3 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. . 3IOXEAY, AUGUST 23, 1911. NEW STATES IKE PUCE If. POLITICS New Mexico Probably Repub lican, and Party Has Hope f v Arizona. CANDIDATES ALREADY BUSY Karnet Conlpt Will IW Provoked hj IW rills of Outcome Tpotl National Issues Even Bmk" Is HTpected. TVCSON. Aria.. Aug. XT. Special.) Tha admission of Arliona and New Mexico to statehood has set a political political parties hava been hoping to strengthen their position In Congress be the acquisition of Senators from tho two new states, and tha election of these official. In Arliona and New Mexico undoubtedly will provosa violent political storm. From present appearances tha contest la mora than likelr to result In an "even break All Jndlrntiona taken account of by the politically wise, go to show that New Mexico will be captured by tha Republicans. In Arlsona tha situation Is slightly different. That new state Is aligned with the Democratic party br about 20io majority out of a total vote of possibly 40.000. This Is not suf flclent to keep tha Administration forcea from hoping, and not a few republicans from Arliona will tell ou that the first man to wear tha toga from that state will belong; to tha Republican party. Tlia first man to announce his can didacy for tha Senate from Arliona la Colonel II. L. TrltchetL of Tombstona. who la at present in Los Angeles. lie Is a Democrat from old Tennessee ana has lived In the territories tha past 2) years. Aa a member of the con atltuttonal convention of Arliona be was the father of the clause which provides for tha selection of United Mates Senators at the prlmarlea and their -confirmation by tha atata Leg Is latura. Pickett will go to Tombstone and organise his campaign, which will Include the entire state, although nom inally ha represents tha southern por tion. Fitted against Colonel Pickett In tha south will be Mark Smith and Eugene K. Ives, of Tucson. In the northern part of tha new state will appear Hen ry Ashurst and Iteeae Ling. All these randidatea are Iwmocrtit and. so far is can be learned, tha only Hepubll -an to appear In tha field Is Ralph IL .infron. at present territorial dele gate at Washington. In New Mexico tha question of Sena torial candidates has been a live ona for a long time. First and foremost In the list Is William J. Mills, present Territorial Governor. Governor Milla Is a Southerner, having been born In New Orleans, but passed his early man hood In Colnnectlcut. where be was an ardent DeraocraL In 1895 ha was chair man of the Democratic town committee at New Haven. Conn., but bolted tha Bryan ticket and. not stopping to con s der the Palmer-Burkner proposition ) lned the Republican ranks and tumped the state for McKlnley. Aa a eward for his eervlree In the cam raign. President McKlnley sent the name of AlUla to tha House for con 'irmatlon aa Justice of the Federal "ourta of New Mexico. Mills was a Iswyer by profession and ful'y acquainted with New Mexl ran conditions, having married tha eld est daughter of the late Wilson Wad Singhatn. who waa at ona time tha big gest land and cattle owner In tha ter ritory. Mills resigned aa Chief Justice I sf New Mexico two yeara ago and was Immediately appointed Governor of the territory. Other candidate for the Senate In New Mexico are Thoms.e B. Catron, of Fanta t e, and Judge A. H. Fall. Catron haa been one of the big men of the territory and was at one time consid ered ona of Its wealthleiL Judge Kail baa a wide reputation aa a Jurist and keen observers of political events look upon him aa a aura winner In the Sen atorial contest, with the chances In favor of MM. a as the other wearer of the toga In Arliona. Governor IL II Sloan is listed for a - Federal Judgeship after the local elections have passed. COAST LIGHT IS URGED Danger Off Cape Rlatvro f-rxrn by Grounding- of VcseHa. was predicted last year in a measure by Captain EHIrotL L 8. N. now of the cruiser Maryland, but until July t in charge of the Seventeenth I-lgothouee District, haa come to pasa In the steamera ti-igtnaw and Caseo, having atrurk last week off Cape Blanco. Captain Llllcott strongly rec ommended In two annual reports the advisability of establishing a light- vessel off that part of the Coast, which Is regarded aa the moat dangeroua un protected point between Puget Hound and San Diego. There la maintained at Cape Blanco a sufficient HgM for marking that promontory, but for a distance of about six miles there extenda Into tha ocean what mariner term "foul water." Port Orford. Fox Rock and others being the most prominent rocky obstacles. The Saginaw struck In that locality during fair weather and waa helpleaa off the roast for a day before being towed Into Cooa Bay by th steamer Redondo. The ateamer Caaco bit on Fox Rock the night of August L when It was thought that the usual rourae waa being steered, and fortu nately the Injury to her forefoot waa comparatively lghL otherwise she might have encountered difficulty mak ing port. Aa It waa her pumpa were found sufficient to keep the water down. While at aea the swell caused most of the troub'.a Marine men point t the great dan ger always existing off Cape Blanco, and which Is ntenslfled during rough weather, aa the accidents of last week occurred wn the ocean waa calm. It Is the practice for masters of vessel. coming north to alter their course be fore reaching Blanco, and all know It. dangers, but the fact the ateamer fleet la being Increaaed rapidly, and more vessels must be utilised after tha open ing of the Panama Canal, has resulted In urgent demand being made for the proper marking of the reef and con tiguous ground. Marine Note-. The steemer Bear arrtvid from Pan Franrtaro late Saturday night with a full list ef passenger, and a general cajjo of frelgtt. 