16 i SOME OBJECT TO EAST SIDE L Condemnation of Route Alone Would Cost Two Millions, Opponents Assert. WE'LL QUIT, SAYS HAWLEY President of Hawley Pulp & Paper Company Declares if Project Is . Carried Out His Firm Will Cease Business. OREGON CITY. Or.. Sept. 14. (Spe cial.) Several business men whose property "will be damaged by the pro posed Fast Side canal and locks at the falls of the Willamette are prepar ing to file a protest against the con struction of the big ditch along the route suggested to the authorities of Washington. It 'is asserted .that the construction of the canal will require more than 13.000, Ono for condemnation awards alone, and that it will be almost an Impossibility to raise the necessary money. The state has made an appro priation of $300,000 and the Govern ment will give a similar amount. This money Is to be used In the actual con struction of the canal and, it Is esti mated that $154,000 more will be re quired for this work. The plans for the canal were made by E. Burslem Thomson, assistant United States en gineer under Major Mclndoe. of the United States Engineering Corps. W. P. Hawley. president of the Haw- ley Pulp & Paper Company, whose property will suffer most through the construction of the canal, declares that the building of the canal would mean the company would quit business in this city. M1U Would Quit, Says Hawley. "As the route for the canal and locks has been surveyed," said Mr. Hawley todsy. "our mills will be so cut up as virtually to amount to annihilation. Personally I am Indifferent as to what Is done, and it is up to the people to decide whether they want the mill or the canal. I favor an open canal at Oregon City, and I am perfectly willing to abide by the will of the people." ' Mr. Hawley thinks that under the circumstances the present locks and canal on the west side of the river should be purchased and enlarged. He says that the route proposed for this side of the river would cut the city off from th falls, and destroy the manufacturing plants. The canal, as proposed, begins at the foot of Fourth street. In Oregon City, and extends In a southeasterly dlreo tlon for a distance of 900 feet, having a width of 125 feet. The course of the 125 feet cuts into several buildings of the Oregon City Manufacturing Com pany's plant. The same applies to the Crown Pulp & Paper Company's plant, where about $100,000 worth of machin ery for the manufacture of pulp has been Installed. Along the route of the proposed canal there is In operation $200,000 worth of machinery. It is contended that if the Government con demns this property for a right of way, compelling these business concerns to seek other quarters, the expense will run beyond the $2,000,000 mark. Many gay Fear Is Baseless. There is little doubt that the people of Oregon City would rather lose the canal than the big manufacturing plants. However, it is contended by many of the leading men here that the building of the canal on the East Side win not necessitate the mills closing. In fact, some even go so far as to say the waterpower will not be affected snd that the Hawley Pulp & Paper Company and the East Bide Pulp Plant of the Crown Columbia Pulp A Paper Company will be the only ones put to rreat inconvenience. Mr. Hawley says the plan proposed would so interfere with his business that he would not think of continuing it here. About 1000 persons are employed by the mills that will be affected. GERMANS TO CELEBRATE Day at State Fair Will Have Elab orate Programme. STATE FAIR GROUNDS, Salem, Or, Sept. 4. (Special.) Edgar Winter, of Portland, state secretary of the Affili ated German-Speaking Societies of the State of Oregon, declares that German day, September 8, is to be one of the most important in the week of the Oregon State Fair. Mr. Winter has conferred with transportation officials and they are lending their efforts to make German day one of the best In the programme at the fair. Astoria, Roseburg. Oregon City. Eu gene and fully a dozen more Oregon cities have made plans to take ad vantage of the special rates to ,be In effect for this day at the fair. The United German Societies of Sa lem are going to entertain the visitors with a "commers." and folk singing. Two publto halls have been engaged CANA , f. '"' i jj .-- ''""' wood mLo 3 rofiy &Lcr sz. o J i it 1 1t Utirfp-- The proposed canal on the east side of the Willamette River at-the , falls at Oregon City, Or., begins at the foot of Fourth street, and is to be built In a southeasterly direction for a mile up stream. Located In Its pathway are four large factor les which will have to be torn down , to make way for the Improvement. 