K V - TIIE MORNING . OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1911. . . . . . . . 7 ' f ' " - " I " nvAvnAL ' ' f BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - FOR RE7CT. Housekeeping; Room. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; fur nished for houiekeeping; ga range, j'.ec trlc light, hot water, bath, laundry, tree; 915 per month up; a clean place, beet In the c'ty for the money; hort distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-t-cara north, ret off at Marahall au No dog. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms. 7-room cottage. $27.50 month; another, 4 rooms, $17.50; suites, two furnished house keeping rooms. $8. $10. $12 a month; 3, 115. Apply 364 26th st. N. "W" car from depot. 5th. west on Morrison to 26th. block north. 1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK: clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clean linen, heat. 400 Vancouver are. ana ziu piqmn; w u 1, 2 OH 8 furnished or unfurnlahed house keeping apartment; strictly modern; rea sonable prices; close In. Tel. 2114. 188 E. 7th. "TT'ST WW AT THIT TTiST." Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single en suite; all conveniences; best location. -MILNER BLPO-" 350 Morrison su CAMBRIDGE BLOO. Furnished housekeep ing-rooms, single ana en suite, jioom o 3d and Morrison. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for .. .. . . , j i i ) j - i i.t. two. ugni nouseaeeping ia uwi- -. ..-. cur. aimei. T I ' . .1..'. tnl.liHl hnnakJiTilli( rOOmS elertrirltv. hath, central. $5 per week. 309 jenerson su Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. rooms, block from good school and gooa car service; uu e v ."42 Karl st. $ NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, j-i.- lights free teleDhone. garden; could rent out two rooms; 3 blocks Grand ave. 468 East Mill. FURNISHED housekeplng rooms 1 room $2.75. 2 rooms $3.75. 3 rooms $6.50: gas range and water. 309 7th su. near Co- lumola. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, no children, nice loca tion. 214 E. 13tn St., cor. jaain. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms for family of two. Inquire 403 Rodney ave. Phone East ZIOi. nT ranm for housekeeDlnr. well furnished. Including wood, light. $10 month. 311 Main st. TWO-ROOM suite, completely furnished for housekeeping; very close In. 214 13th St.. cor. Salmon. 1 w 1 1 furnished housekeeping rooms. In modern home, $12 per month. 2U19 E. Burnslde. Phone Tsbor 4S3. THREE large light unfurnished rooms 1st floor, free light, bath and phone, $14. 47 East 10th. cor. Division. TWO front rooms, neatly furnished. for light housekeeping. Main 2800. 273 N. 2HI. ' . TWO furnished housekeeping rooms: also single room: gas. sink, pantry; walking distance. 211 s-nerman si. PART of furnished house for rent, with nice yard, and also clean. A 5684. 306 Columbia st. THREE cheerful housekeeping rooms, elec tricity, phone, Taylor st. to Chapman, 599 Madison. $14. MODERN housekeeping suite, nice neigh borhood, walking distance; $15. 625 Mar shall. A SUITE of housekeeping rooms In a pri vate famliy. with use of telephone and water In- kitchen. Inquire A 805 6th St. 2 LIGHT, pleasant housekeeping rooms; electric light, gas. bath, phone and yard. 307 N. 22d. CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping suite, suitable for 8: modern house; beautiful location. 115 N. 23d. corner Gllsan. EXCEPTIONALLY fine rooms; large, airy, fronting on street; both phones. 634 Mor rison. $61 TAYLOR ST. Rooms furnished for housekeeping: free light, phone, bath and use of basement laundry. LOWER floor, three rooms, pantry. Piano: no crank, but topers, cigarettes not wanted, 464 10th St. $25 Four furnished housekeeping-rooms, ground floor. 202 East 45th st. LARGE housekeeping room, cooking gas, $4 week. 33 N. 21st st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Morrison St. 410 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, water and bath. Call 68 pettlgrove. 240 6TH ST.. furnished housekeeping rooms; also sleeping rooms. TWO pice rooms in basement: warm and dry: private entrance. ' 181 11th. CLEAN, light, well-f urnlshed housekeeping rooms. 395 6th at. SECOND-FLOOR front room and kitchen ette 2-ROOM suite, nicely furnished, very de sirable location. 466 Main at. FRONT and back suite, running water, bath, gas. Phone 340. College. . 313 14th st.. cor. Clay; larger one and two room furnished housekeeping suite. NICELY furnished rooms; modern conven iences: rail after 6 P. M. 386 Park st. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, 429 East Ash. Phone East 4398. THREE housekeeping rooms home. Phone K. 1SJ0. In modern TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 215 10th. corner Salmon. NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 6'.S Market at. FRONT housekeeping room with alcove, kitchen, phone, bath. 163 No. 16th. TWO well-f urnlshed housekeeping rooms, adults. 21 East 15th and Ash sts. E. 2050, 310 MAIN ST. For housekeeping; homelike cottage suite; close In; adults. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms at 449 6th St. Main 4538. Honaea. 9-ROOM modern house on Eaat Burnside St.. near 22d; large yard; carpeta. shades and lighting fixtures Included; $40 per month. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO-212-213 Commercial Club BIdg. Phones Main (699. A 2653. 6IX-ROOM new house, good basemeut, wa ter, gas. electricity, corner E. loth and Beacon sts., near two carllnea, $20. In quire 60S K. 9th St. 8. Phone Sellwood S78. AN attractive, modern house of 6 rooms, cement basement, laundry, furnace, tire place, near two carlines. 923 Savler st. Take W car. FOR RENT West aide, i-room modern house, porcelain bath, gas fixtures, win dow shades. 786 Corbett St.. near Glbbs. Key 78- J. Bulllvant- Main 03. 6-ROOM house. 890 Morris. $13. 6-room bouse. East 12th, near Harrison, io. Inquire Louis Salomon, 233 Stark at. DESIRABLE, modern, 7-room house, fur nace, flreplaoe, yard, close in. 724 EL Main. FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, new, for 6 months. Phone Wood lawn 8196. after 10 A- M. S-STORY house, 6 rooms, complete plumb lng. 2 blocks to Alberta car; fine condi tion. 525 Sumner st." MODERN attractive J -story f-room house, nice yard, paved street, adults, $24. 70 Williams ave. Woodlawn 42. 1017-21 TILLAMOOK ST.. and 7 rooms, new and modern, rent $30. Ward & Younger, $6 Yeon bldg. Main 752S. NEAT 6-room cottage. West Side, 10 mln nter walk from P. O. 488 Market St. FOR RENT 5-room houses and for sale. Howard. 614 McKay bldg. 8 ROOMS, modern, close. $40. dandy home. best district, roomers, furnishings. C 2811. BiX-KOOM house, 842 East Pine, near 2Sth, $20. Owner, 180 East 27th St. 8-ROOM modern house, near Hawthorne, $33. Inquire 655 Flanders. A 7316. 8-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill, near 23d. Northrnp. 