MOnXIXO OREGOXTAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2Q, 19H. TITE 8 BEAVERS GET FIRST Kuhn's Slashing Drive in 12th Finale to Best Diamond Battle of Season. GREAT PLAYS THRILL FANS Harp and Ryan Sax Day tn llth by Tyln Eoore Alter Error Give Oakland Ran KwHwr TwlrU Superbly. BT. W. J. FKTRArX. Amid scna of wild citment for l)t fans aMcmbUd at th Vanarhn crt lot to to Portland and Oak land taama open the crucial ris of th Mason, th Baarara ytrdey d f rated n Oaka la 1 Innlngs of a fast and clean baaaball aa baa baan em oa tba Portland diamond thla Th final score waa I to 1, and tba Pearera won out by bard hlttlns; In tba lllb and llih lnntnaa. Korstner waa sent on tha mound for tba hunt mm, whlla "Hub" J f moll, usually moat auccaaaful aaralnst Portland, occupied tha hilltop for WoN irtin i warrior. Tba Bearer burlar pltrbed Brand ball all through, and tha lone tally registered by tba Oaka In the 11th waa due to Chadbourne's mla JtidgrtnaT of a hard drive from Wares' bat. the blow itolna: for two baa. Wares a moment later scored ths flrst run of the cams, but In Portland's K;f. and after a oo-d many of tha fane had left tha arena bacauaa tha first two Beaver up were disposed of by Pernoll. Bill Kappa and Buddy Ryan tt-d up tha acore with successive two barsera and forced ths retirement of lit Oakland aouthpaw. Pernoll lire w-r to young Martinoni. who waa like wiae retired In tb next Inning, when V.ntrtr Pecklnpaugh paved tha way for a. Portland victory by a corking- double trulnil tha left field fence. Wolverton then sent Gregory, his beat bet. to the relief of Martinoni. and -Bed" Kuhn. Portlands gingery little catcher, broke up tha lime by slam ming on of tha ex-t(. Louis American Leaguer's offerings to deep center, oa which Pecklnpaugh. by a frreat slid Into the plate. cored tha winning run. Parklnpaugh bad no sooner acored tb n the birr crowd arose en mass and raahed to the street -are, cheering- and gesticulating Ilka a lunatic asylum on parade. Many a aora bark will be recorded this morning, for the ecstatic bugs slammad each other on tha back, tossed hats Into th air and pulled off various other antlca In giving vent to the enthusiasm they had bald bottled during tbe earlier lnntnaa of tba Jt played Ram of tha season. Fllaarra la Rare Far. Koeatnrr and Pernoll pitched a grand battle tor 10 Innings. Neither team waa able to brine; across a score In that time, for faat Bel. Una and several light ning double plays cut oS possible runs more than once. With Cutabaw disposed of In tha flrst hilf of tha llth. "Babbit" Wars un corked a hard drive to left. It would htve been an easy out had not Chad bourne misjudged tha ball, an unusual thing for him. and tba hit want for two bases. Koestner then fall down In Bel. Hn a bunt by Mine, and two runners were on, Pernoll pulled a swinging bunt to shortstop, and Peck Inpaugh overran the ball, thereby los ing a chanre to flag Ware at the plate; bat ha recovered tha ball marveloualy and threw Pernoll out at first, though Wares tallied. HofTman filed to Pack sa l the Oaka' half waa over. Tha crowd called for Chadbourna to rUem hlmeelf. but Pernoll waa too rood, and Wares retired the batter on his liner to short. Lindsay flew to Hoffman, and two were out which caus.d a sashay of som of th fane M th cars. Bill Rapps sent th hopes rf tbe fans soaring by lacing a corking two-tvepeer to right, and then came th mlshty Byan. who earned himself an additional ritch In the Hall of Fame by spanking on of Pernoll' choicest t- left for two bags. It sent Bill Kappa arroas with tha run which put Portland nc more on even terms with th eral v. hite confident Oaka. Kran s swat alao caused Harry Wol verton to tie the can to Pernoll. and