3iOKi(i OKIXiUMAX, WKDMDAi, SiJPlEilBiJK 20. mil. GRDSSCUP JUDGE TO RESIGN POST secretary. Mr. R- E. Garrett, of Al bany. . Thl forenoon- iiio w" devoted to tha report of superintendents of departments and other official boslneea. This afTrrnoon programme consisted of a praise service led by Mra Dora Davis, of Sbedds: address, of welcome. Vlr. R. E. Crawford, of Albanjr: re sponse. Mr a. Jamaeon. of Lebanon; -Why Mother --ould Belong to the Toung Branch." Mr. Lois Wheeldon. of I Plalnvlew: "WKf Children FBOuia lone to the L. T. L. an now Haeklns: -Parliamentary Drill. Mr. Alice Fletcher, of Plalnvlew- "Medical Temperance." Mr. Jennie M. Steen. of lshnn' "Question Box." Mr. Hen rietta Brown, of Albany: -Thoughts from Twenty Tear of Work." Mr. M- M. Blain. of Albany. i A gold medal contest wa held in , the Kirst Chrlatlan Church tonight, when conteatant who have won allver WORK OF CAREER IS KNOWN J I topic competed for the county prl I A prala service led by Mr. N. E. I nut utn will adm tomorrow pro i (iimml and addreaae will bo delivered follows: rooaceo. jir. -- of Brownsville: "t-quai ou- I frage." Mr, glearn: "Social i-Tirny. : Mr. Ida Braefleld. of Phedda; "Relation nf Temnerance and Mlions. Mr. A. c Iswii: "Scientific Temperance In NEW ALLIANCE Jurist Will End 19 Years of Service on Federal Bench in October. Member of Trbanal That Reverard Iioioi Landis Derlaloo Fining Mandard Oil tl.0o,000 Want to Enjoy rrrHom. I a Bowers. CHICAGO. Sent 1 Cnlted "tate. Circuit Juase Oroeacup. on. of the moat prominent Jurist of th country and widely known because of th re versal of the action of Judge Land Is In Imposing a fin of I1.0.0 by th I'nlted Elates Court of Appeal, of which he waa a member, will retire from 'he beach early In October. Judge Grossrup will aend hi reslg natlon to th President shortly after the meeting of th Court of Appeals. October . A delrs to enjoy life la freedom from ths trial of th bench and to enable nlra to resume th pri vate practice of law prompt th action. J Grnewup says. He ha served 1 rear aa a member of the Federal JuJ:- larjr In Northern Illinois. alendar la Clear. Jud-e Grossrup. In announcing bl intention of retiring, said: -The reason for my reelgnatlon com ing at this particular time Is thst If I Into the heavy October session. 1 win have become again a part of th court In cases talon under advisement that mlant prereot resignation for a yesr. The advisement calendar now If unusually clear of pending matters Then. too. under the new act of Con cress, my work after January 1 would he exclusively appellate, and that, un like planting a garden and then watch ing It grow. I too much Ilk merely weeding the garden. The reason for my resignation at all Is that I wish for more freedom, not only as an Individual, but a a cltlien. The world politically la trying to catch up with the world radically changed economic conditions. Th formative' period la approaching. Naat year Presidential election. 1 believe, will b trie laat on on th old line. -Th ettlement for th future win come, not through th court of law. " hut through th court of publlo opinion. I wish no office, expect never again to hold of'lc: but I wlih greater free dom "than the bench give to do my part In thl court of publlo opinion." Detse lajaaetlaa Heealle. Judae Orosscup Issued the Injunction aaainst Eugene V. Dets and other of ficers of th American Railway Union during the railway trth of In Ct-.lrago. restraining the labor men from committing acts of violence and later called on th President to send federal troopa to Chicago to preserve orler. Peter Stenger lroeup wa born February IS. 1S52. In Asntand. O. Hi llr-aa on hi father's side runs back to Holland; on tils mother' to Ger many: hut all the ancestor hav been In till country from before th Revo lution. lie waa appointed to th United Marc lustrut bench by President Har tlaon. Soon after going on th bench he attracted th attention of th coun try In his derisions upon th applica tion of the Government to clos up th Worlds Columbian Exposition on Sun day. II dissented from th two Cir cuit Judge on that occasion. On aa arpeal to the Circuit Court of Appeals, (resided over, by Chief Justice Fuller, mis dissent was sustained. JAPAN FACES AN ELECTION ailonllt Will Champion Reduc tion In Taxation. TOKIO. Sept. 