N THE MORNING OEEGOXIAN, TUESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 5, 1911. 13 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Or, Sept 4. Maximum tem perature, 67 degree, minimum, do aegrees. River reading. 8 X M. s. feet Change in !ut 24 hours Oil foot Total rainfall (6 P. M. to 6. P. M-) 0.76 lnohea. Total rain fall sine September 1, 1811. 1-00 inche; normal rainfall slno Beptember 1, 0.18 In ches. Excess of rainfall since Beptember L 1611. 0.68 inches. Total sunshine none pos sible sunshine. 1ft hours. 12 minutes. Bar ometer (reduoed to sea level) at P. M 2S.88 inch. , THB WSaTEXB. 9 S3 62- etate of STATIONS. Weathe Bpls. Boston Calgary Chicago Denver pes Moines....... Duluth Eureka Galveston ........ Helena Jaaksoaville. . . . Kansas City. ..... Marshfleld , Montreal Kew Orleans. .... Nw York........ North Head...... Phoenix Poeatello.. ....... Portland Roseburg ..' Cacramento. ...... 6t Louis. ........ 6t Paul Bait Lake Fan Diego. . . Ban Francisco ... gpokan. ......... Taeoma Tatoosh Island . . . Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg Yellowstone Park. 78O.0OI rxw 78 0.00 12 SW 68 0.00! 4 E 74O.0O;12 SE 84 O.00 8 N 63 0.00 6 3 64 0.90;23lNB 2 O.02 6 NW SS 0.00'10 S 64 0.14;14-NW eoaoo 9 eh 74!.0e 10SE 64 0.80 8 N'W 6o 0.00 4 W 830.10 I BE Cloud Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear (Cloudy Rain. PL cloudy Pt eloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. CIOUOJ Cloudy Clear Raining. Clear Cloudy 72O.OO10 S 66 0.00 18NW 8 0.0 820.00 4 a 89 4 B 4 X Pt. eloudy rClear 07 0.70 64 0.2S 74 0.00 Raining Cloudy 18 8 Clear 84 0.0014 NB paining M lWl 4 SB Cloudy 86 0.0012 s 05 0.00il0'3 60 0.00118 W 63 0.00 18 NB Clear Pt. eloudy C ear Pt. eloudy Pt. cloudy 62 0.00 14 N 83'0.0O 4 BW Cloudy. 70'O.01 14 BW rcioudy. 80 0.001 4 E Pt. eloudy J 600.2'18:KB tS O.OOl 6 W Cloudy Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm yesterday evening over the n-oar Kelt Lalte Basin has Increased In rmm mri remained nearly stationary. ex eept a small portion of the disturbance which has separated from the main body and moved northeastward to esouvn uaaoia. This storm has caused moderately heavy rains In the Wallaraette Valley and lighter amounts In Eastern Oregon, waaningion, and Southwestern Idaho. No precipitation of consequence has ocourred along the coast or In extreme Southern Oregon. Heavy rains have fallen In Montana and light rains In the western portion of the Dakota. The tem perature has fallen decidedly In Montana, and It Is also much cooler In Southeastern Washington. Eastern Oregon and In the In terior of Northern California. The conditions are favorable for shower In this district Tuesday, with lower tem peratures In Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Showers, Math, to west wind. Oregon and Washington: Showers aowCn to west winds. Idaho: Showers; cooler sooth portion. EDWARD A. BSAL8, Dlstrlot Forecaster. Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers, microscopes, sclentlflo ap paratus. Woodsrd. Clarke & Co. HOTEL NEACOXIE GEAEHAET, OBEGON. (Clatsop Beach) European Flan. Rooms by day or week. Moderate Bates. Q. Ia. BEES, PBOPETETOB. Xvrite or telegraph for reservation!). AUCTION SALE TODAT. At residence 759 Wasco St.: tak rrrtur ton car to Wasco St. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At 739 Wasco st. at 10 A. M. Pnmltur, etc J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At Baker's Auction Bouse. 152 Park St:, sale at 10 o'clock. MEETIXG NOTICES. A. AND A. 8. Kim OSSV GON LODGE OP PKRFECTIOlf NO. 1 Regular meeting In Me morial Hall. Scottish Rite Ca thedral this evening at I o'clock. By order Yen. Master. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROYAL ARCANUM Meets to night with Multnomah and Ore ran Councils, at Auditorium hall. 206 8d St., 8 o'clock sharp, to welcome ast urua rtegent 'Becker, of New York. All mem bers be sure to come. F. H- NOLTNER, Secretary. OREGON COUNCTI ROTAL ARCANUM, meets st the Audi torium, 208 Third street, the first and third Tuesday of each month, at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially welcome. O. O. HAT,T See. Car Honeymaa Hardware Co. PORTLAND CHAPTER. O. E. 8. Stated communication this (Tues day) evening, 8S4 Russell street. 8 P. M-. by order of W. M. ANNB E. COOTS, sscretary. ANCHOR COUNCIL NO. T4 K. AND L. OP 8. Election of officers tonight, Tues day. Beptember 5. All members reqnested to b present. T. C. NINER. Prea DIED. HAWSON In this city, September 4. at 890 Jefferson st. Jessee C. Hawson, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Haw son. Funeral notice will appear in a sub sequent Issue. DILLET At 119 Portland boulevard. Mr. Abram Wiley, husband of Mrs. Anna Dll ley and father of Clarence M. Dllley, Mrs. w. K Cornell and Caroline Dllley. aged 70 years 1 month. TLAHERTT In this city at bis late resi dence. 148 Graham avenue, Michael Flaherty, aged 82 year. Funeral notice will appear in a subsequent Issue. FUNERAL NOTICES. CURLETTO The funeral of the late Glacomo Curletto from Holman's Chapel at 1:80 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesday), thence to St. Michael's Church. Services at 2 P. M- Friends Invited. Interment In Mount Calvary Cemetery. XON8ETH PLOOAX tXX. SlAKgCASI BLUO., H.OKAL DEMU.i PTsonee: Main 6lui; Alloa. Dannlna A UcEntee. Funeral Directs, Tth sod fine. Pheue Main Odlre of County Coroner. A. B. ZELLB CO., 894 William as. Phone East luso, C 1U88. Lady atteadaas, rocce or to Zeller-Byrnea Co. J. P. i IN LEX SON. i and aady attendant, phone Main 8, A loss. lvlWAJU uOLMAN CO, runerai Dlrees. rsId it. Lauy assistant. Pitoas M. Otf L EAST SIDE Funeral Director, successors so f. a, Dunn ins. Inc. g. 82, B US. I-EKCH. Cnaertaker, cor. East Alder am izib. Aju a Iksa. Lady sslsrsnti OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH OFFICE CITY HALL.. Mala 898, A 7389. HUMANE OFFICER, Sergeant Crate. Residence. 24 E. 24th N. East 47,9. R. A. Dunnur. Res. 836 Wasco St. W. G. Eaton. Res. 73 E. 16th. East 1789. Horse Ambulance, A 6101; Pr. Ex. . Nights. Sundays and Holidays. A 6168; Pr. Ex. 4: Trunk 7. NEW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS EC JOHN E, CfiONAN, 7C J U ;t Spalding Bids;. 