THE aiORXIXG OREGQXIAN. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPUOXE8. Printlne;-room City circulation . Managing- Editor Sunday Editor Com posing -room Sun. building .. ..Main 707O . .Main 7070 ..Main 7070 . .Main 7lT0 . .Main 7070 ..Main 7070 A BOSS A 6U3 A 6'195 A 6093 A 603 A 60&5 AMUSEMENTS. HEII.IO THEATER (Seventh and Taylor) Henry Miller tn the Havoc" Tonight at 8:15. drama. "TM ORPHECSI THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. Thla aft ernoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15. WTRP5Q THPiTER Park and Wash 1 nr ton) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 7:30 alio s. PANTAGE3 THEATER (Fourth and Stark) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:10. nteht at 7:30 and 8. . STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODEOX. TTVO- LI First run clotures. 11 A. M... 12 P. M. OAKS PARK Balloon Ascensions: Phillip Pela and Oaka Park Band; Metropolitan "XjDera Quartet. Thia afternoon and to night. MAJESTIC (Park and Washington) Mo tion pictures, continuous thia afternoon and tonight. RECREATION PAP.K (Twenty-fourth and Vaughn) Baseball. Victoria vs. Portland. l nis attemoon at J. OKi.CO.VIAX AT THE RESORTS. For the quickest dellYery of The Oresc nfan at Summer resorts, subscribe throueh the fnllowinr axrntj. City rates. Snbscrip- tluns by mail axe payable In advance: Carson SDrlors. . .Mineral urlnra Hotel Co. Columbia Beach Ralph F- Walker Casradia. U. M. Gelsendorfer Collins Springs Fred A. Yonag Columbia Uracil Ralph E. Walker Cerhart Park.......... r.. J. Fairhurst Iita- Beach. Strauhal ax Co. Newport .George Sylvester Ocean Park U. t. Beecney Paeirie City I. T. Edmunds Ht. Martin's Spring Cbas. G. Sawyers fceauide ( lark Ktratton hevlew Straubal A Co. Pbesbttebt to Consider Pastor's Resignatok. A special meeting; of the Portalnd Presbytery has been called for nest Saturday afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church to act on the resignation of Rev. David A. Thompson as pastor of the Spokane- Avenue Church. Rev. iur. Thompson has accepted a call to the 'First Pres byterian Church of Olympla, Wash. He will be transferred to the Olympi Presbytery, and his resignation as clerk of the Portland Presbytery and member of the Home Mission and Sun day school boards wil require elec tion of a new clerk and of board mem bers to fill his place. Rev. Mr. Thompson will leave Portland for Olympla September 15 and will begin his work there September 17. At the Saturday meeting- Rev. E. M. "Sharp, former pastor of the Mount Tabor Church, will be transferred to the Wil lamette Presbytery, as he has become a member of the faculty of Albany College. Resignations of Rev. Mr. Thompson and Rev. Mr. Sharp leave two prominent Portland Presbyterian church pulpits vacant. Milwaukib Bridge REBururoJO. The bridge on the Milwaukle road at the north entrance to Milwaukle across Johnson Creek is under reconstruction by Clackamas County, and while the work Is in progress the old road Is closed to team traffic. Vehicles are compelled to take the road from the northeast side of Milwaukle through Wlllsburar to Sellwood. The concrete abutments to the bridge were built some time ago, and only the single span remains to be erected. That will prob ably be finished by September 15. The old span was weak and unsafe for heavy vehicles and automobiles. The new bridge will be strong enough to carry the heaviest loads. It Is on the East Side state highway. East Side Bubiness Men" to Meet. The East Side Business Men's Club will hold its opening Fall meeting Thurs day night in the club rooms of the West building, at Grand avenue and East Alder street. Reports are ezpeoted on tsti freight depot and facilities, the movement to obtain park tracts for Central East Portland, the Mount Hood Railway franchise and on other sub jects. The resignation of Secretary Walter will be acted on and his sue cessor will be elected. Arrangements will be made for the annual excursion to the Gresham fair, which will open September SI. The club suspended