12 THE 3IORXTXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1911. BEDFORD'S MILK THIN CITY COCXCIL ASKED TO SOLVE BIG PROBLEM. Citr Attorney Advises Petitioners " Before Body to Take Matter TTp With Higher Ofticials. MEDFORD. Or.. Sept. 6. (Special.) Brinxlntr a sample of bottled milK, which they declared had been examined hr the nitv Health Officer and de clared ImDure. three men appeared be fore the City Council last night and asked that something: be done to enable them to eet pure milk for their babies. City Attorney Porter J. Keff advised them to take the matter up with the District Attorney's office as there is no ordinance covering the pure food law. Ll. . Howard, spokesman for the pe titioners, presented a clear case, telling: of experiments he had made with the milk and that he 'had taken an un- opened bottle to the City Health Of ficer, who had pronounced it Impure. "I have three little children and the main food of all three is mllK. Scien tists say that because of Impure milk numbers of children die each year and I have no intention of allowing: my children to die from such a cause with, out maklnjr a fight. We began tret- tins: milk of a certain dairy company here some time ago. At times the milk would be all rigrht and would raise a proper cream, but lately it has shown every . evidence of being: skimmed- This alone is in violation of the state laws, as the milk was sold to me for fresh milk. To make sure of my point I placed un-opened bottles of this milk away for several days at a time and in each case no cream ap peared at all. With the co-operation of my neighbors I have carried on such experiments, as I think, will enable ny of us to awear that we have been boM skim and impure milk for fresh milk. "Several days ago I went to the . Health Officer, who treated the matter lightly, saying that It was outside his Jurisdiction and telling me that it me milk was not pure, water was. "The City Attorney has consented to take the matter up witn tne District Attorney who, he says, will be able to prosecute the offenders on the evidence t have collected. But JuBt at present the District Attorney is seriously en gaged In prosecuting offenders against the state and it will be some time be fore he ran take up" the matter. In the meantime Innocent youngsters are drinking: the milk. STATE GUARDS RIGHTS 1. C00-ACRE IRRIGATION PRO JECT MAY BE RELINQUISHED. Portland Firm, With Holdings Near ' Paisley, Agrees to Give Vp Jan nary 1, if Money Is Lacking. SALEM. Or., Sept. 6. (Special.) Re linquishment of its rights providing; its aork is not financed by January 1 was 31ed with the Dese Ton TtnarA thla I Portland Irrigation guments lasting in- ;hout the day. , afternoon by the Company, after argu termlttently through This company has a 12.000-acre proj ect under the Carey act near Paisley. Some time ago the Board agreed to errant the company an extension of time after it had once rescinded the contract of the company. This exten slon was granted, however, under agreement that a relinquishment would be furnished unless the project was financed. The Board found that the company owned several rights from the Govern ment which would not go to the state If the project were canceled, and for that reason the extension was given. Today the company agreed to make re linquishment under certain condi tions, one of which was the increasing of the lien from $35 to $50 on an acre The Board would agree only to an un conditional relinquishment, and this was finally arranged. Now the Board lias taken up the question of allowln an increase of the lien as well as a move to let the Northwestern Townsite Company finance the project. These matters will be decided Saturday. RELIC DISPLAY PLANNED Salem Women Gather Exhibit for Pioneer Day at Fair. SALEM, Or., Sept. 6. (Special.) Mrs. S. C. Dyer, Mrs. Perry H. Raymond and A. N. Moores plan to make Pioneer day at the State Fair next Monday one of vast interest to the pioneers, xney constitute "a committee interested ia that day. The following notice has been issued: The undersigned have been appointed committee to collect pioneer relics for .the cumins pioneer day at the State Fair Mon day, September li lt la especially desirous In celebrating; the semi-centennial of the Oregon State Fair to collect as many articles as pos sible that were on exhibition at the fair SO years ago. We would also be pleased to receive anything of exceptional interest that competed for premiums in any of the 60 1 and In fact would welcome the receipt of any article of historical value pertain ins to Oregon or elsewhere. We solicit sll such contributions. If anyone who hi anything of merit and finds It Impossible to deliver the same to the fair grounds would kindly notify anyone of the com mittee It will be delivered free of charge. promptly returned, and Its safety will be guaranteed. REID YEL0W FEVER VICTIM Graduate of University of Oregon Passes Away in Brazil. EUGENE. Or.. Sept. 6. (Special.) A cablegram yesterday to C. R. Reld announced the death, at Porto Vellio, Brazil, of his brother, Paul W. Reld. of yellow fever. Mr. Reid was 19 years old ar.d a native of Oregon, having been born near haiem. He was a graduate of the TJniversity of Oregon In the class of 1909, and after a