Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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MEN'S SUITS I meet and bMl strongest
competition in the City of Portland on
men suits. All th latest Fail modtU,
In red browns, oxford gray and blua
Cheviot. 127. 0 to tJO aulta for 118.75,
$22.50 to 1-3 value at $14.75. No bit
' profit tacked on for tha benefit of th
landlord. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Or-
gonlan bldg. Talca elevator.
' kaEN'S PANTS I give you srand value In
tnan'a pant: IS trouser for $8,601 $4
value at $2.50. My system of baying and
160 a montn rant aoea it. jimmy uuaot
room 816 Oregonlan bide- Take elevator.
kAFKri New and 2d-hand; low price; easy
term: safe opened, repaired ana painiea.
6AFE CO.. 85 6th at. Main 8309. A all.
BTnvB! nncTOR.
Tv nm stove doaan't baka thara ia
omethin wrong. I can fix IU $68 East
Morrison. Phona Eaat 1022.
EXCEPTIONAL typawriter bargain for tha
wek: Remington, Villi emitn mmnn
$17.60: BUcka, $17.50. Northwest Typa
writer Co.. 80 Bth at.
FOR 6 ALB or trade, 8x10 doubla cylinder
and drum contractor! donkey engine, 450
ft. -incb cable, 003 Hallway Exohang
bide. A 4339.
HAND-CARVED oak bedroom
t.nil and mirror. Dloturea.
et, hall
couch and chair. Apt, ZL Lucretla Court,
Main 1529.
.' FOR SALE A small stock of dry good
and notions, suitable for a dressmaker to
hands with her line. Phone it luoz.
' CjL V7.R1 wanted. 4UiBU : aood lensi
must be bargain; give full description
and price. Y 458. Oregonlan.
t WANT to buy 2 office desks. Don't apply
unless you have a bargain. 414 Spalding
TICKET to St. Paul, description, male, me
dium, light hair, middle age; good Sept
1; a Bargain, v oo. uregomen.
S-ROOM Iraame house in South Portland
for sale cheap to be removed. Phone Main
770 or A 2078.
I EAFES 2 medium and 1
! bargain. J 822, Oregonls
large six. t a
fcafe: large safe, good as new, for sale cheap,
terms If you wish. AP 248. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE: Underwood typewriter,
new. Call owner. Main 1871.
' WANTED Second-hand gas range In good
condition, cneap. aum
t Contractor's equipment by United Engineer
ing at Construction "-o., v vmm-
' FAMOUS painting wall pictures for ala.
602 Washington K.
I MR SALE New furniture; bargains
leaving city. AC 899. Oregonlan.
' UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 6, A-X oondl-
! tlon; terms. AJU un)K"'-
Highest price paid for men- and ladles'
cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, too!,
' iTr;h.n! lolnr. Call Main S080. 290
. First st. The Globe.
' IF TOO have household furniture to IU
call up George Baker Co.. J52 Park t
' Sale at residence a specialty.
! Tools Highest price paid for all kinds of
L'i.nina mecnanic. loxaina m"
Hdwra. Co.. 229 Front.
Main 9072.
' uinnffET n nM trt for rurnltur. Stove.
range, ate, eta Call up East 1022 or
call at SS East Morrison st.
SB pay the highest cash price for second
hand furniture. 6eater Martin. Phona
East glS4. 848 Hawthorn ava.
FORD Auction Co. pay most cash for any
kind of furniture. Main anoi. A a-sea.
SL R. TICKET East wanted by young man.
AH 401. Oregonlan.
Carpenters wanted to erect several
small building by contract labor onlyi
rough woric apply immeaiaiciy. v e.
Oreron Lumbar Co.. Linn tan. Or, United I
Hallways car.
iiit.rrvkn exclusive territory, blr oppor
tunities, steady position, complete line
Yakima Valley-grown fruit, shade and or
namental stock: cash weeaiy; outut ire.
Toppenlsh Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash.
WANTED Man with family of not less
than thre children of school age to work
on farm; permanent position; $58.60 per
month: other need not apply. U07 xeon
WANTED Sash and door machlneman and
lumber grader: state wage wanted; give
experience and reference;, alngle or mar
ried; ateaay employment, juiareas av 420,
Oregonlan. v
To deliver telephone directory In their
own neighborhood; must have knowledge
of street in their district; gooa wage.
C V. Jennings, 874 Washington st.
WANTED Salesman In retail grooery store.
Applicants for this position must have
experienoe ana rumisn gooa reiereuce;
married man preferred. Addrea A. J.
Colling. Vancouver. Wash.
FIRST-CLASS cloak and suit man for th
floor In the 1 arrest dept. In Portland:
must have first-class reference; must be
a live wire, not over 86 year of age. X
420, oregonlan.
WAREHOUSE MAN wanted; experienced In
handling wire rope and with soma knowl-
eage 01 snipping, jr. a n s uuf j es
pany. 235 Pine at.
WANTED A sober old man to clear up land
ana nolo ret wooa arouna nouae for room.
hoard and a mall wage. 985 Alblna ave
cor. Blandena. L car.
$ SALES MANAGER and salesmen: good
for $10 a day. Call after 0 A. M. at the
Potlatch. SS 8ch st. A. L, Anberg. busl
ness manager. '
EXPERIENCED shoe salesman, with ref
erences, also extra men tor Baturuays.
New York Shoeshop. upstairs. 6th and
Wash, eta,
EXPERIENCED Installment collector; must
nde wheel, know all street; tata age,
references and salary expected. AH S74.
WANTED A attiotly nrst-claee. aober, re
liable pastry baker; steady position with
rood ware to rignt man. Adores w. H.
rtardon. Meatora. ur.
SALESMEN wanted to cell our Una of Pa
cific Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid
weekly. Padno Nursery Co 808 Corbett
SALESMEN wishing to establish themselves
permanently, aek for Mr. Bryant. 1118
xeon oiag.
ELECTRICIANS, non-union. conduit ex.
perlence, out of town. Apply 222 Com
merciai t:xub biag.
WANTED A boy with wheel willing to
leant traae. mbcuio ono xiospitao. tKM
I riirq st.
WANTED Experienced lineman 1 steady
position; gooa wages; give age. reference
and phone number. AX 414, Oregonlan.
APPRENTICE boy to learn machinist'
ir&ae. Apply own csnawnting. Av 4.$.
WANTED Young man to work for room
and board; a good horn to right party.
TOUNO man solicitor, on commissi on; good
proposition, with a future for clean-cut.
wiae-awak cnap. AJ 898. Oregonlan.
WANTED Flrat-claas, all-around chef for
commerciat country notel. Apply Mr. W.
r.. Conner, imperial iiotei.
