aext. I "- 1 roH ZZ 1- rorr. , HEILIG T HEATER ,7th and Taylor PHONE MAIN and A 1151 iTuMOHX 1 AiAl BAP.OAIV fl-i.CE BAKHT L. rc'BT pr.SE.VT MAX FIGMAN Supported by Lout Rohertaen la th Cm'1i-Drm MRT AE' FA. ,! 1 ower Floor. 7.--C. .W "''""' ave. .v Week beginning jmridar "Th gfarvese of Kttfjr." f- . e iwmTT". IT DAT w-tAcsrv wwy M1SHTX V THEATER 1S-2W0.7S wrw Arti. ii -rhjTi Days." Hwwnot l Wild $sa4 Mo l Uoyd .lav Robert: Kleia Brother and bybli BrewDaa; The Tbw Maalc F1"e; Mar M. Barnes, Reining Co. Trio Da tiro! W6n t oorte Tnwip. VTTTK ArG ?1 ArMni : Hler a"d MJTI Ward aad rnllrn; Joe Took: """ . , iv. ftmi net 1 .v. sea it Am(vf1t& WTTK Aro. King. Sinclair. U'1"'"" C . To. 1 nloa Lah-I;" Haa and iToel k -ffl taller Prrrlr.1 A C. $d ''""'jj Mar T.;lr: l.amltre-ro .lrna: atage trope: Popular price., Mallae dally; tuf tsin IrAO. and . OAKb PARK tmwnvaK far ". Acre f hapaj AiUnlM I Art rhildrea nndrr IS if I nii drea undrr Ms fr-e. tar fare '" j Mix Tiav Broad w I. a. age IS. """.",",; triple pararnal drop.. " and mrrty afteraomis al 4:ii; olsht aereQ.l..n. and r.rarttnla drop. Snnday. Tarl. bandar and ihHutIm br Breadwlcl. lam llT. Meimpolllaa Opera Quartet: PrU and Oaks rrh llaad. r :ree rara from lid aad Alder raea leete.1 Uu achate a Mwrtwi bridge. . BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Car. Vaagka aad Twealy-foarth ita. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND A as. 22. S3. 54. - 26. IT. Gaaaaa Brill W rakdara at SdM P. M. aadara 2tSO P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY Bor Vudtr 11 Frea to Bleacbara Wadnaiday. OREGON HUTiIANE SOCIEH 1IIC CITY HAUL. Mala Ma. A IMA CaiSS OmCM, mm Craaa, Roaldaaca. J E. 54i K. Kaat TTa. m X- Vaaadra. Raa. waa t. Haraa AmDu.aaca. A aioi: Pr. iiBta rnrtv aad Mo.idara a ais f Ba. i Traaa T. EW TOrAT. GILMAN Auction Sc. Commiuion Co Inc. Special Auction Sale it TfJidnc. W arainstfyrted by a lady to sell by public auctioo (with out resrrve). at the rffidpncp. No. 7G8 Marshall rtrect, between 23d and 24th, on tomorrow ( Vedned.iy), An jnct 23d. at 10 A. M. Ajtminster and B. B. carpet in parlors, dining-room, ftedroom and stairways; parlor rock r, chairs and picture, clock, deks, irefers and commodes, curled hair anattr", baddinz. ornament, crock ery, etc.. stand.-, gas ranfro. gas water water, linoleum, etc. Sale tomorrow (Wednesday), 10 A. M, at residence, TPS Marshall street. GILMAN AUCTION fc COMMIS SION CO., INC. BARGAIN ON Mt. Hood Line 15 acre, all in cultivation, fronting on macadamized road, a few blocks north of Mount Hood Railway sta tion, 4 mile rat of the city limits; price $375 per acre, $100 per acre lesa than aarroundinar values. Can you beat this a apeculation T (M) Chapin & Herlow 532-338 Chamber of Commerce. Merrbra of Portland Realty Board, Irvington Snap j r 1 1 . t' " . 1 1 1 . i u. -1 in n i i -. i far he-lrrns. rwo steeplnsr-porches. I den. hreakft-rom and attic, full I basement: lot on F Twenty- I Braise. Hard lurfaf In and puld. Wortn 7;j'': for few days I :; 300- cash, balance easy. Owner needs money. t-a It today: make an otter. GR1'"I A T Allow, Sir Board of Trade Bld 4th aad Oak. MONEY TO LOAN . nT T MORTfiACES, PAR MORTGAGE. LOWEST NATkiS. TtH-HI TO ST; IT. A. II. BIRRELL CO SOS St-PtAT BT1LDIXQ, Third aad Stark. HOLGATE Addltloa la Clowe la COt-LIS. BCKRIpal A THOMPSO.M. PLKLIC ArtulMAMi AliUITORS. ComatarcuO. County esd Maalelpal Aadit.oa. lanatlftusf aad SrateiaattalaA. tu Worcester Ma. Pboae Msia 4441. RACE". Sept- S. beet coooeselon f-' w.. en sale at a bargsln If tsksn si oore. f a;l at Cnnntrr Ciua Peetaurant or phone Taber 2TiJ. Rose City Car. IL1B 1 I About 6i Acres . Has 850 feet frontage on O.-VT. R. & N. tracks. A 24-inch . water main in front. Good location for shops, bunkers, a wood or lumber yard. If you want close-in acreage, with trackage, as an investment, this will bear your closest in vestigation. I will give terms, or sell a part. AK 223, Oregonian. JT.T ?,V -.TV -V"'. " LT'lar'T-N For Sale This 9-room Colonial houe, with two sleeping porches, on lot 76x37, on Burrell Heiphts. 2oth and Stephens streets. House is just completed and contains every modern convenience, and site is choice of this district. Will consider as part payment mod em 8-room houe at not over $7000. Thone owner for key. Marshall 4oo. Residence, B 1612. A. Home in Ladd's Addition For $6000 And on (trim, of will takt clor-ln acreaf. or vacant lot aa flrt Faymant and balance Jnt like rant, f you are looking for aomethlnf sood. aa til before buylnic. ... THK GOWAS-MORB CO, BIS C bamber af ( amacrrr Rulldlac phone Main 14 r A 4S9S. 5 Acre Snap H mile from Bth and Wash ington, on line of propoieit tun nel, under Council Cre?t; fine tract: deep, rich all: -lll itrow anvtliina: price, 1400 par acra. trhlch l IIKO per acre cheaper than adjoining- land; 50 per rent rnh; balance easy. SEE I S AT CE ABOVT TII1S. Trowbridge & Stephans 702 Board af Trade. MORTGAGE LOANS CCf JOHN- E. CROHAN, 7 J JQ aoa Spaldlac Bld-. 0 JU LOT OWNERS. We pay raoh for equi ties In vacant lot. Dealer Dealer Rry. r, 40 I'htrabrr Com. Main 64. SEAL g STATS PEALtBa. Bra. William O.. Ill Paiilna bide BKL-BAKEH A BENEUIC. M afcXaf b.dc U. S4. Chapin Rrrlov. Ill Chamber Cammarea. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. oS Corbett bid' J.onlrc A Co. itna 504 Orronlaa. PALMR-JONf:S CCk. U- P, SIS Coaatr rlai Club bids. Tke Onion Rrl Zi'ilt C-. Orand are aad Multnomali .t. (Holladar Addition). REAL ESTATE. Far rale -Lata. W I UP WOOD. Xa you know about it T SO mlnut.a from the heart of Portland; only 121 J per lot. This won t last long. c.i la on a ood thinr. Westrrn cecuritl Co., citnrv 414 ?r'dine bldr " WEST STARK AND S2D 8TS. Lots S-V). easr terms; bast ' bur la the cur: new canine building: se us St eac. KKP1RE Bt.AL.TV A TRUST CO. 40J Ton b.d. Vsrshall S4. YOU GO TO IRVI.VOtVOOD If yon wsnl a Bne ras'ricted lot at iTM. rvn t wait, bxit ao todsv. Take Broad- sy car. eel off at Klickitat au. and aaia est!. Atent on ths ground. I'.ii-r0 choice, sightly tract of ground, cov ered with Ane bearing fruit tress, on a good caritns; must be sold at ones: no reasonsble offer refused. The Western 8s- euntiea Co.. 414 Ppsldtne bide. FA . TORT site tn sell or leats at Whit wood Court, United R. R., frc fare; good traoaportstlon ; terms; alro one burtneaa lot at station. R. H. Blandlng. Whit wood Court. 