14 - TTTB aiOItyiXQ OKEGOXIAN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1911. j a i-mm.mmmm a amm .amm -.-.CT Tn,waTWW RKAT. FSTATt ' I REAL ESTATE. T"- L. Q. Sw-etland, The Imperial Oretron'a Greatest Hotel ISO Booms, 104 Suite, TOta Private Baths. Moderate Rates, pta Ketscisn ft Boss, Props. PORTLAND HOTEL VFtfr.X K.tvV -JsTfeJ 52 kT i'-H - P1 'A THE CORNELIUS The Horn of Welcome, 'corner Park and Aider: European plan, new, modern end strictly up to date; fin sample room: nut if par day and up; rooms with bath. 11 par day p: all outside rooms; our omnibus masts ail trains. P. MORRIS, Proprietor. e-. 4 sair-l - - HOTEL LENOX U. Dw a ad . K. JOWOCtlUlf. fi. aad Mara. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. fat ed CalS Wistee, atajr Dtetaasa l-h e a kW-arr Reasa, RATES 8.XOand Dp -. --. . - Sat-rle la Fa ISXks&MS '" U V.I A 1 A. D. 8MOHT, a ?4Xi S wf ""o . su EOTS EOTES CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN BY ;.. WRIGHT & DICKINSON ""'n.fyKiw. C(.wnw.,ia M.C.Dii,MMi WKSa ircnox sales tod at. t rkf aofltloa how, lit TrU A 501-LE! y TK-ll'LiJ "J Th-r- wl X TntUur ft XOPLCS OF AX XsYDEf. I ovurnttic Ut tak notictv Psrk tu.4 TenLbi;i trta. Friday Tning l 9t srrloclx IO rex-lT n4 ntrt.!ri I mporlsvt Nr. Jofca Trt, Irapejr-a Stmt-st. evnt thflew e cotnp.r ytnsr hina. ob!a t Iwi llAi&r TtmDlt evr MalalTf trivftsNS t l with t PT oiif to tbir t.:ueit rlmiss mntr aaJ toni3iaiv. E mMDbtf of Al K.-wlr Tmpi U r quBt4 to b rwofit muh hla f xl "t't ot Rfrim-itsv !l3t&mbr tt bn- ?ut ftatuhi-v elBg. Note Wlllia-m Ha O. t sUTT a."H .'. acas A. TH'tOW. a H AJtKHK. O T 9' JTS tmtst Trt the Conv V urdr. 4pt4inbr 1A. m SoLaeVr r Tlcksjl row on by Nobl tm ld Wll . lavm Ll mt lit ftsrooad itrt ttr.U. Thtrt day, 0ptK&or 1. i P. M. A1 Bob: Pj vlattln Bob1 av ertita.llr Invite! to bnp naka tbla th rrt- t bauvqaeyt rvr ct-va t& (MfU of ParUev.4. artivew-eT- ur.if rmev B (aV WH'.TtHoriE. A. THTHLOW, aKvcortfr. Fotftautta. wrt-IaA-af stTTB TRIPE KO. , O. H. M. W atia b-er svre rsM)aetad t mawt In Lh air wirwtun. lajbth t.oae ilrqumm blaj. , Fri Jy at 1 tycicwh p. M.. 6p:irJtr rX. t a:uo4 th fuaarmJ cf oar lavt broth r, J. H. Or1ti. P. A IV It. bar UltMS tuxl mo Jouzai&c m arm bra taTtM r. HormcAX ehm. L CTKAfiEU CB- ( K. - CKT-AIS COMMANDIRT. fV Ti a rax ay nrnlr.aj 3 J Vuonls H.IL ardrr t.mp;a All Sir Kalsbts X. U. iui.Z LS. ilacordar. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington St3. A hotel In the very heart of Portland", business activity. Modern in ererj wspecL Rates, $1.00 end tip. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Mgr. 0. H. Shafer, Asst. Mt. . r tKg:s:s:::siaSl2te -Til" - . z , -7T JjiAJ M - - L B . - ataal - . . Vt. 1 - ! mA mnmt vna e-Ttlf"lraTlt fcntl In Portland? nnsurDSssed in eleanca of accommodationa or - "1 l-50 per day and upward. O. , UTMAW, X H. E. rLETCHEB, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington Hew Uatel, EUeaaatly rwalrtts. Rates $1 and Up SrBClAS. StATKS FOB FIuRxlAI K.TTS. Take say nr at Deae-t aa4 traasfsr at Waahtaa-toa St. af. "H- FOLIlV, fHOPRIEXOR. jiililil THE BOWERS HOTEL Sclal Aaa ninaal fiaaiailni Jaly 1n. K lactam HuadreS Elaraa AMKRICAM AMD KVROFEXM TUL3 T.rr AttrmMlva Pmnnl Xataa to rainlllas aad 81a . . aaali.m.a. Hot.l M.alf VurnUlivd aad Dacorat.!!. T.bls eHts Bn"fcfasS..... .................... d'H.ca Loaca ...... lull. d'Uut P1M i ........ A lu a la Carta Han. Tw Room Ontll H . CltvV P. 1 Prt.at Uiaa Partiav Laarhma aod Hraqii ' 1 pTiISaat A"aa. IPrrfeat trrloa In Ail DrpartaMata, II lUlUkUjL HHK AIJ Mil K. Saraataca meat Msr. Tba rartlaad. aaa PiQNtfK auaaa. The interior of this hotel has been completely refitted, and eyery appoint ment now meets the approval of the mott&scrlmlnatln?. $-100,000.00 re cently erpended on Its Interior. Every thing raw sxd modern. .'. .. .. .'. .. The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND. ORE. The. leading hotel of Portland. Is'ew, modern, fireproof and centrally locatea. .. .. .-. .