WANTED Strong young man for grocery I
in country; noara. rooms ana wagea Call
498 Gusan St. petweeneii and 12 A. M.
A BOY wanted. 65S Hamllici bldg, to lsaxn
engraving; mast live at Dome
BARBES wanted; steady job.
son st.
189 Morrf-
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agent.
nw offer. Cutberth Studio. Dokum bldg.
y-1 SOLICITOR, German preferred
Investigation, inquire 20 ix.
ist. in rear.
WANTED A tailor 1 work on coats and
. bnshellng. 803 V Washington st. Room 28.
CARPENTERS on concrete form, non-union.
Apply m commercial wioo blag.
STRUCTURAL iron worker, out ot town.
Apply 2-2 commercial uma oiag.
AX men to clear right ot way. . Apply SSM
commercial v.iqd digs.
WANTED Bay over II with Wheels, It
d st.
WANTED Drug clerk- xperienod Gr-
mn or Italian, atarsnan iwt.
WANTED Young man saanoarraphec. Rooxa
201. EUctrto bldg.
WANTED Two boy with wheels, $40 pes
montn. Appiy iywr
TAILOR wanted for repair work in clothing
nor. Jam J. Paddan. Vancouver, Wash,
V ANTED Apprentice for ahow card wrlt
Inr: short hour; big pay. 242 tth at.
LABORER Apply 323 Conmeraial Qt
SOLICITORS on nw (porting weeklyi o
ary. Call g to 9 at B02 EUer bldg.
NEWS agents for railroad train emo,
Baskalow Bros.. 82o Johnson st.
WANTED Boy with whl; good waxe4
uniforms turnlshsd. Apply T8 3d et.
GOOD boy wanted.
Co.. 11 N. Tth st.
Apply Lowengart V
MAN To run gasoline ngln. Apply 203
Oak t-
MAN handy wltit tools, Tuesday
84 Union ava.
BARBER wvsatad. SS8, staaswU .
(On of Many)
Offlee Secretary Employment
X. M. C A.
Towns; tnan, atrangi out of work fr9
bta total eash aaaet It I pay Ton $9
for special employment membership. I will
hare only US left between me and starva
tion. Beoretary If yon pay 95 for apeolaa
employment memberahlp you will nave the
T. M. c. A. with Its raaourees between
yon and etarvauon.
Record for t man tha enra; August SI,
Calla for men 18
Position filled .-...J"?
Kew member . . ... ."1"'
Employment memberahlp guarantee em
ployment or refund of memberablo fee;
rive two tnontba full memberahlp piiv'
(leges. 10 montne aoolal privilege and
undertake to keen party enityed during
the full term of membership without
lurther charg. . , .
xc-. -..... A-mmnA fas nlrn-
grade, experienced men. Are you fitted
for a batter poaltlont . .
. See im.rv unninrmint dapartmanx
x. J. C. A.
WANTED A man and wife to take oharg
ox rruit and berry rancn ana raise
on shares. I will furnish good house, barn,
tool and team and will give the right
party who will tay five yeara a good op
portunity of making some money. Noth
ing but Industrious, reliable partle who
thorousrhlv understand this das Of work
will be considered. Prefer a German.
It will not be necessary for partyvto go
on the place for 40 or 0 day yet. If
neoessary. In answering, rive age, experi
ence nrt r.forinpia from Dartles Who
know your ability In thla line. Address
AO 404, Oregonlan.
1BI r-Bonirn wnntMd for the U. S,
Marine Corps, between the ages ot in anu
85. Must be native born or have first
papers; monthly pay $18 to $69: additional
compensation possime; xooa. co,w,.
mi.-,., an, n.Htal ttMldlHICI I T B 6 '.
after 30 yeara service can retire with 75
per cent or pay ana allowances;
on board ship and ashore In all parta of.
the world. Apply at D. S. Marine Corps
Recruitinr Office. Breeden bldg., 3d and
Washington eta. Portland, Or.
WE ARE Increasing our business and have
an excellent opportunity tor raw xirsi
class salesmen. Can also use a good man
as manager of olty salesmen and one or
. 1 f I .1..! nr.nn1.tlnn OUtSld
of Portland. We have 20 aub-dlvlalon and
more coming on. Applicant must m win
ing to learn our method and propertle
thorourhlv and demonstrate ability. Call
H Fifth street. Ask for sale manager,
AF 38s. .Oregonlan. ;
BALEPMAX Two or three high grade sales
men to follow office leads, as wen as ore
ate prospects of their own, for the llvest
real estate firm In the city. If you are
a hustler, we have an opening that should
be worth ISOOO per year to you. Previous
emerlence In real estate not neoessary, but
nnlirint must be business ratter and wlli
lnr to work early and late. Addrea J
410, oregonlan.
WE WANT a young man over 25 years of
age vbo ha the nerve ana me araumuu
to rise above an ordinary salaried job.
We have a position open which will even
tually pay f&OOO a year to the man who
will take hold an stay with It. Wei re
quire brains, energy and untiring effort.
Don't answer unless you are willing to de
vnt. vnup Antir time to business. All cor
respondence treated as confidential. Ad
dress AF 385, Oregonlan.
wiNTHn Foreman for sash and door de
partment of our factory, wage ..uu per
day of 10 hours. Must b sober and tnor
oughly understand tha business. Married
man preferred. Bteady employment to
suitable man. Stat experience. Western
Planing Mill Co.. Calgary. Alberta, Can
WANTETD -Jl man to take entire charge of
a bakery and eonreotionery oueinesa; one
f referred who will buy a small Interest
n same; will pay good wage to right
man who will prove reliable, ofcer and
trustworthy. Address W. H. Rardon, Med
ford. Or.
WANTED Salesman, experienced magazine
and fcook men. to represent "Current Lit
rature." Id-volume premium and the
magazine for $18. Entirely new and a
aure winner Highest commlsslona "Cur
rent Literature Publishing Company,'
room 403 Marquam bids;.
Do you want rood positions 7 Big salary.
easy work. Call and register your name;
no oharge for positions.
826 H Washington, near 17th.
WANTED School teacher; lady preferred.
first to eighth grades; montnr scnooi:
$5o per month and 20 scholars: don't
answer unless mean business; state cre
dentials; school opens Sept. la a &
Davis, Clerk, Blletz, Lincoln Co. Or.
822 14TH ST. Small family hoarding-house.
middle-aged, for nousewors: ana cooKing;
rood wages; permanent place.
WANTED Women to worlc m cannery.
peeling peara; experienoe prererrea. Lang
A Co., Burnalde St., between Front and 1st.
J. K. STERN. 447 ST.
Wanted A tallorea to work with tailor
on ladles' Jackets.
