Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 31, 1911, Image 1

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WORTH $1,000,000,
TO $300,000 IX BIG ESTATE.
" " """" " """ ' " 1 - . . . I
i . . . .....r- i - . . i nin irn to i i mui m-vi
New Center of Popula
tion Is Found.
Total Movement West Since
1790 IS 558 Miles.
fia rranclco. Portland. Seattle and
Sacramento Equal In Drawing
Tower Philadelphia. Bos
ton and Baltimore.
WASHINGTON. Am. 30 The center
ef population of the United State n
announced by Director of the Censj
Durand today to be In the western part
of Bloomlngton. Monroe County. Ind.
This l eight mile west of the loca
tion announced July 17. when Director
Durand placed It four and a quarter
mile outl or Unlonvllle. In the came
Ten yeara ago the center of popula
tion waa six miles aoutheast of Co
lumbus. Ind, 3 miles east of Its new
Same Error Made Twice.
The change In the center of popula
tion alnce July IT Is due to the dis
covery of an error made In the census
office. Two clerks worked separately
In computing the geographical point,
but both made the same error and the
wrong result wss published aa the
renaua office's determination of the
The movement of the center of pop
ulation If miles westward Is due to
the Increase of population on the Pa
rlflc Coast.
East Growing Rapidly.
The great Increase In the popula
tion of New York. Pennsylvania and
center states north of the thirty-ninth
parallel has balanced the Increase In
Texas. Oklahoma. Indian Territory and
Southern California.' aald Director
The greater advance toward the
West Is to a large extent due to the
increase In population of the Pacific
Coast States, their distance from the
renter giving them much greater
weight than the populous states east
ef the center.
Coa.l I Strong Magnet.
Tor Instance. San Francisco. Port
land. Seattle and Sacramento, with a
population of 0.M. hare aa great an
Influence on the center of population
aa Philadelphia. Boston and Baltimore
with a population of J.77i.07."
The total Western movement of the
renter of population alnce 1790 la tit
Working Vagabonds Proves Ret
Scheme to Rid Community of Pest.
5IEDFORD. Or.. Aug. SO. I Special.)
"Working vagabonds, who are unable
to pay their fines, on the streets of
the city baa proved a big success and
mar be the solution of Med ford's
problem of how to get rid of the
tramps that Invest the railroad yards."
declared Chief of Police Hlttson at a
speclsl meeting of the City Council
last night. The Council baa but
recently adopted the plan.
"Several hundreo dollars a month Is
saved the city in money that usually
goea for food and the tramps are
given a lesson that they don't soon for
get. We are letting dosena of them
work out their Ones every day and I
haven't noticed any of them romlnr
back to the Job aaaln. Under the old
system the Judge would turn 20 out In
the morning and half of them would
be In again the aame night. Nothing
like that now.
"Shirk. No sir. Thev do not shirk
because th more thev shirk the longer
they have to work. This plan of work
ing our city prisoners Is carried out on
a strictly scientific basis. The men
get pnld for whst they do. not what
time they put In. If a man earns fl
a day he gets credit for that on his
fine. If he Is worth only IS he gets
credit for that." concluded Hlttson.
Lloyd-George Say Rich Christians
Should Aid Poor More.
LONDON. Aug. JO. David Lloyd
George. Chancellor of the Exchequer,
while laying the cornerstone for a
chapel at Heath yesterday, appealed to
the Christian churches to right the
wrongs frem which the masses are
"There are multitudes In the country
who. notwlthetandlng grinding toll. d-
not earn enough to kep body and soul
together." he said. "There are members
of Christian churches who never have
m(sed a delicacy, yet thev become
angry when another claes of the pop
ulation makes an effort to ameliorate
Its conditions.
"Let them cease reviling and con
sider the conditions under which mil
lions of poor workers live. If they
dn . they will reside thrtr responsi
bility and remove the rju-e for unrM,
lest the next struggle vUxht prove In
finite worse.
Millionaire Tramp" Passes Away
In New Jersey After Veara of
Wandering Over Knee of Earth.