-. alECTtXO NOTICTCa. ORCOOy COMMAXDERT. NO. U K. T. Spc:al commn Dlcatlon this (Thursday) area Ins at T.Sd o'clock. Tour at t.ndsnca and that of sojourn Ins Mr Kn:i;nts will ba appre- C. V. Vlt.aAND. Racordar. elat.d. a COLCM B1A IX1 DOE. NO. 114, A. r. A.VU A. M tip-rial coio- -Tw nuaiosiioa tni t I nur-isri sr.a- Ujt In tha M. M. dsra. V'ta. IV. M. yut-O U UUON, Sao. KOTtC B af mbrs of Multnomah lxd Tto. 1. bona of lt.rman. sra raqu.otod to moat at th.lr hAll on Thuradsy at 1 o'clock to att.nd tho funoral of t holr lato amtr, J. II. tirlobsL Ail raombcrs of Soos of i .r maa ara lavitad. Goo. Juhonnaon. Prasldont. TEnrtX EIXTKACHT All m.mb.ra ara rHiu..td to at:.nd tho fuaorsj of oar lata m.mbor, John H. OrlobU on Friday, S.rl.nib.r at 11D P. M, from H 1- sr-aa o chapol at Third and Paimoa Ota. Br ord.r of ALBKKT EOCJEKTS. Proa, OEOHJE UAKol.U. uoo. PAST SACHEMS, NOTICB Tha funoral of last Soch.ro J. H. OrlobaT will taks elaco at 1 SO V M on Friday. Oct. 31, at dolman's undortaklnc parlors. X.mbora of tho Paat Facuom Aaoociattua ara roquastad, to ba praaoat, ROT AL, CTRCL.F Vambors ara ra-qu-ot.d ta attond taa fuaorai of our lata n..shbor. Mart. Uousa, Funara. aotiaa Ul.r. ORACH Rlixrn. Ouardlaa Kslchkor. RAJSATX LODOE, KO. 18. L O. O. T. R. u . i r nit'.n- thto FrMy ovonlns at o'olock La Oddfollo-ro" Tompla Work ia tha essoad dasroa, Vlaltora a.looma F. CO.L.j, aoo. aHNXRVA LODOE. No. lfc X. O. O. T. Borular nMUr.g thu ilkuroday) ovonlne at a s'alook; laltlatioa. vi.itoro wolcomo. j t- WT. aoerotary. Drsa. SMITH In thla city. "p torn bar . at tho family rostdacca. 4 i Tanth stroot. Alaa .Ich. only aoa af Dr. and Mrs. Aian 1vK-a Smith, acod 1 yoar months sad t; days Fuaoral notlca la a lator lasua. MATTKSON At V. O. O. T. horho. T. 8. Alattcooa. ssod SI yaara, K. mains at lurch's pariora. ftit ah aad Aidar. Stnoral aanou&camaat lataa. lMrEMT.fm WW TODAY. . I 7 . . c "T fi.KLX, TOMORBOW U.ill Thoatxs 4 rTTOHTS B.rlnnlns rtTKDAT 8poclal Prlca Uau Wodnasday K. H. rr.xoo and Ooo. lyod.ror Fraasnt Tho Farorlts Comedian RICHAND CARLE With Edna Wallace Hop par Xa tha Mualoal Comody Hit -JTJMPIXO JUP1TER" ETronlnts Lowor Floor. 11 rows. $2; T rows. 1. SO. Balcony. S rows I1.W; 6 rowa II; rows. 70c: (1 rows 60a Gallery roaarvad and admission 60c Wednesday Matinee Lower Floor, It rows, II. DO; T rows. 11. Balcony, 8 rowe. 1; e rows, 73c; 11 rows. 50c Gallery, reserved. 16c; admission, 260. MAracaJi sviorr mt arWaltWS THEATER I5-2S-50-75 HKFK KJT 1TH. Six American Daacera. a sextette af et.rlLh .lepvere; The Aroa Comedy Four International Polo Team. I John IXlmora and lia Olive Adair: The hirolllnr Flayerst Kelly Kent worth j le Vole Trio. MmOm Every Ir- a-M-a.-i .iraaA f-uldvain Jt onidlnv i 1 aviid-tilf. WTTK PKPT. 18TH (7) ColonljU.; Wmrd latrhln4m Co.: Holla. Mrolbf: HUa aasa.ll llarTT VTO! KlullUK ABtTTlaial lio od rnequall-d Vaode-rnW. H I.IK SEPT. 1 HT II. The Awakerrtne; a Bndilha, Mupendou. prod net loo dan dnc rtrls, rorrrau roetumeei Marry A. Iale and Tars eta Iteraard and Jones, thoao fnnnr mem Bndd and Wayoe; Beaovals Maiidnr ta. pantacearopo : Pantasea or-rh-atra. Fopnlar prtrea. MallDca dally. Cur taln :. 7:. HO and V. BASEBALL RF.rKEATIOV PARK. Car. Tauahs aad Tweaty-fomrtk Sta. OAKLAND PORTLAND Saptaaabwr IS, IO, II, 23, S3, 34. Caaaaaj stasia Weekdays at StOO P. SL Saadaya 3iSO P. Bf. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 11 Free to Blaachsrs Wednesday. rt.ttRAL yOTHTA PFRKTV9 At his lsts residence. 17T Esst aforrtaon street, Dtao 11. Perkins, beloved husband of lira D. H. Perkins, aged ( years I months snd tl daya Funeral services will be held Thursday. September 11 at the MontsvUls Methodist Church at t p. af. Interment Rosa City Cemetery. ORIEBEL Ths funeral services of tho lats John H. Grlebel will be held Friday. Sep tember 22, at l:SO P. M., from tho chapel ' af ths Holmaa Undertaking Co. Friends Invited. Interment Klverviea- Cemstary. HCMTER At Beavsrton, Or., Miss Helen Humor, seed Id years. 1 month. 20 days Funeral from resldenos Friday at 3 P. AL Friends Invited IOM8ET1I 1XOKAL CO, MAKQl'AM BII0. FLOUAL VF.Mu.ML Phoneei Mala olu A 11 OS. Iraanlnff -MrKntae, Funersl Illrectora, ?th and line, l'bono Mala 4JU. lady sa al.taot. Office of Coqntr Coroper. X R, ZKLl.KK CO.. s4 William, avs. rboas East lutut. C loss. Lady attendant. Successor ta Zeller-Byrnea la j. l FIN LEV a rtO.V, Sd and Madlaua. dT attendant. Phono Main . A loss. EUtVAHD llttl.MAN CO.. Funeral Illrect ara. 220 Sd St. lidy aselatant. Phono Al. out. IAJT HOC Funeral lUrectora, raccaaaora to imnnlns. Inc. E. o. B 2.128. LEKi'H. I'ndertaker. cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781. B 1R8S. Lady aailstant. HOME BUILDERS We ere contractors and will furnlsa lot and finance tha building of a boma for you on easy payments. We slve references and salt references). WT ATT, EITABROOK es RAT, S01 toerk bids. Pboae Mala 4311. NFTW TODAY. Chehalem Mountain Orchards OREGOT"9 BBST. IS00 to 1150 per mere. Only 10 pr cent cash required. Only twenty miles from the center of Portland. P.all and water transportation. Two railroad stations on tha prop erty. Electrlo line building- through the property. SoiiO acres sold to Oreoronlana. You haven't seen Oregon's orchards nritu you have seen Chehalem Moun tain Oreharde. We Invite