813 Couch bldg. MODERN, newly-tinted 7-room house, yard, fruit. 840 Montana. Main 2356. FOR RENT 7-rooro house. 658 Vaughn. MODSRN 8-room house. Apply 568 Third st. Furnished Hoi WINTER'S coming; have you good Inside JobT Learn moving-picture operating; command good salaries. Laemmle, 3:13 Oak st. NEW S-room mod house.' completely fur nished. West ftilc. close In, to responsible party. $K5 month. K. J. GKISER. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 1KVINGTON home. 8 rooms, furnished; will lease for year: no children. 439 E. 19th. near Tillamook. ON Oct. 1. 8-room furnished house. 350 Sal mon St. Inquire Sol Blumauer, 105-107 12th at. References required. FURNISHED 5-room modern bungalow, with fireplace, at 99 Humboldt St.; rent $26. Inquire of Grover C. Lovelace. 3 First st. 6-ROOM new'y furnished bungalow; piano and chickens. Call up. after 6:30, East 6030. (Beautful place.) COMPLETELY furnished bungalow; four roomsi no children. Apply 1428 Morse St., Woodlawn. WELL-FURNISHED six-room house, easy walking distance. Phone East 8972. IRVING TON Cosy furnished 4-room cob tags, sic yard. East J3SL, . Furnished Houses. NEWLY furnished i-room flat for rent, with piano, to people who would like a nice home In a good location, who are willing to pay fair price. Call at 473 7th St., or phone Main 8676. -ROOM modern furnished bungalow to rent a Mannn.fhU ftnrrv XJtft Mr month. Call 1073 Front St.. near Hamilton. Phone Marshall 3670. between 6:30 and 8:30 P. M. $26 5-ROOM mooern, completely new, fur nished flat. 672 M11L Main 4447. House fr Kent. Furniture tor Sale. FOR RENT $22.50 per month, modern 8 room house; furniture of same for sale; cost $401; will sell for $20 cash; posses sion October 1 (no dealers). Take 6. S. or Mount Tabor car. Call at 88 E. 87th st. after 10 A. M. I WANT to sell my furniture of 8 rooms as soon as possible, am going Into my own borne. Aev rurniiure, gooa neign borhood; reasonable for cash. 833 13th st.. cor. Market. BEAUTIFULLY furnished six-room lower flat for rent, furniture for sale; everything complete. West Side, desirable and central location: $500 cash preferred. Phone own er. Marshall 1207. THOROUGHLY modern 6-room flat. West Side. 7 mln. to P. O.; elegantly furnished. Phone A 4731. after 6, or address P. O. box 61. FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale, $395. Two rooms can be rented. Everything first class. Must be seen to be appreciated. 249 Clay St. FURNITURE of 5-room house; house rents for $10 per month. Apply evenings after 7. 201 Monroe st. 8 ROOMS, secona-floor. housekeeping more than pays rent; nice place. 4S1 West Park. FINE furniture of 6-room modern cottage, cheap rent, furnace heat, close In. on West Side, price $350. A 451. Oregonlan. HOI SB of 6 rooms for rent: part or all of furniture for sale. Call 660 East Alder, corner 19th. FOR SALE Furniture of 13-room rooming house, close In. cash $850. Phone A 5192. TEN-ROOM house for rent, good furniture for sale. 453 Market t. 6-ROOM flat, nicely furnished. Including piano. IBOU. rent - jiain nn. SNAP Modern 5-room flat, furniture new. Income, easy terms. 3S5 MHL SNAP Furniture of 9 rooms: rent out 3 rooms, $2J. APPiy .to Ufana nv. hummer Resorts. NEW COUNTRY CLUB open for members and stockholders only. Leo White, vocalist and entertainer. Other attractions to f. low. . Stores. STORE In modern brick building, nearlng completion, on urana ave.. i ai&ra. op posite Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co.! store- any else from 20x90 ft. up: 20-ft. ceilings; for almost any kind of business this location offers the greatest oppor tunity of any In Portland: especially good opening for bakery, confectionery and del icatessen. OlSO lor eiecincAl iialuim. MORGAN. FLIEDNER A BOXCE. 503 Ablngton Bldg. half of nuw s-stury brick. fcOxlOO: plate glass front; 16tn and Msrsnaii; sunaDie for light Jobbing, manufacturing or retail; will lease one-half: divide space to suit tenant or tenants; long lease. A. Q. Long. STORE space and basement on 12th St.. be tween Stark ana asningtoa sis.; price $55 per month. Palmer-Jones Co., 213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 86D9. A 26:3. IF YOU WANT A STORhl SEE US AND SAVE TIME. WEBB TERRY, 1209 Yeon Bldg. &;i7 Main. SEVERAL stores at east end Madlson-st. bridge. $20 to 40. accoraing to sixe. in quire 271 Hawthorne aye. STORE in a live community. 22x80, $30 per month. Main 6249. STORE on Washington at., near 8d. C. J. Wheeler, COT Broadway, pnone t; iste. BRICK store. 24x55, 11th and Hawthorne. Faircnild. its a. lain. AN elegant storeroom In new brick, at 18th and Salmon Main oaoi. Offices. SUITE of 8 rooms, or single, freight accom modations. 3d xioor. i-noenix oiag.. sin and Oak sts.; suitable for wholesale or mfg. agents 1 LARGE rooms In new brick at 13th and Salmon, much llgnt, built especially lor ladles' tailor, mfg., milliner, etc. Mala 6SU1. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICBS. All-night elevator service; special in ducements on yearly lease. 803 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. DOCTOR wishes to share office (West -Side) with congenial companion. AL 412, ore gonlan. OFFICES and lodge halls; bldg. thoroughly renovated. Alisky bldg., 3d ana Morrison. ONE large office room to sublet; private entrance- 103 Lewis oiag. DESK-ROOM. Chamber of Commerce, use of phone. Main boiz. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT. CORNER LOCATION. Three living rooms In connection, and only does home cooking; has all the business they can take care of; there Is practically no competition; only $18 rent; this Is a SNAP at $650. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldg. 1 WANT more capital for a subdivision of Al fruit land; redshot sou; on electric road; price right; this Is gilt-edge and you can Investigate so you will know that you are safe; if you want a money-maker thn Is safe, answer at once. L 898, Ore gonlan. ONLY bakery, growing town of 2500, do ing good business; Ice cream parlor, soda fountain, good atock candy, good reason for selling; look up If you want good lo cation. Box 355, Elma Wash. PARTNER wanted In sash and door busi ness: must have $1500: experienced man preferred; $1800 per annum Income guar anteed and salary $5 per day. AM 401, Oregonlan. FOR SALE If you want a snap. Investigate this: clean stock of men's clothing, fur nishings, hats, men's, women's and chil dren's shoes: located In good valley town. Address AV 456, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for steady man. able to check goods, etc.: can depend on $25 a week; requires $300, which will be fully secured. Particulars. 248 Stark St. I AM looking for opportunity to go Into business in this city; state exactly what you have, money needed, and all details first letter. AC 402. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Drug store in a rapidly-growing city In Oregon; must be sold at once: owner has other Interests. "A," Hotel Seward. Portland. . " CASH CORNER GROCERY. Rent $17, 8 living rooms, trade $800 a month, no delivery, $800. HALL & GUSTIN. 611 Lumbermens Bldg. GROCERY and confectionery, on busy cor ner; stock, fixtures and everything go for $850; rent only $20. Phone East 137. Call 32S Russell st. CLIENT has two paying restaurants; wishes to give all his attention to one; either for sale. Apply Drels, 2S6 Oak st. Main 6719. A 7374. SMALL restaurant In down-town district, lease, old-established trade, first-class equipment; will sell at a bargain. See owner on premises. 269 Taylor st. ON account of having 2 places, and sickness also, forces me to sell my restaurant cheap: 2 years' lease, cheap rent. Apply 604 Washington St. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for an Investment, come and SEE US. We have a tine list to s.'lect from. BLOCH REALTY CO., 200 Aldcl SU MOVING-PICTURE THEATER, clearing $60 weekly: few hundred down; pay balance as you make. 404 Rothchlld bldg. 2-TON wagon and team, all In good condi tion, with business, $260. AP 431. Ore gonlan. WILL take partner with cash enough for platting expenses on well-located farm near Portland. AO 41, Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted; expesience not neces sary; can clear $4 day; requires $200. Par ticulars, 24S Stark st. HALF interest In established real estate of fice; small Investment required; references exchanged. 303 Lumber Exchange. BARBERSHOP for sale: 5 chairs ana baths: a good-paying stop; leaving city. 28 N. 6th st! RESTAURANT, completely furnished, for rent. $60; fine oyster front- M 400, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Good tailoring business In pros perous and progressive town of 10,000 in habitants. AV 464. Oregonlan. . PRINTING plant, complete, and In first class condition: machinery practically new: good location. 229 First st. SNAP 5, 10. 15c must be sold, adequate reasons: must be sold at once. Union ave. and Maegly st. MONEY-MAKING wholesale manufacturing business. $.1000: closest Investigation In vited. O 401. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT, good" location. 4 years' lease, good trade.- cheap terms. 266 1st. $575 BUY'S strictly cash grocery; living rooms; good business; snap. East 1334. FOR SALE Corner grocery at Invoice. Williams ave. 969 600 BUSINES8 cards, 31.00; you must bring UtU ad. Boa City Prlntery, 192 i. Third, THOS. w. uwsns Boton financier, au thor Of "Frensled Finance." In Every body'a Magazine, says (Boston Post. Aug. 16): "Western Canada offers the greatest opportunities. The wealth is In the land. This Canada Is the greatest place you ever saw. I am tempted to move out there. Th, Am,rirnni An,ht in cro into Dartner- ship with the Canadians. They've got everything," etc. President Schurman. of Cornell University, New York, says: ". . . no other area left for such agri cultural development as Is now going on In those rich plains which stretch from Winnipeg to the Rockies, and from the American boundary to the Peace River Valley 700 miles to the north. Twenty years hence the populatlo of Canada may be 20.000. 000." (It is now 8,000.000.) Dr. Schurman's address sent free. Write for It. We offer unique opportunities to make large profits absolutely free from risk by Investments in one of the most rapidly growing cities of Western Canada, which grew to 17,000 population with only one railway and Is soon to have nine lines east and west, embracing all the Canadian transcontinental systems. We send maps, particulars, diagrams.-statistics free. This English corporation's $1.4000.000 stands back of every dollar you Invest. By our Non-forfeiture of Payments Plan your risk Is eliminated. Canada's biggest bank is our reference. Now, don't infer; don't guess; It coats you nothing to write and get the facts. Do It now. Canadian City and Town Properties, Ltd., 504 Stobart block. Portage avenue. Winnipeg, Canada. THERE Is a good opening In Corvallls. Benton County, for a nrst-closs dress maker. GET IN ON THIS. AS GOOD AS A BANK. The best meat market In East Portland, owner overworked, will sell you a real business right. Rent $15; average sales about $70 cash, no credit business. See Mr. Davles, with CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 3.12-338 Chamber of Commerce. A NICE, clean, up-to-date delicatessen, light ipncn and bakery store, in nign.tj neighborhood; average profit for last 12 months. $5 per day clear; long lease; no competition; wlll sell cheap for cash or terms; this Is a first-class proposition, which will pay you to investigate; no agents need reply. K 224. Oregonlan. WANTED To meet party who has $10,000 to su,wu to invesi in suDsiaonai iubh ciass business enterprise which will show annual increase in value equal to about 20 per cent net on money invested. Party who will act on board of directors pre ferred: will bear closest Investigation. S 404. Oregonlan. WANTED Gentleman capable of taking charge of large bakery and confectionery business to buy a third Interest In con cern located in the best town in Oregon; about $3000 required; business making money: must be able to prove ability and character; good salary to right man. Ad dress AV 474. Oregonlan. F It S L IS Written bids will be received by the un dersigned at Salem. Or., for the purchase of a water power, with buildings, suitable for manufacturing purposes, located at Stayton, Or., being the property of the Stayton Woolen Mills Company, bankrupt. D. G. DRAGER. Trustee and Bankruptcy. GROCERY. WITH LIVING ROOMS. Here Is a chance of a lifetime; get In business; get a home; lot 40x100; good building, with storeroom 17x34. and 4 liv ing rooms; $2000, on terms; $1000 cash; balance on long time, B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. PARTNER WANTED. $40 weekly guaranteed by man with cash business and who wants reliable man as partner; $350 required. Call room 313. Lumber Exchange bldg. BAKERY, BRICK OVEN. Clean and neat place, doing good busi ness; 10x12 Dutch oven; has a good stock on hand: 5-year lease at $16 rent. This Is a SNAP at $600. B. A, Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. TOUNO MAN. STRANGER, care careful Investigation at f seller before you Invest money la aaa proposition. Advisory Departmeab T. C. A. FOR SALE Harness business In one of the largest cities in Western Canada; com pletely equipped with up-to-date machin ery; stock In good shape; doing large business; excellent reason for selling. AV 423. Oregonlan. POOL-AND BILLIARD ROOM. One of the Best In City. Near 6th and Washington Sts. Monthly receipts $900; clears $300; best terms to buy; o-year lease. particulars. 88 10th St.. near Stark. MERCHANTS. LOOK HERE. A good, money-making store in county seat, clear goods oi aDout $uouu; win seu or take good Portland property or farm; will stand closest investigation. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. IF you are looking for a business opening, call on us. We will see that you are lo cated right; no charges for full Informa tion. Kinney tk Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WANTED Lady or man with $750 cash for partner In a good, clean manufacturing business; nave a monopoly in tnis une, don't answer unless vou mean business. AN 421, Oregonlan. 5 AND 10-CENT STORE. BEST TOWN IN SOUTHERN OREGON. GOOD BUSINESS. NO COMPETITION. IF INTERESTED CALL AT 801 BUCHANAN BLDG., 286 WASH. ST. INCOME PROPERTY. Apartment houses, In fine location, bringing In 20 per cent on Investment: In vestigate, as these are good propositions. X 420. Oregonlan CIGAR STAND ON THE WEST SIDE. Cheap rent; only $30; long lease; can't put tne fixtures in xor the price askea; does a very good business; SNAP at $400. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldg. $16,500 Apartment-house; well furnished; paying 20 per cent, 15 per cent net; $10, 000 cash, bal. time. Owner. A 427.- Ore gonlan. GROCERY Will Invoice about $1100; no de liver, clean stock; 4 nice living-rooms, rent for all '20. on West Side; clears $7 day. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Up-to-date grocery; splendid lo cation; good business; If you want some thing good, with room to grow. Investi gate. AT 409. Oregonlan FOR SALE The only live restaurant propo sition In the city; tho rent Includes part of the fixtures; long lease; your best chance. AN 426. Oregonlan. DRUO STORE Will sell my half Interest at sacrifice: long lease, clean stock; doing good business. Make me an offer. AL 407, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT on busiest street, doing fine business; $1500 cash buys everything: can not stand thlsclimate reason for selling. AS 419. Oregonlan. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Downtown, rent $20. 3 living rooms, 2 yea.r lease, trade $15 a day, $625. HALL GUSTIN, 611 Lumbermens Bldg. MOTION-PICTURE operating taught m theater: a full, practical course; terms reasonable; position secured. AS 406, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man In solid business: requires si DOM: profits large; bank references. Call 24t Stark St. WANTED An experienced man to estab lish a mercnants' lunch at the Builders' Exchange, 131 Seconds!- NOTICE. $10,000 to Invest in an established busi ness. H 397. Oregonlan. FOR SALE cneap, restaurant and poolroom. inquire oi owner at zaz isortn 14th St., corner Marshall. . Mj.mNU ASl) INDUSTrtlAL STOCK, 2e.eph.ona and other bonds bought saa o'd. Fletcher lav. Co.. 22.1 Abingte-a, FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing parlors; long lease; must do sola, -T. lotb at, M 7980. CASH store, living rooms; can make your living ana ciear w monin Desiaes; only $500. Call 248 Stark St. CIGAR and confectionery doing $15 dally. 2-year lease, -rem a, price 4ao. call 332 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE A 20-room hotel, located in good valley town. auui-oss sirs. r. a. Barrett, Amity. Or. STOCKS merchandise bought for cash; strictly conitaeuiia. u. zj. xiaro, m 92, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP Grocery, confectionery. cigars ana iruu uw Bcui;r, Apply 60 N. 6th St. RESTAURANT, near Burnslde St., on 2d.; will sell cheap. Inquire at 55 1st st. N. "RESTAURANT In good location, $400. AJ .194. Oregonlan. ACCOUNT of sickness forced to sell my dye works. cheap S 395. Oregonlan. WANTED PAYING CIGAR STAND IN OF- ; . . Ill V-1 1 . JIT rDcnu. WANTED Specialty salesman, partner, must have $30O. Address aj uregonian. GROCERY 8 good living rooms, fine busi- neasi prioa ")' Kim oar jLxcxLango. THIS SUBURBAN PLACE HAS NEVER BEEN ON THE MARKET. Will sell general merchandise stock at exact Inventory figures. Store, ware houses and barn will be sold at a bargain. Will take city property In exchange for one-half value of entire business, which clears, above all expenses, at least $12, 000 a year. Cali on or write JOHN F. KEPLER, American Trust Co. 213-13 Chamber of Commerce. LAUNDRY. Fully equipped; doing good business; building 84x100; barn, 3 horses, 2 wagons, auto go with place; this Is a first-class proposition and It will pay you to look it up. Phone Main 937 or A 2893. J. V. GUTHRIE, 272 Stark St. RARE opening for hlgb-rade mercantile establishment, the Commercial block in Tillamook. Just completed; entire lower floor, 50x100 with basement for rent; mod ern concrete building, absolutely fireproof. In the heart of Tillamook's business dis trict, near new depot. The railroad open ing into Tillamook this Fall, will Inaugu rate a new era in business activity; chance for some one to get In on the ground floor. Particulars from M. Malchlor, Tllla mook. Or. $800 THEATER $300. This amount will buy a motion-picture house, fully equipped and now making gooa profits; long lease; goou jucouuh. electric piano, etc.; also have a theater, fully equipped, ready to open, which 1 will lease for a term of years; rent $60 a month. R 429, Oiegonian. -COME TO THE PACIFIC WITH WA$ Agents wanted In pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 years old. 22 millions assets. We loan money. H. H. Ward. Mgr.. 712 Spalding bid. WANTED Gentleman of proven ability and character to purchase an interest in the largest retail grocery business In the best - interior town in Oregon; must come well recommended; good salary; rare oppor tunity to right man. Address AV 453, Oregonlan. - RESTAURANT AND 8 FURNISHED ROOMS. Located on the Oregon Electric; doing a very nice business; only $40 rent for the entire building; this Is a real SNAP; price Includes 1 month's rent; $350. B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. CHIROPODIST, with established and up-to-date office, wants to enlarge practice; for this reason a lady or gentleman with $750 Is wanted as silent or active partner. L 411, Oregonlan. TAILOR wanted to purchase first-class tailor shop; good bus.ness already built up; part cash, balance on terms to suit. Garrett & Young. 409 Stearns bldg. 6th and Morrison sts. CIGAR STAND. Only $10 rent; has very good fixtures and is nicely located; daily business close to $14 every day; special price for today, 1200. B A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. RESTAURANT. fine mission 'urnlture, etc.; lease; will Invoice $500 ; doing a nice business; for quick sale, price only $350. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. On Washington St., rent $23, trade $18, $750. HALL A GUSTIN, 611 Lumbermens Bldg. AGENTS WANTED to sell French Silver Polish. 