1. (Pneclal). Next year the General Elections for th House of Representative take place In Japan, and already th platforms which th two great parties will oc cupy sre pretty clesrly defined. Thera are more than two partlea In the Hem. bnt two only need be reckoned with, Ther are the I'nlonlst Selyukal and 'the Natlonallata iKokumtntok. Hitherto the factor moat Injurious to political solidity In Japan has bee a leek of differentiation. Along; th line of basic creed all parties marched abreast. Progress was their uniformly proclaimed object. Thus their sepa rate organization preaented aa aca demic aspect; they seemed to be Strug, clir.g to discover a breach, rather than striving to promote a principle. Events, however, hav corrected that anomaly. The Natlonallata hav now found their goepel In finance. They ill present themselves to th con stituencies as champions of reduced taxation. The country I now literally groan ing under th load it I carrying. traction." Mrs. Henrietta Brown, ox Albany. Th report of oouaty offl- WAR SECRETARY JO TOUR Mlmxrt Plana to Visit Every Army Poet In I'nlted Stat. WASHINGTON. Sept. If. To become thoroughly familiar with military eon- ditlona. Secretary of War Btlmaon coo templates visiting practically very Army post In th country. He and General Wood. Chief of Staff, and Captain Frank B. McCoy, of the general ataff. will meet la Pitts burg tonight for their tour, which will Include Fort Apache. Whipple - Barracks and Fort Huachuca. Arts, and 2n Antonio. Tex-, and probably Fort Ktley and Leavenworth. Kan. General Wood and Secretary Sttm on probably will tour th Middle West, Northwest and Pacific Coast be fore 'next Summer. LINN COUNTY UNION MEETS EIretkM. of Officers Will Bo FVaturo of Today's Programme. ALBANY. Or Sept. It. (Special.) The list annual convention of th Wo men Christian Temperance Union of Una County began la thl cut thl morning. Th convention will be In session two day. Ilegate are pree at from Albany. Lebanon. Browns rule. Halaey, PIslnvlew, Sclo and --edd- -slra Madge J. Meara. of "heeds, presi dent of th county union. Is presiding at th convention and the other oflTl . ers are: Treasurer. Mrs. Franc Mam mer. of Albany; secretary. Mrs. Hen rietta Brown, of Albany; corresponding Peter a. Oiwesewa. IVe4 Feweral Jadaw, 'Who -Mill Bealsra FT as Bene. rers. th president annual address and th election of officer for th ensuing year will complete th work of th con vention. VANCOUVER GETS LINE ELECTRIC ROAD TO KLICKITAT PASS PROJECTED. Promoters Also to Operate Coal Mines and Sawmill and Plat Tovmsltes Franchise Asked. Chicago capitalist hav organised a eompany to construct an edectrta lino from Vancouver. Wash, north to th South Fork. of tho Lawts River, thexico northeast to Klickitat Paaa, a distance between 71 and 100 mile. It wa an nounced on good authority laat night, that In addition to th electric lino, th promoters will operate coal mines, saw mills and townslt properties. A gen eral holding compsny has been ' or ganised through which tho several sub sidiary companies will bo financed. Be tween f 10.000.000 and f 16.000.000 I bark of th project H. X Harmon, of Chicago. I promot ing tho enterprise. Ho Is In Chicago completing th detail of th holding company organisation. In hi absence E. R. Ernsberger. of tho Mount Hood Railway at Power Company. I looking after th Interest of th concern her. Mr. Ernsberger applied to tho Van couver City Council Monday for a fran chise for elactrlo street railway rights for this corncern. Mr. Ernsberger aid last nlrht that tho Mount Hood Railway Power Company Is In do wav Interested In thla project. Associated with tbe promoters of tho new company are person who own Immense timber rea in tn norm eastern part of Clark County and In tho southeastern prt of Cowllts County. In these holding It Is de clared that there are largo coal de posit Th proposed lino would tap this big timber district and would handle the coal tonnage. Water power site on tho South Fork of th Lewi River hav boon obtained for the development of electrical energy for the new company. In addi tion to power cites, th company ha obtained an option on a tract of 1100 acre at Helsen. which. It la planned, to develop aa a townslt. Among th plans of tho company Is to Improve the land