Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE MOKXiyG OREGOyiAy. MQyPAT. AUGUST 28, 1911, 6
---- I '
Another Telegram That
Explains Itself
. - "V,a '
Boonville Man Angered When
Mother Refused Him Money
for His Wedding.
X.--, j
-lf J
... j$ . ; A:-f
rrl.xoner Phown to rtare Bern Idler
Hnr Boyhood Officer Spirit
Him to Reformatory
Avoid Lynching.
rvA!crvnxE. ind.. ai. iT.-wmiam
Le. JI years old. on Saturday confessed
t-.t murdered hi father. Richard
Lee: his mother and younger brother,
Clarence, and then set fire to th fam
ily ham at Boonvlll Thursday.
In a verhal and written atatement to
Fhortff Parln. Lea aaid that hi motlv
w nr b-us hla parenta wouia
rot cnnirnt to hl marr1a;a with Minn
Taylor, which ho had planned for
Thursday nliht. and would not gtv
hlra money with whl.-a to aei up nnumw-
Whn tho confession waa man pun
lie. officers started with Le In an an
tomot.lle for tha tiiate Reformatory at
JeffersonvlUe to prevent poaaibla mob
lm bad previously mul a, statement
thai ha ha4 killed his father in sen
rierenr with an ax after th father
had murdered his wlfa and y.unger
Wedding Fund Cone.
L. saM that ha went Wednesday
irht to Newbura- and called on hla
fiancee. Ther talked of tha arrane
menta for their wadding-. Ha had bad
flOO In tie bank, but had apent It. Ha
knew hta parenta haJ $30 In the house.
Ha returned home Iste at nigni ana
hla mother reprimanded him. Ha told
her ha waa determined to be married
th following day. and aha answered
that he ahoulj not. that ha mutt tay
at home.
Gotna to hla own room. Lea (aid. he
brooded until he waa 'out of hla mind,
suddenly ha ruined Into tha room
where hla father, mother and brother
usually slept.
I a-rahbed an as by tha door. ha
said, "and atruck for my father, but
hit my mother. My brother roe op
and I atruck him. Then my father,
who waa outside, ran In and etarted
to rab m by tha throat. I hit him
and he felt. I waa c eared mo badly
that I did not know what I waa doing."
Match Seta Bed Ablaze.
Lea aal.l ha lit match to aea what
be had done and then dropped tha
flaming match on th bad where hla
mother'a body lay.
"The flames flaahed op and blinded
me." he went on, "and I bumped Into
ny room, put on my trousers and ran
to alarm th neighbors."
The f'.r In the Lee home waa put out
before tha bodlea baa beea more than
acorched and tha patricide atolldly
helped tarry them out to th lawn, In
sisting that he did not know how they
came to their death.
Lea 1 Illiterate and baa been an Idler
aince boyhood, according to testimony
at th coroner' Inquest, which cloaed
today at Boonvllle.
Secretary Receive Cordial We Icfj me
at Cord or a.
CORDOVA. Alaska. Ao. IT Secre
tary of tha Interior Walter L. Ftsher
arrived from KataJla Saturday none the
won for hla experience In tha atorra
on Controller Bay. Mr. Fisher waa ac
corded a rouslna; welcome by Cordova,
and was presented a memorial by tha
Chamber of Commerce, asklnc that tha
coal lands of Alaska be aold In tha
earn manner that other Government
lan1s are disposed of.
Th memorial set forth that the peo
ple of Alaska have confidence In th
great mineral resources of tha country
and assert that the withdrawal from
entry of th coal Lands has completely
paralysed prosrees In th territory. The
memorial conclude by asking- that all
unnatural Impedimenta to th develop,
ment of Alaska be removed.
Secretary Fisher responded by assuring-
the Cordovans that he would glv.
Aiaska trie earn fair treatment ac
corded any other part of tha country
that cam under his Jurisdiction.
! i
V.:::. :
f r ' r - -
Apartments Owned by Crip
pled Girl Destroyed.
Building la Set Ablaze Iate Last
Night and la Supposed to nave
Been Caused by Reason of
Defect In Wiring.
Switch Engine and Car Cmh Oat
Uf of Joe Moore.
