. - - , Tl ! FOB RENT.' ! FOB BENT. . MEN'S HWH-GKADS SUITS. Strict. y a.l--l eluiha. Hand-t alloreo. e d-w4tr abnar.li w...r end ra.na whurft cn-ns prf:t h.t. retention ! tjr and e-r.c to twr rin'fmr. -'.." t :ua euite tar 1 75. te aV -(;; at f : 4- 7 V J:mtrty Tunn. roam 1 Orx-itn b dg. 1ae tvtor. Men! I you niony on panta Xo bi prrr:m ti-krd on t V7 for Blah rnt. liM trour for II 4.oO - vee for J.mmy Iuua. Hi Uto- I WO No JO Remington typewrite-e. 1 lcf and 1 snort carriega on y .gMIy ne-d ob fount of company rt:rin frm buetnesa nartiy af:r re organization; price at'rae m. " Lw-a i N mad Sd-fcaad. Isw pruea. easy rate: opr.d. repaired r-'' P11 K K'TLL SAB CO. and V? life Co.. 65 ft-.n ejuw. a ni STOVB DOCTOR. If roar 4on"t take "1T " emth.ng wrong. I cu f!a IU EMt t"T'HLP. ihop f.a:ur, inr.ud.n i.r--r;a r.r-rror. .-hp If iaan at "'. at r-;cioc. 1 l-'h at.. eor- E" Hvnpilt t DNE Burf-, faur-s:de planer, one circu ar r.aw. a. prady. Mer. Or. WAXTBIV- MISCFlXANBOra. WC PI T CLOTtiiNJ rthNITLhE. TOOIJ Highwt prt e paad for mn a and ladiae cat-ff clothing, mho, rurniturs. too.. trchlo. logging. CeU Jtia:a y.rst at. Thj Clob. TV A S T F.D T- rrt. buy. or "ro fr use. rxiV.i writing driR. rd ror. sanitary ru ft. fJC. A.':r 4 r. M.. .Uorrta t. h (hfii prlcoo pid for all kiad of 21-nar.d m-hni-. Iolr.c toora. i-vta Hd w rt. Co. proat Main Wj71. A VTEt Mo!.f plctur snacblB". fU aim. nim& iu.a.B wh- - n W pay ia b'toaat cash prtra far Hrond raaa fj:tur. fcat.r at liartla. rbaa taat 13. JM Haaiiioroa a . BARGKH ACCTH S Ut SK. T4 K- llorrlaon. Phono E- IdtJ. Pajm h:-St cn prlco tor f jroitura. 1 Vf KiTER." n oJ ortW. fcactrd lm irdtt;y. must L raaaonab:a. N -iM raiojiw; crrJct.L AO 44. OTonian- W A.NTtl Two t:ckata Kaat; maio. AO 4 T'-tr. 1 an. WANTKi' -cwn4-har..i coatunt-a fur mu : oTiKjy. A. 1 Knntr. rm. i"r. K Ai rER. boarUlnj and IO rtnL J M or. VOF.I Auction Co pava mi caaa for aa kind of furnlturo. Uatn A 244X. HF.IT WVTFf M AtX. HAM T.V EM PLOT MK NT CO.. Phoua UajB 7 . A -2K WANT AT ONCE. fama f r R. R. wor. 5 pr mn-uh and f-und. Erao tranaportauoa to and from lh work. PUB-CONTRACT. SA ryv yarda of tram work to lot at xhI prtcra. Ptarfon mn. rlit rf war man. ate. f Ih aw Oreoa KUtrlc work. Era fara. Want to rant an ofictnoofa loraL All ordara glvao prompt paroonal at r l,m municipal trf:e EM PI-OTMENT HI 'REAL' WANTS: 1 eh ama-r. 2 bakera ob paatry" " 1 avi mn-l dor sport, machtno man. X m traworkar. 1 tnnar. f buy tu laarn bakary baalnaaa Man and wlfo for farm work, bo cMl-d.-Ti. Ktrmhtni!i and inllkara. ?a lNrra. railroad work. moothr work. day. .0 Auatrtana and Italtana. $2 50 por dat. city wnrk. if v lab-tr work, ran cine from 12 50 pr day up. Nv -.'70 Ma.11aftn Wt. No To- 4M.K-IiOIIEt nan wantad for tho L. hr;n ora. btm :h aa of It and S5. Muat ta natU bora or hava drat Ppt. mon-.bly pay fll io addlMcaJ ronnaUoa po.ba; food. elohln. qurta-a aiid m1i(-ai altar Jaaco fra ; a.'tar yar nmi' can rtira wttb ' pr rnc of pay aad atlowancaa; arw cn boar.I antp and ait.ro la all pana ot tha wor d. A??:y at I'. S. Marina torpe R'cru.ttn OrTiwa. ;roada b d d Wir.h;tJn ata. port aed. Or. i.MTED UfAT N A V T haa ope4 a RE i RCiri.NO STATION at IS Railway E rhna building. Port. and. w nro infor mation will ha 'aiiv ctvan about N7 op port unit Ira to young mm orr IT. "1 .M. !.-. f a Wan o' Wtrtmin.' a book Unim alt aut tba Navy, will bo aent f r t any or.a who wanta It. WANTEI TOP A T". Gnarai btkuith. country hop, $1 a day. 1 ar an4 yard ti'Ivman. J - 75 PACIFIC KMl'U'YUrNT CO., i: North 2nd Ti ANTED Japan" bojr drlr!ng to attend a-! or untvfrmiy to h'ip to hah;j w..rk In ama.l family, waca paid. Ad rtra. tat ina pa-uculara and caporlanoa, to Ho Sltn. r. bAI ESMAN wantd b oii-ratabllha. pu! ra to hand la rw mr1tral work ; rluiixt trriory anl ro'd living for nr-g--tic worker, sp-rtrna not aaarnUaL P. r 121. Phi:a1r.ph'.A. MAN of fxd adUrrM to aoll.lt city ordara (r our nr niTrhaut tailoring d'part mnr; a trily po.ttn at go-'-l a!ar fr rapablo man. iSroanavitla Woclo Mill W TEr-Uun.!rmin. i par;n-d" In all i!tartmant. muTK-J m n praferr-d; am-pi--mni rr wif'. Apply by letter and RtBia aalar). Moora'a Laundry, llillaboro. Or H ANTEl) A young man to Irarn lrug bua !:ia. hrtn r"fT,r.---a Apply af tr A. M - Mr. J t o. mca. coda rd -Clar ko UTug Co. CITY an-1 country icnti; houaahoM n I'ty and eay a ii-r . liberal commlMton. m or adOreaa J. A. ala.?A)Clo. -1 Oak W Tl'.r Yur-a man for c'rru a wurk tn .f-u t. II p. M " V r wk. a . ;..v.! atu.Unt prfrrrcd. A'i 4 Ore-(-man Al.r.MEN wanfrd to aril our lino of Pa c'.P.c i'.Ajt gr..a rurry at.ck: caah paid wrkly. I'aciflo Nuraory Ca.. SOS Corboit bldg. m TM'N'1 MAN w acted to lrn tha Jfwrlry po::htng tral. A good opportunity for a goM. bright ry. A- F. Clauaa A Son. 61 Maaay Mdg CO ATM AKER wantM. now work h op. M 'r(AAi V-4 Ora tlie at.. Vancouver, R. 0 EIRST-CLAbS buah-:maj want ad at o1; g-td ! to right man. liST Sandy road. (LKSU AS wantrd. apiary and cmmiaaion- houM io-houM w or. 4-i Chambor of fommrr ti.'.t.. to P. M. EIRS r-CLAS ctmilrr for ladlr tailor ing. R. RladaL 414 EWara bltig.. 7th and A.iar ata WANTED Ftx at -c!aa aaah and d-T ma cnino mas Call 111. Uawthorna ava roa ly to g to work LIVE aa'-ain to ar r-ja M'irc prvrtv. w'!l p,j 1 it cnt fummlMii'O. .7v :ark at.. RAllay t:tfhAni. STICK CRM VN'n f-r p anl.-.g mi;i wr:d. Apn.y T X Jahannaa-rf a Co., f"2 Mac a . rn a H K AD RT SI' EI H AN. flrt r ,ra. Saah and 1 mm IS. A. C. R. HANSEN" a CO, ; X tnd St ii.'T tt 1 I or 1 7. nr who apraka Onr.ja p-frrr-! t." !: Hi-IH f. H'!. P."Y n rrW- $.v a n-onth d af.rr - ho;. Ai'pty 74 Tayl T. C"t;iaf a- ufo--d to uant work. BaRHER - r: -1. :rly J b, muat t t;i'. r aa. .V; WMr.:oii at. ta AN T ELt iujta oar 14 with w&aaa. zk WASTTP V-l to'li-l'T f tva Amaricaa Wrkt Vim 72T Thurmaa t. I TTFK Ui.' mrn" g-r:;".t. Acta-jrt- u t park ar.1 M r:n ! R Y wa' trd. 'a11 at Standard Jwa!ry PHOTOt'KArH r-'uPa and portrait agata a v ff r. Cubrt n S: ul lo lk b ill. WANTED a cka bakar. K.i 11th ard Evarrtt. WANTTP E'ra'.-c aa iJ!-" tailor. A. Liprcaa, ?; :nf b.ag. OA WENTVRS wantad. th and Lambart. Eatmor.an!. - C f P' K f"r ho'tpo; atata ago. W haril--tMr M . Oragoniaa. t-y; i"T c'b rtTtco Hoy aHoar It yaara old. I n.'.'n -4? . 