THE MORXTN'G OREGON! Ay. We've a Copy of Our New 130-Page Fall and Winter Catalog for Every Home in the Northwest-jend Today for Yours MEIER & FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. MEIER & FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK CO, 5th, 6th, MORRISON & ALDER. What I Without' Stocks, Value, Service? Second Day of Fall Notion Sale ...... . . arara nut VTMOWL. A Mm a arcr-.. A CIlXIPhJIBtT FlrOOR- ESTERDAY saw throngs of professional and home sewers in our First Floor Notion Section, who partici pated in this great semi-annual event An almost endless number ! n,.... imftciida in evervthine needed by Fall Bewers. Read every item it ' worth -while. 5c Spool Oak Thread Free We've secured'lOOO Spools of Charter Oak Thread to give away v xHth verv 25c imrchase of notions in this Bale. Flenty for those who come today. Our price for - q 25 C this 6plendid . 6-cord sewing a Wmrtt14 Bmattms CMtm, apaal Be Draaa Butlms Cottaa, ! B atlas's Baatlnc Caa. aa. 5e 4o Clarfc'a a Piaa,a Tarad, aa. SSo Ok nmi, 10-T. ap-ala, 4m. 43, each 4a. CarlaBCau IN Silk. 4m. SOe, S at SSo. CariaB.a-Crr1rTB 11 Superior Silk. 4 os. -U- rack Me. Carla-a-Carrlr-a Vi.. Tallora' aaad arwlaa all, baa 3.0l rack Jc Klclaert'a 33 Jaaa Draaa Shield, pair loo. Ball at Bwlik'if" HI " Kraa 4.1 aa4 S3. Faraaa adtaatea Baaaaaro- meat a far Sac. SOe TbI1bb Caavas Caat raraaa, aka4 collar. 4o. SOe Baa raraaa af krat fcal dMa, aalr awe. Satlaa, yard lahiwrlakt Caawua pair at ac. , IBe kaal4cr Fraaa. aairlal. aair. ai w. ft Bridlaa-a IJalaa oe atrlaed Cartea Uatlaca, am taraea wMr, . B3l Taffeta llk Skirt Pleaimera, aBaelal 91. The Hooks and Eyes rjorraa Heaka aa4 Eyaa, rar4 4c TO laa'r llaaka aa4 Eraa, aa 3o. cara 4c. Mr F. Brial Haeka aa Eyca, arraaa 33 Sfi car4 4a. lac Velacr-a llaaka aa4 Ei 4aa. 7 oe rack To. The Tape Specials te Cottaa Tap. -T- roiia, a "T IW Blackra Uaea Tap ap'l ,. ZSe Tape. Vt la. 84-74. rail 16e 23 DreeaaiakeCa Dellskt Oaaaea Me'VreTeeeleauU Ideal Gaaea 39 Skirt Bandings-Beltings Taaloa'a Sktrt Baadlac, kal 40a, Cetaa Bcltlasa. kel lSe. y4 Se Silk Balllaca, kU TSe. yar 10a The Cube Pin Specials 10e Urn Black Jet Ptaa, eake Be le Urtt Aaeerte4 Faacy fimm, rake Be. , . tm Small Black Plaa eaae aalr a Waist and Collar Bones IZHa ratcaaa Walataaaee, ka IB"?! Ik v a lat be ma, Vex at Sl-SS, yar4 13e. . lee 01 Ik Cellar Base, kex SOo, yar4 Se. Collar Supporters 10a Icrra Cellar Sopertere, apl Be 10a raarlbeae Collar Stajra, apl Be Needle and Pin Speials Se Mllward'e If eedlea, dom. pa. 40e, rack 4c. Se Daralna- Pfcedlca, all alaca. Se loe niraiH iw.wp. rebe Te. i Ptaa. aaaer. at aalr Se IBe Ireeaaaker'e Ptaa, Va-poaad aoxra 15c. Adaxnaatlae Plaa, doeea paper, Be Lwkct Safctr Pne ed. lOe CnaaHa ut riaaj - Miscellaneous Notions e Sbcll Hair Plaa, doaea loe U lre Hair Plaa, doaea paper lje lOe Weed Cahlaef Hair Plaa 6e lOe Faacy Iaral( Tkread. apT Be 10c Natural aad Jet Hat Plaa tarce im - 2Be Stepbeaaoa'a Walat Belta lOe cotton is Kletaarrs 3Se pair IPO. Klelaerta Z5e Faatkarwetat galelda, pair 30e. tUelnerfa BOe Eataa Dim Ski el da. pair SSe. Kalad'a BOe Bolera A4JaetakIa Sblelda, pair BSe. SSe Kalaaeok Ooeid Oreaa