11 THE MORNING OBEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911. . 1 Hi CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBZGOMLaJf TEIXTHOSI& frlntrrs-re.ni ... Clrjr c:rc-j:aii?a . Verastcjr IMiLor fr.ir.d.r tUitof Composing -rto:n t-ul. bul.dlas .. Mats TTO . . leio T'1 T'Tl ....M:a 7'iTO ....M HI "'J" Maia A WS A "'J A " VI A A A fe4 ajixemsUxts, OPPHtr THEATER iKortim. M'WI" Sisro o4 fe...nth Vsud.U.. T"" rnooa at S 13 an4 tonlfbt tt e,:l. PTiOLS THCATr R Koarto ax 4 etar Vaudeeiite. Tan srteraooa at l AC T "J tad A. SVHHE.-1 THEATER i Park and WaaSlr.- lon Viudvit;. Tr.l. afieraooa ai a.l aa4 toniBi ic 7 lt and a. STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODKOV. TtVO- Ll First run plctur.a. 1 1 A. 12 UXOR CATION PARK Twenty-fourth aaa maai ttaaobaii. Oak, and Port tajtO. Tbu afternoon at . TWO HlOHWATS to Oaxoo Crrr Favobxd. Two road to Oregon City, aa parta of the Pacific Highway, wui probably be built, one on the West Side through Caweeo ni the other on the East bide through Mllwaukle and Jen nlDii Look along the river. J. F. Kertcbem. who have been active In the movement, la confident that thla plan will be adopted. The route on the East Side connects with the Mllwaukle road and come Into the cttr over that street (or some distance- Mll waukle street will be paved to the city limits next year. It la also expected that East Seventeenth street will be opened, and that Grand avenue will be extended from Its present end at Woodward avenue to a connection with Mllwaukle street near Hola-ste. These streets will be the Portland end of the East HMe road to Oreron city. Alone the Fist Side road the sentl ment Is In favor of Improvement of the road as soon as funds can be obtained to carry on the work. Price: later Gets HSOO Dakaobs. Robert F. Chapman, a bricklayer, who was Injured September 22. llt. by the collapsing of a scaffold at the new Baker Theater building;, was awarded I4S04 damages. yesterday by a Jury In Juuge McGinn s division of the Circuit Court against the Northwestern Bridge Works. Chapman and other laborers were on the scaffold when a large amount of waste material was dumped on one end. The scaffold gave way and the men were hurled to the street be low. Chapman received a broken ankle and a number of severe bruises. lie brought suit for $13,400. He was rep resented In the case by Attorney A. O. Thompson. Prisoners Go to Linxtok Todat. The 2 male Federal prisoners who Are now In Jail, and the So-odd state and city prisoners with the exception of the women, will be moved today to the Llnnton rockplle. Jail quarters have been fitted up for them there, as It la desired to tear out the old Jail which has for so many years uoused Mult nomah County criminals. The prison ers were to have been removed last Saturday, bit the Llnnton quarter were not quite ready, ao Wednesday waa decided upon as "moving; day.' The female prisoners are In the new Jail, on the seventh floor of the east wins; of the new Courthouse. Lad. ox Wat to Schoou IlrRT. -Harold Whitfield. 15 years old. son of Attorney F. H. Whitfield, living at East Fiftieth and Alameda streets, was knocked off of his blcyble by an auto truck, owned by the Haradon Candy Company, and driven by Sidney Cr u mm. living at Sixth and East Everett streets, yesterday on the Burnslde bridge. The boy was on bis way to school. He was knocked unconscious and waa carried to his father's office In the Fenton building and later to his borne. It waa reported In the afternoon that his In juries were not permanent. ijcncnEBT nt amis Hon Grows TV. o. MacLaren. general superintend ent of the Louise Home, a non-de-nominatlonal Christian Institution for erring girls, baa secured from Mayor Hushlight. Chief of Police Slover. Mrs. Lola U. Baldwin and Dr. L. W. Hyde. Indorsements of the movement to se cure a new building In which the work may be carried on with better facilities. Mr. MacLaren saya that Interest In this new home Is rapidly growing, and that churches of the city are rallying to tbe support of the work. TosTAt. FUr- PrrosiTS Grow. De posits In Portland's postal savings bank probably will go over the $41,004 mark today, as there wns $J7. 