course at Cornell had gone to Brazil as an electrical engineer for the Ma deira & Mamora Railway. He was to have come back to the United States August 4, but had agreed to remain un til next Spring. Besides his brother here. Mr. Reid leaves his mother, four brothers and a sister, Mrs. C M. Pur- vine, of Portland. CALL SENT F0R TEACHERS Cbehalls Schools Open With Large Enrollment of Pupils. CH EH AXIS, Wash., Sept. 6. (Spe cial.) Chehalls public schools opened yesterday with a total of 178 pupils In the high school, which gives Cheha lls the largest high school attendance In this portion of the state, leading Central la by a margin of three pupils. A total of 700 registered In the grades. Superintendent Duffield was obliged to telegraph for two additional teach ers today, making a total of 34 who J PORTLAND HOTEL Fifth L. Q. Swetland, Mgr. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Booms, 104 Suites, With Private Baths. JTEW FIBEPSOOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. E. P. MOEEIS, -Proprietor. rnrmnmu sept isoa. PRIVATE HOTEL LENOX K. D. and V. EC. JORGE JiSELJf, rnak and Manra. CORNER 3d AND MAIN STS. Kaud Cold Water. K Distance Paoan RATES Sl.OO and Up aVrery Room. SW.W..JUJA UU.,K5 f ' ( r r !8S. i l it.-Ju.iALuLi!flt-:ttKWU it. rl sSfeMIS 4 assart mv. 11 lM1H"!SSWWiST E0TH HOTELS CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN BY will be required to handle the work this year. i DAILY METKOROLJGICAX. REPORT. PORTLAND, Sept. . Maximum tempera ture. 67 dtree; minimum, 09 aegrew. River reading. 8 A. M.. 4.S feet; change In lat 24 noun. .4 of a foot rise. Total rain fall t5 P. M. to 6 P. M.), .03 or an incn; normal since September 1, .22 of an Inch: eicen eince September 1. 1011, S.2S Inches. Total aunshlne. 36 minutes; possible. 1J hours. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M., 30.10 Inches. WEATHER CONDIHIONS. The Colorado disturbance has moved east to Kansas and the barometer continues to rise over the Canadian Northwest and in the North raciric siaies. int rms m . North Pacific states have practically ceased. but the Kansas storm has caused general precipitation In Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakota. Light to moderately heavy rala has also fallen In me lower ihkb rcgiuu. Middle Atlantlo and New England states. and locally elsewhere at widely Beparaieo, places. It is warmer in Southern Wash ington. Oregon'. Nevada and in the interior of California. The temperature has fallen decidedly In Minnesota, Iowa and the Da kota. . , The conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Thursday, except In Northwest Oregon and Western Washington, where showers are probable. It will ba warmer east of the Cascade Mountains. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Thursday, showers. variable winds, mostly westerly. Oregon 'Thursday, fair, except snowera along the coast and In tne Interior north west portion : warmer east portion; winds mostly westerly. Washington inursoay. iair ana warmer east; showers west portion; south to west winds. ... Idaho Thursday. prooaoiy rair ana warmer. euwaku a. bLAIA Compasses, field-glasses, barometers. hydrometers, microscopes, scientific ap- paratus. Woodard, ClarKe & Co. " AUCTION SALE TODAY. At Baker's Auction Rouse. 1S2 Park it. M. Furniture, etc Sale at IP A. MEETING NOTICES. GOLDEN RTTLE ENCAMPMENT. NO. 29. X. O. O. F., meets this (Thursday) at Orient Lodge Fall, 6th and East Alder, at 8 P. M. Work In R. P. D. Visitors welcome. - R. ANDREWS. Recording scrlDe. The largest and most magnificent hotel in Portland; unsurpassed. in elegance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward, O. J. KACTMAXX. MtMtw. NEW PERKINS and "Washington Sts. A hotel in the very heart of Portland "s business activity. Modern' in every respect. Kates, $1.00 and up. lloderato price restaurant in connection. 0. H. Shafer, Asst. Mgr. THE CORNELIUS The House of Welcome, corner Park and Alder; European plan, new, modern and strictly up to date; fine sample rooms; rates $1 per day and up; rooms with bath. $2 per day up: all outside rooms; our omnibus meets all trains. H. E. FLETCHER, Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Cor. Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly furnished. Rates $1 and Up SPECIAL RATES FOR PERJIASESTS. European Plan. Take any car at Depot and transfer at Washington St. M. E. FOLEY, PROPRIETOR. BATHS. THE BOWERS HOTEL Special Announcement Comnrenrtne July first. Nineteen Hundred Eleven AMEK1CAM AND EUROPEAN PLAN Very Attractive Permanent .Hate to Families and Sin gle Gentlemen. Hotel Newly Furnished- and DecoratedV Table d'Hote Breakfast Table d"Hote Lunch laule d ilute Dinner Also a la Carte Menu. Service In Tea Room Until 12 o'clock P. M. Refreshments Served on Roof Garden Every Evening. Private Dinner Parties. Luncheons and Banquets Given rrraoaai Attention. Perfect Service In All Department. B. C. BOWEKJJ. PRES. AND MGR. For Seventeen Years Mgr. The Port land. Portland. Oregon. SEATTLE, U.S.A. A. D. Short. RESIDENT MANAeCA AND PMONCE.H 8QUAMK. The interior of this hotel has been completely refitted, and every appoint ment now meets the approval of the most discriminating;. $400,000.00 re cently expended on its interior. Every thing new and modern. .: .'