THE OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. 13 FOB RE XT. Flats. HIOKLASCD COURT. TWENTY-SECOND AND GLI8AK BTS. FIVE A2CD 6IX-ROOM FCBNISHID APARTMENTS. THE NEWEST AND MOST SELECT APARTMENT-HOUSK IN PORTLAND. REFERENCES. AGENT ON PREMISES." IRTINT.TDX. Elegant three, four and live-room flat, attractive building, large verandas, fire place, furnace, gas range, linoleum, open- air Dearoom, Holmes disappearing corner East 10th and Halsey; ready about 13th. W. I. SWANK, 14 Front St. Main 1608. East 148. IHVINRTOX. 14th and Halsey. 5 large rooms, sleeping porch, private front porches. hardwood floors tile baths, "fireplace, gas range fur nished; among fine homes and excellent car service. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. B. 23d and Braise. East 935. USE. IS V.i II 3 U i icw, i:i"U.i , convenient, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace. .32.50. Morsan. Flledner & Foyce. 503 Ablngton bldg. Main 2015, 1015. SEE THOSE flats overlooking beautiful Peninsula Park, airy and quiet, sleeping I porches, located Alnsworth and Missis- slppl: soon ready for occupancy. ELEGANT new flats, S and 8 rooms, sleeping-porch and fireplace; modern conven iences. East 25th St.. bet. Hawthorne and Madison. MODERN 5-room UDDer flat, furnace, fire place, large front porch, sleeping-porch. very finely finished; no children, zyi E Zlst: Hawthorne car. Tabor iai'7. FOR RENT Modern 4-room upper flat; bath, furnace heat; walking? distance; rent including water. ;uuts i-.oss st. Phone East 3710. Main 2114. Marshall, near 23d st. Rent 33. C. H. Korell. 5th and Stark. Lumbermens bldg. VERY desirable 4 -room flat. ! closets, range. private veranda, view, pleasant surround ings, reasonable, m. jous. oa nan. 4-ROOM unner flat; larce. sunny rooms; nicely furnished; piano; close in. 8 E. 12th N. MODERN S-room fiat, with porch, fire place, etc; easy walking distance; reason able rent, can -tap ouege st. FOR RENT Lower flat, hardwood floors. Al neighborhood, very central; responsible parties only. Main n4. UP-TO-DATE 4-room flat in brlok bldg.; flreDlace. bath. gas. electricity. IHof Killlngsworth ave- near Vancouver ave. SUNNY 5-room lower flat, gas range, steam heat, hot and cold water. Phone East 5650. MODERN 8-room lower flat, with attio room, 1 block West 81de High School; rent 40. Inquire lio join, cor. i&mniiL 7-ROOM flat, well furnished, all modern conveniences, for rent to responsible peo- pie; 10 blocks from r. u. Q4. lamnui at. LOWER flat, 4 rooms, bath, woodllft. fire place, gas, electricity; 18. Phone Tabor 1768. W14H East Morrison, near a inn. B-Ronv flat, shone. flreDlace. range, heater. E. 24tb at. between Ankeny and Bumslde, THREE-ROOM unfurnished flat, all conven iences. 225 Market st f none 31 am oiq. -ROOM upper new flat, modern improve ment: rent 835. Inquire 424 Oregon st. FOR RENT Nice 4-room flat, with bath. Phono A 8184. Main w- 120 itaa st. S-ROOM flat. 406 Park St., $35. Inquire 238 Stark. NETWLY furnished B-room flat with piano: adulta 235 Holladay. MODERN 5-room rat. Alberta st. Inquire L. Bonehlt. woodlawn 927. KEWLY tinted, furnished, modern 8-room flat; reasonable rent. 668 7th st. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, eleo trle Hants, hot water, Batn. laundry, rreet $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or leth-st. ears, north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. t WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms; 5-room cottage, $20 month; another, 817.50: suites, two furnished housekeep ing rooms. 8, $10. $12 month: 8. $15. Apply 884 28th st. North. "W" car from depot. 5th. west on Morrison to 26th, block nortn. ONE suite completely furnished, gas range, hot water heat, electric lights, bath and stationary washtubs. near jeaereon High School; adulta only. 1181 Kerby st. C 2667. ONE 2-room housekeeping suite; will ao commodate 4 people; 1 large sleplng- room. nouseaeeping-room; steam nest, electrio light, everything new. S70 flth at. $1.50 TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished honsekeenina rooms, free laundry, bath- phone, clean linen, heat. 406 Vancouver ave. ana li3 ptmnton; ram ti car. "JUSTWHAT YOU WANT." Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single en suite; all conveniences; best location. "MILNER BLDG.." SBQtj Morrison St. WELL - FTJRNISHEu housekeeping and sleeping rooms; reasonable, modern. 1U2 Lownsdale st. CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished houaekeep-ing-rooms. single and en suite. Room 36, Sd and Morrison. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. East 8th; com pletely furnished housekeeping sultea; rea sonable. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 2379. I OR $-room, well furnished, housekeeping , . . - tj.v. on . I suite cheap. The Idaho, 3S9 6th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, gas, bath, phone. 402 H 8d st. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 229 1st. - l-ROOM SUITE; modern, gas .range, free phone. $15. 493 Ciay st. Hoosekeeplne; Booms In Private Family. TWO lovely front connecting parlors, gas, bath, free phone, nice place, walking dis tance, suitable for three or roar people. $25. 886 Park. 83 NORTH 20TH, newly furnished rooms. complete for housekeeping; single and en suite; strictly rirst-ciass. nr ,f, ramiiv z.ia urn Mam ooio. 4 PORTABLE, well furnished houeekeen- ing rooms, beet location, very 'reasonable, 2621 14th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $12 a roonin, at ua uut xsuraeiae, oor. eotn st. Tabor 4S3. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. rmta family, modern. 69 E. 30th North. 40156. LARGS furnished housekeeping room, run ning water, bath and phone.' 48 N. 21st. near Washington. DON'T search, pleasant modern front room, cooklne privilege; see this. 407 Jeffer son St. FURNISHED suite housekeeping rooms. 6 S3 Pettygrove at, $12 per month. Main 3423. FIRST floor, two rooms, pantry: 50 centa a day. E. 27th and Clinton. Phone Sell wood 833. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite, all conveniences, modern home. 699 Everett street. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with phone and bath; $16. 70 E. gth at. N. Phone B 1734. FOR RENT 3 or 4 unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. Call 854 Third st. Phones Main 6454. A 3214. WALKING distance on West Side, 4 rooms, reasonable; modern. Inquire 181 12th. WALKING distance, on West Side, 4 "rooms, reasonable; modern. Inquire Ifil 12th. THREE rooms furnished for light honse keeplng. 170 10th st. FRONT and back suite with running water, -bath, gas and phone. 840 College st. THREE nice housekeeping rooms, facing the park. 489 W. Park st. TWO neatly furnished front rooms for light housekeeping. 275 21st at. North. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma; also sln gle rooms. 401 1st st. Flat P. 18 14TH, oor. Clay, large 1. 2 and 8-room housekeeping suites. LIGHT housekeeping, en suite or single. 