10 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1911. FARM WILL TRAVEL Pigs, Poultry and Seeds to B Carried by Train. OREGON SPECIES TO RULE Cxpert In Asrl"uH' From State Collfjre Will Cite Prrtlral IXrn nntratlon to rnirrs In Pr-M-liutr Valley. Whtt promises to be TerlUble farm on whnli will leave Portland in soerlal train on the O.-Vi. K- track next month fr a 10-day trip Into the !" liules Valley and to the principal rlnt ,r- Sherman, Mnrrow and Gilllu fountles. for the purpose of demonstratinic to the farmer! o those etlon the best manner of ob talninn; the ulh-gest rrlurna from thel land. R. R Miller, traffic manager of the 0.-W. R. Jk N. Company. Is arranging for the trip, but It will be manned by a mrm of expert froift the State Agrl rultural College at forvalU. They wlil have charge of the exhibits and will talk to the farmer at every atop rln mace An Interesting feature of the train will be th" car representing the hoc and I Me rhlcken Industries, to wnicn tne railroada are endeavoring; to rail ip'. Ul attention. Prartlral jlerrH ". Or.e ear will be fitted up to repre sent the latent Ideas In housing hogs. Two jritta or eaon me iieras.ure. - lanil China and l'uroc breeds will be rontalned. b-snles four specimen of i-roirs-bred hog to demonstrate the proper type of pai king pork that ran be rrown auevessf uliy In Oregon. IQ dividual hoi houses will be construct ed In the car and the manner of feed- Ins;, nursing and breeding will be shown. Another ear will be a miniature poultry yard. Live rhlrkens will be carried. Typical buildings, nests and roosts will be shown and demonstra tions calculated to Instruct on the best manner of carina;, feodlng. protecting acatnst disease and lle will be given. Breeds of poultry that are best adapted to the iirevun climate and soil will be used as specimens. Keedluc devices and waferln trougns will be shown. A third car will contain actual spect. mens of Oregon field peas and methods showing how they can be grown and fed successfully and profitably. Peaa and plrs. Mr. Miller believes-, are likely to become the sources of greatest reve nue to the Oregon farmer and for this reason he ha. christened the train the "Hog and Field Pea Special. Hist - Are I'laaaed. A definite schedule has not been worked out. but stops have been prom ised at each of the following places: lleppner. Islington and lone In Mor row County; Condon and Klem In Gil liam Countv; Grass Valley. Moro and vvasco In Sherman County. Three or four slips will be made on the Wschutes Valley line. As that road will be in operation to Bend by that time. It l likely that that city will be included on the Itinerary. The authorities of the a-rirultnrat rollege have agreed to send six In stmctors on the train. Mr. Miller him elf expects to Join the party. Several other railroad officials, a number of members of the Portland Commercial flub, and newspaper men will be car ried The Trl-County Development Con- jrress. organised a short time ten to promote the Interests of Sherman. Mor row anil Gilliam Counties, will hold a I'Klnn at Arlington on the day that the train arrives there on Its war to Condon. As soon as the train sched ule Is worked put the date for the meeting will be fixed. Prise. te Be Offered. J Jf. Teal, who Is Interested In these three counties, has arranged with the Commercial Club to offer valuable prizes for crops and livestock grown by the farmers tuere. These prizes will be announced on the Iraln. The agricultural college experts are ""r t.. get Into personal touch with very farmer of t!:e territory that they will iit and f'r that reason long stops will be mide at the several sta tions vL-ited. They will aim to hoi. I conversation with the farmr rather than to lecture to them. They will he rea.ly to answer questions n, to dis tribute literature on subjects Inquired a t"u t. Mr. Miller." Mr. Teal and Professor Wlthyromhe of the agricultural college b-!eve th;l If proper methods are In troduced and crop, suitable to tnr soli and climate cf Central and 1 astern Oregon ar Introduced that t!ioe sec tions ran be ma le as productive as any other portion of the ste. STATE'S BEAUTY IS THEME Oregon to He f onivaml With Switz erland at Y. M. C. A. Tonight. The beauty spots of Oregon, caught by the camera and tinted back to nat ural colors, will be shown In compari son with famous scenery of Switzer land at the Young Men s Christian As sociation auditorium tonight. Wbat Is said to be the most com plete set of Oregon scenic views