9 GOATS. COATS. COAT NO WOMAN OR MISS NEEDING A COAT "CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS SALE The prophets tell us that a cold Winter is ahead. Heeding their word and the decree of fashion, that coats will be the most widely worn cannents. we have anticipated liberally. And this 4 days' sale which we have planned months ahead will be a revelation in value-giving, uome here weanesaay n you aesire una newest up-ro-uate cuais au nuca uiattuonuciir uuacuou v6 6 v Come early while the selction is best. season. Every wanted style, every material, snaae ana size is nere ior you. THE 3IORXIXO OREGONTAS. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, IOTT. $17.50 A Tills exceptionally derer model made of pretty mix ed coating- with inlaid velvet trimmings; large (bawl collar and deep turned cuffs. WeU worth 25.00. Sale Price $17.60. $21.50 Here's" the greatest fcar fiin of the season. Made of fine frade caracul, with large square collar and long cuff fine aatin lined. You have ?een shown rach coats elsewhere t 30. Sale Price $210. Polo Coats; highly fav ored ojr the younger set. They're very smart and charm ing made in soft blanket ma terials in pretty browns. Ex ceptional value at $22.50. tXACr REPRODUCTIONS READ DESCRIPTIO NS 19.SO The illustration pictures one of the favorite models for tho miss the smart empire effect and large collar and deep cuffs are very fashionable. Cornea in pretty light gray and brown, beautifully tailored. No better coat to be had at other stores for less than $27.50. Sale Price $19.50. 16.50 L. This coat made in the loose raglan style of pretty striped material -with self-color trimmings; is a very stunning model, well tailored and hangs gracefully. Pretty brown or gray. You would not hesitate to pay $21.50 for it regularly. Sale Price $16.50. S14 75 If you desire a coat where style and comfort is combined, you must 'see these. They are made with the "Presto" collars; can be worn turned down or up; pretty gray and brown mixtures, in all sizerA A regular $18.50 and $20 coat, Sale Price $14.75. $24.75 Fashion's favorite these Nobby Duo-Faced fabrics of fleecy heather stripes with pretty color combinations are undoubtedly stunning with their charming enveloping effect. Come and see these beautiful coats. Wonderful values. Sale Price $24.75. $14.75 Very stylish Black Broadcloth Coat of splendid quality, full satin-lined, braid trimming to form the much-desired empire effect This is a regular $20.00 coat. All sires for Miss or Matron. Sale Price $14.75. 328.50 As pictured, a most stunning model, made of rich rough boucle curl coating, buttoning over on side with large fancy buttons. No description can convey its beauty and richness to you. Exclusive shops would price this coat at $37.50. Sale Price $28.50. -$10.00 Junior Coats; made in sizes 13, 15, 17, for the intermedi ate; made of fine soft cheviots in all colors; large shawl collar, self-faced. Mothers will find it a pleasure to select a coat for the Miss in this collection. A splendid value. Special Sale Price $10.00. Tailored Suits These splendid Tailored Suits have pleased many women. Made of all the nobby fabrics that are popular in every wanted shade. Equal to many offered at $27.50. Our price only ; $ 1 9. SO Note- The above illustrations by no means represent onr com plete showing. Many styles shown of only one, two or three of a kind. -Dozens of other pretty models equally as stylish and 'as low priced here for your selection. PUriS RESUMED IrvIngtOT) Club Tourney Re Opened After Long Delay. WOMEN'S PLAY INTERESTS oroai ifkton. A porch has been put on In front and a walk from the porcn to the trap shooting- a-rounds. Par ticipants In future will not have to stand In the rain, as the walk Is cot- ered. There haa been some talk of a trophy shoot this Winter, bat no def Inlte action has been taken. The club has now mors than 100 members. Mis Cfcmpben and Mr. Judse Win Their Matches) From Ml ea Fox and Jadbttrr, Latter Phr lnf trader Hard Handicap. After almost two weeks delay, caused by rains, play In the annual fall tennis tournament of the lrrlnttton Club, was resumed yesterday with setr sral fast matches among- which were one or two surprises In the handicap rents. 