19 TTTE MOKN'INO OltEGOXIAX. TITtTITSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 21. 1911. AT THE TOP SUGAR Jobbers Believe Market Will Go No Higher. COAST MARKET UNCHANGED Not Affected br Advance Qoowd by Arbnckle American Fxplaln Hih Price and Outline Ita Pollcj. The . la sugar. ',.'"1t Ten b, ArtU. Tuesday, f ."'"' br th. etaer r.rt.rs there "d " " M Th. trpr-1"a grawtn, that arte B.v. akwet th. up Urn" l spile My ebeacea aaay aaake. thoegk he the only refinar .M b" sugar for immediate v.ry. Art - tear. arware for delivery ea, Kaaura advlcee are tnat oon.un.pLlM ! heavy, bmt for Hamedieta reaolremeota. Tka elaa f forelga crop la e-.Ul " enaln. u uUI eometalng to definitely kaa-m te eateosaa. u erBr b" llewe that presee. arlaed wUl ke saatatained. Th. Aaaartcaa ansae Haftam. CoajMf ta mo following etatemeai: Tka ore. lass harvested la Cab .bow. a .klr?a? ioT.l tea. tram laa. prj- "uTirop-a direct 1e la our auowias. " .2. a. to the Called -meet ea7.u.tel. Ing-eoollnued heet and la k-ropa. 'V' J. ,h. uatoward uaa ,ad "f grewlag Beet sugar crop .1 r ance. Oar U.n. 2nd Austria that estimates of a re ife. e f from l.CO.'-OO 1..0O.0OO ton. w mora -early .o. f.fitt 1 a auppuea of Carer aro generally meda Thla tBre.t.a.4 scarcity kaa " eeaelve rpacuiatioa la auropo aad baa ad vaaeed IM eugar prlcae a L-eJoo aad Ham bars tho iMdiai sugar snarkeia of too io7d-l V coata'per pound ae. wBl.. growers of euna sugar, la tbe 'ee nf inlloua d.maad aad a certain ehort- .a. 0..1 product. "f4 .aaced th. prlcu of tn.lr product 1 mt pouad la taa oamo priod. TbV Amortcaa uar K.flaU ompanr m aot aaa aa aero of cano land, nor doaa It produca a pouad of raw uur; ,11 d.poad. for It auppll of raw auar apoa th. aro-.r. of Cuba. Porta Rico. tn. Phll t. !na. HaaU. Ja.a and oth.r .u.r eaua inoa. II h". a commoa with all otn.r r.?ln.ra at noma and abroad, ba com P.1S..I to aroro Ita ruppl from tnaa uurca at cnn.tantly adanr-ln prtcoa. Oa Juno 13 r oucar ooutd o aoeuraa at I p.r pound. bo e"rTT" .pond.r. prlc .a. i-tio P-r pound. Oa mo JgM data tll. company a OO'"" ,r.nu..l.d buiar.at .om p.r P"und n.u i, . rcnt auotntlona hao bm aa tun aa l f - pr pound not. A. r-i.rd. our poller. It wl'.l ba f-m th. prlca th.t hara falrlT mala, i. r.d a tal.o marrla botwaoa raw and r.fin.d .uaam. and -o bolfa It only Ju.t th.l tho jrocory trada of tha ooun lr ha. Hn.wlao malntaln.d a fair parity tn Iho ron.umor. Throughout tna rlaa our prlcoa ha.a fro n.nt.y !- fr..m WUo por I0O poaada ho. otbr rrinra. thia policy aln boon pu-.u1 rtiicnHT aad ild by .uppll-a whlca woro frtunatoly ndQUato ta ta pur. PsT. .hnro tho np which ..ct winnw ad .'ahtadiy .ntortaina. that tho kwa fa Kumpo ha ba rntl Itho actual fiIUfta ranaot ta bnoan bf"T. Ii"l" or January, aad that tha ralla upoa what nro n mo.t oclo.l.:y American aupplloa of raw ittcir will gradually dlmlatah. Happlty. th. domoatie aucar crop, prom la. (nod W I. and with Ih.lr rll. which ho alroady rommancad and which will M la full proa r. .a ra rVtobar. tha Mwnl flurry ahau:d dlaappoar. la tho aaaaattma our policy aa raaard. a roaaoaabla aaarala will ba eoauanad; II la dlrtatad aot an !y by a rocornition of our paeuiiar rota tloaahip ta tha w:faru of tha country' hoaaahoMa. bat aloa by food baalaaaa. for any daoldMl choca ra ronmimptlaa with a profit marrrta aa aarrow aa that la aucar rnnin could only aecaalow. hoary loaaaa ta aa rofiaara TSAD1 QVTXT HI All. GftAt SL1KXXT9 kbayara AaaMai tha lUwalt of tha ftxl prortty Tot a Trada wa ala ra all dapartm.nta of tha araia aaarkaL Buyara ara boldlnv back, paadraa tha raaalt ef tha rata aa Tuclprocttp ra Canada today, mcoa w.ra quotad bb chancad. Thar waa uttla dam and for whaat aa raltforata aconunt. but tha tnllU ra tha Kofrtkwaat aooia to ba fi:lod ap for tha proa aat. InqalrUa for hartay frara tha Kaat kava roaaad. paadlns tha ntt'.amant of tho rac tpraetty ajaaatloa. Laeal roeatpta. ta rara, wara roaartad by tha bfareaaata Eachantla aa folloai: Thw Harl.y Plear Oatl Hay Xoaday i:i T za 1 Tiud.r Ill 7 T T It Wadnaaday .... M 1 1 S T Taar 42 1 f 2 M 6aaoa ta data. 7 I 11 ana tto fij Taar aa 11:1 104 i dad wo urtrui rwrr ox most strkkt Poacaiaa, Mrdoaa aad Moat Klada af Crape Claws I a Wall. Local auppUaa of paachas ara cleaning p ra a aatlafaatory way at ataady pneaa. Grapaa aiao. mora fraoly. axcapt blaoka Thara la a d.maad for rood quality applaa, which ara la llht rupply. Tba Mock of malaaa which baa bona oa tha markot for aoraa tima paat baa bata raducad ta rmall proporuoaa. Thara ara atlll a aoad many cantaloupe, ta ba bad. bat tha market la aat avarloadad. Petaiaaa ara com In a la fra.'y. tha w.atb.r bota( Idaal for dlidnt. bat tha tnaxkat la raadi:y abaorbtag ail tba arrlTala. Tamatoaa aoatiaua acarca. light earn of baaanaa war duo taat nlghu Pawl try Baca4pt Lara. Poultry racolpts yaatarday wora largar taaa aaual. aad with buyara holding back, tha markat waa wcakar. ospaeiaJly aa cklckaaa. Egga raotlsuad firm at bo coata aa fruah Oragoaa Battor aad ch... wora firm aad as chaagod. Baak riosrtaga. rtask rraarfna of th .N'orthaaaT.ra rltl.a jMtarday w.ra aa follows: c .anna. F.Tnca Port'iad :!l Ivl yr::o 2.".'