in that vicinity and to establish culonlea of Eastern farmers there. That point will be the headauarters for th general operation of the concern, par ticularly for th eoal-mlnlng and lum bering activities. Vancouver I to be fh preeent termnu of th line and later direct connection will be mad with Portland. The plan of the enterprise have had a stimulating effect In th district from Vancouver to the upper part of th Lewi River country. The farmers nav been generou In concession for right-of-way for the proposed road, aa they reallx what th Una will mean to th district. It la th belief of those who hav been following th developments that the Milwaukee. Chicago Puget Sound road is connected with th project. It I known that that road has planned to build thla wsy through Klickitat Pass. With th road extending from Van couver to Klickitat Paaa as its preeent northern terminal, strength Is given the surmise that tbe Interests In tho two concerns ar Identical. E. R- Ern berger. who Is acting for Mr. Harmon temporarily, declares, however, that aa far aa h knows, th promoter of th new lino and th subsidiary companies are entirely Independent of, th Mil waukee Interest. It I declared that the Chicago capi talists hav floated sufficient bonds In France to assure tho Immediate flnano tng of their various projects. CONVICT DOES MURDER t Continued frem First Pars arm, and turned to fight, but was struck down by a prisoner and disarmed. Death Sentence Pending. He then waa prosecuted under a law mad following his attempted murder of guard and providing; th death penalty for assault In prison. He waa ceu-Mcted and taken back to Folsom again. Th es-eonvlot. In writing of him, said: "Wlill hi life has been a crim inal one. I belter he would make good if given the chance. "1 only saw him one. H wa fear fully emaciated. His skin was th color ef dry mod. H looked th In carnation of despair-" IS MADEBY 2 ROADS Southern and Western Pacific Balk at Demands From Eastern Lines. OLD RELATIONS BROKEN Ile-reavf ter Coast Concern Will Ro-nte All EauU-Bound Paesenger Busi ness Over Own Tracks and Those of Allies. SAM FRANCISCO, Sept. II. (Spe cial.) A demand en th part of ths Rock Island and Burlington roads on th trans-continental carriers for sn Increased portion of through fares for their haul from St. Louis and Chicago to Denver, has driven th Southern and Wee tarn Pacific railroads Into a new alliance by which they will hereafter rout all paaaenger business East over their own lines, or allied track a This will send Eastbound traffic over th Denver etc Rio Grand. Salt Lak A Wabash, or Chicago A Northwestern. Explanations of the new arrangement were made by the Southern and Weat em Pacific management aa followa: "Thl action ha been taken by tn Southern PaciUc Company bscause th Rock Island and Burlington roads hav refused to Kfant the Southern Pacific th same amount In division of tickets as has been customary for aervic In year past." For tbe Western Paelllo It wa ald: Th controvery which, caused th break in th old established relations was brought sbout by the arbitrary demands on th lines between Denver and Chicago and Denver and St. Louis, and thla action waa taken by all West ern lines, namely, the Western Pacific, th Southern Pacific and th Salt Lak rout, as a laat resort, and was their only means of protecting; their passen ger revenue. "Th Burlington csn haul from Den ver to Chicago for one-third th coat we must pay to get our trains over th Sierras." ONE YEAR RESPITE GIVEN Cnlverslty Fraternities Receive Scant Margin of Life. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Sept. 1. (Special.) Granted a period of one year In which they-are to be al lowed to vacat their costly fraternity houses, th Delta Tau Delta, and Sigma Alpha Epsllon fratarnlUe will contlnu to furnlh their home for thla aeason, according to tbe decision of the faculty commute on discipline. Muoh unrest and anxiety has been provoked through th recent ultimatum Issued by Miss Issabella Austin, to th effect that either th Kappa Alpha Sororltle on -th campua. or their Sororities on th ecampus ,or their neighbors, the S. A. E's. should racat their new I1&.000 homes or be subject to expulsion If they occupied thsm at the opening of th college year. Th same dcre faces ths Dlta Tau Delta