THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. One Solid Car Fine Chiffoniers to Go on Sale Today at Prices Much Lower Than They Have, Ever Been Offered Heretofore Included are Chiffoniers with and without mirrors, in plain and quarter-sawed Oak, Circassian Walnut and Mahogany. Chiffoniers from the least expensive to the best, all offered at prices less than you've ever been asked to pay $9.60 Oak Chiffonier, without glass; five drawers, fitted (J f C with wood knobs; thirty inches in width. Special J)0JiJ $12.50 Solid Oak Chiffonier, with 5 diawers and 10x18 French plate mirror; width 38 inches. Good construction $8.85 $16.75 Golden Oak Chiffonier, very large size, six d f drawers, no mirror; 40 inches in width. Special P A J J J $22.50 Quar. Oak Chiffonier, built on square lines with scroll standards and large French plate mirror. Special P X TT i J 20.75 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, finished golden; has rf 1 4 Q C straight front, wood knobs; large pattern plate mirror V 1tOJ $27.50 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, true Colonial design, 1 Q Q E with 6 drawers and large French plate mirror. Special P A J O J $32 Circas'n Walnut Chiffonier, modern English design, Ani 7 C 32 ins. in width; straight front drawers, selected stock $39 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, extra quality, full swell (Jno Q C front, large pattern plate mirror, finely finished; spl. V00 J $52.50 Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, Colonial design, QOQ 7 C ex. size; 16x24 square mir.; select stock, well finished vOO O psS j $18.65 $25 Quart'd Oak Chiffonier, unusually large size, fine selected stock, 16x24 pattern plate mirror. Special. . $31 Mahogany Chiffonier, 33 ins. in width, with swell (J Q Q Pj front and French legs, large oval plate. Special.... Pvi X iOD $36.00. Circassian Walnut Chiffonier, Colonial design, Artg l2f with large oval plate mirror; very best construction 4J lJeiJ V $41 Quartered Oak Chiffonier, 36 inches in width; ser- d Q 1 C f pentine drawers and French legs, large mirror. Special JJ 3 X C J $12.50 REGULAR VALUE $18.50 $29.85 USUAL PRICE $45.00 $23.25 $13.75 REDUCED FROM $33.50 REGULAR VALUE $19.00 $69 Mahogany Chiffonier, Colonial design, large size, frA Q C?f fitted with glass knobs and large, oval plate mirror VTfOjwV $1.25 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPET A full, assortment of colors and large or small designs, with or without border. For this, sale, very spe cial at, yard . Some Unusually Low Prices on Carpets, Curtains, Rugs 98c $1.39 $3.40 $5.85 9x12 ALL-WOOL ART RUGS TO BE OF-tff rf FERED THIS WEEK AT..! J) j . 17 U $1.75 FINE AXMDTSTER CARPET in a wide variety of floral and Oriental designs, all colors, with or without border. Very special at, yard $5.50 LACE CURTAINS, six patterns, in cluding English Brussels, Irish points, and nets. All patterns new this season. Special for balance of week $8.00 LACE CURTAINS, per pair Dainty Cluny and Net Curtains, ten splendid pat terns to choose from; all patterns new and desirable. Special . Whittall's Royal Worcester Rugs We offer this as the best value for a popular price rug, made of lustrous worsted yarns. No pains or expense has been spared to have the designs and colors equal the high standard of bet ter grades 9x12 Room Size, Special 43.20 Absolute Satisfaction for the Housewife Who Uses so M UTH BEND ALLEABLE THE LIFETIME RANGE When you buy the SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE you buy a range that is positively guaranteed to give you absolute satisfaction just as long as you have need to use one. The SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE has more special features than any other range. Its thorough riveted construction assures you of its everlasting service. Its economy of fuel, its sterling malleable qualities and perfect results obtained in baking and cooking will appeal to you who seek range perfection. We will gladly 'prove to you the superiority of the South Bend Malleable Range, t LOWEST WEEKLY TERMS FOR J ff THE BEST RANGE MADE J) 1 .UU 'KIM. $19.00 GOLD BRONZE IRON BEDS If Foil size only, twa in, continuous posts, large filler rods. Better than a low priced brass bed. A Great 4-Day Special on Solid Oak Buffets Here are six numbers that will prove to yon Powers' ability to undersell all other stores. The pieces are built of oak, all good designs, and offered at prices far less than yon will be able to obtain elsewhere. $37.00 Large Oak Buffet, exactly as pictured, built of selected stock, trimmed with wood knobs; 50 inches in width. Large French j. late mirror. Spe-TJJ 25 $28.50 Fumed Oak Buffet, in the mission design, with three draw ers, two cupboards and plate rail. Dependable con-t"Q 7J? struction. Special. P $21.00 Style in Oak, in either fumed or golden wax, one of the very best designs ever offered for the price. On spe- JJ1 A AC cial sale at pit.iJ $24.00 .Buffet like this, in quar tered oak, with large plate mir ror. Width t& inches, suitable for a small dining room. Special $17.65 $28.00 Mission Pattern, in either fumed or waxed, selected oak. A better pattern than you will find anywhere for thet01 the price. Special. P J $29.75 Buffet in Oak, suitable for a small dining-room; selected quartered stock; a (TOO QC large plate mirror. P03 . $12.50 MISSION ROCKERS THIS WEEK $7.45 Built of fumed oak, with genuine Span ish leather seat and back. Very desir able pattern. - $1.00 a Week Buys the "Free" This is the Machine you have read so much about in the magazines, the Machine which has a score of altogether new improvements, and the Machine which is sold