17 TITE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TTJESDAT. AUGUST 22. 1911. NEW CROP OPENING ' U SA; pears. S1.M per box: Ciubii. Sc vrotTABLES-BMtn. ldf : eehbagee. I per hundredweight; corn. SOfsoc per dosen; fiKumwri. lltl-Itft j-r esm: egr- lltll.XA I. plant. 100 12Sc per lb.; garlic lOOIZe per peund- 'ettuce. 3"Osao per aosen: Dointrup enure, II J:m I 71V pr bos: peppers, gtflwo rxr pound: radlihM. llHe per eosee; toms- English 191 1 Hops Are on Sale at 471-4 Cents. loc wocc) Jl.HS per box. fACK VEGEfABLKS New carrots. pet sack: trirnlps. 11 23: beets, SI. 7. ILTS 7TATOEi Oregon, 1S0I: per pound reet DOtatoea. 4 t ,o n.r nound. ONIONS Walla Walla, tl T per bundred. Hap. WmI aa Hide. -ltoll contracts, eoejsse per pound old. NEW GERMANS BRING 861-2 Cstimat? of the Forelan Yield Are Further Reduced American Brewer Face Considerable Deficit So Local Trading. T-h. s-netlsh msrket for new-crop hops ssened yesterday a P"t euulvalent te 42 to 4T eeata. ereordtng to cable advices re- retred fcT local dealers. Th. following eabla received by Kln- v wr.tr a vetter: "Market firm but --lit svaathsr nneettlad with rain. tltnat crop at 3ooO to SOO.OOO t.l. Open- las r, rices of English lll nope, tiw o in. another London cabla was aa follow.: "Market estrsmely firm. Crop estimate h.id. Ouallt will be good." Tba latest Mlimltti of th. Contlaontal rroo range from soo.ooo to 850.000 twt Soma naw bopa have been aold In Uennany at marks, aqua! to M cents first cost In country. Garman hop war quoted In .- Tark CMr trday at f 1.0". Tba Belgian bop markat ha opened at glO shillings. Th crop of that country Is estimated at SS.0O0 cat Tha official figures of tha German hop acreage vara raeelvsd jrsatsrday and show M. barters under bopa. Thla I a, da craas of TO hactara on IMS aerse a com- cared with 1I0. Tha present German acre- ... i. t k. .m.liMi in modam times. Th aa acreage la officially announced a 11.- jvi hactara. an Incraasa of S3 hactara, or 57 acres over last year. th. iKiitaum estimate of tha Oarrnan rmt of 111 la .ono ewt. aa sgslnst 420.- nno rw oroducad last yaar. Tha maximum Austrian aatlraata Is 10O.0OO ewt., against H.YftflO cat In 1P10, rnimiiM of tha Oregon crop run from hum m innnoo bales. Washington will hare from Z2.000 to JS.OOO balsa, and In Cali fornia, wh.r. tha waathar haa become mora faroraMa In tha Sonoma auction, tney new nenrtne n T.00O to to.ooo balaa. This would maka tha total Amarlcaa crop I10.OO0 tiAM halH or aa avsrai. astlmata or 2V000 balsa. Th boar production of tha Unltad Rtataa for tba ysar from Sspt.mbsr I. IW1, to fp t.mb.r I. I91S. will probably amount to M.. imki (w barrels. Taking tha official Oosarn- msnf return of vn-tsnths of a pound of oops to th barrel, this will mn a consump tion of 4,vni.roo pounds or 10,000 bale of hops, with an available supply of only r.'l.- wn be te. America will export not les than s.on balea and tha forelamera will no doubt try to buy much more. Tha Imports .re c.rtsln to be unusually small, owing to th irMlM cost Of Imported hop. Con- seouentlT the American brewer muat fac considerable shortage. There are leaa than I00O balM of bopa of previous crops remaining In growers hands in Oton and none at all In Waahlngton. The etock left In California consists only of small ouantlty of unmerchantable olda. o business waa reported on the local mar- set yesterday. Three or four dealer bad oiders at 40 and 41 cents. HOPi 19io crop, asatoc: I0o crop, s36c MOHAIR Choice. ISO ST Ha per pouaa. WOOL Eastern Oregon. tj gr pound, according to ahnnkaga; Valley, lofj 17c per pound. FELTS Dry. lOHe: lambs. zB4O0 aaca; hearlnss. loej 20c each. tnuL oa.ted nioea joo pr pwo"- aalitd calf. l17c: salted kip. loic; aalt.a stsgs. sr; sreen bides, ac: dry niara. aw dry calf. lfI0c: dry ata' ;:JHo. CAbOARA BARK rif ouna. sysc OU. LINSEED OIL Pur raw In barrel. 1e; boiled. In barrels. c; raw. In cassa. Sci bolf.rf In r-.ae QAc TLBPH.NT1NE C.aes, 7Bc: wood oarrei. IlWr: Iron barrels. Mr: l-css lots. iJC UA0OI.INK Motor sssoiine. iron oarrtii. 17c: rases. :c: 4 gasoline. Iron barrels. Sir- ease. tile. COAL OIL Ordinary test, case. iej bulk. La tanks. ISt. M AM in to 1J pounds. SfJOHo: 1J to 14 pounds, laiei-nc: 14 to 14 pounds. 189 lc: i to 14 oounds. lueiaur: sklnnsd. 20c: plcnfrs. 11 He: cottsaa roll. 1.1c HIOKED aItkTtf-e-rieer tongue, asc dried beef aets. none: outside, none: Inaidea, 24r: knuckles. 23c. LARD Kett! rendered, tlercea. lie: tubs. UVc: standard, tierce. HHa: tuba. llac: choir, tierces, none: tuba, none; shortening, tlerres. fte: tubs. gc BACON rsnry. 2Sc: atandard. zaci choice. a2c; English. 