TTTE MOTIVING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1911. , 1 I J rrvivrill - f BCSINESS DIRECTOR". I f .- I nmiVFM OPPrtRTr-SITlEB. I ROOMING HOCSES. . ., ea-r I FOR REIT. I I . I THE WHEKI.DON. Cor. Iark and Tailor at. THt WHCELDOV ANNKX. I Cor. Tenia and salmon sta, Walking Pinn. r- ...., ...... v, 1 an, 4 room arartrr.enta. bulldm. naw and atrtelly modern, servlc Itrt-eia. TBI DEZENTeORs. SO 1TH 8T, NEAR TATXOR. Tna !f nt B room nfurnlb,ad meata. which ara how romp are all asted Is th. heart of tha city. wlthla li. saimlee' walk of tha buimen center. Bwrnimu may tee made from ." an pramiaaa or by paoaa. Maia . 444. CARHKUTA APARTM ENTS. Corner ef lath and Jefferaoa . foot ad nv-roon prtmsnia. unfurnlha. with reception hall, automatic alavator. Pacific S'.atea telephone la vry apart ment and tha moat modarn convenl-nce found la tha my. Pboo Ma -u ar cali up mala office, Maia THE BARKER, cor. flat and Irving at., th a -torT brick lo open; fur- maned and unfurnished In S. t and 4 -room suites: reception r.lL electric automatle rltvitnr. Hoimti disappearing bade, built in buffet and writing desk, gea ranca. Ice box, plenty of ciosat room, both phonee. Mcuiun cleaner fre to patron. If you a ant sometntnc nice, coma to tn Barkar. Phone A 1744. Marshall IHL THE MARSHALL. Naw concrete buKdlng. 24 Marshall, be tween lth and 2nth. by far iba mt om-1tke apartment-noue. with a.abor e:ly furnished J-room apartmenta. Nob Hill district, modern convenience, private bath pbon'i. veranda, lawn, fioware. wa.klng dlatanr. janitor aervtr and . . . i m . i .... . . fur vnuracifl taka "W car. Main i3.'. A 31l. DKICKSTON APARTMENT-44 11th t-4-tory brick building: 2 and 3-roora ulte. strictly modarn. automatic lvtor and dumb wattrra. prlvata bath, telephone and lock-room for ach apartment, laun dry room with tem dryar; bachelor apartment a specially. THE IRVING. Irving at. on four and en Bve rooa anfumiahad apartmant: bava g rtfif. refrigerator, ahadee. hot and cold aater. steam heat and Janitor earvlca; all outslda room a. veranda, rate reason able: refareneee. Phone A 2 "-'-- TH I.C18 APARTMENTS 7i4 Hoyt -. X. X and 4 -room apartmenta. beautifully fur. nllhad. larva roomi and porchaa: aie-trtc and ftrelaaa cookara. bul.t-ln lea boyaa. prirat. batha and phooa; rcfarcacaa ra-qitlra-1 COLUMBIAN APARTMENT." 11TH AND Var-y dalrabla (-room, aawly. cwmplata ly furatanad apartmaata poaaaaalnc all modara coaaJaacaa; yry raaaoaabla MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, park atraat. corner Madlaon. Vumlahad a and 4 -room apartmanta: In -rllvtdoal pboaaa. coavanlrnt, dowotowa dlatnct. THE KIN LET. 439 B. Morrliao. cornar of 7th; X S and 4 -room apartroanta. turatahed up to data; pnata batha. modarata prlca. aaw m at. BANNEK PAklni..'siB, ai tia at., naw rrianaaamant. 2-room auitaa. furaUhad. pnoaa and bata. f.rat-claaa aarrtea. coma and aa ua tlata. fF.r. thoaa aaw flata. Alnaworth and A hina avaa. ovarlooktnar baautiful prnmau a Park, roaranlant to car. hih and puolia a-hoola: toon rady for occupancy. F. H Law la. ; Lawia bida NKVV. atrial : modarn 5-room flat: furnaro, ftrplar. g KM biatrr. aleftric lltfht and In laid linoloum; 1 a month. No. 04 E. :rh North. W cool, X-room fiirmh-i Tau prlvata hath, ahado traaa. T1 Hlmont at., naar Km lpth. block from M Trlaoa car. Eaat 340O. FOR RENT I.owr fiat, hardwood floor. A 1 aallhborhood. ry central: raapon aihla partl only. Main ;4'J- Et.R HE.NT Modara 4-room fiat and hatn. furnaca haat. rant :J. fall at 3 fo il, Tlphon Main til. KaJl. MliHE R N"-sToom flat, walklna distanca. tO p-r month. 1T3V, d l. Nortb. Tala- oodlawn oi. a RfX'M fiat- furnaca. phona. rantra. haatar. firaplaca. C. 241b, baU Ankaay and Burn- ila. .x larffa room, modarn. complete. f!ra placa. ataam furnaca. beat realdaaca dla trlct E. lUT. FLATr1 M-vlarri con ranlancea, peparata north porchaa. two block from Vaahlni ton. salmon. K RENT fl-room flat, lowar floor, fur-ni.h-1 or unfurniahad. 4.14 E. Plna. cor. T'h at. FOR RENT Two modern four-roortj flata; Jut nnnhad; Front and Hamilton ala. In.ialra at I"2T for bat t at. ALMOST new Vroom flat, wa.klnp; dlatanre. on Wcat Side: haa p.rch. fireplace, etc: rent Call 4in I. 9-RflOM lor ateam heat. a ranca. hot and cold water. E. Main. THHKK-R'M unfurniahd flat, ail conven len. ee. -"-'" Mricat al I'hone Mntn Ml El RMr-HEU flat, t room and bath; no children. 40 4th aL aj.Ki.w upper naw flat, modern improve ment: rent $3-V Inqulra 41'4 Or-noii t- I RtOM and aleepine porch, private fam lly. .T.-tt )lth. near Market. A :i"7. l'PPER 4-room flat, wood -holat. bath, ata tionary tub. Sl 3d at. VIOt'ERN A-room Tat. S blocka from Steal brldie. McMillan. 1-HuOM unfurntahed prick f.ata, all coa vemencea. Inquire 1-5 Market at. MOUERN 3-room flat, 6tb, near Jackaon. v eat fMa. l' mln. walk. Main or A TWO naw flata. Eaat Side, central, modarn. Phona Eaat 21; a-ROOM loaer modern flat. 4 blocka from steel Bridge, Apply 851 S HaJaey at. HoaaekeerrtnaT ttoonw. 1 H it PEAVEK. 11th and Marahall. fay alabad for houaekeeplna. tea rantra. elee trla llabta. hot water, bath, laundry, fro: lit par month, upi a claaa place, beat ta tha city for tba money; ahort dtataaaa from Eaton Depot, Tae -' or luk-at. car, aorta, sat off at Marahall at, ! 4 or. a. WELL-FURNISHED houa. Data, room:' 6 room cottaca. month: another. $17. 3o; Ultea, two funnelled housekeeping rooms. . 10. 12 month: 3, 1"- Apply So4 -i-h at. North. 'v car from fiepot. th wat oo Morriaon to ln:h. block north. CaMBRIIxJE BLLHa. Furnlahad and un furnished housekeeping room, alna.a and aaaulle. Room 3d. ad aad Murrtaoat very central. IIM TO IX6 WEEK: claaa. furnished aoTapakaaminc rooms, free Laandry. bata. phone, claaa llaea. beat. 404 Vanewaawf ave. and 2il 6tanton; taka C car. "'JUST WHAT JOB WANT." Fnrntsaed or unfurniahed rooma alnBla a suite, ail conveniences; beat location. "MIL.NER BUiU.." Morriaon at. 4l HAST MORRISON, corner Eaat th: completely furnished houaekecptu. aultea, reaaonahle. ROL'SCKtCPLVQ rooms In new .oncrete b.ig. Phone Wlnn 3VT a- - Moajawhawplaa; Rooms In Prlvata Family. TWO fumlahed housekeeplna-rooms; rant reaaonabl. .73 2Lat at. North, cor. Over ton. S OR 3 ne ly furnished front housekeeping; room. Phone, gaa. alnk; corner house, fall 744 East Yamhill at. TWO or three well furnished housekeeping rooms: modem conveniences. .17 Weid ler. cor. I'nlon ave. phone C Jho3. TVto nicely furniehed houaekeeping room, ground floor. 2lo loth, corner Salmon. t MONTH, dandy batching suite, light, dry baeement, short walk, yj Tenth. FIVE uafurniahed housekeeping rooms. ..". ril'iin. Key a-d Gilsan. I'hone Main P7'.'4. TWO room with running water, bath, gaa aid phona; no children. 