THE MORNING OREOONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 2Q. Xll. 21 LIFTS SUEUR PRICE Arbuckle Raises His Quotation 25 Cents. OTHERS ARE UNCHANGED Pacific toa.t Markc-y .Mmjr NoC Be Af fcotrd by the Manipulation la New York Steady !- mind for Whnit. Tbe mnml lBlrtu development la a ererei-r trade inurtir era .wire from Vew Ter uhohibi mat Ar3il bad. advanced mar SS t. Th f Eastern nnntn took action. Only ene of them bM Art oca I. ha nor to offer. There v:s M . difference of 1 carata brea th. rjfti .ad. low quotation oa refined la tha teat. It Br oo noted that the oetmpaalea th. lowest nm are ant of tha asarket. Lecal Jobber wara uncertain nhthr at ai tba late mora ta tho Bet will na any afreet en tha Peclrle Coast mark Tnay ara In-lined to believe It art:! not. Tko loaaJ prtoo of standard graltBlatad te- nvatna at If. S3 er handred. Kail advioa from Wear Tork dated Sep- tBt IS atari Tba local refTaer ara aun feallna; tha ton iiaiai i pinch incidental to araroltr ot rawa ana eleoare. ita frasaaeee foe tbat mm Ern where a bayer haa tha eoa traeta orders ara earefolly erotlnld and allotment cat drastically. At that ahrp nsr.Tr aa a rnl ara evay behind two week ta a month. It ta aa tntereetina; commen tary .peta tbo sharp and rapid advene, tbat withdrawal of So ausara ara be In. mad at tba very trme whan buyera must almost bac f ruxar at S.T3c- - "Tocml brokara vara flarartns; how tnoch money rrlBre mlsrht bar made oa raw near shipment bad they not boaa com' eei.ed ta aoll srraanlated asalnst same. Thoa a ear, of Java lost arrtred. boocht some at weeks a-o. ahowad a profit of 000.000 at nreeent quotation over tbo contract price. Another ta Boatoa represented aa advance la value of J.-.0O.0OO. Refiners, however, sold suaar at macb lowar levels, which, aa stated. waa covered or tbaaa rawa and therefore mac's merely a fair profit. "Mock la tha Vnlted Statee and Cuba to seiher total lTO.Ttl tons, asalnst 1S0.S43 tots laat week and S43.64S tons tha oorra- sroadlnc week ot laat year. Stocks In Ear-re aro ton, acalnst a32.0OO tons las: year. Tho total visible supply of stock In Eurnpa and America la 1.3U1.741 tons, aa r mprl with 1.217. H tons last yaar at tba ame ttrna Bt'lF.K.a AWAIT TOTE O-X KIXTrHOCTTT Ikrmand far nint la o Csuiaal Tlllf rarhana'rd. Thr waa a potter demand for wboat yaa itIit than oa Mondar. but tradlaa waa far l om artlra. r)ujra paid full prlrao tor nan lets for mli:tr.r and . California ao rounl. Tha larsa buyrra ara temporarily . J! of tha market, waltlnv to soa tha result r the roto on reciprocity In Canada. Uocal rrloap wero quoted vncbanfed. Ther waa a moderate demand for oata. hich were steady. Barley waa firm la sy mpathy with tha atrencth East. l.orl receipts, la cars, were reported by the aterchaats Kaenang-e aa followa; Tt'httht Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 121 T 3 1 S TnelaT Ill T T T 1 Tear S 1 5 13 reaaoa ta date.Ii 117 B X5 B.M liartli las lul l3 U3 a9 rXtf H EAMw DB.tT!0 TO U END Trad Win Work eat Mean fi lee oer Oa. Cnatslowpea CI raw I'fa. The psack season la drawtna to a cloea. Most of tha local atock that ha bean oa tha market for several days haa been worked off. No more w 111 bo ahlpped from Yaktma t tbta market. The trade from now oa wilt be supplied with ftoiejara and prices arm probably laow a material advance. Cantalaupea are also cleaning- up. Tbla week win aa the laat shipment ta from California. The market la firmer. O rapes mared freely and wera steady, ax aept blacka from Tbo bailee, which wera tai larva supply. Soma of these shipments abawad a poor pack. Phuu were ecarcei but prune wera aban dant aad weak at 14 93 cants a pound. Tomatoe were scarce and firm, tba beat brtcglna; Tt eoata a crate. alo mt nasrWbara; Hep. A lC of lOO bale of hope, fucilea and ewterm. waa boucht ra the Harrlsbura soo tiew yesterday by Klaher. Wolf A Natter. The price waa aot made public This is ta aaly tranaacttoa la aew hope reported ao far tbla week. Reports continue ta come ra of aasatlsfactory reeult la yard wber picking baa been aorapletsd Fs ln-tn at M Cm I a. feeh Oreqoxi ecaa were tn strung demand yesterday at SO rente and were rerev Vteoetpta of poultry were fairly larwa aad prlreo ware quoted eteady. Butter and cheese were urn at last price. flank t-arlac. Pint cleartnaa tr.e .s tut west era citlee yesterday were aa tolloaa "arlnra Faanra. P-rt'and 13 773 -tt a i-7'..iii4 Tacoma .............. St7 4t. 2 7 40 kpokane l..l UU.U71 rORTUaXD MARKETS. Oral. Flowr. leeel. Etc. WHEAT Etport baU: Blueetem. -1 9 e. c.uh. ao j lc: re-t Russian, imv : Val ley. -: lc. 4-io:d. el o stf ; fife. owMo. FIAT M Patents, 4.M Mr barrel. srretClte. $4-'.t. P Tt. SO-SO; Valley. 