Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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faoM: Oorrta aad latooratta boat Rabin and
Etaaa. -1. a. I; Fmitb and Smith boat Ho
brook and MarahalL -. Jadte
doatwl MlM drbaaf.r. -. -X: Mlaa Camn
b.11 dtfaalod Mrm. Cook. -. - -' kt'aa
Job oaf on defeated Mlaa roaa.
Todajr'a grtvottaWm.
1 noon Wlekerehaa. ra vaa Leas.
I SO Mrm. Btarr n. Jltaa Houatoa.
1 30 fihtrae and ra. Erlrar and
Wab.tar: Mllrh.U Tm. Humphrey: XcKlnaoa
ra Wratoa; allM Campball n. ill Joba
toa; lira. Judge and Mlaa Houatea ra
Ml.a Brha.f.r and M- TL.adbotter.
SO Conataatlne ra EJ.r. Latoorette
and Oemll ra Starr and Jordan; Mitchell
a. Holbrook; Mr Cook and Mr. tarr a
Mine Bchaarar aad Mr. Jordan Morton ra.
4taO A. Oorrlll Ta Wood: Van Ixan and
tKewart ra Drawer and Gilbert; Hart and
Fargo Ta Jonoe aad Whoe'er: Ooaa r. Mun
far; R. Oorrlll ra Rnaanfald; Mlaa Fordlna
aad Edrar TaVra Judja and Miten.IL
Don't "guess". Know!
Don't "wonder" if our Tomato Soup
will please and satisfy you as much as
it does the thousands pi other dainty
housewives who use it regularly on
their tables. i
But find out for yourself by trying it.
' That is the only way to realize the
quality of
13 Pounds Weight Handicap
Too Much, and Wells Is
Victor All the Way.
p-OO MlN rnrrng xm. jtiae lwomuw.
Starr of Gotham n- bT Round
Show Game Unle Scrapper
Xtrrer Ha- Chance Against
III Chunkier Opponent.
Tork. Sept. JO Ab AttelL th feather
weight champion, tried tb lmpolbl
tonlsht by conceding about 11 pounds
In w!ht to the Ena-llsh lt-htwel;ht
champion. Matt Wells.
Wells, bain a clover a th Ameri
can In every rtna- mow had thj call
almost from tha atart and won handily.
Attall la .n credit for tha sam
atand ha made against bl heaTler and
clever opponent.
At Je.IJ Attell and Weill entered
tha rlnsr. Well leading; aeoonda were
Geors; Maconald and Foyd unscon.
Attell waa attended by Jim Flynn nd
V I A Dm. (4
HI welsht waa said to b 111 pounda,
.hu. . . t'nriiihmin welched In at a
o'clock, not turnlna- tha beam at tha
atlnulated US pounda rterere v. una
a;ot the men together at 10:1J.
xums i
. - M . ,,. - atrmlaht l.ft
... .....i. itr. witboui a rium Atw
in t.lnrtM Wa a " 'ir;!lE
wt to me I.e.. Hoa m!w4 lt and rittt
aw less at Ion rane. Walls' rouoo.
W.lle laad.d a liht left to the head.
. . - i w n i.ft i.ata ana
,,' i.f,. n ih. fac. He r.alla.l
wua a ea the fere. Att.ll "'"
. . . w . Hinp with a
tr.laht l.ft ta IB. cnln. Bota foujht
raushlf. Honors ev..
W.Ila 1J with a era,lht l.ft t "''"
and A. oi:ir! with a l.ft hook. w.i.s
nt rifbt aad lft to the far, ja a n
We.ia Jorcacl Att.ll te ta rope -Its t'
..I., l.ft hooka ta the Jew and. tney
mtt ii n.fiitB. hard at tha anna, Welle
rond. , a in etraisht lefts to the
n... ru(luad fur holding. At
t..l ele.ny biockaa a riant asd lift ewin.
Walla raaao,
Walla nt Artaira b-d bark with a bard
l.ft on the Boa drew in f first blood- At
trt.4 bard ta toad, but alie blocked e ..-
Ml. a rA In . X.W IKDI piowa. " . . .
R-a-d a.
