lfl ' TnE MORXIXG OREGOXIAy, TTEPyESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1911. w r . . 1 , XTTW TOOAT. REAL ESTATE. I KFAL ESTATE. COMPETITORS ONE TO Northern Pacific Sides With Rival in Aiding Excursion to Aberdeen. BRIDGE READY SATURDAY Hill tine. Alter Enjorln Ung Mo nopoTv of Trade Tbrre, Join WlUi O.-W. K. A X. and M1J waokM to Celebrate E-renu The Northern Paetflo Railway ' "Hooetlns; the rm of a rival in -f-rtn lcurlon rates to Aberdeen. Vasn.. wbfg tha near brldre of the O.-w. R. N. and Milwaukee roada Is open there next Saturday. Member of the Portland Commer cial Club and their friends will to to Aberdeen on a apodal train operated Tr the O.-W. H N. Una, but the Northern Paclflo expects to pick up ennurh business at war stations to qua! In ua too crowd that will so on the apodal. Tor many years tho Northorn Pa rt In has enjoyed a monopoly on tho trade In tho Grays Harbor district and tie completion of tho brlda-o that will orw-n that territory to a pair of vigor ous rival roads will mean a division ' of tho business. However, the old road dnoa not Intend to display a "srooch" when the other fellows cele brate and by announcing reduced rates to toe celebration espressos Its Inten tion of joining in tho festivities for tho day. Just what affect the entrance of ths Milwaukee and Hsrrimsn lines Into the Orays Harbor district will liavs en the traffic of that section Is yet to be determined. Old Rswalfa Xof Liked. for some time the merchant of that rcloo have been under tho Impres sion that the service as well as the rates between tho harbor towns and r'uget Sound cities hare not been pro ductive of best results for the har bor dlvtrlrt. They have pointed out that Seattle and Tacoma have a -cinch" on the trade and that the ab sence of competition has been hurtful to the Internets of tbe harbor. I.ons; before tho lino was completed ticsrntlattona were opened with the trafrtce department of the"0.-W. R. N. Company for both frelht and paesen ar service. K. B. Miller, traffic mm-ss-er, has promised to erlve the sub let consideration, but has made no arraoements for runnier throuab, trains between Portland and tho Har bor. Trains on the nnsv line will con nect wltn thoae od the main lino at Cnehalls. If ths business Justifies, however, a throu.h servlca between Tortland and Hciiifem. tho terminus of the new line, will ba Inaugurated. Arrangements already have been made for the construction of depots Jointly by the threo roads the North em Pacific, the Milwaukee and the "n.-vr. K. A N. Company at Aberdeen, lioqulam and various other points on brsys Harbor. Cleee ReUttaaa rereeeesv That tha opening of this service will have the effect of bringing about closer relations between Grays Har bor and Tortland la the belief of mem bers of the Commercial Club. It Is estimated that fully. 19 Portland -men wUl Join tha excursion party Sat urday. A proirramme of entertainment con taining many features aa well as tha aeavy" details of speeches and cere mony has been prepared by Orayo Harbor cltlaena. 1. B. Team. Ralph W. rloyt, Joha . Car rH. - C tiiri. Edgar B. Piper. C. A. linden. T. W. Illld. IX B. Cold well. A. I ruh r. slesieixaer. Carl R. Orel. O. M i",V.II I- 11. Mlll.r. L. W. MrPewsIL, H. Vlnieot. J. T Burteha.ll. C. B. tlrn rtooa. Jam-. B. K.rr. C N McArThur L r . I'ara. r. C Keieev. Trea A. Kreba. V,. TrI..rd. T. X. Word. J. A. - - A Jrtca, K. V. Lively. A. A. hchell. R. L. ..ntroTH. C. Whlpp. i. E. Rn.IL P T. Arletl. R. M. Irvine, P. r,.C T. W. Kel. U A. Clloa. Philip G-oaameyar. Rufus C. Rolman. 0ore A. lov'T V. K- ar. W. EL i'obu. liorse U H'.'n4 C. r. Jolym. Char.ra E. Currr. The taiiowtng firms hare arranged to eera rprniUTe later la be eel'tted: Weils Harowere Company; Hol.ttl. 7 - a Ary; Charles 1. McCnrnilck a I ' : r. K. Bch Co.; T. B. Potter Blty o!r..v; Honermaa HarUware i ompaay and XISht y1erleA-o CHURCHMEN WANT MEETING Methodist Ministers Would fiecuro Ceeneral Conference for PortUnd. To work to bring the quadrennial general conference of the ilethodlet Kpiscopal Church to Portland In 11. a committee of threo was appointed at veeterday s meeting of the Portland S!ethod!t Ministerial Association, held In Taylor-Street Church. The commit tee constats of Pr. Benjamin Tounr. T.t t'. T. Jeffery and Dr. John H. fu.i:tjp- I'r. Tounr Is enthusiastic over ths Ilea, and believes that 5.000 for the entertainment of delegates could be ra sed smong Portland's business men. He said ths Northwest has not received the recognition It should from tbe con ference, and thst to Portland Is dus t-e 11 conference "as a recognition cf North wertern Methodism." ILL-LUCK PURSUES CREW Vega Arrives In Seattle Three Men fhort but With, Big Cargo. SEATTLE. Wash. Sept. 1. The schooner Vegs, tbe last of the Bering ta codflshtog boats to reach port, ar rived todsy without three of tbe men who sailed from Seattle on bsr last Spring. Hans Larson, a young sailor, was wsshed overboard la a storm and browned. T. Oogerty dropped dead of heart disease while lighting a cigarette, lias fundensen went violently Insane during a storm and was put ashore at t nra In Iron a Ths Vega was battered by many galea, but was very successful finan cially. lii.800 codfish being taken. AD CLUB ROYAL GUESTS VNIiors to Ttound-Cp and Hot Lake Sanitarium Return. The Fort land Ad Club, represented by :0 membera returned Monday morn-!