you to in spect them at our expense. - A. J. I1ESKETT, Marshall 2zS. a4 Heary Blda-. If You Are .Thinking of Buying, BuQdiiLg or Selling a Home, We should be pleased to have vorj rive ua a call, and we are aura It will be to your advantase to do so. We have Just completed some fine hnmes In ons of the most popular dis tricts In Portland. Our terms are made to suit our customers. Call and See TJs for Farther Information. OREGOX HOMEBriLDINO ex CO! STBt'CTIOM CO, SIS Ckaaaber af Co Imngton Swell Home New, strictly modern, elsht-roora houae; furnace, fireplace, doubly con structed, hardwood floors, buffet, book cases, panel dinlna-room. beam cell lnrs. Dutch kitchen, four blrooms, sleeplna--porch. den: lot 40x100: street Improvements all In. FTloa &00; $1250 cash and 15 per month. v GRW1 at XADOW, SIT Board af Trade Bids, 4h aad Oak. 2s EW. modern homes, aleo Tacant lota. In Irvlnston. Phanes: C J'l. East 2412; of fice. Kast 14. S. B. Rloa, ewBac f-a C V 00 HieSiranger! I REC0fla. o "VVtat do you think this will ho worth in 5 vearat Water Front 50x240 IMPROVED INCOME NEAR MORRISON BRIDGE 350,000 See Mr. Kupper. . Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. TVe can sell you 33-4' lots, with 150 .feet of track al ready in, in the best ware house and manufacturing district. Best buy on our books. KEASEY C&i fiUHASONJEFFERY 2 232 Chamber of OommsrcaTj N2W 2-Story Business Block Close in. Present Income $1440. Long lease, stipulated increase of $10 per month after three years on lower floor. PRICE $13,000 Call for C. G. Keagan. Buy now of CHAPIN & HERLOW Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. imngton Home New 9-room modern home on E. 21st St. Hardwood floors, sleeping porches, etc; 50x100 lot. Good terms. $8000. r3 KEASEY S5-i HUMASONeJEFFERY ll,") 232 Chamber of Commerce. (J Irvington Bungalow Can accept good lot or arceage as first payment balance like rent 7 rooms, besides hall and sleeping porch, brick fireplace, built-in book cases and seats, dining room, paneled beam ceiling, buffet, Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, etc, specially designed light fixtures, thoroughly modern and very artistic: fully fur nished. A bargain at $6500. Will sell unfurnished if desired. 702 Board of Trade. $1400 $140 Cash SIB Per Month, Taclndloa; Interest. Fine new four-room bungalow; street Improvements, consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In and paid for. KREnORf INVESTMENT CO. End of Hose Uty Hark Carllne. Alberta Street Business Corner 100x80 absolutely best buy on Alberta street. Price 12850. Easy terms. OSBORNE BROS., 10th A Alberta st. Phone Woodlan 1807. 25 ACRES Nine miles from Bend, under rrrlsratlon ditch, along; the Oreg-on Trunk, three quarters of a mile from growing; town. All good land. One crop of potatoes will pay for 1L Snap for f 100 per acre. A. U. BORTHW1CK, 804 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $25,000 AT 8 We have an application for a 126,000 loan at 8 per cent; 1100,000 worth of real estate security for the money. If you have the above amount to loan call at once at the Investment Depart ment HAItTMAV THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce Bids. MONEY TO LOAN CITT MORTGAGE. FARM MOHTOAGE9, LOWEST HATES. 'lfclHMS TO SUIT. A. II. BIKRELL CO., S02 M'KAY BCILDiaKe, Third and stark. A MONTHLY INCOME OF $235 BCSl.VESS PROPERTY. PRICE $28,500 OWNER AH 416, OREGONIAN. 1XT OW'MCHli W pay cash for smjuK tfea In vacant lota. Dealer fc Dealer Itrr. Hal 640 Chamber Com. Main 6(94. SNAP. Farms on tifinrater cheap; timber landa clov to tidewater, 75c Pr thousand feet, BN AP; yellow ptno In Crook County, "So pr 1000 ft, Th 8NAP9 for short tlma niy. K.lnnoy and Staxnphor, Lumber Ex chtnft biflg., Second and Stark sta. . MORTGAGE LOANS CO JOHN E. CRONAN, 70 V O iwia spaldlaa- Hld. g O Mortgage Loans 5 For ths Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOCDET, Latvia Bolldla. COLX13, BERRIDGK A THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AL"IITUK Commercial. Couotr and Municipal Audltlns Irveatlsatlux and gystematlxlaf. 124 Worcester bloc a. Phone Main e&o7. WARKHOL'SB corner. 13200 cash, 100x120. on tha two saw railroads, entrance new e lids'. Aaardeea. Wuk M A29, Ore- K53 Berk. William Q tlo-lll Falling bids. 8RIBAKEH A BENEDICT, 108 atlAT bldr. M. B. Cnapln a Herlow. Its Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 80S Corbett bids. Janning. a Co, Main ill. 10 Oresonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. S. P.. 211 Commer cial Club bids. The Oret-on Real Estate Co Grand ava. aad Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale BOMB GOOD HOMB BT7TS. -room modern houis and lot, oo Hill, $11,000. S-room modern hoosa, two lots. Orson war. 17500. S-room, atrietly modern, ons lot, Irrlns ton. IS00O. . 