M.u-nnonl. the lad who held Portland t two hits In the recent series at San r'rsnrtaro. waa substituted. Krueaer grounded to Wares and was retired at r.rst. leaving Kyan stranded on tha w ith two men out In the Oaks" half of the llth. Za.her singled. Wolverton rould do no better than fly to Kruea-er. art the Oaka' lust chance went gllra rierlnR. for the Beavers broke up th (em In th last half. Tommy Sheehan opened with a hard r!r:ve which was cleverly captured by Hoffman, and Pecklnpaugh followed by .uln( one high against the left Held fence for two bases. This hit rolttbt hitr been good for three bate, but Herman d!d some fin retrieving, and l ev k wi held at second. Then came Walter Kuhn. Whn he stepped Into th batter's hex he faced Oakland s star twlrler. liregory. who had been shunted Into th fray after peck hud don o much diiuce to the ottering of Martinoni. The change did not feaa the little red head, for he caught one cn th seam and aent It sailing Into center field for a clean hit. and Pecklnpaugh raced tn the register. By a great slid th Beaver shortstop best the ball to the phite by a couple of yards, and th tst gxm for many moons waa ended. Beaver Field Cleaaly. Besides scoring the Portland runs. Bl.l Rapps and Kager Feckinpaugh dls tlntculsnej themselves In th fielding l:o with several brilliant play, while Walter Kuhn was not far behind In glittering neldlng. In fact, tha Beaver and th Oaks played glltedged ball all tna wav. and th first nln complet Inning wr played la record Urn. It required only on hour and 10 minutes I, ptay tbe regulation number of la- nfr , Wjlverton will send either Harry AMs or Gregory against ths Beavers ta a afternoon, while "i-pok Harknaaa e-r Tom Seatoa will pitch for Portland. Tb score: , w t--, 1 Portlaad Oaklaao p(J A R A.H.PoJLet. V.f'alf J 0 0 CTiad f 4 110 0 cl' rt -ird r S 1 a 1 0 Vltt I cf 1 4 O Kiri la J 1 1 1 zlonrls 3 119 IKj.n.rl.. S X 1 0 0 v a J Mil Kr,.rrf. 4 t 0 0 ." ' 4 1 1 . sail V;-Tess 4 1 S 4 1 B 11 0 v t e. I 1 1 0 K jr.n o . I T 4 l.r.--T.f J! TotaM 41 10 4 IS 1. TotaU (CORK BT INNINGS. t... u-a 0 MMMMMf-l ......I liltillll 1-10 w.jVtlad'r II SVMXXJtT. Waxes. Karps. Psckinpaagh. strack IL00D HM OAKS utFr Koeetnar T. Baaea oa ball 0 pJrZail 1 To-tae hits Warea. Rappa. ,7n"" J'"'!'''." p.a?? R.PP. to Pecklr.paosS to V . . wain ID iacter. Sacrif ice hlta r?;.ltouxaJ Kri-r-r. stolen l.-H,;.. v. r HH br plfhe1 ball Kuhn 2. In- ?l'r "l 5 1 chart' def-.t to Jdartlnonl. Baa hltaS-oV Pernoll T. runs 1; e Martinoni L ruaeO Tlm-d:4T. Umpire Kinney and Vaa Baltrao. . Kotca of the Gam. Baddv Braa a aonbl ta the llth helped boost til latere tn tbe coming -BuOfly Rraa day" gajne. Elmer Kwelner ltieda his first appearance etece be pitched that J4-Ir.nlns aflalr at Eeeraraesto. aad he waa la fine form. la the alnth Innsrs ar Uorfman epeaed with a smnle. Bill Bapps fle.ded Coys grounder and "Ixmy" waa doub.ed at second. Perenll made a great P'ay on Kuser-s swing tuat la th fourth, for "Hub fle.deo hie ansa eot a-'ter having fallen dowo oa Vie allppery graas. la the seventh Harry Wolvertoo made rml eae-handed stab of Tommye "nee h.n hard lin.r t.-.rd left. Thl. eavd a er. for Peck walked afterwards and Kuhn Pernell haa been eieepttonallT '"l asaln.t the Beaver and It lead. lot . of eonfldene to the Portland tam bt him la a game. He to aot charged with the de feat, yesterday, however. Bill Undeay palled eff some stsl!sr plsys m yMt.rdar a same. Ble atop of af-e-(-rounder la the fifth waa aa exceptionally fin pleoe of work. Catshaw. as oeuai. paiiea - bery stunts the a.terooon. This epeedy p.ayer eeema ue o , or second sad get tails with either hand. 1 the flrat inning yeeterday Bill agala pulled off the "ancient" hidden Bail trie, and th:e time Pattereoa, the new oa atflelder. fell a vlatlaa te th gag. Big Job Ttedesaaa I t of th game temporarily bcaaae of a .trained sndon. Elmer Zaeher played flret baa '"Stead of the big fellow yeetsrdsy, and Tcb did fairly well at that. Elmer Koeetner had Zacbefe Bomber durlne the earlier Innings, for he fanned the big Oahlander tbe flrat three times that worthy earns to bat. SEALS HARD OX II A L LA Lcft-Harxlr-r nammrred Out of Box In Flrat, and Angels Lose. BAN rRANCISCO. 