15 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1911. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Lots. 3 ACRES In Mountain View Park Add., on ffnut of Hit! a hava W imtt nWROUi with e view of Willamette and Columbia rivers and mountains, on good county road; a perpetual stream on the property, a number of trees; would make several eeauuiui residence sites; price vw. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 312-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8i9f A 2653. T . X ITT It' T -W ITRST. . fhfliM ST-iiiu lot that owner will sell; win take $U for $32i) equity. This Is a Una view lot. near city park, and must be seen to be appreciates J. DELAHUNTY. Phone East 0S9. A 1315. WEST SIDE LOTS. XIOO. Right on carllne on upper Washing-ton St. West 39th and Yamhill su, beyond City Park; easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. IHi Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Main 6128. 0O BELOW THE MARKET. Fine 60x100 lot on E. Yamhill, between 2flfh and 2lh: finn residance district; worth $2500; must be sold quick: price 12100; fsuo cash; balance s per cenu S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th A Oak. BY OWNER One acre, close in. on Oswego linn' 2iio feet frontare on Macadam road. high ground, fine building silo with unob structed view of river In both directions; must sell quick. $1,100. easy terms If taken immeuiaceiy. iu i a . - vestlgatlon will show. B 361. Oregoniaa. For sale ITtVIN'OTON. $70 New 10-room house, tin high naniAr int. &azloo. north and east frontage. paved streets. This house is designed af ter ins very latest moueis - a beauty. fiTTSNTRIDR $2800 New 6 -room bungalow. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, stationery tubs, large basement with cement floor, corner lot. macadamized street. 3 blocks irom car Z&ilft faah hnlannA monthlv. $3600 Modern 6-room FURNISHED cot tage, 0 blocks Irom uawmorae car, ijh cash; balance t-u a montn, eluded. . OOWES-IDB TRUST CO., Boom 2, Lumbflrmens Building. 6th and Stark. $1400. $140 CASH. 115 FIR Mtt, INCLUDING INTEREST. Fins new 4-room bungalow; street Im provements, consisting of graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In and said for. Call or jmone GREGORY INVESTMENT CO-. 418 Corbett bldg. . Marshall 657. A 2044. T-ATTHTTT-HTTHST' SNAP. Fins large, nearly new, - 6-room modern house, furnace, fireplace, doubly constructed hardwood floors, DOOkcases, cmua. Dutch kitchen, t bedrooms and sleeping porch; lot 60x100, fine lawn, 6 fruit trees, owner going away and must sell at once, hence the price: only 14800; $1000 cash and $25 per month. Not many bargains Uka this. GRUSSr & ZADOW. , 111 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th A Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN NTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT, WW WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IP WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PTBC TION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SE3 U L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT- - . .-. . . ...... . .1 . i OTVnTflM T4T.TY 14 R. LOT OWNER. HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO lUfKUVK luun rr.yJi au TY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APART MENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT -A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FUR NISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER HENRY BLDG. ' ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE. SNAP! SNAP1 BNAPI -1 rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace, laundry trays, solid oak floors, mir ror doors: must sell; $350 cash; balance $25 per month. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. Room 723. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6120. BEST value In a home ever offered; one block to Rose City park car, on oa it; four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attic; all built-in effects: small down payment; balance like rent. It you are particular this will suit you. See owner. J. S. ATKINS. Henry Bldg. VERY handsome, 2-story bungalow, with fireplace, full cement basement, etc; ft block from car in Rose City Park; every thing modern; sacrifice, $3900, terms; im provements all paid: elegant electric light fixtures. David Lewis, room 2. Lumber mens bldg. FOR SALE Easy terms, 3 first-class, swell 6 and 7-room houses; be sure to see tnem; $3700, $3800 ana 14000; 6 per cent down, balance flu per month with T per cent Interest: begin 1239 Missouri ave, 4 blocks north ox Kllllngsworth, or Inquire Calumet Hotel. A LIFETIME- TO PAY. Moving to Mexico; offer modern 9-room dwelling, clear, near car, stores, schools, churches; fine corner, 150x100; fruit; small payment, balance 60 yeare Main 4222 or A 7317. SEE THIS 6 NAP. Nearly new 5-room house. East Side: modern plumbing, corner lot, close to ear. Owner bought farm property and must have money quick. A bargain you can't afford to miss. See Mr. Bishop, Hartman A Thompson. 4th and Stark. WEST SIDE See Le Nolr A Co. for WEST SIDE residencies. Exclusive dealers In WEST SIDE REALTY. We have with out doubt the largest list of homes for sals on this side of the Willamette. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 5 and 6-room homes, all modern, in restricted districts, for sals on easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Company, 201-2-3 Board of Irads. Marshall 473. A 1022. 3300 DOWN. $35 PER MONTH. The most attractive 6-room home on the East Side for the money; total price $3700; fine yard, fruit trees, etc AK 879, Oregonlan. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Want a fine home, select built, mod ern to date, lot 60x100, stone walks, lawn in, elegant floors and fireplace, three French plate mirrors, cost 34250, terms. Main 4144. XJ.-ACRB HOME. Neat little 4-room plastered cottage, be tween two So carllnes, $2000; 3200 cash, $15 monthly. Fred W. German. 229 Burn side. M or A. 2774. FOR sale or rent, a furnished house on Klrby ana v. eDster sis., opposite the Jef ferson High School; $30 per month rent, or will sell on easy terms. Inquire Calu ment Hotel, 150 Park st. CALL and see what I am offering of mod ern tt-room, z-story residence, now build ing, on East 87th, bet. Hancock and Til lamook; owners on Job; building by day work. T-ROOM bouse. In walking distance; every xnoaern convenience, price eouou; cash, balance easy payments. Sellwood 1752. $1250 B-room cottage, with bath; 60x100 lot; leucBu, iirattuuiuei, uuu, very easy terms; near Mount Scott car. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. WEST BIDE, a ueat, eight-room house, full basement, cement wains ana wans, con venient to 3 carlines; quiet, tenants walk to Postofflce, A 1700. BY OWNER. Bungalow, half block Richmond car,' $2150. Liberal discount for large pay ment. 49 E. 36th. Tabor 1143. $5100 EAST BURNSIDE. walking distance. 