-'o; !.T1S T.m T::i- nl.l'.d bpak.na T.T'J ni.2P roTLA d xAurrs. tSraia. Hoar. t oad. Etc. wHAT rl liii: n'M-atem. Ilf aac- cuhk aoolc: r.l t-i.ian. c: Val ..j ' ft.'0 ic. -toid. Hi, firo. aogtua, rtdl R Pat.nta. 4-i j.r barra.: atra ju, . -i. wtn. l:. KJ. grafam. .aa; whoa wn.at. t.l. MtUXaTl rr Braa. .'.HvU par to; raial.lCf. :. oh-rta. w J CM. railad aar:.". txj !) CORN Wbj.a. erackrf. tad por aa tiRLir- Nw -. Ultll par taa; brow se. Ut ixi O ' par taa. OAIfr Now w&ata. t.' Por taa. HAT SCO timothy. tllCIt: Hi. I waiior. ti: aifa.fa. til. cla.or. tbaa; gra.a any. Idll. PCld-TRT H.aa. UHllfc prlnja 1H lc. c j. . young. .! ljaic.tar k.ra ldic ITItK OntM rroamary kattar. aaltd pa.-k. tic. pnalA. antra. t.hf Proah Orogoa ranch, aandlod. toa pa. doooa. CHIC.C Twlna trlplota aad daMlaa, Uf IlifC por poun.t j.iag Am.rtca. 14a ponK-lM't. II II Si o por pound. TEAic ran.y. UJUHe Pr pound. Treatable aJ Frwita. TTtOPTTAt. pwlIT Orarr-a. Hf .: par baa; Caiilaraia tranafrali. a.Itfl4; baaaaaa. ItJSn por pound: plnoapploa. dot par pound; rr. -.. t-1 6 1 iO por Kt PBESH TRCIT Tantaloapoa. Httll por orala: pncha. sua .c p.r ooa. -''-m.loaa, JJculLii Pr kundrwl: piuma. Tic p.r era..; prunoa. IWtH t.r pound: paara. SV81 f-r box; grayoa. ftOcCtl Por mm II Al Ti VEOETAFLC Baana lOe: rabbaaaa. 11 (.J per bundrcl.lhi; corn. "o doaaa; racumb.ia. tll" Par ack: - plant we por It. : gnr.lc. 10t lie por pound: l.tluca. 40 0 io Pr aoaau. mim latluco. tl-I'Vl 'i Per boa: pepparm, 'OM par pound: radiabaa. It par doaaa; toa to, sogTSc c.r box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrota. ILW Por aa'k: turnlpa. 1 : boata. 11.7a. POTATOK t'ragoa. 1 we I awaat potatoaa. Sio por pouad. ONMJ&ii California. tl-S par haadrad. HAMS 1 to II pounds. lime: 1 14 pounna. MH1X: 14 to 1 pounda 1 lSje: Id ta It pounds. ltl"S: .alaaad. lc; ptrntca, HSc; eottaga rail. 14 o. SMOKED MEATS Boat tonguoa. Tba: dnad boat sata. aaaai eutaidav aoaa; laaldaa. Be: knuckle. 11a. LARD K.itla roadarod. U.raaa. lt0 tuba. 14o; .tandard. tlareaa. lit a: tuba, 12Se: abortaatoK. tlarca le; tuba. bo. BACON raacy. 21c; ataadar. aa: cbsica, JJ-; Eng ish. iellc RT SALT CUBED K.gular short clear, dry salt. 1JV,C: imoird. USlc; backs, light, salt. Ua: amahed. 14 at: back, haary salt. 13Se: smok. 14 c; axporta, salt. 14c amokad. laic. SALMOM Columbia Hirer, l-pound talis. IX2S par doom: a-pound talla. 2-: pound data. t2.4d: Alaska pmk. 1 -pound talla. 11.2a. CorrEE Roasted, ta drama. UOMs P pound. . HONET Chalca. M.Tt par eaaa; straJaod baaay, io par pound. . SALT Oranulatod. $1 Pr tout kair ground. looa. s.M per too: Ada. tb par toa. Kl'TS Walnuta. lTHlta Pr pauad: Brasil aata. 14le: dlbarta, de: almoada, la Isc: pocaaa. ltc; cocoaauta. aocll par doaaa; rhoatauta. 12 Si o par pound; klchary auta tfyioe por pound. BEANS Small whit, dc; lsrg whtta, das Urns. ti pink, afca; rad Man leans. baya. fto. til l Na. 1 Japan. dHi absapar gradsa. IS. 58 4.13; Soutnara head. ?: Im ported Impartai. ftb.c; tin ported antra Ma, 1. TJla HOAo-Dry rraaulatad. tT bo; fro It and berry. 7.i; bael. t'.lo; sxtra C t-M; powdarad. barrels, 17.40: cubes, barrala, 7.75. URIED PRCTTS Apples. ltt401H par pouad; aprlcota, lc; poachoa. l4)lsl prune. Italian. 104 11c: silver, lbs; firs, wbll and black. 4)tHo: eurraata. 10 llo; ralslna loosa MuacataL bleached Thorn poo n. r.u: unbleached Sui aaaa, (We; aaeded. Itla Haaa. Waal aad Hide. HOPS nil stop. 11811c: olds, nominal. MOHAIR Ohoire. 14 II So per pound. WOOl- Kaal.ra Oregon. POld PO found, according ta shrinkage; Valley. IB lTo per pound. PELTS Dry. lOHe: lamba, 404o aaob; heartnra 2Atf40o ea-h. ri;Lc;d baited bides. 1 oe per pounut sauted calf, 1417o. salted kip. lOHo: aailad staga 4c: grr-ra hides, be; dry hldos. lbo dry calf lJOc: dry staa. 1101(a CAHCARA Psr pound, sc. Oil. I.IN'SEtD OIL Pur raw. la barrala, tei boiled. Itf barrola, c: raw. la caaaa. It sa; bollad. la eaee. tl.4. IlRPKXTlNt Cim. T4: wood barrala. Tine: iroa barrela 44c: 1 S-caae lota, Te. GASOLINE Motor gaeollB, lroa barrala. lTo. rases. 14c; 4 gaaallaa, lroa barrala, lc. caaaa. lac. COAL OIL Ordinary taat. caaaa, Idal ba h. la tank Ha BUYERS OFFER LESS LARfcE CATTLE T1ECKIPTS BRING rOVlX STEEK PKICES. Datrr Quote $5.50 a Top on Choice Hog Market It Good. Arrival frora California. Thr aaothvr rwxJ ran of cattT t th torfc r-rd y-.T-r.!.-- ryl mm m coni-qorTif- tvfrm wr tf 1pgVbdf tt hold backt. ( hole itx old ta tho foronooa at dV& tmX bat at tn cloo of tho d tbo trodo Og tar xl S3.SO tho top. Ttr.ro had of strictly elioloo quakllty bromiht but thr wot tho pirh out oC Mvr4 cortoado. 4"oto ond othor ktndo of butchor Mock bold Arm. Tho ufp'.y of hoti wo fairly larsa. but tt ' ova upior r-uirmmdynta. and tho inark-t wu tro of. Choico Ubt bos w-ro readily taJaoa at our lol ml C a 1 Horn la. bog a old at 7 IVO. Uoi broucht SS.A0 aad $4.60 and a hoop tni at Rocoipto y-ata'day woro 43T cattlo. XI calv-a. 21? ah-p and ft"o hogm. v t-hipporo wro; Black wo; I ft Iaaniiont "rTtlor r. 3 cars of cattlo; W. F. Iludaon. Wtar, J car of eottlo; Portor a O wan by, Nord. Grltil-y and Coiion wood. CaL, 4 cars of hon: fhiillppl A Lmrgm. Wait 8clo 1 car of cattlo and bofo; ML. K. Rofora. Woot Hclo, 1 ear t oh-p: A. Chalmara, Hlila boro. 1 car of cattlo; C. H. Farmor. McCoy, 1 car of hsop and bora; K. B. Forcuooa. Amity. 