active meetings during the Summer and considerable business has accumu lated. Lombard Street Assessment Madb. The assessment for paving of Lombard street from Westanna street to Penin , aula Station amounts to $135,733. It is Hassam pavement through the Penln sula. A short section of Lombard street between Westanna street to the easter ly line of the bridge over the railroad cut through the Peninsula has also been completed and the assessment is $758. It Is expected to continue the Improvement of Lombard street to Pat ton avenue, as It is part of the link in the paving of a through street on the Peninsula. Patton avenue, part of the through street, has Just been graded from Portland to Columbia boulevard at a cost of 111,840. Joseph Wirtz Buried at Huxsboro. The funeral of Joseph Wirtz, 15 years old. who died at the home of his parents, at 660 Klrby street, Sunday, will be held from his late home this morning. Interment wil be made In the cemetery at Hlllsboro. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wlrts, and brother of Russell, Vernon and Sadie Wirtz. The body will be taken to Hlllsboro on the Oregon Electric car this afternoon. Adventists" School. Nearly Dojte. The schoolhouse being built for the Seventh-Day Adventists of Portland on a block east of Laurelhurst, Js nearlng completion. Rev. G. W. Pettlt announces that the building will be dedicated Sep tember 18 and school will open the same day. The building will contain four rooms. G. E. Johnson will be prin cipal and Miss Dimond, assistant. Grades up to the ninth will be taught. Touno Woxax's Funeral, Held. The funeral of Miss Margaret McMahan. who died September 2r at the home of her parents, at 186 East Seventh street, was held yesterday from the Holy Rosary Church, at East Third street and Union avenue. Miss McMahan was Mrs. Lizzie J. McMahan. and sister of Frank. Joe and Elizabeth McMahan. A TK in pox Church to Be Blessed. The Atkinson Memorial Congressional 1 Church, at East Twenty-ninth and East Couch streets. Is near completion and will be dedicated next month, the date for the ceremony not yet being set. The interior is finished. The cost of the building, completed, will be $8000. Rev. Herbert G. Crocker Is the pastor. Thb sessions of the law department of the University of Oregon will now be held in new and commodious quarters on the second floor of the Central building, at Tenth and Alder streets. The Fall term opens September Is, 1911. For catalogue giving full Information address Walter Glllard, secretary, 811 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. Assistant Pastor Apponrrar. Rev. William Keane has been" appointed as sistant pastor of St. Francis parish to assist Rev. J. H. Black. In place of Rev. J. J. Conway, wno has been as signed to Roy by Archbishop Christie. Riuir Eociitt to Meet. The regular monthly business meeting of the Ladles' Relief society will be held at 2 o'clock today in the First Pres byterian Church. I Waist to lease desirable space, 2000 to 2r"0 square feet, in district between Washington and Morrison, Third and Tenth; rent not over $400. State all particulars In first letter. Francs; G. Eicbtojiub has returned and wUl resume teaching at his violin studio. Columbia bldg. Main 8319, A 6351. . Dm. Johic R. Wmtirtbit, dentist, has opened his office in The Oregonlan bldg, jalte 807. Phone Main 7255. SunrHzap Hot Sfxlmqs. Carson, Wash. Heavt Den Doors Now Forbidden. A city ordinance forbidding the - use of heavy dors or other barricades on houses used for gambling purposes, was transmitted to the police yester day, having gone Into effect with an emergency clause, and Chief Slover expects to see Immediate Improve ment In the regulation of the gambling evil as a consequence. The first efforts of the new police administration to cope with Chinese and other gambling were, met with reports from police men that the places had ben put in condition to withstand any form of attack, electric signals, heavy iron doors and secret outlets presenting a combination that made the capture of gamblers