8-room bungalow. Irvington, 88000. e-room bungalow, Vernon, 8S50O. ana many others. Vanduyn A 'Walton. 615 tDunocr ox loiiiuibiw S100 TO U00 will buy a lot In Irondals on Purot Sound, where the Weatern Steel Corporation (aaaeta ft?, 000. 000) la oper atlns the only steel plant In the North weeu We are owners of original town Ite. TV"e make any terms to ault pur- e chasera: references, any bank In Seattle; price list, maps and full Information on request. Olymplo Empire Realty Co 100 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash. IRVINOTON LOTS. In the most desirable part of Irvlnfton. Terms can be arranged so you can bulla your own houae, one-fourth payment on tha total cost of house and lot. HOLMES A MENEFEB. 81 Third street. IRVINGTON. 100x100 Knott-et. corner ..88100 100x100 Stanton-st. corner 2S50 100x100 Slsklyou-st. corner SioO COxlOO Inside lou 1:',J 60x100 (orner X&00 Very easy terms. A. R. DIAMOND A CO., 07 Railway Exchange Bids. "WEST SIDE LOT& 1100. Rfrht on carllne on upper Wasblnrto; Jt West 89th snd Yamhill sts., beyond :ity Park; easy payments, NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST COw 723 Chamber of Commerce bids- Main B129. . THE best building site In Portland, corner lot, facing south and east, beautiful view, two tlocka from oar: 7400 square feet; In most select district for bomes. The price, 13200, will sell for few days for Invito; easy t.rms. J. DELAHTJNTY, East 8S9. LATJRELHURST LOT. Lot 15. block 70. on Royal Court be tween Ultaan and Everett; one of the flntst lots In tho addition; 60x100: price fl'uo. 1450 cash, balance at 8S8 per month, d per month. ORUSS1 a ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bids.. 4th and Oak. BARGAIN Elegant 80x100 lot, east front, very sightly; beautiful location In Irving ton; bard-surfaoa street and all other Improvements all In and paid for: If you want a bargain, here It la for I250O; only IIOUO In cash, balance to suit. E. J. CONDON A CO.. 400 Yeon Bldg. CONTRACTORS SPECULATORS. I have 23 lota. 2 blocks from two car lfnea, surrounding property all Improved; lots high, sightly and all cleared, street tmprovementa Installed to property, 15 mtnutoe from postofflce; will sell at acre age price If taken st once. 6es E. F. Mead, 1108 Spalding bldg. RIVE RFRONT. 11800. H sore. West Side, close to station, 22 minutes out on 8. P. suburban service; 15 trains each way a day; owner la leaving for California and must sell. See Kupper. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 882 Chamber of Commerce. AT FULTON PARK. Beautiful lot 60x100, 2 blocks from sta tion of falem Electric and only 75 feet from S. P. Ry. ; east front; only 12 min utes' ride from oenter of city; must sell! price 6S0; terms Owner, room 12 Mulkey bldg. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. Tor a short time we offer a beautiful BOx 100 lot In this district for 1650. It la clone to the carllne and oommands an ex ceptionally good view. - IT X- ( . u iTJTCTJflBVT" 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOTS for $250 Just 20 minutes from the center of the city on fine car service, the streets cleared and water piped to every lot. These lots won't last long; pick one out, only 810 per month. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO- "-- 414 Spalding bldff IRVINGWOOD Is now on the market, choice lots with natural trees as low as 1725; terms $10 per month; the best will soon be gone; taks Broadway car. get off at Klickitat and walk east to office; agent on the ground. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. $5500 WILL buy three fine lots on Broad way; these lots are 100 feet on Broad way and 150 feet on cross st.; must be sold In a few days; easy terms; $900 will buy a good lot on Taylor st., near E. 42d. easy terms. M. O'Brien. 400 Yeon bldg. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walke. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar sh all4AL 1022. I WON'T GIVE- YOU MY LOT but I will do the next thing to It; else 50x100, paved street, cement walk, sewer, gas; 150 Jfeet from car, near 83d and Clinton. $t0 for immediate sale. Am leav ing city. Owner. 910 Lewis bldg. $475 CASH, buslneas corner, price $2000, West Side. 60x100, on carllne. suitable for Income from stores, flats or factory; big payroll adjoining; out-of-town owner;, must sell. See James C Logan, 815 Bpald Ing bldg. MY HOME at cost! going away: exclusive district; strictly modern, new; lawn, beau tiful trees; lot 60x100 to alley: 7-room bungalow; paved street; 8-Inch water main; near 7 carllnea, high school and grammar. 