TOE MORNING OREGOyiAy, TUESDAY, SEPTEJIBER 127 1911- -1 - ' NO HOP SELLERS Bids of 34 and 35 Cents Are Turned Down. MARKET IS AGAIN STRONG Cables Report Firm Conditions In Europe With the German! Try ing to Buy Hops In England. There wu Inquiry en the market resterday for new lop in large lota at 84 ana 8 cent, bat no sellers. No business of any kind wu reported from the country. In the latter part of last week a number of email crop, aggregating 80.000 pounds, were aecured at prices around 30 eenta, but the purchase on Saturday by T. A. IJvesley A Co, of 1000 balea at 85 eenta completely put a atop to such low-priced selling ana firmly established the market at the 38-cent level. The present strength seems to be due In part to the belief by dealers that the ure son crop will not com down as heavily as waa expected earlier tn the season. By trie close of this week a sufficient number of yards will have been picked to enable a (airly close estimate of the yield to be made. Hop contracts have been filed In Polk County as follows: J. W. Myer to I". Rosen- wald as Co.. entire crop at 85 cents per pounds John Etmklns to same, 10.000 pounds. B5 eenta: M- D. Bevens to T. Bosenwald A Co., 10.000 pounds at 40 eenta. Cables received yesterday were eneonrag- lng to sellera One from Manger A Henley, f London, was aa follows: "O rowers holding back, expecting higher prices. Market very strong. Large export demand and prices steady. A Knremburg cable Quoted the German market firm and higher. The market position, from an English standpoint. Is stated By W. H- ft H. La May, of London, in their annual circular, as follows: "With regard to the quantity, we do not think It is possible to grow aa many aa we did last year, but presuming that the total crop ahould reach 100,000 cwt. It la barely half our annual consumption, and the ques tion that will exercise the minds of all users of hops Is "Where la the other half to come from V Germany haa suffered very Intensely from the heat and drought, and will have no hops for export; In fact, aha la buying largely from other countries. America, with Its greatly Increased con sumption of beer, which now exceeds that of any other country, will have very few hops to spare for export. Of course, those hops that have already been contracted for will come irrespective of any home re quirements, and these would be the only hops, as far as we can aee at the mo ment, that will be Imported into England. This being the ease, the prospect for the English grower Is better than he haa had for many years, and prlcea are likely to be such aa will, to some extent, recoup him for the losses he made during the many low priced years he haa had to contend with." M. Gntermann Sonne, of 8aax, Bohemia, In their 42d annual report on the world'a hop harvest, estimate the output aa fol io wa: 1911. 1910. 190. Austria-Hungary . 164.004 toi.000 167.000 Germany -196,000 1S&.000 .123,000 Belgium-Holland . 60.000 60.000 30.000 France 60,000 CS.000 60,000 Russia 46.000 (5.000 27.000 England .. 75.000 100.000 110.000 America (92.000 400.000 S10.000 Total 1.1SI.000 1.564,000 927.000 COnilBT WHEAT MARKETS STEAD V Lea Activity by Exporters, bat Good Buy ing by Millers. The wheat market waa steady yesterday with no change from Saturdays prlcea. The export trade was somewhat easier with buying for this account less active, but purchasing by millers in the country showed no abatement. Thla kept the coun try markets In good position. Oats were firm at the old price. There were no new developmenta in the barley market. Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchanta Exchange aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 124 11 19 St 15 Tear ago 80 t I 9 17 Season to date. 1922 . S3 613 202 490 Year ago 1262 Ht 269 649 The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer chanta Exohange follow: American Visible Supply Bushels. Increase. Sept. 11, 1911 49.870.000 1,623.000 Sept. 12, 1010 28.296.000 1.848,000 Sept. 13, 1909 ...10.741.000 1.574.00O Sept. 14. 190S ....20.S23.000 &015.0U0 Sept. 14,-1007 4S.860i000 1.647.000 Sept. 17. 1006 8l.198.0OO 1.029,000 Sept. 19, 1906 13,834,000 1.190,000 Sept. 19, 1P04 14.010.000 S95.000 bept. 14. 1903 14.074.OoO 624.000 fcept. IS. 1903 22.064.000 65.000 'Decrease, Quantities on Passage Week Week Week ending; ending ending Sept. 9 Sept. 3 Sept. lO.'lo For Bushels Bushels Bushels TJ. K. IS.814,000 19,608.000 18,720.000 Continent . .18.208.000 15.224.000 22.080.000 Totals ...83,024.000 85.032.000 40,800.000 World'a Shipments (flour included) Week Week Week ending ending ending Sept. 9 Sept. 2 Sept. 10.' 10 From Bushels Bushels Bushels U. S-, Can.. 632.000 S.073.000 1.611.000 Argentina . 