3 10 College at. A LARGE, pleasant ktt.-hen with bedroom, IIS t month. l"i loth st. l" M'lTE and 1 aingle housekeeping room; free phone and bath. 71a Washington. 114 FOUR furnished houaekeeping rooms, gaa piata. range. HI a 7-h St. Mln 4.'.ia. rom furnished houaegeeplng room a. ground floor, bath and gaa. lv E. :d st. 1 HOI iEKEEflNO room. $10 a monLft. lil Flrat at. -LEAN and modern houaekeeping room with, kitchenette: walking distance. v7 Mill f 'KMKCD housekeeping rooms for rent. :4i o' n si. j"uin NEW 3-room sulfa, all convenience, reason, ' able. Phona East b"14 Eaat Stark. liT'TTE houaekeeping rooms wlth cioaet. bath, pnone. jar.i. t . .-m . Jit"6iriEBFtSi rooma; tun fioor. Ill lto. aut AAoriMoo, Hoaarkeepkag Roe wis la Private Family. TeiREE or four houaekeeping rooms, fur- niahed or unfurniahed. clean, convenient. I'hone Eaat 4Ma. 701 Multnomah at. Hroadway car r i ia WEEKLY, newly furnished rooma in private family: use of laundry ."-phone. bath, yard and gaa. niw Commercial St.. near Oraham ave. 1! car. 1 H K E B nicely furnished housekeeping; rooms, two car, walking distance, light and rooking gaa Inciuoed; 31S month, fall 10 A. M.-l P. M. .K Ivy at. Hol -EK EKI'ING rooma. two nicely fur nished front rooms, ground floor; bath and telephone: vacant Monday: Wl Mont gomery st- Phone Main PJt FoR RENT Two furnlahad houaekeeping rooms, with electric light, on car Una. Eaat Morriaon. and 17tb; rent It per week. FOR RENT One suite of two front room for housekeeping la strictly mouern nous, aalklng distanca: price IIS. 0 Eaat flurnatde. EXf pleasant. wall-furnlahed front room, modern, kitchen If desired. 4"7 Jefferaon, ITKMaHED houaekeeping rooms for rent; bath and phona: walking diatanc. d-9 East Ash. THREE clean, light, furnished houaekaep ina rooma gaa. yard. $1 month. 2 Front. TWO eultee. 2 rooms each, living-room, kitchen, hot arater. bath, alnka. paotrlea. Mi:l t. . THREE furnished housekeeping room, fresh painted and papered; phone, bath, prlvata family; IK per month. IW Market at. a Ft B ish En houaekeeDin rooma. mod ern. nice location; no children. 34 Eaat 1Mb cor. Main. I NICELY furnlahad houaekeeping room; gaa range, viler, electric light and tele phone, and bath free; 11.50. 304 4th at. DOWNSTAIRS. nlce;y furnished, modern, for rent. month or longer. 7M E. Sal mon. Phone East 83'W. TWO completely furnished housekeeping roowa; aaiklng dlatance; baeement. m e,. 5JH Kearney, Jt 14TH fcT. Corner Cla ; large, clean. 1 and 3-room furn-i;ed housekeeping suite. Hons THE GREATER MEIER FRANK TORB RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home hunter, rlait our up-to-date ren tal and Information department, 4th floor, main building, and aee the vacanclee wa hive listed of deilrabl houaea and flata. You'll sar tlm la getting properly and comfortably located. W keep la touch with all vacant houaea. flata and apart menta In the city. We alao keep a list of new building In cour of conatrncttoa. Th combined list ef ail real aetata deal er a, Thla Information la abaolute.y frwa, WHEN ToC WANT TO KENT A HOUSE PEE U8." THE MEIEIl t FRANK COMPAWT. ALAMEDA PARK. New aia-room houae. jut completed, modern throughout, one blo.'k Broadway car; rent 123 per month. Inquire offlc on tract. :ii:h and Mason at. Land Co., Woodiawn 3AA Manhail 3j. CIlIv'wEN ranch, garden., lot fruit and ber rlo. large bouse, barn, ahada. near 6c canine Montarilla auburb: city water; II7.40 month; snap Apply aV4 North 2th. W car west on Morrison to eutb, block nort h. t u c a. ana flat ror renv soma furaiaaad. MERCHANTS AVl.NiiS A TRUST COMPANY. a-ee nipt of city for stranger. . FOR RENT Deelrabl a-room houae, Wil lamette Height, on rarllne; lawa and eatabllshed neighborhood. Pnom Sun day. A 4013. week day. A IStSU or Main WIO. WILL lease for two or thre vrar to pri vate family, nine-room reldeuce. nnfur nlshej or partly furnished; weat of Sad L P S4'.. Orcgonlaju 32 EAST 22l NO., new house, cloae In, fine ne.ghborhood . every modern convenience; will rent reaeonabla to right partlea. Call and see thla ! 7-KOOM modern honse. furnace, avary con venience, fine condition: near Meel bridge; reasonable: gita rangu, water beater, some rues, for sitie cheap. I'hone C 2't7. fcV7 Mi.-v.S-IPI"l AVE. a roonva, ga rang and heater, taflonary tuba, full base ment, f.our In basement, 1 block to car. Key nil door. 1 - MOVERS ft-rooin houae. hot water heat, some furniture for aale. 1150 Hawthorn i. U HiTS. MtHERN desirable 7 -room house. Grand by, and Hancock, will be vacant Sept, 1. lnoulre mn Hanrock. Eaat WV C .Y 3-ro.m house with bathroom, close In In good locality on West Sid. flS per month, fall 414 Spalding bl'14 TWO o-ronm modern house for rent. East th and Sherman at. Tel.- East 4174. M'lKHN 7 -room boue; nice yard: fruit, vi.i Montana ave. Phona Main IIM. E- ALHER for. 14th. walking distance. m.Mern o-room house. Phone Marahall 74. 4-KIM.M hoiue for rent. Apply 433 East Vomaon at. P U ro I h fri Hoaaea. BEAllTlFUL new bouae. In the best part of Irvlnctnn. This house la a beauty, never been rented before- Will lease for a term of veara lo responsible people. This I th et house for rent tn the city. He u for partlcnlara. CHAI'IN A HF.Rl.OW. 3.1 fhamrter of fommcrce. M-inb. r of the Portland Really Board. WF.I.L furnished houses, flat, room- o room cottage, 20 month; another. $17.50; another with S acre, lot fruit and ber ries, fine chicken ranch. 17 R0 month: suites, two furnished housekeeping room, . 110. 113 month; S. Hi- Apply 34 2rtth i. North. "W" car from depot. 6th weat on Morrison to 2rtrh. Mock nortrn . COMPLETELY furnished fine 7-room hous In good locnllty. close In on Wet Rid. Will rent for two yaara to good tenant, reference required. THE WESTERN PECTRITIES CO 414 Spalding bldg. 8-ROOM. very dealrahle furnished house, northwest part of city. Win leaae ona year. Rent $10. Parriab, Watklna Co, ;.M Alder t TO LEASE Narly completely furnlhed motlern. convenent a-room house, for term of one year eight month: on Port land Height: good view. Main M87. ft,-KiOM bungalow, completely furnlahed; taka Mont, ill car to both at. Apply at '1H1 E. til lean. WKLL-Fnt.NISHED modem 'cottage. j room, for rent- 1414 Madrona av.. Wood lawn. Phone Wood'awn 1?3. MOUERN furnished ft-room cottage, alao 4 room fat. bath and gas stove. 614 E, 21st. W"-R car FIVE-ROOM modern house, furnished In mission and btrtlaeye maple: walking dla tance. Rent rowsonablc. Phone Eaat 31d. FOR P.EN'T Modem furnished "-room real dene to responsible party. 686 Couch t (70. JloDEKN furnished -room upper flat, larie baih. attic, cement basement, wash tray. ro'.lshed floora. en r.:ia au ONK suit of four rooms furnished com plete, ground floor, ga, range and bath; best for th prlca. 