-. from a trip to the Roaad-Up at Pendleton and a visit to Hot Lake San atorium. The A3 Club left here last Jrldar and traveled In a private car over the O.-W. R. a N arriving early Satur day morning In Pendleton. They were received by Beovetarr Owinn. who ex tended 'every oouxtesy. Two of the BOOST HARBOR Through PESD must come the prod ucts of 260.000 acres of Irrigated lands, one million seres of cereal and grsxlng lands and 10.000.000 feet of pine timber. At BEND the HILL and HARRIMAM lines will build their terminal facilities and union station. Three blocks from this depot we are selling lots t0xl40. with 80-fL streets and 20-fL alleys. No assessments for water mains. Free maps and photographs of BEND and Central Oregon. Prices: SZOO 8SOO Term 91 Per Meats. MiniM KOI.I.KR CO- IC SOI nncbanas 111.1s:.. 3it Wseh. t. members were Invited by Mr. Owinn to ride In one of the old-time coaches In the great parade that morning. The Ad Club was well provided with sonffS and yells, serenading several celebrities of Pendleton and helping to enliven the big fete. After witnessing the big show, the guests boarded their special car and lourneyed to Hot I.ake Sanatorium, the Carlsbad of America. , As guests of Welter M. Pierce, presi dent and manager, the Ad Club were entertained royally Sunday. A climb over the hills and along the original pioneer snd Indian trails was the morning's exercle. The Commercial Club of I .a Grind sent several auto mobiles In the afternoon and took everyone for a 60-mile trip over the roads of I'nlon County. Tney showed tho Ad Club what a productive and beautiful place Is the Grand Ronde Valley.- After the return, a bath In the famous natural hot mineral mater was taken. A banquet was the finish of the day's programme In which speeches' were marie by Mr. Pierce and K. D. Currey of Hot Lake. Mr. Dennis and George A. Currey of La Grande, D. Mosesshon. Mr. Carswell. Mr. Ryder. Mr. Campbell. Mr. LaMonn of the Ad Club, snJ several others. Mr. Pierre Invited the club to re turn In a larrer number next year. PASTORS REVIEW WORK WASHINGTON CONGREGATIONAL CONFERENCE BEGINS. Ministers of Denomination From Cities In State Meet in Annual Session in Seattle. SEATTLE, Wash.. 6ept, 1. (Spe claL) With pastors from practically every city In the State of Washington, the Oensral Congregational Conference of Washington assembled today In Its 13d annual meeting, at Pilgrim Church. Preliminary organization and reports of committees comprised the afternoon programme. Rev. U. B. Hendley, of Tacoma. and W. W. Scudder. state superintendent of home missions, brief ly reviewed the year's work. Late this afternoon communion was celebrated, with Rev. R. P. Carter, of Wallace. Idaho, In charge. Tonlght'e programme Included a praise and devotional service at 7:30 o'clock, a short lecture by Professor William A. Brown of Union Seminary. New York, and the annual conference sermon at 8 o'clock by Rev. E. A. King, of North Taklma. Professor Brown spoke on Contrlbut1on of Mod ern Thought to the Preacher's Equip ment." Sessions of the conferenoe will con tinue throughout tomorrow and Thurs day. Prior to the assembling of the con ference today, the Women's Home Mis sionary I'nlon of the state gathered In the Pilgrim Church In annual session. Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, of Tacoma. pre siding. This afternoon, while the conference was In session In another parlor of the Pilgrim Church. the Washington branch of tl.e Women's Beard of Mis sions for the rsclflc met. with Mrs. R. 9. Osgood, of this city. Its president. In the chair. flAILT METOOBOLOGICAI, REPORT. rORTLANP. SepL 19. Maximum tempee sture. 04 degrees: minimum, 47 desrees: Ktvr r-edln. S A. H.. S.S feet: chn In last 34 houre. .3 fo t fall. Total rainfa.l IS K M to S P. Il l, n"ne- total rainfall slnoe fcetn-mber t. lttlt, 6 03 Inches: Bormtl rain fall elr.ee September 1. .113 Inch.; escea of rainfall since September 1 1111. 4.13 Inches. Total euneMne, 11 hours ri minutes: poalble sunvhtne. il hours 19 munuiea. Faruci-ter tr-duc3 to sea level) at 0 P. M.. SO. 17 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Nebraska Meh-preeeure area has moved eart to Iowa and a new hlsh-preseure hea made Its anr-arance over the Nonti Pa ri f c f tales. There are no well. defined low pressure areas snd consequents no precipi tation of enneequenra has occurred In the Vnlted fitatea In the laat 13 hours. It is much cooler In Northern Texaa. the Lower al.astaa;r.9l Valiey and ths lake resloa. Klee- here the c harfea la temperature have been unimportant. The conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Ttedneeday. with ne marked ekaagea In tern pace ture. TO RE CASTS. Pertlaad and vicinity galr: northwest wlria. Oregon asd Washington Fair; northwest wlxde. Idaho Fair. Golden 'Wedding; Celebrated. THE DALLES. Or.. Sept. Is. (Spe cial) Mr. and Mrs. Smith French cele brated their golden wedding anniver sary at their home In this city yester day, when, they entertained at an In formal reception. Mr. French was born at Holland. Vt March 3. Itt7. He came to The Dalles In 1175. entering the mercantile buslneea He retired from active business .In ltit. Mrs. French was bora In Stansfleld. Canada, December t. lti They have two chil dren. Frank A. French, a merchant