at a price so much lower than you are accustomed to pay for the highest grade Sewing Machine, that, if we told you what the price is, it would prejudice you against the Machine. vv e insist on snowing the Machine and its points of superiority before telling you what a bargain it really is. To give you a better chance still of finding out for yourself how perfect it is, and to show you our ab solute commence in the bTee, we want you to give it 30 Days' Free Trial in Your Home Try this Machine, test it, sew with it on all kinds of material. If you then are not entirely satisfied, if you are not convinced that it is the best Machine you have ever sewed on, the most improved, the most up-to-date, if the low price does not convince you that this is the big gest bargain you hare ever bought, return the Machine to us and we will refund your deposit, so that the trial will not cost you one cent. ' The Season's Greatest Table Special 7.45 Library Table, Like Cut, Worth $12.50 This Week for "When we say that this is the greatest Table special of the year, we mean it. For at no other time have we or any one else been able to offer "a Library Table of this grade and size at so unusual a price. It is exactly as pictured, and made of selected oak, finished wax or " fumed. It is forty-two inches in width and has long drawer. The panel ends and wide lower shelf make it very desirable for most any home. ONLY FIFTY TABLES SELL AT THIS PRICE. Made of Solid Oak. with 24x42-inch top, Fumed or Waxed Golden. GRAM) J CRT TO INVESTIGATE WALLACE IXSTITCTIOX. Relations With LaM Lumber Com pany Alleged Cause of Insolv- ency of Depository. BOISE, Idaho. Sept. 4. (Special.) A grand Jury win probe Into the af fairs of the State Bank of Commerce of Wallace and the Lane Lumber Com pany, both of which failed, as well as investigate the actions of the officers. The Jury will open Its inquiry in Wal lace, in the District Court. September 18. The call for the grand Jury opened the third sensational chapter "of the affairs of the two institutions, an in spection of the books of which have proved that' both had common inter ests, the bank carrying the lumber company in its business dealings and the officers of the former being offi cers of the latter. The first chapter in the affairs of the defunct concern was opened when the bank was suddenly pressed to the wall Immediately following the failure of the Carnegie Trust Company of New York, in which B. F. O'Neil. president of the bank, was a heavy stockholder as well as director. The second chap ter quickly followed when the Lane Lumber Company closed its doors and upon the petition of creditors went into the hands of a receiver. It is alleged that the prospective grand Jury investigation is due to the findings of a committee, Vfhioh has placed Information in the hands of the County Attorney. The charge made by the receiver of the Lane Lumber Com pany that the State Bank of Commerce was the dumping ground for the bad paper of the lumbering concern and the allegation that the officers of the bank were in some part responsible had a great deal to do with the mat ter entering the courts. " FORT PAYROLLS BIG JOB Department Requirements Demand Making of 60 lasts a Month.. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) So great is the red tape in the Government service that to pay 1100 men, practically all at this post, no less than 60 payrolls have to be made out each month by the officers in charge. There 'are 20 organizations in the post, and it is necessary for three pay rolls for each organization to be made out. or 60 in all. . One payroll is sent to the War Department, Western Di vision, at San Francisco, one is sent to the paymaster and the other is kept on file. MANIAC'S BUI ISPYREl FARMER TRIES TO KILL WIFE THEN SLAYS SELF. When Spouse Flees, Carl Stoschel Burns House and Barn, Shoot ing and Cremating Self. EVERETT, Wash., Sept 4. Carl F. Stoschel. 57 years old, a rancher living four miles east of" Marysville. at tempted to kill his wife, burned his house and his barn to the ground and then committed suicide today. Stoschel, who is believed to have be come insane, because enraged at his wife and fired at her with a shot gun. He missed her and Mrs. Stoschel ran to the home of John . Nelson, A neighbor, for assistance. Nelson armed himself and started back with Mrs. Stoschel. When they approached the Stoschel home they saw flames burst first from the house and then from the barn. In a short time both build ings were a mass of flames. When the fire was at its height two -shots were heard from the barn and after the fire had brned itself out, the charred body of the man was found in the ruins of the building. Weather Affects Mr. Rain. OREGON CITY, Or Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) Frank Rain, a farmer, came to town today to celebrate. ' The first thing he Aid was to become intoxicated. Then he stalked forth upon the main thoroughfare of the city. He had as many meanderlngs as the Clackamas River. His interference with pedes trians, streetcars and automobiles was enough to make a star football player turn green with envy. Finally Chief of Police Shaw decided to take Mr. Rain in out of the rain. Upon being deprived of his liberty the visitor from , the country raved and tore his hair and proceeded to break the furniture In the Jail. He pulled down a stove pipe, the soot covering him from head to foot. making him look like a chimney sweep when business is good. The man was then locked in a dark cell and soon went to sleep. Gordon Your eye tells you that the style is right the name GORDON guarantees the rest HlcitS A. B. STEINBACH & CO. 1 I