IT . I I I . : i i i f i V2 T ) (V ivw iXiSi. or tel Might 11 w- 1 1 Hill' A it-'M m) CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREdOMAN ItLtrHOXIS. fit? rtrrulatlna . Xanaclaf Editor runflar 4ltor .. em poal n g - room feupi. buiidlnc ... ..Mala TOT ..Mala TnTO . . Nlla 7O70 . . Vain 7'7i ..Mala T'70 ..Ma'l TW7 A So A A t"0 A A A MK AMlHEMEXTa. 8LKTLJ1 niKATtR )nrath and Tay!"r Mas F.a-maa la "Tha 8ut)Ulut." Sight at 14. CBTHirV THKATSK I Mfw-rlaoa. aixtn aa4 rnttti Vaudavlii. Thla axt raooa at 1:13 aa4 tonight at a:l tANTAOES THEATER iToanh ana "tarl!. TMi aftaraooe at J-la; to- a'sht at T.0 ant a. EMPRESS TKEATKR Par and Waeb, n- looi kaull.,. Thia a.'tarnooa at aad toaiaht at T:M and t, TAR. AKr-ADB. OH JOV. ODCOW, TT- VOL! run rua pleturaa. IX A. M- 1J P. M. OAKS PARK PVIIIp rl. en4 Oelte Par Band: Matrncolttaa Opra sjuartac Thi afi.rnaee aad looiarht. XtmSiTinv PARK Twnty-foa1 and Vauann Ututxi. Portland ve. Loe At- La. P. 3d. pros' nnni Twatn-wth ax4 auhar T-xlar at 3 and P. M. OKCOOSIAX AT THB KEAOBTS. par th a- a m4 aVtfrvary c Ta) O pa " la at Nmar I Pa ana. wkafUbt throttle lb f.llnartng eaaata. 4 tty raiea. aaacrip tiono by mail ara payaMa ht advanroi lanat ftprlnfa. .alia! fcprlnea I4al Co. (oaroola G. M OWaoaHarfr (auilna aprlnfa .............. Troal A. Uiuaihla rWok .Kalpk .. Malka Ooarhart park J. Fatrhorot Lan Hwk Mranbal at a. parl Conra ylooa Onal Para I. K. IWrb.r farirw liy I. T. r.dnaoada at. Htnta i Bsrtan Oiaa O. aaoryovo .............- lark Mrmtlaa r a rauhal A (aw A.litlaa.ata latoadaol far tba CWr Maara ta Rrtaf MhnM la aaadar'i taaaa aaaat fco AaaaVro) la Tba Onvaaiava aaalaaaa arrVra by a'rlark aalaf day avaatlaBT. 8TrTrA Ram F I It Tien Jtrurk nd imtuhnl br atraatcar, at Plrat aad Mada ptroata. wblla nn a rail to a brush ftra In Marquam Qulrh. Iha trurk lira enmpmny No. 9 wti Urn porarlly tlablrd ytrd)r afternoon. Tha trurk waa arolnn wmt on Maaria and when tha truck waa about half war arroaa tha trarka at Ftrt a atraat rar raramad It. Inturlna; tha horaaa a'tarhtlr. throwlna; tha man rldlnaj frnm their plarra and damaging tha wagon. Tha (Ira waa amall and waa looo put out. Boys srttina; rarapflras ara aup poaad to hare been the cau. Llnhtlna: a match to aa If tha a as leaked from tha pipes caueed a loaa of fS yester day afternoon when escaping- (as set fre to tha confectionary atora of Mr a 1. Schmelder. at 7S First street. Ftuwooo Ci fa B-i-roa Wrrit rmrxTfr. Secretary Ed ward la haTlna; the bands of tha Pellwood Commercial Club printed and they will ba ready for de Jirery In a few days. It la announced that tha entire laaue of 4flo baa been eu been bed and will be taken aa soon as ready. Tha debt of the club will ba refunded with the money subscribed and a fund will remain. The bonds have been taken mainly by members ef the club and extend for ten years. It la believed that tbla movement will Insure permanency of tha Hell wood Commercial Club. The property la valued at IHOOO. L. J. tllcka Is the new president. Hoor - F raw st Frwv Hcrmanx That the sewer along Hood atreet from tha Foulevard to Fulton Park la only two feet below the surface of the atreet. and that It la likely ta be crushed aa aoon a wet weather cornea and heavy teams go ever the atreet. Is tha asser tion of R. I. Hepburn, aeeretary of the Fulton Park Improvement Club. In a letter file- with the City Auditor yes terday. Ha ssya the sewer waa put In before the atreet waa graded. He aays ama of the "sewer stubs" on Kelly street south of the boulevard are In Jike condition.. GAr-AvT.xfB) Track T?wt-tt. The Fortland Railway. IJght A Power Com panr has completed Its double tracks on Orand avenue