Sbielaa, pair lite. Onto BOe Knave Self - Adjaatlaa; Sblclda, pair SSe. Oaae SOe Reaalar W alaaook Drill Sblelda, pair 33e. US Boat aad Hip Forma, ajn Sl-14 SSe Prima Doaaa Plaa, a aez ue Aabeatea Irea Holdera, apl at Se 25e Cblldrea'a Boa Snppertera, pair lOe. lOe Hair Neta la tabea, apl at Bo lOe Mothcr'a Irealaa; Wax at Be SOe Tubular Sbee Laeea, deaea palra 10c. SOe Staadrite Skonlder Branca, pair SBe. SBe Waabable S a a 1 1 a r r Hair Roll! 19c L V. Tape Boat Battoaa, eack Be Cblldrea'a Petticoat Baada at Be Se Robber MtillBI Tlaane, a package So. loe Tape Mcaanrra, apl at oalr Be IroalBK Corer Stretchera, ap'l lOe 1.1c Llng-erle Braids, apt bolt lOe Rlbboa Wire Flate, tbe bolt Be 5c Hair Nets, 8 lor 25c Qnlfe aa popular aa the real Hair Neta. Corae la all ahadca aad extra larce slae. Be Keta, apo dal, today, 8 (or ZSe. - x V KC TTon-eo nf catiefncfiATi nf THIS big store stands as a monument oi pruui. ui w """- service, of selectionl . , ,. , Paper is patient-a Uttle, meager selection of merchandise may be advertised in the most glowing terms. Please do not think it is in a spirit of boastfulness that we attribute The Meier & Frank Store's amazing growth to its backing up oi every aaverusea Buneuicut 7? , as the largest and most complete in the West. With service that always satisfies, with value-giving that is always the wonder of patrons and merchants alike. , , ,, , . There can be no dissatisfaction at. Meier & Frank sthat is ever our watchwordl' The 'M. Muisins:-Wear" Contest Reo-inning 9:30 ISnturdavSW. $5, S3 Cash Prizes THE happy little Munsingites greet you these days on the billboards, in the newspapers, in the show windows, at the Underwear Counters everywhere. . . , And eirls and boys for miles around have been stirred mto action by 4ua 8ui iu j nt .l,;imn with $10. & the unique jaunsmwear uuewiuis vu T V . and $3 cash prizes, besides a beautiful cut-out doll for every contestant, t. 5n u. ! aA at . tvmr1 Wth on the first floor, beginning . , : TU. mil tinmhsniil nnnsefintivelv. at :oU oaruraay mormuij. ij " , " : eo xnai snouiu wjcio ui i rate? cash prizes will be awarded to the three guessers received first. Women's $1.25 and $1.50 Union Suits 98c Women's fine Winter weight Munsing Union Suits with - . . . 1 a. 1 . 1aVTVi hiffh or low necK, long or snon sieeves, humo u6 At B3.B0 Men's medium weight natural worsted Mtinslna; Union Suits. At S4.O0 Men's heavy ana medium weight worsted At Sc Wo mens heavy Munsing: vests ana jrmni. Out sizes, 76c At S1-7B Women's wool ana cotton mixed Munsing Suits. , At S2.2S Women s tine white wool and lisle Mun sing; Union Suits. At S.1 J50 W o m e n s heavy white lisle Munsing- Union Suits. Out sizes J4.00. Children's Mnnalnawear. At BOc Children's tine ribbed white cotton Munetng Fleeced Vests and Pants, 1 to lb years, uui bism, wu. Munstngr Union Suite. ManalnKwear for Boys. At SI and S1.2S Boys' ecru Fleeced Munsing; Union Suits. At Bl-2fJ C h 1 1 d r e n's fine ribbed white cotton Mun sing; Union Suits; drop At SBe Children's white and fray ribbed wool Vests and ants. Out sizes, tl. Mnnstnerwear for Men. At flJJO Men'e gray or ecra Fleeced Cotton Munsing Union