Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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- I. i
Girls Involve Hotels, Traveling
Men and Portland Women
Not Suspected.
Plan Embracing All Northwest to
Knsnare Maidens Centers la
Portland, Victim Telia Federal
Agents Drummer Held.
Channels of ths whits slsrs trafflo
Involving directly and Indirectly a
number of traveling- salesmen, local
hotels and womsn of repute, and even
persons hlher up. have been opened
throu:i tie arrest br ths Federal au
thorities of Troy McDavld. a traveling
salesman, now held to answer to ths
deral grind Jury. Revelations of an
niuapwixl underground system,
reaching lla tentacles oer" all ths
Northwest and btinln to Portland for
"duration" many young women, have
been apposed directly and point to an
organisation whose branchea reach
every stratum of society.
Turous! weeks of labor on ths part
of Infectives Lytls and Swennees. of
the city police, working unner ths or
ders of ths fnlted ftstes District At
torney, ths so r J 1.1 story hss been
brouaht to light. Ths disclosures
broucht abont by ths detectives show
how ths scents, men whose business
requires them to travel, pick up gtrls
In ths outlying towns and bring them
to Portland, whsrs ths unsophlstlcatsj
Clrls are placed In ths hands of ad
venturesses to bo Initiated. Krom ths
time ths Initiate carries a tray of
breakfast to ths agent's tabls In a
rursl hotel, shs Is In ths grasp of ths
organisation, being first brought to a
tolerant contemplation of ths prim
rose life by her relations with ths
meet other men. and when ahs Is thor-
ouahly broken to tne trarnc. snips r
to Portland. Her hotel accommodations
hsrs ars arranged for. and soon after
arrival shs Is met by a sessoned wo
man, under wboss tutelsgs shs Is
smugslsd Into resorts at the very top
of ti.a ladder, her Introduction. It la
alleaed. being attended to by a man
prominent In business.
Lewlatea Ctrl TV lie
How tho systsm worked In tha case
of McPavld's alleved victims, wss rs
latsd by Otlvo Dick, a 1H from lw
lston. Itlaho. who want through tha ex
perience. Ths llrst action of tha police was
taken several weeks ago when they
obtained poseesston of a mysterious
telegram, telllna of ths Dick girls
arrival In Portland. Ths msssags said
tiiat her "man" had given her 1150
to coma to Portland and begin a Ufa
of aharoa and that shs wss to arrlvs
at room 291 Clark Hotel, at Tenth and
Stark streets- "sthe Is nsw and green."
said tha tslecram.
Lytls and Swenness proceeded at once
to ths Clark Hotel, where they found
ths girl realstered In tha room Indi
cated, but sho waa out. They picked
her up on ths street, and tha country
girl, finding bsrsslf In ths hsnds or
ths police, mads little difficulty about
telling tho whole story through which
ths expose has coma.
Ol Its. Dick. JJ years old and di
vorced, waa a waitress In a hotel at
Lewlaton. Idaho, and In that capacity
mads ths acquaintance of McDavld. a
traveling man. She went with nlm to
Orangevllle. Idaho. July 30 and thenoa
to varioua other towns, traveling, she
says, as his sister. Before many days,
shs declared, ha had Induced her to
meet other men and all tha money ahs
obtained from them. $30 sho turned
over to him. Ons of ths men. a County
Asssssor. as ths girl believes, paid her
with a check, and this raper. Indorsed
by McDavld. Is In evidence against him.
rw rnMala Jalae.
En route to Spokane ths pair fell
In with J. D. Summers, traveling for a
house dealing In asbestos goods. Hs
asked her to go to Seattle with him.
and McDavld consented, telling her. ahs
says, to get Summers" money and then
meet him In Portland. McDavld told
her that ha would writs to Manager
Clark, of ths Clark Hotel, preparing
accommodatlona for ner and asking him
to "treat her nice." L'pon her arrival
In Portland shs found that thla Isttsr
bad been received at tha hotel.
McDavld also gava ths girl tho ad
dress and tslephon number of Miss
Allcs Sinner, of S Failing street, who.
ha said, fjwould "wits her up how to
make money."