1.2SS.000 7S9.000 1.032.000 Australia .. W6.0O0 $96,000 1.600,000 Dan. porta.. 8.930.000 3.264.000 6.698.000 Russia 1.810.000 1,602.000 5.800,000 India ...... 1.074.000 898.000 1.040.000 Totals .. World'a ..11.T10.000 9.51O.00O 16.879.000 ahipmejnts, season to date: Total since Same period July 1, '11. last season. Canada 26.795.000 18.777.000 12.281.000 12,260.000 9.624,000 6.700.000 Porta 13.363.000 Il.67S.000 20.67O.000 ' 99.636.000 18,622,000 12,680.000 II. S. and Argentine Australia Danubtan Russia ... India .... Total .. .94,265,000 105,529.000 TRADE IX PEACHES STILL ACTIVE Grapes and Cantaloupes Are Also Beady Sellers. Peach recelpta were large yesterday, but the demand waa active and the market held up In good shape. Peaches ranged in price far good to fancy from 60 to 85 cents, with the average about 60 eenta Liberal recelpta are expected all thla week. The grape trade waa lively, buying be ing centered on Tokays, of which two cars arrived. They sold from 85 cents to (1.25. Other kinds ranged in price from 75 cents to II. Cantaloupes, as usual, were plentiful and vers steady sellers at 75 eenta to tl2f a crate for good stock. Melons were slow at 76 cents to 81.25 a hundred, Two cars of lemon arrived. The Cali fornia lemon market waa firm. A car of Valencia orangea la due today. Two ears of sweet potatoes are also due today. Recelpta of potatoes from the country were small, as tha ram has prevented dig ging. Tha market, consequently, waa Una. PORTLAND LOWEST MARKET OX COAST Prices oa Eggs Are Seasonably Higher at Other Points. Egg markets everywhere seam to be ad vancing, except la Portland, where for some reason midsummer prices still prevail. The top quotation on Front street la 27 eenta. In Seattle tha best ergs are Job bing at , 38 eenta. and thla waa also the quotation at San Francisco, where there waa a 2 -cent advance on Petal um as yes terday. Tha Chicago market on prime firsts haa advanced 3 eenta In about a week, standing yesterday at 19 cents. . Poultry receipts were fair for Monday, and with a steady demand prices were maintained. Veal receipts were liberal and sales dragged. There were no new developments in tha butter or cheese markets. FIVE-CENT ADVANCE IX ST GAB PRICES Granulated and Fruit and Berry Are Now Quoted at 87.85. Five cents more was added to the Jobb ing price of sugar yesterday, making the quotation on atandard granulated and fruit and berry 17. J5. The 10-cent advance announced lata Fri day afternoon by tha Western Sugar Ke nning Company waa not met at the time by the California Hawaiian Sugar Ba nning Company,' but the latter Institution yesterday cams through with a 15-cent rise. Th local jobbers on Saturday had adjusted their prices to the Western Com pany's list, so yesterday they followed the California A Hawaiian advance. This made the net advance in thels market 6 cents. Opening Price on 1911 Flour. Opening prlcea on 1911 patent flour were announced, yesterday. The new price is 84.60 a barrel, a cut of 40 eenta as com pared with thonrlce of old flour. rtiAnrM In Provisions. All sixes of hams were reduced one-half cent yesterday. Exports were raised one cent and lard prices were quoted one cent higher. Ranlr Clemrfaura, Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were aa iouows. r aaHnrL Balances. Portland $2,008,667 8267.92T fHont"" :::::::::: HSK? Jookan. ................ 815.749 86.0SS PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem, 87c: club, 8283c; red Russian, 8182o; V.ll.- Aft.fnM. fi.lCT fllS. 2C. r-T n'r-R Patents. 84.50 per, barrel; straights. 83.86; exports. 92.80: Valley, 84.90 graham. 34.50; whole wheat, 84.70. utt t BTTTPs-a RrM. 824.5025 per ton middlings. 132; shorts. 25.50i26.00; rolled barley. 333.50S4.5O. CORN Whole. 333: cracked. 834 per ton. -Jl . .. . . -l i , . 1 i n a " rt AK llj i .NBW leeu, J A - ' brewing. 136.00 37.00 per ton. OATS New white. 829 per ton. HAT No. 1 E. O. timothy, flB01fl; No. 1 valley. $14; alfajfa. 812; clover. 88.50; grain hay. 69311. Dairy and Country Produce. POULTRY Hens, 16017c: Springs, 169 lc; ducks, young. 15918c; geese, 110 llHlo; turkeys 1819c, "rttttttr Oimn creamery butter, solid pack, 81c; prints, extra. aititis r reen irregon rmncn. -" w 27o per dozen. ..IIT-lI', rpl.. t.tnl.l. T. d nSlslea 15c per pound; young America. 16tte. runs. rancy, iuavuo "r VEAL Fancy. 18 18 ft per pound. Vegetables and Fruits. renptriT. TTRTTTTq Oranrea. 84.5039 4.75 per box; California grapefruit. $3.7604; bananas. fi&Sto ner pound: pineapples, 8o per pound; lemons. 35 & 5.60 per box. FRESH FRUITS -Cantaloupes, 76c O $1.25 per crate; peaches, 6085o per box; water melons. 75c $1.25 per hundred; plums, 750 per crate: prunes, 76o per box; pears, 40c$$l per box; grapes. 