V I TITE MORNING OREGOXIA TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1911- 14 FOR HUE btWw-a, KM. l W ILL bur team. -iiEhl aiwut -V Af,h,r itn brand n ruMnm-mnd lw.,h.ri ha me.. fowplM; ' !m,,J n-w L-inrh farm w-n wn - , Ve 10 a rwl loomt i-am. wir and a-.n'trc and rapa. of plenty ;f worh; tva ih- cheap--.? trtt l r, 1"?. 7 . I rake bt tjn ot -'-'"-,b- mare t fort;Rd. .r"-d lo-jarre. ft !k" n.ilrk and hriht. tfiih aound and riht ovprv wa a-ao brand n-w ael of douMt hrrhlr. hirnM h them at !w prt- e ; UKrnuu uu inw 50 . AMr. $,V bnyi 1 lV-puf4 bTacli bora. rari oid. nulk and fffntl and a true ricr. i-"- A.dr. ba pound mar. t' ound and strntaht and no hilr pull- r vnr a ro.lar: lh.a mar la bron In vfrr form and oein lnj. trial allowed. Ai'A Alder. -o brad f a!f hlna of marea and KW 1r, suitablo for ranrh, -"pr.a and havy oric and th prt are th Intwi. Hore r'Tarartfeee. and trial il!otd. 5'A Alder. " AUCTION SALE. Tueaday. AuKuat 2-. at 3 F. W wt'l all AO bad of maraa. horara and mule, under our guarani: thla atorJi ta just frm t:atem urtgoo and soma ar lira strv-k H WTHRNB AVE. FTABLE3. 4"y Hawthorn it. Eaat B 133. OR tING outm. horaaa. w scons, alt pa. pio--. harn'sa: must r. o?d at onct; IN, ft M t.oinff at- Call evenlnga. BT-, barcain. trim, witht ':toM. T and rara o;d. true a ate.. Wo-imwh and .IT'h st. ard rVM tr. Phone Me; Imoo-j 17 Piano. Orraaa mod u Inatmotrata. riA purrhumi check of $111 S with E.lers Mitalc Hu for I at ditwotint; -tod ortil Aua. Ju. Ad-irraa II- TV. Sawr. FLA TEK plan for xi; mako offr; mut fflllVi -k. AP 34?. Orayontan. Tvri.l. 9l rrk on local piano houaa for fio. Main tiT'.. Aniooaoblira, AI'TO BARGAINS IN I SEP CAltS. ALL PTANDAHO MAKEs LOWEST f KICKS. matter hat ftr ym want. w ar ar to hav It In tha prtra you want to pa. Pnd for our wkl barrln ahatt. .ERt.N;ER MOTORCAR COM PA N Y. l"'h at. between Stark and Hurwatda. $5 A MONTH. Jl H:h-i:a i-pa-nfrr car. 'ail and -ha convtnrrd. Pfit chanr to reliable part!. T. J. I. ON-;. -C'J Henry blrtC. AITO ON kast terms. Xfl-horif pAr automobile with Ilajht d livarT body and 3-paaener body (mtr rhaneab. guaranteed for una yar. Terms ('. rat. ba.anca fluO per month. A 341. Mregonlan. T'H SALE AulomoMI. t woyilnder. ftittrk. A-piaener tourlnj rar, used but two eaaona: prlca $.nJ, mm pie t a with top. spf-efioineter. wind ahlcld and presto ltcnt tank. Adlrvaa A. H. Karr. Kourth and Iio t atreet. ATTENTION. automobile bod) -bulldera. painter. tr1mmer and bras worker: Wa hava apace to let In our new build tnr 1 4th and Courh. Apply to tho Fpedwell Motor Co, Tbona Marahall 13S. SJJ Alder Btret 1 a arres rood land. B.x.0i feat rrea aran.llns timber In Polk County to trada for automoblie ; glva paxtluulara; ownar. R 3"i. Ore onian. : 1I.I.L'EK Vurd. Mod4 N. peay and reliable: Jual tna thin for contractor or Ha d-livry. Word Motor Car Asaocy. Srn an d Hawthorn. A MiTPHELL roadater. 0 h.-p. In flrat- -la shane. tlli Call at Neat at c Earthy cars a. lMt and Washington or prtona Marshall FOR HIKE -psa Thomu; 7-pajra . 69 ,4J i hour. Mala 7778. A M-toffa. JO. -7. FOR PAI E Pla: aiLap. new JU-horse po er ' H f n lirada" auio. 3-paaaener. forarfoor. 1W1 model; ran leaa than 4n mllea. fUAO eh Owner. AR Z'-2. Orea-oman. four-pasaamrr pnhi:, in eiearant ronaition. xor aaia at Brifl.-e. Fi'i R-PASE.NT,FR automobile. ood con of 'ion. $ii to cwh. ft 84'. Qreyontan. bTt PbHAkLlf, a.acinc. aa i rew. raeb. I. 2. trea:onlan aa good aa lilrda. and Pet tttork. Kt'LIGHoWV allvar fray aquirreU with or without race: cheap. Jira. jennta Besmrr, rut '2, ,wbrc, r. AiKtDALE TE P.KIKE Rd for paia. aport aad gaardt. LaddlK Kenneia. Eatacada. Or. Fi N E EnHah Hull pnpp!ea. cheap 69 Fourth bt. phone A ard Mtn 4'". Mia THK ZENITH OF VALVE-GIVINO Haa ben reached thla week at Jimmy Tinn'a Ham p la Hult Hhop. Broken 11 new of $.!. JJ . and 925 auiia at $! a suit. The remaining to k of my hummer autta TtiuM b cleared out. no matter what tha aarnflre. to maka room for Fall ciothea. Taka elevator to 315 Oregon Ian building Open Patordaya until 10 P. M MEN OF PORTLAND. My saw Fall aulta ara arriving almost dally. I ahall andearor to glra yon bet ter Talnea than aar attempted by ma be fore. Remember my low rent playa a big part In my ay stem of value giving on men a aulta You taka elevator and aava iK Jimmy Imna, room 819 Oregonlan bldg. ONE 11-lnch screw -cutting lathe. One ttntry grinder. na air comyreaaor. One air atoraga tank. One line ahaft wltn pulleys and belting. One t., H. P. motor. P 34. Oregontan. PANTS FOR MEN. Mn. buy your pan ta of me $5 trouaera for 93 94 Taluea for l'2.&u. No big prof Its tacked on for high rente. Jimmy Dunn, room 31ft Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. SAFES New and 2d-hand;low prlcea; eaay terms- aafaa opened, repaired and painted. PI RCEl.L SATS CO. and PORTLAND CAFE Co.. S3 6th at. Main ft309. A 4111 FOR S W.E 1 flrst-claae ticket Portland to fit. Paul: good for etonovera place) In between, good for .10 da; will aell cheap. B 3''0. Oregonlan. FTOVB DOCTOR. Tf tout at ova doeen't baka there bb aomethlng wrong. X can fig 1U 96 East Morrrfoa. Phone East 1022. EXCEPTIONAL typewriter bargalna for tha week : Remington, 93U; 9ml: h Pramlera. 9j7 to; BUcks, 917.JOL Kortwaat Type- wrttor Co.. VO 5th at. FOR SALE Cheap. If taken at nnco. 3 flrat ciaea tickets, deal in t ion Bttcyrua, Ohio. a l Eaat 1T. J a. W rL gaa range and water heater, aimoat new ; coet o: win aeii xor a iv, ruca very cheap. Phone C 2217. I.KASK gold, mull aell ehow and wail caaea. Apply at once, American Jewelry Co.. 3d and AMer. e A fWELL pleaaur launch to trade for an to. Adareaa uox e. caioiamet. wun, 9afe; large aafe. good aa new. for aale cheap, terma if you wieh. AP 24$. Oreg.vnian- yoH 8AI.E Punching bag. boxing glovaa and outnt. cneap. i-n. v m rtunen, gAKFH Several larga aacood-haod. for aa. THOROl'lHHRED Corker P pent el pupa for u:. -,,, Sheridan at. FuR aie Threa French poodle a. rcaaoa F W. 3-rootu bouaeboat an acw. Ftrk and U ater. Apply Contractor a equipment by I'nited Engtnear Ing A Conatructlon Co,. 00o Lwig bdg. TOT R PIANO CHECK IS OOOI. X wtM tak It at face altie. Write at wci. Tnla will only laet a few daa N XAI. Oreg-jnian. Ft t Y CLOT HI NO. FTJ RMTURC. TOOL8 H'gheae prl. a peud for men a and ladlaar rat-off clothing, aboea. furniture, tool. - rechanlc logging. Call Main 3v0 2tfO "-at at. The Ol 'be. W AST t O A aacood-baxid (lump nhillar; must be In good condition and cheap; sta'e maka and partlculara B 317. Orago- Bna. IV YOU rave boubold furnilur to aell. rail up Oeorfe Paaar A Co.. lftJ Park at. i a at reeiJencea a epeciaty. 