361 10th st. URN13HBD housekeeping rooms, gas, wa ter ana pauue, ov ouniivics st. ONS) large room nicely furnished for honae kaeplng: $1Q; modern. 884 Park st. FOUR nlaely furnished housekeeping rooms; private bath, 216 10th, cor, UlAOC FOB REST. Housekeeping Booms In Private family. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS--Two front, bath. pnooe, ground floor, fas stove, nioeiy w blshed; three-minute oar service; 15-min-Ute walk from post ottioe; a candor bar gain for Winter. CIS Montgomery street. NICELY furnished room and small kitchen loriight housekeeping. eon aiam. House. THE GREATER MEIEK FRANK STOBS RENTAL AND INFORMATION Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and Information department, eth floer. main building, and see the vacancies w have listed of desirable bouses and flats. You'll savs time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant bouses, flats and apart ments In the city. We also keep a list of new buildings In course of construction. The combined lists of ail real estats deal era Thla Information la absolutely free. "WHEN TOV WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE CS," THE MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY. LARGE! house, barn, aheds, nearly S acres; good place for chickens, garuen, cow, lots tree fruits, berries, city water. Be car line, 80 minutes out, Montavilla dis trict: $17.00 month; lease. Apply 80 North 23th; W oar west on Morrison to 20th. block north. I rollidat ADDITION 7-room house,- 829 I Weitiler St.; take Broadway car, get off I on 11th St.. walk 1 block south. Adulta I preferred. COiiY 8-room house; sleeping-porch, yard. rruit. sie.ou: also e-ooa 7-room nouse, 4o Ehaver St.. 840 Montana ave. Phone Main 2858. IRVINGTON 7-room house, one block from "I" car, near school; full lot; rent pen montq. eoa is. MODERN 8-room house on 9th st.. near Prescott. 120 per month, fuone moou- lawn 8229 or C 24a. 4 vnnpn?v lumnm hmi... in excellent con dition, one block from W-w canine, ote East 17th St. Rent $18 and 20. FOR RENT 7-room house n Sunayslde, one block from car. Phone E. 4629 morning or evening. FO?t RENT 7-room house In Sunnyeiae, l block from car. Phone mast tuo. mora- ing or evening. vn R T?RVT Rood nrlvate rooming and boarding-house; reasonaoie to respunsioie i parties. 4t)3, uregonian. FOP. RENT 7-room modern house. West Side, good location, moderate -ent. rnonee Main 4007, A 4HSR NEAT 5-room cottage, tenants walk Postomce. 4SS MarKotst. FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 521 E. Davis st.. cor. 11th: $25. tiast lesi. Furnished House. WELL-FURNISHED houses, flats, rooms: 6-room cottage. 820 month ; another. $17.50; suites, two furnished housekeep lna rooma JS. 810. S12 month: 3, 111 Apply 364 26th st. North. "W car from depot, 6th. west on Morrison to 20th. blocR north. 7 ROOMS, beautifully furnished, close in on the West aide; will not rent tor less than one year. Price $50. Also modern -room home on Broadway. In flne residence district; $40. Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. FREE rent of cozy furnished 6-room cottage for a consideration to man and wire; no children (bachelor doctor's home); must be refined and fond of home; write, give phone number. AG 424. oregonlan. IRVINGTON home of eight rooms, fur nished; will lease to responsime tenant for year or longer; no children. 43tf fe. 19th, near Tillamook. vrm rext A new. modern, elegantly fur- nished 7-room house at 7 jbast uurnsioe St.. one block from carline. Phone East 0079. . 3 NEWLY furnished rooms, beautiful neigh borhood, 7 minutes' wain to t-oetonicoi very reasonable. 867 10th st. 8-ROOM house, furnished, close tn. well ap pointed for roomers. u. es. .tteniery. Stearns bldg. 6-ROOM furnished house, with Piano, two blocKS rrom union ave., fou. jl oi i, Roman. wki.l-fL'RXISHED modern 6-room bun- zalow: must board with tenant, rnone Tabor 260. mo btsn'T Comnleta modern furnished 8- roam residence to responsible vsiif, "on Couch st. IRVINGTON Furnished house, 6 rooms, for 1 year, $40. East 8981. FURNISHED 6-room house, 622 Union ave. North, gas, electrio light, a xojo. Houses for Kent. Furniture for Sale. ON BROADWAY ST. A-room house. oomDletelv and well-fur nished everything neat and clean, as good new. nrioe 1273: wanting distance; worth your while to looK this up. phone East 1165. CARPETS of $ rooms and halls. -room flat and part of furnishings. rooms, prao- tlcailv new. zio: rent sou; moaern; xur- nace heat. West Side; walking distance: flat suitable; private home, hoarders. roomers. Phone Marshall oia. 7-ROOM house, block from car. rent $11: furniture for sale. Including solid oak sideboard and piano; also J lots 50x100 in small station on North Bank R. R. : If sold by Sept. 10 all for $250. 164 hi. goto st. .n. Montavllla car. ALL furniture of my 6-room flat, including niano. Wilton velvet carpets, crass oeaa. silk flOBS mattresses; room rented nearly nava rent: caroeta alone cost the price I want tor all; some terms. oiz n.earnejr st. Mrs. Mlnto. Marshall 84. I WANT to sell my rurnlture of 8 rooms as soon aa possible, am going into my own home. New furniture, good neigh borhood: reasonable for cash. S3S 13th St., cor. Market- FURNITURE of ohoieest 2-room apt. In city for sale; suitable man and wife: 8 minutes to P. u.; apt. xor rent. Mam 101)3. WELL-FURNISHED 11-room, private room ing-house that pays: siuuu. small casa payment, balance monthly; owner want to leave town, w jou, uregonsan. WEST SIDE. For sale 7-room house, completely fur nished, rent reasonaoie, close in. paying 552 apove own rooma pnoneA laos. 1 ROOMS, modern; fine furniture and car pets: good reason tor selling, inquire at 363 6th. cor. Mill. "J-ViFv8 i00S"- comI"?te: eioK nrwt xs Morrison. Tabor 3R02. Kpr 8125. 1106 E. Morrison. Tabor 2602. Near aunnyaiae bcnooi. FURNITURE for a 8-room apartment for sale. St. Croix Apartment, 170 St. Clan- near 23d. 81S5 FURNITURE 6 rooms. Brussels rugs: everything complete; terms; must sell. 4iu jsortn 2n st. MODERN furnished 6-room house, complete. Alain Z74B. sap jaaaiaon St., opr. 7tn. VERY desirable house, modern furniture for sale: terms. Phono Marshall 126a HOUSE for rent; furniture of 7 rooms for sale. 2S8 lata st. FURNITURE for sals of six rooms. 446 East oak st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room house for rent, furniture for sale. O 877, Oregonlan. Bummer Reeerta. NEW COUNTRY CLUB open for member I and stockholders only. Leo White, vocalist and entertainer. Other attractions to fol low. Stores. STORE in modern brick building, nearlng completion, on Grand ave., at Stark, op posite Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co.'s store; any else from 20x90 ft. up; SO-ft. fAllinca Inw ilmnrt anv Irlnri of h,lti,i. this location offers the greatest oppor- I tunity of any in Portland: especially good I opening for bakery, confectionery and del icatessen, also for electrical nxtures. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE, 603 Ablngton Bldg. HALF of new J I -story brick. 