4t1 ard i-.:aan PARTNER wan ct ;n rr a' boa in raa. a:t f"rn"-mi. 14 Worcaar b'a1- hMmtktr at ona. 4-1 Wi'ANTFD ro.l p.ito ro. agenuw Sut aaa aio4h 51 ' Wasnicgtoa HELP W A XTE 1 MALI. rXCTDEXT. fOaa of Many OfflM Sacratary EmPioymoat Topartamt Y y f a Time man. atrasgar. ot of wor Ma total ca-n rti If I pay r for apcLal mrIoiniit manbarri!p, I '- hava oaly toft botwoaa mo and atarya- Fwriry tf yo pay SS for ampioymant roaniborahlp yon h T. M. C A. wr.a Ua raooarooa kwaoa ca and atarratoa. . Rocord- for men tha ndta Aosng it. Caiia fr rnrj JJJ Potions ri.f H Now maxabora vrdcrtaaao to kaa; bo f uii tarm 9i nuad during avam boraa gltavyi Wo bavo jnataat damari for J!?" a", asporloarad maa. A-TO ! IUI for a botiar poattioaf c - .iT AiAVM-Aa aaoartaoal 1. M. C A. WANTED Minmio. raprincrd maaag.no and book tr-n. to raprrarn: 'xurrni lh araturr." Ent.'rr.y nw an4 a nr. hU'hrt: . oma.:aa:or.a "c arr-nt Liter a'jra Pubi:ahins Company."" room WANTED Draugnt.maa accuatomad to p.otttng railway aurvry topography. axprincad In Stadia loal-'ur P'"1" ting. Salary 9 p-r month and caxap board. Addrrag a, i'rr WANTED. In town artjarnt to Portland, rrpr-aeutativea to hanaio our vy hndi in lha H cd R'var-Moa.r "airl t. lib-ral tarma. ii- od Klvor Orchard Land Company, Vron hl'l- AS opportunity : r a llv. maa ar.llng our guaraatad Yak.n.a Valley grown r-uraory a'uek. axrtualv larrltory: ou;flt frao.caan wavkly; "hua::." not axprtanco. roijuiraa. Toppealah Nurgary Co-. Toppcn.ah. a-n. WANTED Toung man of good appeaxanra, under 21 rara of for off.co wor: muat bo abla to writ a good hand ana coma well recommended. AT 41. -ra- gontan. TWO lia ah-ttora for old a-atabl.ahad company; permanent poaitlon; good pa. Mr. foihouar. li Mohawk bMg.. to . WANTED Toun m-n to laarn movlns pleturo oparatttig. Ucmmlt. 331 ca2r HELP WANTED fFMAI E WANTED Man ar.d wlfo or mother and dnuk'ht-r t h'lp wltli work aa port pay ment for room and board with t h n-o young people, whi.e fatn-r ta East. Call room .V-H-rf Marcbanta Trust bids.. ln and Waa:i. - MIDD'.E-A'tED lady, fitnl y of two. go..d hoti p ar for rUht party. liC I'ort.and bou.evard. Arbor ltdga aaiioo. fc-t. Jorrna car. EXPEK1ENCED nuraary govemeaa or good nur.o nn.d wanted for 2 Hill Siria, agra 4 and 6; raff.rnce raijuirad; goa wair. Main A M1 PRACTICAL NURSE 10 aaalat with car of I yir-OiJ tnvaLd cluld. Out of town portion Itaat of rafarent-aa required. Salary ' pr month. Aa 437. Orrgonlan. Fol H young Ia4a to a ! in an advortig Ing campaign for an Eaatara company; aar work, and asparlaaco unnacaiaary. lrtjj Charnbor of Com marc a. WANTED Aa Inlri.ig.ni. well-drraard aalrawoman ago 2i to 4. to do hUh-ca a-;i.-itm. not house to houit, aalary gua.-anta-d. AR 414. Pr-gon.-n. W A T ED AO opar!rn. ad pern to he p with rhtldr.n. wagaa t'i par month. Hf- T.iurmin at.. Wi;amOa ilelghla. App.X morninit A 1 . E'. 'MAN to aai frat-cla propoai tlon. liberal commlaolona to rtirht propla; further partl'-ulara. tr.qutra -iO V Htark ar. F.aiWav Eichanga. WANTED C.lrl to aaalat In ganral ho.iaa .rk: amall family. Tti Overton, Phor.a Mi!n SoOl. . MVil f r two cnlidren: mtiat liava good flry rafrncaa i Davta. bet wean Slat a r. 1 -7J. WANTED A gtrl for Hght hounwork; no washing; amall family; rood wagea. C 31. . EXPFRIEN"E rook. H up; ehambar m.;.la, wltraa. nurara. Bt. L'i At-n-y, 3'3 !j Wash. Main A 4..V W AN r K ! Kef :ned. capaLla woman for ra e:oneib'. poaltlon. lavl Co.. 60S Rotb- rniia ring-. rn " w ' - WANTED Ta'Iora on flno ladleV garmenta will tearh to make ooata. boat warva Aronaon. a.t. waahinKton at . cor. "th. upatalra. Piiotio Mtln WANTED eitrnographar. anawar own hand writing. gta?a -parlanra and wagaa want ad. AL 4'.'. lr-fonUn. WANTED Wal'raaa 'and dlahwaaher, coun try hot'!, good salary. Addreaa Box 67. Sta::a. Wash. ' MKS. HOWES LADIES A ENCT, Washington b:!g.. 4th and waso. Sta Main p-vSS or A 320 WANTED A capable nd girl. 3 In fam ily. Apply Mrs. CLaxonca .Nl. hola. 44 bai nitn. corner lUtlv A WELL-EDUCATE D young lady wantad for work In an offlra; a -nail aalary; no atperiarra required. Art 434. Orrgonlan. WANTED A compt'it nuro girl; ra rr,nrr. lino Frink'm at.. WlUametto If aijjhts rhone A W NTED Girl for general bouaework. 4 in family. lMt Thurmaa U. cor. 2d, Wltluniftte Height. WANTED Helper on gkirfg. C. Gawer A Co.. ladles' tailor, heiUng-Hlrsch bidg.. room 14. OIHL or elderly woman to aaatat In houae work. no cooking: good homo and wagea to r:ght puny. 641 3d at. WANTED Capable women ollr'.tors, fine cnmmisalon to hustlers. Call 0' liothchlid bl.lg. W N VK D Competent girl for general h-ut-ti k. f imliy -of two; call mornings. VANTl.D-iood lady agent to ae;i photo coup. na. butphen studio, SSI S Washing ton at. BY WHOLESALE houae. an ambitious wo.ti.in. willing to apply herself; expert en -e not require L AO 415. Oregonlan. WANTED Kp-ricn rd lady pressrr. Caa-r.- 1. Dye Wo-k. Ml E. 1'ik. W A NT ED A girl for general housework. Irving . C.I KL lr (rn ral h uawork. tWl Cchi. iT at. Phoi.e East 41 11. CH AMttEKMAID Muat b nrat and cle about er work. F'fth it. WAITRESS warned. 642 Wi Toy reaiaurant. 1 at ng ion at. Ba- OI RL to assist with general bouaework In amall family. Call morning LM Nfc IM. W VnTED A flrat-claaa wa'at Snlaher. 101 Central bMg.. 10th and Alder. UArY teacher for M. E. Chinesa nigbt s.-hool. Inquire S24V, Morrison. GIPL f"r g-r.eral houaework. family of S. Call "3 Ha.sey at. Phone Eaat SS. GI KL for general hou-eworg, to bo good cook East 1170. C ls3. WANTED Olrl or woman for general house work : email family. 447 10th t. GIKL wanted to help with general houee- work. 441 E. IW'h at.. N. HL f-r general bouaework. Main S0T. I?'. N 21 GIKi. wasted, for general bouaework. 9 :iMt t. 1; l K I. t a nts:t w :th general bouaework. -.j.y g7 J'fir.t--B au il l;L for cookmc an J general housework 1 no wasnia; - i'm . WTKH Ljdv a.llcltora. aalary and ro-n- T-iission to huatlr.-a. a:i 415 Sell'.rg bMg. Sa'arn Woolen Mule. 4tb and A der ate. ivrvn Filin rlerk. apply to Wad ham a IRL for Pght houaework. no cooktn. 430 WANTED A grl or r dd-aged woman for lis:bt housework. 2 Mvrr:a at. . "-LMi CI. . t. .In lah.i;in. I" '. naul A I r ; 9. r i .... .... . ... . Pt", 9 Hair Ireaaing Parlor. tl Sfark at. girl to aa;at with cara of chl.d. Arr y :i2 Everett, near 23d W" ANTEl lrl or woman for general bouaa-wo-k: ema.'. family. 