TUT! MOTCXIXG OREGONTAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911. 20 TEMPEBJINCEUNIOf WOMEHASSEMBLE Great Progress Reported W. C. T. U. Work Through out Year Just Past. in WHITE SLAVERY DOWNED Ir. Addlton Blame Small Ws for Bprtad of EtU Among Girls. , Co-operation 1t Cbtrrchcs Asked Session Today. the work of the last i, m.r.ih, before th county conven tioo of the Women' Christian Temper i-ni.-n TfiurdtT afternoon. In e elon In Hawthorne Park Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Mary Mallett, county ,... .ia hle-h. tribute to th loyalty, enthusiasm and derotlon of the local presidents, and said that aub tantlal pmjrress bad been made over all the county. Th. nresident commended the recent membership contest which had been. carried out uccesrully. w nne prais i the work that had been done In the country. Mrs. Mallett emphasised the Importance of the opportunities In Portland. She pointed to. the need of Intelligent preparation by memoer that they may be able to tell others about the organisation ana its fhe eald unions ehould see to It tna ministers are supplied with Inform tloo concerning; the union s wort Mala Worker Csmsrntnlate. Although the result In Maine Is In doubt the convention voted unanimous ly to send Mra Stevens. J.atlonai presi dent, a telea-ram of congratulation on tee vigorous campala-n which she had wafted In Maine to retain me stat m the "dry" ranks. Reports were received from the presl dent of the local unions In the county and also from the corresponding sec retary. Mra Lucia IC r. Addlton, who rave a full summary of the work of Wi unlona The report showed that there had been a rain In membership through the recent contest. It was also shown that edncatlonal work had keen carried on by all the unions throurh mothers meeting, publlo nathermgs and by distribution of lit erature. Mra Addlton. who has been National lecturer for th National Social 8erv Ice Institute; discussed that subject be fore the convention, ursine th Import ance of th work In Portland. Ph declared that aoclal reform was th most Important work the w. 1- t. had undertaken, and that It needed trained women. White Slaves reach. fth pointed out the evils of th white elaver. and said the ware sys tem had much to do with this evil, declaring that In Tortalnd there ar Klrls who receive as low aa 13 a week, when It Is known that a srlrl can hardly support herself on less than $ or 113 a week. This, she said, la one of th problems th Whit Ribboners must undertake to crush the whit 1st evil and eliminate environments which make the evil possible. 8e!al welfare work la ensrrosslnp much thoncht over all .the world." said Mra Addlton. -Many organisations art taklnsr up some phases of social work. Here In Oregon we are reach tna; Into broader lines. Through th work of our social visitors w meet th women In their families, w see at first hand their needs and can better study the environment question. The arrest conservation question or trie .M tlon Is waste, not of natural resources as much as It Is waste of human life. The Government keep account of th number of cattle brought to market and places Inspector to see that cattle re clean, but when w attempt to pet statistics as to the loss of human life It Is nearly an Impossibility. More than lOO.Oi'O pages of literature hare Tteen printed directly along the line rf social welfare work. We hop to see a Women's Christian Temperanea 1 nlon settlement established In Port land thla year. '. e hop to see th churches wheel Into line and co-op-. erate with n by taking up the study ef social welfare aa given by th Na tional Social Service Institute. SasTras Caaspalra Talked. "l-egal Inspiration Points" was th topic of Miss France K. iotshall. A general discussion of the women's camnalfm for equal suffrage followed. Mra Salile Ferris, vice-president of the largest union In th world, th Los Angeles Central, waa Introduced by Mra Addlton aa on of th pioneer workers of Waterloo, la. She Is on her way to her home. Mrs. (lark rteda-lev spoke on evangelistic work In the state. A reception was held last night In the church In charge of Mra. Fannie McCourt and Mrs. II. J. Hatfield, cap tains In the recent membership contest. and new members were made welcome. Today will b th Important aesslon ft th convention, and very phase of IV omen Christian Temperance Union work will be presented by speakers. In the afternoon officer for the ensuing year will be elected. Addresses will delivered by Ada Wallac Vnruh. state president, and by Mra Mattle Fleets. A platform meeting will be addressed by Mis Annie Robbtns to night. GREEK UPSETS CITY CLERK Pen riangn Cnra-taJo. When