17c. DRY SALT CURED Regular abort clear. dry salt. 12c: smoked. 13Wc: back, light. alt. 114c: smoksd. 14Vc: backs, bsavy salt. iz4c: smoksd, 14Vic: exDorts. salt, lie: smoked. 14 He. HEAVY RON OF SHEEP LOCAL YARDS ALSO WKLL St"P- PLIED WITH CATTLK. t Sleem, Cov and Heifer Move Steady Price Xo Hofc Are Offered. There was a hi run of cattle and sheep at th. stockyards at th. opening of businees yeeterds. over 4AO0 head being available. The larger part of the offerings graded from fair to medium. Th hulk of the trading waa naturally in tha aheap division. The cattle market waa firm, th best steers selling up o so.su imi cows and calves at prevailing price. No hogs were offered. Receipts for aUndsy and Monday were 40 rattle. 124 calve. 413 sheep and 13 hore and mule. Shipper were: Frsnk Johnson. l.amont. Wash.. I car of ralvee; l. J. King. Kendrlrk, Idaho, a rare of sheep; J K. Frye, Eugene. 1 car of cattle: t:. P. Quartermaster. Eu gene. 1 car of horse and mules; T. itsrrisy. Junction City. 3 rare of sheep; c. 8. Walker. Hsker. 4 car of cattle and calvee: W. A. Opver, Roblnette. 1 car of cattle; J. Van Fleet, (llenns Ferry. Idaho, 1 car of cattle; Oeorge Perry, Heppner. t cars of sheep: I. V. Uentry. 1 car of sheep; tientry a Elder. Heppner. 1 cars of sheep; A. Aldertson. Tlkura, Idaho, S rars of cattle; James Ms,-, Joseph. 3 cars of eheep; J. nch.efer. Red Rock. Mont., z rara of rattle; Charle M Cullough. Baker. I cars of rattl and calve": F. A. Phillip.. Baker. S can of rattle: T. C. Ketchum, The Pallee. 1 car of sheep: A. W. Chandler. Vnlon. 1 ear of cattle, and hhanka a Ovean. Washougal, 1 car of cattle and horse. Th dys salea ware aa follows; Weight. luo 1M sheep PMLYI or WATT.RVF.LO. IPiS LOW. tarna WeaXker rVlmuialea Market la Flraser. Th watermelon market w as firmer yetc- Isv. with the cool weather of last weak lealers allowed their stocks to run low and "the brisk demand yeeterday outrkly deemed no th supply. Caataloupee w.re also firmer, ponie selling at Lo and Standards at 11.71. Tha peach market waa la fair akapa. Peer wr ir at tl A good many outsit.' and hothouse ru- cumbers ar coming In. for which there la little eaJ on th street, aa tocsj grower ar eaTerlng them freely at 1 1 V 1 23 a. sack. Among the arrival yesterday waa a car of ananas. 231 sheep !." 121 sheep f ' sheep ......... f. 3 2SS sheep t'.l 1 iiht 12.iO 1 cow -1210 1 cow . l'o 3 cow I1H.3 4 cow 1102 I cow l.W 10 eheep ...........4 (h) B row IIIO 31 steers ...II.-.O 3 calvss 4:) 34 calve SHI t alesrs hll 12 cows "-13 3 bulls MO Or M AND FOR TOOO rtTICxUEKS IW. Other Kinds ef Pwwllry are Meat, ararns Tha market for young chlckia contlnuea weak because of the fre receipts Th general oaotattoa est Springs wss IS cent. Hene sold at 130 ISH cents. Duck were steady at 17 cant and there was soma de mand for go at 11 cant. Th supply of veal waa light and tha mar ket waa firm at 111 cents for tha best. Pork waa very scare and firm at 11 cents. Eggs war stssdy at th quotation that prevailed at tha doe of last weak. che markets. , 3T steers 3T steer .. 3d ateer . an hslfsra T cows . , 34 lamkt . 2 stser 2T cow ... 34 cows .. 24 cows .. 2 calve . g calve . IT C.Ives . H clv . 1 bull ... Prtc current 4 the ln 01 1223 -S -. 4H4 T3 1074 KXiS l"i ....l. W72 3 34 ...... lao Io I3f Portland Price. 3.t 3. on g.o 4 :i 4.23 3.00 4 30 4. ; w 4 ..o SO 4.IMI 4..V 4 40 5..V T.tMt 4.75 4 M t O0 3. SO 4.23 5. M 4 SO T.23 40 5 30 4 . 4.20 4.:t5 OO a. 00 ft. .Ml SO 3.110 Vnlon PRICESWORKDOWNHfta IV1 per cent; ml Inn tmf. Dia, -j; onerea, .. Moderate Sdlina Movement in Stock Market. DEALINGS ARE CONGESTED o days. 2 V per cent months. IS(rl!. n.Der. Ilieli,. eterllna exchsng steady with actual business In banksrs' bills at 44.83.SO for 0-day hills and 4.!3.B5 for demand, t'amm.rclal bills. (4.83. Bar silver, 52Vc. Mexlcsn dollars. 43c Govsmmnt bonds stesdy; railroad aay. LONDON. Aug. 21. Bar silver steady, 341d per ounce. Jklonsy 14 per cent. The rate of discount In ths open market for short bills Is lu per cent; for three months' bills t per cent. SAN FRA!CI8CO. Aug. 21. Sterling on London. 