AO4l.JT-gonlan. SlTlATION' wanted, young man, any ltlnd of ofrw work, have good references. AU 4 I . 'rg 'jnlan. EXI'Ei:!F.NCKI deeuea pstb! steiiogrnpker - lookkeepor phone Marshall 'J70L Mlarellaneoaa. ll-l;olNI rsperlenced gurage man. a:rtlv fiber and honeat. wishes posiilon nith K3 ue or private party; holrJ date license. AK. 4 i '. tre-ontan. i N-J married rr.-n. boo.l ut fltcure-. pe;iks fiernian. po bu-'-lneas knowled-. .oka for any kind of position. li 4o. i trerotilan. WANTED A poMtlon aa moMug -plc'.ui v op et:or bv an experienctd mu.n evrry w Ut re. Wr.te K. K. Hantckas. 4'J Park at. North.. Portend. NTElJ I3y cp't ieliced man and wife, charge of or work on raneh: wlf to cwk. AJ 4-7. Oregonlan. KFPIT M AN. TIP HUl till LY KXl'Kitl- 1 k S 1 1 -: S POSITION. K 4.Q. OHKtinMA.N j A PA N KSti, a i out lion-t boy. wanta a at -ad y Job aa porter In saloon or hotel. A !l 4 !. Oregrtmn. WANTFO Work by the dav. mahing and clean in. M. Guyot. boa at. Montavlila. PKIVTK inveatlaation work by young man, e-ipen.nced. reasonable. A 4tlL ore- jaPANKbK boy wanta any kind of Job from ft a faw hours. A II 43. A JAfAXKSK xy o h..u.c. :nn klr or br A H T-gonan. In tu. hour. Vel'Ntl nian want poaltion aa chiufffur or .;; !a .ultii to workj r-trencea. Min TUS. l)(Mi Jipaii.. loy .aula work or any kind lo ilo in Ih-j afternoon. Burn- atl. al. . . Good vounc all around man want. ...... u.n. aol.o'r. stalv. rehabl; rfr- ,nm. K3'l.Crr)nlan. SALKSMAX who can produc. r.aulla. haa . od retail and road txprlenc. 1. 424. CHINKSK bv. IS. . th' attuatton In nlr. lu't.-l. Janitor work, and apcaka good Enc- l:.h. S 4 Lr-gonlan. ' A pTTTKK and it'-ncral ..l.aman wanta at-a: poaltion nywhr. H 421. Urf Koni.n. - MAN and wif. w .li p..n...n In h..tcl out of city. It y.rm';.. AO 4Jo, Or- .ontan. lul'Nti Japan... bov want, houaawork or taka care .utomobtl. and yard. T ir.onlan. 1 X V E rFe N-E L) urocery clerk, wanta ateadr 'work, wholea.1. or tal.lL 410 Kalllni at.. city. CITTr K i.ractlr.l tailor, for two yeara tn ,m, p,ae. wl.hea lo change poaltion. V 4-ti. or. rofl:in. TOlN'O .tllln. man wanta t set any kind of work after achooi: 1 11 p. M. Apply TJ S Sd at. or phono Main IK WANTKI w.rk on ranch by man .nd w If a. Y 4v ttr..'itnn man wanta poaltion e ool;awn 4J. vol Nij Japanee. wliea position a. achool b"j. Frank lll'aaltl. N. l"th at. A 4w. Li(vf nr.t-rlaf.. wanta p.ltion In town or rouu'try. J 411. t-' poMTlt'N. '" nt"ic repairing, .om. r j,, ,i,nre. fall Mamfall Itfol. , t;,.ii:N.'r.l nitir wanla off ce clean ln and win-low wa.hlnr. Kaat i'la. . i vr VNfccK bo wantr aliort hour, work .t"i.r 4 y. M - H., i:i X. 13ih at., citv. Vp do hotieecJeamnc for particu:r p.o - p';e. Kr.n. A 717. Hi'NET Jaralie- wlhea poaltion aa achool l,nr. A 4. Orea.inlan. 4 JAPAN'ESK wanta position, elevator hoy or druastur. porter. A.N" 44'J. Oregoaiitn. AN Eaatern aal.-a and advertlflng manager invltea correaponaenca rrum up.-... -.; requiring man for heavy responsibility, where aggreaalveneaa. an analytical mtnd, alltng fore and knowledge of modern publicity are eaaentiais: experienced in real estate aecurttie. life underwriting, whoieaaling and retailing on iarge acale. JAFANKSE couple wUli position at Med- rord. or.. In ramlly or jiotei. .v.-o -plain cook, man for any work: ood ex perience in pantry. A. Klmoio. M l"tn at. North. Portland. MlJIf.E-AGKL buaine.a man neeJa and muat hava -work to aupport family, onlee. warehouse, watchman, elevator, tlmekeep er. anthlns. wholc.a'.e or retail. C 4,w. Orcjtonian. AX adverm.ns; man and manager ot ex perience ar.d responsibility, able to hanai. lane propaaltion. open for engagement. If you are lookln. for a. cheap man, don l nawer. N 41. Oreaonian. POSITION by atatlcnary engineer: hav. eight jreara .xp.rHnc on atatlonary, hoisting, donkey and plledrlver can lurnlah beat of reference. Addreaa Box Llieham, Wksru JIOVING-PIC-rrRE machine operator and pianl.t. husband nd wife, wish position to.ether: years of experience: salary ery r.asonahle. K. N. Wheeler. 