ever gathered together will be shown In Illustrated lecture by Phil 8. Hates, special representative In Oregon of the Federal office of public road... who will emphasise the loss to the state because of inability to handle tourist traffic over the bad roads. The status of the better highways ramra!s;n In Oregon, the forces at arork to Improve conditions and the immediate hop !n the situation will be presented by Marshall N. I'ana. All who are Interested have been Invited to attend, both women and men. There will be no admission fee. TIRE. LECTURER'S SUBJECT (ootlrirh Company Ilrrr-rnlatrr to rirak at Hclllg Tonight. At tl:e Helllg Theater tonight K. V. Ti;;!ech. of the H. F. Goodrich Co ai rs ay. wl'l deliver a free lecture on ;he t'.re injjstry. Ills lecture wi;t be Illustrated by mav:ng pictures, show -"ng bow the motor vehicle tire Is ade from the time the sap Is drawn .'torn the trees In Brazil until the nn .shed product Is turned out. Pictures howlng several world's records being broken on the At'ar.tlc speedway and a demonstration of the demountable rim will also be given. Vr. Tlllisch la on a tour of the Vnlte.J State. From here he will go to Seattle. Since he started his edu cational carrralcn for motorists In the Fast It has met with pronounced suc cess. In almost every town In which he has appeared an overflowing vrowd baa greeted him. Screeching like a calliope in circus time wading around knee-deep in printer's ink. and letting truth go hang! That's the way some PertlaaJ finwa wadaye, who raa hardly he alaalfled aa plcjsa Merchants, aeesa ta he at tessgtlag e aell pianos. esterday fear dlffernt families boas lit their plane of Graves Mnsle Caw Wnyt Tss of thesa hosuiht he rsssr at another eoaeers a lot of pl nnss had heea advertised that the rea rern aevrr had for sale aad a truthful aaleaeaa ef that firm was compelled te ad salt that they did ant have these la atrwsaenta lor sale, hat simply sued this style ef advertising ts draw aewpla te their store. last this a pretty state ( thlaara la thla day aad raef Kvrry 4 -rave Mamie ("ompaay adver tlaenaeat la a truthful advertlaesneat. nkrieirr we aay we bar aosnrtbtag t4ae s ' r r rrr r - ; r, . . V,". V- P vr ; sV r s v .. . . .a.i- ji.i.i Another Clooch Warren, ra JVI airrllsa. exeelleat modern raae, good aa new, Ilallet Jt lavl', larsieat orrheatrxj a and. quarter-aawed oak, very fine, (330. ambrldse, slightly damaged hy railroad accident. glOO. Bcnsember, we have wbat we advertise aad we advertise wheat we have. GRAVES MUSIC COMPANY in rnniTii t. The Largrst Western Cearal Muale Dealers. Everytblag la Muale. OLGOTT ADMITS PLOT SECRKTAUY SAVS UlAtDCLKXT XAMI-S NOT KILED. V Answrr In I'nlTirsiliT Rrfrrrndum Prtillon Case Allege Illegal Sig nature Thrown Out. PAL. EM. Or, Sept. 51. (Special.) Admitting that In the months of March and April of thla year a conspiracy waa entered Into between Georjce Hld glns. alius George Harris, SI Sandrosky. lias Sam Cohn. timer Brown and others to defraud the voters of the atate. and Harry J. Parkinson, who led the referendum movement axalnst the I'nlverslty of Oreuon appropriations. by foraing names to the petitions, but assertlnK that the fraud was discovered by Parkinson and the petitions never llied, Se.getary of State Olcott today filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court here his answer to the complaint filed by U. S. Friendly asking that the Secretary of State be enjoined from plactns: the title of the two approprla- lon bills on the ballot on the ground that they are Illegal because of fraud the petltiona. Th Secrcturv of State In hlS nnswrr admits that the conspiracy was suer cessful to the extent of t"00 names. He aays, however, that Parkinson dis covered the fraud and held hark the petitions. The petitions filed and which are alleged to be fraudulent Djr B. S. Friendly, he says, are legal. He also admits that City Recorder StnnKei. of Woodburn. verified an affi davit to certain petitions, but contends hat under the law they are not neces sarily because of that Invalid. Secre- ary Olcott says the names on pages and 71 of the petitions were not verified by the circulators, but main line that for all that they are valid. VISITORS VIEW UNIQUE DAM Financier and Klcctrlc Company Head .ncM of B. S. JossrTjrn. Wlnthroi Coffin, of Bo-ton. connfet- J with one of th It a din financial In-titution- of th hait. and lr. Thoma AMl:-on. of San Francisco, general manager of the O-neral ;.etr.c omnny. of Schnectady. iS". ' for