13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1D11 AMTSEMEXTS. HPTI IT T HEATE R EilLil VJ Tth and Taylor. Phones Ma:n 1 and A 1122. TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY . SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE. 2:15. TONIGHT (FOLLOWING 4 NIGHTS -. 6peclal Price Mat. Next WXneidm. Fir it Musical Comedy of Season. "Kiss Nobody From Starland " OLIVE VAIL SPLENDID COMPANY. Evening: Lower floor $1.60. $1; balcony. 9 nvi $1, 9 fowl 75c. 11 rows 80c: gallery, reserved 83c. admission 25c. Today and Wednesday matinee: Lower floor $1. 75o; balcony, S rows 75c balance 60o; gallery. 84c 25c RAKER 535 ITSdA mm -ViJ JL Geo. L. Baker. Mgr. SEAT SALE NOW ON. The Well-Known Comedian MAX BLOOM In the Nifty Song Show. "The Sunny iide of Broadway" Opening performance tomorrow Mat., all next week. Wed. bargain matinee. 25c Prices 2.1a. 50c 75c $L Mats., hoc o- . MAW g, A 1010 HATO&B EY1SBY DAI 15-35-51 NIGHTS 15-25-50-75. WEEK SEPT 4 lily Lena, Edwin Stevens, aiaed by iin .tlarsnant aonwuHi ...... choppers. Foot File. Mumfortl and Thomp son. "Cousin lutty." Mlndet Kingston, Pai Jnhn V. World and ullnettl and FlQuo.- Or ehestra. .AfffAGES Tnenlallrd Vaudeville. H1KK SEPT. 4 Homer TJnd. lata premier baritone with Henry W. Savage grand opera productions In "The Opera Mnger;" KeUlos. The Watermelon Trout, Pantareaonne. Adair and HenDey. Vernon, Pantag i Orchestra, Popular prices. Mat inee daily. Curtain 1:30, 7:30 and . Matinee Every Day. ress vnnnrif firssd. Snlllvan a: 'on-iilin. Rrtneil Yandrvllle. . t tt,1 .1, mnA Rev no. Mabel Howard and Company, rank MelseL Lew and IJlUan Orth. Bassell and f.h-. lwln.trela. (irandasoope. Price 15 and 25c. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cot. Vaughn and) Twenty-fourta Sta. VICTORIA vs. PORTLAND . m a -A A Games Begin Weekday at SrOO P. M. Sundays zou ax. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleacher Wednesday. TTEW TOOAT. If You Have a Modem Residence For Sale or Trade I CAN MAKE MONEY FOE Y0TJ I have a tract of land on the West Bide, with 85 lots that will bring $1500 each, net. My price is $80,000. If your house (raits me, I will take it for part payment, and you may pay me e per cent on the balance for 3 to 5 years. I want a home of the value of $20,000 to $30,000. Address AH 338, OREGONIAN. For Sale! A-l Hopyarda, Located Six Mile From Sheridan, Oregon. HO. 1 yard contains 20 acres, with all buildings, poles, etc, complete. Price $6600. This is less than the price of one year's crop. NO. 2 yard contains 17 acres, with all Buildings, poles, etc., complete. Price in proportion to that of No. 1 yard. Also will sell any of the adjoining: bottom land, all suitable for hops, at a very low iigrure ana very easy terms. Experts pronounce these yards of the very best class. The hops from these yards are perfect and command the highest price. Address Owner, T 888, Oregonian. s The one BEST place In Portland to toy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST PSSlxt a ri.k residence property of the city. SEEFVG IS BEXJEVHTQ BETTER go and see the many CHOICE) resi dences under construction and the Im provement going- on. Tfie Oreooa Real slats Company CRAXD AVE. AJYD MULTNOMAH ST. Ladd Addition House Strictly modern six-room house, fur nace, two fireplaces, three bedrooms and sleeping-porch; on Holly street, one block from Hawthorne ave. Price 16760. Part cash, balance at $20 per month, 6 per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, glT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LOT OWNERS. We pay cash for equi ties In vacant lots. Denier A Denier Rry. Cat, 640 Chamber Com. Main 6594. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larger Amounts. EDWARD I- GOIDEY, Lewis Building. COI.LIS. BERRIDOB A THOMPSOI. PCBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. Al'DITO&a, Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 114 Worcester block. Pbon Mala till. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 JOHN E. C80NAN, 902 Spalding; Bids- 7 PIANO STUDIO. Of Ixrals B. Boll open about Sept. 10. Ad dress communications care Koblsr A Chase Plana House. 875 Washington St. KEW, modem homes: also vacant lots. In Irvington. Phones: C 1351. Last 262; ol fiee. C 26. R. B. Rice, owner. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. EQUITY in two lots In Gregory Addition; a bargain. AP 889. Oregonian. XOT 60x100, on good carllne, 2 minute oat t'Mt a bargain. Main 6703. V THEATEB Jam Holladay Addition REAL ESTATE DEALERS. niv wmi-m a.. 813-316 Falling bldg. ERLBAKEK BENEDICT. 6v2 MoKay b;dg. M. Ma Chepln ft Herlow. 882 Chamber Commeroa. Cook. B. 6- A Co., 5o8 Corbett bldg. j.i. , rn Miin 188. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P, 21 Com at- dal Club bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave an UnltDOmU St. inOUftOAJ auuihub. RE A L ESTATE. For gale Lots. praiTUXn HEIGHTS 100 feet from car iin. r.n Raventview Drive: 50 by 100 lot: not exactly flat, but every bit of It can be monad with a lawnmower; the elope is gently to the south, giving the property the full benefit of the sunshine and a view of the southern part of the city and canyon. The surroundings are particularly in viting: many handsome homes, both large and small, are In tha immediate vicinity; two new homes are nearlng completion and plans for two others are. now under way within a radius of 800 feet. The pries of this property 1 11750; the terms Invite attention. If you desire to build we will furnish vnu a lnnn of from g2MM to S2500. secured by first mortgage, with interest at not more tnan per cent, ana tano- mortgage lor tne Daiance on tne iul, fj able on installments. LB NOIR CO., Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce THE LAST CHANCE. This Is the last chance to get a lot on the Peninsula on easy terms. Why not live where your property will increase many fold in value 7 There Is no seo tlon of the city that ha the future pros pects of the Peninsula. Every foot of property on the peninsula will be .worth a fortune within a short time. It is not too late yet to obtain a few Iota Don't wait. Thla offer will not last long. Two beautiful lots, each 50x112. street graded and cement Idewaia, lo-root al ley, water, gas and electrlo lights, only 1650 each. $65 cash. $10 monthly. We make four trips aanv witn our aura. COE A M'KEN'NA A CO.. 727-728 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 4522. A 21-48. Ai inBI. RESIDENCE LOT. On Everett street, close to car and school, well up. In fine condition,' restricted dis trict; No. 1 property; price very reason able; oart casn. BUY NOW OF CHAPIN A' HERLOW ID). Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. A REAL GOOD VALUE FOR A SURE SNAP. Two large Improved lots; house, out buildings, chicken yards and chicken gar den; shade and fruit trees; all fenced good; an abundance of choice roses: this is cer tainly a good Investment; $1700; a falr casn payment aown; Daiance easy terms. Mr. Davles, 838 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Several choice, unique. level homesltes, varying in slse from one to 11 lots; Port land Heights: most exclusive resldsnce section; magnificent unobstructed view of city, river and mountains; some bargains; terms. Main 8551. BROOKE. A 8339. LA.RQB tract. 83x221. finely located in ML Tabor district, suitable for suburban home, where you can make your living; All under cultivation; rapidly increasing in value; let me tell you why; prloe only $1100; $100 down; $20 monthly. GEORGE A. RIQftS. 815 Spalding Bid g WEST SIDE LOTS. $100. Right on earlln on tipper Washington St. West 80th and Yamhill st, beyond City Park; easy paymenta NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO, 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Main 6129. $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks, . Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trad bldg. Mar shall 473. A 1022. LAUREL HURST SNAP. Lot 28. Block 26. a triangular lot with 143-ft. frontage, near the entrance; price $1800. QRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. UNUSUAL. beautiful Rose City Parka, all to gether, for sale; "below the hill," near car, easy terms, low price, one or all. O 11, Oregonian. WEST STARK AND 62D STS, Lot $50, easy terms; best buy In tb city; new carllne building: see us at oaoe, EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST COL. 402 Yeon blag. Marshall 849k PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Lady needing money will sell two lota near Ravensvlew for $1600- paid same for them two year ago; $760 down; $20 month, Y 442. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. MAIN 855L BROOKE. A BS3&. IMPROVED lot 4OxlO0. cement walks, sewer. Bull Run water, opposite b. r. carsnops, on 2th st.; $600. Phone -Marshall 632. Ask for Crosby. HEADQUARTERS for Coo Bay property; two railroads going in; aon'i ran to get some of those $60 lots; easy terms. 402 Belling blk. marsnau it4a, East WESTMORELAND Make me an offer on equity in good corner on new oarilne, two DIOCKS trom oiwgoa w. .ourns. da. ooout A 620T. BARGAIN Beautiful lot. Rose City Park! Improvement paia; only ouu casn. u lajten uue weea. mono mi ,,t. SEE Le Nolr A Co. for West 8!de property. exclusive dealers in west bias realty. L Nolr A Co.. ground floor. Chamber of Com. FOR SALE $800 cash, one of the best lots In Kose wuy rwN east trout, view ox snow mountains, rnone u aoqg. OWNER'S sacrifice; palatial lot in restrict ed district will be sold away oeiow value. SOS SweUand bldg. SNAPS Beautiful lot. E. 22d near Pin. i block. E. 21st and Brooklyn, s acres, Mil waukee Heighta. Gordon. Sellwood 1687. MOUNT TABOR For choloe building lots in this district see owner, uow, Mii atara st. Residence phone B 2632. WANTED To sell my equity in corner lot, a blocks north of Hawthorne ave.; siaow&itf In and paid. Phone East 2879. For fcole Houses. FOR EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAINS READ TUEblii UVJliK. 1 house and lot, good value, $650. 1 house and lot, good value, $S25. 1 house and lot, extra good value, $1350. 1 house and lot, extra good value, $3250. 1 house and 3 lots, extra good val., $1700. 1 house and lot, extra good value, $2200. H acre, 6-room house, extra good value, $1800; and many more good properties that wlU certainly Interest you. BUY NOW OP CHAPIN A HERLOW CD). -Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-333 Chamber of Commerce BY OWNER $300 CASH And easy monthly payments, splendid 6 room bungalow, 1 block from Laurel burst, located on 40th st.. block south of Rose City car line; full basement, ce mented; large attic fireplace, large F torches. wardrobe, bookcases, buffet, lnen closet and all new conveniences; for real value see this: price $3750 Phones East 4483 or B 1840. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. 7 roams, large living-room, dining-room, beamed celling, built-in buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., Room 723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 612a SUBURBAN home close to Portland, 2a lot and 8-room nouse, aoou- w xruit tree on place; spring, running water and the beat of soil; 2 blocks from aleotrlo car sta tion; $3500; good terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg., both phones. XA50 1-ROOM HOUSE. PENINSULA. Corner lot, 47x90, fenoed with 6-foot wire; little bouse very neat; ohloken coops, brooder; some house furnishings; tl00 cash wlU handle. Fred W. German, 2 Burnslde. M. 2776. $1000 $25 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. 2 brand new 4-room plastered cottages, full lot. close to new addition where va cant lots sell for $S00. Fred W. German. 829 Burnside. M. or A 2776. FOR SALE Owner must sell at onoe one of the best nomes in irvington; enoice cor ner lot, 7-room nous, hardwood floors; plate glass windows; modern lit every way; this is a bargain. AR 876, Orego- 7-ROOM MODERN BOUSE. Close In on West Side; rents for $45 a month; worth $6000; will take $5000 If sold at once; $3000 down. Paper A Baiter. 444 Sherlock bldg. IRVINGTON. Swell home, S rooms; mahogany fin ished, tile bath, tile kitchen; also garage: $1000 down. baL easy term. 686 Braaee, cor. E. loth st, in. BY owner, brand new 6-room bungalow. strictly modern ana up to asts, -.ouu; terms $100 cash, balance to suit. C. 6. Fryer. 612 Chamber of Commerce. GOING STREET. $3ij0. A new six-room modern house, Improve, ment all in and paid for. ' MIX A MARSH. 1208 YEON BLDG. SEK'Le Nols A Co. for West Side homes. exclusive ua.ini a m v. oi omo realty. 