50x100; plate glass front: 16th and Marshall; suitable f.-ti- lkcri, Inhhln, muitlfnrliirin, n m .frail will lease one-half; divide space to suit tenant or tenants; long lease. A. Q. Long. FOR RENT Store in brick bldg. Just com pleted; oilers gooa opportunity xor gro- eery store or meat market; in a restricted I district. 260 Killlngsworth ave.. near I Vancouver ave. FOTJR-STORY building and basement, 10SX 107, Second street, between Washington and Stark sts., for lease. Inquire of the Reed Institute, 4116 Ablngton bldg. SEVERAL stores at east end Madlson-st. bridge. $20 to $40, according to slxe. In quire z 1 1 nawioome aye. STORE In a live community. 22x50, $30 per montn. Jdain 01 w. BRICK STORE, 24x65. 11th and Hawthorne, halrchlla. 175 E. loth. Offices. OFFICES and public halls for rent; bull 4 lng thoroughly renovated. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sta GOOD location for doctor and dentist: new orica; steam neat. w ooaiawn 010. DOCTOR or dentist office room; everything complete. Medical bldg. Main 266. FOR RENT Choloe office and studio, TO- rorq niQg.. yront ana Morrison. DESK room. $10, 825 Ry. Excb, bldg. BUSINESS OPPOBTTJVTTtES. fiTOC-KS of merchandise bought for cash: scnotiy oonnaentiai. rt sal, uregonian. HOME restaurant, confectionery and luaoh, uwner; iivmg-rooma, ojq Kusfeu at. FOB KENT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. We want energetic men to co-operate with tu in the real estate business. We teaoh yon the business, furnish you with complete office equipment, and appoint you our apsolal representative to act for us in your territory. No oapital required. A splendid opportunity to engage in the real estate business. Write for free book let and special organization offer. NA TIONAL rn.npiniiTrvEl RE1LTT CO.. flth floor Paclflo bldg., San Francisco, Cai. RARE opening for high-grade mercantile establishment, the Commercial block in Tillamook, Just completed; entire lower zioor, ouxluu with basement tor reus, rauw , err concrete building, absolutely fireproof, in we heart of Tlllamoon s ousiness m. trlat. near new danat. The railroad open- Ing Into- Tillamook this Fall, will inaugu , rate a new era In business aotlvlty; chance for some one to get In on the ground floor. Particulars from M. Idaicnior, mook. Or. OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL INVESTORS We have some small gilt-edge invest ment from 1500 to 15000 that we can guarantee to be as good as your .savings bank, with better returns. Call at once and see Mr. Ruthfleld, with HARTMAN THOMPSON, BANKERS. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. COMSI TO THE PACIFIC WITH WAJtlr Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest, Pacific Mutual Life, 43 yeara old. 12 millions asseta We loan money. H. H. Ward, Mgr., T12 Spalding bldg. PARTNER IN GROCERY BUSINESS. Inrnmit Ml in huslnea. run ning over 8100 per day guaranteed; 81000 will handle it; If you want to get into a good-paying business with your money fully secured, look this up. Call Room 815, Lumber Exchange bldg. Tin YOU WANT A GROCERY? If you want a good business that is paying, don't want to buy any bonus. and no fixtures for sale; stocic lor invoice, first oost. fixtures included in rent. Call and Investigate this. Room 315, Lumber Exchange bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. Double store room; grocery stock in one room, confectionery In the other: 7 living rooms above; rent $17.60: doing over $to a aay; invoice aDout tzzou. HALL St. GUSTIN, 611 Lumbermens Bldg. TOT7NO MAN. STRANGER. Make careful Investigation at expeess f seller before you Invest money la JI preposition. Advisory Department. Y. .L FOR SALE Harness business In one of the largest cities In Western Canada; com pletely equipped with up-to-date machin ery; stock in good shape; doing large business: excellent reason for selling. AV 423, Oregonlan. TOWNSITE. All nlatted ready for market: water sys tem Installed: rail and water transporta tion from Portland; over 1400 lots; chance for big quick clean up; auw casn, Dai ance to suit. Box 225, Seattle. LARGEST poultry plant ln'the East hatched and sola 3ou,ooo one-day oio cnicKs inia year at 20c each. Would you be interested In an Oregon money-making plant? AG 421, Oregonlan. - RIISTJiEKS OPPORTUNITIES. Fine West Side cigar and confectionery business for cash; sickness tne cause, lease worth the amount asked for busi ness. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. OREGON boathouse, on Vancouver carline at Columbia boulevard; 44 good nowDoats; three years' lease on five acres picnic grounds.- rent $7 per month. Price $2000. Phone A 5810, one ring. . MEAT MARKET LOCATION. New, modern store, middle of build ing, very oool, good prospects, market needed; Jlne basement. W. A. Hossack, 1599 Belmont. Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor 842. FOR RENT Store In brick bldg. Just com pleted; offers good opportunity tor gro cery store or meat market; in a restricted district. 250 Killlngsworth. ave., near Van couver ave. PARTNER WANTED. Half interest in a cash business that will make you $26 per week; try it before you buy; $200 will handle it. Call Room 815, Lumber Exchange bldg. t WANTED To buy, barbershop In small town In Oregon by violin and Daritone player; town to be not closer than 35 miles from Portland. For particulars ap ply Dave Kennedy, Hamilton, Mont. CASH GROCERY. A cash store, with living rooms, doing m business of $30 dally; rooms furnished; owner compelled to sell: $800 required. Call Room 815 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant on Main St., Mll- waukle, or.; this will stand investigation; good reason for selling. Apply to William Shlndler, Mllwaukla. Or. - FOR SALE. , Grocery store, good location, doing a paying business. Inquire F. H airman, at Lang Co. - SOLID business for steady man .able to In vest $400, with services; win pay iho a month now and can be Increased. Par tlculara 248 Vi Stark St. WOULD like partner in a good-paying proposition; can maxe $ao weeK easy, uau and see about this quick at 304 Lumber Exchange. CIGARS tobacco and confectionery; long lease; low rent; two living rooms; at sac rifice if taken this week. Call 618 Vi Alberta st. HALF interest In an old-established bi neie. doina a rood business. For full oar tlcnlars call Kinney & Stampher. Lnmsea Excbange bldg.. rooms 031-&3X. ONE fireproof Mosler safe, three elegant store counters. 400 rest spruce sneiving. elegant condition, remarkably cheap. 161 Grand ave. Phone East 1418. MOVTNG-FICTTJRE THEATER that is money-maker; few hundred down and pay balance as you mue. 404 Rothchlld bldg. SALOON FOR SALE. Prominent corner, 6 years' lease, rent very reasonaoie. inquire room ozi, tor- Dett Didg. pnone iviarsnan ov. FOR RENT or sale, easy terms, well-known Riverside House, boo-o&f Macadam st,, Ootober 1; 60 rooms, furnished. F. Day. ton, owner. i4 1st st. FOR SALE Bakery, Ontario, Or.! good proposition. GRAY, M'LEAH PERCY, Portland, Oregon. 