. . The Hotel Oregon PORTLAND, ORE. The leading- hotel of Portland. New, modern, fireproof and rpnT.rs vinr.ar.ea. . . . " . C. Dickinson, Man MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A F. AND A. M. Stated com- & numciliun una iJiiumuojf c.t..- ng at o ciock, ai&souic lomvm Vv? A By order W. M. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OHIO Society Is called for Friday evening, the 8th, at 8 P. M., at the office of Vice-President Jr. Flora Brown, Dekum -bldg. Discussion of reception to President Taft. All Ohioans invited. W. L. BlKAUbU, secretary. ASTRA. CIRCLE Whist and 500 party. Thursday. September 7, In the W. O. W. bldg.. 128 11th st. Prizes for both whist and 500. New floor and excellent music for dancing. Admission 15c. COMMITTEE. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. 7er Line. 120 One time. fame ad two consecutive times S2a bitiue ad three consecutive times 30o Same add six or seven consecutive times. 64o Remittance must accompany out-of-town, orders. Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements and no ad counted lor lees than two lines. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issue tbe one-time rate applies. On charge or book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of tue number of words in each line. In New Today all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to tbe inch. The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other claaillc tlons excepting the following: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent, Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Hoard, Private Families.. The rato on the above claaslncations Is 7 cents a Une each insertion. For the accommodatiou of patrons, Tbe Oregonian will accept classified advertise ments over the telephone, providing tbe ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone, no prices will be quoted over the phone but bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be acceoted over tbe phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements.. Situation Wanted and per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over tbe telephone.. - Orders for one in sertion only will be accepted for "Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale," "Busiuess Opportunities," "Rooming - bouses" and "Wanted to Bent." AMUSEMENT.' HF I I I C THEATER A Aj A VJ Ttn an(i Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A 1122. First Musical Comedy ot Season. SIX NIGHTS, BEGINNING TOMORROW. Special price matinees Sat. and Wed. Mort H. Singer Presents "Kiss Nobody From MM" Olive Vail and Splendid Cast. 4venlngs, lower floor. (1.50, SI; balcony, five rows. 11; 6 rows. 76c: last 11 rows, 50ci gallery reserved, 85c; admission, 2&c; both matinees, $1, 75c, (Kc 85c and 25c Seats bow selling. R A Ti Mln andNA 5360, - ' -v Geo. I. HEker. ilgl SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. The Well-Known Comedian MAX BLOOM In the Nifty Song Show. "Tup Kirwv ftiiiK: np rraadwat" Opening performance, Sunday, Mat., all next week. Prices 23c, 50c, 75c, H- Mats.. 25c, 50c r MAH e. A 1010 MATDTEB E'SBX DAT THEATER 15-25-50-7S WEEK SF.PT 4 Lllv Lena. Edwin Stevens, aided by Tina Marshall; Australian Wood choppers, Four Kites, Mtimford and Thomp son, "Cousin Kitty," John W. World and Mill del Kingston, 1'aulinettl and Piquo, Or- enestra. Vnenualled Vaudeville, WEEK SEPT. 4 Homer I.lnd, late premier baritone with Henry w. Savage grand opera productions in "The Opera Singer;" La Kelllos, The Watermelon Trust. Pan tagescope, Adair and Henney, Vernon, x-auiages urcnestra. Popular prices. 31 at Inee daily. Curtain 2:S0, 7:30 and 9. Matinee Every Say. i-omieilr Ornud. Sullivan 'on-itilne. Krtlneil VnnrU-vlIle. WEEK SEPT. 4 Gerard, Welda and Ser- ano, Mabel Howard ana wmpanj, Meifiol, Lew and Lillian Orth, Russell and Smith's Minstrel, Grandascope. Prices 15 and 25c. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Vaughn and) Twenty-fourth Sts. VICTORIA vs. PORTLAND September 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10. Games BeKiu Weekdays at 3:00 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. LADIES DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. DIED. HTDE In this city. September 5. at the family residence, 1254 Borthwick street, Mary Irene Hyde, aged 29 years 4 months 13 days. Announcement of funeral later. CHRISTIANSEN At 1111 Thurman. Sept. 0, Mrs. H. P. Chrlstensen. Funeral notice will appear in later issue. FUNERAL NOTICES. ROWLAND In this city, September 6. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Gab bert, 835 East 21st st. North, Lowry B. Rowland, aged 82 years and 1 day. Fun eral services will be hold at Finley's par lors at 9 A. M. Friday, September 8. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. GALLAGHER In this city, September 6, Genevieve Gallagher, aged 18 years 6 months and a days. Funeral services will take place at St. Lawrence Catholio Church, Third and Sherman streets, to morrow (Friday), September 8, at 8:30 A. M. Interment will take place at Sa lem, Or. Friends Invited. LUTKEMEIER At her home, 12 East 10th street, September 5. Nancy Ella Everest Lutkemeler, aged 47 years, beloved wife of F. W. Lutkemeler. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder and East Sixth streets tomorrow (Friday), September 8. at 2 P. M. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment Mount Scott Cemetery. NEE The funeral of Mrs. Bridget W. Nee, beloved mother of Mrs. Margaret Hesser nan, B. J. and Coleman Nee will leave the residence, S7 West Skidmore street, tomorrow (Friday), September 8, at 8:30 A. M., thence to St. Mary's Church, cor ner of Williams ave. and Stanton street, where services will be held at 9 A M. Friends invited to attend. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. BTRXE In this city. September 5, at the family residence, 611 East 49th st. North, Mary Ellen Byrne, aged 57 years 3 months 2 days, widow of the late J. J. Byrne. Funeral from Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at' 9:45 A. M. tomorrow (Friday), September 8. thence to St. Mary's Church. Williams ave. and Stan ton streets. Services at 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment In St. Mary's Oemetery. LAVALLET In this city. September 8, at the family residence, 290 East Second street North, Lena Josephine Lavalley, aged 34 years, beloved wife of Dr. J. E. Lavalley. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will, be held at the above residence at 2:30 P. M. to mrrow (Friday), September 8. Inter ment in Rose City Cemetery. ROGERS In this city, September 5, at the lamny residence, 45s Kast Harrison street, Laura V. Rogers, aged til years 2 months 27 days. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today (Thursday), September 7- Interment In Rose City Cemetery. HAWSON In this city, September 4, at 390 JerTerson street, Jesse C. Hawson, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hawson. rlenas invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 11 A.- M. today (Thursday), September 7. Interment In Rivervlew Cemetery. SCHNEIDER At her home Oregon City, Mrs. verna sxrnneiaer, age 64, a native of Switzerland, wife of Henry Schneider, mother of Mrs. Emllie Oetkin. Mrs. Emma Wetzler. and son. Henry C. Schneider. Funeral will take place at Holman's Un dertaking Parlors at Oregon Citv. Friday. September S, at 10 A. II. Friends Invited. KOBER-! All friends are Invited to the fu neral of Albert Oscar Kober, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Kober and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kober. Funeral today (Thursday) at 2 P. M. at 327 Wasco street. KIRKLAND James Phelps, at the home of his parents, G. J. and Clara E. Klrkland. 422 Benton street, aged 21 years 22 days. Funeral to be held at the home Friday, September 8, 1911, at 1:80 P. M. XONSFTH FLORAL CO, MAKQOAM ilLllQ.. 1XOKAL DES1UNS. Fbones: Mala MUX; Alios. Donning A McEntee. Funeral Tlh and line. fhone Main 43V. Dlreetsva, elsiant. OH ice of County Coroner. A. K. ZELLKB CO., 604 Williams ave. Phone East 10, C 1U88. Lady atleadaaa, buccessor to Zeller-Byrnes Co. i- hvi fv J- ..-..i,, Lady attendant. Phone Main 9. A 16a. KUHAK1) HOLA1AN CO.. Funeral Dlreet. rt, till t st-Lauy assistant, l'buue at. set EAST bIDE Funeral Directors, success! to k. n. Dunning, luc K. 53. As J4K&. LEECH, Undertaker, cor. East Alder aasl elxtli. Eaat 3ttl. 1 18. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL.. Main 508. A 7589. HUMANE OFFICER, Sergeant Crate. Residence, 24 E. 24th N. Eaal 779. R. A. Dunnure. Res. 836 Wasco St. W. G. Eaton. Res. 73 E. 16th. East 1735. Horse Ambulance, A 6101; Pr. Ex. 4. Nights, Sundays and Holidays, A 6165; Pr. Ex. 4; Trunk 7. NEW TODAY. PIANO STUDIO. nr Tiuls H. Boll ooen about Sept. 10. Ad dress communications care Kohler A Chase Piano House. 375 Washington st. NEW. modern homes: also vacant lots, in Irvington. Phones: C 1351, East 2432; of fice. C S3, R. B. Rice, owner. ress NEW TODAY. Two Big Dairy Farms ON THE WILLAMETTE NEAR PORTLAND RIVER 400 and 500 acres. One has $15,000 improvements, the other fine improve ments and 80 acres in alfalfa; nearly all sandy bottom. Both places nearly all in cultivation. IV2 miles from sta tion. Fine view up and down . river and of mountains. These places are extremely beautiful and fertile. "Will make a bargain price and good to any one meaning business. Come and see for yourself, Saturday or Sunday. GEO. E. WAGGONER, Dundee, Or. 63,500 SQUARE FEET Almost perfect square. High view tract; large 21-story house, cost more than $8000.' Beautiful trees, shrubs ; near two good carlines. Close in, elegant residence property, or can be converted into splendid income property. PRICE 38,000 Call for C. G. Reagan. 'Buy now of CHAPDT & HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Irving ton Snap Swell, modern, eight-room house, four bedrooms, two sleeping - porches, den, breakfast-room and attic, full base ment: lot 60x100, on E. Twenty-sixth street, between Thompson and Brazee. Hard surface in and paid. Worth T77oO; for a few days $6750, $2000 cash, bal ance easy. Owner needs money. See It today. Make on offer. GRUSSI ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Ridg--. 4tb and Oak. TO THE PUBLIC It has' just come to my attention that the Chehalem Mountain Or chards in their advertisements state that I am an officer of their corpor ation. I am not an officer of their corporation and never have been, and I am in no way responsible for their contracts nor their debts. B. M. LOMBARD. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SPIT. A. II. BIERELL CO., ' 202 M'KAY BUILDING. Third and Stark. LOT OWNERS. We pay cash for equi ties In vacant lots. Denier & Denier Rty. Co., otu unamDer jom. Main 6594. Mortgage Loans 5 ,tor tne Larger Amounts. EDWARD E. GOl'DET, Lewis Bnildlns. COLLIS. BERRIiMJE A THOMPSO.f. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. Al DIIORi, Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and S.vstamatlzla- z. Worcester oiock. rnoae Haintiti;. MORTGAGE LOANS ELOT JOHN E, CHONAN, rron S-V O U0-- Spaldlns Midi- 0 JO REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, William G., 315-316 Falling bldg. fcRU BAKER & BENEDICT. fru2 lac Kay niag. m. 04V. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. cook. B. s. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Jennincs A Co. Mala 18S. 20S Oregonlaa. rLiiisii-jUBis5 cu., ll. r, 213 comm clal Club bldg. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand tit aaa aiunnoman st. tHoiladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BUSINESS CORNER. The Unitarian Church, corner 7th and .Tamil ill. Is for sale at a low price and on attractive terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber- of Commerce Bldg. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH! Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of cnarge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473, A 1022. BEAUTIFUL 1RVINGTON LOT ONLY $1400. Think of this for a buy Near Stanton st. and Broadway car. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. UNUSUAL. 8 beautiful Rose City Parks, all to getner, tor saie; Deiow tne hill. near car, easy terms, low price, one or all. O 11, uregonian. WEST STARK AND 02D STS. Lots $50, easy terms; best bur In the city; new canine Dunaing; see us at one Jz.aa.riKa itttAiyrx & trust CO.. 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 849. NOB HILL LOT $4650. 60x100, 60 ft. west of s. E. corner of zetn ana uverton sts. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712, Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. ON WASCO AND 17TH STS. 50x100, all street Improvements paid, $.1000; easy terms. C. L. BAMBERGER. Marshall 712. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. 1 HAVE a close In 5-acre tract for cltv lot subdivision; high and sightly: street car one block; If you want a bargain see me at once. S 4vo. uregonian. WILL sacrifice on quick sale splendid build ing site on 60th St., near Tillamook. Rose City Park. Phone owner. Tabor loeu. PORTLAND HEIGHTS." PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, MAIN aDOl. JKUUKIS. A 3S39. IMPROVED lot 40x100, cement walks, sewer, Bull Run water, opposite S. P. carshops, on 2Gth St.; $000. Phone Marshall 532. ABtL Lor truauf. wi,aiAiun,i,ALf daaa me an oner on equity In good corner on new carline, two uiocks irgin duiiwikhi car. .Burns. Al. DoOO. Afl207L 100x100. ON Clinton St., only $2300: terms. Cheshire & Taylor, 803 Chamber of Com merce. BARGAIN Beautiful lot. Rose City Park: Improvements paid: only $500 cash if taken this week. Phone East 394. FOR SALE or trade. 480-acre homestead and desert claim, relinquishment. What have you ? 640 Morrison, corner 12th. SEE Le Noir & Co. for West Side property, exclusive dealers In West Side realty. Le Noir A Co., ground floor, Chamber of Com. DO you want one of the choicest lots In Irvington. cheap? If so, telephone owner, Tabor 1075, within the next two days. THIS big lot, 65x100, title perfect, close to good store, city water; $210. A 446, Ore gonian. ?5 CASH, $5 per month, lot 44x100, 6 blocks Firland, Mt. Scott 5c car. $400. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. WE have some bargains in Irvington lots. Rowe-Thatcher Co., 324 Chamber of Com merce Bldg. FOR SALE $800 cash, one of the best lots In Rose City Park, east front, view of snow mountains. Phone C 2662. 100x100 ON Prescott street, $1400: half cash. Cheshire & Taylor, 905 Chamber of Com merce, v NORTHEAST 100x100, sts. Marshall 712. 15th and Clackamas $30 MONTHLY buys C-room modern home; corner lot. Owner. East 274L IRVINGTON bargain. $1400; east front, easy ! terms. D 389, Oregonlan. . 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BEND, CENTRAL OREGON. Where the NEW RAILROADS are Just being completed, will not Biop growing la the next FIFTY YEARS. It has lust begun to prow, and In the last 15 months has INCREASED Its population SIX HUNDRED PER CENT, and from now on will Increase much faster, as already the location has been selected for several big enterprises, which followed the ad vent of the railroads, and either one of which would make of Bend a city of 20, 060 to 30,00 people, REAL ESTATE VALUES ARE RISINO NOW and will continue to rise more rap Idly within the next FEW MONTHS. BEND, like every other substantially es tablished city, will soon have a number of near-miillonaires whose fortunes were made from a verv small Investment. EVERY bl? town the old-timers will poln out whern a lot has been sold for HUN DREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars and say I could have bought that lot A FEW HiSAKS AGO for a lew HUNDRED dol lars. PORTLAND. SPOKANE. SEATTLE, MINNEAPOLIS, KANSAS CITY, DENVER ana scores of other large cities furnis Just such a precedent as will be RE fEATED IN BEND within Ave years or ies. WE OWN THE PLAT OF WIESTORIA. which Is within thrrr Ri.orTra nf the Union Depot site, which Is the center of BEND. We are selling close-in residence miiu Business lots 6UXI40. NEAR THE DEPOT, AT S2U0. TERMS 10 PER MONTH These prices and terms irood for a 11m. lted time only. Do not wait, as you will never, never, never again be able to buy prope.