Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 20, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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E""TLFJtlT? I LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. 7;c?, UPM AN, WOLFE & CO. V?Z feS"? L1PMAN W0LFE & CO- !Zl&tZ'r
Wednesday Store News, Interesting and Profitable, at the Lipman, Wolf e & Co. Store
The Initial View" of the Smartest
$30 Man-Tailored Suits '
Kimono Crepes
Mill ends, that means the
entire remaining short lengths
from the foremost manufac
turer of cotton crepes in
America. Perfect goods free
from every factory blemish,
merely the ends of the loom
running from 2 to 7 yards in
The best quality, that goes
without saying.
It s a permanent crinkle
that is not affected by wash
ing and requires no ironing.
The patterns are extreme
ly well assorted in both light
and dark grounds, and make '
stylish and serviceable ki
monos, dressing sacques.
house gowns, curtains and
other useful things.
Inspectors Considering Wreck
of Santa Rosa Quarrel.
Tiuter Am liolto of Innnvs
sarjr Drlar but Ijtftrr I Senior
Office and Will Take as
Much Time a He I. Ikes.
rUL) Consideration of testimony In
th. cas of th wrcrk of th. trarar
Santa Rosa, wfcerttn Captain J. O. Farla
and Third Officer E. J. Thomas licenses
r at staks. has led to a serious con
flirt bstween Inspectors of Hulls CX T.
Holies and Inspector of Boilers John
K. Buljrer.
Buls;.r has accused Bolles of nn
neressarr delay In the case, but Bolles.
belna the senior of the Joint board, has
declared he will take as much time aa
he pleases In deciding- the case.
Innpector Bulger said today that he
had been ready for the last two days
to return his decision, but that InspeC'
tor Bolles was withholding his opinion.
In the trent that th Inspectors do
not scree In the case. Supervising- In
spector John Bermtns;ham will be
called upon to cast the decisive Tote.
The Fanta Rosa bearing; has drmjcied
alone since July 10. It was postponed
for three weeks on account of the 111
nese of Inspector Holies.
The Santa Rosa case has been the
moat Important and spectacular case
since the Board of Steamboat Inspec
tors wss created en this Coast, and
the decision ot the Inspectors will be
watchej with keen Interest. There has
heen much criticism of the officer .of
t.':e 8anta Kosa because th passenrers
were ke.t aboard ship for hours after
cre vessel grounded and weer rescued
after considerable hardship.
Workmen Now KnuVaror to Reach
Bottom of Warship.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11 Th Army
engineer officers working- on th wreck
of th Main In Havana harbor bars
abandoned the Idea of constructing a
mail coffer dare within th la rare darn
that now surrounds th vessel for th
purpos of lnclosins; ths forward part
nf the wre-k and Hrln access to th
ry bottom of th structure. Instead
a system of braclne; la now being- placed
that wUi'ao strengthen th wsuia of th
rj Lf I R ER S
With the return of pleasant shopping
weather and the Fall season now in full
swing, women's thoughts turn naturally to
Fall fashions in tailored gowns.
Every day we receive boxes of new Fall
suits from New York.
The last express brought to us these new
$30.00 man tailored suits for women. Dis
tinctive styles.
American tailor-mades that have the touch
of style, cut and the finish, and the fit of the
best foreign models, but simplified to meet
the fashion demands of American women.
Scotch Mixtures
Once more fashion rums to the rough,
shaggy weaves. The mannish Scotch mix
tures known far and wide for their wearing
The prevailing styles favor the gray,
brown, tan and green mixtures, and these
you find modeled into jackets 28 inches long
with semi-fitting back, with the mannish
notched collar and rever.
Panel front and back skirts complete the
style lines of these new suits.
French Challies
Are Here
Our import order of for
eign Challies came to us a
few days ago, and are now
on exhibition.
Challies, always pretty,
come this year in such a va
ried assortment of beautiful
designs and patterns as to be
truly bewildering.
N ever before have we
seen such artistic fabric print
ing. Dainty figures with
broad borders, Persian and
conventional designs, on both
light and dark grounds.
