TTIE MORXINTr OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1911. rl.ilKE'S TRUFFIP KFY I1! rouearnnd It fn" 1111111111 ilLl I U and to San Francisco II Millions of applying from pol and Astoria. Som Lives Lost taken for regula charters, while schooners and other small windjammers hare been In de mand for offshore business, so steam schooner owners virtually have the An Awful Toll Collected by Con- FINE OF S2DQ DUE GRAFT SIS LIGHT Ill sumption. Many Unnecessary Death" From Thi3 Disease. If people could only understand that field to themselves, bence the stiffening Harriman Officials Will visit of rates. Region of Proposed Line. Marine Notes. Rowboats or Canoes, Navigat ing in River, Must Carry Lamps, Now. LAW LONG DISREGARDED w Ruling Falls HwiTlly on Ir- iwn Harlnv Water Transport rrt for Hlr as Patron Fall to Keep I-antern Ujrhted. l"nr rultna? received triir from he Perartment of Commerce mud t hnr the owner of any rowboat or nno found nsvlsatlriK after sunset on trie river without a light will be It I aM that men prominent locally have disregarded the law In, the rant whtie usins their own craft In the liar hor. rr.d a there was a question aa to he!her the occupant "f a boat or the owner should be penalized, the matter ins taken up with official Washington I n-ter the art of June T. lg7. mny ve.a.el not complying with the law la a.ihWt ta fln- of $100 and In cases of earoe anl rowhoats the punishment would exceed the value of the craft considerably. The repartmei:' of Com merce and Labor holda that It Is the duty of the owner to asrertaln that the craft has proper equipment aboard an1 that llehts are used. The ruling falls heavily on persons having craft f.r hire, for while they have furnished lanterns with each boat In the rast. It J Impossible for them to compel patrons to keep them lighted. At the Puitom-HouM It waa sMven out yesterday that If an owner made prompt appearance after his failure to maintain a light was reported, or that a craft controlled by him having been arprehended for a violation of the law while In possession of another, he would be permitted to draft a state ment setting forth facts In connection therewith and such staic:ue.nt will be forwarded to the department. In com pany with the icport of Collector of Customs Ma!-lm. Hteamboat men and operators .of launi hes complain that often they have narrow escapes from running down small boats and canoes because of the absence of llshts. because they per sist In navigating near midstream, and on dark nlgnta It Is almoat Impossible to clear the craft when they are Ighted. Hardly a night passes but that the customs patrol launch H. W. rVott ptrks up a craft not having proper equipment aboard, and while fines have been light In the past, the fact that warning has been given for over a year will prompt the Government offi cers to display less lenlecry. now that the department has ruled on what pro cedure should be adopted In the rase of private anJ public craft. CAPT. HUCOTT ICE TODAY Commander of Maryland Coming- on Official nnsines. . Captain J. M. Elllcott. t. S. X.. until e-:ently In charge of the Seventeenth Ughthouse T!strlrt. Is expected In the rity today from Washington to delve Into subjects pertaining to his work In the lighthouse service that were left unfinished when he was detarhed and assigned to the rommand of the cruiser Maryland. Captain Klllcott will be a guest at the Arlington Club, of which he Is a member, aid may stay the remainder of the week. The Maryland waa at Mare Island when Captain Klllcott went aboard and as she was ordered to undergo exten sive repairs, he has been on leave, vis iting at Haltlmore and Washington. While In Washington he passed the ex amlnallon successfully for promotion. It was planned to have the Maryland participate In the opening of the As toria Centennial and a strong effort was made through the Navy Depart ment to have her ordered into the Co lumbia, but as the step was taken up after repairs were started the depart ment officials said It waa Impossible to comply with the petition. At thi same time the plan to have the Mary land enter the Columbia bas not been dropped, aa Captain Elllcott Is familiar wtth channel conditions and when the warship la again In service she may be navigated north. IWLCOX HAS ItECORI) I.OAD a