8450 WILL buy grocery close to school: good canoy ana stationery trade; living rooms and chicken yards; fine point. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. HAVE $200 to purchase small confection ery and cigar store with, or will buy Interest tn business. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. GOOD clean business that will pay yon no less man tiou montniy, ana growing oet ter, as partner: references exchanged. rtoom ozh xrtimoer gjxenange. PARTNER wanted to help tn store) will pay $23 ween; requires smaii investment, call Z48H stark st- $1400 BUYS H interest m well-paying cash Business: insius otnee wur. eoe rtotn child bldg. FOR SALE Grooery store, good location, doing a paying Duamess. inquire F. Hoff man, at Lang Co, FOR sale cheap, clear and frultstand, where you can clear $5 a day. Call 248 Stark street. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS: chance for ener- getio man; proms very large and money Tuny secureo. wan zsasa eiara at. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing parlors; One lopatlon, good business: must be sold. 27 16th st. North. Phone Win 7980. PRINTING PLANT, oomplete Job plant. first-class condition, plenty patronage. Aoaresa ibu $300 Fish, poultry, fruit and vegetable market; best location; all cash trade: J bargain. Address owner, P 855, Oregonlan rTrICTLY cash grocery: good locatlcn liv ing rooms; rent eo: sacrince at $575 for quica: saie. vv n--. wregonian. DRUG STORE Down town; about $5000: win sen at invoice, iiDerai discount for casn. AO ureoiuan. CASH GROCERY! clears $180 month; man and wlte can run 11; nave good lease. Call 248 Vi Stark at. LIGHT grocery and confectionery, doing good DUSiness; o living-rooms; price, $575; rent, $25, Call 804, Lumber Exchan ge. CIGAR, confectionery, milk, butter and egg uuiiuDH, a uviHR-iwuiiiB, rent S12.0U; price, $200. Call Lumber Exchange, 804. REPAIR SHOP; want steady partner; this will pay better than wages; requires $275. Call 24854 Stark it - PARTNER with $750 wanted In well-paying restaurant; can nanuie casn; Vv est 'Side. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. I HAVE $100: will give It as part payment on some Dusinesa an partner or alone, AB 401, Oregonlan. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK. Telephone and other bonds bought a&a sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 22$ Ablngton. $1000 WILL handle drygoods store; no dead StOCJt: livuia-ruuxnv; guuu location. can 80S Lumber Exchange. GROCERY and confeotlonery ; good location. oneap 11 taaen at onoe. woodlawn 90. BOO BUSINESS cards, $1.00: you must bring tms au. jiojie tn; rnnicrr, aw Tnira. FOR BALE $600, sTooery, by owner; liv ing rooms: no SI pats. w vuajtfonjgp. BUSINESS QPFOBTPyiTXES. GENTLEMAN JTJST ARRIVED FROM THE BAST, SUPERINTENDENT AND MAN- Anv.a TM R EST ITITRNTTURE FAC TORY IN MICHIGAN, IS DESIROUS OF MEETING PARTIES WITH (JAt-llAi, J.U GO INTO THE MANUFACTURE OF HIGH-GRADE FUJBKIXUKU i rjn.x- T.ivn ATHliTOANCia OF RAW MA TERIAL HERE. CAN FURNI8H BOMB CAPITAL AND THE VERY BEST OF REFERENCE AS TO ABILITY. CHAR - ACTBR, ETC WOULD REQUIRE! RET RENCH IN RETURN. X 448, ORE- . GONIAN. FOR OTTTCnC BALE. Cigar, confectionery and light grocery on Washington street thickly settled apartment district; fine fixtures, good clean stock; will Invoice $300 above our fince. This place can oe nougat tor sw f taken at onos. Low rent and long lease. CO-OPERATIVE- REALTY COMPANY, 5H-20-31 Railway Exchange. BPT.ETjmm.-v located manufacturing plant! , well equipped with all necessary machin ery, side traoxs, ary sain- ai.v., una w bought at a figure that will Interest par ties with moderate capital to Invest, pro .vldlng thla opportunity Is taken advan tage of at onoe. Address West End Mfg. Co., South 80th and State sts Taooma, wash. AOa D1UAJU IU1 UUGI WW . ... " doing business of $40 daily; ean be bought (or $600; best of reasons for selling. Room 611 Lumber Exchange. ROOMING HOCSKS. CASCADE! REALTY COj. inn ivn nil p v T.-.T T . A -NTT) BLDo, WA-RKTTAT.T. 8126. A (OSS. If you are looking for a hotel, room- ing-nouse or an apariment-aouse, see ub. We have a list of exceptionally good bar gains. . A HTNra PROPOSITION. 78-room hotel, all new modern brick building, with large lobby, situated In the center of the hotel district; all outside rooms, elegantly furnished, good money maker; price, $15,000; can be bought for sbuoo in casn; terms on balance. GOOD TRANSIENT HOTEL. Located on prominent corner, 130 rooms, new modern brick building, beautifully furnished; Is clearing over $800 per month; long lease; $70OO win handle this; easy payments on Daiance. INVESTIGATE THIS. 1 8 4-room hotel; lots of private baths; all the latest modern improvements; big lobby: established steady and transient trade; excellent lease; low rental; furni ture in first-class oondltlon; owner has other Interests; can't give his sole atten tion; price, $22,500; cash payment; $650O balance easy terms. BARGAIN. 89-room hotel; hot and cold running water in nearly all the rooms; good lease: substantial furniture; big money-maker; prioe, $5000; cash payment, $8500. HERE'S A CHANCE. 71-room hotel: price, $12,500; half cash; balance easy terms; has big transient business: all modern conveniences; furni ture nearly new; will ' pay ljig returns at thla low price. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Small rooming-house, very close in: all beautiful outside rooms, new furniture, and owner must leave city this week; long lease; rent $5 room; can easy clear $50 mo.; If you want & snap and have $500 cash, see this today; It won't last. Call 83 10th, near Stark. APT. HOUSE, West Side, new brick build ing, elegantly furnished, will talce good property In exchange or small amount down; 83 rooms; long lease. American Trust Co., 213 Chamber of Commeroe. ROOMS, nicely furnished, and 7 vacant adjoining, 2 years' lease, only $400 will handle; A-l West Side location. W. Stew art, American Trust Co., 218 Chamber of Commerce. LEASE on one of flnft new hotels in city to be completed by first or month- must dispose of it at once. See M. D. Hobbs, American Trust Co., 218 Chamber of Commeroe. GENUINE SNAP. 9 rooms. West Side, rent $80, good furni ture; Winter's fuel In; owner must get away; quick sale $375. , HALL & GUSTIN. 611 Lumbermens Bldg. 8 VERY nicely furnished rooms, good yard. corner location, price muu; owner leav ing, must sell at once. W. L. Stewart, American Trust Co., 213 Chamber or Commeroe. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished small hotel In the heart of the city; 5 years lease: $3500 to handle, balanoe monthly pay ments of $100. Inquire Calumet Hotel. ROOMING-HOUSES, all sizes, prioes and every location; I loan money; expert knowledge; get In right. John B. God- dard, financial broker, 605 Yeon bldg. 10 ROOMS, Income $165 month, rent $85 1 steady and transient; price $825, $250 down and monthly; best money-maker. God- dard. 606 Yeon bldg. Great bargain. NICE rooming-house for sale, of 7 rooms! very central; rooms always . full. 66 M West Park. 10 ROOMS, near White Temple, rent $40, very well lurnlsnea. $SoU; terms. Qod- dard, 50o Yeon bldg. . Good home. 16 ROOMS, brick, steam heat, lease, down town, well lurnlsnea, $1100; hair oash. Goddard, 606 Yeon bldg. Snap. FURNITURE oft 15-room hotel; all rooma occupied: price reasonable. Write or in quire Llnnton Hotel. Llnnton, Ore. $360 FOR SALE 3850 Rooming house. 