Exclusive designs you'll
find here not shown in other
65c, 95c, 85c
existing dam as to maka It capable ot
resisting th enormous strain that will
be Imposed when th workmen under
take to remove the mud at the bottom
to a depth aufficlent to expos tha keel
Ast this work of bracing; roes on.
experts plying; the queer little fcas
torches are steadily cutting- up tha
treat mass of tanKled steel beams and
plates with a rapidity far greater than
could be realised by the us of th old
fashioned chisel and sledge-hammer,
and It is expected that by th tlm th
mud-diggers have uncovered th bot
tom plat of th forward hull, most ot
th steel above will have been cut
away and removed.
Papal Delegate Gives Absolution. In
Washington Obsequies.
WASHINGTON. Sept. !. With not
able folk In many walks of life pres
ent, solemn high mass of requiem was
celebrated at St. I'aul's Roman Catholte
Church today for the lata ex-Senator
Carter, of Montana, who died at
hi borne here suddenly on 6unday.
Absolution waa given by Dlomede
Falconlo. papal delegate to the United
States- The maaa was celebrated by
Rev. Thomas A. Welsh, of 8L Paul s,
with Rev. Joseph A. Foley, of Balti
more, as deacon. and Rev.. Joseph
Mallon. of Westminster. Ud. as sub
deacon. Monslgnor Mackln. of Wash
ington, delivered an eulogy. Th hon
orary pallbearers were Senators Bailey
of Texas. Crane of Massachusetts.
Branaege of Connecticut. ex-Senator
Scott of West Virginia. Attorney
General Galen ot Montana. Judge Hunt
of the Commerce Court, ex-Mlnlstar
to Spain Hannla Taylor. ex-Governor
Frank 8. Stealer of New Hampshire,
and Ueorc; E. Hamilton of this city.
O.-W. H, Jt X. Tacom Tunnel In
cluded In Railroad List.
OLTMPIA. Waatv, Sept. 1. (Spe
cial. Th. abandoned tunnel of th 0.
W. R. N. Railroad, work on which
was stopped after several hundred
thousand dollars had been spent, rep
resents an Investment upon which taxes
should be paid, according; to officials of
th railroad company. They reached
this conclusion after first protesting; to
th public service commission against
having- that item Included in th cost
of construction submitted to the Tax
The new law puts the assessment of
railroads in the hands of the Tax Com
mission, but places upon the Public
Service Commission th task of value-
lug th roads. Th Public fiervlc and
th Tax Commission hav agreed that
lf a railroad do not pay taxes on
property Its value Is not to be con
sidered when It comes to establishing
the reasonableness of rates, and this
accounts for the O.-W. R 4 N. chance
of view. The tunnel was abandoned
after tha road made an asrreement with.
the Northern Pacific Railroad to us
th tatter's line between Portland and
Fuget Sound.
New German Cluster Puffs, $1.65
Selling Normally at $3.00
Through an error in the shipping depart
ment of a German importing house, instead
of six dozen puffs, as our order read, we
received six gross. Rather than pay the
return expressage we received advice to close
out the entire quantity at the above price,
which is less than the import cost
made of the finest quality German hair in natural shades con
taining 24 soft rolls. The most desirable hair goods for the
present coiffure.
These puffs are mounted on French weft and are pinless,
easy to dress. s
r'' J' To
W 'A
Cut Glass Bowls $2.25
Selling Normally at $3.00
World's Champion Hurdler Declares
His Spouse- Hit HLm, Hurt His
Feelings, and Left Him.
OREGON CTTT. Or, Sept. 1. (Spe
clal.) Charging that hla wlfa has ar
ungovernable temper and that In June.