447 Eror,t at. WAITRESS and dishwaeher for country bo t,I ipQutre S44 Second. u AN7fcn a beaithy wat Bursa wi child V 414. .raon1an. i M r'ETENT girl tor general bouse wurk. M 41.i ; L. for ;lin cooking and general bouse work. TTl Kearney at. WANTEP A girl for ganeral houew.trk. . . . J7r.d at., cor. Market. K 2"il. WANTED Seva-al glrla dreaamaklng par lor ApP'v 11 1-th at. G'r'.L to assist with general houaework. 441 It: l'. N " ern.an preferred. OvK-'D, jxiractd waitress. 141 Ruaaoll at. TIIE MORXIXG O Jl HELP WANTED rEM ALE. WANTED TOCKO ULOtBS FOB TE LB PHONE OPERATIC O. WITH OB WTTH OCT EXPERIENCE. APP1TTHB PA CIFIC TKLCPHOXB TELXORAPH CO EAST tTH aXO AXXEXT BTB RESTAURANT cook. 912 week. Hotel cook. 44X To aecond gtrl f 25. Two waatreaeta cout of city) $28. Cham gern. aid $ 1 day. P.istry coo $ 10 w eek. Kanvh cook HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 34h 4 Washington at., room 7. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by gentleman, on email ranch near Portland. Oct. 1st; muat be good cook and able to care for home; Pn:y of everything and fair wages; young widow or lady with youor child preferred: flv fuU partlculara AF 444, Oregonlan. WANTED Oir! over IS year of g to wo.-ic In factory. Amoa, Harrla, Merlll Co., 9th and Da Tie. WAN fED Woman arwrlencetl In making salad, pudding, biscuit and dainties for rafetrrla tattie; must be competent behind counter. Appiy eariy. Shaidon Cafeteria, "f'H iorrlion at. GIRLS WAXTBTX AppTv Standard Factory, Ka ft, Oraaf y. and East Taylor n. GiRlTfor general houaework. ?$ Love Joy. KELP W.VNTEJ MALE OB FEJatAXsV WANTED Dancing leasnna; teacher eourwe of InaKona in plain and fancy dancing. P 4Jn L'nconl:in. VIOLIN, mandolin and guitar teacher want-d at one. Koom 14. 887 East Burnalde. WANTED Royi and slrl far steady work with gtod wagj. Multnomah Mohair MUla, bcliwood. I1FLP WANTED MISCELINEOCS. MEN WAN TD, ago 1H-ZS, far firemen. $ ;oo monthly, braaemen , on naaroy raliroaus. AvxpTincy unnecessary: no strike. Posit loos guaranteed competent men. Promotion. Railroad Employing Hoadqnartcra. men aent to pjeitlona to auut State uga; snd stamp. Hall way Aaajclstioo. box W d, Oregonlan. WA NT ED Pay or board al s:arU learn trau! cs. automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick. aying by actual work on jobs; on.y tew tu'iotna rvquired and no apprentice ship drudgery, ai'tf atuuent ist y?ar; catalogue free Untied Xiad ScitooL La Abt;i.i, Cn. H.u'3 POSITIONS tor graduates last year; men ana omen learn barter trade in S werUs; help to iv.ur position; gradu atc earn from $15 to weekly; expert instructors: tools fre; write fr caia i;uej. Mohler Syatam of College. 2ft Ncrth 4th t.. portlwnd. Or. MEN and boya to learn automobile repair ing, driving on up-lo-aae cars; electrical, rivl rtiKinrei inc. surveying. In most prac t'cnl way; positions secured ; satisfaction g:aranted- caiaiogue free. National ul Tradea, 1 10 West Tin, Los Angei a. v BiiViKKETEPERS, cashiers, bill clerk, etc; I win euarantee your qualification to fill posit Ion in B0 days; private Instruction bv pui'l.e t'-coununt; position aecured. J 40. prrsorlnn. TtTl are wanted for Government position; so wocth: send postal for l:st 'positions open, trankhn Icstltuta. Day. Hi H, Rocneeter.N.Y. 300K"and ahort-atory manuscripts criticised, revised and typewritten. Addreas Manu script Editlrg Hureau. SJ9 Maeg.y-Tlchner M ! g . . Portland Alo V jo.N'-PICl IKS operating taught in theater; a full, practical courae; terms reasonable;, position secured. A3 40 d, Orrgonlan. YuL'XO men wanted to laarn wireless tel csrapby ; apetlal induce. tnenta; good posi tions guaranteed. Can or addreas National Teit staph inat., Commjnfa.tli bidg. MAKE money writii.g aliort storiea, or for japoti; big pAy ; free booklet tells how. Urited I'rejrr Synd'cate. r-nn Francisco. IH1LADEI.PHIA BARBER COLL KGB cutrantet-a position free to tboea who learn t .irber trale in our college. -OS Couch. risii 1 EACHERS" ASSOCIATION. ftiO Shetland bidy. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WHITING. " mo. if '. 14fh at. Main 3M3. W;LL tint rooms for $i'.o and paint bo use at your price. Phone East I'2 :. SITrATIONS y A N TE D MA LB. Book keeper and lerks. BOOKKEEPER and accountant open for a poil::oi; a.L Ave years with large cor poration In Souihncat m cnlef clerk, prop erty closed, reaaon for leaving, can fur nisn Al rff.'renrea; 111 consl-ier country toan a sell as clt ; married man; 2$ years old. L 43. oregonisn. 2 FLATS or double house wanted by Nov. 1; not less than four rooms each; must be new or nearly so. with modern con veniences; pordirs, yard, etc.; not too far out- reasonable rent: private family; permanent. M 4J7. Oregonlan. YOl NO MAN dralrea clerical position with reliably tirm with opportunity for ad vancement. References.. AM 430, Oro- gonl BY young man. experienced bookkeeper, au ditor capable general office man, not afraid of work: willing to atart on amall alary; A-l reference, a. oregoniau. up booka Frepar balance and stataoienta Icatall systems. GEUnrham. auditor. 4il Lewis bldg. Marshall "17. ToV"NO M AN, law graduate, wishes posi tion in lan- office; amall or no salary. AJ 431. regonmn. M Iscellavneoua. WANTED By middle-aged man. position a caretaker of coltafes at beach. AM 43, ('regonlan. ' ' MAN and wife wish position In hotel out of city; 10 year" experience. AO 433 Ore gonian. LIVE specialty salesman at ltberty October 1 : prefer Willamette Valley; best refer ences. V 411. Oregonlan PRACTICAL farmer and wife would Ilk pla- e on farm as manager or help. L 4o4, Oregonlan. JAPANESE aecond cook want poaitlon. ho tel or reataurant, city or countryi hava good reference, AO 433. Oregonlan. TOUNG Korean, good 000k. want school boy Into the city; apes J Easilab weU. AE. 4i Oregonlan. JAPANESE, stout honeat boy, wants -a staly Job as porter In saloon or hotel. A R 4 1 R. Oregonlan. WANTED Hy an experienced movlng-plc-turo operator, abort abitu either night or day. L 437. Oregonlan. YOUNGS, sober married man wanta place as tearr.ater; knows town. M. 7W. I4tt Porter at. VOUN'J man wants position aa chauffeur or sal.-aman; is willing to work: reference. Wli'iame. ?4T 12th at. Main 711H. bL'BEU married man wanta aieady work, wrhouM; esperienced teamater. M 4o. 