7-room moaern nome, lawn and sowers, easy terms. Geo. G. Malr, 3 Lumbermen! bldg. 6EVERAL new modern bungalows, close in. easy terms. CHESHIRE A TAYLOR. " '05 Chamber Commerce. $100 cash and $15.00 per month, nice 6- room cottage, lot eoxioo, near Mr. Scott 5o car. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. ROSE CITY PARK home 7 rooms, new, modern, Duut-in conveniences; S4100; 1150 down, $50 monthly. Phone Tabor 709, NEW, modern, 7-room bungalow, one block to Car. Close in. xieaia as nooinson. Sol E. lltu St. ou.o. RUSH CITY PARK BUNGALOW, will take i . tlft niivmAtiL bnlnnra -..- TftDOr IBS MODERN 7-room house, lot 50x100, cement io Inlnr wall ! Trlca SiSOOiT lrmi 01 a East Taylor bV O. W. M. REAL ESTATE. Deal with us. We are reliable.' 505 G erllnger bldg. BY owner, 4-room bungalow, one Mock Al berta car, ij.-vif, iwniis. rnona w ooujawn 231 or can iuiv tasi saa at. ivorth. BT owner, bungalow, 5 rooms on car. cheap- pltv. J 290. Oreeonlan. XX IRVINGTON For sale, modern r mi ce TICS, ror yoriicui.. pnont j IBM. $30 MONTHLY buya new modern 5-room RB AX ESTATE. Business Flave. $200,000 INVESTMENT NEAR PORTLAND HOTEL. For sale One o the best corners In the city, lot 100x100. grand location for a theater or hotel; well worth $250,000; my prieo Is $200,000, terms $30,000 cash, balance can stand lor 10 years; this is your last chance to set a valuable corner at a low figure. See Mr. Ruthflald with HARTMAN A THOMPSON. HANIC1ERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLPQ. SNAP 2-story store building, good corner, $550, terms like rent, but hurry. Bchooley Co., Oregon City. For Sale Houses. f 850 BUNGALOW 1 41 50. LAURELHURST. 6 EVEN ROOMS 'and sleeping porch, ab solutely the best finished house for the money in- Portland) living-room entirely in oak: beamed celling, reception hall with elegant oak hall tree and mirror; dining-room finished In mahogany, pan eled; Dutch kitchen with cooler, metal drain boards: enameled bedrooms, light fixtures and hardware to match through out; full cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays; lot 50x100, $ blocks of car. Price $1850. TERMS. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. . SWELL HOME FOR $4200 TERMS. Seven rooms with large sleeping porches and front porch; full cement basement with wash trays, bedrooms have large closets, dining-room has fireplace; first class plumbing and building material; new and modern throughout; laces east on 60 foot avenue and carline, 35 minutes from city; grounds 86x100 feet; nice lawn; same property In Irvington would cost $8000; this overlooks the Reed Institute site and Eastmoreland; cannot keep up PBYme""; compelled- to sell at a loss. Call 807 Yeon bldg., ask for Mr. Stringer. HAWTHORNE-AVE. DISTRICT. Price $2900, $400 Cash. Modem 5-room bungalow ,one block to Hawthorne ave.; nice reoeptlon hall, coat closet, with beautiful plate glass mirror, elegant parlor with fireplace and built-in bookcase on each side, paneled dining room with beamed ceiling and china closet, full Dutch kitchen, 2 large bed rooms with clothes closet and nice bath between; full cement basement and laun dry trays: this cannot be duplicated for the money we are asking for it. T. A. SUTHERLAND. 8th and Hawthorne. Tabor 2017. Talk About a SnaJp. READ THIS. Have a B-room strictly modern CLASS A double constructed bungalow; this is in a class by Itself; on a piece of ground 100x100; every native shrub, beixy and vine growing In Oregon Is growing on this ground; ground alone is worth $2000; it would cost $2200 to build this house; a real estate firm has been trying to buy this place for $800 down for the last three weeks: this paradine can be bought for $3200; $14K cash will handle this; no agents wanted. Call 819 Yeon bldg. WALKING distance. East Side, 13-mlnute car ride, 6-room house, east front; lot 00 xlOO; this owner Is leaving for England In a few days and to close out his hold ings in Portland before leaving will sell this property for $28. terms $750 cash, balance to suit; this is located less than two miles from the Postolfice and Is a bargain. CHAPIN A HERLOW. (H) Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-338 Chamber ol Commerce. THE BEST BUY IN SUNNYSIDE. A fine home, 6-room modern- bungalow, lot In extra fine condition, two blocks from Hawthorne car, close in; hard-surfaced street, cement walk and curb; full basement, gas and electricity. shades, screens and Inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bathroom; the best buy in Portland; $3500; street Improvements Included In tho price; terms. See H. M. Davles, room 838, Chamber of Commerce.' IRVINOTON BARGAIN. Irvington modern home, new, beautiful reception hall, large, light living-room, beautiful dining-room, hardwood floors den with lavatory, modern Dutch kitchen, four bedrooms, mirror doors, finished at tic, sleeping porch, furnace, all complete. I built it and It is the best; must sell, and will make terms. Phone owner, B 1466. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful bungalow on Amherst St.. University Park, half block from Ports mouth ave.; a hard-surfaced street; city water, cement walks, shade trees, full basement, laundry, modern plumbing, fire place, paneled dining-room, full lot, Dutch kitchen; price cheap, terms easy. C. C. Foster. Main 4522, A 2143. .J27 Chamber of Commerce. $500 BUNG-ALOW WAVERLEIGH . HEIGHTS. Nice B-room bungalow, fireplace, cement basement, Dutch kitchen, etc; lot 40x100; -nloe lawn, on Brooklyn St., near 29th.; price only $2700; (S00 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW. $17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th A Oak. NEW and modern 8-room house on East 10th, near Stanton, In very flna district; very attractive both Inside and out; large living room, dining-room, Dutch kitchen, 5 bedrooms, all large, with fine sleeping porch, hardwood floors and beautiful fire place. This property is a bargain at $6250. McAllister A Lueddemann, 819 Eleotrla Building. HOME FOR $1400 TERMS. Neat little home, 30 minutes out on Mt. Scott carline. with pretty lawn and roses; only three blocks to fine car service; owner cannot keep up the payments, hence this bargain awaits your immediate attention. Call 007 Yeon bldg., ask for Mr. Stringer. IN FOREST GROVE. A good house,-with 6 sleeping-rooms and everything else all complete, lot 160x201; fine flowers; a wonderful hedge around It; old trees, very close In; a more beautiful place cannot be found for the money any where; price $4600, terms. T. J, O. Realty -u., r ureal urove. THREE-ROOM bungalew, Silver Spring ,aui auu. , uiipuiiiiea; sieeping-porch, full-size attic, unfinished; the house is well built, on two lots 100x135; a garden, a faw trees, woodshed, chicken corral. Price $1200; part cash, balanoe to suit; on Oregon City carline, 80 minutes from Tn H r V . j' I , r C C V a AT V. . OAAn 17 . 