10. she struck him. Forrest C. Smith
son, world's champion hurdler and
famoua as an athlete, this morning- filed
suit for divorce In the Clackamas
County Circuit Court, through James
E. Craib, of Portland.
Smlthson alleges that soon after their
marriage his wife called him vile
names, and one day. when he protested
mildly, she struck him. He declares
that In August, 10, she heaped upon
him a tirade of abuse and again struck
him. whereupon he told her he would
hav to leav her if she repeated the
Smlthson avers that his wife prom
ised not to lose her temper In the fu
ture and to conduct herself in proper
manner. However, he asserts, on De
cember 15, 1901. his wife accused him
of paying attentions to other women,
an allegation which he declares waa
false and hurt his feelings. He says
that In August and December last year
she accused him of Immoral conduct
and struck him when he denied the al
The plaintiff says his wlfa deserted
him March 11. 111. and that her con
duct has caused him much mental
anguish and pain. They were married
In Seattle May IT, 180. Mrs. Smith-
son Is said to be living In British Co
lumbia. The report that Forrest Smlthson had
started divorce proceedings against his
wife caused no surprise among his
friends in this city, for It nas been
The men of the future who will be successful will be
those boys and young men who are now saving their
money, and in that way learning about business and
financial affairs. The successful men of present times
saved and acquired knowledge in the same manner. This
bank eneourapes people to save by inviting savings of
$1.00 or more and paying 4 per cent interest.
A Delight to Tell About These
Misses' Smart Frocks
Every day wearable styles.
The designer certainly had in view serv
iceability when he originated these misses'
frocks. To this he added a girlish touch,
producing frocks that are at once' distinc
tive in their youthful lines.
The materials are very soft wool serges
in simple colorings, the most popular being
the new rich Autumn browns, wine and
Copenhagen blue.
As is shown in the illustration, the
empire model is used with the large shawl
revers. collar and cuffs in a contrasting
shade of messaline silk.
offset the severe plainness little
straight rows of self-colored buttons trim
these dresses in a most original manner.
Price $12.50
Fifty new 8-inch cut glass berry
bowls, cut. in an elaborate pattern
with very deep cuttings.
Sugar and Creamer $2.79
Selling Normally at $3.50
Fifty sugar and cream sets, cut in
the very popular chrysanthemum pat
tern on heavy blanks and finished
with a lasting polish.
known for some time that they were
not on amicable terms and had sep
arated. Mrs. Smlthson was formerly a
Miss Tracy, and the famoua hurdler Is
said to have met her in New York. She
later moved to Seattle and shortly be
fore the A. A. 17. games at ths Alaska-Tukon-Paclfio
Exposition, the couple
were married.
Brothers to Walk Across Country to
. Test Vegetarian Theory.
CHICAGO, Sent. 19. Because a Har
Yard professor wants to show the rel
atlve value of a meat aa against a
vegetable diet for physical endurance,
Jesse Buffum. 26 years old, and hla
brother, Warren. 23, are In Chicago to
day on a walk from Boston to Califor
nia. Jesse must subsist on meat and
Warren on vegetables. Both must
sleep on the roof when they stay at
hotels. Each takes a turn at pushing
a wheelbarrow which contains their
baggage. They said that they had
spent Sunday night In a field at Otis,
Ind In a heavy rainstorm.
The test is made under the direction
of Dr. Dudley A. Sargent, physical di
rector of Harvard University. AU ex
penses are paid by the university.
Uncle Sam Bars Free Whiffs of To
hacco Factory Hands.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 1. Cigar-
makers and other tobacco-factory
workers, including girls, who hav
been accustomed to having all the
"free smokes," they want, must pay, I
hereafter for the "makln's" and for
aU the cigars they use, according to
a ruling- of Claude I. Parker. United
States District Collector of Internal
"The Government Is deprived annu
ally of vast amounts of revenue by
thH practice of tobacco-factory em-
In White
Characteristic Models. No Two
Alike. Each Hat Distinctive
in, Its Exclusive Style.
Price $10.00
School Dresses
ForGirls 6 to 14 Years
Black and white checked
dresses, made Norfolk coat style
with kilted skirt, wide leather belt,
white serge dicky, large sailor col
lar with broad black tie. Smartly
trimmed with braid and emblems.
One of the most attractive dresses
we have received this season.
Special $7.45
Girls dresses of dark navy blue
serge, made in a two-piece sailor
suit style. It also has a kilted skirt
and sailor collar blouse. Very at
tractively trimmed with red braid
and tie to match.