0 JV Mortgage Loans 5 For the Largrer Amounts EDWARD K. COCDET, Lewis BulldlnK. PIANO STUDIO. Of Louis H. Boll open sbout Sept. 10- Ad dress communications care Kohler ec Chase Pisno House. 875 Washington st. KEW, modern homes: also vacant lotSj In Irvlngton. Phones: C 3S51. East 3482; of fice, C 2s. K. B. Rice, owner. AMUSEMENTS. UITII I THEATER - - V 7tB and Taylor. Phones Main 1 and A 1122. Tonight, 8:15, Special Frio Matinee Tomorrow. Night. HENRY MILLER "TH3B HAVOC Evening! Lowr floor, first 11 rows $ last 7 rows tl.DO. Ralaonv. ft rows 81.50. row 1. s rows Too, 8 rows SOo. Gallery, reserved SBo. admission 20a. Tomorrow matinee: Lower floor, 11.80, fj. Balcony, $1, 75c. 50a. Gallery. 85a, SSa. Beats Knr Selling. .BEAT SALE TOMORROW. HEIUG THEATER First arofdcal Comedy of Sesaoa. SEX MIGHTS, KEGCTNIKO FRIDAY. 8peclal price matinees Sat. and Wed. Mort H- Singer Presents "Kiss Nobody from Starland " OUT VU and Splendid Cast. Evenings, lower floor, ILSO, 81; bsJ eeny, five rows, II; rows, TSc; last 11 rows, 60o; gallery reserved. 85c: admis sion, 23c; both matinees. 11. 76a, 6O0, 83o and 25a. SI ATX fl, A ICS stAXXXKB EVERT MI 1W5-5. NIGHTS 15-25-50-75 WKEK 6 EFT. - 4 lily Lena, Australian WoodchoDDers. Four Kile. Mumford Thompson, Edwin "Stevens, aided by Tina Marshall i "Cousin Kitty," John W. World and Mlndel Kingston. Faullne-Ui and Flquo, Orenestra. CHIMES TrneansJled Vaudeville. WEEK SEPT. 4 Homer Iind. Ists premier baritone with Henry W. Savage grand opera productions In "The Opera Sing-err La KelUos, The Watermelon Trust. PantajreeooDe. Adair and He-oner. Vernon. rentage Orchestra, Popular prices. Mat inee oaiiy. curtain X:8U, 7i80 and- s. Matinee Every nay. ress formerly Grand, Sullivan A I'on.iciln. ltnneu vnaaeviiLe. miXK. SEPT. Gerard, Welds and Serr ano, Mabel Howard and company, rrana Melsel, Lew and Zllllan Orth, BosseU and Smith's Minstrels, Grandaeoope. Price U and 2oo. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Oor. Vauarhn and) Twenry-foarth St. VICTORIA vs. PORTLAND Be-nrember 5. 6. 7. 8. 0. 10. Game) Besln Weekdays at 8iO0 P. M. Sundays 2i30 P. Bf. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleaobera Wednesday. KETW TODAY. $10,000 BUSINESS PROPERTY 53 ft. frontasTO ass EU Pine near Grand amine. Income $65 per month. $18,000 NEW MODEH5 FLATS. E. 28th St. Corner Income 8200 Per Month. $25,000 APARTMENT SITE 100x100 Ft. Comer 21 at and Kearney St, Prewent Income S160 Per Month. $30,000 APARTMENT CLOSE IX Sooth Portland Corner 60x100 Ft. Monthly Income $230. Can Be Handled on One-Third Cash. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Hid-. A Money-Maker 3-etory 16-room apartment house; 200 ft, from ear; lot largo enough for another building of same size; in come $9(i-per month; price $8000; don 't tail to Iook this np. CHAPLN & HEEL0W. (H) Members of Portland Realty Board. Sis-ss unamoer or commerce. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST RATES. TERMS TO SUIT. A. H. BIKKEIaL CO., 802 M'KAY BUILDING. Third and Stark. Logged Off Land 8800 acres los-tred-off land, nraiimt stock ranch or colonizatlnn nmnnoi. tlon. plenty of water; only $7 for quick saJo. Must close at once. Worth at least 115 per acre. T 401, Ore son I an. LEASE Leae on one of the finest new hotels In city to be completed by first of bobbs1 dl8I0" ot &t onca B AMERICAN TRUST OO 813 Chamber of Commarce. A MONEY-MAKER. 8-storr 16-room apartment house: SOO ft. from earl lot large enough for another building of same sue; Inoome 69v nor month: prio 88000; don't fall to looi this up. OJt CHAPTN A HERLOW (H.), Members of the Portland Realty Board, 833-338 Chamber of Commerce. RESTAURANT for rent, one block from Courthouse, large dining-room, private dining-room, kitchen with large range store room and basement. In - modern building. The location one of the best in the city. L. E Thompson A Co.. 228 Third street. LOT OWtfER.fi ' We pay cash for equi ties in vacant lots. Dealer A Denier Rty. Co 640 Chamber Com. IXaln. SASA. THEATEB NEW TODAY. COLLI 8. BEHRlDOUl Jj THOMPSO.t. ' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. Commercial. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and BjstematlslaaV ss Worcester oiooa. room ssaui RKAL ESTATE DEALEBS. Beolc William 815-816 Falling bids.' Bl'.LBAJifi.H A Bi..NBUICrS, 602 koKay bldg. M. 5U. Chapm Herlow. 882 Chamber Commaro. Cook, B. a Co., 8U8 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co. Mala 188. 208 Oregoniss. PALMER-JONK3 CO, H. F, 218 Commar- clal Club bldg. . The Oregon Real Estate Co, Grand av and ssuitnoman il tuoiieaay REAL ESTATE. For Sol Lots. T?S1NT- CENTRAL OREGON. Where the NEW RAILROADS sr Jos' being completed, will not stop growing in the next FIFTY YEARS. It has Just begun to grow, and in the last 10 months has INCREASED its Dopulatlon SIX HUNDRED PER CENT, and from now on will lnoreaee much faster, as already the location has been selected for several big enterprises, which followed the ad vent of the railroads, and either one of wnich would make of ijena a city ot u,- 000 to 80.000 neoDle. REAL ESTATE VALUES ARB RISING NOW and will continue to rise more rap Idly within the next FEW MONTHS. BEND, like every other substantially es tablished city, will soon have a number of near-millionaires whose fortunes were made from a very small Investment. In EVERY big town the old-timers will point out where a lot has been sold lor HUN DREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars and say I could have bought that lot A FEW ibJUtB avu lor a few nUMJUu dol lars. PORTLAND, SPOKANE, SEATTLE, MINNEAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY, DENVER and scores of other large cities furnish Just such a precedent as will be RE PEATED IN BEND within fire years or less. WB OWN THB PLAT OF WIESTORIA. which is within THREE BLOCKS of the Union Depot site, which Is the center of BEND. We are selling close-in residence uiu Business lots 60x140. NEAR THB DEPOT, AT 1200, TERMS 810 PER MONTH These prices and terms good for a lim ited time only. Do not wait, as you will never, never, never again be able to buy viuyorty ac such prices in iieno,. free cer tified abstract, alio free maps of Bend end Central Oregon. Our orfice Is open wvvnmgs until a f. M. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO.. INC, 801 Buchanan Bldg., 280 Si Wash, St. ACRES In Mountain View Park Add., on i crest of hill, above Willamette Heights, with a view of Willamette and Columbia rivers ana mountains on good county - , iiai poium stream on me property, a number of trees; would make several ivwuiuui resiaenoe sites; price 4000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 218-213 Commercial Club Bldg. . Phones Main 8499, A 2653. MR. BARGAIN-HUNTER, CAN YOU RRAT THIS 8i lots, BOxlOO, with 4 oornera, in Block . MiDoetre Add., on East 18th and 19th sts.. between Brooklyn and Tlbbetts sta, most of the Improvements In, for the low iou; on terms to suit. Bee Mr. Ruthfleld. with HARTMAN & THOMPSON, BANKERS, vuimpBr or commerce Bldg. WEST SIDE LOTS. Sinn Right on carline on upper Washington rit. l, i. " -1 1 una xammii sc. Deyond ... V ' payments. Ji.TI2Z,AL REALTY & TRUST CO., TiS Chamber of Commerce Bldg, jxiain O-Ltf. DEAR SIR I own a fine lot In a restricted imufluco ouuici, wnrcn can De had lor the small sum of t400 If all cash Is paid. I don t like to advertise the locality, as It might hurt adjoining values; but If you have t400 and a speculative turn of mind, you can learn full particulars by address- '"g -o ooo, vregonian. MOUNT Tinnn tjtt kvi p Fine corner lot 60x119, on corner East 8th and Yamhill; 2 blocks from oar; fine e ' pno on,y 'H00. half cash; worth tv. uui 111 tin y oargams llKe tnis. ORTTSSI 7inmir 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak St. 810 DOWN. 810 T'T-1? UfWTTI Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car, cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of zua .tioara ot Trade bldg. Mar- "-' ,IO, A. 1U.1. WEST STARK A X'n Mn RTfl Lots 860. easy terms: best bur In the 'i. new canine outiaing;'see us at one. 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 849. I HAVE several choice pieces of real estate which I will sacrifice at this time; no .agents need apply. I want to do business direct with buyer. Please, write me AD oil, vregonian. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. 1(147 fin You can have my eauftv for soio b.h and pay the balance in monthly payments of 10. This Is a bargain. Only 2 blocks irom canine. A J CHI, uregonian. 1275 WILL buy you a fine sltelv lot Kftrlnn Just 20 minutes' out on one of the best car lines in town. You can have terms to suit, t'on't rail to loos: this up. Eee owner, ete spaiding Didg. half iSLOUK. of sltely property in fine residence district, with some buildings and a largo numoer oi Dearing rrult trees: owner must sell; price 82700. Western pea uq.i ete epaldlng Didg. I HAVE a close In 5-acre tract for olty lot subdivision: high and sightly; street oar one block; if you want a bargain ss mn . l uuuo. o luo, iregoman. ROSE CITY PARK SAfiRlPIOK $580 for east front lot. 2 blocks from ear. The one best bargain. AE 401. Ore- BIX beautiful Irvlngton Park lots, aoth St., on car line, $2300; terms. See owner. i ueKum piqg. IRVINQWOOD. ' ' Adjoining Irvlngton Lots can now be had as low as $725. Get your pick. Bee feuu, ex opuiuing Diag. ROSE CITY PARK LOT East front, block to car; west of brick store; a big sacrifice made for sale this weeic r viu, uregonian- $228 BUYS $886 equity In choice lot. Euolid Auuuiuuj vwnOT iMtvuig- city, i none l a bor 8116. SEE L Nolr A Co. for West Side property, exclusive dealers in West Side realty l, Noir A Co.. ground floor. Chamber of Com. $675 CASH buys my lot in Rose City Park If taken before Sept. 10. AL 899, Orego- FOR SALE JS00 cash, one of the best lots in Rose City Park east front, view of snow mountains, rnoaa c zoaz. ONE of most sightly building lots In Irvtng- ton. 75X100. call 804 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Lot in Eastmoreland at bargain For Sale House. DO YOU OWN A ,LOTf You can improve it with a house by paying as low as $50 down and $16 per UNION SECURITY COMPANY. -THE HOME BUILDERS, 604 Beak Bldg., 7th and Oak Sts. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. T rooms. 1 3. rice llvlnx-room. AlnlTikmAn. beamed celling, built-in buffet and book cases, sona ouk tioors, uueen kitchen. luiuaio, itiayiBL NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., Room 728 Chamber of Commerce Bids: Phone Main 5129. FOR SALE Modern, four-room cottage with bath-. toilet, basement, electrlo lights, and all modern conveniences, at 8526 E. 49tb st. S. E., get off Mu Scott oar at roweu vauey station. FOR SALE t room modem bungalow In Central last roruimu; terms the same as rent; low rate ot interest, . eee owner, T. F. Keeley at 286 Oak St. A snap if old at once. FOH sale- or rent, a furnished house on Klrby ana weDster sta, opposite th Jef ferson High School; $30 per month rent or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu rnent Hotel. 150 Park st C T-T and se what 1 am offering of mod ern o-room, iMiuBnco, now build ing, on East 87th, bet Hancock and Til lamook; owners on Job; building by day work. $3650 $180 DOWN buys the classiest " 8- room huhioiu., .Auiar panel aining room, bath between bedrooms; house very convenient; In Rose City Park. P 401, Ore gonlan. $8800, WORTH $4500, 60x100. Corner and fine 7-room house. Beech street; $1000 handles it: must sell. Ed wards, 808 Chamber of Commerce. SEE Le Nols A Co. for West Side homes. , 1 In -.17... cij. . Nolr A Co., graund floor. Chamber of Com. SNAP for investor or homeseeker, $2600 buy moaern o-room uungaiow: Dullt to live in comfortably. 986 Brooklyn st BY owner, 4-room bungalow, one block Al berts ear, fizw; term a roons woodlawn 2231 or call 1010 East 23d st North. BY owner, bungalow, 6 rooms on car, cheap est in city. t otfu, ureguiiiaa. IN IRVINGTON For sale, modern resi dence. For particulars, phone c 2384. $30 MONTHLY bnys 6-room modern horn; oornor lot uwner. mast X744. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DON'T overlook the most beautiful, best- built house In Overlook; Just finished last week, 8 rooms, reception hall, bath, 2 toilets, sleeplrv porch. 2 buffets, bookcase. 