Suits. At 82JSO Men's gray Worsted ribbed Munsing- Union Suits. At 83.00 Men's lisle or white and natural worsted Union Suits. At S1JS0 Boys heavy natur al gray wool Union Suits. At $1.75 B oys' medium weight Worsted Union Suits. Enjoy the World's Famous Art ists in Your Own Home! THROUGH the long Winter season, you'll realize no end of enjoyment from the modern Talking Ma chine! Close your eyes yes, here is Alice Lloyd, that dainty English comedienne, singing the songs just as she does in vaudeville. Mont gomery and Stone tell their latest jokes, in that quaint eccentrio way that's made them famous. Then all the song-birds of Grand Opera Caruso. Tetrazzini, Neilson, Bonci, Schumann-Heink, MoCor mack, sing for you the operas just as they are heard in New York. A small Payment Sends Any Victor or Columbia Machine to Your Home. Then you pay on the Club Plan No interest- See the new "Table that Talks," the superb . Columbia Grafonola Eegent, at $125, $150 and $200. A s? 1 a fViAra "Vi an A Cn nm- bia Hornless Machines at $50 up. J Capture of Fine Belt Strips! MEIER 4 FRANK'S TOtST k LOOK. COME today and expect to find sample belt lengths of beautiful tinseled, embossed, bead ed and fancy Beltings at a half and a third their regular worth. We took all the 6ample and sur plus Beltings the big New York house had on hand. Both elastic and non-elastic, mostly in belt lengths, divided into three lots for todays Belt Lengths worth 35c in to 75c, on sale now only Belt Lengths worth 75c 01 to $1.50, on sale at only Belt Lengths worth OQ $1.50 to $2.50 for only O?- The De Bevoise Brassieres Ml F MEIER a FRAJfK'S SECOITO FLOOR. IRST the corset, then the "Rrnssiera and crown. Wom en have come to know that the form fitting and figure-forming Brassieres are essential to the perfect contour of the figure. "Wear a De Bevoise and every line of beauty will be enhanced until any possible defects will become invisible. Youll be delighted with the beautiful, unbroken lines from shoulder to waist effected in wearing one of these perfectly-boned corset covers. Remarkably well made of fine qual ity cambric, trimmed in laces, embroid eries and ribbons. They're splendid for the snng fitting one-piece gowns of the day. 75o De Bevoise Brassieres, only 49 $1.00 De Bevoise Brassieres, only 73 DeBevois ORDER BY MAIL Mrirn x. ITU ANK'S FIRST FLOOR ITaaVtavz av .-- mjE famous R. & S. Irish Silk-and-Wool Poplins were never in such high demand as now, for, lovely T-xiXii.iiuuus iv. tt; j,Qecoa nwna fnv the debutante, frocks for n . atternoon ana eveiiiu ujoo, ""tS'Sm to2Xv th, ,litU, of woo! wift th. browns, the new Coronation purple, new grays, u., c K In detail & .n I . Boraerea ropims R. &. S. Plain Poplins 43 Inches Wide, $1.50 R. & S. Silk-and-wool Pop lins, 43 inches wide, in plain colors and pretty self-woven Jacquarded designs in all Fall shades, (tl CO,theyd.5lOU R. & S. Fancy Poplins 44 Inches Wide, $2.00 Handsome new R. & S. Jacquarded - silk-and-wool Poplins in a range ,of ex quisite shades that fairly challenge the rainbow. d?0 50 Inches Wide, $2.00 1 Still foremost in Fashion's favor for Autumn are the beautiful bordered designs, j aa