6he-geport ev-emootn, I rot to boiling and seething In ttie C.iuay ,nJ totcy: wind nurthwe.i 2- mil-s. I jihr ll I 1 I Southwest that ha. been almmerln "J'"", .J.nVS ILL itiij IVJ for tha past II montna. I D...r. r.r Fan P-dro; at 10 A. U. eieam-r I Politician, th. country over of both ?.,?" an'd ' . voyage tip, with the exception of a stiff blow encountered off Cap Blanco, trie also encountered heavy foe; coming up from the mouth of the Columbia. The lwntr Nottingham waa towed from Astoria to Weatport yesterday afternoon to begin loading; lumber for the West Coast, after havlna- discharged her cararo of Australian coal Having finished load ins; lumber at St. Helens. Saturday, the Norwegian steamer. Henrlk Ibsen, waa towed to Tonrti l"olnt yesterday morning to complete her cargo of lumber. Several launches and small boats have been overtaken by tha Govern ment patrol boat during; the past week for not carrying; lights when out on the harbor at night. Fines have been Imposed and as a result owners of the smaller pleasure craft have been tak ing; mora care, and the orncera report little trouble on that score for several days past. Carrvlnr freight and passengers th steamer Alliance left down yesterday morning for Cooa Bay. The French bark. Ernest Kegouve, which arrived Friday and Is discharge Ing coal at the Pacific Coast Company's hunkers, will m onto the drydock for cleaning- and painting before taking on her outward cargo of wheat from the I'ortland Flouring Milla. Tha American-Hawaiian steamer Fal - i T! . vr.nnl.rfi lata eon left down for tan ranclact lata last night with a cargo of wool, sai- mon and canned fruit. Move-mont of Wsetls. ATORIA. Aur. J7 Condition Eureka. Arrived and left up at 1 P. SK.m.t w. F. Hernn. irom rni cn .ui. eaa.ltne schooner Anvil, from Pendon. Ar rived at 1 P. M . bans No. PI. In tow Of tug Uercuies. from Wan Krancieco. L-. 1 ..-n A... -Ill Hal eO II 0 2. PI. tamer Yosemlie and 1 eaowsione. mr Cnl..mKI 1 I... ' . I JII M n.mpr . . Lonp- for Portland; steamer Roanoke, for San Pedro. Aue. 2a Arrlvsa utearaer Ros CU. from Portland. rian Francisco. Aug. 21. Arn-"i Sftrameree uuern. from Victoria; uoveric from Tcoma: N'.wburi. from l.rava Har bor: Northland. Iniin Culurabl lllver; Pres ident, from ftsattle. galled Steamers Ni-s-ara. for Moll: M. V. Plant, for Healtle: n- tralla. for ;ras Harhor, t'arloe. for Astjria; schooner Glanuals. xor biusiaw tuier. Seattle. Aua 27. Arrived Prince Rupert. fram Prlnc Runert: steamer tHilhl. from Tacoma: U. AV. cnilsers West Vlrslnla and Colorado, from Bremerton. Sailed Hieamer u.m. u f ft far mmn l-Ttnrltco: 2orinianu. for Ketchikan: steamer Prince Kupert. lor Prince Rupert. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. A. M T.T feet :SS A. M 1.4 feet 1M l: M. . .K4 feet TO 22 P M....1.I feet MRS. MANSFIELD BURIED Funeral Senlcr- Conducted at Rldgrfleld by Portland r.stor. RIDGEFIELD. Wash, Aug". JT. (Spa- clal.) Mra Margaret Mansflald died Tuesday at tha home of her daughter. Mrs. I'. I. Brunger. in Portland, at ma age of so yeara and f months. Mrs. Manstield was born In Delaware County, Ind , and haa been In the Weat 1 yeara and waa well known here, tne ' tha mother of ten children, five of whom are living. Following are the children who sur vive her: Mrs. Robert Wilson and Charles Mansfield, of Rldgefleld; Mrs. D. O. Brunger. of Portland; Harvey K. Mansfield, of Lake County. Neb, and Robert Mansfield, of Zurich. Switzer land. The body waa brought hera for bulr- tal and tha funeral services were held In the Presbyterian Church on Thurs day afternoon. Rev. Mr. Bass, of tha Christian Church, of Portland, officiat ing. Mrs. Manstield had been a member of tha Christian Church -for a number of yeara. . Kx-Dakota He Went a Picnic. EUGENE. Or, Aug. 17. (Special) Bx-residenta of tha Dakotaa to tha number of ISO enjoyed a plcnlo yester day at Hendricks Park, and affected an organlastlon by the election of the fol lowing officers: President. T. IL Gar rett; vice-president. Mr. Abraham; aec- ratary. John L. Marsh. DA1LT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. OIlTTJL.Vt. Aur. J7. Maximum temper ature. o degreee. rrtinlmnin. so aegreea. wivee eeaHtnv a A M.. 4.S feet: change in last 24 hours, .7 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 v l n a P f I none: total rainfall alnce September L 1W11, 84.07 Inches; normal raln- fall alnce 8sptemDr 1. 4V0I Inches; defl- ency or ratBiaii ainee eepiemoer i. 1811. a, 4 Inchea Total sunshine. 13 hours 8. minutes: DoSSlMe sunshine. 13 hours 3 min utes. Ilnrometer reduced, to eea level) at S P. at, 2vd Inches, WEATHER CONDITIONS. A larse high-pressure field overlies the fins s'n'-s ar"1 another Is een- ArCTlOX ttALM TO DA I. -AT Wlieen-s s action bowse, at It) a. 1 Fnrnlture. 171-1 aeeond strsea MEETING NOTICES. HEAPQI-ARTER8 ft. A. R. TitlAKTUtNT or ORKllON The funeral of our late comrade of Sumner Pest. ;o, 13. comer of Grand avenue and Faat Pine St.. rltjr. tomorrow Tuesday . Auru.t z. at ? o-eio-k v. M. Comradea all kindly resueated t. C. A. WILLIAMS, AJt.-(.naraL MAKTHA WA8HIX1TOX CHAP. TKH. NO. 1. O. B. Stated meettns tMs I Alondayk evenlns. E- ri ort. rrssd sentinel. epeel stend.d all present and past rraod officer. Ail O. E. n mvi'.o. iTnr . si. UtLLK KlCrl Jil-i.-NU, see. MITTNOW A COTXen. ROT- AL ARCANl'K. meet, at ST. P. Halt lllh and Alder streeta. the second and fourth Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. P. I.loyd Cover. t, a. union ave. rrxnuL itonrra. VAX ORSDALL At nee home. n.t Kast a ae. . E.. Mary E. Van trsdall. atf.d ?. year, a months T da. Vun.rat will take plae. from the parlor, of the Kast cole Kuneral Directors, 41 Kast Al der and East olxth streets (Tuesday!. Anrust 29. 1') A. M. Friends respectfully intusa. nervices at the grave prlvaia WtrKWlRFv At her hnrae. I'll Mississippi are. August sr. t. arrte nnrnwlr. aged ! years, hetoved wife of V. A. WlcSwtre. 'uneral will tase rlare from the narlnrs ot int e..b( pint runerai inrecttrs. East Alder and Fast Ftxtb streets ITuesdayl, Ausust r. I r. As. rrlandi rs.pectfully inilt.u. interment Koee city t. smetary. RirHARDPON Ausust 2T. Harsaret Rlrh- araexin. Mrd es y.ars. neote ere re spectfully Invited t attend the funeral services at 1 IK P. M. today (Monday) at the ronareeatlonal Churrb In Oreson Clly. H-malns will be shipped by Dunnlns A Mca-ntea. ROPKRTf The funeral services of the late Ceorge C. Hoberu will take place at Pin- I leys psrlra. todsy Monday i. August I at 1 AU P. M. Interment at Hlvervlew I Cemetery. Frtende ar. rMpeotfnlly Invited I to attend. ON mi s-Lonat, ocx. MAKurAM SLKO, FLU HAL. KKMKa Mala Sle, i Alias. HXira CO.. M4 Vmjlaaee asm less, c laaa. Vdw - Daulsf MrFaMa Fus Fuaeral e,k ..a line. fbeave afala stat.at. ooiee ee least .. J P. rl'LEl MOM. SJ -ad M. Lardy attendant, faee. Mala s. A laaa. IrisllO HOLMa CO.. roaeeal DUer. ere. t:S Sal at. Lad; assist sal. 1m M. mi AST SIDI Ftmerml Direct. e a. tetanias;, lae. K, ss. B lata. 1 Elf H. I. .ass-raker, ess Hum asset 3 Si. s aeas. lad Mand National colorbearer. Alvan c. Edmunds, private Co. C, Tnlh Regiment. N. T. Vol. Infy., ana Co. A. Jd Rest, tnited Ptates cavalry, will be he'd nt the hall y attend. Sec AMfSEMEVrS. HP" ( THEATER A- A , . VJ Ttk aBa Taylar. Phones Mala 1 and A 1122. TONIGHT ALL. THIS WEEK RAROAIN PRICB MAT. WEDNBDAT Harry L. Cort Presents MAX FIG MAN flUPPP'RTED BT I.OLITA ROBERTSON A.Vn A FI'LENUlU COMfA.NI la the romfdy Success. "Tint HARHIACK DP Kll'lt " Evenlnes: Lower flior. 