11M Kerby u C ft67. 1RVIXGTON Furnlbd hous; large yard. i. Fl'RNlsHED S-room house- n Union ar. N. inquire S20 11th. A WH. ROOMS, completely furnished, 124. 850 Eaat ata t. North House for Rent. wrltnr tor gala. ALL or part of furniture of -room flat, rent lvi: funsar heat, Weat Sid: walk ing distance; furniture, carpet practically new: reasonable; used a prlvata horn or roomer. Phon Marshall SIS. NEW 3.1.o piano and lirst-class furniture of modern o-room cottage. West Side, cheap rent, for f;-0 If sold at onoa. X 34rt, Oiegonliir. 1TKNITVRE for aale, A-room hous for rent: worth Inveangat ing. Inqulr 144 East Smh St.. between Belmont and Eaat Morriaon. 6WELL l-room strictly modern hous In !.add' addlttoa for rent; 330; completely furnished: furnltur for sal. 00. Call (iruast A Zadow. 317 Board of Trad bldg. HOUSE for rent, furnltur for sale. Fee this for bargaina 8. E. corner li-d and Preacott, 4-KOOM bouse, fuiiiture for al. reaaon- aoie. i. a. I 1, to a r. or o to I i ai. ."icj 2d t., cor. Sherman. VI KNITI'RE for aale, piano, range, dining tahie and chairs, all In naw condition. 4.'."i E. Hurnilde st FI KN1TI RE of aevn-room hous for aala t bargnln for cash; houe flna for roomer. 307 Market t U;AVINO city; must sell th! week, furni ture ot R-rooro modern riat xor aeov; coat liem; rent call 24W Clay t- FL KNITURE of ftv room. Including plno and new sewing macbln. Addre AO FURNITURE of S-room cottage for sal, fall afternoon. 4 Alder t. FURNITURE 7-roorn team-heated flat, close In. Weat Slde. Phone Msln I3. VERY delrhle house, modern: furnltur f-r sale: term. phone Marshall 12-. g i:HiMS. suiiahl for room and bvard. 11 V eat i'ark u House f jr Kent, Fumltwra for Male. I WANT to aell my furniture of a room a eoon aa poaiDie, am going iin r .own home. New furniture, good neigh borhood: reaaonabl for cash. Maka an offer. 833 13th at., cor. Marker. NI'ELY furnished houae for rent cheap. Enquiry at 44 1 Last Ankeny St. hummer fteeort. NEW COUNTRY CLUB open for member and tocknoiaer oniy. iu nui-. and entertainer. Other attraction to loi- lo FOR BALE at Seaaide. rooming-house or hotel, splendid location. Auureae ow, Bot 134, beasia. or. AT SEASIDE, comfortably furnished 2-room cottage, near Deacn: electric uguie, water. r'none oon:awn FURNISHED cottage. Seaside, Ocean View; board walk; reaaonable. Phone Kail '.'!'' BTORE In modern brick building, nearlng ..mnuiinn on Grand ave.. at Stark, op posite Morgan-Atchley Furnltur Co. tore- any from 3Aao(t. up: 20-ft, cering: for almost any kind of business this location offers th greatest oppor tunity of any In Portland: especially good opening for bakery, confectionery and del icatessen. aiSO lor rin irn.l " .7 ... MOHUAN. FLIEDNER a. BOiClw 60S Aolngton B'.dg. cuoivn.rinnil atore: 2AX100 feet an wholesale room on id and 3d floorin new Hailou A Wright bldg.. at corner .th and Oak ata H. P. Palmer-Jones Co.. 'iU Commercial Club bldg. Phonea Main . A 286B. FOUR-6TORT building and baamnt, 10 107 Second street, between Wahlngtoa and Stark t., for lease. Inquire of la Reed Institute. 4-'o ADiugton mwa SEVERAL tor at t end Madloa-t. bridge. 120 to $40. according to also. In quire 271 Hawthorne avfc. STORE In a live community. 22x50, 30 per month. Jlin n-'vg. Of ricee. OFFICES FOR RENT. Ill TO l-'S. MERCHANTS iTvr Ttl" 1 1 .nl vfl. th and Washington. - , .-"7-- t - 7,! HA . - mnnfh Suite of rooms with phone. 125. Xesk room, 15, with u of phone. NATIONAL REALTV TRUST CO.. 728 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MOof CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES. All-night elevator aarvlce; polal in doenint on yearly lease 301 swaUand bldg- 6th and Washington, y Miare Han eon. PIANO to rent at tha home, Weat Side, Phona Main 9002. 'lost and found. s'OCN D Wher you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail a wii-.. -renovate mattresses and return same day; wa aiso renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, K. Metzger. i:-::f front t'none atain in. teim IOMT Near -Wlllbrldg station. a blrk cocaer spaniel iiuii .j ..... . . ... ward If returned to do Hoyt st, Marshall i4. LOST Ladv1 gold watch between Council . V n l narli on CH r Of V rear aim iw- " --- . street, phone Tabor 275 for reaard and description. IX, T Lady'a gold wtch. City Park. Sun dv afternoon: a'so steel bead pur con fining money. Finder leave Oregonlan reward. UN Estacada car. Eastman kodak.; finder return same Mrs. Moffat. 6 Cth St.. re. celve reward. FOUND Gold watch; owner proving prop erty and paying lor ad can niip same, fall 4l lteacon st.. corner E. P-th. LOST A string of beads, on Sd or 6th at . or on Richmond car. Return sellwood 60. g5 rea-ard. - LOOT In or near Mder A Frank', gold atlckpln, coral et. Keturn tui beacon ai. cor. E. ftth. Reward. LOST Masonic watch charm. D. C. Upp. on back. Return to uregonian ortica. its- ward. LOST ISO tied In handkerchief on 22cl t Finder please return 707 Wilson, rteward. UOST A white Persian cat; finder will kindly call Main 2937. LOST Friday afternoon, white bullterrlrr pup; reward. Phona Main 7e-ft BUSINESS OFPORTrNITIES. CONFECTIONERY and cigar. -West Side, lease, established business, fixtures and stock are excellent: owner I going to sell regardless of price; might consider a good lot aa part; remember, this will be sold this week regardless of price. J. E. smith, 61:4 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER. GROCERY BUSINESS. Half Interest for aale In a business running over $luv dally; one of best lo cations In city; If you want something good, look this up. Call 315 Lumber Ex change bldg. PARTNER WANTED. Man with cash busines wants partner, will ahow you $2R per week: experience not neceasary, eaay to learn: IHi'O. part raah. balance out of the buaineaa. Call 81.1 Lumber Exchange Mdg. WOODWORKING plant and carpenter shop, good location. West Side, low rent, entnli liahed business; owner leaving town In a few day: this la something good and will go at a sacrifice price. J. E. Smith, G13 chamber of Commorc. WANTED Young man for busiuess propo sition; must b neat aresser. nave some ability as aaleaman and make small In veatment; not real atate; party of large acquaintance In city preferred. Call room 421. Phone Marshall 1U5U. after T P. M. KOH SALE Grocery store Invoicing J3.V": will turn tock R time a year; no old stock: located In on of the best little town In wash.; two railroad. AV Bin. Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Lunch counter, doing $l0 to 1100 per day. rent 146 month: good loca tion; liv town; beat paying reataurant In Bouthern Oregon. Address M. S. Johnson, prlc lfriO; toek Included. Medford. Or, FMALL DAIRY LUNCH. ,1000. Doing $40 dally; up to dte, neat, clean place; you ar welcome to Investigate thoroughly. Fred W. German, i2ii Burn Ide St. J3ARRER hop, suburb, doing $M per week business now; mucn oencr n'-r win. i.i; 1126 takes It. fino cash. Midway Barber Shop. 1st and Madison st. WANTED Silent pactner with 1200; Invest igate this at once; large pront ana no risk. For particulars, address AH S45. Oregonlan HAL Interest In an old-established bas: aess, doing a good business. For full par. tlcu ara call Kinney A stampher. UaM Exchange bldg.. rooma 631-531. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE. Valuable 40 for clearing adjoining SS and cultivate on shares; om pay toward removing wood. Telephone Tabor 1392. A 22-room hotel for sale; called th Clark Hooh; an xumianea inruugnoui; in tn town of N"eg Pare City the county seat of Lewis County. Idsho. Call or writ. GROCERY, confectionery, etc.; fine trail n; 3 good living room: rent ror ail ea; pries o73. Call 803 Lumber ' Exchange. FOR 8 ALE Well equipped printing busi ness, establlsnea years, gooa traae. 3 presses. AL 349, Oregonlan. PARCEL delivery business; clears 'llVI to IJoo montb: ror sale cneap on account or sickness. Call 248 Stark SL BARBER shop, two chairs, doing a good business, reasonable, writ or can iiuj N. Union ave .150 TAKEb restaurant and oyster-house. on one OK oueieai atrvcie m wij. nif avu, Oregonlan. BARKER SHOP, good business. town of 15'kj. bargain ir aoia oy oepi. a, ,ou. A K &40. Oregonlan: or Main 62. MiNINO AND INDUSTRIAL 8TOCK Telephone and other bonds bought a 4 a!d. F:ctcher lnv. Co.. 223 Abington. FACTORY with established svholeaale trad $3000; OUBiness SUftlll puroiiaatrr. X 404, Oregonlan. SPECIAL $4iK will - secure Interest In a Solid uusmcsa nu v J ,uu iiiuiiiii. Particulars 248W Stark st. DRUQ BTORE. down town, about 1000; will sen at i ii , .... -. " . " -cash. AB 280. Oregonlan. BOND Issue and loana. 3100,000. upward, negotiated. L. N. Hoienbsam. lawyer an financial agenu naigin mui-. gurame, na. SOO BUSINESS cards, 11.00; yon must bring this sd. Rose City Prlntery. 12V Third. STOCKS of 'merchandla bought for caah; strictly confidential. H Sl. Oregonlan. IrFLICATESSEN and bakery for sale, 1750. Call tfternoon. 2"4H 7th st. WANTED Partner wanted for reataurant bmineaa. Apply to 64 X. 8th u FOR ale or trade, a ar.ap: 3-chalr barber shop. Hawthorne ae. FIRST-CLASS barber hop for rent. 0J Klrst t. SMALL cleaning nd dyeing works, cheap if taken this week. Phone Woodiawn 242-'. bTO"KH of merchandise bought for cash; irloUy ounlideoli 1U -d . DHUOSTORE In one of the best Eastern Oregon towna. will ell at a bargain, will Invoice about IrtioO. one-half cash or lee If good aecurlty Is given; beat of reason for gelling; will taka part property If prlca I right, Address AV 3T. Oregonlan. SALESMAN ESTABLISHED FIRM OF HIGH STANDING ARB INCREASING THEIR CAPITAL STOCK, A LUCRA TIVE POSITION IS OPEN IN PORT LAND AND OUTSIDE TERRITORY FOR SALESMEN AND SALES MANAGER TO SELL NEW ISSUE OF STOCK, A COM BINATION OF FEATURES WILL IN TEREST HIGH-GRADE MEN. AG 334, OREGONIAN. SAWMILL FOR SALE. I will sell at private al the Lumber -Company' awmlll. with 1,600.000 fet of aw log tn creek, located mile west of Eugen on Coyote Creek, also along proposed railroad of S. P. B, R- Co., Eugen to Coo Bay; thl mill 1 nearly new. capacity 40,000 feet In 10 hour; thl mill I being o!d In bankruptcy and omeon will gel a nap; bel local mar ket In th valley for lumber, plenty of timber can be had for a small price :umpage: aale ubject to confirmation oy court. Call on or address M. Vernon Par sons, trustee In bankruptcy. Eugene, or. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. Hotel In manufacturing ,0n'a,Vl? good business, big transient trade bealde lot of regular boarder. Cheap rent Price, for furniture, fixture and bui ness only 10uo. or will trad for reaf sta'acrea. ,ooth on coun ty road. 1 mile from Kalama. enough cordwood on place to pay for It. Price 378 per acre. Easy terms. . Tinno a, IMTfi. Kalama. Washington GROCERY. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCHES. I have a neat store with rent only J1S a mo., on busiest .ireet In city; good fix ture and tock: must before Wednes day night; am clenriug 2O0 a mo.; malt me an offer. Small amount will handle. See M. D. HOBB8, 213 Chamber of Commerce, "COME. TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD" Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest, Pacific Mutual Life, 43 years old, 22 millions assets. W loan money. H. H. Ward, Mgr.. 712 Spalding bldg. CANVAS glove outfit for ale; full set of dye and pattern for th manufacture at canvas gloves: also a few bolts of husk ing cloth: a barssln If takerl at once: a good business with a liberal proSV Ad dress AV S77. Oregonlan. TOTJNO MAN. ST R A NOB H. Mas careful Investigation at tnpass f liar befor you invest money la aa propoaiuon. Advisory Department, T. at. c. DO you want to double your money In 0 davsT Invest $100 In th best proposi tion ever offered: you take abaolntely no risk. Address for interview. AD 343, Ore gonlan. ; OWING to death of owner will aell $1200 confectionery tor for 1700 cash; Is lo cated In good town near Portland; na established trade. C. S, Parker, 1408 Knowle ave. Phone Woodiawn 4H5. PROFESSIONAL actor. having recently played orpheum. aiso o. ar ao ta-ee, la dealrou of lady partner for entirely new act; expect Orpheum time. l 41. uregonian. NICELY furnished larber hop for aale. 2 chair, room for 4 chairs; no rent, doing good huslnes. on a busy street; this Is a good chance for a good barber. Call 3o8 Lumber Exchange bldg. FVR SALE Half Interest In a flrst-cla-s machine shop doing a good business; will stand Investigation. . AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 41C Abington bldg. PARTN'Ell wanted in restaurant to look after dining-room and raah: owner doca the cooking: docs a big business: elegant fixture; l-l.'-O required. 