7 Hgbet prlcea peJd for all aJnde of 24-hand machaaic. logging toeta. levla H d w re. Co. FTQttt. Jaaln ia7A lil'fHrrT prlcea paid for furniture, eiovae. ranges, etc. etc Call up k-aat 1VX3 off csU at Eaat MoTTteon at. K pay tha higheat caah price for ae-ond-hand furniture, Heater A Martin. Phone fcaet 3i34, 34 Hawthorne ava. W ANT to rent not I nes than 3.-toa gearej - ergfna for lodging; 3 per oent grade. AK .T4 V Oregon lea. V F- pay moat lor any bird of furniture yoa ' don t want. Main leil, A 44 Ford Auction Co. A NT to buy eecond-hand power extractor. Tokvo Cleaning A Dyeing Works. Phone ' Fast t? O 144. ' tv A NTKl To rent or buy a hnseboat; at a I ft rat I-Mt. V 347. Oregoniaw. hMATI. s'femT or ateamboal machinery. J 3aX OTagoolan. W T E I M I SC F I N E Ot . WANTED 2" cut. Roy Mm or mote rorda r.f wood to fBlr, Poring. Oregon. HELP X ANTED MALE. tNCTDrtTT. (On n klanvl Office Secretary. Employment Department T. M. C A. Toung n-.an. atranrer. out of work: 3? Ma total ca.h asaet If I pT To 9 for apeclal employment meraberahlp. I will bavaj only f 15 left between ma and atarva- tioru ' Seretai-e If vow pit 95 for apeclal employment membership you will bava tha i. at. A. witn ita raaouroaa tiw yon and e tar ration. Bjt e Atn Tum Sfl CaPa for men Poaltlona f.lled Kew mem be ra Employment memberahJp gua-anteea ern- ployrnent or refund of jrnrhU fee; give two moot ha fall membership prlv liaeea 1Q mnnit eoelaJ nrivlleaea and undertake to keen party employed during the full term of membership without further charge. - Wa hava conetant demand for man grade, experienced man. Ara you titled for a better poaltloar eecreiarjr employment departmant t. m. a a. APLE-DOD1ED men wanted for the) U. ; Marine Corra. between the aga of 19 and 85; miut b native bom or have tlret papere; month'y pay 913 to 969: adillloa al com pec sat ion poaalble: food, cloth.ng. quarura and medical attention free: after 30 yeara aerrlce can retire with i& per rent of pay and allowancea; eervlce on board ahlp and aahore In all parte of the won4. Apply at U. a. Marina Corpa Ko erulting Oaice, Breed en bidg.. Id and W'aahlogton eta., Portland, Or. . VE are about to flare a new addition on IK. mr h nlr for a f W vouna men aa salesmen. We have the moat complete aalca organliatlon in tne city, and retain., a competent Infltructor aolely for the rfiirpoae of teaching new men tha buainrsa. If you feel that you can eell land and are willing to try harT. we wIM he responsible for the reel. V R4S. t tregin tan. WANTED Salesmen, emperienoed macaxln and book men. to represent "Current Lit erature." la-volume premium and the , ... i c.tir.i wtm mnti a rur winner. Higheat cmm laalona "Cur rent Literature publishing Company." room 4ij Marguam bldg. W A NT ED An experienced auhdi vision aalenman who can cloae live pmvrm fumwhed b) ua. Don't anawer unla you know the bualneaa and tan deliver the goods. We have a good position open If you ara tha man to fill It. AO 33. Ora gon'an . 6TO"K aaleaman to aell etock In a reliable company; a good atok aeila Itaelf when the Investor knows that 1". ta good. Apply at department A. 1010 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. MAN and Ue on ranch In Eastern Oregon; man must have experience In farming and the care and handling of etock: the woman rnuet be a god cook and neat houaekeeper. Addreae AO 3. Oregonlan, COMPETENT man wanted aa manager of popular-priced restaurant; muat be up-to-date and able to handle heip; referenrea required: atata ealary wanted. R 344. t r- g on I a n. SALESMEN, excluaiva territory, big oppor tunltlee. steady poeltlon. complete line Taklma Vaiiev-gTown f-ult. shade and or ramental etock; caah weekly; outfit free. Toppenlsh Nuraery Co.. Toppenlah. Waah, pHARMACEt"TICAL MlMmn for a great aid Una. 2.". per cent commission ; wa want to cover every Inch of the Union; write at no. 1'ardrtdge Mfg. Co.. al 1'nlveraity bldg.. Detroit. M'ch. MAN with good team and wagon to haul brick: eready jb. Phone Main 6luJ. Pacific Face Brick Co.. 402 Commercial Club bdg. WANTED Flrat-clasa meat cuttr. atady Job. Mteua'.off Hros . ha. em. Inuutre frin 10 to 2 1'. M. Bay City Market. M Yam hill Bt. WANTED An experienced vaudeville artlat. mult be ta I and have a g-od tenor voice, to work In team with young lady !n sketch. Phone Mn 90l, after Id a. M. i AN to tak.e restaurant, nearly furnished. In hotel : ale'plng room lni-iudd. Rent la board one. 5-np. Apply -t4 2tb at., N. K car N. to 2rtth. bio. k eouth. V P H O Lri T E K K R S W ANTE D 8 teady wore; to competent man. Addreg Ofirrni Feather t orn pan v. lUth and Harrlaun at., San Franc ta-o. faL WANTED A rolored gentleman: must le well bred: also fairly good looking and ahout 3 fet in lncha In heicht. well de veloped otherwiae. C 3. 3. Oregonlan. A CI E. 'T In Oregon. Waah. and I!aho to take order for made-to-order shirts: oldest ahlrt factory In North a est. Jacobs bhlrt Co. . S3 6th. SALESMAN covering Washington and Ida ho to carry sideline of men's neckwear. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. Phoonlx bldg.. J Mh at. SALESMEN wanted to aell our line of Pm clflo Coast-grown nursery etock: caah paid weekly. Pacific Nursery Co. 30a Cor bait bldg. WANTED An experienced Janitor. Apply new building 11th and.tark at a., between 1 and 3. . HlilH-OKAU aa Irani en wishing permanent prupoaitton, aak for Mr. Lrj'int, Ills Yeon bldg. SALESMEN to handle 1011 map of Waah. nr. Huatlera clear 2i to $7& weekly. 17 Hoard of Trade. WANTED Immediately, elean-cut, bright bov for aaaUtant in shipping department. KII.EHS Ml'elC HOL'aE. Ai'PifTANT shipping clerk for a wholesale candy factory. Call K. F. Haradon ax on. Kast ith and Couch. bOLIClTOR wanted at onre; wagun fur nished. American Ly Works. Thur man. Main WANTED lioud washer. 91ft week; must come at once. Cherry's New Laundry. La Oraade. Oregon. WANTED Pny to carry Oregonlan route In Kenton: must be a bustler. Apply Room ivo, uregonlan bldg.. crty Circulator. BOYJ WANTED 2 boy, with wheeia, 16 rears: good wages. Apply -HS Alder at., n basement. WANTED Salesman for Kenyon "take down houses'; salary and oommisalon. AT 33. Oresjonian. AX MEN to clear right-of-way; laborers, out of town. Apply -2 Commercial Club building. STRUCTCRAL Iron worker, non-union, out f town. Apply 22 Commercial Club bulTdlng. PRINTER, non-union. Apply 22 Commer cial Club bidg. 8TENOORAPHER wanted. Call 1117-1113 Yeon b dg. Ask fir Bryant. CHEF. cook, competent man for restaurant; re( renrt-a required. Appiy (2 6th ar. JhoTiHlHAl'H coupon and portrait, a gent a, mw offer. m Cutberth Studio. Dekum bidg. PLATEN press feeder w anted, printing Co.. I-'h t-ond iu ChrlaUa WANTED Boya over 19 w Uh wheels. 