Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    TITK- MORNING QKL'tiU.MAy. TIIUKSDAl, -Aiutai 31. 1911a
Portland-Seattle Highway
Poor Shape for Automo
bile Traffic.
With D. A. Roblnran. Samuel Hill
Fumlnr Road. Arriving Here
by Machine fonrne Reported
to Be In Xred of Repair.
Simul Hill. rrmr. diplomat and
kins; of ool roads enthusiast, came to
f'ortland Monday for a few houra"
rhat with the Portland men who ara In.
terested In hie pet project. Ha droya
In an automobile from Seattle. Wuh,
with D. A. Robinson, a business man
of the Pucet Sound.
Mr. Mill and his companion had a few
words to y about the condition of
the roa.Is between Seattle and Port
land. They declared last nlg-ht that
outside of the convict road at Carroll's
Hill, the route 1 In bad shape, filled
with many chuck holes and steep hills.
They also advise motorists to keep
away from the Pacific Hlrhway for tha
present, as tha bridge south of Kala
ma. In Cowllts county, la burned down.
Ht taking this rout one Is forced to
climb the side of tha mountain, a Ions;
trip made tlresoma by numerous
stretches of corduroy.
Convict labor Is the only salvation of
nod roads In Washington, declares Mr.
HIIL He cites tha Carroll Hill road a
an Instance, averring that no better
piece of highway can be found In this
rrt cf the country. Ha Is emphatic
In tha declaration that politics played
a paramount part In tha removal of tha
penitentiary Inmates from road build
Ing and says it is a gross Injustice ta
the people.
Had Washington pursued Ms policy
the Northern Pacific would have given
the state Ita abandoned grades and
bridges." said Mr. Hill. -By this It
would have been possible, at a mini
mum cost, to travel from Portland to
Seattle over falrlr good roads.
The Washington booster declares
that he has found a machine that will
revolutionise the road-bulldlns; Indus
try. It will put down a bed that la
better than asphaltum at a cost ap
proximately half that which Is paid for
country roads of vastly Inferior type,
he say a He Is using this In construct
ing the SS mflea of hlghwy pear Mary
hill, which ha asserts Is tha finest piece
of road In tha L'nlted States. In a few
years, he says, roads all over tha coun
try will be built with the devlca now
employed by him.
moved to Portland following- tha coro
ner's examination.
Mr. Campbell was a native of Bos
ton. Mm. and la survived by a widow,
five children and two sisters. He lived
with his son Hsrry P. Campbell, head
bookkeeper for NeurHadter Brothers, In
Mr. Campbell was Intimately con
nected with early Oregon history. He
crossed the plains In IMS by ox team,
and came to Oregon. His father, also
Hector P. Campbell, waa the first school
teacher In Oregon, having taught school
In a little log achoolhouse at Mllwau
kle. His sister married Alfred Lewel
len. a cousin of Seth Lwellen. who
brought the first fruit tree to Oregon,
and planted It in his Mllwaukle home
stead, where It still stands.
He left Oregon in 1S70. and went to
Bristol. Conn., where he remained until
llll. when he. went to Cortchester. New
York. In lsl he again came to Port
land, and remained here to the time of
his death. He was a contractor by
trade, but for tha last few years of his
Ufa had not been actively engaged In
his work. At the time of his first resl-
Presidential Candidates to Be
Nominated and Chosen
by People.
Even Monday
Gertie Grundy
Sings from mora
till night
No bine days
For me", site says,
'With acb a Ceaat
in tigatl"
purchased last week by tha Pacific
Telephone ft Telegraph Company. The
directors of the club had planned, ten
tatively, to secure the entire half block
and cover It with a modern building,
tha largest part of which was to have
been used by the Oregon Hotel Com
pany. Now that this plan has ' fallen
through, the club directors are seek
ing another building site of 100 by 200
feet. It Is announced that as soon as
the desired location can be found tha
present eight-story structure at Fifth
and Oak streets will be sold. A syn
dicate of Portland capitalists Is ready.
It is understood, to take over the pres
ent club property at a consideration
around 1500.000.