60 days. S4.8SS: sight t4.i. Drafts filght, par; do telegraph 2ViC CHICAGO. Aug. 21. Js'.w Tork exchange 21 discount. Larger Part of the Transactions Are In Union Pacific, Reading and - Steel Harriman System Ao nonnces Policy of Economy. vr.or TnS Aus 21. Th week In th stork market opened with a renewal In lid form of tha downward movement. which haa played such havoc witn prices i sscurltle for almost a month. Ther waa moderate selling, which again concentrated on ths leaders. Union Psclfle. Reading and United Statss Stl. In fact, deallnga in these Issue during the first thrs hour 01 th session constituted over TS per cent or th whole. nev.innm.nts offered little Incentive for activity on the bull side. Perhsps the most discouraging event was ths announcement ty the Harriman system of Us Intsntlon to embsrk on a comprsnensiv poucy 01 re trenchment on arcount of unsatisractory earnings. It is understood that tna pro- fwM.. nirtallm.nl will affect several thou sand smployes In tha clerical department, of th. I'ninn x.Wrie and Southern Pacific lines. and latsr msy embrace the operating divi sion, tnrlrienfallv. this action on the part nf th. U.rrlm.n maris WSS SCCSPted aa inriiret r.enona. to the recent demand ox Various .mnlove. for Increased pay and shorter hours. Pressure sxainst Unltsd States tei was mors nronounced than at any recant period nil th. huvi nfferlnsa of this steek, ac cording to gossip, rssulted from fear that the report soon to be suDmmea 10 rrwiuii TSft by the Department or commerce enu i.hnr b.rrilv m'oiiM he favorable. Trading lansulshed for tha greater part 01 th session sfter ths first hour. In the very lata business, there was a moderate increase .r .nivltv however, at th. expenss of values, with I'nlon Psclfle falling to Its nrevloua low level of th dav. According to statements 01 iwni r.u- aay officials, traffic In that section Is hold ing sTesdy. with the general merchandise movement the most sustaining factor. Money ratea In the West show Increasing firmness. Bonds wer heavy, alth further weakness In American Tobscco 4 per cents. Total sales, par value. (1.307.000. United States liovemment bonds wer unchanged on cajl CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bsl'S. High. Low. 2" 2" ll" 1I.70O rVIl, 3.K ;,4 S3 .40O B2H Sit H !'', 1l 000 M 5' Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Aug. 21. Standard" copper, dull; spot. October. November. 12.12 His 12.30C Londowt- firm: spot. 56 g 3d. r u- turss. 1ST Is 3d. Lk copper. 12.7BO 13.ooc: electrolytic. 12.6O012.624c; casting. 12.2S013.ftOc Tin, spot and August, nominal. Futures, steady. Spot, 43.00 fj 4T.0Oc: August, 44.00es 4".oOc; September.. 42.004) 42.30c: ejetooer. 4 1. SO ty 42.00c: November. 41.13 41.73c London, firm. 1101: future. 1K8 10s. I.ead steady: 4.4341 4. 60c. New Tork. and 4.42y4.424j bid East St. Louis. London. (24. npelter, quiet. .0StX6.1Sc New Tork; OOOa-OZHo. East St. Louis. London, s2T ISs. Antimony, dull; Cooksons. S.SOwg.SOc. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 47s 6d In Lon don. Locally Iron was firm; No. 1 foundry. Northern. $1 5.80 0 lft.00; No. 2. $1B.2R1B.T5; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 southern sort. 113.300 15.60. CASH WHEAT IS STRONG SELLS ONE TO THREE CENTS ABOVE NEAR FUTURES. batter or ' Baak Clearing.. Rant Blearing of th Northwestern eitlea vesterdav wra ao follow.: t'lrtng. Btnc.. Portland .....2 134 Jl l-W.niS fMltl 2.013.S12 2HT.T14 Tarvma - 74."2 76V 11 fpokaae 42.413 M.1J7 PORTLAND MARKETS. Staple Urococtsa. SALMON Columbia River,' 1-pound taJla, si to Mr dos.n- 2. oound ta'.la. ILH: 1- pound f ata. J 140; Alaska pink. 1-pound tans. 11 : tor FEE Roasted, la drama. 33030a par aeun d. HOMET Cbotco. $S.TS par caa; strain sd honev 10c per pound. MTI Walnuts. ITU lo per pound: Brsul nuta. 14 ft lac: filberts. 1. : almonds. ui IV tMcans. lAc: eocoanata. aoctlgl I doseo; rhestnutA ll4c per pound; hickory nuts, (a 10c per pound. SALT oraaulated. flS pr ton; half around. 10u. Is-sO per ton: 30. IS per to BtAVS Small whits. 4c: large whit. 4r: Lima. Tc; pink. c. red afcxtcaaa. awe: h., ou. ac RICE No. 1 Japan, 4e; chsspsr gradaa. I1MS4M: southern nad. awcio: tm- rorted Imperial. tVc: Imported extra Xa. 1. ia -,c St'LlAR Drv srannlated. tS.15: berry. tA.13: sxt. 14.13. extra C. 3 S3, powdered. barre s. SASV ruhia barrels. 34.73. DRIEI FRUIT Apples. llHlHr per pound. lin,:ou, 10; peacbes, loguc; prunes. Itslisn. lollc; st,ver. ISr; figs. antte and bars, iktmr: currants. 101 Mr; rals.n kxaa Muscatel. VtflHc; o;eacaea 1 aarapion, nr: annisacnea sai tSD.s. Sc; seided. t ssa. Crala. tToar, f eed. Eta. WfleTAT New cnp; blueste-n. 3.1c; Club. ev ; red KuHlan. 7r; Vsllev. Oc. fun R Pat.nta. 4.3 per barret; straight. U S3; exporta 4.M: Valley. 4U; grs: m. 14 . whole wheat, $470. Mll.LSTC FFS Hrac. $J3ot:i per ton; rrlrtd.lrs". 1 ,12; shorts. U3.3Oa2.00: rolled bsrier. I. CoRN Who;. $33; era-ked. $.14 per ton. BARLEY New. feed. !i3.30tZ per toa; brewtns. tioaai per ton. OAT Old while. $jt per ton; new. $24 per ton. HAT Timothy, valley. 