Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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    -a m
1. " " 1 . .... A I FOR RENT.
Bookkceoer. and fetenographere. Furnished Boom.. . K
TO EXCHANGE About 1-.ihm ft grn
bout!. flowf tor and about 4 arra
of land. Inside of a c.iy f about V.ihiO
in iattrrn orcn. tahlih4 txMtT
intn li yar: larr ani prnfHabla bul
a. n-i fr-rn $- to $ tnnoiiiy;
Oar. For untncumr4 I'urtlan! or -at:.
tropro f rop-rty. or lmpnw
arrvac in cira frto0 or -V hlnc
too of tjual aiu. $;u. AV 4wj. ora
9 'Tf.lan.
I'OR PALE lR TRADE Central ItnprnwJ
prprty. Atnv. or.: valua. 12 .--0
munto.y: rnt will tichanf for port-
land property, land or bu.inaa t balf; wt.l'lr laraa deal If ta ar
race for $' to car my propany.
J. Ik Cfln., Albany. r.
In hn for a-raa or yotin; or
rhmi la ool coodltiou. AR 441 Or-
CLKOANT -raanar Warmon aulo. coa
tha owner laat yar. fully aiu!ppt
with prto t;M. pumpa own itrea,
lathr top. gr ass front: owner will traia
tt port. and property. David Law. a. room
2. Lurr.t-'gim bhi g.
W-At PE farm for trade; ood bulldinra,
btwta anl 4fl acrea cleared: will ac
pi unlnrumtcrfU ctty property: aent
noed not tuwir. Poat of:ic bos
1'ition a.
liEALTirLL IVarra tr-t. wlta flna bul.4
In., on a'.vrtrlc rarllna. ft tor-a aittl
.-h.o. within 3 b'.o-aa f p!ara. will trala
for Portland property. David la, room
2. X.umbermrr.a bltlc
JOO ACRES of flna fruit land In tha fa
mous Mxir dt-tri'-t . tha land Is cheap
at ft;S per ar-re; will accept a od auto
and some cash. Th Hart Land. 13
CMmNf of '-mmerr bl'!a
ivK SaTTe OK FXCH ANOE for teams,
tool, etc.. or Ian... f I'" equity In to
rooui houe. near Portland; wora for men
rd bois year round here. L. D- w aat- Ornro, Or.
lw 0fl BAT lxa on the I'nin-
auia .
y a:I!la lota " aarh
X Knon I
phone owner. Kat W.5. Room 3d-
titrl. Eta.
On Tue.jy. Auiutt 2. at 3 P. M.. wa
ar::i hntl our weekly auction.
Trre will r-e abuut head of hre
and ut'iU-e offered at thla tune. If la
nd of mr stofc It wi:i pay you to pa
tronise th sale, as all stoca la o.M un-d.-r
u.rin: to fee Just as represented
at Itme of y iti to be the Jule.
4.' Hawthorne are.
Ihone K 71 H l3t-.
$: ojW (' L ETil farm outfit, mar and
hon-. we ght 2tuo Iba. . and S-lnch
ftlti take mare and horae; we If hi
muti'l and first -clasa workers; coins and
t to Team of horses just off scraper
f vour rhol for thnee buxtflea.
?; Fast l.-h. rr. Madison.
M ir h i' ; a n h coo i ; e,
lit'siHK RD VAiJN.".
Before you buy either above. a ear
sfov: and it aricea. V'e re located out-
Me the hlch-rnt district and for that
reasoa can s:i rhtpr. Why buy a aec-on.l-baad
Vrhlc.e when you can fet
nw uot at a-out the aame price?.
R. ii WAL'E CO.
Hawthorne Ave.
FOR AI. cheap, team, harness and wagon;
Just tne thins; for rampm trip; wa'.k one
h:o-k west and two south from end of
HwTh.rne Be car. -15 35th St. B. E.
TRAVIS rtFlOtri v7mD rARD feveral
hav and llsrht horses. harneaa and
ifoni. ' 'or. ath and Hawthorne.
ft K hALJi ne rlne tva.m youna. wll-
matrbd msr. wetahtns '40O; sound and
tfje. Rnxll st.
BAfl'iAlN wuniity considered. yuni heavy
dapp.e (ray team. Inquire 4M bacrameato
1,. fA K-4 1-D mr, (uunt fd sound, well
brel. price t..V. F.iet A B a J 13.
H'K fAl.E One :d:e pony; works sing, a
cr oun; JJk Apply 4't.l E. Morrison.
WILL, buy second-hand delivery wason, jood
rptliMon. prt- rtrnt. Main J
14i'-POl" N D ose. Columbia Stables, SOI
Krone at. Ask for Chrtitsnstn'i horse.
Com In and let ua how yon theae car
and over others. Al makes at at
tractive pricva.
OaktarH roadster, cost lo0; for
quirk sale only fluOO.
Cadlllac. S-passencr; onTy
1 Chalmera-Detroit. 3-pass., fso.
Maxwell, ft-pasa. T50t.
E. M. r.. fc-pasa., only $750.
1011 foredoor Win ton, aaxna as new,
And many others. Don't fail to aea
21st and Washington St a.
Wa are state distributors for undoubtad
Iv the bet automobile on the market, and
wit h in tho neat few weeks will establish
aa-nta and sub-asents for 19IJ In every
city and town In the State rf Oregon; tba
name of this car la known the world over
and tt Is In a class by Itself, for none of
the cheaper and lew of the hlaher-prlced
cars can be compared with It; good live
men will r offered very liberal proposi
tions and hre the ro-operatlon f the fac
tory branch and advertising; department;
progressive parties wishing1 to Identify
themsivs with such a car ara requeated
to addrea A 4"d, Tg-nlaru
fcl,KANT 5-pasaenger 11 auto, cost $
;t year, in eiegant condition; Prsta
lirhts, leather top. glass front, speedo
meter: pumps its own tires; owner leav
ing city; make an off-r. David Lewis.
room luritrnini blilf.
BILE J-ivt touch t ten days ico at a coat of
.Vio Inrludlna equipment, fore-door. 7
paasenffer: will demonstrate. Address X
3 7. 4res"rtlan.
ytH SALE Automobile. t wo-cy ilndep,
Hulck. ft-pasaenger touring car. naed but
two seasons; pries ftoo. complete with
top, speedometer, wind shield and presto
light tank. Address A. H. avarr, Fourva
a - d h y t stree a
HHiU-GRADrl 111 five-passenger automo
bile; demountable rims, windshield, speed
ometer, a iact no headlights, sidelights and
tail-light: cost over 3ofO; caia or on
Instalments, or will trade for real aetata.
L 3.17. creKni-An.
, ew automobiles to trad for house and
lot of equal value tn Irving' ton. Laurel
hurst or I .add a Add ; prive particulars.
value, location, ilia la reply address A
SAX Oregon i an.
