mE morxixc precoxta. rr.mAr. September 22. 1011.J ZZZZHZ 1 1 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORZOONIA.X TELtrUOXE. rrT.r.r.w r-rm Mala Tv CltT c.rcu;-!o V.m i";? i;j.tor .iiaia i'1:? Basilar Eluor .......... V . a r'.o (MtgoUBfrwa PU kuUa' HM A 'v" A A A '.! A A 4 l)ll-.itSTl OfrarfV THEATER (Mrr!s. S.i:a ol oth- Vsu.iU.. Tll W rao-in at 2 11 u1 ton.tbt el S:l. fJl.TA'if . rHOTF.R .Fourth and ar Vsu.:.i!:!- jr. s .'lrlw.m at Hint a; ; end . tllHKI" THEATER 'Par aa 'h',': trn V aulj.. This flro el a. r loa it at 7 ;o ar.i S- arcade, oit jot ovms. Jv2" II r r: rjo ptli.ra, :l A. M 12 " r: -rf: vtiov r xRK-iTwmr-fw1; litiB i !.:. C.n.l ' ln-i. Thu f.rn'Vn al 3- . .4iwWiwiiU tntraU4 far the City esr In UrlW nriamM In immkUs's ssei b aoitf 1 In IB OiriMU' kuaiacae ' Vvrt.T-K!'-Hw-sr Wim Taiuc Tnai lh w arly-RH hni'nd Im fc.rTimrrt Awi3Mon has appointed a cnmmitiM of nve to as tne Tark iior.( Jo provide two small park tract t-.r aitncU One tract of De -i-ri is on tho Towrll Valley road r.e ir th 'rston schxIhoue- The rrinHil ii.-tr;. t own Ste irfi adjoining the I'rr'ton jt'-hoo!. anil It la planned to aiM two arul fnr-a!f acrrs of this to t'i ftf-arr tra.-t and makr a park of T-n an-J one-half arr. There r also aln acr availabl near tho Kern h-ie on I'owrll Valley road. The club will also as for a block of ground twttrreri iMrlnlnn and Kllswnrta streets the schoolhouse on revi sion strrt for playground. Thi com mittee w.;i ak for the cn-operation of the c-ncral park committee of 1 In the movement to obtain thesa park tract. In this territory there are threa erhoolhouses. Two Ifonaca Fatep. Two Taluabl hone belonging to the In ternational Builillns Wrecking Com pany, were mrrj from drownlnir yes terday morning by the prompt action of the driver after the horses had fallen down the embankment Into the rarine at the northwest corner of Cnlon avenue and Kut Stark street. The hnnei were hitched to a dumpwason and were btullrc debrla from the burned plant of Hasmussen A Co., on Colon avenue and iast Oak atreet. and In aome way the waa-on draira-ed the team down the bank Into the deep water. The driver ptot one horse loooe quickly, but the other wa on Its aide under the water. The driver kept the horae railed and after much difficulty reacued both steeds. Etobjtmax Takes Post East. John A. Guatafaon. assistant superin tendent of the Meier Krank Company. Ift Us aervlce faturday night to ac cept a position with the National Pe tectlve Agency, representatives of the American Hankers" Association. He will depart for Chlcaao In a few days. As an appreciation of his faithful aerv lce with tho Meier Frank Company Mr. Cuatafson waa presented with a diamond sttckpln and a handsome leather travellnar case. Mr. Oustafson came here In the service of the Plnker tons three years ano from Kansas City. Mo. (0.000 Crato Tamp of 1"irt to B Moved. Contractors have started to move fo.oou cubic yards of dirt on the block on the north side of Sullivan's Oulch. between I'nton snd Grand ave nues, where the nine-story reinfcirced roncrete bullJlnif fur Jennlns; at Hon Is to be constructed. A lara-e scoop Is operated clay and nlsht by steam power. An accident yesterday caused by cavlna; of the bank has d. laycd the work until the scoop can be dug from under tons of earth. When In operation the biff scoop handles two cubic yards of ma ItuI a minute. STm-nrn.t FVnmal Htt.tx The fu neral of the Inte Miss Marsjaret Stock ton was held rom the family resi dence. S"7 N.rth Twenty-third street, yesterday. The burial was at Hose City .'rmrterv. anl ouly Immediate rela tives and friends of the family at tending. The deceased is survived by iter parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1L Stock to;'., i. A. Stockton, a brother, and the sisters: Mrs, H. F. Hrael. rs. i'cirr irnl. Mrs. U. McCorkle and the M."-e I'alsy. Hazel am. met Stock ton, all of Portland. Ntv Yeab's Sehvk-c rt-Axwcfv. New Vear's service will be observed by the CintrreKf.lon Ahavat Sholom. Fark in) Clay streets, tonlcht at 7 o'clock. Sim:-! ruornlr.c at 7 o'clock, Satur day ev.-r.tnic at o'clock arid Sunday rr rnlr.w at 7 o'clck. Habbl Jonah B. V l" w ill tleliver a sermon Sundsy uiornti.K at l,k o'clrck. Kabbl K. Atrahar.ison wll off;. 'late. I-iori:a Citisix Pas-ts Awat Mrs. H. Il--i.iie. one of the eU'.