Ynr T T yQ 15,833. PORTLA'D, PRECOX, WEDXESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1911. PRICE FIVE CEXTS. a leaa aai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiBMaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM . i " " LAW PUTS LID ON UMATILLA PROJECT SHORT SKIRT TO FISHER DEER TIED, WEST L BOY SHAKES CASE REPLACE HOBBLE NEW FASHION PERMITS WEAR ER TO WALK MORE EASILY. SHOOTS, HITS TREE GAME WARDEN' F1NXEY TELLS HOW GOVERNOR HUNTED. 'OLD OAKEN BUCKET' NCUNED dssfhums uhm WILL BE MILLION i Charleston Hard Hit, but Recovering. IVIAY GET MILLIONS TO F Ml LEASING AGAINST BEATT1E Youth Tells Court of OREGOX BANISHES 3EEXACE OF PUBLIC DRIXKIXG CUP. "Other Bloodspots." PROSECUTION IS TAKEN ABACK Story of Second Gory Pool in Road Helps Defense. STATE TO TRY REFUTATION Defendant's Aseertlon That Blood of Iytng Wife leaked Through. Floor of Anto l Supported From Vnexpeoted Source. CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE. Va Aug. 13- An aahura-halred boy. talk ing swiftly, but clearly, revealed on the wttntH stand today, to the. surprise of both defen and proecutlon In the trial of Henry Clay Beattle Jr . for wife mur der, that ha had observed several blood pots along Midlothian turnpike where tha crlma occurred. Hitherto it bad been presumed that Tio bloodspots were seen except one aear the place where Mrs, Beattle Is apposed to hare succumbed. Alexander Robertson was the boy. and what he told the Jury unexpectedly In response to a question from rounsel for the defense, entirely upset the plan of the prosecution to rest Its cast to day. Prosecutor Wendenburg announced thst It would be necessary for him now to rail at least seven or eight witnesses to eontrorert the boy's testimony. Iefene Scores Point. On direct examination by rro'secotor Wendenbura-. when the latter was seek Inr to show where the boy found a cer tain yellow hairpin similar to that worn by Mrs. Beattle. Robertson referred to Its distance from the "first bloodspot." "Were there two bloodspots?" asked Harry M. Smith. Jr. counsel for the defense, ta apparent surprise. The boy then told of a second blood spot and of several others smaller spots near It. The revelation concerning the preeence of mora than one blood spot Is In Una with the contention of the defense that all blood on the road ooxed from the car In which Beattle alleges his wife was shot. The prosecution' theory has been that the large bloodspot In the road at the place where Mra. Beattle la alleged to hare been killed resulted from a murder committed outside tha machine, and not in the seat, as Henry alleges. Prvwecutlnn Tlieory Ilnrt- The prosecution haa pointed out by witnesses that no blood was found on either running board of the car. thst the dustpan underneath the car would have caught any blood that trickled through the front part of the machine from the seat, and that all the blood visible bad hardened on the floor of the car Just beneath the steering wheel. Robertson was summoned as a wit ness by the prosecution only for the purpose of telling that he had found a fcalrptn. but his testimony on cross-examination Indicated that he would be an Important witness for the defense, and he may be called by thst side. In the meantime the prosecution will gather witnesses to show that many persona lookel for other blood spots and found none. The prosecution announced Just be fore adjournment of court today that . after the Introduction of several wtt . n esses along this line tomorrow. It would rest Its case. Henry C Beattle. ' Jr.. the accused, and Paul P. Beattl;. bis cousin, who on the witness stand yesterday told of an alleged confession by Henry concerning the murder, wen confined In separate cells In Chester field County Jail tonight. Paal Beattle Sticks to Story. Paul hitherto had been kept In con finement In RiehmorM In default of bond, but today after he had finished on the witness stand. Judge Watson suddenly ordered his retention In Jail here. Paul Beattle' story of yesterday was not shaken In the cross-examination by counsel for the defense, but It became apparent today that the defense In tended to refute bis testimony by plac ing on the stand the prisoner himself. Mr. Smith made this announcement casually In the course of the day's ses sion when John Sandlfer. Instead of giving expected testimony for the prosecution, gave character teatlmony for the defense, and Prosecutor Wen denburg entered objection. When Mr. Ftnlth said he Intended to call the pris oner to the stand. th court permitted Fandifer to proceed with his delinea tion of Henry C- Beattle. Jr.'s. character and reputation. Sixteen-year-old Alexander Robert son told of finding a woman's yellow ! hairpin on the Thursday morning af .ter the murder. Set-on d Spot IS Jnehea Long. He said he gave the pin to his older brother. Taylor Robertson, a newspa perman. In the courtroom at the time. -is It your purpose to prove that the pta was Mrs. FeatUe sT asked counsel for the defense. -It la." Then th be made his unexpected xroarlailed aa-.Pea Kfc