6pt " Sen Francisco fell on Southpaw Halla In th first inning of todays ag-alnst Los Angsles and mad two runs. Tha 6ala made anothar run off Palmar In th first and ona In tha sec ond, but aftr that thy were unabl to send a man across tha plato, Los Angele mada lu Ion run In tha ninth. Scora: ,rwdTbA46 i i ren.if o i J o M t rr Sb 4 0 1 OM hler ab 4 1 t J r..l.,.cf 4 1110 M'Alalb 1 P,; ., 4 1 J 1 OWever.M 1 0 0 S 1 0Jn.on.rr 1 0 0 p-lmae aa S 0 1 0 H land.rf J 1 1 0 0 ber.lf. I O O 0 1 T J Fmlth.e. 0 a OBerry.c. J H.illa.p. O O 0 O Sater p ? 5 f 2 Calmer.p S 0 1 O 0 WenduSb 1 Total l"3i4 1J l Totals IT IT 11 SCORE BT INNING". Brni.:::::::::J I ? t S Zi BVMMART. Ron Mohler. MrArdle. Johneon. Buter. Dlll.-n. Stolen ban lley. Two-base hlta Johnson. Howard. Hellmuller. llaaea on balie Buter 1. 1. Palmer 2. firuclc out By utr . by Palmer I. Double p. aye Weaver t Motler to Tennant Passed ball Smith. Wild pitch Palmer. Tim of lame 1 14 Umpire aloOraevy. AMERICAS LEAGUE. Philadelphia 5, f-t. Louis I. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. IK Oaorg waa ffectlvi today until th seventh Inning, when four bits, a pass and a doublo-steal netted Philadelphia flva run and the raoie, 6cor: H. P F-! H. ICE. 8t Louis . 1 ,Phlla Batterlea Georgo and Clarke; Krauir and Thomas. Doston 9, Dttrolt 1. "T- Vf C2n IS 1 tlAITUh HI Tl fl V X IV... '1 - Cobb in the first Inning today gav Ie trolt Its only run, and Boston won. Cobb's three hits were tho only ons mad off Collins until toe u.uiu. nt;i. IL R. E IL R. E. Boston . .1 lJtrolt . ..1 Battorles Collins and Tonneman: Wlllott and Stallage. Cleveland S, Ifew York S. NEW TORK. Sept. It. New Tork and Cleveland played a tla today. Both Krapp and Ktsher were wild, but proved effective with men on bases Krapp was spiked by Chas In th eighth but continued to pitch. Score: R. II. E R. H. K. Cleveland.. I i;Nw Tork. i 6 4 Batteries Krapp and O- Fisher: R. Flsber. Caldwell and Blair. Williams Cam called end ninth, darkness Washington I, Chicago S. WASHINGTON. rpt- 1. Washlng An vit tvbita hard today and defeat ed Chicago. Thro fast doubks playi allvaned th gam, ncor: R. H. E.I R. H. E. TTashlngton 7 14 l.Chlcago a 1 1 Batteries Oroom and Henry; Whit and tSulllvan. MISS STJTTOX IS OIIIO CHAMPION Mis Moyea, of Canada, Defeated In Easy Style at Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. Sept 1. In tho state tennis tournament her ystrday Xlss May Sutton, of California, easily de feated Miss Louis Moves, of Canada. In the women's single championship, 4-0, -J. rwetrta Co. w. 1 Port'and ."3 eraoa .. Crd .M 1 Bio VI baCm nto 7 9J . L. Sew Tork I Martk r.r .r7S Vancouver .WT Spokane .114 Seattle ... .4.' I'ort.and ,4dJ Tacoma . W. I- P C. in ii .8.9 .e7 l ..". .HI 71 .: .7 71 .514 .T 74 .51 .40 .241 ,411. ictona pet Phils. .... l eirolt . . . .671-i:ievaland New Tork .a.'.o Hoaloa ... Chicago .. .4v aah o'ton .dst. Louis . W. L. P C. . 41 .Ml .fl S3 .S" .71 4 ..; .ft eo -6i s . 70 .4W1 .43 70 ,4k1 49 T .411 .4) ST .Mi Leeago w. i .Ml 44 M 4 .15 . 