The gtrl set out with Summers, who
Introduced her to another salesman
named Larkm. Larkln waa drunk, and
after offerlnc her money, accused her
of stealing $300 from his pocket. Shs
vu srrestsd and esarched In the Spo
kane Hotel, but, not having ths money,
waa released. Whan aha told McDavld
of tha episode, ahs says hs told bar that
11 ha blamed bar for was not getting
tho money.
Upon her arrival la Portland ths In
tsndsd meeting with Allcs Sinner did
not take placs. on account of a mis
take In tha number of tha room given
i t-. unM errlwd a few
d aye attar bar and asked oar If aha had
anads any money.
Tie," aha replied. "I didn't know
bow -
-Well, tf yon cant I tnaa tret ons
who can." aha quotea htm as saying and
adding that ha knew a girl In Maud
Morrison's place In Astoria who wks
what ha wanted. Hs went at ones to
the t-lephone and called tha girl In
Astoria, telling her to coma at ones.
Shs arrtvsd that nlaht and want to
McDavld a room. Ha waa called down
stairs by tha management to fix ths
register as to ahow that tha woman
was hta wife.
rails t'aaet Plaa.
With ths woman from Aatorla. known
as Ullan. McDavld set out toward San
Francisco, and a few daya later tha
Pick girl got a letter from him, 'blam
ing her for hlo failure to get money out
of Lilian, who left htm. Ha aald that
a soon sha could gst money ha would
aead for Oilve. Her detention by tha
police brought an and to that plan.
With tha Dick glrla etory to work
from, tha offlcero became active In a
dosen directions. McDavld waa ar
rests.! In San Francisco and was
brought back hsra. Tlie Idaho end of
tha caas was reduced to evidence, Alice
Sinner waa looked up and waa found
to bo living; with hsr parents. Shs
made s free confession of her part In
tha eoneptraoy. Sha waa at ona time
secretary for Isrnata Low en art. man
ufacturer of millinery. According to
vr statement, which la under lnves
tlgatlon. soms of tha beet hotela In the
CUT are tha points from which tha
women start. They are Introduced In
these hotels by -a prominent business
man. who rsmuneratea himself by tak
ing his pick of the arrivals. Ths ev
ident aim la to start tha women In
elaaa above tha common women of tha
streets, rather ss adventuresses, play
ing for big stakes.
"McDavld wanted me to show ths
girl how to make an Illegitimate liv
ing." aald Miss Sinner. I waa to do
this by introducing her to frlnds of
mine where she could get monry. I
could take her to a certain hotel and
Introduce her to a certain busineaa man
and shs would stay there until the man
asement "got wise and ordered her to
lease. Tha Joy-ride class Is lows tha
other class gets ths money, not by
robbing tha man. but Just by getting
It. Wising a girl up simply means to
teach hsr to get ths money. Silk hosa
and fancy hats cost money. Ara you
Weaaaa Wltaeaa Old-Timer.
Tha Sinner woman has been follow
ing a wayward path for soma time.
For a period she ran ths notorioue
house of Mabel Spear, on upper Alder
street, ons of the glided resorts of
tha city, where an outside watchman
waa maintained to Inspect tha callers
before admitting them.
While no case except that of McDavld
la formally before the Federal author
ities at this time, and the offlclala re
fuse to discuss any phase of the general
transaction, probability is seen that tha
Inquiry will take many directions.
Much of the traffic that haa been go
ing on la outside tha purview of tho
Federal Government- which can take
Jurisdiction only when tha "alavaa"
have crossed state lines.
Conjointly with tbe McDavld case, tha
, e
Jee Keller. W1MS Raahllaht
Admlalatratlaa M Prostata
la Pslleo laptalaey.
Federal Jury probably will hear tha
testimony scalnst Itobert Ollverex and
his wife. who. although working on a
a wrll-orxanlx-d system of decoying
youns- frina. inrj " w .
der tha hand of the law by Detectives
Taft and Ackerman. working on tha
Information furnlsned them by Myrtle
vr. n - rcnutahie sir!. It rears old.
who submitted herself to ostensible ab-
durtlon to estooiisa a caeo as"t
aileced slavers.