14.3; f-iMin. S4ik'. ai.:e wh'at. S4S. atlLLKTl 1 ra Hran, KttugU per tow; ar.ldtl .lag snorts. Se.u w railed B.r :eY. JJ V J 34 J'V ( CRN- h . e. S IS: cra'-ked. S4 per tea. B A HI IT New t-d. I31l per tea; kne:rl. lad -i 37 Oq per ton. OATo New . rate. S-a per Ion. BAT No. 1 E. O timothy. S13f 1: tYa t -al:ey. 114: alfalfa. (13; clo-ar. SI SO; rata bar. I011- Dalry aad Cewatre rVtertoce. ril l.TRT Hns. !!; llprlncs. ISHlit; 4 N-ks. jcum le. iteese. 11912c: turkeys. 1 c i -. HITCH O-eon creamery hitter, solid pa.-a. Sic. pfinta eltra K i7 Fresn Oitusn ranch, candled. 30o per doSett. CUF.-.sK Twins. trtplets and dalles, IJItl.'-SC per i4nl. ur Amr!ra. lattje. ! 'KK Kan. y. ll .tllSc per pound. IKlo-l'Mcf. l.'iUU. vrqetabir aad I rait a. TROPlOAt. ITtl lTS Orancea St SOS 47s per s-t . C..r.rnia yrapefruu. I3.7y4; saaar.aa SuiSo p.-r r.-an.1; pineapple. Sc per pound: m na S" 5 VI per boa. FRfcriH m; iTS . an ta.oupee. AeceSLfS per trait; pe-AC-iea. 5" n 1 7c per box, water rr -loaa. TcwSl .A per hur.ttred. plants. 5o J T per crs'e; prunes. 1 S Q .c per pound: pears. SocuSl per r m ; grape. 6cdSl per boa. ar-f'ea. Sll.;.'. VtlEIAKLti leana, 8 919c; eahbare. S1SOA3 per hjadxw-lf1!!; cora. Z s Ju dosen; tvi-i.meii. $11..S per sack: cgc p aat ISc per Ik.; ger.l.-. log 13c per peaad; tettuc. per doae. batbouae lettuce. S1.13iM7i per boa: pepper. A a se per pound: radiabea, 13as par doae a; lss icee. ajq ija ?er pox. AC. VtUtrAHir-Carrota sack: turair. SI: be. La. I1.7S. rt)TAIOt. vreoo. ISc p isweet potatoes. 3e per pound. W O.MUN callforala. ILM per 1 fsillisaa. tl. per buadred. AAf VO ta 13 poanda. l01Si: 13 ta peaada. lSalOi It to 14 pounds. IS if 1H: 1 to IS peaada lSClSSe: sklaaad. lev; plrnl-a. II St; coltase ro.L lS'aa SMOKED UK ATS Beet lesauee. TBct dried beef seta, aoae: eutaida. aone; Inaiaes. 3Jc; krucklea. lie LAhD Kettle rendered, tlercea. JSe. rub. 14c; standard, tlercea. 13 is: tuoa, 13Se: ahortenln. tlercea StaCl tuba. BACON Saary. 31c: siaadara. . choirs. Er.:ieri. lcultj. IjHT SALT CL Kfcl Kraular abort ajrar. dry sa;t. uve. smoked. 13o: backs, "sat. salt. Uwe; smoked. 14 it: becks, beaey aa.t. HHt: smoked. 14c; exports, salt. 14cj sotwaed. i;i& tapte Oroeartea. ALktoy Colombia Blear. 1-pound tall. 12 .3 per dos'n: 1 pound talla I2.M; 1 peund Hats. Si-40; Asaa plak. 1-peaaa SI Ji. curita Roasted. In drums. 23 0 39a par pv.ur.d- . HiNCT Cbolce. SS.TS per case: strained hor.rv joe per pound. SALT '-.ranu'at.d. (IS per ton: balf frooi.1. luwe. ( so per ton: Sua. S per toa. NL T Walnuts. 17 -tlo par pound; Bras. I nuta. 1U lac: fiber ta 14c: almoada. Kiyisc; pecaaa. Is-; eecoaauta. POctlll pr dosea; eheatnuta. 12 Sc par pound; blckary ante. Sff)lt)e per pound. BKA.N.l email whit. 4a; lar white. e: lansa Ic. piuk. She; red Mexican. 40 barou. Sc. RI 'E-Na 1 Japan. 4e: cheaper qradea. SSo4.SS. Sou in era head. Stflo. Im ported Imperial. Jc; Imported eltra Na. A. Tajl-ae fl-iJAR Dry rranntated. ST S3; fruit and berry. AT. SS. beet. 37 13; extra C. (-; fowdered, barrels, (T.SO; oubea, barrela i.TS. dried mriTS Applea imolSHe per pound; apricots, IV. peaches, l013cl pruaea. Italian. 1S lie; allrer. 1M; ea watte aad black. SsjOTHe: currant. Sod) lis; ralalsa loose Muscatel, SwOTHa: bleacked Thompeen, 1leo: anbleacbed Sul tana. So; seeded. SVjCVa Repe. Weel aad Hide. HOPS 1111 crop. S3 0 tin; aid, seminal. MOHAIR Choice, see 37 we per pound WOOU Eastern Oreaee, dla per peuad. aoeordlnc to hrlnkaaa; Valley. 139 ITe per pound. PELTS Dry. lOHo: lambs. 4000a each; akearlnra 26 J 40o each. UlUi.9 Halted hides, la per pound se led es t lSAlTo: salted kip, lO'eo; aaltsd eteq. lat; freea bldea. Ac; dry bids. lo; dry calf l0Jc: dry stas, USUw. CAsOARA rer pound, Sc Olla. MN9EED OIL Pure raw. Is barrela. STe: boiled. In barrels, c: raw, la case. I1.H; noted, tn cae. (1.14. TURPENTINE laer. TC; wood barrel. II Ho: Iron barrela S4c: 14 -case let. T OASOL1NK Motor gasoline. Iron barrels, ITc; rases. 24c; S4 gasoline. Iron barraas, 1c: caeaa. SSc COAL. OIL Ordinary teat, as lea. lSoi balk, la taaka Mr. CATTLE HOLDING FIRM GOOD PKICES ARE RE.VMZKD AT LOCAL TARDS. Choice IaAinbs Ar Sold at $4.75 Kwm Brlnff $S.10t While TToffS .re 3fQvrd at $8. OattI and ahp tlgxm principally In th 4aJlnT- at tha atock yard Ttrdy, aa tbar anad tip th bulk of tha aupplr avail abl. Tradlav waa Uchtar than oo tba pra- cedlna dar. A Taraa bunch of about four lcada of atra aold at laV.25, and a amall lot at $5 S3, jrhtch waa tha ton prioaj paid durlnr thJ dar- 7Vd-ra aold down to 4 4 7. For cbolca cow -7S waa pud, ahowin j that thli bran, h ot tha mark-t la holding firm. Two (rWti.ixod btmche of chotr lamha aold at 4-ja ani otiiara at .. awa broucht $3altX Hoaa moved at Tho dlapoaltlon of tha llvaatork anld at tho a tork yard laat week, according to tha LJveatock Rvportar. vaa aa xollom a: Cattl. Ca1v. Hra. 8hp rnloa Meat Co. . Ml 100 l-'t't -at a Co. lto 124 SO 44 23 143 T4 1M SS 30 27 31 114 872 "jo Smith Meat Co..... ill Co. R. Falrchlld Vf tsve., Portland .... allao. Orvgron s 69 Car tana i'mg. CO... Frro Co. JftrnM H-ary ..... Tacoma 2fc!eat Co... Braho k llanry.... Mic W aahlnf ton.. 781 Totals 1S03 3134 4144 Rtripta Tatardar war .113 cattle, 00 ea !, a., hoaa ard STJ hfj. tohlpparo wrro naltor Govor, RoDlnetto, S car of cattlo and catrra; p. C- Ox ma a. TtoMnotta. ft cara of cattl: R. R. Went. On tario. 