109 N. broad- way. ACernen, v ana. VOLX'.i amending college, deaties i to work for room and ooard af'.r .cr.ooi. Call or ac!drosi H. D. B-. Commonwealth VOrXfl man attending Holme. u"lnf" tollego f.rslrc. xo wui. -"-:: and board, outsid. of achool hour., can II . - 1 -I . JAPANESE ccH.k wants position in family ilaln Uo!l. Ul N. 15th. HTUATlOyS WASTEII ITMALl IVMikkeeocra and tmu;rphcrm. yol'XG lady "bookkeeper, experienced, and qualified to do perfect work; neat. Quick nno accurate. .iut. .o..-..- Phons WANTEH Poaltion aa bookkeeper. 8 years' experience, excellent referencea. Lail e. H., at V. W. C. A. .mployment office. from 10 to 1 A. M W"KLL-EL)l'CATED woman w.nt. addreea. Ing or copying to do at home. li Or. gonlan. ExT-ElUEXCEO atenographer. with beat city r-ferences. rteslrea permanent position. phone A M41 l-l lll-IC aollcita work froin lawV.r.; rati, reasonable. Phon. Main nil EXPEN1ENCED bookkeeper nd, ,'nJ oitraph-r desire. position: referencea Vain t."74. GENERAL office work, doctor", of flc. pre- f.rreo ; .non r-iemn". ..r. DESIRE a permanent position as eteriog rapher: accurate at figures. East o--.'. Ilrcaemakera. FlItST-tl.AS.S seamstress wants encaae-n.-nt by day or at borne. Phone Marshall S 1 .V . UAPIES" ahlrtw::!sn and plain .owing, i'88 l'lh at. A S-lfo. Hoo-Heepera. POSITION warned In a plain home a. housekeeper for widower, w-lth children, t athollc "rmen". l.eajiie. Muln ,4'i. EXPERIENCED nurae. all klftfla. w -lane. more ca.ea. maternity. Invalid. Infant. Vain Jll'-H. CARE of Invalid or Infant or craduat. nor... Phone C 2S.1I. llea.oraMe. STRONG. middle-atred practical nuraa .lslrea altuatlon. Main 1039. A 47, i. Ilomcf l-. MOM E 3n West Side. for 14-year-old .choM "girl.: will al.t with hoiwewnrk. SITI ATIOX wanted by "nJr,'"c'',,S 1 lah girl; general houaework. J .408. Ore gonlan. . TOl-NG Swedish girl. wTth good """: wnnta a position In general houaework. SH(t a month. G 4 IS. oregonlan. ftlt.pellaneoo.. WANTED By young woman with excellent rVrercnoea. position as children", nurse or helper tVVFderly couple. Catholic Wom an's League. Main 11.11. STRONG, willing girl wants ieral house, work- doea not talk English, o.". E. 41st Norm. P.ose CMty Park car. . FXPERIEXCETJ German girl want, da E -.-tu ..hin. Ironing: full days. Main SJ'Ii POSITION wanted by experienced telephone operator In exchange. Phon. Woodlavtn llo II. EXPERIENCED cook. 140 up: chamber maids, waitresses. nurses. St. Luis T7e ..:;. Wash. Main 2039. A 4771. . . ...1. hi! .Ill wnaheu. stretcheu callea tor. tienvi co. Mum :.l. I ACE CL UTAINS laundered right. Called r j '.t. rK..n. Wonrtlawn 06. for ana oemci. . i.---- WOMAN want! steady day work. Phono Tabot 7"1. WOMAN want, work Dy nour. ...c. Mar. hill Hi".'. LACE ("VRTAIXS hand laun.lered 3UC pair, call, delivered Man S3yS. GOOD cook wishes work, hotel or camp. Room 14. MS 4 Front at. . DAY work, laundry work or cleaning. Mar shall 3u:. VYPFRIEXCKU woman cook, camp, board-Inaho-aeV small crew. Main 039. A 4775. TWO Klrla want general houaework. North litn si- WANTED Day work Saturday. Monday and T u esi 1 a y. Phone A 4-X DANISH woman wnnta work by the day. Mr. Ynuncrrrn, -- LADY laniat and Illustrated slner. At liberty 4 Crosby st. ; Kaat 4Hft4. W NTE D AtiENTfS. wr extend a cordial Invitation to salea men and saleswomen to visit us at our wtattrn central ofltlc-g. We are now sell tna our publications direct on this terri tory The ;rolir Society. 131 Tenth St. AV vou aell iota in an -.- u-w ivnu. la conatructton headquartera for a -00.