E want a d second-band automobile
In eachanse for excellent fruit land nap
res welt or Eucene. trr. Write us what
yon have. Eugene Great Western Land
t'ompa ny. Kugena, Or.
to, ACRES fine land near San Jiee. 'al., to
earhanse fr a good automobile; no Junk:
wanted, will give big vaiue for right car.
'l Buchanan PTdg.
ft.TON guaranteed auto truck, used but S
months. t.o cash down; I -- a mouth
pavment takes It; m snap. D 374, Orefo-ruan-
A M ITCH ELL roadster. 30 h.-p . la f Irst
rlaae anape. tall at Neata A Mc
Carthy garage. 21st and Washing loa or
phone Marshall 2131-
THS Auto Fupp'.y Co. will save you 23 per
csnt on all automohil s'lnpltes. wa a so
have lar aasortment ox allghtly used
tlrea. Main St.
JK TOC ara in the market for an automo
bile write ma. as 1 am In a position to
gtve yu dealers' coat on a 1 most any make
yoa want. O ". Oregonlan.
TIMBER claim for automobile of eual
value. What hava you T AJP a3. Ore
gon i an. i
AC TO OWNERS Will overhaul your car
at your own grce; 14 years saperlenca.
AT 34. lreorilan.
Auto repairing and rebuilding.
Raeemer.U o 10th Ht.
AM retiring from tba auiomobiia business,
have two new and two elight;y used cars
at bargain prices. O 351. oregonlan.
FOR SALE-Studebaker electric runabout
in good condition; pnoe doo. Phose Maia
4QeA .
FIVE-PAENiSER auto. X0 per hour.
Main aiM. A 3 7T. 3.- A.der
Ixga. filrde, prt ritoclu
BI FF Orpinctoa chickens cheap If taken
at once. Oak Grove. Red7-2.
BOSTOM Terrier. 1 no on t ha, goaia, blind la
tM;, 8-' S4th St. N.
FI'B Eng.ish bull pupplea. cheap. 4th
su Pbooa A and Maia 4aV
RcmE CITV BIRD STORE, 7k2 Washington
st.. birds, dogs and ail kinds of pets
bought and sold: I have soma fine Alas
kan Fpttae for sale at your own price; also
sheph-rds and many others. Call and aea
what I have. .
AIREDALE Tt KK1 KfcKd for Data, sportaad
guards Laddtg Keanela. Estacada. Or.
M I ace 1 la neons.
FOR BALE Set of machinery frr sterri
wbeel boat, consisting of pslr 10n0-lncn
engines. H. P. tallsr, capstan and an
gina, hydraulic steering rig. wheel Irons
and hog chains. Newport Iron Works.
irp't l. w tin.
GAS RANGE, with hot water coll. EMts
atael range, nearly new. $14. solid oak mis
sion library table. very flna quartered
oak hall trea, cost 43. at $15. Call 113
t nion a vs.
TWO nrst-claes tickets to New Orleans, one
male, one female; two half r "?!
via Los Angeles and Bout hern Pacific,
. . i , h . Umln T .. 1
nmiifq rrptriiiurt
fcAFtS N.w and J-J-hnd;low prlcM: r
t-rm- urn openl. rilrml I"1E.Vn.,!;
PAKE CO.. S B:h - M.ln 3. A !'
Tf oar stort do.n't bk. th.r., wron. 1 t.n fl l- 6 E
Mnrn-n. Phon. Em 1012.
EXCEPTIONAL. lyp.ntr k.rf.lnii for th.
w.k: R.tnlnton. (30; Smith Pr.m1.rfc
127.5.1: Bllckfc tlt.M. Jortlwt Tjrp
wrmr Co.. 90 8th
l'jR 6ALK or tr.o. ll doub!. cylinder
nd ilrum eomr.clor". donli.y .nrin.. 410
fl. -lnrh &03 Hallway Excaaac
bid A 4S3.
SNAH Clrcaralan b.droom .ull. Jl jr.rd.
broara ivt c.rpt. 3 porch .h.dr.. blu.
w'n.low .'.t Hitmen. Phon. Mar.hail 4'..
FuR f AI.E or trade $H Co:umbia Rl'
orchard. Co.". 7 pr cnt bonds, what
hr yo.T AL 3". OroBlaD.
-H'RSEPOWEH molorcyci.. 175: t.ndm
attarbmrnt: licnt. till firat ot yaar. 41
Main. Trlphon Main
FINE lar walnut butl.r roll.r-top drsk:
Id. draw.ra: own.r Irarlnc country; aacrl
tic. Phon. Main H47. .
MALE tlcicrl. Kanaaa City. ood to Srpt.m
br l-.; rordium. mlddl. aga. 42s Uiit
r.r Echar..
TlitC SviTE Baullful atr-whlta d:a
montl. 1-3- Karat; rcaMnabla. T S2.
LAtV rt tick. I to Orr.aha: d.rrlt .l atouu
licht hair, youce. phon. Main ila.
gT-irs s.v.ral lari. aacaad-band. for ..
R Or.'nlan.
ITTnch U.ff.1 t.rbln. lth Iron tw;
pru-. $l. Inqulr. J. M. Arthur A Co.
6af.: lar. oo4 aa . for a!a ch.ap.
itrmi if you " " '
Contracior'f iulpm.nt by t'r.ltsd Enlnar-
m .iaa ana Iwli H i i nr.
Hlihr.t prlc. paid for mn- and laai.r
ra.t-"i. elothln.. hoa. furnllur.. loojS.
"JrhaV.IC loln. Cail Mala 20.O. 20
Flrtt t. ' Th. Olob..
WANTET A ond-hand billiard tab In
a-ood condition. mut b. a bargain. O-.
pnc. and full particular.. Addraaa. AU
r YOi; ha. bouhold furnitur. to nil.
ca'l up Onrri Rak.r Co.. Itl Park
Sa.a at rr.'qnc. a iptciiuj.
Tool. Hichr.t prlrM paid for all kind, of
2d-hand mcrhanl. Io((tn tonla Ivla
Hdwr.. Co.. 2J Front. Main
HIGHEST prlc. paid for furtiltura. .toy.a,
rarca. nc, .te. Call ap Eaat 1023 or
call at Ea.t Momon t
WE pay th. blahot ra'h prlc. for acond-
h.nd furnitur.. Sat.r tt Martin. Phon.
EallJ4. 4 Hawthorn, ava.
FORD Auction Co. pay. moat caab frr any
kind of furnitur. Main lrM. A 24.
WANTED To buy. a toani. 1200 Iba.. for
ranch. 1 ISO Mlarauri ava.
AHLE-DonlED torn wIDttd for tn. V. a.
Marin. Corpa, ttttni th. aaa of It and
Id; must b. aatlv. bora or hava Brat
papar.: monthly pay l ta ; addition
al companaatloa poaalbl.: food, clotblnr.