79 Id at. BOY to deliver package. Robinson A Co., 29 Washington at. WANTED Good shoe repair man; eta wg.a. H. Wittenberg. Mt. Angel. Or. PiRiT-CLAi preaaer on men's coat a Ap ply P. K. B- Tadora, 321 S Ollian, cor. th. W A XI ED An experienced solicitor and dHver. Call B4 11th aU SOLICITOR wanted for a family llguor tor. 'The Tourist," Centra Ua. Wash. LIVE coal solicitors. 4 Ablngton bldg. HELP WANTED PKMIAIK. 31 HHT-CLAoA finisher on lad lee t coat a . Oarver A Co.. lad lea (vMllng-Htrech bldg.. room 14- Hlored tailor. N EAT. experienced woman, housekeeper, widower, fruit ranrh. -'. Su Louis Agencv. 3t Wash. Main 23. - A 4775. W ANTED Address of around cook; Oerraaa Stret. gooL st eal . all preferred, ttib CO M P ET ENT cook for smal 1 f am l! y. p. I ly in Diornltf. 2S9 King at. phone Main UT wholeaale house, a reliable woman who Is ambitious: evperianca not required. Address T 3in. Oregonlan. SOLICITOR for the best office specialty on the market; eaclusiva or aide line M Front MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCT. 3W9i Washington st roon 314. Mam eMtt or A 8 .'rid. GIRL for general housework In family of fmr; mut be go. c""ii: no washing. 7n Marha!l at. Main 2I17. WANTED Grl or woman for hojaework In country home near Portland; wages 32. p h one 1 1 ' w n k le Red 762. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 343 S Washington st.. cor 7 to. upstair. Phone Mala 2tSJ. bTART In b-islnesa ynuraelf selling ciothea mnde-to-nrder by I-amm & Co.. wholeea e tailora. Chicago. Pplendld opportunity for htgh-riaaa man to make big money either traveling or open up ciothea shop here or some nearby town. Pamplea and dlaplay ato k free. Investment and experience uti necessary. Write for further particu lar J. P Thomneon, We. Rep., l-SS 3a ivt.. San KTanr isro. HTI.P WANTED rtlAI.K. WANTED TOUSO LAD1JU FOR TELE PHONE OPERATTNO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. - APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE St TELEGRAPH CO., EA6T 6TH AND ANKENT 6TS WANTED TODAY. 2 cooks for country hotels. 940 each. Cook for boarding-house. 333. Waitresses. S2o. Housekeeper. 920. Elderly housekeeper. f!5. Dlah washer. :iO. 1-antry girl. J.V 'lirl for shooting gallery. Second girl and girls for general house work. 920 to 935. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Toadies Dept. 2."la Morrison. HOl'SKK EE PER to take complete charge of amull but nica home; well located, two In family; must be good cook, refined and educated; if over 8; yeara of aga do not answer: worth Investigating. P. O. Box 141. city. WANTED A woman; a lady; pleasing per sonality: need not have a liberal educa tion, but mu."t hava culture; liberal com pensation. Address In own handwriting C 35. Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED. ApplT Ptir.ndard Factory. No. 3, Or and st. and Euat Taylor St. WANTED A capable girl for general house work; must bo good rook; good wagea. Main 4514. 1110 Myrtle St.. Tortiand Heights. GIRL for cooking and housework In family of 3 aduli; wages 40; only competent person desiring permanent p'ace should apply. fc:4 E. Taylor, near 2'.'th at. LOST Last week, diamond stick pin. on Alberta car or soma street In Vernon: finder please return same lo owner. 1044 E. 1 t h st. Nort h. and receive reward. Cyill'KTK NT second girl wanted, take care or two children; German preferred; rerr ence required; apply forenoon. 73 Mar ahall st. Main 2144. LADIES to make pillow tops at home; good Say. steaay worn; experience unnecessary, to 4. 414 Ftark. A GIRL for general housework In a good home, and help with 3 -year-old boy; no rooking. 403 4th. Viear College CAPABLE, family, second girl, 330; house work: girl. California. St. I.ouis Agency. IUC.i Wash. Main 2i39. A 477.". MIDDLE-AGED ladv to care for a sick lady: wages 93 week. Call 919 E. Everett street. WANTED Girl or woman for dining-room and charnbur work In small hotel; German preferred. AN 33. Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced prasser at the nroanway iye worKs, san itaraei anu WliitHTns av. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavt Co.. 609 Kotb chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Competent girl to assist In g or-era! housework; email family of ad- u!t. 7d Kearney st. WANTED Young girls to work on ladies' neckwean. Western Mfg. Co.. A3 6th IL, 3d floor. YOl'XO lady for East Side grocery store: experienced; reference. AM 3o, Orego nlan. WANTED A youner Indy stenographer; ex perience unntf.ir'. Enquire between 9 and to o eioeg. s.'q 6th. WANTED A second glrL Call at 2."3 Eaat 6Mh.near Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 30. A GIRL or woman to assist In light house work; good home, and 91 pr month. AO 3"3. Oregonlan. FINISHERS and buttonhots maker for coats; good pay. steady work. Apply P. R. B. Tailors, 3?l S Gllsan. cor. 6th. WANTED G.wd girl for geneful house work : 3 In fam ily : no children. Inquire GTIan. corner 19th. W A NTEI 4 i Irl to do general housework; must be good cook. Apply " Flanders. IN T 1ILLIGK T girl for general housework ; mall family; no waatilng. 410', Morrison. fc.X PERI ENCED girt to do sec ond work and sewir.g. . all . Fmndr St. WANTED Girl to do general housework; no cooking. A pply 4s lay it., cor. lot h. WANTEO Experienced conk, family of two, city rerrrences: I'non Main 307L GIRL for general housework : good ages. 8wi E. 47th at. N. lioae City Tark car. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Call 13. S. 33d St. WANTED A girl tor general housework. k Loveioy et. A GlffL to slst In housework. 434 Larra- bee st. UIRL wanted for light housework, small family. 43S 7tb at. GIRL to do houa work In email family. GJ RIvS wanted. Western Mantle Co.. 29 Front st. LADY solicitors wanted for quirk selling article, t an room eiu veiling Ding. GlRIi; one as cook, one as second girl. Apply 170 North 22d. YolNO glil. help care for two small chil dren. iai (i:.i ocnuyter st. Gl KL for general housework ; no cooking ; good home. 6 4 5th st. APPRENTICE wanted. Fanllary Beauty Parlors. 4ih-412 Dekum bldg. NEAT girl to assist in dental office. 211 wet land bldg. WANTED Lady piano player to go out of town, call at 73 west Parle St.. 6 P. M. NICE woman for light general work, small wages. 7 mi Marshall. A 4VL'U. WAITRESS wanted. Apply 82 6th St. HELP WANTED MALE Oft FEMALE. HOPPICKER5 to pick 6a0 acres of hops. nig crop, una accommodations, oakery, butcher shop, grocery store, restaurant, free dancing pavilion, beautiful camping grounds, delightful batblns ; low excursion rates; register now at Krla Bros. office. room Aott Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak at No charges fur Job. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. Sunday P A. M. to 1 P. M Home 1717. Marshall 9216. OWL OWL OWL, Tha Owl's representative will be at the Ft. Charle Hotel, room 106, on and after August 21. Those wanting to pick hops, near b'alem or Independence, rail and aea him. Best yards and best picking. An Owl's representative will also meet all trains romlng into Salem. WANTED Hopplcker. lOO acres; one of nest arcis in state, mile from Port land ; picking starts Sepi ember 0; lasts about 3 weeks. Apply Rot m 612 Worces ter Block. 3d and Oak streets or Phone Main 2.o.i. a 4n. 20 HOpPlCkEK wanted to pick 10 acres of fine hops; good camping grounds, pure water, far pnld both ways: no fee. ttegistcr ow at .'ov1, Kirsr tt. city. WANTED Strong boy. 18 or 'jo years of age. for factory work; steady Job. South- t nrfte rt f Pfl lit h mrn ClxImAnt BEST proposition to good sollclfrrs; $40 a w ek. 6 to A. M-; 5 to 6 P. M. 387 H Knst Burnslde. room 14. WANTKD 150 hoppirkera. 110 acres, at ftrooka. Or., to be pirk.-d. Calj on F. J. Hotter. 424 Lumber Exchange. GI KL or boy to wash diehee evenings for dinner. 3iJ Salmon st. HT.LT WANTED MTCELLAXEOC& GOOD HALARIEP. RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INTERSTATE COMMERCE WORK. VNDEK THE RECENT UAILROAO rt7 TAYLOR ST. PTTONE MAIN 7", l " are wanted for Government position ; 3M month; s-nd postal for list pol0ns oin. Franklin Institute. Dept. 345 H Rocheeter. N. Y. ' WANTED Family to camp and pick black frernesf take O. T. C. boat to Ohio land Ing. Address B. ! Kimble. 8ellwood Or. W ANTED Ladles to learn beauty culture; best place on the coast. Sanitary parlors. 4 412 I ekum bldg. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tells how. . niteq tress eynn-aie. nn Francisco. INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools, local office 2:;3 Alder st. Main 1026. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and T Y PE WRITIVG. 95 mo. 26 14th st. Main 3S93. VlK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. 610 H wet'snj b'dg. WILL tint rooms for 92. and paint bou at your price- Phone Eaat 63. HELP WANTFTe MISCELLAyEQCS. MEN wanted, aged 13-35 for firemen, 9t6 monthly; brakemen f so, on nearny ran roads: experience unnecessary; no atrlka poaitlona guaranteed competent men; pro motion : railroad employing headnuartera, SKA men acnt to posit lone In July ; atati age; sen a stamp. Kauway Association box AV. oregonlan. THE ROBERTSON SCHOOL OF DRA - MATI4' ART. Fifth floor Kilera bldg.. 7th and Aide streets. We prepare you for t he stage. Eloctit Ion. voice culture, oratory, stag dancing, practical stage training. Send f catalogue. Day and evening classes. 10.oo POSITIONS for graduates last year men and women learn barber trade in ft weeks.; betp to secure position; gradu ates earn from 916 to 926 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of College. 43 North 4th st., Portland, Or. WANTED Positively no expense to learn trade of electricity, automobiles, plumb ing, bricklaying oy actual work on con tract Jobs; only a few months required 2"h students last year; catalogue free. 1 nited 1 raaa ocnooi constructing to., Angeivs. til. WANTED Men to learn to operate moving pictures. Learn business In 10 days. Op era tore earn $20 to 940 weekly. Lessons nair price tooay. x. Film CO., v asnington st. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to dri and repair automobiles. V North 7th i PITTJATIONR WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. YOUNG man w lahea a position as account ant. timekeeper, material man or clerk on general construction work. Have h seven years of practical field experience with engineers and contractors on ran road, hydro-electric construction, powe: plant, reinforced concrete and buildings. A V gs3. 69jBgonlan. STENOGRAPHER, with some knowledge of bookkeeping, wants tositton: 4 years perience; no objection to leaving city. .nam WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepar balances and statements. Install systems. GllHngham. auditor, 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BY youns: man. experienced bookkeeper, auditor, capable general office man; will ing to start In any capacity on small sal- ary. A-l references. AM 354, cregonian STENOGRAPHER wants nositlon In real eoiaie, insurance or email manuiaciuxina long experience; admitted Oregon bar moderate salary. R 341. 0"egonlan. POSITION In commercial house, office or salesroom; can make good In either or both ; salary not so Important as desire ror start. AN 3-7 , Ore gon 1 an. GROCERY clerk. 14 years' experience. want position in city or near-by country iore; references, v k.i, oregonlan. BY EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office m;tn, either In city or out; reference. AV fi, oregonlan. CLERK or manager general store, open fr position rept. 1 ; references. 1 no, rt. Roy. Scappoose. Or. MiacellHnenuft. JANITOR wants situation, capable of tak ing entire charge of an office or apart ment building; can do own repair work ana capable to run any heating plant; can furnish excellent local references. AM 342. Oregonlan. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position coomng in private ramuy: gooa exper lence. many years. In the city or country ha best references. Address care T 345, Oregonlan. CHAl'FFEl'R. repairer or at alio nary ensln eer'a position wanted by experienced driver, machinist and licensed steam and gasoline engineer of 36. Andreas J. E. room 61, Arlington Hotel, Pit, 6tb st. ENGLISH motor engineer desires employ ment, shop or private car; seven years engineering, eight year automobile trade; highest papers as to capabilities; distance no oo.ieci. w ;t47. oregonlan. A MAN who wants (o work steady wants a position in department store: will start at bottom and work up and can give satisfaction. Address W. W. Glbba. 534 E. .-umner st. MTt ATIQN. cook, family adults or small boardlns-house: would do housekeeping li widower's or bachelor's home: stead v. re liable widow with girl 5 years; state wages pan. atnren porn, nerwoon. Oregon. CIGAR-MAKER apprentice I have served over two yeitrs at trade, and would Ilka to nntsh my time; I am open to anr fac tory. In or out of town. V R.V. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as cook In orlvate fa ily by young woman: excellent cook and worker; references; good wKaa. R 347, oregonian. TWO young im-n desirous of taking up farming, would like to work on ranch or farm in consideration for board and good oome. i, rregon?an. COMPETENT, sober msn wants work for hours after 4 P. M. : 20 years' experience in orrice snn outside work; references fur- ntsn?q. ak .i.4. oregonlan. feTANi'lL w ants work by day, windows washed snd houses cleaned. Phone Wood- iawn fANTRY man, experienced. or kitchen helper or fry cook, willing to work any w nere. l, ji. oregonian. A YOl'Nd man wants a Job In the laundry wringing work; two years' experience n'nni1la.