of this city, and Dr. tiertrude French, of Portland. Tke pell tax esleted among the aaelent Romaaa When are: intrfrdoced Into ng land. I a the rear 11 SO, u occasioned lae Wet Tler rsbe.lloe. I V I v.nr.J 13. .1 I For Sale Lota. I For Sale-Hoaiw. . . a xtAXTf e, a lots I, matuLb Kvia T BAT 15-2511 NIGHI2 15-2S-50-7S 1 UH ar.PT 1ITH Si American Dancers, a sextette of stylish etepverst Tbe Avoa I rtn v ruin InlMrnUUinil Polo Tesmil John Ueunore and Mies UUrs Adalri The at rolllt oie 1 rle. asaflnae atvary Dev. salMtan oo-ldloa .Mnnl VaancTtlle. TTTTrK SF.PT. 1STH T) ColonljJsi Wllllard iiulchlneon a to.j Sells Mrotnerai 'Jy- . mm Mars I klntlnss ma Graadaaieve. Prices le and Koe. w. i, i i trio TV f.r K SKt-T. IBTit Tbe Awmkerrlnc erf Marldos o. Pantacescopei rsntages or cbeemra. Fopnuw pri.ea. Matinee daUr. Cox- taln 1:30. 7:30 and FEATURE FILMS EVERYWHERE . m--w AenTnat I.lfej- aavena, dramatic: V m k a o w si ' geage, comic Latest Styles la Pari sian Gawu, ARCADE Hani from tbe Torrent, railroad tnriller: LsiIir to W la, dramatic: Is-ie-Dsie Squaw, corolo; Afrlcaa Birds, educational. OH JOT Cowboy's Bride, Intensely ex citing; Iteyoad the Law. dramatic; nanny the Dandy, blograph comedy. T1VOI.I aad CRYSTAL Flrat-claae Fea ture Klines. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Carr. Vascss aad Tweaty-foortk Sts, OAKLAND vs. PORTLAND September 10, SO, 1, 23, 23, 3. C asses lira) a Weekdays at SrOO P. 3K. ttnadnys 2130 P. X. " LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. CLASSIFIED - AD. RATES VuLtt or bandar-. -sr Line, i - Owe time. . ..................... harne sd I wo coaeerotlve times... x-e Same? add als or eeeen rewexuuie tlmee.AbS Keanlltaaces aauat accumtiaajr eul-el-Was hen one advertisement as sot run In ras secuuve luuei tbe onetime rate applies. ttix wcrue coul ae one line on cms ad verUeeaurnta and n ad counted lur toes "J, rbsri or book advertisements tbe rliarse will be baaeil on tbe actual number at Hues appearing In Ibe paper, resaxdieae f autulM-r ot words In rs. h line. la New Todajr all ej e ti--u.cnta are charged by ucaeure eal). IS Uiics to tae '"l'bs shove rsles spply to sdvertiaemeots snuer -ew leUsjr" ajil all 'law elaasilha Uoce exceiulns llie fltnwuigl huoaKuos V anted, Male. hiiuaiiooe Hanleil. iemale- , , Orrsoolaa will accept CJaaltled adTertUe aoetita over tbe leleplione. provl Unit ths V. vrrtiaer la a wlwrnXer to either puune. oe prices will be u,ted ever tbe phone, but bill will be rendered the following dee. vbetber eaheruueal advert leeuienta will be accepted ever the phone depe-ode opus Ibe prouiptaeee of the parucnt of telephone renuemrsls.. Mlualius Wanted and fee oaal edvertleemci.la villi not be accepted over tbe telephone.. Orders for one U leAloo onlr all be sccepled lf TJ, Kent, mruiture lor sle." -Bus.-M Upportnnitlas," "bVoojulng - hooawa" aad -Wanted lo Kewt." ACCTION gALB TOD AT. aT Wilson's suction boose, at IS A af. rmrnlture. 171-S-S tecond atreet. HEET1NO NOTICKa. PORTLAND CHAPTER. No. , Fovsl Ar.-h JIona, will meet In stated convocation thla (Wednes day! evenlne In Uasonlo Temple at 7 30 V. M. All companions are cordially invited. A. M. KNAPP. Bee. W1SH1SOTON LODGE NO. id. A. F. AND A, M. Stated com n..niutir.n fila f Wednearlar) f' fSXf ivenlnc St 7:3 ) o'clock. L.aat Clshth and Hurnalds atreeta B. 'A. degree. Maltors welcome. WII.LAMFTTB LODGE NO. JO. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this ftVednesilay) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In F. C dt icree. Visiting breth ren welcome. w. !. n &c.&b, seer. LOYAL OBCEK Of MOOSE. Portland Lodne, No. Tyl, meets every TVedneadar nia-nt at Swiss Rail. 3d and Jefferson sta Vlslttns aloooe invited. WALTER ir.JOVPBM. Secretary. W. N. OArKNS. Dictator. HAWTHORNP I.OPOE, NO. 11. A. F. AND A. M. Stated ninreunicattnn tnia tvenepua : C'aV w .venlnc at h o'clock. Work In the F. C. deprce. visiting nretnrcn welcome. . . E. eUi-LEH. Sec. SAMARITAN LOIpOE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting thla (Wednesday) evenlns at s o'clock. Second decree. Vlsltora al ways welcome. n. OSVOLD. cc ORIKNT LODOH. NO. 17. I. O O. K. Recu.ar meeting of th lod,e conferring tbe second degree. Visit .rs c--rdlri:v invited. W. W. TESK1, cieo. DIED. STOTKTON In thla city, September 19. st the family residence. 207 Nor'.h St. r.ertrudo L Stockton, agel 3U years. I months snd 7 days. Ths remains ars at Ftnley e parlors. CRrEBEle-John H. Orlebel. In this city, epl. 11), age 6s. y-srs, months, beloved husband of Magdalene and father of Em ma M.. Henry J. and rtudolph M. Urleoel. Not1.:e of funeral later. rv EH.A.L xoTicxa. gCirMIDT John Jacob 6chmldt rn this city, Fept. 1H, st the Good ejamsntnn Hospital, see 01 years. The funeral services will be h-M from the parlors of the Fast Side Funeral Directors. 414 Kast Alder St., at 2 P. M. Sept. 20, Interment Koee City cemetsrr. BTOOKTUN In this cl'v. st the family res idence. 2t7 North 23d St., Kept, III, Ger tru le M. Stocktou. a.-ed SO years. Funeral services will be held st Flnl-y s chap-1 Thursday, )ept. 21. at 10 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment Hoee City Cemetery. 