the I'actflc Coa-t. have t-eo he puets of 1 - Jovaclyn. presl.l-nt f the Tortlantl Itallway. ltcnr a row. r 'ompny. Th irlult waa for the purpose of te inc the construction work at KlTer Mill on the Clackamas Klver, n hrrc a hydro-electric nam is rising r.der an entirely new method for such I ontructlon. Th- unique fr-ature at 1 he iitver Mill consi-ts In the hollow rr- dam. which will have a water- ELEVATOR UP! PRICES DOWN! MEN'S SUITS Direct from the center of fashion, New York. They are cut by experts, who are artists in their own line. My tailor, who is on the spot, makes all necessary alterations, for which I make no extra charge. Result: You walk away with a suit that looks like the $-"0 mado-to-order kind at one-third the price. As sold l SAMPLES f Open tomorrow (Saturday), until 10 P. M. JIMMY DUNN, Room 315 Oregonian Building Take Elevator. for aale at a low price or oa eapeelally advantageous term a, or both, the read er tnay depend bbob 'lading everything exactly as stated. Oar firm doos aot have to deseed wpoa profit la the piano departmeat aloae for Ita earnlaga. Aa general music dealers, every departmeat of onr big; business, the big gest la the State of Oregon, contributes to the showing. Therefore braves Ma ale Company la in sosiiiob io sen aianonru, bibb. srrade nlasoa for na little aad. la many ensea less than la asked elaewhere. Jnat now wo have many slightly waat disposed of quickly. Me vrtll aell these pianos on or -S or Slv monthly paymeata to anyone who la not prepared to pay all cash. We shall aell some pianos for aa low aa ft a week. All are serviceable uprights aad In fine snualrsl eoadltlou. Too many to mention, hot asnoag themt Well-made Bans plaao, oak case, fine eondltlon, gl43. Byrne uprta-ht, very good pliano, S13S. Ilallet at Davis, elegant tone, dark ease. gleS. l louah V Warren, very fine oak esse, new, f -4U. . allshtly marred, glfS. fall of 90 feet when completed. Tho dam Is built after the fashion of the modern skyscraper and Is supported by the aid of trusses. Sprlngflrld May Vote on Saloons. SPRINGFIELD. Or.. Sept. 21. (Spe cial.) A movement has been started in J5prinsneld to circulate a petition to call a special election here In No veniher to vote on the question of whether saloons will be allowed here, under the home rule law. Attorneys for the prospective petitioners have ben Investigating the law and believe they will be successful in having- the election called. ' although a year ago Cottage Grove tried the same thing and failed. The petition waa presented to County Clerk Russell, who refused to file it. Mandamus proceedings were brought against him. but Judge Har ris, of the Circuit Court, ruled against the petitioners. PA11-V METEOROIvOGICAI REPORT. rOR.TI-.AND. Sept. 21 . Maximum temper ituro. ST itesre?B; minimum. 5 dKre. RUr r-d!n. ft A. feet; chnir In last 24 hours. .1 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M . .oi Inch; total rainfall inr September 1, 5.00 Inches; normal rainfall since September , 1-04 lnche; x-o- of rainfall lnc September 1, 4 ln-h. Total aunahlne, 2 bour l'J mlnutea; possible sunshine, 13 hours 12 minutes. Harometer (reduced to sea level) at i P. M., j.i4 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tha Atberta low-prpxure area ha appar ently moved outh eat ward to Idaho and over Alberta there ia now a hlgh-preaaura area of decided charucV"r. In the tasttrn Htatea the brometer is uniformly above normal and the only pteclpltatlon that has f.11-n haa been local in iharBcter and it orcurrfd at wldely-neparated placea. Liht ..i. ... '-iTa.n in stirfin Northwestern Or- rcon and in Westrrn Waahinston and It la rioudv and threat-nln nearfy every whera In thia district east of the Cascade Moun tain. It la warmer In South Dakota. e-brai-ka and t'vomlnt and much cooler In th Canadian Northwest. The conditions are favorable for showers Frldav In Northern Oregon. Waahlncton and Northern Idaho and for generally fair weather In .Southern Oregon and Southern Idaho. . FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Showers; westerly Winds. Oregon Fair south, showers north por tion: westerly wind. Washington Hhowers; wester!y wind. Idano i'robably fair south, showers north portion. EDWARD A. PEALS. District Forecaster. Compasses, field glasses, barometers, hydrometer, microscopes, -scientific ap pftMtti. Woo'lrtrd. flnrke A Co. aarroa notices. f.ESF.RAI, GKRMAN AID POCIFTT Mm')ra ar. rrquMtrd tft sttrnd th. funer al of onr Int. member, John H. Oriebtl, to