303 Lumber Ex- ch.inge. MAKE your money jsrork for you; Invest from 120 to I20O In a reliable company, managed by good men; this 1 your op portunity. Call at ulte 1020. Chamber of Commerce piag . ucpai woe. MUST have honest and reliable party at once aa ihbihoi i"i h.,. plant: experience not necessary; aalary 1.1 per dav to atart with; must Invest 30 cash. For Information call 7oB Glisan st. PARTNER wanted in a tlrat-clas new bll-ll-ird and pool hall. 10 tables: good loca tion, cheap rent and long lease on a Una basement; little money required. Call Marshall 141. or A 71t2. after 10 A. M. KOK SALE Bakery and restaurant. In best town In Central Oregon; railroad almost completed to town now: good reasons for selling; no agents. AJ a.Vi. Oregonlan. CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY ana rmii PTAND. fine location, nice natures, ciwh "' bLOCh'rEAT.TY CO.. 2Q Alder St. POOLROOM for sale, next to theater; 4 tables, good cigar ann tonacco iruo s soft drink; good terms. Call 803 Lum ber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE. Grocery store, good location, doing a paying business. Inquire F. Hoffman A l.atig Co. . RESTAURANT, clearing over I1M0 a month. if you ar lOOKIng tor a paying reatau rant. let us show you this one. BLOCII REALTY CO.. 20(1 Alder St. FOR EALE Bv owner. $1000 buys a mov ing picture theater doing a good business; beat town In Southern Oregon: snap. Call or address W. G. Shomake, Roseburg, Or. pKTY with ITa-iO wanted to establish de tective sgoncy, can . onv.o. v. . ...i.e.. . work; 14 years experience. N 848, Ore gonlan. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER clearing $2oo montniy: tew nunmsi uowu iiv. ft av balance aa you mane. o wlu.u,iu itig. HAVE $.".n0. with ervLres. to Invest In legitimate bueinesa insi eianua ui.nuB tlon and give security. AO 861. Orego nlan. . ttor HALE One blackmlth shop, good lo- cation, inquiie iv,.' .or ot U. S. Stable. 248 Front t. AUTOMOBILE business: opportunity for en- .1 .,,. nrntlTB verv !nrrn and money fully secured. Call 24" V, Stark sl GROCERY STORE, nice corner, cheap rent. clean stock, large living-room. e BLOCH BliAI.i i t-u.. "I"" FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good busl- . ,oo -.111 ll foe -.ll fall ness: worm 1 at 269 Salmon at. "WANT To trade for restaurant or pool nan on or near tn au it. . voou. Couch St. CIGARS, confectionery, dellcateaaen, etc: sales vt day: in spieuuiu uiim., 'v sell cheap. t-su pni CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream parlor, to bacco ana ugm iin. - gontan HALF lntereat legitimate business; highest reputation, pest nwn iw KR9. Oregonlan. CLEANING and pressing: owner wants In terested neip; pay e-o . ie.. little money. Call 24SH Stark St. SALOON FOR SALE. Prominent corner. year' lease; rent very reasonable. Phone Main 4437. FOR SALE Corner grocery on Alberta stj doing about ww lfh.iu.,. UUi.. 368. Oregonipn, WASTED Printer partner in wen eMuippeu lob Office gOOO ausiuen estaunni. manshlo If desired. 3 3fi0. Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for steady man in store; will pay - .i weea aaiaiy biiu bubio v& profits. i'artlculor 24S stark at. SMALL team laundry, complete equipment; good busines. J uremmiiiii. GliOi'ERY for sale. East best 814. buy In city at $42.1. I'hone HOME reataurant. confectionery and lunch. Owner; living rooms.- o.m rtusseii si. GROCERY at actual Invoice: sale over $ ' i h 1 1 montn. iaii .toi ii ROOMING-HOUSES. IIGH-CLASS rooming and boardlng-bou, 22 rooms, beautiful lawn, short walking distance of business center, completely furnished, best neighborhood In city for this purpose; always full, long lease and splendid money-maker: wish to retire ao- count or poor neaim. w. -a-...-,.. JlMi-ROOMIXO-HOUSE. one block from riotba roriisnu, m - - - erty. Owner. LaBarre, 2o Commercial block. 16-ROOM rooming-house: rent $50; will clear $125 per mo.; o" io..i, -a 4th. near Pantage. Theater. By owner: must be sold at once; lcknes. Prlc $923. Ilino BEST 14-room house In city, nicely furnished, good location: for sale by owner onlv. Thl Is a snap, ana must sell. E 3.13. Oregonlan. FOR SLE Elegantly furnished small hotel In th heart of the city: i years' lease; I3S00 to hsndle. balance monthly pay ments of $10". Inquire Calumet HoteL ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms. for ala. cheap; owner must leave city. 160 BIO hotel nap; beautifully f urnihed. right In the center ot tne noxei o i-n n-. holl.llntr ml the llltest llTl nrOVCmen t , plenty of private baths; telephone vrF room. Price aown pBimem v" If you are looking for hotel or rooming house see us: we have the most complete list in the city. CASCADE RBALTY CO.. RIO end Ell Swetland Building. Marshall 312 and A 303. WANTED Roomlng-iiouse. 10 to 20 rooms, direct from owner: Vill pay cash; must be bargain. Phone u -sm. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Setled proposals will be received at the office of Whldden A Lewis, architects. i01 Corbett building. Portland. Or., until u A. M.. of Tuesday, septemoer ifc i-i.. for the following contracts on the west wing of new Courthouse, for the County of Multnomah. State of Oregon: The heating, ventilating and galvanized Iron work; the plumbing and gaa Biting; and the electric light wiring. Plans and speci fication may be obtained at the office of the archltacta. No proposal will be consld- ered unless accompanied by a check pay ahle to rha order of the County Court of Multnomah Countv. certified by a re- .nnn.ihl. hnnlr for an MtnOUnt CO Ual tO 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forfeited as nxed ana uqumaieo ages In casa the bidder neglecta or re to tniof into contract and to pro vide a suitable bond for the faithful per formance of ald work, in tne tvtm m contract 1 awarded to him. The right to reject any and all Dlda la nereoy ex pressly reserved. - T. J. Cleeton, County Judge: W. U. Llghtner, County commis sioner; D. V. Hart. County Commissioner, BIDS FOR STEEL FURNITURE AND FIX i't'dco txt war c ntTRT-HOUSE. Bids will be received until Friday, the 1st day of September, at 11 o ciuck a. V w f,, rnnl. fourt Of MultnOHiatl COUH ty, Oregon, for furnishing and Installing an equipment or ieei iurnnure am tne. in th Mil ttlrff of the IfW COUrt House, per detailed list and specification on file In the office of F. S. Fields. County Cleric A certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany all bids, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In the event that the bidder neglects or refuse to enter Into contract and provide surety bond for the faithful performance of the work. The lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. T. J. CLEETON, County Judge. W. L. LIGHTNER. County Commissioner, D. V. HART, County Commissioner. FURNITURE FOR THE NEW COURT HOUSE. Proposals will be received by the County Court until 10 o'clock A. M.. Friday, Au gust 25. 1911. for the following list of oak furniture for the new courtnouse; 6 Roll-top desks. 66-inch, not to exceed I'.m each. S Roll-top desks, 60-lnch, not to ex ceed STff each. R tables, 8-foot, not to exceed $50 each. 15 tables. 