-...... irricatlon Droject. Call at once, ..ilinr and advertising campaign begins "!lav. 415 Hallway Exchange bldg. To aell the Hook of Knowledge and Chil dren's Encyclopaedia, alpimen are making hi money ou this work In the East; does not duplicate any other publication. The IVroIier Society, ian Tenth St. K1VE rellabla solicitors, city. 3 for small town $i to t.O-per day easily mado. 5 p. M. 10 Healy bldg.. Grand ava and Morriion St. r, v o;icHors for beat legitimate proposition lr America; $25 to $1,0 per week, ft J. M. 406 E. Stark at. WANTKn TO BENT. 2 FLATS or double house wanted by Nov. I not le" ban four rooms each; must be new or nearly so. w iih modern con- ententes: porches, yard, etc.; not too far out- reasonable rent; private family; Immanent. M 47. Oregonlan. WANTED to rent at once by young couple with no children, a 6 or 6-room modern house on West Side with fireplace; rent must be reasonable; will agree to lease. H 4 .. urriuii'-". ciy to ten-room furnished bouae on Eaat Side bet. Burnatde and Broadway. N 4-1, tlregonian. WANTED To rent S to 10 - room houae furnished; piano; Weat Side, close In. Main 27XS. 1'AMll Y of t'0 wishes small modern house; no chlIdren.Y 4U0. Oregoman. Apartmenia. WANTED Four-room f urniahed apartment In" modern btitldmg: desiral ie couple; no children. Wrtte John t. Manley, Hotel Carlton. Koomi. COM M EKCI AL traveler wants a furnished room with a reHned family; must be modem house, nice location, aeidom in town; chtf object to Hnd place to keep personal effects. V 4P2. Oregonlan. . LA KG E room or two. adjoining ones, auitable for the Municipal Free Employ ment Bureau: rent paid for by the city Call Chief clerk J. ti. Schraedar. Main 3;..-.!.. A PERMANENT room In modern high-class home or apartment on West Side with con genial people, by two young men. Y 4 74. ttregonlan. Rooms With Hoard. EAST or eouth room and board In Weat lde private home, with yard, for eouple and 4-vear-old boy; references fumlahed. M 41$. oregonlan. " ila.nee Places. WANTED One or two large rooms to use aa a flrat-cUsa gymnasium and club room; downtown location preferred. V'437. Ora gonian. zz - FOR RENT. ROOMS Xortheaat corner Fifth and Ftark; hot water, steam heat. Apply 2)9 Washington. I I now open: now OPEN! OPEN! Thoa three beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HO T L MIXHOOS. . PAKSONS, ROW LAND 213 4th sL 211ia 4th st. SO. A 4th au On Fourth st.. running from 1 ay lor to 8aimon st.; brand new brick elegantly furnished; stesm heat, private baths hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to dat Ln all respects, and at P0Putl8 prices. If you want something out of tne ordinary. In the heart of the city, at ret sonabte prices, give ua- a call, aa we know you will like 1L Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade go.lcUca. HOTEL CAPLE3. Residential. 3-0 Taylor. TranslenL Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite Helilg Theater. Central. quiet Rooms with private bath, etc, from l daily, suites or single rooms at low rates, weekly or monthly terms; new. handsome ly furnished brick, elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. From Lnion Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot, "S car. transfer on Morrison to 7th, Phone Mar sfcaU '2 20O. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 7 East Hurnside. Why not live on the East Side and save money on your room rent? We can give you better accommodations for less money and within 15 minutes' walk of the business center of the city. Steam heat, hot and cold running water; rooms single or en suite; rooms with private bi-.h. rates 50c to $3 per a.y; 2 to 7 per week.. Phone East 6k40, U 1275. , HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coiy, com fortable, rents very reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade so licited. - SARGENT HOTEL, comer Grand and Haw thorn, avee. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold water, stesm heat and private phone ln every room: moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; transi ents solicited. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 103 Twelfth sL. Marshall In the heart of the business district. Steam beat, hot and cold water and fre rbooe tn every room. $1 per day and up; 4 per week and up. WINTER AT MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Steam heat and every other modern con venience; any room ln the house $5 week, and nothing extra for two ln room. THE REGENT, 151 f Seventh St.; beautiful room, right down town; ideal location for parties ataying in town for bukineaa or pleasure: ratea very reasonable, by day or week. $15 month up. Ho i EL RiiNVVlCK. An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; eie gant rooma; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hel'ig Theater. Main llo. HOTEL OXFORD, cor. 6th and Oak als. ; centrally locaud, elegantly lurniahed and thoroughly modern ; pricea most reason able; come ai.d see for yourself. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle, $2 and $3 week; flvo minutes' walk to 'theaters and stores; free phone. Lin el a 1 1 Hotel . Zi 84 1 h. HOTEL FRANKLIN. 13th and Wash. A respectable at l home-like place; mod em throughout. $4 and up per week. COMFORTABLE modern rooms, tentrally located, with every convenience, ail out side rcoms. $12 and up. 30 North 17th st. NICELY furnished front room, suitable- for two, light houaekeeplng If deaireU, 333 irtth at., cor. Market. VEA .. 710 Waahington Nicely lur nlahed rooms, bath and phone la each room; with or without board. HOTEL REX. 54S Washington at. Steam heated looms, ouc per day, $.5o per week ana up. ALEXANDER HOTEL loth and Alder sts.; nicely furnished rooms by the day or week, re.iaon.t-le rates. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooma at moderate prices, cor. 3d and Montgomery. PALMER HOTEL, 3&0 Alder st. Furnished rooms by day or week; reasonable rates. Furnished Rooms In Private) Family. 2 NICELY furnished bedrooms and den for :t or 4 ladies or men : electric and gas lifrhts. furnace heat; first floor; no other roomers; private phone in rooms. Phone Main 1104. or call 77;t Hoyt st. NICELY furnished front room, one or two gentUmcn, modern conveniences. East Side, near Steel bridge, walking distance, reasonable. 22 McMllIen. bPECi A L ratea. nun Private residence, pleasant rooma, niirly furnished, $5 up mon t h ; bt t h included, l-io Rodney, cor ner Fremont. $10 LARGE, well-furnished - front parlor bedroom, suitable one or two; modern. C70 Gantenbeln. MODERN furnished rooms, for 2 or 4 gen tlemen; In new flat: at 325 E. 12th at., apt. C; rent reasonable; take Sell wood car.- NICE room, congenial home, piano, choice board, refined neighborhood. 761 Mar shall. LARGE. clan room, suitable for gentleman; all conveniences; references. 648 North rup st. FL'KNISHEI room, nice, large front room, suitable for 2; only 2 blocks off "Wash ington at. 27 North Sth st. NICELY furnished front room; furnace hent, froe phone and bath: $10, $14 and $15. 632 Flanders. Main blS3. N-Ic ELY f urn ic hed roam for gentleman In apt.. Nob Hill district, reasonable. Main 810. NICELY furnished front room, second story, $2. $3. for two gentlemen. 674 Missis sippi eve. LARGE, clean room, suitable for two gen tleman : all conveniences; references. 6sS Northrup. ONE nicely furnished room suitable for two; liajht, bath and phone free; walking dla- tan'-e. iiiihh WANTED Two gentleman to occupy large front room In private house, close in. AN 437. Orestonlan. LARGE, II Kht room, new and clean, mod ern conveniences, gentlemen preferred. 7uo Flanders. MODERN atejm-heated rooms, close ln, reasonable. 051 Washington at.. flat C. Main 30!. NEW. fine furnishings, hot-water heat, front rooms, central, reasonable. 355 11th. 350 SALMON st., desirable room, hot and cold water, bath, phone and heat. FRONT alcove room, suitable for two gen tlemen only. 414 Salmon st. v NICE furnished room, light, heat, bath. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, reason- able. 205 North 23d at. NICELY furnished room cheap; heat, bath; walking distance. 4T2 5th. A 544'J. FLFGANTLY furnished rooms, walking dla- tnnce. 