113016: alfalfa. Ill; clover. l.fto0: grain hay. $9.30010. Storkyarda for tba varlou clai were: Extra cholc tr. ...... .. Choir ster Good to cbolco tr. . . . . . Cholc cows Good to cholc row Good, average 1O60 pounds. Common cows ............. Choir heifers Cholc bulla Choice calves. 300 I ha. and under Good to ehole calve . Common calv Chotc atag (iood to ebole stsgs. . Hogs Extra cholc light hog Cholc heavy hogs.... Heavy rough hoga.... Mheep Choice yearling, wathers. coarse 'ool 3.23 0 3.30 Cholc yearling wsthara, east of mountains 3 15a s.fto Choice two and threee 3. oil is 1.15 Cholc Spring lamb 5.230 8 SO Good to cholc Spring lambs 5.0uts 5.23 Choice killing awea , 3.73t 1 00 The following quotatlone repreaent pticea this market for the different classes of horses: Drafter, extra heavy. $.1u0 5OO: drafters. 1400 to 1TOO lbs.. $13002341; draft ere. 1200 to. 1400 lbs.. $10vs230; chunks. 7s and op; aaddl horaea. $60 and up. sea of stock .13 O03S . 3.3O0 3.75 . 5.2S0 5.341 . 4.SO0 4.73 . 4.254 4.30 . 4.00 0 4.24 . 3.TSO 300 . 4.P0e 5.00 SO0 3.73 T 240 T.35 S .3O0 a 00 4.0o 5.00 4 600 4.75 4.231 4.30 8.150 S.2S T.OOt, T.2S C250 a to Chicaga Uv.st.rh Market. CHICAGO. AUK. SL Cattle Keoalnl. ... timated. 23.00U: market, ste.dv to liw. lower. Beeves. IllSbs: Texss stsers. 14.30 0 0.43: West.rn sts.rs. $4.23 ad. 73; stocksr snd' feeders. 33.15a 3 60: rows sad ri.if.r. (3.2S,)5.60: ca.vsa. $60 5.73. riogs Receipts, ssttmated. 30.0OO; market. Sl'c higher. Light. $;.33ty7.B3; mixed, IT f'K'.M, heavy. ".mi; rough. $7.3 SO: good to cholc heavy. 7 3-e7mi- pigs. 3.;3V7.60; bulk of sslrs. $7.X30T.7O. chern Rerelnra ..M-n . t.l ot im... ae-t. weak: native. 32 33 1 3 SO :" Western. 32.65 OS.10. yesrllngs. $3.735.23: lambs, na Uve, $4,230 a3. Western. $4,150 7.06. Allls Chsl pr Amsl Copper . . Am Agrlcult Am Bt Kugsr American Can .. Am Car a Fdy.. Am Cotton Oil . . Am Hd l.t pr . Am l-e 8erurl.. Am Linseed . . . Am locomotive. Am Smel a Ref do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy.. Am Sugar Hef.. Am Tel a Tel. . Am Tobarco pf. Am oolen . . .. Ansrnnua M Co Atrhlaon do preferred. . Atl Coast Line, rlnlt a Ohio . . . ft.thtehem Hteel Broik K Tran.. snadlan P.-ir .. -ntr.l Leather do nreffrred. . Ches a Ohio ... Chlcsgo Alton Chi til Weal . . do preferred. . Chicago A N W M A St Paul. c. c a st u. ol Fuel a Iron 'ol A Southern. 'onsol f;.s 'orn Proriurts fiel a Hudson.. D A R tlrande.. do preferred.. Distillers' Serurl Erie do 1st pf .... do 24 pf Oenersl Elec . . Gt North Pf ... Ot North Ore . . lllnols Central. nterbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester nter Marine pf. raper Pump owa central . .. K C Southern . . do preferred.. Laclede Caa ... Louis A Naah .. Minn a St L. . M. B P A 8 8 M lo. Kan a Tex do preferred.. . soo 8.600 lo l.ROO 2K) lo 1rt 12.S4M1 2'KI I.IOO 7"t 1.4"W 7d' 4.200 2"0 ' soo " 4011 100 T.100 ' 0 l'-O 1.6HO 41 H) " soi ' oo T.4o 1.6"0 1.2IMI 41 0 S.IIOO 700 SOU S 7"0 6fW) loo lO0 ' Aoo S'H) " 'iv 200 " 2i l."0 Mo Pacific 2.6V) Nst Blsrult .... JOO National Isd .. 200 Mex N Ry 2 pf N T Central . .. 1.400 N T. Ont A Wee 4i Norfolk a Weat .0 North Am loo Northern Pac .. 8.r"0 Parlflo Mall . . .. 2 Pennsvlvsnla ... 3.soo People's Gss . . luO p. c c a st u Pittsburg Coal.. 2"0 Pressed 8 Car.. 200 Pull Pal Csr a Ry Ste.1 Spring. 2O0 Reading BT.4HO Republic Steel . 1.4HO do preferred.. Rock Island Co 4. SOO do preferred. . Pt0 St L A 8 F 2 pf Si 10 St L Southwest. "'' do preferred.. 100 Sloes ShefTleld Southern Pac .. 12.V Southern Ry .. 2.ffcirt do preferred., SOO Tenn Copper ... 100 Texss a Psr . . $00 Tol. fit L a Wro do preferred.. 2O0 Union Pacific ..150.200 do preferred.. 200 V S Re.Ity V 8 Rubber ... 1.2 O 8 Steel 142.100 do preferred.. Port t'tsh Copper . . . 3.30O Vs Caro Chtra . 400 Wabash loo do prsferred.. 400 Western Md ... 4'M Wrsttng Else . . To Western Union . 000 Wheel A L E Lehigh Valley.. 10 -S7' " 72 S3 116 1.14 02 2S 30 Va V6 102 12.T4 102 V, 31 Sx 76 2.16 "s 23 . '74S '26' ' 3x14 142 115. 'so' ' .";0 1371, 12 7. 'jj' ' 32' ' 30 H 31 is 4I, 134H 126 4 140S 1S, 43 117 13 11 'i4 $1 ioi 4 143' 13sli 31. 1X4 51 io4vi 40 104 ! 71 121 20 121 14 1034 "ioii "Mi 14.1V 26' ?t" 51 4!"i l a 8 iii'ti 2'i 70 i 83 24 '41 4 J72. HI i 'ii'i TJ 116 43 BS 14H 30 s . 66 V T 1SH 'siiw T0 "is' " 116 lSI's 2 2IS 86 S 1c 13 1"1 V 123 1"1 i 30 ij 75. 2.1 -'3 -7$i, 'ios Zii". 141 . 118. 'itii.' so las 12' 'is' ' 'Ai' ' 20 4!' 411. 134 12414 47 S 13t 13 42Vi 113 13 ioi 'is's 80 io4" 143', iiii,' 81 "ioi,' 1.14 son ioi'" 40 1024 71 111 :o 1204 108 V "iflvi i 143 W 26 1, '26S 40. 