Curve to Be Features of Gowns. Regardless of Figure Feathers to Be Much In Vogue. NEW TORK. Aug. S. (Special.) Char lee Kurxman. the world - famous fifth-avenue man milliner, who arrived today on the Kaiser Wllhelra II. brought word of a new fashion set at Trotivllle. of skirts cut open at the bottom In front to permit mora grace ful walking, and showing1 the ankles. The new style, set by the Baron ne do Vaughan at the French watering place. Is the antithesis of the old hob ble skirt, which restricted and ham pered walking Instead of making It easy. Mr. Kurxtnan also declared that the fashion of the season will be curve In the making of gowns, and that Parisian cutters have orders to make curves, no matter how the figure, and that they bad evolved some startling effects. Fur hats and large velvet hats will be tha rage this season, and paradise and ostrich feathers, as well aa gonra. will be seen much In fashionable head gear. STUDENT CODE FRAMED Vnlverslty of Washington Prepares Lint of College Don't. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug. 29. 6peclal) When tha undergraduate flies Into tha Recorder's room at the University of Washington next month and obtains permission to enter that institution, be will find In the tightly clenched fllst of his right hand as he goes out a small blue book which will mark a turning point In the annals of student life at Washington. Within tha covers of the blue book he will find the specific rules and regu lations of the faculty governing the student. By glancing it over, be will be able to ascertain something wh'eh has remained practically a sealed book heretofore: Just what he must do and must not do during his sojourn on tha campus. He will be able to post himself on the regulations Concerning military drill. If ha Is an athlete, be will dis cover Just how many -hours" ha will need to make In order to play football. Ninety rules comprise the code, cov ering every conceivable phase of work". HILL BUYS AT YOUNGS BAY Total of 30ft Acres Said to Have Been Sold for $80,000. ASTORIA. Or, Aug. :. Nearly 100 acres of land owned by the P. C War ren Interests fronting on Toungs Bay has been sold to railroad Interests said to be Identified with the Hill system for I0.00. Today an aptlon was given on the property until January 1. for a substantial sum. This allow the occupants to remain on the ground until June I. 113. Sev eral other large transfer have been made In tha Columbia and Toung River Valley and a contract haa been let for the piling of a large section of waterfront near Flavel. It la sub stantially rumored that the lower Co lumbia win soon be given a monster grain warehouse and elevator for ex port purposes. FAMOUS BAKER ON TOUR Study of Greatest Kitchens Is Aim of Globe Ctrcler. COPENHAGEN. Aug. J9. -(Special.) Another globe-trotter with a mission Is about to start for America as the first stage of a round-the-world trip. He 1 a master baker. L. C. Klltteng. and he call this Journey of his "a tour of Instruction. For he Intends to pro claim the virtues of Danish bread to the world at large, even as he has pro claimed them during six rears In SO1) towns of Norway. Sweden. Russls. Ger many and England. From Hammerfest In northernmost Norwsy to St. Peters burg, he Is well known among the members of his trade. Having worked his way gradually from New Tork to San Francisco and Seattle, be will go In turn to Japan. Vladivostok. Cores. Pektn. Shanghai. Hongkong. Java. Singapore, Ceylon and then home. LONG BURNING SURVIVED Lineman In Air for 10 Minutes 200 Volts Piercing Body. TKRRE HAUTE. Ind.. Aug. IS. Frederick Cnrerpeck, a lineman, hung for 10 minutes from a pole with 2200 volts of electricity going through his body todsy. and Uvea Over peck was repairing hlsjh tension wires when ha came In contact with a live wire. He fell but his safety belt suspended him In the air with the wire touching him. He grasped the wire, was unable to let go and one finger was burned away before tha power was shut off and ha was let down. CASH FOR CROPS IN SIGHT Banks Need No Aid From Federal Treasury This Season. WASHINGTON. Aug. For the first time In many seasons the Federal treasury Is making no preparations to meet the autumnal demands for money for moving the crop. Neither do treas ury officials expect the usual crop moving season demand for hllla of small denominations. Projects for medium sized crops, easv money and the strong rash position of nearly all the country banks are the reasons ascribed for this condition .. - - - w Secretary' Explains Coal Land Views. RAILROADS ARE BIG FACTOR Without Them, Government Operation Would Fail. MIND NOT FULLY MADE UP Sit nation May Bo More Favorable to Federal Ownership In Other Sections Strawberries Are Served at Banquet. VALDEZ, Alaska, Aug. I Secretary of the Interior Fisher reached here at noon yesterday and. after a reception, set out over the Valdes-Fairbanks mil itary road to Keystone Canyon, the scene a few years ago of a battle be tween 'rival railroad construction crews. Returning, the party