Reports made to tha police of miss
ing glrla atlll In their minority, av-
- ) - n thrr, a week, and
nearly everyone of thera is directly or
indirectly ins wora - --
lsbor for tho white slave market.
Robinson Convicted on Three Counts,
Girl Then Confesses.
Frank Itoblnson -wss convicted on
three counts yesterday of violating tha
white slave law. The verdict waa re
turned at 1:50 o'clock. Nine Jurora had
been selected to try Mabel Henderson,
alias Robinson, on a similar charge,
and when the verdict waa returned In
the Frank Robinson case her attor-
- i . i .4 . -1- to ntearf s-ulltV. Which
she did. Federal Judge Bean will pasa
sentence in ootn c
The pair made tha acquaintance of
U-year-old Lulu Turner and took her
to Seattle. Tha Indictments charge
each of tha guilty peraona with hav
ing assisted In obtaining transportation
for her. with having aided in obtain
ing tha ticket, and with having enticed
the girl to go.
The Jurymen who had been selected
as a part of the Jury to try me siaoei
Henderson case were: E. F. Cannon.
Arthur Kindorf. John Carlaon. Henry J.
Jackson. W. II. Glsfk. C. W. Hodson.
Frsd A. Ballln. O. E. Caukln and Wai
ter F. Burrell. .
Judge McGinn Release Man as Jury
Is Forming.
Nela 'Nelson, tinder Indictment for
alleged daylight burglary, promised
Judge McGinn yesterday morning that
he will hereafter ba good, signed bis
name to a piece of paper containing
the promts In writing, and' waa al
lowed to go. After learning tha details
of tha case the Judge made his de-cl.-lon
and dismissed a partially-drawn
'Uir i get good reports from Nelson,
and I am aura that I shall, X will cauas
tha Indictment against him to ba dla
mlsaetl In a few months, probably at
tha next term of court. aald tha
Judge. "Thla whole trouble waa
simply a family row and should not
havs been dragged In here aa a crimi
nal ease."
A few montha ago Nelson, who was
separated from bis wife, aa a reault
of Intrusion by her nnola. he aayn.
broke Into a house at Latoarell Faila.
Ha broke tha door down with an ax
and It la chanted that ha deatroyed
considerable furniture. He alao nred
several shots from a ravolvsr. but de
clares that ha did ao only aftsr he
had become a tareret. Hs stole noth
ing but technically his offenss con
tained the el-ments permitting Indict
ment for burglary In day-time.
Railroad lo " Storage Depot for
Fruit Shipped.
In consequence of tha decision of tha
transcontinental railroads to grant a
"Storage In transit" rate for apples
moving from tha Paciric Coast east
ward, the varioua line ar arranging
for warehouse and refrigerator serv
ice In cltlea from which tha fruit may
be distributed.
The Greet Northern .announce yes
terday that effective October 15 fruit
may be stored at Duluth. St. Paul and
Minneapolis. Minn and Superior. Wis
subject to tha rulea applying to thla
,AaCthe new transcontinental tariff
will b issusd at that time, the atorags
rata will ba carried with tha new rates
that will have to ba drawn a a result
of the Spokane decision. It will pro
vide for a charge vf 10 centa for 100
pound, for storage In addition to tha
regular rail rate. . , ...
This will rermlt Northwestern fruit
shipper, to send their product, to tha
storage and hold them thera for quick
action an a favorable market.
Acting Police Captain, Eighth
on List, Is Foremost in
Administration' Favor.
Eligible Templed by Tiny Promo
tion to Make Hooirt for "Pet," "
Who Is to Be Rewarded Mayor
Extols Sergeant Best.
"Joe" Keller "delivered the goods" to
tha Rushlight forces before tha munici
pal election and tha Ruahlght torcea
are going to "deliver the goods" to
-Joe" Keller now, or know tha rea
son why.