Moore, nr J. Dorn. said to live;
at M il orris street, waa run down by
a switch engine In th Northern Taciflc
terminal yards at th foot of Marshall
street, at t o'clock Saturday night and
was ao severely Injured that he died
at St. Vincent a Hospital two hour
later. Th right lea; waa cut off below
the knee and the right arm was badly
crushed. H waa removed to th hoe
pita! In a Red Crosa ambulance.
Ia tha verrls where ha waa picked tip
ha mumbled hla nam and address,
which waa Interpreted to be M. Jo
Moor, of St ilorrla atreet. At th hos
pital he gav tha nam of J. Dorn.
Jut before the accident th man In
quired of T. F. Rooner. th watchman,
for a place to sleep and waa referred
to th police atatlon. It la believed ha
lay down on the tracks to aleep. f witch
Engine No. 11 and a number of cars
ran over him.
fro. Beating Ills Way, Suffer
Broken Back.
CHEHALIS. Wash, Aug. 27 Jrry
King, beatmr hla way to Portland on
a freight train today, waa kicked off
by a brakeman and bla back waa
broken ard thia la expected to cause
hla death. King Is the negro who cut
a Centralla policeman seriously two
years ago and waa aent to Walla Wal
la to serve a two years' sentence.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Bishop
this morning visited th fee Helena
Hospital where King Is lying and se
cured a statement. Th ax-convict aald
be waa atandtcg on tba bumper be
tween cara when on brakeman told
htm to get off. hut aa th train was
going too faat he told th brakeman
he could not do so without running
risk of sever Injury- According to
King tha brakeman shoved him oft the
fast-moving train causing him to land
about 40 feet from th track, thereby
breaking hla back. He la paralysed
from to hlpa down.
Tha Mahr Apartments. Kl North
Twentieth atreet. purchased tr MIsa
Marjorl Mabr with fnnda contributed
by charitable cltlsena of Portland a
year ago. after th little actreaa loat
both legs In a railroad accident, were
nearly destroyed by fir at 11 o'clock
Saturday night. No Uvea war lost, but
the damage to th building and furni
ture will amount to fZO.OOO to l-'o.OOO,
covered by Insurance.
Although th fir at Its way through
th walla and floora of th second and
third floors of the building, flamea did
little damage compared to tn loss from
Marjorle la Cool.
Throughout th excitement and or
deal of aeelng all ah possessed threat
ened with destruction. Hiss Mahr was
th coolest of tha tenant and exhibited
tha same gameneaa that marked her at.
tltudo when ahe bravely faced th
world, alone and crippled, a year ago.
'Just a year ago I started all over
again." aald Miss Mahr. philosophical
ly, "and I suppose I must start over
again, now. I worked ao hard on th
apartments, and thlnga war Just be
ginning to run right again, but I must
build It all over. '
There were it families In th build
ing, a total of nearly 100 persona and
It were children. Most of them had
gone to bed but were awakened and
hurried out of th bulldlns; without
panic. Nearly all of tha tenants Im
mediately thought of MIsa Mahr. and
many rushed to her assistance and car
ried her out In her wheel chair.
tire Department Notified.
W. O. Thrall and E. C Reckard. oc
cupying apartment It on th third
floor at th front of th building, cam
home about 11 o'clock and noticed
smoka coming from an opening In th
folding doors. They looked between
the walls In the door slide and aaw
flames creeping upward. They tele
phoned to the fire department and un
reeled the house-hose and turned th
water on th fir In apartment 19, un
occupied, where flamea had broken
through th walls and floor. I
Jark Barry, utility player ror tha
Portland Coast Leagu team, and hla
wife and child ware asleep In apart
ment 10. and were routed out by stif
ling smoke. They had the most nar
row eacape of all. aa th flames had
almost eaten their way through tha
floor of their bedroom. Th entire
family escaped In their night-clothes,
but all othe rtenants bad time to dress.
Defective Wiring Thought Canse.
The fir is supposed to have been
reused by defective wiring or crossed
wires, aa It originated between floora
or walla. Th flames crept under the
third and fourth floora of most of th
building and up the walla until they
broke out in Apartment It and burst
through lb roof.
Th personal belongings of nearly
half the tenants were more or less
damaged by amoka and water. Efforts
war mad to carry furniture Into th
street, but when It waa aeen th fir
t under control the occupants ot
th building stood outside waiting till
they could re-enter.