2 open fireplaces, furnace, full cement basement, oak inlaid floors, strictly nrst- clase; corner Colonial ave. and Overlook' boulevard. Or -the house I am living in now. a fine c-room. reoeptlon hall, bath. 9 toilets, basement and large attic, fine garden and poultry yard, at 780 Ivon St. I will sell one of the two at a bargain; see owner and save your commission, or call at Oregon Hardware Co., 10T 6th st. WALKING DISTANCE Six-room two-story house, almost new and in nerfeot condition. paneled dinlntr-room. fireplace and furnaoe. cement basement with laundry trays, at tic, lice electrlo and gas fixtures, beauti ful lawn, east face, all improvements paid for; Just the place for family with chil- aren or sonooi age, as it is near nawtnorne and East 61de High Schools; price 85300; terma uwner, s7 mast ltn St., near vv asnington. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU CWN A LOT, WK WILL FURNISH THB ITONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. (Jlli KEfLTATlON YOUR PKOTlfiU- TION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO 8EH US. I R. BAILEY CO., INC.. CONTSACT INO ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINOTON BLD. MR. LOT OWNER, HERB IS YOUB CHANCE TO IMPROVR TOUR PROPBJ. TY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APART MENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATH OF INTEREST; PLANS FUR NISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO t-USSn. Hi AND TALK THIS OVEH. J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, ' HENRY BLDG. DON'T MISS THIS. ff-room new bungalow; lot 80x118; 1 block to ear: walking distance to Kenton or Piedmont barn; oablnet kitchen; fine filaoe; built-in sideboard, window shades, Inoleum, range and laundry stove; price Siou, easy terms CHAPIN A HERLOW IVt.t. Members of the Portland Realty Board. tiAj-ad9 Chamber of Commerc. A PICK-UP. 1-room shack, with furniture, nearly new; on lot 60x100; cement sidewalk; Bull Run water; electrlo light; ft blook to I car; zn minutes' ride; 6c fare; price 8300 1 terms one-half cash; balance 18 per month, PH1PTV JL TrtPOr "I IT- TT Members of the Portland Realty Board. oo-jd caamoer or Commerce. RICHMOND HOME. Nearly new 3-story house, furnace, gas and electrlo lights, laundry trays, Includes 860 wood and coal range, lot 40x100, east iront. nice lawn, one block from car,- on E. 85th, near Clinton; price 13860; flOOO to slow casn and ym per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BEST value In a home ever offered; one block to Rosa City Park car, on 62d st.; four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attic; all built-in effects; small down payment; Balance like rent. it you are particular this will suit you. x Ses owner. - J. S. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. FOR SALE, S8000 EASY TERMS. Classy. modern, convenient 7 -room house in Laurelhurst; 2 lots,- lawn, billiard-room, laundry, shower bath, tireless coolter, z nreplaces, lurnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc.: will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall 2500. 608 McKay bldg. MUST sell new, modern 5-room bungalow, 1 Dlpc& canine. 20 minutes out; 2 DlockS school; full basement and large attlo; is double constructed and a beauty; you get a oargain; price only xzoo; small pay ment aown bai. line rent. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th. near Stark. FOR SALE Easy terms, 8 first-class, swell o ana v-room nouses; be sure to see tnem; 83700, 83800 and (4000; 8 per cent down, balance $10 per month with 7 per cent interest: begin 1239 Missouri ave., 4 blocks north ox ivOlllngsworth, or inquire calumet xiotei $800 DOWN 830 PER MONTH. Six-room house, strictly modern, yard full of fruit trees; H block from the car. Jtsuut Dy day labor. For sale by owner. The best bargain for the rent-payer In Portland. Ask for details. K 420, Ore- gonian. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. One block from Broadway, hardwood xioors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, etc rnoe sazou; sow casn and 50 monthly. rt. i. f ALMi.t j win ma cu.f 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8689. A 2653. $3800 ANY terms, or trade 6-room house. rurnisbea, nara-sunace street, 7 large iruit trees, berries ana nowera, electrlo sewing machine, velvet carpet and inlaid linoleum, mahogany and oak furniture, 2 blocks off of Hawthorne. B 1728 or Ta- por aura, owner. EIGHT modern 5 to B-room houses to sell on easy terms; I nave six on Hawthorne are., built this Spring; would rent to good parties or iraae ior gaoa xarm. tin H o gan, 617 Board of Trade, Portland. Or. rnone Alain oio. $2650 ON terms to suit purchaser wBl ob tain a strictly moaern first-class five-room bungalow on a line high lot and improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy, owner, 808 x.ewis piqg. rnona aiarsnaii zouo. BEE that beautiful home at 4Sth and T?r- xee, f rooms, oaa linisn. beam oellinKS. panel, wainscot, Dutch kitchen, large reception hall, tile bath, three fireplaces, furnace, large cement porch. For price ana terms, see ouiiaer, A.t six, uregonian. FINE corner, facing 100 feet on E. 10th t ana Known ss mo mormon Church prop erty; good 8-room house and church build, lng. We are offering this for less than it cost 2 years ago. ooj. on. jLLth St. East I MUST raise some cash at once and will sell my Btrictiy moaern 8-room house on choice sltely lot on East 83d st, at your own figure; no reasonable offer refused If saie is maae at once. a or particulars. can 9.1 opaiujsg oiug. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 8 and 6-room homes, ail modern, in restricted districts, for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment A 'irustee company, Board or Trad. A'.arsnall 473. a luicf. NOB HILL On Irving street, a beautiful moaern name aesignea arter the latest laeas in arcnitecture; ground lOOxllO feet. This is a bargain and has rre&t .nAAiti. tive value. Call for Information at 414 spaiaing piag. $250 ALBERTA-ST. BUNGALOW. Nice 5-room bungalow on Alberts. itr..i near 10th, In the business dlstrlot: a snap I at i.uuv, f.ttu caan ana per month. 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. WB HAVE a handsome 7-room house on Broadway, just completed, modern in every particular; narawooa floors, two fireplaces; attractively arranged; large DiCOVIllll uv.vu, unio fJUW. IftlCA-ltlStAY Lueqqemann. viv n,iectno bldg. I HAVE a 6-room, with sleeping porch, 2- niury icdiuclh;, , jimuwuuu tioors and mod ern convenience, iftaru. surtace street nn block off street car; $500 cash, balance easy terms. J. H. TIPTON CO.. HQS Spalding bldg. 13000 HAWTHORNE DIST. tSOOO A dandy new 6-room bunzalow. two blocks from Hawthorne ave onlv 5tnn cash, balance like rent. J. L. Karnopp, 823 XVy. ULCUi oius jnm lunii 2D1. IRVINGTON. Must leave city next week will sacrifice my beautiful home if taiten at onoei cun me eoguu so days ago will sell for $6600; exceptional terms, call East 4216. This is a real bargain. No agents. MODERN 7-room furnished house on Union ave.. souiii ui premuai, present income en per OTomxii priM eouv--; win take vacant lot as part payment; easy terms on puiauce. . 