1 to provide for the reception of the vis itors. Governor West has been asked1 to make the address of welcome and the response In German will be made by Vice-President Schooer. of Oregon City. A special band concert and some folk songs will complete the pro gramme at the State House by noon, leaving: plenty of time for the visitors to see the races and exhibits In the afternoon, while the special enter tainments provided by the Salem Ger mans will take up the evening-. CRIMINAL CASES ABSENT Clark Superior Court for September Term Begins Wednesday. - VANCOUVER. Wash Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) The September term of the Su perior Court of Clark County, of which Donald McMaster Is Judge, will begin Wednesday, September 6. No criminal cases will be tried at this time. In the October term of court, the most Important case In public Interest will be that of the state against H. C. Phillips, president, and Gilbert . Dan iels, cashier, of the defunct Commer cial Bank of Vancouver. Both men are charged with accepting- for deposit money after they knew the bank was insolvent, and they are at liberty un der a $10,000 bond each. Also will be tried Charles W. Hammond, confessed slayer of E. C. Barhydt, on Bells Moun tain. He will plead self-defense. It Is understood that the millionaire brother PRELTMINAEY SKETCH OF PROPOSED of the murdered man has retained a Vancouver firm of attorneys to assist In the prosecution of Hammond. Wil liam Reveney, under age, will be tried on a statutory charge. WASHINGTON SCHOOLS GAIN Evergreen- State Has Oensns 1911 of 276,244. for OLTMPIA. Wash., Sept. 4. (Special.) According to figures given out by the office of H. B. Dewey, State Super intendent of Publlo Instruction, the school census for 1911 shows a gain of 7278 over 1910. the total for this year being 276,244. The average dally attendance totaled 163,021, a gain of 6957 ovey 1910, while the enrolled num ber Is 477S greater than In 1910, this year's total being 220,461. Spokane County made the biggest gain in the school census, the 1911 figures being 2397 over 1910, while Yakima County is second, with an In crease of 1105. King County gained one In school population during the past year, the census for 1911 showing 64.560. Pierce County sustained a loss of 293. while Whatcom County suffered the biggest loss of all. Its total de crease being 653 children. Clark and Cowlitz counties are numbered among those showing substantial increases. BLOOD GIVEN SWEETHEART Girl Improves Following Operation Transfusing "New life. SPOKANE. Wash, Sept 4. (Spe cial.) In an effort to save the life of his affianced wife, Elmer Gaines, a young society man at Lewlston. Idaho, last night was permitted to risk blood transfusion, the operation being the first of the kind In North Idaho. Miss Mabel Mounte, aged. 19 years, daugh ter of Jap Mounte, a pioneer farmer, for two weeks has been critically ill, a complicated gastric ailment and ty phoid fever combination, to bring her life to a low ebb. Gaines knew that the transfusion of healthy blood might turn the tide for his fallliijr sweetheart, the operation was performed, and today the condi tion of the young woman gives hops for her reoovery. W00LGR0WERS' DATES SET Oregon Convention to Be Held Baker, November 14-15. at PENDLETON, Or, Sept. 4. Official announcement was made today by Sec retary Smyths that the annual con vention of the Oregon Woolgrowers" Association will be held at Baker, Or, November 14 and 15. The executive committee has Just selected these dates. Discussion of the wool tariff will be the most Important business topic. President Gooding and Secretary McClure, of the National Association, are expected to attend. 887 Registered Voters in Chehalls. CHEHALIS, Wash, Sept. 4. (Spe cial.) The registration books for the Chehalls city election, September 23, at which the question of adopting or rejecting the proposed commission form of government will be voted on, closed Saturday. A total of 887 voters registered, from 'the three precincts. follows: East 264, West 300, South 323.- Mucti Lumber Leaves Astoria. ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 4. (Special.) During the month of August. 