1 . . .... Classy, modern, convenient 7-room house in Laurelhurst; 2 lots, lawn, billiard-room, laundry, shower bath, tireless cooker, 2 fireplaces, furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc; will con sider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall 2500. 608 McKay bldg a " i a , Tir-x-.. . . . - One block from Broadway, hardwood floors, fireplace built-in bookcases, etc Price $4250. $500 cash and $."i0 monthly. H. P. 'PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg Phones Main 8699, A 2G53. ' EIGHT modern 6 to 9-room houses to sell un easy terms; i nave SIX on Hawthorne ave.. built this Spring; would rent to good parties or trade for good farm. Ell Ho- fan, 617 Board of Trade, Portland. Or. hone Main 4678. . $2650 ON terms to suit purchaser will ob- . tnln n atrlnv modern flnt..la.. m .- bunKiilow on a fine high lot and Improved street. Loyal H. McCarthy, owner. 808 T -... ( n VMi. T1l.nn- U...1..I1 Adnn OWNER will sell modern 7-room home; . .. . D . . m,bu .1 O T L , XWO bedrooms downstairs, electricity and gas Al condition; furnished and unfurnished' 75x100 lot. Call at premises, 1139 Ells- IRVINGTON. MuBt leave city next week will sacrifice my beautiful hnm. i taken at once; cost me $8800 $0 days ago will sell for $S600; exceptional terms. Call East 431L This is a real bargain. No agents. $3000 HAWTHORNE DIST $3000. A dandy new 6-room bungalow, two blocks from Hawthorne ave.; only $300 cash, bat lib rent. T. L. Karnopp. 2$ Ry. Exch. bldg. 8 BEAUTIFUL HOME! $500 cash, balance monthly payments; several more, choicest in Irvington so agents. C 1866. East 273. W. H. Herd man. OWNER'S special sacrifice; artlatlo bunga low, imcsl j.vuu (., S28U0: worth $500 more; little cash, balance monthly payments; select neighborhood: scrutinizing buyers satisfied. 6-ROOM modern bungalow on 50 by 100 cor ner lui, J- Diwut i.wu. jviuci carline, on East 19th St.; a snap at $2600, $400 cash. Kauffmann A Moore. 826 Lumber Ex change $4500 $5750 $6000 Three big snaps Absolutely new and modern houses in restrioted. district; all Improvements In; good terms. L 875, uregonian. FOR SALE Modern, four-room cottage with bath. toilet. basement.' electric lights, and all modern conveniences, at 8520 E. 49th St. B., get off ML Scott car at Powell Valley station. FOR SALE Modern 7-room home, near six . . . . in.mn. .-niu-j . CarilUU. , low -.ua.vu, . i.iauou ui uujur- nished; owners leaving city. 1064 E. 8th st. N. C 1712. For Sals Acreage. (700 will buy 7 acres of as good soil as in this state, if raiics uui uu .nooa mver macadam road; on terms. Room 216, Lumber Exchange. CHOICE acreage, overlooking river, "Jen nings 1AUB4 DWIW .MH tfCJlUIII,. Lodge. Or, . . REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage, I SCARCE - Arc Tlgard station aores at the pries we offsr these 7H aores. All oultlvated, soli 1 mellow and fertile. Running water through the"mlddle; a dam. built at small expense, weald store water enough for lr rlgatlan. Prtee $2500.' You should let us show you this pleoe ef ground. 60) HARTMAN, A ' THOMPSON Realty Exohange . D e p a r t m ft.n t Chamber of Co m m erne ACREAGE. Homes that produce a revenue: a few acres in the beautiful valley Just west of the city, only 40 min utes' ride from Fourth and Yam hill sts., gives you a home, an In vestment and a revenue. Produces extraordinarily and will double In value In a short time. Good water, the best of soil and on two car llnes; you can work In tho city; 1, 2, B and 10-acre tracts with com pleted road along each tract, now selling at $250 to $500 per acre and upon easy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, - 102 Fourth St. 1 "Main 86. A 8500. ACREAGE. B-acre tracts, opposite 8t. Johns and two miles back from the Wll amette River; fertile soil, no rock, gravel or steep hillside, fine stream of running water, school on tract, a few more 5-acre tracts at $150 per acre, when a much higher price will be asked. Get In on the ground flloor prices. THE 6HAW-FEAR COMPANY. ', 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. WIST STATTOIt. Where things grow all Summer I 1 to 0-acr tracts. One for fruit er alfalfa; easy terms. You owe it to yourself to find out about this Hartman a Thompson, (See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark. WEST STAYTON. Where things grow all Summer! 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alalfa; easy terms. You owe It to yourself to find out about this. ' HARTMAN & THOMPSON, (See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid Iruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres, $250; 5 acres, $400; 10 acres, $800; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other, tracts near railway station, $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 0 Yaon Bldg.. Portland. Or. RUNNING WATER. ' 7 acres, near Portland; black loam soil, fine timber; $175 per acre; on main maca damized county road, near electric and team lines; monthly or yearly payments. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg. - THE FAMOUS SPRINGHILL FARM. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. SUBDIVIDED INTO 5 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. , $80 TO $200 . PER ACRE. x 4 TRACTS ADJOINING RIVER. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch Bldg.: 1, 2. 8. A and 10-acre tracts, close to Port land; good electric car service; best soli; good roads, mail, telephone, etc; .$100 to $300 per acre; easy terms; best In vestment today; big Increase In values far you If you buy aoreage now. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. ONLY 10 PER CENT CASH. Balance will pay Itself on our u to 20 acre tracts, 22 miles south of Portland and 2 miles from town -of 4000; "red shot" soil; best for fruit, berries or vege tables; macadam roads; $200 per acre. Eager A Watson, 810 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. HERE IS A SNAP. Inquire About It. We will either rent or sell you 10 acres of fine garden land near Bering station, all -cleared and plowed, at the most rea sonable terms Imaginable. BLOCH REALTY CO., 208 Alder St. CHICKEN RANCH. 2tt, 5 and 10-acre tracts, all cleared level, black sandy loam; no better land In the state for chickens; fine for fruit, garden and grain; mile from railroad sta tion and will be near electric line; close to big market; $60 per acre, easy terms. Owners, 1016 Chamber of Commerce. 1 1-8 ACRES, planted with fruit and gar den, near Courtney station, on Oregon City carline; Bplendid 6-room house, pol ished floors, water, bath, electricity, base ment, screened porch, large veranda, ce ment walks. 6 minutes' walk to car. L. Look, care First National Bank. 15.53 ACRES-$620. on terms; no rock or . gravel; good fruit, garden or chicken ranch; one hour from Portland, 24 miles from river and rail transportation, with in H mile of macadam wagon road, ' school and rural mall delivery. 