343H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phone Mam Kovi.
W ANTE D G It 1 to assist In housework; one
who goe to school wui do. 'reiepnona
Woodlawn COL
AFPRENTICGa, Apply Iwangan ft to,
11 N. 7th t-
WANTED Experienced cook; also second
girl; family of ten. Telephone Main or
A 8071.
GAMP COOK, young housekeeper, wait
resses, $30; chambermaids, city. Room
89. 3704 Wash. Howe' Ladle Agency.
WANTED Neat appearing lady solicitor;
good commission to hustlers, axo .Belling;
GIRL for second work.
238 King st. Phono
Main 25 1L
W ANTED GlrL general housework, small
family, plain cooking, raons Alain 1044.
GIRLS for labeling. Apply Cloaset A De-
ver. Front ana Anxeny st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
plain cooking, small family. 447 10th St.
WANTED Experienced girl
for general
housework. 744 Hoyt st.
GIRL for general housework: 3 in family.
; il w as co su
GIRL for general housework; small family 1
good wage, oso Tiiiamoos: st.
GIRL to assist In housework and car of
children. East 6Z-3. e4 East Taylor.
TWO girls for plain Ironing. The Jefferson
nana ijsonarr, wv jeuprian sfc.
NURSE for child 4 year old and to assist
with housework; no cooking. East Z88L
OIRL to stay evening occasionally with
children; Irving ton car una, gast 10OT.
WANTED 2 girls, maid and cook. 3
family. 871 North Blst. Mam 408.
WANTED A competent second girl - Call
afternoon, 245 t- Clair St.
WANTED A young girl to work Ice cream
counter. 2ti9 isverett st.
WAITRESS wanted at Monte Carlo Cafe,
2S3 Grand av.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Thomp
son Restaurant, 144 tn at., at once.
DELIVERY boy with wheel wanted at Wol-
coifs Millinery. 41s Aider at.
WANTED1 Girl tor general housework and
plain cooking. Apply 708 Overton t.
GIRL tor general housework.
Phone Main
COMPETENT girl for general housework!
small iamiiy. Mam ej.
OIRL for general housework.
Call 490
20th St., Portland Helgnta.
WANTED Lunch waitress.
Apply Pear-
less cafeteria, 104 Ota st.
Russell St.
WANTED Teachers for mission school. Ap
ply sTHH. ceoonq St. at 1 r, si.
WANTED An experienced waitress. 141
Russeu st.
WANTED At onoa at 79 N. Park, a dining-
room girl, 4-0 ana room.
OIRL for general housework i must bo
good cooa. APP'y 001 r ianqer at.
APPRENTICE wanud. Sanitary
Parlor. 4W ireaum pm.
COMPETENT girl tor rook log said hopes-
Work. stain iig
WANTED Young girl worst ohrar store.
290 Burnsiae si.
AN apprentice to learn tha millinery trad.
TI4 William ava,
WANTED Girl fox ganeral housework.
w ldier t.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
without washing. Appiy Baa syverett at.
triNINO-ROOM girl wanted at th Batunan
Hotel. 412 N. 16th St.
OIRL wanted tor cooking and general hi
work. ee wfjy
EXPERIENCED girl for paper box factory.
Apply Lowengart aa vo., 11 n. itn St.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
Apply ! fl.vor,,i. nwr
WANTED Good cook In email family. T69
North. rup t., wiww iou sua seta t.
wanted young t.tytf. for telk-
WANTED Two ladle of unquestioned re
Onemsnt, good education, pleasing appear
anoe, between 25 and 0 years; prefer
ence slven to those acoustomed to mov
ing in best social circles, but whom choice
or neoesslty lead to entering the business
world. No application considered without
Interview. Write general description of
self, and Interview will be arranged. J
oi, uregonlan.
COMPETENT woman wanted for g-eneral
housework and part care of Invalid In con
venient country home at Clatskanle; must
be good cook; $30 per 'month. Call Main
1T78 Wednesday morning from 10 o'clock
to 1.
BE8TAURANT COOK. $19 week: hotel
cook, $50; 2 chambermaids, $20 and. l-'o;
8 hotel waitresses (out of city), $25;
houaek eerier. g&O famllv cook. S40 and
$45: second girl. $30 and 135. Hansen's
Emp. Agency. 845 Wash, at R. 7.
YOUNG or mlddle-ared lady for companion
for young woman and assist at light
housekeeping; and ba one of family. Ad-
gon. or apply at 63 Hanoock. Rose City
WANTED Led 7 with sunburned or tanned
complexion to act as subject for Madame
Leonard Rose Blush Astringent; also one
with larre pores, or wrinkles. Call at
Meier & Frank's waiting-room.
Apply Standard Factory. No.
av. and East Taylor st.
X Grand
. VTTr-n T ftv t art as suhlect f OT Ma
dam Leonard Rose Blush Astringent for
tan or sun-burned complexion; aieo gin
with' large pores or wrinkles. Apply at
Meier's ladles' waiting room.
WANTED Young woman capable of taking
shorthand, doing typewriting and handling
set of books: stats experience, n i.
J. K. 6TERN. 447 ALDER ST.
Girls Good shirt makers on power ma
chine felling girl for lining; must oe ex
GIRLS wanted.
Front st-
Westem Mantel Co., 28
BUSINESS firm desire a woman not un
der 25 who 1 trustworthy and capable;
experience unnecessary. AD 880, Ore
WANTED Girl to cook and do general
housS-vork in family of X. Portland
Height. Telephone. Main 5H and A
WANTED Ail experienced young woman
as mother's helper; wages $20 per month.
Apply mornings at 1129 Thurman sf, Wil
lamette Heights.
wanted At Sisters' Hosnltal In Chlco.
cal., pupil to enter cnoot 01 nursing, ror
xnxormacion aaares jnomer auudiiod,
Mount Saint Agnes, Stirling city, cai.
WANTED Experienced young lady teacher
for two hoys, 4 ana o years 01a. zor one
hour dally. Call at 493 Haasalo it, corner
E. 10th.
EXPERIENCED girl or young woman for
second work In small family, one wining
to assist In care of child. Phone morn
ings. Main 1309.
WANTED Experienced saleslady; must be
good fitter and attend to alterations; ref
erences require a. Aaaxes r 00 j. ore
WANTED Experienced stenographer; one
aeo ualntea wltn macmnery ana supply
business preferred; must be able to figure
accurately. Aaaress w tv. urrguumi.
BTRONO girl to work In factory; must
be over IS years 01 age; gooa wages
and good hours. American Chicle Co.
14th and Johnson st.
EXPERIENCED cook to assist some house-
apply mornings. 773 Marshall st. Phone
Alain ZV44.