75c $1.25 per box; apples, $137 2.60 per box. VEGETABLES Beans, 5 10c; cabbages. 1.50ff2 per hundredweight; corn. 2530o dozen; cucumbers, $101.25 per sack; egg plant 68c per lb.; garlic 1012e per Dound: lettuce. 40ffl50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce. $1.251.75 per box: peppers, 68o per pound: radishes, 12V4o per dozen; toma toes, 85 75c per box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.60 per sack; turnips. $1; beets, $1.75. .. POTATOES Oregon, le per . pound; sweet potatoes, 2 Ho per pound. ONIONS California, $1.50 per hunarea. Provisions. HAMS in to 12 nounda 19194e: 12 to 14 pounds, 18H618c; 14 to 16 pounds, 18 18Hc; 16 to 18 pounds. 1818-c; skinned. 19c; picnics. Utoc: cottage roil, mta SMOKED MEATS Beef tongues. T5c; dried beef sets, none; outside, none; Insldes, 23c; knuckles, 21c . LARD Kettle rendered, tierces. 184c: tubs. 14c; standard, tierces. 1244c; tubs. 12Hc: shortening, tierces, Blic: iuds, hc BACON Fancy, 27c; standard, 250S choice. 22c; English. 16&18C DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12Hc; smoked. 13ttc; backs, light, salt. 18ttc: smoked. liVic; backs, heavy salt, 12tio: smoked, 14tto; exports, salt, 14ci smoked, lSse. SAX FBAXCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fruits. Etc SAW FRANCISCO. Sent. 11. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Vegetables--Cucumbers. 2550c; garllo, 3 5c; green peas, $1.252; string beans, lftSo: tomatoes. 15040c: - ectr Dlant. 600 70c Jautter Fancy creamery, Z7c Eegs Store. 30c: fancy ranch. 85o. Cheese Young America, 1415o. Fruit Apples, choice. 31.25: common. 60c; Mexican limes, $5.5u6; California lemons, choice, $o.50; common, $1.60; pine apples, $2 3. Potatoes Salinas Burbanka. $1.6501.90: sweets, $1.501.90l MUtstults tran, $wf sv; mmaungs, B 34. nay wneat, nxai wneat ana oats, $13 16; alfalfa, 89 12. Onions 76 85c HecelDts Flour. 3454 auarter sacks: wheat. 14.253 centals; barley, 17266 centals; oats, 3715 centals; potatoes, 13,690 sacks I nay, z2id tons. Coffe and Sugar. NEW YORK, Sept. 11. Coffee futures closed barely steady at a net decline of 8 to 13 pents. September, 12.83c; October, 11.97c: November. 11.82c: December. 11.67o: January. 11.63c; February. 11.60c; March, 11.67a: April, .May, June, July and August. 11.58c Spot coffee steady. Rio, No. 7. 18 e: Santos, No. 4, 14 a. Mild coffee quiet. Cor dova, 14 H 16c, nominal. Raw sugar strong. Muscovado, 89 test, 625c; centrifugal, 96 test, 6.75c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 6c Reflned strong. Cut loaf. 7.55c; crushed. 7.46c; mould A, 7.10c; cubes. Tc; XXX powdered, 6.90c; powdered, 0.85c; granulated. 6.73c; Diamond A, 6.75c; confectioners A. 6.60c; No. 1, 8.60c; No. 2, 8.65c: No. 3, 6.50c; No. 4. 8.45o; No. 6, 6.40c; No. 6. 8.83c; No. 7, 8.80c; No. 8, 6.25c; No. 0. 6.20c: No. 10, 6.16c; No. 11. 6.10c; No. 12, 6.05c; No. IS and No. 14. 6c . Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Gs Sept. 11. Turpentine firm at 6061c Sales, 623 barrels; re ceipts, 652 barrels; shipments, 1643 barrels; stocks, 84.200 barrels. Rosin linn. Sales 2700 lba; receipts, 2280 lba; shipments, 12.300 lba; stock, 87,900 lbs. Quote: B. $5.9o6: D, $S.308.85; E, 86.456.85.; F, G. $6.606.65; H. $8.55 16.65; J, $A52H6.65; K. 6,5536,60; M, $6.65 6.70; N. $6.75 914.80; WG, $7.10 7.15; WW, $7.8097.85. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 1L Cotton futuheo closed very steady, 4 to 9 points lower. Closing bids: September, 11.06o; October, lL27e; No vember, 11.32e; December, 11.45o; January, II.S80; February, - lL42c; March, 11.50c; April, 11.58o; May, 11.60c: June, 11.69c; July, 1L60C . Elgin Barter Market. ELGIN. 111., Sept. 11. The quotation com mittee of the Elgin Board of Trade today reported butter firm at 26Vic but Thomas Gallagher, of Chicago, objected. A vote of the board failed to sustain the quotation committee and then, upon motion, the price waa fixed at 26 cents. Output, 827,700 pounds. Sugar Advances In East. NEW YORK. Sept. 1L All grades of re fined sugar were advanced 5c a hundred pounds today. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 1L Hops in London, Pacific Coast, new crop. IS 10a 19. Wool at St, Louis. ' ST. LOUIS, Sept. 11. Wool Firm. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 1720ttc; fine mediums, 1819c: fine, 11 15c. Duluth Flax Market. DULTJTH. Sept. 1L Flax on track, $2.40; In store. $2.42: to arrive and September, $2.40; October, $2.16 asked; November, $3.15; December, $2.13 nominal. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 1L Hops quiet. RALLY IS SPIRITED Stock Prices Rebound" After Touching Low Records. SMALL GAINS ARE SHOWN London s Seller TVTille Prices Are on tbe Decline Best Advances Late In Day Are try Reading and Southern Pacific. NEW YORK. 8ept- 1L After opening on a AnnaldArahlv hlrhar leveL StOOk tell to tha lnwaat nnlnt of tha vear and than r0' covered. Net changes were slight in most cases and the final rally was so spintea mat many of the active issues closed with small rains, running- uo to a point in Reading a nH SoiithArn Pacific Opening gains, ranging from 1 to 8 points, were due to the earlier rise of prices In market. Traders took 'ad vantage of the rise to sell stocks. The selling had the appearance of being a re newal of liquidation such as was the chief depressing factor for several weegs. London, following the advances here. bought moderately at the opening, but as the market broke, faced about and sold. Than, also waa direct selling by Berlin, chiefly of Atchison. Union Paclflo and Canadian Pacific Total sales for foreign account were estimated at mora than 30, 000 shares. News included dispatches from tha west Indicating brighter prospects for peace on the Illinois Central. The pressure against United States Steel was coincident with re ports that operations at the corporation's mills are now on a i"a"D 1. anv time durlnr Ausrust. The cut in dividends of Texas Oil from 10 to 1 per cent occasioned UP surprise in speculative circles. The prevailing quota tion for the stock long discounted the change In rates. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $3,205,000. United dates bonds were unchanged on ealL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closini Sales. High. Low. Bid. CChoapp.r " 18.766 -66 "15 Am Agrlcult .. 30O M 62 63 Am Beet Sugar. 8.9O0 64ft 6 64 American Can S00 10 ii wji 1,400 47H 47 47 100 52 62 ,611 Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton Oil .. Am Hd & Lt pt Am Ice SecurlH Am Linseed OIL Am Locomotive, 400 34 H 104 27 115 134 94 2SV4 34 102 101 34 66tt 104 27 115 134 8SV4 27 33 101 101 120 94 28 72 219Va Am Smel & Ref 22,700 do preferred.. 30O Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Ref.. Am Tel A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. 1110 400 1.200 500 4'X 1.400 Am woolen . . .. Anaconda M .Co, Atchison 14,900 do preferred.. 200 Atl Coast Line.. 500 Bait & Ohio ... 2. 700 BethUhem Steel TOO Brook R Tran.. 8,500 Canadian Pac. . 23,800 Pantral Tather. 28 73 hi 221 do preferred.. 200 94. Central of N J. Ches & Ohio 6.400 70 94 '69" 139 110 '28' " iio 21 46 '2 4& ISO" 119 4 136 14 41 104 "' i8 Chicago Alton Chi (it West ... 400 do preferred.. 8o Chicago & N W. 1.2O0 C. M & St Paul. 15.600 C. C, C & St L. ...... Col Fuel St Iron. 200 Col & Southern. Consol Gas 1,800 Corn Products .. 400 Del A Hudson.. 500 D A R Grande. . BOO do preferred. . TOO Distillers' Secur 17 36 140 112 132 22?1 224 46 '2(5 49 150 46 186 T4 42 105 Erie 6,500 600 '"'766 R0O FiX. 8X) 600 SOO 1.000 "166 do 1st pr .... do 2d pf 39 150 121 45 136 14 42 104 14 9 81 . ! 27 64 102 140 40 128 2!) 04 36 125 49 28 102 88 101 67 118 28 120 103 91 29 80 139 24 90 24 47 89 29 68 86 101 25 6 82 23 17 ' 89 162 89 6.1 86 68 114 42 51 13 2T 83 64 General Elec .. Gt North pf . . . Gt North Ore . . Illinois Central.' Interbor Met . . do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf int Paper 100 9 Int rump Iowa Central .. 400 19 K C Southern do preferred. Laclede Gaa . . . 4nO 1,500 '"i66 600 't'.SOO 200 1.000 800 6,400 90O 103 140 10s 139 Louis A Nash.. Minn & St L . . M. S P A S 8 M Mo, Kan A Tex. do preferred. . 128 39 'S6 126 4S 29 102 89 102 67 114 28 120 104 'is" 128 28 Mo Paclnc 3."; 125 National Biscuit National Lead .. 43 Mex N By a pr.. N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont A Wee Norfolk A West 29 101 88 100 67 112 28 119 103 'ia' ' 136' 24 , 90 23 46 89 700 100 North American. Northern Paclflo 19,3'H) Paclflo Mall .... SOO Pennsylvania ... 18,800 reopie s uai . . ow P.C C A St L Pittsburg Coal .. 100 t-ressea s jar Ry Steel Spring Reading 131,600 Republic Steel 100 do preferred. . 200 Rock Island Co 8.000 131) 24 90 24 47 40 do Preferred. . 800 8t L A 8 F 2 Pf 400 Ht L eoutnwest do prererrea.. ...... Sloss Sheffield 100 87 107 26 60 83 23 17 40 164 90 87 Southern Pao .. 16,200 6outhorn Ry ... 8,900 do preferred. . 500 Tenn Copper ... 200 109V 25". 651 82 23 17 40 160 00 rexas ec r"c .. iv Tol. St L A Wes 6O0 do preferred., 30O Union Pacific ..161,400 do preferred.. - 800 TJ S Realty ... , TJ 8 Rubber ... 800 u s Eteel 100.100 do preferred.. 2.500 TJtah Copper . . Va-Caro Chem .. wabash do preferred. . Western Md . . .' Westlnr Elec . . Western Union . 