11 c. , pnuns ' woodlawn ZKa, C 24Z1. BIG PIEDMONT BARGAIN. $4700 7-room house with 70x100 lot for soooo: near cars una nisn scnool : noth n-p better built In city; see owner, 228 Jarrett bt rponi woouiawn zip i. down. $23 per month. Including interest, my brand new 5-room bungalow, 1 block north of Hawthorne; one lot 45x100; price eiw. 11c 1 . vt ivi, oiesoDian. 8 BEAUTIFUL HOMES, $500 oash, balance monthly payments: several more, choicest In Irvlngton; no agents. O 1866, East 273. w. H. Herd man. OWNER and builder will sell new modern 6-room bungalow, nearly completed, blook of street car, for $22o0; $500 down. It's a beauty. x ei, uregonian. A BARGAIN $3000. Furnished 8-room house, 1 block from car, restricted district; nice lawn and trees, call owner, c wi. la ACRE, with beautiful modern bunga low; this Is a snap: young man must sell at once. Call 414, Bpaiaing bldg. $1800 EQUITY In fine new house for sale at big sacrifice; contract paid up for 6 months in advance. Call Main 4768. THB most complete and attraotlve bunga- low In Irvlngton; eight rooms; lot 75x100, Call 804 McKay bldg. FIVE-ROOM bungalow; fine locality! beamed celling,- fireplace, stationery tubs, furnaoei prio reasonable; terms. East ISOL. REAL ESTATE. For 6ale Business Property. 1200,000 INVESTMENT NEAR PORTLAND nuiLi. For sale One of the best corners in the city, lot 100x100, grand location for a theater or hotel; well worth 8250,000; my price Is 8200,000, terms $50,000 cash, balance can stand for 10 yeara;-'this Is your last ohancs to get a valuable corner at a low figure. See Mr. Ruthfleld with HARTMAN & THOMPSON. BANKERS, CHAMB3R OF COMMERCE BLDG. WAREHOUSE BITE. Corner E. 8th and Caruther sts.. con taining over 6000 sq, ft, on main Une 8 P. railroad, adjoining Inman-Poulsen mill; especially well adapted for ware house or factory site. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 812-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2658. BUSINESS corner on Williams ave. and Skidmore, with 5-room cottage; 81300 cash, balance like rent. ' Phone Woodlawn 1096 or No. 828 Williams ave. For Sale- Acreage. . USE TOUR ETES And notice fft size ot kale, com, etc.; also how parched the mead ows look; then visit West Stayton and see our splendid kale and corn, admitted by 'Prof. Powers, of the O. A. C to be the finest in the Val ley, and see our beans, alfalfa, tc everything green and bright, , be cause irrigated; a regular "oasis In ' the desert;" come In and let us ?how you the ploture taken of our lelds a few day ago. See Mr. Bishop, Hartman & Thompson, Fourth and Stark. 0 ACRE tracts, 2 miles west of Willamette River, opposite St. Johns, on macadam road, running water, good soil; no rock or gravel; $150 to $850 per aore and upon easy monthly payment plan. Let us show you these. THB SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 83 " A 8500 WEST BTATTOW. Where things grow all Summer! 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alfalfa: easy terms. You owe It to yourself to find out about this. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, (See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark. . HOLLADAY ACRES. THB CREAM OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Five, ten and twenty-acre traats, all oleared and in cultivation, finest dark loam soil, splendidly drained, adapted to all kinds of fruits, vegetables, chicken raising; located from five to ten minutes' walk from the railway station, and on the river front; only $150 to S200 an aore. Positively the cheapest acreage tributary to Portland. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens bldg., Cth and Stark. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance Tb good town; running water, best soli, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow . peaks; 2 acres; $250; 5 acres, $400; 10 acres, $800; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station, $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 09 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or, 10-ACRE TRACT OF BEAVERDAM. NEAR PORTLAND. If yon are interested in vegetable land, you will be Interested to hear about this tract. We will give easy terms and the price Is so low that even a man with small means can handle this land. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch Bldg. $100 Will give you possession of 6 acres of fine fruit and garden land in Willamette Val ley, between Salem and Albany, near the river; S. P. station on land and on line of Oregon City Electric; no competition with foreign gardeners here; land all cleared; easy terms. 808 Spalding bldg. IF YOU WANT TO RAISE CHICKENS, We sell at the lowest prices tracts of land, close In. at your own terms. In-, formation gladly given. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT COw 405 Couch Bldg. 15.58 ACRES $620. on terms; no rook or gravel; gooa iruit, garaen or chicken ranch; one hour from Portland. 24 miles from river and rail transportation, with in M mile of macadam wagon road, school and rural mall delivery. 21S Lum ber Exchange. $875 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot soil. aoaptea to iruii aiiu vvsotn-jies; an smootn and tillable; to rock; wood and water! close to school, postofflce end store; with in ea?y reach of Portland and the cheap est land on the market 612 Couch, bldg., 109 4th st . OREGON needs poultry. Carloads of egg Imported dally; !.owvow worth or poul try shipped yearly from the East Do you have $100 or $1000 to invest in land and poultry proposition psylng big interest t AF 413. uregonian. 