-ttnie resi dent of Portland, wire of rJ. llouse. a pioneer restaurant man. died Wednes day after a lingering; attack of Brichts disease, she was 5 r yeara of as;e and had been In Portland since 10. The funeral will be held thl afternoon at I o'clock from the family residence. 5 . S:ity-nrst street. FtxmL or P. IL rcr.Ki.xs Help. The funeral of Dan 11. Perkln. who died at his home, at 1T7 Ivast Morri son street. Tuesday, waa held yester day afternoon from the Moatavtlla Method:st Filscopal Church. Inter ment ma made In Hose .ty Ceme tery. Mr. Prrkln was 66 year and ( months old. He Is survived by his widow. PTH--LTBT COSSASt FtUUttt). J. I Farberry. TV. L. Fulmer and C. K. Power yesterday filed articles of Incor poration of the Oakland Foultry Tro du;: Company at the Courthouse. The capital stock I lHVOcO. It I the In tention of the company to ennate In the poultry-raising business on a wholesale scale. CvntoeiTT Costs $10. When Gus Wetland, who Invaded the domicile of Marv Hrown. a buxom nef-rress restdlnc; at ii North Seven'h street, where she takes tn washinir. Wednesday, waa aked by the court yesterday why he wa there, he sM "Out of curiosity." "Yotir curiosity will cost you 110." re marked the court. Chai rrr; a In ARRAiaNE-x John fturns. a chauffeur, was arralcned In the Justice Court yesterday upon a chariie of fleecinc W. H. Fltiiterald of $110 wh!l- they were joy-rldina; In an automobile, with a ps.rty of wo men. His case was set for Tuesday. September T. A number of chauf feurs have been called to testify In the case. Stuvooo 5E7K Sitewaljcs. At the last meetinc of the e 11 wood Board of Trade Tuesday nt!;t It waa decided to circulate petition for the construc tion of sidewalks on the principal streets. At the next Tuesday property owner of the suburb are to decide what kind of street Improve ments they favor, macadam or hard surface. HoTEt Ton Sale. Hotel. 140 rooms, $0 with bath, fur nished throuchout: first-class In every respect; centrally located: dolns; good business: lontr lease. Address Hotel, D 435. Oreronlaa. Lost. llrlndle. Boston terrier. 11 cense number "t: return 14 N. lih st. Telephone Marshall 1741. Reward. "P. W. Avild Lntwit, specialist on rheumatism. stomach and all nervous disease. Sellm bid?. Mu Ro-a FIlcx-h-Bauer' Thursdy afternoon class will be resumed Octo ber J. mt 4 P. M. Waxtsd. Rerlstered, experienced pharmacist: reference) required. Wood ard Clarke. Fo Re-tt. Elegantly - furnished, seven-room house In Nob Hill. Phone Main :- Smith Cae Beixo Pbepaed. I nlted States District Attorney McCourt Is at work preparm"a brief ettin; out the Government contention In the civil suit :alnt C. A. Smith, president of the "Una & Lane Timber Company. Title to 4S f-uarter tctlon of land is Involved. The Government won the case In the lower court, and the de fendant appealed It to the United States Circuit Court of Appeal. It will be heard In San Francisco In October or November. rEciPES QtEsTiosi. Interest can be exacted for deposit demanded by public service corporations, accord ins to City Attorney Grant, who ye terday rave an opinion to thla effect Tni waa In rest onse to a request by tne City Council because of an ordi nance introduced by Councilman Clyde to compel payment of Interest by the ess company and telephone companle. which In certain Instuncea require de posits for the Installation of caa or telephones. -Lvn Visit Greshah Topat. The an nual excursion of the I'ast Side Busi ness Men's Cub to the tSresham talr will leave thl afternoon from Haw thorne avenue and Water street at 1 o'clock. The club has chartered two cars for the trip. There will be room for all members and their families and friend. Manaccrs of rhe ! fair will receive the business men and j nve them the freedom of the grounds I on their arrival there. I TtMnnt-JAV I AitansTEP. Chareed ! with rontrlbutlnK to the delinquency ! of a trlrl 1J yenrs of ace. W. F. Mlnrtrd. a tlmbornian with omces at 2 Is Wor I reeter- bu.ldin:. was arrested yester- day by Probation Officer White and I Truant Officer Krum and I held under heavy bail at the County Jail. Mlnard I over 60 year or ae. lie nas em ployed an attorney and announces that he will nglit the chare against him. Ferrtioat Is Tlax-ied. The Coun ty Commissioners will. It was an nounced yesterday, shortly make ar rangement for the bulldlntf of a ferry boat to operate between St. John and Llnnton. As provided by the act passed by the last Leutslature the City of St. Johns, havln- purchased the Inndlnns, Is now ready to turn thera over to Multnomah County. ST. FRAwrt Market. 