between IMvlalon street and Woodward avenue, the water mains and private street connections have been made and the street Is resdy for the contractora to begin paving. Residents have asked that the Improve ment be made at once before Fall ralna st In. GAUtans - Pintnnta Fa-: Aut. Fersons who have been dumping gar bage In Ptephena slough at Kast N'nth and Division street are amenable to arrest and fine. The health officers bave rleanad the place, which had be eome a menace to the entire community. The garbage did not come from the campmeeting grounda aa supposed, but from a number of bomea north of tha slough. Bn.rrr Orr rrR Fast. J. W. Bailey. Plate Dairy and Food Commissioner, left last night over the Oreat Northern for Duluth. Minn., to attend the an nual convention of tha National As sociation of Prate Palry and Food Com missioner. For two years Mr. Bailey served sa president of this organisa tion and It was due largely to hla efforts that this gathering recently was held In thla city. rmr Wiluams Poiron-T. Mayor Ttuahllght has received a letter from r. I.ucy Williams, of Bandon Or asking that he wtll use every effort to locate her son Cheater. 8he says he Is I feet It Inches tall, weighs 140 pounds, baa dark eyes, and dark-brown hair, and la very pleasing In appearanre. He la It years old. aha says, and left San Kranrlaco a year ago. rVo fHor. Owmsr 8t ra ron IJ4J. Two hundred and forty-five dollar la the value placed upon a Fngltsh pointer by Its owner. Ouy R. Torter. of ?JI Fast Tillamook street, who sued . J. Capron In Justice Court yester day, alleging that Capron. who lives at Twentieth and Tillamook streets, shot tha dog July 14. Baiuit Orr ron Cojtvtsmojt j. TV. Bailey, atate pure food co-nmli-emner. will leave thla morning to at tend the convention of the National Pure Food Association, to meet In Puluth next Monday. Mr. Bal y la ex-pretldent of the association. He will invite the convention to come to Port land next year. GmsAK U!n.Es Orr ron North. l.ealng yesterday. 150 members of the Cerman flnglng Society went to Se attle over tha O.-W. R. N. The Portland contingent was joined In thla cltv by a party of $0 members of the organisation from Pan Francisco. M'rronc-rct.B) Hrr Womak. Mra. J. P. Lowell, of $5 East Burnslde street, waa knocked down by a motnr-a-Tcle bearing atate llrepse tag No. 7. yesterdsy afternoon. She waa considerably shaken and her clothes were torn. Cnim'I Omn Fu.r 'Finer Chu Ke. a Chinese of The Dalles, who waa recently arrested and charged with the manufacture and sale of opljm In violation of the United States laws, pleaded guilty before Federal Judge Bean yesterday, and waa fined Ticket for Calhollo Foresters' trip to Catholic day. at Astoria. Au ratt II. on aale to all purchasers at Mtlley's grocery. Sixth and Burnslde. Return fare, steamboat Monarch, 12. Wajmco at rwri Two skilled wood carvers for fine furniture, hand carving. Apply at once to Jamea I. Marshall Manufacturing Company. a CuaaTam or CrmMgitra safe de cos' t vault: best protertirn; low rates; courteous treatment. Hour a t . II Ta. steamer Lurltne. Astoria and ray points: leaves Tsytor-st. dock. T A. M. dally, except Sunday. Tail launches for torpedo boats. Merrllt'e boat house, foot Morrison at. Tabor Hciohts Ants I.aribr Maixs .it waa tha sense of the Tabor Helghta Push Club at the meeting Wednesday night that larger water mains should b laid at Mount taoor. n i"" nmnoaed hv Miror Rushlight to have a complete new dlatrlbutlon aystem for the Kast Side was muorsea. i ne waior queatlon waa discussed and It waa argued that, even with the Increased supply of the second Bull Run pipe, water cannot b delivered