American-Hawaiian Has Modi Space Engaged In Advance. Carrying the largest cargo she has handled for Portland delivery, the steamer Falcon, of the American-Ha waiian Steamship Company, put out of can Francisco yesterday. Data at the local office snow that the cargo amounts to 1 5 1 tons that originated at New York, with additional bonded freight that may reach IS tons. The American-Hawaiian has begun In lay off one vessel-at a time of the fleet operating between San Francisco and New York for annual overhauling. and as the Hawaiian sugar business la over for the season and will not be re eumed for four months, earh carrier is the coterie will be drydocked and gone over, largo offerings are so heavy eastbound that practically all apace has been taken on vessels to leave 8an Franrlaco In September and October. Fo far Portland cargoes have been taken care of. but a greater amount of business may result In a congestion In the South. Wool and mo hair have formed a major portion of freight moving from Portland to the Atlantic, with canned salmon from As toria. The Falcon usually loads wheat also, but that Is destined for ISan Fran cisco delivery. .VOTTIXUHAM GETS CHARTER Coast LomNrr Hate Advance With Scarcity of Tonnage. W. R. Grace A Co. have chartered the schooner William Nottingham, which is discharging Newcastle coal at Astoria, to load lumber on the Colum bia River for the West Coast of South America. Two other small vessels are on til way for lumber, the schooner Eldorado, which sailed from Redondo August IS to load for Chile, and the barkentlne Hawaii, which W. R. Grace at Co. will dispatch for the same des tination with lumber, sailed from San Franoisco August JO. lit coastwise business San Francisco reports an advance In rates, as Indi cated by the engagement of the steamer Jim Butler to load at Everett for San T"dr at J4.TS. the steamer Olson Mahony to load at Astoria for San Pedro at $4 Sn and the steamer Thos. I- Wand from Fverett to San Fran-i-'sco at $4 2.. The rate accepted for the last few months for Puget Sound JoaJins- to n Pedro lias beta 14 50 D. C. O'Reilly yesterday received commission from Governor West as member of the State Board of Sailor Poardlng-House Commissioners. He will take the oath of office this week. Hax-lng discharged her cargo of Jap anese oak at Banfleld'a dock, the tramp Koan Siaru will shift early this morn ing to IJnnton to start working an outward lumber cargo, and is to finish at Inman-Poulsen s. Repairs to the Norwegian steamer Hercules, the mainmast of which was broken Saturday while heavy timbers were being taken aboard at St. Johns. re under way. and her departure will be delayed until the end of the week. Captain Sandstrom. of the tug One onta. succeeded In pulling the stranded STKAJtU cnXIXIOaUfCaV Dwe te Arriva, Vim From. Klamath San Dies" - Oata In port ash in st on . . . Sjn ranclec in Northland tan Pedro.... la port port port port port Her. ue. ..... .Hods Suns. Psyecsaa. .. . ..rtayoceaa..., r us H. Elmer. Ii:nml... . In la . In , in Freak water.. ..Cooe Par... port port ... rn Pelra.... In Roanoke. ......a-an Dies.... AOS. Alliance. ...... Eureka. ...... A us. stvlden Gate... Tillamook... A us. Stratnlyoa. ... . Hongkong, ... aws- liter ....... San rears. ... A us. Ab11 ..Fandoa. ..... Aus. 0. W Diet.... Aus Koee C1t. .....San Padre.... Aus. 24 24 se at 81 Kisa rer. Hercules HonrkoBg.... Aus. fa H. Elmore. Tillamook.... Aus Roanoke. . . . ...Fan Dleee. ... Aus. Bf.t,"f....Cii ptf.... Aur. Northland Fan Padre. .. . Aus. J 22 24 :t 24 I'H ;o -I : 3-1 51 s 1 K ialnat h . ,..MB I)lSO. . . - Auc. Waahlnglon. 24aaer Go:cea Oats. Alllaac.... . AOTll , fan Kranclsco Auc ,Mn Padre. ... Auc. Tlilamooa.... Aus. . Eur ka. ...... Aus. rtaji3ra. . Aus .fas Dlero.... Auc. Ceo. W. Cider. Han Padre.... Aug. Rom City. , .a-an Padre.... Sept. urathljroa. -HoaffkOBg....e.rl. steamer Temple E. Dorr Into deep water near Puget Island late Sunday night, after the vessel had been In peril :i hours. The Dorr proceeded to sea. It was reported from North Head yesterday that a sailing vessel, be- leved to be a bark, was standing In. but the arrival of the schooner Mln- doro later led to the opinion that she had been mistaken for a square-rigger. At the Custom-House ' the steamers Klamath. Roanoke. Olson it Mahony. Washington and