4 ilCTS a hue. sightly lot In ths Irv tngton district. There Is nothing for this "sure left eacrpi this property. Beautlfu. toewood end fir trees, call 414 Spalding h'ng. 1T. TABOR. ViltO. adjoining City Park, two blocks from car. view aue. overlook ing cit? . some hesutlful trees; Sl?oO, part rash. S-4 Chamber of Commercs. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS . Choirs lots in Willamette Addition, rea sonable and on tsrms to suit, bee owaer. Get. W Tsbler. 4S ,v. S:h st. ,ioo. lOOxtoo. South Vi. Tabor, three Mocks frm ill. Tabor Park; terma. Phene 0 I7. XRVlN3TOV district lots; prleas right: 1 gftilse Inside; 1 double corner 1 1 blocks from Bfsdwsy car; ready for building. Owner. AE 4t. Oregonian. IBVINOWOOD. Take Rroadesy rsr. get off st Klickitat and walk to ths rrrice toward the easu If you hsen't s home, be sure to go. TWO fine corner lots, ion i esch. close In. K.ast Stile, on very easy terma Ask us about them. HI.OCH REALTT CO.. joa Alflr St. fvtr On Fat Side, lota I and C, h'o a 1. Meadow Vark Add. earh J.liloo. oo eerh. t'gnr P. O- Pos s". Satte. THREE choice lots at Bayoeean Park for one-thlnl presaat yalue. H S4S. Oragoa- THE MORNiyG OREGOXIAy, TUESDAY. AUGUST 22. 1911. - j' T r, FSTATE. ' I FOR SALE TIMBER IANDS. ! Ta o-v-r An rinv Is where a lot "of "the brslnlest men of the eonntry are predicting a city of 2i ooo In five yenrs: IliO.O'iO.uuO sint In building two railways there; lhat s the reason w" hive sold ST of those 00il40-toot lots within four blocks of the depot, the last week. Prices while they last avsrage gaou. Terira $10 per month. THE CO., INC.. 801 Buehenan bidg., a- W sh. st. ROoE CITT PARK SNAPS. . . . . . a. KAwlori. r ine level ll.iV on Cm ,nn between otsntoa and the Alsmeds: price for a fl'Uck sale only sr.0; so cash nsn dlea bai. to suit: also. S elegant lots no ft. norh from corner or tne Aism-i., i-. East Smh St.. facing estrt. being 100ll"O; price only lo: J00 cssh hsndles. bau t a .,,1. For further narticulars. call on C. P. Pfluger A Co.. realty dept.. suite 12. Muikey blag.. .1 ana worrisora. 22D ANr KVERRTT STS. 12S0 LOTS. Near Sandy road, a few mighty fins building lots, on East S2d ar.d Everett, for tl-0: this Is walking distance from busi ne,s sertlon and a big snsp; also a few builnsss vornsis oa -Jd and 8sndy that will jump In value soon. Take Rore City ear to -JJd era Sandy. Agent on ground. Portland-Pacific Investment Co.. 418 Rail way Exchange. WE CAN SELL. Houses, business property and lots if priced right; have Inquiries now for all of above. Write, phona or call and see us. GOWEN-1DB TRUST CO.. Room 2 Lumbermsna Bidg., 6th and Stark. . WEST SIDE. LOTS 1100. Right en oarllne on upper Waahlngtoa St.. West Sth and Tsmhlll gt, beyond City Park; essy psyments. NATIONAL REALTT A TRUST CO. T2S Chamber of Commerce bidg. Vain 5120. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. West of SOth St.; SOxlOO, with street graded and cement sidewalks In and all IS Id; served with SEWER. WATER. OAo. ONLY 1750. Terms. STS cssh, flS per month. In terest S per cent. W. H. ROi-S. SIS Spalding Bldg: LOTS. SOxluO. 7J to $250; easy terms; 1 to 4 blocks from electric car statloa; mall, telephone, close In. West Side property; test for home or Investment; big Increase In values for you; buy now. J. W. Haf ferlln Really Co. 1 Corbett bids- Both phones. 410 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fins view lot. matured fruit tree re stricted district, near ear, cement walks, null Run water, fruit carsd for free of charge. tOl Board of Trade bidg. Mar shall 413. A H'lU. ' IIOxli; WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Two fins view lots on Savirr street, near d. must be sold: 44!On; 600 cash, bslance S esre at 4 per cent. GIll ESI A ZADOW. 117 Board of Trade bidg., 4th and Oak. For Sale -Ho us BEAUTIFUL BROAD WAT HOME. lilt cash, balance month. Includ ing Interest. Six ( room; corner; splendid fixtures In every room; shades, furnace, flreplece built In bookcases and buRet: attic, sleep ing porch, sewing room and den extra; tinted and finely finished throughout; bathroom fixtures of the finest. THESE TERMS ARE LESS THAN IT CAN BE RENTED FOR. Owaer desires to move to Eestern Ore gon st the earliest possible date. Price Sttnn. M21D3. DETACH A WITWBR. AU6 140 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP, e'JtleO. e3"0 CASH. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Just completed, a swell 5-rootn strictly modem bungalow, full cement basement, full attic, flreplaee. buffet. Dutch kitchen. X fins bedrooms and complete plumbing, connected to sewer, and tinted throughout: a Mi bargain; don't hesitate. Call Tabor 2S2. BWIS3 CHALET. BROOKLYN HKtGHTtS. A fine 7 -room bungalow; hot-water heat, tins fireplace, garage; finest kind of plumbing: lot 4ixM; some fruit treee and email fiuits; built for a home and doubly constructed. Price Includea gas range end linoleum. Only 14700; 11600 cash and :0 per month. On East 9th st. near KarL ORUSSI A 7. A DOW. 317 Board of Trade bidg.. 4th and Oak. S-ROOM BUNOALOW, SaSOO. HARDWOOD FLOORS. Dandy fireplace, swell buffet, fine Dutch kitchen with cooler, etc.. nifty den. built in seat, S beautiful white enamel bed rooms, large hath, laundry tras snd full cement bssemcnt, besutlfully nnished and a fine home In sightly location, paved street; sy terma Call Tabor L'S.'2. lul Pl.'TS you In possession of s large 8 room bungalow style house, 5 rooms com pleted. 