1104 Rodney ave. Phone C 1678. 100x200, WITH flne orchard; this la a sight ly tract overlooKlng the Reed Institute grounds, has several oin buildings and la S great bargain at $2500. See owner, 414 paldlng bldg. WEST 6TARK AND 52D STS. Lota 850. easy terms; best buy In tho cltv: new carline building; see us at once. EMPIRE P.8ALTT ft TRUST COw 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 349. IRVINGTON. 100x100 corner, south of Bra-see st. best home district; 13750. JOHNSTON, BOTH FTTH tt TTTFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce; Main 6967. $100 cash will do for first payment, 100x100 ft., on Vancouver ave. : (rood future busi ness comer; price llStK), easy terms. Brong-eteele Co.. ground floor Lewis bldg.; phones M 143. A 1748. ROSE CITY PARK LOT In block adjoin ing carllne; exceptionally well located. Snap pries $600. Owner, AJ 434, Ore gonlan. PANORAMIC view lot In finest residence district on East Side. 20 minutes out: 6 mtnute service: Improvements; 60x100, for $950. Terms. Main 2118. POliTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHT!, ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAIV 55L BROOKE. A 8839. $45 cash and 19 per month- buys a 25x100 ft. business lot on Grand ava; price $450. (Brong-Bteele Co. ground floor Lewis bldg.; pnones m i". OO to Irvlngwood; take Broadway car, get off at Klickitat; nothing like It In town; beautiful property at $760 per lot. Agent on the ground. ONE flne residence lot, 1 blook west of Laurelhurst, on East Couch St., near 81st ; all Improvements In. paved street; cheap. Inquire 951 East Couch st. HALF acre in St. Johns. 2 blooks from car line arid business street, cement sidewalks and street Improvements. Address F 410, THR3E nice lots In Montavllla, 150x100; a bargain for $1350; $50 cash, balance la four years T 413. Oregonian. . FOR SALE by owner. I Iota 2 blocka car line, worth 1400 each: will take $250 each. Call OS tonwu mug., uu aacnta. T LOTS In Fulton Park for 11400; this Is a fine bargain: must be cash. See attor ney. 414 Spalding bldg. 100 FEET Denver and Webster, sewer, gas, cement walks, building restrictions, terms. Zells Goasett. 7 West KlIllngsworth ava WESTMORELAND Will discount equity In lot 60 feet from carllne at bargain prlca nr eaeo. A 6207. Ul) CASH. baL easy; 6 lots Irvington Park 3th st. near Kllllngsworth; must ftNMh fan r-ktiTT hM. BEE Le Nolr A Co. for West Side property. Exclusive dealere In West Side realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce LOT E. Kelly ou, near 81st.: cheap. Call Woodlawn 1332 or C 2218 for full particu lars. EOSSMEHE. fine lot, 42d st. near oar. siooO: terms Owner. Mala B7g. IRVINGTON lot. 1450. under market value i,inn itr 449. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE 76x100 near Knott. " - iv. FOR SALE Two good lots. 85x111, on Mt. Scott Una AO 4-0. Oreganlan. e lots at 25th and Killings worth avaZ ttioO. - Couch bids. I for bale lta. i jwk- JTJST OUTSIDE! OF THB CITY. On ths electrlo line, there Is ons of the prettiest little valleys In Oregon, which offers most of the conveniences of the city and Innumerable advantagea as well. If you had seen It you would be living there now and saving half of your pres ent living expenses . A few dollars a month will buy you an elegant site. This Is the kind of property which Is a good investment. If you call at the office we will be pleased to give you all the Infor mation that you wish without Importuning you to buy. , J. W. HEFFERLIN REALTY CO. 203 Corbett Bldg. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS, 1450. They are 40x100 ft.: located on East Side. 15 minutes' ride from 2d and Alder; three blocks from Sell wood car; easy terms. MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. 809 Railway Exchange Bldg. P pones Marshall 2584. A 7430. ' For Sale Houses. HOME HUNTERS. LOOK HERE. 5-room modern cottage. 1 block from Williams ave. car and south of Walnut Park, In nice location: street Improve ments all In; lot is 50x107. has all kinds of fruit and shrubbery: price 13100, 1750 cash, balance to suit; for further partic . uiars regarding the above as well aa many others, call on C F. Pfluger A Co., realty dept., suite 12, Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. Established 1880. Member Portland Realty Board. IRVINGTON. S1B00 cash, with balance at 7 per cent, will purchase an artistic home of 6 rooms, with glass-Inclosed sunroom and sleeping porch; has 2 fireplaces, furnace and kitchen stove; screens and shades; garage, with concrete driveway; located In best part of Irvington, on full . lot; all Im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner, 112d Board of Trade. Phone A 6344. . HOMES FOR YOU. In every respect a strictly modern B room bungalow wltb 4 lots for $S00 cash, balance to suit. Price Is $3700. ALSO . a 4-room house and lots at Lents for $1600. $300 cash will handle, balance at $20 per month. OREGON HOME-BUILDING AND CON STRUCTION CO., 916 Chamber of Commerce. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. BELOW COST. 8-room striotly modern house, was built for a home; money and pains taken to make it the best: large reception hall, living and dining-room finished In golden oak; 2 fireplaces, 4 largo bedrooms, large closets, sleeping porch, 2 toilets and bath; must be seen to be appreciated; lot 100X 100; garage: an Inside lot; price $7500; $300 cash, balance 3 years 7 per cent. JOHN W. COOK. 402 Lewis Bldg. HERB IS YOUR HOME. 4-room bungalow, wired for electrlo lights. Bull Run water, toilet, good wood- shed. 4 blocka from car, walking distance from Kenton factory district; price. In cluding gas range, already installed, $1050, terms sbout $lo0 cash, balance to suit. CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 332-833 Chamber of Commerce. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. INQ ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLD, MR. LOT OWNER, HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; FLANS FUHXI6HED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCH IT HCT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. ONE of the most beautiful homes in Irving ton; high and sightly; this residence is just being completed and ia modern in every detail: hardwood floors, etc, etc To fully appreciate you must see this at once. The price Is $3000 below value, only Ii750, small payment down. E. J. CONDON & CO., 400 Yeon Bldg. LAURELHURST 7 rooms, attic, hardwood floors, fire place, bookcases, buffet, paneled dining room, walls tastily tinted, sleeping porch, screened-ln porch, built-in refrigerator; I65O0; $500 down; easy terms; worth Cc2oPERATTVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. BEST value In a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park car. on 82d St.; four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attlo; all built-in effects; small down payment; balance like rent. If you are particular thla will suit you, Sas owner. . J. 8. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Near car; hardwood floor, furnace, ce ment floor basement; thoroughly up to da-e: also bungalow; $4600 and $3600; small payment down: It will pay to see these, aa they will bo sold soon. L. R. Bailey Co., 324 Ablngton bldg. Phone Marsnall a-io. SA BJUAab DA., Oi.Af. Good 7-room 2-story house; a flne Id cation to rent rooms or good for 2 fami lies, on San 'Rafael St., near Union ave., price only $3300, $1300 cash, balance at $25 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. Nice modern bungalow of 5 rooms; fur nace, fireplace, laundry trays, beam cell ing? panel dining-room, lot SOxHKx E. ' Flinders, near 31st; price $3500, $500 cash and $25 per month 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BES2 bargain In Irvington; 7-room house, large sleeping porch, corner 26th and Tillamook, one block from Broadway car; large light, airy rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Dutch kitchen, hard-surface street all In and paid for; terms; key at inimuviii. PLANS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. (Hunareas to oeieci Houses $300 to $1500, $5. -Houses over $1500. HO. Finely illustrated book free. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 5 and 8-room h'omes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment ft Trustee Company, 201-2-8 Board of Trade. Marsnau eu. a. ROADHOUSE, with 2 acres of ground, beau tiful trees and fine bearing orchard; mod ern Improvements; owner must sell Imme diately excellent auto road, only 6 miles from center of town. Western Securities CO.. 1. cpoiu.s ........ ti-uv DlV R1TVT when $100 down will give you a nice, rtmfortablo 5-room home with all modern conveniences, balance like rent! $2000 for house and lot. on Congress St.. near &r"cott. Phone C 1656 or East 2557. FIVE BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Finish oak, choice veneer flr; charming; also several best corner lota away below market value: nicest locatlon- Irvington. 1866, East 278. No agents W. H. Herd- man. 