At. .u .hart wits a Wt load. Walla
drov aim back wit h a atrelsbt l.ft over tha
hMrt Atta.l waa anon wlia a nni .win.,
and thay lin.h.d- Walla draw blood aa:a
wits a atraJht latl. hut Aba came .bark
aim e-vare! hard Hihu. and tba round
eadad la a tlarce ml up. Round eae.
BWaad 1.
w.ti. hMhidl hi. l.ft to tha noee ar.d At
tall Mil bark four aralht l.fta ta tha face
without a r.tum. w.t.. waa in. iir-""1'
ta tba mini a Mk fu.lowod. and ..nd
at taa AttaU bad la tha oax.T part a(
tka raaad.
Walla lad off wltn a l.ft book to tba h-ad.
and at ckoe auartora aaat la three biowa
without a rotura. Tby arhan-d atralaht
rta and aatit foor l.rt hooka t the
taw. Aba cam. bark (.m.:y wltk a atralcht
loft to tha cntn and h.:4 bla owe ax la
fifbUac to tha ball. Waila round.
Ttiey cllaebed and Walla had the better
ef a.l the aiohanaea at cloae aoartera
WelMt round.
Boaod 1.
They oponad p cantloua'T. W.lla waa
the aT.or. and attar landlne- two lefta
ont a bard rlffhl iin to tha Ha r.
p. trd m motnrnt lat.r a. he broke from a
rlmch. He outfought Att.ll. havinff all the of tha rloo'.nc ra.U.a although Altai!
fouaht back,.y.
nrsr h. clips ofy skcoxd
Track Record la Foor Fnrlonc Daah
Broken at Spokano Race.
fiPOKAXK. 8ept, 10. Track record!
continued to bo broken thia afternoon.
Ruby 11- cutttntt tha four-f urlona- da. a
to ii second. fumrhary:
Flrat rmee. four rurlonrta. pnraa Ruby K.
(C Hoaa. I te t. woa: Florence Kripp
(Orooal. i to TU aacond: Od'lla IKeoa-h). T
to 1. third; tune 0 4. Horaealck. Lady
Mint. Anna Sohnald.r. Martorlo Flamlnc.
Chance of Air. Vo Mlo. Karona aad Ca
llata Jonoa flnlahed aa ran.
x furlonaa. a.lllnc Tippy (Hopbine). 4
to 1. won: B.llnlrli.r ( 11 to I. eec
end: Roaarto tCiburn. T to S. third: time
1:14 4-4. Hilly My.r. Cant.m. Huaan F.. Fer
nando. Sandal. Hand oa-chel and Frieze On
tahJ aa aamod.
Third, mtla aelllnr Roane W. (Riddle).
4 to i. won; Mancot (talrkhant, to 1.
eecoad; Marcarat Randolph iOrooal. I t t
third: time 1.4 4-. fir Ancua. Mlaa Oreen
wood, a-'uthera Ootd. Ay McNailr. Gretca
aa G.. Military Mao and Maaaa finlehed aa
Fourth, mile and .'.ehth. Poat Falle handl
rap. I 'lie Dirk Dakar t Hopkins), f to I
won: Oc.aa Unn tCallahanl. t to 1.
-nd: Fid Mulholland (Buxton). I to 1.
third; time 14 l a Collnet aad Whlte-
wo.'l aleo ran.
Fifth ra-a, mile aslllnr F1rent (C Roea).
T to 1. won; Tnnia (Roaen). It to 1 aeo
aad: Jlra Caffaretta (Riddl.). te i. third:
time 1:41 i-A Decta. Crax. Clrko. Vlrla
Casale aad laxlug ion Lady natshed aa
Mil, e.n'na, TTlorenee A- (Row). I to 1.
won; Quality streot tHopklna). to I. eoc
oad; Zahra (Mrlntrrel. 11 to t. third:
time 1:41 1A Marburs;. Aftermath. .ot
ffored. N.braaka Laaa Nettle T rarer aad
Fulatte finished aa named.
WHEN Bill Lindsay made tba boot
which robbed "Speck" Harkoeis
of credit for yesterday' victory, ha
reajretted tha error more than an yon
else, and when he cam to bat next
time he waa determined to gat on tha
bar no matter how. Aa It turned out.
Bill redeemed himself nicely with a
clean hit. While Lindsay's boot lost
Harkneea credit for yesterday" aame.