115. $0 In the bank last night. The receipts yes terday were S3440. There were 6s new depositors, and IS others who came to add to deposits previously made. Three patrons of the bank with drew parts of their accounts, the total amount of the withdrawals for the day being H'V The sales of postal savings cards and stamps totalled J H. Gra.yd Jprt to Coxvixt The Fed eral grand Jury will convene this morn ing. .Forty names were selected from the list of taxpayers, and from among these IJ will be drawn to make up the laviulsltorlal body. A large number of while slave cases, and other Important i-rlminal matters are In the hands of District Attorney McCourt. ready to be presented. Because of the large amount of business on hand, the Jury waa called by the Federal Court ten days earlier thin m-ns at first anticipated. Chxkt Casxot Comb to Portuai J. -V. Bailey. State Dairy and Food Commstoner. has ben ailvl.ed by B. H. Bawl, ch'rf of the Bureau of Anim.il Industries at Washington, that b,e will be unable to attend the meetings of the Oregon Butter and Cheese Makers Association, to be h-!d here December 6 and . and the Oregon Dairymen's Association to be held December 7 and a. The bureau has. however, arranged to send F. H. S-rlbner as Its repre sentative at the Portland meeting. Snoa Shivers Disagree. Morris Benon wss appointed receiver yester day for the Turkish shoe shining parlor at the entrance to the Dekum building, after troubles between the two part ners In the business. Leon Benattar and Jake Plba. Benattar petitioned the Circuit Court for the receiver, alleg ing trit his partner. Pi ha had taken charge of the business and waa not sharing the receipts. Mm- for today at the T. W. C. A. In the green tea room from 11:1 to I: Barlev our. roast veal and lemon Jelly, hamt'urg loaf, baked salmon with spinach, creamed small onions, tomato on toast, lobster salad, fruit salsd. tomato and pineapple salail. cantaloupe a la mode. Bamrjr pudding, peach shortcake. Ice cream and cake. 8uitsrtr.rix Ci. es Mrrrs Towr. , All ladles interested In the atudy of" tihakespesro are cordially Invited to attend the Women's Alliance class, led by Mrs. Ralph W Wilbur, beginning; Wednesday. September 10. at 1 10 P. M-. at the I nltartan chapel, corner Seventh and Yamhill streets. Admis sion Is free. MtI'li. Ps-Tf.. I'RfV-TRSITT OF OrE- oo". Matriculation book opens Moq. day. Sept. 19 . at office of dean. 1 De kum BM. Ilegular course commences October 1. Pa W. Arxolx Lrxpscv. specialist on rheumatism. stomach snd all nervous diseases. Selling bldg. For. Remt. 25x100 store on Sixth street, fine locat.on. C. F. Wright. 14 flxth street. W a ntx rv Registered, experienced pharmacist; reference required. Wood ard Clarke. To Ra;1 money quick I will sell 100 shares cf my t". S- Cashier stock; man offer. AF 445. OrrgonUn. Rows A Martin. Drvooists, now at old location. 121 Washington St. Foro Car aa part payment for In side real stats. AE 3i. oregonlan. Ofticai. work to exchange for clothing. AX 440, Oregonlao. ffrvTLvoiTS District Residents of Kenllworta may hava to resort to flylngmachlnea to get wood and other supplies from the outside. The contractors who built the Holgate sewer left Holgate and East Twenty sixth streets ip such a condition that a loaded wagon cannot get through to Kenllwortb. Both these streets were graveled and tn good condition before tne sewer contractors laid the sewer. Now teams are stuck in the mud every day. Resldenta cannot get wood and coal hauled to Kenllworth. and a fuel famine la threatened those who have not laid In supplies. It Is a common oc currence In Kenllwortb. to see a wagon mired and horses almost out of sight In a sewer trench. A streetcar last week pulled out a horse that bad fallen into a sewer trench. Mrs. BtxroRD's Fcxrjlai Hjbix The funeral of Mrs. Lelta Elizabeth Bin ford, who died Sunday at the family residence, at 7i Wright avenue, was held yesterday morning from Zellar Byrne'a chapel, on Williams avenue. Interment was made In Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mrs. Blnford Is survived by her husband, P. A. Binford. She was a daughter of Mrs. A. A. Thomas, of Sunnyslde. Wash., and sister of Mrs. Flora Jones, of Portland; Mrs. Clara Jones Post, of Pennsylvania: Mra. W. 8. Bodle and Miss