1.0 Nolr A Co, graund floor. Chamber of Com. L IRVINGToN For sale, modern resi dence, if or particulars, paoae j - $30 MONTHLY buys 6-room modern home; corner low REAL ESTATE. For pale House. NEW 1-STORY, 6-HdOM HOUSE, $4250. v Reoeptlon hail, large living-room, 'dining-room. Dutch kitchen and two ? torches, toilet downstairs; three arge bedroom with large closets, windows In eaoh, large bathroom, fine fixtures and clothes shutes. also linen closet upstairs; full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; hardwood floors, built-in buf fett, fireplace, beamed ceilings and , paneled dining-room are some of the features; lot 60x100; fine view; . improvements in and paid for; term $50O cash, balanoe monthly; might consider trade. If interested, call Main 937 or A J. V. GUTHRIE, 171 Stark St. NEAR KILLINGS WORTH BARN, -story 6-room new, modern house on corner lot; caoinet kitchen, beamed oell Ings. built-in hunter, paneled dining-room, Plate rail, furnace, piped for gas. wired for electricity; cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, window boxes, duplex shades, complete for $O00, $300 cash, bal ance $35 per month. CHAPIN' a HERLOW, (H) Members of the Portland Realty Board. M2-B38 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Nearly new- 6-room bungalow: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet book cases, disappearing beds, elevated muslo room, beam cetiings. Dutch kitchen, lm- Sorted paper on the walls; Just a little Ifferent from any other bungalow In the city; lot 60x100. east front, one block from car; price $4700; $1650 cash and $23 per month. . GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. I WANT TO SELL THIS HOME. New 7-room bungalow. 50x100 corner lot, cement walk, Hi blocks to car, 20 minutes' ride, close to good school, very Drettr home: modern, with fine fireplace; ready to move into: only $2850: $230 cash -will handle it; terms on balance; easy to manage. see ri. M. uavies witn. CHAPIN & HERLOW. Members of the Portland Realty Board. 33--33S Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON. y $1000 cash, with balance at 7 per cent, will purchase an artistic home of 6 rooms, with glass-Inclosed sunroom and sleep ing porch. Ha 2 fireplaces, furnace and kitchen stove; screens and shades; garage with concrete driveway; located In best part of Irvington. on full lot: all lm provements in and paid for. Apply to owner, 1126 Board of Trade. Phone A 0344. WALKING DISTANCE Six-room two-story nouse, almost new and in perfect condition, paneled dining-room, fireplace and furnace, cement basement with laundry trays, at tic, fin .electrlo and gas fixtures, beauti ful lawn, east face, all Improvements paid for; Just the place for family with chil dren of school age, as it is near Hawthorne ana isast side High Schools; price $3300: terms. Owner, 87 East 19th st, near B. wasnington. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS ' FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU iU tUMhi IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AJiD BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. THAT VACANT T.OT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AJSD BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTRA CT- INU ARCHITECTS, 824 ABINGTON BLD. $1400. $140 CASH. $16 PER MO, INCLUDING INTEREST. Fine new 4-room bungalow: street im provements, consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalk. Bull Run water, all in ana paid for. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, End of Rose City Park Car. OWN A HOME. 1 H-etory 6-room house on corner lot auxiou, with an alley; 1 block from tar; new house, strictly modern; price $3230k terms casn ana per month. CHAPIN & HERLOW, (H) Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-838 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. $8000 EASY TERMS. Claasv. modern. convenient I.rnnn house In Laurelhurst; 2 lots, lawn, billiard-room, laundry, shower bath, flreless cooaer, ? nrepiacea, lurnaoe, ouriet, ce ment basement, aouarlum. etc: -will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall zaoo. 608 McKay bldg. BY OWNER. 8-room modern new residence! large reception hall, extra large living- room. Ideal dining-room and kitchen. Dullt-ln seats, Dullt-ln bunrets, finished at tic, sleeping porch and built for my hornet terms easy; would consider mortgage or saiea contract nrst payment. .faone a 140O, evenings BEST value in a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park car, on (2d St.; four trees on an east-front lot; 6 . large rooms anil attic; all built-in effects; small down payment; balanoe like rent. It you are particular this will suit you. 8a owner. J. B. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. SAN RAFAEL ST. SNAP. Good 7-room. 2-story house; a fine lo cation to rent room or good for 2 families, on San Rafael St., near Union ave.; price omy j.n; iauu casn; balance at $ae per munm. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SEE THIS SNAP. Nearly new 6-room house. East Sldel modern nlumblne.'' corner lot. cIora to rr. Owner bought farm property and must have money quick. A bargain you can't aii.oru to miss, see Air. .tiisnop, nartman er inompson, tin ana fatarm. BEST bargain In Irvington; 7-room house, large sleeping porch, corner 25th and Tlla- mOOk. One block from Broadw&v car! In r,. light airy rooms, hardwood floors, hou water heat, Dutch klt6hen. hard-urfaoe street an in and paid lor; term; key at B43 jiiiamooa st. MODERN 7-room furnished house on Union ave., south of Fremont; present Income $40 a month; price $3000; street improve ment all paid; will take vacant lot a part payment; easy terms on balanoe. Owner, Woodlawn 3229 or C 2429. SIX modern new houses near Hawthorn ave. for sale on easy terms; paved streets; would take two good teams of 1300 pound end up a first payments. Ell Hogan, 617 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 4010. FINE corner, facing 100 feet on E. 10th st., and known as the Mormon church prop erty! good 6-room house and church build. lng. We are offering this for less than it cost 2 year ago. 861 K. 11th at. East BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. WILL SELL FOR $5500 AND ON EASY TERMS. IF SOLD THIS WEEK. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FURNACE. ETOL ASK FOR MR. EASTON'S HOUSE. 202 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. ' DON'T PAY RENT. We have - 4.. 6 and '6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sala on easy tsrms. Provident Investment s-A Trustee Company, 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Marshall 47.'