SPOKANE. Wash-. Aug. 30. (Spe
cial.) Crippled and dressed In rags and
supposed to be penniless. Oeorge W.
FVrloitnn. formerly of Bpokane. died
at Long port. N. J. a month ago. It
now develops that Eccleston lert prop
erty In Nebrsska valued at $1,000,000.
one-third of this estate goes to a
son. Charles H. Eccleston, of Spokane.
Another third goes to a daughter. Miss
Bessie Eccleston. who lives near North
V m L I ma Tnfl DlllBCt WBS left by the
"millionaire tramp" to Mrs. Claire P.
rii.mmar founder of the Blde-a- Wee
Home at Longport. where Eccleston.
Br., spent bis last days.
r!.inii Kr lived In Sookane with
his son for some time last FalL He
i . . t t .H a hit hn to eccentric
i 4 ... .nd navar Iinv contented In
one place. Through this love of wan
dering over the country, be departed
frAm Snnkmne unexpectedly and his
children knew nothing of his where
abouts until they beard or ma aeatn in
the East.
Kcrleston had been divorced from his
wife shortly after the children were
born. The mother raised them. They
bare always lived In poverty although
they knew that their father bad a
-rh. rr.i.tnfi itata comprises a
Urge tract of the richest land In the
State of Nebraska." said cnaries t.c
cleston's partner In a Spokane saloon.
II. F. WestfalL last night. He also had
property holdings In other parts of the
"Smallest of Kind In World." Kea-
on Given by Russian Poet.
NEW TOKK. Aug. 10. fSpeclal.)
Nicholas Dunaew, one of the leading
poets of the Russian social revolution.
has arrived In America from a visit
with Maxim Gorky In Capri, bringing
the smallest monkey In the world" as
a gift to the public Zoo.
I shall offer It to the Bronx Oar-
den." said Dunaew. "No, Ira not from
Gorky, and there's no symbolism In
tended. We named the little thing
Nicholas II because he's the littlest
thing of hie kind."
It Is scarcely the six of a rat-
mottled brown, with long, soft fur and
agate eyes.
'Uorky has Just completed a drama
which will be thought great." said
Dunaew. "It's called the "Children of
the Sun.' meaning those born In the
light yet who csnnot see the light."
Dunaew's own drama, h vam
pire." la to be produced In five weeks
In New Tork In Russian. The title Is
a symbolic name for the eplrit of op
pression prevalent In Russia.
Barber, and Woman Brought From
Germany, Sent to Portland.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. SO. (Special.)
Guntaf Harry Hadley. a barber who has
been In Astoria since the middle of
June, was arrested today by Immigra
tion Inspector Botihom on the charge
of being a white slaver and his com
panion, a woman named Emma Hall,
was also taken Into custody.
Hadley Is alleged to have brought
the woman from Germany to Canada in
J 90S. Later he took her to Seattle and
about two months sgo came to Astoria.
The arrest le a most Important one as
the evidence appeara to be exception
ally strong. Hadley will be prosecuted
for violating the Federal Immigration
laws In bringing a woman Into this
country for Immoral purposes the pen
alty for which Is Imprisonment for lb
The woman will be deported to
Canada. Both the prisoners were taken
to Portland tonight to be arraigned in
the Federal Court.
No Improvements to Be Ordered Un
less) Tlx-re's Money In Treasury.
CENTRA LI A. Wash.. Aug. 30. (Spe
cial.) As the result of a meeting of the
Board of L-wls County Commissioners
yesterday. It la estimated that the tax
rate for the county will be much hlghr
thla year than 110. The rate last year
waa 3.44 mills, but the amount raised
by taxation waa only I J. "00. as against
tlt.000 Issued In warrants for new
roads and bridges. It la the general
opinion this year that the rat will be
between t and mills.
There Is a state law forbidding any
county to exceed Its legal limit of In
debtedness, but thla Is being violated In
II counties In the state. ' It Is probable
that beginning next year In Lewis
County no Improvements will be or
dered unless there Is sufficient money
In the treasury at the time to cover the
Consignment of 300.000 Pounds Is
Sent East From Dallas.