-iy at such prices in nena. rree cer tinea abstract, also free maps of Ben and Central Oregon. Our office is open evenings until 8 f, M. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO., INC., 801 Buchanan Bldg.. 2S0V4 Wash. St. 3 LOTS AT A BARGAIN". Close In. on ' the East Side, near O.-R. & N. railroad shops; we have a splendid bargain in a lots; they are on a corner; very sightly, afford ing unexcelled view of the river and city: non-resident owner instructs us to sell these lots at once and has put the price at only $1730 for the 3 lots;, this price Is far below the present value, and the completion of the Broadway bridge wiil more than double values In the vicinity of this property; pick up this mid-Summer bargain. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 North 6th St, Cor. 6th and GUsan. Main 438L A 7259. THE LAST CHANCE. This Is the last chance to get a lot on the Peninsula on easy terms. Why not live where , your property will Increase many tola in value ? There Is no sec tion of the city that has the future pros pects of the Peninsula. Every foot of property on the Peninsula will be worth a fortune within a short time. It is not loo late yet to obtain a few lots. Don wait. This offer will not last long. Two beautiful lots, each 50x112, street graaea ana cement sidewalk, 15-foot al ley, water, gas ana electric lights, onl odu each. 3 cash, lo monthly. w make four trips daily with our auto. COE A. M'KENNA & CO.. 727-728 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 4522. A 2143. 8 LOTS FOR $385 EACH. We have a bunch of lots in re stricted residence district, on 3-mlle circle; high and sightly; well drained; cement sidewalks; streets graded: $6000 residence now build ing across street; will retail for ?S0O each; we cau sell the bunch for $385 each for cash; this Is your op portunity; act quick. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MR BARGAIN-HUNTER, CAN YOU HEAT THIS Six lots, 50x100, with 4 corners, in Block 36, TIbbett's Add., on East 18th and 19th sts., oetween Brooklyn and Tlbbetts sts. most of the improvements In. for the low & 1 "': on terms to suit. See Mr. .u.iiiieia, witn HARTMAN & THOMPSON, BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APARTMENT SITE. A church, located on prominent, close. in, nest oiae corner, desires to sell iti property lor $2o,000; apartment builders nuu uuyers win ao wen to Investigate. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Realty Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WEST SIDE LOTS. Sinn Right on carline cn upper Washington it. West 30th and Yamhill st.. beyond .i, j iniA, easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO. 23 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. aiain otu. ALAMEDA PARK SNAP. A fine lot 50x100. on Lombard st., bet. 26th and 2Sth; one of the finest lots In the addition: price. Including all street Improvements, $1150; part cash, balance monthly at 6 per cent. GRUSSI & ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak, BEAUTIFUL 75X10Q CORNER. In Rose City Park; exceptionally good view and close to the car line: for a short time we are offering this beautiful corner for $9 1 5. on terms to suit the purchaser. DEYOUNG & HARTSHORNE, B14 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068. For Kale -Houses. n-RDOM. MODERN BUNGALOW. Corner lot 50x100. cement walks, 2 blocks car. 3 from school, full cement hanement. DlDed for furnace, fireplace, electric light and gas; large attic. Must be sold this week. WORTH $3000. PRICE $2300. $400 CASH, BAL. LIKE RENT. H. E. JAMES CO.. 88 10th, Near Stark. SNAP. nrmd new r-roum 2-story house In Hawthorne district. This Is not an ordi nary "built-to-sell" house, but Is doubly constructed: nias hardwood floors, fire place: in fact, all the modern accessories that go to make a home. The price low and the terms are easy. MIX & MARSH, 1208 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE 7-room new, modern bungalow, up to date and modern In every way; fireplace, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, u-ash rrnvs. etc.: east front: 1& block! from carline; $1200 mortgage due In three years; will take $1800 for my equity ana give terms. Owner, call Telephone East 500 or 654 Williams ave. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Full lot, 8 rooms, glass inclosed sleeping porch, attic, large veranda, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment; In fact, Al, new, up-to-date home for only $5SoO; terms. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade bldg. 10-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME FOR $5SA0. Will accept as low as $500 as first payment and $40 per month. Including Interest: If you really want to buy a home you cannot afford to let this one CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. WALNUT PARK. Large 7-room home, with furnace, fire place, beautiful shade trees, lot 60x100; a snap at $5000; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. $650 1-ROOM HOUSE. PENINSULA. Corner lot, 47x90, fenced with 6-foot wire; little house very neat; chicken coops, brooder; some house furnishings; $100 cash will handle. Fred W. German, 321) Burnslde. M. 2776. WE HAVE a handsome 7-room house on Broadway, just cumiiioieu, muuern in every particular: hardwood floors, two fireplaces; attractively arranged; large sleeping porch; price $S00O. McAllister & Lueddemann. 919 Electric bldg. ,3000 HAWTHORNE DIST. $3000. A dandy new 5-room bungalow, two blocks from Hawthorne ave.: only $:100 cash, balance like rent. J. L. Karnopp, 325 Ry. Exch, bldg. Marshall 2574. $1000 $26 DOWN, $15 MONTHLY" 2 brand new 4-room plastered cottages, full lot. close to new addition where va cant lots sell for $800. Fred W. German, 329 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 3 cottages at 13th and Flanders, $50 each; must be moved off lots at once. Phone Marshall 3235 or A 3945, Kllker & Oestering Wrecking Co., 235 6th St. $50 CASH and $15 per month, new 4-room COttage, tot ttlll.1. O uwim Buuu tail woodshed, fenced, chicken-house, garden, shade. $1250. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. BY owner, brand new o-room bungalow. strictly moaern ana up to aaie, t-ouu; terms $100 cash, balance to suit. C. S. Fryer, 812 Chamber of Commerce. IVE-ROOM bungalow: fine locality; beamed ceilings, fireplace, stationery tubs, furnace; price reasonable; terms. East 2501. MUST have money, new modern bungalow. 4 rooms, run lot; t iwv. t-w oeiow cost; terms. SOS Board Trade. $1350 4-ROOM plastered house, chicken park, flowers auu oo " , io, ?uov casn; balance easy terms. Box 693, Lenta. FOR SALE 10-room house with single housekeeping ro 11th sU Owner. housekeeping rooms, gooa income. 255 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON. ?S250 10-room. 2 4 -story house, on one of the finest corners in Irvington, three large fireplaces, lot 75x100, north and east frontage, several fruit trees, magnificent shade trees, paved streets, Improvements paid; $1250 cash, balance to suit; or will take $3000 house as part payment; will put in furniture very cheap. Forced sale. $5700 New 10-room, 21t-story bouse, best double-construction, artistically de signed, beautifully finished, all the latest features in hoine-bulldiiig; corner lot, 50x 100, north and east frontage, streets paved; exceptional value. SUN.VYSIDE. $2800 5-room modern bungalow, occu pied only six months, double construction throughout; fireplace. Dutch kitchen, large basement with cement floor, station ary tubs, high corner lot. north and east frontage, cement sidewalks, macadamized street. 3 blocks from two carlines; $500 cash, balance $20 a month and Interest. Sacrifice sale. HAWTHORNE. $2500 5-room modern bungalow, COM PI ETELY FURNISHED with GOOD fur niture, house well-built and in good con dition, full basement with cement floor, stationary tubs, cement walks, nice lawn, macadamized street Improvements all paid; 5U50 cash, balance $20 a month, IN TEREST INCLUDED. Anybody who can rent a room can own this house. ROSE CITY PARK. $3S00 New 6-room, 1-story house, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, etc., full ce ment basement, furnace, beautiful corner lot near carline; $.',00 cash, balance $25 a month. This house Is honestly built by a reliable contractor and is much better value than most new houses. HALl-EY AND 1STH STREET. $430"i 6-room modern house on 50x100 lot. one block to Hi o:i.ii;.iy c.ir: ver y choice neighborhood, at lc.'..':t $50i unil-r the market; $1000 cash, b.ilance montiiiy payments. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens BUlg., 5th and Stark. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR 'PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. ST. JOHNS BARGAIN. New 5-room bungalow. 2 blocks from car. built-in firelcss cooker, Dutch kitchen, insulated boiler, porcelain, 1-plece sink, extra fine plumbing, lot 50x100, pries $2600; terms to suit. CHAPIN & HERLOW (H). Members of the Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. $5500 p I E D M O N T $5.-.00. lOoxloo feot ground. 7-room modern residence, beautiful grounds. nice sur roundings, close to new Jefferson High School. This is a sacrifice; must be sold this week. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis Bklff. FOR SALE. $8000 EASY TERMS. Classy. modern, convenient 7-room house In Laurelhurst; 2 lots. lawn, bll-llard-room, laundry, shower bath, nreless cooker. 2 fireplaces, furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc: will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall 25O0. 608 McKay bldg. BEST value in a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park car, on 61id st. : four trees on an east-front lot: 8 larxe rooms and attic; all built-in effects; small down payment; balance like rent. If you are particular this will suit you. See owner. J. S. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. NOTHING BETTER FOR $2S0O. New 5-room cozy cottage, with furni ture, full basement: corner lot, 50x100; close to business street In Kenton; lot will be worth the price within a year; only $600 cash; balance on time at 6 per cent. Call 205, McKay bldg. IRVINGTON. 