Special $5.95
School Grips 35c
Grips for children to carry
their books and lunch. Made
of absolutely waterproof mate
rials, size 10 by 12 by 4.
House Dresses
Very Spec'l $1.19
Percale House Dresses,
made in one-piece style, in
neat stripes, kimono sleeves,
large turnover collar, plain
gored habit back skirt, trim
med with fancy border trim
ming. ployea taking cigars, cigarettes and
tobacco from untaxed stocks," said
Parker. "It is a violation of the law."
Alleged Horsethleves Arrested.
ROSEBURG. Ot. Sept. 19. (Special.)
Accused of stealing two saddle horses
from a Roseburg livery stable, L. M.
Dompler and Mrs. Clara May Mont-
n HI
V J f
. -iVV'-
W. B. Corset
Sells Normally at $1.50
A new model W. B.
Nufonn Corset, made of
good quality batiste with
trimmings of lace. Has
medium bust and very
long over the hips and
back. Two pairs of hose
supporters attached.
Special Prices on
, Card Engraving
100 Engtaved Cards 65c
We will engrave from
your plate 100 cards on
any stock and size card
you wish at 65c
We will engrave new cop
per plate and stamp 100
cards from same at the
following special prices :
Script and 100 Cards
Old English and 100
Cards $1.90
Shaded Old English and
100 Cards, Very Spe
cial at $2.90.
Roman and 100 Cards
at $2.40.
French Script and 100
Cards $2.40.
Shaded French Script
and 100 Cards, Very
Special $2.95.
gobery, tha latter a barber, were ar
rested at Redding, Cat, yesterday and
are being held awaiting the arrival of a
Roseburg officer. They will be re
turned here for trial. The couple rented
the horses under the pretense of enjoy
ing a brief ride in the country. Three
days later the proprietor of the livery
stable received a letter from Ashland
saying that the horses were at that
I have been making ladles' tailored-made suits in Portland for nine years and
never made a suit for less than $65.00. Hundreds of old customers will see this
and know it is a fact. I cannot afford to misrepresent.
Today and Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thurs
day my will be reduced to
My old customers will appreciate this offer. Yon will get a high-grade tailor
made suit for less money than yon probably ever will again. I guarantee all
my work.
In a few weeks the rush will be on and regular prices will be in force. In the
meantime I must keep my workmen. They are paid for each garment they
make. If not kept busy they will leave. High-grade workmen in my line are hard
to get. I am absolutely dependent upon them and will sacrifice all profits at this
time to keep them with me.
Order your suit now even if not ready. . I will make and keep it for you until you
want it.
Don't Forget, Only Today and Tomorrow
362Va Washington Street, Corner
Women's Knit
Underwear ,
Complete stocks of warm un
derwear in Forest Mills, Viola
Haro, Kayser, Leicester, Wind
mill, and various other well known
brands, including the celebrated
Dr. Jaeger pure wool underwear,
for which we are the sole Port
land agents. u .
50c Each
Esset brand of medium weight
vests or tights of silk trimmed, fine
ribbed, white cotton.
$1.00 Each
Forest Mills brand of white
merino vests or tights, in medium
and heavy weight Also union
suits of white fleeced cotton.
$1.25 Each
Forest Mills brand of extra
fine white merino vests or tights in
medium weight. Union suits of
white cotton in light, medium or
heavy weight. Silk trimmed and
finished throughout
$1.95 Each
Silk and wool white ribbed
vests or tights, soft, fine and dur
able. The Forest Mills brand.
Also union suits of medium or
heavy weight white merino, made
with high neck, long sleeves, ankle
$3.00 Each
White silk and wool union suits,
medium weight, with pretty hand
trimming of silk throughout
city and could be recovered upon Identi
fication, The Electric Trams Company, of Mexico
City, has determined to spend a rum of
$500,000 on the construction of new electric
lines. Among- the work undertaken Is the
completion of the Atxcapotzalco to Tlane
pantla Line, the building of the Peralvlllo
to Valbuena Line and the electrification of
the few lines of horse traction atill exlst
ing In MpxTco.
of Park St, Second Floor
. i msA