25 ves sels loaded at the sawmills In the Astoria district. Their combined car goes amounted to 18,886.604 feet of lumber. In addition to these .one raft was towed from the Columbia River to San Francisco, and it contained B, 000.000 feet of piling. Take Rose City car. Fifth and Wash ington for the big Portland race meet ing. Best car rvioa ever is promised. VYING CRAFT SCUD BYREGATTAGROWD Portland Power Boats Flash Past Line Winners in Open ing Day's Races. SNOHOMISH IS FLAGSHIP Admiral Spencer and Staff Conduct Qneen Gertrude to Position of Honor While' Hundreds of Persons Watch Ceremony. ASTORIA, Or., Sept 4. (Special.) The speedboat Potato Bug- III, owned by Ad Groeger, of Portland, was the winner of the first heat in two of he OREGON CITY CANAL AND LOCKS. big races today, while the Astor, also a Portland craft, captures the first heat In the other contest. The Oregon Wolf, another Portland boat, met,wlth hard luck and was compelled to pull out of the free-for-all displacement, that apparently she was winning easily. The sixteenth annual regatta opened this morning under auspices that augur well for the success of the water sports. The weather was fine, a large crowd was present and aside from some delay In getting some of the races started there was nothing to mar the pleasure of the day. t Crowds Gather Early. Shortly after 9 o'clock Admiral Spencer and his staff escorted Queen Gertrude to her place of honor on the grandstand, while the Judges and the corps of club officials went on board the cutter Snohomish, that has been designated as the flagship. Even at that early hour, large crowds of peo ple had gathered along the waterfront and when the gun was fired for the first race the grandstand was almost filled, while hundreds of people had secured points of vantage along the docks from which to watch the racing events. The first race called was the first heat of the 26-foot motor-boats. It was three times around the course, a distance of 15 miles, for prizes of $700, $200 and $100 respectively. Eight craft had entered for this con test, but the Wigwam II had trouble with her magneto, while Nunes' Flyer broke her engine just before the start ing gun was fired and the Llppert Fourth failed to appear; so only five boats made the start. They were the Potato Bug III, Chehalls' Helen, Ques tion Mark and Fawn II. the latter be ing what is known as a monoplane, while the balance were displacement boats. A flying start was made with the Potato Bug slightly in the lead and the others closely bunched. Spray Hides Craft. As they went off with a rush and headed up the course, the whirr of their engines and the chug-chug of the ex haust could be heard for a long dis tance, while the flying spray at times almost hid the speeding craft from view. ... Soon the Fawn began to gain on her antagonists and within the first two miles had passed all excepting the Po tato Bug, upon whom she appeared to have gained slightly. It looked like a fight to a finish between these two craft, but Just before completing the first lap the Fawn's engine went wrong and she dropped out. The Helen also broke down and only three boats finished, the Potato Bug being an easy winner and thus getting five points to her credit. Her time was 88 minutes 86 1-5 seconds. The Question Mark was second and was given four points, while the Chehalls was third and secured three points. Astor Breaks Line First. The second race was the first heat for the 82-foot class of speed boats, for prizes of $400. $200, $150, a. dis tance of 20 miles. Eight boats had entered for this race, but owing to several of them having trouble with their engines the only craft to enter were the Question Mark, the Chehalls and the Astor, the latter being the old Seattle Spirit with a new 10-oyllnder engine. The two former boats got an even start, but though the Astor was about 200 feet behind In crossing the line, she far outclassed her competi tors, and before the first turn she was far In the lead, winning easily. The Aster's time was 58 minutes 2 seconds, with the Question Mark 43 seconds behind and the Chehalls third. The third event was the first heat of the free-for-all displacement race and there were eight entries, but ow ing to engine troubles only four boats, the Potato Bug, the Chehalls, Nunes Flyer and Oregon Wolf , started and only the two first named finished. This race was a distance of 30 miles for prizes of $1000, $750, $250. The boats got away In a bunch with the Potato Bug slightly In the lead, but before the first round the Wolf had shown her heels to the balance and coming down the stretch was fully 200 feet ahead. Suddenly, however, her engine went wrong and she had to -be towed home. On the third lap Nunes' -Flyer met with the same fate and the Potato Bug was an easy winner with the Chehalls second. Shearwater's Crew Wins. The cutter race between crews from the British cruiser Shearwater and the revenue cutter Snohomish was won by the former. The power fishboat race with four entries was won by N. Burn' zanlch. with Emanuela.