Suart.r. and mlcal att.ntloa tr: axt.r
0 yaara aamc. can ratlr. with TS pt
tnt of pay and ailowaacea: aanrlca ea
board ahlp and aahor. in all parta of tn.
w.r.d. Apply at U. 8. Marin. Corpa
rrultlns OSIca r.adn blda. d aad
Waaniortoa ata.. Portland. Or.
SALESMEN If you can a.11 ral .lat a. I
will ahow you a practical working plan
that la now producing ratr rraulti for
our aaiesmrn than any alinllar propoaltlon.
falea Uanag.r. 2 Oak u
WANTED Lly. young man to call on pro.
prcta furnlahcd by u; th. work la d.tlnlt.
and w. can, glv. you aaalaianc. In eloa
ln: th. work la on a commlaalon basla
and call, for good. hard, ptralatent keep
ing at It; for thoa who can. th.r. I.
an rcUnt financial r.turn. Pa Mr.
hhodch.m.l Monday morning, not lat.r
than 11:30 84 4th at.
WANTED Wld.-awak. aolicltor for an ln
lallmrnt propoalllon; Irgltlmata ana
clean. aprlally appala to m.chanlca and
other wag.-earnera; no real eatat. and no
nouae-to-houee, D 33. Oregonlan.
WANTED An offlc. boy. 16 yeara of age.
graduate from grammar achool. to learn
the bmlneaa; muat coma well recom
mended. Apply Morrla 4t Company. 16th
and Marshall.
SALESMEN, eiclualv. territory, big oppor
tunities, steady poaltloa. complete Una
Taklma Valley-grown fruit, .had. and or
namental stock: cash weekly; outfit fr.
Toppenlah Nuraery Co.. Toppenlah. Wash.
A-l" CARPENTER wanted, on. who haa
tiO to soar, for 6n days: must be cap
able of acting as foreman; wagea 14 f.r
a hours Call oranlngs at 'Ivi 14th su
Mfcin t"i0.
STOCK salesman to sell stock la a reliable
comp.ny; a good stock soils Itself whea
th. Investor knows that I: Is good. Apply
at department A. 1U20 Chamber of Cen
mere, bldg.. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.
MAN to represent well-estaMlahed trad,
magaslnes. for news and advertising; glv.
full particulars by letter, reference phone
number; would not require .ntlr. time.
Addrras A3 2'.. Oregonlan.
WANTED Salesman for blank books. print
Ins; and looee-leaf goods; must b. familiar
with city and can estimate prices; salary
and commlaalon. F Oregonlan.
TINSMITH wanted: flrst-claaa Jobber; must
h. good beating man: open shop. Apply
J. U Hlrach. 613 8U Helena ava.. Tacoma.
Salesmen wanted to ii our im. of pm-
clflo Coaat-growa numry atock ; cash paid
weekly. Paalso Nuraery Ce, Corsou
a, MAN who understands bookkeeping and
stenography can buy stock la the com
pany and draw a salary; glv. reference,
and salary required. N 863, Oregjnlan.
RAILROAD fireman tor email logging road.
out of town; answer stating, age and wbar.
formerly employed. J 73, Or.gonlan.
SAI.KpMEN A good splalty man for city
and ona for the road, state experience) and
aalary wanted. H 37, Oregonlan.
WANTED ttuod man to eollelt llquora to
family trade. ArP'y aemp.e-room. Eastera
Liquor l a, 12 North 6i h at.
WANTED Flrat-claaa lineman, good wagea
and steady position. Reply, giving phone
rumber. J J7. Oregonlan.
WANTED A helper on cakes wanted. Royal
Bakery 4k Confectionery, 11th and Ever-
ett sta
SALESMEN to handle lfcll map erf Wash.
Oregon; hustlers clear 123 to I7S weekly.
PIT Board of Trade.
JAPANESE MAN. experienced took, wife
nurse glrL Fort Slovene, Or. Apply TOO
Overton St.. city.
TINNERS, out-of-town, nonunion. Apply
2j commercial Club bldg.
Vul'NG man for collector and office work.
Lion Clothing Co.. 1H-170 Third st.
WANTED First-class men tailors to work
on ladles" jacketa 6. Weiss, 147 10th st.
PHOTOORAPH coupon and portrait agents.
B.w offer. Cutberth Hludlo. Dekom bldg.
WANTED Boya over 14 with vbetla, 76
id at.
WANTED Flret-claea ladlee tallora, beat of
wagee paid. P. Welsa. 147 loth at.
WANTED A delivery boy. OK meat mar
ket. 1104 Hawthorne ava.
UiBOHEBs' and. a men to clear right of
way. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.
CARPENTERS, on concrete forma; non
union. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Two lathers. Phone Marshall
li '30. ,
BARBER wanted, steady Job. 18a Morri
son st.
PKESSER wanted. Portland Cleaning a
Tailoring Co.. 43 Jefferson.
y I V K barbers wanted. 2r8 Burnalde; steady
PEERLESS Cafeteria. 64 8th at. Wanted,
bo ia to carry dlahea
WANTED Bright. Intelligent boy with
wheel, good wagea. Apply 202 H Alder at.
WANTED Flret-ctaae aaddla-makera. Ap
ply W. H. McMonlea Co, 24 Union ava.
On. of Manyi
OfrVo Secretary Employment Department
T. at. C A.
Tounr man. stranger, out of wont tJ"
Ms total cash asset If I pay yo"
for special employment membership. I win
hsv. only : left between mo and atarva-
Beeretary If you pay l '"?'
employment membership you will bve toe
T. M. C. A. with Its. resources betweea
yoa aad starvaUoo.
teeord for S months ending Juaa 0.
Calls for men 'ii
PoslUons f.lle4 rii
htm members 101
Rmplovmant memborahlo mta-nnteoa
plorm.nt or refund of memberahlB fee),
rlvea two months- full memberehlp prtv
riegea. 10 months aoelal prtvl.ejea and
undertaken to keep party amployod during
th. fuU terra of mamo.rsb.lp without
further charge. .
w. have eonetant demand for p'gh
grada. espeiianced moa. Ara yoa fluea
for a better poelUoat . .
Sea aecratary employment departmeat
T. M. C A.
WANTED Salesmen with ability. W; tiava
an addition of lfoo lots of unexcelled view
property on th. West Side; splendid
portailon. only 13 minutes from downtown;
reetrlctlons and hlsh-claas Improvements!
the beautiful Terwllllger boulevard, now
being built, passes through It. This prop
erty Is now ready for the market, and at
a prlc. lower than any of a similar char
acter In the city. Positively no greater
return, can be earned and no better open.
Ing exists for salesmen In Portland. The
company has sufficient property and Is
large enough to take car. of you, wo
pay a liberal commlaalon.
Madison bldg., 3d and Madison gts.