DALLAS. Or, Aug. 30. (FpeciaL)
W. N. 8 a y re. a prune buyer. Intends to
commence packing the prunes pur
chased In this vicinity within the next
two weeks. There will be It carloads
packed and shipped to Eastern points.
The packing probably will be com
menced next week, and Soehren's ware
house in this city will be used for that
purpose. Seventy girls will be em
ployed anj Ave men. The II carloads
will contain 1000 cratea. totaling 300.000
There are several. other buyers of
prunes who have purchased the fruit
In this county. The J. K. Armsby Com
pany will pack their prunea at their
Vancouver, Wash., plant this year. It
being too lata for them to build here
thla FaU
Two Witnesses Tell of
Odd Bearded Man.
Defendant's Tale of Highway
man Is Supported.
Counsel for Virginian Strives to
Break Dotrn Testimony of Paul
Beat tie by Showing That He
Had "Get-ETen" Motive.
Aug. 30. Testimony corroborative of
the story told by Henry Clay Beattle.
Jr., that a bearded highwayman klled
his wife with a shotgun, waa Intro
duced by the defense In the Beattle trial
today, when W. R. Holland, who lives
In 'the vicinity of the Midlothian Turn
pike, where the murder occurred, de-
cleared he had seen a bearded man
with a shotgun there fve hours before
the trsgedy.
It was the first move of the defense
after the prosecution rested Its case
at noon today, to establish the verac
ity of the prisoner. Besides Holland's
statement concerning the man with a
shotgun. Eugene Henshaw.' a farmer
whe travels the Midlothian Turnpike
dally, testified that he saw a atrange
man of about SO yeara prowling about
on three different days before the mur
der. Prosecution Holds Back Card.
It la reported tonight that the prose
cution Is ready when Its time for re
buttal arrives, to put rn the stand the
man who passed along the railroad
tracks where Holland said he saw a
man with a shotgun, and that the new
witness will say he was squirrel hunt
ing that day.
The defense summoned many wit
nesses. Besides the testimony regard
ing the bearded man. expert testimony
was Introduced aa to the bounding
qualities of an automobile similar to
that driven by Beattle. thereby ac
counting for the Jolting out of the car
of the shotgun placed In a rear seat
by Beattle after the encounter with the
alleged highwayman.
The prosecution attacked this line of
evidence on cross-examination.
'The Idea of the prosecution has been
to Indicate that Beattlo himself slowed
down at the cross'"- and threw the gun
to one side on his way to the Owen
home with his dead wife.
Witness Sanity Questioned.
Beattle's counsel attacked the declar
ation of Sam Talley that he heard on
the night of the murder a shot and the
acream of a woman In Midlothian Turn
pike. Several witnesses t-:lfled that
the morning after the murder, when
Beattle talked with Talley and others,
nothing waa said about a woman's
An amuslns. Incident occurred when
the defense put on the stand William
(Concluded enPage 8.)
Berry-Browned Youth From North
ernmost Point Vnder American
Hag to Go to School.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. JO. (Spe-
claL) If life as you find It wearies
you. If It appears too commonplace, too
drab and colorlacklng. look about the
City of Beattle with the eyes of "Paul
of Barrow." 1
Paul, or Patkotak. as he Is called at
his home on Point Barrow, the north
ernmost point under the American nag.
Is a berrybrown, wire-haired 19-year-old
native-born Eskimo. He arrived
here Saturday by the Victoria to com
plete the education he began at the
little Point Barrow Government school.
With . wondering eyes, the sixe of
saucers, Paul paused on Second avenue
to stare at a passing woman. Speak
ing English aa taught to him by the
American teachers In the Point Barrow
school, be queried:
"Why does she wear that lower gar
ment so small about the ankles?"
He was Informed of fashion's dicta
tes and asked for his opinion of the
hobble skirt.
"It Is bad. very bad." aaid PauL
"If the woman bad to mush a long
way she must take many email atepa
Instead of a few big ones. Soon her
mocassins are worn out from much
Of the beauty of our women, IHul.
ordinarily short of speech, waxed
eloquent.. Tea, Indeed, he 'would like a
white wife. Were they expensive?