without larger distribution mains. It waa re ported by Keeper Tanner, of the Mount Tabor Park, that the surveyors are still at work marking out the drive around the park to the summit. Mr. Tanner aald that thla drive will be called Cascade Boulevard, and that It will be one of the most picturesque In the city. It starts' at Kast Sixtieth atreet and winds around the park, running between the upper and lower reservoirs, where there will be a cascade. Pinnc lrovrSTr Conn-arrxo. The Paelfle-atreet district Improvement ha been completed and the assessment Is tll.Mt- The atreeta Improved are Pacinc from Cnlon avenue to East Twelfth: Oregon from Union avenue to Kaat Seventh; East Sixth from Holla day avenue to Oregon: Fast Seventh from Holladay avenue to Oregon: Eaat Kighth. from Holladay avenue to Pa cine, and East Ninth from Holladay avenue to Pacific atreet. These streets are eaat of Union avenue and part of tha territory la Immediately tributary to the new steel bridge. The next dla trlct to be paved lie between Union avenue and the river, covering the ter ritory to the railroad bridge approach and Holladay avenue. The cost of Im proving thla district will be lioo.ono. All these Improvements will probably be completed before the railroad bridge la finished. ' MiLWAi-aig - Struct Contract Cot-it-arrcD. w. It. Counsel, contractor for the improvement of Main street. In Mllwaukle. has completed tha work except the crosswalka and a little sur facing. Aasessment for the work Is 111.700. Main street Is 0 feet wide and has been Improved with crushed rock. Instead of wooden crosswalka concrete I used. ifr. Counsel I rushing work on the Improvement of Harrison street, which runs from Main street to Sandy street, nesr F.x-Mayor Shlndler's home. Oak and Fourth streeta are under con tract, and proceeding have been started to Improve Sandy street aa far aa Fast Mllwaukle or Mlnthorn dis trict. Mayor Strelb and the Council are working out a system of street Im provements which Includes the prin cipal streets of Mllwaukle. the total cost of which will estimate 1100.000. It will require two year to complete the Improvements planned. Cidu Creek grocxro With Trout. Edward Renfer. who recently stocked Cedar Creek, near Sandy with Dolly Varden trout, finds that the trout are growing rapidly. Mr. Rpnfer put 4ono trout about two lnchea long In the stream In a place prepared for them few weeka ago. They have grown on an average of half an Inch. The fish were placed In a deep pool to be safe from the larger fish. The fish were ob tained from the Government. Cedar Creek emptlea Into the Sandy River. Chilis a Mirchajtt Vocld AprAi Jew Chin, a Chinese merchant, of Zst Flandera atreet. gave notice of appeal from the decision of the Justice Court yesterday, after he had been convicted of nractlslng pharmacy without a license. He was lined 150 In Justice Court and waa let out on 1150 bond to appear before the Circuit Court. The State Board or rnarmacy prosecuted the case. Scit ron Costisio?i Fit-XT Bult waa brought In the Circuit Court yea trrdir. morning by George R-. Corn- stock against Nathan Campbell and Mra. Campbell to collect 100 which he alleges Is due aa a fee for selling Mra Campbell's half Interest In the Protsman-Campbell shoe store. He aays he entered Into the agreement to aell the Interests and after putting the aale through waa refused his commission. Rcc-Taca la Focsn. Mr. A. W, Botkla found a bee-tree while walking through her country place. "Cedar Side," on tha Sandy River, one day last week. The tree, a six-foot cedar, on being felled waa found to be oc cupied by an Immense colony of bees and yielded a washtab