215 Lum ber Exchange. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red hot soli, adapted to fruit and vegetables: ail smooth and tillable; no rock; wood and . water; close to school, postofflce and store; within easy reach of Portland and the eheapest land on the market, 612 Couch oiag. xuif m st. I0 PER ACRE, cleared, level, fertile land i very suitable for fruit garden and chick ens; mile from railroad station, close to big markets; i and 10-acre tracts, easy terms. Owner 1016 Chamber of Oora- $25 TO $35 PER ACRE lO and 20-acre -.t. nf h1eh-irrada los-red-of innH . i watered, praottcally level. excellent for fruit and general farming; two hours' rldo from Portland, near good town and railroad. Neuhausen A Co.. 703 Lewis bldg k a tracts of deep, rloh , soil. wn watered and not rough or hilly; near good railroad town and overlooking the Columbia River; one hour from Portland. $S0 per acre, K cash. No use looking for a better buy. 612 Couch Bldg., 109 4th. ACRES. Right on the carline, Salem electric close In; some choice Acres with running stream; $375 to $425; easy terms. Write today. AR 874, Oregonlan. $150 DOWN Is all we ask as first payment - on a new 5-room modern bungalow In fine residence district. BLOCH REALTY CO., 206 Alder St. SMALL PAYMENT! EASY TERMS1 Exceptional SO, rioh truck garden land; wood and timber pay tor clearing; pear sawmill, city, car; sell all or part; ex change. Phone Tabor 1392. tV ACRE GATES CROSSING. " Cleared, fruits, berries, etc; close to car, 10c fare. Fred W. German. 78 Burnslde. Main 2776. ONE-THIRD-ACRE, good soil," 5-oent car fare; $550; $H cash, $10 per month. A. R. Ritter, sua ramus mug. Aiain q27s. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.60 per acrs up; large and small tracts. Call Kinney ft Btampner. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bdg. For Sale Fruit Lands. EXCHANGE by owner for Portland prop erty. 12 H acres alfalfa and apples, bun galow and barn; ideal country home, two miles from North Yakima. P. o. Box 1292, North Yakima. Wash. SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION. Have 2000 aores platted in Klickitat County, Washington; show me you can handle It and you can pay me as you sell. Address AT 876, Oregonlan. For Sale Homesteads. ORCHARD at Mosler I am compelled to sell my 120-acre orchard in 6-year-old trees; all In good condition, for $800 an - acre; must have cash; land worth $1000. AG 397, Oregonlan.. REAL ESTATE- For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount of Government land open to homestead In each county In the states of Oregon and Washington and de scription ol same; gives homestead, des ert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon in colors, 21x23. ' showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electrlo lines. In cluding Eastern and Central Oregon; 200 each, or three 60o; map of Washington tn colors, 21x23, 20c Nlmmo. Rune A Co., Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE By owner, tract of orchard land near Lyle, Wash.; about SO acres, ready for planting, balance unimproved; 'dwelling house and outbuildings. Price low; terms easy. C. M. McLeod. Lyle. Wash. For Sale Farms. 10 ACRES. 10 acres, all in high state of cultivation, level and the very best of black loam soil; good t room house, doubla walls and pa pered, painted, white, nioe yard, good well on back porch, 57 bear ing trees, assorted, pears, apples, and chickens, all kinds of small fruit, strawberries, loganberries, currants, gooseberries, good barn, large new woodshed, roothouse, chicken-house. This is located 18 miles from Portland, 1 mile from . electrlo line and good country town. Price $3000; $1750 cash. Balance good terms. BRONG-STEELB CO., 267 M Oak st. Ground floor Lewis bldg. DANDY LITTLE RANCH HOME. 2V acres, fine soil. 17 acres under cul tivation, balance slashed and seeded, ex cept a few acres in good green timber; 3 fine springs and well on place, 85 bearing apple trees and other fruits, 4-room house, barn 40x50, chlckenhouse, milkhouse, etc, all fenced and cross-fenced, Includes the following: 7 tons hay, about 60 bushels wheat, team of mares, 2 sets double har ness, hack, buggy, single harness, wagon, plow, cultivator, harrow, cider mill, 2 hogs, 1M dozen chickens, all small tools, 1 milch cow, etc. This plaoe Is located 'A mile from store and school, mile from church, and 7 miles from this city on a good road. Price $4300; only $1500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. This is one of the cheapest and best buys around; 13 miles from heart of Portland. See THOMPSON A 6WAN, ) 6TH AND MAIN STS. ' Vancouver, Wash. Phone office 107. DO YOU WANT A CHICKEN RANCH ? On a five-cent car fare, a little over one half acre, good five-room house and barn, 12 bearing fruit trees and some berry bushes; Just one block from fine school house; Bull Run ' water piped In house and yard; now If you are looking lor something good that -you can go on and make a good living, raising ohlckens, this Is Just what you want; bouse is rented at present lor $12.50 per month, but parties uave no lease ana win xiiuve uui i,u,v. I will take some trade or will Rive most any kind of terms, pay down $400 or $500 and make vour own terms after that: the price is szuoo and that is just -siuuu De- low the market price. Address tne owner, THE GO WAN-MOORE CO., .. 815 Chamber of Commerce 45 ACRES. About 20 miles south of Portland: 4'i miles from Sherwood, in the Tualatin v alley, right on river and good county rond. with R. F. T. and milk route: ex cellent soil, no rock or 'gravel, land lenced and cross-fenced; 30 acres -under cultiva tion, balance pasture and 4 acres of tlm ber 3 acres in bearing orchard; good frame house of 8 rooms, barn and out buildings, 2 good wells and springs, tele phone in house; very gooa neignoornoou. prosperous xarms an arouna; price siuuv, $4000 cah. balance 7 rsr cent. KAUFFMANN A MOORE. 325 Lumbor Exchange. - A STOCK RANCH. 660 acres with 22 miles by road north east or Portland; gently rolling lana. numerous running springs; an open pas ture. electric car 6 miles: will build with in one-half mile of orooertv next year; this plaoe is a genuine bargain at $17,t 000; will consider one-half In good Port land property ana a suostantiai casn pay ment. CHAPIN & HERLOW. (M) Members of the Portland Realty Board. 882-338 Chamber of Commerce. IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 2100 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, 50i acres bottom land. 200 of this In grain, 65 aores In timothy and wild grass; 235 more of bottom land that can be put In cultivation, baL of ranch is rolling bills, which affords good pasture and adjoins good outside range: this has several never falling springs; fair house and barn, with other outbuildings; price $15 per acre; will trade for other city property. AS S63. Oregonlan. 