18 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911r In the Lobby of Our 7th-Floor Tea Room Beautiful, First Amateur Photographic Contest Opens Today Entries Have Been Extended Until 5 o'Clock This Afternoon There Are 1 7 Cash and Merchandise Prizes Offered in All, Totaling $280 Entries Received 7th Floor Over 1000 Makers Unite, in Monster EventStartingTMs Morning THIS week will see a repetition of the great event which last year astonished the whole country-side yes, the entire mercantile world with its scope ! Over 1000 leading American and European manufacturers, representing the famous lines for which we are the Portland distributers, have united with us in the Second Great Golden Harvest and Manufacturers' Sale, which begins on the stroke of 8 this morning. - ' ' $3 to $5 New Jap Silk Waists, $2.22 MEIER FnAXK'S SECOND FLOOR. REACHED us just in time for the Harvest Sale.' Beautiful black and white Jap Silk "Waists that you'd pay $3 to $5 for if bought in the regular way. Note the. pretty models In plain tailored and sailor collar styles. Tailored Waists with high necks and longt sleeves the sailor Collar styles with short kimono sleeves. Other dain ty models trimmed in pretty laces. Come early for your choice of these $3 to $5 Jap Silk "Waists in pretty lacea. $2.22 Mill Surplus Women's 50c and 75c Underwear at 39c MEIER KRAJTK.'S FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. AND best of all, they are in the medium weights for .Fall and Winter wearl Splendid Ribbed. (Vests with high or low neck, long or short sleeves. Knee or ankle length pants. A mill surplus arrived just in time for the Second Golden Harvest and Manufacturers' Sale; regular C 50c and 75c Underwear, in all sizes; today, garment, $1 Ribbed Union Suits, 79c Our own staple $1.00 Union Suits, of fine ribbed cotton, in low neck, no sleeves, knee or ankle length. "Weight for early Fall wear; all sizes; yQ special price, suit at C 75c Union Suits Only 47c Women 's new medium-weight ribbed Union Suits for present and early Fall wear. High neck with long or short sleeves, or low neck, sleeveless ; a j knee or ankle length x C It is the "opening gun" in bur Fall and Winter campaign, introducing the giant, new stocks gathered from every corner of the world dependable, quality merchandise to sell at LOWEST KNOWN COST. This opening announcement barely hints at the amazing import of this great event. Every day this week and throughout the month new features will be presented. Read the splendid economy news below. Gome today! Harvest Sale to $8.50 S.H.A1 Guarant'd Silk Petticoats, $5.45 MEIER FRAXK'S SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. r iff i in No, PURCHASER'S GUARANTEE I Should this petticoat bearing1 trade mark 8. H. & M. crack t split within Utree month from date of purohue, return it with thi. guarantee to your dealer. He will replace U with new one, provided the damage haa Dot been canted by tearing, alteration or by wear oa bottom ruffle. - THE S. H. & M. CO. Sold. mm VA THE Stuart, Howe & May Company have rcc us 1O0O nf tliefr fflmnns aTiarnnt.p.pA Silk Petticoats splendid $7.50 to $8.50 grades for a sensational Golden Harvest Sale fea ture at $5.45, Every Petticoat bears a dated, numbered 3-months guarantee, reading like this. They are made of rich, all-silk Messalines and Taffetas and in the regular sizes, the deep underlays are also of pure silk. The extra sizes, which come in black only, have cotton underlays. Five newxmodels note the illustration below. They're' finished ffa& A with plain circular, tailor-stitched, knife-plaited and shirred isL mt I flounces', all conforming with the present style of skirts. Black, ' - Jw ii blues, greens, red, helio, lavender, brown, gray, etc Eegular $7.50 ft 11 J J J n and $8.50 Guaranteed Silk Petticoats. Harvest Sale price only 2 O - 10 Co Sale Ayer's Fine Plumes MEIER A FRANK'S SECOXD FLOOR. WE secured an immense pur chase of finest French and Willow Plumes from W. C Ayer & Co., especially for the Second Great Golden Harvest and Manufacturers' Sale. Here are all sizes at unmatched sav ings. Come in black and white only. The Willow Plumes. Size Eegular. Special 15- inch ............... .$7.60 $4.05 16- inch $8.60 $5.95 18-inch $10.50 $7.95 22-inch $15.00 $11.95 24-inch $20.00 $14.95 26-inch $25.00 $18.75 French Plumes and Heads. - Black, white, pink, blue, cardinal, pur ple, etc. Size Regular. Special 17- inch.... $ 8.50 $6.95 18- inch ...$10.50 $7.95 19- inch $12.75 $9.45 20- inch.....' $15.00 $11.95 21- inch ...