shnwn in new K. & S. "Pnll 50-inch with1 satin and Jacquarded tfJO The Home Beautiful YOU go to a professional man and expect to pay for home, the Decorating hi advioe But in knowlcdgo beautifying the of our Interior F.xTwrts is at Tour command without a cent of eitra rCarge. More definitely, we are g'.ad to send one of these experts to your home to go over with you any special scheme or idea of decoratinir you may have. Whether or not we do this work for you, there is no charge for the advice. See the beautiful new Autumn do signs in Carpets Wall Taper, Ilanginirs and even Furniture, all to match. We are also equipped for the re-upholstering and re-finishing of furniture, at moderate prices. Just telephone or drop a card and one of our experts will calL The Harvest Sewing Machine Club Easy Payments $2.00 Now and $1.00 a Week J EI Ell at FRA.XK-S THrRB FLOOR. ORDER BT MAII- TTA1F, was when a GOOD Sewing Machine couia not be bought under $50 or $60 even in these modern days some machines are sold at such prices, but not because better machines cannot be had for less. We challenge you to find a handsomer, more modern, easier-running or dependable Machine at any price than our Model 1430 "Willamette Rotary at $3o on the Club Flan, $2 now and $1 a week, . . And you may place the same readability in a Willamette Machine at any price, whether $20, $23.50, $26.50 or $32.50. Come in today and let our lady Sewing Machine expert demonstrate to you the many superior points of the v li- laRmember, you pay only $2 at purchase and $1 a week no interest or extra charge whatever. The "WILLAMETTE Number 124. $23.50 Sweaters on Basement Bargain Square To $2.50 Grades 89c . . a i J Vr .fnoJ-nwrr A BIG Jvnit Goods manuiacmrer morea ius lmwij from Philadelphia to New. York. But he didn 't want to move the stock of Sweater Coats he had on hand- rather clear them out, even at a loss, and start out anew !in the New York factory. f We bought over two thousand Men's and "Women's C- ,- i3 o nVivnr Vial f TVri(?fi- Most of them are OWCUlCi VWtllo Clb vv x 1 50. ft2 and $2.50 Grades, made of warm wool yarn in I l-rnni irrav vntll TCCl ana Diue tiiiii- mings also solid colors of blue, red, maroon, Oxford, brown, etc. With or without pockets, "V" f g neck or high collar styles. Today on the Base- Oi ment Bargain Square, 51.50 to t?ov oweaters Childs' $1.50Sweaters 69c mm Grocery Specials W5 can mention but a fraction of the hundreds and hund reds of special offerings in the Sale of Pure Food Groceries. Butternut Butter, 2 pounds 69c Grizzly Bluff Butter, 2 lbs. 59c Boyal Banquet Butter, 2 lbs. 67c M. & F. Special Coffee, lb. 23o Meierfrank Superior Coffee, S7c Early Dawn Steel Cut Coffee, 32c Boyal Banquet Steel Cut Coffee, 47c Wadco Steel Cut Coffee, lVa lb. 55c Shaker or Ivory ..Salt. pkg-. 