1 car of cattle; Kennedy A Driver, who drov tn 7 rattle: TV. W. Htelwer. Con don. 4 cara of aheep; J. T. Coopr. Condon. 1 car of bora, and J. C Warner, Harrleburr, 1 car of cattje. Tho daj" aalea ware aa followa: We!rht. Prtre. t eteora 13 SA 04 li7 ateera 104.1 &.2S 2 atwer 1'3 j 5 -3 4 COW a . . a r0 4. - J 1 bull ....... .y..sJ..l71 3.50 11 lamba 4 4.73 (4 ewaa t9 , 3.10 114 ewee fO a. 10 247 lamro HJ 4.75 S3 Umbe C'J 4 ?5 2d atoera ...... 0 33 cowl 1010 4 00 11 com vH 4 AO 1 bull ................. .. .It ' 3 50 0 ateera V" 4 73 27 co wa ... ........ 4.7ft 2-1 cow ..................... ..ltf.'O 4.t30 V3 ptera -J-."-4 4 -SO k1 ho, 2A3 8.00 pritvj current at tae Portland Uoioa ltockarda or tba various claaeea of a took we-; attle Choice ateera 3 50 913.(13 3 -'3 4 6 M) 0 Oui 8.3 73ij a.o- ...... 3.73 J 4 50 4 30 9 4.75 4 OOii 4 40 Oood to choice ateera, Fair to ood ateera.. Medium atears Pr atara ...... e . a. ..... a. Choice coera Fair to aood cowa .... CornTioD aoode .............. z- a Kaixa choice apajrad heifers .... 4 7sJ fi.oo CbiU-t b-i:ra 4.3aJ 4 73 Cholte tu:i I oi-7 a.3 liixnl to choice buiia m75ff a-U Common bulla .LOO-a) Choice 24K pou&sla aad ur.dir TiBfj th Oood to choice cairao. .......... COO 3 6l rommoo calves ................ 4 m) J 8.00 Choice etace 4.50 ii 4.73 Oood to tholce ataas-. . .. .... 4.2-&f 4-ftO Hoaa Choice llrht hot T 7ft ? S.OO Gool to ch'lct hr 7..0f 7.78 Fair to food ho .. 7 Iti ; T.50 Common hoc 7.W4F t.K3 Choice yearling wethers, ooaras wool 8.339 3.43 Choice yearllna; wethers, east of mountaina liss a. as Choice tni aad threes . 3 33 Choice lame 4.73-9 8.t") C notes y-arllr.fS 4 3u J 4.73 o.k to cnwice itmDi 0 ) Cuila 2-J 3vi Th fallowtnr quo ration a repreacnt oricea On t hla mrht for t ne d:Trat c .n- of H t dla marHi ior n a;nTf nt c ..' or ora-: l'rr:ara, estra heavy, $. ft'-u; rftra. II". to 17i- pounds. S :.- f .'r-O; raf .era. I'-'O to 140 pour, a a, flu, t 2?0; hoi drm dr. chunsia. if l3o; piuca. .$10 H, drlvlnf huraca. a&d up; eaua.e noraea. sow ana tip. C hime iJvvwteck Mtvrlfi. CHICAf-O. iSapt. 10. Cattle Hecelpta. es- tlmat-otl. 73H; n.nrket. weak to ehade low er. Itecvea. M MtfilS; Toxaa ateera, $4.30 4i . itrrn acera. 34.10 9 7; atockra and feeder. 3.V; cows aad heifers, 3 2. 3 4..; cm.vsra. Hare Kctpta, eeimaiea. le.uw; rotriet. weak to So lowr. L.iht. 3-..73 t 7.23; mixed. tf 7.27 S : h-avy, $4.aW; 7.2i; rouah, $130 11 8.r0; rood to caolce b-avy, $d.'0y 7 1'". pica. $i4t04t-; bu.k of a lea. $d.73 .10, hsro Rece Iprs, eatlmated. 80 VM) : run k-t. weak to lc ;owtr. Nailvs. $-rt 4 II." ; Ws-stera, 3-' 5"4-2: yeariinaa, $.1 7v 4.; laoi&a. l0..1j. Writ ern, $4.15 y-25. New Tsrk Cottssi Xarkei. NEW TORK. Sept. It. Cotton futTiro rloeed barely eteady. at a net decUias of 13 to Zi points, .September 11.17. October ii-0-. Nornit)r 11.41, December 11.43. Jaa uary li 44. Fhrus.ry lLiH. March 11.17, Arnl 11.13. May n.i'. jum ii . jiuy 11 . - . pot cloee-d QTiiet. if points lower, mio- Bp.aada ll.3. mld-rulf ll-'O. Ke sales. Ulliabeew lion BM-a, HtXIB0RO. Sept. 1 (SpecleJ.) Mo- Swtt Itrva. todav antpoed tho drat crload of Wasthlcston County 2911 hope, the Brat coot luit'ct of a lot of 4t).wH'4 pounds touch t from F. M. Crabtree. of LaureX Th r't wxa "old under contract at tiie of the aeaaoa. and ths pries waa aro aad ti cat. m Hope mt ew Vork. MW TORK. sSept. IK Hops at as da. SELL ALL GRADES New Business Northwestern Worked by Exchange. APPLE- PRICES STEADY Outlet rrovldcHl Its Member for All Classes Of Fruit Prune Brine Low Price In Eteri. A net loi Market. The Northwestern Fruit Exchanso Issued the folio ins; bail)tln yeeterday: Hi nee tta last report, ths exchanrs baa conaumxnated the fuHowtns apple aaies for its members, for future shipment: For ths Caahmsrs FVult Grower's Tnlon, Cashmere, Wash. : 1 mUd car as followa: lw ritioat. sxira fancy 11.40, fancy 81. 