f L , I . . rIV,vnii I BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Apwrtmaaits. renter of 1 Sth ul Jefferson eta. font c -room apaxuaeate, unfurnished, villi rcpuoa hail, kutomaut e;vatoe PactSe iuim telephone la everr part meat aad th bmi modem convenience found In lb cur. Piiou Mui M ar va as anaia oBlce. Mala ft74. Cl'HHEBU.9 APARTMENTS. West Park e,id Column a ata F:ret-ciase 1 Wi -r-m (intunid aad unfurnished apart ments: ail m.Mara convenience, beet e cation la the city, fronting th parka, and T t mi-.ui'i' walk from in business renter. Apply to muu-r. THE IHV1NO, rta Irrintr et CD four and one Hve-r-m unf'jm.ahed apartment, fear ". rrf. rf rigerator. ehedee. hot and cold star. i..ta beat an J Janitor service; ail outel .e rooma, verandas; rate raaaon aMe. rirnr4 Phone A tuLLMBUN APARTMENTS UTa AND (OLLMolA BTKiiiT. ey desirable 4 -room. Mir. eompUte ly furalshad apannrianta poeaeaelng all irod.ra ovn.nce; vary mumhn retea MAUR APAkTMSKTa. E:egm.y furnianed and uafumlehedi cwmfort of .obm. private phone aad eatna. alovatora, privet p.argrouad fa children; Ideal laoalhMi, iU4 it. bwib ah Mareha.l 1 ie. THE I9 APAaTKLVTB, 704 Hoyt at. fvar-roona turn .a rial apartroant; very large rooma private phone and pe'h: elec tna eo.aera, buiii-ui icaboa, ralaraucaa reo, dlred. 4 room itirunant; four A-room apart, meat, lorntanad complete an i up-to-date. Inqu.r al tna KcKtm-r Apartments, cor rr Eaat ltd and Morrison at. Pnon fc. ll'KA Kiv.Urt AfAKIHtMl . Corner 14th aad Car et. solid sv.eodid kx-tkn. lectno elevator. V. htrt a few large and 4 room suite. u-tiiniMhal. Ill to li par month. U'OLS AfTS., aor. th and Lincoln ata. Camp ataiy fumteoed 2-roora erartsneoie tr housekeeping, naw and modern, aouee Juet raed. ae.kng d-tanoa. r. cali- . . . . . ....... uatn 1 TT T alAOISON PAR K APAlTVENIi r'ara atraac comar -"-". rurnlanad and a-room puimanti: eVvtrtuAj phoaaa. cwaraoianl. dtfwatotrs eiatrlct. TH3 JIX1ANA. E'.ant'y (uralabad 2. nnl !" mv'.rn apartrnanta. tin raaaonabla tarma r.naa In. 4i Trir-lty Piara. bataan a-r'l naar 1A aaMPk'.on. ' La X ariii ahara loya'y coraar apaxunaa fumlafta'l. rM In. aanr raanatia Uuat' ra -toman or taacbar. Kcfaraacaa. AX. SM. Or-cnrlfl. It A i'I .S HAU. 414 lllh. cor. Ka.L and 4-room aptA. aiaan:.y turn i ti prl vata phnna. Ball and baJcony porcbaa. J an. ilarahail HII. . TH SW KIXLET. 439 E. Xorrlaoo. coraar of Ttb: X S aad d-raooa apartmanta furnlahad up to datal prlvata batna modarata prlca. naw m'au lASSEK APAHTMENTi, 4 ClaJ at., taw manaatamanL S.roona aultaa. ruraUbad. paona aod bala. fuat-ciaaa aanrlca; aotaa and aaa ua TBS Xlns Carta, comar Vice aad bu ata; ana S aod on a 4 -room apt- flat a. IKVINOTOX TLJIT3. H ITth and Tiilamooa. i roomi. aleap norcn. prlvata frvnt porch, hardwood fi.tora. tlia bath, flraplaca: tha moat da a.rabia ftat builitinf ta port. and. amonff ia f;naat bomaa In Irvlnanan ; rant r. K- F'TH KAX VO . T.. i:a and I'rai.a, E CJtit t hi'.. il am h -at. 'I flat. naw. Inrludlr hot watar. phona; A-in . alca looatloa. ona rlork from !t car. 1l mlnntaa bua'naaa r-nar. UD Kally at. rhona A MOT. Jiar- ha.l K'T'VilOi 3-room appar flat, furnaca. flr--piaca. lar-ra front pore a. alraplna- porch. vaxy flna.y f:n.ana! do eiiiidran. -T F. 21at; Hawlhoma car. Tabor lagT. j: i I"WER a-room flat. Hellltlar addl t'on. naar two rar'.lnra Call 413 vVaaco. Phona tt jioa. a.ao liwl cornar oppar f . a i rw"iA K.'v a. naw. modarn fiat, (a ranca and hratar. iinoiaum. flrap.ara. furnac-. larca b-ro..m aad cloaata. J.&.KJ. 6a . -tb at., naar Kvaratt. CH KENT I'p-to-data modarn furnlahad fat. d-airab:a toratMn. n lawn, raaaon iri tfnt. I'hona Vood.awn 21'TS. iir.C'EaM fr-roora lowar cornar Mat. rant l.i. ln-:u;iri aratar; (ood location, rhona l -il 31T. VACANT on riapt. 1. handaoraaly furnlahad. compiata.y aqalppad. t-room modarn flat. 7v Kearney at. ItOOEHN i-rtwim lowar flat. 4.12 Marahall at . coraar -Nnh at. N. Apply Wakanaid. Vnai o. SfOtr'.RN' ft-room fiat with aarvanta room. hartlwood f iv-.r and flrcplaca -4 2uth a?.. Portiand rioiithta. ONE roo-n arpar cor. f at. hot aatrr haatLCf. IT in and C Madlaon. I'hona East lit. Ft HMMSD flat for rant, furnao. aaa, airctrtcltr. piano. aawLnc a.a:bla. rafrr- nc9 Kaat -QX .OTricT and moat dcalrabia a-roora T.ata. Kaat l!da. clcaa In. lriv two laft. in- -it( Mra Zllar. Z90 K. Ptark. VUTS 1'nfornlaha four-room flat, modern. Call l'a Mon'romary at. Phona Mala n41. a-B.-i.iM fLAT. phono. firapiaca. ranaa. hatar. E. S4th. kwtwacn Ankrtly and Tumatia. FOB RENT !jv-r f.at. hanlwood fioora, A 1 nathborhood. ary c-ntral. raapon alnia panra cnty. Main . "L A Tft A-room, modarn. complata. cholca location, all -onvanancw: ataro. fnrna-, aa ranaa and h'alar. ft rr p ara. E. il7. ),.r SiiXT at-vdem 10-room f.at. with baaamant: aood location: VVaat ttida. Ap p.y at 49 Jackaon at. TWO eaw ftata. fTaat Kid, oantraj. anodara. Phoaa Fmi al . MODERN', lowar 5 -room Sat. 56i MarahaU at. i'.uaa :aat 4T'.T FLAT FOR RVTNT. Ttl fiVEKI.fHK I'l.VtV A-Fi -U ( at with bath. M eA.onoa ab K -r at tV-O r-alrnon. 2 l-HOt.'M m.xlara r.ata. 801 and 80a a 12th. walklnir diatanca. Faat 4 ISA. TKRKE-BOOM unfurnlahrl f at, all convan-lan.-aa. JJ Mtrkct at Phona Mala ! 4-H'ti t-rrr naw flat. mo.Vrtt Improva mant: r-nt Xnqa'.ra 424 Oragon at. lli'OackcaTnna' Roomi tm BEAVER. i:tb aad Mara ti ail. rr aiahad for bouaakaaplna. caa rana. olao tna Uchta. bot watar, bath, laundry, fraai lift par montn ap; a elaaa piaoa. boat la too city tor tna mortar; short diataaea from L'Bloa Dapot. Taka w" or Aatk-at. aara. aona. a at aS at ataraaaU at, oa, WTT.l-rt."fOISHrD houa, flats, rooroa: S roo:n oottaaa. ft month; anothar. fi;.6k; S'Uta. two furnlahad nousakaapinf rooma. 110. 1J mon-h; S. 1V Apply a4 :.ii t. North - cr (rt d-pot. Ma wst on Morrison to goth. block north. at-Aw TO lAft WkiaiH; elaaa. furauaaad aaooakaoptoc rooms, rraa laundry.. pa:x taoaa elaaa llnaa, baat, 4u Vaacaarar aa. and 3tV H Btantoa; taka V aar, -JVaT V HAT TOU WANT." f-ttrntsbad or unfuralabad room a stasia a sulta. sal con aoianoaa; baat looatloa. M I L.N f.R HUi-'tA.." k.V)ij Momaon at. Ft H N If H K O houaokawplna rooms, alnala. an sulta. up; ail outslda aids piaaAant rooms. lo4H t. nlon, cor, tiaimont. 1 VYELX furnished froat housakaopins; rooms with alcovs. raaaonabia. Tha ldano. 4th. j-f.rR atam-haatd rooms f'T bouaakap ma Marlborouib Apt-, Lst and A-'ian- (rt 41 EAST MORRIStON. cornar Kaat ftth; comp. ataiy f rn.aiiad houacaaaplas aultaa, raaonabia! HOltKlEPIN'l roomi In naw tonorao b C phona Wloai JlrUT o- tan M'"E froat suites houarkaaplnft- rooms, r''-k bul. dins;. Iati I'nlun aa. E. 4-i4- rr-vvlilHriD housckaanlna room a. ab a. M."'S To'ashlr.gton. paar 14h. 2 NIi ELY f irnlsrad ft uaakaaplnft rooms, c'oaj in. tS Washington st. kpcplne; Kooma In Prlvata Family. V r' w a'aaartiy fumtshad a-lta of two or tnraa rooma cioao In, adulla. Phona Eaat FT'RNI.