3 rooms unfinished. esst front, nsw, 4 blocks from csr on ISth N. Month ly paymsnta to suit pun-hsser. Inquire CHAPIN A HERLOW tH") Members of Portlsnd Reslty Board. ftA-ase Chsmher of Commerce. PRITR JHOO 40 CASH Balsnce $10 per month. 8-room house, lot ftiralttO. east front, 5 Mocks from car; a snap on 17th N., for ssle by 'H APIN A HERIiOW. (H) Member of Portland Realty Board, 33-8e Chamber of Commerce. LEAVING the city: will selk our modern bungslow. completely furnished, for what the house cost; one block to large school; stores of alt kinds: full lot. large porches, double waah trsys: s coxy home: part time. Owner. S-4A 4 Wash. St.. room 8, IN HEART OF ROSE CITT PARK. K'i r lesving Portland, will sell our rSuiUful new. modern 7-room home for taWO if taken thle week: 8!2. will handle: balance easy terma. Thla la below cost. Phone owner. Tabor 1870. IIOO CASH, lis per month. S-room modern bungalow-, on W-W carhne; has bath, hot snd cold wstar. electric lights, double floors, bssement. lot 00x100; nice lawn. F. A. Beard A Co.. Gill Oerllngcr bidg.. id and Aider 83700 8-room house, east front, electricity, water, cement sidewalk. 6 blocks to Jef ferson High. 8 blocks to public school; easy terms. H. N. Bain. 518 Railway Ex charge bidg. WANTED West Side home $8900 to $10,000: no climb: must have toilet and one bedrhsmber on fl ret floor. LeNoIr A Co.. chsmber of Commerce. Main $154. A 7177. FURNISHED 5-roorn modern bungalow. In Hosamere. 1 block from csr: complete In every detail: $4600: terms tltOO cash, bsl ance like rent. Call 87T East 80th St. North. Tsks Rose City csr. CoCNTRT home of T lsrye rooms, good modern house; 2 acres of ground and about 100 bearing fruit trees, price to suit your purse and terma The Western Securities Co. 414 Epsldlng bide. MI fT SELL. EAST TERMS. Beautiful l'x100. lawn, roses, cardan, fruit trees. bnhouee; ft -room plastered, tinted cottage, bath; only fiiiOO. Tele phone Tabor 13P2. GOOD eeven-roora house: bath and electrle lights: slso lt acres of ground: less than t olorks from streetcar at Woodstock: very cheap snd very assy terma,- L. S. Thompson. 228 Third it. a-ROOM bungalow. Oram st. and 85th; Hswthorne csr: $81&o; furniture Included. g'JJO to $so cash. bL $18 monthly. 7 per cent Interest. Ownsr, 214 Commercial Club bidg. MODERN 8-room bungslow and 1 acres of ground on the Oregon Cltr Una This la a bargain and can be bought on terma to suit. The Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bidg. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY Beautiful homes, homesiles and acreage, all locations, views snd prices. Main 85I. BROOKE. A 8A39. 4 -ROOM house, Lsdd Addition; all modem conveniences. Including sleeping-porch. $.2"0 cash; balance easy paymsnta Phone Sellwood 1 1 ft J. $3-00 FOR B-room house, comer. 100x100: fine location; easy terma: 2 blocks to car; j si hi cash will handle. Phone Woodlawn S2J or C 24.t. BUSINESS property for ssle. Ktllingawnrth ave. : stores and flat. Price $00, cash. AT $'. Oregonian FOR SAL.K VO feet wsferfront, 1 -8 cash, balan'-e long time; best waterfront in Portland. R 881. Oregonian. b-KOOM house, modsru. Hawthorne tract. 874 East Taylor: pa-t cash, balance per cent. East 42. B 2242 6-ROCM bungalow furnished. S4th St. south of Hswthorne. g.ll.V): $.100 cash. $15 snd Interest monthly. Needhsm. Sellwood 1352. a-ROOM cottage, full lot. corner, close In. tjM.ii cash. bsl. U par month. 881 E. i;th st. E. i"13. FOR 8 KLF- New modem 8-room bungalow, 2 lots 40x10$, $2:80; owner going away. Tsbor :$ll FOR SALE Large, new. strictly modern home, for sale on essv terms: Ladd's Ad dition. Al 3'.. Oregonian. OR SALE 4-reom house on lot ftOxlOO, tiio- bet. Hawthorne sva and Mt. Ta ta orllr;e1lSJE:MlnJP EW modern 7-room house. Ladd Add.. agoing porch, den. furnace, etc 881 IS. llth St. F- JOrt IS 1RV1N'",TuN For sals. modern rssl dence. For psrtlculaia phone C 334. STVELL bungalow and one acre only $2S50; easy terma Phone owner. East 148L , ....... c . s r. g rooms, new snd modern, aardwooa floor downstairs, finished floors upsta rs. beam oelllnga. Dutch kitchen. sleeping porch, handiome woodwork, full oeroeni basement, furnace. 2 fireplaces, large at tlo. shades and lighting fixtures complete, facea east, on cartlne. lot 60x100 feet, all street Improvements In. price tj50. terms $.oo cssh. bal. on mortgage. Ttils price Is tSOO under the value and Is lor quick sale. , H. P. PAI.MER-JONES CO., 312-918 Commercial Club Bills. Phones Msin 6069. A ViZ3- $14O0 8140 CASH. . $1$ PER MONTH. INCLUDING INT. Fine new 4-room bungalow, street im provements consisting of graded treels, cement sidewalks. Bull Ron watsr, all in aad paid for. Call or phone . (JREOORT INVESTMENT CO. 418 Corbett bidg. Marshall S37, A 2044. ROSE CITT PARK HOME. READ THE DESCRIPTION. 8 rooms. furnsce, fireplace. electrio light fixtures, double t's doors between living-room and dining-room, two stelr wavs, tireless cooker, corner lot, 51x101. This I only a block from the ear and faces east. What more could you desire for a pleasant homer - (1907 HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. .WILL 6 ELL F $3830. WORTH $4240. Beautiful 7-room residence with full ce ment basement, on 60x100 lot, 1 'i blocks from csr line. In one of the good resi dence neighborhoods. Will mske good terms. This houes was built for a home. AK 824. Oregonian. A fine modern t-room bungalow S760 $,50 A INS WORTH AVE. BUNOALOW. A lint modern 6-room bunealow on Atnrwnrth ave. not far from Union ave.; furnace, flreplace. gas. electric: book esses; Dutch kitchen: doubly constructed; corner Int. 40X.12D; price on! $4000. $.0 cash, balance $40 per month. Including Interest. ORUSSI fc ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Plug.. 4th and Oak. WHT NOT TURN A BURDKJC INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WK WILL FURNISH : THE MONET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF W E I5UTLD' OUR REPUTATION YOUR rROTKC. TION. IT WILL PAT YOU TO SEB US- . INO ARCHITECTS. 