1520-ACRE wheat farm in Eastern Wash ington; good improvements; 0 miles from town on good road; line water Irom drilled well with gasoline pumping outfits; 1400 acres in cultivation. This is an ideal grain farm and Is considerably below the market. The price Is $25 an acre; will take from $10,000 to $20,000 income prop erty in trade. This is a proposition that is seldom offered. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lum-bermens bldg., Cth and Stark. 1520 ACRES near Kennewlck; 1400 under cultivation; good Improvements; $22.a0 per acre; easy terms. KEASEY, HUMASON A JEFFERY, 232 Chamber of Commerce A GREAT BUY FOR $123 PER ACRE. 54 acres, located close to Portland and within 5 minutes walk of electric car station and 5 stores; 24 acres cleared": is acres partly cleared, balance fine tlmbem all tools, wagons, household goods, chick ens, 2 line big work horses go with place; 20 tons of hav. good 5-room house. 2 eood wells: David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen bldg. J FOR SALE 16S-acre dairy farm, diked tide lands, tt miles irom Asiona, improvea witn 44 good cows, 2 bulls, 16 head young cattle, 4 fine work horses, 10. hogs and all larmlr.g Implements, mostly new; 120 tons of hay, 5 acres in roots; this place has an income of $4000; price $20,500; cash $3000, balance on time. Apply owner, A. Benscheldt, Lewis and Clark. Astoria, Or. . Snap. 15 acres. 12 miles from P. O., Portland. $150 per acre 1-3 cash; cleared and growing clover and timothy; gentle slope; fine deep soil, y mile from Damascus, See H. Graham at Rainier Hotel, room 10, on 6th st.. near depot, between 8 and 10, mornings. 60 ACRES rich black soil, 7-room house, barn 80x60, family orchard, well and wind mill, all clear; 14 tons of hay, 200 bush els of oats, 3 cows, chickens, separator, set of harness, wagon, plow, cultivators; will sell fine team mares separate, with colts; price $5000. Western Land Co., 246 Stark st - IMPROVED ranch, 10 acres, large 6-room house and barn, all kinds of fruit and ber ries, Jersey cow. good horse and buggy, all Improvements; 8 miles from Portland, one mile from electric station, west side, $500 cash .will handle; will consider city property In exchange. Provident Invest ment & Trustee Co., 201. 202, 203 Board; of Trade bldg. MOLALLA FARM. 43 acres on Wilholt road, 11 miles from Oregon City, county road on three sides; good 8-room house, barns, outhouses, lenced and cross-fenced, fine soil, fruit trees, shrubs. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., -212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 609, A 2653. !Artu lojgi. vjr, oi an incum- branoe, Tn the famous Haystack Basin, In Wheeler county, uregon; azu acres, 100 of which 1 alfalfa. If you buy the live stock now on the ranch and pay a fair price for the improvements will deed you the land. Inquire of Investment Society of Oregon at MayvHlo. Or. -HOPS 13 HOPS 13 acres, all in hops and has been so for years; has yielded the owners about 18 per oent on the price asked ever since the first year set; owners wish to dis solve partnership; price $3000, terms. T. J. O. Realty Co., Forest Grove. FOR SSA.LE-80 acres of farm or fruit land; $35 an acre; 1 million feet of good tim ber, running water, red shot soil; mile from station, near Buxton; will sell or trade for a small farm near Portland. In- qulre at lt Aieaoe or call A 1077. BEAUTIFUL 15-acre tract, all In cultivation, with beautiful buildings of all kinds; on carllne and at station; high school and 6 stores within 8 blocks; near Portland; $6f00 buys It If taken this week. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. Forty acres under a high state of cul tivation, close to Portland; 12 acres beaver dam, 6 acres orchard, land all around this selling lor $100 more per acre. MIX & MARSH, 1208 Yeon Bldg. 80 ACRES, 25 clear, some fine timber, house, fine barn, outbuildings, potatoes and garden, on county road; price $3200. West- T . rwl rii ojqu. KtArlr at. JUST what you are looking for 120 acres, . 30 miles ef Portland, only 11800, terms. ' Dubois A Crockett. Washington bldg., room 8 REAL ESTATE. For. Sale Farms. SEE THIS. THEN YOU'LL BUY. $750 cash buys 10 acres, all level. Cleared and highly cultivated land; fine 2-story 8-room . house, nioe large barn, granary, dairy and outbuildings; - good orchard of assorted fruits tn full bearing, strawberries and all manner of small fruits. plaoe fenced and cross-fenced, on main county road, close to school and church, 24 miles from townslte and eleo trla carline and 8ft miles out on fine level graded road; In elegant neighbor hood, the remainder of $4500 can be paid any time within 15 years; this is cheaper than renting a place, as the crops will pay 10 per cent net on above price and one has the advantage of a good home and the Increase In value of the land in the meantime. Our automobile and sales men are at your service. Let us show you this property. , ! . RANCH eo acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison su Miscellaneous. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. Before investing your money in real estate communicate with Charles Mar chand. He has several oholce properties to bo sacrificed on the market. Address 642 Greenwood ave. Telephone Sellwood 81. " FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. $7500 10 million feet red fir adjoining Columbia RJver. and North Bank road; easy to log; first-class tie and piling prop osition. .Address . box 831. Raymond. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bide. FARMS WANTED. WE have clients waiting for small farms and chicken ranches. MIX gj MARSH, 130 Yeon Bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Farm. 200 acres: over 50 acres In cultivation; abundance water; suitable lor stock or dairy- has railroad and pri vate station, Mrs. R. N. G. Strachan, R. F. D. 5, Hillsboro, Or. 68 ACRES, 6 miles out city, stock and farm Implements for sale; snap. Oswego, Route X, JJUX X02. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 500.000 TO LOAN OR INVEST. Eastern party has' the above to Invest In good first mortgages at low Interest In sums to suit, or will buy real estate and a gooa paying business for cash at the right price, see Mr. KuthQeld, with HARTMAN A THOMPSON. BANKERS, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED TO BUY. Good business property in Portland, or gooa town m valley; have 8-room house witn tot, xuuxiau at sibuu tree ana clear; would like to turn In as part payment. Will assume mortgage or pay cash dif ference up to $10,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK,- ' 243 Stark St WE have a customer for 5 to 10 .acres lm proved, close to a carline and hot more than ten miles from Portland; must be a . nice place ror a nome; ready to ao ousi' ness now; what have you? GOWEN-IDE TRUST CO., Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. WANTED Modern new 6-room bungalow. price not to exceed $3500; can pay $300 cash, $30 per month and interest. In answering state legal description and whether owner or agent. AL 374, orego nlan. WANT modern Portland home to apply on my close-in 14 acres, suburban home, worth $21,000: a place you've often ad mired; running water, springs maple shade, fruit, etc. H 76, oregonlan. WELL located 3-story brick building in Portland, netting $165 per month, to- ex change lor close-In acreage on electrlo carline. E. p. King, American Trust Co., 213 Chamber or commerce. ONE or wo lots on improved street, sewer and - gas; give all deecrlption; must be cheap for spot casn; mignt use one witn 5-room house If price and terms are right. H 3 1 A oregonlan. WANTED A good 5 or -room house, near uth and East Stark, or a nice cottage with good barn on East Side Telephone sell ' wood 1028 or address -484 East Stark st. I PAY rash to owners on forced sale lot barralas: unlmDroved corners on carllnes. with, business prospects preferred. 606 Concord bldg., city. . HAVE customer for 5 to 10 acres near car; not too far out. CHESHIRE A TAYLOR, 905 Chamber Commerce. WANTED. Acreage, elose -In, suitable tor platting. AM 224. Oregonlan. . WANTED Income store property; not oyer eoouo. ueo. r v arner, uuean notei, city. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED First mortgage of $4500 for equity in nrst-ciass income resiaence prop ertv that has excellent prospects of be coming' valuable business property. It is unrestricted corner in restricted district, 15 minutes from heart of city, on two car lines. AT 872, Oregoniaa. EIGHT modern 5 to 9-room nouses to trade, part or ail, for good Improved stock farm, with stock, crop and Implements; Wil lamette Valley place, with running water, preferred. Ell Hogan, 617 Board of Trade, Portland. Or. Phone Main 4(175. ELEGANT 5-passenger Marmon auto, cost tne owner tuu last year; ruuy equippea with Presto lights, pumps its own tires. leather top, glass front; owner will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. TO TRADE My equity of $1500 In 10 acres on corner of section line and Rockwood Roads. 5 miles from city limits, for your equity of equal amount or less In a Port land suburban home. Call 007 Yeon bldg., and ask for Mr. stringer. WELL located 8-story brick bulldine In Portland, netting 6165 per month to ex change for close-in aoreage on electrlo carllne. K. p. liing, American Trust Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. WILL exchange my Oliver typewriter, lady's diamond ring and 1230 equity in 4 lots at Oregon City, valued at $400, for a small automobile: Brush preferred. Phone Main 7010 or write J. W. Hart, 404 Morrison. TO EXCHANGE Seven-passenger 60-horse-power automobile to exchange for good real estate. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Main 5S8- 416 Abington Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 15-acre tract, with fine build. Ings, on electric carllne. 6 stores and school within 3 blocks of place; will trade for Portland property. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. WANTED To trade good mortgage note for $1350 for rooming-house; in your answer write where can meet you. AK 372, Ore gonlan. 180 ACRES Improved wheat land, R. R. sta tion 4H miles, $4000, to trade for land .west of Cascades. Address owner. Box 63, Mesa, Wash. FIRST-CLASS land equities and good house equities In Portland to exchange for Co lumbia River Orchard bonds; client wait ing. Amadon. 217 Lewis bldg. WILL take vacant lot as first payment on a beautiful Laurelhurst home of eight rooms, new, strictly modern; balance like rent. Owner, 63 Board of Trade bldg. IF YOU, are going to California will trade you a money-maker lor what you have; be quick. AM 872, Oregonlan. 16 VIEW LOTS, Columbia Heights Add! tlon, Vancouver, Wash. ; value $4000; will exchange for Portland lots or acreage CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. 80 ACRES, YAMHILL COUNTY. To trade for Portland house and lot worth $3000. Call on Devlin A Flrebaugh. 907 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. WILL exchange secured note for Columbia River Orchard bonds. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, mam uvoo. no Aunigmn joiog. TEN beautiful acres, all In cultivation, close LO itutiw, iiui. iiiid, u. ; want home In city for it. David Lewis, room 2, T iimhAnr pus hlds. The finest homo on East 28th street for lot, acreage or farm; owner, Washington bldg., room 8. CASH and close-In lot as first payment on 5 or 6-room house. Geo. G. Malr, 2 Lum bermens bidg. TAKE unincumbered lot as part payment on modern, new, 6-room bungalow. Kauff mnn A Moore, 825 Lumfter Exchange. $1200 EQUITY in a nice bungalow, with ow-iooi i0t iur pooi nan or cigar store; will give or take difference. Tabpr 8153. TO EXCHANGE $800 equity, balance like rent, moaern o-raoia ouneaiow, for unin cumbered property. F 370, Oregonlan. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-bouses, csll on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL exchange dental work for tailoring; will lurnion B m"-. u Jig, uiejtuiilsn. PORTLAND lot, free incumbrance, for team work mares. uurw a ouw, uregonian. PRUNE crop for sale or trade. AL 876, Ore gonlan. EXCHANGE city lots for few acres; what have your x eio. uregoman, TO EXCHANGE. GOOD EXCHANGES. FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres, close to electric line, not far from Portland; good buildings and fine land, with running water; price $2000; I will accept house and lot or lots in Portland lor as much as $2500, time on balance: also. I have 9 acres, well Improved, close to Portland: personal property on same; price $4200; 1 will exchange lor house and lot of same value. Also, I have 7 acres with fine buildings, perfectly modern and with city conven iences; this Is something choice; no debts against it; price $6000; will exchange lor first-class Portland property. I have other exchanges that would In terest owners that are desirous of making changes. . I will be glad to talk to such owners of property. I can be of service to them. Owners only will please call or write. J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of t Commerce. - SACRIFICE. x I have 70 acres of tine land, 15 acres In cultivation. Just rolling enough for fine drainage, all fenced, house, barn and out. buildings; good timber on balance; will make 2000 cords of wood; 22 miles from Portland; 1000 feet from Willamette River where boat lands every day and boat company will buy the wood as fast as It is cut at a good profit; IK miles from electrlo station; fine soil adapted for gen eral farming or would make a beautiful orchard tract; the soil has been analyzed; price for quick sale $5500, which is eas ily $1500 below what it is worth, or will exchange the farm for house and lot In Portland; good reason lor wanting to sell. H 373, Oregonlan FOR A FEW days I am able to offer $1300 equity in a splendid $3800 cottage, R rooms and bath, high basement and good - attic, excellent condition; located 375 E. 50th St., corner Harrison, Mt. Scott car passes door; will acept small cash pay ment or vacant lot as flrBt payment, bal ance like rent. This is a snap, and is only good xor a few days, write or can on a. Andersen, Hotel Eaton. 