Westerner entered from California ports. The Roanoke cleared for San Diego and way ports, the Ol son A Mahony for t-an Pedro and the gasoline schooner Anvil for Bandon. It was learned yesterday that the steamers CLaremont and Saginaw raced from Wlllapa Harbor to San Pedro on their last voyage, the Claremont gain- ng first place. The distance Is 950 miles, and each carried 700.000 feet of umber, so no speed records were broken. Captain Buchanan, superintendent of he Open-River Transportation Com' pany. says that damage sustained by he steamer Inland Umpire when she went on the rocks Wednesday at Ar denwalrX did not prevent her reaching Ho under her own steam. She will be hauled out for repairs. Becanse she was given her annual nspecllon. the steamer Pomona did not make her usual trip to Oregon City yesterday morning, but resumed the schedule In the afternoon. The ateamer Bailey Catsert will not leave for The DalJea Thursday, aa It Is the date of her yearly Inspection. When the gasoline schooner Anvil sailed last night for Tillamook and other points south, she carried passen gers bound for Coos Bay points, who will he taken to Bandon and reach Marahfleld by rail. The fact the steamer Breakwater missed one trip caused a number to be delayed In reach' Ing Coos Bay, but she will go out on time Thursday morning. Members of the harbor patrol force are seeking an 18-foot launch known as the Thelma. that Is alleged to have been stolen from Vancouver last week. It is equipped with a seven-horsepower engine and the hull Is painted white. In tow of the tug Oneonta. the schoon er Mlndoro. which crossed Into the river yesterday, waa headed for Kalama at 8:30 o'clock last evening to load lum ber. Advices to the Merchants Exchange yesterday were that the cigar-shaped log raft taken In tow from the Colum bia River last wet-k by the steamer Francis II. Liggett had broken adrift off Cape Blanco, but that the Leggett was standing by. The steamer Buck- man reported the case. As the sea has been smooth for a number of days. It Is assumed here that the hawser mere ly parted from strain. When Inspectors Edwards and Fuller called the case of Pilot Jordan, of the tug Samson. yesterday. who was charged with negligence in colliding with the steamer Henderson recently. there were no additional witnesses of fered by the defense. The case waa declared closed, with the exception of depositions to be received from 8an Francisco, which were taken from mem bers of the crew of barge No. S3, which the Henderson had In tow at the time. San Francleco'a docks are complete and the appearance of her waterfront Is much more attractive than Portland's harbor lines, but I failed to see that results sutained on San Francisco Bay by the harbor patrol force were even as encouraging as here, was the com ment of Captain Speler. harbormaster of the City of Portland, on his return from the south yesterday. Captain Speler was called to San Franclsoo ow ing to the Illness of his parents, and made the round voyage on the steamer Beaver MoTcmont of Vessel,. PORTLAND. An. 21. Arrived Ht?mer st. rroTTi van rxir ana ran Fraortaco. hatted ?tamr Roe City, for Pan Fran- cnwo ana ban rearo. Aston. Aur. -I- Arrived at T and lfft nn at it-au a. M . at -amr leaver from Han Franrtaco and ban Pd ro. Sa.ld at 7:30 a. m.. ateamr Tmp:e K. Irr, for ftao KrancUco. Arrived al 12 noon, arhoonvr Mlndoro. from Honolulu. Arrived down at 3 3 - and eal1 at P. !.. steamer Rote cur. ror ran i-ranrieco and tan Pedro. San Francisco. Auf. 21. Arrived at 2 P. M-. etoamer Aureila. frvm Portland. Eurrkn. Auk. - L tialiod titeajner Al liance, ir 'nrtiana. Honolulu. Auf. 19, Palled French bark ijoot na m pa. ror ft'ort la nn. tan Krwnrtsco, Aus. 2i. Called Steamer lav-rtrk. for Portland, steamer Bear, tor can f'cro. Aatorta. Aus. 10. Railed at 7:40 T w atramer W. F. Harrtn. lor Port Harford. Mi frunciaco. auc. 21. Arrived. atm. er ihrte Yah. from OamMe; Centra I la. from raya Maroor; .Minn rrnlth. Iron Cooe Bay; ania Harbara. from Wiiiapa: Aur It a. from Knapmon : I'aiay- Mitchell, from Cooi Pay; htp W. F. BaScook. from Newcastle. Salied teamere iimaiptii. .Norwood, xor lirava Harbor; tug Kltpya. for 'oqui:ia Hlver. SinaTMr. Auc. 4. Arrived Drv1ouelr Balcrophon. from .Liverpool, for Seattle and Ttromi. Shane ha'. Auc. 21. Arrive! nrevloualv r him. irom ian rraneiaco; e.raprea) or In dia, from Vancouver. Inn.lon. Aus. 21. Arrived Ant llnrhne from Taeotna and tVattle. Tide, at Asterta TaeaJay. H'uh. A. .T S feer.Vs.t A. o f.