impossible. At . the instance of Chairman Coffey of the police com mittee of the Executive Board the ordinance was Introduced to combat this evil. Drunk Is Cut Mysteriously. Mystery surrounds the injury of Wil liam Bradley, who was icked up by Patrolmen Henson and Bewley, at Third and Burnslde streets, yesterday afternoon, drunk and with a severe scalp wounL Bradley said an automobile had struck him, but when City Physi cian Ziegler dressed the wound at the police station, he found that it was .a clean cut. as if made by a sharp weapon. Bradley adhered to his ex planation, and as there were few per sons on the street on account of the rain, no other story could be gathered. Bradley was ordered held until he Is sober. Sandy Boulevard to Have Sidewalks. A number of the property ewners on Sandy boulevard will take out permits to lay concrete sidewalks in front of their property. The street is not to be Improved before next year on the advice of the City Engineer, and a movement is afoot to lay sidewalks in advance of improvement of the street. It is In tended to have plans prepared and the contract let for the Improvement next year. Gregory rielgnts residents, wno live toward the end of the Sandy boulevard, will demand that the street , be paved to the end when the Im provement Is made. Portland Camp. No. '107, Woodmen or the world, will have as its guest Head Consul I. I. Boak, of Den' ver, Colo., Wednesday evening, Sep tember 6, at W. O. W. Temple, on Eleventh street. The men of Portland are cordially Invited to come and hear him. On this occasion an elaborate musical programme wil also be ren dered. Come and meet Head Consul Boak and enjoy an evening's enter tainment with the members of Port land Camp No. 107. Minors Play Pool, Alleged. On In formation that minors are allowed to play in the place, the Acme Billiard Parlors, at Sixth! and Alder streets. owned In part by Walter McCredle, manager of the Portland Pacific Coast ball team, was raided by Patrolman Helms Sunday night. W. R. Brace, the manager, was arrested and two boys, Charles and Otto Gelse, 17 and 14 years old, were held as "exhibits." New Trial Denied Patent Foroer. Charles A. Patterson, convicted of perjury In obtaining patents, was denied a new trial by Federal Judge Bean yesterday morning. He will be sentenced next Monday. It was charged that he obtained a patent to a harness buckle invented by A. E. Van Emmon, by making the false state ment in an affidavit that he was the inventor. Commons Revival to Continue. Gospel tent meetings being conducted under the auspices of the Portland Commons at Alberta and East Twenty- second street will continue for two weeks. Meetings are held every eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. They are Inter denominational. Evangelists O. W. Wolf and Loren Davidson are In charge. For Rent. Space in lobby of one or best public buildings in city; is suit able for cigar stand, barber shop, real estate or railroad office; $75 per month. Apply to H. P. Palmer-Jones Com pany, 213 Commercial Club bldg. Chineso Ordered Deported. Lee Tip Mow, a Chinese, who declares he Is a Mexican, will be deported by the United States officials from Seattle to morrow. He was taken to Seatle yes terday. Tub Allen Prefatory School. The principal will be at the school dally, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. to consult with parents and attend to registration. Mrs. Beatrice Widden-Eichbklaub has opened her piano studio In 506-607 Columbia bldg. Main 8319, A 5351. ' Dr. J. B. Roth has returned from New York City. Eye, ear, nose and throat. Oregonlan bldg. ' Store for Rent. In heart of city. 25x100, with full basement. AK 417, Oregonlan. - Tom M. Word Real K statu Co- has moved to 705 Yeon building. Shipherd Hot Springs, Carson, Wash. Shipherd Hot Springs. Carson, Wash. WOMEN WISH GODSPEED Miss Martha Whealdon Guest of Farewell Sociable at Y. W. C. A. To bid farewell to Miss Martha Whealdon. who will leave soon for the National training school of the Toung Women's Christian Association at