Com plaint Xante- Ianaroroal. Writer's cramp and " stenographer" raralysis are raglnc In official circles on account of a complaint filed yester day In the Plstrtct Attorney office and recorded la th Justice court. In the complaint an accusation of larceny Is mad against 1. Panagopoulos. J. Pol Itoupoulos and C poiitoupoulos. by Tom Poulous. When Judge Cameron's stenographer had srrestWd with these. Hellenic cognomens he collapsed, and by the time Leputy Clerk G ruber jf th Justice Court had transcribed them on Lis records th Janitor wa around, demanding- an opportunity to sweep out. Th nnpreflxesl Poulous accuses hi thre compatriots of th vowellferous name with having relieved htm of 140 1a th suburb of Kenton. Th three men of mighty name deposited cash bail of lie each, pending their hearing. BRIDGE FIGHT PROCEEDS Attorneys Arg-u A gains Traction Company' Te of Spam. Argument of the case of tha State of Oregon ex ret Frank A Grant against th Portland Railway. Light Power Company, aa action to de term In If th company I ntlU4 to th uaa erf th new Hawthorne bridg at tl00 a month or must psy S cents for every car pass ing over th structure with a minimum of $15,000 a year, was continued before Judge Gantenheln yefCvrday. At the conclusion of their arguments City At torney Grant and William C. Benbow for the city and Frederick V. Holman for the company will submit briefs. Th company Is basing lta conten tions on tho contract made with th committee, on free bridges, a sub-committee of th City Council. In 1894. City Atlorney Grant declare that th Coun cil had no right to delegate authority to this committee. Attorney Holman has Indicated that If everything els falls ha will fall back on a contract mad by th Mount Tabor Street Rail way Company with tha Columbia-Street Bridge Company, which owned the old Madison brldg befor its purchase; by th city. By th term of thla contract tha company, of which th Portland Railway. Light & Power Company Is tha successor, was given a V-year exclusive franchise acros th bridge, . n.4 I. la ennfenrled that tha City, a successor to tha bridge company. U oouna oy jls cdduvcu In reply to this the city contends v v. ,n ..omnsnv had no right to give a franchise over any bridge other than that built Dy it ana aiso mi m city has no right to allow an exclusive - .....tinn whlfh baa been determined in th higher courts everal times. Attorney Holman has cited several . i i vinMin. that a bridge Is part of a public highway and contend that a francnie on hsquuu uc necessarily Implies a franchise across th bridge. EAST GAZES AT OREGON REV. A. D. WATTERS SATS 1TOE OP WEST IS STROXG. On Trip to Atlantic Coast Portland Minister Finds Manr Persons Socking- Information. of tha Middle West are turn ing their eyes toward Oregon as th promised land, says Rev. A. l. Yk altera, .oinent Methodist minister of this city, who has Just returned from a trip of nearlv four month In in t,ast ana Middle West. Rv. Mr. Watters visuea m v. - i... k.r.c. h went to Chi cago, and from ther to his blrthplac In Ohio. H also aojourned at Balti more, where hla father was born, and visited a number of Eastern cities, in--i. tr..kil,rins. n. C He was present when Aviator Atwood encir cled th Washington monument and th White House lawn, where the Presldont greeted him. Rev. air. alter uia a -orfe in the wav of advertis ing th advantages of Oregon and her resource a He sent In to the Commer cial Club some 60 name of peron who wished to inveswsi vibbu - - view to settling here, and h says that of thla number several are actually .w v. m. u. found tha most DO UO . 7 .....- -.v Interest In Oregon among the farmer of th illddl wesi ana .- 'j .. men who hsd rcently KIUUUK ywwu ....... - . married or were Just starting out In llf and who desired to wrai i . .... . . 1 1-1 were made concern ing the timber, dairying and various forms or agncuturo, Watters. "but what excited th most Interest waa the climate and the fruit." Her. Mr. Watters xouna a cui condition of failure of the crop in -tn Vaw t ern Colorado." he ald. "th hay crop and th corn crop ar dried up and In a desperate effort to obtain food for their stock. . n.ablnv RlllllM thtS- ties Into hay and disposing of their porkers because tney m. uu..,.Uo feed them. The Eastern Colorado land ... . . -. into ssaturi land and In many places Is being abandoned. It Is to b had tor itura j acre. . . "This condition witn respect w iu. - tno.tified form, obtains generally throughout the Middle West. I Eastern unio sneep an i , .A . - - ht and manv owners are turning their drovee loose on the roads, because tney tMi m-v In Iowa there Is about two-third of a full