17 ACRES, house, barn, orchard, 8 acres clear, well, spring, bai. of land pasture, mile to school, . mile from good town on R.. R. and electrlo carllne, 18 miles of Portland, price $2700. Western Land Co., 248 H Stark st. 6-ACRE traote of deep," rich soil, well watered ana not rouga or hilly; near good railroad town and overlooking the Columoia itivoi-i oiio uuur irom Portland; $80 per acre,- t cash. No use looking for a better buy. 512 Couch b'.dg. 109 4th. WB are headquarters for hlgh-olass acre age on gooa canine, close to tne city. See us oerore Buying. WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 414 Spalding bldg. I HAVE over two acres, close in on carllne. win sen -F--.WV ui surround ing property. Call or address Mrs. B g, Ullrey, 8215 E. 63d st South. Mt Scott car to Clarke Station, 8 blocks east 10 ACRES Fruit land, red-shot soil, 8 acres cleared, balance light brush, 2 liv ing springs, near school, postofflce and store, only $860 cash, worth $700. In qulre 612 Couch bldg. 6 ACRES, all clear, 4-room. house, barn, out buildings, line orcnara, only i mile from . electric station, 9 miles from Portland. See thla trice $2000. Western Laud Co., 2484 Stark st. 6-ACRB snap, near Council Crest, within 4-mlle circle; lays fine; half mile S. p. station; $400 per acre easy payments. Owner 49 North 17th. 40 ACRES; country homes! te; part cleared: corner cut oy Sandy River; best ever: tlSO per acre; 16 miles courthouse! terms. . D. Klger, 80 Wheeldon Apt FOR SALE 92 acre at North Plain! all in cultivation; o-auie . lm adjoining selling $260 and up; price $100 per acre. Phn Woodlawn 1069. FINEST in Oregon for fruit vegetables, or w&mu , .,, ,j p9r cent cash, balance will pay itself. Eager & Watson, 810 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts FOR 6ALE 92 acres at North Plains; all in cultivation; o-ocio tracts adjoinlns selling $250 and up; price $100 per acre. Phone Woodlawn 1006. . HAVE htgh-olas acreage to exchange for -ori.iai,a uwuc. .ut c-uvig oaturaay, u. noBUB, Aiuonwu inm -jo. i 14 am ber of Commerce. . -AN exceptional investment: 1800 acres or lana. ouu ox wnicn is tne nignest-class beaverdam; price, $30 per sore. Phone Marshall 1909 or A J99B. $700 will buy 7 acres or as good sou as In thts state, ii mi- wui on aooa River macadam road ; on terms. Room 215, Lumber Exchange. FOR BALE 6 acres. 8 acres cleared, near Base Line, ana tacing streetcar. Owner, 818 Couch bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up. large anu oiubii -.rivets. call aJnney ciampner. ooi-. fauiu-wr mcnangp bag. 1 ACRE; So fare, at station; $500, terms. mast z&ei. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES ' OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount oi uovernment land open to homestead In each county in the states ot Oregon and Washington and de scription of same; gives homestead, des- 'art timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps ox uregon in colors, 21x23, showing R. R. in operation, one showing ail proposed R. R. and eleotrlo lines. In cluding Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each, or three 60o: mtD of Washlne-ton in colors, 31x23, 20c . Nlmmo, Runey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE By owner, tract of orchard land near Lyle, w ash. ; about BO acres ready for planting, balance unimproved; dwelling house and outbuildings. Price low; term easy. C. M. McLeod. Lyle. Wash. For Sale Fruit Lands. FRUIT trees; finest budded stock at lowest J -rices; catalogue containing interesting nformatlon -on request Carl tern Kirnn 41$ Chamber of Coram ere. Main ivL REAL ESTATE. For tjale Fruit lands. I HAVE SO acres good rich fruit land, partly clear, 845 bearing fruit trees, several fine springs, on county road, good barn, chicken park, dally mall and telephone service I . $6000, half cash, balance to suit buyer at 8 par csnt per annum, to be paid semi annually. P 365, Qregonlan. For Sale Farms. BIG FARM SACRIFICE. OWNER GOING TO EUROPE. 100-acre ranch, located about U mile southeast of Oregon City, on good road, and only miles from new eleotrlo line now building; 4s aores under cultivation, balance In 8,000,000 ft of cedar and yellow fir timber; lumber and shingle mill on place operated by both steam and water power, derived from fine stream running through property -all year round; with plaoe goes & good cows, I fine heavy horses, wagons, chickens, pigs, all farm ing Implements and this year's crop. There ' is also a fair house, large new barn and other outbuildings. Price only $58 per acre; worth 876. Will take part cash, bai. ean bo assumed. For further particulars call on C F. Pfiuger & Co., suite 11 Mul key bldg, Second and Morrison. OWNER MUST SELL FARM TO SETTLE PARTNERSHIP. 140 aores, 1 mile from R. R. and boat landing; 65 In good cultivation; 6 acres full-bearing oherry orchard; 6 acres genu ine beaverdam; all in crop; $25 per acre; will put 86 acres more under plow; 11 acres in potatoes; 40,000 head fall cab bage; fine lot of onions, beets, etc.; 6- room house, good barn, other buildings. PERSONAL PROPERTY LIST. 'Cabbage, 81500; potatoes, $1000; hay, 1800; horses, $350; hogs, $200; cattle, 8350; hens, $200; wagons and machinery, (500; also 1000 cords of wood; total, $4400; give me 89500; $5500 cash. V 402, Ore . gonian. . 200-ACRE dairy farm on Sauvies Island, Just 12 - miles from Courthouse, north; wagon road to farm, near boat landing, 1 mile from hourly car service at Burling ton, with 20 head good cattle, all farming utensils, team, 50 tons of hay in barn; duck hunting privilege and tiahlng; cer tainly a good proposition for future ad vancement, so near the city, with the manufacturing interests moving in that direction; price $20,000, $7500 cash, bal ance 10 years at 6 per cent. J. Wr. Ogilbee, room 11, 14&S 1st st, Portland, Or. 80-ACRB farm on Southern Paolfio R.R., ad Joining thriving little olty in the Willam ette Valley. This is the finest kind of bottom land, part beaverdam; about 18 acres of apple and pear orchard; large 10-room house, thoroughly modern, on the place; electrlo light and power in the house. Owner oompelled to sell on ao count of ill health. Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE 19S-acre dairy farm, diked tide lands, 8 miles from Astoria, improved with 44 good cows, 2 bulls, 16 head young f cattle, 4 fine work horses, 10 hogs and all farming Implements, mostly new; 120 v tons of1 hay, 5 acres in roots; this place has an Income of $4000; price $20,500; cash $5000, balance on time. Apply owner, t A, Benscheidt, Lewis and Clark, Astoria, Or. 80 ACRES in the celebrated Mt Hood apple district It is 2 H miles from Sandy, P. O. and Cedar Creek runs through the center . of the tract; about cleared; good barn, poor house and fine well, some fruit and berries; shot soli that can be plowed right after a rain; a fine place. JS500. , KEASEY, HUMASON & JEFFERY. ' 233 Chamber of Commerce. MOLALLA FARM. 46 aores on Wilhoit road, 11 miles from Oregon City, county road on three sides; jrood 8-room house, barns, outhouses, fenced and cross-fenoed. fine soil, fruit trees, shrubs. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-218 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699, A 2653. 106 ACRES, 40 acres clear, 12 acres of tim ber, bai. slashed and some very easy clearing, house and large barn, orchard, fenced, creek of running water, no waste land, no hills or gulches, 10 ' miles of . Portland, 8 miles of electrlo carllne, mall route, milk route, close to store and black smith shop, $100 per acre, $4000 down. Western Land Co., 248 H Stark st IMPROVED ranch, 10 acres, large 6-room house and barn, all kinds of fruit and ber Ties, Jersey cow. good horse and buggy, all improvements; 6 miles from Portland, one mile from electric station, west aide, $500 cash will handle; will consider city property In exchange. Provident Invest meet A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE POULTRY FARM. 80' acres, with new 6-room bungalow; young orchard, good well and unlimited -water; good fishing; 80 miles from Port land on good automobile road; $1500 for quick sale. Write A. Miller, Box 1, San dy. Or. LOGGED-OFF LAND. ' 8800 acres logged-off land, excellent stock ranch ' or colonization proposition, plenty of water, only $7 for quick sale; must close at once; terms. J 460, Ore gon! an. 60 ACRES, 7-room house, large barn, 80x60, family orchard, well and windmill, all clear, 14 tons of hay, 200 bu. of oats, 3 cows, chickens, separator, set of harness. wagon. Diow, cultivator, win sell fin team of mares with colts separate, prici $oouu. western Lang co., XiBft stark s 80 ACRES, 29 clear, some fine timber for wood, house, good barn, outbuildings, po tatoes and garden, 1U miles from town, on R. R. and electrlo car line, convenient to Portland, price $3200. Western Land Co., 248 ft Stark st FARM BUYERS. You ought to know what I have before you buy your xarm. call 316 Ry. Ex change bicg. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain lor ail casn. by owner, igu Alorriaon sc. 160 ACRES fruit land. $7.50 per acre! snap owner must nave cash, call 4oJ c. of c. WANTED REAL ESTATE. $500,000 TO LOAN OR INVEST. Eastern party has the above to invest In good first mortgages at low Interest in sums to suit, or will buy real estate and a good paying business lor cash at th right price, bee Mr. Rutnneia, witn HARTMAN & THOMPSON, BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I PAY cash to owners on forced sale lot bargains; unimproved corners on carllnes, witn business prospects preferred. 60$ Concord bldg.. city. WANTED East Side residence lot; west of 30th st and south o Killlngsworth. I have $1000 CASH FOR QUICK DEAL. No more. Aaaress eui, uregonian. WE want far client with cash 6 or 7-room house In Highland district; must be In good condition and right price. B. 8. Cook & Co.. 603 corbett bldg. WANTED A vacant lot or an Inexpensive house In Mt .Tabor district B 877, Ore gonlan. WANTED -5-room bungalow on Mt Tabor line to oost sooo; $z.o casn; baianc $30 per montn. x eoo, uregonian. LOT, Rose City district, for $750, near car line, au uui uio6iiii, FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT To responsible party who has equipment for cultivating It; 800 aores of . r i .. i .., r. ....... . goj; for the right party who will take th land ior a perioa oi years win give an exceptionally good deal. Apply to John S. Beau, autf JcJ. lamniii st.. Portland, ur. FOR RENT Suburban home on main auto drive and streetcar, east of city. AO 897, Qregonlan. ss ACRES 85 cultivated, good garden ground; easily irrigated, vanoouver, Wash. a. a. uoaaara. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBKa LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C 3. M'CRACKSN. 604 McKay Bids. WAITED -TIMBER LAXDS. I WANT .oordwood land from 2000 cords and up. T 408, Oregonlan, or P. O. Box A 2042. TO XXCHANGB. WILL exohange 6-room new bungalow up te $700 for rooming-house 10 to 14 room. 605 Yeon bldg. A-l LOTS to exchange for small b-uslnei roomlng-houae. American Trust Co Chamber of Commerce. LOT taken as first payment on 6-room mod ern home, balance monthly payments like rent Owner East 274L - ACRE at Tremont Station exchange for equity In 7-room house: lot 100x100. Cheshire A Taylor, 905 Chamber Com. WILL exohange 45 H. P. Wlnton, good or der, cost $3 800, for something worth $1500. Goddard. 606 Yeon bldg. UNINCUMBERED real estate exchange for Columbia River orchard bonds. 832 Lum ber Exchange -TOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board .of Trade Bldg. RESIDENCE, Mt Tabor, beautiful view, for mortgages or contracta Patterson, 615 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE Lots, free incumbrance, for work team. W 408, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. 7-ROOM modern house for lots. West Side business lot 100x100 tor farm. 80 aores, all In fruit and hops, for dty business property. ? Acreage, oleared and plowed, near Woodburn, for lots or house. Mortgage for lots or house. A number of other propositions. GARLAND A BARSNL3. 191 4th St INCOME PROPEItSES. Have several Inoome properties ranging from $20,000 to $35,000, which I will ex change for olose-ln aoxeage on electrlo lines. E. P. KING. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 118 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE or trade, fine dairy and stock ranches, from $5000 to $0,000 for sale, or will take desirable Portland property as part pay; might consider good prop erty in other cities; wrlto for particulars and state what you have and what you want Rainwater A Bowman Land Co., Philomath. Benton County. Oregon. WANT to eell or trade a very deslrabl im proved well-located 200-acre ranch on Mt Hood Railway, 80 miles from citty; best of soil and running water; fin for fruit, general farming or dairying. Only in come property at Us value will be eon sldered. W 667, Oregonlsn. 