Paul's conductor led him to a shop
"Why." exclaimed the ingenious
youth, "there's a hat that would cost
five or alz fox skins. And that white
coat. . It would cost me eight fox
skins. Would my white wife have to
have these things? One fox skin for
that small pair of mocassins. It Is
too much. No. I do not want a white
wife. I would be busy lu lling foxes all
the rest of my life."
San Francisco Offers $10,000 An
nually to Orchestra Director.
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 30. (Spe
cial.) Director Henry Hadley. of the
Seattle Symphony Orchestra, will be re
leased from his contract for the aeason
of ltll-13. aa a result of action taken
today by the trustees of -the Seattle
Symphony Orchestra. ' The trustees
voted unanimously to grant Mr. Had
ley's request. It was atao voted
unanimously that the orchestra must
be maintained.
The general financial condition and
needs of .the .organization, and a suc
cessor j to Mr. Hadley will be consid
ered at a meeting of the trustees to
morrow. Mr. Hadley has received an
offer of (10,000 a year to conduct a
symphony orchestra to be organized In
San Francisco.
Moot ex nma District' Suffers Famine
Following War Ordeal.
DOUGLAS. Ariz., Aug. 30. Disorders
hsve occurred in the Moctesuma district
In Sonora as the result of a food short
age due to crop failures, according to
R. L. Cosgrove, who arrived from Moc-
tezuma today.
Failure of crops planted and of many
presons to plant crops because they
were engaged In the revolution. Mr.
Cosgrove says, r has caused almost a
famine condition and great suffering
among the people.
Kidnaper Acts Just as
Mother Faints.
Woman Collapses as Judge
Gantenbein Decides. '
Husband Sues Wife Tor Custody of
Flve-Year-Old, Who Is Seized by
Man or Woman In Hubbub
Following Jurist's Act.
A charge of contempt of court is
hanging over the head of a mysteri
ous person, who bundled little 5-year-old
Harvey Walker In his arma yes
terday and spirited him away just t
after Judge Gantenbein had decided to
aend the child to the home of the Boys
and Girls' Aid Society and while the
mother was In a dead faint on the floor.
Taking advantage of the genera
hubbub which ensued when the mother'a
walls rent the air the kidnaper, pre
sumably a friend of the mother, dls
appeared as completely as If the earth
had swallowed him or her, for, as tar
as the knowledge of the court offl
clals goes, the kidnaper may have been
a woman. At any rate all that is
known is that the child Is gone, and
the police department Is seeking to
discover hie whereabouts.
Father Wants Child.
The case waa that of Marvin Walker
against Delia D. Walker. The pair
was divorced six months ago, and, by
the terms of the decree, the mother re
tained custody of the child. She went
to a little town near White Salmon,
Wash., where she entered the employ
of Fred Snyder, foreman of a meat
company, as housekeeper. The house
In which they lived contained only two
rooms. Mrs. Walker said on the stand
that when her former husband went
to visit the child he tried to force
his attentions upon her, and that she
met his advances with a butcher knife.
The father commenced an action for
modification of the decree, alleging
that the relations between Mrs. Walker
and Snyder were Improper, and assert
lng that his former wife was unfit to
have the custody of the child. Alter
listening to charge and counter-charge,
Judge Gantenbein decided that the
child should remain In the custody of
the mother, but that he should be sent
to a home and educated at the father's
expense, . both parents being given
equal opportunity to visit him.
Mother Falls In Faint.
Judge Gantenbein decreed that the
boy should be turned over Immediately,
and Deputy Probation Officer Fisher
consented to take the child to the
home. The child was brought Into the
room and there ensued a dramatic
scene in which mother and child wept
violently, and the mother hurled
threats across the room at her ex-hus
band. This ocrasloned considerable
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Blind SIster-in-Law of Magnate and
Wife's Brother-ln-Law Re
membered In Will.
AURORA, 111.. Aug. 31. Henry Baker,
21 years old, of St. Charles, 111., only
nephew of the late John W. Gates, can
testify that "education pays."