It waa this aame Lindsay who won
both ajame Speck ha to hi credit
so far this season. Lindsay beat Oak
land for Harknea In Ban Francisco,
and hi bat also defeated Vernon laat
e e e
Harry Able, the bla; Oakland pitcher,
ha been added to the poat-aeason
party for a huntlna- trip to be taken
by Bill Rodarera. Buddy Ryan. Ben
Henderaon and Yeas Greg's;. Tha bla;
Oakland hearer heard of the proposed
hunting- trip and Immediately camped
on the trail of Ryan and Rodger un
til they consented to let Mm be on
of the party. All theae player are.
crack shot with the rifle, and soma
bis; gam I likely to fall before their
Invasion of the Oregon wilds In Doug'
la and Coo Counties.
e a e
The Sacramento club used "Kitty
Knight, the ex-Oakland heaver, against
Vernon at Los Angelea yesterday, and
Han Hoa-an a wallopers had no trou
ble In batting him to all corners of
the lot. Knight loomed np Ilk
first-class pitcher - when he first ap
peared here with the Oaks, but the
fact that Harry Wolverton let him go
indicates that he 1 hardly up to Pa
drio Coast League class. Wolverton
seldom makes a mistake In his Indr
merit of pitchers, and Oakland cast off s
naTe a bard time landing in thia
e e e
At thia writing It seems aura that
tha nesttworld'o championship series
wll be plsyed between New Tork and
Philadelphia. These teams met once be
for, and. the Giant snowed the Ath
letic under becaus -Rube- Waddell.
at that time Connie Mack' mainstay
failed th team at the crucial moment.
It might also be mentioned that Chris
topher Mathewsoa was In his prim at
mat time, in 15. a srreat deal- win
depend on h prowess In tb coming
e e e
In tha fifth Inning yesterday Cut-
anaw inert to steal home. This Is
favorite stunt of the speedy Oak
lander, and he gets away with It quit
often, but yesterday the Beavers had
him peared on the play and Harknesa
and Kuhn caught him cleverly. Ablrs
was at bat and two were out when
-Cute" tried to sneak In. Harkness
pitched a little wide and Knhn nabbed
the ban neatly and ran down tha third
base line to meet the Incomlne- Oak.
t-utsnaw tnel to oonia ondor Kuhn,
put tne latter tagged him on the ear.
and Cutshaw waa Inclined to be angry
i"r a moment or two.
We believe you 'really -miss a tempting'
attraction from your,; table? every day you
put off trying . this J pure j and j. wholesome
delicacy. ' v
AVe feel certain UiaFohca you know tiowr
rich and tasty and satisfying it is, and how
much needless trouble it saves you, you will
never try to keep house without it. -
Why not try this perfect soup for dinner
today and know, the truth about it for yourself?
21 kinds 10c a can
N'cw York Leads tJ S Point. With
v Season. Ending- In Tbreo Weeks.
Winning from St- Louis Wednesday
while Chicago was splitting even with
ThtladelpMa. the New Tork team ac
quired what aeerr.a like a sure grip
on the National Leasrue. pennant.
At this stae of the race with th
eeason'a end only three weeka away, a
lead auch aa thelra. of 6 points, or
about seven full games. Is generally
conceded to be an assurance of ultimata
aurceaa Flttsburg won from Boston
and pulled up within 2 point of Chi
cago In aecond place.
Philadelphia aJdrd another gam to
Ita airing In the American League and
aa Detroit lost, the Athletica lead now
by Ti polnta Their till to th pennant
ha been conceded for soma tlma
Irvlngton Club Scene of Interesting
Matrhe to Afternoons. Now.
Further progreaa waa mad yesterday
In th play of the Irvtngton Club's Fall
tennis tourney In all th event and
mora surprises developed In th handi
cap vnta It la planned to play off
the finale In th big event on Satur
day. Yesterday's summary and sched
ule for today follows:
ffct..s loot to Wilson. -. C-a: Constantlne
bal Oal.. d.'ault: S.Mn het Ulovrtlia,
A-7. e-0. 4-Z. M trh.ll beat B.nnaa&. default:
WMln b.t d.faut . A. Gomtl
boat Vaa Loan. S-1. S-7. -4 . McKlaaon and
VriaBdly boat Goee and Wak.maa. d. fault;
W'Ualaa asd Muagav boat Guiee aad Ggie. de-
Chances Good to Make Mark This
Season In I-'ootball Practice
on Pally Stars Back.