COMPETENT saleswomen on liberal com
mission basis. Apply photo department,
W. H. Markell & Co. East Morrison and
Union ave.
WANTED A practical nurse, also a young
slrl to assist witn trays lor out ox town
hospital. Call 31 16th St. North. Sisters
of Mercy.
APPRENTICES. Apply Lowengart at Co.
11 N. 7th st.
WANTED A visiting governess, either
German or French J references required.
Call 861 11th st.
GIRL for cooking and housework, small fam
ily. $40 par month. 89 uast Taylor, near
Washington bldg., 4th and Wash. St.
Main 8888 or A 8260.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook, city reference, neat or wages. 11a
Marshall. Main 2944.
WANTED Girl for general housework) 8
in iamiiy. - 41 m. iitn st. xortn, u road
way car.
no other need apply, can at once. e4
Broadway. Broadway car.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. viavl Co., ou xtotn-
chlld bidg.. 4th and Washington.
GIRL to do general housework; small apart
ment; rood wages; sleep home nights.
pnone M arena li luoi.
YOUNO lady for Western vaudeville sketch:
with some experience; no singing or dano-
ing. Ar- sia, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED cook, $40 up; chamber
maids, waitress, nurses. St. Louis Agency,
aoa H wasn. Main zoa, A 47 to.
COMPETENT woman for general housework
In suburban home; must be clean and good
cook. AP own, uregonlan.
GOOD home to needy girl, he companion
young woman and do light work; email
wages. Apt, s, the American.
COMPETENT girl to do cooking and general
housework; no washing. 709 Marshall St.
.Main 817.
Y"OUNG lady bookkeeper, thoroughly com
petent; best of city references; wants po
sition, rnons Atam 211,
OIRL wanted for general housework: ex-
4 perlence unnecessary. 860 Ravens view
Drive. A 8742.
WANTED Girl to assist in general house-
work. 788 Pllsan, at once.
OIRL for general housework. 872 14th st. I
BEST proposition to good solicitors; $40 a
weea, o to v a. Al., o to o 1. AL. 887H
.cast DDzseiQe, room i.
THREE advertising solicitors for special edi
tion Vancouver e-poicesman; immediately.
i'none w nite, manager.
100 HOP-PICKERS wanted: rood accom
modations" Inqulr at SL Charles Hotel
at onoe. ' James P. Feller.
MEN WANTED, age 18-85, for firemen.
$100 monthly, brakemen $ 8O, on nearby
railroads. Experience unnecessary; no
trik. Positions guaranteed competent
men. Promotion. Railroad Employing
Headquarters. 280 men sent to positions
In August, state age; send, stamp. Rail
way Association, box W 558, Orogonian.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduate last year:
men ana women learn Daroer traae M
8 woeks; help to Mcure position) gradu
ates earn from aia to $20 weakly; expert
Instructors: tools free; write for cata
logue. Mohler System of Colleges, 8$
North 4th , Portland, Or.
WANTED Pay or board at start, learn
trade, automobiles, electricity, plumbing,
bricklaying by actual work on Jobs; only
few month required and no apprentice
ship drudgery; 200 students last year;
oatalogue free. United Trade School, Los
jugaica, v-ai.
BOOKKECEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks, ate.:
I will guarantee your qualification to fill
positions in 80 days; private Instruction
by publlo accountant; position secured. J
480, Oregonlan
YOUNG man wishing to go Eat soon WUI
find It to hi advantage to call at th
Columbia Hotel, room a?.
LADY recently from Spanish oountrie will
rive lessons In Spanish. Address P 878,
MAKE money writing short stories, or for
papers; blr pay; free booklet tells bow.
United Prss Syndicate. Ban Francisco.
Swetlanj bldg.
WRITINO. 85 mo. 260 14th St. Main 8898.
WILL tint rooms for $2.50 and paint house
at your price. rnon Jkasa
MORE life Insurance salesmen are wanted
PANT. We want the type of man who
can DO THINGS, peraone who cannot
take an opportunity and create business
Xor themaelvee and their employere,
who expeot to be paid for work they
not do. need not sddIv. but men who oan
ahow satisfactory credentials as to char
acter, and can get results, will- secure
Profitable emDlovment
Home Office, 8th Floor, Spalding Bids.
YOU are wanted for Government posltton
ISO month; aend poetal lor list poauiona
open. fTanjcnn institute, uepb oo a
Rochester. N. Y.
Bookkeepera and Clerk.
CLOAK and aultbuver. o-er 20 years' expert
ence in everv hranoh or the reaav-10-wear,
thoroughly familiar with the New York
market; 15 years In business for myself
and successful; would take position as as
sistant In large store or am capable of
managing good size department store and
auena to advertising ana til Duying,
would buv interest In rood oronosltlon;
Eastern and. Portland references; would go
out or town. x. 421, oregonlan.
YOUNG married man with rllt-edre ref
erences wno has followed accounting zor
last 10 years desires association with
man or corporation that will give him all
enoouragement to learn the business. The
right place my first consideration, and then
salary. interview will satisfy you.
Have good-paying position now. H ST 6,
WANTED By young man (81) position as
oookkeeper or accountant; ten years' ex
perience railroad accounting; thorough
knowledge of transfer and warehousing ac
counts; also knowledge of wholesale gro
cery business; can use typewriter: first-
class references; city or country. Y 859i
A YOUNG man want position as bookkeep
er, timekeeper or salesman; has had six
yearr experience; can furnished Al refer
ences. Address J. W. Miller, 500 Davis
sr.; pnone A lTftU.
up books, prepare balance and statements,
-Install systems. Gllllngham. auditor, 411
Lewia Dldg. Marshall 717.
EVENINGS Young man, aged 23, desires
clerical work from 7 to 1U; knowledge 01
DOOKkeeping; good penman ( Al reierencas.
v t)o. ureronian.
BY young man. exneiienced bookkeeoer.
auditor; capable general office man: not
afraid of work; willing to start on small
salary; Al references. R 895, Oregonlan.
BY young man, experienced stenographer,
not at ram of work and wining to start
on moderate salary. T 889. Oregonlan,
POSITION bv exoerlenced office man. cans-
Die oz taking charge of office; best refer-
uucm, in or out 01 city, m Ol-ft, uregonian.
LAWYER of 20 years' experience wishes
position In law or other office; be 1 en
tirely competent to manage an office or
to take charge of a business. AC 898,
WANTED Bv an exoerlenced vounr mar-
riea man. steady work on, farm close to
runisnu; man to wora only; separate
house preferred. Call evenings or ad
dress W. H. Conrad. 4801 Belmont st-
Apt. 1.