fraternity, and th Alpha Chi Omega and PI Beta Phi sororities, the former having Invaded the adjoining lots between these two sorltles. As yet the fraternities contest th action of the faculty, aa they hav leased their house for a period of nv and thre yesrs. respectively. Gallantly, th Delta Tau and th S. A. E's. hsve determined to vacat their quarter If the matter come to a legal contest, allowing th fair co-ed to feel secure In their position. POWER CONTRACT IS LET State Arrangr for Supplying- Asylum la Eastern Oregon. SALEM. Or, Bept. 1. (Special.) In order that the company may extend Its line and provld light and power for the construction work of th Eastern Oregon Hospital for ths Insane, th state board today entered Into a con tract with the Pacific Light as Power Company. Th light and power for th building will not be needed for more than a year, but to accommodate the builders of the Institution and b eaus the contract could be obtained now at a low price th board decided to execute It. Th board also discussed the advisa bility of having patient at the Asylum here msnufacture mattresses, bed steads and othsr articles of furniture for th Eastern Oregon Institution. Many of tho artlclea ar now being manufactured by Inmate of th insti tution here and it waa estimated that i saving of nearly 17000 can be mad by having them make them for th Asylum to be built in Eastern Oregon. WATER CONTRACT HELD UP Smn-etarr of Interior Wants Work Rushed on Klamath Project. OREGONTAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Sept. 1. The Secretary of th Interior uspended the contract entered Into January 11 1H. with W. H. Mason, of Klamath Falls, for construc of th Lost River diversion channel. Klamath irrigation project, owing to Inability of contractors to comply with ths terms of hla agreement, and for th further reason "that It is highly es sential that the work be completed prior to beginning the next Irrigation will be completed by force ao- count. FLYPAPER JJUIETS BEES Neat Fall at Vancouver and Pedes trians Suffer Stings. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. It. (Spe cial.) Tanglefoot wa ned with uc ces In capturing several thousan 1 yellow jackets, which wer In a nest that fell from a tree In the front yard of th Orlce Beatty undertaking es tablishment at Tenth and Columbia streets today. Th nest fell near th entrance to th building and aeveral persons pass ing that way were stuns;. Mr. Beatty secured half a dosen pieces of fly paper and placed them on th ground around th nest. Simple-Minded Girl Asalhrd. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Sept. 1 (Special.) Friday night, some forelgn exs eatload a lmsl-mlndd 14-raax- Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regarded as a period of suffering j and danger. V omen wno use Mother's Friend are saved much, discomfort and suffering, and their ; systems, being thoroughly prepared i by this great remedy, are in a j healthy condition to meet the time j with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother's Friend ia recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it is in no sense a remedy for van-, ous ills, but its many years of suc cess, and the thousands of endorse menta received from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but simply assists nature to perfect its work. Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents cak ing of the breasts, and in every w njr wu- mu- f, jj tributes to ciEfiena motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. 'Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, Atlanta, Ga. old girl. Into an old freight car used aa housea by the construction gangs. After three of th brutes had satisriea their passions, she mad her escape, and told her tory. She then started out to the hom of her grandmother near Silver Lake, in the vicinity of which she waa found by the officers next day after a long chase through the wet underbrush. Sunday the officers, with the girl, made the rounda of ths camps In the hope of finding the as sailants, but they had disappeared without stopping to draw their pay. IS HELD LEGAL COURT RULES RAILWAY COM MISSION ACT VALID. Decision Sustaining State In Lyons Depot Case Shows Body Has Right to Exist. . SALEM. Or, Sept. 19. (Special.) Upholding