Or. Sept. JO. (Special.) Thirty pros
pective gridiron heroes greeted Wm.
Warner, hesd coach, and Sanford B.
Hunt, aaalstant coach, at the earlv sea
son football practices on Klncald Field
this week. College ha only begun
and the squad Is as yet Incomplete, but
th sentiment her la already In the be
lief that Old Oregon la deatined to
occupy an Important niche In 111
Northwest football history.
Of the old guard Captain Main.
Walker, Latourette. Kellogg, Hall and
Chandler are already on th croaa
lines, Fenton. who returned today Is
expected to turn out soon, and Bailey,
the powerful 110 tackle. Is ngured to
return In a few day. This will give
vt arner six or last year's regulars
Main. Latourette and Walker In th
backneld and Kellogg. Fenton and
Bailey on tha line to work with aa a
akeleton. Hall and Chandler acted In
reserve capacity at certain stages of
laat seaaon and are out strong for a
permanent berth this Fall.
Two roembe.s of th winning 1910
freshmen team, Wallace Caufleld and
Allle Grout of Oregon City, are likely
candidates for line position and
Bradahaw, the shifty demon of th
am crew. Is figured as having a
splendid chance to land on of th
two vacant end poaltlon when h re
turn. From the reserve squad players
of last year and from the Incoming
class yi coaches must pick a guard,
a tackle, two ends and a baokfielder.
Aa new material they hare Borman,
a probable aquad man from Baker, who
I bidding for on of th wing; Kaiser,
a punting fullback, who arrived to
day fresh from laurels won at Ala.
meda High School In California!
Frailer, Portland all-star Inter.
scholastic tackle: Xoland. a former
Portland Academy player: Heusner.
who halved at Cascadtlla Preparatory
School at Ithaca, New York; David
Hawkins, a huaky brother of th fa
mous Oregon hurdler: Kader, a speedy
midget with preparatory experience at
Med ford and Pendleton: Finch, a back
from Baker, and Jones, a star of Virgil
Earl'a 10 team at Waahlngton High.
New men are appearing every eve
ning at practice and It la possible that
mighty good player may be alfted
from among the ."unknown." It I
probable that a training table will be
established soon for the Brat squad of
players, but aa yet no definite an
nouncement ha been, mad.
Fare-eel Ta Le-ava Haaaa.
Kvery year a large number of poor
suf'-rers. whose lung are acre and
racked with rougha. are urge to go
lo another cllmat-!. But thia la costly
and not always sure. There s a better
way. Let lr. rtinas . w uiscovery
cure you at home. "It cured me of lung
trouble." writea W. R. Nelaon. of
Calamine. Arkj "when all else failed,
anl 1 gained 47 pounds In weight. It s
surelv trie king of all cough and lung
cure." Thovsanda o their lives and
heailh to It. It's positively guaranteed
for Coughs. Coids. LaOrippe, Asthma,
(roup all Throat and Lung troublea.
tc a -v.! ll.Oi) Trial bottle free at all
At th. Tsrmoutb (England) Town Coun
rll tt was rocenlljr prupowd that tka doa.
k.vs on tha sea front ehould not be al
lowed to carry persons weighing more thaa
17A pounda
Bald Doctor Dunder;
"Soma folks wondrr
At my euros so grand.
Swy r aue to care
And CamvhrW fare.
us tnia x i
lake my atand.
Just add kot water.
bring to m boil, and serve.
Josars CAatrBEix. CoafrAjra ,
Camden N J
"V - -"el
TosTMtO 0STb ' .Tr-p.
Look for the r-d--md-vhiteUabel
H 0 1.1
Chief of Police Slover Talks to
Temperance Workers.
County Woman's Christian TrTnpcr-
a no Cnlon Hears Moral Condi
tions Discussed Xew Offi
cers) Are Elected.
Th address of Chief of Pollc Slovar
on th sanctity of tha home, enforce
ment of law and betterment of condi
tions In Portland, and an Invitation to
th National convention to meet In
Portland In 1911 were features at the
meeting yesterday of the County Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union
Convention In Hawthorne Park Pres
byterian Church.