The olub has been making such a big
growth the past year that the present
building has proved to be too small,
especially for the dining-room, kitchen
and reception-rooms. Recently it be
came necessary to change some of tha
cardrooms into amall dining-rooms for
use for private dinner parties. The
kitchen Is entirely too small, while all
other departments are cramped for
AV. W. Wothter, of Akron, O., Guest
at Dinner at Commercial Club.
Recojrnlzlcs; tha West, and especially
Portland, aa a new and practically un
developed field for motor trocka and
accessories, W. W. Wuchter. president
of tha Swlnhart Tire Company, of Ak
ron. Ohio. Is making a thorough inves
tigation of conditions in thia part of
the country- He waa tendered an In
formal banquet at the Commercial Club
last night by G. H. Meads, who waa
host also to the principal auto truck
dealers of thia city, who heard an In
terMtlng and instructive talk on the
rubber industry and tha manufacturing
methods employed by the large tire
companies of the country.
Thia Is Mr. Wuchter" s first trip to
th Pacific Coast In a number of yeara
and he took the opportunity of giving
his Idea of the progress made by Port
land In the last 22 yeara. Carefully
he went over the situation In tha East
tha home of the commercial wagon
and then compared tha astounding
strides made by the Oregon metropolla
in pioneering with tha motor truck.
Patrolman Seeks Alleged Mistreat
ment, llnds Happy Tot.
Motorcycle Policeman Royle early
esterday made frtenda with tha Infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blackburn,
of Hi'-, Burnside street, after neigh
bors had complained to the police that
the parents had been abusing the child,
t'oolng and smiling, tha Infant wel
comed the pleasantries of tha police
man. Milk, dresses and cot were examined
by Royle while be held the smiling
baby In his arms and the baby played
with his curly hair. When the police
man left the house, satisfied that tha
baby waa well-treated, the Infant re
fused the arma of Its mother and
wanted to go back to the policeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn took tha
baby from tha St. Agnea Baby Horn
several months ago. It Is eight months
old. Hearing It crying In tha night,
the neighbors of tha couple In tha
rooming house decided that It was Ill
treated and telephoned to tha police.
Government and State) Employes
Conclude Investigation.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 3n. Spe
cial.) The aoil survey and classifica
tion of Clark County, being made by
the state and Government, .of Western
Washington, was completed today.
From here the party will go to Wab
klshum County, while another party
will be sent to Skamania County. When
these two counties ara completed, the
oil survey and land classification of
Western Washington will have been
nompleted. Tha book containing the
report will be Issued soma time next
H. K. Benson, representing tha state.
that there Is a large part of
",ark County aoll adapted to a high
state of 'diversified farming, with
proper cultivation. A great percentage
of the land Is logged off land where
the sotl Is excellent for farming, when
the stumps ara removed.
Pioneer Who Crossed Plaint In- ISO
Expires In Hla Sleep.
OREGON CITT. Or.. Aug. (Spa
rial.) Hector B. Campbell, aged 13. a
pioneer resident of Portland, died at
the home of Thoroaa Anker, at New
Era. today of old age. Ha was found
dead thia morning by Mr. Anker. Mr.
Campbell had been attending Spiritual
ist meetings the Tha body waa re-
Mn. A. F. Joara.
Mrs. A. F. Jones died at her
home at 825 First street, last
Monday, after an Illness of three
months. Mrs. Jones was a na
tive of Maine, and was born In
1851. She came to Oregon at an
early age. She la survived by
her hnsband. a daughter Mrs.
May Augustine and a sister,
Mrs. H. O. Miller.
dence In Portland ha was employed la
the Smith Watson Iron Works, aa a
Mr. Campbell was passing the Sum
mer months with his wife at New Kra,
where he waa camping. Ha la said by
his relatives never to have been sick.
Ha passed away quietly In his sleep,
Mr. Campbell was born In Chester,
Maas.. January 4. 1819. He waa mar
ried twice, and two of hla surviving
cnildren are by his first wife. He mar
ried his second wife, who survives him.
In Boston. Mass.. 40 years ago..