12 rooms, all furnished. Call 423 Davis, cor. 10th. SEVEN rooms, mostly housekeeping, low rent, $13.25. Bee owner, lue N. 17th st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE. The Common Council of the City of Gladstone. Clackamas County. Oregon. having heretofore been authorized so to do, Dy the legal voters or said city, nere . by offer for sale $20,000 worth of im provement bonds for the purpose of building- and maintaining water works In said city, consisting of forty bonds of nve hundred (ouuj collars each, pay able twenty years after date. Interest payable semi-annually. Bids for said bonds shall be mailed or delivered to the Recorder of said city, and must reaoh him not later than the 8th day of September, A. D., 1911, which said bids shall be Inclosed In envelopes securely sealed and marked, "Bid for water bond for the City of Gladstone." Bald bid shall be on the Interest which aid bonds shall draw and on the amount to be paid for said bonds, provided that . said bonds shall In no event draw a greater rate of interest than 6 per cant per annum, nor aha',1 said bonds be sold for less than par value, and the said bids shall specify the number of bonds which each said bidder will purchase at the rate and for the amount offered, provided that any number of said bonds may be sold to one or more bidders. Said Counoil hereby reserves the power and authority to rejeot any and all bids. Every bid made for the bonds, aa above provided, shall be accompanied by a cer tified check for the sum of 5 per cent ?f the amount bid for -the bonds in ques lon. Said check shall be made payable to the City Treasurer, of the Ctiy of Glad stone, and rhall be the property of the City of Gladstone as soon as the bid ac companying said check snail be aocepted by said Counoil as above provided. The amount of said check shall be applied on the purchase price of (aid bonds, as eboro provided. Provided, however, that If any bidder or bidders shall fall or neglect to complete the purchase of aald bonds within 80 days from the date of the aooptar-oe of said bid by aald Counoil, aa above provided, the said check ana money represented thereby shall be for; felted to the City of Gladstone. Provided further, that all ohecka received from bid ders whose bids are not aocepted. shall be returned by tke Recorder forthwith, to said bidder or bidders. Provided also, that said bids are understood to be made subject to the legality of said bonds. William T. Hammond, Recorder: O. B. Freytag, Mayor. Address, Gladstone, Or. BIDS FOR WOOD FOR MULTNOMAH FARM. Sealed bids will be received at the office of F. 8. Fields, County Clerk, until 10 A. M. Tuesday, September 12, 1911, tor 600 cords of 4-foot wood for Multnomah Farm, Troutdale, Oregon. Price of first and seoond-growth to be named, and price for the delivery of wood at switch, aboard car and also for the delivery direct to Multnomah Farm. Any further Information may be ob tained at the offloe of the County Clerk. No proposals will be considered unless aooompanled by a check payable to the order of the County Clerk of Multnomah County, oertlfled by a responsible bank, for an amount- equal to 10 per cent of the ararrea-ate nroposal. to be forfeited as flxod and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and to provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of aald work. In the event the contraot ia awarded to him. The sight to reject aiy and all bids la hereby expressly reserved. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER, County Commissioner, D. V. HART, County Commissioner. PROPOSALS for Installation of hot water heating, eto. : Offloe post (Quartermaster, Fort Stevens, Or., September 4, 191L Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be re oelved here until 11 A. M., October 8, 1011, and there opened for Installation of hot water heating. Including construc tion of basement and electrio lighting In same, In Barracks No. 20 and 22, at Fort Stevens, Or. Plans and specifica tions may be seen In this office. Bid ders must state name of manufacturer, whose goods they propose to install. En velopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals' for Heating, eto.,1 and addressed to the Port QnartermasteB, SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. TJ. 8. ENGINEER'S OFFICE. Portland, Or September 2, 1911. Sealed proposals for constructing receiving wharf and extend ing north Jetty at mouth of SiuslaW River, Oregon, will be received here until 11 A. r ' O 1011 mnA than mihltnlv nnaned. Information furnished on application. Jay I J. Morrow. Mai. Engra j TT. a. tcvrjrNEER office. 802 Couch bldg.. Portland, Or., July 28, 1911. Sealed pro posals for constructing steel seagoing suc tion dredge Col. P. S. Michle will bo re ceived here until 12 M.. September 6, 1911, and then publicly opened. Information on application, ouy . morjvw, junj. cngi. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby (given to the publlo by the undersigned, who are members or the co-partnership Arm of Hop Chong Lung Kee Co., engaged in the general mercnanoise Business at n& w oecuau mt Portland. Or., that about the month of May. 1910. Louie Kim and Louie Chong, wrongfully and without authority of law and against the will and consent of Louie Seidi the real manager of said firm, took possession of the safe, money, ac counts, fixtures, merchandise, etc, of said firm of Hop Chong Lung Kee Co., and the said Louie Kim has no authority to represent the undersigned or said firm of HOP Chong Lung to., ana neitner the undersigned nor said firm will be re- TinnNible for tor indebtedness or liabil ity Incurred by said Louie Kim assuming to aot tor saia arm or sor suj mo uMMlsaad. . . LOUTH WAI WOOT. LOUIE- FONG, Son of Louie Wone, ItOXSim FUNG SHUN, Son of Louie Chew. LOUIE SEID. NOTICE) TO CREDITORS. ' The undersigned vendee, pursuant to law, nerehy gives a days- notice to cred itors that he will, on Sept. 6, 191 1. at 3 P. M., purchase from R. Nlshimura that certain rooming-house and furniture there in, at 265 Everett St., and also lease ' thereon. Creditors are requested to pre sent all bills against same to A. w. parsn- ley, my attorney sal unamoer oi com merce bldg. ijjWAKJJ annua-. NOTICE la 'hereby given that the annual , meeting of the stockholders of the Port land & Aslatlo - Steamship Company, for tne election of directors and tne transac tion of any other business, will be held at room 1107, wens-pargo Dutiaing. port land, Oregon, on Thursday, September 1. AtflA. at z o ClOCK p. Al. L. F. STEEL, Secretary. I WILL not be responsible for any debts or bills contracted for by Mrs. o. u. or r iorenco a. uoitman. signed sept x, auai. ti. u. iioirman. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same uay; we also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 226-223 Front. Phone Mam 474, A LOST Black mare with 8 white feet, brand on right hip L. T., -weight about 1200 ids., 13 years old; reward. Paul Sauer, Esta- cada. Or. LOST on si car Saturday, brass-mounted lens; ' reward. Gem Theater. Phone Main 9312. LOST Gold watch chain and charm; Ini tials "S. W. M." on charm. Return to S. W. Mugler, 664 Quimby st. Reward. WILL lady who left umbrella marked "Grace" on morning train, Aug. 27, call on depot-master? BRINDLE Boston bulldog, brass collar, with name ".Bub, and Greek letters; return to 620 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 920. LOST Gold fob, with initial M. W.; finder return to 257 12th st. and receive reward. LOST Gold monogram watch fob. "S. T. vv." Reward, pnone Main o2y. LOST Checkbook, First National Bank, Lewiston, Idaho. Return 20o Couoh bldg. FINANCIAL. $500,000 TO LOAN OR INVEST. Eastern party has the above to invest in sums to suit In good first mortgages at low Interest or will buy real estate and good-paying business for cash at the right price. See Mr. Ruthfleld. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON, BANKERS, 9 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. J. W. MATTHES. AGENT. INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK. 222 FAILING EUILDING. LOANS ON CITY RESIDENCE AND FARMS. NO'BROKERAGH CHARGED. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contracts of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. Loans. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermen's bldg. HAVE 41500 TO LOAN ON PORTLAND RESIDENCE. ASK FOR MR. EASTON, 202 BOARD OF TRADE. FIRST and seaona mortgages and contraots purcnasea on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. E. L. Devereaux, 1002-3 Spalding bldg. BE SAFE! and let us loan your money. Car- lock & Muennaupt, loan c or J. Moner to Loan Real Estate. WE HAVE money in amounts of $800 and up to loan on city property: our rates are reasonable and our service is prompt; the mortgage ueparuaem ot our Business nas been reorganized with a conservative and courteous manager; if In need of money call and tans it over. The western Se curities (Jo., 414 tipaidlng bldg. $240,000 TO loan on close-in real estate; other various amounts on finished resi dence property; some on farms and In country towna Boldenweck & Co., 204 Henry bldg. ON IMPROVED cltv nrODertv or for build ing purposes; 9 to 0 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Assocaltlon. 240 stark st. W , have plenty of money to loan on Portland property In sums from $1000 to soo.voii at lowest current ratea Morgan, jiieaner ss .poyce, pus-pug ADington bldg. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; DUuainK or mail loans at lowest ratea: large loans a specialty. MoKenzle as Co-, 014-010-010 jeriinger oiag. I HAVE $3000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. ABU. r ain. I.A3IUJ1, UUAKU OF TRADE. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per GBUi oil CBkata bdvuuij. EIW. P. MALI 104 Second bU FARM or city mortgages, any part of SBO,- njv id luttu, tcium tu buiu u ean on s HatvK, 72tt ijnam. oi torn, jh. zois. MONEY loaned without brokerage If Duiia, current raies. k. bailey Co, ov jtvPiLigvvm urns. $10,000 TO loan at 6 per out and T pr cent on weat diuo luiyruvou property, jfl. J. WIH loan $ 10,000 or lesa, real Mtata seour uy. farringcon s Harrington, 410 Com mercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate or lor Duuaing purposes. tjoiumoia lAI A Trust company, wio bpaiqing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. B, 6, 7 and 8 per cent J, frank Porter, 604 Chamber of Com. (300.000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty. DUliains loan., iuwm, imcs, w. u. xiSCk. S15-816 Falling bldg. J8000 TO loan on good Portland property Jf. uuens, w Lnnmiwr oi commerce. $1500, $2000, $3000, on improved real estate. W, Aj- logo, ivioucnui; uiug. $1800 TO lend on residence property. Call $1500 OV real estate; 1 per cent oomxnls- Blon va.rscu. .a. oio, vraisonian. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort- gages. a. jqney, room go, uernnger blag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND T PER CENT. LEWIS SALOMON, JiS3 BTAKK BT. $100 TO $500 for short-time loans on real esiac. iwanij. au ooi, wcbuuuw. ilONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATS. A. a. UAKUisu, 313 on. or com. LOAN'S on real, personal chattel or collat eral security, c- w. paliett, 8js- Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 8 LEWIS BLDG. SPECIAL 2d-mortgage real estate loans on monthly payments. Room 812 Hamilton. Btate funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as, state agent, Multnomah Co., 400 C. of g MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good nough Beltx. 810 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money for real estats mortgages; charges reasonable. Ward. 210 Alisky bid. Money to Loan chattels and Salaries. AT LOWEST RATES. ON PIANOS, AUTOS. FURNITURE LIVE STOCK, ETC. CONTRACTS AND MORT GAGES BOUGHT. ADOLPHUS LANE, 414 ABINGTON BLDG. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels 6T- real estate. Union Bro kerage Co.. 513 Abington bldg.. 106H 3d. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelrv; striotiy confidential. 141 8d, near Aides. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small LADIES, when delayed use Lorens Com- fl. o. PICK Transfer & strag0 building-, loans, contracts and mortgages pound Ergot Tablets; always dependable) and commodious -"tory.D"c.wa, D?fi bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlook ldg. 2 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co. ISA ieparate Iron rooms and fireproof vaulta MORTGAGE loan, on city property; lowest Wrlson ,t. for valuable. : JJ. f01 S.nOj Pin. rate A. H. BlrreU Co- Voltav hu,. irRS. STEVEX1 16 yeara Porttand-a laadln '? i".au.rrt... nui mad. on d and Btarlt FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UPWARDS. IUU K,JS UUii 1. 1U1JA 1 . NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. filiW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RA1ES ABOUT nKE.HAT.ff WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.S CHAKGS. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GC0D8, PIA-NOS, HORSES, ETC., OR SALARIES. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG., A 3W7. OPBN MONDAY AND 6ATURDAT EVENINGS. ' Tt 1 i DO YOU NEED MONEY? We will furnish you, strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan in any amount, on your auto, niano. furniture. livestock, storage receipt and all kinds vi securities; on terms to suit; also wsea- jy or monthly payments. WB BUY AND LOAN on first and second real estate mortgages ana oontraots, V. a REAL ESTATE gc BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton hlrto-. 