Jessie Thompson, of Sunnyslde. Wash.; J. Oren Thomas, of Portland; Merrltt O. and Clarence 8. Thomas, of Sunnyslde. Wash. ' Dakota Batker Bcts Tex Acres. W. F. Honey, a banker of Dakota, has purchased ten acrea and a modern house, near Gresham. In Powell Valley, from Fred W. Fleldhouse. for $10,000. Thla is a record price for land even In that fertile valley. The dwelling Is nearly new. having been built a few yeara ago by Mr. Fleldhouse for a home Mr. Honey has also bojght a tract of I0 acres rear Cherryvllle on the Mount Hood automobile road, with other associates from Dakota. This tract probably will be developed Into a commercial orchard. Aero Rack Bases $10,000 8 err. John T. Bray, who was injured In a "pickup" automobile race at the Coun try Club grounds July 4. has filed suit; against the Ford Motor-Car Agency, composed of A. J. Edwards and C. Arne. Jr, to recover $10,000 for Injuries sus tained. When Bray Jumped at the conclusion of the first round of the track he wss run over by another competitor. He alleges that the ac cident was due to the negllg-enca of the driver of the car owned by the motor-car agency he sues. Clat Compastt Sited Ajats:. The Beaverton Clay Manufacturing Com pany Is again made a defendant In tha Clrcnlt Court In a stilt filed by E. M. Chandler to recover 350.S7 alleged to be due for wood furnished the com pany. The Diamond Brick Company tiled suit last a eck asking for Judg ment for $1:2.000 on notes and tho ap pointment of a receiver for the Bea verton Clay Manufacturing Company. Bio Staiojos Bolts From Stablb. A Belgian stallion, weighing more than a ton. Is at large In the city, and the police have been asked to assist In finding It- The animal broke Its halter In the stable of (X E Brown about midnight and waa seen running up and down East Twelfth street. It Is thought that It may have gone to Troutdale. as It waa reared In that aec tlon. Removal of Dirt Mat Bb Ordered. Councilman Burgard Is preparing an ordlnmce the provisions of which will prohibit the placing of dirt from ex cavations on private property by con tractors. The City Engineer will ba Instructed to accept no work where the contractor has violated the ordi nance, until such time aa the dirt la re moved. Reavtt Dbaijcr Bcribd. Tha fu neral of John Veasen. who died Bun day, was held yesterday from the Methodist Episcopal Church South, on Multnomah street and L'nlon avenue. Interment vtf made in Rlvervlew Cemetery. Mr. Veasen was 15 years of age and had been In the real estate business. He Is survived by his widow. Fraxttj r $;noo Misa Deal Al ueoED. Alleging that by false repre sentations H. W. Rand Induced him to contribute liOOO toward the purchase of mining claims In Nevada known aa the Atlaa group, near Ploche. J. M. Mo Laughlln has filed suit In the Circuit Court to obtain return of his money. BrROARD Charter CoirjusaiONKR. Mayor Rushlight yesterday appointed Councilman Burgard to be a member of tha official charter commission of 15 citizens and taxpayers, named by Joseph Simon as Mayor last June. A vacancy existed because of tbe resig nation of R. D. Inman. HrXDD MlSSIOMART TO SPEAK. An addresa will be given by Miss Eva M Clarke at the First Congregational Church thla afternoon. Dressed in her native costume she will depict the life of Hindu womanhood. Miss Irene Burns will sing and a sociable will follow. Mr. Fraxx YrsK-Bxr' DcMokd will speak on "Composition" to students of the Art School and others who may be Interested, at t o'clock Wednesday evening. September SO. at the Mu seum of Art. Fifth and Taylor streets. Admission. $1. CASH EXCHANGE FIRM SUED I'nr-rtuoatrd Knsslan Sny Company Molds Hack DrposlL Pleading his own Ignorance and Illit eracy and the sophistication and edu cation of his opponents. Vaaalll Salovl filed suit in Justice Court yesterday, praying for the return of $:50 which ha was Induced to deposit In a private bank, upon the representation that the Portland banks are nnsafe. "The plaintiff." says the complaint, "is a Russian. 