New York, an afternoon was given In the Association parlors yesterday. Miss Whealdon was acting secretary until Miss Lina James arrived several weeks ago. "Mother" Roberts was also an honor guest at yesterday's sociable. She Just returned ' from a visit with her son at Seattle. Mrs. Roberts re signed as matron of the association here last March, after eight consecu tive years' work. Visitors at the association yesterday were Miss Silverman, of Skamokawa. who arrived Saturday on her way to Marshfleld to teach in the High School, and Miss WlUamina Heldel, of Hllls boro, who Is passing a few days here. MAN AND TYPEWRITER GO Hotel Stenographer Promised Better Plac by Stranger Who Flees. Promise of a position so important that a bond of $5000 would be re quired of the holder, was the lure by which Miss Maude Gilbert, stenog rapher at the Cornelius Hotel, lost her typewriter, and Charles W. Bent ley, a plausible person of hotel-lobby habits, is sought to acconnt for Its disappearance. Bentley said he was an officer of the Coeur d'Alene Mining Company, and presented credentials supporting his claim. He held forth promise of a fine position to the girl and at length took possession of her typewriter with the ostensible Intention of ship ping it to Spokane, the headquarters of the mining company. Then he dis appeared and is said to have left his account at a leading hotel unpaid. WHEREJTO DIME. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladles, SOS Wash., near 6th st. To live well Is to eat well: Try The Criterion, 82 Sixth street. Just from the Land of the Shah and Sultan are the new Importations in Oriental rugs Atiyeh Bros, are show ing at their new store. Tenth and Al der. Rug connoissieurs will miss a rare treat if they fail to see these rich specimens, New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Orplieiun. C oms sixth sense must have given tJ notice that this week's Orpheum kiii l tn ha a. hum-beedler. for every hnjv who could, went to find out if his individual prognostications would come true. Of course, it was a holiday, too and the S. R. O. signs awere hung out nrlv in the game. Two smashlnar bla- headllners crowd ed each other all along the track, coming in neck-aDd-neck at an excit ing finish. One is Edwin F. Stevens, a comedian in whom Portlanders take an especial personal interest because of his association in local theatricals 20 years ago. The other Is Lily Lena, that fascinating human dynamo, who, whenever she visits us. Is accorded an ovation. This time her songs and cos tiimei are all brand new, but her de llcious smile and alluring ways are of the non-changeable variety. For which we are thankful. Lily "comedes" with her eyes, and sings in a well-trained and not un musical voice, remarkable for Its enun elation. Her gowns make the feminine contingent of the audience sit up ana take large interest and also take notes. Of her songs, probably the best liked was Smart, Smart, smart. travesty on society, and a pretty tune' ful ballad. "Over the Garden Wall." Mr. Stevens, helped materially by dainty, sweet little maid named Tina Marshall, has a delightful little skit called "Cousin Kitty," In which the In imitable comedian portrays a happy person who has looked a wee bit too long upon the beer when It foameth and comes home to find an unknown Cousin Kitty keeping the hearth swept while his wife is away. This much plot serves to thread together a lot of clever repartee and laugh-pro voking lines, with a song or two and a burlesque, on Romeo and Juliet. As a finale the two present their famous scene between Dickens' char ters, Dick Swlveller and the Marchion ess, a portrayal that Is a gem. Real entertainers are John W. World and Mindel Kingston In a versatile number that runs the gamut of song, dance and impersonations. World's "I'd Rather vBe a Has-Been Than Never-Wp.s" "took" immensely. Miss Kingston introduces a novelty when she appears in a coat made out of nu- oiio appears in a coai maae out oi nu- merous pieces of mirrors that SDarkle pikay." varleUe8 of a? eitricai