The two sisters who survive him ara
Mary Lewellen. of Oroflno. Idaho, and
Mrs. Ellen M. Walte. of Portland. Tha
surviving children are Horace O. Camp
bell, of La Center. Wash., and Louis
Campbell, of Mllwaukle. who are the
offspring of his first marriage, ana H.
B. Campbell. Mrs. George Llchtenthaler
and Miss Grayee Campbell, all of this
city, children of the surviving widow.
Assertions That Attorney Fonts Is
Representing Him In Cases
Alleged to Be False.
That tha Burns detective agency had
absolutely nothing to do with the re
cent Investigation In which County
Detective Matter and F. L. Perklna were
accused of grafting by North End dlve
keepera. waa the assertion yesterday
of William J. Burns, head of the Burns
detective agency, who Is in tha city
on a business visit.
Mr. Burns says that any statement
that Attorney Fouts represented tha
agency In the caaa waa without foun
dation and that the assertion of Mr.
Constable, tha agency clerk, to the ef
fect that the agency waa Investigating
the caaa was untrue. He said Mr. Con
atable came In for a severe reprimand
yesterday for his assertion.
"Mr. Fouts Is not our attorney In
Portland." aald Mr. Burns. "Our attor
ney la ex-Senator Gearin. and Fouta
was not authorised to represent us In
sny case, excepting the one In which
tha ostrich plumea were involved in
which wa are auing at present. Wo
Intend to push thia case to the limit
and vindicate our office In every ac
tion It took. The office la exonerated
of the Insinuations made against It
by Detective Carpenter, by tha very
fact of Carpenter'a resignation from
tha police department.
"The Burns agency haa had nothing
to do with any investigations here In
a municipal Una and every statement
made regarding our connection with
these graft cases la groundless.
Mr. Burns aaya ha axpecta to leave
Portland tomorrow or the next day.
Ha will visit tha police station today
to meet tha Chief and others and to
aea that any grievances which may st
ilt between his office and tha police
ara straightened out. "Wa have no
quarrel with tha police." said Mr.
Burna "and we want to be only on tha
beat of terms with every officer."
Seattle Metal Workers and Carpen
ters Have Disagreement.
SEATTLE, Wuh. Aug. 20.-Speclal.)
Work on tha new lt-story Hoge
building, at Second avenue and Cherry
street, cam to a sudden stop at 1
o'clock this afternoon, when the lit
man employed there union laborers In
every line of work? quit their jobs and
walked out. Tha result may be that
the Thompson-Starrett Company, which
la erecting the structure for tha i nlon
Savings A Trust Company, will be
penalised and forced ta pay the owners
a heavy sum for their failure to com
plete tha structure within tha time
fixed by tha contract. October 1.
Little further Information couin be
obtained from the Thompson-Starrett
Company's representatives. One official
asserted that tha trouble did not Con
cern the company, but was caused by a
difference between sheet metal workers
snd the carpenters' unions ss to who
should put on the metal trim of the
building. The carpenters asserted that
any trim or finish work of that char
acter waa In their Jurisdiction and tha
metal workers disputed tha assertion. ,
Progressive Party Delegates Also
Pledge Themselves to Combat
Special Privileges and Monop
olies Re-election Fought.
MEXICO CITT. Aug. 30. Wearied
by the exercise of their constitutional,
but hitherto unused right to nominate
candidates for the Presidency and
Vice-Presidency, delegates to the first
national convention of the Progressive
party late last night adopted a platform
that sags beneath Its burden of re
forms. It Is expected that Domina
tions will be made today.
Tha first work done waa the adop
tion of various planks of tha platform,
which waa accepted after a noisy de
bate. It nrovldes for the strict main
tenance of the constitution of '57. Some
delegatea proposed that there be added
to this "and the lawa of the reform."
the meaaure bv which Benito Juarex
brought about tha separation of
church and atate.
For more than three-quarters of an
hour the delegates vigorously ex
pressed their opinions, but In the end
the plank aa writtetn was adopted.
The convention pledged Its candidates
to carry out the principles of antl-re-election
and to work for a revislpn
of the election lawa.
Another plank provides for a re
vision of the system of taxation, fa
vors the Department of National Re
sources snd promises to combat mo
nopolies and apeclal privileges.