full of honey In the comb, much of which waa S years old and of exceptional quality. Jacob Strrip Arrrtbd. On a charge of tearing the copper bond from the railway tracks of the United Rallwaya Company and the Oregon Electrlo line Jacob Strelf. waa arrested yesterday by Special agent LIU is of the two com panies and ta now In the County Jail. The officer are looking for hla partner who la alleged to have helped In the work. Bioobr Allow acb ron WiM Amen. Petition wa Bled with the County Court yesterday by Lena M. Kirk asking for an allowance of IJO a month from the 1 1100 now on deposit for her two children, for whom she Is guardian. She eaya the Interest from the money la not enough to keep mem. C. A- Ri-rr Named Gcaroiais. Petl tlon waa filed with the County Court yesterday by C. A. Ruff asking that he be appointed guardian for Albert Dugan. a boy. who waa recently left an estate of 12500 by hla father. Albert Dugan. Sr. The request waa granted by the court. 8rrrrt Finco llSTonvicted of speeding on the Unnton road August l. W. H Scott made a stubborn fight In Justice Court yesterday to prove hla Innocence. Scott was accused by County Motorcycle Patrolman Lock- wood:. He waa fined I4. Wonpuwn Pavio to Ba Topic An Important meeting of the Woodlawn Improvement Association will be held In Greene'a Hall, at a o'clock tonight. All property ownera In the district are requested to be present, raving will be dlacussed. WoalAR'a FaJ.l. BRCAKB AXKLk Catching her heel In tha curbstone, Mrs. W. F. Hubbard. 12 Eaat Fifteenth atreet North, waa thrown to the pave ment yesterday and sustained broken ankle. T. C. RrssBU. St-ra On Note. T. C. Russell brought tiit yesterday In the Circuit Court to collect Joo alleged to be due from Minnie L. Gartner on en a promissory note. Dr. Llotp iRvnrg returned. Medi cal bldg. Da. J. Errruos returned. Selling bdg. YE OREGON GRILLE. Engagement extraordinary Ray mond. the celebrated tenor soloist and Nowahlne, basso profundo, late of the original Hawaiian quartet, every night thla week. These arttsta In connection with Hendler, the plane prodigy, and Signer Marino, violin virtuoso, make up an unparalelled programme that you cannot afford to mini "Ye Oregon Grille" service la without an equal In the city. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawfish. Dining-room for ladles. th aad Stark. PEV-ET BftOaC' FWIDAT SPECIAL. We offer our 13 wines at tl a gallon tl.59 wines at 75c a gallon: Straight Kentucky Whisky seven yeara old. regular 14 10. at t) BO a gallon: Ken tucky whisky, regular .t.0, at 11.50 a gallon: f i grade whisky, 13.10 a gallon. Friday only. 17 E. Morrison st. Phones East II-. B JJS. Free delivery. Portland Firm Gel. Contract. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. IT. f Special.) The Water Commission todsy awarded a contract to Bidaell Baydan Co. of (( We Welcome Small Accounts Many small business men who are just start ing out for themselves have not as yet formed satisfactory banking connections. To these men we extend a welcome and sn invitation. They may bring their ac eount here and tell ns in fullest confidence about their business and their prospects. Regardless of the amount of their balance, they'll always find courtesy, advice and safety. And when a loan is needed and their bal ance won't justify it they can borrow on real estate to help them over the tight place. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third and Oak Street Portland for the ronatructlon of a rein forced concrete dam that will create a storage reservoir at the headworks of the water aystem on Bear Creek. The contract price ta 74.s.0. The work Is to be com pleted g year from next October. BULLOCK DENIES FRAUD ALASKA COAL CONTRACTS SAID TO BE LEGITIMATE. Portland Man V'nder Indictment by deral Grand Jury Released on $2500 Bail. John H. Bullock, the Portland busi ness roan arrested by the United States Marshal on a grand Jury Indictment re turned In Seattle recently, waa released on fISOO ball yesterday. Ilia bond Is signed by 3. Frank Watson and Wil liam a. Oossltn. If Bullock haa a preliminary hearing before Commissioner Marsh before he la taken to Seattle for trial, It will be merely a formal matter. Bullook de clares himself Innocent of having de frauded the Government of ooal con tracts for the Alaska forts. He saya he engaged In a straight business transaction, and that there waa no fraud practiced. "My company, tho Eessnon. had been fiercely competitive with the North western, managed by Captain Jarvls," he said yeaterday. "Before we opened In Nome, the Guggenheim concern had been selling there 10.000 tons of coal a year. One year after we entered tho field we were selling about 8000 tons of that total, and the Guggenhe-ims had only the remnant of the business. Our lightering was competitive with their system, until we captured the whole trade. As a rewult of our work, vhe prices of coal, lightering and other ele ments of Nome prosperity felL We won the business because we gave bet-tea- service, and we had the miners with us because we were cheapening the cost of their necessities.". WHEREJO DINE. AH the delicacies of the aeaaoa at tha Portland RaatauraaC Fine private apart Keats for ladles, lot Waah near Sta at To live well la to eat well: Try Tba Criterion. SI 8lxth atreet. Forgery Charged to Youth. CHEHAL1S. Wash, Aug. IT. (Spe cial. ) Truck Workman, a young man living at L,lttell. waa arrested yester day on a complaint charging forgery made by 8. A. Wilson. Workman la a son of I. N. Workman. The young man Is accused of forging the name Of his father to an I check, which FRIDAY SPECIAL 88-Note Player-Piano $375 Bargain $375 Q See us today or this evening as this is posi tively the biggest snap in the city. SOULE BROTHERS 127 Eleventh Street Bet. Waah. and Alder f. w. baltes Iand company! PRINTING- Main 163, A 1165 First and Oak K" i i a i art you are cordially invited to inspect our Fall and Winter Clothing for .men and young men. Prices range: Balance of Light and Medium Weight Fancy Suits HALF-PRICE S15 to Fourth and Morrison Men and Boys Outfitters We would appreciate it if our friends and new-comers would give us an opportunity to show them the class, style and general character of the Clothing we have on display for Portland's careful dressers. Certainly you're one of them! ii i i Wilson cashed, payment being; refused at the bank. White Temple Pulpit Walter Ben well Hlnaon. Mlnlater, Twelfth and Taylor Streets. f V ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. DR. J. WHITCOMB BROfGHEK, OK LOS ANAKLKh, yormer Paatnr at tha White Temple Will Preach Morning and Evenlnff. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Subject: "A aPFJCKIJ-.D BIRD. Solo, "The ( rw." hy lliirrlot Ware. Miaa Alice Jti.ton. Evening ttarvloe at T:.0. Subject: "A TtfrBF BRKAKINO INTO PA RATUSE." twin, "The l'llgrtm," by Hpreks, Mlas Rose Keed Hanarnmr. Ir. Brouffher has a hoal of friends In Portland who will ba present at both serv ices to great him. tXMK EARLY AVD fiET A GOOO SEAT, frundey school at t il A. M. B. T. P. I-. Lover Tample. :15 P. M. EVERYBODY DuVITEDw HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just oppetits Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1 .50 a day up American Plan S3.00 a day up Hew steel snd brick