-n at YODfO man would like position in city or . ...... .li. in, Biivug sua gooa habits, r .t.'il. Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR and machanlc desires posi tlon. best of references. X.- 847, Orego nlan. MARRIED man want position on ranch or win renu vv. bnepp. gen'I delivery- Portland. YOUNG man wants a lob on orlvate Dlaca: can do gardener work and drive automo- oiie. aj ass. oregonian. JAPANESE couple want position, man as koou w no insiae worn, small Xamlly. city or country. T 8'4, Oregonian. LAi'bKit.M. t.u cook wanta position in family. 1334 First St., Chinese Mission ALLKOUND food baker, stcavjy and sober, WANTED Steady V. G.. Bl North place 10 cut wood. 2d st. YOUNG Japanese wants house work or take rare yara. ti 3J. oregonlan. BrTTJATlONS WANTED FEMALE Bookkeeper and Stenographer. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, does the beat of work, capable of filling responsible po sition in a most satisfactory manner: best of references, wants a position. Phone wain 4 11. EXPERIENCED stenographer dealrea ner manent position; real estate preferred; rererences. fnone fcast 4tw. COMPETENT young lady stenographer, our yeara - experience; beat references. AT of. Oregonlan. D rew m a k or. WANTED All kinds of sewing, reasonable. 1 3. oregonian. NEAT young woman, girl fi, desires house keeping; nursery governess. Mam L'03U. DKES6M AKER. flrst-clasa. day. East 2441. want sewing by TO right party, a wet nurse, aged 22. with baby 9 months, both in best of health R 84 S. Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nurse. 30, desires care Invalid or sick. Main .'o;jw. a 4770. Housekeeper. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires management of first-clas rooming-nouse or widowers family; am property owner. AT 307, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady, unincumbered, would like position as housekeeper In widower's family or in small rooming-house. T S40, Oregonlan. CAPABLE young woman, with boy 4. wishes position housekeeper ; good cook and housekeeper. V 34. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper: would go to Idaho, Montana or Nevada; refer ences. X 34.y Orcgonlnn. GIRL wants general housework. J 24 East 27th at., near Flanders. Domestic. WANTED By middle-aged woman: is an excellent housekeeper and good plain cook; situation in small family. AH 3t0, Ore gonlan. GERMAN glil would Hke position doing housework; small wages bat must be light GIRL wants second work or general house work. Phone A ftnl. NEAT young lady wishes general houae work. Wood lawn 24M. Ml seel la WANTED Immediately, a place In a refined christian hom for a bright, capable girl 14 years of age. where she can earn small wages and attend school In Fall. Municipal Department of Public Safety, Young Women. Y. W. C. A. bldg. YOUNG lady wants position answering tele phone; making out bills, or similar work; 9 week to atari If there la chance for advancing. Main WANTED Position by first-class demon strator; good experience, A-l reference. Applv T JUtf. Oregonlan. GIKL worka by Jinur Thuradaya. good work. Address 14d K.awt Water st. Work for same party every week. erTTJATION8 WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous- YOUNG woman wants situation, helper with light housework; will do all the sewing, any kind. V 349. Oregonlan. LADY having l-isure time would like to assist with care of children or family sewing by day or hour. X 347, Oregonlan. WANTED By reliable lady. position as cashier, moving picture show or restau rant. W 8."t. Orctfonlan. EXPERIENCED colored girl, chamber work In rooming-honse or janitor work. 935 or 94Q month. East 5R64. REFi S'ED young lady wishes light house work and to be as one of family. T o4 Oregonlan. LADY dvslrcs housework or any kind of work bv the da v. Mrs. Smith. Phone Main ln32 or A I0.I0, WINDOW washing and house cleaning done by experienced colored man; work guar anteed. C30S5. . EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work. Call up A 44S2. VERY capable German girl deslrea family cooking. 140. Main A 4775. ( WOMAN, good worker, nesday and Thursday. wishes work Wed Woodlawn 1391. WANTED Clerical office work school girl. T S4f, Oregonlan. by high WOMAN wanta washing or house cleaning by the day or hour. Main 7172. WOMAN wishes work by the day or half day. Pell wood 140. DAY work wanted, good laundress. 2tif2. after 8 A. M. Main DAY work wanted. Marsuall 131f. WANTED AGENTS. SALES solicitor in every community, by million-dollar British corporation, owning se lect residential district one mile and third from poatoffire. In most prosperous Western Canada city, to sell lots on easy payments; guarantee of money fully re funded if unable to complete purchaae. "Reliable salesman of ability offered sub stantial proposition, inviting closest inves tigation; give experience, references first letter. Canadian City & Town Properties, Ltd., 504 Stobart Block, innipeg. WE WANT a wide-awaks man to help us organise colonization proposition, among either Swiff", Germans or Swedish pe.opl. Must be familiar with organization work and apeak one of the above languages. Don't call unless you can show a clean past record. See Mr. Morgan, 332 Cham ber of Commerce. RELIABLE salesman can make big money aeltins; our well-known line of hardy non irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc. : out fit furniohed; cash weekly. Address Ore- gon Nureery Company. Orenco. Or. SALESMEN wanted to handle high-class. well -established investment proposition : big returns guaranteed. Main 823 from 0 to 12 o'clock today. WANTED TO RENT. House. NOTICE. If yon hav a house, flat or store for rent, don't let tt stand Idle; we can find you a desirable tenant and do it quietc. Our system gets res nits. Try It and see. Last week we found 14 tenants for our clients. We can- fine one for you. RENT DEPARTMENT, CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 6. 