-HED housskaaplnE sulta. with water; a.ao rooms, baton Phoaa 43 lyth TWO furnlahad bouaakeoptna; rooma: doaa In. for work.ng msn and wlfa; fit ranca, aiactno lighta. il Taylor. TRONT rooma, with njnnlug watr, bath, raa and phona. ao children. 84H rollara St. THRES nlca bouaakaaplna rooma. partiy firr.ishad. 5o4 Montgomery. CLSAN. light furnished housekeeping rooms i gas. xrd: 1S month. 2 Front. r.IN-.:,i batb. houaeaeapmg room; phona and TC 1 lot St., comer Hooker. M'"VLV furn.ahed front housekaeplrg roam, bst. gas, pnocs; i;t'X T-j 14ta St. PARTlAlXV for nil Lad .lite, two lr4) room anl klLohan. 42 ataxEaav wUvO, . . . i Hoaackecplng Room la Prlvata Family. ON K targe. well-f urnlehad bouaekaeplng front room and kitchen, bath, alectrlo lliht. telephone, watar fraa; ft a week; ona single eieeptng mora, I?. 804 4th st. O.N K nicely furnlahad room and kitchenette, aae of piano, porch and lawn, free gaa. bath and rhona. deatrabTa location; raa sonaMs. Phone Ham 647. CLFA.V nicely furnlahad modern housekeep ing aulta of ft eonnectln rooma, or rant separate ta ault parties, beautiful loca- . -. u 1 1 1 linn, wataing gninw. o-- Hi ! -EkLtaPI.Nti rooms, two nlcaly fur nlahad. ground floor, f-ont. bath, phone, .t-minute car aarvice; 1ft mtnutea' walk to . . , i . i u.Hi.Amm at. w "ii0!! I1 a. inqiMi jo a ". ' EXt EPTIONALLI nleaaant, wall furnished par. or room, modern, uae of kltcbaa. out Jefferson- BEAUTIFCl, front room, with prlvata porch and larg closet; Just right for two or intra i a e ... ew POR RENT Two nlcaly f-irnlshad house keeping rooms, closa In. Eaat Bida. Fhon F.t 8144. ONE eulta and one slng'.s. newly furnlahad. housekeeping rooms. 1-1 and 1 P month. Tift Wash. StWl.T furnished housekeeping rooms, ttlea loostlon. modsm. IS4 East lsta. cor. ner Vain. Jtw 1-room suite, all convenlencaa. JW. Phone Eaat sol. 3ft E. Stark. KU'ELT furnished rooms, home comfort, rant reaaonsbia. Phone Marshall 113a. ALAMEDA PARK, yew aig-room house. Just rrmuMsteo. modern throughout, ona bkocjt Broadway car; rent -'4 per month. Inquire office on tract. .th and Jlasoa ata. Alameda Land Co, Woodiawn iA Marshall M&. bvLtli aad flats for rent w s-O.-tl A Vfl AV1.N-.S A TRLIt COM PANT. mae of eltr for itrsasenv 12 EAST 22 D NO., new bouse, cloee In. flna . . . . . ... ...n MBVlBllDCi: ne'rfnoornowa. " 1 ' : . , . . , will rant raasonaoia to right partaaa. lu and see this! - . FOR RENT S-room modern cm tag a. newly tinted and v.rnl.hed. 14 per tnonth: I blocks from c en wood car. Call " mona ave.. or phone bcilwood U-'. Hot akT of 4 rooma. near Brooklyn school: two earllnea. Apply Flahera. door east or E. WiKiA 41 East .Ninth. Ka.iV 4-KOJM botiie. lift per month: good neighborhood. Last Oak at. Thona East 4"IT. AloDEKN. deelrabla T-room house. Grand ave. ani Mancocs. will be vacant Septem ber 1 lnUlre in Hancock. East loa. soil RENT Two T-room iruira bunga.bws. desirable looatloi car. got nft at Harold ave. MOI.KRX 4-room house In ekcellant con dition, ona block from W-W ear. B4J S. ITth st. 4-Hi him modem bouse I0 per month. In aa.re of Frank ffo.t S110 E. Wasco U Lie BowParkAddlOon, Montavlila. aIorER-V -room bouse, choice) location, cor. 3j l and Kearney; rent 17. C- . "' ft;n and btsrk. I.umbarmens aiog. ON cArilna, new a-room modarn bungalow for rent, onfumished. !-; furnished $;J- pnone siain o"v. J.RtXM house, grounds T " x 1 uO. lath and K. Madison: rent (W a montn. 4u toroett o.cg. LOV LLT modern ft-room rottaaa. attlo. basement, ail E. Hoyt. B 14Q4. Kaat ft. FOR RENT u-room house, i baths. In- q u ire a-n touco. ip dEW modern T-room nouns, cioao is, r.t'A East 630. riVF-KoxM house, modern, walking dla tsnoe. Eaat 8ii'X C 2. FOlt I:E-N'T Unfurnished house. 710 John son St.. tint to corner u. Htilo of 4 rooms and bath. T7S Irving t.. Dei 1 1 u an., . . . - ati'l't-HN 7-roora house; nice yard; frulU A. Montana ava. I-hone Main 3ilel. ft-KOt'M cot tag a, gaa and bath. 427 10th at., near Hall. Al E. ALDER Cor. Hth, walking distance. S miern 4-room houaea Marahall 4H. 6-ROOM modern cottage, flna location, SIS Eaat TimlilH. Ivrniebed Hosapa. yH KENT ,N'ea4.y furnlahead collage at coat of rent for a short time; large rooms UxU feet; porcelain bath: ateel range and gas plate; cool and comfortable; 1J minutes from center; 3-mlnute ear service, t ail Monday. 3b4 Falling L. corner Union li. Kent MOltKRN t-room upper flat, furnished com plete; large bath attlo. basement, wash trejs. polished noors; will ran i v month cr longer, reasonable to right party reference required. Ella at, call bteen 10 AM. and ft P. XI. rri.l.T fumlahed 7-room boma for rant In fine reaidenca locality. WEbTEKN SEfLRJTIKS CO., 414 Fpaidlng bidg EXTRA-WELL furnished housa In tha Nob Hiil distncl. 11 rooma. rent vary reaeon able. Inqulra Wakeneld. Friee Com pany. M Fourth t- Henry bidg. 4TrTM neat'y furnished uppar flat, suit able for 4 grown peop.e. Excellent view, nice neighborhood, walking diataaea. 444 Hall, near 18th. rT'RNISHEO house, ten rooma, for rant. West bide. -o par month; attractive grounds. BUS Lovejoy. cor. 19th. Kl'RNISHED complete, new, modern ft-room home, aieeptng porch and den- Taka Eaat Ankeny car. 91i Fast Couch st- -KOOM house, nicely arranged for room ers, very reasonable, aloaa In. bf. 8. Rentery. Rtearna bldg. WELL-Fl RNIHUED modern oottage. ft rooms, for rent. 114 Madron a ava.. Wood lawn. Phone Woodiawn lnH. NEW ft-room houoa. completely furnished; will laaae. Eaat :)d and Hawthorne ava, phone Kaat ;:l. Fl HNibHED ft-room bouse. eUJ Union ava, N. Inquire W 11th. A lrap. MODERN' furnished ft room house. JTO. to reeponslble party. ft4 fouch at. i'XJ K NlbH ET house, modern. rooms. East 1Mb St. Phone Tabor House for Kent. Furniture for Heile. ALL or part of furniture of 6 -room flat, rent V: furnace hat; West Bide; walk ing distance; furniture, carpeta practically nw: raaaonabla; uaed as private boma or roomers. Phona Marshall flit. I WANT to aril my furniture of ft rooma as soon as possible, am going Into my own home- New furniture, good neigh borhood, reasonable for rash. Make an off-r. 133 lath et.. cor. Market. fci. E A-room aottage. two lots, large garden, 40 chickens, eomp.etely furnished, on West Fids, li minutes from canter of city, for .-, at rash; biggest snap In city. AR . Oregonlan. JaOIERN' ft-room housa on Broadway, walk ing distance, completely and well fur nlahad, everything good; price 1.150 cash, r, R Hitter, owner. 80S Falling bldg. Phone Main tt'9. GOOD T-room houae for rent and fuml tura for sale: will aril the upstair fur niture. Furniture In firat-claas condition and will sell at a bargain for cash. Call 0T Market. EWEI.L ft-room atrlctlv modem housa In I.ad-1 s addition for rent; 450; completely furnished: furntturo for sals. 1400. Call Oruasl A Zadow. 