Keller Is an acting captain, com
manding the first night relief at head
quarters, alnce Chief Slover was pro
moted. In a recent examination. Keller
passed eighth In line, but that fact
Is not going to keep him from holding
his place, unless public opinion becomes
too strong. And It will have to be
pretty itrotir. at that. If present plans
of the administration ara Jarred any.
Whether with the knowledge and
consent of any one actually In author
ity. It la not known, but it Is a fact
that tactics such ss have never before
been heard of In Portland have been
employed within the last few duya by
those representing themselves to be
bearers of official proposals to some of
the successful applicants in the recent
examination for captaincies.
Maay Shoved Aside.
Offers of promotions to sergesnrles.
placed on the detective staff and prom
ises of good berths In case of the re
organisation of the present force have
been held out as Inducements, and
some of tha men. who. In good faith,
went to the trouble of tsklng the ex
amination, have "lain down." because
they aee that ltals useless to stand on
their rights supposedly gusrsnteed by
tha civil service provisions of the char
ter. .
Some 6f the men. however, are
"standing pat." refusing to he bluffed
out. but these admit that they expert
to "get thelr'a" for not being good and
stepping aside that Keller shall be en
sbled to hold his present Job and drag
down tha full salary of the rank of
Captain 117s a month Instead of ba
Inr forced to accept something less.
Mayor Rushlight, after the marking
In the recent examination were mad
public, showing Keller to stand eighth,
rsised the cry of unfairness and rec
ommended a new test, but the mem
ber, of the Civil Service Commission
declined to reopen the case. This was
believed to have aettled the affair; It
was thought that tha administration
would proceed In the routine fashion
and get a Captain from the list of
eligible to b certified by tha Commis
sion. Riley Heads Mst.
Tha llrst three on the list are Harry
Riley, a Sergeant, and Patrolmen Cir
cle and Inskeep. So far as could bo
learned yesterday, these shree have
not stepped aside, although It was ru
mored that they might do ao. Owing
to tha nature of the affair, none of
them would discuss tha case; they are
simply waiting to sea what happens,
aa they are under orders and It might
be construed a a breaoh of discipline,
should they talk about It.
Patrolmen Pechln and Sherwood
have withdrawn and It Is nnderstood
that Detective-Sergeant Casey Is will
ing to stand aside. If the powers that
bo o desire. He has been given a
promotion anyway, and la well pleased
A peculiar feature of the case which
has come to light Is a voluntary (?
Absolutely Pure
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Haley Crusts
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
list of recommendstlons for promo
tions, by Captain of Detectives Baty,
to Chief of Police Slover. This found
Its way Innocently Into tho last ses
sion of the police committee of the Ex
ecutive Board, but It was passed over
hurriedly and without comment. It
contained the names of C. A- Inskeep.
B. A. Sherwood. Petrolman Pechln and
others, but the first three named hap
pen to be "in the way." as they passed
for Captalna In tho recent examination.
It would be a convenient and In some
respects pleaslns; way of side-tracking
them and placing them where they
will be harmless and would give them
a slight promotion. It Is now be
lieved that the administration had this
In view and may yet act on It, If neces
aary. Mayor Extols Keller.
Mayor Rushlight admits that he re
gards Keller as the proper man for
the promotion. He declares he Is the
best man In sight and goes so far as
to say that he favors leaving him
there, even If Keller has to remain
with the rank of Sergeant.
"We don't need to have a Captain."
said the Mayor, when asked Just what
he Intended to do about this affair.
"We can leave Keller In charge as
Serseant. on a sergeant's pay. If neces
sary. I say frankly, for I don't care
who knows It. that he Is the best man
for the place. Ho Is brave, energetlo
and painstaking; ha haa a great rec
ord for catching thieves, and I want
the -thieves caught. Therefore, I per
aonally favor keeping Keller in, but
tha whole subject has been left with
the police committee."
John B. Coffey, chairman of the po
lice committee, said that he did not
know what disposition will be made
of tho case. He said the three mem
bers will probably take action when
they meet next week, but at present
he had not made up hla own mind
what to do.
Sharp Loses by Bank's Failure.