d.y Frl!). Keptrmher IS. at 1:30 P. 1!., from Holmsa rhap'l. Third snd Salmon. J4 order of John Keianrher. president. H. C. BUUU1A.S, Sac ARBITC! CIRCLE. NO. STJ Whist par: and dance slv.n Friday. P.ptember :2 V O. W. Temple. IIS Eleventh street. Nrw floor, union music: cards at 8:30 sharp. Pane at 10 a'clock. EQUITY WME, NO. , F. I-. Of A., srlll clhnl the 15th snnlversary of ths onl.r Friday ave.. .pt. 2a, In slarquam $27.50 to $30 Suits $18.75 $22.50 to $25 Suits $14.75 MEN'S RAINCOATS Genuine English Gabardines Convertible Collars Priestley Cravenetted in the stores on the street for $25 My Price $16.75 uaed atandard makes of pianos that we W?lIJ W MEETING NOTICES. NOBLES of al KAPER TEMPLE TAKE HEED Your Imperial potentate Is now with ua oit his official visit to our temple. This occurs but once a year and Al Kader TempU should give him the reception his office commands. Let every nolde thfct pos sibly can attend the ban quet to bo given (n his honor at the Commercial Club Sat urday evening. September 3, 7 o'clock. You are urgently requested to attend and help make thla occasion one long to be remem bered by his h.ghnena. Ki a borate decora tions, music and entertainment will b9 fur nished. I,et Al Kader' s hospitality be re corded as the shining light of his official career. Come we need yon. B. O. WHITEHOrSE. Recorder. ARCHIE THl'RLOW, Potentate. NOBLES OF AL KADER TEMPLE and sojourning nobles will take notice. There will be a special meeting at Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets. Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock to receive and entertain Imperial Nobie John F. Treat, Imperial Potentate, and those ac companying him. .Nobles of El Zacar Temple are es pecially Invited to be with us to pay honor to their illustrious member and townsman. Every member of Al Kader Temple is re quested to be present with his fes and "best coil" Refreshment. Remember the ban quet on Saturday evening. Noble William Havls has the banquet tickets. R. G. WHITE HOI 'SE, A. THUHLOW, Recorder. Potentate. nPapC3 WASHINGTON CHAPTER. XO. l?a-yrtJ 1". R- A. M. Special convocation this (Friday) evening; ax Masonic Hall. East 8th and Bumslds sts at T:3 o'clock. M. M. decree. Visitors arlrnm T3v ah.m C H. 1". J. E. MARTIN. Htc. PORTLAND I.ODC5E, NO. 65. v A F. A vn a u -1 sT munlratlon this (Friday) evening. 7 3l o'clock. Work In M. M. do S. gree. Visitors welcome. Iy or- ner w. M. C. M. 6TEADMAN, Secretary. MOUNT TABOR LODGE NO. 2 -12. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication at T:4S o'clock. i&V ,lVork 'n the F. C degree, vis- (Signed) D. R. TOCNG. Sec. A H E. fa. Res-ular meeting rhi. SCaJay 'vcnlnc In Masonio Temnle nt V JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec. NOTICE Members of Multnomah Lodge No. 1. Hons of Herman, are requested to meet at their hall today (Friday) at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral of their late member. J. H. Oriebel. All members of Sous of Herman are Invited. GEO. JOHANSEN, Pres. WILLAMETTE TRIBE NO. . IMP. O. R- M. Members are riusied to meet In their lim, eighth floor Marquam hldg.. today (Friday) at 1 o'clock P. M. Sept 12, to attend tha funeral of our late brother J. II. Griebel. P. O. s. Sister tribes and so journing members Invited. F. HOFFMAN. Sachem. I. STKASEL. Ch. of R. BORN. WILSON September 20. to the wife of George Wilson, at Forest Grove, a daugh ter, weighing IAS ounces, the parents of whom are tna best-pleased couple In th. lend, because It la a girl; Dr. C. L. Lars attending. DIED. THOMAS September It. at 101S Grand ave. North, Bertha G. Thomas, aged 20 years 7 months 21 days, beloved daughter of A. H. Thomas. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. 694 Williams ave. Funeral announcement later. COWLS September 21. at 11SS East 25th st. North. Nina A. Cowls, afied 31 years, beloved wife of G. C. Coale. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. 694 Williams ave. Funeral announcement later. CTRL September 2(f. Oeorga E. Curl, aged li years. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co. s parlors. 