117 Board of Trade bldg. VL K.NITCRB of 14-rnom housa for sale cheap If taken before fept. 1; rlne local ity Nob Hill district. Phone Msin ftlfj. Ft'RNITURH of ft-room modern flat at a bargain It sold before the 1st. 24 - Clay i tAk'IN'T city; must sell tbie week, furni ture of ft-room modern fiat for 4Kt; coat e; rent l-l't. all 24'w Clay at. ft I.itllS. sultabis for rooma and board. 7T V, est Park sL Fl'RN'ITVR W of four-room fat for sale. Inqulra 2.VS Cherry. Apartment ft. PART of furniture of ft-room flat for sale reaoonaM-. flat for rnt. 21 N. lftth St. U-ROOM honse for rar-t. fumltura for sale, fine location. 408 Weat Park. nominee Kreerte. NINE-ROOM furnished house, September, October or Winter, neaaida. Or., on board wa k near Hotel Moore: fine ocaan view, moderate rent; referencea Phone M. 4417. NEW COUNTRY CLCB open for members and stockholders on:y. Leo White, vocalist and entertainer. Other attractions to fol low. . I.E-IRABLE cottage at be aside. bf.1. Mala j-tore Corner stors at Washington and 19th. suitable for drugstore, cigar store, gene-al merchandise, etc.. sue 17i4S: Are proof building. Apply to L Gerurta 4t Sona. lT-ft Ut ti. rol'R-fTORT building and baaement, loss 107. Second street, between Waablagtoa aod Btark ets.. for lease. Inquire at tke Kerd Institute. 42 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT eitore. 82H Wsshlngtoo SL. $ 4i a month. Phone Main ?3tt. STORE In a live communltv. 32a8a $40 per monih. Mstae2t. jtRir-K stim :4x.3. 1 1 ttb and HAWlhorne, ralrchUd. IT 18th, MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1911. Slocee. ITORft la modern biick building, nearlng completion, on Grand are., at Stark, op posite Morgsa-Atchley Furnltara Cat itore: any aise from 2Oi90 ft. up: v-ft. ceilings: for almost any kind of business this location oOara tha greateet oppor tanlty at any In Portland: especially good opening for bakery, confectionery and aai Icateeeen. also for siactrlcal flxturais, MOKliAN. FLIEDNER A BOXCAa aOg Ablngton Bidg. a EVA. HAL storss at oast and Madlaoa-at, bridge, ftao ta leu, according ta else, lav quire 271 Hawtbome ava. Of He OFFICES FOR RENT. 111 TO $25. MERCHANTS eai-di. 11 1 ' 1 T ni Vfl ftth and Washington. MOST CENTRaLLT LOCATED OPPICES. aui-nignt oioriiw wmt " , JiHanii oa yearly laaae. 10ft m bldg.. ftth aad Washington. OFFICES and publlo halls for rent; build ing thoroughly renovated- Allsky bldg. ftd and alorruon ata FOR RENT Desk room In office, reason abla: uae phone. Call Room OOB Ky. Rich. Building. Phone A 438. OKF1FCE space wito desk and chelra. 318 DESK room, reasonable, good location. a -w . -r o.n.iHA. v T rl -Main 41t0. DESK or office space. 908 Ch. ot Com. Hail a. HALL FOR RENT. B. B. Ball. 7th and Haw thorn a. season 1911-12. for oclaty and club dancea: ele gantly equipped; 110 per night. Flaming ak winters. 617 Chamber Commerce, Phone M. 1429. MlsceUsJiewna, KXntlOO feet warehouse apace for .atoriM purpoaaa, Inqulra Oliver Chilled Plow Worka, B31 East Taylor C Brsnotss QppoBTtj 11 ie. OREGON AGENTS WANTED. Wa are atata dtatrtbutore for undoubted. IT tha beat automobila on tha market, and within the next few weeka will eatabllsh agenta and sub-agenta for 1912 In every city and town In tha State of Oregon; th nama of thla car Is known tha world over and It la In a class by Itself, for none or tha cheaper and few of the higher-priced cars can be compared with It; good live man will be offered very liberal propoel tlon and hava tha oo-operation of tha fac tory branch and advertising department! progressive partlea wishing to Identity themaelvea with such a car are requaatad to addreea A 40, Oregonlan SAWMTLL FOR SALE. I will eell at orlvate sale tha r-OTn'! Lumbar Company's sawmill with l.ftoO.""0 feet or saw logs In creek, located 9 miles west of Eugene cn Coyote Creek, also along proposed railroad of ftV P. R- B- Co., Eugene to Coos Bay; thla mill nearly new, capacity 4O,0' feet In 10 houra; this mill Is being sold In bankruptcy and someons will get a snap; bsst local mar ket In the Valley for lumber, plenty of limber can be had for a small price tumpafi; sale subject to confirmation by court. Call on or address M. Vernon Par eons, trustee In benkrupioy. Eugene, Or. -COM TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" Agrn'a wanted In Pacific Northwest, Pacific Mutual Lift. 43 years old. 71 millions asset a Ws loan money. H. H. Ward. Mgr., T12 Spalding bldg. TOntfl MAW, erTTtAWOER. Make careful Investigation at 4 eeller before you lavaat money in saf prwpoaitlaa. Advlaorr Lapartmant, I, at, C. A. ' GROCERY NO BONUS. A firt-class grocery for sale at Invoice, doing over IIOO dally. Invoice about L5HO. No flxturea or bonua attached to thla sale: will bear closest Investigation. Call room 818 Lumbar Exchange bltlg. PARTNER WANTED IN CASH BUSINESS. Half Interest for sale In a strictly cash buslneea with a guaranteed salary) will make yon from 1H to $21 per week; $200 will handle It. Call Room 815, Lumber Kxchange bldg. PARTNER WANTED IN GROCERY BUSINESS. Half Intereat for aale In a first -class grocery that Is doing over $100 dally busi ness; $100 cash will handle It. Particulars Boom 818. Lumber Kxchsnge bldg! FOR SALE Only living business In a grow ing laklma Valley town of k,o people; gateway to the great Horae Heaven Ir rigation protect; good business; reasons for aelllnir. Mason Bros., oa-nera. box 6-08, proaeor. Wash. Te HAVE for ssle In Falera A good clean ing and dyeing works. Including two housee, one and one-third lota, horse and wagon: price $1100 eg 81400; muat be sold at once, owner going to California on ac count health. City btesm Cleaning A Dya Works. l-alem Phona Salem. Main 181. FOR party wishing to be hia own boss here le a chance to manage an up-to-date manufacturing plant; will guarantee $8 per day beside t. the profits: must In vest MX) rash. For Information call 786 Oiissn. , a WORKINGMA.VS HOTEL. Just the place for man and wife with small amount of money: a splendid busi ness opportunity: $-'") will hsndla It. Call room 816 Lumber Etchanxs bldg. FOR SALE Grocery etore Invoicing sSSoO; will turn stock ft times a year; no old -stock: located In one of the best little towns In Wash.; two railroads. AV 819, Oregonlan MAKE your money work for you; Invent from $20 to HOO In a reliable company, managed by good men; this Is your op portunity. Call at sulta 1020, Chamber of Commerce bldg., department B. KNIGHT Templar from tha East, good busi ness man. vu'l to Inveat $oo0 with erv Icea In good company. Address X 869, Oregon lan. FOR SALE. Grocery store, good location, doing a Laying business. Inquire F. Hoffman a) ang Co. BARGAIN Beautiful home, hi acre, good -room houae, feed stable, drugstore and telephone office, on electric carline, terms. ...... Dot- S Kow t'l rir.iiotim, w ., .