2WAHLXN The funersl services of the lets l.lll Zwahien will be hs:d at Flnley-S parlors st 2 P. M. Thursday, September Si. Friends invited. lnlarmaAt Koas City Cemetery Xt. TH FLOHtt CO, MlKqlAa lll.DG. 1LUKAL DKlo. rneaeet .Mela &lvi A 1103. laantng s) McKnteo, tuaeral Directors, Ttb and line, s'tione Mala 4J0. Idr ae- olatant. Office of County leroacr. A. tt. Zf.Lt.CH CO.. &A Mluiams ava. I'hooe East loss. C 10 a. Lady aAteadaut, tmiieir to iteiler-Byrnes Ce. J. 1 IlM-tV A JM". Xd and Madlsea. Lady attendant. I'beae Main . A liwt. tDlV AKU HOLM.VN CO.. I unoral Direct ors. tJO ed St. Idy ssalelant. 1'Uooe M. ftui. aAsf blDK Funeral Directors, euccassors to s a. Ileinnlng. toe. E. S3. B t-laa. U.H1 H. t ndertaker. cor. luset Alder aad sMitb. Last 1. U ISoS. Lady aesUtauit. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICK C1TT HAIL,. M aln 5SIS. A THA Bt'MANK OFtlCKR. bergeant Crate. Kasidence. 3 . -;h N. bear 47;, K. A. Dunnura. Bes. 810 Wasco St. W a. Eaton. Res. "1 E. lSta. East ITU, Horse Ambulance. A 6101: Pr. Ka. 4. Ivlfbus. Sundays aad lij.ldajs, A deS Pa, La, 4: Ztiu - V THEATEB I. "I l I he Is in that section of Portland in which is located nearly all of the city's new manufacturing plants and because of that dis trict's availability for fac tory purposes it is now tha es tablished manTi&oturing Jceftor of Portland. Portland has scores of email factories located near the center whose sites are far too valuable for the purpose used. Several of these factories are now negoti ating for locations in Factory Acres, where they may re-locate when interest and taxes force them out of the high-priced dis tricts. is ideally located for manufac turing purposes. It has tha ad vantage of both water and rail transportation and considering its nearness to Portland is ex ceedingly low in price. . Factory Acres is just east of the Swift holdings on the Co lumbia River, and is just six miles from the center of the city. Price, $500 and up an acre. Terms easy. Buy a tract now in Factory Acres for $500 an acre and sell it five years hence for a manu facturing site for ten times what it cost' yon. We want you to see Factory Acres in order that you may appreciate the splendid ad vantages of its location. Coma to our office and make arrange ments to go out and "fe Factory Acres. AVe maintain an automo bile service. MEAD & MURPHY SOLE AGENTS. Phone, Main 1503, A-1515. Offices, 522-526 Corbc.tt Bldg. ROCHESTER WASHINGTON'S BEST NEW TOWNSITE $25 LOTS $25 Thie Is your rhance to buy level, cleared lots In the best new town at the opening price of only $36 each only a few left and they are soiling fast. COME IN TODAY and you will agree that Rochester Is the best Investment ever offered to tho piihllc.. Three great railroads complet ed and running dally trains: new elec tric line to be built; factories, business houses and new homes going up. Call and see photos, ejoll. etc. Write for booklet. Sold on easy terms. We are owners, cot agents. itericanKome InvestmentCo. 1016 Chamber of Commerce Irvington Bungalow Can accept good lot or arceage as first payment balance like rent 7 rooms, besides hall and sleeping porch, brick fireplace, built-in book cases and seats, dining room, paneled beam ceiling, buffet, Dutch kitchen, built-in refrigerator, etc,, specially designad light fixtures, thoroughly modern and vprv artistic: fully fur nished. A bargiiu at $6500. "Will sell unfurnished if desired. 702 Board of Trade. $1400 $140 Cash fl8 Per Month, Inelnilins: Interest. Fine new four-room bungalow; street Improvements, consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In and paid for. fJREGOHY lvTETMEXT TO. Fnd of Hose City Park arllne. Alberts Street Business Corner 100x80 absolutely best boy on Alberta street. Price KSSO. Kasy term. OSBORXE BROS., nth Alberta st. Phone Woodlan 1807. WANTED $25,000 AT 8 We have an application for a $35,000 loan at 8 per cent; 8100.000 worth of rear estate security for the money. If you have tne above amount to loan call at once at tha Investment Depart ment. HARTMAS e THOMPSON, Chamber of C'osnaneree Illda A MO ?tT H LY INC C M E OF $235 BUSINESS PROPERTY", PRICE $28,500 OWNER AH did. ORECQVIAV. TO LOAN $20,000 ,1;, sldered If on a business basla Also have 81U0O. 81250, $:5'04 83000 and upward. G. H. THOMAS, 207 Oak St., Room 2. MORTGAGE LOANS Etc? JOHN E, CRONAfl. 70 Zj JO KlU Spaldlasr Bids- C jO Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts EIMVARO E. COCDET, levels Hnlldlns. COULIS. BERRIDOC A THOMPSON', PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing Investlsatlcc and Eratematlsing. 'Woreestar bieca, riuna Mala eadl lory Acres Factory Acres v'oreconX BUILDING aie-riv -J COfOTUnCTe" If Yon Are Thinking of Buying, Building or Selling a Home, We should be pleased to have yon alve ue a call, and we are sure It wlu be to your advantage to do so, TTs have Just completed some fine homes In one of the most popular dis tricts In Portland. Our terms ae mads to ault our customers. Call and See Us for Farther Information. 0REG05 HOMEBril.Dr5fG A CON STRUCTION CO, Chsmber of Commerce). 25 ACRES Nine miles from Bend, under Irrigation ditch, along- the Oregon Trunk, three quarters of a mile from growing town. Ail good land. One crop of potatoes will pay for It. Snap for $100 per acre, a tjt nanTmriCK. SOd Chamber of Commerce. NEW. modern homes, also .vacant lota In lrvlnston. Phones: C 1SS1, East 2M; of fice. East 29. R. B. Rice, owner. REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Beck. William O.. 81S-31S Falllnl bids;. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT. O0 McKay bids. M. M. Cbspln Berlow, 882 Chamber Commerce. Coos. B. 6. A Co.. SoS Corbett bids. jT.nn nss A Co. slain ISA. 2u oresonlaa. PALMR-JONE3 CO, K. P. 318 Commer cial Club bids. ' Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co . Grand ava aad Multnomah st. iHollsdar Addition). REAL ESTATE. r oe bale t-ote. RIVEH FRONT. The only river front on a county roaa at Oak Grove; nearly 2 acres. :d00, eaay terms. This- la an Idenl tract for sum mer home: good neighbors on adjoining land; when this Is sold you will never set so desirable riverfront at the price. Buy now. . , . W. H. ROS3. 818 Spalding bMg-. IRVTN'GTON LOTS. In tbe most desirable part of Irvington. Terms can be arranired so you can bulla your own house, one-fourth payment on tbe total cost of house and lot. HOLMES A MENEFEE. 89 Third street. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS, 450. They see eOxlOO ft.: located on East Bide. 15 minutes' ride from 2d and Airier, three blocks from Sllwcod car; easy terms MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. 809 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones Marshall 2M4. A T430. WEST SIDE LOTS. sltlv. Rlcht on earline on upper Washington St. West 3l)th snd Yamnill sta. beyona City Tark: easy oayments. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main Mm , THE best bullrllng site In Portland, corner lot. foclrg south and east, beautiful view, two Liocks from car: 7-hhi square feet; in mr.st select district Tor homes. The price, foJ'M). tvlil stil for few days for s-esu. eaay terms. J. DKLAHI'NTT. Kast CONTRACTORS SPECULATORS. I have Xo lots. 2 blocks from two car lines, surrounding property all Improved; lots high, sightly and all cleared, street Improvements Installed to property, lo mliiufs from postoflice; will sell at acre SKe price if takon at once. See E. F. Ueaa, RIVERFRONT. SlhUO. U acre. West Side, close to station, 22 minutes out on S. P. suburban service; 15 trains each way s day; owner Is leaving for California and must sell. See Kupper. 832 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS for 2."i0 Just 20 mlnutea from the center of the city on fine car service, the atreets cleared and water piped to every lot. These lots won't laat long; pick one nnlv till nr month. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO IRVINGWOUD Is now on the market; choice lota with natural trees as low as i5i terms 811) per month: the best will soon be gone; take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat and walk east to office: agent on the ground. Western Securities Co., S is cpaiujiig a 130x105. CORNER ON EAST .ASH ST. A fine corner on E. 8id and Ash sta Hsndyto car and a fine place to build a suburban home; price 11500 ; 8100 cash, bslancs at per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 81T Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. I ' 1 -N 1 una 1 '-' -' 1 - but I will do the next thing to It: else noxlOO, paved street, cement walK. sower, gss: 150 feet from car. near 83d and Clinton. $:zu lor iiinii .- " ,'j Ing city. Owner. 010 Lewis bldg. . .,.r.T ui:oct tme lot witn oo'tj D4uB.a I will sell for 810SA. on easy terms. If . . . . , , Si STB V , taken ny Bepveiiii - F. E. CLEMENTS, East 9bV). 810 DOWN. 810 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Boar f Trade bldg. Mar shall B.A. ,7-t- . -1 - Rorv KTR. r i . xv . Lots $5, easy terras: best buy In ths cltv new earline building: eeo us at once. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO. - v-v- lcTral ant rln f-pf1 alnl Tl !' rJt-n "', ,, .,-'.' ,-',. did investment, " " ". " . - ' 100. terms. Owners. 1010 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100: EAST terms for H, Price: In good district- close to car." Inquire 215. Lumber Exchange bldg.. in forenoon, afternoon! end of AIPBT' ROSE) CITY PARK LOT In block edjoln i, carllns; exceptionally weil located. Snap pries 8600. Owner. AJ 434, Ore- gonian PANORAMIC view lot In finest residence district on tsai v",-1 minute service: Improvements; 50x100. for IMaff' Ma'ORILAW HEIOHT8 PORTLAND HEIOHTS. u.TV S55L BROOKE. A 8889. aa to Irvlngwood; take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat; nothing like It In town beautiful property at 85 per lot. Agent on tne a ; " J- ,.fv . tn st Johns. 2 blocks from car- lira and business street, cement sidewalks and street Improvements. Address IF 410, Ctregoniao. - x fcupvE nice lots In llontavil's, 150x100; a barsain for 813"0; $50 cash, balance In four years, a- eo. esmi.ii- FOR SALE by owner. I lots, 8 blocks car line worth (400 each; will take 250 each. Cmll ol Corbett bldg.; no agenta I LOTS In Fulton Park for 81400; this la a fine bargain: must be cash. See attor ner. 414 Spalding bldg " " 8800." If taken now. Eunnyslde lot: 1 block from Jir. Speer A Co- I00OH Belmont st. 100 FEET Denver and Webster, sewer, gas. cement walks, building restrictions, terms. Zella Oossett. 7 West KUIlngsworth ava TWC lots, Mt. Tabor Villa Annex, Port land for sale cheap. Address Lucllls Kandall. 