The building la owned by M. Bard A
Son a. Miss Mahrs loss on furnishings
wiu amount to 17000 to $3000.
declaration made by Dr. William J.
Williamson, of St. Louis, who spoke
laat night In the First Presbyterian
Church on the purpose of th "Men In
Religion Forward .Movement," which la
to be undertaken' here this Fall In a
series of meetings. Dr. Williamson
dwelt upon th necessity of Increased
membership of men in church congre
gations. In order that th Industrial
questions could, be more practically
dealt with.
He pointed out the many responsi
bilities that (est with the association,
such as the care of alum children and
the protection of underpaid shop girls.
Dr. Williamson deplored the eras for
wealth and luxury, and expressed the
opinion that th gulf between capital
and labor Is widening. He asserted
that the only solution to this great
question waa to be found in a atronger
devotion to Christian principles.
Dr. Williamson spoke earlier In th
evening at a dinner In the auditorium
of the V. M. C. A., which was attended
by members of the committee In charge
of arrangements for the Portland
meetings of the Men and Religion For
ward Movement. Dr. Williamson s a
sruest here of President Gray, of th
Hill lines In the Pacific Northwest.
Offensive Little Insect Reappears,
Garbed In Somber Colors and
Heady for Business.
A specie of tha heteropterous branch
of th great hemlptera clan has made
Its reappearance In Portland. People
who do not care If they hurt tha feel
ings of th Insect refer to him generally
as the "atlnkbug," and it waa a vis
itation of these about five years ago
that got on the olfactory nervea of th
householders of th city to such an ex
tent that the threat of a second swarm
thla Summer is viewed with anything
but aerenlty.
In their former visit th Insects ap
peared in such great numbers that they
mud life fairly miserable for sensitive
persons. They got into the houses,
they got Into th stores, they Intruded
themselves and their nauseous odor
into public park places and when the
visitation ceased everyone waa ready
to heave a sigh of relief snd breathe
a fervent prayer that It might happen
"never again."
This Summer th odoriferous bug has
mad his reapparanc at aeveral of tha
Summer resorts, taking especial pleas
ure apparently In coming round and
breaking up pleasant parties assembled
about the campflrea at nlghr.
In Portland a number of them have
been noticed lately in stores, tn soma
of th saloons and In a few cases tn
th parkways. They are a simple
appearing bug. don In quiet colors,
gray or black, but they won't stand
for annoyance, and If one Inadvertentlr
disturbs them they retaliate by mak
ing th circumambient atmosphere auf
ficlently uncomfortable for all concerned.
Dr. Y. J. W illiamson, of St. Youls,
Crges Men to Join Movement.
That it Is through th churches that
th evils which afflict society 'are to
be annihilated, and that only through
tha Increased support given these or
ganisations by th man In th congre
gations that this oaa b dona, was th
Pardon Granted Commander of Gen
eral Mocam.
NEW TORK. Aug. 37. Captain Wil
liam Van Bchatck. 72 . years old. com
mander of the excursion ateamer Gen
eral Flocum when It burned In Hell
Gate June 15. 1904. with a loss of a
thousand lives.' mostly women and
children, waa paroled by the United
Statea Government today, ire returned
to hla home tonight from ting Sing
He was sentenced to 10 yesrs" Im
prisonment and had served 2 4 years.
Violation of Lottery Law Charged to
Boston Financier.
BOSTON. Aug. 27. Charged with vio
lation of the Massachusetts lottery law
by "raffling" on a horse and phaeton
at the county fair, of which he la chief
officer. Thomaa W. Lawson, financier,
waa served with a summons tonight to
appear In the Plymouth County Court
to anawer tha charge on Monday.
26 000 OFFICES IN "AMERICA &Alzm5SttZAlX3iHKM01ll&
Tmo rt vartr-rgtsrrraivV
rerXVIBTc Is-ROOttS cgNroAi.-aiAAeeei
Received . iS
Detroit Mich, Auguct 15, 1911,
E-li-F KORTirWEni'CQw",
Another and the thira national viet6ryfor FLAttDERS "20n
within a month This time a clean sweep in America's hill climbing
classic. The THREE speed FLANDERS "20" won event in her class Satur
day at Worcester, llass olimbing Dead Horse Hill in 1 minute 1885
seconds, breaking all previous records for her class by 46 seconds,
and defeating second car in her class by 37 seconds. She also beat
records made by the following high powered and higher priced cars in
other classes. Velie Buick, Cole, Hudson, Firestone, Oakland, Carrier on.