-."' . . . UFMMLB FOR MOVING-PICTURE MA CHINES. LOCATION'S, ACCESSORIES. AOMlbKION TICKETS. ETC. LAE.MMLB. Ill OAK WANTED A partner In a good proposition, small capital: money secured: ran be seen any time; my own patent. AN SSd, Ore gonlan. GARAGE, on or more, rent cars, aod agency for good Una of automobiles. In good town: good opening for anyone Interested In this business. Y 88ff. Oregonlan. hilJ IBTeraat In aa old-eetabllshed cess, doing a good business. For fail par ticular call Kinney A btamphir. Luaee Exchange bldg.. rooms 681-681. FOR SALE Barber shop, two hydraulic, chairs, two heaters, everything complete, $1.10. 727 Williams ve. ONLY BARBER SHOP IN TOWN OP 400, ADDRESS B. HOVETR, PHOENIX, OR.. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. SPLENDID laundry proposition for a man with a few thousand and service. 4o3 Corbett bldg. CONr ECTIONERY and ice cream parlor, to bacco and light groceries. J 83s. Ore- gonisn MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, Tsisphons and other boaoa bought as ft ga'd. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 226 Ablngton. " SALOON FOR BALE. prominent corner, ft years' (esse; rant very reasonable. Phone Main 4437. GOOD cigar and shoeblack stand cheap. S 3d st. WILL sacriOce a block of V. S. cashlsr stock for cash. T aftl. Oregonlan. DELICATESSEN and bakery for sals. $780. Call afternoons. 204 Sa 7th St. LEASE and flxturea for sale at sacrifice; eplsndtd cornsr. 101 Grand ave. FIRST-CLASS barber shop for rent. 5n2 First St. GOOD opening for druggist or physician. A 400. Oregonlan. booming Horres. FOR SALE Elegantly furnished small hotel In tha heart of the city; 6 years' leaae; 11600 to handle, balance monthly pay ments of ftioo. inquire taumn FOR SALE 40 rooms: years' lease, with privilege of renewing: no better location; always full; sasy terms. Owner. AC 8S1, Oregonia o. FOR SALE cheap 9-room roomlng-houae. on Kusseil so. In good location. Call at 92 N. 8;h st. ELEVEN ROOMS, all furnished and occu pied, rent $36; lease: good location: $HTi. on termni none better. D 3o. Oregonlan. MY 11 rooms, furnished for housekeeping; less than year, coat .12: $"". half cash, takea thia, 806 Henry, bldg, aftar Sunday. LOST AJTD FOUND. jXiST English bulldog, female, fawn color, answsrs to nama feaptao; reward. Phona Woodiawn 39 LOST Jade stick pin. Reward. C. B. 6tst on. Main 1;0. ta.,3T A, gold watch. City Park. Sunday. Finder rstnra t Orsgonlaa. Reward, I . i umr a i I - --- FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattrissss retail at wholesale prices; w rsnovate mattreeaea and return aame day; wa also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. 121-111 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1174. . LOST On Sunday afternoon, on Morrison st. car. In vtoinlty of 21st and Irvlnston. a chamoi akin bag, containing diamond pin and two diamond ringa: reward 11 returned to Y. A, bonnet, 142Vs ih St.. aa ii i i'c. LOST Sunday, gnnhnrst locket, with mon ogram C. A. W.. lady'g and gent's ptctur Lnslda. Return 126 ftth. Savoy Hotel. Re- W M 1 11 BRINDLE Boston bulldog, brass collar, with nam "Bub" and Greek letters; return to e'O Railway Exchange bldg. Phone- Mar shall 920. FOUND Colley ava.. near Freernont St.. seal shopping bag. Phona East 143. LOST FTat pin. A. M. Gilbert engraved on bark. Reward. Return to Oregonlan. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propoaala Invited. POSTOFFICE DEPARTMENT. Washington. July 20. 1911. Proposals will be received at the Postofflca Department, in the City of Washington, until 4:30 P. M.. Novem ber 25. 191L for ocean mall service, pur suant to the Act of March 3. 1801. In ves sels of the second cless. on the routes hereafter described, service on each route to commence not later than the 18th October. 1914. The right Is reserved to rejsct all bids. Schedule of routes: No. 77, "O. M. S.." from Bsattle, with right to call at Astoria, to Panama, once every two weeks. 28 trips a year, calling at San Francisco and alternately at San Pedro and or San Diego. California, and from San Franclrco to Panama once every two weeVs. 26 trips a year, calling alternate'y at San Pedro and or Pan Diego. Califor nia. Time from Seattle to Panama IB daya and from San Francisco to Panama 10 days. Contract for 10 years. .Bond required with bid $200,000. No. TS. O. it. S.." from New York to Colon, calling at Charleston and or savannah once each week. 52 tripe a year. Time to Colon days. Contract for 10 years. Bond re- ?uired with bid $100,000. No. "3. "O. M. .." from New Orleane to Colon, once each week. 62 trips a year. Time to Co lon 4 days. Contract for 10 years. Fond required with bid $76,000. The Poat-maeter-General reserves the right to re quire the steamera on each of the above mentioned routes. whenever they niay continue their voyage to a port at the nnnntlt, ano of tha Panama Canal, to carry any portion of their malls to such port without an-lltlonal rnmpnwuu, whenever In his Judgment that course is advantageous to the Postofflce Depart ment. Circulars containing a description of th routes. Instructions to bidders and blank forma of proposals, with accom panying bonde. can be obtained of the Second Asaistnnt postmaater-Goneral. Postofflce Department, on and after Au gust 1. 1911. Frank H. Hitchcock. Post-marter-General. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. EASTERN OREGON STATE HOSPTTAL. Sealed proposals for the construction of a concrete and rock levee of about 2000 feet In length, to be erected 1H mllee west of the City of Pendleton. Oregon, will be opened bv the Board of Trustees at 3 P. M., Tuesdav. September 5, 1911. at tha Ptate Capitol building. Salem. Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of W. C. Knlfhton. Archi tect. Capitol building. Salem, and from Chaa A. Murphv. bupt. of Construction at Pendleton. Oregon. A certified check for $ono must accomrany each propositi and drawn to the order of R. A. Watson, Clerk of the Board of Trustees, to guar antee that bidder will enter Into a con tract and execute tha required bond: same shall be forfeited to th Ptate of Oregon tf award of contract is made to bidder and he or thev fall to enter Into a contract and furnish the required bond within ten days from data of award of contract. Proposals shall be made only on the form furnished by the architect. The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or to waive any Informalities In bids. R. A. Watson. Clerk of Board of Trustees Eastern Oregon State Hospital. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Setled proposals will be received at tha ofri.-e of Whld.len Lewis, archltscts. 701 Corbett building. Portland, Or., until 10 A. if., of Tuesday. 6-ptember 12. 1911. for the following contracts on the west wing of new Courthouse, for the County of Multnomah. State of Oregon: Th beating, ventilating and galvanized iron work: tha plumbing and gaa fitting: and the electric light wiring. Plans and speci fications may De obtained at the office of th architects. No proposal will be consid ered unices accompanied by a check pay able to the order of the County Court of Multnomah County, certified by a re eponslble bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of th aggregate proposal, to b forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam - ages In case the bidder neglects or re fuse to enter into contract and to pro vide a suitable bond for the faithful per formance of said work. In the event the contract Is awtrded to him. Th right to reject any and all bids I hereby ex pressly reserved. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; W. L. Llghtner. County Commie- ' sinner; D. V. Hart. County Commissioner. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meeting of th stockholders of tha Port land at Asiatlo Steamship Company, for tha election of directors and th transac tion of any othr business, will b held at room 1107, Wella-Fargo building. Port land. Oregon, on Thursday. September 7. 19U. at 3 o'clock P. M. L. F. STEEL, Secretary. FINANCIAL. WS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On aalarle only. In amounts of from $5 to $100, at th lowest posslbl ratee. Being ealary loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and give the qulckeat posslbl service. Business atrtotly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. 80S. Falling bldg., cor. Sd and Wash, sta. J. W. MATTHES. AGENT, INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK. 222 FAILING BUILDING. LOANS ON CITY RESIDENCE AND FARM 8. ko brokerage: charged. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller's equity In contracts of sal oa real estate lo Washington or Orsgon, Loans, H. B. Noble, 111 Lumbermen bidg. FIRST and second mortgages and contract purchased cm fsrm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. C t Deveraaux. 1Q02-8 Spalding bldg. "WANT loan of $o000 on well-improved Hood River ranch worth thro tlmea this sum. H Ra, Oregonlan. Money to Ixan Real Ketata. OH IMPROVED city property or for build ing pnrpooee; S to ft yeara time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progreeses. The Equitable Bat legs A Loan Assoatatlon. 240 Stark St. 11500 -ON close-in real aetata, 1 per cant commission and attorney fee. S SB2, Ore gonlan. liuu.i'OO ON Improved city or farm property; building or smsll loan at lowest rates; lsrge loans a specialty. McKenxle A Co., M4-B15-51 Gerllnger bldg. FLENTY of money to loan at ft and T aar aeat oa real estate security. BDW. P. MALI. 104 Second it. WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property In sums from IIimiO to 10 ooo at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner Boyce, 6Q-5oa Ablngton bidg. WILL loan 110.000 or lea, real estat se curity. Farrlngton Farringtoo, 41ft Commercial Club bldg. $25 000 to $0.000 to loan on approved olty property. F. W. C. E. Power. 3o8 Spal dlng bldg. FARM or city mortgagee, any part of $50. O00 to loan, terms to suit. Deshon ex Hawk. T2t Cham, of Com. M. aoiS. MONEY to loan on Improved real aetata mm tor building purposes. Columbia Life aj Trust Company. 91ft Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; email building, loan a. contracts and mortgagee bought. W. H. N'nnn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE loan on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co 282 McKay bldg. Id and Stark. $200 000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loana, lowest rata. W. U. Beak, 118-818 Falling bldg. MONEY loaned without brokerage It we build, current rate. L. R. Bailey Co 124 Ablngton bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. 1 1 ' . . . . . ..... - 1 1 tT 1 Ul tiT TioNEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. a! H. HARDING. 818 Cn. of Com. coivaTS money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mtley. room 104. Gerllnger bldg. irvANS on real, peraonal chattel or collat a 1 ..ourlty. C. W. Pallett. 808-9 Fenton. viATjTil AGE LOANS AT REASONABLE M B,V,a. f. H. LEWIS. LEWIS BLDG. currllL 2d-mortgage real estae loans on rn " " t M ypa.y ro e n t a. Room 812 Hamilton. - , . T11nds loaned. 8 per cent. W. E. Thorn. State lunue . Mitnomah Co.. 40O C or r si. """" " " ..,; any amount, ft to 8 per cent. Good M?,.,b A Seltl. 810 Spalding bldg. nough aV enx. ..n.... n.i,. T , n. N for tha asking, ealary or chattel A JcA, .o -o 414 Dekum bldg. 1 P. " SovKY lor good Inside loans. 6, 7. 6. CKlocX aluaUhaupt, 103a Cham, ot Com. Loans Wanted. Money to Loan Chattel and SaJarlea MONEY TO WAN. $10 AND UPWARDS. TOC CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERo. RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.S CHARGE. LOAN'S MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. HOP.SES, ETC.. OR SALAB.ln.o PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 20B-T MACT.EAY BLDG.. A 29T. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. i i pr l i $ $ i $ DO YOU NEED MONET f We will furnish you, mctly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In ' amount. ' on your auto, piano. nro""r livestock, storage receipt and all kin a f eecurltles: on terms to aultj sue weaa ly or monthly payment. WE BUY AND LOAN n first and second real aetata moTtarg and contracts. , TJ. S. REAL ESTATB A BROKE RAGB CO. $12 BamUton bldg. 131 8d. Main 2084. $$$$$$. . ! WB LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO BED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT. FROM $10 LP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, diamonds and all othsr kinds of personal property; paymenta arranged weekly or monthly to suit your convenience; cour teous treatment to all; private office ana all business strictly confidential. GRAY CUNNINGHAM. 01-a RothchllaT bldg.. 287 H Washington. Between 4th and 6th sts. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and other fur nished without security; cheapest rates, eaelest payments. Come and get money when you want It. and pay as you can. Offlaes In all principal cities. D. H. Tol- man, BI7 Lumber Ltcnungo. a furniture, pianos, storsga reoelpta, at. Lowest rates. HTJTTON CREDIT CO 807 Spalding bldg. ; LOWEST RATES Loans on all klnda of aa curlty, chattels or real eatate. Union Bro kerage Co.. 618 Ablngton bldg.. 108 h 3d. MONEY loaned on diamonds sod Jewelry, strictly confidential 141H 8d. near Alder. LOANS on diamonds and other securities. Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. LOW ratss; we loan money on diamonds and Jswelry. Marx 4V Bloch. 74 Sd et- Loans Wanted. WANTED. $1SOO for 8 yeara at 7 per cent, on fin bungalow and two lots, value $4000. In Southern Portland. Call 317 Board of Trade hlrtg. Mtyln 74n-.'. a 4ui. WANTED To borrow $10,000 for 3 years st 8 per cent interest, on 500-acre tract of land worth $100 per acre. AG 864. Oregonlan. WANTED A loan of $1200 on nine full lotg adjoining Westmoreland, value, $3500, for two years at 8 per cent. Call 421 Hamilton bldg. "WANTED From private party, two loans of $1T50. also two amounts of $1000. on first mortgage. Provident Investment A Trusts Co.. 201. 