1 car of hoira; A. J. Locsdon. Moul oon, Waab 10 coro of cattl-. and I. P. atcAi:tat?r, who droro la cattlo. Tho day's aaloa waro aa followa: Wtlfht. PTlca. loo bora iti 7.&0 IIS bo.re 110 7 PO 1 ai 12 JO 4 W) 1 bull 1470 3.73 lft cows 1 H7 4.75 M Stoors lt74 6 15 S atoors .......... J3"0 a. 7 5 a.4 stoors 11 ft 40 :i bailors ..lHHS 4.PO 1 y-orlmc 40 40 2T cows ..M .9 4 - 11 stoora P-7 B h 2t stoors O tto X ctoo 1M A. 00 a .t-rs s.oo 13 Staoro .sM.s p..a..lll A. 23 4 att-ors fT 3 ..J II ato-ra 10W &.Z3 9 .r ato-rs ............... 9n 4-7i 3 cows 110 40 4 cows 11.VJ 3,40 3 cows 11 :5 t li 4 holfars 672 4.75 ft Sh--p 92 S.1'3 121 l-4tnbo 4 4"0 25 lambs ft3 . 8 ,V lft hoaa - 15 ft.OO ft hues S TOO 1 bu a 0 00 4 ha 7 41 botes 24 8 (X) ST huca 21. S.00 Prica currant at tna Portland! I'ttort tockarda for tho various claaa.-o of stock wa'o: C hot co ot-rs $.V4Ot-.-..50 6.tV ft.3 a 7. ft ro Good to eboico at-rs Fair to flooJ at-ors . . M-ilum ataars 4.5U9 4.73 a5o 4-ft Poor t-r CholcO COWS f-St Fair ia vod cows 4 Ht 4 4 Estra chouo spay4 batfars .... 4.. ft ft.t0 . . - . 4 jLiu 73 4-.m.A la chQlce bulls B-I 5 O 4.04 l.,mmoa bu.ls ........ l aid Ckairo calvea BUW pouaoa mmm .... under T-3g I so G-d to eholco calrea 4.00 4 4. commoa calrea 4"Otf . Choice sta.s Jtf 7J (rttod I.CIiunUsf AJltl 4.44 Li .t . -v i., m aoaa T.T9 9 S-W O'Xl tO CBOICO l- S I??! I 'A Fair to gooa aoia i Z i ' Coinmoo Svl I.wuay 1.4 Chca yearling wethers, soar wool Cho.ce rearllng. wethers, east at mountains riTZ S ?5 r-,n:oo ..- nnd throoo oi ii i.mM 4 71 a Cnoico jearl.ngs .! -J 4 JJ Lli. Tha (allowing quotallona r.preaent prlcoa oa thia market lor tno diirer.at c;assaa ef Sr.rTIra. li-o l. 1T" Pounds. ii0:5O; dial i era! a 1' P-anut. .luojJ.-.O; Jhuaaa IWSIW. .Vl'i koiaa, .i BP. rkKwrs Urootorh Markot. CHICAGO. Iept. 20 .t;r RelrlS -tlmat.d at IO IKM; msrkrt st.aJy to lor. lo-lrTTi ..Boons: Texas styer II IvStl) We.l.ra staars. .. V...r. and fr-rd-r t-l.J-": -4 and b.l'.ra IJiHH'i. ra.v.s. 4 Ov o. Hut-Receipts estimated at IXWO; r, het Sleady to .Hade lower; " T fool to choue i'. '''J.T.Vvl- ' i.'UCS- bj'.k of sa:e. 4.T3T0V Snr.p Be-, lis rat. mated at 4.V: mar ket steady t 10 lower: nallva. ff:s,'l W..r.rn. j:M(i4 31. st,.rts. i10J4..j Is-nb. nsur. ift.'(ill: westrra. .. .. IHtfFSTnBS I FT m J 111 I L.U l UIIU LL.I uu I ' - . . ' XfJCK Sales Are Heavy Prices Decline. and STEEL WEAKEST OF LIST Holders Fear Actirlty by the Govern nvont la Enforcing tho Antl Trot iiw London Contin ues to Buy Freely. NEW YORK. Sept. a 2. Will atroot showed Incraaaod nereottsnoos today as to th intention ot tha Oorernm.nt In ragara to tho ontorcomoBt of .the anti-trust law. Balling of stock, waa conducted oa a scala which seamed to Indicate that soma In veator war la fear ot furthar dlssolutloa procoedlnas against large oorporatlona. This was notaoly trua ef United States 8tooU which once mora waa called oa ta shoulder tha heaviest burden. Tha preferred stock and bonds gave way. the former Belling at 1101a. the lowest price since lVr0. and the latter at 100 the lowest since lDO. The common ajso reeohed a new low point eu the year. &H. the loesee la en oh caa az ooodlng t polnta. Klaewhare In the market declines were general. Tb chief losses, were among the Industrials. Announoenudit that tba Gov ernment would permit the International Harvester Company, without a dlssolutloa suit, to adapt Iteelf to the Sherman law, while affecting that stock favorably at the time, did aot serve to bring about better feeling, but oa the contrary was followed by the heaviest sailing of the day. The attack on United Statea Steel waa aaslsted by reports of Impending reductions In wages at steel mills. Steel men were said to have abandoned hope ot a stiffening of prior this Fall and to hare decided that a substantial lowerlag In wages waa Inevitable. Copper shares showed marked weakness oa stataments la regard to the abandonment of efforts to restrict production. The wesk Besa of these shares also rsflecta the belief that the large buying of Europe, especially Germany, will be at lesst temporarily cur tailed by tha business reaction abroad. Housos with London connections were heavy buyers of slocks. Foreign purchases ot Ualon Paclflo alone wer estimated at more than 10.U0O shares. and the total amount takea probably exceeded 40.0U0 ''ares. The bond market waa easy. Total sales, par Talus. e2.0V4.utXX ClX)tINC STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Seles. High. 100 17V, M.00U 64 S 2')0 60 . IM"" sa 3"0 1 1.4UO 4 "4 fMM IM 40U SO Low. Bid. Allla Chl pf .. Amal Copper .. Am Agrlcult .. Am Bel Hue sr. American Can .. Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton Oil. Am lid A Lt pf Hi r w 4S bos. 1 17H M Wi 60S 4-'.. 