7 43 ... .T7 S7 .S11 .7i TJ .100 .73 71 .f .S3 9i .161 45 Alt cnlcaao . ritteburg Phil. ft. Lala CUi'aa'.l Prookiya .7$ ) .tl ai .1 77 .54 T .14 Boeton I Wesaera vr. i p c.v .i Deaver t. J eph rueblo .43o Lincoln .. .4T4 'maha ... .44 sioui City .4'1 Topt-k . . .417 D. Mo.ns M'n poiie s K.a. oity 05 Coiumbue gl aul . hlllvauaee Toledo . . . led cepolle LoulsvUl 71 77 71 7J 1 7U H U sa Testerday' Hesolts. P-lflc Coast League Portland X. Oak land 1 fan 'rancts.o 4, Los Arables 1; ns iam at Lie Anae.s. Vernon enrouts. Nortuvestera l.-e Port.aad 4. Tacoma :'pokal.e ft. Victoria 4; Vaaoouvar ft. Se- Aaaricaa League Philadelphia X. St. LsZia I- washiaitoa 1. CMcao 1; Boston i leiroit 1: c;'n aw iork , eaued ValSai lV.r" Terk.l. Pittsburg 1- Phl.s.l-lph a 2. Chlrag 0: Bt. Leula la. Boston 13. Brooklyn 7. Cincinnati 5. AmerU.n iocla-.l-L..uUi...e 13. Mln l'.ail.l . St. raiil 5. Kan- r:i UJiaoapo:is ft-S. Milwaukee . TPw.':ern t-ea.ue Denver 4. Ooiba S: Pu. M,,. i siua oty Topa . L Molne 0 St 6. Ulncola t. va;;ed at aad at loth lauat bscaas of oaxkaesa BASEBALL IN EPITOME - Six UM at a Uaask TEI0 Or NEW FACES WITH HAKET "WOLVEETON'S OAKLAND TEAM NOW PLAYING IN PORTLAND. - ---a - - if r 4: if'-. V - i 4 is 4 17 .':Ve.' ' 5 - i A 7 K Li Pernoll Tosses Ball Only 83 t Times in 102-3 Innings. FEATS IN GAME ARE MANY Martinoni Is Chalked Up fop Toss After Only Seven Pitches En tire IS Innings Take Jnst One ITonr 47 Minutes to Play. BT ROSCOB FAWCETT. Unbeknown parhapa to th fans, several records were shriveled In yes terday's 12-lnntngr exhibition of rubl tud between Portland and tha Oaks. Here they ara In a nutshell: Heinle Parnoil it a new leag-ua mark br pitching but 83 balls In 10 1-1 innings. Pitcher Martinoni, who relieved hlra in the llth. set a new record for los ing. He pitched only seven balls when dorrlcked In favor of Gregmry. yet gets credit for th loss, as Pecklnpaugh, who acored th winning run. got on tha bag off his delivery. Umplr-ln-Chlf Finney tacked new laurels to his tentpol by abetting In th rush act on th tlm record, th flrit sight and ona-half Innings, a usual mmt, reeling off in th phe nomenal time of 1 hour and T rolnut". Th local record for 111 was 1 hour and f minutes. Tha entire II Innings took only 1 hour and 47 minutes, which Is still another heart-breaker. Graduating tha gam, th first thre frames occupied but 20 minutes; six Innings took np 4 minutes: seven divisions whirled by In S minutes; nine full Innings in 1 hour and 10 minutes: ten Innings did th kaleido scope wiggle In 1 hour and 18 minutes: 11 Inning In 1 hour and 88 ticks of the IngersoU's tiny talon. PernolVs record of 83 pitched balls In 10 1-3 Innings Is far and away the beat performance of Its kind In tho United States this season. Delhi es tablished a National record several weeks ago by heaving only 75 balla In nine full frame. Mathewson, of the New York Giants, took a half session on the honor a fortnight later by neav-, lng 98 balls In 10 Innings. " The batsmen on both sides punched at the first or second ball quite gen erally yesterday.- for Koestner's work for the afternoon eonslated In deliver ing S messages of love to Catcher Kuhn. The figures were furnished by a statistical fanatlo In the stand who kept count, and their authenticity Is borne out by the Western Union bulle tin service, which flashed every ball to Its patrons In San Francisco. Tuesday's opening sob hasn't taken the starch out of Manager Wolverton, of tho Oaks, even though he did have the game tucked away In hla own mental granary In the eleventh frame. -We're going to grab the long end of the series, anyway." ha declared at the Seward Hotel last night, apparent ly as Jovial as a chorus girl with a bottle of grape anda lobster boiled, not slewed, ' e A comparison of the Oakland and Portland heavers and batsmen may prove edlb'.e diet. The leading slug gers stack up as follows: .. . . a 1 Ctaklafid. '7r.;....eM?.ehr 8W Ryan Rstipe