9 t the Monyiyo oregoxian. Thursday, septesiber 21. 1911. - WILSON TO LOSE JOB IN CABINET Early Retirement of Secretary of Agriculture Foreseen at Capital. PINCHOT INCIDENT CITED In Breaklnff Record tor Jxmg rrr k In PreldeB Body, Afri ca ItorUt Sera to Hw Broken Official Xeck. FT HARHT J. UROWW. OREOOMAN NEWS BrREAu, waehlngton. JUpt. r. President Tart a decision in the Wllsy case) has b generally Interpreted to foreshadow tha aarly retirement of Secretary Wilson from too Departmeat of Airloultnr, and tho itniilluMU retlrament of So licitor McCabo. Dr. Punlap. and tho members of tho personnel board aa well. That tho Preeldent wtll uao thla ono M aa JustlBcatlon for tho re moval of Feerelary Wilson, howorer. la not regarded as probable, for In a measure Secretary Wilson I sustained. In this affair. Tho strongest Indication that Sec retary Wilson will have to go lies In tho Intimation of tho President that the entire Department of Agriculture will havo to bo gone over and remod eled, and reflection upon Wllaon lying In the fact that he. aa head of tho de partment, haa allowed a condition of affalra to arise which hla superior can not countenance. Wlhn Haa Dmo Maenw Purina- hla long tenure of office. Sec retary Wllaon haa done a great deal to aid tho agriculturists of tho United States, and certainly 1m haa built up the Department ot Agriculture to pro portions of which ho hlmaelf never dreamed when he flrat entered tho Cab inet. But as the department .has grown It haa become unwieldy In Wilson's, handa: It la a bigger lnatltutlon than ho can direct, and hla laztty haa per mitted a number of hla farorlto aa alatanta to run things with a high hand and In violation of law. Therein Ilea tho chief reaaon for an ticipating Wllaon'a retirement. It may come voluntarily, and probably will, for tho President haa no deal re to cloaa ao lone a public career with a stain like dlamlaaaL But SO Wllaon must, and that before long. Wiley Case Ket oaly Oat. The Wiley caae la not tho flrat In atance where ttecretary wl'aon haa al lowed hla auburdinatea to "walk all uer iiliu.'" Tho Plnchot caae waa oven inure aggravating, and mere the tSec retary never ao much aa ralaed hla voire In protest. It waa calling- to him to have to take dictation from a bu reau chief, but he feared to proteat because he anticipated that auch a pro test might lead to hla own severance from the service, to ho remained qm-t and let Plnchot have hla way. It was this very lova for office that kept htm quiet In the Wiley controveray. lie waa afraid to assert his authority, because he believed that to do so mlgut end hla own tenure of of nee. Ulfford Plnchot. aa Chief Forester. was absolutely supreme In all matters aifectlnc hla bureau. Secretary Wllaon. Inauib by law empowered to super vise the work of that bureau, never so much aa chanced tho punctuation In any letter or order aent blm by pln chot. He alcned his name at the place Indicated by Plnchot. and Plnchot s will became virtual law. nilssal Moath CleaedL Wllaon. with hla eyes wide open, saw Plnchot usurping authority which Con crese specifically conferred on other v.'nciala. but he said nothlnc. Kather, wben approval or authority from tho Secretary of Agriculture was necessary. Wilson eigned his name, and stood for everything Plnchot wanted. Of course, this waa policy under toe Kooaevelt Administration. If Wilson was willing to be walked over In order to hold his Job. for once Wllaon crossed swords with Plnchot. It was a safe bet that President Roosevelt would sustain the Forester, and necessitate tho humilia tion If nt the actual retirement of the Secretary, but had such an occasion arisen. Wilson could have taken the stand for right, made public his rea sons, and put his enemies to route. That was what Dr. Wiley did. and yet It la a safe bet that Wiley would have been ousted by Secretary Wilson If hs had not made the facts public. Oaalas) A Bother Torrer." In the Wiley case Secretary Wlison wa. for a time, terrorised by another ttnoeevelt appointee. Dr. Dunlap. who. while associate chemist, waa permitted to usurp the authority of the chemist, and thus the assistant head of the bureau became superior to the chief. Dr. Dunlap was appointed by direction of President Roosevelt; according to lriends. he waa appointed for tho epe i lie purpose of "getting something on Wiley." for Roosevelt waa no admirer f the pure food expert, and having been appointed under such circum