-t .1:4 P. it... 0 9 trx M 3 4 feet 11:30 P. lvdU.'f.en deUvers Al cordwood. 303. SURVEY WORK IS PUSHED Timber and Pairv Iltrleta to Bo Traversed by Eugene-Coos Bay Extension Buwtnes Pros pects Please Officials. An-Inspection trip of the territory to be traversed by the new tsouinern Pacific line from Eugene -to Coos Bay will be made by J. P. 0-Brlen. general manager, and R- B. Miller, traffic man- r or the nronertv. aa soon as tne latter official returns from mi pre' sent himlness visit to Chicago. It is the desire of the Southern r clflo officials to acquaint themselves with conditions In the territory ad jacent to the new line as early as pos- Ible. so that they may work to penrr advantage In arranging tne construc tion. The new line Is expected to oeveiop large amount of traffic from many sources and It is necessary ior u traffic department to go in early touch with the situation. All Plans Not Yet Made. Plans for the trip to be taken by the local men have not been inaae. but It is likely that they win cover the oronosed route as near as it Is oosalbla to do so. traveling in automo- hllea and waeons. They will visit the cities and towns that the railroad will connect with the outside world and ex amine local conditlona at each place. Their trip will be ended at Marsnneia. which Is to be the coast terminus oi the road. From there they win travel over the Southern Pacific line to Myr tle Point. I miles south. Engineering parties are still in tne field obtaining surveys of tne new line. It will be several months before tney finish their work. It will be neces. sarv then to prepare plans from which contractors will compute their figures. Actual construction work, it Is believed. can be started before the first of the year. Business Possibilities Great. Possibilities for business on the new- road as presented from reports now in hand are excellent. The road will tra verse a heavily timbered district, con sisting principally of yellow fir. The Southern Pacific has coal property that It proposes to develop as soon as the railroad comes within reach, and there Is a rich dairy district west of the Coast Range which already exporta sreat Quantities of butter. Mr. Miller Is at present In Chicago, attending the meeting of traffic of ficials of the Harriman roaas to con- aider the effects of the Interstate Com merce Commissions decision In the Suokana rate case. He will return to Portland late this week and the in spection trip will start soon thereafter. Mr. O'Brien Is eager to get into per sonal contact with the people on the route, as It was his contention from the start that the road should be built out of Kitgene Instead of out of Drain. as originally planned. HIGH MARK FOR BARLEY i PORTLAND FITtM PAYS $1.52 PKR CXXT.Ui AT LEWISTOX. Croo of Tliat District Is worm $2,500.000 Shipments Are Be ing Made to the East. i.EWtaTov. Idaho. Aus. 2I. (Special.) From aa accurate data aa can be secured bv uaraona In the grain business, the yield of the I.awlaton country In terms of dollars nn r-.nta has bean determined. The belt mbrsced In the estimate la that tributary to I-ewlaton. Barley will reach 100,000 tons, or approxi mately 4.000.000 bushels, and bringing now from si to si. so. tne value snouia asgra- sata Si. 500.000. The wheat croD will be J73.00O tons, or approximately 10.000.0O0 bushels. The value or this commodity Is hard to determine, but will bring at the least S7.wo.ouo. The timothy seed of the Lewlaton country has been sold for approximately himj.uimi. For the past several days the barley pur chased for Eastern brewing and malting companies baa been moving eastward at rapid rate. A new mark was set yesterdsy In th barter msrket when Kerr. Clifford Co. Pur chased (.0O sacks of barley for $1.52. the blsheet pnee ever oserea in tne i.ew- taton country. Farmers are selling freely now. aa they believe that tne climax In the barley market bas been reached. For the past two months the market has been ac tive on brewing barley, with prices hanging from II to 11.4a. u In open market, The largest yield of ons concern In this ststs will be sold by Daniels A Wallace. Their farm Is located east of Lewlaton and will produce this year close to loo.OOO buah- ls of wheat and barley. -Tne barley yield bss averaged 40 bushels to the acre on 10O0 acres and the wheat 45 on 2000 acres. VlalM BsopHj- of Or-ia. NEW TORK. Aul 21. Th vi.lbU uddIt or grain in ui Un-td state naturday. A u- foat i-, aa compiiM ty in .nw Tore Produce Exchange, was aa follow: .Huaheip. lnrr?ab Corn 9rt.073.000 Oata ...17.19a.0OO 1.778,000 Ht . '...,.... 