6-foot, not to exceed $38 each. 2 stenographers' desks, not to exceed $60 each. 4 dozen arm chair, not to exceed $12 each. 8 revolving chairs, not to exceed $13 eacn. Bidders to submit Illustration and de scription of furniture covered by their bids. Tne. right is hereby reserved to reject any or ail proposals. T. J. CLEETON. County Judge. W. I LIGHTNER. County Commissioner. 17. v. HART. County commissioner. Miscellaneous. NOTICE 1 hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholder of th Port land A Asiatic Steamship Company, for the election of directors and the transac tion of any other business, will be held at room 1107. We Is-Fargo bu d nr. Port land, Oregon, on Thursday, September t. ivu, at a o ciock f. Al. F. STEEI Secretary. NOTICE Is hereby given that I shall not be responsible for any debts contracted by Ella Chellis. Dated August la, 1811, w. E. Chellis. FINANCIAL. WANTED Two men with $10,000 each to Join three others In corporation for the purpose of erecting brick building that win pay zu per cent net on the lnvest ' ment. Call and let us snow you. Elite A Snyder, 603 Board of Trade bldg. J. W. MATTHES. AGENT, INTERNATIONAL MORTGAGE BANK. 222 FAILING BUILDING. . LOANS ON CITY RESIDENCE AND FARMS. NO BROKERAGE CHARGED. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or seller equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. Loana, H. Noble, 316 Lumbermen bidg. VIRST and second mortgage and contrae: purchased on farm and city property any where In Oregon or Washington. I Devereaux. 1002-3 Spalding bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN. We can make quick loans on close-in fraproved residence or business In amounts of 11000 to $100,000, 6 to 8 per cent; lars loan a specialty. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 1108-10 Spalding bldg. UN mrtivtcu 1 1 1 T property or (or ouna Ing purposes; 8 to 5 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanoed as building progresses. Th Equltabl Sav ing A Lvjan Association. 240 Stark st $.100,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans st lowest rates; large loan a specialty. McKenzle A Co., 514-515-616 Gerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and I a eaat on real estate securtty. XDW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate se curity. Farrington A Farrlngton. 41$ Commercial Club bldg. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan oa Portland property In sums from $1000 te 150.000 at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUedner A Boyca. 508-608 Abington bldg. HONEY to loan on Improved real estate of for balldlng purposes. Columbia Life Trust Company, Old Spalding bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building, loana, contracts and mortgage bought- w. n. nunn. o Dnarioca oiug MORTGAGE loan on city property: lowest rate. A. H. Birrall Co., 262 McKay bldg. 2d and Stark. MONEY to loan, $1,100 or $2000 loans on Portland real estate. Vandujn A Walton. 515 Chamber Com. LARGE and SMALL amount to LOAN On IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. E C. EASTON. 202 BOARD OF TRADE. WILL loan $100,000 In various amounts on real estate; olose-lni West Side, prelerred. Boldenweca or ' -- nginy u.ib. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 816-816 Falling bldg. MONEY loaned without brokerage It wa build, current ratea. L. B. Bailey Co 824 Abington bldg. inAl6 on real, peraonal, chattel or oollat eral securtty. C W. Pallet!, 308-0 F.nton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABL3 RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BUMA SPECIAL 2d-mortgae real eatat loana oa monthly payment. Room 313 Hamilton. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A, H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. $3000 ON Improved real estate. W. L. Page, l,H Cheeloi'k bldf. avate funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. B. Thom . ....1.-... . 1. c imi c ty as. State asem. imnmiu - MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 par cant. Good- DOUgh At baits, niv ppaium Mm. MONEY for good Inside loans, 0, 7, 8. Carlock A Muellhaupt, 1083 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. - Jit . . . .... . - .i.j-j ore 1 du- ui- PRIVATE money loanea on real estate mort gages. H. Miiey. room 204, Gerllnger bldg. PRIVATE funds, $1000 to $20,000 to loan oa Imnroved real estate. Main 2018. $300 TO loan on city property; private 414 Snaldlna bldg. $1500 TO loan on good city property. See 414 Soaidlna bldr. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN. On salaries only. In amount of from $5 to $100; at the lowest possible ratea Being salary loan broker exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and give tne qulckeat possible service. Business strictly confidential, STATE SECURITY. CO.. 808 Falling Bldg., cor. 3d and Wash, sta. " MONEtTfOR- SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment. Come and get money when you want It, and pay as you can. Offices in all principal cities., D. H. Tol man. 317 Lumber Exchange. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry. t'rlctly confidential. 1 4j Vi 8d. near Aider. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonda and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. T4 3d at. LOANS on diamonda and other , securities. Wm. Holl, room 8. Washington bldg. A LOAN for tha askmg. aalary or Chattel. T Loaa Ca. AU a1Knm elds MONEY TO LOAN. $10 AND UPWARDS. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. NEW COMPANY. NEW RATES. NEW METHODS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ORGANIZED TO HELP WORKING PEOPLE AND OTHERS. RAT ES ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT REGULAR LOAN CO.S CHARGE. LOANS MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOOD&, PIANOS. HORSES. ETC., OR ON SALARIES. -PORTLAND LOAN CO., 20A-7 MACLEAY BLDG., A 27. OPEN MONDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. WE LOAN MONEY. LOW RATES. QUICK LOANS. NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANY AMOUNT, FROM $10 TJP. On furniture, piano, storage receipt, diamonds and all other kinds of personal property; payments arranged weekly or monthly to suit your convenience: cour teous treatment to all: private officea and all business strictly confidential. GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. 