50 per cent commission. Every housewife uses It. Call at 304 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER WANTED to take half Interest In a good -paying carpenter shop; small In vestment. Call room 304 Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE First-class candy store, best lo cation In city, old-established business; would take part In trade. Answer, P. O. box 696. CIGARS, confectionery, etc.; one of the best established stands in the city; long lease, cheap rent; clears over $300 month; price $2H)o. 303 Lumber Exchange. STOCK companies incorporated. We bid to offer entire allotments of stocks or bonds for corporations. J. N. Sechrest & Co., Investment Bankers, White bldg., Buffalo. CASH grocery, on a good corner, with a good lease; will clear $180 month; for sale cheap. Call 248 Stark st. ROOMING HOUSES. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS. 14 ROOMS, RENT $45. This furniture is A No. 1. Location fine for renting rooms; $500 cash and balance $25 per month. Price $850. This Is cer tainly a bargain. 16 ROOMS. $500 CASH. This Is a first-class West Side location. Rent onlv $60. with 2 years' lease. Price only $1100. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618 Yeon bldg. 5th and Alder. NEVER ON THE MARKET BEFORE 12 ROOMS, near 12th and Jefferson, modern dwelling, HOT-WATER HEAT, furniture mission and oak, BRASS and Iron beds, B. B. and velvet carpets, all sleeping rooms but 3; Income $160, rent $50; if you want the best paying 12-room house and a fine home be sure to see this. Price $1150, 'cash $600. ELLIS. SMITH & CO.. 826 Washington St.. Room 203. 12-ROOM BARGAIN. Near Ladd School, 6 housekeeping suites, furnished In oak, velvet and Brussels car pets. Income $127, rent $50; this Is A-l location. In clean and desirable In every way. Price $1000. on terms. ELLIS. SMITH & CO.. 826 Washington St, Room 203. SNAP First street; rooming-house of 60 rooms, newly furnished; steam heat in every room; good lease and low rent; $2100; terms $1200 cash, balance payable $25 per month; If you are looking for a bargain from a man who has to sell on account of ill health, see this. Inquire 233 Stark st.. near 2d. FURNISHED BOARDING-HOUSE. If you have had any experience In this business, here Is a chance to get In right; 14 rooms, all furnished; caters to mill hands and does an all-cash business; only $22 rent; $250. B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg ONE of the best 64-room rooming-houses In the city, close In on West Side, $4000; $2600 cash, nice and clean, good furni ture, steam heat, lavatories in part of the rooms, running water. Thayer 4 Fulton, room 4. 141 1st St. Main 7842. 8 ROOMS. 8 rooms rented, furnished, two unfurnished; pay rent ana furniture pay ,ment with a balance; new furniture In 6 rooms cost $700; owe $200. to be paid at $25 per month: will take $300 cash for my interest. Inquire 653 Hoyt st. OWNER LEAVING CITY. 18 rooms, with lease; 10 blocks from Postofflce; well furnished and clean; house full of nice people; large Income. Phone Main 7785. $900 CASH will place you in one of the best 25-room houses In the city; good furni ture; good lease. HIGLEY &. BISHOP. 132 Third St. 83 WEST PARK Rooming-house, six rooms; gas; .full roomers; price $350. SNAP 25-room boarding-house, for sale; cheap rent; full of boarders. East 656. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On Mount Scott car, Sunday evening, bundle men's clothes, other articles, hunt er's bag, strapped together; party .known. Return to J. Martin, 6629 5Sth ave. S. E or phone Tabor 1029. LOST OR STRAYED Female French bull dog: brlndle. with license and brass collar- ample reward. Return to 291 52d, cor. Hawthorne. Tabor 618. H. F. Coolcy. LOST Wallet containing papers valuable to owner only. Finder please deliver at 143 Front and receive reward. F. W. Hen nlngsen. WILL party finding lady's black handDag on bench at Grand ave. and Hawthorne Wednesday night kindly 'return same to ' 232 East 52d St. 7 LOST White English bull terrier pup, with black spot over eye and on nose. Return to Mrs. I. Aronson, 692 Broadway, and re ceive liberal reward. RUN astray. o.e gray horse, 10 years old. brand on left shoulder. Phone Home 2612. John Stelger. Lents. Or. LOST On East Side of river, money bag containing sum of money. Flndor return to Oregonlan office. Reward. LOST On 23d and Northrup sts., Skye ter rier puppy. 6 weeks old. Phone Main 4026 or A 4802. 779 Northrup St. . LOST Green gold Hon head, amethyst bracelet on Morrison or 11th; liberal re ward. Return to MInook Hotel. PARTY receiving a roll of bedding by mis take from Taylor-street dock please return to 425 Stark. Phone Marshall 902. LADY'S gold watch. 16-Jeweled, long chain, slide set pearls and rubles; reward. Ethel Luther. 171 East 8d N. LOST In Teurny bldg. or about premises, large gray striped tiger cat; reward for return to 316 Tourny bldg. FOUND English coach dog. 4639. Phone East LOST Purse; $38, cash, keys and receipts. Reward. Return 889 6th. room IT. LOST Licensed chauffeur's badge. No. TOO. Please return to Netheland's. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices: we renovate mattresses and return same day; we aiso renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger. 226-22$ Front. Phone Main 474, A 1374. LOST Small heart-shaped gold locket. Ini tials M M. S.. between 12th and East Burnslde and 30th and East Harrison, or on Grand ave or Hawthorne-ave. cars on Saturday night; reward. 822 Board of Trade bldg. i LOST Black mare with 3 white feet, brand on right hip L. T., weight about 1200 lbs.; 13 years old; reward. Paul Sauer. Esta cada, Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter of Seaside Lumber & Manufacturing Com pany, a corporation, bankrupt. Notice la hereby given that, pursuant to an order of sale heretofore made In the above mat ter, the undersigned trustee of said es tate In bankruptcy will receive sealed bids at .lis office. Room 8, No. 7 First street Portland, Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday, September 14, 1911, for the following described personal property be longing to said estate, towlt: A lot of camp, mill, factory and commissary sup plies located at tho sawmill plant of the Seaside Lumber & Manufacturing Com pany at Seaside, Or., of the total inven tory value of $320S.77. Inventories of said property are on file at the office of the undersigned and at the office of Frank Spittle, attorney-at-law. Astoria, Or., and the praperty may be inspected on appli cation 'to F. H. Lelghton. in charge of said mill at Seaside. Or. Cash or a cer tified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids and said sale is made subject to confirmation by the court. Bids may be submitted for said property as a whole or for the several parcels thereof as shown by the inventories. R. L. Sabin, trustee. Dated Portland, Or., September 1. 1911. ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Valve House and Connections. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Town Recorder. Gresham, Or., until 8 o'clock P. M. Tuesday. Sept. 19. 