9A.OOO 82.000 Barley 603,000 4S.0o0 Decrease. Gratia Market a ef thm North ereet. TACOMA, Ana. 21. Wheat Rluearrem. eser; ciuo, wr. rtcceipta. . vvneat IT corn 3 care, oata 3 cars, hay 9 cars. PEATT1..K. Ana. 21. Wheat Rlueetem. rfic: loriyioia. mc : chid, ivc: e irn. 7c: rea nueeian. 4ic. uii. .?.fu p-r ton; bar ley. S JO per ton; baits, v&-. car receipts up u noon, wneac l. oata a, nay z, xiour 4. Dulntb llavx Market. Ul ULTH, Auc. 21. Flax on track inn in atoro. S2.4U: to arrive and BeDtember. i; October. $2.06 bid; November. fi.Od, nominal. ' Wool at fC Louie. ST. LOflS. Aus. 9. Wool nrm. Terri tory and Western mvdtums. 17Vp20c: One mediums, 17ajlsc; fine. HvISc. Hop. at London. LIVERPOOL. Aus. 21. Hods in London. racino coast, ts lusviB loa. Elain Batter Market. EIXJIN. III.. Ana. 21. Butter Arm. 21 e. Output 840.4OO pounds. Hods at New York. NEW TORK. Au. 21. Hops Firms. MARINE MEN SEE DISTRICT Officials' of Harriman Lines to Ad just Local Matters. Arriving yesterday on the steamer Bearer from San F"rancisco was O. I Blair, general freight ag-ent of the San Francisco t Portland steamship Com pany, accompanied by Mrs. Blair, while A. G. V. Kerrsll. general passenger systematic catarrh Is an Internal dis ease that external applications cannot cure, they would not need to be warned so often about this malady, which, when neglected, paves the way often times for consumption, at the cost of millions of lives every year. Yet ca tarrh may be cured if the right treat ment is employed. Catarrh is caused by a general dis eased state of the system which leads commonly to annoying and perhaps serious local conditions, which may prove a fertile breeding ground for germs of consumption. External rem edies give but temporary ease. The only way to successfully treat catarrh iei by employing a medicine which Is absorbed and carried by the blood to all parts of the system, so that the mucous membrane or Internal lining of the body Is toned up and made capable of resisting the infection of consumption and other diseases. We have a remedy prepared, from the prescription of a physician who for thirty years studied and made catarrh epecialty. and whose record wai patient restored to health In every case-where his treatment was followed prescribed. That remedy is Rexall Mucu-Tone. We are so positive that i will completely overcome catarrh In all Its various forms, whether acute or chronic, that we promise to return every penny- paid us for the medicine In every case where it falls or for any reason does not satisfy the user. We want you to try Rexall Mucu- Tone on our recommendation and guar antee. We are right here where you live, and you do not contract any ob ligation or risk when you try Rexall Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone In two sizes, 60 cents and $1.00. -Very often the taking of one 60-cent bottle Is sufficient to make a marked Impression upon the case, or course. In chronic cases, longer treatment Is necessary. Th average In such instances is three 11.00 bottles. Remember, you .can ob tain Rexall Remedies in Portland only at The Owl Drug Co.. Inc.. corner 8ev enth and Washington streets. agent of the line, reached the city on the Shasta Limited. Thev will return on the Beaver, sailing Saturday. Both executives are also identified with the Pacific Mall Steamship Company. air. Blair said yesterday that the Journey was not of special significance, being one of the periodical trips lie makes to keep in touch with the freight situation and to pass on ques tions affecting the local territory and disposition of claims. There are a num ber of details affecting passenger traf fic, which Is unusually heavy, that will be threshed over during Mr. Kerrell's stay .also. Mr. Blair says that he has not been Informed of a proposed In crease In tonnage between Portland ind California ports, though steam ship men admit that with the opening of the Panama Canal there will be a faster service required to accommodate the patronage that must follow. Big Log Raft Is Iobt. . EUREKA. Aug. 21. The steamer Francis H. Lmtgett lost a log raft which was being towed from Astoria, Or., to San Pedro, a few miles north of Crescent City, today. A tug has been sent out from Eureka to help the steamer capture the raft. Steamer Tempi E. Dorr Goes to Sea. ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 21. (Special.) The steam schooner Temple E. IJorr. which ran aground near Westport while en route down the river Saturday night, worked her way into deep water. witn tne assistance of the tug Oneonta. at high tide last night, and went to sea this morning. SHRINERS' SPECIAL TRAIN for Astoria and Seaside, consisting of standard drawing-room sleepers, ac companied by the Kilties Band, leaves North Bank Station. 11th and Hoyt streets, 9:45 A. M., Saturday, August 26. Arrives Astoria 12:45 P. M.; leaves As toria 5:30 P. M. ; due Seaside 6:10 P. M. Leaves Seaside 3 A. M. Monday; due Portland 7 A. M. Members use the sleepers at the beach. SOO-SPOKANE-PORTLAND. Service Ie Luxe. The new Soo-Short Line service fur nishes the only through solid train serv ice between Portland and St, Paul. The safe route across the continent. Cuts and bruises tnsv be healed In about one-third the time required by the usual treatment by applying1 Cham berlain's Liniment. It Is an antlseDtla and caunes such Injuries to heal with out maturation. This Unlmeiu also re lieves soreness of the muscles and rheumatic pains. For sale by all deal- Edlefsen delivers fuel ties. C 2303. L. T. YEE&SONS I am the only Chinese doctor In Portland who has been ; ran ted a diploma from tbe Emperor of China. I am In posse. on of thousands of testimonials of my patients during my practice of over Jk years as a Chinese doctor. If you have met with a fail ure by others, don't hesitate. but call and see me at once and you will be convinced of my knowledge of Chinese Medicines. I have spent 4 years in Canton Medical College, 4 years In Peklnr Medical Collene and have had chars; e of the Peklne- Hospital for four years. Is this not enough to convince you that I am the only thoroughly qualified Chinese Ioctor In Portland 7 la. T. VEH A SONS MEDICINE Ht4 First, Corner Alder., I'ortianti. ur. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor jXade of Cblneae herbs ud root medicine cares all kinds diseases of tbe heart. lungs, liver, eiomacn, aia- -1 ney. blood troubiei W tnd woman whe st talL If yfu suffei Vsf I rtta to 165 H d tm m l i real COr. Uorrlson. piooo irouoies ox niaa hen otners Tor. call or 8d sta. room II ll w l I.I vis: ; e- RR H i MSK BLADDER f a TPfel Rellsvcd In ;l : V i 7 6 H M V 24 H ou rs , A Each Cap. s v . a - -JT sale bears the (MIDYl . Xart.isJ' name- J mrs of counterfeitM jajgsflBisaiTi m r"sassai7'i -SmBmm J' iTtt.lV J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.,M.D. Men's Specialist T am the only specialist In Port land thnt publishes his own photo graph, personally conducts and man ages his own offire. and consults with and treats all his own patients. I have more qualifications and ex perlence than any other epecialist advertising In tills city." Every man calllne; at my office Is assured of my personal and indi vidual treatment until a cure is ef fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various "medical c o m p a n 1 e s." " Institutes " and "museums." Be sure to consult me before treating elsewhere. Why t r e at with lrresponlbles when you can secure the expert services of a responsible specialist? Pee me If you nave any of the following- disorders: Varicose Veins, Hydrocele. Obstructions, Nerve. Hioori and Skin Ailments, Bladder Troubles. Dlood Poisons, Eruptions, fleers. Weakness, Prostatitis, Plies, or Fistula. 9 to 5 7 to S Dallyi Sunday, 10 to U. Examination Advice Free Rooms 3ofl-10-ll. MERCHANTS TRUST BUILDING, Corner 6th and Wash Ins: ton Sts Portland, Oregon. I have convinced some very skeptical persons. So talk with me if you are sick That my remedies have cured and are curing- patients Is proved by let ters from thenr stating- their condi tion before coming to me for con sultation and after they had taken my course of treatments. Doubtless you will be familiar with many of their names, for they include people In all walks of life. Almost every imaginable disease or complaint la spoken of by these pleased patients of mine. Roots, herbs, buds and barks, mostly gathered In the Orient, furnish me the "cures" for such dis eases as Rheumatism. Stomach, Lung, Liver and Kidney troubles and all private diseases. WoChineseMedicalCo. 