15, C (trade 0c; lb$ Urlmea Oolden and bal once J una i h ana. aama orlra. f o. b. Cauh- mr'e; I car Arkanaaa Black extra fancy i.e. tuncy ai.Ti. c raae i. r. o. d. v aa u mere: 1 car Jonathans, extra fancy 81-60, fancy f 1.60, C rads 41. t o. b. Caehmere; 1 car Jonathans, aame prices; 1 car Jonathans, same nraj: 1 mixed car. 200 Borne fieau- tiea, extra fancy 11 50; 158 Arkaaass lacka. extra, fancy 3U7; 200 Ben lavia, extra, fancy 81. all f. o. b. Cashraere. For Ksacue River Fruit A Produce Asso ciation: 1 mixed car. orchard run, packed It. ue Triable brand, mixed .Nonesuch-, sua 31 f. o. b. WMrorJ, or. For Sew Plymouth (ldiiho Fruit Grow er's I'nlon: 1 mixed car, 808 Arkansas .tf.acka. extra fancy atanaara C 31. :5: i:t Tork Tmpeiiala. extras 31,25, tandarda 1L10 CI SOc f. o. h. Idaho. For C. 31. Klrittna. Bolae. Idaho: 1 car jonatnana ft.., z. o. D. iuano. For (rMrrfj Frank. Pa vet t a. Idaho: 1 mixed car: 4..0 Arkanaaa Itlacka. extra fancy 3180. fancy $1.75, C crade none; lfi') Bakl wiaa. extra fancy fancy 11.10, C rads 300. f. o. b. Idaho. For Fremont Wood. Bnlae: 1 mixed Car. 210 Jonathan, extra fancy $1 SO. atand ard 31 -i; S10 Romf Beauties, extras 31-50, fancy 1 ?R; 210 Black Twljc. extras $UtS, isncy si-i, au t. o. o .jouno. For M'alter Wood. Itoise. Idaho: trmlitht car Arkansas Blacks, extra fancy 81-f. fancy 1.7v f. o. t. ma no. Vne v n Kasrvent. tavetta. Idaho: 1 car Wlneaapa, extra fancy 3 1-7&. fancy 31.63. f. o. b. Idaho; 3 cars Jonathan., packed unwrapped, faced and filled: 1 car all 4- lier; . cars an -,-vter. jj o, t. jdano; 1 car v ineaapa, enni fanr-v 11 id. O crade 31. f. o. b, Idaho. For New Plymouth Fruit Orowora' Union: i tmtvatri f luo Crimea (Golden and Jona- thana all 44 and 8-tler. extra fancy $1,40, '.VI atandi Idaho. 5. C (rada SOo, all t a. b. tr.,e Weleee River Inilt Association: 1 ar Wlnesaps. extras S1.6S. lancy l.:S. C ,rsde tl. I. o. b. Idaho, buyer taking natural proportion or o-lier ana n.iurM iiu uiHm. rf . ' . In making Its sales of apples, the El rhanffn Is discouraging attempls by buyers to take only the selectea raus ana and by requiring; buyera In most Instances, tA t.w. th. fruit In Its natural proportions. Is .providing; an outlet to It members for all grades, undesirable aa well as desirable, at prices which will make eicellent aver ages mu.-h better than they could et by selling the cream of their crops to specu lators, anil having the balance left on their hands. . Prane. Tha Exchange report sal of car PFB Italian pdunea. shipped ay Alfred A. I--.... j.. i.. .t 7&a f. o b. to a buyer In Missouri. Also car PFB 1147. shipped by Mr. Vraser at 70 f. o. b. Boise, to a buyer In Kansaa Also car it n. .., mixed Itallana sIlTera. Hungarians, green gage, and egg pluma at 4io f. a. b. Idano, to a buyer In Minnesota. inrtinn Markets: By wire from Chi cago today: Hungarians and Italian aver aged yesterday, Mt The Exchange sale. f o. t. 100 a pwuewwij .vw parlson. SELLING ONHEAVY SCALE PRICES CARRY BTII-Li IXAVER IN 'WAt.Ij STREET. ieeM.nt Tart's Pnrrch and the FtorelVn Sitnatlon Affect S ntl rucnt ot Speeulsvtors. NEW rORt Sept. A distinctly heavier tone developed today In tha securi ties market. Ther. was ran, ad selling on a heavy scale. Tn. movement seemed to represent, m the main, the Influence of two factots the foreign situation and da mestlo volltlcal condition Th advance of th German bank rat from 4 to a per cent was In no sense a surprise and s-emed to have been fu'ly Justified by tba recent The attitude of the National Administra tion a outlined by president Taft yesterday seemed to b responsible for much of th day's eeillr.g. t'f th thre stocks to fall to new record fir th year, two of them United Btatee 9'etel and International Har vester were l.euee OC tne corporation men tioned meet frequently in wall street: re port of expected antl-truet lroceinga TM ex-lilng Ot lniieo. vi - -- peclally h.avy late In the day. blocks of 1X0 to share being ILrown on tne market- The price fell 2H points te So. Intematloral Harvester sola at a loa of IS. Th third ls,u to reacn a new low point waa Amalgamated Copper, which declined 2S to 65.. The nreaaure against L'nlted Ptate Steel was doe In part to ths belief that condi tions In the Industry are at a "ow odo. une nf iKe earnings of TJnlted 6tates PteeJ for the current quarter was SllO.OoO. Otto. ss compared with S14I.00O.00t In the same period of last year. Opening prices ox stocas generally were tower. From these deolinee were aunee quental rallies, but the heavy selling dur ing the last boar sent prtoea down generally from 1 to 2 polnta The bond market was eteaay. iotai sale. par value, f I.75A.OOO. United r tales bone wsre uncbanged oa cell. . CLOSIMvJ STOCK QUOTATTOKSL Closlna aaiea nun. wv, Hld. Allls Cbal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrloult . - 17 Bf 1 CO. C2i n 23 w 4 102 H I7H 116 1.15 Ys m 2HV. 33. 