SITUATION wanted by chauffeur and re
pairman with 5 years' experience In this
vicinity. Just out of employment. Can
produce the roods. References Y 432
ALL-AROUND lumberman, with experience
In any dept., would like to correspond
with reliable firms who have a -vacancy
for such a man. A A J 400. Oregonlan.
YOUNG married couple wishes steady em-
Dlovxnent in nrlvate nlace: cltv or oountry
refined; experienced; willing to work. AB
4Utf, oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS shoemaker wishes position
for new and repairing work. Apply 52
6th St. Phone A 5731.
JAPANESE man and wife, first-class cooks.
want position In hotel or restaurant.
809, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE couple wants Position aa farm
hand; gooa experience; wile do a uttie
housework. J 416, Oregonlan.
WANTED By a young man going to busi
ness college. 5 or 6 hour of work in the
evening. AH 898. Oregonlan.
GARDENING, lawn, automobile and handy
all-around, city or country. A. Nelson,
185 Russell st.
RELIABLE Japanese boy want
to work
852 Oak
before 8 A. M. or after 0 p. Al.
WANTED By young man, position
chauffeur In private family; do own re-
palling. G. Gllmore. Main 1528.
YALE Varsity football coach
rill coach
ar college
and train preparatory school
team. AB 404, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN. can clerk, first class sales
man or stock man, not afraid of work.
sober, honest. AD 4ia. uregonlan.
BARTENDER Expert mixer, absolutely eo-
oer, honest, hustler, not axrald 01 long
hours, from the .ast. au 414, uregonlan.
COLORED man wants housecleanlng by the
hour. Johnson. 00 worm litn st-
MAN and wife want work
on ranch or
farm. V 404. oregonlan.
MAN and wife want work on ranch.
440. Oregonlan.
COLORED BOY. 18 years, wants Job In
oannery : experienced. .Marshall 1885.
WANTED By first-class Japanese cook.
position. Bio uoucn st, a 401s.
JAPANESE boy wishes any Job between 8
to 12 A. M. Aaaress aw b. Oregonlan.
POSITION by a young man as watchman or
any night JQD. Atf ill, uregonlan.
YOUNG man like to get position as lunoh-
man or barporter. Al sse. oregonlan.
Situations wanted femalh.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
REFINED, first-class housekeeper, with 15-
year-old son, attending high school, would
like position taking care of widower's or
bachelor home, or to take charge of
rooming or apartment-house. Y 457, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer with some
knowledge of bookkeeping wanta perma
nent position In or out of the city. L. M.
Olsen, 657 Kearney at. Main 6792.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; nign scnooi graauate ana gooa
speller. B 2T03.
STENOGRAPHER, three years' experience In
law office, permanent plaoe. Main 1484.
STENOGRAPHER, with experience, desires
position, seiiwooa iim
STENOGRAPHER of ability wanta good po
sition. Alain a? iv.
WANTEfJ Plain sewing and children'
clothes: shirtwaist suits sz.oo and $8. Bast
4503. Unlon-ave. car. 858 Hanoock at.
OUR dear baby having tiled will act aa wet
nurse. J 400, oregonlan.
WANTED Maternity nursing. 781 X
keny St. .
HIGH SCHOOL OIRL wishes plaoe in small
family as companion and to assist In light
housework In return for room and board
and car fare; would prefer Hawthorn
ave. district. AK 416. Oregonlan.
SWEDI6H girl wishes position to assist with
general nousewors. "sui otv vaugnn su.
near 21st North.
EXPERIENCED Japanese boy wants
eral housework tor family.
V 408,
YOUNG lady wishes telephone exchange; ex
perience a years; teiepnona uast 81s. Ross
GIRL wants work by day or hour. Call
Main 6427. Room 18.
REFINED mlddle-ared woman deslrea
housekeeping, widower. Main yuaa. A 477B.
EXPERIENCED family cook, $45; capable
second girl. 83Q. Main 20S9, A 4775.
WOMAN with baby wants general house
work. I'none A ai. 1000,
CHAMBERMAID or matron in a dry goods
tore; colored. Aiarsnaii jmo.
YOUNG woman wishes housework or waah-
Ing by the day. Main anp.
WOMAN wishes work by the day. Sell. 1840.
WOM-V.N wants day work. Phone A 44S2.
DAY work wanted. Marshall 1319.
BEST proposition to good solicitors: $40 a
week. $ of A. M-, ItotF. M. SWU
mast jsurnauo. room -.
RELIABLE salesman can make big money
-selling our well-known line of hardy non
Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, eto, out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore
gon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or.
WANTED to rrent. by young married couple,
2 or 8 unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
or small 8-room cottage; please state prloe
and location. R- W. E.. 974 MoAdam st.
MODERN 5 or 6-room nicely furnished
house or bungalow. Portland Heights or
Irvlngton; desirable location; reference.
Phone East 6827. '
WANTED To rent 13 or 15-room house, fur
nished or ' unfurnished. West Side. AS
873, Oregonlan.
IF you have a vacant house or flat to rent,
list It with our renting dept. We will rent
It for you free of charge. Oevurts & Sons.
WANTED To rent a modern eight or nine
room house or flat. West Side, close In.
Main 1009. ' .
MODERN 6-room flat or apartment, near
Portland Academy. Main 8974
WANTED By young lady, room and board,
with refined family, near Woodlawn School
or on woodlawn carllne; state prloe. F
875, Oregonlan.
WANT 3 rooms, unfurnished, $7 to $10, for
adult. C 628 Washington.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Middle-aged couple to care for
girl 8 years old: also mother would like
room; walking distance. T 402. Ore
gonlan. A SCHOOL teacher wants a pleasant room
with board near, north of Washington
near fist or 84th. AF 415, Oregonlan.
WANTED Place near 13th and Madison to
leave two children. Main 1184.
Business Place.
ABOUT 5000 square feet of floor room, on
or two floors; well lighted for a small mfg.
business. 428 Harrison st. Main 4002.
Furnished Rooms.
Thooe thre beautifully furnished hotels,
118 H 4th t all 4h st. 207 4th st.
On Fourth t.. running from Taylor t
Salmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly
tarnished; steam heat, private baths, hoi
and cold water In all rooms: stristly
UD-to-date u all respects, and at popular
ericea. If you want something out of th
ordinary in the heart of tbe city at reas
onable price, give us a call, a w know
you will like It. Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade sollciteo.
hotkt. rAPt.naa.
Residential. 1 850 Taylor. Transient
xtt 7h and Park flta.
UTTPOEiie nemr inum, vouum,
room with private bath, etc, from $1
dally: suites or single rooms at low
rates? weeklv or monthly terms: new,
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phone, not ana coia running vswr. j rvm
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W"
car tn TtK. from TTovt-street ueDOE. a
car, transfer on Morrison to Tth. Phona
Marshall 2200.