Sft.YWolvertoa BOT Lindsay ... Krueaer Chadbourna Pecklnpaush Hoffman 2T ,.21 Tledmana 2l ,8.YHPatteraoa 27a "4J Culahaw 250 Theaa etatlstlcs show the leaden about evenly divided, but the Oaks have It on the Beavers a little In team average. see Portland's pitchers are x perhapa a trifle atronger. as a staff than Wolver ton's. Gregory and Ablea lead the league In win and losses, and Chris tian Is right up next to Steen. but on tha whole McCredle seems to have a superior staff, for Steen. Henderson, Kostner, Beaton and Harkness are all delivering In big league fashion now and but for his hard luck Harkness would be up at the top of the percent age column today. Pernoll's record Is 10 wins and 1 losses. Wolverton does not figure that -the loss of Maggart haa hurt hla team ma terially. 11 saya Maggart'e fiance fell Into an estate of 150.000 a few months back and from that time on Maggnn's play baa reen Indifferent to the ex treme. -He bit well, but In all around abil ity, my new man. Patterson, la bis su perior," declared Wolverton. Patter eon la from Burlington, la. NATIOXAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia 9, Chicago 0. CHICAGO. Sept. It. Allowing only one hit, a scratch single by Archer In the sixth. Burns, of Philadelphia, shut out Chicago today. Hits by Knabe, Ma tree and Luderua scored the first run In tht first inning. Paskert counted the other run In the seventh on two errors. Beck's single and Cartas sacrifice fly. Knabe of Philadelphia, and 6hofcard of ChJoapa, s ? a. 1 J HURLING IRK SET ri " J v; Ua.'ta-'-.ev 4 tVaTaErV- mfi ' ' : Vt e 1-eV . a 4 .... . . . , . i -, , were ordered off tho fleJd for disputing decisions of Umpire Eason. Bcore: xr -a v l H R E Phlla 1 8 och!cago . ..0 1 Batteries Burns and Carter: Mo Tntvr, And Archer. UmDlreo Eaaon and Johnstone. St- LonU IS, Boston 12. ST. LOUIS. Sept, 19. It took 28 players two hours and 30 minutes to - . , e.t hall i,r. todar. In which the seven participating pitchers were xouna xor a iui -" 15 runs- A sensational nlnth-lnnlng rally ended the farce In St. Louis' favor, Boston losing. Pitchers Stanrldge, Camnltx and Dale and Utility Player Reed made their debut with the home team. Second Baseman Klrke, of New Orleans, played his flrat major league game with Bos ton. The second game was called oft to allow Boston to catch a train for Pittsburg. Scores. K- II. E l R. H, B. Boston... 13 11 SISt. Louis.. 13 11 1 Batteries Perdue, Hennlfer, Don nelly and Kllng; uoiaen, sianno.e Dale, Camnlts' and Wings. Umplrs OTay and Emslle. Brooklyn 1, Cincinnati 5. CINCINNATI. Sept. 19. Brooklyn won the ODenlng game of the series from Cincinnati today. A ninth inning rally In which Brooklyn knocked Oae par out of the box and treated Smith with the same kind of batting netted them three runs, score: R.H.E.I R.H.H. Brooklyn ..T 14 HClnclnnaU ..6 9 1 Batteries Steele, Rucker, Ragon and Bergen; Compton. Gaspar. Smith and Clarke. Umplrea Rtgler and Finneran. New Tork S, Plttsbnrg 1. PITTSBURG, Sept. 19. New Tork to day made It three straight from Pitta burg. Ames waa strong all the way and shut out the home team until the ninth Inning, when Campbell scored .u, i- fnr Pittsburg on his hit. a pass to Wagner and a single by Mil ler. Score: R, H. E.I R. H, B. Pittsburg ..1 lNew York...! 7 1 ,,- T.elfleld. Gardner and Gib son. Simon: Ames and Myers. Umpires Klem and Brennan. HILTON'S LAURELS IX DANGER British Collins; Star and Evana, American, Are Rivals. .AT.iiiii . ifDTniJ T . T B.nt. 1 9 Tt puuiajw -- will be a cats of Great Britain va. Chicago In the final Invitation tourna ment at the National Golf Links of America tomorrow, ine lurviyuia . vr vr TTIIrnn tha Britlah aay c o . . . .ne Mennt winner of tha CDaminu" ' " , , , . American amateur championship, and Charles jvans, tn f.udc-a.n wuw won the French tlU whllt abroad a few monioa sta Hilton barely scratched out from the Bml-nnals thl afternoon, when, after . . n n m-ltb two hole tO t)laV. e i n a uiiv v. " " -. - - - - - to W. C Fownea, Jr., of Pittsburg, he won after an extra noie. Evans supplemented his victory over Herreshoff In tne morning or over . , Tt-miAm Watiton. of Bal- wneimAu " - 1. . 