1V2. ioi "a lit) wi 271 7S 223 21 Vt 270 70H 2.1 17H 8S-, 1111. 50 27 45 H 132 H 12H 16S 22 i SOI, SOL, 40 14S. 123 , IS', . 14 I 100 at 15 20 IS . 24 S3 loit 1S 8 ISO 2H a si axsoo ' t.too '"iio 200 51 M. Sl-1. 'ii" ei .M 121 60 H Am Ieet Sugar. Amer:can tta .. Am Car AY Fdy. Ana- Totton Oil.. Am Hd A Lt pf . Am I1 Kocurl.. Ara I.l'iseed . ... 100 oti SDH Am Locomotive. I'M) S4 1 e; iii" 135 H 02 2S loiw , "oH 7.T, 2-'3-S 21t Am time! AY Bef. 10,Sv0 do ureferreo-. Am Steel Kdy Am Sugar Ref.. Am T-!l AY Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . . .. Anaconda af Co Atcnlsoa ...... 100 J.KO0 ,H ll) 0"0 6,6o 115 13 PI 103 a do preferred.. All Coast Line. F:a!t AY Ohio lirthjrhem Pteel 1.200 !8a 2i IlrooK R Tran. . 7'0 Canadian Pacino ll.C" Central Leather. 300 do prcierrea. . Central of N J . Chea AY Ohio . .. Chicago Alton Chi Ot West . .. LAOO TIM 70 H do prcfirreo. . Chl-ao AY N W C. M At 8t Paul. C. C. C AY Pt U. 200 S.loo It o !.( loo atw ty-o ioo mo liV SvtO 1S."0 i.2t-0 JfH SoO .30 10O "'2.X 2 0 l.B0 140 -i ll'Jv r.ii, -71a 4o 132 IS lfit 22. 44 Sl4 31S 51 . 41 14K. 1--4V. 46 k 'iiii 42 101 . 140 111S 501, 27 W 4 152 "4 12S 160 22 41 SlH 80S 50 41 14i 123 , 45 'iiii 42 100 Col Fuel AY Iron Col AY Foutbera. Conso! Gas ..... Corn rroduets rel AY Hutl.on.. p AY R Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Secor trie do 1st pi do Id rf Ren Flectrlo ... Gt Nvh pf .... fit North Ore.. I llnols Central . Interoor siet .. do preterreo.. Inter Harvester Inter Varlne pi Int Taper Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Fouihern .. TOO 2aw 2s liO A4 4 3' 0 lOS H-2H 800 140 IS SoO 2i 2S ao prer.-rreo. . I.aoled Oas ... Louis AY Nash. . Minn St 1. . . M. S P AY s 5 M aflo. Kan AY Tex. r. W..1A. . ono Kg SS 35 National Biscuit r5 NitionaJ Lead . 200 49 49 4H-S Mex N Ry 2 pf 6O0 2 29 2SV, N T Cenual ... (-no 1"2V, 10Hi 1"1S N T. Ont AY We. 8"0 Sia .38S 3JS Norfolk AY Wet- 2"0 1C2 lolij K'1 nrth Am . .. lOO ft DO OO Northern Paclflo 8,100 11S, 118 Paclflc Mall .. 5O0 S0 21C ,SO Prnueylvanla ... a,S00 120 H'-'H Pelple's Gas l's I r f A Ki 1 1 Plt:sburg Coal . 5oo 17 17i 171 Pressed s Car.. SOO 27 27 "a ?7H Pull 1-al Car lOO Ry steel Spring Too 27 H 27 H 27 Reading TS.200 HO, 13v, 13SY, Kapulllc Steel H"Q 23 -3 i-. An. n-.f. A Ml ,TU RT t. 874 Rock Island Co. 1.M0 24 !a 24 2:1 ' do preferred.. 4IVii Pt L AY 8 F 2 pf SOO 39 S4 St L Southwest. do prefrrretl. Sloss Sheffield 100 37 37 S'l Soutr:rn Pac .. S.' lf-SVi 107 lo7tl bouthern Ry ttv z. xt -'t do rrsferred.. Tenn Copper ... Texas AY Paclflo. . Tol. tit L AY We mi tu w a4 fl:t -, 88 1V 16 18'i 17H do preferred. A1-V oo is, aio T, 42 Onion pacide .. Tl.Sto lflot, ir.5, ir.s da preferrad.. 100 SO 90 fcDta TJ 8 Realty 7 U B Rubber 7 O S Steel 119.9O0 7 05 OS do preferred.. 1.70O 114S 118H 118 Ttah Copper 2.000 42 , 41 . 41 ta Va Caro Cham . 2oO 51 -a H"i 61 Wabash :.. 1"0 l.T, 13, IS do preferred.. 400 S7 24 2H Weatern Md 6144 Westing fcleo .. 200 81 ll SI Western Union. $.100 77 7S" TB Wheel AY L B .2 Lehigh Valley .. 1.900 1R7S IMS 154 Total for the day, 432.5UO share. BONT8. KEW TORK. Eept. 19. Closing Quota tion : TT r 9. -e InOU'tT W r e-n 1UL Tttrl do ooupon ...100H;No Paclflo 3s. 69HB c m ss reg nut, o pacitio as... vv do coupon ...lOItj Union Paclflo 4.10H TT B. new aa eaa-. 1 1 3 ax I Wis Central Aa. . 93H do coupon ...113' japanasa a .... S6B D AY R O 4s. . 90aB Ststeka as Roetoa. BORTOT. SidL 1ft. Cloalna: aatatlons Allour. 23 (Mohawk Amalg Copper.. 63, Nevada Col ... 1SHI A Z LA Sm... 2tt Nlplsslng Mine. 'I ), Arlsona Com .. S7 iNorth Butt..... 33 n AY O O AY 8 M. AH, North Lak 4n Butt Coalition. 16 Old Dominion... 87 Cal AY Arlsona.. AStt Osceola SS Cal AY Hecle 876 1 Parrot t (8 AY C). S Centennial 8 Qulncy 63 Cop Ran Con Co 14 Shannon 8 E Butte Con M. 10 (Superior 23 Franklin SH'Sup AY Ho Mln.. 2 "4 Glroux Con .... 81 4'Tamarack 20 Uranby Con ... 80 U 8 8 R AY M... S'-'H Green Cananea. S do preferred.. 4C1 I Royalle (Cop) 12 lCtah Con 13 Kerr Lake. 3. flah Copper Co. 41H Lake Copper. .. . 24 Winona La Pall. Copper 3 H Wolverine 93 Miami Copper... 18 I Money, Exchange, Eta. NEW TORK. Sept. 19. Money on call, steady, 2492H Par cent; ruling rate, 21,; closing bid. 2: offered at 2H. Time loans. easy: tu days. 5.400; vo aaya ao.i six tnontha. Sy. 1'rlme mercantile pa ocr. 4. sterling exchange steady with actnal busi ness in bankt-rs' bills at SA.&S25 for 60-day kills and S4.8o25fM.Kd30 for demand. Com mercial bills, S4.t24. Bar silver. 52 c. Mexican dollars, 45c Government bonds steady; railroad steady, CHICAGO, Sept. 19. Exchange aa New Tork. la premium. LONDON, Bept. 19. Bar silver Qolet. 