'rrgonlan. A J p N ESE boy wanta any kind of Job f ern 5 P. M. for a few hour. AH 4J9. ( rcgouian. A JAPANESE boy want to engage in bouaeranlng weekly or by th bous. A II 437. Orrgonlan. EXPERIENCED chauffeur with flrei-c'.aae reference wtshea position with prlvai f s m i : y . D 4J-V Oregonlan. MARRIED couple wish to care for email aArtmnt or rooming-house ; experienced, AO 4T. Oregonlan ST RON"i boy. IS ear. wan: work In or outside of "ba5jty:AS4.U, Oregonlan. tai Vii Japanese wlahe poaitlon as school . . 1, vi,t.v,t a v iflth a A 4oitL DQ. r ........... - C&l p. ptim t11'."1 .iw-. . . CHKK" flr.t-c;. w.nt. position In town or country. J . OrgTonl.n. poilTlOl. olln. T7ln. repirln, om. r , ;,.,inV r!i M.r.M.11 1S4 nvFlCS work Btt-d by Grma cl.rk. ItW D.nmrit; hou Tl UilMtt. T7 f7,Tonn.E nihnlc want, position In rrp.lr .nop. AN 4.'7. Or.gonl.n. 1 ApA KSE want, poaitlon. Elfvmtor bay or on.fi''g " - - -" f,FF OWNERS I will worlc .v.nlnit. for mr m.... Aadr At. Omon.an WKNTFD To ruu &. .;.v.tor by Ul x p.n.av.4 op.tar. X. 411 Crooiu. EG O XI AX, WEDNESDAY, HUnUumuii advortlslng man and znanacor of z- fterlenc ajid r.flponalblllly. able to handle arv. proportion, open for eeiragement. If you ar. looicln. for a cheap man. don't ariav.r. N 42.. Or.eonian. " POSITION by atatlon.ry encfne.r: have clgnt y.r" experience on atatlonary, hoi.tlnir. donkey and pl!drlver .nitlnea; can lurnt.h beat of reference. Addreaa lox 834. Chelila, Wa.h. YuL'N'J man. attendma; cobles., deatrea to work for room and Doard after echooL Call or addrene H. D. B.. Common weaitb bidff.. "th and AnKeny ata. CHAlr I'Kl'K want, position In prlvai. fam ily: 1 years' experience; do all my own ropaira; careful driver. AM 410. Ora fomaa. TOI.'ND man attending Holmea Business College desires piace to work for room and board, outride of school hours. Call yOL'N'J man desires poalUon. day or nlsht. O 4i,,j. Orefonian. 6ITCATlQyg VTAVTEP FEMAlJa, IlookJceeDer and htrDosrrapbrr. WANTED Position as bookkeeper. Tears" experience, exue.lent refrencea Call F. H.. at V. TH". c. A. employment oftlce. from 10 to 12 A. M THOROUGHLY competent. -and oxperlenced yciuTig lady bookkeeper deslrea poaitlon. Main 2411 EXPEH1EXCLD bookkeeper-stenographer would Ilka responsibly position; city refer ences. Main 6n7. GUOU sienoftrapner wants position, four years experience; best of city reference. Main SI' io. STENOGRAPHER ulth some experience de sires permanent position at reasonable ssiEry. with an advancement. E. ot''4. EXPER1ENCKD stenographer and book keeper wishes position. Phone Wood, lawn 1343. AN EXPERIENCED stenographer deslrea permanent position, phone Main R41I2. ire.maaera. DRESS making and "ladies' tailoring: ahlrta. wal-.ta. tailored suits and dresses at reas onable pncea Our work guaranteed. A 67:6. 2Sil 18th St. FIRSTCLASSdraamaking and ladles" tailoring: prices reasonable. Marshall (113-16 swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. FASHIONABLE dressmaker wants sewing by day. Miss TVhttnev. 1S5 ltith. Phone after P. M. Main 31ii ; FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and tailoring by day. A 612J. Main li8. MRS. DAVIa. dressmaking. 150 Madison. Phone Main 325. COMPETENT aeamstrrss wants work by diy or at lioiue. I'hone Marshall 815. i' HST-CIjASS dressmaker, best references. 774 Lovejoy. Marshall 651. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and ladl's taller will lake work heme. Main 7710. DRESSMAKING Children' clothe a spe cialty. East 3077 iniea. . TtESPONFIBLE lady will come to your home or hotel, caring for children or seml In valid, at any hour day or ayenlng. Phone llaln 6105. A 60J. Guill) tellable ulrl wanfa poslllon as nurse f.r one or t children; city references. Phone East 2111. - PRACTICAL M'USS wants position, com I anion to invalid lady or care f chil dren. Main lf7t. CAKE of inalld or hufkeeplng. f r thra days. Main Bl.'.l'. STRONG, mlddle-ag'd. practical nurse; d-slres situation. Main 2u19. A 4T75. TRAINED nurse wishes eniragmenU, terms reasonable. Dr. Refo. Main 4H2. A 1' lloufkeepera. NEAT woman, girl 2. desire housekeeping, wl. lower s famllv. 8t. Louis Agency. 3ui Wash Main 2l'll. A 4775. WIDOW with 2 children. 4 and . deslrea position as housekeeper, out of city. Apply Y V . C. A., room 12. from 10 to 4. c iI SEKEEPEit for one or two by respact !:. young woman. N 42. Oregonlan. YOl'XO girl wants position doing general housework. East 401 . Homewtics. WILl.ING girl wants a place to do general nousewora. u... "i --exp-rleitred girl wants work by tha day. 2ti:t Hassalo wt-. near 6-'d. Hl'.H M'HnOlj girl wanta good home In sm.ill f.-.mliy to assist for ro..m and board and sn.all wnirca: Eaat tild. preferred. Address AP 441. Oregonlan MlM.ell.neo us. POSITION wanted by experienced telephone operator In exchange. Phone Woodlawn WOMAN wishes day work. 23 cents hour. A hours day: steady place preferred. fnone A JAPANESE GIRL wants housework; help cooking in small family. AL 433. Ore gonlan. AN ELDERLY, roflnrd woman would give "goid care to home during owner's ab sence: salary. AP 4J3. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED family cook. MO up; also Institutional or hoarding-house cook. St. Louis Agency. 30,14 Wash. Main 20o9. MAN and wife experienced, logging camp cooks, want work. 304 Salmon st- Phone Main m?'. ' WANTED Position sa companion and help er to woman or eMeriy couple, by refined THOROl'GHLT reliable lady want day work. Phone C l'M.i. LACE curtains hand laundered; 30o pair. Call and delivered. Marshall 1060. GERMAN la.Iy wanta day work for Wednos ri.v Thursday. Saturday. Phone K. 64,.,. COOK wants poslllon In family or smaU boarding house. Cull Sellwood 1107. WOMAN" wants washlngor Ironing by day or hour, main LACE curtains hand washed. stretched. called tor. qcnvcrcu. .-nan, nt-. DAY S work wanted by experienced woman. Ph?oe Woodlawn 42. GIRL wants work by day or hour. Phone Main 6127. room 1 COLORED woman wants day work of any k r.d. rnone .uhiii it, . WOMAN want work by the day. Phone TOI'NG WOMAN wants chamber work. Pbiine Main 74H between 10 and 12. LACE CURTAINS laundered right. Called tor aiiu utii.. . WANTED Second work or chamber work. faun, .ii . ' " WAVrED AGEXT. .xt.nd a cordial Invitation te sales men and ealcawomen to vlalt us at our wes'ern central offices. W are now eil tnm our publication dlr.ct on this terrl lorr. The Groller Society. 