60 !4 11 17 s 34 1 'It i7 113 13.1 31 102 101 4 in MS 27W 78 1H V6 270 70 H 26 17 84 13 111 63 25 V, 44 1414 1CH 160 22 46 Si 30 SO 60 I 14Nt 12a 45 16 13 41 10O 14? a 29 14 2S lti, 102 137 36 Sit l!i 4fS 21 "4 Am Ice fecurl Am Linseed Am Locomotive 20 Am Sniel A Ret M.PvO I4 n' 1"J W as 113 is.i 'm' 73 H 22 34 0.1 K'J 27 113 1.-1 VI 83 101 iis 5 27 T3 33 30 do pref erred.. Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Kef.. Ara Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolsn .... Anaconda it Co Ate his TO t do praf erred.. Atl Coast Um. Itait A Ohio ... Xethlehem Bteel Krook R Tto Cana'llaa Pac .. C.niml Lrsth.r do prsferr.d. . Central of N J. Ch-S fihlo .. Chicago A Altoa Chi Ot Weet . . do preferred.. Chicago N W C, II 4 61 PsuL C. C, C A St L. Col Fuel Iron Col A Southern. Consol Oas . . .. Cora Products . Pel A Hudson.. D A R Uren1.. do prsfsrrsd. . TVstlllers' Secur Erie do 1st pf .... , 4"0 1.7.PO OUV 11. BOO ""iivi sVl0 'K l.BOO two 4. 100 d.aoo '"600 ' ini .8"0 2'0 "0 4'H) l,(HrO io 2"0 3K 40C '0 .(r)0 1.700 70 in 0 in Ta 41 H 140 21 41 81 1H oOt 131 'Jit! 8 "ii i 110 jo 24 46 181 is5 n SO 80 60 Hi" 122 43 13d 13 41 14 do 34 lit O.n.ral Ele .. 5O0 Ot North pr ... Ot .North. Ore.. POO l.lln.ile Central. 10 laterbor Met .. B.2O0 do preferred.. 1.3"0 tnter Harvester T'X Inter .larlne pf 400 Int Taper -j- .... lnt Pump 100 I low. Central ........ .... K C Southern., do preferred.. '306 "ei'i Laeleoe oaa . .. Louts Nash- 00 IM Minn St L M. 8 P A S M 20 ISO 11 o, Kan A Tex. 1.600 ItW do preferred. ..... Mo Paclnc .... COO Sd Nat Biscuit National Lead.. 100 1 M.I N Ry 2 PC...... X T Central ... 2.100 12 N T. Ont A IV fa ZOO 3S Norfolk A Wee I.OOO 101 North Am HH MH Northern Pea ."0 114 Pactnc Mall ... 2 3"1. Penn.vlvanla ... 4.lO 11, People's Oas ... 80 103 H P. c c s n L. 100 91 Pittsburg Coal Pressed S Car.. tK IT. Pull Psl Car .. 8"0 1.15 Ry Steel spring 2'W 27 S Reading PT.IWO 13S. Republic Steel. SO.IIOO 23 do preferred.. '0 K7H Rock Islsnd Co I.T00 24 do preferred.. "0 44Vi Pt L A S F 1 pf o a St L Southwest do preferred.. 3W 1H Sloes Sheffield l' ai4 Southern Pac . 12 lOO 107 1 Southern Ry .. a,0t 2T do pt ef erred. ..... Tonn Copper ..... Texas A Fee .. ...... ..... 2Z 4H 'isii 101 101 v 81 88 JOO 83 118 29 119 108 1 '27 165 27 187 21 M 23 46 34 ' 8rl lol as 100 e.'. 114 2 119 103 91 17 17 IM 27 18l 21 S !Si 41 tt 29 H 36 107 X 03 82 22 17 40 168 S Ad ! e3 no 1 49 13 23 61 o 73 24 Tol. St L A Wsa 200 do preferred.. 4K Union Pacific .. 23.0OO do preferred.. 10O V S Realty r S Rubber ... 2.000 C S Steel 2V).5" 19 43 16S 89 '87 SI lis 41 SO 13 2 S2 41 76 19 42 156 S9 'si 2 110 41 49 IS 23 62 0 TS do preferred.. 10 5' 10 Utah Copp.r . . . Va Caro Chsm . Wabash do preferred.. Weetern Md ... iw.tlng E l.e " .. Western Union. IVneel A L E-. 7.2"0 2.'V 6'iO 1.2"0 4"0 l.OOO Lehigh valley. 29.800 1S6 134 164 Total sales for tha day, 737.800 ahsrsa. BONDS. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Closing quota- Vl'r-t. U reg.ln0N. T. C. O. H4 87 H do coupon.. . .100; Northern Pao. 8s 9 V. S. 3e reg 101 do 4e 99 do coupon. .. .101 : t'nlon Paclflo 44.100 C. 8. new 4s reg.llJ!H"la Con. 4s 3 do coupon. 1181 JapaBesa 4s..... 84 D. A R. li. 4s.. 90, Boata (Hark Market. BOSTOX. wept- !0.- AUoueg 52 Amalg Copper.. 61 A. Z. L. A S... 22 Aria Coml . . H. A C C AS H. 4 Butte Coalition. 14 Cel. Anions. 4 CaL A HecJa...70 Centennial 8 C. R. tf. CO 51 Ea.t B. C. at.. 9 Fr.akUn 4 Glroux Cons.... S Oranby Cons 29 Orrene Cananea 4 I. Rovalle Cop. 12 Kerr Lake 3 lake Copper 2d l a Halle Copper 3 losing auotAUons: Mot.a.k 3d ! Nevada Cong. 1 Nlplsslng Mines. North Butte.... North Lake Old Dominion. . . Osceola Fsrrott 8. A C. Qulncy Shsnnon ....... Superior Sup. A Foe. Mm. Tamarack U. S. 8 R. A M. do prfd. ...... Utah Cons -5 63 eo T S3 2 IS .11 44 12 41 5 5 ,11.1 Copper Ca. Wolverine' " . '. . Miami copper., is Condition ef the Trtaenry. WAH1N3T"N. Sept. 2a At the begln nlnr of bu.kneee today the condition of the United Statea Treasury was: Working balance la Treasury offices, fSX.. I4nbaBaa and Philippine Treasury , 832.- 107 40X Trie total af th general fund was 8141.- 021 221. Receipts yesterday wer 11 T8.S7e. Ilshupeements were 12.619 203. TM deficit to dste this fiscal year Is 821. 84 770. as against a deficit of tlt.91s.1144 at this time last year. - Theee figures exclude Panama Canal and publto debt transactions. Master Exehang. Eta. KIW TV) Kit. Sept. to. Measy aa , sail steady: 342 per cent: ruling rata t; closing bid. 2: offered at 2 Time loans firm: 60 daye. 898 Par cant: 90 days. 34)4: six moaths. 44. Prime mercantile paper, 4 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness la baakers- bills at 14.832 for 40-day bills and at 84.9030 for demand. Commercial bills. 84.82. Bar sliver. 620. Mexican dollara. 45c ...... a. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds weak. LONDON. Sept. 20, Bar gllver, quiet, 24 d per ounce. Money. 161 per cent. The rate of discount In the opsn market for short bills Is Per cent. The rate of discount In ths open market for three months bills US per cent. PAN' FRANCISCO. Sept. 20. Sterling on London. 