A quartet of dancers are the Klles. who give pantomime fancy terpslchore oi Dnmam order. Empress. . ABOR day coming wet and disagree- able for out-of-door activities benefited the showhouses. The Em' press Theater was thronged with amusement-seekers both afternoon and evening. Although no feature ot the bill was even second-rate the ap- by many as one of the greatest of heavyweight lifters. Is of importance to vaudeville enthusiasts. He head- al".aiSS.fei':tVt?d,!:: best. . Right In line with Gerard for merit. although of different character, are Lew Orth and his clever companion. Lillian. They have a little skit with setting In Egypt and appear as Ameri can tourists. Down-to-date jokes are their specialty. Back to the days of the good, old- fashioned minstrel show do Russell and Smith take their audience. Five clev- and to the end men, joe McGee and area nusseu, me applause goes) vociferously. Although no extra praise Is due any member of this week's bill over an- other, each has his own attraction. rranz meisei, tne Austrian violinist, now touring America for the first time, reaps well-earned plaudits for his melody. The feats of strength executed by Welda and Serand. man and woman, are entertaining. Exceedingly winsome and Dlauante. Mabel Howard is last on the bill. Her songs are good and her dancing grace ful, but the boys, Shaw and Lee. wno dance with her have nothing, new to oner. Pantages. centers at INTEREST Pantages Opera Singer." Homer Llnd, a baritone with full, round tones, who recently appeared in Henry w. Savage's Parsi fal and with the Metropolitan Opera company, of New York, presents the salt. He is assisted by Gustave Wain berg and a young woman 'cellist of ex ceptional ability. The theme of the playlet is the story of an elderly Ger man muslo master who comes from Berlin that he may seek his wife, who forsook him years before, taking their small daughter with her. He finds that his wife - is dead and that the child has drifted Into the world. To search better he Joins a vaudeville trniin. o n H ffna 1.1 Paiiivkta. a- as one of his former students," playing I witn an orchestra. Eddie Adair and Edythe Henny have a talking and singing 10-mlnute act that brings down the house. The muslo and songs are the composition of Eddie Adair. Combined with the merry patter of funny sayings they make the act one of the best of its sort. Vernon, a ventriloquist, causes bis -wooaen-headed family ' to utter a streak of witty conversation. He handles more dolls at one time than Is usually the custom with this type of entertainer. "Circus Eve In Mexico" is The work of La Keillors and Is composed of acrobatic feats. TAILORED SCIT9 FOR WOMEN SPECIAL, $14.95 Thess are rsgular $22.60 values; Just a special lot at bargain. Kew Fall styles. In mixtures and navy blue serce.i i ermi 93.00 casn. Balance (I a week. IOSW FALL SUITS FOB ISXSf. New. nobbv vat- terns, best of tail oring; suits that Siva satisfaction; a special, lot to start the season EPJBCIAIi, $19.50 Regular $25.00 to (27.90 valuta WASHINGTON Nzar PARK 4 Bankers, lawyers, lenders of money, real estate dealers and men of wide experience in title matters, consider a Certificate of Title essential in real es" tate transactions providing for pro tection against the hundreds of ways for the "buyer to lose through defec tive or fraudulent title. Secure one before you make your deal. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Lewis Bldg, 4th and Oak. Pnrfr '.The "Woods Electric has a hold on the people of Chicago that nothing on earth but merit could give it. l T. , .i i-t.i4. J v If YOU have the Slightest dOUDt M to the rdatiye merits of dectrio cars, ride in them and then exam ine the construction and the mate- rials used. If yOU kUOW, anything Q.Z ail , , . - ., ,. ... about electric Car building, this examination will answer all your questions. If you don't know any thing about it, take someone with you that does, One of the first things that .will interest you in the "Woods is the fact that the best people in Chicago use them and-keep on ai rm. . i a i using uueiu. aiic uesu petpie oio ht -nprmlfl who en after analitv r . . I and refuse to acceDt anvtnine else. That's your answer. 