75c. 60c: balcony. Boo. Kc: a-all.rv. r..rved and admission. 15c liar. .in WMtn.ail.v .natlnee: www floor and balcony. 2.1e: .a'l.rv. reserved and summon, loc; saturaay ist.. doc, t-c. eJtATt a. A 10ia U1TI T. sT pn w w-v a. V THEATEB. 5-Z5-5(X-7Sfl WKKK AI'fll ST IS H ermine Minne at Co. In the fan-leal Fanta.y. "Tie Little Cwwi- dM" Itlnnk family, The Three Lelcitona, noea ir.iner, vt uson and vmsoo, rriiu- rose tour, ltrpjamip Horning to. rB-annlled Vanderltla I WEEK AlC.l ST 17 Three Marx Bros. I ,n , n" " l : Allle I-eelle Hansen, MoBfc nnhrn white Mane Hope, Hpe- I rial added Attraction William Flemen Co. In Hek to Hostan.' Pantaa-earone. Popular prices: matinee daliy 2:.T, T:!K. Iff' Mmttnw Every I)ar. Formerly UrnndL foilii.so a ronoldlne. IteHned. aadeellle. WFKK At i.t'NT ttl Knufmann-s 1-aoy yrllte. Mirlner and Will-. Phinn TTI una TVIiinnl. A (a. Mall mo. Noodles Fasan, flran.laecope. OAKS PARK !4 seres ef Amusement of all Kinds, Free Attractions. Daily Parurhnte Tbrllls. Miss Tiny Broadwlck. world famous, every after noon but Monday, at 4:l promptly. Dare- tlralh triple drop today, every nisuv uu Monday at V::tu ascents and arops oy ItroSd w lea famllv In blsre of fireworks. I .ah week of act. Metropolitan Opera ur- let. eveninrn ; afiernoons :::10. Daily con cents by Philip Pels and Oaks Park BantV. Fasteai launches on river at Morrison nriuse to oaks; express cars to osks at J- irsi anu Alder streets. Admission to pars, tw; cmi- dren under 12. Ac; children under o. free. 'Tre, anvivherc. tral at sea off tha New Encland coast. An L-ahaped depression extends from Texss to Southern Uslifomia, then northward to Brit ish Columbia. There la every Indication of a tropical storm on the Boutn Atlantic oai. the barometer reading at 1. nariesion inn venlne helne 2a.uJ Inches, with a wind ve locity of 3U miles an hour from the north east, and accompanied by rain. Light rains have fallen In tontana. the Dakotas. South' western Utah. Colorado, Louisiana, and light moderately heavy raina in Arisona. Southern Louisiana and on the Atlantio Hlope. Tbun.ier storms were reported from M-Klrna. Dodre City. Shreveport. Buffalo and Atlantic flty. The weather Is warmer In Eastern Oregon. Kastern as nine ton. Northern Idaho. Montana, interior Weatern Canada, alot.c the Mexican border, in the west lake region, and central Mississippi and Ohio valleya. ana it is cooler on tne . Oregon Washington coast, in the basin, central plat eau and plains states, the eastern lake re gion and in Southeastern Aouth Carolina. . The Indications are for continued fair weather in this district Monday, with no decided temperature cnanaea. FORECAST8. Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly rinds. Oregon and Washington Fair; northwest erly winds. Idaho Fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE. AcMn- PtPtrlrt Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES PaUy est Bandar. Per Una One time .......11 name ad tnree eeaaeuuiive UsM. . 14 sts wr sevesi coowcuura ma acronnaanjr au-i-teera tola steeds eemng aa est eaea a.' .a ad eoMntoa twe' teas ' Uian ! Yt bea ene auveniseaneas as et run in ee eet-uUte Ususe Uia sss-tuns wmim applies. in iovit ee svst luiinuMuuu a ennxge miu pasen ea Uie avtnai mimhss 1 el liuea appsartsg la tne uaper, al tne luuber mi words us atdi lM AIS AOaaS Ml BSTSTMPBUIttUtS cbaxgeu ay a&onsure anly, 14 Unas le turn i teaa fabat. rmCtM oddLt tm iBiMt -lsw Ttj-Oa-y avnd mil oUitr .ilBiiin toHsaVawtiona W Mltteii, k mmmlm. hmr KBAt. KaMtma. rrtvai jrmllltM. Kstmoiu. ud jtttMaXtf. k'rivmtm k amUlcstv lb rt in moot citftMuicAUoas m l la. aallJBtB J)hJftCll ilUertlOaL kar tttm mcMum4miUu of Matrons. Th OrrmomMMm win iMrvvpw cuMiora ftavertUfs sxriawti Las mr tit tvifuuiMM. urovttiiBtt tb ad truf U ubtrrtijLr tm either ptx.ee, . 1S I prlcee WUI unw ever we paeee. DUI kaiiL erlll be rendered ttie I-Uvwiu tie v. V tarlhrr eeec-queat Advert leemente will ee accepted ever ane phone oepende apoa the erwnjtaee el the pay meat of telephwae d -nla-uirntT teltuaUaMi Wanted and far atynai advsrtlaeanenta mill net be accepted ! ever the ieUphisne. Orders for ens Inesrttun mmif wlli he actccpted lur "Uouaee (er &. 9 uraJture (or baie," "ttealneee OpportwAio awatn' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OrTlCB CITT UAU. Mela . A ?Ua. BOLaJTB OFFICKB. Bifgeaet CimiSa Rsaldenesa 4 X. Mth N. Kast 4TT K A. Vimjrnli-e- Km. MSB VMM St ?C. u. fcatoa. Kea. TS E. leta. aat lTea kteree Axabulavnoe, A 41 01; Pr. AVa. e. Nlrbta. CaDdays and UoUdajrs lMj Ps. tvs. 4: Trunk t. ygff TODAY. PU.XO STUDIO Of Louie H. Boll ODen about Pen. 10. Address communications care Kohler A Chase Piano House. 176 Washington il CLASSY MOOM HOME IN IRVIH L.ylna:-room, dlnlns; - room, den with built-in rle.ic. bookcaaes. dlsanDearlna bed and fireplace. Dutch kitchen, white a n a m 1 a d; wash - room and toilet down atalrs: live bedrooms, with dresslnar ronrrps In connection: a-lasa- enrlnsed sleeplns;-porcn. Datn and toilet upstairs; finished attic, plastered basement and tarsia porches: three fireplaces t Rook wood tile), furnace: first floor finished In quarter-sawed oak. second ' floor In 'white enamel and tnahoaanr: Plata and art-alass win dows throughout: speaklns; tube, elec tric aoor opener, extra teiepnone con nections, dust and linen chute and many other convenlencea. Street lm- Dfovemente In and paid. Built for a home and complete In every detail. Supervising; architect on tha Job every day. Mdst have money at once, and will sell at cost. Phone owner Sunday. C .242; durlns; week, Main 0 or A .SOS, . e - y 1 c i I'1 k. r ' ' t 1 f '" - 1 ii THIS BINUALOW FOR S32SO. Larae 1! vlrtpr-reom with fireplace and disappearing- bed: dining-room. Dutch kitchen, lata, bedroom with closet, bathroom and toilet. Also larae porch and basement. Lot EOxlOO. near rood carllne: I2S0 cash, balance to suit. It Interested call Mr. Guthrie, Main 127, or A Western Oregon Trust Co. 3T3 s-lerk at. MORTGAGE LOANS lOO.OOA l Ham ftc PACIFIC TITLE A TRLST CO J Cfcaaabe f C sum arc. 1 X warsnaa ha kb ssaam ntataUswajaanma, 4fJBar-awSB, a SaV a sV Seme itsmlllannse erwss. . nia wore eesiuemesie ss Unee. VKW TODAY. LOT OWNERS. We pay cash for equi ties In vacant lots. Denier A Dernier Kty. Co, 640 i:namDer com. ' Main 6594. MORTGAGE LOANS CC JOHN E. CRONAN, HOf J JO IHia Spalding Blag. C (J I-OI LIU BERSIDQ8 A THOMPIO.t. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AI'XjITORs. Commercial. County and Municipal Aadltlng. Investigating and arstematlslaa. 114 Worcester oioca, rnone Mam ...f. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Berk. William Q-. 812 Falllm BKL'BAKER BlNElUCi, b.ds. M. B4B, bids. eoa McKay Chapln Berlow, 832 Chamber Commsree. Cook. B. a. at CO.. DUS Cornell ciog. Jennlnss Co. Mam IS. 206 Uregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO, U. P.. 21 Commar clai Cluh hlda. The Ortion Real Estate Co.. Grand ave aad Multnomaa at. (Holltday Adaiuonf REAL ESTATE. For bale -Lota. PORTLAND HEIO.HT3 VIEW LOT. A line rlew lot. :ts 131120, not far from Ford il bridge and overlooking the city; facing on two streets; fine place to build one or two bouses; must be sold quickly; price $-2v0. half cash; not many anaps like this. GRVSSr A ZADOW. 1T Board nf Trade I! Id g.. 4th and Oak its. WEST FIDE LOTS, tluu. Rlrht on rftrltne on npper Washington St. West 89th and Tamlilll St.. beyond City Park; easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY i TRUST CO.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Main 6121). 10 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fine vlfw lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted dJatrlct. caar car. cement walk. Hun water, fruit cared for free of charr. 202 Board of Trade bid- aar- haM 471. A 1022. IU you know what la Koine to happen In boutneaat rortiand7 well, men, una out and so up to Institute place, cor. E. 2Sth ana Hoijcat. ana ct one oi tne xew remaining lots at $6W. Western Securl- tlea Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. BEAUTIFUL, sightly block o( ground, j ovcrlooklnr tne need institute crouna: it l Is covered with bearing orchard contain ing a great variety or fruit ana berries; owner will sell at a sacrifice: must have llnoo ch. Call 414 Hpaldlng bldg. PORTLAND HEIOIIT3 SACRIFICE. . Have 2 beautiful lots In Ureenway, view of ML Hood: price 43000: will take $2090 If sold before Sept. 1.. Main iobl. A 339. ; - - WILL take $350 for my equity In two In Hyde 1'ark one block from sandy roaa sna cariiue- s, unpnant, juundee, ; Or. FIN E lot on Stanton St., H block to Will- lams are.; price 1VK: $'kK) cash, balance to suit. lieals & Robinson. 201 . 11th st. K. n 110UU. 100100, Bouth at u Tabor, three block t from ait. laoor rara; tenxte. roan u Ml. . Oxioa JN Belle Crest. 2 blocks from csr- Jlne; well located. lseison. a 163, he. 4.1t.T. COi'NCrL. Crest Park view site; get my prices for either city or valley views. W. J. baker. HI Board of Trade. FOR. BALIS Corner lot. east front, 60x100, at .tn anu i uisiiuuok, now tny i lira. cheap, easy terms. r"uone itoor 1731. PORTLAND HEIGHTS; grand view lot. overlooking city, saoUO. Main 8051, A SH39. SlHM TAKES them; 2 good 37x100 lots. 1 Dtock Kicnmona ocnoo. u ure- i gonlan. 7oxl00 IRVINOTON beautiful building site. C. J. McCrscken. BQ4 .McKay bldg. J275 BUYS a fine, signtiy lot 20 minutes irom tne earner 01 1 urnauu , you van 1 beat this; If you let me, I can prove It to you. See me at 414 apaidlng bldg. IKVINGTON Investigate this snap for sale . by owner; misiw on lutn. near o tan ion. tl.SO. Phone Main 3113. TWO Iota. 100x100. in choicest part of Belle Crest. lor aals cheap; part casn. i soi. Oregonlan. liolSO. ON 2uth at., corner; cheapest ar-srtment-nouae site on tne maraei; easr terms. AJ uregonian. LOTTS, oOxlou. 75 to $260; easy terms. 1 to 4 blocks from electric car station: man. tslebhone. close In. West 81de property; T bast (or borne or Investment; big Increase I. m. 1...- wn Knv nnw I W Uaf. ferlln KeaHy Co., 2o3 Corbett bids. Both p nones. 10 DOWN. HO PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees. Stricted district, near car, cement walks. riuil Kun ater, iruic caret ior xrea ok charge. 202 Hoard of Trade bldg. ilar- Shell 473, A lOTZ. BEE Le Noir A Co. for WEST FIDE prop erty. Exclus ve dealers In W b-HT bioi realty. We have some low-priced bar gains In - close-In residence property - at the present time. Ground Floor. Cham ber of commerce. LOT. 40X.100, street Improved, water In, id Alblna-ava. carltna; price ttOO: S40 cash. balance 1ft per month. JLIH.V3UN a . B30-2J Board ot Trade bldg. WEST BTARK AND MD STo. Lata t'0. easy terms; best bur In the cltr: ner carllne bulldlns; see us at ance EUrlKG HKA11 I ft TKuB I V-U.. 40J Yeon bids. Marshsll e-49. For Sale House.. MR. LOT OWNKK. HERB 18 TOUR I CHANCE TO IMPROVE TOUR PROPER TY WITH A liUM a.. FLAT OR Af ART WENT: WILL FINANCES IT AT A LOW KATE OIT INTfiKEST; FLAaNS FUR NISHED FREE. IT WILL PAT TOU TO COMJE LN A1 TALK. THIS UVJLM. J. 6. ATKINS. ARCHITECT A.ND BUTLDKR. HENRT BLLO. FOR SALIC SOO0 EAST TEJRM3. Claasy, roodsrn. eonvsnisnt 7 -room housa In Laurajlhurst: 2 lota. lawn, bll- 1 lard -room, laundry, shotrar bath. flraiss cook sr. 2 flrvDlacas. furnaoa. bufffst. cs- ment baaamsnt. aquariura, to. ; will oon slder lot first payment. Tabor or alar-hall Z&uu. '3 McKay bidf. SEB THIS SNAP. KVar.y nw 5-room housa. Rait SId: modern plum bins", corner lot. close to car. Owner bought farm property and must hav xnonsy quick. A bargain you can't afford to mlaa. tfeo Mr. Bishop, ii art man A Thompson. 4tn ana b tar it. ROStiMERE. Flna saw house, elcrant floors. French nlata mirrors, rest nc tea aistrict: investl- ate; Rosa City Park car; sat off at 42, walk two blocks to L No. 453. Mala 414. THE house for big family; plenty of bed rooms; buy now ana you can nave tinting sans dsaooratina to suit you. Flna. substan tial bom at moderate cost and on attrac tive terms, au urejronmn. RIGHT DOWN TOWN. OAOarl S-room bouse on river bank, be tween Broadway and bteel brld-s; will take suburban iox aa par, pay menu owner. u3 Falling bia 8 BEAUTIFUL HOMES. saOo casta, balance monthly Darmenta: aseota. - J itriw, Jbaai X.J. w. ai. Herd-f man. BY OWNER. " Bungalow, half block Richmond car. S3VOU I .loera. niicwuni ior large pay- msnt. ' E. 8th. Tabor 1143. -ACRE HOMB. Kat little 4-room plaatered eottare. be tween two sc carllne. $.000; tiQO cash. $15 monthly. rra w . wmin, Burn side. M or A 1774. ELEGANT, new 7-roora bungalow, all Im- nrnvamenTi. run corner 101. ciosa tn J-f- f arson High School, no agents. Owner. T . Oregon tan. NEW, modern. 