Judge Kavanaugh yesterday granted
a non-suit In the case of J. W. Sharp,
of Corvallls, against Warren KUbourn,
an action for a cancellation of a deed.
Sharp owned a couple of lot In
Lents and negotiated through an agent
for their sale to Kllbourn. He eent
the deed to the Mount Scott bank of
Lents, now defunct, with Instructions
to furn It over to Kllbourn when he
had paid 1625. the purchase price. Kll
bourn. who had an account at the
bank, came In and drew a check for
the amount and was given the deed.
The bank failed to forward the check
and a few daya later waa closed by
State Bank Examiner Wright. Judge
-r - . . v. that fCllhoiirn had
acted in good faith and performed his
part or tne coniraut "ntvu ...
curuuin tm
should not be held accountable for the
bank a deficiency.
Manufacture of Automobile Acces-
. sory Will Bo Shown- on Film.
Considerable Interest has been manl-f-.t.H
hv automobile enthusiasts In
the free lecture and moving pictures
concerning tho tire industry to be given
at the Helllg Theater tomorrow night.
Indications point to an overflowing
crowd, such as ha greeted tne eauca
tlonal campaign In all Western cities.
The lecture will be given by b- M. t"
llsch. of the B. F. Goodrich Company.
Tim. motion nlcturea depict the mak
lng of an automobile tire from the
time the raw material is gatnerea m
. i ... ...tit thA flnlKhed nro-
DOUin jiiimiii, mv.. - - -
duct Is turned out. Mr. Tlllisch. one of
the foremost tire experts oi in coun
try takes the rubber Industry from
.. . . i anl 0-ivj- a thorough
I r f: o lli o
explanation of "the methods employed
In making tne moot "'f' "
cessory to an automobile.
Springfield Schools Crowded.
r-nnTx-cTTTirr Or. ReDt. 20. (Spe
olal.) Nearly 700 pupils are in attend
ance at the Springfield public school,
which opened for Fall classes Monday.
The buildings are all nearly full and
t t D...kmati an ner I n tenden t. de
clares that another building will be a
necessity In two or three years taore if
the city grows as n nas onuus mo -five
years. There are two buildings,
Doing Tilings
by Clear Tfomkin:
The thought comes first
The better the brain,
The better the thought
The better the ach ievement
A good Tvorkiiiff brain is built up from food
which contains the things brain is made of.
is skilfully and scientifically prepared from
"wheat and barley and contains the "vital" phos
phate of potash essential in building up a well
balanced body and brain.
"There's a Reason
it ap
With at Stitch la Time.
To know of and use a food that will
feed and restore brain and nerves be
fore slight nervous troubles end In
complete nervous prostration or brain
fag Is wise, for unless proper food Is
supplied dally It Is unreasonable to
expect tha nervous system to answer
tha demands mada upon It.
There la a food, Grape-Nuts, for tha
particular purpose of restoring; weak
ened nerves or fag-g-ed brain to health
and strength.
. A business man, of Baltimore, who
mada tha trial says:
"Two years ago my health bad be
come so seriously Impaired It was Im
possible for ma to attend to business.
At the least exertion my nerves would
flra srar and tha condition of my sys
tem allowed me little or no rest or
sleep at night. Stomach trouble soon
followed and I could take no solid
food. I tried the best tonics and medi
cines but they all failed.
"Finally Grape-Nuta food was recom
mended and after using: It for 10 days I
began to feel Its good results, and at
the end of three months I waa again a
well man nervea restored to their
normal condition, strength renewed,
and I was able to do any amount of
both mental and physical work without
feeling unduly fatigued.
"I know Grape-Nuts built up my
brain and nerves and still keep them
strong and vigorous Just exactly as
food builds up muscles or fat, for In
stance, and I am glad to have learned
thla valuable lesson." Name given by
Postum Co, Battle Creek. Mich.
Trial 10 days proves things when
Grape-Nuts food Is used. "There's a
Look In pkgs. for the famous little
book, "The Road to Wellville."
Why Wait Till the
Weather Compels?