230 V4 Alder. Corner Third. Entire Corner, Second Floor. WhenOthersFail CONSULT ME FREE I cure to stay cured where others fail. I am known as the specialist of last re sort the man of t r u stworthy charac ter and unerring; k n o w 1 edge. I cure Blood Ailments. Nervous le cllne. arlcose Veins, Hy- I drocele. Obstructions, f?- .files. Kunture. K i d- H, . ney. Bladder. Pros- . tatic and all ail- -a.i inents peculiar to men. Consultation al ways tree. Dr. Lindsay Tbe Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. En trance 12Si4 Second street. Portland. Or. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. 1L Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I Cure Men IS MY FEE Pay When Cured General Debil ity, W'ealc Nervea, Insomnia Results ..nn.i.ra tr.rvork and other vlo- latlons of Ratoxe'a laws. Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Veins, onlvklr mnA permanently cured at small expense. SPECIAL A1LME.XTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. AH burning; ltchlns and Inflamma tion stopped In 2 hours. Cures ef fected in seven days. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours A. M. to I P. 11 Sundavs. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO, 224V Waablna-ton St, Cor. First, Portland. Or. Men and Women Cured The famoM 8. K. Chan Chi nese Medicine Company, wlia their remedies, ef herbs sod roots cure won aerfully. It bss cured many aufferer wben otber remadiea bar xalled. ajar care tor chronic private ailments, nervousness, blood poison, rheumatism, sathma. pneumonia, kidney, throat and lunj troubles, consumption, stomacb oiaordora and otber dlseaaee of all kinds. Remedies harraleaa. NO OPERATION. Coneultation free. Examination for ladles by Mrs. S. K. Chan Ca;l or write to The 8. K. Chan. Chinese Medicine Co.. S2H Morrlaon il. Portland. Oretoo. WAI J1NG Chinese Doctor I am educated for Chinese rioctor. I uae tbe 1'hinese herbs and root medicines. It mskea wonderful cure. It has cured manv suf ferers. The treatment cures Kidney, Throat. Heart. J.lver. Con sumption, Stoma-h. Oood for either male or female and different kinds of dlaeaaea. People out of town write for consultation hlnnU ar.rf Pall at IT1 V OffiO-. room 14. 211 Alder street, corner First. Portland, Or. R WO assays m mo M i ' J V v f DR. A. SP ECIAL for Men's T am tbe only specialist In Fort land who does not advertise fic titious name or photograph. I publish my true photograph, correct name, personally conduct my of fire. I am tbe most.sucicess ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and preas. records prove. I make this statement so that you will know you consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats pa tients personally. I possess skill and experience, acquired In such a way that no otber can share, and should not be classed with medical companies. It Is Impossible for a medical company to attend col lege. Companies have no diplomas or license to practice medicine In Oregon or any otber atate. Medi cal companies usually are named after a doctor. A portrait, whose personality and Identity are ln- definite, la selected and published as the legitimate specialist of tbe oiflce. Hired substitutes, ordinary doctors with questionable ability, srlve consultation, examination and treatment " 600 - FOR BLOOD POISOX. I use Professor Ehrlich's wonderful new discovery, " 606." In cases of Specific Blood Pola'on. It Is the greatest marvel of medical science. His new remedy has been successfully used In thousands of cases. Let me explain It to you. COXSLLTATIOX AND ADVICE FREE. Office .Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. I invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treat ment for Varicose Veins. Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison. Piles. Fistula Bladder Kidney, . Prostatic and all Men's Ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysis of secretions. K. A. G. SMITH When Others Fail Call and let us give you a careful, taking examination oninion and advice absolutely free. will cost you Perhaps a little ad vice is all you need, when necessary, free, commence treatment, ge to pay fee when X-Rav examinations, No money required to and you can arran cured. FEES ONLY to $1 IN SIMPLE CASES If Honest and Responsible $5 1 7 Years of Success in Treating If in Trouble Consult Us Free We have been4the means of re to complete and perfect health, care of honest, skillful and succe perience, thousands of dollars sp gatlon, uppiementea oy an imi a special system of treatment tha ailments or men. ine cnanse in tH lives, hliuted hones, weakened safely and promptly cured oy our By the latest methods we cure, Nervo-Vital Debility, Varicose Veins, Blood and Skin Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Disorders, and all Contracted Disorders of Men. We have added to our office equipment, for the benefit of MEX ONI,r, A FREE MCSEIM of Anatomy and nailery of scientific wonders. JIAJi know thyself. Life-size model Illustrating the mysteries of man, show Ins the body In health and disease and many natural subjects. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We jive you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service that rnonev can buy. If you. are ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished In our private laboratory from 1.50 to 6.50 a course. If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Sundays, 9 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 291V2 Morrison St., Bet 4th and 5th, Portland, Or. THE ' R. GREEN OFFER TO E N Our offer Pay When Satisfied 's your ab solute protect ion. Consultation, exami nation and diagnosis free. Our specialty is all Allnirats of Men. What you want Is a cure. Come to us and Kt it. Hours daily 9 to 5. Even ings. 7 to 8. Sundays 10 to 1 DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St., Portland, Or. at a fa Are eabjeet la aiek headacba, loin. rAWla gMtioo.aoaratetnaehandbadcom BILIOUS tlexion. LOnluntwj uoopia oa.a iea aTnptoma. woieh -' easily etirad When you know what to do. W. K... pnrwl IhM OnmGlliBta PEOPLE ... ... ith cess's rapKorui litis riua. Ton look b-tLer and feel baUer after naiag tbam. On tll for a dose. 25c a box at atoree or by mail. For amplea wma Dft. BOSAS&O CO, ruiadelpaia. fa. M mm G. SMITH Disorders No Detention Prom Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERATIONS MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL MOST SA EE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT. WHICH. ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I WILL GIVE $500 TO ANY CHARITY AS A GUAR ANTEE THAT EVERY STATE MENT IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS TRUE. VARICOSE VEINS. Impair vitality. I daily demon strate that varicose veins can be cured in nearly all cases by one treatment, in such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pro served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. 234 Morrison Corner of Second Portland, Oregon palns- Our nothingl You Can Pay When Cured Men storing thousands of afflicted sufferers Will vou place your commence in ma ssful specialists. Years of practical e. ont in researches and scientific investi- ense practice, has enabled us to evolve t is a safe and prompt cure for special thousands of cases is marvelous. Blight svstems and nervous wrecks have been method. DR. WING LEE I make my own Cnl nese herb and root medicines. I am an educated Doctor and ue the treatment of the Physicians prac ticing in Oregon and Washington. I have used Chinese herb and root medicines exclu sively for 46 years. I examine patients carefully and thor- ougniy. fo mailer 01 now ions stand ing the disease, no matter what the ailment, it is curable. Female, kid ney, throat, heart, liver, stomach dis eases, consumption, blood poison, piles all cured by my treatment. Out-of-town people write for circulars and. consultation blank. 27 North Fifth St. Portland. Or. L. T. YEE&SONS The Ola, Reliable Chinese Doctor spent lifetime study of herbs and research In China; waa a ran ted . diploma by tbe Emperor; guarantees care all ailments of men and women wben others fsil. If yoa suf fer, call or write to x'tCE J i Plrat, Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. I r.'-w. i