- The fishboat sailing race, a distance of five miles. was won by V. Salvola by a narrow margin of 3hi seconds. John Hendrick son being second. While the half-mile swimming race under the direction of Arthur Cavlll was scheduled for tomorrow, it was held this afternoon on account of Man- kurtx leaving for Los Angeles this evening to represent- Multnomah Club, of Portland, in the championship con tests. There were eight entries in the race and it was won by Mankurts in u minutes and 18 seconds, which is world's record, but it will probably not be recotrnized as it was in tidal water, although it was in the face of a strong wind. Thomas was second and Gross third. By winning this race Mankurtz captured the Henry Hanno cup. CLOVER YIELD IS HEAVY Red Variety Near Monmouth Runs 9.25 Bushels an Acre. MONMOUTH, Sept. 4. (Special.) What is believed to be the record yield of red clover In this state Is reported by C. I. Hawley, who has Just finished harvesting 32 acres, which yielded 296 bushels. At the present quoted price of 18 cents, this amounts to $99.90 an acre, and the berry Is of choice quality lor seeding. This field 's on the Locust Lawn Farm, the old homestead place of the late J. H. Hawley, near McCoy, In Polk County. The yield of clover seed so far as known is reported exceptionally good throughout this part of the valley. Slnslaw Jetty to Be Viewed. EUGENE, Or, Sept. 4. (Special) I. B. Cushman, chairman of the Port of Siuslaw Commission, has Just re turned to the Coast from Portland, accompanied by the engineer of the Robert Wakefield Company, to make During the summer most persons are annoyed with pimples, boils, rashes or eruptions, while others suffer more severely with Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, or some kindred skin disease. All skin affections come from humors and acids in the circulation. The blood, as it circulates through the system, deposits thesehumors and acids in the sensitive membranous flesh which lies just beneath the outer skin. This acrid matter causes inflammation and a discharge which breaks through the delicate cuticle, and skin diseases are the result. To cure any skin trouble the blood must be freed from all acids and humors, and for this purpose nothing equals 5. 5. S. It removes every particle of the impurity, enriches the blood, and in this way permanently cures skin diseases. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice free. S. S. S. is for sale at drug stores. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases, disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It is the only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu ated physician an experienced snd skilled specialist in the diseases of women. - It is a safe medicine in any condition of the system. THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol and no injurious habit-forming drugs and which creates no craving for saoh stimulants. THE ONE REMEDY so good that its makers sore not afraid to print its every fng'rsdlfinf on . each outside bottle - wrapper and attest to the truthfulness of the same nnder oath. It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, snd any dealer who hasn't it een get it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medioine op known composition. No counterfeit is as good si the genuine and the druggist who says something else is "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" Is either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health may be your life Itself. Set that yon gtt what you ask for. PUTS AN END TO INDIGESTION A SOUR, GASSY, Take a Little Diapepsln Now and Your Stomach Will Feel Pine Five Minutes Later. As there Is often some one in your family who suffers an attack of Indi gestion or some form of Stomach trouble, why don't you keep some Diapepsln In the house handy? This ' harmless blessing will digest anything: you can eat without the slightest discomfort; and overcome a sour, grassy Stomach five minutes after. Tell your pharmacist to let you read the formula, plainly printed on these 50-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsln, then you will readily see why It makes Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn and other distress gro in five minutes, and relieves at once such miseries as Belching: of Gas, Eructations of sour, undigested food. Nausea, Headaches, Mothers of Skin Tortured and Dis figured (Mdren! . A RE your little ones suf fering from itching, burning eczemas, or other torturing,' disfiguring skin troubles? Are you, your self, worn out with long, sleepless nights and cease less anxiety in caring for them? Then you should know that a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a gentle application of Cuti cura Ointment will in most cases bring immediate re lief, the little sufferers will sleep, tired, fretted mothers will rest, and peace will fall on distracted households. That those who hava lost faith In every treatment and are without hope may try .Cuticura Soap