th constitutionality of the act creating th State Railroad Com mission, th Supreme Court In an opinion rendered today sustained the judgment of th Circuit Court of Linn County In th case of the State of Ore gon against the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad Company. Th suit was Instituted In the Cir cuit Court by th state to secure a money Judgment against the railroad company for Its failure to comply with an order to maintain a station and agent at Lyons as prayed for by pe tition presented to the Commission by patrons of the road. A $10,000 Judgment was asked for and the jury brought in a verdict for 1200. The Supreme Court dismissed the sppeal In the case of Samuel Macart ney against Edwsrd 6hepherd, an ac tion from Multnomah County. The Supreme Court's previous de cision. In which the lower court was affirmed, waa sustained In the case of Msttia A. North, at. al.. against th Union Saving Loan Association, of Portland. TENSION NEARING END FRANCE GAINING PRESTIGE IN MOROCCAN DISPUTE. One Phase of Diplomatic Crisis With Germany Will Boon Be Settled, but Other Questions Remain. PARIS. Sept. is. Th long period of national anxiety attendant on th Moroccan negotiations. Is drawing towards a satisfactory conclusion. It Is said that although the ques tion of the economic Interests of Oer many in Morocco appears to be on the eve of settlement, there remain other ritsnntad nolnts. Among these are the questions relating to consular courts and a system whereby the legations and consulates take certain natives under their protection. France desires that Germany shall accept In principle the eventual abro gation of the convention of Madrid, concerning jurisdictions in Moroctro, and' that Germany shall not undertake to Increase the numoer or ner proteges while awaiting such abrogation. France's position In Europe, It Is con ceded, has been greatly strengthen by the firmness and tenacity of the gov ernment toward a formidable neighbor. Carnival Company Property Sold. CENTRAL!. 6ept- 1. The property of the Southern Potlatch Company, a carnival that gave an exhibition in Che halis some time sgo and had Its effects attached to pay the wages of H. B. wrirht and W. E. Cotts. two of Its employee, was sold at a public auction in Chehalls Saturday. Wright and Cotts were tbe only bidders and th outfit sold for 25.5. th amount of th Judgment and costs. - Foetal Banks Ordered. nm-nriVIASNEWS BUREAU, Wash lngton, Sept. 19. Postal Savings Banks m tie ooenen vciowwr - i it" Terrible Suffering Eeaema All Over Baby's Body. ' "When my baby waa four months old his face broke out with eczema, and at sixteen montha of age hi face, hand and arms wer In a dreadful state. Th eczema praa an over ma ooay. w had to put a mask or cloth over his r.-e and tie ud hi hands. Finally w gav him Hood's Sarsaparllla and in a few months he wa entirely cured. To day he Is a healthy boy." Mrs. Ines Lewis. Baring. Maine. . Hood's Sarsaparina cures blood die easea and builds up the system- Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablet called a areata ha. laiu uiuivj Fitted to the Hand $1.00 ex 1W qtSii I - a j f- 1 L 3 , fa-aT - 1 H li 'f m. -A.- p,.AA'sr .f-A awa jnt- Morrison Streets LEADING SPECIALTY HOUSE FOR MISSES & CHfLDREN 1 Jl i. s 111 apsfd ( A Deposit Fill Reserve Any Piece of Fur Until Wanted 11 Jk'Sjk. lef EXTRAORDINARY PRICE-GIVING EVENTS Wednesday and Thursday Why Pay More for Furs Elsewhere We offer for Wednesday and Thursday only a great selection of Rus sian Mink, Stoles, Shawls and Muffs, made in all the newest styles, for Fall 1911 at $9.75. If you are intending to buy a Fur for this season, now is your oppor tunity. This ia one ot the best offers this season, whether it be a Muff, Shawl or Stole, you win more than be repaid for your trouble in attending this extra special sale. They are all well made and well lined. Values to f 18. At $9.75 Special Prices on Remodeling and Renovating. LARGEST AND LEADING FURRIERS IN THE WEST Sale of Tailored Suits at $24.75 Women's and misses' tailored suits, the new 28-inch coat guaranteed satin lined strapped down front and back of coat with material of same and button trimed n?w gored skirt with loose panel. .They come, in navy blue, blacky brown and coronation. Also in others to select from