7-k modern. 7-fpom bnngaJow. one block to -car, cioae in. weaia st jtoDinson, si E. 11th St. B. 5023. hjH iAl-E By owner, o-room bungalow. 2 lots vx luv, mrm, owner going away. Fhone janor yfu. (ROOM cottage v. ooasiocjc canine; no agents: term or wuum irae; owner. Miin - A BEAUTIFUL, bungalow horn In Irving- ton, S rooms na mirym porcn, IOL T.iX loo. c. J. mc. racaen. in McKay bldg. i M,Ij give handsome discount for SlOoo casn on mw i us w -iwuui uuuw- on i y $2.'s0: It cost more, pnone jnarai.au gfta. T-hOOM house, lot; modern; sell easy terms; I exchange lumuiuau, snrm prnperiy. g31t- A -Q.. 11 worTiaajn. noom 0. lit'tsT sell at once, modern six-room bun- atow, or win rem v a y wimuu . . . . m . rskV.A QAfl rniiareu. rnvu w-. GENUINE) bargain; $2000 cash for my equity , In a 6-room bungalow; $7O0 loan you ROSE CITT PARK BONOALOW. will take ONK re on p0Well Valley road. small pay lot aa first payment, balance easy terms. I " J, down. easy payments; a bargain. Tabor ! SWELL bungalow and one acre only (2650. .asy terms. fnone owner, noi. 14 - -iRVINtJTO ror sale, modern reai- oeace. For sarUculars. phone C 234. REAL, ESTATE. For-Sale Houses. HANCOCK ST. BEAI'TIFLX HOME. 100x100 FJTFT. Hlffhlv Improved corner, lots of phrub very. beautiful lawn, houe about 1V 'ra old; g roomn, 2 halls, larne floored attic, ruum enough for tw.i bedrooms in attic. LHnlnK-room beautifully finished mahrB any colon, fine fixtures. I'rlce includes shades, fixtures and wood and san ranees. This place also has two upstairs porches. Iloth streets caved snd paid. A house that you will like, built for a home and Is a home. Price ss.-oo; reasonable terms; balance at 6 per cent. Act quick. HAHTMAN ft THOMPSON. BANKERS, Real Estate Dept., Chamber of Commerce bldr. SWIMS CHALET. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. A nne .-room bunnalow; hot water neai. fine fireplace, (tarace, finest kind of plumbing: lot 47xv: some fruit trees and small fruits: ifallt for a home and doubly constructed ; price Includes Ktis ranKe anu linoleum; only x.iow ca.h and $20 per month. On East Oth St. near ivari. ORT-ssr 7.Arow. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak gts. ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! 7 rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur- nsce. laundrv travs. solid oak floors, mir ror doors; must sell; ;;5o cash; balance NATIONAL REALTY A- TRITST CO.. Room 7 J J, Chamber of Ccmmercs Bldg. Phone .Main &12!. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT Tl.HN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT, WE WILL FURNISH TH B MONEY AND BUILO RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS Fit EE, IK WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTEC TION. II WILL PAY YOU TO SEB VS. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT- 1MI ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINOTOS BUD. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Irvlnpton inodirn hume, new, beautiful reception hall, hire.- llirht livliuz-room. beau if ut dining-room, hardwood floors. en with lavatory, modern Dutch Kitcnen, four bedrooms, mirror doors, finished at tic, sleeping porch, furnace, all complete. i Dulit It and it is the bt-5t : must sell, and will make terms. Phone owner, B . I4:q. HIGHLAND. FINE HOUSE. Nice, modern, 2 -story, ti-room house. with all latest conveniences; lot StixlOo; east iront, on Eaat lot 11. near Alberta; price 4100, half cash; a splendid home anu wen Duiit. GKLSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trado Bid.. 4th and Oak gts. FOR SALE at a great sacrifice, ray equity in completely furnished o-room cottag; e ery thin new ; piano, brass bed, blrds- eye maple furniture; jl4uo will take everytnintr: price .i:uu. SliO a month: Phone Woodlawn 822tf or C 24-9. Call IM1 E. 9th North. WALKING DISTANCE. 3300 Modern 6-room house, two-story house, two years old, close to East Bide high end Hawthorne schools. Deautuui lawn ana flowers, every thing In first-class condition. Owner 7 t-. 19th. Phone E. 3J13. atih.S f value in a home ever offered: one block to Hose city Park car. on 62d at.: four trees on an east -front lot ; large rooms and attic: au built-in effects: small down payment; balance like rent. If you are particular Uiia will suit you. See J. S. ATKINS. Henry Bldr. j FOR SALE Easy terms, 3 first-class, swell 6 and 7 -room houses: be sure to see them; 37h, $3"io ana $4000; S per cent down. balance 10 per month with 7 per cent interest; betdn 1231 Missouri ave., 4 blocks north of Killings worth, or Inquire Calumet rioteu A LIFETIME TO PAY. Moving to Mexico; offer modern 0-room dwelling, clear, near car, stores, schools. churches; fine corner, loOxlOO; fruit; am all payment, balance 50 years. Main or A iaii. HANCOCK STREET. A PAVED STREET. s rooms and sleeping porch, good lawn. all rooms tinted. Rood fixtures, jcood lo cation; a corner lot with east and south facing, built-in tireless cooker: street im provements puid ; price $0650, 11 cash. Phone owner. Tabor 217. A SACRIFICE. Three lots, 50xlu4 each, and 5-roora modern bouse, 1 block from car on 33d St.; all In laree bearinar fruit trees, berries. grapes, trarden. etc.; a very attractive and comfortable little home; price only e-o.)U. m arsna 11 .j .. BEAUTIFUL ROriK CITY PARK . BUNGALOW. flOxlOO corner, fine lawn and trees, largra living rooms ana nrwpiace, ount-in Dook- cases and buffet, shower bath, cement basement, fricn 4.uu, including carpets. rang?, tc. ; a?y 'crmg. xaDor lr!tf. VERY handsome, . 2-story bungalow, with nrepiare, run cement basement, etc.; block from car In ,Rose City Park; every thing modern; sacrifice. sriirOO, terms: provementi all paid; elegant electric light fixtures. David Lewis, room il. Lumber- rn e ns bid g. WEST SIDE Pee Le Nolr & Co. for WEST is ID E RESIDENCES. Exclusive dealers in WEST SIDE REALTY. We have with out doubt the largest list of homes for sale on this side of the Willamette. urounu t loor. Chamber or Commerce. DO.VT PAY RENT. we have 4. o and 6-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy term a rroviaent investment Trustee Company. 