dined at Camp Comfort, a roadhouse ten miles from Valdex. . When at dinner Secretary Fisher asked the members of the com mittee for their opinions concerning the best method of handing tha Alaska coal problem and discussed freely his Ideaa of the situation. Mr. Fisher said that he regarded the problem of opening the coal lands, while safeguarding against monopolis tic control and excessive prices, as of fering a choice between absolute Gov ernment ownership and operation and a leasing system. Leasing Tried Elsewhere. The leasing system, he. said. Is In successful operation In the state owned coal lands in Colorado and Mon tana. Tha Montana leases run only live years, with covenant for renewal, merely offering a first option of re newal at the beat bid offered. Yet. be said, the Montana lands And ready taker. Conditions In the Bering River coal fields of Alaska are somewhat dif ferent, he said, owing to the exist ence of only one line of railway to sea board. He conceded that the owners of that line might be the only bidders for a lease and. If thus free of com petition, might hold out for terms which the Government could not grant. The uncertainty of a market for Alas ka coal, other than for local domestic use and, perhaps for the naval and merchant marine, which Is being cut Into by the use of petroleum aa fuel, might militate against securing com petitive bids from those who either must submit to high freight rates or build a competing railroad. Ownership Doubtful oPlicy. On the other hsnd, he said, he re garded the Government operation of the mines as Impracticable unless cou pled with Government ownership and operation of the transportation lines. (Concluded on Pas 8 Farmers Aid Executive Bind Buck to Limb and Shot Free Ani mal Alderman Worse. Governor West . has only himself to blsme for bis failure to ehoot any deer on his recent hunting trip with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Alderman and State Game Warden Fin ley. Is the statement may by Mr. Flnley, who returned Isst nlgnt from a two weeks' visit to the Coos Country. Br. Flnley admits that as Game Warden bo refused to allow the Gover nor to hunt, because the Executive bad failed to provide himself with a hunting license, but. on the other hand, he eays it Is doubtful whether the Governor could have bit a deer If be had been privileged to shoot at one. In this connection Mr. Flnley tella how the rsnchers took pity on the Governor In his predicament and tied a buck to a limb for him to shoot at. The Gov ernor hit the limb Instead of the buck, and the buck escaped. Game Warden Flnley says Superin tendent Alderman la hardly a better shot. "We saw a good many deer." said Mr. Fnley, "and Mr. Alderman nad good hots at a buck. He had a Winchester, but at yards he shot three feet over the buck. He was used to shooting with an automatic, and Instead of putting In another shell after the first one was fired, he was so excited that he-pulled on the trigger h- rd enough to bend It. Then It wouldn't work, and he asked Governor West for his gun. He didn't hit the buck at that shot either, in spite of the fact that he leaned the gun against a tree. Hia excuse was that the tree shook." BOY DIES BY COAL DAMP Beirypicking Expedition Ends With Fall Into Old Mine. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 29. (Special.) While picking blackberries near New castle. 30 miles from Seattle. Victor Newman, the (-year-old son of Mr. and Mra W. M. Newman, of Newcastle, was overcome with coal damp and fell, striking bis head on a pile of rocks and dying almost instantly. .- The boy left the house early In the morning and with his pall went Into the vicinity of Coal Creek looking for blackberries. Going near a cave lead ing to an abandoned mine, be was stretching over the cliff above the cave when he was overcome with the gas and fell to the bottom GO feet below. COURT BARS ONION , ODOR Des Molns Restaurant Made to Raise Flue to Waft Smell Away. DE9 MOINES, Aug. 29. -Judge Law rence de Graff, who by a mandatory In junction a few weeks ago ended the streetcar strike here. Issued an Injunc tion today intended to afford tenants of an office building relief from the odor of cooking onions. Lawyers, whose offices are, in the Iowa Loan & Trust building, complained of a restaurant across the alley. Judge de Graff ordered the restaurant com pany to raise Its chimney high enough to carry the odors above the attorney'a oftlcea ' NO MATTER WHO WINS THE STRIKE HE ALWAYS LOSES DISEASE MENACES LOWLANDS Heavy Rains Add to Distress in South Carolina. SHIPPING MUCH DAMAGED Large Force of Laborers Works to Clear City Streets of Debris, and Train Service la Grad ually Resuming. CHARLESTON. S. C, Aug. 29. Charleston Is steadily recovering from the disastrous results of the hurricane. A large force of laborers Is cleaning the debris-strewn streets and train service is approaching normal. So far as can be ascertained 11 lives were lost In Charleston County and a acore or more persons were lnjurea. Tti. nrrtTrt v rlamnffft amounts to $1,000,000. Shipping has suffered, but It is Impossible at this time to fix the loss in dollars. Scores or launcnes broke away. In the low country there la much suffering and danger of sickness. Heavy rains last night contributed to the height of water in streets and yards, many floors being inundated, with loss to household effects. ELECTRIC IRON FIRE CAUSE Hoqulam Man, Awakened by Pass ins Department, Finds Blaze. HOQUIAM, Wash, Aug. 29. (Spe cial.) Fire, caused by the failure of his wife to turn off the current of an electric Iron, was discovered by Wil liam Matheson tonight when he was aroused by the Hoqulam fire depart ment passing his house on Its run to a conflagration In another part of the city. Matheson found his home filled with smoke and the dining-room was in flames. The fire was extinguished with small loss. WOMEN 0. K. HUMILIATION W. C. T. C. Indorses Sentencing: of Mrs. Rees to Clialngang. IOLA. Kan., Aug. 29. Judge D. B. D. Smeltzer's action In sentencing Mrs. Ella Rees to work with the city chain gang has been Indorsed by the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Humboldt, near here. . The Judge recently declared In sen tencing the woman that he believed that boys as well as girls should be given protection from social impurity. Xew Sanitary Regulation Will Be come Effective September 1, and Changes Are Made. The "old oaken bucket" and the pall by teacher's, deck will go out of style In the rural schools September 1, when the new law prohibiting the public drinking cup goes into effect for the first time In the State of Oregon. They will bo replaced by a sanitary stone jar, with a stone cover to keep out spiders that were once the terror of the -little girls." Schools In. the country districts have already made preparations to comply as best they can with tha new law, says Dr. Calvin S. White, state health officer, who returned yesterday from a trip through Coos and Curry counties, inspecting the schools and instructing pupils and teachers in the new law. So friction is expected when the law goes into effect Friday. Railroads have put bubbling fountains In cars; schools in the city districts have also been supplied with the fountains, and many department stores have followed the requirements of the law, although it applies only to schools, public insti tutions and common carriers. Many eltlee with the old-fashioned ' tincup fountains In. their public parks have al ready made -changes- Portland has still to change a number of her public foun tains for the new regulation. LOVE QUARREL IS MENDED Portland Trysting Place of Sweet hearts Who Make Up by Wire. LOS ANGELES, Aug. 29. (Special.) Tempestuous courtship, a foolish quarrel, a sadder parting and a bliss ful meeting are the high spots In the romance of L. K. Small, the well known yachtsman, and Miss Annette Schneider, now Mrs. Small, both well known in society of this city. On their arrival from Portland to day they were met at the station by several friends and taken in an auto mobile to the home of Mrs. C. W. Small, at whose residence they en- Joyed an elaborate wedding dinner to night. Tha courtship ran smoothly until about two weeks ago. Then there was a little misunderstanding. Miss Schneider rushed to friends in Seattle. Small did not try to detain her. After a week Small telegraphed to Seattle "I am coming after you." Before he had caught his train, however, a mes sage was flashed back over the wires to him which said: "I will meet you In Portland." She met Small in Portland and be came his wife. HIGH BARLEY DIMS WHEAT Walla Walla County Farmers to Feed Flour-Maker to Stock. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 29. (Special.) There will be half a mil lion bushels less wheat sold in Walla, Walla County this year than was ex pected, according to the best-posted farmers and graindealers of this city. The high price of barley is the cause and with the continuance of the price now being offered there will be no bar ley fed here this season, but it will be sold and wheat will be used as proven der. Barley is now selling- around $32 a ton in this city and higher prices have been given for choice lots. At this price farmers say they cannot afford to feed their barley and are selling it and holding their wheat for feed. This is the first time this condition has pre vailed. CHARITY GETS $2,560,000 3few York Millionaire Leaves AH to Hospitals and Home. NEW, TORK, Aug. 29. Mitchell Val entine, a Westchester County million aire, who died two years ago. left al most his entire estate of $2,560,000 to charity, according to the appraisers' re port, made public today. The Hahnemann and Presbyterian hospitals of this city are beneficiaries to the extent of $1,146,826 each and the Peabody Home for Aged and Indigent Women received $100,000. 