stances. Secretary Wilson, to save hla own Jon. allowed Dunlap to run Wiley, and never a word ot protest did he irake. not even after the change of Administration. He ruld have stopped ths Wiley squabble In a minute by showing Dr. Dunlap "his place." or by Instructing McCabe to perform only those duties Utd down for him by law. But ha did not do this; he wanted to hang onto Ms Job; he was afraid to do what he knew was right, and Instead of up holding the man who Is now austalned br ths President, he allowed Dunlap, McCabe. and even the personnel board. -made up of departmental nonentities. -to override the brainiest man la the ' Department of Agriculture. Secretary Wilson's life ambition, ap parently, was to break the record for long Cabinet service. He has broken t a I record, and In tho doing ha broke his official neck. station B to Hare New Qaartera. ;- OREGOXIAN SEWS BCREAC. Wash. ! Ington. Sept. I Station B of the Port- land postufflce wtll move Into new t cuarters on the south side of Russell , street, between I'nlon avenue and ast ' Seventh street, which have been leased '. for tea years from December 10. from - William Und. the owner. Tba leaaa re ? quire the owner to provide equipment -f"r a postal bank whenever required. Red Oroea Appears for Pood. NEW YORK. Sept. 14 An appeal for l-nmedtate contributions to a fund fur the relief of famine sufferers la China was aent out broadcast la New Tork today by the Red Cross. NOW IT'S THE SHOE TEUST. WARISSENSATIDNA L Boise Court Scene of Trial of Land Contest. JUGGLING TRICK ALLEGED Bray Brothers Asserted to Have) Con fronted Prosecution' Star Wit ness, Who Wished H Waa on "Other Side of Earth." DOKr t.i. ho Sent. J9. (Special.) Senaatlon followed sensation today In the Federal Court hero during- the trial v-. . k .. n . n,4 tc Bray and Walter Kyle, charged with conspiracy to acquire Oovernmeni nnmcmr.u and to deprive an entryman out of a civil right, for It was the first oppor tunity the defense had been given to deny the charge of the Government. , .... ..i. not onlv threw the anu iu . t , lie Into the teeth of the prosecution s star witness. t ri nui.-.. . " farther, declaring- that he. as their at torney, violated a trust and tricked them In the Juggling of the land. Hulser Is a prominent attorney Here, and the chare made by tha defend ants created a profound sensation among th legal profession. It was upon hla testimony the defendants were twice indicted. He declared on. the wltneaa atand that th Brays took advantage of his employment as their attorney, locked him In a room In a Boise hotel and. placing a gun next to his heart, threatened to kill him in stantly if he did not acknowledce a forged relinquishment to a valuable homestead entry held by William Wal ter Selby. Th Brays denied Huleer's charge. They said that Hulser was retained by them as attorney, and he tried to and did trick them out of the land; that later they demanded payment and h (rave them 11175. Then he represented to them he would secure the relinquish ment, and they returned the note. Vnder Hulser's direction. Kyi forged Selby's name to the relinquishment and the Brays witnessed It. The paper waa sold to Horace Bray for 11000. but upon Hulser's notification the land offlc refused to accept It- Tricked again, they assert, the Brays confronted Hulser. and he threw up his hands In despair and said. "I wish to God I was oa th other side of the earth." CHAMP CLARK OPTIMISTIC Speaker Says Democratic Party Is at Last on Verjje of Victory. UAWRENCEBCRG. Ky.. Sept. JO. Triumphant Democracy Is now th re sounding theme of every tongue. Af ter 17 years of wandering In the wil derness, we this day stsnd upon Mount Victory and look Into the promised land, which we shall nter and poaaeaa In 111." So declared Champ Clark. Speaker of th National House of Representatives. In an address here today. Mr. Clark was born near Lawrenceburg. March 7. 