41 314 68 iii'ti' 21 !)"4 33 23's IXO'4 81 Till 11S4 44 t, 84 4 14 30 37 66 T64 Bid. 17 60 SI 1 " sot. ji 3H, 70 ins 33 114 1334 Hi 2SH 86 1Sa 11 Vs 122 J1 Stiti TSS 214 7 24 OT H TiS so 12 141 H 1134 S3 26 SO 1.15 V 121 23 S4 81 20 4 40 ' to ' 1.8 124 t 47 14 in 42 113 14. in 33 1 20 74 . 66 104 143 41 133 8114 66 41 132 4 is St J04 40 1024 7'l 114 28 4 120 jo:t S4 1 814 138 4 sz 1434 26 PI 26 4 4H 41 81 OS 46 112 4 284 82 23 16 40 1S 0 60 87 4 T1I 113 444 r5 144 so 3Ti 634 7ft a 1634 Sharp Advances Recorded la the Minneapolis and Winnipeg Mar ket Oats Are Higher. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. Although Minneap olis and Winnipeg wheat markets wera ex ceptionally atrong today, that cereal locally advanced only So hecauae the general pub lic waa not In evidence, oats gstnea 14 cant, hut corn dropped He Provision wera dull and steady. Mild weather In the Spring wheat country ay at th bottom of the advance In whet prices scored at the prlnclpsl msrkets. but the local response was disappointing to the bulla Winnipeg at Its best was up Jin 2So and Minneapolis 24c while the best thla market could do wss a penny. Conti nental cablee reported advances, but Liver pool declined. Cash wheat waa strong on good offerings. No. 3 hard in store selling at 1c over Kepi ember and track cars 1 to 8c over the near futures. The decrease of 840.000 bushels in ths visible against an In crease of 8.7MO.OOO last year and an official forecast of frost In Alberta and Saskatche wan tonight contributed to the strength. De cember sold between 044e and ostc. Corn was the week market today, due to favorable crop reports. December sold be tween HI 4c and 624c The continued excellence of the spot de mand compered with the lightness of re ceipts, together with the wheat strength. gave a atrong tone to the oats market, ue- cember ranged between 447c and 454c, closing near the top. H inner nogs and wneat atrengtn neipeci provisions throughout a quiet session and tba cioss waa a shade to 10c over Satur day. January pork closed 24c up at 16.60: January lard 10c higher at $8.B. and January ribs 5c up at fa.44. Th leading- futures ranged as follows WHEAT. Open. High. .04 4 .S4 .3 7, 1.00 1.01. CORN. .44 .42 4 .44 4 OATS. .424 Sept. . Iec . . , May.. Sept.. Deo. .. May.. Sept. .644 .414 .44 4 .4:4 Low. 4 .944 1.00 4 .4 .414 .44 4 .424 Close. $ .! .H.-.S 1.014 .444 .SI. .44 4 .424 Dec 44 -t1 -144 .45 May 474 .414 . -74 MESS PORK. Jan 14.60 14.47 4 167 4 14.40 LARD. Sapt JO 3.10 0 .?74 Oct $.174 IS .2S 9. JO Jan. 8 00 $.74 $. 8.93 8HORT RIBS. Cpt 3.15 3 174 15 .1S Oct . 8.174 .10 .l Jan $.44 8.50 8 43 $.474 Cash quotation were aa follows: Flour Firm. Rye No. 3. 84 0 844c Barley Feeding or mixing. 70010c: fair to rholc malting. 1 1.08 j 1.11. Tlmotlty seetl 4ixvl4. Clov.r tl2tjl. Pork Mess, per bsrrel. It 7.87 4 0 17.60. Lard Per 100 pounds. $0.17 4 .:7 4. Grain ststlstlcs: Total clearance of wheat and flour were equal to lift. 000 bunhels. Prlmsry receipts were 1.303.000 bushels, compared with 3.141.000 bushels the corresponding day year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United Statea derreased 140.000 bunhels Tor tha week. Tna amount or Dreaosturc on ocean passage Increased 1.490.000 bushel Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 110 cars: corn, 117 cars; oats. 814 cars; hogs, 14.000 head. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushel Corn, bushels . , Oat a. bushels . , Rye. bushels .. Barley, bushels Receipts. ... 17.000 .. .247.006 ...228.000 .. .180.000 ... S.000 ... 89.000 Shipments. 19.000 2:ooo 14 7,000 281.UHA 1,000 11.000 MODERATE MOVEMENT I WHEAT Farmer Are -Barley la Not Free Sell. Strongly Held. Ther was a ltttls business passing In the wheat markat on tna basis :r the prices paid at the close or laat week, out farmers wer not free ellr. Tha barley market continued strong with bolder extremely bullish. Oata were quiet. Local receipts, in csrs. were reported by the Merchanta Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Hour Oat Hay Monday 2 8 11 2 4 Year ago 81 6 13 la 14 Season to date. .363 30 8;"a so 3:13 Tear ago 506 64 4H8 133 3.V1 The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer chanta Exchange follow: American visible supply ' Bushels. . .47.642.000 ..22.3H2.OilO .. 8.SK4.00 . .18.S;iH.OOO .. ..81.22B.OiiO . . 12.111 2.0lfl ..i2.r.r,s.O(io ..13.710.OiKI ..20.68U,6oO August August August August August August August August August August 31. 22. 23. 24. 26, 27. 2S. 24. 23, 1011. . 1010. . lOOO. . 1W8. . 1107. . 10O6. . llsi.i. . ino4. . 10O3. . 1802.. Increase. 330.0H0 3,7h0.iMMI 301.(100 604.01HI 1.6H2.0OO 720.0IM) 810.OO0 43.000 172. 