49ERS TOO OLD TO MEET Pioneer Miners' Organization to Disband at Evanston. CHICAGO. Aug. 29. The last of the "Forty-Nlners" will say farewell next month. Because of the old age of Its members, the organisation will disband. The surviving of old men, who in their youth endured the hardships of the long Journey over plains, mountains and the desert or the sea voyage by sailing ves sel around Cape Horn, to reach the gold fields of California, will meet at Evans ton September 14 to disband their or ganization. TOBACCO POOL TO FORM Bnrley Society Announces Plan lo Handle 60,000,000 Pounds. LEXINGTON'. Ky.. Aug. 29. The Bur ley Tobacco Society announced today that a pool would be formed to handle Ihe 1911 crop, amounting to about 60. OCKVOOO pounds. Thousands of farmers did not grow any tobacco this year fearing a resump tion of night-riding outrages IX a pool were to ba formed. Supervising Engineer Asks $4,000,000. FUND RESTS WITH FISHER C. J. Blanchard, Reclamation Statistician, in City. SECRETARY WILL BE MET Cabinet Officer to Reach Seattle September 7 and Inspect Ore gon Works Visitor Has ' Big Praise for State. "If the report of the supervising en gineer in charge of the Umatilla project meete with the approval of Secretary of the Interior Fisher, Ore gon may expect to receive about $4,000,000 from the reclamation fund for the completion of that project," said C. J. Blanchard, statistician of the Reclamation Service, wtih headquarters at Washington. D. C, yesterday. This is the first authoritative Information received here of what Oregon may ex pect next year in the way of assist ance from the Federal Government for this important reclamation project. Mr. Blanchard arrived in Portland yesterday from Klamath Falls. He came to the Pacific Coast front Wash ington for the purpose of meeting Sec retary Fisher on his return from Alaska early next month. Incidentally Mr. Blanchard Is arranging an itiner ary for Mr. Fisher, whom he will ac company In a tour of inspection of various reclamation projects In the Pacific Northwest before returdning to the National Capital. ' Park Conference Slated. "Secretary Fisher expects to reach, Seattle on his return from Alaska about September 7," said Mr. Blanch ard, last night. "He will proceed di rectly to North Yakima and Hermlston, and, after Inspecting the North Yakima and Umatilla projects, will go to Yel lowstone National Park, where he will hold a conference win, the superin tendents of the National parks. "At this conference plans will be considered and discussed for obtaining greater publicity for these parks. Park superintendents will make use of this oportunjty to present to Secretary Fisher the neds o fthe parks as to ap propriations. The Secretary has evinced great interest in our National parks and will strive to put them on a business footing in the department. "After leaving Yellowstone National Park, Secretary Fisher will visit the Minidoka and Boise projects In Idaho. At Boise he will attend a conference of all the supervising engineers of tha Reclamation Service. This will be a. 'get-acquainted' conference at which the engineers will outline plans for next year's work and make requisitions for necessary appropriations. ' Klamath Region Praised. "At the conclusion of the Boise con ference Secretary Fisher will proceed to Kansas City to be inattendance at the National Conservation Congress. This Itinerary will be carried out un less cbnfllctlng orders, requiring the Secretary's presence elsewhere, are re ceived from Washington." Mr. Blanchard Is enthusiastic over the remarkable growth of Klamath Falls and the surrounding country. On his way to Portland he passed several days inspecting the Klamath project and the incalculable benefit it has been in the development of that arid section. Speaking of the Klamath country, he said: "Things never -were looking better agriculturally. Crops are looking- fine and a very heavy yield is promised. There is marked Improvement through out the whole Klamath Basin. There have been many transfers of land; large ranches have been cut up and a great many newcomers are settling on the smaller tracts. The City of Klamath Falls has made remarkable progress in tHe last year. Its location warrants the prediction that it Is de stined to become one of the most Im portant centers of population in South ern Oregon. Crater Lake Road Urged. "Of all the scenic wonders I have ever seen, Crater Lake surpasses them all. It would be worth millions of dollars to the State of Oregon if the state would build a first-class highway to this lake. Rapid progress has been made In the erection of a commodious hotel and next year mere win De ac commodations for more than double the number of persons cared for this year. The superintendent reports that more than double the number of tour ists have visited this resort aireap.v this year than visited the lake all of last season. Mr. Blanchard today will go to Her mlston, where he will remain three days and inspect the West Umatilla project, which contemplates the recla mation of 66.000 acres. "Mv understanding is, said Mr. Blanchard. last, night, "that the engi neers will present a report on this new project to Secretary Fisher at Boise. This project contains some of the choicest lanas in tne state, a very (Concluded on Pace 2.)