1911, for furnishing materials and constructing valve house and connection to Bull Run pipeline. - Plans may be seen and specifications, forms of contract and bond can be ob tained upon application at the office of the Town Recorder or of Louis C. Kelsey, civil engineer, 404-405 Selling bldg., Port land. Or. Plans will be furnished on deposit of $5, which deposit will be refunded on the return of plans In good condition with a valid bid for the work. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Town Council. LEWIS SHATTUCK. Mayor. D. M. ROBERTS,' Town Recorder. "Louis C. Kelsey. 404-405 Selling Bldg., Portland, Or. Dated Gresham, Or., Sept. 12, 1911. FLVAJCIAI J. W. MATTHES, AGENT. INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK. 222 FAILING BLDG. ' Loans on city property and farms. No brokerage charged. FIRST and seconef mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property any where in Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaux. 1002-3 Spalding bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contracts of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon; loans. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE pay highest cash price for builders con tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co.. 60S McKay bldg., Marshall 2500. Monev to Loan Real Estate. AVAILABLE TODAY. 2 sums of $1000; $1500: $1800; $3;.00 and $4000 to loan at 7 per cent on Im proved city property. $100,000 and $50,000 to loan on inside property at 6 ;ier cent. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Mortcage Loan Dept. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 6. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. MALL AND VON BORSTEL. 104 SECOND STREET. MONEY to loan on Improved city property at reasonable rate of interest In sums from $500 up. C. F. PFLTJGER 4 CO., , Suite 12, Mulkey Bldg., 2d and Morrison. Established 188a NOTICE Loan and real estate brokers: I am now in position to make residence loans In amounts from $1000 to $5000, on a new and verv attractive plan. Thad Sweek, 613 Swetland bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 5 years' time; literal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Assocaltlon. 240 Stark St. HAVE for loaning $500, $ 1OO0, $1250. $1500. $2000, $2500. $3000, $4000 and $50 00 to $100,000 in any amount at 6, 7 and 8 per cent. J. Frank Porter, 904 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS. LOANS. LOANS. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. FRANK PORTER, 904 Chamber of Commerce. WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property In susas from $1000 to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce, 608-506 Ablngton bldg. $500,000 ON Improved cit or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenxle & Co., 614-515-510 Gerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate securfty. EDW. P. MALL, 801 Chamber of Commerce. WILL LOAN $3000 ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. SEE MR. EASTON, 202 BOAD OF TAPE BLDG. MONEY loaned on business on -close-In resi dence property. A. G. Tlndolph, 314 Board of Trade. Main 6304. SCANDINAVIAN LADY masseuse, gives treatments in massage. Call Main 5267, between the hours of 1 ana 4. $1500 TO LOAN ON PORTLAND PROPERTY ASK FOR MR. EASTON AT 202 BOAD OF TRADE BLDG. $000, $1000, $2500. at 8 per centigood In side securities at lower rates. M. E. Thompson, Henry bldg.. ground floor. MONEY loaned without brokerage If we build, current rates. L R. Bailey Co, 824 Ablngton bldg. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton & Farrlngton, 416 Com mercial Club bldg. PRIVATE FUNDS to loan, any amount, terms reasonable; mortgages purchased. - s. -,,,lin.mo r- fim,l.!n hlili. MONEY to loan In large or small amounts . on short time. W. Lawrence, 315 Lumber Exchange bag, noth pnones. MONEY- to loan on Improved real estate or for building purposes. Columbia Life A Trust Company. 916 Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loans, contracts and mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 44S btterlock bldg. MORTGAGE leans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 263 McKay bidg., 2d and Stark. ; $Tob,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315-316 Falling bldg. BUSINESS property or close-In residence loans. BUFFING TON. Chamber of Com. HAVE $400 and $500 to loan. Charles Stout, 904 C. of C. bids- city. MON13Y to loan in sums of $50 and up BLOCH REALTY CO.. 20C Ald.M- St. $05 000 to loan In amounts to suit; no agents. H 404. Oregonlan. HAVE $R500 to loan on good security. Y 466. oregonian PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miiey, room 204, Geriinger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat- eral security. C. W. Pallett, 8oa9 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 8 LiUWlS BLDG. SPECIAL 2d-mortgage real eetate loans oa monthly payments. Room 812 Hamilton. DO you need a loan? See Cheshire & Tay lor, 905 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 318 Chamber of Com. 6tate funds loaned, 6 per cent- W. B. Thorn as. state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C of 0 MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough Seltz. 810 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money for real estate mortgages; charges reasonable. Ward. 210 Alisky bid. BUSINESS property and close-in residence loans. EDWARD E. GOUDEY. Lewis bldg. $3500 TO lean for 3 years. Carlock St Muell- naUpi, IVDd (.UAlliUci vviiimcit.c, $60,000 or any part; farm or city mortgages; terms to suit. Main 1166. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 8d. near Alder. LOANS on diamond and other securities. Win, Bolt, room 8, Washington bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN, $10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODA1. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. . NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.S CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS, HOltSiiS, ETC., OR SALARIES. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG., A 280T. " OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. , WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 to $100. at the lowest possible rates. Business strictly confidential. All we require la that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, Indorscr or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 808 Falling Bldg.. ' Cor. Third and Washington Sts. $ $ $ f DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will furnish you, strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all kinds of securities; on terms to suit; also week ly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgages and contracts. rt V. S. REAL ESTATE ft BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 04. $$ $ $$$ WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES, QUICK LOAN'S. NO RED TAPE, NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT. FROM $10 UP On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, diamonds and all other kinds o'. personal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your convenience; cour teous treatment to all; private offices and all business strictly confidential. GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. 