'mew of the finest modern 6-room, 2-story houses An Rose City Park district; half Slock from ear; beautiful corner lot, with trees- built by owner for home; bargain .nr'ulck sale. Tabor 3260. A BARGAIN. T-room house. University Park fine eorner-75xlOO. for $2500; $300 cash; bal ance $20 p,r month. Address AK 423, Ore gonlam HoOO $25 DOWN. 115 MONTHLY. brand new 4-room plastered cottages, ,,,ri lot. close to new addition where va- jy Burnslde. A 2778. - TrOM two-story residence, modern In iverv particular, on paved street. 1 block treetcar at a bargain; restricted dls-inct- deal with the owner and aave ijfon. Call Marshall 2745. nicnrsT $500 Modern cottage, 1181 Ivon street, special sacrifice; $2800. terms; greatest Richmond bargain. Owner 1U30 urand. North. T4V OWNER Fine, new modern 5-room bun .alow half block from Rose City car; fix- -. . hnrdwood floors, furnace: turea, """" " , " ..n ' - bargain; term.. Tabor 3280. EOUITY of $1000 In new 6-room house, well located, balance like rent. What am I offered? My loss your gain. J 468. Ore gonlan. I10O CASH. $15 per month, nice 6-r ' bungalow, 4 block, .from good ; car Ttll,lJ?;X E Jjionui, k room modern house, nice lot, streets paid, easy walking distance; $2200. 186 Madison a4 pi'RViSHED 6-room house, one block from Rose , City Park car only $3000. Call . - n 9924. SEE Le Nolr A -Co. for West Side homes Exclusive dealers in West 4ide realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. homes from $1000 to $5000: two fur nished: examine these before you buy. 5 rirtt. 7 West Killlngsworth ave. IRVINGTON BIGGEST BARGAIN offered; om hnus, with garage: east facing: block from carllne; terms. Phone East 314. IRVINGTON For sale. modern re dene. For particulars, phon. e 'i384. eai- 100x100. EASY terms, 4-room cottage, barn, thicks house, trull trees. Phon, O 129L WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, ON CARLINE. 8 looms, including den. two toilets, one in basement; furnace beat, two fireplaces, house almost new and Just repapered and red.ilshed: full 50xl0O-foot lot- For sals by owner for IS0O0. half cash. Telephone A 1835. Address XXX. cars Oregonlan. 19000. $9000. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. Must aell equity In my beautiful -room home at once regardless of price on account of leaving city. View lot 100x100. corner; everything strictly mod ern and up-to-date in every detail; 55 Xt. cement porch extending across front of house supported by massive brick col umns; Interior made unusually attractive by means of glass doors, 2 fireplaces, built in bookcases, seats, buffet, etc. hard wood floors, beautiful lighting fixtures; full cement basement with heating plant, etc. No agent's commission to pay. Owner, 426 Lumbermens bldg. Phone M. 6000. HOLLADAY DISTRICT. 1200 CASH. $80 MONTHLY. INCLUDING; INTEREST, Beautiful 5-room ruetlo bungalow, new, every modern convenience, nloely ter raced, south of IRVINGTON. If you have been renting an apartment this will please you. place you In a high class neighborhood and save you money; price 1S10O. Main 218J. DETSCH ft WITWER. X 1S3. 8A0 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMES. 7- room house, 4 bedrooms, beautiful grounds, block car; 4000. easy terms. 8- room bungalow, stone foundation, fire place, spacious attic, splendidly built, lVj beautifully Improved lots; $5000. easy terms. 8-room, up-to-the-minute, two lota, beau, tiful view, $7000, terms 6 very large rooms and attlo, 8H lots, beautifully improved, magnificent view, ex clusive neighborhood, very choice, 813,000, terms Splendid 8-room residence, flne city view, among best homes. $15,00 0. terms. Main 3561 BROOKE A 1888. MODERN HOUSES. EXCELLENT LOCATION. EASY PAYMENTS. A splendid list of houses. 4, S and a rooms, ranging In price from $2000 to $3000. Terms $20 to $30 a month. - Also several ' very choice housas fow renv $10 to $20 a month. I havo the best list of suburban prop erties In Portland. My office Is open from 8 to 6 every day, including Sunday. A. N. SEARLE. Take MV car: get off E. 76th St. Auto to show property. $12,000. FOR $9500. If you wish to buy a 7-room modern house and bath, furnace heat, with lot 60x100, near 20th st. N., In on, of ths best locations in the city, well worth $12. 000 for the low price of $9300, on terms of $1000 cash, baL to ault at 7 per oent. then you better call at once or you will lose a snap. Inquire at the tnrestmant department, HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. Located at the oorner of E. Eighth and Shaver streets North; lot 60x100. There are two extra rooms finished up In the basement making practically an 8-room house. All street improvements In and paid for; nice lawn and rosea Compelled to sell Immediately! price $3260; $1460 cash, balance to ault. 807 Xeon bldg, ask for Mr. Stringer. TO RESPONSIBLE! PEOPLE! ONLX. $50 cash, balanoe $80 monthly. Includ ing Interest, 5-room modern new bunga low, near Alberta and Union ava. oars, large lot: every convenience. $2500. This Is no more than the rent yon pay and can bo sold at any time at the same price without taking into account ths ad vanca in value. Phone Main 2182. ROSSMERE CORNER LOT 60x100. 