WANTED Salesman, experienced magaslne
and book men. to repreeent Current Lit
erature io-voluma premium and tba
magaslne for 1. Entirely new and a
sur. winner. Highest commissions. t-1""-rent
Literature Publishing Company,
room '3 Marquam bldg
Apply Standard Factory. No. S. Oraad
ava. and Eaat Taylor at.
WANTED For eeml-lnvalld. young lady
care and boarding plac. within vicinity
south of Taylor su and east of lath st
eal! Tuesday. Address S3 Eaat Oak su
Phone Eat ZliO.
WANTED Girl fur general housework; 3
In family; wages J5. Apply between 10
and 12 A. M. 227 West I'ark at. Pbona
Main 4KJT.
WANTED Toung girl for general house
work, fsmlly of one. business woman:
house modern; references. AG 360. Ora
gonlan. r
WANTED Talloress 'with experience;
stesdy plac. for th. right one. Apply
Monday morning, Brasflold Pergls. Ill
Sd su
A COMPETENT nurse maid to care for two
children and assist In second work; rood
wages. Apply at 94 21st st., corner
WANTED Buttonhole makers and flnlahera
for mena coats. 321 h Ollsan. corner of
6th. -
GIRL or woman to assist with general
housework; good wagea, good homo. 628
4th St.
OIRL, for general housawork; no cooking,
good home and good wages; German or
Swedish preferred. 674 3th SU
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
four In family; wagea 3J. 71 Overtoa
su Phone A RW2.
WANTED A young girl to take care baby
and help with light housework; family of
teoJ into Vaughn at. Tske W car.
COMPETENT girl for general housework:
small family. Call mornings. 333 E.
12th North,
WANTED Women to work In cannery.
pealing pears. Experience preierrea. l-ang
4t Co.. Burnslde su. between Front and 1st.
WANTED A young lady, experienced In
dairy offlc. work. Csjl from to 13 at
67 Union ava. North.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Visvl Oo.. 609 Roth-
cnim "'"a-. .o .. .
GOOD girl for general housework, small
family and good wages: must b. first-class
cook: references. 4U4 20th si. Main 222.
EXPERIENCED cook for small family, must
do general housework. 181 14th at., cor.
BI'tilNKSS firm needs a woman over 23 who
is practical and faithful; experience pre
f erred. AM atM. Oregon!. n.
A GOOD lady cook In private boarding
house. Arply from to 4. 44 Madison
su cor )0trt and Madison. Main 2"tm.
Wanted Experienced girl for general house
work; small family; good wagea Apply
TO Lucretla su. near Everett, mornlnga
826 Washington at-, room (14,
Main 63 or A 8266.
WANTED Olrl to help in cleaning and
tirreslng establlshroenu Inquire at Golden
bate Pve Worke. 1Q.V Hawthorne ave.
3434. Washington su. cor7tn. upstairs.
Phone Main 2892.
WANTED Body Ironer. Portland Laundry,
corner Couch and 9th.
OOOD cook, lunch room and delicatessen.
173 11th st.
WAITRESS for small restaurant; must b.
com pe tent. 28 1st St.
WANTED A lady cook for boarding and
rooming-house. Phone Main 2.118.
EXPERIENCED arm waitress. Criterion. 82
WANTED Yonnr girl work Ic-cream coun
ter. 2'e) Burnslde su
WANTED An experienced hotel cham
bermaid. 74 Washington st. The HIIL
GIRL7wanted for general housework. Phona
East 3M12 or apply 287 Monroe.
A nlRL for general housowork- East 622k
l4EaJt Taylor.
WANTED A girl for Portland Dellcatea-
sen. 1 S3 Third.
WANTED Olrl for cigar store and confec-
.. CM ";T Vamhlll at
WANTED Flret-claas cook In small family.
. i mnrnltm A?4 Salmon SU
APPRENTICE wanted. Sanitary Beauty
Parlors. 400-412 Dekurrl bldg.
WANTED C.lrls for shooting gallery. Apply
.,. ...n it and 12. 4th and Couch.
WANTED At Sisters- Hoepltal In Chlco,
Uai-. PUPHS to enter nw.
WANTED A middle-aged lady to do light
housework. Apply 4..J1'
OIKL to aaelat with general housework; no
WANTED girl for general housework. Ap
ply at - once. 44T loth su
GIRL for genual housework. Apply 2(10
N. 24th.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and general
housework. 215 N -211th.
A GIRL for general housework. 8 In family.
4ot North 2d su. Willamette Heights.
WANTED A refined young woman as nurse
maid; must glv. refsrsncea. 461 Haesalo st.
EXPERIENCED waltreaaea wanted by tho
Meier A Frank restaurant; good pay,
pleasant surrouddlngs. Apply at restaurant
desk, 7th floor.
DRESSMAKER at once by mfg. concern to
make pattterns for children's dresses from
lining patteme: state salary and phone,
also power machine operator. D 330, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Mother and daughter to work to
gether In making Investigations, daughter
to be over 15 years: must be reliable.
Glv. particulars, phona and address. Good
pay to rl&ht parties. H 372. Oregonlan.
GIRL wsnted for general housework. Phona
Eset 8562. 2tT Monroe.
HOPPICKERS to pick 600 scree vof hops,
big crop. fin. accommcdatlons. bskery,
butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant,
free dancing pavilion, beautiful camping
grounds, delightful bathing; low excursion
rates; register now at Krels Bros. office,
room 608 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak
eta. No charges for Job. Office hours 9
A. M. to 8 P. M.. Sunday 9 A- M, to 1 P.
M Home 1T1T. Marshall ?16-
W ANTED Hop-pick era shacks free; will
be at SU Charles Hotel August 30 and SL
Homer Gouley.
ii ' i P-P I ' K E KS wanted for on. of th. beev
hopyards In Oregon; picking lasts about
three weeks. Call at room 620 Worcester
bldg.. corner 3d ana m, ror particui..
WANTED Hopplckera to pick 160 acres,
fine crop. For further Information call at
Carlson's fruit store. 303 E. Morrison su
Phone E. 237. Geo. L. Rose.
WANTED Hopplckers; shacks, fruit free;
lll be at St. Charles Hotel Aug. 80 and
31. Romeo uouiey. yoa. prooaa. v..
SOLICITORS wanted, men and af omen with
city realdance. 430 Goldsmith st, 8-ll A.
M. .
BEST proposition to good solicitors: ?
week. 8 to 9 A. M.. 3 to 6 P. M. 367 V,
East Burnslde. room 14.
WANTED Stenogrspher at 209 E. 6th N.
Call 8 to 11 or 1 to 7.
Moving picture operators earn 125 to
333 weekly; easy Inside work: short hours;
advantagea derived from attending
Being the best-equipped school: also
oldest and most reliable, competent and
pleasant Instructors.
Complete course given repairing and
adjusting, operating and electric wiring;
help secur. positions.