201-2 Rothchlld bldg., 2s7 Washington. Between 4th and 5th sts. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur Dished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want It, and pay as you can. Offices In 811 principal cities. D. H. Tol mau. 317 Lumber Exchange. DO YOU NEED CASH TODAY ? Short-time loans in any amount" private office; confidential, reasonable. C. FRANK NICHOLS CO., 603-4 Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark. MONEY ADVANCED on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, eta Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Bro kerage Co.. 513 Ablngton bldg.. -0o 3d. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. o2l AB1NUTON BLDG. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan uo., 414 ueum mug. LOW rates; we loan money 011 diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3a si. Loans Wanted. WANTED From private party, two loans of $750 each; 33 per cent valuation; Im proved city property. Provident Invest ment & Trust Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of . Trade bldg. ' WANTED LOAN OF $2500 ' On good real estate security, first mort gage, will pay 8 per cent for 3 years. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 133 First Street. WANTED Loan of $3000; $6000 security, 6 months or 1 year: no brokerage; from private party; will pay 10 per cent inter est. K 378, Oregonlan. WANTED From private party, loan $1500 and $1400, on fine residence property; 2 per cent bonus and b per cent. AN 403, Oregonlan. WANTED $G0OO at 0 per cent for 5 years, security HoMaday Add. property, $24,000; no l.gents. L 407, Oregonlan. PRIVATE MONEY wanted for good realty loans. BUFF1NGTON, Chamber of Com. $1800 AT 8 per cent on $4000 In Elmhurst- AB 410, Oregonlan. WANT to borrow $1600 on property worth $3500 on Sandy road. AP 430, Oregonlan. LET us place your money, good mortgage-, references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. KOn VI7TJR rilT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 S4-lnch switches $4.95 $10 ,12-lnch switches 4..I5 16 26-lnch switches 2.45 TTntr dressinir Face massage 25 Shampoo . 25 Manicuring. 25c. five for 1.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4, $5 and $6 PUFFS, only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Main 1200 SWEENEY'S 10th and Stark. We grow hair on bald heads and cure scalp diseases or your money refunded. A free hair dress to ladles with purchases of $3 or over. Combings bought and hair made up by experlneced help. Call and see us. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, has re moved .to Lafayette bldg., 313 Wash ington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heislngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments, under physicians direc tions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East llth St.. second door south from East Ankeny carllne. Phone East 26". B 1903. FEBVET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods, halrdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th St.. near Morrison. Phone Main 546. BR -CATHERINE C. GATES I treat suc cessfully, nervous and chronic diseases: qualified by 11 years' practical experience. 807 Ablngton bldg. Phone Marshall 3143. - Hours 0 to 12 A. M. ; 1 to 6 P. M. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. DR. KETCHUM, diseases peculiar to women; also diabetes, eczema and .ectal aliments. Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 8474 LADIES, when delayed use Lorenz Com pound Ergot Tablets; always dependable; $2 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st- MRS STEVENS, 16 years Portland's leading Palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 843 Yamhill, corner 7th st. DR. A. A. ACSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 302 Merchant Trust bldg., th and Washington, phone Main 4047. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. TAKE elevator, save dollars. California os trich plumes, finest ever sold In Portland; old nlumes cleaned, dyed, willowed by ex- pens. -1 owe. p.. " jjEN Try S. O. Tablets for debility from any cause; price $1, any address; money returned If it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy - Co.. 245 Morrlsonst- - JOHN LEROY Will, at Sacramento, wants your address Immediately. Write to both of us. Fred. j rs. L. F. JOHNSON, of Crystal Falls, Mich., wants her son George to write to her. She has good news for him. LADY teacher of elocution wishes to ex change lessons for lessons in fancy danc ing. 1 ,0 1, uie.iiittu. MIS3 LEWIS, late of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased scalp. 405 Stark. Main H.'iStf- LADIES, when dolayed. use Sanderson's Dills: every box guaranteed: by mail $2. for. pierce Remedy Co.. 215 Morrison su LADIES If In need of confidential advice, consult Dr. Pierce; no charges. Call or write. 245 Morrison St. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curl and puffs, 75c Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. FIRST-CLASS masseuse, German graduate. . long experience, best references. 348 East Williams ave.. near Weidier st. u car. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, 25c box; 6 boxes $1.20. Stipe Taylor DrugCo2j59Morrisonst: H. S SURE REMEDY for catarrh of nose and throat. Price $2. Call or write, a. 6. Drug Co.. 315 1st st- LADIES Lorenz antiseptic cones are sooth ing, safe and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay lor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. MRS SOPHIA SEIP, mental ana spiritual scientist. 302 Alisky bldg. Main 6S24. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 032 Davis st. Mam 9210. WANTED To adopt child; 2 to 4 year pre ferred BEATRICE Tell Tom see page 63 Satur day Evening Post- MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. MME. COURTRIGHT, feature and skin spe cialist. 260 20th st. N. Phone. Main 6042. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, closed, written up, impartial audits dis entangled, financial statements; arrange ments firms not employing permanent bookkeepers, private instruction; consul tation. 6'-2 Swetland bldg. Attorneys. A,E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, al'SLracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bidg. M. 873. A 2071. THOMAS D. HEED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oresonian bldg.. 4th tluor. AsMi.ver and Analyst., F. A. SENS'ET. gold, silver and platinum refiner, aajer und ch.mist; gold buyer. Sd floor. 142 4th St. Main 6109. Wells & proebstei, mliiluu' engineers, chem ists and qssayeis. 