74 Wheel ALE.. 2 Lehlrh Valley 26.600 155 151 153 Total sales ror tne cay, 702. ow snares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Sept. 11. Closing quota' lions: TJ s ref 2s reg..l00 do coupon ...100 TJ 8s reg 101 do coupon ...101 TJ S new 4s reg.118 An counon . . .113 N Y C rn 8sl 87 AB No Paclflo 8s... 69 No Paclflo 4s... 99 Union Paolflo 4s.l0O Wis Central 4s. 98 Japanese 4s STB D A R G 4s. . 90B Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Sept 11. Closing quotations: Alloues 23 I Mohawk 89 Amalg Copper. A Z L 6m.. 58 Nevada Con .... 17 22 Nlplsslng Mines. 23 5 Arlsona Com . . 45 North Butte.... North Lake.... Old Dominion.. B at C C A B M. 4 Butte Coalition Cal as Arlsona. 14 86 48 Osceola Parrott (SAC). BO 9 Cal & Heola....410 Centennial 8 Cop Ran Con Co 50 E Butte Cop M. 10 Franklin 6 wuincy . Shannon Superior 6.1 8 23 Sun A Bos Mln.. 2U. Glroux Con .... Granby Con . . . Greene Cananea. I Royalle (Cop). Kerr Lake Lake Copper. . . . La Salle Copper. Miami Copper... 4 Tamarack 23 S2 46 27 U S S R & M. o I do nrererred 12 Ctah Con 11 Utah Copcer Co. 42V 28 Winona 4 3 wolverlna 97 17 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Sept. 1L Money on call steady. 2 6 2; ruling rate, 3; closing bid. 2c; offered at . Time loans steady; 60 days, 88o; 90 days. 83o; six months. 8 4c. Prime mercantile paper, 4 per cent." Sterling exchange steady with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at $4.8325 for 60-day bills, and at $4.3610 tor demand. Commercial bills. $4.82. Bar silver, 530. - Mexican dollars, 45a. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds heavy. . ( LONDON. Sept. 11. Bar silver Steady, 24 Hd per ounce. Money llperoent. The rate of discount in tha open market for short bills is S per cents for three months' bills, 8 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 11. Sterling on London 60 days, $4.83; sterling on London, sight, $4.86. Drafts Sight, 02; telegraph, 05. CHICAGO, Sept. 11. Exchange on New York, 15c premium- Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Sept, 1L Standard capper 86 86 68 66 115 114 4.600 42 41 1,600 62 51 800 13 13 900 27 26 800 63 62 l.&nO 64 63 600 74 74 I weak. Spot. September, October and No I verober, 11.95 12.10c London quiet. Spot, 55 13s, 9d; futures. fo6 7a 6Q. Laae cop per. 12.62tt12-73c: electrolytic 12.S7ii 12.62 Vic; casting. 112 12. 37 He Tin weak. Spot 4O.6C41.60c: Septem ber, 40.874 41c: Ootober. 40.2540.76o; November, 4040.SOc; London, firm. Spot, 184 15s; futuhes, 182. Lead dull at 4.45 4.50c New York and .8S.45o East St. Louis. London, 14 8s 9d. Spelter dull at 5. 900 60 New York and 6.80 6.90c East St Louis. London, 27 15s. Antimony dull. Cookson's, 8.SO6 8.60c Iron Cleveland warrants, 46s 6d In Lon don. Locally iron wa unsettled. No. 1 foun dry Northern, $16.2& 16.75; No. 2, $16.25 18.60; No. 1 Southern and No. 1. Southern soft, $14 15.50. . Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Sept lL At the beginr nolg of business today the condition of the United States Treasury waa: Working bajance in Treasury of fices $ 85.869,478 In banks and Philippine treasury 80,835,725 Total of the general fund 142,208,416 Recelpta Saturday 3,162.277 Disbursements -. 8.669,830 The deficit to date this fiscal year is $20, 903,078, as against a deficit of $11,682,783 at thla time last year. These figures exclude Panama anal and publio debt transactions. YARDS ARE WELL FILLED NEARI1T 6500 HEAD OF STOCK ARE RECEIVED. Market. In Good Condition Steers Sell Up to $5.65 and Best Cows Bring $4.65. The opening of the week found the live stock supply at the stockyards the largest that has been seen in a long time. The total arrivals since the close of business Saturday were nearly 6500 head. The bulk of these e were sheep. Trading was on a fairly active scale. Steers sold from $4.50 to $5.75 with the bulk of sales at $5.50. Five loads of cows sold at $4.60 and two loads at $4.65. Sheep were firm as shown by the .sale of choice wethers at $3.60, though most of the lots went at $3.25 and $3.45. Ewes ranged from $2.80 to $3, and Iambs brought $4.35 and $5. Not much was done In the hog market. One small load sold at $8.40. Receipts Sunday and Monday were 694 cattle, 6683 sheep, 45 hogs and 20 horses aad mules. Shippers were: Bailey & Co.. Brogan, 8 cars of sheep; Thompson A Co., Baker, 4 cars of cattle; C. F. Walker, Baker, 7 cars of cattle; J. L. Burke. McKay, Idaho, 4 cars of cattle; James Mace, Enterprise, 8 cars of sheep; L D. Bodine, La Grande, 2 cars of sheep; Stanfield Bros., Hllgard, 2 oars of sheep; McKlnnon A Chandler, Enterprise, T cars of eattle; A. J. Walker. Elgin, 8 cars of sheep; J. H. Cherry, Enterprise, 1 oar of horses; F. B. Barker, Lindsay, 3 cars of sheep; Mr. Strong, Moro, 1 car of cattle, sheep -and hogs; D. Wesson, Harrlsburg, 1 car of cattle; C. C. Miller. Lyle, 1 car of sheep, and Stroud Bros,, Opal City, 2 cars of cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Weight Price. 