Special reduction on lessona
Theaters make 310 to 3100 dally: we
start our graduates In moving picture
(on a percentage baslsi.
S38S Wsshlngton su, near 17th su
MEN wanted, aged 18-35 for firemen,
monthly: brakemen $80. on nearby rail
roads: experience unnecessary; no strike,
positions guaranteed competent men: pro.
motion; railroad employing headquarters,
289 men sent to positions In July; stats
age; send stamp. Railway Association,
box AV. Oregonlaru
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last ysars
men and women learn barber trade In
8 weeks; hslp to securs position; gradu
ates earn from 313 to 325 weekly: expert
Instructors: tools free: write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 33
North 4th su, Portland. Or.
WANTED Poaltively no expense to learn
trade of electricity, automobiles, plumb
ing, bricklaying by actual work on con
tract Jobs: only a few months required;
2oo students last year: catalogue free.
United Trade School Constructing Co
Los Angelee. Cal. .
Interstate commerce work, under the re
cent rsllr jad law. 337 Taylor su Phone
Main 7S6.
TEACHERS wanted at onca for grades and
specialties: no expense unless located;
state qualifications and send photo to
North Yakima. Wash.
YOU sr. wanted for Government position;
880 month; send postal for list positions
open. Franklin Institute, DepU 843 U.
Rochester. N. Y.
MAKE money writing short stories, or for
pspers; big pay; free booklet tella how.
linnrq ricn c.', o.u r . ..v.
bwetland bldg.
WHIT1NO. 35 mo. 269 14t h St. M aln 3883.
WILL tint rooms for $2.60 and paint houses
at your price. Phone East 2263.
wXn'TED Young men to learn moving-picture
operating. Laemmle. 133 Oak eU
$10 DAILY fitting eyeglasses; start you
Immediately. A 417, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and dorks.
WANTED by young man. 81. position as
bookkeeper or accountant; 10 years' ex
perience; railroad accounting, thorough
knowledge of transfer and warehousing
accounts; also knowledge of wholesale
grocery business; can use typewriter;
first-class references; city or country. Y
839. Oregonlan. ,
WANTED Am located at Los Angeles,
familiar with conditions, hotela, real es
tate, novelties and merchandise; reach
traveling public through Chamber Com
merce, hotels, railroad and steamship of
fices; will represent one or two good
propositions. Address room 334, Hotel
BY YOUNG MAN. experienced In bookkeep
ing, auditing and general office work; so
ber, reliable, a hustler, willing to start on
small salary. A-l references. E 368, Ore
up books, prepare balances and statements.
Install avsteme. Gilllngham. auditor, 411
Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. .
YOUNG msn. experienced bookkeeper and
office tn Eastern bank, wants posi
tion, offlc. work, in or our of city; good
references. AV 395, Oregonlsn.
BY young man 25. five years' experience
boskkeaplng and office work: competent:
give me a trial and be convinced; best
of references. L 843. Oregonlan.
SITUATION WANTED by heat-appearing
young man. 21 yeara of are, aa bookkeeper
or cash man. Am a graduate of the Gem
City Business College. Qijlnry. UK, and
have had 1 year banking experience. Can
furnish very best of references. Address
M 865. Oregonlan.
GARDENER, flret class, thoroughly under
atanda all branches, over 20 years' prac
tical experience, would lay out new place;
married, no family; excellent referencea
as to ability, etc. V 872, Oregonlan.
AN all-around hotel engineer and mechanlo
wants position In or out of city; beet of
references: 38 years old; married, no fam
ily. AB SMI. Oregonlan.
WANTED By young man. 20. of good
habits, ehorouglily honest and reliable,
position of any kind; mercantile preferred.
AO 384, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED engineer wants poaitlon;
Al reference, 23 yeara' experience; good
pump and repair man. all-around engi
neer. O 867, Oregonlaru
COACHMAN or etableman wants steady Job;
understands horses, and not afraid of
work: would look after autos or garden
or any housework. O 86S, Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN. experienced moving picture
operator, wishes a position; can run snd
repair any mak. of machine. F 369, Ore
gonlan. A YOl'NG man with no bad habits wants
position as chauffeur- Addresa H. C G..
Glacier. Hood River. Oregon.
OOOD Japanese boy wants to work, cook
and housework In small family. F 363,
WANTED Poaitlon aa watchman, strictly
sober, don't smoke. Chris Evans. 418 Til
WANTED Chsuffeur's tSsltlon. 13 ysars
-experience; do own repairs. AT 863. Ore
wontan. JAPANESE wanta work: Just evening: In
family or boarding-house. G 871, Ore
gonlan. YOUNG men wiahee work on farm or ranch,
Soultry farm or nursery; familiar with
andllng stock. AO 33. Oregonlan.
EVENING work wsnted by Japanes. boy.
AE 385. Oregonlsn.
ALL-AROUND cook wsnts Job. restaurant
or hotel. Call Main 92S. .
WANTED Work on ranch by man and wife.
D 877. Oregonlan.
PAINTER wants work, day or Job; best
references. AO 379. Oregonlan.
Bookkeeper, and Stenograpnera.
EASTERN atenographer. several years' ex
perience, have passed 9w per cent exami
nation: conSblentlous worker: good gram
marian; A-l references: modt salary: no
objection to leaving city. D 388. Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, with soma
knowledge of bookkeeping, wants perma
nent poaitlon tn or out of tha city. Main
AUGUST 23, 1911.
STENOGRAPHER, with some experience.
oeairea position, rnone ou.uuu " J
COMPETENT public stenographer.
EXPERIENCED dreaamakor wanta sewing
by tho day or at home. 104 East lth
North. Phono Woodlawn 8210.
A THOROUGHLY experienced dressmaker
desires work by day; good reference. AF
;ie. uregonian.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by tn.
day; experienced. Phone Tabor 433.
EXPERIENCED, trustworthy, middle-sged
woman wants work as housekeeper; apart
ments or rooming-house preferred. East
YOUNG woman with baby year old, wanta
position as housekeeper. Mrs. A, Munson,
Woodstock, care E. O. Shepherd. Phona
Sellwood 1B28.
NEAT, middle-aged lady wants cooking or
housework. F 803. oregonlan.
Orders taken for lingerie and all kinds
of white work, fine neckwear and shirt
waists. Phones A 1520 and Main 1911.
YOUNG girl with experience aa clerk in toys
and neckwear would like position. AK
388, Oregonlan. . -
TOUNG lady would work for room and
board before 9 o'clock and after 3. M. B-.
820 7th su
GIRL wishes dining-room work, restaurant
YES. we laundry lace curtains, all work
guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 28S4.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work; no
less than day, phone E. 408.
GERMAN lady wants day work.
East S4 1 a.
WANTED Place as cashier, evenings. Sat
urdays and Sundays. E 381, Oregonlan.
WOMAN wishes work by day. A 1447. -
WOMAN wishes day work. Call op A 4482.