201-2 Rothchild bldg., 287 Vv Washington. Between 4th and 6th t. $ $ $ $ $ no Yon NE EED MONEY T We will furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, . a loan In any amonnt, on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storag receipt and all kinds f securities; on term to ult; also weak ly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN en first and second real estate rnotaraa and contracts. U. S. REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE! CO. $12 Hamilton bldg. 131 3d. Main 2084. $$$$$$$$$$ MONEY ADVANCED an furniture, pianos, storage receipt ata Loweat rata. HTJTTON CREDIT CCA. 807 Spalding bldg. LOWEST RATES Loan on all klnda of se curity, chattel or real estate. Union Bro kerage Co,, 613 Abington bldg.. 108V 3d. Loans Wanted. OWNER want to sell $2000 mortgage on $6500 house and lot in North Portland: mortgage bears 8 per cent and has Just 8 months more till It's due. 316 Alisky bulldinir. WANTED From private party, two loana of $1750, also two amounts of $1000, on flrat mortgage. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201. 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. I HAVE several first mortgages for Bale, $1500, $2000. $3300, 7 per cent, on city property; will discount liberally; no com mission paid. AP 356. Oregonlan. WANTED 1SOO for 3 year at 7 per cent on fine bungalow and two lot In South Portland. Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. A 4401. WANTED To borrow, from private party, $13,000. on highly improved country prop erty, valued at $70,000; will pay 8 per cent Interest. L 356. Oregonlan. WANT $2,100 ON LAURELHURST HOME. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. P 343, OREGONIAN. WANTED $3300 for 3 years a 7 per cent on fine new house in Ladd'a Addition, En quire Gruasi & Zadow, 317 Board ot Trade bldg. WANTED Loan of J2500 for 8 to 6 year at 7 per cent on improved property In Rose City Park, worth $4500. AN 359. Oreponian. $1200 TO $1,100 WANTED ON MODERN HOUSE AND LOT, 8 PER CENT. TO PRIVATE PARTY. D 346, OREGONIAN. I WANT to borrow $3000 for 3 year on my 100-acre orchard tract, worth $8000. Y 357, Oregonlan. WANTED from private party. $:l.10O, on beautiful dwelling. K 54'J. uregonian. WANTED I5.1O0 on close-In property; lib eral brokerage. R 3.10, Qregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgage, references F. H. Lewi. 8 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR 600 PURE CTJT HAIR SWITCHES $12 34-Inch switches $4 -S3 10 82-lnch wltche 4-3o . 1 . . ... 1 ... v. ... 2.45 V , VI - I 11 ' . 1 1 BOTllt.U- - XT, I, rin..n, .......... . ., ' ' -.""-I ....... Face massage .o Shampoo - Manicuring. 23c, five for ........... I-W Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 PTJFFS Cut hair in any shade; witche any length, r-rice just nan. o.v.i Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekom bldg., Sd and Washington sib. EICK men and women who want lo be well We have the most expensive, flnest equipped, private officea on the Pac Iflo Coast; every known therapeutic appliance used In America or Europe we have; we use no drues, we never operate : we ose every electrical and mechanical treat ment and are the only physicians on the Pacific Coast using radium; come and be examined and see our office: It will cost you nothing: we employ the best "en tered physician and surgeon to verify our dli.guo.ia of each- patient disease. W occupy the entire north half of tha third floor of the Rothchild bldg. Dr. W. E. Mallory. iaturopaii GERMAN TRAINED I. .1 for nervousness. ' - neuralgia and obesity. "arant2ed.? for lameness of long standing. Bclentlflo massage. Swedish movements, medicated baths, etc, 848 E. William ave, near Weirtler St.: U car. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfor graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom Sch ailments, under hJlc'M Jfw tlons: bath, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th it second door south from East Ankeny rarime. mom 1 RFAUTY- anv woman can be beautiful; fibAl. .' - Ann,iia of a cream which can be made up and used at home and which will improve th. complexion,.lv In a short time. Address Manufacturer, box 191. Oakland, Cal DR. C ATH BRINK C. . ?TjL .ease.T qualified by 11 years' practical P1"J? S'7 Abington bldg. Phone Marshall 3143. Hours 9 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 6 P. M. . T--T, - Til V I." Rl'T ICDtCii or ii.- Leading wig and toupe maker: finest atock of human hair good, halrdreaalng. rnanicuring. face and scalp treatments. 147 jtn su. near Morrison. Phone Main 648. ' DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Disease of women and children, nas -moved -to Lafayette bldg., 31314 Wash- Ington st. LADIES, when delayed use Loren Com pound Ergot Tablets; always dependable; $2 per box. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co, 213 Morrison st, DlC KETCHUM. disease peculiar to women; also diabetes, eczema and rectal ailment. Washington bldg, 4th and Washington. Main 8474. MEN Try S. O. Tablet for debility from any cause; price 1, any avivn , invmc returned If It fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 243 Morrison St. MRS. STEVENS, li years Portland's leading Ealmlst and clairvoyant, haa her late 00k, "Palmistry Made Eaay," on aala at $4tt lamnlii, corner icq u DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. XMeeaaea of women and surgery. Exam ination free. 802 Merchant Trust bldg. etn ana w wamn vun- 1 ..m - . DR. WALKER, peciallst for men, quickly cures oiuvvi auu m .1 1 j.itu ......J bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st st-. Portland. DRESS ault ror rent, $1.60 month: keep your clothe cleaned. pressed, bottonfl ewed on, rip repaired. Prompt calla and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 800 Stark. WILL the lady who saw young garl thrown from lrvingiuii d, 10m uu sis, 0:40 P. M. July 16. please call East 6317 7 MISS LEWIS, late of San Francisco, treat baldness ana umcuvu v . v -j oima. Main 3E3tl MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP Mental and spiritual scieiivis... "v- alio uivig.i Main 6t24. - LADIES, when delayed, use banderson's Pills; every UOX guaiantcevi, vy man 4 z. )r. pierce Remedy Co.. 245 H Morrison St. LADIES If In need of confidential advice. consult or. rierte, 110 tni Re. iail or write, Z4os Jiorrison bu ZtO s Jivniianii ei-. Lorenz antiseptic cone are aooth !e and sure; $1 per box. Stipe Tay- LADIE ing, sat lor Dru g 10., mi itxuiii.o tffv. SEE Mme. Leonard's Rose Blush astringent lor wrinaies viu .uiiiimiiiuui umuuu. stratlon. Meier & Frank waiting-room. OUT OF COMBINGS. Switches, 05c: curls and puffs, 76c Sani tary Beauty fariora, ew ieKum piqg. LORENZ NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore vit.litv 2.S0 box: A boxes tl.25. fitina Taylor Drug Co, n0 Morriaon t, j. S. SURE REMEDY for catarrh of nos and tnroau . 1 d e . .0, a, 6. Drug Co, 815 1st t- X. V. B- Write or wire wife; good newsi Important. UME. COURT RIGHT, featur and akin pe-clalit- 260 20th t, N. Phon Main 6042. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for dlseasaa woman. 