Zrit and Empire
FLANDERS "20" was the lowest prioed car in 'the contest. Dead'
Eorse Hill is one mile long with a rise of over 400 feet to the milei,
newspaper accounts say coursewas slow because of bad surface and one
very bad spot near finish line., . -
u FLANDERS time better than time made 'in 1909 by any car less
than three time 3 her price. And faster than time made last year by"
any car but one of three times her "size and price. She averaged a "
little over 46 miles an hour up to tiaa eight per cent grade. Strictly
stock chassis. Event run under AAA. rules and supervision. FLANDERS
"20" was sensation of the sixty and seventy horse power cars barely
beating her phenomenal performance. '
Sending you photograph of WITT in victorious FLANDERS on)
the hill.
She has now only to win the three hundred mile Savanna Roarlv
Raoe to prove her invincibility in speed as she proved her reliability
in the Little Glidden; her staying powers in Minneapolis, to Helena
Montana reliability run, and her hill climbing qualities on Dead Horse.
Hill. Watch the little wonder at Savanna.
E-M-F Bldg., Chapman and Alder Sts., Portland
Phone Main 5969, A 2436
Bear Attacks Pigs.
Hl'fTM. Wash.. August 27. (Spe
cial.) While devouring a large hog
which It had killed on tba ranch of E.
Fish, two miles north, a bear waa
driven away by dogs recently. Hunt
era failed to find th. animal, which
later played haroo with a Utter of
pigs on the same ranch. The scarcity
of acorns this year is believed to be
the cause for bears appearing on the
bottom lands and attacking livestock.
French Arlator Makes 74 3IIle in
Continuous Trip In 15 Hours.
MOURMELOK. Aug. 27. SI. Holies a
young French aviator, today broke th
reword for a single contlnuoua long
flight. In competition for the Mlchelln
cup. ' He recovered 1200 kilometers
(746 miles) In 16 hours.
Th previous record for tha Mlchelln
cup waa made by Jules Vedrlnes last
year, when he covered 800 kilometers
in 7 hours 6 minute, and 36 seconds.
Helles flew over a measured course and
landed at Chalons-sur-Marne.
Th prize Is tha sum of $4000 and a
bronie copy of an object of art, cost
ing 12000. Th contest bes:an In 1908,
when It was iron by Wilbur Wright
with a flight of 7.S rallea.
For the Stomach
Here's an Offer You Should
Not Overlook
Recall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by supplying the one
element, the absence of which In the
gastric juices causes Indigestion and
dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to
digest food and to quickly convert It
into rich red blood and material neces
sary for overcoming natural body
Carry a package of Raxall Dyspepsia
Tablets in your vest pocket or keep
them In your room. Take on after
ach heavy meal and Indigestion will
not bother you.
W know what Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablet are and what they will do.
W guarantee them to relieve Indiges
tion and dyspepsia. If they fail we
win refund your money. Three sizes:
25 cents, 60 cents and $1.00. Rememf
ber you can obtain Rexall Remedies in
Portland only at The Owl Drug Co.,
Ino. Cor. 7th and Washington sts.
North. Coast Tourist Eoute "Norway of America."1
Leave Seattle, Wash.,
Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight fox
Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart,
7T .nce Rupert with S. S. "PRINCE ALBERT" lor Queen
Charlotta Islands and local points.
(MorrcTJtsr 'division)
V.I-. p.1... Runert every Wednesday and Saturday st 1:00 P. Jt fo
Spper Rfvr. a (foTmlle.) and r.turnlng arrive. Prlnc. Rupert 6:29 P. M
TVougUcketsdrwag. checked, from Seattle Victoria or Vancouver,
Double Track; Route) i
Four Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare
To all points East: standard and Tinrlst sleepers, dining cars serving meats.
a-la-carte and club breakfast.
Low (0 and 60-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send (or tree booklet gtvlnaj
routes and rates.
3. H, BURGI8, General Agent. Passenger Dept.
First A vs. and Teeler War, Seattle. Wash