and Ointment rttiout cost, a liberal sample of each, with 32-p. book, will be mailed free, on arrolication. Address "Cuticura," Dept. "-8B, Boston. Sold throughout the world. estimates on the north Jetty whloh Is to be built by the Port and the Fed eral Government Jointly. The com pany is also expected to offer bids on some of the railroad construction promised for the lower Siuslaw shortly. PAVL0F EMITTING FLAMES Aleutian Volcano Reported to Be In , Active State. SEATTLE, Wash, Sept. 4. Mount Pavlof, In the Aleutian Islands, has been active this Summer, according to advices brought by the cannery bark Guy C. Goss. Owing to the vigor of Bogosloff, Shlshaldln and Pavlof, the famous Aleutian volcanoes, during the Summer of 1910, and the fine weather for observing them, a number of ex peditions were sent out last Summer to photograph them, but the weather dur ing the present year has been so foggy that it has been dangerous to approach the volcanic islands. On the way north the Goss observed Pavlof sending thousands of feet Into the air a column of smoke, which branched and spread out like the limbs of a huge tree. What appeared to be lava, but was probably ashes, poured down the side of the peak. On the southern voyage no observation could be made. Highway Meeting Attracts. OREGON CITT, Or, Sept. 4. (Spe cial,) It is expected that at leaBt 30 business and professional men of this city will attend the meeting of the Eaut Side Capital Highway Association Wednesday evening at Canby. Plans for raising money to build the high way through this county will be dis cussed. It is probable that the county will contribute liberally to the enter prise. The Oregon City delegation will start from the Commercial Club at 6:30 o'clock In automobiles to attend the FOR SUMMER SKIM DISEASES si ' "ss D UPSET Dizziness, Constipation and other Stomach disorders. Some folks have tried so long to find relief from Indigestion and Dys pepsia or an out-of-order stomach with the common, every-day cures adver tised that they have about made up their minds that they have something else wrong; or believe theirs is a case of Nervousness, Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach or Cancer. This, no doubt, is a serious mistake. Tour real trouble Is, what you eat does not digest; Instead, It ferments and sours, turns to acid. Gas and Stomach poison, which putrefy in the digestive tract and intestines, and, besides, poi son the breath with nauseous odors. A hearty appetite, with thorough di gestion, and without the slightest dis comfort or misery of the Stomach, is waiting for you as soon as you decide to try Pape's Diapepsln. STOMACH M EM CU When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, painstaking ex amination absolutely free. Our opinion and advice will cost you nothing-. Perhaps a little advice Is all youajieed. X-Ray examinations, when necessary, free. No money required to com mence treatment, and you can arrange to pay fee when cured. FEES ONLY $5 to $10 IN SIMPLE CASES Twenty years of successful practice as a specialist In Men's Ailments jnx ; tlfles every claim I make. I promise my patients a complete cure la every Instance, and In cases where I cannot safely make this promise I positively refuse to treat. By the latest methods we core, Nerro-Vital Debility, Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Ailments, Kidney and Bladder Ailments If you cannot call, write for free Book and Self-Examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Hours 9 A. M. to S P. M. Sundays, 10 to 13. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE I have convinced some very skeptical persons. So talk with me if you are sick 11R WO That my remedies -have cared and are curing- patients is proved by let ters from then- stating their condi tion before coming to me for eon-. sultatlon and after they had taken my course of treatments. Doubtless you will be familiar wltb many of their names, too they Include people In all walks of life. Almost every Imaginable disease or complaint Is spoken of by "these pleased patients of mine. Roots, herbs, buds and barks, mostly gathered In the Orient, furnish me the "cures" for such dis eases as Rheumatism, Stomach, Lung, Liver and Kidney troubles and all private diseases. Wo Chinese Medical Co. g50V4 Alder, Corner Third. Entire Comer. Second Floor. Canby meeting. Machines have been donated for use by C. O. Miller, Elliott & Park, W. F. Schooley, R. W. Baker, William Sheehan, E. J. Dalton, "W. A. Huntley and Chambers Howell. The implicit confidence that many 6eople have In Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has effected. For sale by all druggists I Cure Men 10 IS MY FEE Pay When Ourei 2a General Debility. Weak Nerves, Insomnia Results of exposure and overwork. 