The House of Coats
AUV JaVWW was wwwww-w wliy
TO Fit '
b. From Factory to You at First Cost
Showing that new English Garhardlne, that smart, nifty English Slip
On, Cravenettes and those superb All-Weather double service Coats,
for men, women, boys and girls at a saving from 30 to 40 per cent
for Thursday and Friday.
TO Tor.
The prloea
p r ev vailing
present an ar
g u m e n t for
Thursday and
Friday buying.
That Nifty Tan Rubber Slip-On
For Men and Women
250 art plaid Interlined, high storm
collars, specially priced at
Men's and boys' sizes, S3 to 48.
Ladles' and tnlssea' sizes, 32 to 48.
. and Friday,
500 Men'a Enajllsb Gabardines,
Enarllab Sllp-Ons and Superb
Rainproof Overcoats and
Cravenettea Thursday
and Friday at
These Superb All-Weather Coats
and English Gabardines, Spe
cially Priced at 820.00 and
For School Service Glrla' Storm
Capea With Storm Hoods,
at gSZ.25 and
day and Friday at
ONS Thursday and Friday
cluding the New Gabar
. dlnea and Sllp-Ons.
Adapted tor Every Occa
sion, $18.00 and
For School Service Boys and Girls'
Tan Rubber Slip-On Coats at
QA Washington Street 0(17
,JU fl Between Fifth and Sixth Sts. fJU t
Stores in All Principal Cities From Coast to Coast
one of eight rooms and another of four,
in.Mo the cltv nroner, and a two-room
building1 across the river In West
Tobacco Famine Here
Half of Cuba's Crops This YearJAbsolutely Ruined
This means that good Havana cigars will be rare that most
favorite brands are going to disappoint.
Nol to with Van Dych " Quality " Cigars.
Our experts live in Cuba. They foresaw conditions and
acted accordingly.
And the cream of the Havana crops that survived the crops
that were tended like delicate flowers were secured for
"Quality" Cigars
So, besides the countless bales of
rich tobacco that are stored In our
Cuban warehouses past seasons'
crops that are mellowing into Van
Dyck Quality our smokers' enjoy
ment Is assured for several seasons
to come.
Moreover, the same 100 per cent.
' saving over the imported price will
continue to be theirs. For we avoid
a duty that equals their cost by
making Van Dyck "Quality" Cigars
in Tampa, Fla. Making cigari in
Cuba add nothing tavi txphut to
ths imoktr.
And we continue to be as lavish
with care and skill in our making
as before although today's condi
tions have added vastly to the cost
of manufacture. Yet such is our
sacrifice to Van Dyck quality not
one penny have wo added to the Van
Dyck price.
You can get Van Dyck "Quality
Cigars everywhere. You can't get
their equal anywhere. This you
can prove for yourself.
In 27 Different Shapes One for Every Taste 3-for-2Sc. to 25c. each
M. A. GUN ST A CO. "Tha House of Staples" Distributors
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
Novelty Prints 25c, 50c " and $1.00. New
subjects in oil, Landscapes and Marines, at $2.50,
$4.00, $5.00 and up to $30.00. -
Hollywood Carbons This is one of the strong
est lines of pictures. Embraces all the salable sub
iarta hv the old and modern masters. Prices,
'SJSiiSSS. rib, I, s. -
$1 00 In the better grade of framed goods, the subjects are caref ully
selected, handsomely framed and moderately priced.
Moldinra for Frames Many new and novel patterns have been
added to this line for vour Fall and Christmas selections Antique
golds and soft, pretty finishes in brown, grays greens and blacks. A
very large line of the small artistic designs for damty effects with
leadySl Trames-All of the very finest finishes: Antique,
Roman and Etruscan golds, imitation and h"arved ef
sian walnut, Flemish brown, grays and blacks. Try the eneci oi
your picture in one of these frames. mo. . sl
Artist Materials for the professional, commercial and amateur artist.
... . st
Colors, Brushes, Canvas and Sundries.
Bet ail
moiesaio SANBUKN. VAIL & tU.
Largest Variety cf Pictures, Framed Pictures, Moldings and Artist
Materials on'Pacific Coast