!. A 1022.' BIO PIEDMONT BARGAIN. $4700 7-room house with 70x100 lot for $3500; near cars and high school; nothing better, built In city; see owner, 226 Jarrett Ft. Phone ' Woodlawn 2157. 6-ROOM bungalow, a beauty, In restricted district of Overlook, complete In every way, 1500 will handle, balance term. 809 Railway Exchange bldg. Phones Mar shall 2584. A 7430. BARGAIN by owner, 6-room bungalow In Merlow; corner lot, hardwood floors; $8260, $500 cash, balance monthly, or will oon - elder mortgage or trade up to $1500. Phon a 1400, evenings xai. NEW, modern 7-room house, on' Rose City car, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. best of plumbing; $500. baL $25 a month; price $4000. T. J. Byrnes, 426 Lumber Exchange. FOR sale or rent, a furnished house on Kirby and Webster its., opposite the Jef ferson High School; $30 per month rent, or will sell on easy tsrms. Inquire Csiu- ' ment Hotel, 150 Park at. $150 DOWN BUYS modern 6-room house, full-sized lot, terraced lawn, paved streets, close In: payment 825 monthly. Empire Realty A Trust Co, 402 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 80. 8 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. -. $300 cash, balance monthly payments; several more, choicest In Irvington i no agent.. C 1866, East 273. W. H. Herd man. ' ; 8-ROOM houa with garage, lot 50x100 In Irvington. 408 North 15th; $5000. In quire Thompson, room 233. Labbe bldg, 2d and Washington. $300 PRESENT Beautiful bungalow, select neighborhood; paved district, 20 minutes; special sacrifice, $2800, term. Owner. 1030 Grand ave. North. DO you want a fine modern home in Ladd' AflIT Close in; terms easy; price low. 402 Soiling blk. Phone Marshall 2433. East 2725. Thomas Vlgars, builder. BARGAIN. Call at 454 E. 18th at. N.. near Tilla mook, and see a modern residence; terms. Owner at house Sunday. 10 to 12 A. M. A BARGAIN $3000. Furnished 6-room . house. 1 block . from, car; ' restricted district ; nic lawn and Use. Call owner, C 2224. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $300 CASH, $20 monthly, new modern home, near nawtnorne, priue oov. w.o. land bldg. For Sale Baslnese Property. jOR SATE Fractional lot. Jefferson t., near Oregon electrlo and S. P. depot; no agents. Owner. A uregoman. WILL sell my stores, leased for $40 per month, for $3500; must act quica. v mo, Oregonian. For bale Acreage. USE YOUR EYES And notice the slse of kale, corn, etc; also how parched the mead ows look; then visit West Stay ton and ee our splendid kale and corn, admitted by Prof. Powers, of the O. A. C, to be the finest in the Val ley, and see our beans, alfalfa, etcv everything green and bright, be cause irrigated; a regular "oasis In the desert;" come In and let us show you the pictures taken of our fields a few day ago. - See Mr. Bishop, Hart man A Thompson, Fourth and Stark. ACREAGE. 1, 2, 6 and 10-acre tract In tha beautiful valley Just west of Coun cil Crest; two car lines; good water; best of soil and sold on easy month ly payment plan; any amount you may desire at $250 to $500 per acre. Let us show you these. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. ,102 Fourth St. Main 85. A 8600. R ACRE tracts, 2 miles west of Willamette River. opposite St. Johns, on macadam road, running water, good soil; no rock or gravel; $150 to $350 per acre and upon easy monthly payment plan. Let us show you these. THE SHAW-FEAR C0MPANT," 102 Fourth -st. Main 85 A 8300 wmtiniv a prf? THE CREAM OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Five, ten and twenty-acre tract, all cleared and In cultivation, finest dark loam oll, splendidly drained, adapted to all kinds of fruits, vegetables, chicken raising; located from five to ten minutes' walk from the railway station, and on the river front; only $150 to $200 an acre. Positively the cheapest acreage tributary to X on lanci. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO.,, Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark. ONE of the finest 10-acre farms in th Willamette Valley; all In very high state of cultivation; 6 acres In young orohard, all fenced in woven wire; extra fine deep loam soil; on main county road, 20 miles from Portland; 120O feet from Oregon electrlo station; price $2500; 40 casn. Daiance o years G per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO, 630 Railway Exchange Bldg. Fourth and Stark. RAISE CHICKENS AND BE INDEPENDENT. Lowest sliced acreasre on the market: close to Portland, on electrlo transporta tion. If you want the land, we can ar- rance the terms to suit your convenience. expert advice on chicken raising. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 40 5 Couch Bldg. van siR10. 20.28 acres tillable land 0 terms; no rook or gravel; one hour from Portland! 2tt miles -from river and rail transporta tion; adjoining good school, 9 months eaoh year;, H mile from macadam road and rural delivery; three-room painted nouse with water pipea; a.ax acre, nearly ciearea. 215 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG, Portland, Or. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland! walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres, $250; 6 acres, $400; 10 acres, asoo; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tract near 'railway station. tlffi to S40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, - 809 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or. ACREAGE 30 ' acres planted to 2-year-old apple trees; Spitzenbergs and Yellow Newtons; trees will be cared for four years; near R. R. station and county road; electrlo line building by the property; small cash payment, with easy monthly payment on tne balance. . k. bdt, oregonian. A SMALL TRACT. Level land: all cleared and cultivated tich black soli; no stumps, gravel or -waste iana; near Portland ana two ereo trio llnea. Ready to plant to 'berries or fruit. Easy terms a desired. 405 Couch Bldg. LARGE tract. 88x221, finely located in Mt Tabor district, suitable for suburban home, where you can make your living; all under cultivation; rapidly Increasing in value; let me tell you why; price only 1100: fioo down; Z20 monthly. GEORGE A. RIGGS. 815 Spalding Bldg. A POULTRY RANCH. 