632 Davis st. Msln 0215. MOLES, superfluous hair removed, Mrs, Ai D. Hill, r iieguM wiu. . eiu oaia. BUSINESS DRIECTORY. Assayer and Aoalylst. . A. SENNET, gold, silver and platinum refiner, assayer and chemist; gold buyer, A -Hoofi. a la. it Jt, ilaitt 6103, MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testinr work. 180 Morrison st. Wells c Proebatel. mining engineers, chern- 1st and aasayera 20 hi Washington. Attorney. A. E COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M, 873; A 2071. THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan blda. 4th floor. Anto Supplies. T. P. KEEN AN CO, 190 Fourth at. Em pire auto tires. Pope Mfg. Co.'s bicycles, auto bicycle and motor supplies, vehicle rubber Urea Phones M. iiiZ. A 432$. Batha and Hwlmmlnj. HILL'S SANITARIUM Rheumatic trei resTt- ment, elegant plunge. SOS Front M. 45U Braas and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 270i. Chiropodist. DR. MISS MARGUERITE CRAWFORD re moves corns, bunions, eallouses, ingrown and club nails; pedicuring and manicur ing satisfaction guaranteed by graduate. . A 3161. 514 and 515 Dekum bldg, Sd and Washington sta, WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th only acientiflc chiropodist In th city. Parlors 203 Gerllnger bldg, S. W. cor. 3d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun. surgeon chiropodist from the Imperial University Hospital. Vienna, Austria. 20$ Rothchild bldg. Ph. Main 6351. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra M. D. Hill, offices 429 Fliedher bldg. Main $473. Chiropractic 1 Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bldg, next Star Theater. A 5255, Main 9587; Res. B 29 16. Collections. PORTLAND Collection Agency 317 Alisky bldg. All debts collected. A 717. M. 4221. Contractor. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N. 8th t- Main $881; A 7662. Woodiawn. 5SX, ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general contractor. 414 Wells-Fargo bldg. Main $80. Dancing. WALTZ, two-step, three-step and ' dancing lessons 25c; every morning, art ernoon and evening. Prof. Wal. Wilson t ti 1 . , . .1 . - - v .t bat- W . Park and 10th its. fjentlst. ALVEOLAR TEETH where brldgework I Impossible: does away entirely with P1""; brldgework; we cure pyorrhea tloos teeth) absolutely; terms to reliable PP1'J lvole nnt.i Pi Ahlnaton bldg. 10 sa. VHE old reliable Union, Painless Dentists. 1st and Morrison st. Ung-lneer. F. M. SUVER. civil, hydraulic engineer; wa ter and sewerage a specialty. Dallas, ur. Engines Gaa and Steam. ROBER machinery Co, Coast agents Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines. 281-283 E. Morrison St. Phone E. 010- Feed 8tore. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed. ce ment. shin g 1 es. 21)4 Grand ave. E. 44. leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO, 74 Front. "J" of every description, tapg. mil3- " - J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished los. isu rroiii. u. Ladlca' TallurintT. R. RIEDEL. ladles' tailor. 'mP"r"-83V0" Ellers bldg, 7th and Alder sta Main 8o": r: . . At 4 Milk and Cream. DIRECTLY from the dairy; West Side de livery. Summit Dairy. R. F. D. No- Musical. Emit Thlelhorn. KpLtV'im tOO Marquam. A 4160. Marshall 162s. Oateopathlc Physicians. DR. LEROY SMITH, graduate K'rkvllla. vfo class of 1S08; post-graduate 1807. un der'DrfA. T. Stlli, founder of the aclenc- ll!8 Selling blag. m. Dr R, B. Northrup. 41S-16-1T Dekum biug. Ivervou. and Chronlo D'"--Phone Office M, 848, r B Paints. OUs and Glass. CoSTte?oB tne'oast4 BA5 V'ER PAINT CO.- 191 Second .t. Paiiering andTlntbi8. TINTING, painting, paper hanging; clean work, t none Patent Attorney. 409 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. ttrZV. I' Pattnt"Bo: f.V'?Z. 718 The Board of Trade bldg. a WRIGHT, domestic ana wr-ign pat ents. Infringement case, wn X..r,o. 60S Kiecinc ui"B- w : Il!lll Fan-broke!. unclej3ye5Fo Pipe Plumber. FOX CO.. PLUMBERS. -00 x F,X Main 2001: A 2001. COFFEY PLUMBING CO, sanitary plumb era. 493 GlUan. Main 887. Bug Weavers. f," ""iinlon gva, nr. E. Morrison. Safe THE MOSLEITSAFE CO, 10S . 2d t- iAf.r T t factory prices: second-hand sales. fiecond-Hand Goods. - -.-.thing, furniture and tool. Hlgh WE buy clotmng. i MCOnd.nanl ciog. yrrf .QQla Marshall 2364. ,v, hinhest price for seond-hand WEPAygja "a 3190- 63 tj, N. U. fZZZi. Bank and tiuow Flxturee. K MFG. Co, branch Grand Rap- irhoTv.t.MCof; and Hoyu R. Lut-a. ma.n-l--" . Z, HiRDSALU 208 HAMILTON BLDG. &6.S. '- i?f dUvery-SalM snowuw"- Lumber Co. m- " . . mfq Co, 4th and Couch; near rRffrfand. Main 2703. Cabln.t work. Storage and Transfer. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., office " ; X.modlous 4-story brick warehouse, and commodious ato y flrBnroo, v.,,,. ?"iabl; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. ?f - Diano and furniture moved and ata.. P',l -hipping; apecial rates made 00 paC!,f in iur througb cars to all doineaUo y-f-;y Main 680. A 118$. Free storage free. AU household good, bauled by ns g . ".Vr freDroof brick; warehouse, abao-!ni-iv free for balance of month, and aC ,'. lowt ratea thereafter. Expert mov id packing for .hipping. King u ua S" and let tne Van Horn Trans- - a r a VCTTCO CTt General f transferring and '. ?o and furniture moved and paksd ?rsWEm.nJ 87-5? Front U TeUuhua. Main at 1 m rTRE4iON TRANSFER CO, established 1870. S:.,Ad forwarding agents storage "iSoVan b6iWeAe,1l!85. "d Taxi der mlata MOOSE, elk head,Vlu1rgor- F- B- FlniM" Typewriter. ' ..D.-i.T TYPEWRITERS, all makes, all REBUILA ix" d Pacific statlon- r'Prlntln. Uo, 201-203-203-207 2d t Portland, Or. r th exchange tor tha larjout typT WB-I? concern on thU Cowt; inveut; writer cou--' Th Tvnawntai- " " Vk Washington t. ""."- . . r, rebuilt, second-hand rentals, at cut JJEW. reouui. stark. M. 14o7. ratea. i veterinary bctiuola or College. iANCISCO VETERINARY COL- 6 ieoK. Sesion begin Sept. 15. Catalogue nr. C Kerne, araet St.. a. F. Well Drilling. tVktt LING wells a specialty; price reason D.itl call Main 1346 or write Miliar A yst- 182 Morriaon st, Portland. Wood and Coal. xtiiRNSIDB FUEL CO. and re- . BUKr.DJ.iyo H -nd hardwood ni lod yards at 123 E- 7th au Phona East T?4: B 2777 DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller , . .a load ril1vf.,4 . - - wooa, . t-i.ov k. ----7,. . jyr nlari in tne City- 1 "' vviecaiug o.. s.107 11th st- North. Main 87. a 3731 3733. KEGHfiM wuuii i-ii. mini. vuuu . - CENTBAU WOOD YARD Wood m.nd coi. yain jj. .. - COAL AI1aN A utL.Lt nu14. WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. iJATIONAU FUEL CO. col 4.d woo. " A 1. . .1 oj t water u M HA- HPH W wl w w w