745V. Hoyt. N'K'FLY lurnished rooms, steam heated, hot i.n7l cold water, central. t4 Flanders. MODERN ROOM, private bath, central lo- -tlan. Phone M. 7329. t -r..E front rooms, modern conveniences. close in. gentlemen only. 214 13th,u i7iOMS and board, home privileges, walk RYTp .distance. Phone 306S. 546 East Davis. i v furnished rooma," home comfort a, K -..r .onable. Marshall 212s. a- :;: vT'RNI&HED rooms. $2 up; ft minutes' walk rVSstofftce. gM 3-th. CTcKLY furnished room. 57 Trinity place, mth and 2'.th. near Waah. at. Ki RMSHED Bleeping room for quiet lady; all' conveniences. p Ella; call evenlnga. vi'HNISHED front room for rent for 1 or o ln private family. 565 Giisan. $1.75 AND up per week; desirable location; gentlemen yi''' " Itoonta ass Bears. LA MBE RSO N, $ 6 4 Couch , cor. 1 7th Good board and clean, well-furnished rooms; single and double; wa.king dia Lance; taois board also. M am 6--3. A $0sL DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, uuiet, close ln, near car, 4 blocks from P. Q. American plan. CHOICE rooms, with board, suitable for young men. one block from Washington. 33 North 17th. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. F. N- Heath, aupt. THE MANITOV -dl 13 th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: inviting rooms: choice board. Main 1164. THE C ALVA RD, 452 Morrison. Rooms and hoard; modern conveniences. Mam 20i7. BOARD AND ROOM, 300 JEFFEK-ON STREET. CASA ROSA. Rooma With Board In private Family. REFINED adult family will give two con genial people room and board; modern house East Side, walking distanoe. C 1783. ROOM and board with home privileges. 706 Flanders. Marshall 1978. ROOM- and" board at 6-3 Glisan at. Phone Marshall 815- ROOM and board, home privileges, walking Uistaace. B SoiiS. ft--1 Eaat Davig. orr-KM .ni K.arri In nrivate family, suit able for two ladies or teachers, furnace heat In room, hot and cold water; in restricted neighborhood; terms reasonable to.ritcht parties, fnone .j.aoor ,av. SINGLE loom, with board, very pleasant location, close in. home privileges, good home cooking: reasonable terms. Phone Main 320. , VERT nicely furnished room, with board, for young lady, modern. $22 a month. 66 Album ave., near Monroe, one block from L car. 16TH and Everett sts., troat parlor in pri vate home, suitable for 2. at $16; con veniences; references. A 3952. With or without board. . 550 HOYT ST. Excellent room and board, homo cooking; rates reasonable; near 16th. Take S. or lth car. Phone Marshall 123$. LARGE, front room, suitable for two, board If desired. Call at 1-S East 12tU -. Phone B 3050. FURNISHED rooms with or without board, a home for young men and women. Main 1547. 712 Flanders sL NICE iocm, new house; modern, central; gold meals; reasonable; gei. tit-men. Main 22 ltf. NICE furnished room, home conveniences, first-class board; walking distance. Phone Main 4,"7. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room; every thing modern; man -and wife employed preferrei. B 1222. ROOMS, with or without board; home cook ing; bath, phone, electric lights, use of piano, etc. 554 Morrison st. A 74iJ5. NICEroom and board for 2 young men to gether $25 per month each; no other . boarders. 7S4 Glisan. Main 1443. ' J20 PLEASANT room for two. all modern conveniences. 85 Aim at, NEATLY furnished back bedroom suitable - a 1.1.. "Ohnn- A-.T73 to. fu. - "-" 606 GLISAN ST., rooms, single or double wnn,, -itj t""- -.. ROOM and board with privata family in Sunnyside. tto Aiuer. ROOM and board for two gantlemen. 54 North 16th. corner Davis WELL-FURNISHED room with best board. Jare porch a c q r roup as. jam NICELY furnished room with board for 2 gentlemen $5; two meals. 527 Taylor st. ROOM and board private family 2 gentle men. 567 Ladd ave., near Hawthorne. FURNISHED room, with board. 320 11th st. Phone A 166- ' NICELY furnished room and board, private f a m Uy. 780 Ea3t Belmont. East 2876. ROOM with or without board, walking dis tance. 