RELIABLE salesman can make big money
selling our well-known line ot hardy non
Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc.: out
fit furnished; cash weekly. Address Ore
gon Nuraery Company. Orenco. Or.
WANTED City salesmen. Apply Harring
ton Transfer A Fuel Co.. 433 E. Morrison.
If you hav. a house, flat or store for
rent, don't let it stand Idle; we can find
you a desirable tenant and do It quick.
Our system gets resnlts. Try it and see.
Last week we found 14 tenants for our
clients. We can fine one for you.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
TO RENT or lease 5 or 6-room new. mod
ern bungalow or cottage In or near Irv
tngton district; young married couple;
satisfactory references. Addresa C 367,
HAVE you a small furnished house or epart
ment In good locality you will rent or
share with young married couple? J 364,
8 OR 4 roonie unfurnished, or small cottage;
walking distance. E 314, Oregonlan.
CLEAN, aulet, permanent roomer desires
room with very light breakfast preferred:
on West Side; price and particulara. Ad
dress room 4'r9 Couch bldg.
Rooms and Hoara.
WANTED West Bide, within walking dla
tance of Tenth and Morrison, two fur.
nished rooms with board; must be mod
ern and in good neighborhood; permanent
If suited: state price, etc. Address E 363.
WANTED By two brothers, room and tw.
meala with refined people on West Side,
close In; sleeping porch acceptable, D
3S2, Oregonlan.
FOUR or five-room flat or cottage, fur
nished, between or near Ankeny, Oregon
and 8th. East Side. Address R 371, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Lady with little boy wishes to
board on a comfortable farm. Address
M Oregonlan
WANTED Room and board in private fam
ily by brother and sister. M 364, Orego
nlan. '
Business Place.
WANTED Small office room, desk space or
part of store, down town or suburbs; per
manenU P. O. Box 17, city.
FURNISHED sleeping rooms, hot and cold
water, walking distance. 285 Sixth su
Furnished Rooms.
Those thre beautifully furnished hotels.
tl3U 4th st. lllVs 4th sU 107 H 4th st,
On Fourth su, running from Taylor t.
Falmon st. Brand new brick, elegantly
furnished; .team heat, private baths, hot
nd cold water In all rooms; atrlotly
tip-to-date tu all respeots, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary In tb heart of th. city at ns-s-cnabl.
prices, glv. us a call, aa wa know
you will Ilka lu Rooms by the day. we.
or month- Tourist trade solicited.
StaaldantiaL a so Taylor. Transient,
Bet. Tth and Park sta
Opposite Helllg Theater. Central, quiet,
rooms with private bath. etc.. from $1
dally; suites or single rooms at low
rates: weekly or monthly terms; new,
handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele
phones, hot and cold running water. From
Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or "W"
ear to Tth: from Hoyt-street Depot,
car. transfer ea Morrison ta Ttk. Pbons
Marshall 2200.
387 Vi East Burnaide.
A very pleasant place to Summer, easy
walking distance, modern throughout,
rooms single or en suite, rooms with pri
vate bath. Summer rates. 70c to $1.60 per
day, $2 to 7 per week. B 1375. East 6940.
- 181 Eleventh SU
Nsw, modern brick building, steam-beat,
d, private baths, hot and cold water la
rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort
able. Renta very reasonable. Call and see
as. Regular and tranalent trad. soUclte)d.
Completely renovated; .verythlng first
class; rooms, with bath. $1.60 and up;
127 per month with private baths; special
low Summer rates by week or month.
loth and Washington.
EUCLID HOTEL. 673 Washington su, oor,
of 18th; new, modern, elegantly furnished,
rooms single and en suite with bath, hot
and cold water .very room, phones; rea
sonable rates by week or month. Apply la
THE REGENT 151 H Seventh St.; beauti
ful rooms, right down town; ideal loca
tion for parties staying in town for busi
ness or pleasure; rates very reasonable,
by day or week. $15 month up.
105H Twelfth StreeL
Permanent and transient rooms, all con
veniences; steam heau free phone In every
room: reaaonaoie raiea. uarsnaii nvo.
HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for
business people; centrally located; ele
gant rooms, sll modern conveniences; 7th
and Taylor sta, 1 block from Portland
Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main 913.
12th and Washington.
No extra charge for two In a room;
rooms $1. with private bath. $1.60; S
es . new m-M-......
LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin
gle, $2 and $3 week: five minutes' walk
v..tra and stores, free nhona I m.
I.,, u..i n.' 4th.
1 ri r. uc-vcvibviil
443 Columbia St.. near 12th; elegantly fur
nished, steam-heated rooms. $3 per week
...i i.n One block from threa carlln..
THE COLONIAL HOTEL Some fine rooms
on first snd iscond floors, suitable for 8
or 4 people. $7. $5.50 and $4.50. 163 10th
it take "W" car from depot.
THE TEMPLE. 343 Vi Yamhill at., opposite
Hotel Portlsnd. furnished rooms $2.30 a
week up: transient.
THE LARRABEE. 227 H Larrabee at.; mod
ern, cool, airy rooms, transient 00c and
P; special rates, week, or month. E. 848.
REST VILLA Large. airy rooms, newly
furnished, fine grounds, one block from
"..hlngton t. 49 North 17th su
KICE front rooms, electric jignu running
water, free phones and bath. OJJver, 1st
and Clai
CALUMET Hotel Annex, vnder new man
acement. clean, quiet home for business
men- prices reasonable. 14514 Tth SU
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices. Cor. 8d and Montgomery.
KOHBIS HOTEL Rooms, strictly modern.
33.50 up. 132H 17th SU
THREE housekeeping rooms, newly fur-
. . i . ,.U I.' ami
nisneu, cv.. - - - -
PEER HOTEL, oor. East 3d and Burnalde
ats. Modern In .very respecu Special
rates by week or month for permanent
guests; rooms single or en suite. $3 per
.u and ux. Transient solicited.
Corner Washington and 19th Sta.
Trinity Place. No. 25.
New three-story brick building.
All outside rooms.
Fine quarter-oak furniture.
Axmlnster and Wilton carpeta.
Telephone in every room.
Hot and cold water In ech.
Large closets.
Large rooms, well lighted.
Gas and electricity.
Strictly modern.
Very reasonable rates.
Rooms by uay, week, month.
Walking distance.
New! New! New I
, r
Fine, large, cool rooms at prices unap
proachable In this vicinity.
OB. !ock from Union Lepot: 146 out
side rooms, with hot snd cold water, every
thing brand new; special rates by the week
ar month; give us a trial. Transient rates
Me to 32 per day; weekly rata. 33.80
LARGE, modern, light room, central. 551
Washington. Flat C. Main 30'JU.
Furnished Booms in Private Families.