11600 Three acres of splendid land only 6 miles from center of Portland on West Side, neat house, barn, chicken-house, all xencea, cnicaen-tignt, wooa enough to last the balance of your life: must sell, house hold goods and all go at this price; some terms. ana. uregoruan. $100 Will give you possession of 6 acres of fine Xrult ana garaen iana in Willamette Val lev. between Salem and Albanv. near the river; S. P. station on land and on line of Oregon City Eleotrlo; no competition with foreign gardeners here; land all cleared; easy term, sue Bpaiding oidg. REDUCE COST OF LIVING. I have 4 acres in Milwaukle. best of oil, lots 01 iruit, s-room nouse, 5500! thl is $1000 less than worth, but I want to sell quickly. Phone Main 1142 or call 1109 Spalding oiag oetween and 111 All. John Scott. 15.63 ACRE'S $620, on terras; no rock or gravel; gooa irun, garueu or cmcKen ranch; one hour from Portland, 2 miles from river and rail transportation, with in .mile of macadam wagon road, school and rural mall delivery. 215 Lum ber Exchange. it ACRES. S mile from Boring. In Mult nomah jounty, z miles zrom Mount Hood R, R., slightly rolling, best of soli and 1. BOO, 009 feet of timber; someone will make big money out of-this; our price lor 4 days is $S50. 205 MoKay bldg. $650. - . $66 oash, $11 per month,. 7 per cent In terest for beautiful lot Just south of Haw thorne ave., west of 40th; sewer, water, cement sidewalks ; a snap. Geo. ' G. Mair, 2 Lumbermen bldg. $10,000 BUYS $10,000 Half Interest In 700-acre farm; 200 acre to be set to fruit. For particulars call on M'FARLAND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 410 Corbett Bldg. 6 ACRES AH clear. 4-room house, barn. outbuildings, line orcnara in Dealing, oniy one mile from station, 9 miles from Port land: price $2600. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. 1 2, 3 AND 6-acre tracts, close in, on elec- xrio canine, uig lviuii. u or phone now, J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co. 80& Corbett bldg. POULTRY business at Petaluma. Cal, - ,0 tUflllOflflO VMrlv A -a vaii Interested in an Oregon land and poultry -' . , , AT. SKI nM.nnl. piUyUB'WUU - . v.v0vu.,u, FINEST in Oregon for fruit, vegetable or walnuts; a nun H;iB, jlu per cent caah, balance will pay itself. Eager A Watson. 910 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sta ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per aore up: large anu buiu uu. van ttlnney 4. Stampher, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bdg. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book give amount 01 uovernmani land open to homestead in each county In Oregon and Washington and description of same; give homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Ore gon In colors, 21x28, showing R. R. in operation, one showing all proposed R. R and electric lines. Including :Eastern and Central Oregon: 0c each, or three 60c; mj.p of Washington in colors. 21x28, 20c Nlmmo. Runey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. CAN locate you on 320-acre homestead In Southeastern Clara county; excellent soil, plenty of water at 10 to 20 feet; good neighbors, stores, postofflce, near two townsites and railroad survey; satisfaction guaranteed ; - location fee $75. Write S. Montgomery, Bend. Or. FOR SALE or trade, 480-acre homestead and desert claim, reiinquisnment. what have you ? 640 Morrison, comer 12th. CAN tell you where there are some good homesteads to do naa near mine. 125 N 16th. For Sale Fruit Lands. 10 OR 20 acres Master apple land; deep soil, no- rock or hardpan; all .can be cultl no- rock or hardpan; all .can be culti vated; easy cleared; fine view; fine propo sition. AT 416. Oraannlsn. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. BULL RUN now reached by Mt. Hood Ry. SAND ALIA orchard and country home tracts, 25 miles from Portland, between Sandy and Bull Run Rivers; best volcanlo shot soil, an abundance of pure water beautiful scenic surroundings, boating, fishing; 1 to 20-acre tracta,"easy terms. Henry C Prudhomme Co, owner, 90S Spalding bldg. 10 acres planted to 2-year-old apple trees; Spitzenbergs and Yellow Newtons; trees will be cared for four years; near Ri R. station and county road; electric line building by the property; small cash payment with easy monthly payments on the balance. A. J. HeBkett, 204 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 2625. I HAVE 80 acres good rich fruit land, partly clear, 345 bearing fruit trees, several fine springs, on county road, good barn, chicken park, daily mail and telephone service! $5000. half cash, balance to suit buyer at 8 per cent per annum, to be paid semi annually. P 865, Oregonian. 10 ACRES Mortis apple land; W cleared; sickness compels me to sell; 4 miles from Morris main road; cash; balance 6 per cent. See owner, 914 E. Yamhill, or phone Tabor 1670. FOR SALE By owner, tract of orchard land near Lyle. -Wash.; about 30 acres ready for Slautlng. balance unimproved; dwelling ous and outbuildings. Price low; term easy. C. M. McLeod. Lyle. Wash. FRUIT TREES Take advantage of our firesent low prices; soon to advance; oata oirue on request. Carlton Nursery, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. For Salf? Fnrms. A FARM. NOT MERELY ACREAGE. 26 miles from Portland, on railroad. 15 minutes walk from station. 7 acres of Winter pears, 2 years old. 8 acres of choice apples, 2 year old. 12 acres good pasture. 63 acres ail cleared and under cultiva tion. ....... , Plenty of water and dltche for Irri gation. 75 chicken; new chicken house, 16x76 feet. 16 pigs, 8 suckling pigs. '- 2 horses, 1 colt, 1 pony, 2 cows. A small patch French strawberries; pro duce 4 crops a year. . Land under good fence. Modern 2V4-story 10-room house, eleotrlo lighted throughout; hot and cold run ning water on each floor.. Good well, with gasoline engine, and pump, with 400-gallon tank, in house. 