corn crop." WHITE SLAVE LURE TOLD Girl Recites Experiences Before Fed eral Court Jury, ii .4.1. m.rm tranned Into lives of shame was described to a Jury In Judge Bean s department of the Federal Court yesterday afternoon by on of th near victims. Th case was that In which Frank Robinson Is on trial for the al i i .i.nn.iaii.in from Portland to Se attle of 15-year-old Lulu Turner, of a respectable Eaft bide lamuy. .i.i .. the first witness called after the Government, represented by leputy United States uistrici wivuru, Evans, had told the Jury of the facta It was expected to prove, and the de fense had portrayed the little girl as a ,.,1 character, and bad given to Robin son and Mablo Henderson, his consort, the characters of noble-minded persons, who were seeking to keep the Turner girl from leading a life of shame. a. ir.st Kide skating rink, apparent lack of sufficient parental care, and boy acquaintance were features In the tory of th experience she told on th witness-stand. Mis Turner lived at 10 H Union ave nue, while Robtnaon and th Henderson woman lived at th Aczn rooming- house, at East Morrison street and Union avenue. The girl atd Robtnaon passed her home several times a day, and on day waved at her. After that. he said, the Henderson woman I al lowed her. Laatha Copier confirmed the state ment of Mlsa Turner so far aa th lrcumatancea In Portland were oon erned. and Thomas M. Fisher, Seattle agent of the Immigration Service, told of making tha arrest. The Jury Is composed of: John TV. GrussL F. B. Holbrook. Charles R. Frasier. George W. Collins. E. B. Gaze. A. F. Biles. George S. Rodger. A. E. Green. Frank T. RusselL Jay R. Gil- trap. George A. Hammer and Charles C L'llne. RUN IS FATAL TO FARMER V. E. Hand Fall Dead While Trying to Catch Car to Portland. OREGOX CITT. Or Sept. !. Spe cial.) Exhausted from running In a vain effort to catch a Portland Rail way. Light Power Company car to ortland today, . 12. Hand, a well nown farmer living near Ueep Creek unction. fe41 dead on the station plat form from heart failure. Mr. Hand had bnn receiving treat ment In Portland for a heart affection. Th body was found shortly after death by a construction crew of th railway company. Coroner Wilson found that death was due to heart failure caused by Mr. Hand' exertion when running to catch the car. Mr. Hand was 5 year old and Is sur vived by a widow. The ATierleaa male Peelety expects to U loo.ooo espiea W the Bible ta Cm thla ISHOBTS ARE UNEASY Foreign News Has Bullish feet on Wheat Market. Ef CLOSE FIRM NEAR TOP Only Reaction In Prices at Chicago Follows Break In Corn Pit. Canadian Farmer Storing: Until After Election. CHICAGO. Sept. IS. prevalence of mar- etsl iw tn floslD and Vienna had a pan m making th wheat market Arm today. Th close was o net higher for the active months, but He oft for September. Corn nn Ished U to S lower than lsat night, oats up a sheds to fcSHc ana nog varying from SOc decline to IT He advance. In addition to the warlike conditions In th Spanish and Austrian dominions, cause for unssslnsss by speculators short of wheat developed la ths raising of th Qermsn bank rats anl In the fall of British consola Evi dence that Canadian farmers were storing their wheat until after th settlement of the reciprocity Issue had far from a calming effect on the market. Ths only important reaction during the day followed a sharp break In corn futures. Simultaneously a generous Increase la toe total of the world'e stock of wheat was announced. The mar ket closed stsadv at almost the top flcures or tne aay. iecemoer nnim USc and 00c, with last saies Ho up heesusa at Toorness of shipping demand and owing to free selling by local Ions, corn surrerea a oacaseu yssniurr tjetween C34'dUttc and 4c. closing stssdr 't c. a net loss ef He- Cash grades were sasy. No. 2 yellow Onlsbsd at Oats made a gain for the day. as a re sult largely of the fact that sellers over reached themselves snd had to bid against each other when rallies occurred In corn snd vhuL Hteh and low levels touched by December were i&Hc snd 44c with the close a shads ud st T. W fl 43 c Tslk that some of ths European countrle would be forced to reduce or remove Im- fiort duties had a bracing effect on provts ons, but slso afforded a fln chance for sellers. The outcome was mixed pork 20c down to l?Ho up and other products running from Isst night's figures to IZHo decline. The leading futures ranged as follow WHEAT. Onen. High. Low. Close. 6ept Deo. . . . . . Hey Sept Dec May fept rec...w May..... Jan. Oct. , Deo. Oct. , Jan. t .IH I .8 J 4 .8S 1.01 V. .101 CORX. .at .4is .441, .44 . OAT8. ' .4J .43'. .43 -4Sis .47 .41 1 .tin . .OS LOOK .T .434, .46 ( .4: 44. .47 1.01 .7H .44 .44 4, .4 .45 .44 15.0S to UBSS PORK. 15.14 15.44 1S.40 LARD. s.ith s 1.114 g7H SI7H SHORT RIBS. IK 1.