1H postponement, t iji h cauica m . fallma off of Interest amonc soma of . the players, two or three matches, j scheduled for the day. were defaulted. I'nusuallr interesting- In the after noon was play In the women's events, thocca tho handicaps tn one or two Instances proved difficulties hard to overcome and one or two. conceded to hsve their matches clnohed. failed to "silk, rood." Miss Irene Campbell had a compara tively easy time with Miss Fox. despite a hard handicap, and proved her en durance powers In several strong rallies when her opponent wss games to the good. Miss Campbell's ex perience grained In tournament play throuza the factfta Northwest last ' month proved a timely aid In her play veetex day. Mrs. H. EL. Judge sprung- a surprise la her match with Miss Lessle Lead bet ter by defeating the latter after three hard sets. Miss Leadbetter, playing nnder aa ewe ii handicap, put up a strong1 up-hill game, though It was not up to hsr usual ability oh the courts. Toung Babta had an easy time with Dave Stewart, who also played under a bis- handicap, taking; his match In straight sets. Ons cf the surprises la : the men's play was ths dsfest of Dave Jordaa by E. Constantino, wnose eoutn paw loford proved too much for Jordan, whose handicap also was far from being aa easy on to overcome. Mltabell ex perienced three hard sets la his at tempt to defeat Fleming, the latter putting up a game fight against a bad handicap of owtnc 14 on every game. The summary follows: Club ebamplonahtp'e mm Mitchell best Jordan. 4:ault: Morton bt X.. Si. Plan. T-C en Loan teat P. Lew!, dfau.t: )lanfr txal WAmn. drfauit; OofTt 1 brat An4.-ewa. S-3.S-1; liuibrook beet tveeton. - . Men's kandlrao M'.trhell best 1em!re. S-1 4. S-3: Conetar.tine beat Joruon. 4-4. S-4. e-2; EiUer beat Mann. default: Hrewer fceat C D- btarr. 4-4. 6-4. Sa'.ln beat PTewart. S-l. S-4: E H. Smlla beat Wll ktr.a. SI. -S: McKlnc'n bat Hendereon. e-S s-1': Fenhsm beat J. W. Lad 4. default; Ho!brook beat Hart. S-l. A. Oerr.ll beat E. S-H. t-i Wood bat l.ovd -. T-o. S-4: Latouaette beat C H. Smlili a-a 1-s. -i Woman's baqlcsp Mrs Jndra beat Mti LwlMlur. Si. 4-4. S-l: Mua Amy John ston ret Mra. Cook, default; sllse Campbell beet Mies Tax H S-4. arheduls Far Teday. 11 Boon Shlves vs. Wlckerahsnx 1 SO P. M Mra. L. M ftarr vs. Miss Bovetor. ; Mlss Goes va sflse Johnston. S au P. M. Mra. Jadre va. M'aa Schaefer; Mrs. Z M Starr va Uim Fux: Mra. Cook va Mies Campb'.l. Conatantlse va Or'. S.SO P. M. Latourett va. Sabin: Ban ham va af'.tch:!: McKessle va Weaiun; Van Loan va A. Oorrlll: K. H. bmlth va Mor ton; Eeer va Holbrook ve Weaton. lo f M. Htm and Wakemas va Mc Ktr.nos and Prainley; Oulee end Oste va -'t.fclns and Mur.cer; (1MB and Evans va Oom.l aad Ualourette; Mlaa Fording and Xdsar va. Mrs. Jude and MltrbeM; Hart ana farsa va Jenee and Whaf.ff; llolbrogk and Marehail va aiu!i and gnutb. EW YORK GIAXTS WIDEX GAP McQraw" Mm Xow 4t Points to Gyod In X stlonal Lcajpie Race. New Tork mads It three straight from Pittsburg; by winning tn that city yes terday, and as Chicago lost to Phila delphia, the gap between ths leaders and their nearest rivals in the National League race was Increased from 41 points to 4 , The standing;: Watleaal Leaerse. . TC. 1 P. C. New Tork 1 64 44 .4 Chiracs SO (4 .ST Fltteburg . 