By the terms of the late financier's
will, just read In private today, young
Baker will get 3250.000 if he is gradu
ated from college. He receives 310,000
with which to pay his course through
school. He intends to enter Harvard
University this Fall.,
Mrs. Lucerne AngelL a blind sister-in
law of Mr. Gates, receives $100,000, while
his .daughter, Dolores, 10 years old, re
ceives 3100,000 in trust. She will get
the principal when she Is 21 years old,
C. J. Baker, who married a sister of
Mr. Gates' wife, will receive 325,000 and
a farm near St. Charles valued at $50,
000. His wife will receive $25,000.
According to the St. Charles legatees
of Mr. Gates, he left an estate of about
"Chick,'' Notorious Prisoner, to Be
Paroled In Few Days.
' SALEM. Or., Aug. 29. (Special.)
Charles "Chick" Houghton, known to
all the Portland police and detectives,
will be paroled in a few days on rec
ommendatlon of the Parole Board. He
has been In the penitentiary three
terms, once violating his parole. The
last time he was sent to the penlten
tiary for larceny. He still has about
three months to serve,' and in case he
violates his parole It will mean an
added two yeara.
"Chick" Houghton has a long career
of crime in this city and there is scarce
ly an officer on the force who has not,
at some time or other, had something
to do with Houghton.
Houghton was born and reared in
Portland, and It is said at detective
headquarters that he grew up with a
bad gang, most of whom are now dead
or In the penitentiary. Tne crime tor
which Houghton is now In prison was
stealing two bolts of cloth from Vel
ten's tailor shop on Washington street.
While James Sullivan engaged Velten's
attention by having a button sewed
Houghton stole the cloth. Two hours
later both were arrested. Sullivan was
sentenced to serve two years and
Houghton, to serve seven years, be
cause of his previous record. Sulli
van was paroled. Houghton is now
35 years old and his father, who is
blind, and mother, live in Portland.
Fllty-Foot Slide Causes White Sal
mon River to Grow Muddy.
HUSUM, Wash.. Aug. 30. (Special.)
The muddy brown appearance of the
White Salmon River last week has
been accounted for by John McCord
and party, who have returned from
an outing near Mount Adams. Camped
on the western slope of the mountain.
the party one evening about dusk
distinctly heard the . slow grinding
noise of a glacier moving for about
five minutes. It was discovered next
morning that Avalanche Glacier, one of
the three feeders of the White Salmon
River, had slipped down the mountain
for about 50 feet, and a chocolate-hued
stream flowed from it.
The White Salmon River has its
source In three glaciers on the west
side of Mount Adams. The largest of
these Is White Salmon River glacier.
To the north of this lies ' Pinnacle
glacier, and to the south Avalanche
glacier, which it is declared moved
during the night.
Granulated Highest in Years and
Raw Material Soars.
NEW. TORK, Aug. 30. Grocery cir
cles here showed concern today over
the high prices now prevailing in the
sugar market. There was an advance
In granulated during the day to $6.25.
representing a full cent rise In the,
last few weeks, and the highest level
In many years.
Coming at the height of the canning
season, this advance is of vital interest
to consumers over all the country. It
s attributed primarily to a poor sugar.
beet crop In Europe, following pro-
onged drouth this Summer. To make
things worse, the Cuban crop, which
furnishes the bulk of raw material for
American refiners, also proved short.
and prices began to soar.
Far-sighted dealers bought large
supplies some months ago, leaving the
market almost bare of stock and raw
sugars In consequence have made new
high records, while many operators In
the street predict that the end Is not
et in sight. ,
Premier Declares Reciprocity Is
Move Toward Annexation.
MOUNT FOREST. Ont., Aug. 30.
The declaration that President Taft
nd his friends have had the idea of
future annexation of Canada in their
minds was made tonight in the ad
dress of Sir James Whitney, Premier
of Ontario. He asserted that the reci
procity agreement was intended by its
advocates in the United States to
hamstring and kill anything In the
ature of the concentration and con
solidation of the British Empire."