18 steers 1135 $5.40 IS cow 982 4.60 15 cows 104 8 4.60 14 steer 1150 6.50 1 steer 1430 6.50 2 steers 1570 6.00 18 steers 16S8 6.75 2 hoes 210 6.50 544 wethers, yearling 73 3.2o 264 ewes 91 2.80 263 wethers 94 3.45 67 steers i 2 steers lou e.ou 12 steers 1140 5.50 8 steers 1133 5.2j 21 steers H J &0 2 cows 10-"' . 3.50 82 cow 1020 4.60 18 cows 1001 4.60 25 cows 1050 4.60 24 cows 1043 4.65 1 cow 1160 4.75 R rows . 848 4.65 B heifers 692 5.00 1 calf 180 7.50 A U8 8.00 1 wether 100 3.50 91 wethara 80 .1.00 82 lambs 8 B.00 86 lambs 68 4.85 45 hogs 190 8.40 1 hog 670 7.00 Prices currant at the Portland Union Stockyards tor the various classes of stock were: Choice steers $5.65 $5.75 Choice steers $5. 65 $5.80 Good to choice steers o.ov Good to choice cows 4.26 Of 4.50 Good, average 1050 pounds.... 4.00 4.25 Choice heifers 4.75 6.00 Choice bulls V S.50W 3.75 Choice calves, 200 lba and under 7.75 8.00 Onod to choice calves 7.25 7.50 Choice heavy calves 6.75 6.50 Choice stags 4.50 4.7S Good to cnoice stags s.db s.ov TToa-a Extra choice lipht hogs 8.6 8.60 Choice heavy nogs Heavy rough hogs $.25 .6.50 Sheen Choice Spring lambs 155 Choice yearlings wethers 8.25 8.50 Choice two and threes 8.0O 3.15 Choice mountain lambs 4.50 4.75 Choice Valley lambs 4.00 4.15 Choice killing ewes 2.85 8.00 Tne lollowing quotations represent price on thla market for the different classes of horses: Drafters, extra heavy, $300.4)500; drafters, 1400 to 1700 lbs., $160850; draft ers, 1300 to 1400 ids.. iiouzav; cuunas, $S0150; saddle horses, $60 and up. Chicago Livestock Market. ' CHICAGO, Sept.' Cattle Receipts, 28,- O0O; market, ateaay. xieoves, eoio.v; aa steers, $4.4006.40; Western steers, $47; stockers and feeders, $3 6.50; cows and heifers, $2-258.80; calves, $8.259. Hogs Receipts, estimated. 23,000; market, strong. 6o higher. Light, $7 7.75: mixed, $0-957.60; heavy. $d.87.60; rough, $8.80 07; good to choice heavy, $77.50; pigs, $4.7537; bulk of sales, $d.957.35. Sheep Receipts, estimated, 40,000; mar ket, steady to 10c lower. Native. $2.25 4; Western. $2.504: yearlings. $3.904.70; lamos, native, $8.755.75; Western, $4.25 6.75. GRAPES IN HEAVY SUPPLY PRICES SHARPLY CUT IX SEAT TLE MARKET. Peaches Also Pentllul and Weak. Potatoes Scarce and Full Prices Asked. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 1L (Special) Wheat was weak here today, but could not bo obtained any lewer than on Saturday. Tbe supply of grapes was so heavy that the prices were cut. Malagas and Tokays were offered aa low as $1, with $L10 the maximum. Peaches were in heavy supply and no higher. Sixty cents was the out side quotation. Cantaloupes were still a drug on the market at 75 eenta Wet weather on both sides of the moun tains has hampered potato shipping and consequently cut down the supply here. Full prices were charged for all good stock. Tomatoes were firm at 75 cents and up. Plums and" prunes were slightly firmer at 76 to 85 cents for the best Most Jobbers asked 16 cents for eggs, but will very likely ask 17 cents In the morning. Receipts of small hens continue heavy and the demand comparatively light Springs were in large supply and quoted a cent Jower in the country. Butter was steady and unchanged. Tbe cheese market is dulL Little speculative buying has been done so far this season. ' ' Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK Sept. 1L Evaporated apples, 89c Prunes steadier. Quotations range from 916o for California up to 30-4OS and nominal for Oregons. Peachea quiet, barely steady. Choice, 11 llc; extra choice. 1212o; fancy, 12 c Chicago Produce Market. . CHICAGO, Sept. 1L Butter Firm: creameries, 2126c; dairies. IS 24c Eggs Firm; receipts, 5799 cases; at mark, cases included, 1417c; firsts, 18c; prime firsts, 19 c Chaese Steady; daisies, 1818c; twins, 1212c; Young Amerlcas 1318oi long horns. 1S13C- MlnneapoUs Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 1L Wheat Sep tember. $1.01; December. $1.03; May. $1.07 01.07 ; No. 1 hard. $1.04; No. i Northern. $1.03LO4; No. 2 Northern. 9Soe$L02; No. wheat. 