7 or 8-room furnished home; close in, on the West Side; must be walking distance; state price and loca tlon. B 222. Oregonian. WANTED to rent A 5 or 6-room house on East Side; muat have gas. Phono Tabor 1H24. TO LEA?E 10-room house, close in. by professional man, suitable for office; best references. ah 84H, oregonian. WANTED Five to seven-room modern fur nished house within 20 mlnutea of city; reference. A H .7. Oregonian. WANTED To rent Sept. 1 corner house, on East Sia between 10 and 3 P. M. modern 8-room . Call East 2o TWO or three unfurnished rooms, cJofe in, on West Side or Eat Side; must be de sirable, phone E. ii02. WA NTED .1 unfurnished rooms in good neighborhood: two in family, no children West Side. W 848. Oregonian. Koome and Board. A YOUNG man wanta board and room in private family. Eaat Side. AH 362, Ore gonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE GARLAND HOTEL THE GARLAND HOTEL. THE GARLAND HOTEL. Corner Washington and lUh St. Trinity Place. ?'o. 25, New three-story brick building. All outside room a Fine quarter-oak furniture. Aimlnster and Wilton carpet. Telephone In every room. Hot and cold water In each. Large closets. Large room, well lighted. Gaa and electricity. Strictly modern. Tery reasonable rates. Rooms by day, week, month. Walking distance. New 1 New! New I Fine, large, cool rooms at price unap proachable In this vicinity. WOW OPBVI NOW OPENl NOW OPEN1 Those three benutlfully furnished hofalA HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M1NOOK PARSONS ROWLAND tlSH 4th t ftUVfc 4th st. 907 H 4th st. On Fourth at., running from Taylor ta Palm on at. Brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam beat, private bath, hot and cold water m all rooms; strictly cp-to -dat ta all respects, and at popular price. If you want eome thing out of tha ordinary In the heart of the city at reta onable prlcea. give us a call, a w know 700 will Ilk It. Room by the day. week or month. TouHat trad solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. ItcsldentlaL 850 Taylor. Transient. Bot. 7th and Park at. Otmoalt Helllg Theater. Central, quiet, rooms with private bath, etc., from 91 dally; suites or single rooms at low rates; weekly or monthly terms; new. handsomely furnished brick, elevator, tele phones, bot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor, or W" car to 7tb; from Hoyt-treet Depot. o car. transfer on Morrison to Tta Phone Marshall 20O. . HOTEL RAINIER. One block from Union Depot: 140 emt Ide rooms, with hot snd cold water, Terr thing brand new; apeclal ratea by the week r month; give us a trial. Transient rate fcOC to 12 par day; ekiy rate 93.60 tin. HOTEL 6 AVON. . , JS1 Eleventh at. New. modern brick building, etem-hat ed. private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, comfort abl. Rente very reasonable- Call and a ua. Regular and tranalent trad aoiicitad. BCfiHMARK HOTEL, 17th and Washington Newly furnished rooms, slngl or aa suite; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water and phn In all room! rata reasonable; transients solicited. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington. No extra charge for two in a room: rooms 91. with private bath, 9L50; 95 week; new management. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105i Twelfth Street. Now modern brick building; all con veniences; electric lights, steam heat, Thone in every room. 91 per day and up. THE REGENT wiM eeventh St.; beauti ful rooms, rigni. uun vown; iaeai loca tion for parties staying in town for busi ness or pleasure ; rates very reasonable, by day or week. 915 month up. UOIBL RIKWICa An Ideal horn. n business p.opi.. located; J gant rooms, all modern convenience.; Tt and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, etposlt, Helllg Theater. Mala 1A 'EETR HOTEL, cor. East 3d and Bumslde ,1,. Modern In every respect. Special rates by week or month for permanent guests; rooms single or en suite, $3 par week snd UP- Transient solicited. HOTEL BAKER. 20.1t. Rth St., opposite City Hall, nic.tr ........... ... al, modem conveniences, permanent and transient trade solicited. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sln- . . i -, tl week flv. ... ...... . .. ... , .uw -- . - u it. waiK to theaters snd stores, free phone. Ua del) Hotel. 828 4th. THE TEMPLE. 34J4 Vamhill St.. opposite Hotel Portland, furnished rooms, $;.jo a Sli'E front rooms, eiecrria light, running water, tree pnune. ami nam. outer, 1st and ClaVj - NICE front rooms, riecinc lights, running water, pnon... nam, r'.jj i nion ave. FRONT room. suitable for two, cor. Market. reasonable. KORP.IS HOTEL -Rooms, strictly modern. FOB KENT. Furnished Booms. ANTLERS HOTEL. . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Completely renovated; everything first class; rooms, with bath. 91-50 and up; 927 per month with private baths; special low Summer rates by week or month, 10th and Washington. EUCLID HOTEL 673 Washington at., cor, of 16th: new, modern, elegantly furnished, rooms single and en suite with bath, hot and cold water every room, phones; rea sonable rates by week or month. Apply to manager. THE LA RR A B BE, -'27 l Larra-bee St.; mod ern, cool, airy rooms, transient 50c and up: special rates, waek or month. E. 849. THE HAZEL Nicely furnish ad room at moderate prlcea Cor. 3d and Montgomery. HOTEL Alexander. 13! a 10th, cor. Alder, furnished rooms. $2.50 w k. up; convenient. Famished Rooms In Private Family. A CLEAN, well furnished, warm and cozy steam-heated room in private family; no other roomers; suitable lor two gentlemen; 91. for one, 9-0 for two; will guarantee this to suit. Call at the yCarmelita apart ments, 13 in and Jefferson, ask Janitor to s h ow No. 504. WEST SIDE Exceptionally nice corner room, with fireplace and side room, single or ensuitc; quiet, refined home: all con veniences; reasonable. Phone Main 9002. 721 Kearney st.. 23d-st. car. LARGE, well-f urnishesd room for gentle men; also one for lady; bath, electric lights, telephone, fine location. 700 Flan ders. VERY attractive front room for gentlemen; private home; all . conveniences, both phones. Main 4223, A 27U3. Call 210 X. 23d st.. near Kearney. ATTRACTIVE HOME. 530 Hoyt at., beautiful, large, clean, light, cheerful, well-furnished rooms, rea sonable rent. WELL-FURNISH ED room, "W" car. modern Improvements. 668 Kearney bell. all 3d 2-.0 PER WEEK, single rooms. 93 and 93.30. double beds, suitable for two. 2i4 11th at. KOOM for rent suitable for two gentlemen, with use of bath and phone; also board If desired. Phone A 7758. ELEGANTLY furnished room, no other . roomers; walking distance; gentlemeu only; reference. 46d Jefferson st. TWO connecting front rooms, furnished: all modern; beat neighborhood. 710 Johnson st.. flat 2. ROOM for lady in attractive East Side home, use of piano, laundry, etc., 910. S 331. Oregonian. COMFORTABLE room, close In, family privileges. East 4246. rivileges. bath, home cooking; 9o week. FURNISHED room. 98 month; bath. 446 E. Everett bet. 7th and 6th. Phone East 8306. FOR RENT One furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking dis tance. Inquire 93 E. 3 2th st. N. DON'T waste time anj patience, but call b.