1 tusrol. T up and to play this after noon. A. A. TJ. Official Ont ht. LOUIB. Sept. 19 J. J. O'Connor, ec Tni nrealdent of the Western Amateur Athletic Union, at the annual meeting of that body last night was sueceedsd la office .by Theodorlo Bland. GLAWS OF TIGERS MED BY'HENKLE Nick's Southpaw Shuts uux Tacoma in Flinging Battle . Against Annis. ERRORS COUNT IN RESULT Roadsters Play Faaltlessly Behind Twlrler, While City of Destiny Ballplayer Toss Sphere Wildly All Over Field. TACOMA. Wash,, Sept. 19. (Special) A young man of the name of Henkle was the undoing of the Taooma Tigers thla afternoon and blanked then to the soore of 4 to 0. . Students of statistics will observe that both pitchers held their opponents to four hits, but a sidelong glance at the error corner will reveal the cause of the Tigers" defeat. These mlsplaya, In addition to the ability of the vis itors to take advantage of them, were responsible for the scores None of the Portland raps was of the pinch variety. They were merely the kind which per mitted the maker to take first base, and the Bengals took care of the rest. In the second Inning Williams In augurated the festivities by connecting safely. Pettigrew laid down a bunt, but all hands were safe. Mensor suc ceeded In sacrificing and then Harris worked the squeexe play on a wild pitch and Williams cantered across. C Coleman Get Nervous. In the third Henkle galloped across. Morse's error and a pair of safe drives figuring prominently In the result. It remained for the fifth inning to snow what can be done when the hits are few and far between and runs are need ed te cinch a game. Mundorff found he could not hit the ball, so he allowed the ball to hit him, getting flrst base by this painful meth od. Spea laid down a bunt, which wobbled In. the direction of C. Curtis Coleman. A. B.. University of Oregon. Curtis came galloping in, but was a trifle flustered. He grabbed the ball and sent It in the general direction of the Fisher station, but Bill didn't have a atepladder handy. The ball continued in Its wild career and when It had been returned to the Infield, Mundorff had eounted and Speas was on third base, breathing hard. Stovall lifted a long fly to Lynch and " Speas counted on the throw In. Two runs and not the semblance of a hit. It looked as if Mensor was going to count the fifth run of the afternoon, but brainy work by Guyn prevented tt. Mensor had placed one but of the reach of Ody Abbott and was going to third when Casey relayed tho ball toward Coleman. It went wild and . Mensor started for home. Gnya t"e Headwork. He had neglected to notice that Guyn was back by the bleachers with first aid to the Injured. The former State Leaguer pegged into home and Mensor was nailed by 10 leer, reasons tor the substitution of Guyn In the place of Count Johnny Bassey are becoming mora annarent every day. The pitching of Henkle kept the Tigers at bay throughout the contest. The only time when there was the least show came In the second, when two hits were rapped out after two were down. Two more hits were reg istered afterward but they were pain fullv Isolated. The Roadsters played their third game In succession without an error, so what could a poor Tiger doT Annis lifted the ball over the left. field fence in the fifth