92c$1.01. WHEAT FULL SHARP German Crop Said to Be Same as Last Year. CHICAGO MARKET WEAKENS Last Prices Show Losses ol Over a Cent Hedging Sales In the Northwest Add to the " - Depression. N CHICAGO, Sept 11. Official announce ment that although the potato crop In Ger many is badly abort, the promised yield of grain is about the same as last year, had a weakening effect today on the price of wheat. Closing figures were lo to 110 lower than Saturday night. All other leading staples, too, showed a net decline corn o to o except for September; oats, c to c and provisions lOo to 60c Weakness at Berlin found a prompt re sponse In Chicago. In the absence of a more definite reason, a drop in the quo tations cabled from the German capital were first attributed to big world ship ments with a surprisingly heavy total credited to the Danube. Liverpool stocks were also said to be accumulating in a rapid manner. Besides the foreign news as a depressing Influence were the hedging sales In the American Northwest, partic ularly as a change to bright favorable weather pointed to a decided increase in the movement of Spring wheat December, after ranging from 98o to 97o closed, but lo to lo down at 8cSc. Corn made a more bullish display than any other cereal, owing to a light export business. September finished with a net gain of c Other positions suffered from weakness of wheat and closed weak with December o oft at 6464c after fluctuating from 4o to 840. Cash grades were firm. No. 1 yellow waa quoted at 677e. Trade in oats received a cheek on the buying side because of fear of reciprocity. High and low levels reached by December were 4a and 45o. Tbe close, 45o, represented a net decline of c Heavy selling on the part of packers broke the market for hog products. . In the end, pork was 30c to 50o down and other provisions off 12 o to 15o. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept $ .93 $ .93 $ .81 $ .93 Deo. .97 .97 .86 .$6 May 1.03 1.03 1.02 L02 CORN. Sept 6 .67 . . Dec 643 .64 .64 May 66 .66 .66 .66 OATS. Sept 4 .43 .43. .43 Dec 46 .46 .46 .46 May 49 .49 .48 .48 MESS PORK. Sept 15.45 15.45 15.20 18.20 Jan. 16.32 16.32 16.00 16.02 LARD. Jan 9.45 .45 9-J7H -Mtt Sept 9.62 8.52 9.37 S.37 Oct. 9.60 8.60 9.40 9.42 Dec 9.47 9.47 .80 9.30 - SHORT RIBS. Sept 8.97 8 97 8.88 8.8JH Oct. 9.05 9.05 8.85 8.87 Jan... 8.50 8.50 8.83 8.87. Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour Firm. Rye No. J, 86c Barley Feed or mixing, 65 085c; fair to choice malting, tl.10.ffl.20. Timothy seed $12.50 14.60. Clover $18 19. Pork Mess, per barrel, $15.50 015.(3. Lard Per 100 pounds. $9.87. Short ribs Sides (loose), $8.87 08.17. aides Short, clear (boxed), $9 09.26. Grain statistics: Total clearances' of wheat and flour were equal to 83S.00O bushels. Primary receipts were 1,514,000 bushels, compared with 1, 891,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United States Increased 1,623,000 bush els for the week. Tbe amount of bread stuffs on ocean passage decreased 8.008,000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 167 ears: corn, 690 cars; oats, 839 cars; hogs, 14,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 17,900 81.800 Wheat, bushels 144,000 89,000 Corn, bushels 571,200 822,800 Oats, bushels 860,000 158,200 Rye, bushels 16.000 6,000 Barley, bushels 148,500 81,300 Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Sept. 1L The visible supply of grain In the United States Saturday, September 9, as eomplled by the New York Produce Exchange, waa as follows: Bushels. Increase. Corn 6.874,000 10,000 Oats .' 23,648,000 860,000 Rye 262,000 62,000 Barley 1,967.000 611,000 Visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday was 21,864,000 bushels, a decrease of 439,000 bushels. "Decrease. Grain at Saa Frandsoa, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11. Wheat. Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.42 01.46 per cental. Barleys Feed. $1.67 1.60 per cental; brewing, $1.62 01.67. Oats Red, $1.6301.70 per cental; white, $1.67; black, $1.70L75. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.64 per cental; May, $L71. N Enropesui Grain Markets. LONDON, Sept. 1L Cargoes steady but inactive. Walla Walla for shipment 8d lower at 87s. - English country markets, 6d dearer; French country markets, steady. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 11. Wheat. October, 7s 4d; December, 7s.6d; March, 7s 6 d. Weather, oloudy. Paget gound Grain Markets. TACOMA, Sept. 11. Wheat Bluestem, 86 87c club, 64c; fortyfold, 84c; red Rus sian, 82c Car receipts, wheat, 89 cars, corn 8 cars, oata 1 car; hay 7 cars, SEATTLE, Sept. 1L Wheat Bluestem. 86o; fortyfold. &2c; club, 61o; Fife, 81c; red russlan, 79c; oats, $29 per ton; barley, $30 per ton; bags, $6.30. Car receipts up to noon, wheat 94; flour, 6; oata, 11; hay, 6; barley, 1. "The Bitulith io pavement in this city has In use five years E5 been used now for five years. The pavement is giving ex cellent satisfaction, has re quired no repairs, and we have it on five streets." George N. Fernald, Commis sioner of Pnblio "Works, Port land, Me. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bltm-. Diuous Pavements. 