60 days. 84.83; Sterling on Lon don, sight. H.80. Drafts, sight. ; tele graph, a. CHICAGO. Sept- 2a Exchange on New York. par. Chlcwgs Precluc Harked. CHICAGO. Sept. 20. Butter Steady-! creameries, illrr-ec: dairies. 1 8 S 24a. Eggs Steady: receipts. 7975 caees; at mark, raaes included. 15 C 18c; firsts, 19o; prims firsts. 2oc . , Cheese, firm. Dalsleg. .14 914 ; twing. 18c; Young Americas, 14014; long horns. 14U14C. - Britlsk Conaols Fall. LONDON, Sept. 20. Consols fell to ! oth.r unprecedented low record this morn ing, reaenmg lot. ini. w.. the forced selling of an Important firm of bill brckere to meet loase Incurred In the sharp rise In discount rates. After the aheke-eut consols recovered to Tb 11-lB. OVERSTOCK OF GRAPES SEATTLE GETS SIX CARS OF TO KAYS AND PRICES DROP. Many Inferior Apples Aro Offtired. Eggs Adranoo to 88 Cent Today. SEATTLE. Sept. 20. (Special) Bluestem wheat dropped a half cent and all other varieties a full cent here today. Oats were 60 cents a toa lower, at $27.50. Tha market was dull and neglected. The grape market was baly demoralised to-day. Tho supply was excessive. No less thaa six carloads of Tokays were on track this morning at the commencement of busi ness. Malagas were rather scarce. The supply of 1 okays waa so heavy that tha price was cut to as low as T3 cents. The bulk of grapee were In excellent condition. Peaches dragged. An effort waa made to obtain 60 cents for the best, but commission men did not lose any business at 60 cants. Fresh receipt wet negligible. The cold weather keep stocks from ripening. The supply of apple waa larger. So many early apples of Inferior duality were of fered, however, that a real market does not yet exist. , . Fresh ranch eggs were very acarca. Mora thaa half of the Jobbers on Western avenue did aot have enough eggs to fill oraere. While a 87-eent quotation waa maintained In most quarters, the prevailing price to morrow will be 88 cent. There was no demand at all ' Stocks accumulated. Veal sold at 18 9 14 cenl. BAN 1-BASC1SCO PRODUCT? MARKET Price Quoted at th Bay City for Vege table. Fruit. F.lc BAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 20. The follow ing produce prices were current here today. Vagetables-Cucumbers. 60S76c: Sarllo; St. 5; tomatoes. 15130; egg plant, 40 '&Buttei Fancy creamery. 2Ta. F.xs tore. 86c: fancy ranc h. 40c. ri,eese Young Americas. 15910c. Fruit Apples, choice. 1.25; common. T5c; MeVlcaa UmeT M .604 C-'J '., choice. 16.60; common. IL50; pineapple. 11 potatoes Pallmaa Burbanka, IL08O1.8O; .nAVJS&rii 29CS0; middling 832 Jiar Wheat. I15t150; wheat and oats. 12u Id; airalfa. I912. R?PFlo"S 6048 quer sacks; whB.rt. 40TO c.n.;is; barley. 44 Ml cenuus; oats. 1030 centals: Potatoea. 460 sacks. b?an. 125 sacks; middlings. 84 sack; hay. 800 tons. Metal Markrta. VEW YORK. Sept. 20. Standard copper, weeJL SpitT September. October. November rndDer.mber. ?l.B0W12.0Oc London, dulL Snot, ild 17e ad; futures, 165 l-sa. Ar rwils reported at New Tork tcmay. 130 fona. c"om-house returns .how exports of ili ton. so far this month. Lake cop pet 13.42 12.75c; electrolytic 12.251 ?J iOc; cUungs. 1112 V 12.87 c. Tin Weak. Spot and September. 88.509 89 00c- October. 48.6o 49 6.1c: November. sSTOeJSSOc; becemb." S7.76$3S.25c Lon don easy. Spot, fl7 15s; future il.8 T,Le.'d Dull: 4.43ff4.55e New Tork- 40 1I4 40 East St. Loula London. Ill 5 M-"ppelter-Xull; .90.O0c. New Tork; 6.80 ff5.0c. East 8t- Louis. London, spot, t.1 17Ant'lmon Quiet. Cooksons. 8.30 8 1.50c freniZcieveland warrants. 40s dd In Lon don, locally, steady. N 1 foundry North ern 816.8515.30; No. 2. 16 15.26; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, 1515.50. ColTe and Sugar. NEW TORK. Sept. 20. Coffee futures closed steady at a net advance, of 885 Polnta. September. "'So; October 12.25c; November. 12.1o: December. !2.13o: Jan uary 1103c; February, 12.00c; March. April. Mar' June, July and August. lL97c Spot. eady; Rio No. J. lc; Santos Kc 'M!lldC' coffee, quiet; CordoTB. 11 nominal. Raw sugar, firm; Musoorado, .80 test, 5.2So: centrifugal. .96 test, 6.73c; molassec ,8 test, 6.00c. Refined, nrm. New Tork ration Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 20. Cotton futures cloeed steady, with price ehowlng a decline of from 2s to 82 points for the day. Septem ber 10 86: October. 10.74; November, 10.78; December. 10.76; JaBuary, 10.72; February. 10.74; March. ia85; April. la8; May, 10.90; July. 10.95. Spot closed quiet, 25 points lower; mld uplanda. 11.30; mid-gulf. 11-45. Sale, 28 bale. Naval Btore. SAVANNAH, Sept. 20. Turpentine firm, 51e: sales. 2H0; receipts, 660; shipments, 11T; stocks, 85.600. Rosin. Arm: gales, 2200; receipts, 2200; shipments. 1100; stocks. 81.902. Quote: B. 86 10: D. I6.S5; E. 6 40; F. o. H. I. K and M 36.53: N. 84.67; WG. 88.95; WW. T-.207.30. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK. Sept. 20. Evaporated apples coming forward are of good quality and the market Is steady. Fancy. Ildl2c; choice. 10 lie j prime. 9c. prunes Firm. Quotations. 