195 ACRES of excellent soil, 8 miles from railroad, in Cowlitz Co., Wash.; 20 acres under cultivation, 4 acres bearing or- ' chard, 5-room house, 2 barns and out buildings; good springs, wen ana creeKi good team, 2 cows and all implements; price $35 per acre; will exchange for un incumbered Portland property. Kauff mann A Moore, 825 Lumber Exchange. WE have 101 acres all in high state of cultivation, 35 miles from ronianu, - mile to Salem Electric: eood buildings. wind mill, on main county road; wish to exchange for Portland property. CO-OPERATIVE RE ALT if COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange, 4th and Stark Streets. FOR SALE or trade, fine dairy and stock ranches, from $."i(K)0 to $20,000 -for Bale, or will take desirable Portland property as part pay; might consider good prop erty in other cities; write for particulars and state what you have and what you want. Rainwater & .Bowman Lana Phllomnth, Benton County. Oregon. 2u ACRES for irrigation bonds. 0-room modern house for lots. 80 acres, well Improved, for house. Vacant lots for residence. Rooming-houses for lots or acreage. Business lot for farm. A number of other propositions. GARLAND & BARSNE3, 11 4th St. EQUITY in Westmoreland lots to exchange or sell at big discount. Howard Land Company, 0M3 swetiana Plug. UNINCUMBERED real estate to exchange for Columbia River Orchard bonds. 332 Lumber Lxchange. 10 ACRES. Improved. 30 minute ride, rea sonable lor house and lot. very nest sun. Y 412, Oregonlan. I HAVE a lot valued at $400 to trade for equity of 6-room house, i'none r,ast i- SALOON and rooming-house trade for auto- moolle and some casn. A ssi, uregoman. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc MICHIGAN BUGGIGES. KUSHFOKD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy eltherNibove, see our stork and set orices. We are located -out side the high-rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper, vvny ouy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a BuW one at about the same price? R. M. WADE A CO., 322 Hawthorne Ave. (1'E fine saddle horse, good saddle nony. new $40 stock saddle, 1 light camelback wagon, 5 head of cheap ranch horses, 1 shotgun and 2 Winchester rifles. 4S4 East Stark st. FOR SALK cheuD. eood family horse, high- grade rubber-tired 2-seated buggy; come quick for bargain r walk one block west and x blocks soutn irom ena nawmoruo ave. carllne. 2S16 5Sth St. Southeast. FOR SALE Two ggod young but sore-foot ed mares, suitable lor iarm or oreeuuig; would exchange for good aelivery horse. 381 Aliisworth ave. Woodlawn 440. THE pacing stallion Maxtell, 2:15. pacing and breeding hopples and boots; will take good driving horse in exchange. 4b4 East btark st. 1 MARE 9 years old, 1200; 1 horse, 4 years old, 1500, at 303 Front St. Columbia Sta bles. FOR SALE One fine team, young, well matched, mare weighing 2600, sound and true. 226 Russell st. FOR SALE Good work team, wagon, har ness and business; $350. See owner, 403 Beech st. 1460-POUND horse, Columbia Stables, 301 Front st. Ask for Chrlstensen's horse. FINE horse and saddle cheap. C. S. Nlck- lin, 513 Abington Diag. Main ea-w. A FINE gentle pony, used to children, for Jr.. 4in r-oll Vfatn Sill Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. LEAVING town, have paid $190 on $375 piano contract; will give my interest away. 0 -J". Automobiles, AUTOMOBILES. 1911 OAKLAND ROADSTER 1011. Owner has authorized me to sell his 1911 roadster at big sacrifice; it is just the car for doctor or salesman; 40-horse-power, 2-passenger and fully equipped; this car is as good as new. Call for dem onstration. 1911 Oakland, 83-horsepower, 5-passen-ger; fully equipped. This car Is new and a bargain. E. M. F., 30-horsepower, only $6')0. - Etudebaker-Garford, 7-pass., only $700. Chalmers-Detroit, 5-pass., $850. And many others; every one a bargain and in good condition. OREGON ATTTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Sts. ELEGANT 5-passenger 1910 auto, cost $3500 last year, in elegant condition; Presto lights, leather top, glass front, speedo meter; pumps Its own tires; owner leav ing city; make an offer. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg. 1911 7-PASSENGER automobile in very best condition; swell rent car and looks like new; price $151)0; will take u-passengar car up to $1000 balance oash. M. Maiden, 003 Swetland bldg. A 3027. REO 4-cyl. 1011; tore door, top, lamps, glass front, magneto, prestollte tank, clock, speedometer; run about 2000 miles; a bargain of your life; $800 cash. Holbrook, 603 Swetland bldg. ' WANTED To trade Tacoma real estate, value $1200, for delivery or convertible auto or cows or both: will give good trade. H 875, Oregonlan. THE Auto Supply Co. will save you 25 per cant on all automobile supplies; we also have large assortment of slightly used tires. 233 Main St. WISH to buy 1600 or ton gas delivery truck. Call 6SS Washington or phone Marshall 1313, Friday torenoon. 5-PASSENGER standard make touring car; will tiade for unincumbered real estate or timber land. Bennett, 495 Alder. $2.50 HOUR 5-passenger Chalmers. Main lilrds. Dogs and Pet Stock. LOST Black and tan male dog, license No, 4288 on the collar. Reward for return to 454 Hall st. AIREDALE TERRIRERS for pals, sport and guards. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Miscellaneous. LADY'S first-class ticket to Denver, Colo., gooa till i 1 a, uie. gun i an. TWO-H. P. gasoline engine, walking beam for a- pumping plant for sale Telephone Sellwood 106. FOR SALE Cheap, good 1910 Excelsior mo torcycle. Call after 6:30 P. M. 546 East 28th st. or phone Sellwood 203. ONE 15-h.-p. motor, new; one bandsawi one SaW laUlB, ' RUVW wmu,.,uu. IU. U, gonian. GOOD Remington typewriter for rent or sale reasonable. tv ou. vicgwuai $105 piano check for sale-$15. AM $7l7, Oregonlan. DAVENPORT for sale, nearly new; half price If taken at once. Kast ooio. Safe; large safe, good as new, for sale cheap. terms If you wish. AP 248. Oregonlan. DENTAL office for sale, good location; all newly equipped. pnone Main 4061. FOR RENT Fine duck shooting reserve. Inquire 537 union ave., it. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. MEN'S SUITS I meet and beat strongest competition In the City of Portland on mon's suits. All the latest Fall models. In red browns, oxford grays and blue cheviots, $27.60 to $30 suits for 118. 