131 Tenth t. five reliable solicitor, city. I for mall town 6 to $20 per day easily made. S j m io Hcaly bldg.. Grand -v and Morrison su iix solicitor for best legitimate pro poaitlon in America; 3 to ,100 per week, t P. M. 4HO c' " " aufn'TS to ell rug on th untallment plan- liberal commlaalon J. D. 8h.rman, So Grand ' WANT1TD TO RENT. Boot . ' w i for rent, let ua find vou a desirable tenant. We have . great de mand for five and six-room houses and bunga:ows. Our ytem gat result; try " "d -CHAPIX t HERLOW. 33.-331 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED to rent t once by young couple with no children, a 5 or 6-room modern house on West side with fireplace; ront must Je reasonable: will agree to lease. H 4-9. Oregonlan. KK-t'ONSl BLE party deslrea to rent 8 or 9 Voora home on either aide of river, prefer ably with garage. Addres P ilS. Ore gonlan. kiv to ten-room furnished hous. on East side bet. Burnslde and Broadway. N 4H1, Oregonian. . VTED To rent 6 to 10-room houae, furnished: piano; Weat tilde, do In. Main .7:-. Apart meata 1 F1RNISHED housekeeping rooms. wlk In distance: West Side; good location; private family preferred. P 41. Ore gonlan. Kooros. WANTED By young single man. holding responsible poslllon. nice room with pri ll., f.rniy. -with or without meals, not mo'r. than 1 m.nute" walk from th and Alcler. AS 43 Oregonlan. TTkTTk room or two. adjoining ones, suitable for the Municipal Free Employ ment Bureau: rent paid for by the city. r-.il Chief Clerk J. O. Schraeder. Mam siA524; PERMANENT room In modern blgh-clase home or spartm.nt on West Side with con genial people, by two young men. T 7, Oregonlan. TTTTtrK fuml.hed bouaakplng rooma. West aide. AJldrea S. Ai. P. 0 Corbeu bid. SEPTEMBER 20, 1911- fUiein. ROOMS Northeast corner Fifth and St": hot water, mim heat Apply Wah- yirnisbed Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEM These three beautifully furniahed houla, HOTEL . HOTEL H TEL MINHOOK. PARSONS. ROW LANDS. 4:h at. 4th t- Jjjj On Fourth at., running from 1J.r," Baimon U; brand new brick, elegantly iurnlahed; .team heat, private bth, not and cold water In all rooms: ictly P to dat to ail respect, and at P0?"1 prices. If you want omething out of tn ordinary, in the heart of th city, at .rea sonable price, give us a call, a we know you will like It. Room by the day. ween or month. Tourlat trade eoiiclted. HOTEL CAPLES. KeaidenUal. . S00 Taylor. Tranalant. Bet. 7th and Park St. Oppolte Hetlig Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms with private bath, etc, from i dally, suites or ingle room at low rate, weekly or monthly term; new. handsome ly furniahed brick, elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Lnlon Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W car to 7th; from Hoyt-treet Depot. "S car. transfer on Morrison to Tth Phon Mar- GRAND UNION HOTEL. 857 ft ItASl jjurnaiu. Why not live on the East Side and are money on your room rent? W can give you better accommodation for less , money and within 13 minutes' walk of the oualneaa center of the city. Steam heat, hot and co! running water; room alngl or an ulte; rooma with private bath, rate SOu to 2 per day; regular, $' to $7 pr week. Phone East S&40, B HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. w.,T-n Ki-irir hiHlrllnr. itetm heated' private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, oeautuuuy lurnisneu, cwaj, cw f or table, rents very reasonable. Call and ee ua Regular and transient trail so licited. " SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne avea. Beautifully furniahed rooma, ingle or en suite, with private bath; hot and coid water, steam heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rate; grill in connection; transi ents solicited. VAN GORDER HOTEL 105H Twelfth at.. Marshall 2790. In th heart of the bualneaa district. 6team heat, hot and cold water and free fhooe In every room, fl per day and up; 4 per week and up. WINTER AT MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington. Steam heat and every other modern con venience; any room In the house $5 week, and nothing extra for two in room. THli REGENT, 1514 Seventh at.; beautiful rooms, right down town; Ideal location for partite staying In town for business or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day or week, $15 month up HOTEL REN WICK. An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; ele gant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Heillg Theater. Main 916. HOTEL OXFORD, cor. 6th and Oak at.; centrally located, elegantly furnished and thoroughly modern ; price most reason able; come and aee for yourself. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suite or sin gle, $2 and S3 week; live minute' walk to theater and stores; free phone. Lin dell HoteL Z2S 4th. COMFORTABLE, pretty, light, airy rooms, reasonable, free phone, steam heat, bath, etc. 3S7 Taylor at. HOTEL FRANKLIN. 13th and Wash. A respectable art home-like place; mod ern throughout, sa. and up per week. COM FORT Ait LE modern rooms, centrally located, with every convenience, all out side rooms. $12 and up. 20 North 17th aU NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two. ltgl't housekeeping If desired. 333 i;ith st.. cor. Market. WEAVER. ili Washington Nicely fur niahed rooms, bath and phon la aaca room; with or without board. HOTEL REX. 54SV Washington st. Steam heated rooms, 50C per day, $J.50 per week and up; alao housekeeping-rooms. ALEXANDER HOTEL 10th and Aider t.; mcuiy furnished room by the day or week, reasonable rate. 1H a. HAZEL Nicely furnlsned rooms as saoderate pricea. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. FURNISHED room by day or week; rate reasonable. Palmer HoteL 350 H Alder. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. TWO well-furnlahed rooms,- private, steam heated apartment. Nob Hill, walking dis tance: ladles employed or married couple; breakfast; references. R 451, Oregonian. $10 HO E- 2sth N., 2 small, neat rooms, middle-aged couple, or maiden, lady. Broadway car to 24th-Tlllamook, Irving ton. NEW daintily furnished room, modern, home privilege. 774 Lovejoy. Marshall 6 2. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms In new flat; housekeeping privileges, hot water always. 