8000-gallon tank for Irrigating lawn and -garden; electric motors for pumping. This is a, high-class farm; and. consid ering the Improvements, can be bought at muoh less than adjoining land. Will consider improved Portland property In exchange.. For further Information write GEO. D. 6CHALK, ' 228 Stark St., Portland, Or. DON'T LOCATE ANY PLACE UNTIL YOU SEE LYLE. On the Columbia River, 86 mile from Portland; main line S. P. A S. Railroad; river transportation; com petitive rates; rich back country, cheap electric power: business op portunities in all lines; graded streets, cement sidewalks, spring water, under pressure; splendid cli mate, beautiful scenery; the best place to live and to grow with. LYLE. Call for illustrated printed matter. KEASEY. HUMASON A JEFFERY. Dealer in Land. Chamber of Com. Bldg., Portland. NOTE Lyle acre are splendid or chard and farming lands, cleared ready for planting; only $60 per acre up to $100 per aore; terms 4 down, balance easy. 80 ACRES In the celebrated Mt. Hood apple district. It is hk miles from Sandy, p. O. and Cedar Creek run through the center of the tract; about ii oleared; good barn, poor house and fine well, some fruit and berries; shot oll that can be plowed right after a rain; a fine place. $8600. KEASEY, HUMASON 4 JEFFERY, 232 Chamber of Commerce. - FOR. SALE 168-acre dairy farm, diked tide lands, 6 miles from Astoria. Improved with 44 good cows, 2 bulls, 16 head young cattle, 4 fine work horses, 10 hogs and . all farmlmr implements, mostly new: 120 tons of hay, 6 acres in root; this place ha an income 01 tiuw; price u,ooo; rash 3000. balance on time. AddIv nn,r A, Benscheldt, Lewi and Clark, Astoria, or. IMPROVED ranch, 10 acres, large 6-room house and barn, all kinds of fruit and ber ries, Jersey cow. good horse and buggy, all improvements; 8 miles from Portland, one mile from electrlo station, west side. , ZDOO casn will nanuie; win consiuer city property In exchange. Provident Invest ment A Trustee po, 201, 202, 203 Board ot uraae Diag. 90 ACRES in Columbia County. Oreaon, practically level bench land; good soil; 0 acres In cultivation, balance logged-off iana; goon improvements; price WHITTEN & BRYANT, 635 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE POULTRY FARM. young orchard, good well and unlimited watAr: aood fishing; 80 miles from Port land on good automobile road; $1500 for quick sale, write jk. juuier, aox 1. Ban- ay, ur. 84U juit,a on uis wiobuii i.ici;LL,u at bu a ... a fine nlattlnsr nrononltinn. 1I1U11CJ - .'----,, .., ... .. -'--- u IU9 A n Walla. R3P, Tnmtltin t.1rf Portland. 60 ACRES House, barn, good bearing or chard, 18 acres clear, balance slashed, 60 acres of bottom land, running . water, on county road; price $4000. WESTERN LAND CO., 248 M Stark 8t. RANCH of 100 acres for sale on Big Elk River, good orchard, water piped to the house,- on county road, star route, mail service, sonooinouse mue. Aaaress J. C. Dixon, Elk City, Oregon. FOR SALE, cheap, terms; deal with owner; 6 acres, close to jenta, ail oiearea ana Improved; good for home or platting. Owner, Tabor 2074. 120 ACRES, 45 miles from Portland, 6 miles good town, on county roaa; some ciearea; $25 per acre; easy terma Owner, 819 yeon oiag. A HANDY CHICKEN RANCH. Almost an acre, with a six-room house; 6-cent carfare; $3000. MIX & MARSH, 1208 YEON BLDG. FOR SALE or rent, 132 acres, 70 la oultl- vatlon, on lmprovea roaa. w. M. Etone, Oregon City, route No. 2. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. FOR RENT FARMS. 20 ACRES, half rich, sandy creek bottom land in cultivation, remainder orohard grass pasture; 2 miles from Mount Angel. Marlon County; cash rent; will sell com plete equipment. Including full line of machinery, hogs, horses, sheep, etc., feed and seed; soil nnexoelled for potatoes, hops, hog or dairy oulture. All berries and fruits, running water; beautiful lo cation; will lease to two or more parties. Call on or address Mr. Duncan, 298 Mor rison st. FOR RENT To responsible party who has equipment tor cultivating it; suo acres of good wheat land In Morrow County, Ors go.ij for the right party who will take the land for a period of years will give an exceptionally good deal. Apply to John S. Beall, 809 B. Yamhill St., Portland, Or. 50 TO 100 acres richest soil In Willamette Valley, near oaiem. -J. O. ROUNTREE. Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE UMBER LANDS. I HAVE 7,000,000 feet large growth timber on o.-w f. ana sac nawi r-iiwn mm can be sold for S300O, or half Interest for $1600. C. C. SHAY. 810 Ablngton bldg. ' TIMBER LAND1 BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bltfs. WE can locate parties on two valuable Gov ernment tlmoer Claims, ono ouu, tne otner $360; these are snapa B 81M), Oregonian. 2 SUGAR and yellow pine olalma in 39-4 E.; a bargain; no agent, a ui eiuuiau. FARMS WANTED. WANTED A farm, give price and descrip tion. Is , oregonian. ' WANTED TO RENT FARMS. I WANT to rent a farm, about 100 acres, within about 15 mile of Portland. F 400, ClWA TO EXCHANGE. DEAL WITH OWNER. $5000 equity In NEW, MODERN Irv ington residence. It Is a model. Would consider $5000 in mortgages. $150A In good lot. $6000 sales contracts, $24X10 In new automobile. Give full - particulars. Address AG 406, Oregonian. WILL exchange 10-acre commercial apple orchard, set to finest varieties of trees in famous Hood RIver-Mosler district; a bargain at $6000; will take a modern city residence of equal value. F 885, Orego nian. BY OWNER. 6-room bungalow In Rose City Park line corner lot 60x100; will consider lot or sale contract or new auto up to $1600; give full particulars. Address AG 40 Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOTEL DORIS. The only $2 per day hotel In Wood hurn. Or. Now doing a good business. J. L DeLong. owner. Woodburn. Or. EXCHANGE or cell 240 acre near Kalama, Cowlitz County, Waah, for small ranch In California or what have youT Clear title. J. Rome. 629 Eddy t, San Fran cisco, Cal. $1670 MORTGAGE, $900 stock In Portland company, balance in free and dear acre- age close In, for desirable house up to $5000; must be on cash valuation. Leon ard, Columbia Trust Co.. 84 4th st. 20 ACRES apple land near Albany! three " miles from station: value $800; will ex change for city lots. AG 410v Ore gonian. WILL trade Irvington lot and good house on East Side (walking distance) for va cant business lot; give location. Owner, B 889, Oregonian. FINE 411-acro Willamette Valley farm. 26 miles south of Portland, to exchange for Portland Income property. H. L. Gill. 640 Hamilton bldg. Phone Marshall 8222. $1500 EQUITY in 0-room house and lot to trade for rooming-house of about 20 rooms. What have you7 C 401, Oregonian. LOTS clear of Incumbrance in good location to exchange for good house, about seven rooms. D 413. Oregonian. TRADE 160 acres, 4.000.000 ft. fir timber, fine and clean, for 6. or 7-passenger auto; must be up to date. AD 400. Oregonian. SAWMILL outfit complete, 20,000 capacity, to exchange for land or livestock. Inquire 811 Spalding bldg. LOT taken as first payment on 6-room mod ern home, balance monthly payments like . . r-t n- TTcf 971. SWELLEST home on East 28th St., near Glisan, for lota aoreage or farma Owner, v aamuKwu w.mq., . ...... HAVE some Columbia River Orchard bonds to exchange for real estate. AB 888, Ore gonian, FOR farm exchanges, business chance or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co., 617 Board of Trade Bldg. A CLIENT wants a movlng-plcturo show - . , ; . . . j r r' ianu ana ounua w n .ui- -,0. wi v.. GASOLINE FERRY, doing good business. George Hoffman, owner, Columbus, Wash. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT A $4000 HOME. If you have a home in a good location that will suit me, worth $4000, I will ' consider same In exchange for 8 lots In Rose City Park Add.; free and clear, and pay difference In cash. See Mr. Ruth field with HARTMAN & THOMPSON. BANKERS. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG $500,000 TO INVEST. Eastern party will pay caah for real es tate or a good paying business, no matter where located. If he price 1 right. See Mr. Ruthfield with. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, BANKERS. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. THE best 5 or 6-room bungalow that $500 down and $20 or $25 a month will buy; have recently come from California and would prefer Rose City Park or Laurel hurst; give Btreet and number, blocks to nearest school and church; thoroughly modern house only considered. Address Box 685, city WANTED A cheap lot olose In on the East Side. If lot 1 low and needs filling that would suit me. - If the surroundings are not altogether desirable I do not care. The price must be low. AJ 882, Ore gonian. WANTED TO LEASE. Lot 60x100, near 22d and Thurman; will lease for 6 or 10 years; any lot In that vicinity suitable for a garage alt will be considered. AJ 881, Oregonian. "WILL buy a well-secured first or second mortgage or seller interest in a contract on Improved property. C. S. Fryer, 812 ChaniDer or commerce. WANT home in Irvington, 6 or 7 rooms, un der $6000; must be good value; prefer bungalow. I am buyer, not agent. Call QftA anal41.,,. klH. HAVE cash buyer for Portland Heights lot; must have good view of city; 1 willing to pay good prloe for choice lot. Crowley, Columbia Trust Company, 84 4th tt. WANTED To buy, a lot 60x100 In Irving ton or Sunnyslde state lowest prloe; no agents. L 888. Oregonian. WILL exohange my new furniture for your equity. AT 881. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. CAN use large tract of high-grade timber; have parties that wish to Invest $200,000 to $250,000. C. C. SHAY, 310 Ablngton bldg. . TIMBER wanted for cordwood; close, to river; hardwood - preferred. D 897, Ore gonian. FOB SALE. Horses Vehicle, Etc MICHIGAN BUGGIGES, KUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS, Before you buy either above, se our stock and get price. We are located out lde the high-rent district and for that reason can aell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a cuw one at about the same price 7 R. M. WADE at CO, 822 Hawthorne Ave. TEAMS WANTED. 6 teams, close to city, $9 per day. 20 teams and grading outfits by the month at top wages or to take contract at good prlcea HAN LEY EMPLOYMENT CO, 23 !4 North 6econd st. Phones Main 72T. A 2290. SOMETHING CHOICE A BARGAIN. Pair of fine mares, 7 and 8, weight 2250; veterinarian's certificate; Junior farm wagon end fine harness; all. goes for $400. B 1260. FINE young bay Belgian 4-year-old gelding for sale; kind and gentle to work to any thing; weight 1820 lbs.; price $350. P.s,L. Kenady, ivooaourn, ur. DANDY family mare, city broke and sound, Babcock buggy; outfit cost $390; used 2 months; $200 takes it, today. Root, 723 Chamber of Commerce. ONE TEAM HORSES, age 7 and 9, weight 2SO0; one 2-year; one farm wagon. E, V. Erlckson, 8 miles east of Boring. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP One team of horses: weight 8350; true workers; also good wagon and harness. Phone East 8713. FOR SALE Fine gentle pony, used to children, for riding or driving. Inquire Main 3442. WANTED Small pony for carrying papers. Address 87th and East Glisan st. Phone Tabor 2075. FOR SALE One good team of young, well matched mares weighing 2600, sound and true. 226 Russell Bt. FOR SALE AT COUNTRY CLUB Promising colt, coming 3, at Flanders barn. Ask to see Piedmont. WANTED 4 cheap- spring wagon. Phone Main 1426, A a 1 OS. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. KIMBALL upright piano $185; terms $5 per month: was taken a part payment on a . Kohier A Chase player piano. Kohler & Chase, Bio wasmngton su. at W. Park street- CHICKERING upright, good practice piano. .L9 tt"J 11,11.1., " co laann ill QxcnangB as part payment on the genuine pianola piano. Kohler & Chase, 876 Waahlngtoa St.. at West Park. PIANOS rented, $3. $4 and $5 per month: all rent paid to D applied on purchase if desired. Kohler A Chase, 876 Washington t, at w. rarn st. 1450 WILL buy autoplano, slightly used; very easy terma Kohler A Chase, 87S Washington st, at W. Park st. FOR SALE Square piano very cheap. 27 feast itn st, near abu. KRANICH A BACH piano to rent, $2 month. Phone Main otvo, mornings. PIANO8, standard make for less than one- thlrd tneir cost, iv wasnington bldg. CIRCUMSTANCES compel us to sacrifice our piano; cost fazo'; wui sell xor sibo. iease can zo r ntn st. BARGAIN $50 for equlfy In Curtlss 1908 7 H. P. motorcycle if taken Immediately. D 394. Oregonian. 5-PASSENGE R Chalmers for hire, $2.60 hour, fnones tuain 1110. a bvh. AUTO for sale 5-passenger Ford car, per- . . ,.1 ... laln Ol KA AUTO TIRES, $5 to $12. almost new, all sizes, zoo Mm - FOR SALE. Automobile. SNAP Will sell my Studebsker-Oarford 7 pass. touring car, in prime running condi tion; top, glass front, extra seats, good tires, etc, for $600; terms; $500 down bal. $50 mo.; ho trade oonrldered; car worth $1200. Address K 220. Oregonian. WILL trade a ftve-passenger auto, thor oughly overhauled, new tires and painted: also a runabout for good real estate in city. T 884. Oregonian. FOR SALE One runabout. Ford automobile, nearly new, at a big bargain price; owner leaving city and Is forced to sell. Call E. 6448, or 450 Hawthorne ave. GREATEST bargain ever offeTed In Port land; must sacrifice late mdel Stoddard Dayton, perfect condition, fully equipped. R 220. Oreaonlan. ' Birds, Dogs and Pet Stock. WANTED First-class bird dog If price Is right. Call Sunday A. M. 733 Michigan ave FOR SALE Boston bullterrler puppies: males $16 to $20; females (7.60. Call between 3 and 6 P. M. 22H Wash. st. WANTED Boston terrixr pup. Call Main 8831, after 6. evenings. AIREDALE Tb RRlRERri for pals, sport and guards. Laddix Kennels. Estacada. Or. Miscellaneous. HIGH-GRADE baker hammerless shotgun. 