884 ABINGTQN BLD. KKW 8-room Irvington home, 87oO below the market: large, elegant llvlrg-room. den with lavatory, model dining-room with built-in bufTet, Ideal Dutch kitchen, window seat, reception hall. 4 bedrooma finished attlo. furnace, laundry trays, sleeping-poich. Would consider lot or mortgage as first payment, balance eas terma Phone owner, test 401; Sunday. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPER TY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APART MENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FUR NISHED FREE. IT WILL PAT TOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER, J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, HENRY BLDO. IRVINGTON. Verv swell home on 19th st.. 19-room. 24-atory residence. 2 bathrooms, 5 porches 30 feet by 10 feet: dining porch, sleeping porch with drssilng room; gar age, etc: everything complete and No. 1. For sale hy CHAP1N A HERLOW. (H) Members of Portland Realty Board, S3J-38S Chamber of Commerce. KOBE CITT PARK. t350 CASH. T rooms, built-in buffet, bookcases, solid esh floor, furnace, fireplace. laundry trava mirror door, all Improvementa in and paid: prioe. 83SA0; cash. $350; terma $23 per month. National Realty A Trust Co.. Room 72.1, Chgmher of Commerce bidg. Phone Main 8129. FOR 6 ALE. $000 EASY TERMS. Classy. modern. convenient 7-room house In Laurelhurst; 2 lots. lawn, billiard-room. Isundry. shower bath, flrelese cooker. 2 flreplacea furnace, buffet, ce ment basement, aquarium, etc.; will con sidsr lot first payment. Tabor 1088 or Marshall 3500. McKay bidg. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. A 6-room artistic bungalow with a grand view of ML Hood, t (5 down. $35 a month. TONY O. ANDERSON. 401 Lewis bidg. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room, new bunixalow, hardwood floors, flreplace. all built-in ronvenlencea, 50x100 lot. nice location, beautiful view; you won't par any more rent when you see this: seeing is believing: come and see: $3i0. terms to suit. O. W. M. Real Estate Co.. 510 Oerlinger bidg. Phone Marshall enn. BEST valus In a home ever offered: one block to Rose City Park car, on 82d st. ; four trses on an east-front lot; 8 large room and attic; all built-in effect; small down payment:, balance like rent. If you are particular this will suit you. See owner. J. S. ATKINS. Henry Bidg. KENTON HOME. 8 blocks from bank, 4-room bungalow, $21041. terms 82O0, or t3rt0 cash, balance to suit. This Is a snap for someone. For sale bv CHAPIN A HERLOW. H - Members of Portland Realty Board, 83288 Chamber of Commerce. WALKING DISTANCE. $1300 Modem 6-room houae. two-story house, two years old. close to East Side high and Hawthorne schools, beautiful lawn and flowers, every thing In first-class condition. Owner 87 E. 19th. Phone E. S'I13. A LIFETIME TO PAT. Moving to Mexico: offer modern P-room dwelling, clear, near car, stores, schools, churches; fme comer, ISOxlOO; fruit; small payment, balance 60 years. Main 4222 or A 781 T. DON'T PAT RENT. We have 4. S and 8-room home, all Onodern. In restricted districts, for sale on easy terma Provident Investment A Trutee Company. 20i-2-g Board' of Trade. Marahall 473. A 1032. S-ROOM modern home In good residence district: property is easily worth $44)0. but owner needs money and will still for $3,100. Be convinced by seeing the place. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bidg. ' qEAUTIFL:L modern home, six spacioua rooms, five Isrgs closets. One Iswn, lilac, rosebushes, besrlng fruit trees, cherry, sp ot pear, plum and prune, H block, from csrllne; msgnlflcent visw. J . 840, Ore- gonlan s stical'TtFt-T. HOMES. Irvington. $53o0, $7000. $4750; $500 cash each will handle any one. A very fine niece- lot 75xli0. 12 rooms, elegant home. C East 273. No agent. W. H. Herdmsn. COOU 8-room house, lot 60x100. 104 Eaat 19th at., between Alder and Washington ts - can bs sltered to fiats; line loca tion for apartment-house. Price tOOOO; will consider trsds. OWNER will sell bssutlful Vancouver resi dence; 8 rooms, with all modem Im provements: besutlfully situsted; $10,0o0; can give time on part payment. Poatot flcs Bog 4-48, Vancouvsr. Wash. FOR sale or rent, a furnished house on Kirby and Webster sts.. opposite the Jef ferson High School; 130 per month rent, or will sell on easy terma Inquire Calu ment Hotel. lSOlrksL NEW modern 8-room cottage, close In on East tth St.; lot 60xluu: fruit trees on olsce- $2000: $0 cash, balsnce $20 per month. The Western Securttlea Co.. 414 Spalding Diog. 824"0 BI TS a modern 8-room bungalow, on lot 60x100, In fine resldeuce district, close In Don't overlook this If you need a home. Thw Westsrn (securities Co., 411 Spaloing pius- ROSE CITY PARK. Fine artlstlo bungalow, all butlt-ln con- eenlences. Phone Main 4144. - MODERN 8-roonf house. H acre lend. liv ing water. Just outside cltv limits; best car service: price right, $500 down, easy terma aiff iv..... ....... tjyYO new 6-room modem bungalows, on East Lincoln - street, on very easy terms, or will take lots as first payment. B I .QCH RKAL.TY CO.. 2'l8 Alder St. ON Mt. Si-ott line: new 3 -room house, price $1i.M IIOO down, balance easy terms. By ownf. N 84H Oregonian. FOR SALE A five-room modern cot tage nice yard, barn and garage: :;n(. ST 4 Savler Take S car, get off at SOth. JOIS the Home Builder' Club; $50 down. 815 P'f month secure you a horn. 604 Beck bidg. 7th nd O.k sts. For Sale Biteiness Property. QUARTER BLOCK 21st and Everett: have . tenant who will take 10-years' lease ana guarantee 10 per cent; plans already drawn for building. Big bargain. $32,tou. CASOADK REALTY CO.. ill and 511 Shetland Building. Marshall S1!e) and A 31S8. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN t Will sell my .".I'xlOO lot. with a 4-story building located In the downtown busi ness district, for $iso.oix cash. This is the oheapeat bur ever offered and will net vou within a year F7Suu; must have tne cash. AU 359. Oregonian. 