23 E. 12th st- Flat B. LARGE, clean room, suitable for two gen tlemen; all conveniences; references. CSS Northrup. EAST walking distance, large, light room nicely furnished, modern hottso; furnace, phone, etc $2.St. 2tM 12th Bt. NEWLY furnished, large light rooms, run ning water, bath, phone, heat, select lo cation, walking distance. 55 Flanders. FINE furnished room near N. P. Dental College. 254 East 3d st. N., cor. Multno mah. Board next door. FURNISHED room, nice, large front room, uitable for 2; only 2 blocks off Wash ington at. 27 North 9th t. NICELY furnished room, $S modern con veniences, walking distance. 404 Clay near 10th. LAROE well-furnished room, all conveniences- use of piano; close In; $8 month. East 523. SPLENDID large front room, $20 per month; heat, lights, hot water. o7& Couch, N. E. cor. 18th. LARGE, clean room, suitable for gentleman; all conveniences; references, CSS North rup st. NICELY furnished front room; furnace heat, free phone and bath: $10, $14 and $15. 632 Flanders. Main Sl3. LARGE. liEht room, new and clean, mod ern conveniences, gentlemen preferred. 7m Flanders. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms, modern con veniences. $230 and up. 4i Clay. Main 6621. MODERN steam-heated rooma, cloae In, reasonable. 661 Washington St.. flat C Main 30B9. 416 TAYLOR, very pleasant front room, fur nished, on ground floor, modern. FIRST-CLASS rooms, excellent board near. 7f4 Hoyt. Marshall 2620. STEAM HEATED furnished room, bath. phone, electric lights. 5654 Gllean at. NEATLY furnished bedroom, gas and phone; $1.75 per week. 42 6th st. NEW, fine furnishings, hot water, heat, front rooms, central, reasonable. 865 11th. SINGLE sleeping room, $6 per month or by week. B7& Couch. 860 SALMON St., desirable room, hot and cold water, bath, phone and heat. FURNISHED room, targe enough for two, close In. $4 a week. 181 11th st. gfiwNICB room, comfortable bed, bath, 452 6th. bet. Jackson and College. FRONT alcove room, suitable for two gen tlemen only. 414 Salmon st. ROOMS for 2 or 3; 3 minute to P. O. 265 flth BlU ONE large, light room, modern, close In. 309 11th. NEWLY furnished front room, modern, for one or two. i in sc jsortn. a. youi. FURNISHED sleeping room for quiet lady; all conveniences. 66 Ella st. f2.ro PER WEEK, cosy, small front room for one; modern house. 2-H 1 2t h. - NICELY furnished room In modern home; close In; $8. 11 Fast 9th st. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, walking dis tance. 746 H Hoy:.- NICELY furnished rooms, steam heated, hot and cold water, central. 34 Flanders. NICELY furnished room and board, privat family- 7S0 Eaat Belmont. East 2876. MODERN ROOM, private bath, central lo cation. Phone M. 7329. LARGE front room, modern conveniences, close In, gentlemen only. 214 13th t. MCKLT furnished rooms for rent, reason able 205 North 23d st. ROOMS and board, home privileges, walk Inr distance. Phone S068. 648 East Davl. 11 75 AND up per week; gentleman pre- f-rred: desirable Vocation. 806 12th t. v irT furnished room. 57 Trinity place, fcet Ibth and 20th. mtpfiT furniahed room, home comforts, r,1: . 1L-.Mihit. Marshall 212s. A P-ji- rent i m-- - TWO furnished rooma for rent. Eaat Side. rt k..nn at. rrpVIPHED room. $2 up; 6 minutes walk Po'stoffice. 2fi6 12th. i-5o WEEK, nicely furnished rooma, walk taw distance. - 34 Xlth. sc. Furnished Kooms In Privato Family TWO large, sunny parlor, finely lumished. light and heat, 15 a month; room. $11. . Plenty cican A 479B. Apply 41 Ella, between .Otn and lst. on Waahlngton. J 8 or 4 ladies or men; electric and gas light, furnace heat; first floor; nTlhe roomers; private phone in rooms. Plione Main 2234 or call "7S Hoyt su Vnturntaiied Kooma. FOUR unfurnished rooms. 3 room, water. $7.50. Market eu - Boom anaBoar. LAUBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, well-furnlahed rooms; glngle and double; walking distance; tattle board alao. Main 563A 30S1, DOES home aopeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madiaon. laree rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close in, near car, 4 blocks from P. O- American plan. ONE fine room with private bath and one with hot and cold water, home cooking; good walking distance. The Magnolias, CHOICE rooms, with board, suitable for young men. one block from "Washington. 33 North 17tft. ' PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li bra ryRlO Fndes THE MANITOU 201 loth, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated; Inviting rooms; cnoica poaru. jii; CHOICE rooms with board, suitable for 2 young men. one block from Washington. 89 North l"tu. THE CALVARD, 462 Morrison. Rooma and board; modern conveniences. Main 20&7. BO HD AND ROOM, iJOO JEEFERSON STREET. CASA ROSA. Booms With Boarq tn Private? Family. NICELY furnished room with breakfast for one or two gentlemen; walking distance; bath, phone, furnace heat, good neigh borhood, reasonable. 710 Johnson st. Phone Marshall 640. WELL furnished single room, very pleasant surroundings; easy -walking distance; best of home cooking; reasonable term. Phono Main 32S0. . ROOMS $6 and $$. unfumfshed; furnished new complete. $10 and $12; meal if de sired. 25 cents; walking distance. bJO Water St.. or A-3.02 l&TH and Everett Bts., front parlor in pri vate home, suitable for 2. at $16; con veniences; reference. A 3K2, With or" without board. - 650 HOYT ST. Excellent room and board, home cooking; rates reasonable; near 16th. Take S. " or 16th car. Phone Marshall 12.8. NICE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen : home cooking, walking distance. Nob Hill district. 52 Lucretia St., near 23d and Washington. FINE furnished room, near N. P. Dental College, 254 East 8d st. North, cor. Mult nomah. Board next door. FURNISHED rooms with or without board, a home for young men and women. Main 1347. 712 Flanders st. PLEASANT place, East Side, desires to board married couple or two persona ROOM and board for young women, $3 sewing. 12 E. 7th st. So. Ph'one E. 275. man cooking, hot and coid water, fur nace neat ana pimuw. NICE loom, new house; modern, central; good, meal; " reasonable; ger.tlemen. Main 2219. NICE furnished room, home conveniences, first-class board; walking distance. Phone Main 4257. . BOARD and room; single room $22.50; one double room; good home place. 