It was the first time In th history of
tha Multnomah County Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union Convention that
a Portland Chief of Police appeared n
person, talked to the convention, and
then delivered a fervent prayer that
the work of th women of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union might
prosper and that reforms In social con
ditions might be brought about. Chief
Elover received an ovation from tha
Whit Rlbboners, as he came forward
to speak and Was Introduced.
Isasf veaaeat la Noted.
1 have not been here long enough
to get th drift of the subject dis
cussed," said Chief Slover, "but I can
see that tha programme contains many
good things and no doubt they havs
been discussed much better than J
could discuss them. But I want to say
at the start that I want to co-operate
with this organization In improving
conditions her in Portland, and I want
to say that we atand to co-operate with
you. and will be glad to do so.
T. have Been in tne poiic oepart-
ment of Portland IS year and I must
say that conditions have steadily
grown better the past 10 years. Every
year there has been an Improvement.
What was tolerated 10 or less years
ago would not be permitted In Portland
today. And just such organizations as
th Woman's Christian Temperance
Union have contributed materially to
the improvement that has come in th
enforcement of law and suppression xf
"There Is on subject, however, that
I uppermost In my mind at this time,
and that 1 the sanctity of the home.
To my mind It is the Important ques
tion to every mother and father In
this city. Parents do not seem to re
alise that their example may make or
ruin their children and wonder when
their children go wrong that th blame
lies at their own doors.
Katloaal Convention May Coma.
Entertainment of the National Con
vention in Portland In 112 waa con
sidered at length In the afternoon, and
In many respects th county conven
ventlon favored undertaking th work
If the way be found clear. Mrs. Ada
Wallace Unruh. state president, brought
th matter before the meeting and told
what It would require of the organiza
tion to entertain the National Conven
tion. She has attended nearly all th
sesalona of the National Conventions
for many years.
Mrs. Unruh said that more than 400
delegatea would come from tha state
of th Union, who would have to be
entertained In Port'and home and
Mrs. Hubert, of Alblna, said: "If Se
attle can entertain the National Con
vention then Portland can. Alblna
Union will take car of 50 of the del
egates." Mrs. Fannie McCourt of Wood
stock, said that Woodstock would take
car of SO delegates. Sellwood, Bun-
nyslde. University Park and Lents
unions came forward and aald they
will take car of 60 of the delegatea
each, and In all, entertainment was
pledged for 115 of the delegates, by five
of th 12 unions of tha county.
Mra M. L. T. Hidden. Mrs. Lucia F.
H. Addlton and Mra Flora Little spoka
of th difficulties of entertaining the
convention, but the majority of thosa
at the convention was strongly in favor
of inviting the National body to come
to Portland. Fannie Cout. Margaret
Johnston. Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Hopkins
and Mra Johnson were appointed to
look into tha matter and call a meet
ing the County Woman's Christian
Temperance Union in th near future
to consider th matter further. It was
conceded that whatever Multnomah
County Woman's Christian Temperance
Union decided on would be Indorsed by
the Oregon State Convention, which
meets In Medford next month.
Officers Are Rlected.
At the election of offlceers for the
ensuing year Mrs. Mary Mallett was re
elected president over her protest, but
accepted aa a duty. The other officers
were Mrs.- Margaret Houston, vice
president; Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, re
cording secretary; Mrs. Ella O. Hlmes,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth
Dalgllsh, treasurer. Mra. Rachel Kelly
waa elected delegate to the state con
vention. It was voted that Mra Mary
Mallett, county president, be sent to
the state convention at the expense of
the county.
Addresses were given In the after
noon and evening by Mrs. M. N. fileeth
and Mrs. Annie Robblns, the latter
speaking on "Life in Manila," which
was illustrated by curios from the
Philippine Islands. -
la-, jaar
OF all America.! Inventions
the National Cash Register
is the widest used.
It is found wherever men are found
buying and selling in every civilized
country on the globe.
It speaks the universal language of
It thinks with a brain of steel it never
forgets a detail of 'a transaction. ,
No single device ever benefited so many
people in so many ways.
It has made a million merchants better
business men educated them in
method. It has made a
million storesful of clerks dependable.