(4 4-41 H oo i.io ". 10 1.1314 100 1 17 I.41H 7.S4 $.00 May Cash quotations were aa follows: K( ML 2. BlXBli4e- Barley Feed or mixing. T0O0o: fair to ennic malting. 4l.nui.l. Timothy seed S12.eu 14.50. . Clover 120. Pork Mess, per barrel. $15 15.11. lard per 100 pounds. $9.20. rihort ribs Hides (loose), $S.:20I lirsln' statist lcs: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 46.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.04. 000 buehels. compared with 1.- S 14.000 bushels the corresponding day tear aao. The world's visible supply. shown by Bradstrset's. Increased 5.450.000 h.nh!L Etlmated receipts for Wednesday: Wheat. (4 cars; corn. 101 cars; oats, 13$ cars; hogs, 10.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels ll.loo 11.700 Uhut bushels 11O.0OO 60.004 Corn, bushels 131.000 871.000 Oais. bushels 171.000 101.000 Rye. bushels 1.000 1.000 Barley, bushel 114.000 14.000 Chan gee la Available finppUe. NEW IUKK, Sept. 19. Special cable and telegraphlo communications received by Bradstrset's show tne tollowing ensnges in available supplies. as compared with nrsvlans account: Bushels Tncrea Tl-fc.. TTnlte4 fltatas. east Of Rockies S.I0.OOO Canada 1.M2.000 Totals, rnlted States and Canada 8.T11.0O0 Afloat for ana In arurope i.m t..i imMiMB snd Euroixan SUD- ply 6,11.O00 Corn, trnltsa states ana v sii.ti. . .v.vw Oats, Vnltsd States and Canada.. S1S.000 Grain at Saa Fraaclseo. SAV FRAKCIoCO, Bejt. 19. Wheat Steady. 11 . 1 .1 S!l IIL. 6pot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.45 irl.47tt per oental. Barley Feed. 1559 L&Tu. per cental; brewing. $1.S 0 L87 . Oats Red, $LWai.70 per oantali whits. $1.7H; black, $1.7031.75 r.il board sales: Wheat o trading. rtarler December. 1V45SU4 per osmal; May. $1.7$ bio. !. asaso. Eurupuau drain Markets. LONDON. Sept. 10. Cargoes quiet. Walla Walla for snipment st bos ou. F.nIUh country markste easy, d lower French country markets qulat. LfVEBPOOU Sept. 1. Close: Wheat QCtObST, 7a S;a: uecernoe. ' tm. emu. w.v... ' Paget Sound Grain Market. TACOMA, Sept. 1. Wheat Bluestem. $no: club. 81c: fortyfold. Sic: red Russian, ftOe. Car receipts, wheat 10S oars; Cera 1 car. oats 1$ cera. SXATTLE, Sept. IA. Wha BTnestem. rSc; fortyfoldi Sil clnb. lloi -fs. fcloi rsd Russian, T9oi eats. tZUBO per tea; bar ley, $so per too. XlimeeooUs Wbea Market. mxyripous. ninn.. tsp. i wu Beptambsr, 1L01 f 1.01 I December. ILos; May. fi-OT; No. T hard, L04Hi No. 1 jNortnam, ilimvi-v. m ewuiw i A.Ve, . e Urm, . PERSONAL MENTION. Leo 'Wise, of Astoria. Is at tne Im perial. P. Bmltlv of Albany. Or, la at tb Oornellus. a L. Frees Is at th Bowers from Al- bambra. CaL It O. Murray, Is at the Oregon from Raluer, Wash. Is Lowengart. of this city. Is staying at tha Carlton. W. P. Ely. a mining man from Kelso, Is at ths Imperial. Frank C Dethman. of Hood River, la at ths Imperial. 8. H. Friendly, a Eugene merchant, I at th Portland. C. H. Ray, a merchant of Heppaer, Or, is at th Imperial. H. Baldwin, a merchant of PrlnevUJe, Or, la at the Carlton. P. F. Smith, a lumberman from Bend, Or, Is at th Bowera Pr. Brlce Russell Wallace, ef Albany. Or, Is at the Oregon. Henry riasker. a plumber of Tilla mook. Is at the Raniapo. Will French, a La tJranda, Or, mer chant, la at th Oregon. J. Is". Nolan, a Corvallia, Or, mer chant. Is at the Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Ellis are at ths Imperial from Aledford. Or. E. J. Fraaer, a Eugene, Or, real ae tata man Is at the Imperial. Dr. Harry A. Llttlefleld. of New berg, Or, Is at the Cornelius. Ed R- G&lland. a latindryman of San Francisco. 1 at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. M- C Dickinson, and H. L. Dickinson, &av Jut returned to the Oregon from the Pendleton "Round up." W. J. Furnish add family are at the Imperial from Pendleton. Or. J. H. Henry, a Vanoouver, B. C, banker, la at the Cornelius. D. Kelsay, a stockman of Fossil. Or, Is registered at the Imperial. W. S. Wharton, a fruitgrower of Hood River, Or, is at the Oregon. D. S. Harris, a lumberman of Monte sano. Wash, is at the Oregon. G. H. Wendllngr, a Ban Franclsoo lumberman, la at the Portland. H. B. Esson, a drupglst. Is at the Carlton, from The Dalles. Or. John Adair. Jr, a stockman. Is at the Imperial from Warrenton, Or. R. E. Williams, a banker of The Dallas, Or, Is at the Imperial. C. E. Kindt, a banker and merchant of Klnton. Or, Is at the Imperial. L. O. Wilson, a coal mice owner, of Centralla, Wash, la at the Oregon. J. D. Roye, a Grays Harbor lumber man. Is registered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. T. C Anderson, of Goldondale, Wash, are at the Oregon. Philip Ballweg, who Is Interested In a shoe factory at Baker, Is at the Port land. R. A. Booth, of the Booth-Kelly Lum ber Company, Is at the Imperial, from Eugene, Or. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert B. Hermann and C B. Cannon are at the Imperial from Roaeburs, Or. John T. Robinson, a laundryman of Pendleton, Or, Is at the Imperial, with Mra Robinson . Dr. and Mrs. J. Block will leave this afternoon for a two weeks' visit to Ta coma and Seattle. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hadley and H. G. Hadley, prominent Eugene, Or, res idents, are staying at the Cornelius. William Hanley, president of the Central Oregon Development League, is at the Arlington Club, from Burns. George T. Myers, a salmon cannery man from Seattle, Wash, Is at the Portland. He is aocompanled by Mrs. Myers. ' CHICAGO, Sept. 1. (Special.) Reg istered at Chicago hotels are: From Portland S. P. Lockwood. Mrs. George E. Whiteside, at the Congress; E. D. Johnson, at the Blackstone; F. S. Balcher, at the Auditorium; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Q. Mulder, at the Stratford; W. B. Colo, at the Sherman. From For est Grove, E. W. Haines and N. H. Hol lls, at the Sherman. CHICAGO, Sept. 19. (Special.) Oregon people registered at Chicago hotels today as follows: From Portland E. D. Johnson. Nell Hood, at the Congress; H. F. Clarke, C. M. Eubanks. Franklin F. Korell. at the Auditorium; C A. Stewart, at the Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Herqu son, at the Great Northern; C. E. Easton, at the Hotel Sherman. Liquor Kept for Boarders. -ietro Grasrlnl. of 285 East Third street, told Sergeant Harms of the first night relief that he kept SO thirsty boarders; when it wa discovered that the man had in his place a full barrel, a barrel nartlv full and two demijohns of claret, a dozen quarts of white I wine, a two-gallon and a one-gallon demijohn of whiskey, a gallon bottle of the same beverage. 43 quarts of beer and other drinkables. He also showed a Government license, but he wss arrested for violating the liquor ordinance by Patrolman Webster, who caught him selling the drinks without a city license. Hopkins Believed Innocent. ' Confidence in the good name and in tegrity of Roy B. Hopkins. National organizer for the Loyal Order of Lions. Is expressed In resolutions aaopiea at a recent meeting of Den No. 48. of the order. In this city. The resolutions af firm that Mr. Hopkins I Innocent of the charge of embezzlement, preferred against him by officials of the Order of the Rose, and predict that he will be able to establish his Innocence be fore an Impartial tribunal of Inquiry. Three hundred thousand persons lost their lives In a typhoon. October 8. 18SL la Hslfong. China. DR. GREEN METHOD MEANS CERTAIN CURE We cure quickly and permanently all curable eases of VARICOSE VEINN without severe surgical operations SPECIFIC BLOOD POI SON without Injurious drngst (ttoa skillfully administered If pre ferred)( SERVO-VITAL DEBILITY witbont stlmnlstlve remedies i ItLADDEIl and KIDNEY trouble! PILES and all RECTAL ailments of YOUR PROTECTION o,ir offer PAY WHEN SATIS FIED Is your ab solute protection. Consultation exam ination and diag nosis Is free- What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get It. Once under our treatment, you will quickly rsallz how simple a mine it Is to set wsll In ths hands of a special ist who knows bis Due cure! sdd not only years. . .... . 1 4 - . . XO ltJ UU, " . years. Office hour, daily. to 5. Esso ins. T to 1 Bun days. 10 to L DR. GREEN CO. 882 Washlna-toa St Portland, Or. Men and Women Cured a Onr wonderful herb treatment 1 will positively curs diseases of tne inrosi. arn Lunsa. stomach. Kidneys. Con sumption. Asthma. Pnsmonla, Cbronlo Cough. Piles, Consti pation. Dysentery. Weaknsss, .'ervouacesa, Dlaslaesa Neu ralgia. Headachs. Lombajra. Appsndlcltls. Rheumatism, Ma larial Fever. Catarrh, Ecsema, ii nod poison. Leucorrhrea. lirlnsrv and Bladder Troubles Li nd all orranic diseasea Consultstion free. Write for symptom lank. Office hours. 