7S7 Olisan, near 24th st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room; every thing modern; man and wife employed preferred. B 1222. LARGE front room for business couple; also single room; 10 minutes' ride to post- office; good neignuuriiuiiu. -.. 666 GLISAN ST.. rooms, sinarle or double, wlta hoard; also .table board. " ROOM and board with private family in Sunnyside. 965 East Alder. WELL-FURNISHED room with best board; large porch and grounds. Main 207L NICELY furnished room wlth board for 3 &en tiemen o; '"run. .nj.. .-. KOOM and board private family 2 gentle men. OH iwuu - - " WANTED One or 2 children, to care fon Tabor 2809. g20 Pleasant room for two. conveniences. SS N. 17th st. all modern 653 WASHINGTON ST. Room and board for gentlemen. r.flicB , v d-....-.. ROOM and board, home privileges, walking distance. B 8S. 546 East Davis. COZY rooms, choice board, congenial home. piano, reiinea uB't.' n. NEATLY furnished back bedroom suitable - iAtAa. rhnn- A tor - young - wp FIRST-CLASS rooms, excellent board, near. 754 Hoyt st. Marshall 22Q. ROOM and Doard at Bi3 Glisan L Phone Marshall 815. - ROOM with or without board, walking dis tance. 703 Everett. Phone Marshall 3302. Apartment. Open for Inspection, ALVARADO. T30 Everett, Walking Distance, Individual eteam-heated homes of 6 and 7 rooms, for permanent families; first DUPLEX on th Pacific Coast; living rooms on one floor and sleeping-rooms above; room large, beautifully decorated, comfortable and elegant living at mod erate prices; free telephone and Janitor service ; references. Supt. on premises. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St., near Warhington St. Will open October 1. 1C11, and wU maintain thoir former high standard of tenancy; 4, 6 and 6-room apartmenta. Ap ply on premiss for reservations. GRANDEST A FURNISHED apartments Grand ave. and East Stark" sts. Brand new four-story building, ready for occu nnncv now: S-room splendidly furnished apartments, electric automatic elevator and every modern convenience; on the East Side, but closer In than most apart ments very reasonable rent and best of service. Apply to janitor on premises. ANGELA APARTMENTS Trinity place, 100 feet from Washington Bt.; new man agement: X, 8 and 4-room moaem apts., iimiahed. steam heat, electric elevator, hot and cold water, private telephones and Janitor service. Manager, apt. xtx References required. Marsha,!! I960. UNFURNISHED apartments in the heart of Irvington. Thoroughly modern, with all conveniences. Handy to all carltnes; $43 . to $&5. Rental department, Gevurta & Sons, First. Second and Yamhill sts. THE MORTON. King and Wash, ft A 4 room unfurnished apt, three room furnished, also basement apt a i trictly modern. ' 5TH AND COLLEGE. 8 and 4. rooms, finely furnished apart ment; Btrictly modern; every convenience, easy walking distance. The Altamont. 6-ROOM apartment, $35; desirable and con venient. Seat Janitor, The Kearney, 21st and Kearney, or Morgan, Fliedner & B o yce. 503 Ablngton bldg. KEELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay sts., eolid bricV. splendid location, electric elevator. -We have a few large 3 and 4-room suite, uti furnished. $38 to $50 per month. ' MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park Street. Corner Madison. Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments; Individual phones; convenient, downtown. 429 E- Morrison, corner of 7th; 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, furnlsned up to da;; private baths, moderate price, new my-. MODERN 4-room flat, 'gas range, linoleum; very desirable and good locaUon. 26 East 1tth it, near East Ash. Phone East 287L THE MAJESTIC, elegantly furnished apart ment. 4 rooms ; also unfurnished apart ment. Main 4u70. 3P2 Clay st. BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furniahed. "it" North 23d t. Marshall 2521. . . r-T-c )5 11th t .rrinm fur. n'ished apts.. 'with private bath; 20 and 35; wanting .m'". nvFONTA. 187 17th 2 and 3-room suites, it and cold water In every apartment; ?..o" bl. Fhone, Main 4'jT. irirrFRSONIAN, 514 Jefferson; cheapest, modern apartments In city. 2 and 3 rooms. From 20 to2T.S0. r-a ate" APTS.. 24th and Northrup ts., 8 room apartment; front veranda nd .leap. fg r'reh. water, heat, private phone. kosf-FRIEND. S. W. cor. 7th ard Jefferson- modern 4 and 6-room unfurmshed l.rtments; steam heat and water. ;,.. MORTON 3 and 4-room -unfurnished, two furnished b.iaemant apartment. 6&7 Waahiniton. Apartments, THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor St. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. TenLh anjl Salmon S;s. Walking Distance. Completely lurn.shd 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; ouilrtlngs new and Strictly modern; service hrsi-class- THE DEZENDORF. 20S 1GTH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. These elegant 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments, situated in fche heart of th city, within lt minutes waik of the busi ness center. Reservations may be made on premise or by phone. Main 4715. A 5725. "HE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson at., complete Sept. 1.; finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence in the city; 8. 4 and 3-room; all outside, day light rooms; convenient to cars, walking distance, private telephones !n every apartment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigerators, launury facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc Attendant .on premises. Mai- ehall 3360. CAR ME LIT A APARTMENT, 'Corner of 13th and Jefferaon ta. font nd five-room apartmenta. unfurnished, with reception hall, automatic elevator. Pacific State telephone in every apart ment and the moat modern convenience found in the city, phone Main 2069 or. call up main office. Main 676. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ta: this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2, S and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatio elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buftet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phjnea A 1744, Marshall 2). ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 70S Everett. LOW SUMMER RATES. Two, three and four-room apartment completely furnished for housekeeping; very thing new and strictly modern; team heat, first-class service; also fear aingla rooms. A 7105. Main 6-85. TPS EVERETT. . 