It has helped to reduce retail prices by
stopping leaks and checking losses.
The National Cash Register protects
the customer, the merchant and his
Over One Million Ha-ro Been Sold
The National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio
E. T. KELLEY, Sales Agent,
354 Burnsido Street, Portland, Or.
, Pair Forfeits $750 BsJL
Albert Oautler, who was to have had
his preliminary hearing on a state
charge jointly with Ooldle Gray, propri
etress of the Richelieu rooming-house,
in the Municipal Court yesterday, failed
to appear with the woman and the 750
ball which Gautier had deposited was
declared forfeited. A bench warrant
was issued for them. Gautier, for
whose arrest there was also a warrant
In the hands of the police on a similar
charge made in an indictment by 'the
last grand Jury, appeared in the Circuit
Court yesterday and gave bonds for
$1000. Because the indictment against
him was drawn under a statute de
clared invalid by Judge Cleland when
he was on the bench, it is probable that
the first charge against him will be
Star Theater Features Abe Lincoln
Wartime Pictures.
"Under One Flagr at Last." a mili
tary photoplay featured yestffday at
the Star Theater, has an added charm
In that there is in It a reallstio por-
trayel of Abraham Lincoln.
"The Lifesaver" contains several
healthy thrills, while "An Unknown
Language" provides genuine comedy as
distinguished from senseless slap-stick
horseplay. Parisian styles In wo
men's gowns offered a novelty. Vin
cent's song and the cowboy banjolst
Th Arcade's patrons saw "Saved
Prom the Torrents," a railroad picture,
showing how a woman's wit saved
hundreds from death. "Dan the Dandy,
a- biograph comedy, contained real fun
In every square inch of film. "Losing to
Win" was also shown. African birds
and their enemies was an educational
picture and the coster singer appeared.
Unusually strong features will be
offered for the next Sunday change of
bill at all the first-run theaters.
The Bijou Theater will henceforth
feature educational pictures
Your Taste
WiU Tell You
ra. avx - - .awrVjaT
51T nwm
no otner beer Las tne deli
appetizing flavor of
SS-71 Sixth St.
Tea. Mala . M XSSI.
Tl Beer of Quality
Pabst exclusive 8-day malt and tKe Pabst
exclusive process of brewing" maki
a clean, ricn, wholesome beverai
that creates a hearty appetite
and aids digestion.
Order a case today.
The Fountain Head of Life ft
Is The Stomachu
A 1 ..'J miMa.r f 1 1 1 1 i il i anri wiui dnM nnt ?
property digest his food will soon find that hi blood has beoome
weak and impoverished, and that bis whole body is improperly aoa
inaufioiantly BOwiehed.
isatti fke stomach atroBi. promote tba now of
dl&mattn trices, reororws the tout mpPttto, makes
assimilation perfect, tariiorates the llrer aad
parities and enriches the hjood. It is the treat hioodmatcer,
flesh-halider aad restorattre oerre tonic Mt makes men
atroai tm bodr, aetire ta mhod mad coot ta lodgement.
This Disoowery " is a pore, flyoeoo extract of American medical roots,
absoWefy free from sioohoi and all injurious, habit-iorming' drugs. AH its
ingredients are printed on its wrappers. It ha bo relationship with siorU
nostrums, hs every ingredient is eodorsed by the leaders in an the school of
medicine. Don't accept a secret nostrum as a aubstknte for this time-proven
remedy o known composition. Ass rotm nsighsors. They most know of
many cxtree made by it during past 40 years, right in yoer own neighborhood.
World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Pre., Boaalo, N. Y.
Speed Up Production
Each machine in your shop is an investment
its profit' is determined by the quantity and
quality of the work jt does.
Speed is the Important factor in making your
factory profitable. It is very hard to keep
machines up to speed with belt and line
shaft drive. The belts will slip on glazed
spots, will "crown' and convey the starting
jerks of one machine to others.
Delicate work is broken or marred by these
jerk3 and production is reduced by the
lowered speed.
Electric motors, using our power service,
will increase your production jo to 50 and
reduce your power cost.
Write or 'phone for our representative who
will demonstrate these facts in dollars and cents.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Electric Building, Seventh and Alder Streets.
Phones Main 6688 and A-613L