21 years old. having re sided two years in this country and being Illiterate in his own language and in English an honest, sober. In dustrious common laborer." M. Triphonoff and others. Bulgarians, comprising tne International Exchange Company, dealing In foreign exchange, are made defendants, and the com plaint asserts that they are educated men. long residents In this country and apeak good EnKllsh. salovl says these men told him tne banks were unsafe and that he would better leave his $lia0 with them. He did so but though demanding It fre quently, has not been able to get it .back, he saya WHEP.EJTO DINE. Ail the delicacies of the season al the Portland K.itiurinL Fine private apart. U..DIA lor ladles. ai WaaO, sear .o at Ton embrace an opportunity whea you dine at the Alder Restaurant. 2( Alder street. To live well Is to eat well: Try Tha Criterion. $2 Sixth street. $3500 Taken fop Wife' Life. The Countv Court Issued an order yesterday allowing W. 11. Lerch-n. ad ministrator of the estate of fits wife, tsgrld A. Lerchen. to settle a claim a.alr.st the Oregon Electrto Railway Companv for iZivO. The claim la for the klll'.r.g of Mrs. Lerchen by an Oregon Electric car. Control ol 1 12, 700 Estate Akd Natinle Bowers filed a petition with the County Court yeaterday aakln to b appointed administratrix et tha (r "WHERE DO YOU BANK?" Ig the question frequently asked the young business man who asks for credit of his jobber. If yon tell him that the Port land Trust Company carries your acoount, hell class you with the active men of today. And hell know that if your resources warraat it :hat this bank will stand by you in the matter of accommodations. . If you should want to transfer your account we'd like to talk it over with you. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third and Oak Street v estate of Mollis Stanford, who died August 30, leaving; an estate valued at $11,700. A few dollars d e rr n and a iTno a vTrr k w 1 1 lpro vld e yoo with-yoor F'all suit or oatT" Any boaeat prrioaji welcome to credit. Better open a a account. Vas'H like our system. SPECIALS Ladles' Tailored Suits! A few $J2.80 to $27.60 Suits, spe cial. . .. 18.75 Men's orated fcnlls! Latest Fall pat terns on special sale at...816.BO ttsjlncoaca for men and omen. S p e clal values. One lot on sale.. 81 1.85 SUITS MADE TO ORDER aenn"5 Women's Suits made to order. Send for our new Fall Booklet. Mail Orders filled z day received. Money back if not satisfied. Good. Meriting! Nothing to do; just reading , the paper. Oh, yes, you are. Now, be honest. Don't you think your personal appear ance is more important than a few news items that con cern you but little? Why of course. Then, why not step in our store and see the splendid ar ray of Suits and Overcoats we are showing this Fall you'll be pleased. $15 to $50 Our store will be closed Saturday until S P. M. Do your buying today, Thursday and Friday. Fourth and Morrison. Portland's Fashion Center c?t;.oo (Cash or Credit) We are the only credit store In Portland operating upstairs, with low rent, and giving values no concern can beat. WASHINGTON Near PAWf HAJtSIiC mAIR BLDG. UP5IAIR3 , i f - , .; HARROW COLLAR easy to tie the cravat in easy to notch on and has oval button holes, which makes buttoning and , unbuttoning easy. JSc2 for 25e. Ouett, Peabody ft Co.. Makers. Tear, M.T. P. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 165, A 1165 first and Oak CCHWAB PRMTIHC CO. OS0LICITS YOUR PATROMACE 24-5 STARK "STREET Piano Studio LOUIS H. BOLL, Teacher of piano. Rooms 300-1-2,, Tilford Bldfr., Tenth and Morrison. mm -i . . ' . '"-iv i C-'V-'V -t, J-. . . 1 1 ; . -,iii Read This, Ladies It's Just Like Putting ?10 In the Bank Extra Special Sale WEDNESDAY AND THTJESDAY ONLY $32.50' and $35 Saltz's Best Quality Sealette and Persian Lamb COATS o-Ty-t $22.12 THEY ARE 54 INCHES LONG AND THE NEW SEVEN EIGHTHS LENGTHS, SKINNER SATIN LINED, SHIELDS AND FANCY SHIRRED INSIDE FOCK- ETS. THE COLLARS ARE THE NEW WIDE REVER EFFECTS. These Coats are worth every cent of $32.50 and $35, bnt being out of the high rent district, and no bad accounts to be made np for, we ean &ell you these high grade Coats at $22.50 and save the cash buyers easily $10. SEE THEM IN OTJS. WINDOWS BE CONVINCED. Gf?A AD LEADER I New Location, 143 7th St, Between Morrison and Alder tl There is a vast difference between 18-carat gold and "gold filled," And a like difference between solid and "veneered ".off ice furniture. The first, in both instances, is genuine all through, while the second is an imitation with all Its apparent quality on the surface. No discriminating buyer willingly puts good money into an inferior article priced as high as the genuine. Let us show you the new styles in SOLID OAK !1 MAHOGANY OFFICE FURNITURE Special Office Furniture, Fixtures and Filing Cabinets in Steel or Wood Tables, Chairs, Bookcases, Etc KILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. CORNER FIFTH AND OAK STREETS PACIFIC HOSPITAL A General Hospital. SO Tcatk St. ' Pktaa SlaxskaU OU Portland Academy Opens Monday Sept. 1 1 FlU Bars and Girls for Colleea. A Primary and Orammar SbKl Incloded. Qraduatcs anter on examination Han.arcu Prlnion. Tal. anfl Maaaachuretta Ii"'"" of Tacnno.os-y; on cartlflcatea. Amharat, cor Silt BTnlth. Vassar. Williams and ooll.ses and onlv.raltles of the Paulflo Coast. Wall equipped laboratories In chemistry and phy sic Field practice In sui-vc-ylnf. Depart ments In chare of college men and womi ClaMlcal. sclentlflc. rooJern iansuaes ana commercial courses. Ojrmnaa urn nj skilled director. Traok and Held atnletlcA Carasi U afontBomery and Thirteenth. Bead for Catalosue. Many businesses do yield their owners very much profit A large volume of business is done, yet there are leaks through which the prof its disappear. "Without experience you cannot know what a modern, 'comprehensive system of accounting will do for your business. We are specialist and have the experience. Profit by it. No charge if we can't help you. Phone us. John T. Richardson & Co., 912 Lewis Building. Ivtaia 5913. -. A SKIN OF B'aUTY 13 A JOY FORgVgff. rr. T. Fella Oouraud's Oriental Cream Of " Magical Beautlfler. S1o Rflmorea Tan. Pimple Bti, uid bkin Dlteavse, bzki every oienuaa on bcsvuty. mad do Sob detection. II hu stood tbe teat ol yeavra, and Is fto bfcnulefls w tat tt to be enrelt 1 properly mavde. Aooept no umntei felt ot imilavr nunt. Dr. I. A Eivre said to of tbe hsnie ton ( pvUent)f MAe 70U Itwllea will tise them, 1! rRBumnend the iMet harmful of eU the lbs preperetloiAi.' For tale by all drugfisu and Fancy UOOOe J.I'OTlrre IS ine v iut bums, imussum mma .ruva FEHD. T. HOPKINS, Proj.87 Orut Jone SU M Y. HOTEL STEWAI1T SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Flan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel aao! brick ad liatuie. Etott SBOdara cooroaiaBc. Modermta rates Center at theatre and retail district. Oi car liaee traasf errina all ever city. Eloo fri0 smnlhiie aseeta treina and et earners Established 1900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester Bldg, Portland, Or. Foster & Kleiser pigh Grade Commercial and ElectrU SIGNS ajawt Tta aad Kaat ETcrett Its. Ce -aAas' : DAY AND NIGHT : SCHOOLS $500,000 BUILDING . SrXTT-THREH COURSES. FORTY-FIVE TEACHERS. Day Schools Open September IS 1911., Klg-ht Schools Open September 25, 1811. CLASS Term Fee. Accounting;. Advertising. S15.0O Algebra. B.OO Assaying;. . IK.OO' Apple Culture. Notre Architect Drawing;. ............... 7.50 Arithmetic 2-00 Automobile. 60.0U Bible Study 2.00 Bookkeeping-. 6.00 Boys' School (Day) 12.0O Boys' School (Night) 4.oo Bricklaying 1B.0J Building Caretaklng 6.00 Business Eng. and Cor. 2.00 Business Law 2.00 Carpentry and Woodturnlng. . . .-. . JO.00 Chemistry 10.00 Cornet 10.OO Electricity and Elec. JIach 15.0O English for Foreign Men 3.00 English Grammar and Reading.. 8.00 English Grammar and Rhetoric 8.00 English Literature 8.00 Freehand Drawing. T.00 French B.OO Forestry and Lumbering. 10.00 Seometry. B.OO German B.OO History Latin B.OO Machine Design. 7.SO Mechanical Dft. 7.SO Penmanship 2.00 Pharmacy 85.00 Physical and Com. Geography ' Physics .00 Piano JO.oo Plan Reading and Estlm 8.00 Plumbing Shop Practice 15.00 Poultry Raising Ko fee Public Speaking .0 Real Estate Law No fee Reinf. Concrete Const 15.00 Rhetoric 8-" Salesmanship 15.00 Spanish ; B.OU Sheet Metal Drafting 7.RO Shorthand 6.00 Surveying and Mapping 10.00 Show Card Writing 12.00 Telegraphy and Dispatch 12.00 Trigonometry B.OO Typewriting 6-O0 Violin. 0-OO Vocal Music. .00 Write or Call tor Free Illustrated Cataw PORTLAND. OR, Y. M. C A. itmllaur Bcnoola bcatle, Tacomn, Spokane