10 A. U. to P. M-i U day Bundays. Ladr attsndsnt. IX BO.VO CHINlK HBB OO jUs sVsoond. flU PorUaae. Oa. Sip XtWea CoMwassI X M MKmi and slmpleremedytor Brs-dnria Cefsrra, Haj FrT f ,7 l-il f inflammations, tmtmtlcms, cer I f suoos ot i-L mucooi naohil I N - I or llnlnss of the nuee. tarsal, I fl I gssBs'ili se otasr oraaaa leVvl T asUOOISTS I ( qP Wkt nM imt jam'mlf -nsssnusss "i--trsstlsswItheaekot I I V" oyilMll.ll mil l" I . X Tm twal O nsiisl Ca. I X &asa4rA I When Others Fail Call and let tre give you a careful, pains taking examination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing. Perhaps a little advice la all you need. X-Ray examinations, when necessary. free.l No money required to commence treat ment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. FEES ONLY 35 to $10 IN SIMPLE CASES You Can Pay During our many year of active practice In MEN'S AILMENTS In Portland some unscrupulous so-called specialists have invaded the city and tried to steal our methods and advertisementa, but. not being able to steal our brains, they were not able to succeed in their dishonest ways: so do not be misled by them, but come to us, the oldest established SPECIALISTS for MEN in the city, who guarantee cures, or make no charge for their services. Remember, we have been here for year, are permanently located. Incorporated and licensed under the law of Oregon to eondnrt and operate a Medical Institute. Sanitarium and Hospital for the treatment of men' ailments. Yon take no risk: when yon treat with ns. We are here to slay, and for all time, and yon will always know where to find us. We nre not here today and Koae tomorrow. Oar staff of physician re graduate from the leading college In the United states and have been In active practice from 13 to 26 year, and are duly qualified and licensed to practice medicine and surgery In hl and several state. Investigate onr records and standing and compare them witn the other so-called speclnllsts who have only been In onr city a few weeks or months, and who have copied onr announcements, which the newspaper records will show. Beware Investigate! Men, If afflicted or In trouble, call nnd have a friendly talk) It will cost yon nothing. We will be your friend a well a your physician, and will advise you candidly, honestly and conscientiously. Call today. Don't delay or neglect yoursel.. We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed MEN, HAS TOrR PHYSICIAN FAILED TO CURB YOC Call and be examined free, and if your .case Is curable we will cure you; and If It Is not we will frankly tell you so. Wha we have done for other we can do for you. Don't delay. Don't neglect your condition. We Cure Quickly All Men's Diseases Men make no mistake when thev come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work and the beet service that money can buy. If you are In our private laboratory. If you DlanK. Hours a, u. to a r. .u aaiiy. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291 H MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR., Now Given in Portland I CONFINE MY PRACTICE TO MEN ONLY PROF. DR. sEHRLICH'S WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Indicated In. the Worst Form of Blood Aliments, Eruptions, Sores, Ulcer, eto. Also in Threatened and Early Paralysis, Epilepsy, Psoriasis, etc All other treatments for Ailment of the Blood have been slow, hap haxard. and never positive, often bringing; about oondltlone worse than th original ailments. "60" aot Immediately. It Is adminltered only onoe, and th symptom begin to disappear within 11 hours. Dr. Julius L. MeUler, of the John D. Rockefeller Institute. ay: "Only solentlflo men can Imagine what a marvelous discoverv this is. It la beyond be lief what It will do." "oe" (alao known as BALVARSAN) was discov ered by Prof. Ehrllch, of Prank fort, A. M.. physician to the German Emperor, after six hundred and flv other experiments hence given the name "608." I have personally administered thi new remedy and know Its power. I have a full supply of "eoo" on hand mjda In the German laboratories, and imported in the original tuboa I make all required blood tests, and am thoroughly conversant with the technique of preparing and admln Isterlnar the treatment, which I will gladly explain to all Interested. A. G. SMITH, M. D. S34Vi MORRISOH ST., CORSER SECOND, C. Gee Wo Is Known to Be One of the Leading Chinese Herbalists of This Country. TUB CUUiKSE DOCTOK. His continued success has been founded on reliability and merit. The publlo does not trust its confidence to anyone or give Its patronage until worth has been proved by actual re suite accomplished. It Is due to these things that C Gee Wo has won so much recognition. He possesses thousands of scientific) seorets of the healing power of the Chinese herbs which have been handed down In his family from father to son from generation to generation. All claim for cures are borne out by tes timonials from grateful patients. COVJILTATIOX FREE, Those who cannot call should write, tolling your symptoms fully. Send 4 cents in stamps for symptom blank. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. Mitt First St, Cor. Morrison. Portland. Oregon. WhenOthersFail CONSULT MB FREB I cure to stay cured where others fall. I am known aa the specialist of last re sort the man of t r ustworthy charac ter and unerring k n o w 1 e d ce. I cure Blood Ailments, Varicose Veins. Piles, L, Rupture, Kidney, Ti- B 1 a d d er. Consulta- tlon always free. V, Dr. Lindsay The Old Meltable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streeta En trance 128 hi Second street. Portland, Or. Office Sour A M. to S P. la. Sundays, 14 A. is. to 1 P. M. -,' , - . . .La - i. ', Gee Gee Wo Wo mm Fee When Cured ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished cannot call, write for self-examination : can. wriie ior eeii-ej Sundays to 12 only. A. Q. SMITH, M. D. PORTLAND, OR. HELP FOR YOU! Have you tried in vain to rid yourself of any ailment, euch as OB STRUCTION. VAR ICOSE VEINS, SKIN. BLADDER, KIDNEY. BLOOD or NERVOUS AIL MENT. rnrr By all means rflLL have DR. KEEFE examine you and ferret out He Is a strictly re liable qualified professional man, possesses skill, experience, ripe Judgment and every means to bring about the cures he promises. tOK great German Discovery VAU administered. For Blood Ailments. WHY PAT MORE? , Consultation and Examination Free. 9 to S. 7 to 8 Dally; Sunday, 10 to 1. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. J1SV4 WaSHtVGTOS ST, COR, 6TH, Portland, Or. I Cure Men $io IS MY FEE Pay When Cured. Sen eral Debility, Weak Nerves, In- .1. Results of exposure, overwork- arotner vio lations of Nature' Iskss ments of Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Veins, Quickly and permanently cured at small expense. I cure such ailments as. Varicose Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison, etc, completely and permanen 1 1 y, often with only a single treatment. Office hours A M. to 1 P. M. Sundays. 10 A M. to 1 P. M. only. PACITI0 COAST MEDICAL CO.. Washing-ton - Corner First, Port la nil. Oregon. OUR CURES Are effected by ths uss of roots and herbs. No opera tions, no poisonous drugs. Wi have made a life study In this line and you will re ceive th benefit of our research- Men and women cured of private ailments. N s r v ou sness. rheumatism. asinma. pnBu.uvi.i-, "'"" pelion. lung trouble and dis- eases of all kinds- Consul- : tation FK- XH3E HEtO WO CTffirESB MELUCINE C(X. IsoV atosrUKm at. Portland Or. Y jevi' - - - I vour trouble. The Specialist Against The Quack. susws Th clallet true spe possesses th experience of years the right kind of exper ience doing the same thing1 the right way hun dreds and perhaps thousands of times, with un failing and per mannent results. His experience has taught him lust what to do and when to do It. There .Is experiment. henceC-K- HotamanM.D. no failure. He does not have to resort to fake methods. His scien tific knowledge has made him the master. The quack experience is based on everlasting misrepresen tation upon doing- the same thijig; wronr as many times as the un suspecting will permit. He is ever experimenting upon the patient If one thing fails he tries another, and keep on changing until the patient despairs and leaves. He Is ever readv to promise anything and everything. He drugs the sys tem with powerful medicines. Just to obtain temporary results. He is here today and gone tomorrow. He has as many names as fingers and toes. He constantly apes the specialist. He Is a wolf In lambs clothes. Beware of him. I am the only expert specialist In Portland who owrs his own of ftoe and equipment, advertises his full and correct nime. publishes his recent and true photograph and personally conducts his office. I make this statement so that you will know when you come to my office no deceit will be practiced. I meet you ao man to man. open and above board. I want you to always keep before you the fact that I am trying to drive medi cal humbug- and quackery out of Oregon. I am the oldest licensed spec ialist in Portland 18 years' ex perience yet I am not a magician I do not work magic I do not offer 1-mlnute or 6-day Impossi ble cures. I do not make false promises. I cannot cure every disease under the sun, nor every case Included In the diseases I treat, for some of them are In curable, and the sooner the pa tient learns the truth the happier he will be. I simply apply the scientlflo knowledge my years of experience have given me, and I do this honestly and faithfully. I never accept a cese for treat ment until I have made a thor ough examination, and then only when I am satisfied I can effect a permanent oure. This is your best guarantee. If you wish my services they are yours at a fair and reasonable fee, which every sensible man