The party pledges Its representa
tives to work for a reform or tne ju
dicial and legal systems. Improve
ment In the educational system of the
country Is also promised.
If elected on thia platform. F. I. Ma-
dero, Jr., may be expected to exercise
a friendly Interest In Central American
affaire. One provision of the party's
programme is for the extension of the
nation s friendly relations with foreign
countries, "especially those of Latin
America." The provision ends with
the promise to direct prudently the
policy of the government toward bring
ing about a unton of tne central Amer
lean republics.
Special attention la paid to the Inter
ests of the laboring element In one
plank, which promisee "to Improve the
moral, intellectual and material condi
tlona of the worklngman."
Establishment of manual training
schools Is promised. The Mexlcanlxa
tlon of the personnel of the National
Railways Is to be hastened and achools
are to be established. Laws looking to
proper Indemnification of those Injured
while at work are promised.
The delegates did not begin ' the
adoption of their platform until after
o'clock. Until then the time had been
spent In listening to an address of
welcome by Jesua Urnella. one of the
prominent party leaders, and In the
adoption of rule of order.
Since this is the first convention of
the party the delegatea were forced to
take time to formulate rulea and pro
cedure. Most Important of these rules
waa that providing that candidates
should be chosen by simple majorities
and by an open vote, aa opposed to a
aecret ballot.
Francisco I. Madero. Jr., who will he
the choice of the convention for Pres
ident, waa In the theater yesterday
for a few minutes, but It Is doubtful
If more than ten delegatea were aware
of his presence. He stood in the
wings of the stage, listened to the pro
ceedings and discreetly peeped around
the fliea for a view of the house and
then by meana of a aide entrance, made
his way to an automobile.
The greater part of the day he had
been In his home, availing himself from
time to time of a telephone to learn
what waa going on In the convention.
The only member of the Madwo
family who Is taking an active part In
the convention la Gustavo, brother of
the candidate, who was hie representa
tive In Waahington during the early
daya of the revolution. As a member
of the central committee, he sat upon
the stage beside Chairman Juan San
ches Ascona and from time to time his
sctlons Indicated that he waajnanlpu-
latlng an efficient, if new, political
machine. It Is he who Is largely re
sponsible for the candidacy of Jose
1'lno Suares for the Vice-Presidency, In
opposition to Francisco Gomes. He and
his friends say they have corralled 75
per cent of the votea for Suares. Fer
nando Igleslaa Calderon and Alfredo
Roblea Dominguei are the other can
Where the delegatea were assembled
for the afternoon session men and boys
distributed handbills among them of
varioua alsea and hues, urging them
to vote for Pomlngues and setting
forth reaaona therefor.
Outside the theater a rain of the
posters from the gallery began and con
tinued until the floor of the parquet
waa carpeted with them. Thia method
of fighting was used In opposing the
candidacy of Vasques Gomex. Support
era of Calderon lavlahly - distributed
large halftone likenesses of the candi
date with the caption. "Vote for Calderon."
Althoagh holding the first real con
vention In the history of the country.
unless those of the Catholics csn be
so styled, the delegatea are conduct
ing their affairs In a manner that haa
won the commendation of the public
both native and foreign. Among those
who witnessed the proceedings was
James R. Garfield, ex-Secretary of the
Interior of the United States.
The convention doors are open to tne
public, but since there are more than
1500 delegatea space reserved for spec
tators Is limited to the galleries. Not
withstanding this almost every seat
waa occupied.
The delegatea have no other choice
for President than the man who led
the masses to victory, but they are
not representative of these people, or
even the lower grsde of the middle
class. It Is a gathering of the "better
element." Now and then a silk hat
and frock coats are seen; a dozen
wearera of the ceaked aombrero indi
cate that their ownera represent rural
districts, but fully 0 per cent of the
delegates wear the dress of the ordi
nary business man.
Commercial Organisation Is After
Building Ground.
The nronosal to purchase the half
block on Oak. Seventh and Park streets
aa a site for tha new Portland Com
mercial Club building was under con
sideration until the west quarter was
Official Says Parent Company Has
Never Collected This Stock, So
Law Has No Hold on It.