181 Sri. Main 2084. $$$$$$ WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES, QUICK LOANS, NO RED ANY AMOUNT. FROM $10 UP. . On fnrnifiir nlanna itnrBM rinnlnta. diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arranged weemy or monthly to suit your oonvenlence; cour teous treatment to all; private oftloea and Business striotiy confidential. GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. EOi-S Rothohlld bids., - 87 j Washington, Between 4th and Oth sta. WB HAVE- MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only, in amounts of from so to $100, at the lowest possiDle rates. Business strictly confidential. An we require Is that you be employed on salary and you get the money quickly, without mortgage, indorser or other se curity. STATE SECURITY CO.. 808 Falling Bldg., Cor. Third and Washington Sta. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. Wo are prepared to make loans and buy mortgages on hotels and rooming- nouses. CASCADE REALTY CO. BIO AND 611 SWETLAND BLDG. MARSHALL 8126. A 8038. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, eaBlest payments. Come and get money when you want It, and pay as you can Offices In all principal cities. D. H. Tol- man, 817 Lumber Exchange. MONEY ADVANCED on furniture, pianos, storage receipts, eta. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO., 807 Spalding bldg. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. vVm. Holl, room 9, Washington bldg. LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds and leweiry. Marx & Bioch, 74 a at. loans Wanted. Will handle nothlnff but the beat first-mort gage loans; we guarantee the safety 01 the security, which is always located in the City of Portland: we have expert exami ners to Pass on all title, pay all expenses of recording and collect your interest for you without any cost to the money-lender. Call In and learn our methods. The West ern Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. cor. aa ana Washington. WANT a loan of $1800, three years, 8 per cent, on OSS East 61st St.; win pay a per cent broKerage. TONY G. ANDERSON, 401 Lewis Bldg. WANT TTBOW I12K0 TO $1500 LOAN ON FINE RESIDENCE. WILL PAY ALL EXrENoB AND U PKK Ui-IJNX TO PRIVATE PARTY. J 404. OREQONIAN. WANTED From private party, two loans of $1700. also two amounts or ?iww, 011 first mortgage. Provident Investment & Trnstee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. COMPETENT responsible attorney actively engaged In money lending for private lend- era wishes to meet possible new clients. Address Y 458. Oregonlan. PARTY desires to borrow $1600! seourity (5000; will pay 8 per cent interest, am 896, oregonlan. WANTED $900 loan on 50x100 lot and modern o-room neuse, vaiuea szuw. i:aii owner, Columsla 60. $2800 ON $6000 new home In a thriving re stricted district; 1 7S per cent, no oroaer- age. AF 414, Oregonlan. $3000 for 3 yeara, 7 per cent, on oloee-ln low nome; principals, jviain xoio, WANT $1500. T per cent, on stores worth $4000; rent $40 per month. Tabor 2227. LET us place your money, good mortgages. reierences. j. a. iewis, o iewis oiag. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES $12 84-lnch Bwltchea $4.95 10 oz-incn switcnes.... 4.00 6 US-Inch switches 2.43 Face maae&g''.y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .25 Shampoo -25 Manicuring, 25c. five for LOO Superfluous hair removed by electriolty. guaranteed not to return. $4.00. $5.00 and $6.00 PUFFS REDUCED TO $1.45. Cyt hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 to 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington sta GERMAN trained nurse, first-class masseuse 1 long experience; - best references; treat ment for nervousness, rheumatism, lum bago, neuralgia, obesity; guaranteed cure for lameness or long standing. 348 11 Wll- Hams ave., near weidier st. u car. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, has re- I lngton at. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate rneumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, masseuse No. 7 East 11th st.. seoond door south 'from East Ankeny carline. Phone East a lt.03. DR. CATHERINE a GATES I treat suo- cessrully. nervous and chronic diseases; qualified by 11 years practical experience. 307 Abington bldg. Phone Marohall 3143. Hours v to i a. a,; l io n r. m. ANT lady "wishing to reduce weight na turally, easi.y, no arugs, treatment at horn; moderate charge; absolutely in strict connaence; individual attention, per sonally FEB VET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: flnet stock of human hair goods, halrdreasing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 147 7th St., near Morrison. .Phone Main 046. DR. KETCHUM, diseases peculiar to women; I also diabetes, eczema and .eotal ailments. I Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. Main 8474. Palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 8434 Yamhill, oorner Tta st. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. 'Diseases of women and surgery Exam ination free. oun Aiercnant iTnat Diagv, eth ana vt asnington. inone Mam e4. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, Quickly cures biooa ana sain ailments, Kianey ana bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. DRESS suite for rent, 1.50 month: keep your clothes oleanea, pressea, buttons sewed on. Hps repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries, unique Tailoring co., sua Etark. MEN Try S. O. Tablets for debility from I any cause; price L any address; money returned If It falls. Dr. Fierce Remedy Co., 245 H Morrison st. LADIES, when delayed, use Eanderson'a pills; every box guaranieea; by mall z. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. &4B H Morrison st. LADIES If In need of confidential advice. consult Dr. fierce; no cnarges. call or write, Z45H Morrison st. MISS LEWIS, late of San Franolsco, treat. baldness ana diseased scalp. 405 etark. Main 3o3l. WANT to meet party who bought right for Portland to sen w. vv. banas-uureka pow- der ejector. Y 459, Oregonlan. IAJDIE3 Lorens antiseptic cones are sooth ing, safe and sure; $1 per box. SUpo Ta lor Drug uo., za aiorrison sc. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curia and puffs. 75c Sani tary ceauiy ranora, w ueKum oiag. LOKEXZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restora lost vitality, aoo oox; o ooxes gtipe- Tayior urug to., zov Jiorrtson sc. H. S. SURE REMEDY lor catarrh of nose and throat, rrioe ?z. caii or write, H. S. Drug Co., 315 1st st. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women, oaa uavis st. Mam guio, MME. COURTRIGHT, feature and skin spe ciallst. 260 20th et. IV. Phone Main 5042. MOLE3, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M D. Hill, 429 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. DR. CARTER, dentist, 207 Allaky bldg, .has returned. PKKSONAL. Main 124)0 SWEBNEY'S 10th and Stark. We grow hair on bald beads and aura scalp diseases or your money refunded. A free hair dress to ladies with purohaees of $3 or over. Combings bought and hair made up by experlnecsd help. Call ana see us. BUSINESS DIRJ3CTOBY. Attorneys. E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. Gensrai practioe, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 873. A $071. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan bldg., 4th floor. ' Assayer and Analyst. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum reuner. assayer and chemist; gold Duer. 8d Boor, 142 Vt 4th st. Main 6109. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 24 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work, lht) Morrison st. Auto Supplies. F. P.- KEENAN CO., 190 Fourth St., Em pire auto tires, Pope Mfg. Co.'s bicycles, auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehicle rubber tires. Phones M. S0S2, A 4323. Baths and Swimmxutr. I HILL'S SANITARIUM Kheumatla treat ment, elegant plunge. 61)5 Front. M. 4ol. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, lim N. 5th. llainjiiUL Chiropodist. j. DR. MISS MARGUERITE CRAWFORD re moves corns, bunions, callouses, ingrown and club nails; pedicuring and manicuring; satisfaction guaranteed; graduate. A 8161. 614 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. the only solentlfio chiropodists in tne ciej. Parlors Soa Gerlinger bWb'.. S, W. oor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from tne imperial university, v Austria. 208 Rothchlld Bldg, Ph. Main 5S61. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Otllces 42D Flledner Plug. inain on Chlropractlo Physlclun. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Star ineater. A D230, Alain foot. nam. x . Collections. Protective Adjustment Co. Delinquent and current. 410 calling Ding, jaarumu i: PORTLAND Collection Agenoy 317 Alisky blue. Ail debts collected. A nil, at Dancing. HEATH'S Dancing School, 109 Second st.. Detween Washington ana 01am, ii- stage and social dancing taught daily; waits and two-step guaranteed in lour lessons. Class Monday evening. 8 to 10. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage dancing, lessons 23c, every mornins. noon and evening. Prof. Wal Willson s Dancing School. 3S6 H Wash. St., bet. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 7637. Dentists. ALVEOLAR TEETH where brldgework is impossible; does away entirely wiiu iii.o. brldgework; wo cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable pePla Alveolar Dental Co., Ablngton bldg. 106 3d. THE old reliable Union Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison sts. Engineer, F. M. SUVER, civil, hydraullo engineer; wa ter and sewerage a specialty. w-, Engines Gas and Steam. SOBER Maohlnery Co., Coast agents. Sea-j bury steam engine and hollers, "'i1 glnes. 281-283 E. Morrison at. Phone M. 01. Feed Store. ZIGLER & MIS.NER, hay, grain, feed, oe- ment. shingles. 2D4 orano ave. a Leather and Findings. CHAS, L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps. nm. , J, A. 6TROWBRIDGH LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 1SH urontsu . Milk and Cream. DIRECTLY from the dairy; West Side de livery. Summit Dairy. R. F. D. No, I. Musical. Emii Thlelhorn, voilin teacher, PUP1 ,s(f,clk- 900 Marquam. A 4160, Marshall 1638. Osteopathic Physlclans. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 416-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and unronio Phone Office M. 849, Res, t-ast or B IMS- Paints, Oils and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish Is best adapted to tne v-vm, HUETER PAINT CO.. 191 Second st. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, PA1"'?- 011 glass, sasn ana uouib. Papering and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hsngingt neat. dean work. Phone East 858. Patent Attorneys. TT H AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by 409 Chamber "of Commerce Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attorney- -at-law. late of U. 3. Patent Office. Book-, let free. 719 The Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign P'-; ents, infringement uasc. Paving;. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 609 608 Kleotrlo bldg. Oscar Hober, Portland. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. sidewalks ana croaawtnn. pn Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 40 year u V1---tj T-i ,. r Phnne Main 910.' in rorunuu. " ripe. PIPE and fittings, engineers' and steam sup- Centrally located, Nos. 84 to 86 Front st. V phones Main 517, A 2517, PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ; office near atn . - Plumbers. coffEY PLUMBING CO., sanitary plumb- 493 GHaan. Main 8487. Rug Weave. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old colonial rae rugs, Kast .-wMi. B 1280.' 153 Union ave., nr. E. Morrison. Safe. THE MOSLER SAl; CO 10 2d st. Safe, at iactory Second-hand Goods, WE buy.clothinj. furniture and tocjj. Hlh. est price F'" "rT. 7 furniture, tools. Marshall 23o4, WB pay the Mgnest P-- 6 KT rlotning anu .it ; Showcases, Bank and Bhow nitnres. rrnv I IITKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap T Bhoilse Co., 6th and Hoyt. B. Lutke, manager. n. H. BIRDSALL, 28 Hamilton oias. Show cases in BIOCH, .ffnt. M. Winter L,umner v-u. --wn CO.. 4th and Couchi new .trana-hani. Main 2703. Cabinet work- ahlnnlnff! .DttClal : innrt. in our through cars toall domestlo and foreign polnta Main 6a,AlBBB; "marra STORAGE FRED. . w.,.-,nM vood. hauled by us go into our freproof brick warehouse, abso lutely free for balance of month, and at !U- i..t r.tes thereafter. Expert mov ing and packing for shipping. Ring us up either phone and let the Van Hern, Trans fer Co. move you- OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. nil.. .i transferrins- and storage, safes.. Tilanos and furniture moved and paokedl for shipment. 87-811 Front st. Telephone Main HI or OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 187n-i Transrer anu iw office 810 Hoyt st., between oth and 6th. Fuones ,iuiii u. a. kjb Taxidermist. MOOSE, elk heads, fur work. F. B. Flnley, X4U UQIumu'Q. " " . Typewriters. REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, all makes, ill DrlceSl lUliy euamiiiou. mwni; ai-uun- iry & Printing Co., 201-203-205-207 2d St., ir'orxm-iii . WE are 'Fct?g&tiILV,' wr. j- ----- --r --- ri- .11 melees, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 287 V Washington st. NEW. rebuilt. s,econd-hand rentals, at our raies. xj. Veterinary Schools or Collegea. SAN FRANJISJU V tu i. Art I VJUL.- LEGJbe. besoion dckui ocji au. v.aiiug us free. Dr. C. Keane, 1818 Market St., 3. F. WeU DrllUng. DRILLING wells a specialty; price reason able. jau ftiai" xa-tv v. Jim minor tm West," 182 Morrison st., Portland. Wood and Coal. DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smalle. wood, .ou iuou, ucun su o any place In the city. Portland Wreckage Co., 105-107 11th at. North. Main 87, a 87Srt. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. aiarsnaii A " j ' "r mu , co a T ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOr- Storase and Transfer, WOOD BRANCH E. 33r 3T, WOOft,