-9 Everett St.; you may find Just what you want; all conveniences. SINGLE room $2.60 per week, bath, etc.; also rooms for two. 9: large yard and porch; central. 181 Eleventh st. NICELY furnished rooms. Inquire Stark st.. Bet. 10th and 11th. WELL-FURNISHED room. Main 4791. 405 West Park. 665 H GLISAN ST. Nicely furnished rooms; bath, phone, electric light, steam heat. FOR nicely furnished steam-heated rooms, close In. West Side, phone Main 693. FURNISH ED rooms. $2 up. Phone; bath; five minutes walk post office. 2t?fl 12th. PLEASANT front room, suitable for, gentle man ; low rent. 4n2 5th. A 6449. CLEAN, airy rooms, electricity, bath, phone, furnace; gentlemen. 451 loth at. - LARGE front room, alcove, modern, suit able two or three gentlemen. 4M 10th. st. WANTED Refined young mate. S 346, Oregonlan. lady as room- 2 FINE furnished housekeeping room with balcony. 195 East 14th St.. corner Taylor. NICELY furnished front room, suitaole f r C men. ?H per week. 206 Hall t. Booms and Board. DOES home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car. 4 biocka from P. O. American plan. LA41BERSON, 5o4 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, well -furnished rooms; single and double; Aralking distance; table board also.- Main M23. A 30 1. REST VILLA Large, airy rooms, fine grounds, best board in the city; one block from Washington st. 49 North 17th St. PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year) rooma with board, ua of ss wing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath. supL THE MANITOU- 261 13th, new manage ment; thoroughly renovated; inviting rooms; choice board. Main 1184. CHOICE board and large room, facing tbe pa rk ; very reasonable. S74 Prfc. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison St.. rooms en suite or single; modern conveniences. Kooin With) Koard lo private ramily. NEWLY furnished attractive rooms with board, suitable for two gentlemen, sepa rate beds; fine location; eaay walking dis tance; everything modern. A 3732. 547 ht flth st. NICELY furnished room. ad.1oina bath, suit able for two young men. good board, rea sonable, walking distance; Nob Hill dia trlct. 714 Davis St. Main 7670. PLEASANT front room for one or two people- nico location, walking distance, home cooking. Main 32 SO. LARGE front room, also a small room with sleeping porcn. 010 Morrison su rnone a. 3S28. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two. good board, reasons Die, waiKing distance. Nob Hill district. 766 GHsan su ROOM for rent after September 1, suitable for two or three men, with board and use of bath and phone. N 343. Oregonlan, NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board; moaern improvement.; lurnaca, heat and bath. 407 Montgomery st. MIDDLE-AGED lady can have a home in the suburbs for her company. Inquire at S38 Frederick street. Take Sell wood car. FURNISHED rooms, with board, price rea sonable. oa uaK. 5 ztsiv. FIRST-CLASS room, with board, for two; private family. 93 litn st. .n. Mam zzv. 95 PER WEEK Front room. all modern conveniences. as mnii. FINE room with board for two gentlemen. In modern home, bast ssyi. FIRST-CLASS rooma and board. 6W9 Ever ett st. LARGE room and board. 2 gentlemen. week. Phone, oatn. o-it COHY rooms, congenial home, piano, board. refined neignpornooa. toi jiaieimu. WELL-FURNISHED room with bct board; larc porcn ana grounan. mam .vi AiWtnients. i MA.HR APa RT MB NTS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished; comforts of home; prlvat. phon. and baths elevators, prlvat. playground for children: Ideal location. 28 N. SOth st Marshall 2028- ORDERLEICH apar'mints, cor. Grand ave. nrf East Stark St.; new. fireproof brick building, beaut.fu.ly furnished, two and three-room apai uni.its. private bath, free iihon kot and cold water Ice box. uo carfare Summer ratea Phone East 30U. HANTHOR.V APARTaBSIS, 231 12tn St.. near . . . - - ...-.... balcony- large rooms, every modern con venience with two sleeping compartments, $o5 and $37.50; 4 rooms for 840. K.EELER APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and Clay sts.. solid brick, nlendid location, electric elevator. We have a few large 3 and 4-room suites. un f urn lehed. 3 to w per month. TtvroLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts. compicie.i ...... - i . for housekeeping, new and modern, house lust opened; walking distance; no chil dren: to 30. Phone Main 1377. utTTlF.T.n APARTMENTS. ?h and Jet ,rln sts. 'A 8-room apt. with bath. unfurnished; all outside rooms: every con venience: modern and only S mln. walk from P O. Very reasonable rent. 2 ROOM apartments, new, unft private bath. gas. electricity, ph unfurnished. one and other conveniences, cio. io ?s minutes' walk to postoffice. ??,. or rail E. 527JV car line, 89 East THE "CECELIA." Comer 22d and Gllsan; furnished tinfurnlslied apartments. porches Hl.ones. Marshall 1M4, A 2736. tnd tnd MORTON APARTMENTS. King and Washington Sts. vieeantly furnished 3-room apartments. every ctt".'.. THE H AK A u ,ir . J i"s- ta the city. 21st and Flanders. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, rur "ishtd. 191 14th st. Main 8444. LEONCE Modern apts. ; Nob Hill district; nvenlent to 2 carilnes. ISO l-2dst. N. THE-VVALON Furnished apartments Roas an(j Clackamas sis. Phone East 8172. BX. CLAIR. 715 Wayne at. modern -room apartments, two porches. Phone Main 4ja TXtXMONT. 304 College Strictly models and 4-room apts. Main liosu. Reasonable. KEWCA6T1.E. 43t4 8d St.: housekeeping looms; steam beat, gas, bath, phone. FOB RENT. Apartments. A COOL. COMFORTABLE SUMMER HOM9 IN THE FASHIONABLE WEST SIDE NEIGHBORHOOD. High - Class Furnished Apartments at Summer Rates Very Reasonable. - THE NOB HILL. and Marshall sts, Superior Street car Service. Elegantly furnished 2. 8 snd 4-roora apartments; in most beautiful surround ings; new fireproof atructure. with all modern improvements; strictly up to date; best of service, and will cost you less than inferior service in other parts of the city. A superb city home for Summer resi dents or transient visitor to the city investigate the merits of the "Nob Hill" before you locate. . A hiKh -class apartment-house offered at reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 1012: THE BUENA VISTA. The elegant new brick at the comer of 12th and Harrison streets. Just being com pleted and SO per cent already rented. The -reason, an absolutely high-class apart-mont-house, managed by the owners and the bst service guaranteed, at extremely reasonable rates. Some of the choicest three-room apartments with every mod ern convenience, furnished and unfur nished, are still for rent to desirable par ties with reference. Telephone Main 1052. VERT desirable 2 and 3-room apartments, close in. walking distance, new house, ele gantly furnished. Th Orlando. 