8c R. S. V. P. Salt, package at 8c Japanese Brooms, each at 15c Burnham's Jellycon, package, 7c Fall Sale of House Wares Continued! T H0USAKDS of homes are being replenished lor 47 'ids of staple T in this great Semi-Annual Sale of Housewares! XfScS " needs-Graniteare, Tinware,, WiUowware, en ; Oee IUli-pago ftiuiuuiiiicaa-w-i v Royal Steel Craniteware 40o Granite Dishpans, only 32 60c Granite Dishpans, only 39 60c Granite Dishpans, only 52 25o Granite Coffee Pots at 19 30c Granite Coffee Pots, at 34J 40c Granite Coffee Pots, at 33 85c Granite Eice Boilers at 68J 25c Granite Wash Basin, at 19 60c Granite Tea Kettles at 4S 18o Granite Lip. Kettles, at 15ifr 23o Lip. Granite Kettles, at 18 10c Granite Milk Pans, at 8 15o Granite Milk Pans, at 12 17c Granite Pudding Pans, 14f 25c Granite Pudding Pans 19 25c Lipped Sauce Pans, at 19 17c Lipped Sauce Pans, at 14 The Tinware Specials $35 Galv. Ash Cans, at $2.59 $115 Bread Boxes, at only 92 40c Japanned Coal Hods, at 33 25c Tin Muffin Pans, only 19 35o Tin Egg Poachers for 28 12p Tin Cooking Spoons, at 10 8c Tin runnels, special v mn Tjnst Pans, snecial only c 25o Oil Cans, gallon size, at 19c4 12o Loaf Bread rans, oniy xvr? Mn oWoTiflr Bread Pans for 16J 7 Tin Milk Pans. 3-auart. at 5 12o Tin Pudding Pans, 5-qt. 10 40o Tin Dish Pans, 14-qut. 34? The Laundry Supplies 1 rtn fiornot. T? pater s at only 12c 3c Wire Potato Mashers, at 2p 10c Potato Mashers, at only 8 10c Wire Clothes Hook, at 8 1 0n Dover Effsr Beaters, only St 35c PoUto Eicer, now only 28 15c Steak Hammer, at only 12 15c Chop Knives, special at'12 25c Eope Clotheslines, only 19 . i rf-a j. 20c Wire Clotnesiine, oniy ioc 15c Stove Mittens, special 12 iRn Austin Coffee Batrs. at 12c 10c Can Opener, special only 8 10c Tack Pullers, now oniy oc inrs Parins' Knives, at only 8c 40c Butcher Knives, only 32 50c Baking Shells, now at -y 10c Apple Corers, now only 8 Rn nnnkinflr Forks, now onlv 4c 40c Cooking Forks, at only 32 10c Cake Spoons, now oniy Wear- a ViirtT fm, wnrm Swp.itpr Coats for boys and girls came in this big purchase! All colors and combina- df tf tions: witii or without pockets. Regular $1.50 OC grades, in all 6izes, xoaay in uasemeut, a. I " . -- i II $1.50 Fold. Ironing Boards $1.19 $155 Cop. Bottom Boilers 99 7K fJalvanized Tubs, only 56 $6 Clothes Wringers, at 4.79 $155 Sad Irons, sex, oniy c $1 Willow Clothes Baskets 79 $12.50 Vac. Wash. Mach. $8.99 40c Glass Washboards, at 34 20c Galv. Water Pails, at 16 The Kitchen Ne'eds 25c Sink Strainers, at only 19 25c Extension Strainers, at 19t 30c Soup Strainers, at only 24 7c Tea Strainers, now only 5 15o Coffee Strainers, only 12 10c Wire Pot Chains, only 8 5c Egg Whips, special, only 4 f5c Flour Sifters, special 12 5c Soap, special, only 4 10c Tea Pot Stand, special 8 5o Picture Wire, special, only 4 m. Wr-.t-nre Hooks, at only 8c 10c Stove Lid Lifters, only 8 Ever" ) Aluminum m jf Kettles C!j0 for nT i?T The famoas "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Ware, that you've seen advertised in the maga zines. The modern cooking uten sils sanitary, easily cleaned, no scorching or burning. Regular $1 "Wear-Ever' 3-quart Lipped Kettles, in the Fall j- A Sale today at only, each OtC 55c "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Saucepans, one-quart size, at only30. 65c "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Saucepans, long-handled, 37 .9 9.K "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Omelet Pans, $1.49. If You Can't Come in Person, Order by Mail or Telephone