705 Everett. Phone Marshall 3302. Apartments. HIGHLAND COURT. TWENTY-SECOND AND GLISAN STS. 4 AND fl-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. TUE NEWEST AND MOST SELECT APARTMENT-HOUSE IN PORTLAND REFERENCES. AGENT ON PREMISES. KTNG HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King at., near Washington St. Will open October 1, It 11. and wl.l mail t& in their former high standard of tenancy, 4. ft and 6-room apartments. Ap ply on prcmlaea for reservations. GRANDESTA FURNISHED apartments Grand ave. and East Stark sts. Brand new four-story building, ready for occu pancy now; 3-room splendidly furnished apartments, electric automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on the East Side, but closer in than most apart ments; very reasonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor on premises. ANGELA APARTMENTS Trinity Place, 100 feet from Washington St.; new man agement; 2. 8 and 4-room modern apts., f ui nlshed, steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, private telephones and Janitor service. Manager, apL 26. References required. Marshall 1950. THE CODY. 431 East Taylor. New. elegantly furnished, 2 and 3 room apartments: private telephone, steam heat; electric lights furnished; janitor service; p ricea $2-2.50 and up. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson sts., S and 4-room apta., with bath, unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con venience; modern; 5 min. walk from P. O. ; rery reasonable rent. CEDAR HILL Apartments. 187 Green ave., block south 23d and Wash., attractively furnished S-room apts., select, modern, concrete bldg., overlooking city; no build ings near, steam heat, hot water, phone. THE MORTON. King and Wash. ; 3 4 room unfurnished apts, three room furnished, also basement apts.; strictly modern. 5TH AND COLLEGE. 3 and 4 rooms, finely furnished apart ments; strictly modern; every convenience, easy walking distance. The AltamonU ' THE M'KINLEY. 429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th, 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date, private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. PAKKHL'RST APARTMENTS. ' s and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th sL North. Phone Main 4038;' or Main 117S. THE BERYL Large rooms, large closets, cool and airy for Summer; some fur nished apartments. 21st and Lovejoy; take W car LOIS APARTMENTS 3-room apartment, private porch, best equipped kitchen in city; reference. Hoyt St., between 21st and 22d. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park .Street. Corner Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments; Individual phones; convenient, downtown. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room apartments and one unfurnished 3-room apartment: free phone in each apartment. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall st., new 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, walking distance; Janitor service. phone Main 42iJ'J. THE WESTFAL. 410 8th Furnished and unfurnished, trlctly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. fi ROOM apartment, $3o; desirable and con venient. See janitor. The Kearney, 21st and Kearney, or Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. - . a. Corner 14th and Clay sts., aolld brick, anlendid location, electric elevator. We nave a few large 3 and 4-room suites, un- V" . , ( fl tn ."iO TWr mnrtf h T CD A tA RT VirVTO turn lsneo. e- - -- THE LAN DO It E. 2S8 Huh St.. on com nletely furnished apt., heat, light and hot "thf MAJESTIC, elegantly furnished apart - . a T-nnms: also unf urnlahori - Sent.' Main 4070. 3b2 Clay st. vu ,y A NT A APARTMENTS, newly furnished, strictly modern, private halls, phones, etc.. TriMTA APTS.. 325 11th at., .-room ' fur- nished apts.. with private bath; $30 and i--.- walking aii. mouern. HsONTA. 17th 2 ana 3-room suitea; hot and cold water Is every apartment: "--Vabl. is-PFERSONIAN. 