9t)16o for California up to 2g-4os and nominal for 0lpsachB Steady. Choice. llllc; ex tra choice. 1212c; fancy. 12 c Wool at St. Ltmia. ST LOUTS, Sept. 20. Wool steady. Ter ritory and IVeetem mediums, 17e20o; fine mediums. 17 19c; fine. llt15o. FIVE TEACHERS NEEDED Extra, Inatx-uctor to Bo Selected by Roard Friday. Fir teacher to teach that number of new clauses In the public schools will be selected at the next meeting of th Board of Education, Friday aft ernoon. Superintendent Rigler has found lt necessary on account of the Increased attendance to establish these extra classes In tha Hawthorn. Clin ton Kelly. Ockley Green. Alblna Home stead and Arleta schools. The new claaxes will be of the fourth and fifth grades. Superintendent Rig-ler and the School Board foresaw the needs of the schools In the southeastern part of the city to a large extent, and the Board elected mot of the extra teachers needed to take the newly-formed classes. The Hre schools at which It has been now found necessary to es tablish additional classes ara a small number tn comparison with former year. It la always necessary aJter the first week to make change. VOTE MAY BE NO Wheat Traders Think Reci procity Campaign May Fail. WILLING TO TAKE CHANCE Largej Operators tiny Freely at Chi cago and Market as a Result Becomes nrm Rallies In Corn and Oats. CHICAGO, Sept. 90. Doubt about the suc cess of the reciprocity campaign rallied trie wheat market today after a decline due t free movement of the grain from the harrest neiaa or wenn.ni ' - , - ores were stsady at a shade lower to 0 higher than last night. Latest trading toft corn o off to o up. oats 1-lao too lncraaae In cost and hog product yarylng from unaltered rates to an ad ranee of a nickel. The larger local traders In wheat ap peared to have more faith than anybody else In rumors that tha reciprocity proposition would be rejected by Canada. A gen.ro us amount of buying waa done in the pit as a result of willingness to take obaaoaa on tna yote turning out to be adveree. Earlier there waa selling pressure due to Bne weather and liberal receipt northwest of here. Subsequently a deoreaee la stocks at Unneapolls and much smaller arrivals in Kanaaa City aad Chicago helped the market take a bullish swing from which there was no important reaction. December ranged from 6e to 86ao, with last sale, at 6c precisely the same as 24 hours before. Lightness of receipts southwest led te some late strength In corn. December fluc tuated from 68c to 644 closing easy at 64c. the same resting point a last night. Cash grades were nrm. No. 3 yaUow On lshed at 6S068o. Local speculative buying made oat rela tively etronger than other grains. High and low levels reached for December were 45c and 45 c, wth the close a shade higher at BThe market for hog product hardened some, neither product, however, losing more than 6 cents. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Kept .tl .3 -1 . Deo. 95 . -6 .Jo May 1..4 L01 1.01 1011s CORN. Sept tT .67 .T .JT Deo. 3 .44 .68 .44 May 65 .66 .06 OATS. Sept 41 -4t . Deo. 45 .46 .45 .46 May I .47 .48 .47 .48 MESS PORK. Jan 16.02 16.16 16.06 16.10 LARD. 6ept 0.16 .J6 I.1S 1.15 Oct 0.17 .2S 0.17 O.tS May 8 85 8.82 8.86 t. Jan. S.7 8.02 8.8a 8.4 SHORT RIBS. Oct. 1 45 8.65 1.42 1.45 Jan 7.07 8.07 7.05 , 7.07 Cash quotations were as follows: ' Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. 01 C 02c. Barley Feed or mixing. TOtJOOa; fair to choice malting, 81.12 6 1.31. Timothy seed 812.50 6 14.60. Clover 818.600 10.25. Pork Mess, per barrel. $16jl5.18. Lard Per 100 pounds, 80.27. Short ribs elides (looee), 88.8740. Sides Short, elear (boxed). 1S.7588.IT. Oraln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 141,000 bushel Primary receipts were 996.000 bushsls. compared with 1,010. 00 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomor row: Wheat. 84 ears; corn. 168 cars; oats. 108 cars; hogs, 18,000 head. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, barrels 20.700 "-'J0 Wheat, bushels 120.000 ." Corn, bushel 835.000 . 886.000 Oat? bushel. 1 874.000 , 142.00. Rye. bushels 7.000 16.006 Barley, bushels 151.000 18.000 Oraln at Saa Franelse. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20. Wheat, steady: barley, firm. . , Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 61.48 9 Bariey Feed. $LTL60; brewing. ,1Oalt?Red.i'$l.B0LT0; white. $L8Ti "cali 'BoarV-'sales: Wheat-No trading, barley, September, 11.61; May, 6L74. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Sept. 20. Cargoe steady. Walla Walla for shipment Sd higher, 86s 9a. English and French country markers, quiet. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 20. Wheat. October. Te 8Sd; December, 7s 6d; March. Tn 6d. Weather cloudy. Puget Bound Grain Market. TACOMA. Sept. 20. Wheat Bluestem, g5J; Club. Sic; fortyfold, 81c: red Rue .Ian. 80c. Receipts, wheat, 86 cars; corn. 1 car; oats. 4 cars. RP-ATTLE Sept. 20. Wheat Bluestem, 84Ect fo7tyfold?80c: club. 80c; Fife, 80c: red Russian. 75c Oats. 627.50 per ton; bar ley, 130 per ton. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 20. Wheat. Sep tember, 81.02; December, 8103; May, 8L07: No. 1 hard. $1.06; Cash: No. f Northern. 81.011.04; Now - 2 Northern 81.03; No. S wheat, 98 99. Hove a New Tork. NEW TORK. Sept. 20. Hops, steady. STATESMEN DON'T KNOW Fjylng Trip Through Alaska Not Good Basis for Legislation. PORTLAND. Sept. IS. (To the Editor ) A man who has lived In a mining country and noted tho practical working of mines, and especially one who has lived lor years l" Alika and noted the practical operation of mine In that country wonders at the ignorance and Impractical views dlsp ayed by the contributors and writers on Al"" Territory and especially the Alaska mining ThuTis dus largely to the .manner and means of gaining Information. The writer went to Northwestern Alaska during the Mg rush of 1900 and made his home there for eight years. During that time he re members two or three junketing commis sion, of Congress visiting that section to gain knowledge at Orst hand. These com missioner, boarded a steamer at Seattle, sailing far out on the bosom of the great deepseeing nothing but a few spouting whales until they reached the "bores of Vome. They were then and there received In the protecting arm. of a ribboned jracapt'oa committee, composed ot some of the lee.dl cltlsens of that place, and marched to tn Golden Gate Hotel by the Inspiring muslo of the Nome brass band. Th d'e ln gul.hed gentlemen would be wined and dined until the next steamer aeJUng for the outside, possibly three day In the mean time the president of the Pioneer Mining Company would arrange an excursion and take the gentlemen to Its mines on Little Creek near Vrme "4 exhl!;itwt'Lim genuine 15.Ou0 clean-up. which would, of course, enthuse the visitors with the won derful future of Alaska as s. plnr gold camp. As a finale to the round of banquet ing and pleasure there woul be arranged on of those Alaskan receptions and danoes, unique and peouliar to Alaska, where there would be from 15 to 20 aa handsomely and richly gowned women, aa oould ba exhibited on the American continent, standing In line In front of the bandstand to receive aad Introduce the visitors to the public. These gentlemen ere now prepared to re port on the laws, needs and necessities of all Alaska. Or. perchance, these commis sioners, when they boarded, the ahlp at Seattle. Inatead of sailing oul on the wide, wide ocean, took the lns.de route and land ed at Bkagway, then boarded tha train for White Horse, transferring to a lake boat for Dawson and down the mighty Yukon on one of the palatial river steamers to St. Michael and thence to Nome by the first boat, wn.re they would ba received and entertained la the manner above stated. The commission would generally be com posed of two New Eoglend Senators (who would not know , the difference between a Dlacer claim and a lode olslm) and one Senator from the Middle Statea. who had perhaps never seen a piaoer gold mine until nis visit to Little Creek. This Is aa a par with th Englishman wfa landed, at New Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Second and Washington Streets Portland, Oregon Capital and Surplus $600,000.00 DEPOSITARY FOB THE UNITED STATES. DEP0SITAEY FOR THE STATE OP OREGON. DEPOSITARV FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. DEPOSITARY FOR THE CITY OF PORTLAND. Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals invited. Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. LADD & TILTON BANK EsUUialied 1859. : j Capital. .... ....... reew..srw..Tnrw..fl,000,000.00 Surplus tnd Undivided Profits. .... 800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued,-avail, able on all parts of the -world. . Corner Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains Tork. eut across the continent to Ban Fran cisco and back In ten dare, and Immediately on his return to London wrote a book on th Institutions, Industries, manners and customs of the "blooming" American people. This sort of work eventually struck Con gress as nonsensical as lt was expensive, for lt has ceased. Now we find the Secretary coming In person to Southwestern Alaska and visiting the Interior of that country with a view of gaining knowledge firsthand In order to solve the coal -problem. Mr. Fisher Is presumed to lean toward practical conservation and wanting to do something for tho present generation In dealing; with the natural resources of the oountry. There follows closely upon his heela Mr. Plnchot. who la a theoretical conservationist and who does not want to do anything for the present generation In dealing with the natural resources of the country. Both of them went to that country with more or less preconceived ideas and formu lated theories and ready to grasp any data that would conform to theo Ideas and theories. This is especially so with Mr. plnchot. How much do either of them know about the practical operations of a placer mine? Therefore, each of their Judgment will be colored by the individual views of those they take Into their confidence during their investigation, and their confidential advisers will