100X100. Thirteenth and Clay, $2S.000. Plans alreadv drawn, half excavation done and have tenant who will pay 10 per cent net. CASCADE REALTY CO.. 510 and oil Swetland Bidg. Marshall 3U'S and A S"38. For Sale Acreage. HERE'S that little fruit farm you ve been wantlrg; 24 acres located near Meldrura etstlon, Oregon City Electrio line; all under cultivation: 106 besrlng fruit trees, apples and peaches, berries, hothouse for mushrooms. etc.; chicken-houses have concrete floors; new house, not quite fin ished; 7 rooms, fireplace, cooling rooms in basement, septic tank, running water and force pump; Oregon grspe hedge, shade tree, view of river; $5500, terma bee Kupper. CHAPIN A HERLOW, Member of Portland Realty Board. 88l!-8"8 Chamber of Commeroe. 5-AC RE tract down the river on Weat Side, only two mile back from Willamette River, the olty 1 growing In this direction very rapidly; good soli, good'weter snd school on tract, a few tract yet at $150 per acre, on monthly pay msnta. See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 8500. WEST STATION. Where thing grow all Summer I 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alfalfa; easy terma You owe It to yourself to find out about Uu HARTMAN A THOMPSON. (Se Mr. Bishop.) Chamber of Commerce Bidg. 4th and Stark. A BEAVERTON SNAP. , 20 cre fronting on F'armlngton County road; 15 under cultivation, balance In pas ture: nice big house and barn and all kind of outbuildings; lamlly orchard in bearing; tlnrt of soil and level; with place goes 2 good hore and harness. 8 wagons, 2 plows. 1 disc, some cow, pig and chickens: price tor a quick sale only $25 per acre; terms; land adjoining la being sold at $400 .up. without Improve menta For particulars call on C F. PAugor A Co., suits 12 Muikey bldgy 2d and Morrison sts. ' CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town; running water, beat soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 aores. $250; 6 sores, $400; 10 acres, $700; 10 psr cent cash; easy pay ments; other tract near railway station, $i'5 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 809 Teon Bidg., Portland. Or. . A BARGAIN. 8-T-i-lO or 15 acre, only 1 block from station. This land is all cleared and lie fine; finest section In Oregon; will sell you one of these tracts at $75 to $1S0 pr acre; only 10 per cent cash, balance 6 years. 6e view of land. A. B. HALL A CO., 80S Rothschild bidg. .NICE LITTLE RANCH. 124 acres; 10 In cultivation; lis young fruit trees. Berries of all kinds, level, hla. k loam: small box house; 1V acres In po tatoes; barn l$x4 and 2 chicken-houses; stock and crop goes: t'JSOO. A. B. HALL A CO., 802 Rothschild bldg. 1, 3. 5 snd 10-acre tracts, close to Poet land; good electric car aervlce; beat soli; good roads, mall, telephone, etc; $100 to $300 per acre; easy terms; best In vestment today; big increase In values for you If you buy acreage now. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co., 203 Corbett bidg. Both phones. ONLY 10 PER CENT CASH. ' " Balance will pay Itsslf on our 5 to 20 acre tracta. 22 miles soutn of Portland nd 2 miles from town of 4000; "red shot" soil; host for fruit, berries or vege tables; macadam roads; $2u0 per acre. Eager A Watson. 010 Lewis bidg.. 4th and Oak sts. WHY PAY tSOO AN ACRE when ws are selling as good or better . land In small tracta cesr Portland, st $.30 an acre, on easy terma? No rock, living wster. plenty of wood, sightly location and close to railroad station. 612 Couch bidg., 100 4th st. 10 ACRES, 8 M1N. WALK FROM CARLINE; very highly Improved; line new bunga low: water piped to the house; excellent family orchard; all crop and stock In cluded; will sell at sacrifice- Call on AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. $375 BUYS 10 acre deep red hot soli, adapted to fruit and vegetables; all smooth and tillable: no rook; wood and water; close to school, postofflce and store: within essy reach of Portlsnd and the cheapest land on the market. 512 Couch bidg., 109 4th st. 17 ACRES 3-room house, good barn. 24 fruit trees, S acrea clear, well, spring, balance of land pasture; ti mil from school. 3 miles from good town, on R. R. and lectric carllne; h ss than IS mile from Portland; price $2700. WESTERN LAND CO., 248 H Stark St. 2V ACRES on R. R.. two blocks to school and stores and station, at crossroad; good place for store; six-room house and other, buildings; 2 acres in apples coming Into full bearing: also other fruit; E8 miles from Portland; price $2S0t. If this suits you. It vours. AN 880. Oregonian. 52 MINUTES from Portland; 20 acre cleared land, deep black loam soil, plenty of water, on main county road, near high school and graded school; cheap prtua, easy terms. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 45 Couch Bidg. LOGGED-OFF LAJVD. Over 1100 acres: lies well for cutting Into tracts and will make fine stock farm: railroad goes through place: price $17 per acre: will take some trade In Port land property. ZIMMERMAN. $10 Board of Trade Idg. FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. 8-acres, highly Improved: elegant or chard, fine chicken-houses, barn, etc.; 5 minutes' walk from carllne. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR COLONY. , 11O0 acrea alfalfa or fruit land in on of the best Irrigated district in Califor nia. 2H miles from good R. R. town. 837. 50. Msrk Lane Co.. 149 Montgomery St., Ban Franciaco. H'5 TO $35 PER ACRE 10 and 20-acr tracta of high-grade, logged-off land, well watered, practically level, excellent for fruit and general - farming; . two hours ylde from Portland, near good town and railroad. Neuhauson A Co., 708 Lewi bidg. 64 ACRES choice level farm land, on car llne. close to Portland; creek running through the place; can be used for Irri gation: $110 rer acre; worth tl.V). The Western Seourltles Co.. 414 Spalding Mdg. 10 ACRBS. nearly all clear- convenient to electrio carllne; price $1350 H cash, good terms. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248H Stark St. NINH acres of BEAVKRDAM land, 7 miles from P. O., all la crops, close to station, $suo an aore, v cash and .Vi city property. Bl.OCH REALTY CO., 20 Alder St. 10 ACRES. $175 per acre; 9 acres cleared; , -mil from atatlon, K-mll from Che halem 51ountaln Orchard; reasonable terma AJ 848, Oregonian. t-i 1 kale 4 acrea with 5 -room bnnaalow. all In cultivation, half mllo south Tre mont' station, ML Scott car. Call Tabor 27l7. . 5 ACRES In the beautiful Tarlton Valley. 30 minutos walk from Council Crest; price $400 per acre; $400 cash, balance time. 49 N. 17th. Main 7759. tl2o -8-room house, barn, chlcksn-house and 2 aores of land, all fenced chlcken tlgbt, oa West Hide, 6 miles from center of town. E 802. Oregonian. 20 ACRES of flu land close to O. W. Co.; surrounding land elllng for $150 to $200: price $125 per acre, cash. The Western feecurltlea Co.. 414 Spalding bidg. 10 ACRES, with good buildings. 4 mile from R. R- gtatlon; price $3500; convenient to Portland. WEesTE RN LAND CO. 248 K Stark St. TEN aore beat unimproved fruit laad. one mile from Estacada; $400 down. 819 Worcester bidg. CHOICE 10-acre tract, good buildings, 1 - acr orchard, lot small fruit, all fenced mnd cultivated. 301 E. 11th st. E- 5023. RICH farming land. 12hi acres. 15 minutes walk from R. R. town, one hour from Portland. Inquire 29 Mohawk bidg. $100 DOWN. Buvs 5-srre tract, all cleared, best land, rail lines and river. 3"8 Spalding bidg. AckEAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up: large and small tracta Call Kinney A Ptaipn1, JJ e uuiuu.1 fcjn.ii.ll,, fj.--.rj acre "'"; ''" -" '" I $500. East 2337. ACREAGE. Fruit, garden and poultry ranches, only 40 minutes' ride from center of city, right on the carllne at $250 to $500 per acre, on easy monthly pay-, ments: good water at 24 feet. Locat ed west of the city and the best of soli. Part of the family can wrk In the city. Go with us, without expense to you and a this prop- r-.y. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, 102 Fourth SL Main 35. A S50O. 2000 10 acres, at Hudson. Columbia County. 8 per rent slope, 4 seres culti vated, 25 acres logged; close to railroad. 5-room house, barn, chicken house, soil ' ftee from rock or gravel. H. N. Bain. 518 Railway Exchange bidg. ' For Sole Homesteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 80 acres In Southern Idaho, undr Govt. Irrigation; 00 acres In a'falfa. balance In grain; good Improvements: 6 cows, 3 horses, farm muchinery and crop go with place; a fine hog end cow ranch, cheap for cash, or will taka part Portland property. 20-ecre homestead relinquishment un der irrigation, near Hermision; tine fruit and alfalfa land; good Improvements: food young orchard and all kinds of small ruits: these are both money-makers. Call or address R. R. Leels, Hotel Houston, Portland, Or. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON K'0-paBS book gives amount of Government land open to homestead In each county in ths states of Oregon and Washington and de scription of same; gives homestead, des ert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two mapa of Oregon In colors, 21x28, . showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, in cluding Eastern and Central Oreson; 20o each, or three Sue; map of Washington In 'colors, 21x29. 20c Nlmmo, Runey A Co.. Hamilton oiag. HOMESTEADS Two choice relinquish ments. 100 acre each, bench land, bor dering on Crooked River, some lmprove taenls. Excellent fruit land when irri gated. Large spring on place. Deeded land adjoining hold at $40uO. Will sell for $.100 and $430. Writ box 149, Red mond. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; value $inu; sale or trade: what have ynu? team, wagon, harness and farm Implement pre ferred. Box 11, Coburg, Or. FOR SALE HSO-acre homestead relinquish ment In Rogue River Valley. 4 miles from thriving town. For particular address M 843, Oregonian, 2 HOMESTEAD relinquishments for sale cheap, all tillable, near the coast, one half cash, balance trade. AJ S57, Orego nian. FREE homesteads, level land, pure water, large tlmlvr, near river, R. R. and P. O. Covey. 20T Oak, room 21. For Sail -Fruit lasdl. 0-ACRE orchard tracts, facing on WHITE " SALMON RIVER. Vi per acre, monthly payment: no agents. C. H. Plggoit. owner, 142',t Second st. Room 2. bin ACRES of fine fruit land In Yamhill County at low figure or-$15 per acre. This is choice redshot soil. The Western se curities Co.. 414 Spalding bidg. ' 60 ACRES, best Mosler land. C. G. Dwlgtat 659 Pettlgrove. Phone Main 0253. For Sale Farms. TUALATIN VALLEY BARGAIN. SPLENDID 136 ACRES. This farm Is the best buy In Wssh Ington Couuty. Tlioro arc 130 a-ros. luo acres In high state ot cultiva tion. 70 acres of which is the very best bottom land In the state, th balance Is the very best red shot soil, and there Is not a foot of waste land on the entire tract. There Is s splendid ir-room house on concrete foundation, with hot and cold "fr and bath In the hout.e. tplendia barn and outbuildings, all in ilrst class shape. Pure spring water piped to the house snd barn. There Is a splendid bearing orchard and 27 acres of 4-year-old English wal nuts in splendid condition. This ele gant farm home Is only ; mile from station and only 'J5 miles from Portland.. The Tualatin River forms one boundary of the land. The loca tion la all that could be desired. The buildings are as good as ynu. would desire and the soli is the most productive In the stste. This ele gant farm home is offered for sale at only $125 per acre, with about H cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent interest. Considerable personal prop erty goes with "the place ot this price. Be sure to look this place up If you -want the best there is to offer. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 North nth street, cor. nth and Gllsan. Main 4381. A 72.")9. 