718 So. G at.. Tacoma. . Wash. SSOO I'APH. baL easy; 8 lots Irvington Park' auth St. near KUIlngsworth; must sell Owner. Cutberth. SOl Dekum bldg. EEE Le Nolr ft Co. for West Side property. Exclusive dealers In West Side realty. Ground floor, inamper or uommerca !qt e. Kelly at-, near 3 lac; cheap. Call Yoodlawa 1832 or C 23i for full parUcu lara ; xi i ciiiiv 50x100. corner, 84th, near AI- berta at. p ROFfMERE. -fine lot, i:d St.. near ,.v.. ,-rm iiwner. aik m ion. IRVINGTON lot. 8450, under market value .'. . . t ,10 nr,pnr1nn. IRVIVOTQN SACRIFICE 75x100 ne irir,tL Make offer. Owner. B 2704. LOTS It 25th and KJlUncsworta avsw fiiii, 4o6 Couca aide 8100 TO 8200 will buy a lot In Irondale on uget E?ouno. wnwo UIC , ca.n. Corporation (assets SS'.OOO.OOO' U oper stlng the only steel plant In the North west. We are. owners of original town site. We make any terms to suit pur chasers: references, any bank In Seattle; price list, maps and full information on request. Olvmpio Empire Realty Co., 100 Arcade Annex. Seattle. Wash. For Bale Honees. LATJB.ELHURST. $8500 Modern S-room residence, on cor ner lot: line location. Nothing overlooked In this home. 86800 New, modern 8-room residence: sightly location; living room, music room, dining-room, kitchen, breakfast-room, large sun porch opening . ofT dining-room; 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; full cement bsas msnt, furnace. 8620O This Is the eame arrangement as above. Will tint rooms to suit pur chaser. Can make terma $7300 Bungalow; the swellest-bullt bnn e ralow In Portland, located on 75x 100-ft. lot. In choicest part nf Laurelhurst. overlooking entire city. There Is nothing overlooked In this beautiful bungalow and must be Been to be appreciated. Can make terms. 84830 Bungslow, at a medium price, but finished In the most expensive hardwood; living-room finished in oak. dining-room paneled and ma hogany, Du'fh kitchen, two bed rooms and II th downstairs, 2 bed rooms upstairs; cement basement and furnace. Can make terma We have handled a great deal of Lau relhurst property and are In a position to assist you In buying a home or purchas ing a lot. Residence on Tract. 85th and Qllsan. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 211 Lewis mag. IRVIXOTOX, SWELL BUNGALOW. Very swell, nearly new, 9-room bun galow with 8 bedrooms, furnace, fire place, buffet, panel dining-room, beam ceilings, den. fine fixtures and tireless cooker, lot 60x100 on East 10th, near Brazee: price 87250; S30y cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent, or will take J-room bungalow In Sunnyatde and small smount of cash as first payment. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 81500 cash, with balance at 7 per cent, will purchase an artistic home of 6 rooms, with glass-Inclosed sunroom and sleeping porch; has 2 fireplaces, furnace and kitchen stove; screens and shades; garage, with concrete driveway; located In best part of Irvington. on full lot; all Im provements In and paid for. Apply to owner. 1128 Board of Trade. Phone A 5344. HOMES FOR YOU. In every respect a strictly modem 5 room bungalow with 4 lots for $800 cash. balance to suit, irice is ALSO a 4-room house and 4 lots at Lents for 81600. 8500 cash will handle, balance at $l'0 per month. OREGON HOME-BUILDING AND CON STRUCTION CO., 916 Chamber of Commerce. HERE IS YOUR HOME. 4-room bungalow, wired tor electric lights. Bull Run water, toilet, good wood shed. 4 blocks from car, walking distance from Kenton factory district: Price, In cluding gas range, already Installed, 81OS0, terms about 810O cash, balance to suit. CHAPIX A HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. S32-333 Chamber of Commerce. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. V.'E WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REFUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. ' L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. S24 ABINGTON BLD. MR LOT OWNER. HERE IS JOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY lOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HC.XK1 1LW. BEST value in a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park ear. on 62d St.; four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attic; all built-in effects; small down payment; balance like rent. II you are particular this will suit you. See owner. , . J. S. ATKINS, Henry Bldg. t.KjaCj til J , n. i.i,. Near car; hardwood floor, furnsce, ce ment floor basement; thoroughly up to da'e; also bungalow: $460O and J3600: small payment down; It will pay to see these, as they will be sold soon. L. B. Ba'iloy Co.. 34 Ablngton bldg. Phone Alarsnau oio. Nice 6-room cottage and 80x170 fine lot with 11 fine fruit trees, lots of small fruits and a fine garden, on Hamilton i, near Corbett; price $4700; $500 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. . .-. it.i ir- er.tJ TTPTm Choice lot. 50x100, 4-room plastered cot tase In splendid condition, close to carl good locality; $1400. small cash payment. balance easy terms. (D.) CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. BEST bargain In Irvington: 7-room house, large sleeping porch, corner 2oth and Tillamook, one block from Broadway car; larae light, airy rooms, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Dutch kitchen, hard-surface street all In and paid for; terma; key at 825 Tillamook st. PLANS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. (Hundreds to Select From.) Houses $500 to $1500, $5. Houses over $1500. $10. Finely Illustrated book free. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, f Mohawk Bldg. ROADHOUSE. with 1 acres of ground, beau tiful trees and fine bearing orchard; mod ern Improvements; owner must sell Imme diately; excellent suto road, only 6 miles from center of town. Western Securities CO., aia ppaimus We have 4. 5 and 6-room' homes, all modern, in restricted districts, for sals on iisv terma Provident Investment A Trustee Company, 201-2-8 Board ot Irsda Varshall " Tr-oy modern 6-room bungalow for 8-075; fireplace, furnace, china closet cement front porch; lacks nothing; on E. 42d St.. nna T clock and half from Rose City car: will consider lots as first payment; EASY TERMS. B 1664. S. B. Ward, builder. TT-u-c D1V TiprVT when 8100 down will give yon a nice, rVomfortable 6-room home with all modern coSVenlencea balance like rent? $2000 for house and lot. on Congress St.. near P?"fot U Phone C 1656 or East 2557. ,1V1 D&ni. ill i.v uu- irlnlsh oak, choice veneer fir; charming; also several best corner lota away below Market value; nicest location. Irvington, C 1S68, E" 273" No enI w- Herd- ... TIT- TTT-Y1TT-T. U C lJ t" man rvir of the finest modern 6-room, 2-story hfu.es In Rose City Park district; half Slock from car; beautiful corner lot, with frosT- built by owner for homo; bargain iof oulck .aleT Tabor 8260. a niRRi TN. v-room house. University Park, fins corner 78x100. for $2500; $300 cash; bal Snce 820 per month. Address AK 425. Ore- gonlan. Kiooo AJ-'-,. 2 brand new 4-room plastered cottages, ei,n lot close to new addition where va cant lots sell for 8800. Fred W. German. f?a R.irnslde. M. or A 2776. ianno BUYS a modern new house of 8 ' rwrns on B. Hoyt st.. Juat west of Laur- mi hurst. A snap; terms. einurai. J r. CARTER. 414 Falling bldg. noon two-story residence, modem in very particular, on paved street, 1 block .tr.Jtcar. at a bargain; restricted dls-,rct- deal with the owner and save g?gmlsBion. Call Marshall 2745. DISCOUNT $500 Modern cottage. 1181 Ivon atreet special sacrifice; $U!00, terms; greatest Richmond bargain. Owner 1030 Urana, dv OWNER Fine, new modern 5-room bun iaiow half block from Rose City car; fix tures shades, hardwood floors, furnace; EsrEsiu ic"" - vi b'ISHED 6-room house, one block from Rose City Park car. only $3000. Call owner. C 2224. SEE Le Noir A Co. for West Side homes Exclusive dealers In West Side realty . - ihamhAr nf Commerce. tirouau1""1' i,...-..- ..a p.gw and $15 per month, new 4-room ' MttaleT 6 blocks Mt. Scott car; $1250. . vr.wr a. DicuflP IRQ RA fit illUbfil jjaoJ.J.-w . vnn. BALE A lot and mall hous In jtor SALE B-room. new bungalow. Mt. Bcott llLTphon S. H. Soulo, Main 2S2. HOME3 from $1000 to $5000: two fur nished; examine these before you buy. Zelia Gosaett. T West KilUngsworth ava. Tv iRVlwOTOA For? sale, modrn rai-sUooe- Fr Ilt-rUavUra, plien Q Ui HOLLADAY district. $200 CASH. - $30 MONTHLY. INCLVDINO INTEREST. ( Beautiful S-room rustic buniralow, new, every modem convenience, nicely ter raced, south of IRVINGTON. If you have been renting an apartment this will please vou. piace you in a high claes neighborhood and save you moneyj price (3100. Maln21S2. DETSCH & "vVITWER. A 1551. o Cnarnoer of Commerce PORTLAND HEWJHTS HOMES. 7-roorn house. 4 bedrooms, beautiful ffrounds. block oar; $4000, easy terma. S-room bungalow, stone foundation, fire place, spacious attic, splendidly built. beautifully Improved Iols; eJoQOQ. easy terms. S-room, up-to-the-minute, two lota,' beao tlful view. $7000. ferms. - very large rooms and attic. JH lota, beautifully Improved, magnificent view, ex clusive neighborhood, very choice, $1S,000, terme. . Splendid S-room residence, fine city --lew. among best homes, tlo.OOC, terms. Main 3551 BROOKE A 8S83. AN" IDEAL HOME. One of tho most beautiful suburban grounds in Portland; t lots, all In high eta,te of cultivation; all kinds of bearlnsf fruit, rare shrubbery, comfortable 7-room house, ail necessary outbuildings; near car, 20 minutes from down town; facing beautiful park entrance; one -block to chooL Price $7300; ea?y terms. GOWEN-IDE TRVST CO Lumber mens bldg., 6th and Stark. IRVINGTON. New 10-room house, with beautifully finished ballroom on 3d floor, modern m every detail; combining all latest features In the builder's art and beautifully fin ished throughout; east front; 2 block" from car. This house was built for home and NOT FOR SALE, and for the price there is nothing superior In Irving ton. 11.0O0, with exceptionally favor, able terms. All street Improvement paia. ai -iw. oregon mix. KEAT'TIFI'L Ri:NGALOW. Restricted district, 1-story, 7 roomai finely built; oak floors; B French plate mirrors. 6-foot buffet, bookcase, elegant chimney and fireplace, white enamel Dutch kitchen, pantry. 8 large bedrooms, sleeping porch. 3 large clothespresses i1 door windows: cement basement; lot 30x 300; large porch; electricity, gas. lawn seeded: fine view; terms; take Rose City Park car to 4r.3 East 41st St., North, get off at 42d st. Phone Main 4144. $12,000. FOR $9300. If you wish to buy a 7-room modern house and bath, furnace heat, with lot 50x100, near 20th at. N., In one of the best locations In the city, well worth $ii 000 for the low price of $9500. on term of $1000 cash, baL to suit at 7 per cent, then you better call at once or you win lose a snap. Inquire at the investment department. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce bldg. TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE ONX.T. $50 cash, balance 30 monthly. Includ ing interest, 5-room modern new bunga low, near Alberta and Union ave. cars; large lot: every convenience. $2500. Thla is no more than the rent you pay and can be sold at any time at tbe same price without taking into account the ad vance In value. Phone Main 21S3. A VERY GOOD BARGAIN. 7-room new, modern home on a choice lot, 1 block from good car: paved street, cement walks and an exceptionally good "buy" for only $32i0; $230 cash, balance easy terma. (D.) BUT NOW. CHAPIN HERLOW, Members of the Portland Realty Board-. ?32-338 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, 7 rooms. 2 baths, buffet kitchen, den with fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace and all modern conveniences; on Multno mah st., near Irvington earline; term can be arranged. HOLMES & MENEFEE, .89 Third street. ROSE CITT PARK. $250 CASH. 7 rooms, large living-room, dining-room, beamed ceiling, built-in buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. Room 723, Chamber of Commerce bldg Phone Main 512r. , $1000 sacrificed on price of 8 -room house In Piedmont; the house Is new and modern in every way ; faces east, near earline. Price reduced from $6000 to $6000 for ale this week. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUTt & TUFFORD, 108 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. i-itt-c-ti -Q !"(- T -7 TXT PTTV 8 new, strictly modern bungalows, 4 and 6 rooms ready for occupancy, $2000 to $2300; small payment down, bal. like rent; let me show you these homes. JAS. A. CLOCK. 232 Aider st. Main S189. $3100 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3100. A brand-new 5-room bungalow near Hawthorne ave. A dandy, with all mod ern improvements. Only $300 cash, bal ance like rent. John L. Karnopp. owner. BaiO Ky. i-JXCng. PIUS uimua.u $3750 BUTS a new cottage in good location, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; gas, electricity, bath; house about to be fin ished and if you hurry you can pick your own color of woodwork and tint. Term U desired. L. E. CARTER. 414 Falling bldg. New 5-room house, modern plumbing, electric lights, basement, large lot, youn fruit trees, garden; East Side, close in: price $2400; terms. E.. J. Gelaer, ChamDer OI uommerco. THIS is a bargain A fine 5-room house, gas, electricity and bath; lot 60x100. with & good barn, chicken-houses and many fruit trees, at East 0th sC North; prioe. $2100: $900 cash, balance as rent. Call or write to J. Singer. 346 1st st. BOD r xr. j. oa, T-"Oom house,' gas light, bsth. lot 4rs 0; owned by an estate and must bs soldi "Johnston, bothito & tutford. -,!( T7i r- X" T BT 908 ChamDer or ommemo. IRVING STREET lOuxllO. with a swell 8 room home; this place Is equipped with every modern convenience and will satlsty ySu. "western Securities Co.. 414 Spald ing t:dg. 2650 I AM forced to sell at once my mod- ern-room bungalow; lot 60x100; tuU ce ment basement, wash trays, gas snd Sl?trlcliy. Phon. owner, O S439 or Woodlawn 8229. S-ROOM home In fine locality In Piedmont; built by owner for his home: Is leaving the city and will sell at a great saorlnce: price 45oO, 50O cash. Call room 4l4 Spalding bldg. ' saftrto WILL buy a new, unique bungalow- housed 2 stories, with an immense sleep ing nnrch- this is a fins buy and can be 'bought on- terms to suit. Call 414 Spald lng bldg. , . t2"O0 BUTS a 4-room houss and 100x239 it highly Improved ground. near oar. Owner must have cash at once, hence ths price. $1000 may stand as mortgage. KEW S-room' country residence, strictly upto minute. Silver Spring station Ore gbn Clty line; 8c fare. Phone Oak Orovs, an-1 L W. Relnhardt. owner. : HOME-SEEKS R. Take a look at this, 7 rooms, oonslderlns it. location and real worth, I doubt If you cm do Abetter; strictly modern; 82B0; terms. Dugan. 820 Chamber ot Commerce. irriH SALE by owner, 1 or 2 acres with new 5-room bungalow; all hard finished., on easy terms, close to car. AV 606. Ore gontan. wv OWNER 6-room house, , modern, lot 50x100 one block from car. near Stephens School. J4200. Terms. AK 40. Oregonlan. . s ROOM old house, good lot, near Tllla mook "and 25th. $2r,00 and bonded taxes. tum cash. PostoMce box 18. Portland. Or. ' . vfw modern 5-room bungalow on E. Tay lor st full lot. Some fine fruit trees. Can be bought right. Beals & Robinson. 861 E. 11th at. E. 5023. B-ROOM house for sale; modern; 1 block from car, 1 block from Vernon school; Price 1400 .$500 cash. Phone C 1258 or Woodlawn 927. ; ifiorj 40x100 4-room modern cottage, 4200 aown? 15 month; Alberta district. Call BOS Gerllnger bklg. NEWLY furnished 5-room flat for sale B""" Aii-virp win sacrifice fine new 7-room home, flrep1ace sleeping porch; well built; easy terms. Phone East oiit. IRVINGTON biggest bargain offered; 8 room house with garage: east facing: from earline. terms. Phone E. 894. OWNER will sacrifice new S-rpom bunga w lim upper floor and basement. gOQQ. inv""b'- Tirraln tnis m"-- rnn tiLE by owner a nice u-roum mon Si touS In Holladay Park Addition. In ert! rouio. iu cm it L. cayment down and 20 a month buys a 7-room modern house. Room 221, Labbsbld ivion WILL buy a beautiful little oottag in Ideal view, at terms to suit Xeu, Call ils Spaidin Wov ouire at q--j . k