8-room house, reception hall, living and dining-rooms finished in golden oak, built in buffet, oak polished floors, fireplace, kitchen and den; upper floors 4 bedrooms with extra long closets, 8 toilets and bath, full cement basement, furnace, electrlo and gas fixtures all in; price $4700; $1000 cash, baL installments. M JOHN W. COOK. 402 Lewis Bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW T rooms. 2 baths, buffet kltohea, den with fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace and all modern conveniences; on Multno mah St.. near Irvington carllnei terms ' can bs arranged. HOLMES & MENEFEB, 89 Third street. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. T rooms, large living-room, dlnlngoem, beamed celling, bullt-ln buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, Dutch kltohen, furnace, fireplace. NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO Room 723. Chamber of Commerce bids. Phone Main 6129. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. 8 new. strictly modern bungalows, 4 and 6 rooms ready for occupancy. $2000 to $2500; small payment down. bal. like rent: let me show you these homes. 252 Aider st. Main 8189. NOBBY 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS. $300 CASH. Just completed, with every bullt-ln fea ture; swell den and 3 whit, enamel bed rooms; hard-surface street and only 1 block to car; great bargain at $8360, IRVINGTON Modern 8-room house, all latest Improvements, hardwood floors, sleeping porches, large light living-room, finished In mahogany. Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln bullet and window seats, on your terms, 7 per cent Interest. Owner, B 14,; 6. SNAD By owner, half-acre chicken ranch, complete, 6-room box house. 80-foot house. 2 small; 6o fare; 18 runs; 250-egg lnou baor. 3 horses, grinder, 75 chickens, feed; all go $M1 cash. $809 at $10 per month. For Information phone Woodlawn 892. $8100 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $8100. A brand-new 6-room bungalow neal Hawthorne ave. A dandy, with all mod ern Improvements. Only $300 cash, bal ance like rent. John L. Karnopp. owner, 325 Ry. Exchg. bldg. Marshall 2574. THIS ia a bargain A flne 5-room house, gas electricity and bath; lot 60x100, with a good barn, chicken-houses and many fruit treesi at East 9th st. North; price, $2100; $900 cash, balance as rent. Call or write to J. Singer. 346 1st at. ' 7-ROOM HOUSE, $2500. 3 blocks from Union ave.; gas, eleetrio lty furnace and other modern features. Look this up at once. Price $2500 on terma DeYOUNG A HARTSHORN E, 614 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 8-ROOM home in fine locality in Piedmont; built by owner for ils home; is leaving the city and will sell at a great sacrifice; price 845W0. $500 cash. Call room 414 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room new. mod ern bungalow on graded street, cement sidewalk, sewer, 1"4 blocks to streetcar, at a sacrifice if taken at once. H 428. Oregonlan. A. BARGAIN Lot 50x100 feet on 17th St., near Overton; small house; prloe $7000, half cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. John W". Cook. 402 Lewis bldg. NEW 9-room- country residence, strictly up to minute, Silver Spring station. Ore gon City line; 8c fare. Phone Oak Grove, Red 402. L. W. Relnhardt. owner. FOR SALE by owner, 1 or 2 acrea with new 5-room bungalow; all hard finished, on easy terms, close to car. AV 506, Ore gonlan. BY OWNER- 6-room house, modern, lot 50x100. one block from car. near Stephens School. $4200. Terma AK 450. Oregonian- B-ROOM old house, good lot, near Tilla mook and 25th. $2500 and bonded taxes. $1500 cash. Postoffico box 13, Portland, Or. NEW modern 5-room bungalow on E. Tay lor at full lot. Some fine fruit trees Can be bought right. Beals & Robinson R(11 E. 11th st. E. S023. l-mo- SMALL payment down; balance $10 month- 5-room new modern bungalow. 60 xlOO lot; attic, Dutch kitchen; lii blocka to car. 88 10th St.. near Stark. OWNER will sacrifice new B-room bunga low largl upper floor and basement. Bargain this week. Inquire 3S8 Glenn ave. FQPt SALE by owner A nice 6-room mod ern rouse, in Holladay Park Addition. In- qulre at flia v m -loho. SHALL payment aown auu .-u a mama buys a 7-room modern house. Room 321, Labbe bids- A