131 Washing ton street, between First and Second street, only half a block from the public market, every day. fine ronst beef and loin mutton chop and legs of mutton, all 10 cent per pound: mutton tew Is 6 cents a pound; sirloin teak U IS cents, ehoulder of mutton are 7 cent and Orecon Norway Creamery butter la 40 cents. Thi funeral of J. H. Grlebal will be held this afternoon. Instead of Thursday afternoon, as announced by The Oregonlan yesterday, iir. urienai was a member of Muitnomah Lodge, No, 1. Bona of Herman. Members are requested to meet In tnelr hall today at 1 o'clock to attend the funeral. Rnwi Marti-h. DRt-ootsre, now at old location. 323 Washington St. MONETARY SYSTEM HIT ROBERT W. nOXYXGE SPEAKS TO PORTXAXD BCSIXESS MEX Member of FVdrral Commission De tails Existing- Evils and Outlines Proposed Remedy. Sever arraignment of a monetary system under which the banks of the country must "bend their knees to the old lady of Threadneedle Street," as during the panto of 1907, and proposal of a plan of finance under which these banks would be highly organized among; themselves, formed the subject of an address ty Robert W. Bonynge. for several terms Representative In Congress from Colorado, and at pres ent a member of the United States Monetary Commission, before 135 banker and business men at a dinner at the Commercial Club Wednesday night. Mr. Donyng-e did not advocate a revolution of the banking system, but a building up upon the material In hand. The plan, he said, would be a de-centralization of the banking sys tem, and would obviate having all the money of the country centered In one place, a condition, he said, always lia ble to cause a money panic "There I no reaon." he ald, "why any solvent business man of the country should go Into bankruptcy. I'nder our present system of Individual banking, a bank cannot even accom modate Its customer In time of finan cial stringency, and It not the bank's fault, either, but the fault of the sys tem, for It has no place to turn to. and cannot Issue paper, except Illeg ally, aa In 1907. Cnder the system, which the commission contemplates submitting to Congress January 8. any business Interest. If solvent, could set credit." Mr. Bonvnge said that the commis sion found threo great faults with the present system, flrst, the scatter ing of the reserves of bank among the thousand of Individual banks of the country: secondly, a failure to pro vtde a legal method whereby banks. ran co-operate for their mutual pro tection, or tor the regulation of the general monetary condition of the country, and third, the Inelasticity oc the country's bond-secured Lank note currency. At the close or his ad dress, he was accorded a unanimous vote of thank br those present. One measure which the commission will strongly urge. Is the giving to the proposed hankies; association note Issuing powers. The association, which he outlined. was a system orranlxed along the lines of the political subdivision! system. It begin with a local as sociation, of not more than ten banks. which would associate themaeive Into a district. There would be IS districts In the country. The IS dis trict would constitute the National association. In every district there ould he a branch of the National association, which would be supreme on all financial questions In that dis trict Ample safeguards would be provided. Mr. Bonynge said, to prevent the association from falling Into the hands of self-seeking Interests. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Roetaurant. Fine private apart ment) for ladie. k-6 Wash, near (to t Ton embrace an opportunity when you dine at the Alder Restaurant, 344 Alder treet- To live well 1 to eat well: Try The Criterion. l Sixth street. SEPTEMBER RATES. September 25th Is the next sale date for special round-trip ticketa to East ern points. The Canadian Tarlnc makes the rates. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawfish. Dining-room for ladies. 