694 Williams ava. Funeral an nouncement later. FCXEBAL yOTlfK9. SMITH Tha funeral services of Alan Welch Smith, Jr., Infant son of Dr. and Mrs. Alan Welch timllh. will be held at the family realdeno., 476 10th St., at 3 P. M. today (Friday). Friends Invited. Serv ices at tha grave prlva,ta. GRIEBEL Tha funeral services of the lata John H. Griebel will be held Friday, Sep tember 22. at 1 :3" P. M., from the chapel of the Helman Undertaking Co. Friends Invlt.d. luterment Riverview Cemetery. HOUSE Maria House, beloved wife of E. House. Funeral at 2 P. M. Friday, Sep tember 22. (ruin residence, 65 Sixty-first street, tao blocks north from Mount Tabor carllne. lONftTH FLORAL CU, MA Kyi AM HLDG. rtwneai Mala Hut; A lias. Dunning 4 AlrUuteo. Funeral Directors Ttb anil line, fhona Main 30. Lad as sistant. Office of County Coroner. A. K. ZtXLFK CO.. st4 Williams, ava, Fhone East 10s. C 1(18. Initr attendant. Uncceaaor te ZelleT-Byrnea Ce. j. V. FIN LEY M, Id and Madison, fdy ntteadmnt. I'none Main 9, l&ya. fcUtYAliD HOI .MAN CO.. Funeral Dirert ers. J 3d at. I -ad T assistant- Pboue Al. &u. hIDE Funeral Dire-tors. .uccesaora to y. B. Dnnnlng. aac. r.. az, a z..o. II LK H. 4 naenaarr. cor. nasi aiurr ana Sixth. East 7DL, It less. Ladjr astlttanu AMUSEMENTS. SKtT 8 ALE OPENS TODAY Helllg Theater. 4 NIGHTS. Beginning SUNDAY Special Price Mat. Wednesday H. H. Frazee and Geo. Lederer Present The Favorite Comedian RICHARD CARLE With Edna Wallace Hopper In tha Musical Comedy Hit 'JUMPING JUPITER" Ern!nj! Lower Floor, 11 rows. t2: 7 rowi. $1.50. Balcony. 5 rows. $1.50; 6 row. $1; 6 rows. Toe; 5 rows. 50c Gallery reserved and admission 50c. Wednesday Matinee Lower Floor, 11 rows. $1.50; 7 rows. $1. Balcony. 5 rows. $1; 6 rows, 75c; 11 rows, 50c Gallery, reserved, 35c; admission, 25c V MAZOiKU VV&ftT DAT 15-25:1 N!GHI8 15-25-50-7Se WEEK SEPT 18TH. Slv American Dancers, a sextette of stylish steppers: The Avon Comedy Four; International Polo Teams; John Delmore and Miss Olive Adair; The Strolling l'layera; Kelly A Kentworth; ie Vole Trio. AHTAGES tTneqiiaTledl Vandes'ine. "TK- 6EPT. 18TH. The Awattentnc of Buddha, st upendou prwil net Inn danrlnc elrI. ront-ou rotitumei; Harry A. Davis and TurKUj Hrrnnrci and Joorn. thonO runny ruco; Bndd and Wajne; Heanvals Mar. dor Co.; Pantafcesrope; rantasea or rhratra. Popnlar prices. Matinee daily. Cur tain 8:30. 1:30 and 9. Matinee Every Day. oruierly t;rasiL Sullivan AT 'on-IUIOA Ilrllnrd eurt-v'He. WEEK SEPT. 1STH (7) Colonials; Willlard Hatrlilnson Co.; Soils Hrotuers; llijoa Kusrell; Harry Mayo; Klutings Animals; (lrandaecoe. Vrlces 15c and "5c. RECREATIO.X PARK, Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND September 10, 20, 1, 52, 23, S4. Games Kectn Weekdays at 3:uO P. Sundaya 2:20 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boya Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. AL'OriON SALE TODAY. AT Wilson's auction noose, at 10 A. H. rnrnlture. g.-ond .treet. HOME BUILDERS Wo are contractors and will furnlsa lot and finance the building of a horn, lor you od easy paymenta. Wa twa inferences and aslc references. W Y ATT. ESTABKOOK. tt KAT, 31 Couch bids. Phone Mala -4-LL CLASSIFIED AD. RATES iaiiy or banday. ! ar Lin One time. hMine nl two ronserotlve limes. ....... .2s Mtuie ad three consecutive times tfue baiue add six or kven cronet-utiTo times. is iieniittaoces uiust accompany oat-oX-towa orders, ... iien one advertisement is not ran In con cculive Imum tho uue-tlms rate applies. Six ucras count aa one iioe ou cau ad Tertisements and bo au counted tor ! tiian Uo lilies. On charge or book advertisement ths cliatee win be based on the actual number tit Hues appearing la the paper, reca.tlias of the numuer ot words in each line. jn .ew Xoday all advert iseinenta are ehurfcd by Bieaauro only. 14 Uoo to tarn The aboTe rates apply to advertisements under "ew Today and alt ctuor cUmmUcO' Uuus exception the following; situation. Wanted. Male. Mtiiation Wanted, t emale Orerouian will accept ciaifled advertise itsenta over the telephone, pro vl dine the ad leriiser is a bubcriler to eiiber ubooe, oa prices will be quoted over the phone, but llil will be rendered the tullvwiujz day. tether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon ths promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertiseauents.. Situation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements trill not be accepted over the telephone.. Orders for one In sertion only will be accepted for "Mouse for Kent. Knrniture for bale.M 'Busiute Opportunities' "Booming - houses" and "Wanted ti Rent. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main 59S. A 15SS. Ht'MAMt OFFICER, Serjeant Crate. Residence. 24 E. 24th N. East 477. R. A. Dunnure. Res. S38 Wasco St. W O. Eston, Res. 73 E. 16th. East Horse Ambulance. A C101: Pr. Ex. 4. hlKhta. Sundays and Holidays, jl Olds; Tr. Ei. Trunk T. NF.W TODAY. $1400 $140 Cash SIS Per Month, Inclndlnsi Interest. Fine new four-room bungalow; street Improvements, consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In and paid for. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. Knd of Hose Cits' Park Carllne. GOOD BUY . Six acres on Mitchell avenue, Engle wood Park, near Ainsworth avenue. Has been platted In acre tracts. Price 7200, one-third cash. CODOAItD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 25 ACRES Nine miles from Bend, under irrigation ditch, alone; the Oregon Trunk, three quarters of a mile from growing town. All good land. One crop of potatoes will pay for it. Snap for $100 per acre. A. E. BORTHWICK. SO Chamber of Commerce. Good Speculation Bunch of 11 lots, restricted district; cement walks and graded streets. Prlco $4235. All lots 60x100, except two. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 543 Stark St. SNAP. Farms on tidewater cheap; timber lands close to tidewater. 73o per thousand feet, FNAP; yeilow pine In Crook County, 73c per 1000 ft. These SNAPS for short time only. Kinney and Stampher. Lumber Ex charye bids-. cond and Stark sts. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN E, CRONAN, nci Ut- hpaldlaa UiUjT. 0fJ Mortgage Loans 5 ror tne Larger Amounts. EDWARD E KOIDEY, Lewis Bnlldlnc COL.L1S. EERRIDCE ft THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing lnvastlg.itlnz and Systematizing. S24 Worcester block. Phone Main 6567. NEW. modem homes, also vacant lots. In tr.nitoiL Phones: C 1351. East 2432: of fice. East 26. R. B. Rice, owner. V THEATER Mitre ss BASEBALL NEW TODAY. Factory Acres offers an unexcelled opportunity to the man with a few hundred dollars, who is looking for a safe investment, as well as one that will pay a handsome return. The property is located in the Penin sula Factory District, on the Co lumbia Eiver, just east of the Swift holdings, and is within 6 miles of the center of Portland. Did you ever stop to think what a small chance the average man has of making a competence for his declining years by simply saving what he can from the products of his labor? If you want to make money fast, you must make your dollars work for you, and the best way to do this is to invest in FACTORY ACRES Five hundred dollars invested in FACT0EY ACRES now and the deed laid away for a few years will make you independ ently rich. FACTORY ACRES is the best located property in Portland from the investment standpoint. Its possibilities are wonderful. Why are all of the manufacturing establishments lo cating on the Peninsula, near the Colubmia Eiver? Why did Swift and Schwarzschild & Sulzberger locate their packing plants there? Why has property there increased in value from $200 to $4000 an acre during the past four years? Think this over and then come in to see MEAD & MURPHY Selling Agents. Office 522-526 Corbett Building. Phones: Main 1503, A 1515. If You Are Thinking of Buying, Building or Selling a Home, We should be pleased to have you Elve us a call, and we are sure It will be to your advantage to do so. We have just completed some fine homes In one of the most popular dis tricts in Portland. Our terms are made to suit our customers. ' Call and See Us for Further Information. OREGON HOMEBI ILDBG CON STRUCTION CO, 916 Chamber of Commerce. 145x100 Hawthorne Ave. Corner Must be sold within two weeks, 110,000, easily worth 913,000. House on prop erty at present paying $20 per month. Don't miss this if you want a bargain. SEE HAWTHOKNE REALTY CO, Corner East H4th and Hawthorne. A MONTHLY INCOME CF $235 BUSINESS PROPERTY. PRICE $28,500 OWNER AR 416, OREGONIAN. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G., 315-316 Falling bid?. BRUBAKER ft BENEDICT. 603 McKay bids;. M. SO. Chaptn & Herlow, J32 Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. S. Co., 60S Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co. Main 1S9. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bid. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale '-Xta. IRVINGTON. 100x100 corner, south of Brazee St.; best hnma rfiatrict: f3T50. JOHNSTON", BOTHEX'R & TUFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce: Main StGT. 1100 cash will do for first payment, 100x100 ft on Vancouver ave.: good future busi ness corner: prlco $18lf0, easy terma. r, Ce 0-T-mm,t floor Tj1i KIHv . phones M 1743. A 1743. THT: . u rtr.HTa i'UalLAtiu .......... .... r PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PflRTl IVh U TT T l.Tn MAIN S51- BROOKE. A 3S33. J43 cash and 9 per month buys a 2oxlu0 ft business lot on Grand ave.; price 450. Brons-Steele Co., ground floor Lewis bldg.; nhones a i..,. LET us show you some bargains In Irving ton and Rose City park property. Rowe Thatcher Co., 3J24-6 Chamber of Com merce Phone Marshall 711. HALF acre In St. Johns. 