A CLEAN, well furnished, warm and cozy
steam-heated room tn private family; no
other roomers: suitable for two gentlemen;
$15 for one. $20 for two: will guarantee
this to sulu Call at the Carmellta apart
ments. 13th and Jefferson, ask Janitor to
ahow o. 504
CLEAN. light outside single sleeping room,
convenient .to bath: plenty of hot ana
cold water; steam heat; 5 minutes walk
from P. O. ; $2.50 per week, in janitors
apu ot oneiueiu fly?.. ' "
VERY attractive front room ror gentlemen;
private home; all conveniences. both
phones. Main 4223. A 2733. Call 210 N.
:ja su, near a-canicj
$3 ROOM In refined home, clean and at
tractive, gentleman preferred; no sign.
Marshall S1U4. 333i Jackson, walking
FOR RENT 3 or 4-room apartment,' fur
nished or unfurnished. 703 Multnomah st.
rnone tasieouo.
NICELY furnished rooms. $2 up; ba'h,
phone, five minutes' walk Postoftice, 280
12th sU .
FURNISHED room, modern, walking dis
tance, gentlemen; reasonable. Main 8o94.
410Vx Park su
TWO front rooms, first-class bath, steam
heat, electric light; pleasant home; board
If desired. 715 Johnson, flat 2.
FURNISHED rooms, $1.60 to $5: free phone
and bath. No. 2 14th at., near Washing
ton. NEW furnished rooms for gentleman only
and breakfast 720 Johnson su Main
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni
ences, centrally located, reasonable. 404
Clay, near loth. .
NICELY furnished front room; good loca
tion, use of piano, with or without break
fast; home comforts. AD 362. Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished rooms, home comforts,
rent reasonable. Phono Marshall 2128.
4i-Ella St.
BRIGHT, clean, well-furnished rooms; bath
and phone, $2.26 and $2.50 per week. 3ia
3d st.
COMFORTABLY furnished rooms; hot and
cold water, heat, lights, $12 per month and
up. Marshall 793. 30 N. 17th.
FURNISHED flat. 8 rooms and bath; no
children. 400 4th St. '
348 TAYLOR ST. Large sunny room, for 3
gentlemen; with or without board.
SUNNYSIDE 2 rooms for gentlemen in nice
home. 174 E. 32d St. Phone B 1531.
FURNISHED room, $2.50 a week. 42S 10th
FURNISHED room cheap In modern house,
close In. 832 Flanders su
LARGE, clean, quiet, block from car, walk
Ing distance. 209 E. 6th N.
FURNISHED rooms, private family, walking
distance. Main 425
ROOMS, modern conveniences, walking dis
tance. 269 14th st. Phone Main 3SD3.
NEW, daintily furnished room; modern,
home privileges. Marshall 602.
$10 MONTH, nice room, bath, good location.
7 close In. 4.12 tth. A 5440.
PLEASANT front room, every convenience;
walking dlBtance. 361 10th. Maln3312-
ELEGANTLY furnished room, walking dis
tance. Nob Hill. Phone Main 4082.
NEWLY furnished room, modern. 129 N.
17th st.
Si PER WEEK, nicely furnished room, suit
able for two. 2t)4 11th st.
NICE furnished room. 67 Trinity Place.
Unfurnished Rooms.
8 ROOMS, 20S Broadway, between Ross and
Benton; 3 blocks from river. $10 month.
Call Sunday or evenings.
MODERN, large front housekeeping room.
In private family. 835 B. 1st N.
Room, ana Board.
DOES a home appeal to yout The WhltehalL
cor. 6th ana Madison, large rooms, bath,
broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car,
4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
PORTLAND Women' Union. 23d year;
rooms with board, us. of sewing-room, li
brary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, sups
THE MANITOU-ei 13th, new manage
ment; thoroughly renovated; Inviting
rooms: choice board. Main 1184.
CHOICE board and largo room, facing th.
park; very reasonable. 874 Park. t
CHOICE room and board for young men.
33 N. 17th. 1 block from Washington.
Room- Wltli lioM.u In I'nvsif ranul.
LARGE beautiful front room for 1. 2 or 3.
with board, all conveniences, two car
lines. 273 N. 24th St., cor. Overton su
Marshall 8036.
NICELY furnished front room with board,
suitable for two; price reasonable, walk
ing distance, Nob Hill district 788 Gllsan
St. Marshall 3241.
TABLE BOARD, home cooking-, moderate
rates, centrally located. 60 N. 15th, cor.
Davis. A 2UI0.
LARGE front room, also small one with
sleeping porch, flue view of the hills. 613
Morrison su
ROOM and board for four or five men In
private home: East Side. Phone E. 1803.
381 Hassalo St.
FURNISHED rooms, steam heated rooms,
with breakfast. Marlborough ApU, 21st
and Flanders.
ROOM and board $6 per week. 2 in room
$5 each; free bath and phone. 315 Tllla-
mooK. iaKe u
NEW house, home cooking, pleasant home,
1 room for 2; 1 single room. 624 North
rup su Main 4113. take W car.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board. 639 Ever
ett su
COY rooms, congenial home, piano, board,
refined neighborhood. 761 Marshall.
ROOM and good board for one gentleman.
5Hw uavie.
NEW finely furnished large rooms, board
If deslrea. ; aw v
WELL-FURNISHED room with best board;
large porchandgrounda: Main207L
9mrst-CLASS room, with board, for two,
private family. 93 17th st. N. Main 4220.
NEAT rooms, homelike surroundings, good
boara. uao 0"""
GOOD room, with board, walking distance.
694 Marnei ai- o..
KENTUCKY Apartments, East 28th and
Gllsan; 3 or 4-room furnished apartment;
nw and modej-n, private bath and phone.
V.. tj iiaf m TTnar fi.1S7.
rnono .,"
STRICTLY modern, homelike. 4 large light
rooms, close In. good neighborhood. 1 fur
nished and 1 unfurnished. Majestic, 392
uiay si.
II I J , IV. a s n. u
410 6th Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dls-
.... vm.a annahl.' no chllrt run .
tance, f""a '
THE Marshall apartments, elegantly fur
nished ideal surroundings, every conve
nience, reasonable. 624 Marshall, Main
6u32. a
k u nnM apartment. $35; desirable and con
Venlenu See Janitor. The Kearney. 21st
.ni Kearney, or Morgan. FUedner A
t .. 5t3 Ablnston bldg.
Washington; elegant now building, corn
,, and modern; two sleeping compart
gj,n, .nd private balconies. 335 and $40.
. .nd 4-room suites, elegantly furnished.
280 20th au North. Phon. Main 4038; or
Main li .-
Cor. 0th and Montgomery,
an outside 2 and 3-room suites, from
tt to $45. Marshall 1878.
f ub Beryl Large rooms, largo closets.
Tool and airy for Summer; som. fur
nisned apartments. Xlst and Ler.Joy.
take JW car
THE AVALON Furnished apartments. Rosa
and Clackamas sta. Phone East 8172.
luth and Marshall Sts.