in such popular mate rials as serge, cheviots, diagonals and mixtures. Excellent value lor ja. io. 16 to 44. Sizes ' Striking Millinery for Fall Wear Fverv new stvle is shown in our beautiful line of Millinery. The prices are away below the aver a,e The quality "nd Superior workmanship make this the leading and popular place to trade. Come '?fwb doS trftdin at thlB "elusive store for women anf children. Felt Hats $2.50 to $5.00 Trimmed Hats $5 to $25 New Neckwear at 19c 60 dozen pieces of beautiful Neckwear in a full range of the faddish side Ruffles, Fichus, Jabots and Stocks. Good, clean merchandise. This sale ought to interest every prudent buyer. The regular price of this Neckwear is 25c, 35o and 50o. Wednesday and Thursday, special Underwear Special There is just 200 garments in this lot of odds and ends, all Fall and Winter weight, in union suits and two-piece garments. Both in cotton fleeced, wool and wool and silk. Wednesday and Thursday special at W Off Children's Hose at 21c The weltknown Black Cat and Gordon kinds that sell everywhere at 25c. This sale includes every size and weight. Both in black and tan; special for Thursday and Friday, at, PaJr21c Women's Hose for 17c There is just 30 dozen in the lot highly mer cerized fast black Hose, in medium weight, for Fall; good wearing quality. For Wednesday and Thursday only, sizes 9 and 10. Choice at f q lowlns Oreg-on Poetofflceg: Saint Helena, Tillamook. Springfield. Falls City, Drain. St. Johns, Sllverton. Surop ter. North Bnd and Madras. Saw Accidents Numerous. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Sept.. 19 (Special.) While at work tn the Pea body ehlngle mill. Klray Gay, a knee- bolter. sawed off the end of his right thumb. Gay is already minus some of hie ftng-ere from tho same cause. His brother Otis returned from Portland Sunday, where he had been in a hoe Pltal recovering from a eevere cut on tbe back of his hand, received whlla awing shingles at Kalama.- Tester day morning Ed Swasky, whllo sawing shingles- at the Robin mill, sawed oft the end of tho littlo finger of his left hand. . FOLEY'S HONEY P TAR COMPOUND For over three decades a fTrle hnneefcold medicine for COLGH3, COLDS CROUP, WHOOPraOCOUGH, BRONCHITIS. HAR D and STUFF! BREATHING. Take at first sign of a cold. Quick, safe and reliable. The Bee Hive o. tae carton the mark ! the alanine. Refuse substitutes. Mrs. Anna Pelzer. 2624 Jefferson St., So. Omaha, says: "I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of a bad cold and my neighbor. Miss Benson, cured her self and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone In our neighborhood speaks most high ly of It aa a good cure for coughs and colds FBr Sa)e by An prnggtat. Portland Printing House Co. J. L. Wright. Prea and Oen. Manaer." ok. catalogue ana t.onuw PRINTING mndlnar nd Blank Book Haktnfr phones: Mtvtn 6201. A 2381. Tanth and Taylor 8trMt portiana. Qregon- More Excursion Rates To the East the rouownre atddittowai, sales dates for east ern EXCURSIONS HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED. SEPTEMBER 15th, 3Sth OCTOBER 3d, th, 17th. 18th, l(h. CHICAGO AND RE TURN' $ 72.50 ST. LOJIS AND RETURN $ 70.00 NEW YORK AND RETURN $108.50 BOSTON AND RETURN ?110.00 ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE AND RETURN $ 60.00 Alt tickets rood on the ORIENTAL "LIMITED. This train carries through standard and tourist sleepers, Chicago In 72 hours, without change. Vacuum cleaned. There land dally 1P.M. from Hoyt streets. . . Tickets, sleeping-car re serrations and full par ticulars on application at uity -iicnes umuc m Third street Portland, an d at Depot. IT. DICKSON, CP. T. A. ARCHIBALD GRAY, A. G. F. P. A. Portland to Electrio lighted. Is no better service. Leaves Port- North Bank Station, Eleventh and Werner Petterson Co., Tailors to Well-Dressed Men Our Clothes are the acme of correct designing, ex clusive style, perfect tailoring. We make clothes that SATISFY the PARTICULAR MAN. IF YOIJ want a suit that is RIGHT, let us ' make it for you.' Never hefore has our stock of smart f ahrics and ex clusive patterns been mgre complete or beautiful. Prices to suit you $25 to $50. Werner Petterson Co., Tailors Established 1897 250 Stark St , bet 2d and 3d ' "Anything LESS than a PERFECT fit is NO fit at alT Jl 1