'CHICAGO COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. LOCAL AGENT Seventh and Couch Streets The Prestige of :ULHAM Quality Printing is known in every office in the State "WJiere ffOOfl prillt- ia xj -i i IBg IS appreciated and USed. It yields a profit to the users. ICILHAM Stationery and Printing Company Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. HEA D CARTERS FOR Architects' and Engineers' Instruments and Supplies. FIFTH and OAK STS. Established 1900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester Bldg. Portland, Or. Foster & Kleiser Eish Grade Commercial and Electrii SIGNS Bas 7thand Baat Everett Sta, Phones) Kant 1111 1 B-8334. HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the bulldlnsr of a boms for you on easy payments. We give reierences ana a reierencea, . WIaTT, ESTABROOK RAT, Ml Couc bids, Fssm Mala 4211. Our Dental Work Is Endorsed by Brain and Brawn Alike Our patients come from every walk in life the banker, profes sional man, business man, mechanic and laborer, all are represented in our list of clients. They all seem equally well satisfied with our modern methods, skill, promptness and reasonable prices. v OUR BRIDGE WORK has been brought to the highest tate of perfection. The teeth on this bridge are Interchangeable at will w 1 1 n o u t removing from the mouth. We use gold or porcelain as your fancy dictates. This is only one ot our many original meinoua. OUR PLATE WORK has always been an Important branch of our profession, and at this onice is treated witn tne consiuem tlon it deserves, and our plates with flexible suction are the most satis fying that have ever been oevisea. Thv do B.W&V with all of the well- known annoyances endured by a targe percentage of people who wear plates ana are superior in every way to any other plate. LOW PRICES FOR HIGH- GRADE WORK , Good Rubber Plates, each 85.00 Th, Rest Red Robber Plates. each 87.50 22-Karat Gold or Poreelala Crown for $5.00 22-Karat Bridge Teeth, Guar anteed, each S3.S0 Gold or Enamel Fillings, each....$1.00 Silver Fill in s;s, each , SOo And an Absolute Guarantee Backed by 24 Years tn Portland. WiseDentalCo. Office Honrs i 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. Snndays 9 to 1. Phones Marn 2020, A 2020. Falling- Bide 3d and Washington. SCHOOLS A"T COL-IJ-.GES. DAY AND NIGHT: SCHOOLS $500,000 BUILDING SIXTY-THREE COURSES. FORTY-FIVE TEACHERS. Day Schools Open September 5, 1911 Night Schools Open September 25, 1911. CLASS Term Fee. Accounting. . '.. Advertising;. . S15.00 Algebra. 5.00 Assaying- i;.ou Apple Culture No fee Arcnitect Drawing. ijv Arithmetic 2.00 Automobile. 60.00 Bible Study 2.00 BooKKeeping e.uu Boys' School (Day) 12.00 Boys' School (Night) 4.0O Bricklaying. 15.oo Building Caretaklng. S.00 Business Eng. and Cor. 2.00 Business Law 2.00 Carpentry and Woodturning 10.00 Chemistry ... 10.00 Cornet. . 10.00 Electricity and Elec. Mach. 15.00 English for Foreign Men 8.00 English Grammar and Reading.. 3.00 English Grammar and Rhetoric. 8.00 English Literature. 8.00 Freehand Drawing. 7.50 Tencn 0.00 Forestry and Lumberlnc 10.00 Geometry. 6.00 German 6.00 History. Latin 5.00 Machine Design 7.50 Mechanical Dlt. 7.50 Penmanship 2.00 Pharmacy 25.00 pnysicai ana com. ueogranny Physics 7.00 Piano 10.00 Plan Reading and Estim 8.00 Plumbing Shop Practice 15.00 Poultry Raising ...No fee Public Speaking. 6.00 Keel Estate Law no fee Relnf. Concrete Const.... 15.00 Rhetoric. 3.00 Salesmanship. 15.00 Spanish 5.00 Sheet Metal Drafting 7.50 Shorthand 6.00 Surveying and Mapping. 10.00 Show Card Writing 12.00 Telegraphy and Dispatch 12.00 Trigonometry 6.00 Typewriting 6.00 violin. 