RS7U, East Burnslde.
Fall I here and Winter approaching
with the rainy season to go through: you
should select a pleasant, comfortable place,
close In, for the Winter; we have Just the
place for you; 120 moaern rooms, witn
steam heat, hot and cold running water,
rooms slnrle or en suite, rooms with pri
vate bath, transient. 50c to $1.50 per dayi
weekly, $2 to $7. East B94Q. ts izio.
131 Kleventh st.
Mew, modern brick building, steam-heated,
private baths, hot and cold water la
rooms. hautlfullv furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Rents very reasonable. Call and see)
ns. Kcgular and transient traae onoi w.
Completely renovated; everything flrai
lxs rooms, with bath. 81.50 and UD1
$27 per month with private baths; special
low eummer rates djt wees, w swuia
10th and Washington.
One slock from Union Depot) 14 otrt
lde rooms, with hot and cold water, every
thing brand new; special rates by the week
r month; give us a trial. Transient rate
toe U $2 per oay; weeaiy rates ssms as,
1MU Twelfth St.. Marshall 2790.
Tn the heart of the business district.
Eteam heat, hot and cold water and free
phone In every room. a per uay ana upj
$4 per week and up.
Central -location, moderate prloea, spe
cial weekly rates, $3, $3.50 and up. In
cluding puDiic pnone ana oatn.
390 M Morrison St., cor. 10th.
THE REGENT 151 Seventh at.; beauti
ful rooms, rirnt aown town: laeai loca
tion for parties staying In town for busi
ness or pleasure; rates very reasonable.
by day or week. Bio montn up.
HOTEL RENWICK An ideal horn fof
Business DeoDie: centrally locatea: ele.
rant rooms, all modern convenience; 7th
and Taylor sis.. 1 block from Portland
Hotel, opposite Meiug ineater Mala u.
12th and Washington.
' No extra charge for two in a room
room 81. with private bath, 8LS0; tg
week ; pew management.
T miT alrv rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle. SZ ana e ween; tivs minutes walK
to ineaters ana D'ui t", . yiuHii, jj
dell Hotel. 828 4th.
New rooms and newly furnished with
phones and running water In all rooms;
all outside rooms. Cor. Wash and 10th st-
F0R RENT One large, light steam-heated
room, walking aistance. Lanaore, 288
10th st.
THE TEMPLE, 843 H Yamhill St., opposite
Hotel portiana, luraiaueu room 42.00
week up. Transient. -
ni.tiMEf Hotel'Annex. under new man
agement, clean, quiet nome xor DUfllnea
men; prices reasonable. 140 7th st.
THE LARRABEB, 227H Larrabee at. Mod
ern, cool, airy rooii-e, transient owe ana up;
special rates, week or month. East 849,
WEAVER, 710 Washington Nicely fur
nished rooms, oatn ana pnone in each
room; with or without board.
REST VILLA Largt, airy rooms, newly
furnished, nne grounas, one Diock xrora
Washington st. 49 North 17th st
NICE outside room; low -rent; bath;
lnr distance. o om. a oe.w. -
FURNISHED rooms. 60o per day.
190 West
THE HAZEL Nicely furnlsned rooms at
moderate pnees. or. ou inq montgomery.
NORRIS HOTEL ISooma, atrictly modern.
$3. DO UP. IQJJ i' i"
FOR RENT Nice, large front room, close
In; ine issiter, .oj jum su
HOTEL Alexander, 131 10th, cor. Alder;
nicely lurmsnea rooma. mnjunauii rate.
LARGE newly furnished front room, suitable
for two. 60s 16m si., cor. maraeu
COMFORTABLE pretty rooms; free phona,
bath. etc. eo layior st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
BRIGHT, clean front room In private fam
ily; splendia neignDornoou, wanting aia
tance. for gentleman. 734 Kearney St.
TWO pleasant front rooms, first-class; bath.
steam neui,, -m ,.., wr lunv,
715 Johnson. Flat 2.
LADY offers furnished room and breakfast
to refined Business woman xor company at
night. Tabor 2303.
FURNISHED rooms In desirable locality:
newly rurnisnea ana win eiana tnorough
Investigation. 868 Thirteenth St.
NICELY furnished room; modern conve
niences; centrauy imstcu; reasonaDle. 404
Clay, near 10th.
ICE room for one or two; excellently fur
nished, wen caroa tor; bath, eleotrlo
lights, telephone. 700 Flanders.
$S NEATLY furnished room; modern con
veniences. OOO UUl.
NICELY furnished room, with breakfast or
use or Kltcnen. 1 r,ast istn st.
EW, elegantly furnished suit of two of
three rooms, close in; aquits. pnone 8680.
ROOM with board for 2 in modern home.
292 Kast za be. iNorxn. r.ast zgyi.
LARGE, airy rooms, suitable for twoi 0
mlnutea postotiice. yup i::tn.
FURNISHED rooms for rent; prlvat fam
ily. -Zltr U71L
850 SALMON Desirable room for 1 or
hot and cold water; bath and phone.
NICELY furnished rooms $3.50, 3 and $380,
alngle and double. 284 11th.
ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking dl
tanoe. 269 14th St. Phone Main 8S98.
L LARGE alcove room, suitable for one or
two. modern conveniences. 195 13th st.
PLEASANT front room, every convenience-!
walking distance. 361 10th. Main 3S12.
WELL furnished rooms, from $7 up.
quire 405 West Park. Main 4791.
FURNISHED flat, 3 rooms and bath;
children. 400 4th st.
NICELY furnished room, 6T Trinity Place,
I9ta ana jtutn.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
ATTRACTIVE room, right price; new fur
niture, new bedding, large oloset, por
celain bath, free telephone. Call 422 H
Jefferaon. 4 to 9. Phone Marshall 863
during day. Main 5898 In evening.
CLEAN, light outside single sleeping room:
convenient to bath; plenty of hot and
cold water; steam heat; 6 minutes' walk
from P. O.t $2.50 per week, in Janitor's
apt. of Sheffield Apt., 270 Tth t.
TWO large, elegantly furnlsned rooms, with
extra large wardrobe, suitable for four;
board if desired; new house, near Glen
coe School. 1454 Hawthorne ave.
CLEAN, large, well-furnished front room
for one or two; also one $2.50 and one
$1.50 per week: strictly modern. 254 12th;
walking distance.
ROOM and board, private family ; large,
aunny rooms; good horn cooking; $8 per
week. 826 East 1st st. North. Take U
car or chon C 2426.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In pri
vate house; outside; modern; reasonable;
bath; large and small rooms. 624 Flan
ders. FINE large front room, suitable for 2 men;
rent very reasonable. 424 Jefferson.