51- Jefferson; cheapest, J Modern apartments In city. 2 and 3 rooms. From -V w -. ROSE-FRIEND. S. W. cor. 7th ard Jeffer-man- modern 4 and 5-roora unfurniahed "r-a'rtments: steam heat and water. roiTwOMEN Tne Richardson Apartments, iith and Market, every convenience. Phone Main -330 or A 3663 for rate: rfHE LETAEIegant. htKh-cIasav modern apartments; 5 rooms, all outside; large front balcony. at. iarsnaii 3267. GRACE ata.. ---,uj mo. u- room apartment; front veranda and sleeping-porch, water, heat; private phone. . C3 1 V, anrl Vn.V,... , KAiN-REE fclegant five-room apart mant. West Side; walking distance; rut "aaooabie. Main 774L $45 MODERN 6-room apartments; all con veniences. walking distance, phone, sleep ing porcnea. -an. iw. VFRY desirable 2 and 3-room apts. for rent. close iiu Orlando.JWth jsnd Waehlngton. THE KING-DAVIS, cor. King and Davis a-.s. : one 4-room apartment; references. THE LOVEJOY. 17th and Lovejoy, z andT room furnished apartment. Main 215. 1 H E ELMS 2 and S-room apartments, fur nish e d lJAZbjt:iiLia94. LILLIAN APTS. 2 or 3 rooma. Cpr. 6tti and Montgomery; Marshall THE NOR HILL APARTMENTS. CORNER NINETEENTH AND MARSHALL STS. ; 2 3 and 4-ROOM FURNISHED APART 31 E NTS, EXQUISITELY FURNISHED AND APPOINTED THROUGHOUT. AU TOMATIC ELEVATOR. LARGE ROOMS AND RECEPTION HALl-S. REASON ABLE RENJTAL. TELEPHONE MAIN 1012, A 363. AGENT ON PREMISES. THE WHEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. Completely lurnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; ouildings new aud strictly modern; service nrst-class. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. Corner of 13th and Jefferson sts.. 4 and 6-room apartments, unfurnished, with re ception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific States telephone in every apartment and the most modern conveniences found m the city. Phone Main 20S6 or call up main office. Main 6764. THE DEZENDORP. 709 16TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments, situated In the heart of the city, within 10 minutes' walk of the busi ness center. Reservations may be made on premises or by phone. Main 4795. A 5725. THE AMERICAN, 2lst and Johnson St.. complete Sept, 1.; finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence in the city; 3. 4 antl 6-room; all outside, day light rooms; convenient to cars, walking distance. private telephones In every apartment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc Attendant on premises. Mar shall 8360. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.: this new 4 -story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phmes A 1744, Marshall 296a. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. . 7n KveretL LOW SVMMER RATES. Two. three and four-room apartment, completely furnished far housekeeping: everything new and strictly modern; steam heat, first-class service: also few sing! rooma. A 7105. Main 6-95. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett SL New and etepantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes ; walking dis tance. . HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning, janitor serv ice; rent per month, $26. $:t0 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS IN THE HEART OF IRVINGTOX. THOROUGH LY MODERN. WITH ALL CONVENI ENCIES. HANDY TO ALL CARL1NES: $45 TO $55. RENTAL DEPARTMENT, GEVURTZ SONS, FIRST, SECOND AND YAMHILL. THE IRVING, AS Irrin- st One four and one flve room .unfurnished apartment; hava gas range, refrigerator, ahades. hot and cold wnter. steam heat and Janitor aervtce; all outside rooms, vwrandas; rates reaaon able; referencea. Phone A 2522. . TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. 19th and 20th sts. : Just fin ished: most magnificent apartments oa the Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable: aleepln? porches; private hall way a ana every modern convenience: references re quired. Phone Marshall 502. THE MARSHALL APTS. A beautifully furnished 3-room (larga, light and airy) apartment, steam heat, private phone and bath, automatic ele vator; the most home-like and quiet In the city; must be seen to be appreciated. 