400 ACRES select fruit and dairy land; buildings; practically all cultivated, with 85 acres fine orchard; dose to Creswell, Or., for very low price and easy terms; will take some Portland property. Box 541. Eugene, Or, EIGHT modem 5 to 9-room houses to trade, part or all, for good Improved stook farm, with stock, orop and implements! Wil lamette Valley plaoe, with running water, preferred. EU Hogan, 617 Board of Trad. Portland, Or. Phone Main 4675! WANTED West Side furnished apartment house, with good lease; have Hood .River orchard land or olty lots, Rose City Park bungalow, Columbia River Orchard Bonds and CASH. AF 4IL Qregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOTEL DORIS. Th only $2 per day hotel In Wood burn. Or. Now doing a good business. J. L. PeLong, owner. Wood-burn. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE. One of the best and oomplete otroulaj woodsaw rigs In the very best of condi tion. George Barrett Forest Grove, Or., oar Ben Barrett WILL exchange my Oliver typewriter, lady diamond ring and $230 equity In 4 lot at Oregon City, valued at $400, for a small automobile; Brush preferred, phone Mala 7010 or write J. W. Hart 494 Morrison. NEW bungalow on Portland Heights, equity ot $500, trade tor what you have, balanoe at $25 month Including interest God dard. 606 Yeon bldg. A FINE CHANCE. Finest modern home on East 28th, neaf GUsan, for lots, acreage or farm. Owner, Washington bldg.. Room 8. FOR SALE or trade as first payment on close-In fruit land, 2 lots, Rookaway Beach and 25x100 Bay ocean. 686 East Stark st ' - FOR trade, highly Improved farm In Min nesota for farm In Willamette Valley. AV 433, Qregonlan. SOME olose-ln acreage for 1911 or 1912 model automobile; state mak and prio asked. Y 419. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE olty lots for few acres! what have youT Y 415. Qregonlan. GROCERY for Income property in Portland up to $4000. 832 Lumber Exchange, FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc MICHIGAN BUGGIGE3, RUSHFOKD WAGONS. 1 EAGLE DUMP WAGONSL Before you buy either above, se ear stock and get prices. We are located out side the high-rent district and tor that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehiole when you can get' a new one at about the same prlcef . R. M. WADB .4 CO.. 822 Hawthorne Ave. TEAMS WANTED. Teams and team-outfit for railroad work. This party will ront or sublet at good prices; finest kind ot team work. For particulars. Addreps HANLEY EMPLOYMENT CO., North Second St. Phones Main 727, A 2290. All orders given prompt personal atten tion. WANTED Two teams, work horses, about 1400, as part payment on fine coinmerqlal apple orchard in Hood River district; bai auce small payments; a bargain. Aiw 392, Oregonian. ; FOR SALE cheap, good family horse, hlgh . grade rubber-tired 2-seated buggy come quick for bargain; walk one block west and 2 blocks south from end Hawthorne ave. carline. 2815 5Sth st Southeast . FINE young bay Belgian 4-year-old gelding for sale; kind and gentle to work to any thing; weight 1820 lbs.; price $350. P. L. Kenady, Woodburn, or. , SOLD my horse, will sacrifice Studebaker blke-bupery: heavy buggy and light two- seated wagon suitable for light delivering, Al condition. East 2322. , ONE TEAM HORSES, age 7 and 9, weight 2800; one 2-year; one farm wagon. B. V. Erlckson, 8 miles east of Boring, Or. FOR SALE One fine team young mares, wighlng 2600; sound and true. 228 Sns sell st , FOR SALE AT COUNTRY CLUB Promising colt, coming 8, at Flanders bam. Ask to see Piedmont WANTED Heavy teams for rock hauling. food wages and steady work. 619 Lum ermen bldg., A 6201, Woodlawn 1606. Automobiles. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Sts, 'AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT, SOLD AND EJt-CriANUijilA. r Over Fifty Cars in Stock. AH Make Here are a few for iron consideration; Studebakar Garford, T-paas, 8T0O, Maxwell. 4-pasenger, $620, B. M. F 4-pasaongar, $556. " Chalmers Detroit 6-passngei fRMw Franklin, D-passenger, $700. Call for demonstration. We tastoH rota how to drive and care for your machine. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington fits. WE1 want 28 runabout airttrmohQ Fords, HnpmobUes Maxwells, xsuicjcs, u-aa Fiandsrs, Krlt ta. OREGON AUTO EX CHANGS, 21st and Washington sts. $150 TAKES team mares, weight $400; $6 horse, buggy and harness: $10 spring wagon; $86 your choice of two buggies: 8 sets of double harness almost nw. 84 7 East 12th, oor. Madison; house in the park. ATTENTION, automobile body-builders. painters, trimmers ana brass woricers: we have space to let in our new building. 14th and Couch. Apply to the Speedwell Motor Co. Phone Marshall 1358. 638 Alder street WANTED AUTOMOBILE. 40 acres land near San Jose, CU for good automobile; big value for right car: would oonslder a 40 steamer. Newlon, 801 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Position as foreman in garage or shop; ten years exyorteiioe in automo biles; expert on sutomobile troubles. Ad dress Ed J. Jennings, 4S6 W. Buroslde. Telephone Marshall 2409. - 1911, 6-PASSENGER, 4-door auto, In good condition, wantea tor xarm or cny prop erty. Joseph C. Gibson, 805 Gerllnger bldg., 2d snd Alder. $1500, $500 CASH, balanoe in trade, buys almost new; a snap if taken at once. AB 865, Qregonlan. 6-PASSENGER Ford, Al condition, will trade tor insiae property; pay anierence; give full particulars. X 422, Qregonlan. A. GENUINE bargain in a Winton "6" for cash; nearly now; t -passenger. a Oregonlan. " MAXWELL runabout, model 1910, in good oondltion. Apply aioaorn coniectionery co. AUTO TIRES, $5 to $12. almost new, all sizes. 233 Main St. Uirds. Dogs and Pet Stock. FOR SALE Finely-bred Boston bulldog I years old cheap. wooiston pnarmaay, oor. 45th end Belmont LOST Black "and tan male dog, license No. 4288 on the collar, newara ior return to 454 Hall st AIREDALE TBRRIRER8 for pals, sport and guards. Ladaix rt-enneis. r,stacsaa. ur. Planos,Orgitnss.n d Musical Instruments. WILL sacrifice popular make upright piano; beautiful caso, spienoia condition, siou; am moving. 225 Fifth st; always home. $400 New beautiful piano; special terms for Casn. 1U1 eiiiiuui. &L-, itis. uodtr. Miscellaneous. 350 CORDS 4-foot wood, 4 mile Troutdal,