24n-iad per ounce. Monev 1 011. -i.r cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is S" 6 3 psr cent; for three montns Dins, aj, per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept- 19. Sterling on London. GO days, ?4.3; no, Slgnt, .oo7a iJrafta Sight, 3; telegraph, 0. Condi Hon of tba Treasury. WASHINOTON. Sept. 1. The condition OT the I ntted states treasury at tne be ginning of business today was: Working balance In treasury office S 8S.7SS.I00 In banks and Philippine treasury 32,277,237 Total of the general fund 141,841, e&B Receipt Yesterday 1.127.6SO Ltlaburaements yesterday 3.127.690 Deficit to date this fiscal year.. 20.81S.143 Deficit at this time last year 11.273. 349 Theae figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. DEMAND FOB WOOL IS DULL. Price. Holding Fairly Finn ta Boatoa Market. BOSTON, Sept. 19. Th demand for all grade of wool oontlnuea dull with price holding fairly firm. Some trading in bright Missouri stock is reported, while there Is a fair retail trade In territory stock. Quotations: Texas fine. 6 to 8 months, 47 4Ke: fine, 12 months, do a 000; fin Fall. 43 13 45a. California. Northern. 48tfA80c; middl country. 46347c; Southern, 46946o Fall free, 40 3 42c. l" - -, ... . ....i. aSAse v. ft . 1 . . . , . ... Wtf-tU, Eastern, clothing, 60c; valley. No, 1, 49 0 470. Territory Fine, staple, 60962c; fin medium, staple, osgfowc; tin clotning, ot 6 63c: fin medium, clothing, 48$60o. Half-blood combing, 66i7o; . do. 62 9 680; quaaxer do., 49660c; pulled extra, 62o; fine A. 60c; supers, 46jf48c Caffe. and Sugar. NEW YORK. Sept. IS. Coffee futures closed ateady at a net advance of ItflS polnta Sales were reported of 110.250 bags. Closing bids: September 12-46o; October, 12.20c; November, 12.O&0; December, ll.OOo; January. lLSOo; February, ll.s5c: March. April. May. July and August, 11.82c. Spot coffee Steady; Rio No. 7. 15Sc; Pantos No. 4. 14Sc- Mild coffee steady; Cordova. 14Clo nominal. Raw sugar Firm: muscovado '8S test, 6.2&0; centrifugal 'SS test. S.7SO; molaases sugar 'SS test. 6.0 Oo; re lined, firm. , K.val Store. SAVANNAH. Oa.. 8ept. la. Turpentine, BOI4C Sales, S24: receipt, 900; shipment, looO: stocks, io.OOO. Rosin, firm. 6ala. 1144; receipt. 8S46; shipments. 6317; stocks, 80.920. Quota tions: B, I 06tf6.20; D. 19.30 96.35; E, 16.40; F, S6 60; a, t6.4S96.&0: H, S64SO 6.60: L t.60: K. M. 16.6066.33: N. 16.66: WO. S7.0U t7.10; IV W. 17.20 3 7.30. Dried Fruit sit New York. NEW TORK. 1. Evaporated ap nlea eomlnr in Quite freely. but price steady. Fancy, 11 12c; choice, lOito all; prima. SVitlOa Prune Arm on email offerings from th coast. Ouotatlona SfilfiVo for California up to SO 9 40c and nominal for Oregon. Peach dull, with buyers holding off owing to reports of easier markets from th UOast- t,ni6. tiVHvi . " . cuviw - - w l2 1c; fancy, 13 Ho. Dnlatb. Flax Market. DUWJTH. Minn., Bept. 19. Flax, on track and In (tore, S2.51: to arrive, 223; Sep tember, , s. .w: vct utter, ,4.0; --sovemDer, 12.23 ask.d; December, 12.14 asked ; Sep tember and to arrive, S2.4U. Wool at St- Zxuls. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 19. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums, 17S20HO; one medluma 17S19c; fine. 11415o. THE Tardiot of "best" rendered by the jury of .wards at the St. Louis Exposition in 1904 has since been confirmed handred times by municipalities which have adopted Bitnlithio to tha exclusion of all other smooth pavements. , THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Construct Asphalt and other HI ta Uaoua PaTsmeots. tui-SUS Alloc Uj aUAls. A-urUand. Or. Oaaar eiaOe. Stlaaagag. i DEALERS WAIT trade QUIET AT SEATTIaE PEVDIXG RECIPROCITY TOTE. Efforts Are Being- Made to Obtain Terminal Rates Over the Canadian Paclflo. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 19 The cereal market were all weak today. Demand waa lacking. Fear of the outcome of reci procity In Canada is held t be largely re sponsible for- the present condition of th market. One of the largest wheat buyer In the city announced today that be we out of ths market until after the Canadian eleotlon. Oata could aa purchad at 28 today, a further decline of 50 cents per ton. Efforts are now being made to obtain ter minal rate over the Canadian Pacific, It is said that the road's officials will estab lish such rates voluntarily. If reciprocity carries. In order to keef westbound grain tonnage on It own rails, rather than hav It diverted to tha Hill llnea further East. The nrst Brussels sprouts of the season were offered today at 76 8 cent. Whll price were no higher, there wa a armor undertone - In the peaah market Dealers ara extremely anxious to get th price up If possible. A better demand has developed for grapea. Several commission men asked higher price thia morning for Tokay and Malaga. The former were quoted at 1SL15 and the latter at 90 centa to Si. Tomatoe wr steady. " There waa an active demand for eggs, out poultry old very slowly. Springs were la excessive supply. Sales were the lightest In montha Dealers are dressing all th poultry possible for storage. The butter market was ay oa a fair supply. Cheese waa firmer, 8AX FRVK CISCO PRODUCE MAKKMT Frloe Quoted at the Hay CTty far Vege table.. Fruits, Eta. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept- 19. Th follow ing produce prices wer current here todays Vegetables Cucumbers. 60ftf75c; garlic 8tT5; tomatoes, 1650o; egg plant, 40 73c. Butter Fancy creamery. 27c Eggs Store, 27c; fancy ranch, 80 Y,o. Cheese Young Americas, 13Sl4c. Fruit Apples, choice, 11.25: common. T5oj Mexican limes. S5.60lj6: California lemons, choice. S6.50; common. $1-50; pineapple, 62 43 S. Potatoes Salines Burbanks, 1.5 31.90: sweets, f 1.756 1.90. ... . MillAtuffs Bran, S29A30; middlings, fsl 6 84. Hay Wheat, 112 tj 18.60; wheat and oata, $12 V alfa'ln. 912. Onions 76t&e"5c Receipts Flour, SOT 8 quarter sacks; wheat, 4360 centals; barley. 2145 centals! oats, 300O centals: potatoes, 6690 sacksl bran, 35 sacks; middlings, 100 sacks; hay, 831 ton. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Sept. 19. Standard copper, dull; spot, September, October and Novem ber 11. 95912.05c; London, steady; spot, 155 Is 8d; futures. f55 16s Sd. Arrival re ported at New York today, 870 tons. Customs-house returns show exports of 14.P06 tons so far this month. Lake copper li.624 12.75c: electrols-tlc, 13.87 13.50c. and casting 12.124912.37V4c. Tin weak; spot; SS-oO-frDOc; September, 88.603 38.110c; October. 3S.5U 88.70c; No vember, 83.1&i?3S.40c London, weak; spot, $17. Futurea 178. Lead. dull. 4.454.53e New York, 4.309 4.40c East St. Louis. London, 14 17s 6d. Spelter, dull. 5.90a6c New York 6.80C 6.90 East St. Louis. London. f27 17s 6d. Antimony, quiet; Cookaon's. 8.808.600. Iron Cleveland warrants 46s 7Hd In Lon don. Locally Iron was steady; No. 1 foun dry Northern $l..2t 18.50; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $16 915.60, Calumet At Becla Drop. BOSTON, Sept- 19. The lowest point tn 14 years was touched by the stock of the Calumet AY Hecla Mining Company today, when lt declined to 375 on the Boston Stock Exchange. In 1S97 the stock sold at 826. but 10 years later lt reached 1000, the highest recorded. s CUcaaro Produce) Mark. CHICAGO, Fept- 19. Butter, steady. Creameries. 212tlo; a air lea 180240. Egg steady. Receipts, 10.010 case. At mark, cases Included, 15lSo: firsts, l&oi prime first. 20c Cheese. steady. Daisies, lSHOlSHo; Twin. 12 13c: Young America. 18 a$ i:ic; Long Horn. 13013acL TRAVELERS' GtTDE. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG TK'nA-V. Sp.2S.10A-M.Vlctorla Lulse. ..Oct 7 Pres.Llncoln. .Oct. SPre. Grant. Oot. 10 tRltx-Carlton a la Carte Bestaurant. Will call at PLYMOUTH and CHER BOURG. lilJUKAI.TAR, ALGIEJtS, NAPLES, GENOA. s8 ta nu DI S. H. li.lUHl KU Bept. n, x r. an. K. MULiaa tut. tS. S. CLEVELAND (World Cruise) ot. ri (Will have accommodations for a limited number of passengers to ITALY. Y,ia MA DEIRA and GIBRALTAR. IW111 NOT call at Algiers. . OTn'i-h r ui-iuva AROUND THE WORLD , ON AN OCEAN LINER Inntian 110 Dart COST $650 AND CP Including All Necessary By the steamship "CLEVELAND" (17.000 tons) The first to leave New York Oct- 21, 181L The second to leave San Fran. Cisco Feb. 6. 1912. Annual event trips In Oct.. 1912 and Feb. 1918. by large Cruising 8 S Vic toria Lulse. 16,500 tons. Aboard and Aehore H-VMBl KC-AMERICAJf LINK. 1A Powell St., San Francisco Ca.L Northern Faclric J. O. MxMullen. aa? O.-tV. R. At N.. Burlington, Chicago, Mil- wan ker AY Paget Kound By. and ether rail road office In Portland. OPKN UTU TRANSPORTATION CO. - STRJ.N.TEAL aTrelght reoetved dally at Oak-at. dock for Tha Dallas, Hood River. White Salmon. Umatilla. Konnewtck, Pasco. Richland, Hanford, Whit BlnXZa, and Intermediate pains. FIBST-CLASS PA88ENUEB bUTlCV FARE 50 CENTS TO HOOD BIVER. WHITB BAlMQSt IB tMmM 1avm fortiud 8un.. TDM. Thurs., A. M- Bcturiilng leTe Tbt DvliM itifi ahnni t P. M. mmmm day. W. buchuin, 6upt-; W. 8. Small wood. Oob'I, Mir. ffaon MUB 2960. A. 637. HONOLULU $110 FIBST-CI-A89 ROUM) TRIP. Ttsak mnir delltrhtful DOt on entire world tour for your vacation. Dellcbtful ea bath in a at tbf famous beach of WalUkL Tba plendid S3, blerra (10,000 toni diiplaco mnt) makea tha round trip In 16 day, and on can visit on a slda trip tha living vol cano of Kilauea, which la tremendously ac tlve, and for himself the process of world creation. 