12 gauge, $S3 grade, good as new $40. Remington automatic rifle, outfit $13, good as new, $15. Woodlawn 248S. 091 Mallory. F. M. Shangle. WE hav tor sale about 1000 large burlap sacks, suitable for blacksmith coal, sand or bulkhead use. The Oregon Iron A Steel Co.. 839 Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. 6AFES New and 2d-hand:low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLANU SAFE CO., 85 6th St. Main 63U9. A 4118. GOOD oak roll-top desk. 6 foot, $20; an- other, $22.50; tine Underwood typewriter. $43, $50 with desk. Hoot, 728 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6121. TICKET for sale, Chicago, via Omaha, Den ver and Ogden; male, tall, light, medium; good September 16. Address AV 422, Ore goulan. STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there Is something wrong. I can fix It. 08 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. KX , f : i ' T I , ! N A ' , typewriter bargains for the week: Remington, $30; Smith Premiers, $27.60; BUcks, $17.30. Northwest Type writer Co.. 90 5th st. FOR SALE or trade, 8x10 double cylinder and drum contractor's donkey engine, 430 ft. -lnch cable 603 Railway Exchange bldg. A 43-19. FOR SALE A good 7-room house located 12th and Harrison sta; must be moved from lot, phone Main 7970, or A 2078. CUTLER rolltop desk; solid walnut draw ers each aide; owner leaving country; sell, bargain. 833 Oak St.' SINGLE stereoptlcon and movlng-plcture machine combined; 1000ft. films, (25; with gas outfit, $35. Laemmle, B33 Oak St. 4 b H. P. MOTORCYCLE, magneto, good oondltlon; also gent's bicycle, practically new; bargalna 206ft 4th st- FOR SALE Snap, 21x4, 12 H. P, 14 miles, and boathousa complete. $385. East 428. SAFES 2 medium and 1 large size, at a bargain. J 222, Oregonian. $85 SOLID oak rolltop desk for $50 If taken at once. J 434. Oregonian. Safe; large safe, good as new, for sale cheap, terms If you wish. AP 248. Oregonian. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer. lng A Coustructlpn Co, 909 Lewis bldg. SAFE, large and roomy, very cheap, must be sold. 10 wasmngton oiag. $15 YOUR choice of typewriters. In fine woraing oruer. iw y w.ont,im.m mnp. FAMOUS painting wall pictures for sale. 502Washlngton st. . Trnrt RENT Fine duck-shooting reserve, VT . , ..1., K!1T ITnlnn . I a -KTn.. ClOSe IU- IHI""" '' '" .. ..mm. R. R. TICKET for the East. See Rollofs. 474 Waahlngtoa at. STOVE FIREPLACE 606 Multnomah St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladles' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. ,290 First st. The Globe. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker ft Co.. 162 Park su Sales at residences a specialty. Tools Highest prices paid tor all kinds of Sd-hand mechanic, logging tools. Levin Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 9072. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, stoves, . ranges, etc., etc. Call up East 1022 or call at 868 East Morrison st. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. KELP WASTED MALE. BOYS WANTED for stock department of the Meier A Frank store; must be IS years of age or over; good chance for ad vancement. Apply at superintendent's of fice. 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un . married men. between ages of 18 and 83, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Worcester block, Bd and Oak sis, Port land, Or. . BOYS wanted; steady workera Ap ply 32 North 1st st, corner Couoh. WANTED Foreman for sash ana door de partment of our factory. Wages $4.60 per day of 10 hours. Must be sober and thor oughly understand the business. Married man preferred. Steady employment to suitable man. State experience. Western 1'lanlng Mills Co, Calgary, Alberta, Can ada. . . YOUNG man to learn window-shade making, wanted by the Meier A Frank store. Pay while learning. Apply at superintendent offloo. 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED A man to take entire oharge of a bakery and confectionery busiueaa; one preferred who will buy a small Interest in same; will pay good wages to right man who will prove reliable, sober and trustworthy. Addres W. H. Rardon, Med ford. Or. WANTED Salesman, experienced magazino and book men, to represent "Current Lit erature." 19-volurae premium and the magazine for $13. Entirely new and a sura winner. Highest commissions. "Cur rent Literature Publishing Company," room 403 Marquam bldg. SALESMEN who are capable of getting and closing business, or men who wish to be come salesmen, will find It to their ad vantage to call at 146 5th at. Ask for Mr. Cleland. WANTED A boy about 16 years willing to start on small salary; excellent oppor tunity to learn electrical supply bustnens. Stubbs Electrlo Co., 61 6th st, cor. Pine st. A COATMAKER wanted; steady work; must be sober and able to make a good Job; one who can work on ladles' coats pre ferred. E. H. Moshar, 456 Court st, Salem. $18 PER WEEK 10 men at once; expe rience not necessary: must be bustler. Call 9 to 11, room 417 Maegly-Tlchenor bldg. Bleecher Pub. Co. WANTED Hustling man to solicit for re tail Portland house; good money and steady position assured. Address N 814, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy to care for automobile and help In garage. Telephone A 6o31 mornings only. YOUNG man wanted to work for room and board: good home to right party. 625 Clay st. 6ECOND cook, on steamer J. N. Teal, $40; must be sober and alive. Apply Oak st, B. F. Coc WANTED- Boy to answer "telephone and do other light office work. Apply 304 An keny. ELECTRICIANS, nonunion, out of town; conduit experience. Apply 222 Commer . cial Club bldg. WANTED Office boy for wholesale house Apply In own handwriting, giving age and references. F 8S4, Oregonian. PRESSER wanted. Portland Cleaning A Tai loring Co, 845 Jefferson. WANTED Two bus boys. See head waiter, 9 o'clock. Portland Commercial Club. STRUCTURAL Ironworkers, out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED A.strong boy, about 2 years' ex perl encoInresnoeJrig PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents. new offer. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Boy over 16 with wheels. 7$ td st. . AXMEN to clear right of way. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. LABORERS. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.