20th and Washington. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts., complete Sept. 1: finest, brightest and best arranged apartment residence In the city; 8, 4 and 6-room ; all outside, day- lipht rooms; convenient to cars, walking d istance. private telephones in every apartment, steam heat, water, gas ranges, refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum cleaners, etc. American Realty Company, 724-71:6 Board of Trade ldg. Main 3833, A 2676. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. 70S Everett. LOW SUMMER RATES. Two, three and four-room apartments, completely furnished for housekeeping; everything new and strictly modern; steam heat, first-class service; also few single rooms. A 7105, Main 6?S5. THE NEW CHETOPA ANNEX. 1STH ST., NEAR FLANDERS. New 4-story concrete building, 2, S s.nd 4-room apartments, furnished and unfur nished: new furniture, modern. Apply to the Chetopa. 18th and Flanders sts. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. 4 blocks south from Morrison street; new brick building, completely first-class, fur nished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception halL steam heat, hot water, elevator free phone, com pressed air carpet cleaning, Janitor serv ice; rent per month $26, $30 and up. Must be seen to be appreciated. THE ROSEN FELD. Corner E. 14th and Stark New, apartments of four rooms and bstti, beautifully furnished: why pay $60 and 965 a month on the West Side when you can get these near-in modern apartments for 940 and $45 a month? To be convinced call personally or phone East 3703. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st. Kew and elegantly furnished apart ments. 8 rooms, reception hall and sleep lnar porch; automatic electric elevator and private pacific telephone; located In on. of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dls- tance. PENINSULA APARTMENTS One of Port land's finest apartment-houses: 4-minute car serv'ce; beautiful part city to live, 1135 , Alblna ave, cor. Kllllngsworth. Take Mississippi, L or Kenton car at 3d and Wash. sts.. 15 min. ride: 1, 8 and 4 rooms, completely furnished. $17.50 to $30 mo.; also unfurnished apt. Woodlawn 2259. L.UCRETIA COURT UNFURNISHED. 2 TO 6 ROOMS. LUCRETIA PT.. NElAR 23D AND WASHINGTON. A class bv themselves; front lawn, fountain, lobby. See them. New prop. References required. Phone Marshall 1529. Prop, and Mgr. Janitor. Marshall 1500. VACANT SEPTEMBER 1 Beautiful IS-roo-n unfurnished apartment with bath and all modern improvements. Including telephone, gas range, refrigerator, electric light, gas. steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor services, etc. Phones Main 4376. A 1133. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, betw. 19th and 20th sts.; Just fin ished; most magnificent apartments on the Pacific Coast; rentals reasonable; sleeping porches; private hallways and every modern convenience; references re quired. Phone Marshall 502. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts. First-class 2 and 8 room furnished and unfurnished apart ments; all modern conveniences, best lo cation in the city, fronting the parks, and only 5 minutes' walk from the business center. Apply to manager. PARK? APARTMENTS, ParK and Harcisoa ,ta,. beautiful 8 and 4-room apartments furnished for bo vsekeeptng ; .verythioK new an 'J modern; elevator, telephone In. 845 to $60. EXCLUSIVE apartments; 6 large rooms an 4 bath; privata entrance; large front and back private porches; maid's room In base ment: beat, hot water, vacuum cleanlnc system: ranges, refrigerators. 791 North rup. Phone Main 8358. THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington, cor. 21M st.; 2, 8 "snd 4-room apts., furnished or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and modern; private bath, telephone; rates reasonable; best service. Phone Main 7130. THE WASHINGTON. 6S0 Northrup at.. S room unfurnished apartment, vacant, Sep tember 1. Take the "W" car to 21st and Northrup. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St.. new 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, walking distance; Janitor serv ice. Phone Main 4299. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair; 2 nicely furnished 8-room apartments and one unfurnished 3-room apartment; free phone in each apartment. k ROOM apartment. $35; desirable and con Veiiient. See Janitor. The Kearney, 21,t and Kearney, or Morgan. Pliedner 4s Boyce. aw m". KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. JTord st, near Washington; elegant nevr tmiiaing. com plete and modern; two sleeping compart 'nta and private balconies. $m and $40. PARKHURST APARTMENTS. 8 and 4-room suites, elegantly furnished. 260 20th su North. Phone Main 403S; or Main in- THE WESTFAU. sm Bth Furnishea and unfurnished. strictly modern apartment; walking dis ..nci: prices reasonable; no children. ' THE "LILLIAN." ' Cor. 6th and Montgomery. All outside 2 and 8-room suites, from 1S to $45. Marshall 1378. THE Beryl Large rooms, large closets. eooj and airy for Summer; some fur nished apartments. 21st aad Lovejoy, ' take W car. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup sts.. 6 room apartment; front veranda and sleep ing porch, water, heat, prlvat. phone. THE KOSENFELD. E. 14th and Stark; new brick. Just opened, unfurnished.' 4 rooms, bath, phone, heat free. $::n to $38.00. NEVV a-room suite, modern conveniences, well furnished, fine for two or 3 business women. 700 Flanders. ROSE-FRIEND, S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer son Modern 4 and 3-room unfurnished apartments; steam heat and water. ONEONTA, 187 l.tn 2 and 3-room suites; hot and cold water in every apartment' reasonable. Phone Main 4697. THE DAYTON Fine location, large 8-roora apartment, porches, every convenience moderate rent. UPS Flanders. CAM AR APARTMENT. 704 LoveJoy. elecantly furnished, 8-room apt. Marshall zuin. BRA1NTREE Elegant five-room apart ment. West blfle; walking dlstanc; rent reasonable. Main i 41. . i-b SUNLIGHT apartment, furnished ele gant, 3 rooms. 1-'9j Belmont, a 3041 Tabor-'293. BOZANTA APARTMENTS newly furnished strictly modern, private halls, phones etc lSflt North 23d st. Marshall -821. HOUSM AN Apartments, 730 HoytNew modern 2. S 4-room apts.. sleeping porchea private phones, baths, electric cookers. THE King Davis, corner King aad sts.; one 8 and on. 4-room apt.