be largely 'men who will sym pathize with their individual and pre concelted ldeaa and theories. This would be especially true In the case of Mr. Plnchot. Of course, each of them If not struck by sudden blindness, could see that the so called Controller Bay and the coast line along the southwestern part of Alaska, with the axoeptlon of Cordova, Valdea and Seward, for harbor facilities, are about on a par with Seaside and Gearhart beaches on the Oregon Coast, about the only difference being that on the Alaskan coast yoa can calculate on about one storm a month that would blow ashore every ship anchored In the roadstead, or compel.lt to put outto the open sea for safety. Ko one questions that Mr. Fisher's visit to Alaska will en large his vision and make his Judgment .more accurate. Just as an object lesson Im presses the mind more clearly than abstract teaehlmr. For Illustration, Mr. Fisher could never have gained an adequate or accurate Idea of the coast line of Southwestern Alaska, or the danger to ships and shipping there (Including the famous controller Bay) If he had not been on the ground and per sonally caught In one of those Alaskan storms. Such an Investigation, however, aa made by Mr. Fisher Is entirely Inadequate and Insufficient to base a safe conclusion upon whether the coal fields of Alaska shall be worked and developed by the Govern ment, by private ownership or by the leas ing system with the Government as lessor. We will endeavor to follow this article with some observations upon these questions from the standpoint of a Western man and one who has lived In Alaska and has ob served the promoting and working of placer mines. S. T. JEFFREYS. COMMERCIAL CLUBS JOIN Inland Empire Towns Outline Plan to Bring; Settlers. SPOKANE, "Wash., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) All commercial organizations ot the Inland Empire aro to be welded tog-ether In a federation for the mutual advancement of every city, town and rural district. The initial step In the organization waa taken by the Spokane Cham ber of Commerce. Already one other town has slgniffed lta Intention of co-operation, the officers of the The pronounced practical ' success of bitulithic has baffled its traducers. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY CoDBtructa Asphalt and. othsr Blta sussu Pavement!. - swlaotna kMAs, Portland, Or. Oaitar alitee. ata naffer. : JT t sal Third Streets. Pullman Chamber of Commerce, who were present. Indorsing the plan. Trustees of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce have been quietly discussing the question, and when President Frank M. Slagle, of the Pullman com mercial body broached the subject, it was indorsed. "Let's form a federation of com mercial clubs in the Inland Empire." said Mr. Blagle, "let us be actuated with th single purpose of getting more people In this Inland Empire." TRAYrU-Ka QUIPS. OFEX BJVM XBAKBPOKTATIOrT OTV aiaCJi.llUAU Freight received; . tally at Oak-at. dock (or Tha Dallas. Hood Klver. White Salmon. Umatilla. Kennewlck. Paeeov Richland. Hanford, White Bluffs, anal Intermediate POlBBB, ta RUT-CLASS PAS8BNGJSB KEXWiX. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD BIVBR. WHIT BAJJtOH M DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Bun., Tuea ThuraV T A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles) uJSlwr. Frl 1 A. M arriving at Part lind about P. M. samo day. W. Buchanan. Supl; W. a Smallwooa. Saa'a, Sir. rMiii Mala 2960. A ai.1. Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. ' , American Atlantic Transport Red Star 'While Star. White Star-D.rmnion T. H. LARKE Second Are, Seattle, Waaav C19 THE BIG 3 B EAR BEAVER ROSE CITY EXPRESS 8TBAMEBS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE, a a n.ex-ei- Salla 8 A. M .September 25 IaS MAXCISCO PORTLAND BS. CO. SAJi mcke WfleejlU Third St. Vhone Main 40 and A leu. n NEW ZEALAND AND AUTSRALIA . CTnlon Um of N. Z ) VIA TAHITI AND WEIX1OTOX. Direct through steamers, J1'1" 'J0.?.1! amlfS also low. The line to Isles of the South Beaa, Willamette River Route Dallv Boats (except Sunday) 6:45 A. M., for Oregon City, St. Paul, and Way Forlalem 6:46 A. M Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Taylor Street Dock. Telephone, Main 40. Steamer Anvil sails from Albers Dock No. 3, Friday, September 22, 7 P. M.. for Tillamook. Bay City, Newport. Florence, Bandon and Coquillo River points. Ticket office 128 Third t- Phone Main 628, A 4596. Dock phone A 1902, Main 151. Freight and passengers mmm San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. worth paclfla B. 8. Cfc's 8.' S. Roanoke an? B? a.uer .all Tvery W.dn.sday altjr SaVely at 6 P. H. Tltcltet office 1SJ Tnlrd tV. E. SLV6SEB, height Agent. Fboaee Jfc 141. A lilt. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BBEAKWATEB. Balls from Alnsworth Bock. Portland, V M every Tuesday. Freight received at Alniworth o?k daily up to S P. M. Pas. " ,rla. first-class. $10; second-class, T, mcfu"nTV.a and" berth Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 23, Haia 170, A 123a, WW -