Sir James added that back in the
minds of President Taft and his friends
was the idea that Canada might one
ay form a part of the North Ameri
can Republic,
Biplane Hats, Birdmen
Bows Are In Vogue.
Hand-Cover Hides Mirror.
Kerchief and Whatnot.
National Milliners at Chicago Hint at
Pronunclamento for Winter That
Promises to Startle Corsets
Only for Stout Folk.
CHICAGO. Aug. SO. (Special)
Aeroplane hats with aviation bows will
be the extremely proper thing In mil
linery this season. The girl with the
muff is coming back. This time the
muff Is as large as a suitcase and Is
suspended from the shoul.iers by cords
or straps. Inside the muff there will
be mirrors, pomades, powder puffs,
handkerchiefs, In fact, a well-equipped
beauty parlor. Incidentally there will
be room for the girl's hands.
Carrying out the aviation Idea in
woman's dress and hats, it may be said
right now that prices will make some
new altitude records, and man will
have to do some lively "stunts" to meet
the bills.
Broad hints of all three styles came
out tonight at the opening session of
the National milliners' convention, at
which was shown a superb display of
the newest confections In headgear.
Fur Like Dunce Cap.
The Winter's outfit for the properly
dressed woman will be startling. In
addition to the immense muff there
must be a bonnet of fur to match.
This to the uninitiated strongly re
sembles a dunce cap with donkey's ears
attached, but the creators say It Is the
mercury helmet with monoplane trim
ming. The cafe hat will be of un
usual large acreage this season. This
creation, it is admitted, will be built
chiefly for the diversion and to stir
the envy of the other woman diners.
This lid will be so large that It will
crowd the ordinary aisles and hallways
and will have everything on It, in
cluding the mortgage for the old home,
unless the wearers have a cellar full
of money.
Old Sunbonnet Revived.
Autoraeblle bonnets are positively
the last word. They are made in all
shades of velvet and are exact dupli
cates of the old-fashioned sunbonnet
in everything but material and price.
The muff-and-hat-to-match proposi
tion, however, is what will put this
land of the brave and home of the free
on the brink of collapse. It is de
creed that no matter how many hall
milady may elect to own, she must
have a muff to. match each one. Gloves,
shoes, jewelry and all that must also
be of the same shade. It is easy to
see where the breadwinner gets off.
As a result of the ruling by the
United States Senate that no aigrettes
shall be used, herons' plumes are sub
stituted where a Jaunty effect is de
sired. The cafe hat fairly wallows in
herons' plumes and marabout. Orien
tal buckles, Japanese turbans and coro
nets and the like are decidedly proper.
"Deity" Hat Supreme.
The "Deity" hat is strictly original
in effect and derives its name from Its
appearance. Made witn seal Drown
underbrim. with a top of golden brown
of . fur or velvet, with an immense
Egyptian buckle much in evidence, it
Is predicted this bat will find' much fa
It was announced that the new
dresses would flare from the knees
and that all but stout women would
be denied corsets, so that women will
be able to walk with some degree of
comfort and grace. High-heeled shoes
are also taboo In the swell sets. Per
fumery and sachet powders will be
more in vogue than formerly, but the
perfumery will be lavished on the gi
gantic muffs, so that milady will create
a fascinating atmosphere as she
swishes throuph the streets.
Walla Walla County to Build Two,
Structures on Ideal Plan. :
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Aug. 30.
(Special.) Two model schools are to
be established In Walla Walla County,
both of which will be new departures
along the line of educational, institu
tions in rural districts.
College Place district, west of the
city, will be the first in Eastern Wash
ington to build a schoolhouse accord
ing to the uniform plans of State Su
perintendent H. B. Dewey. The other
school, at Prospect Point, south of the
city, will be more pretentious. Here
the school district has five acres and
this will be converted into a park,
with tennis, baseball and basketball
grounds, together with a picnic park.
The district has a cottage for the
teacher and this, together with the
schoolhouse Itself, will be furnished
with all late electric devices, such as
pneumatic air supply plant operated by
electricity, lights, etc. All modern
sanitary features will also be employed
and the school has been planned to be .
model in every respect.