2olVj Washington. MONTANA ASSAY Ol'FI'lUE Lauoiutory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrmcn at. v Auto Plating. TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS If you want to be in style, have your auto trimming plated In BLACK NICKEL. Pol l mud Plating and Mfg. Co., 22J and Tnurmau. X Auto buppUei.- F. P. KEEN A.N CO., 190 Fourth st.k h.m pire auto tires. Pope Mfg. co.'s bicycles, auto bicycle and motjr supplies, venlcl rubber tires, phones M. 3U82. A 432j. Brass and Machine Vorks. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. Otn. Main 2i02. Chimney Sweepers. ISNAK i KOSTEZ. 201 2d St. Telephone Main 6210. Export chimney BA-eei.er.-i, furnace clean era, work guaranteed, reasonable prices. t'liirupodini. DR. MISS MARGUEK1TE CRAWFORD re moves corns, bunions, callouses, Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring ana manicuring; satisfaction guaranteed; graduate. A 3101. 014-14 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. WILLIAM Eslcilo and Flossie Doveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city, parlors 3ua Geriinger bldf.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder, l'hone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital, Vienna, Austria. 2US Rothchlld bltlB. Ph. Main Oa.il. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 420 Flledner bldg. Main 34i3. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER, Columbia bldg., next htar Theater. A 0255. Main 9581; Res. B ZWitt. Collections. Protective Adjustment Co. Delinquent and current. 410 Failing tylrig. Marshall o5. Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor, Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th su Mam BSS1, A 7002, Woodlawn 362. WANTED Contracts, carpenter work only, by responsible party. Address Oatke, J0U Girsrd st. , Dancing. HEATH'S Dancing School, 109 Second St.. between Washington and Stark; ianc stage and social dancing taught dally, waltz oid two-Blep guaranteed in four les ioiis. Class Monday evening. 8 to 10. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage dancing lessons 25c, every morning, after noon and evening. Prof. Wal Wlllson s Dancing School. 380 Wash. St., between W. Park and loth sts. Phone Main i3i. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where bridgework la Impossible; does away entirely with Plat" bridgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teem) absolutely; terms to reliable people. ALVEOLAR DENTAL CO.. Ablngton Bldg. 106 Third St. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. Engineer. F. M. SUVER, civil, hydraulic engineer: wa ter and sewerage a spaciulty. Dallas. Or. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines. 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 61a. Fred Storo. ZIULER ,t MISNER, hay, grain, feed, oe ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E 41. Leather und Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGH-LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S58. 1S9 Front St. Milk and Cream. DIRECTLY from the dairy; West Bids of livery. Summit Dairy. R. F. P. No. . M uwicaL Emil Thlelhorn. violin teacher. PU,P1' B"clk uiui vtarnu.im. A 4160. Marshall 1629. OsteopatlltePli.vskuns Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronlo Diseases Phone Office M. 349. Res. East or B 102$. I'alnts, Oils and Glass. C0 4.ST-MADE paint and varnish Is best inni.,i to the Coast climate. BAaS- HUETER PAINT CO.. 191 Second u AKMITSSKN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. C'or2d and Taylor. pap,rlns UH 'j luting. TINTING, paiiuinj, paper hanging: neat, clean work, t'huno Eflet 423. Patent Attorney. U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney at-law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 719 The noara ot inn R C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. Infringement cases. 604 Dekum bldg. 1'aviiie. TH E Barber Asphalt Paving Company 60S fioa juiecinc piup- , WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. idewalK anu ciw3'jt- 1 ' Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank ; In Portiana. . n ot" Pipe. PIPE and fittings, engineers' and, steam sup- P"eS- M. L. KLINE. Centrally located. Nos 84 toS6 Front St. fnones nmiii mi. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and Poff7ce nelr 24lh and Y.rk sts. M. 3489. Plumbers. COFFEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb- era. -i itj . , . . . Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 10$ 2d st. Safe at factory prices; second-hand safes. Second-hand Goods. WB buy clothing, furniture and tools. Hlgh- ?' J5? ?"',u. X ..,:SaT MM lurnuur, WE ray th. highest price, for -cond-h.nd r ntninx unu bii- - " - f ' uhnwrasea. Bank nod Show Fixture. THF I UTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap A1?. TtTT. r Rih nn.l Hnvt It. I.ittke. las snuwww v - h H BIRDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show- cases in eiuch. ..-..... ..t M winter Lumber Co. MARSHAL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couoh; new , t . . A Main 270S. Cabinet work. aTiu iku,i- . , Storage and Transfer. O PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office "and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, cenarale iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables: N. W. cor. 2d and Pine its pianos and furniture moved and oacited for shipping: special rates mads on roods In our through cars to all domestla and foreign joints. Main 686. A 1MU6. ah household goods hauled by us go Into our freproof brick warehouse, abso lutely free for balance of month, and at the lowest rates thereafter. Expert mov Ine and packing for shipping. Ring us up either phono and let the Van Horn Trans, jer Co. move you. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes Dlanos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-S9 Front iL, l.'ephone 3aam&47orA 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents storaga office 310 Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 09. A 1189. Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur workl F. B. Flnley, J4ll Columbia. A 1813. Typew-iters. $15 TO i5 will l- 1 REDIILT TYPE WRITER: rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choese from at Gl'l s. :ld and Alder; terms to suit, every machino guar anteed. Call or phna for representative. ... c-n ,.r A IVlllN. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices The Typewriter Ex change, 2.. 7 .3 waMimgion sc. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut rates, P. D. C. C, 231 Stark. M. 1407. ' Well Drilling ' DRILLING wells a specialty: price reason, able. Call Main 1346 or write Miller A West, 182 Morrison st., Port'.and. Coal and Voocl. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. Marshall 960. A 8545. coal and wood, S87 Water st. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD, AJ 1