1'is eases of Bladder and Kidneys, Var icose Veins, quickly and perma nently cured at small expense. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours A. M. to t P. M. Sundivs, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO., 224 Vt Washington St., Cor. Klrst. Portland, Or. WhenOthersFail CONSCLT MB FREE I cure to stay cured where others fall. I am known as the specialist of last re sort the man of trustworthy charac ter and unerring k n o w 1 e d gre. I cure Blood Ailments, Nervous Deo line Varicose Veins, Piles, Rupture, Kidney, B 1 a d d er. Consulta tion always free. Dr. Lindsay The Old Reliable Specialist, Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 128 Second street. Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. L. T. YEE & SONS I am the only Chinese doctor In Portland who has been granted a diploma from the Emperor of China. I am in possession of thousands of testimonials of my patient! during my practice of over 30 years as a Chinese doctor. If you bave met with a fail ure by others, don't besitate. but call and see me at once and vou will be convinced of my knowledge of Chinese Medicines. I have Spent years 'a " -n 4 years in Peking Medical College and have had charge cf the Peking Hospital for four years. Is this not enough to convince you that I am the only thoroughly qualified Chinese Doctor In I'crtland L. T YEE SONS MEDICINF CO.. 142M: First. 8. E., cor. Alder, Portland, Or. DR. WING LEE I make my own Chi nese herb and root medicines. I am an educated Doctor and use the treatment of the Physicians prac ticing in Oregon and Washington. I have used Chinese herb and root medicines exclu- fnr 4K vAr f examine patients carefully and thor oughly. No matter of how long stand ing the disease, no matter what the ailment, it Is curable. Female, kid ney, throat, heart, liver, stomach dis eases, consumption, blood poison, plies all cured by ray treatment. Out-of-town people write for circulars and consultation blank. 37 North Fifth St.. Portland, Or. Iswww"?"! f ' apt 5 J 291H Morrison St., bet. 4th and 5th, PORTLAND. OREGON. THE i DR. GREEN SYSTEM OF MAN BUILDING THK SPECIALIST WHO CrBPf. It matters not what your sllment Is, nor who lias treated It. If It Is curable we will give you Immediate benefit and a quick and lasting cure. Do not allow money matters to keep you from getting well. We charge nothing to prove our meth ods will cure you. Our offer NO .MONEY REQUIRED UNTIL SATIS FIED Is your absolute protection Consultation, examination and diag nosis freo. We claim for our treatment noth ing "wonderful" or "secret" It Is simply our successful way of doing things. AFFLICTED ME. hrfon rln elsewhere, honestly In vrstlaate mi proven methods. You will then under stand how easily and quickly we rnr all rnrahle rasrs of VAHK OSU-. VF-.iv without severe surgical operation arctit iu H L u u II r o I S O . with out Injurious drugs (60S skillfull admlnlateded when preferred)! XERVO hiai. iiKiiiLirr without atlmulatlr remeuiesi 11 L, A D IJ K It and KIU.VF troublest PILES, RECTAL complaint ana mil ailments or men. What you want Is a cure. Come to us and get It. Once under our treatment you will quickly realize how simple a thing It Is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. Office hours, dally, 9 to 6 evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to l' DR.GREENCO. 883 Washington St., Portland, Or. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G,M.D. Men's Specialist f am positively the only specialist In Portland tnat puDiisnes nie owii photograph, personally conducts and munncp.q his own office, and con- tilts with and treats all his ow nnHonta. I have more aualif loatio and experience than any other sp clallst advertising in mis uny. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and Indi vidual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by tne various companies," "Institutes" and "mu seums." Be sure to consult me be fore treating elsewhere. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Varicose Veins, Nerve, Blood and Skin Ailments, Bladder Troubles, II I o o d Poisons, Eruptions, Ulcers, Piles or Fistula. 0 to 5 7 to 8 Dnllyi .Sunday, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. 313V4 WASHINGTON ST., CORNER OF SIXTH, PORTLAXD, OREGON. BING CHONG Chinese Doctor Made of Chinese herbs aa root medicine cures a. IIRUB 1 1 1 ... . w. - ' " - Junes, liver, stomach, kin vey, blood troubles of ma ind woman when other rail. If you suffer, call c write to 232, Wash, st ?or. 2d. Room IS, Port. O' Wrymvyvvvv CATARRH 1 OF THE BLADDER Relieved In i 24- Hour .... -it . ..a yMZ y Each Cap-0 -ijr buiq Dears me iQY A Bewan of counterfeit i