4th and Stark. The Moody F!Me Institute baa Just dedi cated lis new dormitory tar urnrn. The building cost $J0.lOO. FOUR FOUND GUILT! Parasites Are Sentenced to Serve SO Days at Quarry. GRAND JURY HEARS TRIALS Investigators In Municipal Court Men They Seized Are Sent to Kockpll Appeal Probable. Another to Appear Today. The grand jury sat In the Municipal Court yesterday afternoon, during; the trials of five parasites, whom It ordered arrested last week. Four were found guilty by Judge Taswell. and each was sentenced to serve SO days on the rockpile. The case of the remain ing one will be heard this afternoon. Tho men found guilty are Walter Herman. Gabriel Masset, Louis Uodln and Gustav I-gar. Victor Goodrlch'a case w set for this afternoon, as he asked to havo Health officer Wheeler testify In hi behalf. The men con victed have nve days In which to ap peal, snd meanwhile are free under 1250 bail each. In ease they appeal, the court has decided that their ball shall be $1000. iach. The attorneys for the accused a.inounce that they will appeal. All the men eonvlcted were arrested t - ,-. . - ri.i..ii. fBlie assisted bv t J V CUIllf -'.'..'" ....... . . ' City Ietectlve Coleman and Moloney, Thursday night, at tne juinau.i. Tavern. The right of the detectives to cro . v. , II n. w.s nuestloned bT tl ' 1 " J , . - ni..ut 1 (tn pn - v Cameron u e 1 1 1 1 1" . i.ii .v.. --- j and the foreman of the grand Jury were put on the stana. tne lormrr n r. an opinion on tne auojecu. im .....,.n tn reneat the Instructions detectives had received from the gra Jury In tne case. noin ... . ' ith.rl rs.utier a Goldle Oray. whose 1760 ball waa for ii fnp failure to an pear, were et for Tuesday. September 2. At that lime tney win r.. iti.enissal of their cases. I II C Kruuiiiia in 1 ., In the Circuit Court on the sam charge, under an Indictment of th grand Jury. A eecona cnarge, imi keeping a disorderly house. Is al pending against Goldle uray, ana w be taken up Tuesaay. iSS the Ive the he .nd and on eld of rill PESXEY BROS. FRIDAY 8PECIAI v-. .rr.. one f? wines at tl a gallon 11.50 wines at 75c a gallon: Straight Kentuckv Whisky, seven year old. regular $4 RO, at $3.50 a gallon: Ken tucky whisky, regular 13.60, at 12.60 gallon: 13 grade whisky. $2.10 a gallon. Krldav only. 379 K- Morrison St. Phones East S87. B 3424. Free oellvery. MA VCD 9 Pfl lull ii ni mi i I i i Li llln I Lll U UUi Portland 'b Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. A 4432; Main 9432. ORDER YOUR GROCERIES TODAY. On account of Holiday, our store will be closed Saturday, the 23d inst., until 5 P. M. We ask our many customers to kindly anticipate their wants TODAY, and we will appreciate such action. We have unexcelled Service, both Wagon and Messenger, and we can take care of your ev ery need today. We have just received: Jumbo Pecan Nuts. -Battle Creek, Mich., Foods. New Filbert and Br axil Nut3. New Maple Sugar and Maple Syrup. Brandt's Al Sauce, in pints and half pint3. Johnson's Baby Educators. FRESH VEGETABLES: New Green Peas, Arti chokes, Green and Yellow Beans, Fancy Celery, Sweet Potatoes, Celery Root, Egg Plant, Roman Lettuce. All fresh today. "A Cordial Invitation to the Newcomer." For Nearly a Quar ter of a Century- Some of the most progressive of the young business men of Portland have placed their accounts with this bank. Nearly all of them started 'with small balances. And some are -wealthy men . today. Yet fetr withdraw their, ac counts or sek other bank ing connections. VTe seek more of these am bitions, earnest young men for depositors. That's why we say you may start a checking' account with whatever sum you please, i For many of these small ac counts will grow wonderful- ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon Arrow collar easy to tie the cravat in easy to notch on and has oval button holes, which makes buttoning and unbuttoning easy. J5c2Jhr 25c Goett. feabodr & Co.. Makers. Troy. K.T. Third and Oak Street P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES V: f'rmsnA - JtVX" ' i - a Time -Tried and Tested Thousands in use in the Northwest because they sat isfy. Drag and Circular "Woodsaw Machines, Pump ing Outfits and all similar Gasoline Engine equipment. East Second and Morrison HOTEL STE-WABT SAH FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up Nsw staal and Brick sti uclura. EtsiV tnodara cosnssniaaca. MudwaaS rataa, Csotar of t&aatra and retail district. Oa car liass transfarrtas all ovar city. EIa trie mniboa rnaata trains and steamers Figure Any Way You Like your personal appearance counts a whole lot in your struggle for commercial supremacy Our Suits and Overcoats for men and young men are the best money can buy and the best for you to wear. Prices $15.00 to $50.00 . Established 1863 If I were king I would still wear the clothes I sell 48 Years of Success Store Closed Until 5 P. M. Saturday Da Your .Shopping Today s9 i. . sm j iya Jty ll,"''.'