0i HI 423.0U0 A 300 16SU 168 Total aalea for th day. 64T.800 ah area. BONDS. TORK. Aug. 31. Closing quota Deere. Quantities on passage ax rBAxriMco prodcxe MARKET for V ego- rial ry d Cratrr Prod we. POULTRY 11 . as. I3134c: Serins. IV: Ink, young. 17c: gees, lie; turkeys. 10 IV. EGGS Freah Oregon ranch, candled. 3de per doien. FVTTeTR City creamery extra. 1 and 3- pound print. In boxa. 3oc per pound; ls thsn box lota cartons and dsUvery axtra CHCEXE Twins. trlp.sts and Calais. 184c per pound; Toung Amsrica. 144c P iRK i sncy. IDS lit per pound. VIAL Facy. 110 134c per pound. ' Tagwtwtil as Frwlts. TROPICAL FRUITS Orengs. 84 8O0 A75 per box; California grapefruit. $3t9 3.s: renana. 5d$4e per pound: pineapple, 8a per round: lemma. $3 AvA AAA per box. FRISH FRUITS Cantaloupe. 8I.SO01.T8 per crata: poacbs. aoc0 1.23 per box; watarmsiona 1c p.r pound." ptuna. ft- K 0I.TS per crt; prune. II T5 per bo: new tp!e. II 76 u 2.30 per box; Msckosrrirs. Price Quoted at tbo Bay (1ty taaie, Frwlta. Uc SAM FRANCISCO. Am. II. Th follow- lag produce price were current her today: Vewlabla Cacumhiw .amsw.- ..rh '. green peaa. $1.23 0 1.73: string beans. 10 2c: tomatoes. 81 a 1.30: ... nisnt soit 83c : onions 75 0 83c. Mutter raocy crearaary, 16crv Ks Store. 30c: fancy ranch Hit . Chaise Toung America. 14 b 18c Fruit Apslea. choice at tx- ommAn ?1.2S: Mexicaa 1tm.e, I3.3O0 4; California am one. choice. 82.50: Comon. 82: nlnunnln 18 Potato. Salinas Burbanka. 8L8O0LT8: wets. $2,500 $4.sa Minstuft Bran, 82801S: mldriltnsa. g.11 034. " Hay AVheat. I120IT; wheat and oata. $13 014: alfalfa, 18012. Recalpts Flour. 11 671 en.et.r urli: wheat. :I5 c.msls: bsrley. 8I.8IO centals: at. 450 centals; potato. 475 sacks: brea. sack; middlings. 5 sacks; hay. 1408 ton. C.ffe aad iaaTar. W TORK. Aug. 2L Coffee closed steady, but at a net lows f 1014 point. August. ILaOc: September, 1163c: October. 11.26c: Novemker. 11.06c; December. ll.Ortc: January. 10.e: February, lnfV: Marco. AprIL May, June and July. laPOc. npot corrs quiet: rio no. t. tavie: San- toe No. 4. 14c. Mild coffee dulL Cordova. 14 916c nominal Raw Surer Firm. Mueova4o. 'aa t Mat s oic: t-nmrugsi. ea test. Ode; moll $J teat, 4.23c; reflaaiv Atree- NEW tlone: U. 6. ref. Is rg.l004!V. T. C gn 840 8T4 00 coupon . , . jw. sfc racirio no... 10 U. 8, 3s reg 1014'NVi. Parlflo 4s... 84 do coupon . . . IOI 4 'Union Paolflc 4a.I0O4 U. S. new 4a reg.113. Wla Central 4a.. 024 uo coupon . . . 1 j Japanese 4 .... 66 D. A K. O. 4a 8S B For . . U. K. ... Continent Total Week endlng Aug. .18 . . . Bushels . .31.1H4.IHM . .16. oa 2,000 Week ending Aug. 12 Bushels 22. SIM. IS 10 13.272.000 Week ending Aug. 20 Rushels 19.-'0.000 13.570,000 ..8T.216.OO0 33.TT6.0O0 33.480,000 World' shipment (flour Included)- Stock BOSTON. Aug. 31, at Boot. loslnr anotatlons Alloues Jrl IMohswk - 40 Amalg. Copper.. ) .n,u Con sol.. 184 A. Z. L. a Sm. K Nlplaslng Mine. T4 Arlxona Com'l.. 84 North Butte .... 344 B a C C s M. 47 North Lake .... 64 Putte Coalition. 1 (Old Dominion... 874 v-.i. m aril. . . t-iu leceola vo CaL a Hecla...410 Par. (8IL a Cop) 10 ."entennlal ..... Oulncy 6 Cop. R. C. Co... 34 4'Shannon 8i c. riui; vop. st. .upsnor 3i Frsnklln 8 Sup. a Bo. Mln 44 Olroux Consol. 44 8-18 Tamarack 16 3rsnby Consol. . 2M4IU 8 Sm Rf a Ma 334 3reen Cananea. 64) do preferred... 44 1. nayaie tvop l-t I'tin conanl.... Kerr Lake .... 4 4 Irtah Cop. Co. . . Lake Copper ... 28 CVInona La Salle Copper. .14 Wolverine Miami Copper .. 18 4 1 Week ending Aug. 19 From Bushels. TJ. '8., Can. .3,307,000 Argentina . . o.'.tu"i Australia .. v,o.(hhj Dan. part.2.44.oH Russia 2.12O.0H) India 742.00O Week ending Aug. 12 Buehele. 2.SI1I.IKIO 728.0O0 B2O.0IH) I..12.011O 2.40R.000 68O.000 Week ending Aug. 20 Bushels. 1.4IIH.0O0 1.344.0OO V40.000 2. 464. 0O0 3.2O6.OO0 1.552.000 Total .10.261.000 8.320.000 10.704.000 aa Fraarlaro. Aug. 21. Wheat and $1,480 1.4T 4 Pr cen- per cental ; 18 4 444 34 ..101 Condition of th Treasury. WASHINGTON. Aug. 21. At th befin nlng of business today the condition of the United Statea Treasury waa: Working balance la Treasury of fice 886.22S.BS6 In banks and Philippine trssaury. 82.O04.76i Total In general fund 145.6a3.346 Receipt Saturday 2.74O.50O Disbursements 2.038 70s) The deficit to dsta this fiscal year la $21. 3TT.302. aa .gainst a dsdclt of fl4.132.162 at this tlms laat yar. Th.se figure exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. Grain at t SAN FRANCISCO, barley Firm. Spot quotations wneat snipping. xai. Barley Feed. 4t.OS0l.ou brewing, nominal. Oata Red. iu:4i.u per cental; wnita. nominal; black. $1.30 per cental. Callboard sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. 