$18.75 $13.95 21- inch..... $20.00 $15.95 22- inch. $24.00 $18.75 ORDER BY MAIL. Famous "Stronghair" Veils and Veilings at Sale MEIER A FRIAR'S FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. WE ABE principal Portland agents tor tnese famous f j . a-rrMmr "Stronghair" Veils and Veilings, recognized Amer ica over as style and quality leaders. All the smart Fall styles in "Stronghair" Shet land Drape and Chiffon Veils, ,as well as French Silk Veilings in dainty chenille dot, square and Tux edo meshes are here. Extraordinary specials on "Stronghair" Veils in the Harvest Sale : 50c and 65c "Stronghair" Veilings Dainty"neOQ French meshes in all colors and styles. A yard OiC $1.25 New' "Stronghair" Shetland Veils, so much the fad I Come in black, white and colors. Various "yQ sized mesh 1 yards long; Harvest Sale today C $2.50 and $3.00 "Stronghair" Chiffon Veils Extra large all-ilk Chiffon, also silk Crepes. All C "1 QP new shades. We place them on sale at, yd. J' A IO The Vogue for Laces Marked! MEIER A FRAJnCS FIRST FLOOR. LiA.YISH almost to the point of the extreme, will be the use of Laces on garments for Autumn, the marked feature being the use of many laces of different types, rather than only a few styles. See the attractive window display. We want you to see ? The new Black Chenille, Cream Net, Spangled and Chiffon Robe patterns. They're exquisite 1 , The Dewdrop Nets, embroidered in rosebuds and pale pink chenille. The hand-wrought real Macrane Laces, used extensively by Paris Modistes in both wraps and gowns. The coarse and fine Point de Venise, Chantllly, Maline, Brussels, Point Milan, Shadow and Gold and Silver Laces. ' ". . The Cream AUovers with bands to match, priced from 50J to $10. And see, too, the new arrivals in Chiffon and Chiffon Cloths, "plain and in rich designs, priced, a yard, at $1 and $1.50. Buy Sugar by the Sack s MEIER A FBIXK'I BASEMENT. ORDER BT MAIL, 'TJGAE is advancing in price every day! It 11 pay you to buy a sack at tnese Harvest Sale prices: Dry Granulated Sugar, special, 100 lbs., $8.75 Berry Sugar, special at, 100 pounds, $6.98 Tetley's Sunflower Tea, lb, 57. Tetley's Green Label Tea, lb., 53 S Genuine Eastern Hams, deliciously sugar cured, special, lb, 19. El Toro Olives, small cans 10c, large cans, 23. White Flyer Soap, box $4J0, 6 cks. 25 Kingsford's Starch, 6-lh. boxes, 52. 25c Gold Dust or Citrus Washing Pow der, 19. Grand Island Asparagus, dozen, $2.25; each, 20. KenreDi Peaches, small cans, 2 for 15 Bana.net Peaches, can, ll. Log Cabin Syrup, gaL, ?U0; yr-gallon, 60c; quart, 32J. Taylor Mfg. Co's. lace Cur tains at Nearly Half! MEIER A FRANK'S THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. THB J. K. Taylor Company is one of Amer ica's largest and best Lace. Curtain manu facturers ! They have co-operated with us in this Great Second Golden Harvest and Manufacturers' Sale over 3000 pairs nearly half price.. S3 ul S3JS0 Cur tain IE patterns In novelty braid, plain net and Ren atasanae edgs de signs; see cut. Har vest Sale, pair $1.69 of their finest Curtains to sell at See them in 5th st. window. S6 and (6 .SO Cur tains 85 ' patterns in handsome Marie Antoinette and Renaissance braid designs. Full 45 inches wide and 2 yards long-. Fr. $3.85 ST .50 Scrim CnT sins 12 dainty. new patterns In checks and stripes with lace edgeo. Ivory, whtte and ecru all full size. Pair $5.15 Harvest Sale Wash Goods 25c Imported Dimities 2lc IN" THIS Great Second Harvest Sale, we're going to close out 2000 yards of beautiful imported Dimities it exactly half. -. . A score of dainty patterns floral, figured and I j y (Z dotted effects of all colors ; best 25c grade, yard 50c Imported Voiles, beautiful patterns, per yard 25c $1.25 All-Linen Table Damask, 70-inch, per yard $1.00 Hemstitched Linen Cloths $5.50 at $3.07; $6.50, $4.33 $2.50 Satin Crochet Bed Spreads, special price, $1.98 "No-Sag" Handbags MEIER A FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR. . HAT) it not been that the manufacturer fcsgi' been able to offer these famous "No-Sag" Hand- bags at such a low price as this. Every woman knows how the ordinary leather bags bulge and sag at the bottom. You carry them but a short while and they're shabby and unattractive. Buy a "No Sag" and you 11 have a Bag that Will retain its shape permanently, no matter how heavy the contents, because of a perfected mechanical construction. Always neat, shapely. Over 300 of these celebrated "No-Sag" Bags enter the Harvest Sale today. Walrus and seal grain leather, with German silver and gilt mount ings. Leather and moire lined ; fitted with coin purse. These $2 Bags today WIS VTvSCyT 1 $1.29 The New Fall Models In Warner's Corsets THE graceful, supple figure that the fashions of the day demand, possible to women corseted in a "Warner." No matter what your particular build no matter what peculiarities of line, we have a Warner model that's exactly suited to your needs one that will en hance every line of beauty or cover any possible defects. Flexibility and natural figure lines are the features of the 1911 models, conforming in every detail to the present style requirements. Medium and low-bust mod els are prevalent Style 244, as pictured, is perfectly made of a dainty novelty fabric Designed especially for tall figures. This model at $2.50. Consult our expert corsetieres today they can tell at a glance what model is suited to you particularly. Other Warner Corsets are priced from $1 to $5.