.T'';-y i-',vvwvy.imwvi)r Fourth and Morrison Portland's Fashion Center In two heights : DELMAR REXTON in. 2 in. YOU should see the new IDE SILVER COLLAR if you're seeking a straight-front shape that does meet close. .It's baked and so shaped in the baking by our special Vertiform Process that it has the vertical front so much desired by correct dressers. Has ample scarf space. Collars lose their shape and fit when buttonholes stretch or tear the veriest trifle. I Me 11 2fo? Finest Land in Oregon Highly suitable for small farms. On electrlo line. Prices reasonaDle. with easy terms. 1 AND 2-ACRE TRACTS Inquire 23S Stark St.. Portland, Or. Charles Dierke 1 Beatrice Dierke Resume Piano instruction September , at residence studio, 231 24th street, North, near Lovejoy. Established 19O0 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester Bldg. Portland, Or. have exclusively the LlN'OCORD Buttonholes. They're easier-to-button and don't tear out. They're strong where the strain comes. XTENSI01 I It y 7f:--.'-?-.MiMiw..-T. 'v.'saiJ vWALCIlt OF TRAIN SERVICE TO ON THE DESCHUTES BRANCH INTO CENTRAL OREGON Lv. Portland. Lv. The Dalles... Lv. Deschutes Jc. Ar. Madras , Ar. Metolius At. Opal City SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1911. 7:50 A. M. Lv. Opal City 8:15 A. M. Lv. Metolius 8:43 A. M. Lv. Madras 9:00 A. M. Ar. Deschutes Jc 1:15 P. M. Ar. The Dalles 1:55 P. M. " Ar. Portland 5:45 P. M. . 10:00 A. M. .12:40 P. M. . 1:30 P. M. . 5:45 P. Iff. . 6:00 P. M. . 6:30 P. M. THE DIRECT, QUICK AND NATURAL ROUTE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ALL POINTS IN CENTRAL OREGON Call at our City Ticket Office, Third and Washington Streets, for any in formation desired, or address . WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Ceo. f W-4 Makers p.m. JHRSQS Tr7' aliilliiiiiMiftiiiHiaiiig Foster & Kleiser Elzh Grade Commercial and Electru . SIGNS Cast Ttk ass East Everett Sta, PsaSM East Mill aVSWi ICCHWAB PRINTING CO fOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 2 -a 5 4: STARK STREET Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL, Teacher of piano. Rooms 300-l-2w Tilford Bldg., Tenth aad Morrison. Underwood Standard Tjrpewriter The original front stroke visible writing typewriter. A mechanical master piece and universal favorite. Underwood sales exceed those of any other machine. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." 68 Sixth St., Portland, Oregon. FINNAN HADDIES Our Second Shipment on sale today 25J NEW COLUMBIA RIVER Salmon Tips, per lb 35t? Salmon Cheeks, a great delicacy, lb 35 Yarmouth Bloaters, large, fat, 3 for... 2o George's Bank Codfish, genuine, per lb.... ......20i Genuine Romanoff Caviar, direct from the Russian packers, 35 up See our display of Salt Fish. It is the most extensive in the city. Long's new crop Preserved Figs are now in 35 " Our line of Olives is very extensive and low priced. Olives stuffed with celery large bottle 40t Olives stuffed with almonds, large bottle 40 Olives stuffed with peppers 15 and up HOOD RIVER GRAVENSTBIN APPLES, 'extra fancy table fruit 30 and 40 dozeQ In planning your Sunday dinner do not forget our Home Made Cakes and French Pastry. They have no equal. SE ALY-LO WELL CO. Grocers, Bakers, Tea and Wine Merchants. 288, 290, 292 STARK STREET. Phone, Main 7200, A-6181. An Ideal Mountain Resort in the Heart of the Cascades Only 61 miles from Portland, on the North Bank railroad and Colum bia River. The bracing mountain air is now tonic with the balsam or the pines, and is most exhilarating for those seeking health or recrea tion. A Big, Modern Hotel All Sorts of- Amusements Most luxuriantly appointed hydrothermal baths in the Northwest for both ladies and gentlemen. The highly mineralized water is efficacious In the treatment of rheumatism, nervous and kindred ols orders. Reasonable prices and an atmosphere of Jolly sociability. Illustrated booklet on request. For rates and reservations address TOURIST AND TRAVEL BUREAU, S Fifth Street, City.