81.884 per cental; May. 11.684 per cental. European Or in Markets. LONDON. Aug. 2L Cargoes Arm. Walla Walla for shipment at ISs d. English and Francn country markets. quiet. BARLEY BIDS HIGHER OFFERS OF $39 ARE MADE BY NORTHERN DEALERS. Seattle Wants Canadian Pacific to Put Same Grain Rate Into Ef'ect as on O.-W. R. & N. SEATTLE. Wash.. Aug;. 31. (Special.) While the price of wheat waa unchanged to day, dealers bid barley up to $29. this being a new high price. Hay and oat were also Arm on light sales. Seattle dealers have offers of $15 per ton out in the Kittitas Val ley for timothy. Oats for use In filling the first portion of 4he Government orders re cently placed here have already been pur chased. Grain men are now endeavoring to have tha Canadian Pacific Railroad put Into effect the aame rates on oats, hay, barley and wheat from interior point to Seattle, that prevail to Vancouver. -B. C, or. In other words, to do the same thing that the O.-W. R. A N. Co. recently did with wheat rates. Grain men dcl I that If reciproc ity is established. Vaimver shippers will gt-ab all the export ti,e unless the rates ars equalised. Cantaloupes and watermelons sold bet ter, the former as high as 2. Good water melons wer held at 14 cents, although a few houses still offered them at 1 cent. The potato market was firm. Sweets war lower at 4 4 cents. A fresh consignment of Malajca grapes arrived and were quoted at 81.S0cl.60. Peaches were In fair supply at prices show ing little change over last week's quotation. Tha supply of eggs on Western avenue to day was rather limited. Spring chickens cleaned up. Th market wa In rood con dition all day. The- butter market waa steady. New Tork Cotton Market... NEW YORK. Aug. 21. Cotton future closed steady, unchanged to points higher. ,..., S12 20' Sentamber. 11.81: October, 311.27; November, $11.27; DecembeK 811.36; January. $11.31; March, $11.38; May. il.4; July. $11.4 , , m Spot closed quiet. jMia-upianus, i4.ovr, An ftnlf gi 2.73. No aalea Cotton exchange will ds ciosea otpKmror the Saturday preceding LAoor any. Dried Frnit a New Tork. NEW TORK. Aug. 21. Evaporated ap- olea nominal on spot; futures easier at 104c eA. rw.hir and 1 0c for November. Prunes m-m. ranging from w to lone tor California up to 30-40. while Oregon re- msined nominal. Peaches firm. Insettve. cnoice. iiiici extra choice, 120124c; fancy, 124c Naval Store. SAVANNAH. Aug. 21. Turpentine Aim at ei. fs.i4 xi horreis: rec&lnts. S04 oar rels: .Moments. 134 barrels; stocks, 30.100 Rosin Arm. Ssles, 2sw ins.: receipts, lbs.: shipments. 400 rbs.: stocks. 108.311 lha. CJuote: H. o. HvC : l. o. o. i vv, . u, s a,.M6 60c: ri. l. lv. o.ouc: -vi. aitlO'g's.OSc; N, 6.608.70c; WG, &SSc; WW. T.305P 7.40c. Chicago Produce, Marks, rutrino Ana-. 21. Butter steady dairies. 18923c. Eggs steady; receipts. io - .rk. esses Included. 10fil4c; Arsts. 154c; nrlm, flnlr 17c t Cheese firm: daisies, inpioxc. " 124jl24c; young Americas, lo 4 SMaHC.; Long Horns, io-4 tj iac. 1 That bltnl'tblo pavement haa been Ttrlahrd (a the bal ance aad sot found wiatlsg la Pawtnck. e-t, H. I4 la shown by the following; extract from the annual re port of the board to tbe City f;oxtxicllt believe that the pave ment (bttnllthio haa II the qnalltlee claimed for It and In view of It favorable reception la different parte of the country, early ail oar princi pal eitlea bavin- laid more or leaa of the same, we do not hea itate to say that the pity haa made a prof itable Inveatxuent.'' WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Capital Stock $100,000. Loans Made on City and Farm Property. MORTGAGES PURCHASED . 418 Commercial Clob Bid., Port land, Oregon. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and. other Bits, gilaous Pavement. 0-o Augctna feia-- Portland. Or. Ogkar ttubai. Atanasr. TRATELERa' GUIDE, BAN FRANCISCO at PORTIAS D STEAM SHIP CO. From Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M. 88. Rose City Aug. 21. Beaver 26, near si- From . Ban Francisco, northbound, lit l 88. Beaver Aug. 19. Boar 24, Rose City 38. From San Pedro, northbound. 12 M. 88. Bear Aug. 22, Rose City 21, Beaver Sep. 1. H. A. Mosher, C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom, agent. Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 4u2, Mam 268. A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Pedro Direct. North Paclfla 8. B. Co.' S. S. Rosnok and 8. S. Klder sail every Wednesday alter nately at 6 P. M. Tltcket ottlcs 132 Third St.. nesr Alder. MAKT1N 4- II II' 1-r. t , rawcaiw afw W. E. hLlBfLK, Freight Agent, Phones M. 1314. A 1314. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 9 M.. Aug. 4. 8. 14. 19, 24. 29. Sept 8, 8. 