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch; automatic electric elevator and private pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor aerv- , ice ; rent per month. $26. $30 and up. Must be setm to be appreciated. THE IRVING, CS9 Irvlnsr st. One four and on five room unfurnished apartment; have gas range, refrigerator, shades, hot and cold water, steam heat and Janitor service: all outside rooms, verandas; rates reason able; references. Phone A 2522. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. loth and 20th sts.; Just fin ished; most magnificent atfartment on the Pacific Coast; rentai reasonable; sleeping porches; private hallways ana - every modern convenience; reference quired. Phone Marshall 502. DRICKSTON Apartments, 448 11th Bt., near College Four-story brick building, 2 and 8-room suites, strictly modern; automatic elevator and dumb waiters, private bath, telephone and locKroom for each apart ment; laundry-room with steam dryer. Take Mt. Tabor car on Morrison, south 11th. Get off at Hall. . THE BL'ENA VISTA. The elecant new brick wfht every mod ern convenience; a few desirable two and three-room apartments, furnlshsed and un furnished, at reasonable rents ; very best service; references required. "Nothing so nice aa the Buena Vista." Corner l2:h and Harrison. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, Lucretia et near 23d and Wash; 2 to 5. aU large light rooms and closets; free phones in each apt., hardwood floors, front yard, porch and lobhv, reasonable prices. Phona manager. Marshall 1529. Janitor 1500. LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished; a clas by themselves. See them. Lucretia 6t., near 23d and Wash. 2 to 5 rooms, all large, lipht and outside; largo closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones in each apt. phone prop, and mgr. Mar 152S. Janitor 1500. THE CHESTEREURT, Corner 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnished and un furnished 3-room apartments; large closets ; splendid location. Call and see manager at apartmenta or phone Marshall 358. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia Bts. First-class 3-room unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences; best location in the cits', front ing the parks, and only 5 minutes' walk from the business center. Apply to Mgr. THE CMEKEDITH. T12 Washington, cor. 22d t; 2, 8 and 4-room npts.. furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; . private bath, telephone; rates reasonablej bec service. Phone Main 7130. . THE KATHERINE APTS 149 23d St.. Just opened. Call at once and make you reservation; elegantly furnished 2 and 3 room apts.; also single rooms, with bath; can give you best rate In the city. CEDAR HILL APARTMENTS. 187 Green ave., block south 23d and Wash., attrac tively furnished 3-room apts, select, mod ern concrete bldg., overlooking city, no buifdlngs near, steam heat, hot water, phone. t PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Harrison sts. beautiful 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished for housekeeping; everything new and modern; elevator; telephone free; $45 to $S0. EXCLUSIVE apartments, 6 large room and sleeping porch; private front and back porches; private entrance; heat, hot water and vacuum cleaning system. 791 North rup. phone Main 935S. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln-sts. S completely furnished 2-room apartment for housekeeping; new and modern; house just opened; w alklng distance; no chil dren; $2t30Phc ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS, 82 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room smartments. modern, prices reasonable. walking distance. Phone East 300. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson sts. A 8-room apt., with bath, furnished or unfurnished; all outside rooms; every convenience; modern; 5 min. walk from P. O. Very reasonable rent. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS 2. 3 and 4 rooms; private baths and phones; splen did porches, plenty of light and ventila tion; rent reasonable. Cor. E. 14th Yam- hill.' . iflN-GBURY APARTMENTS, Tord st- near Washington; elegant new building, com-, niete and modern; two sleeping compart ments and private halconies, $S5 and $40. HADDON HALL, 414 11th. cor. HalL 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, elegantly fur nished private phone, bath and balcony hP3: 825 up. Marshall 1171. PARKHURST APARTMENTS. o ftn(i 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th st. Worth. Phone Main 4038; or Main ins- THE MARSHALL. tri-antlv furnished 3-room front apart Swrlvate.bath, .team heat; . 62 xr.h.U. Main 61.32, A 81H1. Irut? BERYL, Large rooms, large closets, cool arid airy for Summer; some fur- . E?hea apartments. 21st and Lovejoy: take W caj "t r-ROIX APARTMENTS. 1-0 t. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 3-room .narmentB and one unfurnished 3-room nriartmfnt; free phone In each apa nr-.artmfnt; tree pnuu ju cq-.u aii.ui. " THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St., new 2 and 3-room furnished ni'iments. ivaliting distance; janitor "rvlce. Phone Main 421)9. i IL.1 IAN APARTMENTS All outside 2 and " room suites; strictly modern; you can not duplicate our prices. Cor. 6tn and Montgomery. Marshall 1378. THE WESTFAL 410 6th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walkine dls tanee; prices reasonable; no children. FOR WOMF, The Richardson Apartments. lh and Market, every convenience. Phon Main 2330 or A 365S roratea BRAIV'SEB Elegant five-room apart ment West Side; wa'klng distant; rent reasonable. Main 7741. MODERN fi-room apartments: all con veniences, walking distance, phone, sleep lr,g porches. Main 4930. v,.Rv desirable 2 and 3-room apts. for rent, close In- Orlando. 2Qth and Washington. THE KING-DAVIS, cor. King and Davl 6-e.: one 4-room apartment: references. THE LOVEJOY, 17th and Lovejoy, 1 and 3 room furnished apartment. Main 215. THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartment, fur nished. 191 14th St. Main 6444. THE HARTFORD Best modern apt, la til. city. 21st and Flanders. LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district, convenient to 2 carlliie. ISO 221 st, K. A