'No other trip compares with this for th marvetoul and wonderful In natur. Visit tha Islands now, while you can do It so easily and quickly and while tha volcano Is active. Prompt attention to telesrams for berths. Salllnits: Sept. 2B, Oct. 24, Not. . Isov. 23, ate Book now. 673 Market Stret, 8an Franciaca. STEAMSHIP REaKHVATIONS AND TICKETS DOMSEY B. SMITH. MANAOHN Qaneral Steam. hip Asenta ALL LINES ta Fifth Street Portlaad, Or. Pheaea Marshall 197. A Ua. Steamer Anvil sails from Albers Dock No. S, Friday, September 52. 7 P. M.. for Tillamook. Bay City. Newport, Florence, Bandon and Coqullla Elver points. Ticket office 128 Third at. Fhona Main Sg, A 4686. Dock phone A 102, Main 1S1. rrls;ht sutd xtasenrrv Ti IlAVELBE John D." Rockefeller Says The secret of success . is em braced in these six -words: HARD WORK, SELF DENIAL, WISE INVESTMENT. , One of the first steps of pro gress toward fortune ia a bank ac count. Every facility is offered by the. t - . LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Capital $1,000,000. Its officers are at all times ready to discuss matters of a financial nature and to give ad vioe. 4 per cent on savings. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAKD. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: , J. Ct ADfSWORTH. Prealdeat. H. W. SCTTSTEEB, CaaUcsrs R. LEA BAJUTElSs Vlea-Preaident. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Aaalatant CaakleiV LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES Bank Notice Security Savings and -Trust Company Corbett BTiUcliiig, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $1,400,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and 'Savings First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 " ' Oldest National Bank- West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce IXCORPOHATED 1867. He.d Ofnce Toromto, Ceoadsv. New Tork 18 Exchange Place. IjOndor 3 sjosnbard Street. " Orer two handred other branches In Canada and the United States. ET-ery "ir taken of collections. Draf ta on all foreign countries and prin cipal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Tim. and Special Deposit. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS . P. C MAXPAS, Mnnajrer. cj nnnnt a.t Prince Port 6impson. Port Nelson, Stewart-Massett and Naden Harbor. Wednesday steamer connects at Prince Rupert with "S. a Prince John for QO"8nB:hPrrince Albert" ?eaves Vancouver fortnlghUy for local points, carryrns paaseagera and freight. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (HOGSTALV DIVISION) Trains leave Prince Rnpert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 P. M for Vanarsdale (100 miles) and makea close connections during; season of naviga tion with Hudsons Bay steamers for Haselton and way ports. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double Track: Route) PH)tm- THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE. From CHICAGO to all polnta eaat. STAXDARD aad TOURIST SLEEPERS, J. H. BURGIS, General Asrant, Faeng;er Dept. FtraT Ave. and Yesler Way, - Seattle, Waahlngton. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North paclflo 8. B. Ce.'s 8. 8. Boaaok n a 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alter iitely it I ?. 11. Tltckst attic Hi Xalia St.. near Alder. . . atABTTN J- HTOLBT. Pseer Acens. W. K. aXUSSKR, Frelaht Aaent. . Phones M. UU. A lSli. COOS BAY LINE ETEASTEB BBIAEW4TEBV. ..ti. . . ... iMrtiBtt a O.llB II I' 111 Aiuiwuttu -- . ... , p M-. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock dally w to S P. M. Pas- senrer rare, lirst-ciasa, Including meals and berta. Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Mala 293, ItsJa 110. A 138. !f.( '! ' .'.' .1 11 ' e'l'timt"". tt i , s - v ' f ty 1;:, " J X Jt T -s.v . 4aa-- .( -: 1 urn if 1 - r- 1 " . JOHX D. B.O CKEFELLER Corner Fifth and SUrk STEAMSHIPS "PBXNCE EUPEET" AND "PRINCE GE0EGE" Leave Seattle, Waslu, . Sunday and Wednesday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight. For Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert. RuDert with "3. S. Prince John" for TRAVELERS' GUIDE. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB Sao Francisco and Los Angeles - WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Beaver Sella A. M .September aa BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND bS. CO. Tirket Office, 142 Third Bt, Pbonea Mala n aad A 140s. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICHL Low Rate. Schedule Tim. AMERICAN - HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. X1B Rallwar F.irtm Blast. rsrusavi, va . fiatn errs. It