10 nv .971 Philadelphia 74 60 .048 In the American League the Ath letics Increased their lead by winning from EL Louis while Boston was de feating; Detroit. Boston's victory and Chicago's defeat by Washington broks the tie for fifth place, which Boston now holds by a margin of sight points. Ths standing: Philadelphia Detroit .... Cleveland .. New York .. TT. 1 P. C ...60 43 .1T ...SJ 65 .Bt8 ...Tl 4 .CM ...Tl S4 -ii Gun Club Talks of Shoot. Ths Portland Gun Club has been making lmprovsmsnis at Its place at Kenton, and Is now prepared for a Tig- WESOS WALLA VALLA YVLNJiKH 9:5 Trot at State Fair Captured In Straight Heats. WALLA WALLA Wash., Sept. II. Wesos captured today's feature at ths Slate Fair Grounds, the 1:2S trot. In etralght heats. defeating- Luclls Patcben and Doo lie Kinney. Results: S 23 trot, pare flMKV Weeoe won In three e!ra!irht heala: Luclle Patchen second. loc McKinucr third: tlm 2.-16W. 2:17 trot, puree 400 Maro won tn five hrata; itcho eecocd. Zoudell third; tune l.ltV ftunnlnr. five furlonra selling, purse f 150 Native on won, WUired d, second. Blak Fluid third: time 1:01V. and a haif furlonca selling, puree 9150 Puree Roee won, I'rlr.ce Rupert Cununlngs seeeno. elaeus third; time 1.2; a. FaTorlte Lose at Lexington. LEXIXOTON. Sept 1. Fireman, heavily played, deefated the faTorita, Cherroyala, In ths I'hoenlx Hotel han dicap, the feature of the fifth day of ths Kentucky Association meeting today. BERG FLOPS LUR1GK Russian "Lion" Mere Toy In Hands of Rival Grappler. EXTRA FALL IS THROWN IN St. Johns After Game. Ths 6L Johns football team wants a game next Sunday. Call Columbia 01. Popular Wrestler DemonBtratea He Is Every Bit aa Proficient In Graeoo-Boman Stylo as In Oatch-as-Catch Can. John Berg, premier light heavy araoDler of America, demonstrated that he Is an adept at ths Graeco-Rc- man style of wrestling last night at the Baker Theater, when he pinned George Lurtck. the Russian Lion, to ths mat three times In 10 minutes and 20 seconds. Berg recently defeated Lurlok. two falls at catch -as-catoh-can. whereupon Lurlok offered to throw him twice In an hour at his Graeco-Roman. The above tella the sorrowful story of un requited revenge. The first fall was gained by a half-Nelson and bar, the second by a head -chancery, and the third, a double-bar look, from the front Referee Mark EhaughDessr rave Berg the first fall In 4 minutes, but Lurick Insisted that his feet were off the mat. "All right. I'll throwk you again.' exclaimed Berg with a slight tings of animosity. Induced br Lurick demand for a split of the receipts, before he would appear. Berg then locked him to ths floor In three minutes. The third fall took one minute and 10 sec onds. Five hundred fans say ths main event, which wag preceded by a varied assortment of grappling, boxing and jlu Jltsu numbers. The summary: Frad Gunderson beat Jack Root in tl minutes by a headiock. Raluh Boddy won a shadow boxing exhibition from Eddie Kelly, decision. In four rounds. K. Yemamato and K. Osbudo, Japan ess Jlu-Jltsu sxponenta, went IS min utes to a draw. - StioS 'MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY TRADE MARK. STEP Into your new Fall Crossetts. Snappy styles and the height of comfort. YouH like this model everybody does. See it and the others. $4. to $6. ersfj-Viars Lewis A. Crosse tt, Xna cJUaksr 4mW . - 3s -a. r - -r," V Jyj-fl fifth VJ' fi'f&rf W 7 ' r t,f Srf A A A 1 s y A'&f' rh mc ft-i h V-' Iff, mimwiifi Our Only Competitor Surrenders """"lAKING Day used to bring tears and backaches to dear old Mother. I therefore, no wonder she is happy now, with the passing of I one of her chief hardships. T should be the aim of every man, as it is his duty, to lighten the burdens of 1 wife ' ' and ' 'Mother. ' ' ROYAL BREAD is a potent agent, and always at your service. S you love your home and those within it, be careful to see that the word "ROYAL" is on the bottom of every loaf that comes within the house. That Word Is There for Your Protection. It Stands for Absolute Sanitation ROYAL BAKERY & CONFECTIONERY, Inc. Sole Makers of Table Queen the Perfect Bread