NEW YORK. Aug. SO. An official of
the Standard Oil Company today said
regarding the dtsssolution of the com
pany under the mandate of the Su
preme Court that only the stock of
the 33 companlea affected by the court's
decision will be distributed to the
He said that the large surplus that
has stood to the credit of the Standard
Oil Company of New Jersey would not
have to be divided among these com
panies, because the surplus had never
been collected by the parent company.
Only that amount which has been
paid out by Standard Oil In dividends
haa been drawn from the subsidiary
companies, according to this authority,
and the profits above this amount were
left with the companies, so each at
present has its proper share of the
Extension Granted for Distribution
of Stocks and Bonds.
NEW YORK. Aug. 30. The time for
depositing stock and bonds of the
American Tobacco Company prior to
obeying the order to dissolve by the
Supreme Court haa been extended to
September 15 for the stock, and to
September 37, for the bonds. Yester
day was the final day originally set
for such deposits, but a conference of
the members of the committees ap
pointed to protect the interests of the
holders of Tobacco Company securi
ties agreed on the postponement.
A representative of the stockholders'
committee said that about 60 per cent
of the stock had been deposited or
pledged for deposit and a large
amount of bonds.
An attorney for the Tobacco Com
pany Is authority for the statement
that on Thursday an application prob
ably will be .made to the United States
Circuit Court for an order directing
the American Tobacco Company to bear
the reasonable expenses of the three
stockholders' committees.
California Jail Holds Indian Who
Does Not Know Use of Fire
arms or Knife and Fork.
CHICO. Cal., Aug. 30. The last
known survivor of the Mill Creek and
Deer Creek Indians, whose atrocities
made hideous pages In the annals of
early California, was captured two
miles from Oroville late today while
attempting to steal meat from a
slaughter-house. Driven from the river
country by forest fires, he was taken
to the Oroville Jail, starved beyond
resistance, and followed by a crowd
which collected at the sight of a man
60 yeara old, unshod and clad only in
a aleeveiess canvas shirt, laced with
deerskin thongs.
Indians of surviving tribes were
summoned but were unable to talk
with him and several Deputy Sheriffs
offered him food. By way of experi
ment, a knife and fork and spoon were
laid beside a tin plate loaded with
potatoea and meat, taut the savage took
no notice of them, clawing pieces of
meat apart with his hands. Firearms
were shown him, but he did not com
prehend their use. but when the Dep
uty lighted a cigarette, he seised tne
match and by making circles around
his head demonstrated that he kept bis
hair short by singeing it.
His only possessions were a tew
deer sinews. No one knows what to
do with him. no charge having been
placed against him.
The Deer Creek and Mill creek In
dians were obliterated as a tribe in a
series of battlea In the early '60s, and
It has been believed that none of the
tribesmen survived.
President to Leave Salem at S P.
M., Reaching Portland at 5:15.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 30. President Taft
will devote three hours to Salme on his
next Western trip, according to advices
received by D. Hlles. secretary to Mr.
Taft. He will arrive in Salem at noon
October 13, and will leave Salem at 3
o'clock, arriving In Portland at 5:16 P.
M., and leaving Portland at 8 o'clock
the next morning.
President Taft will devote three hours
to Salem on his next Western trip, ac
cording to advices received today by
Representative Hawley from Charles
D. Hlllea, secretary to Mr. Tart. Ma
will arrive In Salem at noon October
13. and will leave Salem at 3 o'clock.
arriving In Portland at :1S P. M.. and
leaving Portland at 8 o clock the next
Representative Hawley has requested
Max O. Buren, president of the Board of
Trade, and Theodore Roth, president or
the Business Men's League, with Mayor
Louis Lachmund. to act as a commit
tee on arrangements for the entertain
ment of the President.
Plans will be immediately put under
way to give the Chief Executive of the
United States one of the biggest recep
tions ever sccorded in Salem.
Black Trclaie Says President Has
Not Denounced Lynching.
BOSTON. Aug. 30. In denouncing at
last night's session of the National In-
We'll pay the grocer
Tell him any
time when you are
hot satisfied with
eT7 m j A A
He wori't charge you
a cent. Or if you have
paid, he returns your
money. And we pay
him the fullretailprice.