202, 203 Board of Trad bldg. . WANT $li0 ON MODERN BUNGALOW; WItL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. AS 850. OREGONIAN. 2M WANTED as first mortgage on real estate. A 867. Oregonlan WANT $1500 on fin residence; 8 per cent to private party. M 340. Oregonlan. LET us piac . jur money, good mortgagee reference. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. Hair hair hair hair 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES $12 94-lnrh switches ....$4.95 10 82-lnctt switches o a 26-lnch swltche -4a Hair dressing Face massage Vt Fhsmpoo !'. i'na Manicuring. 25c. five for . .... ; ,.1..J' Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4.00. $5.00 and $9.00 PUTFS REDUCE DTO $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prlcea Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington sta. EICK men and women who want to be well We have' the most expensive, finest equipped, private offices on the Paclflo Cositf every known therapeutlo appllanca used in America or Europe we have; w use no drugs, w never operate; ws i us every electrical and mechanical treat ment and ar the only physicians on tho Paclflo Coast using radium; come and b examined and see our offices: It will cost you nothing; we employ the best regis tered physicians and surgeon to verify our diagnosis of each Patient', disease. We occupy th entire north half of th third floor of the Rothchlld bldg. Dr. W. E. Matiory. i ami uam- "GEORGE. TO PROVE MY LOVE TO TOL ! ,aved jou $20 yesterday. said Mrs. I Gotwlse. "You know you gave me $40 to get a certain Fall suit at a certa.n store and I found the same suit at THS NATIONAL SAMPLE SUIT CLOAn. . CSuift.r2034-205. Swetland bldg., 6th-t. entrance; ma. ....... . GERMAN trained nurse and first-class mas geU5; long experience: best "fences; treatment for nervousness, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia and obesity: luirtii- - teed cure for lamenese of long standing. R48 E. Williams ave., near Weidler St. tj . IftH SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor graduate: rheumatism, nervous and stom Ich ailments, under D'lc'an" tions: baths, masseuse. No. 7 Eaat iitn it . aecond door south froni East Anksny carline. Phone Eaat 260. B lfto. NOTICE Any persons haying claim ginJ V G Behrens. formerly pf law firm of Seara A Behrens. located in Henry bldg.. city" present the same at 030 Hamilton bldg. lor pajn'ciii DR CATHERINE C GATES I treat suc Vesrfullv. nervous and chronic diseases; nuallfled by 11 yeaIT,Pract'"' hS?,rls?f5: ROT Abington bldg. Phone Marehall 8143. Hours 9 to 12 A. M-; 1 to 6 P. M. rt-rrVCA en im- Leading wig and toupee makers: flneet tock of human hair goods, hairdreealn. mSnicurlng. face and scalp treatments. 147 Tth St., near Morrison. Phone Main 64ft. DR. ALICE A. GRIFT, niseasee of women and children, has re moved to Lafayett. bldg.. 434 Wash- Inpton T. dr KETCHUM dli-ici peculiar to women! diAbetPa. ociema and rectal llments. Main .a LADIES, when delayed use Lorens Com nound Ergot Tablets: alwaya dependable: 82 Sir box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, 111 Morrison sc MEN Try-S. O. Tablets for debility from any cause: prlco L any address: money returned If It falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 246 V4 Morrison st. MRS 6TEVEN3. lo years Portland' leading palmist and clairvoyant, ha her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sal at 141 hi Yamhill. cornr 7th St. " pR. A. A. A US P LUND. Dlseaaes of women and surgery. Exam ination free. S02 Merchant Trust bldg. ftth and Waininimn. rwoua aaiu aval. DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder trouble and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. DRESS suits for rent. $1.60 month: keep our clothes cleaned. pressed, buttons sawed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and S.; I varies. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u9 Stark. uoaiTIVB school truth, Ariel, 209 E. 8th : All diseases healed, truth taught, 8 to 1 lV 1 to 7; consultation free, V,w5 I EWI3, lata of San Francisco, treats baldness and diseased seal p. 4u5 Stark. Vain 3C20. t .nlE3 when dlayed. use Sandsrson's nla- every box guaranteed: by mall 12. f, " pure Remedy Co.. 2454 Morrison st. i mlES If 1 need of confldentlai advice. consult Dr. Pierce: no charge. Call or -"" ,,.n Xfnrrl.oo at. write. i"Tl " . .r,Tirc, Lorena antiseptic cones are sooth- ina safe and sure; $1 per box. Sup Tay Jof rrug Co.. 28 Morrison at. OUT OF COMBING3. ' " Switches. 95c; curls and puffs. T5o. Sani ..rB.iuty Parlors, 40Q Dekum bidg. vrvz NERVE TONIC TABLETS raster laal vitality. 25o box; boxee $1.25. aup T?r.or DrugCo.. aa Morrison st. 5 c SURE REMEDY for ca sid throat. Prlc. 12. Cail onie Co.. 815 1st st. tarrh of aos or writ. H. '. . w w COURT RIGHT, feature and skin spe- c,r?lat. 20 20th st. N. Phone Mala 6Q42. tit & v'TFD Tha address of E. J. Sleben. last .rrTln Portland. X 876. Oregonlan. liRi! SOPHIA B. CiEIP Mental, spiritual M "Enlist. 802 Allsky bldg. Main 6824. TJrTTr-S auperlluoua hair removed. Mrs. M. M9. Hl'l" 429 Flledner bldg. Main 34T3, " , . w irr FIGS Remedies for dlsaaaea at weaken. 632 DavU at. Main 9216. BUSINESS DRIECTORY. Aeaayer and Analyst. F. A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum .'yoror. 1424 4th .L Main 1109. aiONT and ANA ASSAY UiJIUl laboratory. ora-tMUnftl worse AO. saorriaoA H. Aseayer and Analylst. Wella A Proabstel. mining englneere, chem ists and aaaayera H04 Vs WaaHingT.cn. Attorneys. A, E. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. AL ITS; A 207L THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan bldg. 4th floor. Auto Supplies. F. P. KEENAN CO., 190 Fourth St., Em pire auto tires. Pop Mfg. Co.' bicycles, auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehicle rubber Urea. Phones M. H52. A 4326 Baths ana Swimming. HILL'S SANITARIUM Rheumatio treat ment, elegant plunge. 615 Front. M. 4A Brass and Machine Vrorks HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass easting and machine work. 108. N. 6th. Main 2.0. Builders. TWITCH ELL & DAVIS, practical carpen ters; build by contract or superintend work by day. Phone Taoor I486. Marshall 2081, " Chiropodist. DR. MISS M. CRAWFORD removes corns, bunions, callouses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring and manicuring: satisfaction guaranteed: graduate. A S141, 614 Dekum bldg., 3d and Wash. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th only soientiflo chiropodists in th city. Parlors 103 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d ana Aiaer. pnone Main uui. Dr. Martin Braun, surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital. Vienna. Austria, lot Ttnthchll.1 bldg. Ph. Main l&il. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr. M. D. HUL offices 429 Flledner bldg. Main 14 A. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER, Columbia Bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 05ST; Res. B 29 in, Collection. PORTLAND Collection Agency SUT AllBky bldg. All debts collected. A 731 1. M Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting 8 N. 8th St. Mala 1881; A 762. Woodiawn. 681- Dancing. WAITZ. two-stop, three-step and Va&e dancing lessons 25c. every morning, after noon Snd evening. Prof. Wal VWUson s Dancing School. 3S-i Wash. t., bet. Park and 10th sta Phone Main ii. ALVEOLAR TEETH whero brldgework Is Impossible; does away entirely with plates, brldgework; we cure pyorrhea (loose teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable P??!"?' Alveolar Dental Co.. Abington bldg. IPS 30- THB old reliable Union Painless Dentists, 1st and Morrison sta Lngluccr. F. M. SUVKR. civil, hydraulic engineer; wa ter and sewerage a specialty. Dallas, vjr. nglnea La und Steam. ROBER machinery Co.. Coast agents, Bea bury steam engine and boiiers, sasollne en gines. 281-283 Morrison st. Phone b aio. leed Store. ZIGLER & MISNEK. hay. grain, feed. ce" TnenT ahiniriea. '2114 Grand ftVC L- 40. Leather and Findings. CHAS.-L. A1AST1CK & CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description, taps, mfrs. tmaingn. J. A. 8TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 165b. 189 Front st. Ladies' Tailoring. R. RIEDEL, ladies' tailor, importer. 414 Eller bldg.. Tth and Alder sta Main b3tt0. 5111k and Cream. DIRECTLY from the dairy; West Side de livery. Summit Dairy. K. F. D. No. a. UualcaL Emll Thlelhorn, vioUn teacher, pupil Sevolit. sqo anarquam. a - Oatcopalhlo Pbjalclana. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 41S-ia-17 Dekum bldg Nervoua and Chronio Diseases. Phcn Office M. I4. Res. Last or B 101$. Paints. Ol's and Glass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is belt adapted to the Coait climate BAfla !. kiiteh PAINT CO.. 191 second at. BASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers. Paints, oils. tlai.1. sash and doora. Cor. 2d and laylor. Payer lug and Tinting. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; neat. clean won. riwup - patent Attorneys, ETti AND FOHtlGN rAXE.NIii procured 09 Chamber ot commerce Bldg. PITHS rS procured by J. H Mock, attorney-at-law. late of U. S. Patent Oilice. Book- St 'a"' - - m d.. .,i nf Traill bldg. let ire. i A"e oua.v. TT c WRIGHT, domestlo and foreign Pt enTs, VnYrigement casea. j4 Dekum bldg. Paving. Pawnbrokers. r.Kr, B iiyEKS' Collateral Bank; 40 yeara Portiand. 71 Blh it fM Maln iu 1'lpe. L..KT1 AND WOuD VLfV CO. Factory and fi.ar 24th and York sta. M. .4. plumbers. EOv & CO.. PLUMBKRS. tie Main 20U1: A 2Q0L -5iF? ..falnr11"' P4Um- era a v. Kug Weaver. ,,,,-t. -r RUG WOKK.S Rugs from old NORTHV,LBT RW. .MBt xjbiA, ?arf..7 i.a union ava., nr. E. Morrison. n I.O. . bales. raB UOSLUK SAin. CO.. 1U8 2d st. aafe alacw' priceaaecoud-hand saiea becoail-Uuid uooiu. . . i" . -.. f.irnlturi and toolA High' WB """ri?. uald' lor secoaa-nanu ciotow. a eav -- ilaraliail 21154. ....niiuro. lurnltura. i.. .v the hignest prices lor aeeond-han rcrr...es. Bank and enow xixture. m : . .I m h'li. Co.. brancn Grand Itap- buuVaa -' UJrU ILa Aai-ley. g - S IkTBlKDSALL. 2U HAMILTON BLDG. .Jowfaa. in stock; prompt delivery, oa.. lUOVW i.uiiibtr Co. an all t, nt. tt.".-. -,u.L Mr'G. Co.. 4ia ana t-oucn; new aa.i " . bturage aniljtranaler ; Liik 'iraualor oi storage Co., ofnees a.rt commodious 4-swry oncn warenuuaa. .T.iTlioa rooms and lireproof vaults J:," .amiDla.; N. W. cor. id aad a-iaa 1 uiauoa and lurnlture ffiov.a and L" ' sliluoiugi special ratoa made on '"J. H1 out turuugh cars to all aomosuo f.aTnouits. Mam A ISKa. vwtn; oloKAGt; iiti.ii ail houaeuold good baulea oy us go our 'reproof orick aaxehouae, abso """, trfi lor oalanco of monta, and at " ii.iit rates tuereafter. Lipart mot t"B inrt oackins tor snipping. King us up 2fptona let Ui. Van Mora Han.- CofrrveJ rnLbON-ROE TRANSFER Ca c-.rTeral irau.i.ernng and atorage, safea ifoo. and lurnuur moved ana packsd ? sniu""t- b.7.;6S yrout lU x"uaua fr H11A a... - rr-GON iKANoiLlt CO.. established 13T0. 0.ir and forwaruuig ageala enora.e VS aio Hoyt su, between tin and ia. 'vron.s Mam tiu. A lla. .a a in a i . " Xaaidernilau ii. Heads, lur worM, mb A 143- S. B. Flniaj. aa TypevviiLere. 1,-ul ILT i ItkTwKlTEKS. all makes, aU Kl,B ... tullv guarantecO. Pacific Station S,rv Printing Co.. iol-2j3-2o0-207 3d .t.. rIy Or. inninu". til""' . . -. ,n exchange tor tue largeat typ. WB ulr concern on this Coast; InveaUgatej -Ti makes, all prices. The Typewriter b. c7angeJ2aiV?'""'"B m r-,Dullt. second-hand rentals, at out V- D. C- c- 2al "'"k. M. 14v,-. vtgrUiary caihuols or Colleges. TtuSCLSiCO VaiTi-HiNAAtY cgC bArl-ill bession begins bept. lo. catalogu htS DrT C fe-ean.., lllarket au. ti. jf. " .Veil Drllling; -,. ting wells a specialty; price reason DBii ca'l Main 1S4B or write Miliar A fffc -is Morrison il, Portland. wood and CoaL- KHH.NSIDE FUEL CO. Wholesale and re BVi 4-fu sawed fir and hardwood. oflc, iud ard ' 124 R u iaa -as 14: B 2T7T; TiHY "BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. Pr 0'1', ae"ved to aa, "lice in lb city. Portland Wreckin, Co., jyTiyTllth su North. Main a iWi naY oak cordwood, carload lots F. o. B. D S car Portland. $6: limited quantity. VjSlain 6705. A 3339. - ,v,rRa WOOD CO. Sawed 4-ft. oora BEwotd .nd slaowood 8th and GUsan. m. shmi: M. 8361. A aaio. cEnRTOOU . YAKD-Wood and coal. ktain loOti: A 2416. -TTTionaL FUEL CO., coal and wood. N -.gitiO. A 3545. 857 Water st. ' - aLBLNA cucl, v-u. aslock 15 DELINQUENT TAX LIST 1910 This advertised list of delinquent taxes for the year 1910 Is in pursuance of n ff of the State Legislature, which U embodied in Chapter 2T6 of the GEXEBAI, LAWS OF TUB 1911 SXSSIOX. The taxes on th following advertised real property became delinquent on April . 1911, and are subject to a penalty of 10 per cent and interest at the rate of 13 P ce"' per annum until they shall have been pal?' Any day after the expiration of six montns after the tsxes charged against the tollow ing real property are delinquent the sneriti Is authorized, upon demand of any person making application, to Issue to them a cer tificate of delinquency upon payment of tne taxes, penalty, interest and cost of advertis ing. . Certificates of delinquency shall bear in terest from the date of Issuance until re deemed at the rate of 15 per cent per an num. Queen V. Harrell Abend's Add-. B. 70 feet of W. ISO feet of N. 100 feet, block 2 5'10 Anna C. Young Aikens Add.. N. 16 2-3 feet, lot T, block 303; S. 16 2-3 feet lot 8. block SOS W. B. Burton Ainswortb Tract, frac lots 2. 3. block 8 ; 24'89 Mamie Reese Ainswortb. Tract. E. 44 feet of W. 143.9S feet lot 1. block IT 80.90 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 6. block 1 "'00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 6. block 2 11-00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 1 blok 3 IS-20 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, .... lot 3 block 3 11.00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 5. 