Phone Main 642L
NICELY furnished room In private family.
close in, ;z.oo and up. Z30 Madison su
Main 5075.
NICELY furnished rooms, home comforts,
rent reasonable. Phone Marshall 2128.
42 Ella st.
258 11TH ST. a large rooms, comfortably
furnished; all convenience; suitable for
two or three gentlemen with board.
ONE furnished room for rent. 525 Mill st.
Rooms and Board.
DOES a home appeal to yout The Whitehall,
cor. Bth and Madison, larg room, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car,
4 blocks from F. u. American Plan.
LAMBERSON, 654 Couch, oor. 17th Good
board and clean, well-furnlshed rooms;
single and double; walking dlstanoe; tabla
board also. Main 06. A sgii.
THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, oor. 18th
itooms en suit or ungie; moaern con
veniences POKILaND Women' Union, 23d yean
room with board, us of sewing-room, li
brary. BIO Flanders. V. N. Heatn. sup
THE MANITOU261 13th, new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated: inviting
room; choice board. Main 1184.
CHOICE board and large room, facing th
park; very reasonable. B74 pane
Rooms with Board In Private Family.
PLEASANT rooms and board for two people
who would appreciate home comforts and
prlvllegea In attractive modern nome; nre
nlaae. niano. Dorchea home cooking;
walking distance; rates reasonable. Phone
E 5225.
MOTHER (formerly teaoher) and daughter,
wish to room and board one or two teach
ers: eomnanlonahlD desired: bath, niano.
special low terms; near Stephens School
and on canine. 349 fe. lltn su
WELL-FURNISHED room and board In
private family; teachers or students pre
ferred; close to Sunnyalde School. Phone
Tabor 81U9.
PRETTY front room. nloely furnished 1
everything modern; walking dlstanoe;
best of homo cooking; reasonable terms.
Main 3280.
LARGE front room, running water, excel
lent hoard, suitable for two gentlemen,
central, references. 291 West Park. Main
550 HOYT ST., near 19th Beautiful rooms,
home cooking, gentlemen only, reasonable)
Marshall 1268.
REFINETD business woman wants roommate
of same character; pleasant home; good
board; reasonable. T 400, Oregonlan.
ROOM and board for young women, $3 per
week. 12 East Tth sc. S. Phone Eaat
549 TAYLOR ST. Beautifully furnished
rooms for gentleman, single or en suite;
use of piano; with or without board.
ROOM and board for 4 professional ladle
or gentlemen. 882 10th at. Phone Main
NEAT rooms, homelike surroundings, good
board. 658 Qlisan at.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and hoard. 699 Ever
ett st.
WELL-FURNISHED room with best boerdi
large porch and ground. Main 207L
ROOMS, with board, $28 a month.
Oak St. B 2619.
5S5 E
$20 Pleasant room for two:
conveniences. 68 N. 17th st.
all modern
The beautiful new brick apartment
bouse at the corner of 12th and Harrison,
completed less than two weeks, and only
two apartment left. The reason an ab
solutely high-class house, managed by th
owners and rented at very reasonable
rates. Absolutely modern in every way.
Apartments remaining are among our
choicest; furnished or unfurnished; refer
ences required.
These elegant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, situated In the heart of the city,
within 10 minutes' walk of the business
Reservations may be made on promises
or by phone. Main rjo.
the! AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson su.
best arranged apartment residence in th
city; o, 4 ana o-room; ouw""
light rooms; convenient to cars, walking
distance, nrlvate telephones In every
aoartment. steam heat, water, gas ranges,
refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum
cleaners, etc. Attendant on premises. Mar
shall 8360.
iein APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbl
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrat-claas, fur
nished In 2. 8 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception halL steam
neat, not water, oio . . --
n.A.ea alt fnmnt cleanlnr. lanltor serv
ice: rent ner month $26, liQ and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated.
and coiumoia at. ruBii.,, - "
room furnished and unfurnlahed apart
ments; all modern conveniences, best lo-
Sation in the olty, fronting the parks, and
nly 5 minutes' walk from the business
center. Apply to manager.
phm-nMin. furnished. apartment!
large rooms, sleeping porch, private bath
and phone, electric cookers, built-in loo
box, steam neat; reiercuuca rmiuunu.
nmr-KSTOS. 448 11th st- Bachelor apt..
-.n-iniiv nicelv furnished 2 and 8-room
apta also private bath, telephone and each
room xor eacn auu, ,uuu. .u.
heat dryer, $25 up.
icies-antir furnished 2, 8 and 4-room
.nartmnntii verv reasonable terms.
oloee In. 49 Trinity Plaoe, between 19th
and 20th, near Washington.
4 rooms; private dsuis mm -v-"
did porches, plenty of light and ventila
tion: rents reasonable. Cor. East 14th and
THE R03ENFELD, 14th and E. Stark; new
brick, 4 rooms; an tou,,ju".,
unfurnished; ee thl before renting else
oc-TtT xt ipiptmestS: elerant. modern.
furnished, unrurnisneu, iibiuu u"i-
TTnion ave- cor. Skldmore. Woodlawn
VERY desirable modern 3-room apart-.n,-
all outside rooms: completely fur
nished; new piano; adults only. Apply
Janitor or apt. 16, Heinz Apta,
ALTAMONf APTS., 5th and College,
beautlluny mniajicu, o "u -.-wv,,.. m.0. ,
rent reasonable. Phone Main 6uS0.
THE ROSENFELD, E. 14th and Stark; new
brick JUSt openea, unxuriiiouu. rooms,
bath,' phone, heat free, 80 to $35.
NEW modern furnished apt., oholce loca
tion, near E. 23d and Hawthorne; reason
able. Phone East 2669.
ONEONTA. 187 17th 2 and 8-room suites;
not ana cuiu , j u.,
reasonable. Phone Main 4697.
JU ANITA, 825 11th St., near Clay, 2-room
furnished apartments, with private bath,
modern, 827.50, $80, 35.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments,
reasonable; private phone and bath. B
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
strictly modern, private halls, phone. to,
189H North 23d t. Marshall 282L
THE HARTFORD Best modern apt, la th
city. 21st and Flanders.
THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, Xur
nlshed. 191 14th t. Main 8444.
fcEONCE Modern apt.: Nob Hill dlstrloti
convenient to 2 canines. 186 22 d st. N
eX CLAIR. Wayne st.. modern 6-room
apartments, two porches. Phone Main 4
LOVEJOY' Apartments, lTth and Lovejoy
Modern, newly furnished. Main 215.