inning, and It waa foul by Inches. He then struck out. Both pitchers served up as good a quality of ball as could De aeaireo, dux Annis had trouble with his support. The score: Portnland 1 Taooma A0.H.PO.A.E- ' 4 0 0 4 1 Mun'ff.Sb Sill 0;ciaey.2b. S 1 4 0 0 Abbott. rf 10 110 PtoVll.rf 8 0 10 O'Ouyn.lf.. 4 1 0 1 0 Wl' a 1 11 0 0 Cole'n.3b. 4 0 10 1 Men-r.ib 1 1 8 O Buma.o.. 3 I T J ow a m e mriihurih a o li 0 0 rolt n'.as" 4 0 2 8 OfAnnls.p.. 10 0 10 Henkle.p 4 0 0 ' Totals XT 4 2T 10 W Totals 81 4 17 IT 4 SCORE BT INNINGS. r i i o x o o o 04 Taooma 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 SUMMARY. Rune Mundorff. Ppeaa, Williams. Henkle. Three-base hit Memor. Sacrifice talte u.n-i. rtwu Ktov&ll. Mundorff. Left on taae, Tacoma T, Portland B. Struck out By Annis 4, by Henkle 8. Basas on balls Hit by pitched ball Annie, Mundorff. Um pire etariceil. OLD HURLER STOPS BEE RALLY Kraft, of Spokane, Too Shrewd for Victoria In Pinches. t-nAirivir c.nt 1ft Victoria was strong In the flrst and last Innings of today l game, sconn- l w n c.., uu. Kraft was steady In the ninth and kept tne tying score t. . i . tilt hflpd Mnrdvka lead J3ULU IWD - . - . lng with a triple, a double and a single In four times up. The score: Bpokan Victoria Ab.H.Po.A-B. CoCh.Sb. 4 8 0 8 4 0 Wil' 4 0 a 3 4 4 0 Oood'n.Sb 4 2 1 Vfelo'rrr a Zlro'n.lf. 4 Carft.3b 4 Nof 4 Kipp t.ct a Kplea'n.o. 8 Bonner. p 0 kraft.p. 4 0 10 0 Kaller.2b. 8 1 8 0 0 Kenn'y.lf. 4 1 a 2 1 V U V 811 I 0McM'o,lb 4 0 2 I1? Z 0 u u reo n.ea 10 0 ljQrlndle.a. 4 A n 1 0 Erirk'n.n. S 1 8 I i a a a n. n,wi,t. 1 Totals 81 10 27 30 1 Totals. 85 11 84 U a Batted for Erlckaon In nlntn. SCORB BT INUINOS. Bnokane 02010003 8 ViE aooooooo-. 6LTMMART. Ron Cartwrlrtt. Nordyk 8. Klppert. Wllllama Keller. Kennedy. MoMurdo. William CTi..jn-vV KmnmAv Kln- iVrtT" Two-baae lt Nordyke. Sacrifice Blti Melcholr X Double pla-Cooney to Cocaah. Two runs a nit on ouuvur a - lr,runek"!.uBo-n.. Erltkion a. Tlm 1:40. t-mpir- CLAKK'S PITCHTXG IS FEiTCEE Seattle Helpless Before Delivery of Vanconver Heaver VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 19. Jimmy nrmm virtuallv Invincible today . ,j the league leaders won hands . . hv tha score of ft to j Leard's catch of Scharnweber s short fly m right field was the only feature. Sc ore: Vancouve Seattle Ab.H-Po.Ai:. Ab.H.Po.T.B. iV 0 teard.Zb S 2 7 0 0 3 OCruic' 4 0 10 0 Benn't.2b 4 2 2 0 FMrt rf. 4 0 0 10 iloua'r.lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 OBuea.Sb.i 3 0 8 2 0 10 0 Weed.rf . ,4 0 0 0 0 8 0 0' S 112 1 0 4 4 1 Rayd.aa. 4 18 10 Jamee.Hb 3 2 Cat ea.ll. v area 1 1brn& i Srn f X 0,aaaa.- O a T - - really, truly TT m specialist for your new Fall and Winter lid! You'll find YOUR shape new and distinctive for $31!!!!!!! "Where you get the best" On Washington Claxk.p.. 10 0 a 0Wlsa,P. 2. Totals 80 8 27 18 l Totals 81 8 24 16 8 6COBB BT INSIXN03. Kt..::::::::::"i 8 i J 8 8 8 S 6TJMMAET. Buna Ort. Bennett 2. m'. Vi. Qeharn-basav-Jesara. Buea. Sacrifice hlt-Sch.rn Sr." rii"7i h. g!arrlJ T DSSl.kpuS2-? S Ramond to Ort; Bennett to Scharn w'eberBr.'.hear. ' .itchJark. Paaaed ball Shea. Time 1:82. Umpire Mccartny. FANDOM AT RANDOM MCBEDIB thinks that BUI Roa rers will be able to play In a few days; but aa long as his present com bination continues to win games it is hardly likely that he will make any changes In the lineup. Rodgers Is pos itive that his leg la strong enough to .permit him to play, and he is eager to get Into the game. The more the fane see of the work of "Koarlng BUI" Rapps. the more this sterling player la appreciated. Tester day Rapps figured In several sensa tional plays and ho frequently got a band for pulling oft some clever stunt. When Bill doubled at a gloomy mo