10. and until today had not been there since he taught a country school, jlls ex-puplls acted as his escort. ARMY INCREASE WANTED ary Stlmson Would Increase Standing Ftorre to 89,090. WASHINGTON. Sept. 10. The United States Army In the next fiscal year will number approximately 11.000 offi cers and enlisted men. Th estimates of Secretary of War Stlmeon and Major-Oeneral Leonard Wood. Chief of Staff of the Army, make provision for an Increase of 4000 men. At present the Army numbers 7s.it enlisted men. STJ1 Philippine scouts and IO0S commissioned officers. superintendent of the Alaska missions of the Methodist Church, were mile known here tonight. Th exact charges were, first: Fa rored Issuing; a aaloon llcens to one John Sloe, less than 400 feet of the church, receiving; $1000 for writing a letter and In stating that no member of his congregation objected to having the saloon there; second, renting a house knowingly for Immoral pur poses; third, failure to account tor moneys contributed for building Meth odist Episcopal Church at Fairbanks; fourth, various falsifications aa to church funds: fifth, embexxlement of S400 balance due church when he left; sixth, after restaurants and hotels In Fairbanks had been burned May, 1908, Parsons served refreshments to flre flghtera at exorbitant rates and never accounted to any on for funds so taken; ieventh, peddling: eg-ga to wo men of Tedllghf district; eighth, charglnc extremely usurous rates of Interest on money oontrary to laws of United States and humanity; tenth, rented picture machine from saloon and gav exhibition of bull-flght In church. It la said that the Fairbanke congre gation la aolldly favoring Parsona In the matter. Bishop Charles W. Smith will be Jnda-e at the trial. SCHOONER RAMS BARGE ADVANCE CRASHES INTO STAND ARD OIL SCOW IX FOG. MINISTER TO STAND TRIAL Serious Char ires Preferred Agalntt Rev. John Tai-eons, Methodist. SALEM. Or.. Sept. 10. (Special.) Charge preferred against Rev. John Parsons, to years old. for three yeara Collision at Sea Occurs Off Cliff llonse Near Gold-n Gate Both Vessels Are Badly Stove Vp. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. JO. (Spe cial.) While groping her way In the thick fog outside the harbor this mornlnr. the schooner Advance, bound from San Francisco to th Coqullle River, crashed into th Standard Oil bare No. 3, In tow of the steamer Atlas, three miles off th Cliff House. The barg waa badly damaged. The extent of the damage to the schooner Is unknown, but It is thought that she will be forced to return to port for re palrs. Th Advance Is a small schooner. In command of Captain Ac'dlnser, and owned by Charlea F. Doe A Company. Her distress was reported by wireless and a tug was sent to her assistance. She left port last night. The fog wa ao dens that ah anchored outald the heads. When the fog cleared slightly this morning, under a favorable wind, tho achooner got under way. She had not fh-oceeded far when she ran Into a thick foe bank again and collided with the barce The Advance carries a crew of eight mea. Coast vessels Inbound had to proceed with great caution on account of the fog. STUBB5 " WILL. QUIT Official of Harriman Lines to Leave Service January 1. BOYHOOD HOME IS HAVEN Wll-Knovm Railroad Man W1U Go Back to Ohio When Work la Ended Road System to Tjn dergo Change Then. CHICAGO. Sept. 20. (Special.) John C. fltubbs, vice-president and director of traffic of the Harriman lines. -will retire January 1. Announcement to this effect was made- today, but no statement has yet been issued regard ing his successor. Mr. Stubbs declined to discuss his retirement today, beyond admitting; that he would withdraw from the aerv- Ice of the Harriman lines at the ba rlnnlnur of next year and move to Ash land, Ohio, where he wa born May tU 1847. With the retirement of Mr. Stubbs it Is believed that there will be Important changes in ths management of Harriman roads. Robert S. Lovett, president of th Harriman lines, announced soma time -o that rearranarement in the per- PILES QUICKLY CURED Instant Belief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to AH in Plain Wrapper. We want every man and woman, suf fering; from the excruciating tortur of plies to Just tend their name and ad dress to us and get by return mail a free trial package of the most effective and positive cure ever known for this disease. Pyramid Pile Cure, Th way to prov what this great remedy will do In your own case. Is to Just fill out fr coupon and end to us and you will get by return mail a fre sampla of Pyramid Pile Cur. Then after you have proven to your self what it can do, you will go to th druggist and get a 60 cent box. Don't undergo aa operation. Opera tions are rarely a sujeess and often lead to terrible consequences. Pyramid Pile Cure reduces all Inflammation. inn. Irritation. Itching, sores and ulcers disappear uu m piles simply quit. For sale at all drug stores at B0 cents a box. , TWO BATTLESHIPS. ASKED Estlmatea for Maintenance or Xavy Are Being Prepared. WASHINGTON. Sept 10. Estimates for the maintenance of the Navy for the next fiscal year have been com pleted with one Important exception, the provision for the construction of new shlpa It s pretty well understood that tha Secretary wtll adhere to the pro gramme of the last few yeara and auggest to Congreaa th addition of two ftrat-claas battleships and a cor responding number of submarines, tor pedoboat destroyers, colliers and auxiliaries. Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system. Syrup of Pigs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial in all races in which a wholesome, strenirth- ; ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly sale at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation ao promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the. full name of the CompanyCalifornia Pig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every trackage of the senuine Svtud of Figs i and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cento per bottle. WHY MOST SHAMPOOS RUIN THE HAIR Wa quote as follows from th Bos ton World, on "Car of th Hair," by Ma Martyn: "Th reason for th cant, unattractlv tresses of most women lies In th persistent us of Injurious shampoos. Fw reallx that aoap shampoos do more harm than good. The deadly alkali In soap Is too strong for the hair, causing It to streak and become Ufele. Such shampoos can only result fatally to the hair. Dry Powders also ar bad. aa they clog up th scalp pores and cause dandruff. "A perfectly safe shampoo Is made by dissolvtnc a tesspoonful of can throx In a cup of hot water. Thla rleanaea perfectly, drlea quickly with out streaking, and leaves th hair bright, fluffy and eaey to do up. It Is th surest preventive of baldness ever dlevovered." Adv. MADE IN . OREGON IV us only finest grade at materials ind exp art w o r kman itaip. N a e better ballL All elses, both fir and burglar proof. Lav ceet Ittit aa th C a a t Ins paction Invited. Call or write. To respo&atblf parlies are extend liberal credit. Pacific Coast Safe & Vault Works SALESROOM SO THIRD STREET. FACTORY, KKMTOX, OR. lliOT Nothing but Good Reports from REN TON COAL Sold Thirty-five Tears Under One Samr Renton. Kow on Portland Market. Main 65. Overtoil Fuel Co. A-1665, clusiva Agent. FREE PACKAGE COtJPOW nil out the blank lines below with your name and address, cut out coupon and mail to the PTRAMID rjiRta COMPANY, 164 Pyramid Bide- Marshall. Mich. A sample of the ereat Pyramid Pile Cure will then me sent you at one by mall, FREE, In plain wrapper. Nam. Street ...T City and State sonnel of officials of companies em braced In the Harriman system is under consideration. Mr. Stubbs enterea me railway eerv- ... i t i. i ceo a- ..lerlr In the ire in -i c i v n. j " " " - - - - general freight office of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati & Bt. iouis nauway v, lumbus, Ohio. Mr. Stubbs said some month agro he believed a man at his age should retire and rest. CHIROPRACTOR IS FREED Irving Tj. Tickner Released o Llcense Evidence Lacking. Irving L. Tickner. who was arrested last week, charged with practicing medicine without a license, was dis charged yesterday In Justice of the Peace Olson's department of the Jus tice court, and the case against him was dismissed on th grounds that there was not sufficient evidence against him. Tho main testimony against the ac cused was that given by Verna Den nis, who testified that he treated her with electricity. Tickner did not take th stand. Tickner is a chiropractor. People Who Need Glasses Should Wear Glasses This is not a patent medicine advertisement, but if your head aches, if your eyes tire, if your vision blurs, if your brain refuses to concentrate on the work you have to do it's time you had glasses. When it comes to glasses, come to us. "We can and will tell you the kind that will do your eyes the greatest amount of good and not recommend the kind that will yield us the greatest temporary profit. Our business depends on the confidence you lave in us. "We certainly will not wreck our busi ness by betraying that confidence. We are accountable to thou sands of persons we have supplied with glasses. We have their con fidence. Our methods, if you will investigate them, will inspire your confidence. Columbian Optical Co. 145 Sixth St., Selling Bldg., Between Alder and Morrison. Agents for Eastman's Kodaks and Supplies. Portland PrintingHouse Co. i. L. Wrtg-ht. Prea and Gm. Manses. Beek. Catalesa and Commercial PRINTING ftmllaur, Stadia and Blank Book M Ihoose: Main S201. A iiasl. Tsath and Tajlor Streets. Portland. Orse-on. GRAND CELEBRATION SPECIAL RATES - SPECIAL TRAIN TO GRAY'S HARBOR 1 (Aberdeen and Hoquiam) Saturday, September 23 Event is to celebrate the completion of the O.