THE AVALON Furnished apartments. Ross
and Cla ats F-bon JSaat 8173..
19th and Marshall tits.
Convenient to four carllne.
t furnished apartments In the city.
Both Phones.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sts,
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts,
Walking Distance.
Completely furnished 2, 8 and 4-room
apartments; bulldinn new and strlotly
modern; service first-class.
Corner of 18th and Jefferson ata. four
and flv-room apartments, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatlo elevator.
Pacific States telephone in every apart
ment and the most modern convenience
found In the city, phone Main iuail ot
call up main office, Main 6764.
THE BARKER, cor. list and Irving sL
this new 4-story brlak now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2, 8 and 4 -room
suites; reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator, Holmea disappearing beas, built
in buffet and writing aesk. gas range, ,oe
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If yon
want something nice, come to tue Barker.
Phones A 17st. Marshall 296L
706 Everett.
Two, three and four-room apartments,
completely furnished for housekeeping!
everything new and strictly moderni
team hear, first-class service; also few
Ingle room. A 7106, Main 6i5.
644 Everett St.
New and elegantly furnished apart
mente. 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatic electric elevator and
private Paclfio telephone; located In on
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant humus; walkiuz dis
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-m!auts
car aerv'ce; beautiful part city to live,
1135H Alblna ave., cor. Kllllngaworth,
Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 2, 8 and 4
rooms, completely furnished, $17.50 to $30
mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 229.
A class by themselves: front lawn,
fountain, lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone Marshall 152.
Prop, and Mgr. Janitor, Marshall 1500.
Place, betw. 19th and 20th sts.; Juat fin
ished; most magnificent apartments on
the Faciflo Coast; rentals reasonable;
sleeping porches; private hallways, ana
every modern convenience; reference r
qulred. Phone Marshall 502.
Cor. 20th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnished and un
furnished 8-room apartments; splendid lo
cation; Summer rates. Call and see man
ager at apartments or phone Marshall 368.
EXCLUSIVE apartments: 6 large rooms en
hath; prlvat entrance; large front and)
back prlvat porches; maid's room in base
ment; heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning
system; ranges, refrigerators. T91 North
rup. Phone Main 9858.
712 Washington, cor. 22d St.: t, 8 and
4-room apta., furnished or unfurnished;
up-to-date, clean and modern; prlvat
hath, telephone; rates reaaonablei be,
service. Phone Main 7130.
f89 Xrvlnr t. One four and on
room unfurnished apartment; have gas
range, refrigerator, (hades, hot and cold
water, steam haat and Janitor servloe;
all outside rooms, verandas; rates reason
able; references. Phone A 2522.
Very desirable 4-room. newly, complete
ly furnished apartment possessing ail
modern conveniences; very reasonabl
PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Harrises
st., bea'jtlful tf and 4-room apartment
furnlshei for housekeeping; everythizts
new an-J modern; elevator, telephone free.
$45 to $30.
82 Grand ave. cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartmenta, modern, prlcea reasonable
walking distance. Phone East 800.
ferson sts. A a -room ape. witn Data,
unfurnished; all outside rooms; every con
venience; siodern and only 5 mln, wallg
from P. O. Very reasonable rent.
Park street, corner Madison.
Furnished 3 and 4-room apartments In
dividual phones; convenient, downtown
2-ROOM apartment. Just finished, modern.
$lo to Slo per montn, uniurnisoea; tnese
are lame outside rooms; 10 minutes' walk
from Postoftlce. 89 East 12th su Phone
East 570.
Corner lslh and Clay sts.. solid beiefc,
splendid location, electric elevator. Wa
have a few large 3 and 4-room suites,
unfurnished. ?! to $50 per month.
LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts.
Completely furnished 2-room at-artraenta
for housekeeping, new and modern, house
Just opened; walking dlstanoe; no chil
dren; $23 to t3. Phone Main 1377.
Completely furnished 8-room apartment,
with bath, steam heat, modern, $27.60 and
up. 624 MarshalL Main 6U32. A 8191.
STRICTLY modern, homelike, 4 large light
rooms, close In, good neighborhood, 1 fur
nished and I unfurnished. Majestlo, &l)2
Clay st
near Main. An elegant 8-room apt. with,
private balcony, every modern conven
lence. $37.50; two sleeping compartments.
407 Hall St., new 2 and 8-room furnished,
apartments, walking distance; Janitor serv
ice. Phone Main 29.
LILLIAN APARTMENTS All outside 2 and
8-room aultes; strictly modern; you can
not duplicate our prices. Cor. Gth and
Montgomery. Marshall 1378.
THE LET A Elegant high-class modern
apartmentB, 5 rooms, all outside, large
front balcony; Just being completed. 4u9
7th et. Marshall 8267.
137 Green ave., 1 block from 23d and
Wash.; 8-room furnished apartment; all
conveniences, view of olty. Phone A 7523.
' THE M'k.INLE7 '
429 E. Morrison, corner of 7th; 2. 8 and
4-room apartmenta furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'gt.
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison, un-
furmsneu apu vt tuuuw wnn oatn;
reasonable rent. Phone Mala C143 or
THE Beryi Large rooms, large oloset.
cool and airy for bummer; some fur-,
msiied apartment. 21st and Lovajoy
taice W car.
410 Bth burnished and unfurnished,
strlotly modern apartments; walking dis
tance : prices reasonable; no children.
170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room
apartments and one unfurnished 8-roora
apartment; free phone In each apartment.
6-ROOM apartment, $S0: desirable and con
venient. BW jailitui, i, Acawiuy, itXSl
and Kearney, or Moresn. Filednar j
Boyce. 6'13 Ablngton bldg.
-Washington t-.,u t . wunuiu. coin
clete and modern l two sleeping oompart
ments and private balconies. fSi and 440,
B and 4-room aultes. elegautiy turnlsb.ed
260 2oth st. North. Phun Mala 4Uo3; o
Main 1178. .
THE MORTON King and Washington, at
tractive ana ijwupiu, , o-iuom apart
ment furnished, 1-4 room unfurnished,
Both phonea
CLAYPOOLE Hth and Clay, now building.
8-room apt. v1" " ioeriiig
compartments; most modern.
ROSE-FRIEND, 3. W. opr. 7th and Jeffer
aon Modem iuu u-iowui uitturnisneo,
aDartments; steam heat and water.
BRAINTRES1 Elegant live-room apart
ment. West ciuo; waiams uistance; rea
reasonable. Main 774U
6-ROOM lower flat; walking distance. Nob
Hill district; uiacunuvcieu servants room
In attic 66 lath st. North.
$80 8-ROOM corner, upper flat. Hoi 'ad ay
Addition. i.a ,vm0 roona
Last 3305.