201-2-3 Board of Trade. Marshall 47... A $3.0 ISUYS a modern b-room home In fine resiaer.ee aistrict; nous nui every convenience; owner is non-resident and reeds Immediate cash: prlco is ex ceedingly low. Call 414 Spalding bldg. for particulars. flow CASH or $I20 on easy terms. 4-room cottage, on run lot. west aide tiiu. splen did view, fruit trees, 10 minutes' walk to Council Crest car. Phone Main 6S3ti or write P. O. Box 21. OWNER'S special sacrifice; artistic bunga low, latest design, li hi lvon su, S-'.S'M): worth $a00 more; little cash, balance monthly payments ; select neighborhood; scrutinizing buyers satisried. MOST EXCLUSIVE KECTMO.V In tha Hawthorne-ave. district; attractive house. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, with furniture, fdauu; casn required f3.00. In quire or owner, gi x eon pmg. FART PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Owner will ell either of two modern bungalows, on easy terms, rake W-R car to southwest corner oi ajil and Clinton sts. Key at vtin timw"- FOK sale or rent, a furnished house on Kirhv and weDSter sis., opposite tne Jar. ferson High School; $30 per month rent. or will sell on easy .eriua. inquire CaiU ment Hotel, jou i a.ru. m. BY OWNER: new modern 4-room buntra- low; easy terms, inquire or Frank Woif. 2110 East Wasco at. Lea Bow Fark Add., Montavilla. O. W. M. REAL ESTATE. Deal with us. We are reliable. 605 Gerllngcr bldg. looxioo UN uo nc st.. near Kodnev iv with fair nouse; asiuay ouy. J(XK. Call 414 epai Qing Diag. FOR BALE By owner. 6-room bungalow. 135 K. etotn St.. s taoo, on terms. LEAVING city; new 5-room bungalow. 351 East 8th st , 2 blocks Hawthorne are. $30 MONTHLY buys new modern 5-room nome. pnonc owner, ,asi .i4L For Sale Business Property. WAREHOUSE SITE. Corner Fast bth and Caruthera sta.. con taining over tyNko square feet, on main line 8. P. Railroad, adiotnlnr Inman- Poulsen mill; especially well adapted for warehouse or factory sue. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-1M3 Commercial Club Bldg. phones Main 86:0, A 2U53. ABOUT 5000 square fet of floor room, one or two floors; well iignted for a small mfg. bus 1 ne s s. 428 Harrison su Main 4O02. BUSINESS property for sale. Killingsworth ave.; stores ana nau -rice fiwu, cash. AT ar-H, Oregonlan. For lele Acreage. 6-AC HE tracts ot qeep. rich soil, well waturea " awfc. v. nui . near .ah e-atirnnri town and overlooking th Columbia River; one hour from Portland. ISO per acre, m ioomng ror better dujt. ma m"-" ivv fin. 10 ACRES, all cultivated, fine view of Val ley town, eiectric rauiur rv n. fjwner will ixchange for home in Portland, or sell on terms, jiqu r.tiBvrjri.n. -n car. 4,00 Two-acre tract on Killingsworth ave.. in hlgn SUiie ui vk.is. UVw ua.ru ana splendid cistern; part cash. Miller. 416 Cham ber of commerce niag. FOR BALE 4 acres, Palatln Hill; an Ideal home site, oi "J'aoie tracts or WbUe Housa road. AK 362. Orego nlan. FINE fishing and hunting; 30 to 360 acres of fine land on waanougai rtiver. miles from i-orutmu. oo, mrguuioa. vntm nwn term. u acm in W OOO bum vv . . . iO(Vi . iit anJ orchard f-. w.t- ur city r-rooertT. u o.w. ws.t-i. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre 4 StSmpnrr. Anaugq peg. A.I 864. Oregonisn. S ACRES GATES CROSSING. Cleared, fruits, berries, etc.; clo,e to car. 10c fare. Fred w. uerman, ii, Burnslde, Mala 277a REAL ESTATE. -Acreage. ACREAGE. Homes that produce a revenue; a few acres in the beautiful valley just west of tho city, only 40 min utes' ride from Fourth and Yam hill sts., gives you a home, an in vestment "and a revenue. Produces extraordinarily and will double in value in a short time. Good water, the best of soil and on two car lines; you can work in the city; . 1. 2, 5 and 10-acre tracts with com pleted road along each tract, now selling at S250 to $500 per acre and upon easy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANYf 10U Fourth St. Main 35. A 30. ACREAGE. 20 acres. 10 acres in cultivation, fair house and barn. 1 mile school, store, church; only $11,100: $1500 cash, balance on or before 3 ye;-rs at 7 per cent. lUi acres, all in cultivation. 4 acres In prunes, small house, chicken house, fenced with 4 wires, (rood well. 4 blocks electric station; only $l!3.-t0; $1250 cash, balance 3 years at i er cent. 7U. acres, fill hiffh state cultivation. block from railroad station, 10 miles from 2i and Washington, Portland: good build ing's; with place Is a biftrn, cow and tools; ah in crop, fruit and garden. This is fine place for country home, and if sold next week will go for $4000; $iouu casn, Dai ance own terms. J. B. ATKINSON. Vancouver, Wash. 401 Washlr.Eton St., opposite Postofflcs. ACREAGE. S-acre tracts, opposite St. Johns and two miles back from the Wll amette River; fertile soil, no rock, gravel or steep hillside, fine stream , of running- water, school on tract. 'a few more 5-acre tracts at $1."V per acre, -when a much hiffher price will be asked. Get in on the ground flloor prices. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Pt. Main 35. A. 8500. WEST BTATTON. '. Where things grow all Summer I 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit er alfalfa; easy terms. You owe It to yourself to find out about this, HARTMAN A THOMPSON, See Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark. A BEAVERTON SNAP. 20 acres fronting on Farmington County road: la under cultivation, balance in pas ture: nice big house and barn and all kinds of outbuildings; family o St hard in bearing; finest of soil and level; with place goes 2 good horses and harness. 3 wagons, 2 plows, 1 disc, some cows, pigs and chickens; price for a quick sale only $-5 per acre; terms; 'land adjoining in being sold at S400 uo: without improve ments. For particulars call on C. F. Pfluger & Co., suite 12 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE 5 acres, all under cultivation. large house, barn and outbuildings, good soil, located about 7 milts'south of center of Portland. West Side; has well and springs, running all the year; will take good citv lot or lots and some cash for his equity of f 22f0; mortgage of $2300 can De assumed, t or runner iniormauon call on C. F. Pfluger & Co., realty dept., suite 12 Muikey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 1, 2. 8, 5 and 10-acre tracts, close to Port land; good eiectrio car service; Dest sou; good roads, mail, telephone, etc.; $100 to $800 per acre ; easy terms; best In vestment today: big Increase in values for you If you buy acreage now. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. ONLr 10 PER CENT CASH. Balance will pay Itself on our 5 to 20-acre- tracts, 22 mites south of Portland and 2 mlls from town of 4000; "red shot" soil; best for fruit, berries or vege tables; mavlam roads; $200 per acre. Eager ualion, 910 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. 15.63 ACRES $G2, on terms; no rock or gravel; good iruit, garden or cmcicen ranch; one hour Irom Portland, 2' miles from river and rail transportation, with in M mile of macadam wagon road, school and rural mall delivery. -il5 Lum ber Exchange. FREE wood and water the balance of your life; 2 acres good land, neat nouse, oarn, chicken-house, all fenced chicken tight; price $12."0. H cash, ba.1. to suit; this place is within 6 miles of center of Port land, on tha west; no rock, gravel or canyon; a snap. P 3'J3, Oregonlan. YELLOW NEWTOWN'S AND SPITZEN BERG3. 40 acres of the best apple land in the state, close to Portland, planted to these flmst of apples, In tracts to suit, at only S'l-5 per acre, terms; investigate. P 3tW, Oregonlan. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot anil. aoaptea to iruu uu ce.t,u.ule-B t u. 1 1 smooth and tillable; no rock; wood and water; close to school, postoff ice and store; within easy reach of Portland and tho cheapest land on the market. 512 Couch bldg. 109 4th st. FOR SALE One acre, 4 blocks west or Meldrum station, on j. j. canine, smau 4-room house, chicken-house and chick ens, good well, garden and potatoes. 8 cords of wood; price $100. J. D. Garllck, P. O. address. Oregon City. For Sale -Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-page book gives amount or Government una open to homestead In each county Jn the states of Oeegon and Washington and de scription of same; gives homestead, des ert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21xt!3, showing R. R. in operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, in cluding Eastern and Central Oregon; 20o each, or three 50c; map of Washington In colors, 21x23, 20c Nlrarao, Runey & Co.. Hamilton bldg. For Bal3 Fruit Levnda, I HAVE a fine 90-acre fruit ranch only 3.1 miles from Portland, all level. Detween the Lewis River and Cedar Creek, with boat landing on the place, logging timber, etc, also a nne country store with Vt acre adjoining; line stock of goods, all for $11.0o0; will give good terms or will sell separate. AP Oregonlan. FOP. SALE By owner, tract of orchard land near i-yie. wasn.; aooui o .cin i cuuy iui planting, balance unimproved; dwelling house and outbuildings. Price low; terms easy. C. M. McLeod. Lrle. Wash. WHITE SALMON. Wash., fruit and hay lands, for sate. rue ior pa. liuuihis. Homer G. Day. White Salmon, Wash. For 8ale Farms. 1 OWN 500 aores of the best located land In Oregon. Is witnin i o mues oi ruiunnu on the A. Ing excellent transportation facilities. There is 4.000,000 feet of timber and 100 acres of the very best bottom land. In order to secure some other holdings I am forced to make a sacrifice of this 500 acres, on which I will make an excellent Inducement if taken before September L AL 223. Oregonlan. A GREAT BUT FOR 125 PER ACRE. 54 acres, locatea ciooe iw ruiumiu .lthln 5 minutes- ot eiecinc t station and 6 stores; 22 acrea cleared IS acres partly cleared, balance fine timber; .11 n-n (rrinfc- household Kood.. chlck- ens. 2 one big work horses go with place-; I'o tons ot nay. g-ooa u-iutmi nuu.c. . piw. wells. David Xewls, room Luraoeriiieus bldg IMPROVED ranch. 10 acres, large 5-room housa ana Darn, an nmui ui j ries Jersey cow. good horse ana buggy, all improvements; 8 miles from Portland, one mile irom cictu ic .im.uw, ' o . STiOO cash will handle; will consider city Mn..-t. in eschange. Provident Invest ment Trustee Co.. 201. 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg; HERE Is a real bargain ror you In real c,tate .iu acres vi tuu, . iuiiu.i. About 60 acres In alfalfa and suitable to grow hops, fruit, etc., at R0 per acre, and 180 acres of upland at 110 per acre. It will pay you to look this up. tVrlte AV 818, Oregonlan. ' FOR SALE 20 acres improvea, gooa son. fruit, berries, nice iivme, wuofc bh, wihci business; cheap at $4000; team, harness, 2 9 fnwa. 75 chickens, farm tools. furniture, entire crop Included; will rent. Call or write. Box 156. Falls City, Oregon. BEAUTIFUL. 15-acre tract, all In cultivation. With beaUIUUl DUUUiwrb wi uu itjiiua, w carline and at station; high achool and & stores within 3 diocks; near t-oriiana. grt.Mto buys It If taken this week. Davia Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens bldg. 40 ACRES. 2 miles rrom Nortn riams. i acre ciearea, ' e 1'1 " r . cedar and flr timber; good soil; 165 per acre, terms. MlusDoro, ur., koiiis a, box 12. 217 ACRES black loam and red soil; good water rignt; i" liuuijiu, i"r price and terms, call on or address J. R. Vnlte. Kerby. Josephine County. Or. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from roruanu. sene iF""c uar.atu for all cash, by owner. 1H2 Morrison St. A NICE little suburban home of 13 acres. near uaiia.. v--, .m r ur luii in formation, lock box 45. Dalles. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. WE WANT 20 MEN WHO HAVE GOOD RED BLOOD IN THEIR VEINS, WHO ARE WILLING TO WORK AND WORK HARD: MEN WHO WANT TO GET AWAY FROM A "JOT." AN'D THE WORRY OF WHETHER THEY ARE TO BE "FIRED" OR NOT; MEN WHO WANT TO BE THEIR OWN BOSS. FOR 2o OF SUCH MEN WE HAVE 20 10-ACRE TRACTS LOCATED OUT FROM SHERIDAN, WHERE TH B LAND WILL PRODUCE THE BEST CROPS OF ANYTHING THAT WILL GROW ANYWHERE. WHERE THE VIEW IS AN INSPIRATION FOR ANY ONE; WHERE THE SURROUNDINGS ARE OF THE BEST. TO 20 OF THESES RED-BLOOPBD MEN WE WILL MAKE SUCH TERMS AND PRICES THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD TO PASS UP THE PROPO SITION. SOME OF OUR LAND IS IN COM MERCIAL ORCHARD TWO YEARS OLD. SOME IS UNDER CULTIVATION AND SOME IS IN TIMBER, WITH TIM BER ENOUGH TO PAY FOR THE CLEARING. NOW YOU RED-BLOODED MEN. COME FORWARD AND LET US GET TOGETHER. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 32-3aS CHAMBER OF COM. MEMBERS OF PORTLAND REALTY BOARD. ' FARMS. . 100 acres, '2S per acre; 2 good bouses, good barn, fruit-dryer, 2 acres prunes, 20 acres in cultivation. mile school, 4 miles railroad station, 2o miles 2d and Washing ton streets. Portland; $:W00 in cash will handle this. This is extra good land, and fruits of all kinds are extra good; the 2 acres of prunes will bring $500 this year. 20 acres, :i0 acres in crop, balance good pasture: mile Sifton Electric station, mile school, church and store, only 1 tt Tniles 2d and Yvasnington streets. Portland. 