expects and Is glad to pay. Tou cannot get anything of value for nothing, and the sooner you wake up to this fact and regard the di-tor who offers it to you with suspicion the hap pier you will be and the more money yon will save. I offer you the services of the best doctor at a fair price and you will ever lastingly thank me for the per manent cure reoeived at my hands. My office is the largest? and best equipped on the Paclfio coast. HrDBOCELE VARICOSE VEINS. I do not draw off the fluid, whloh is only temporary, nor resort to the vt oious practioo of Injecting painful arugs. as many quacks do. nor do 1 tie off the veins and destroy the vi tality. My method la direct and posi tive. No loss of tlms, no pain, no hum bug, but an absolute guarantee ot a radical and permanent cur. fTEAKNESS. - Mentally strong, but vitally wees; Is the sad condition of many men who. eager .to have their strength restored, become easy victims to the quaeks who promise to xnaks young men out of old and descreplt ones, and who. for the consideration of a few miserable dollars, offer to find the fountain of youth for the aged and helpless. Tou take the quack s promise, he takes your money. That's all you get w result Just his promise. A fool and his money are soon parted. Why play th fool forever? There are many dis tinct local oondltlons and causes of weakness. It cannot be cured by in ternal medicine, but by local treatment only. The cause must first be deter mined and until this Is done, no cure can be effected by local or any other treatment. I do not use a single dose of Internal medlolne, and yet, without It. I absolutely and permanently re stose complete vitality In every case I accept for treatment, which Is the best evidence of the truth of my con tention. MY TREATMENT MAKES MEN STRONG. It Is unfailing and absolute. It is painless and permanent, and given under my absolute guaran tee. Ths quacks who pretend to cure you as I do, begin drugging with pow erful stimulants. Just as soon as they succeed In separating you from your money. I can do no more than caution you against them. BLOOD POISON. Quacks reap a harvest by pretend ing that every little rash, skin erup tion or pimple Is a symptom of blood poison. The Wassermann blood test tell you whether or not you have the disease. The doctor may lie, but the test never does. This test Is yours at my office for the asking. I use the new German Hemedy and lntroduoe it directly into the blood. From my ex perience with It I am prepared to say It Is no longer an experiment but a positive cure and a blessing to man kind. It Is the salvation of the hu man raee. My equipment for the prop er administration of this remedy Is the finest In Oregon and second to none In ths United States. Tou are quite welcome to bring your family doctor with you and I will be pleased to have him present during your treat ment. I also treat all diseases of msn. In cluding obstructions. Bladder, Kidney and Prostatic disease. My treatment for Piles and Fistula Is absolutely pain less, does not detain you from your work or home and a permanent cure is offeoted without the aid of a knife. You Are Always Welcome to Consul tation and Explanation. My office Is open all day from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday from 10 te 12, All correspondence treated confi dentially letters cheerfully answered. ETON THIS COUPON FOR VAM7 ABLE INFORMATION ESSE. Plea nd me fre your self-sx-amlnatlon blank. "For Men." as I desire to describe my ease to you for th purpose of taking treatment. If 1 decide you can euro me and your share sow enough, to ult Address Dr. C. K. Holsman. 221 Morrison St., Cor. Int., fort Land Or. J A WONDERFUL CURE By The S. K. Chan Chines 3 Medical Co. 226V MttrriHon St.. Fortiana, w. Mr- nan I am 83 years old and have suffered from weakness and nervousness for threa months from a tumor on my lace. At nrsi I went to some doctors but they told me that It -was impossible to cure, so upon the advice of my relatives, who had been cured by thee,e Chinese doctors, I went to them. After taking two weeks of their herbs and roots compounded and other medicines, the tumor waa completely cured without the J use of a knife. I feel so grateful toward J them and I recommend anybody who ! Ill and wants to jet well soon, to s;o to see or write to tnem ana secure some mmn clne. which T am aura will bring result? i J. A. Zlmmermann. Albany. Or. The organs of sense in the lower mail are situated at times in very nsr-fsn nlAcp. There are creatures have eyes on their backs, ears in legs, and that sing through their side rwvwara of scent in the dog and of la the at much more acute- than us 'J r