-W. R. & N. LINE Into Aberdeen and Hoquiam. Business men and citizens of Grays Harbor cities have in vited the Portland Commercial Club, Portland business men and citizens to accompany special train party to Grays Harbor. O.-W. R. & N. HAS MADE SPECIAL BATE: Portland to Hoquiam and return, $6.15. ' September 23d, limit September 25th. Proportionate rates from other cities. Special train will leave Portland 7:45 A. 1L, arriving at Grays Harbor for lunch, and returning will leave Grays Har bor at 5 :30 P. M., arriving Portland at 11 P. Join a Live Bunch and Visit Two Live Cities O.-W. R. & N. (LINE OF THE SHASTA LIMITED) All Trains Arrive and Depart from - Union Depot, foot of Sixth Street. City Ticket Office corner Third and Washington Streets. C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent. Telephones : Private Exchange 1, Home A-612L W. D. SKINNER, General Freight and Passenger Agent 9, Lpm PERFECT Sli Pew is used by people of refinement and endorsed by the Dental Profession SCHOOLS JuN'D COLLEGES. ?-r ''3 vim ma ms 1-Tt-WB-w a" DUUOlUUi Yc7FOIlTLAKD VSS7 O&JSGCWt GRADUATES CAN BE FOUND EVERYWHERE poijmVGTO SCHOOL A3 1T1E KEAgWi tvtl 1 nrJK Kt.'iaKHAMiti auiiEja-i Facts Worth Noting Best equipped business college in the Northwest. Individual instruction. Over a million dollars a year being earned by our former students. TwTCPTIfSSC SECURED rUK Muutruawntn, POST llOfW QMPETEHT WITHOUT CHARGE. BUSINESS COLLEGE Fourth Street, One-Half Block From Morrison, All downtown carlines 34 in number near our door. No trans fer necessary. 160 new typewriters. 1397 calls for help last year. ... Graduates guaranteed positions, or tuition refunded. Day and night sessions. , I- M. WALKER, PEES. O, A. BOSSEEMAN. MGR. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MAKES A MAX OF HTM. Bjs" Joseph", gallaghkb cs. c V . r.iculiT. Portland. Or. 8;hr PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION PJf-K 9 ket c h, illustration, MUSEUM OF ART, Fifth aad Taylor Streets. Portlaad, Or. k nh. nf cnmmircial art. color work and Illustration tught In actual working shop under the direc tion ot artists with practical expe rience. Call c.i writ for circular. 5U1-502 Behnke-Walker dia., 4th nd Yamhill. Portland. r.lQiOALofQ DEPARTnEf.TrTT Sigh mawdabb. isosoogh coubsm Session Begins Oct 2, 191L For cata logue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi, 610' Dekum Bldi?.. Portland Oregon. Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL, Teacher of piano. Rooms 300-l-2B Tilford Bldg., Tenth and Morrison. SCHOOL OF DIVINE SCIENCE COURSES ITi CHRISTIAN HEALING, SCIENCE OF SUCCESS, BIBLB SCIENCE OF NAMES AND NUMBERS. An efficient system of training, strengthening the mind, will, faith and Intuitional qualities. The greatest source of health, long, youthful life, happiness and prosperity lies In tha culture of your divine forces. Private and class training begin September 12, 1911. Write or call for particulars REV. PERRY. JOS. GREEN, 402 Maeerly Tlchner Bids-. Portland, Or. Office hours 1 to 5 P. M. Free lecture every Sunday 8 P. M. Maegly-Tichner building. Ideal Preparatory School for Girls. Admits to any college; unus ual advantages In Musie and Art. Complete course in Do mestio Science. Fine gym nasium. Splendidly located In a wholesome and Invigor ating climate. Individual in struction and home care. Get further , information and booklet from MISS JULIA P. BAILET, 820ft Pacific Ireaaa, Spokane, Weak. Portland Academy Opens Monday Sept. 1 1 Fits Boys and Girls for Colleae. A Primary and Grammar b, hool Included. Graduates entsr on examination Hanard, Princeton. Tale and Massachucetta Ii stltute of Tennoiogy: on certificates, Amherst, Cor nell, Smith, Vassar, Williams and colleges and universities of the Pacific Coast. Well equipped laboratories in chemistry and phy sics Field nrictlce in surveying. Depart ments in chlrse of college men and women. Classical, scientific, modern languagea and commercial courses. Gymnasium .undez skilled director. Track and Held athletics. Corner of Montgomery and Thirteenth. Sand for Catalogue. A i