Where do we get off?
That's easy. Every-
body would rather
have the soup than the
21 kinds 10c a can
Jutt aid hot tcater,
bring to a boil,
and seitw.
Joseph Campbell
Camden N J
Look for the
dependent Political League, the lynch
ing of negroes. Bishop Alexander Walt
ers declared that President Taft was
"one of the weakest Presidents the
country ever had." This, he said, was
because he remained silent In the face
of continued reports of lynchlngs.
An Casket Is feorne Under Tree in
Storm, Electric Shock Knocks
Burial Party to Ground.
-ATCOVSRtrRG. Pa.. Aug. 30. As the
rackitt containing the body of Stephen
Mastlowlcx. tlcketseller in the moving
picture show, one of the victims of the
panic Saturday night, was borne to the
grave in the Slavish Catholic Cemetery
here last night. lightning struc a
tree under which the procession waa
; i .v.. .it nnllhearers were
,1 i i TnVin n nH 1 a. brother-
Aiiui: aru .
in-law of Mastlowlcx, was made uncon
scious and the mourners were pamu
strlcken. The casket dropped Into the mud,
where it lay until the party had re
covered from the shock. Hodle was not
seriously Injured.
Before nightfall 17 of the 28 persons
who Vyfcre killed in the theater panlo
had been buried. The first funeral
. v -. n.nrtrm TCav. the 13-vear-
old son of Professor R. H. Kay, director
of music in the public schools.
Throngs stood silently in mo irmi
as the funerals passed, the scene being
repeated almost every hour until the
last of the victims was buried.
Oil King's Stock Rises $11,000,000
While He Plays Golf.
CLEVELAND, O.. Aug. 80. While
John D. Rockefeller was playing goir
with Captain Levi sconeia ana umsi
In a foursome at Forest HI1 links yes
terday. Standard Oil stock was soaring
on the New York curb. It went up a
total of 47 points In the morning.
Rockefellers play was Interrupted
several times while he received and
sent telegrams. It is believed he was
directing buying operations that caused
the remarkable rise. All messages
were received and sent by Rockefel
ler's private operator at his home. An
swers as received were delivered to the
oil king by a boy on a bicycle.
Rockefeller's holdings Increased In
value $11,000,000 between breakfast
and luncheon.
Quia Slkowimg of
Brewer Hafe
.Mew sumdl Sfty&Ih
Take the New
Fast Train
Tacoma and Seatt
i V
p 01
t 1
Only 6 Honrs Between Portland and Seattle
AH. TACOMA 3ll0 P. M.
A K. SEATTLE 4l30 F. M.
Large and roomy day coaches, dining-car,
parlor-car and observation
car on every train. Most modern
and up-to-date equipment, cool and
pleasant. The very acme of comfort
and convenience.
3 Other Trains Daily
All equally well equipped. Electric
lighted throughout. Individual lights
In every berth on sleeping-cars.
Id and Morrleon St and Union Depot
Main S-M Phones A 1244.
A. G. P. A., N. P. Ry., Portland.
The Pioneer Line
Northern Pacific Ry.
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in jeneral no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong and sick women
well, and fires them freedom from pain.
It establishes regularity, subdues Inflam
mation, heals ulceration and cures te
mala weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult ns by letter, fret.
... j . .' ...1 -. anA . n rA r rnn.
All oorresponueutc iui, F. i
fidential Write without fear and without fee to World s Dispensary Med
ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure
them at home, send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing
only, and we will send you a free copy of Dr. Pierce's great thousand -page
illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in
handsome French cloth binding.
' mr.uaa
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WmSX . makes
VS VirnsV
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The Beer
Home FolKs
T t'ko
?Tf Often people call for light beer think
EH an excessive heavy bitter taste xn
He Boer of Quality
please them. The Pabst process
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it a rich. Wholesome Deer, nut
heavy, and with a delicate ap
petizing; flavor found in
no other Drew
Order a ease today.
Ing to avoid VJ J .
1 . !flA'.'liWW.
at is unpleasant. W.;? X WA
SarfT.ia? I
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