10, $2C50 to $25 values at $14.78. No big) firofits tacked on for the benefit of the undlord. Jimmy Dunn, room 316 Ore gon lanbldg:rjikeelevatj3r; SAFES 20 second-hand fireproof safes. I standard makes, to be sold regardless of cost to make room for new stock. PL'RCELL SAFE CO, S5 &tn at. MEN'S PANTS -I give you grand values In mens pants; $5 trousers for $3 50; $4 values ot $2.50. My system of buying and 130 a mourn roni owe. .. . " room 3i5 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. 6AFES-N.w.and2d-hand: low prlc; easy terms: sates u.ToVt Vvri PURCELL SAFE CO. and JO ROLAND SAFE CO., 85 5th St. Main 6809. A 41 is. " BTOVB DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake there M sometnlng wrong. I can fix it. 36S East Morrison. r'none bmi j"--. EXCEPTIONAL, typewriter bargains for the w"ek: Remington, $30; Smith Premiers. $27.50; Bllcks. $17.50. Northwest Type wrlter Co.. HO 5th st. FOR SALE or trade, 8x10 double cylinder and drum contractor's donkey engine, 450 ft. 4-lnch cable. 003 Railway Exchange bldg. A 4330. FOR SALE Railroad ticket. Portland to Han Antonio. Texas; no description. O 3liS, Oregonlan. , SOUTHERN Paclllo ticket, Portland to near Kansas City, for sale cheap; no descrip tion. F 874, oregonian. MAJESTIC range, also gas range, used two months, for sale. 293 East 33d. near Haw thorne ave. SAFES Several large second-hand, for sale, K 293, Oregonlan. Wli7"exchange 1 or 2 diamond rings for driving outllt. 4S4 East Sturk St. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer ing A Construction Co.. 909 Lewis blug. WANTKI-7WISCKLLANEOCS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOL Highest price paid for men's and ladles cast-off clothing, shoes furniture, tools. mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 2B0 First st. The Globe. IF YOU have houiehold furniture to sell. call up George Baker A Co., 152 Park su fairs at residences a specialty. - Tools Highest prices paid for all kinds ot 2d-hand mechanic, logging tools. Levin, Hdwre. Co., 229 Front. Main 9072. WANTED Second-hand pool tables for rent. Apply 740 Minnesota ave. Phone Woodlawn 2617. Mr. Finn. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., etc. Call up East 102 or call at 803 East Morrison st. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Sister A Martin. Phone East 3134. 843 Hawthorne ave. WANTED at once, five bank cash registers; must be in good condition. Main 0602. hu Hurratt. WANTED Sniiil houseboat. Call 3100 East 53d Ft. WANTED City map; must be cheap. Che- hlre and Taylor, sou unamuer wmmmu. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash lor any kind of furniture. Main 8H61. A 244B. . HELP WANTED MALE. m WANTED for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un marrled men, between ages of 18 and 80. citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For Information apply to 'Recruiting Officer. Worcester block, 3d and Oak eta. Port land. Or. OFFICE boy wanted; good reliable. Intelli gent boy for general office work, such as running errands, copying, etc.. moderate salary. Apply Morns liros., .vi 1 Exchange bldg. . j WANTED Neat salesmen and solicitors who are willing to work for advancement, coin- ( pany established 5 years, good pay. See Mr. Colhouer. 418 Mohawk bldg., 9 A. M. to 12 noon. WANTED A grocery solicitor for a big store; one who can command some trade. a good position for the right party; all communications strictly confidential. L 3S0. Oregonlan. t SALESMEN, exclusive territory ; bPfl ! Ullllia.. nicau -'--- . J . Yakima Valley-grown fruit, shade and or namental stock; cash weekly; outfit free. Tonnenlsh Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Good reliable man of character to selj real estate; experience not neces- Sary' GODDARD A WIEDRICK. BOY 15 or 16 yearB of age, wanted for of fice work- no previous experlenoe neces sary. Address In own handwriting and state nge. Art urcsmft. EXCAVATOR wanted at once to do $-'50 worth of work as first P"yme,n5.on.ho5 built to suit. See Whipple, builder, at JUJ 14th. Main 80U1, evemun. WANTED Thoroughly Experienced book peeper. capable of taking, JJ charge or leuKtsi phone. E 370. Oregonlan. SEVERAL dairy lunch servers; young men of neat appearance who have had ex perience; none others wanted; references. Phone Marshall 370 between 4 and 8 P. M. THREE cigar salesmen (retail); state , pre vious experience: permanent position to capable men. B 8S3. Oregonlan. WANTED All-around man to take care 2 horses, chickens. Call bet. e nd 5 K M.. HII7 Washington, cor. King. Apt. -1. WANTED Elevator boy; steady boy only need appTy. Sllverfleld Co.. 4th and Mor rison. ITTwuirw wanted at once; none uui mm. BclassEneed apply. Phone V. O. Taylor. Independence, Or. wTk.-tet Immediately, reliable harness Wmake?. AddrTsVD. N. McDonald. Phlllps- burg, Mont. BOOKKEEPER, with some knowledge or stenography; state experience end sal- ary. F 872, Oregonlan. TAILORS r and coatmakers wanted- steady i,,h Anoly Maxwell. The lailor, 246 Washington st. WANTED Young man about IS years, to learn trade. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., 3d. and Pine sis. . k, hnrd-worklng solicitors. Amerl CAcan HpltaairdA..'n. 1216 Selling bldg.. 10 A. M- T,ii,-,i-.r-KAFll coupon and portrait agents. new onei. " : . SQlTSiTORS. dye works .alar, guaran teed. Dl-''1 1 ' " STRUCTURAL iron workers, out of town. Apply 222 Commercial Club biog. BTR'BF-rTwanted; must be first-class. 503 Washington st. BARBER" wanted for Saturday first-class. fi"5 Washington m. WANTED Barber. 2d9 Grand ave Money guarantee. WANTED An experienced carver. Apply Peerless iaietei im. ov ,54 COUCH Man for Janitor and kitchen work In private oi,, WANTED First-class barber, 15-cent shop. 208 Maaison. WANTED A barber for steady Job. 802 1st st . WANTED Boy. Apply Publlo Library, 7th. and stark. ANTED A bench-worker for Dreaa uu pies. Imperial Bakery, oai OPPORTUNITY, bright young boy, to learn .oto painting. Call S6 10th street. LABORATORY man for dental office Call Archer flc srni AX men to clear right of way. Apply 223, Commercial liuo h'"- WANTED Two first-class carpenters; no WAINJB.JJ . syKiA Wash. nrners 1 ecj . NO.. 1. P.n'5j!" M-"Jer t Planing jqni. Acme Planing SA Mil. East Oak and Water ; s t BARBER wanted, steady Job, 189 Morrl- son st- WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels. 7(, Id st. FIVE barbers wanted. 28S Burnslde; steady.: Job. , 6? ANTED Bartender : honest, sober me.nl give references. G 377, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class carpenter, finishers. Apply 219 Lumber .Exchange. wiNTED Apprentice for show card wrlt- tne: short hours; big pay. 243 Sth st. BARBER, non-union, for Saturday. Apply 11 uomniH'.jai .-.Mt. n. LABORERS. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg. , WANTED Good lunchman for a saloon; Klve references. AS 372. Oregonlan. WANTED A boy for a tailor shop. 28 N. 16tb st. CLOTHING salesman, fully experienced. Dundee Woolen Mills, 132i 8d st. SOLICITORS on new sporting weekly; aaU arv. Call 8 to 9 at 602 Ellera bldg.