80-cent fare; good house and barn; with place goes good team, cow, chicken and machinery; for only $4500; cash, bal ance at 7 per cent. 3: acres, good buildings, all stock, tools, household goods: only 2 miles electric sta tion, fine neighborhood, 14 miles 2d and Washington streets, Portland; $7,100; $3000 cash, balance on or before 5 years at 7 rer cent. This is fine home, and all In . cultivation but 9 acrt-s. 1-5 acres, well improved, 2 blocks from railroad station, only 16 'miles 2d and Washington streets, Portland; $10.600.; . $2000 cash, $4000 1 year, $4000 on or before 6 years at 7 per cent. J. B. ATKINSON, Vancouver, Wash. 401 Washington St., opposite Post of flee. SO ACRES. Only 2 miles from Portland and 15 minutes' walk from railroad station ; 8 acres In two-year-old appie trees, 12 acres three-year-old pear trees ; 45 acres under cultivation. 35 acres in pasture; plenty of water; up-to-date 12-room house; twO hatha, two fireplaces; good barns and out buildings, if interested In a high -class farm phone or write GEORGE D. S CHALK, - 22S Stark 6U SUBURBAN HOME AND FARM. 40 acres, all In cultivation, all fine soil, fine spring and water piped to buildings; excellent residence, fine barn and good outbuildings; bearing family orchard and bt-rries; in a tine neighborhood and the best place In it ; close to electric line, on tine road, close to Portland; in plain view of Council Crest. If you are looking for Hume thing unusually good, and at a price) below selling prices, tills will be of In terest to you. I am glad to have you compare It with anything else offered. My price is JOu per acre, no trade, but will give time on part. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. . THE FARM YOU WANT. 15 seres, 10 miles from Portland, 12 minutes' walk from R. R. station, thor oughly modern 6-room house, pneumatia water system In house and piped to farm buildings; orchard, berries and large gar den all In high state of cultivation; stock and farm ma-hinehy go with place; owner moving to Portland and must sell quick; j rlce $7500, half cash, balance easy terms. See Mr. P. in hop. Hartman & Thompson. ' 4th and Stark. IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 2100 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, IV acres bottom land. 2K) of this in grain, 65 acres in timothy and wild grass ; 235 more of bottom land that can be put in cultivation, bal. of ranch la rolling hills, which affords good pasture and adjoins good outside range; this has several never failing springs; fair house and barn, with other outbuildings; price $15 per acre; will trade for other city property. AS . 363, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. TOWNSITE FOR BALE. 40 acres. Including a part of the town of Wildervllie. on Slate Creek. 10 miles southwest of Grants Pass, on Grants Pas and Crescent City stage road ; also on the survey of the Grants Pass & Crescent City R. R. ; depot location spoken for by chief engineer; healthy location; pros perous neighborhood; surrounded by good furming and fruitgrowing country; must be sold at once; price $.Vo. JOHN H. ROBINSON. Grants Pass. Or. Route 2. BY OWNER One acre, close in, on Oswego line; 200 feet frontage on Macadam roau. high ground, fine building site with unob structed view of river In both directions; must sell quick, $1500, easy terms if taken immediately. This Is a bargain as in vestigation will show. E 3til, Oregonlan. COOS COUNTY LANDS. BEST INVEST MENT IN OREGON TODAY. LET ME SHOW YOU. N. E. LINDWUIST, GEN'L DEL., TORTLAND, OR. FOR SALE TIMBER LANt. $7500 10 million feet red . fir adjoining Columbia River and isortn nans roaa; easy to log: fhst-cliins tie and piling prop osition. Address Box 3ul, Raymond, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Blda. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 6 acres, now chicken-ranch. Address Box J3B, R. F. D. 2, Hillsdale, or. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Three acres or more with run ning water sufficient for Irrigation, with in 10 miles' radius ot Portland. AP S54. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1 WANT to buy a ranch, not more than 40 miles from Portland; prefer 75 to 125 acres; must have good house and som. bearing fruit; can pav fAOUO to $10,000 down; will deal with owner only. E 8o2. Oreonian. ; - ACREAGE or small orchard tract, well lo cated; give, particulars, also price and terms. A R 302, -Oregonlan. j I PAY cash to owners on forced sale -lot bargains; unimproved corners on carllnes. with busla.ss prospects preferred. - 0I Concord bldg., city. ONE of the most up-to-date grocery stores on East Side, for modern bungalow; own ers only. A 3vS. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. 40 ACRES fine land near San Jose, Cal.. to exchange for a good automobile; no Junk wanted; wili give big value for right car. ee Kewlon. i( Buchanan B!dg. TEN beautiful acres, all in cultivation, clcs, to school, stores, electric line, etc.; want home In city f"r It. David Lwls, room 2, Lumbermen! bldg. TOUR CHANCE. The swellest and finest home on East 2th street, near Gllsan. for lots, acreags or farm. Owner. Washington bldg, room 3. WANTED Home or suburban acreage In exchange for choice lots, any amount suit able. Owner (Monday), 1139 Ellsworth. W-R car. FOR farm exchanges, business chsncea or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. EXCHANGE S2200 equity modern 6-room house for acreage or auto truck. J. L. Hansen. 2"5 E. 80th st. N. FULL, BLOCK. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN, AND CASH, EXCHANGE for NOB HILL MODERN HOME. T 873. OREGONIAN. WANTED 5 or 6-room" bungalow in ex change for timber land or part payment. Phone East 601 5 ACRES, all hops. 9 miles from Portland, to trade for house and lot- reasonable. AR 30, Oregonlan FOR SALE or trade for lots or acreage, 10 rooms, well furnished. 680 4th St. S. 5 ACRES for team, auto. Swank. 317 Hamilton. Main cows. 4190. bond,. 6 OH rt-room bungalow In exchange for tlm berland or part payment, phone East 6016. HIGH-CLASS grocery to trade for modern home; owners: describe. A SS9. Oregonlan. MARSHFIBLD lota for trade. What have you? 12S Chamber of Commerce