Convenient to four carllnes.
Best furnished apartments in the city.
Both Phones.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sta,
Walking Distance. ,
Completely furnished 2, 8 and -roorn
apartments; buildings new and atriqtly
modern; service first-class.
These elesant 5-room unfurnished apart
ments, which are now completed, are sit
uated in the heart of the city, within 10
minutes' walk of the business center. ,
Reservations may be made from owner
on premises or by phone. Main 4795, A
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson sta..
complete sepu 1; finest, brightest and
best arranged apartment residence In tha
city; 3. 4 and 5-room; all outside, day
light rooms; convenient to cars, walking)
distance, private telephones In every
apartment, steam heat, water, gaa ranges,
refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum
cleaners, etc. American Realty Company,
724-726 Board of Trade bldg. Main 3333.
A 2676.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sU;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room
.suites: reception hall, electric automatlo
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If yoa
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A 1744. Marshall 2961.
706 EveretL
Two, three and four-room apartmenta,
completely furnished for housekeeping;
everything new and strictly modern;
steam heat, first-class service; also few
single rooms. A 7105. Main 6295.
New 4-story concrete building. 2. 8 anfl
4-room apartments, furnished and unfur-
- nished; new furniture, modern. Apply to
the Chetopa, 18th and Flanders ats.
IEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely flrst-clasa, fur
nished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, reception hall, ateam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com-
firessed air carpet cleaning. Janitor serv
es ; rent per month $26. $30 and up. Must
be seen to be appreciated-
644 Everett SU
New and elegantly furnished apart,
menta. 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep
ing porch; automatlo electrio elevator and
private pacific telephone; located la one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant homea; walking dia-
land's finest apartment-houses; 4-mlnute
car service; beautiful part city to live.
1135 i Albina ave., cor. Killlngsworth,
Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash, sts., 13 mln. ride; 2, 3 and 4
rooms, completely furnished, $17.30 to $30
mo.: also unfurnished apu Woodlawn 2259.
Corner 12th and Harrison sts. The beau
tiful new brick building; modern in every
partioular; a few trrree-room apartmenta
left; some of the choicest In the building,
furnished and unfurnished: very reason
able rates. See this before locating; refer-
ences required. Phone Main 1052.
A class by themselves: front lawn,
fountain, lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone Marshall 1529.
fro p. ana .rn.ini.oi. wu"."
rooTi unfurnished apartment with bath
and all modern improvements. Including
telephone, gas range, refrigerator, electrio
light, gas. steam heat, hot and cold
water. Janitor services, etc
rnouea main wgi
Place, betw. 19th and 20th sta; Just fin
ished: most magnificent apartments on
the Paclflo Coast; rentals reasonable:
sleeping porches; privato hallways and
every modern convenience: referencea re
quired. Phono Marshall f302.
DRICKSTON. 448 11th sU, bachelor apart
ments a specialty; 4-story brick building.
2 and 3-room suites; strictly modern; au
tomatic elevator and dumb waiter, pri
vate bath, telephone and lock room for
each apt.; laundry rooms with steam
dryer. Marshall 87. $25 up.
870 Couch, 1 block from Washington St.,
on 18th su; tel. Main 1192. 3 and 4-roonx
modern apartments, steam heat, electrio
elevator, hot and cold water, telephone
and Janitor services. Apply of managers
reierence ichuhh..
rrup CHfiTKRRlTRT.
Cor. 20th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnished and un
furnished 3-room apartments; splendid lo
cation; Summer rates. Call and see man
ager at apartments or phone Marshall 36.
PARK APi KTMENTS. Para and Harrises
... beautiful 8 and 4-room apartmenta
furnlehea for housekeeping; everythrasl
cew ana modorn; elevator, telephone free.
US to $60.
EXCLUSIVE apartments: 6 large roma endj
bath; private entrance; large front aad
back private porches; maid's room In baa.-ment- hot water, vacuum cl.anln
avstem; ranges, refrigerators. 781 North
fup. Phone Main 8358.
712 Washington, cor. 22d St.; 2. 8 r.nd
A room apts.. furnished or unfurnished;
uc-to-date, clean and modern; private
nith telephone; rates reasonable; best
service. Phone Mam 71JU.
t-t.t A PA RTMFA'TS.
Uttun.rv-K'1'- T.. ,
82 Grand ave.. cor. East btark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
nartments. modern, prices reasonable,
walking distance. Phone East 300. .
cTTJfffTeLD APARTMENTS. 7.h and Jef
Urson Tsts.-A 8-room apt. with bath,
furnished; all outside rooms: every coa
JenVenceT rlodern and only 6 mln. walk
trom P. O. Very reaaonable renu
rrrTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th St..
near Main. An elegant 3-room apu with
S-fv.ta balcony, every modern conven
f.n" 337.50; two sleeping compartments.
a7 Hall su. new 2 and 3-room furnished;
Irtmente. walking distance; Janitor earv-
?rhono Main 4299.
.-, FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt
ST- ; .V 8-room apartment with bath. $35;
Urge private balcony and every modern
... at Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room,
inartments and one unfurnished 8-room
r"iment; tree phone In each apartment.
ROSE-FRIEND, S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer
,onlModern 4 and 5-room unfurnished
apartments.: steam heat and water.
, .., 325 11th, near Clay, two-room
furnished apartments, modern, walking
GRCE APTS., 24th and Northrup sts.. -room
apirtment; front veranda and sleep
room ... heat nr vnt nhnnn.
,ng porcil, "-i-" '
THE ROSEN F ELD. E. 14th and Stark; new
irick lust opened, unfurnished. 4 rooms.
hath, pnone, nc.
TTl'R N I Srir,U o-ioom cti,. ' .. -
Marlborough. Apt. 33. 21st and Flanders.
BRA IN TREE Elegant tlve-room apart
ment West Side; walking distance; rent
reasonable. Main 7741.
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnished,
.trietly modern, private halls, phones, etc
1E9 North 23d St. Marshall 2S21.
nN'FON'TA 187 17th 2 and 3-room suites;
hot and cold water In every apartment;
reasonable. Phone Jiain
THE HARTFORD Beat modern apta, la Ui.
cl.y. I " I . . .-
THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartmenta, fur
nlshed. 191 14th SU . Main 6444. ,
64 EAST 13TH. 3 rooms, " sleeping porch;
- mai-tv -nrn rent.
CQUPie ca" i"-""J c.
LKONCE Modern apts.: Nob Hill district;
convenient to 2 carllnes. 186 23d su N.
bj CLAIR. 713 Wayne St., modern 6-room
apartments, two porches. Phone Main 493
VlTAMOSt, 304 College Strictly modern 3
and 4-room apta Main 6QS0. Reasonable
THE LOVEJOY Apts.. 17th and Lovejoy;
modern, newly furnished. Main 213.