ment for Portland, the fans yelled themselves hoase, and when Buddy Ryan scored Bill with another two bagger, the assemblage went crazy with delight. e e The Oaks have several new faces with them on this trip to Portland, for the Injury to Gus Hetllng led Wolver ton to sign up "Red" Neblnger, for merly with Sacramento. Neblnger was with Portland for a short time also. In addition to the former Senator, the Oaks have a new outfielder in the per son of Claire Patterson, and a young pitcher named Bohen. The latter has been pitching sensational ball around the California bushes and Wolverton thinks he deserves a thorough, trial. Danny Long has tied a can to an other of hi recently imported out fielders, for Art Smith, the Texas League fly chaser, failed to come up to Long's standard as an outer gar dener. Smith complained of a lame back, or some similar ailment, and Long decided his services could easily be dispensed with by tho Seals, so he was unconditionally released. e Buddy Ryan. Bill Rodgers and Vean Gregg, the trio of ball tossers who have been planning a hunting trip all Summer, have added Benny Henderson to the party, and the big pitcher will do his flrst hunting In the Oregon wilds after the pennant race Is over. Gregg will come West Immediately after the world's series and will Join Ryan and the other Beavers when the Coast race ends. Apropos of the coming hunting trip, the following yarn Is told with great gusto by Ryan and Rodgers: It seems that the pair did not take much stock In Ben Henderson's shooting prowess, so they decided to try the big pitcher out. Acoompanied by Bill O'Malley they visited a shooting grounds on the pen insula Monday, where they set up tar gets. According to reports, the St. Johns constable Is looking for the per son who shot a couple of calves that flay, and both Buddy and Rodgers cross their fingers when approached on the subject, which puts It up to Hen derson. Ben says It is a Josh. Elliott Xew Athletic Chief. BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 18. At a meeting of the Paclflo Athletlo Asso- CHANGE Tl The New all-Steel Train of the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. Effective Will run on the following schedule: Leave Tacoma Leave Seattle Arrive Minneapolis Arrive St. Paul Arrive Chicago. ive Chicago -rx..M.j jpr,.HnTi r?ardinsr fares, sleeping car reserva- ueiaueu . " tions, etc., cheerfully furnished. W. P. WARNER, District Freight and Passenger Agent.. J. 0. THOMAS, Ticket Agent, Railway Exchange, Third and Stark streets, Port land, Oregon. , GEO. W. HTSBAED, General Passenger Agent, Seattle, Washington. Y OLCelsL Near Fifth olatlon. whtoh embraces the Paclflo Coast Jurisdiction of the A. A. TJ, here last night, John Elliott was elected president, as Sidney S. Plexotto re signed. John E. McDowell was elected vice-president and Herbert Hauser secretary and treasurer. The date of the P. A. A. championship games was fixed for October 12 on the Uni versity of California field. Victoria Gets Baker. CHICAGO, Sept. 1. President B. B. Johnson, of the American League, an nounced changes of players today, in cluding the release of Baker by Bos ton to Victoria. ' , 111 Third St. Just a whisper off of Washington WeVe just received an other express delivery of those new rough Blue and Brown Suitings in the new box back and English models, priced at.....?20. and ?25 Our Raglan and Auto Overcoats at 20, ?2o and ?30 will surely get you. Before making your selection, see them. Show one of our gar ments to any judge; if we don't save you $5.00, bring it back. OF TIME . .1 an. avuss. va aa-ws pa September 24th. ....8:45 a. m. 3 ..10:15 a. m. D ..10:15 p. m. A ...11:00 d. m. Y ...11:59 a. m. S BRASF1ELD 1 FORGES A