18. 18, 23. 28 and very S days. Frelgnt re calved at Alnsworth Dock dally up to 5 P. &f PuRr fsrs. flrst-class. 810: second- class, $7, Including meal and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth lock. rnones Main zoa. Main 170. A 1234. Willamette River Route Steamer Oregona for St. Paul and way land ings. Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 8:45 A. M. Steamer ronton tor urciou v,iy uuj;. A. M.. IF. U; Sunday 8 A. M.. 12 and 3 OBKtiON CITY TRANSPOBTATION CO.. Taylor-rltreet iwhu. x-nono .nam so. LIVERPOOL. Aug. Ts Id; December, is Weather, rain. 31. Wheat October. 34d; March. 7s 3d. Motley, Exchange, Fir. NEW law 4. Aug. 21. Money on call Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Ang. 31. Close: Wheat, September. $1,04 4: December, $1.08; May, $1.084 61.084: cash. No. 1 hard. $1.09-,: No. 1 Northern, $1.07 4 8 108 4a ; No. 3 Northern, $1.014 81-074; No. t wheat, Mace$V4 4. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. ' Direct throuxh steamers, ssiling from San Francisco Sept. 20 and every 28 dast. Well ington and bark. 1st clsss. 8204. Other rate also low. The line to Isle of the sooth 8ca. For reservations ss Coupon Railroad Agents. or address Oceanle 8. 8. Co., ban Kranclaco. Corner Fifth and Stark lumbermens National Bank Capital $1,000,000 A Progressive Commercial Bank with a Savings Depart ment Under Government Supervision 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAX FR ANCISCO ' POINDED 1S04. s Capital Paid in.. ...$8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits.,... ...... $7,805,769 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchanpe: issue Drafts snd Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestic banking; business. IA'TEREST PAID OJT TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. H, A. MAC RAE, ManaKer. T. BTJRTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital ,. . Surplus and Undivided Profits. $1,000,000.00 , . . . 800,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able on all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. Established 1886 Merchants National Bank Portland, Oregon United States Depository OFFICERS: K. L Durham, President s'. L. Holbrook, Vice-President. Wilfrid P. Jones. vice-Presidsnt. Geo. W. Hoyt. Cashier. 8. C. Catching, Assistant Cashier. C Detorlng, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: R. L. Durham M. L. Rolbroolc Geo. W. Hoyt A, C Mowery Joseph M. Htaljr A. F. Smith J. F. "Watson Wm. T. Mulr I John S. Beall Accounts of corporations, firms and individuals invited. Four per cent paid on time deposits. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest "National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains Korti Coast Tourist Bonte "Norway of America." STEAMSHIPS "PRINCE BTJPERT" and "PRINCE GEORGE." Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock Midnight for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart, ..., . .,n(.a Rupert with S. S. "PRINCE ALBERT" for Queen Charlotte Islands and local points. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (HOl'NTiU DIVISION) Trains leava Prince Rupert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Copper RWer, B. O (loT milea) and returninK arrives Prince Rupert B:20 P. M. Tnouh"ickets"ndSbat?ga checked from , Seattle. Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM l)uul,le Tracks Route) Four Through Trains Daily No Excess Fare To all points Bast: Standard and Tonrlat sleepers, dining cars serving meals a.-la.- carte and club breakfast. Lost SO and 60-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send for free booklet giving routf-s and rates. J. II. BURGI3. General Agent, Passenger Dept. First Ave. and Teeler Way. Seattle. Wash. Str. MONARCH Astoria Centennial Leaves Portland 7 A. M. daily, arrives Astoria 1:30 P. M. leaves Astoria 4 P. M., arrives Portland 11 P. M. FARE $1 -St, Dock. Tel. llaxshall X3J9a OPEX KIVEB TRANSPORTATION CO. STR.JJ.TEAL Freight racslvsd dally at Oak-st. dock lor Tha Dalles. Hood River. White Salmon. Umatilla. Kennewlck. Pasco. Richland. HanXord, Whits Bluffs, and Intermedials points. FTBST-CXASS rASSEXUSS bXBVICB. FARE SO CENTS TO HOOD BIVER. WHITE SALMON. THS DALLES. Steamer leaves Portland Sun., Tues Thurs.. 7 AM. Returning leaves The Dalles Hon.. Wed.. FrL. 7 A. M.. arriving at Port land about i P. M. same day. W. 8. Buchanan. Supt.; W. S. Smallwood. Gsa'i, ilsr, fhoas Maia 29S0, A mil. American Atlantic Transport Red Star White Star White Star-Dominion Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in tbe World. T.H.LARKE 610 Second Ave-, Seattle). Was. J