structure. Furnished st cast of 1200,000. Ever comfort and convenience- Oo carllnea transferrins all ever aire. Omnibus meets trains snd taamcra. sod foe Booklet with map ef San franciace) Foster & Kleiser Eifh Grads Commercial and Electria SIGNS East Tth sad Eaat Everett Sta, Phase Eaat lllll B-2234 L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third St Main 9432, A 4432. WE GUARANTEE YOU That every article we sell is the PUREST and the BEST; no false labels; no tnisrepresentaa tions of any nature. For Friday and Saturday w-p offer you: ASPARAGUS TIPS, Bear Brand, white, 25 per tin, regularly 35c. STUFFED OLIVES. 5-oz. bottles, . 10 each; regu larly 12V2o. VIGOR CHOCOLATE. Hauswaldt's, S5? Per pound. FRANKFURTERS. Turk & Pabst, imported; 2s, 20: 6n, 45. LIPTON'S TEA. A Brand; one-half pound, 35; one pound, 65. JAPANESE RICE CAKES. Something new, 25t? per tin. XXX COGNAC For pifklinj peaches, etc., quart, 51.50. DUFF GORDON SHERRY. Direct importation, $1.25 per bottle. ' BEER OF ALL KINDS Delivered to your residence at brewery prices. EXTRA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE MENT. J OH Dill Pickles are now ready for your immerliate wants. Price is 2-V per dozen. The quality is way beyond all previous at tempts, and we would appreciate a trial order. PHONE SERVICE. We have a private exchange con necting all departments; service unexcelled. ''A cordial- invita tion to the Newcomer." ICCHWAB PRINTING CO fOsOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 24.5 STARK -STREET Peaches for Preserving , BUY TODAY. We have 250 boxes Fancy, Large Freestone Peaches Elbertas which we offer at $1.00 box. This is the first lot of really good fruit that has come to market this season. All kinds of Fruit Jars aDd Fruit Jar Trimmings at popular prices. We have Caps, Rubbers and Linings for the Vacuum Jar. Finest Pickling Vinegar, only 50c gallon. Your pickles will not spoil if you use this vinegar. SEALY-LOWELL COMPANY Grocers, Bakers, Tea and Wine Merchants. 233, 290, 292 STARK STREET. Phone Main 7200, A 6181. 14S Seventh St., Between Morrison and Alder O u T O F T H Fa H I G H R E N T D I S T R I C T How's This? aasvavaaaanavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaan Sensational Intro ductory Sale New Fall Suits To acquaint our many friends and patrons, aa well as new customers, with our new store, by offering for FRI DAY AND SATURDAY Man-Tailored Suits in blue serge and new rough weaves and mannish effects . . High-rent stores have to ask $25.00 for suits not so good See Window Display 16 Having secured the serv ices of Madam Martin, for merly head fitter for one of San Francisco's leading suit houses, absolute satis faction in our alterations is guaranteed. New arrivals in Coats, Waists, Silk Petticoats and Raincoats of the better grade at low-rent prices. Jm m lull R E L I A B L E G O O D S A T L O w E S T P R I C E S New Location 145 Seventh St. Between Morrison and Alder Portland's Leading Suit Houss and Waist Shop aft. "- " -cf-j-'.'a. r,rr ESSOTLffiE IS f GRADUATES CAN BE F0UVD EVERYWHERE POINTING TO THIS SCHOOL AS THE B EASO.N FOR THEIR REMARKABLE SUCCESS,! Facts Worth Noting Best equipped business college in the Northwest. Individual instruc tion. Positions for all graduates Fall Term Begins August 28 SECURED FDR STUDENTS WHE! COnPCTtflT WITHOUT CUABQC -aaT 5 "TT" ' -Sf Established 1 900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLE CTORS Worcester Bldg. Portland, Or. HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the buildln of a home for you on easy payments. We glv references and ask reference. tt YATT, EST1BROOK RAT, 801 Couvlv -bid, . JPhoB Jl&lA itU,