6. block 4 28.40 A'ameda Land o. Alameda Park, lot 1. block 6 18.85 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 2. block 7 12.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 4, block 7 1S-S0 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 1. block 10 22 00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 36. 17, block 11 28.40 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 1. block 12 westerly 14 lot 2. block 12 23.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 8. block 15 ,. 12.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 9. block 15 12.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 6. block 18 12.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot s. block IS 13.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 15, block 19 12-10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 1. 2, 3. block 20 44.00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 2. block 21 1L00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 7. 8. block 23 24.20 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 5 to 9. block 25 48.40 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 1. 2. block 32 24.20 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 15, block 35 8.00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 9. block 41 12.10 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 13. block 41 8.85 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lots 11, 12. block 50 ,. 19.80 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot T. block 52 14.80 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 3. block 53 9.60 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 6. block 54 8.80 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park. lot 4. block 65 11.00 Alameda Land Co. Alameda Park, lot 10, block 20 11.00 J. D. Swank Albee's Sub., lots 28. 29, lot 9, block 2 LT8 Jennie Hayne Glenhaveng Park, 8. 0 feet lot 1. block 4 . .77 Jennie Hayne Glenhavens Park, 8. 20 feet lot 1. block 5 68 Jennlo Hayne Glenhavens Park, 8. 20 feet lot 12. block 6 66 Jennie Hayne Glenhavens Park. S, 20 feet lot 1 block 6 .66 Jennie Hayne Glenhavens Park, S. 20 feet lot 12. block 6 66 Estate of Anton Gierde and H. Olsen Alberta, lots 12. 15. block 2 67 W. D. Allen Alblna, W. 88 1-3 feet of a. V lot 22. block 1 11.00 W. A. Green Alblna. S. lot 23, block 1 18.20 J. 0. Tremblay Alblna, lot 6. block 12 62.80 F. J. Boebefeld Alblna. lot 7. block 12 89.60 Anna B. Morrow Alblna, E. of N. y, lot 9. block ...21 23.10 C. T. and Mary A. Smith Alblna W. 35 feet lot 21. block 25 81.21 Alvln W. Kerns Alblna. 6. 5 feet lot 8. block 4, N. 22 feet lot 4. block 4S 22.83 Robert Ballnntyre Alblna. N. SO feet of E. 25 feet lot 17, block 53. E. 25 feet lot 18. block 53 83.60 Isaac B. Kauffman, Alblna Add., lot 3. block 1 13.75 Kate M. Hayden Alblna Add., lot 3, block 1 18.75 Kate M. Hayden Alblna Add., lot 1L block 1 28.05 W. J. Daniel Alblna Heights, lncldg. lot 1, block 6, Leah's Add., lot 1 block 1 29.70 James Books Alblna Homestead, lot 1. 2.- block A 24.20 Church of God of P. Ogn. Alblna Homestead. W. i lots 9. 10. block 8 78.70 Delve g. ClcII. und. M-: OIlie L. Clcil. und. H Alblna Homestead, lot 15, block ;i 12.10 A. D. Willoughhy Alblna Homestead, N. 16 2-3 feet of E. 33 1-3 feet of W. 66.76 feet lot 10. block 11 TT James J. Shea Alblna Homestead. lots 13. 16. block 11 64.90 Eva L. Swank Alblna Homestead. lot 7. block 12 40.70 Daisy L. Rand Alblna Homestead, Jot 9. block 18 25.08 Jacob and Lena Nelson. E. lots 7, 8. block 20 80.80 L. L. Osborn. E. 33 1-S feet lot 9. block 23 20.13 Penumbra Kelly Albion Add. to AI- bina, lot '20. block 1 6.05 Emma A. Stephens Albion Add. to Alblna. lot 22. block 5 6.05 A. M. Preinpan Albion Add. to Al blna, lot 22. block 6 6.05 Sarah J. Henderson et al.. Th. Al der Springs, lots 9. 11. block 3 1.65 N. W- Realty Co. Alder Springs, lot 14. block 8 42 S. J. Henderson et al.. Tr. Alder Springs, lor 22. block 7 62 S J. Henderson et al., Tr. Aider Springs, lot 12, block 8 62 S. .T. Henderson et al.. Tr. Alder Springs, lot A, B. block 8 1.24 Jennet te Lockhard Alder springs, lot 6. block 9 62 S. J. Henderson et al.. Tr. Alder Springs, lot 12 to 14. block 9 1.86 S. J. Henderson et al.. Tr. Alder Springs, lot 18. block 10 .73 N. W. Realty Co. Alder Springs, lota 13, 14, block 11 1.24 Samuel Boise Almo Acres, lot 13.... 6.35 H- A. Smith and R. S. McFarland. Al mond, frac. lots 1 to 4. block 1 . 2.73 Geo. E. and Emma Frost and Jno. L. Karnopp Almond, lot 6, block 2... T.70 Annie L. Owens Anabel, lot 2, block 1 17.60 Ellen M. Garrison Arbor Lodge, lot 1. block 8 23.65 R Garrison Arbor Lodge, lot 2, 8. block 3 24.75 Alex and Hllma Erlckson Arbor Lodge, lot IS. 19. block 5 7.70 Earl C. Bronough Arbor Lodga, lot 13 to 15. block 12.10 J A. Weslery Arbor Lodge, lots 7 to 9, block 14 ' 16.50 Andrew Alsen Arbor Lodge, Iota 1 to 3, block 16 80.S0 Edwin L. Forkers Arbor Lodge, lot 15. block 16 6.60 pYilipp Buehnor Arbor Lodge, lot 13. 14, block 22 8.25 J. M. Turner Arbor Lodge, lot .1 to 12. block 25 87.20 Western Ore. Trust Co. Arcadia, lot 1, block 1 8.S0 Western Ore. Trust Co. Arcadia, lot 6. block 2 6.05 Western Ore. Trust Co., Arcadia, lot 7. block 3 1 ' 6.60 Powell Valley Co. Arden Park, lots 10 to 13. block 1 8.20 Powell Valley Co. Arden Park, lot 3, block 9 tt Powell Valley Co. Arden Park, lota 7 and $, block 9 2.40 Powell Valley Co. Arden Park, lots 1, 2. block 12 2.08 Wellesley Land Co. Argyla Park, lots 1, 2, block 16 6.60 Mona H. Wing Arleta Park. lot 6... 8.S5 Jacob Schlewe Arleta Park, lot 83. . 7.70 Mary C- Barras Arleta Park No. 2 lots 13, 14. block 3 8.64 Geo. W. Brown Arleta Park No. 2, lot 6, block 4 1.92 Hettle Morrissey Arleta Park, lot 7, block 4 4.82 Amanda Farnsworth Arleta Park No. 2. lot 6, block 5 1.92 Mattift I. Mavberry Arleta Park No. 2, lot 21. block 6 192 Geo. Hnll Arleta Park, lot 6. block ft 1.93 p. p. Harvey Arleta No. 2. lot 26 and 27, block 13 10.58 Arleta Land Co. Arleta Park, lots 1. 2, block 7 7.04 Alio Mary Thompson Arleta Park No. 2. lot 3 .block 7 2.08 E. J. Kelley Arleta Park No. 2, lot 18. block 7 4.48 Edwin Phillips Arleta Park No. 2, lot 22, block 9 2.03 Ellen Stiger Arleta Park No. 2, lots 29. 30. block 9 12.61 Lydla Seely Arleta Park No. 2. lot 10, block 10 2.08 Euphenla Allen Arleta Park No. 2, lot 23, block 10 2.08 Geo. W. Brown Arleta Park No. 2. lota A, B. block 14 2.40 Lulu E. Robins Arleta Park No. 3, lot 13. block 2 12.10 E. L. Behncke Arleta Park No. 8. lot 24. block 8 14.80 Bos Kimball Arleta Park No. 3, lot 27, block 4 8.80 J. A. Read Arleta Park No. 8, lot 15. block 6 2L45 P. F. Samuelson Arleta park No. 3, lota 2. 29. block 6 6.60 John Blythe Arteta Park No. 3, lot 12, 13, block 7....i....i,t-a 14.83 i