10 YEARLY PAYMENTS, 6 per cent inter est: $16 and uo per acre lor farm land In the fertile Shields River Valley, eouth central Montana: fine. Invigorating, health ful climate, pleasant Summers, mild Win ters; 1 to 8 miles from railroad station, good roads, schools, churches, etc; well settled valley, where failures are un known. Join our $33 round-trip exoursion to this fertile, valley and witneaa the bountiful crops, showing 30 to 00 bushels wheat wVid 60 to 115 bushels oats to the acre: equally fine for potatoes, berries, hardy fruits, etc.; best of market right at hand. Statistics show Montana coming Into th head ranks among the best agri cultural statea. Our acquiring 4000 acres before the building of the railroad enables us to offer such low prices and long terms on these 25 160-acre farms. This may bo vour last opportunity to get 100 acres of good farm land. Can you estimate what you would take for It at the end of 10 vears Ithe time given to pay for It)? Would $100. $150. $200 per aore buy It then? They can be mad to pay good revenue on those valuations NOW. ilaps and ploturea in office. Call and ce us for further Information and make your reservation If you want a 40, 80 or 160 acre farm. Land cleared and ready for the. tiller; plenty rainfall In this valley. We have irrigated and non-lrrlgated farma, both productive of big results. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bidg. Both phenea WE WANT several more families to com plete a colony we are organising on good cheap land In Lincoln County; land la especially adapted for dairying and stock raising: by paying us a few dollars you get Immediate 'possession of the land you keep most of your money to improve your place. Full particulars will be dis cussed when you call. Ask for Mr. Morgan. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 332-38 Chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board. FINE FARM CHEAP. For quick sale will sell my 160-acre farm near Estacada at $65 per acre; one third cultivated to grain, balance In tim ber, which Is contracted for and will bring the buyer $18oO; good buildings; orchard; heavy flowing spring: land gently rolling and best soil in Oregon- This farm Is of fered at $35 per acta less than adjoining farma Terms. X 8.M, Oraifonlan 2O7 ACRE RANCH. l-mlle circle of Portland: lies fine: all cleared: good buildings: only H of a milo from station on S. P. R. R. Come in and talk this over. Very reasonable. See A. B. HALL & CO. 303 Rothschild bidg. HERE is a real bargain for you in real estate 240 acres of land, as follows: About SO acre in alfalfa and suitable to grow hops, fruit, elc. at $80 per acre, and 180 acres of upland at $10 per acre. It will pay you to look this up. Write AV 318. Oregonian. LAND FOR SALS. l"4 acres at '$18 per acre on the Ta qulna Bay; county road and, running water on th - place. The real owner, B. E. Dobson. Crabtree. Or. Also a general store, hotel and feed bam at Crabtree. Or. 30 ACRES 25 clear; house, barn, outbuild ings, same tine timber, on county road, 1 miles from good town, on R. R., conve nient to Portland: price $320O, cali. WESTERN LAND CO.. 248 V Stark St. BARGAIN 320 acre fine wheat and fruit land; can be divided; 160 on each aide county road; easy terma Price $50, $65 per acre. Addres Mary R. Nixon, Har- r'suurs. Kjr. xv. .u. -. 00 pp. 40 ACRES 25 in crop: 5-room house, barn, ' orchard, on counry road; good team, cow, ' 20 hogs, chickens,' wagon, harness, plow, etc.: will take house and lot up to $3000. WESTERN LAND CO., 248 Stark St. FOR SALE Montsoa stock ranches, alfal fa timothy, grain farms and homestead locations; all size, all price; real state axent co-operate: write... R M. A G. L. U , . Dirt TIWRRR. MONT. v,ppj.,.. . RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 mile from Portland, near ebjetric line; bargain for all caah. by owner. X82 Morrison st. FOR SALE20 acres. part cleared land, house snd outbuildings, good water; pi ic $!oo. Address Box B, Vpnejs. Wash. Miscellaneous. SEVERAL tracts of stump land for sale at the right price; deal with the owner. A J 358. Oregonian. WILDWOOD. Oregon Electric. Multnomah Station. LoU $275. Go. FOR SALE 0 acres timber lsnd, hesvtiy timbered with fir and cedar; Tp. 25, Doug lac County. Oregon; also 1600 acres, Tp. 24 and 25, Douglas County; terms Cash. A, E. Frost, 7Z3 Plymouth bidg. Minne apolis, Minn. . $w00 160 ai-rea, 3.000 ft. pine, south tt N. E. 14. soutn H N. W. U Sec. 6, township 15 south, range 21 east, of Wil lamette Meridian. H. N. Bain. 618 Railway Exchange bide. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C. 1. M CRACK EN. 804 McKay Bidg. TO EXCHANGE. MODERN house for acreage. Hardware store for farm. Acreage for roomlng-houae. Apartment-house for farm. Mortgage for residence. Improved farms for city property. Modem houpe for lots. Paying business for land. Wliat have you ? GARLAND fc BARSNES. 191 4th St. 'TIS well to own an acre In the heart of the East Side district; we have one for I800O. and that's cheap. Will exchange for a tlrst-class 7 to 10 room residence up to ' $10,000. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, (76) Realty Exchange Dept., Chamber of commerce. CIGAR and confectionery store. West bide, good location and loaso, good fixtures and nice stock: owing to other business owner is going to let go at onca; low cash price and good unincumbered lots will get it: the boat offer made In the next few day . will get this place. J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce. WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH to ex change for Portland property; 1000 acre In Linn' County; new house of T rooms; good barn 'and fine Improvements; small creek and never-failing springs; two-thirds of this land is in brush and good timber. W. C. Dowiln. Albany. Or. CLOSE-IN acre an,i cash for 8 or 4-acr Im prlved tract with 6 to 10-rooin house. Closu-ln acreage and city property for Inco'ne property. Cloec-tn lot and some cash for 5-rootn house. , AK 359. Oregonian. $3000 HOME In Rood locality on the East , Side to trade for a respectable rooming-, house. Give full particulars, -with tn quirles. The Western. Securities Co. 414 Spalding bidg. I WANT a mercantile business and will exrhange for same a Valley farm, wheat farm, Eastern Oregon: some yellow plna timber land, good 7 per cent bond. 5f 35n, Oregonian. HAVE $1750 equity, beautiful new Rose City bungalow, fine fixtures, furnace, hardwood floors, litwn, roses, view lot, exchange for; v lots. P 3J9. Oregonian. WANTED to exchange: real estate clear o$ incumbrance for Columbia River orchard bonds. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 411 Abington bidg. Main 5988. 2 LOTS, East Tabor Side, $1000; $15501 equity beautiful East Side view lot fo small unincumbered acreage, near Port land. Phone East 52S. WOULD consider high-grade 1910 Or 1911 model, 6-passenger automobile In Al con dition, for new modern 7-room house In Irvington. Phqna East 5310. EQUITY of $700 In a 10-acre tract of cleared, land for trade; $ltK cash and will take city property for the balance. E 223, Oregonian. YOUR CHANCE. That swell bungalow home on East 28th, rear Gllsan for lots, acreage or farm; owner. Washington bidg.. room 8. A 86-ACRE bearing fruit ranch In Rogue River Valley; will take Improved Port laud property or acreage as part payment. J. M. CROOK, 614 Lewis bldc. No ACHES- of good frust land at Husum. White Salmon; clear, to exchange for good residence in Portland; price JtJUOO. AK 350. Oregonian. INVESTIGATE THIS. Dandy 10-acre farm, improvements; con sider V trade, balance mortgage. Metcalf, 310 Teon bidg. Marshall 3482. 11AVB 1010 model Harmon Cbest made) automobile, in tiptop condition, fully equip ped, to trade for West 6ide residence prop erty. I, 3ri:t, Oregonian. 80 ACRES tine Minnesota land. 2 beach lots. 9-room rooming-house. West Side, somo cash for good-paying grocery. AH 35S. Oregonian. EUGENE property, lots in favorable resi dence district, for catrh or terma A. H. Lowrv. K. W. ' Fl.VE modern home, close In. to exchange for well located timber; owners only. AJ 350. Oregonian. EXCHANGE 120 acres timber, for stocks, 'bonds, lot or acreage J. M. CROOK. 514 T.ewls bloc. FOR farm exchanges, business chances or rooming-houses, call on us. Northwest Realty Co.. 617 Board of Trade Bidg. 20 ACRES MoBler fruit land, exchange for house and lot or new automobile. AH 349. Cregonlan . $5(100 AUTOMOBILE. cost, consider Port land property or 2-carat diamond : change. AF 847. Oregonian. EXCHANGE Portland lot. free from In cumbrance, for team work iriarps, harness and wagon. Address AM 859. Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange, 75 acres. bet soil, ; acres In fruit: house, store, large stable. 3H mllfcS rrom Jjents. nan, j-ix wmcr ei. property. Will accept mortgage for dl- tcrence. c v . .....-,. -j WHAT havo you to trade for $2700 equity in 7-rnom bungalow on Broadway; $4S00. A. I, M. o-to niii'"ii m..e. Olio ACRES STOCK AND GRAIN ranch, on R. R.. Sherman County. Owner, 201 unger nius- FOR sale or exchange. 1224 acrea choice wheat land, 3 miles from station. Smith, owner. 31o rlaminon mug. MAKSHF1ELD lota for trade. What have you? 9-8 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REATj ESTATB. I WANT a substantial four or five-room, house, near public school, within 80 min utes' car ride of business district; will pay not more than $100 down and at pres. eut not more than $20 per month. Includ ing interest: other localities will be con sidered, but Mllwaukie la preferred. P 845,Oregonian:J 6 - ROOM bungalow, modem improvement s, in N. E. section, to cost aoout $3000; will iviv 10 per cent cash, balance terms; own er only reply. H. X. Bain, 618 Railway Exchange otay. WILL exchange seller's end contracts, drawing 7 per cent, on orchard tracts, about one-third paid in for unincumbered Portland property; any amount to $12,000. W 54, oregonmn. WANTED A nice 3 to 10-acre place, not too far from cars, with running water, for not more than $5000 from owner o aKF"tVuCHS.21iMjrrlgonStreet. I pay cash to owners on forced sale lo8 bargains; unimproved comers on carUnes. with business prospect preferred. 408 Conoord bidg., city. HOUSE 7 or 8 rooms, betsveen East 251 h and 40th and Harrison and Belmont ts. AFC 3."s, Oregonian- I WANT to buv a. small home, not over $1200. Write 'me. T S44. Oregonian. FOB SALE. Horse. Vehicle. Eto. AUCTION SALE of HORSES. MARES AND MULES. On Tuesday, August 22. we will have on hand about 75 head of horses, lust from Eastern Oregon. These horses range In weight 1000 to 1750; age from 8 to 10 years. Anybody wanting stock, it will pay you well to be at this sale, as every horse will be oid ana guaranteed to be strictly as represented at time of sale. Come early, "as we will have to commence the sale promptly at 2 P. M. on account ot uch a large consignment. HAWTHORNE STABLES.' ' 420 Hawthorne ave. Phones E 72. B 130S. MICHIGAN BUGGIGES,' RUSHFORD WAGONS. EAGLE DUMP WAGONS. Before you buy either above, see our stock and get prices. We are located out side the high-rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second-hand vehicle when you can get a new one at about the same pric? R. M. WADE & CO., 322 Hawthorne Ave. $125 UYS good team of mules and har ness, guaranteed sound and true pullers. $110 takes nice, gentle driver and rubber-tired buggy and harness. $40 takes mare, weight 1000 lbs., sound and good worker. $150 buys span workhorses, weight 2600; come and try them. $120. nice span of horses, weight 2!nn, suitable for any kind of work. East 12th and Hawthorne in the Park. FAR SALE One fine team, well matched, mares, weighing 2600, sound and true. 228 Russell st. HORSES, express and furniture wagon for sale. Cosgrove Bros., 301 1st. FOR RENT Team. 1000 lb. each, and har ness. AH 301. Oregonian, , TTTi