2 blocks from car line and business street, cement sidewalks and street improvements. Address F 410, Oregonian. THRES nice lota in Montavilla. 150x100; a barcaln tor $1330;' SM cash, balance In four years. T 413, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner. 3 lots. 2 blocks car line worth M0 each; will take 1250 each. Call 603 Corbett bldg.: no agents. WESTMORELAND Will discount equity In lot 50 feet from carllne at bargain price. Bums. at. oow. - v-v. EES L Nolr Co. for West Side property. Exclusive dealers In West Elds realty, tr j m rhimhpr of Commern urounu iiuv,, - -- T or E. Kelly St., near 31st.; cheap. Call Woodlawn.1332 or C 2249 for full particu lars. RO-SMERE. fine lot, 4'2d St.. near car. FOR SALE Two good lots. 83x111, on Mu Sco-.t line. AO 421'. Oregonian. . 2 LOTS at 25th and Kllllngaworth ava., S650. 405 Couch bidjt a. COMPANY REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. IRV1NGTON LOTS. In the most desirable part of Irvlngton. Terms can be arranged so you can build your own house, one-fourth payment on the total cost of house and lot. HOLMES & MENEFEE. 9 Third street. LOTS AT JUST HALF PRICE. Lots 23x100 each. In blocks 1, 6. 6, T. S. 11 and 13. Santa Rosa Park, near Country Club, at 175 and 100 each, lust one half of their value: must be sold t- close an estate; buy these and double you money. GRfSSI & ZADOW. sli Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST FIDE LOTS. X100. Right on earlino on upper Waahlnrtoa st. West 39th and Yamhill sts.. beyond City Park: easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commercs bldg., J Main 6120. BARGAIN Elegant 50x100 lot. east front, very sightly: beautiful location in Irvlng ton; hard-surface street and all other Improvements all In and paid for: If you wa.it a bargain, here it Is tor 12500; only tlOOO In cash, balance to suit. E. J. CONDOM & CO.. 400 Yeon Bldg. RIVERFRONT. Si soo. "4 sere. West Side, close to station. II minutes out on S. P. suburban st-rvlce: 15 trains each way a day; owner is leaving for California and must seil. See Kupper, CHAPIN is HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS. 1450. They are 40x100 ft.; located on East Bide, 15 minutes' ride from 2d and Alder; three blocks from Sellwod car; easy ternis MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. 30U Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones Marshall 23S4. A "430. LOTS for $230 just 20 minutes from ths center of the city on fine car service, the streets cleared and water piped to every lot. These lots won't last long: pick on out, only Jlu per month. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 414 Scalding bldg. IRVIN'GWOOD Is now on the market. cholM lots with natural trees as lo as J725; terms $10 per month; the best will soon be gone; take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat and walk east to office: agent on the ground. Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. $3500 WILL buv three fine lots on Broad way; these lots are 100 feet on Broad way and 150 feet on cross St.; must bo sold In a few days: easy terms; I'.K'O will buy a good lot on Taylor St., near E. 42d. easy terms. M. O'Brien. 4Q0 Yeon bldg. S10 DOWN-110 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of . charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A 1022. I WON'T GIVE YOU MY LOT but I will do the next thing to It: size 50x100, paved street, cement walk, sewer, gas; 130 feet from car, near 33d and Clinton. $020 for immediate sale. Am leav ing city. Owner, 910 Lewis bldg. WEST STARK AND 32D STS. Lots $30. easy terms; best buy in the city: new carllne building: see us at once. EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST CO.. 402 Yeon bide. Marshall 349. I MUST SELL a full size lot on East 33d and Schuyler, in a good neighborhood; cement walks ami water In and paid for. This must go quick: fS-W. E. H. Mix. 13S Yeon hldg. ONE fine residence lot, 1 block west ot I-aurelhurst, on East Couch st., near 31st ; all improvements in, paved street: cheap. Inquire 931 East Couch St. For Sale -Uoum IRVINGTON. $1500 cash, with balance at 7 per cent, will purchase an artistic home of 6 rooms, with glass-inclosed sunroom asid sleeping porch ; has 2 fireplaces, furnace and kitchen stove; screens and shades; garage, with concrete driveway: located in best 'part of Irv'.ngton, on full lot; all im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner, 1126 Board of Trade. Phone A G344. HOMES FOR YOU. In every respect a strictly modern B roorn bungalow with 4 lots, for $S00 cash balance to suit. Price is $3700. ALSO a 4-room house and 4 lots at Lenta fot $1600. $500 cash will handle, balance al $20 per month. OREGON HOME-BUILDING AND CON STRUCTION CO., 910 Chamber of Commerce. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT, WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REFUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE VS. L. It. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. LAURELHURST. SWELL HOME. Very swell new "-room house, strictly modern in every particular; doubly con structed; hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen. tireless cooker, etc.; price $S600, $3750 cash: or completely furnished with new swell fur niture for $9700. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. COLONIAL IRVINGTON HOME. 11-room home, one block from Broadway carllne. In the best part of Irvington; finished in oak and mahogany: street im provements all in and paid ; billiard-room, fireplace, hot-water heat. etc. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main A 2653. ONE of the most beautiful homes in Irving- ton; hlgn ana signiiy; una i -oiujtiic ie just being completed and is modern in evry detail: hardwood floors, etc, etc To fully appreciate you must see this at once. The price is $3000 below value, only S5750, small payment down. E. J. CONDON CO., 400 Yeon Bldg. LADD ADDITION HOME. Ptrlctlv modern S-room house, doubly constructed. hardwood floors, Dutcli kitchen, breakfast room. den. sleeping porch, four bedrooms; on Spruce St.; pries $6500. half cash, pries (jm-SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Osk. ROSE CITY PARK. Z Near car; hardwood floor, furnace, ce ment floor basement; thoroughly up tc da'e- also bungalow; $4000 and $3600; small payment down; It will pay to see these, as they will be sold soon. L. R. Bailey Co.. 324 Ablngton oklg. Phone Marshall 641 BEST bargain in Irvington; i-room house, large sleeping porch, corner 2,ith and Tillamook, one block from Broadway car; larsre light, airy rooms, hardwood floors. 1-ot water heat. Dutch kitchen, hard-surface street all in and paid for; terms; key at 825 Tillamook st. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4, 5 and 6-room homes, al) modern, in restricted districts, for sale on sv terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Company. 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Marenttii m- - WHY PAY RENT when $100 down will give you a nice, comfortable 5-room home with all modern conveniences. Balance like rent 7 $2000 for house and lot, on Congress st.. near ?""otL Phone C 1656 or East 2557. FIVE BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Finish oak, choice veneer flr; charming; lo several best corner lots, away below Market value; nicest location. Irvington, C 1866, East 273. No agents. W. H. Hord inan. , ri-KV of the finest modern 8-room, 2-story houses in Rose City Park district; half hiock from car; beautiful corner lot. with trees: built by owner for homo; bargain for quick amc. J Why be troubled by building when Rows Thatcher Co. have Just what you want , ' irvington and Rose City Park? Fhona Marshall 711. 324-6 Chamber of Com merce ' " A BARGAIN. T-room house. University Park, flna corner 75x100, for $2500; 1300 cash; bal ance 20 par month. Address AK 425. Ore gon 1 an. 7ROOM two-story residence, modern In v-erv particular, on paved street, 1 block streetcar, at a bargain; restricted district- deal with the owner and aava commission, t-au nicrnrT $500 Modern cottage, 1181 Ivoo street special sacrifice; $2BOO, terms; greatest Richmond bargain. Owner 1030 v nWNER Fine, new modern 5-room bun ialow half block from Rose City car; fix tures, shades, hardwood floors, furnace; hwrgaln; terms, laour aw. vi'RVISHED 6-room house, one block from Rose City Park car only $3000. Call owner. C 2224. SEE Le Noir A Co. for West Side homes. Exclusive dealers in West Side realty. GrOUna nOOr, l.un)uu" v,. HOMES from $1000 to 15000; two fur nished: examine these before you buy. Zella Gosaett, 7 West KUlingsworth ave. IN IRVINGTON For sale, modern real denes. For sarUcu'ars, shone C USs,