406-608 xOieotna kins, Portland. Or. Oskar iu,tat. Manager. II, 1 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SATT FRAXC1SCO FOUNDED 1864. Capital Paid In.... Surplus and Undivided BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and .Virginia City W6 buy and sell Foreign Exchange: issue Drafta and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available In all parta of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking business. INTEREST PAID ON TTMEJ AXD SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OP COMMERCE BUILDING. WM. A. MAO RAE, Manager. J. T. BTJRTCHAELL, Asst. MaaagelW Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Second and Washington Streets Portland, Oregon Capital and Surplus $600,000.00 DEPOSITARY FOE THE DEPOSITARY FOR THE DEPOSITARY FOR THE DEPOSITARY FOR THE Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals invited. 3 Four per cent interest paid on time deposits. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. , Capital ..... . $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit 800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of tha world.. , Corner Washington First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains rnnnti-. . t.i.. t . .u.lJ.UV.lUn i . AH l-O T. . M, Charlotte Islands and local points. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (MoxufTAnr DmsiON) ' . Trains leave Prince Rupert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P, M. for Copper River, B. C. (100 miles) and returning: arrlvea Prlnoe Rupert 5:S0 P. M. every Thursday and Sunday. . Through Ucketa and baggage checked from Seattle, Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Doable Track Route) Four Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare To all points East: Standard and Tourist sleepers, dlnlne-cara eervln meads a-la-carte and club breakfast. Low SO and 60-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send for free booklet giving routes and rates. J. H. BURGIS. General Agent. Passenger Dept. . First Ave. and Tesler Way. Seattle, Wash. OFXX KIYKU XBANSPORTATION CO. Freight received dally at Oak-st. dock for Tbe Dallas. Eood River. White Salmon. Umatilla. Kennewlck, Pasco. Blehland. HanXord, Whits Bluffs, and Int.rmadlata nolQIa, riBST-CLASS PASSEMOEB Bbttnva FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD KIVER. WHITB SALMON. IM DALLES. eteamer leaves Portland Bub.. Tuee., Tbura.. 7 A. M. Returning leaves The Dalles Hon- Wed.. Frl., I A. M.. arriving at Port land about 6 P. M. sams day. W. a. Buohanan, Bupt.; W. S. Smallwood. Oao t Mgr. Pnons Main 8960 A 8627. Steamer Anvil sails from Alberg Dock No. S, Thursday, September 14, 7 P. M., for Tillamook, Bay City, Newport, Florence, Bauuon and Coquille River points. Ticket office 128 Third Bt. Phone Main 628, A 4598. Dock phone A 1902, Main 151. Freight and passengers. COOS BAY LINE BTKAMEB BREAKWATER. Calls from Alnsworta Dock, Portland, A. M.. Aug. 4. 8. 14,' 19, 24, 29. 8epl S, A 18. 18. 23, 28 and every t days. Freight re ceived at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 8 P. M. Passenger fare, first-class, (10; seoond class. (7. inoludlng meals and berth. Ticket office Alnswortn Dock. Phones Mala 268, Main 170. a 1284. NEW ZEALAND AND AUTSRAUA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. ( Direct through steamers, sailing from Saa Francisco 6ept- 20 and every 28 days. Well ington and back, 1st class, 264- Other rates also low. Tbe line to Isles of the South Seas. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceanic 8. 8. Co., Saa Frauciico, WW $8,500,000 Profits. ..$7,805,769 x'.e .::.: UNITED STATES. STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. CITY OF PORTLAND. andVThird Streets. North Coast Tourist Route "Norway of America" STEAMSHIPS "PRINCE RUPERT" AND "PRINCE GEORGE" Leave Seattle, Wash, Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart. a e pnTwrm ATRTTRT " fun OnMn Ask about I "niirmtii." f American . Atlantic Transport Largest Finest Steamer in the . World. I Red Star White Star White Star-Dominion T. H. LARKE 618 Second Ave, Seattle. Wash. San Francisco, Los Angelea and San Pedro Direct. North Paclflo 8. 8. Co,'s s. 8. Roanoka and S. 8. Elder sail every Wednesday alter, nately at 6 P. M. Tltokat office 18 Third St.. near Alder. MARTIN J. rTIGLEY. Passenger Ageat, W. E. EiLlifcAER. Freight Agent. Phones M. 1814. A 1814. THE BIG 3 BEAR BEAVER ROSE CITY EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles i WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Beaver Sails B A. M. September IfS SAN FRANCISCO A PORTLAND 68. CO Ticket Office, 148 Third St. Phone Main 402 and A 1402. Willamette River Route Str. Oregona for Oregon City, Butte vllle, St. Paul dally, except Saturda 7 P. M.. Leave St. Paul dally 7 A. M, Taylor-itreet dock. Phone Mala 40.