10.00 Vocal Music 6.00 Write or Call for Free Illustrated Cata- losrne, PORTLAND. OR. Y. M. C A. Similar Schools Seatle, Tacoma, Spokane For Girls. Condoned br the SISTEHS OF THE HOLY names or jesus and vary. gtu. Adu - CiUrUtt Cmrjo, Mot lc Art. Elocution mod Commer cial Deso- KMiMut mm J Dmj Ihsfriiri Reused Moral an4 Intellectual Trsislnr. Write f or ABneascenMBL Address t I STEM tUrEXIOK. U. Mmrj't Atmmmwu, fmUmJ Adeline M. Alvord ELOCUTION, ORATORY, DRA MATIC ART, EXPRESSION, RHYTHMIC GYMN ASTICS. 211-13 Til ford Building, Morrison. Tenth and The Allen Preparatory School FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Fits for all colleges and technical schools. Graduates from this school, in Eastern institutions, rank with stu dents from the best secondary schools of New England. Special courses. Office Hours 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. For- Catalogue address THE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Portland. Or.. East 12th and Salmon Sts. Charles Dierke Beatrice Dierke Besnmo Piano instruction September 1, at residence studio, 231 24th street, North, near Lovejoy. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND, OREGON, oad torn LUtutrsUod Cataloa , SODCEB An Ideal Mountain Resort in the Heart of the Cascades Only 61 miles from Portland, on the North Bank railroad and Colum bia River. The bracing mountain air is now tonio with the balsam of the pines, and is most exhilarating for those seeking health or recrea tion. A Big, Modern Hotel. All Sorts of Amusements . Most luxuriantly appointed hydrothermal baths In the Northwest for both ladles and gentlemen. The highly mineralized water is efficacious in the treatment of rheumatism, nervous and kindred ols orders. Reasonable prices and an atmosphere of Jolly sociability. Illustrated booklet on request. For rates and reservations address TOURIST A.D TRAVEL BUREAU, 65 Fifth Street, City. Hotel Moore sosSKKn Is situated directly on the OCEAN SHORE, along the boardwalk. Hotel Moore is in the lee of Tillamook Head. Seaside is the warm beach, free from the cold north winds In Summer. Surf bathing and hot salt baths. The Hotel Moore is equipped with steam heat, hot and cold water, electrio lights, suites with private bath, etc Rates $3 and up per day. American plan. Write lor booklet. DAN J. MOORE, Prop, Seaside, Or. . SCHOOLS GRADUATES CAN THIS SCHOOL AS THE Facts Over a million dollars a year being earned by our former students. UfiCmflN? SECURED FOR STUDENTS WHEN IlJlllUlrJ CunPETEUT WiInuUT CHAKGE E3a, BUSINESS COLLEGE . Fourth Street, One-Half Block From Morrison. All downtown carlines 34 in number near our door. No trans fer necessary. 160 new typewriters. 1397 calls for help last year. Graduates guaranteed positions, or tuition refunded. Day and night sessions. I. M. WALKER, PRES. 0. A. BOSSERMAN, MGR. Ideal Preparatory School for Girls. Admits to any college: unus. tial advantages in Music and Art. Complete course tn Do mestic Science. Fine gym nasium. Splendidly located In a wholesome and Invigor ating; climate. Individual in struction and home care. Get further information and booklet from MISS JULIA P. BAILEY, S200 Pacific Avenue, Spokane, Wash. Portland Academy Fits Rots and Girls for College. A Primary and Grammar School Included. Graduates enter on examination Harvard, Princeton, Tale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology; on certificates. Amherst, Cor nell, Smith, Vassar, 'Williams . and colleges and universities of the Pacltlc Coast. Well equipped laboratories in chemistry and phy sics, f ield practice in surveying, jjcyttn ments in charge of college men and women, riaaairiil. scientific, modern languages and commercial courses. Gymnasium under skilled director. Track and fleld athletics. Corner of Montgomery and Thlrteentn. Easv of access from all parts of the city. Office hours ror bummer v 10 iz ana to 4. Send for Catalogue. The Hamlin School A lUch-ClAM Board! n e and Day School lor Girl. ComprialxiK a French School for JLlttI Children, Primary. Intermediate. High School and Post Graduate Department. Household Economics. Drawing. Painting and Elocution. Accredited by th TTnlTeralty of Cali fornia, by Leland Stanford Junior Uni Tcraity and by Eastern College. Courses In Singing. Instrumental Muslo (piano, violin, organ, barp. flute, cello, etc). Theory and composition. Harmony, 61ght Reading. Muflcal Dictation, Choral and Orchestral Practice, etc, aro ottered by the newly formed Music Department. School reopens Monday, Aug. 7. Address BUSS SARAH D. HA MX IX. A, M.. CS8 facliic Avenue. San Francisco. Phone West 646. All branches of commercial art, color work and lllustiatlon taught In actual working shop under the direo tlon of artists with practical expe rience. Ca!l oi writo for circular, 601-502 B-hnk-Walker bldg., 4th and xamnill, Portland. HBOKHSEBsSS MED.CA fttn a BTPfl5-8JT II Er All I MEN I vnmaxmmrom HIGH 6TA.NDAKD. mOROOGH COITBSES Session Begins Oct. 2, 1911. For cata logue address Dean, Dr. S. E. Josephi, 610 Dekum Bldg., Portland. Oregon. The Famous Girls' School Near New York MT8S C. E. MASON'S SUBURBAN SCHOOL, Tarrytown-oii-Hudsorj, N. Y. Social and cul tural advantages, uaenincent scnooi noma on the heights of the Hudson. Collese pre paratory, Graduating and Finishing Courses. Unusual culture of self-reliance. Initiative and power. Catalogue, write Alise C. Mason, LL Lock Box. . RESORTS. AM) COLLEGES. SI BE FOUND EVERYWHERE POISTTrVrtTO REASON FOR T11EU? REMARKABLE SUCCESS J Worth Noting Best equipped business college in the Northwest. Individual instruction. " rr' Illlilll Situated on Lake Steilacoom i A select school for boys, situated till a rural district, particularly adapted to all kinds of outdoor sports the yean around. College preparatory, with spe- clal Instruction in languages. Madera buildings, limited attendance. Kali term begIns Sept. 21st, 1911. For catalog and information, write , D. S. FVI.FORD, Principal, I South Tacoma, Wash. Belmont Schoo ' (FOR BOYS) BELMONT, CAL. TTWcnrynYe Vflet Sontlj.of StnJ'rsiieisco) The ttbool. U rrrlnr to do (of therawnu and bhvinL not lest I His for tbc inrxfteriuU.lweJife.of e&fb boy whai a tboarbthtl parent moat wiihea lo bafe'dotie. Coorribut- Inr to tbla end are the location -of jtlie. school removed from the temptsriona and dhttracdona of towp or dry j tbe 6ncnett of tbe climate, the excellence of Iw baUdinra and other equipment, and tbe beauty and extent of its f roun4i. with tbe wide raure of foothills furraundiog'tbem. We are Ciad to nave pur patrona and rradusM consulted. For caolocus. booklet and further peeific Information sddreve the bead nustri. W. T. DEUX A. U. ( Harvard) Fall term bectns Auf - 14th. Home and Day School lor Girls, near Stanford University, Acrredited by collerM East and Wot. Grammar and Prinw ary departments. Four new bulldlnrsi s Residence for 411 pupilti s Recitation Hall of 12 roomsi s Gymnasium an Auditorlomi a Domestic Science Bungalow. Eztensivf grounds. Music Art. Domestic Science. Out-of-door Phy leal Trainlnf. School opens September 4. 191L For illust trated catalogue, address the Principal. MARY 1. LOCKEY. A. B. Palo Alto. Cat - Portland. Oreg-on S , Park avenue and St. Clair Street. Resident and day school for girls. Well equipped elementary department. School opens Sept, 18. Old pupils should register Sept. 13. New pupils Sept. 14 and 15. Iron 4 Q to 11 A. M. DEFECTIVE SPEECH CORRECTED LIP BEADING TAUGHT THB HARD OF HEARING. Mental tralnincr and physical culture fop backward children. Results assured. Ten years' experience in specialized work. MISS KATHERINE KING, Apt. 50tf Chetupa Annex, ElKbteuth anl Flanders. PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Third Year Besrlns October 2, 1011, DRAWING, PAINTING, PORTRAIT. LIFE, SKETCH, ILHSTR ATION, DESIGN AND CHILDREN'S CLASSES For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART, Fifth and Taylor Streets. Portland. Orf COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY MAKES A MAN OF Jim. Educate th intellect while ennobllngr heart. Thorough classical. English, history and preparatory scientific and engineering courses. Competent and experienced faculty. Grammar gradea taught to boys over 11. Conducted by the Father of th Holy; Cross. Apply to REV. JOSEPH T. GAIXAGHEK, C- S. C Columbia Cnivoriiiij , ortlaud Or