7-room modern house on 50x100; garage, shades, fixtures and all conveniences; price $6250; terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commerclnl Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. $2650 ON terms to suit purchaser will ob tain a strictly modern first-class five-room bungalow on a fine high lot and improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy, owner, 808 Lewis bldg! Phone Marshall 2690. SEE that beautiful home at 45th and Bra- zee, 7 rooms, oaa nnisn. beam ceilings, panel, wainscot, Dutch kitchen, large reception hall, tile bath, three fireplaces, furnace, large cement porch. For price and terms, see builder, AR 372, Oregonlan. $2809 For my brand new 6-room bungalow, lti blocks from Hawthorne ave.; lot 40x100; will take small payment down, balance $25 per month. Including Interest. Phone Tabor 651. 50-FT. LOT with 8-room house, on Wil lamette Boulevard, 10O feet from St. Johns carline and near Kenton and Lower Alblna carlines; half cash, balance easy terms. Inquire owner, 27 Willamette Boulevard. FINE corner, facing 100 teet on E. 10th St., and known as tne Mormon church prop erty; good 8-room house and church build ing. We are offering this for less than it cost 3 years ago. 801 E. 11th st. East 6023. ATTENTION TO SMALL INVESTORS. Two 7-rooin modern houses; very close in; on East Side; corner, 1O0XS5: fine for apartments; nets 7 per cent now; can be Increased; must be sold to settle estate. Call 205 McKay bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. WILL SELL FOR $5500 AND ON EASY TERMS, IF SOLD THIS WEEK. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FURNACE. ETC. ASK FOR MR. EASTON'S HOUSE. 302 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. DON'T start building before you have seen the many beautiful homes we have on our list In Irvington. See us today. We have some rare bargains to show. ROWE-THATCHER CO., 324-326 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . DON'T PAY KENT. We have 4. 5 and 6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, tor sals on easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Company. 201-2-3 Board of 'trade, Marshall 47a. A 1022. HAVE a 6-room, with sleeping porch. 2 story residence; hardwood floors and mod ern convenience; hard surface stleet; one block off Btreet car; $500 cash, balance easv terms. J. II. TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding bldg. FOR SALE Owner must sell at once one of the best homes In Irvington; choice cor ner lot, 7-room house, hardwood floors: plate glass windows; modern In every way; this Is a bargain. AR 375, Orego nlan. BIO PIEDMONT BARGAIN. $4700 7-room house with 70x100 lot for $5500; near cars and high school; nothing better built In city; see owner, 226 Jarrett St Phone Woodlawn 2157. 6-ROOM bungalow, a beauty. In restricted district of overlook, complete In every way, $500 will handle, bulance terms. 309 Railway Exchango bldg. Phones Mar shall 25S4.'A 74110. FOR SALE 4 r.om modern bungalow In Central Ji.asi r-oriianu; terms tne same as rent; low rate of Interest. See owner, T. F. Keeley at 2stf Oak st, A snap if sold at once. J. UK sale or rent, a furnished huu.e oa Kirby ana v euici am., uppu.ite tne jel lerson High bchool; 130 per month rent, or will sell ou easy terms. Inquire Calu nint Hotel. 150 Park t. PRICE $450 Only the price of a lot 3-room box house, reaay lor ocupancy, lot 50x 105. Price only $450; $125, balance $3 per month. Take Mt. Scott car, get oil at Gray's Crossing. Owner will meet you, blue ribbon on coat, 2 to 5 P. M. $150 DOWN BIAS modern 6-room house. tull-sizea lot. terracea lawn, pavea streets, close In: payments $25 monthly. Empire Realty & Trust Co.. 402 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 349. IRVINGTON. Swell home, 8 rooms: mahogany fin ished, tile bath, tile kitchen, also garag; $10uo clown, bol. easy terms. 630 Bra zee., cor. E. j 5th st. N. 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. $500 cash, baltnoe monthly payments; several more, choicest in Irvington; no asents. C 186(5, iiast 273. W. H. HerU man. ROOM house with garage, lot 50x100, in Irvington. 408 North 1.1th: $5000. In quire Thompson, room 233, Labbe bldg., 2d and Washington. f-.nn PRESENT Beautiful bungalow, select neignooi uooi, , . - ......u., special sacrifice. $2800. terms. Owner, 1030 Grand ave. North. ABARGAIN S3000. Furnished 6-room house, 1 block from car, trees. restricted uionn-t. i,,. aui Call owner, C 2224. BY owner, University Park, big bargain. 7 rooin house, good condition, "oxloo corner, terms $300. balance per month; price Phone East 41)1. cpl' T,e Nols It Co. for West Side homes, exclusive dealers In West Side realty. L Noir & Co., graund floor. Chamber of Com. . p investor or homesecker, $2500 wVlvs modern 6-room bungalow; built to five in comfortably. It6 Brooklyn st. innvlOO RODNEY ave. and Going st.. with house S27.-.0; $1000 cash. Cheshire Ji Tay lor. 05 Chamber of Commerce. rr iu VIMjTo.N For sale, modern resi dence. For particulars, phone C 23S4. FOUITY in two lots In Gregory Addition; a bargain. AP 300, Oregonlan.