624 Marshall. Main 6032, A 319L LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a class by themselves. See them. Lucretla St., near 23d and Wash. 2 to 0 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Max. 3 529. Janitor iouo. 1-T T T- riTJlTC CDUTTPV Corner 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and un furnished 3-room apartments; large closets; splendid location. Call and see manager at apartments or phone Marshall 3;s. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-class 3-room unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences; best location In the city, front ing the parks, and only S minutes' walk from the business center. Apply to Mgr. THE MEREDITH. T12 Washington, cor. 22d st.; 3. S rnd 4-room apts.. furnished or unfurnished ; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath, telephone; rates reasonable; best se rv 1 c e. phone Main 7130. PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison sts. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping: everything new and modern; elevator; telephone free; $45 to S60. EXCLUSIVE apartments, 6 large rooma and sleeping porch; private front and back porches; private entrance; heat, hot water and vacuum cleaning system. 791 North- rup. non Mam LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln ata.: completely furnished 2-room apartments for housekeeping; new and modern; housa lust opened; walking distance; no chil dren $22 to $30. Phone Main 1377. -.nnr-uT C-TtJ A T A R T M TT TJ T9 2 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable, walking distance. Phone East 800. THE WINDSOR' "APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4 rooms: private baths and phones; splen did porches, plenty of light and ventila tion: rents reasonable- Cor. E. 14th Yam hill. HADDON HALL, 414 11th, cor. Hall, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, elegantly fur nished private phone, bath and balcony porches; $25 up. Marshall 1171. I.EONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; convenient to 2 canines. 180 23a st. N Flats. ELEGANT new flat, 4 rooms, den and sleeping porch, fine location. $25, includ ing water, phone, linoleum, gas ranye. 333 Monroe, near Union ave. FOUR modern 5-room new flats. In Central East Portland, 10 minutes walk to busi ness center. Will rent cheap to steady tenants. 549 Eaat An ken y. FURNISHED four-room flat, 8754 East Stark st. Call between 2 and 6 P. M. Rent $20. t5 r,-room lower flat; light, convenient. 3S0 East 9th. corner Schuyler. Inquire apart ments across atreet 6-ROOM modern flat, with 3 good attic rooms. 70 Cornell st., off 23d and Washiii ton sts. phone Main 0055. Rent $:.. NEW. strictly modern '4-room flat, ext; a bed. large closets. every convenience. 10874 Hawthorn ave. 2 POUR-ROOM flats, including steam heat; furnished, $35; unfurnished, $30 a month. Jackson Bougalow, 454 11th st. $25 3-ROOM neatly f urr,ished flat, dur able; 10 minutes' ride to postorfice. E&- 5043. MODERN 5-room flat with porch, fireplace, furnace and walking distance; rent rea sonable. Call 441 lltli sL FIVE rooms, bath and gas. 850 and .- Corbett St. $1250. L. E. Thompson. l'a 31. FOR RENT Five-roomed flat, newly tinted, nice yard, two porches, close in. Phon j Marshall 3197- ELEGANT new 5-r. flat; every mod. con. ; exceptionally well arrangea ana iini-:i-u. 297 E. 21-t. Hawthorne jar. Tabor 15:. -room unoer flat, all modern conveni ences, newly tinted; 2 carlines; $27.5n key on premises. 612 HancocK. Jiam FOR RENT Lower fiat, hardwood floors. A-l neighborhood, very central; responsib.e . Main fi24 NEW flat, 4 rooms, plenty of steam heat, hot water, corner 35th and E. Morrison. Phone Tabor ui. LOWER flat, 6 rooms, handsomely furnished, i.i. r.iiini.ed 709 Kearney st. 4-ROOM flats, new, close in. $20 month; no cnimreii. ri'" 6-ROOM flat, furnace and bath, 098 Sal mon si. j-j " UPPER 6-room flat- 714 Kearney st. Phone Tanor i;ow. FOR RENT Swell ""3-room flat, $22.50, T bor 313. 117 B. 32d SW A