Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 12, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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New Today
Young Men's Clothing
Women's Suits, Polo Coats,
Dress Goods, Trimmings,
New Veiling. New NecK
wear. Jewelry .
Store Remains Open This Evening Until 9:3Q-Ice Cream Parlors in Basement
m I. - HI - A 1 1 I BB, Sk. )
Rental Dept. and Btxreatx of Equipment, 3d Floor-Tea Room on xne
Home Bakery and Model Delicatessen, 4th Floor-Picture Framing on 4th Floor
HI omnie
At Saving Prices
$8 Cut Tumbler $5.40
Rich ent -! Table Tumblers, in dmI
cesisn. well cut and splen- CC AC
did JS.OO valnes, special, do- '
Sugar and. Cream, good size, cut in pleas
injr design; id. top. spout CO OC
aad handle; f 1.00 ralne at f?a-eOJ
Alarm Clocks
$1.45 Values 95c
Faney shape. Brass Alarm Clock, pood
reliable timekeepers; best retm-QC
lar 51.4.5 valnes spec'"' onlT-'JI-Jardinieres
Old ivory Jardinieres and
lininc; 5-inrh size, regular i0'25c
values, special at low price of
Carving Seta, with sta handles. 3 pieces,
9-inch blade knife; 2 styles q;1 QC
to choose from; $3 valoes at ''
CaKe Plates
$l.lO Val. 69c
On the third floor, Hariland China deco
rated Cake Plates, pink and blue CQ
flowers; regular $1.10 values at"7'
Plate Haviland decorated China. 8li
inch diameter; our regular ocOC
valnes, special price, each, only"''
Caaaerolea Merirlen silver- C3 (lZ
plated, 3-pint; $5.30 value at vJ.UJ
5-pint, $rt-50 Casserole, special. $4.65
Pie Dtfh. Meriden ailver- CO ACZ
plated, 10-inch, $3.50 value SfJ
Gr o ceries
Jut dug m: they're fine.
For vour Snndav dinner.
The commodity that put Tillamook
Connty on the map.
At the Delicatessen Counter, 4h floor.
Order a bottle with vonr (rroeeries.
fourth floor. Try a cup; it a so good.
jfk m mi aver
In Portland's New
Shopping District
All Cars Transfer to "The Store That Turned Traffic tip Morrison and Alder"
Extra I
Elberta Peaches
$1.25 Box
Order now by phone Ex. 12, A 6231.
The favorite peach for canning
The price will never be lower, the
fruit never in better condition.
SilK Gloves
$L25 Val. 75c
Women's elbow length Silk Gloves in
white and black only; new stock
bought at a special price. Double
finger tips, full ranee sizes, pyg
actual $1.25 values, the pair OC
Fine TiJb Dresses
To $15 Values $4-79
You 11 be delighted with these Dresses, and youH really wonder why we do it.
Well there's only one or two of a kind, the rest were all sold at a profit, now
we want to clean up stock. These Dresses come in linens, ginghams, etc., well
made and neatly trimmed in various different effects. Dresses I 7Q
for street or house wear. Values to $15.00, special now for only 2
5 Wash Dresses 2.98
Tney Are Beauties
You'll Like 'em
Oqly through a very shrewd purchase on the part of our buyer, now in the mar
ket'are we enabled to make this extraordinary offer. Attractive Dresses made
of lawns and ginghams in the Empire styles, well made and neatly J Q QQ
trimmed for 6treet or house wear. Regular $5 values now for um10
Candy Specials
"Well be out today with the most
delicious sweets of all try a ponnd.
They're fresh and are rolled in sugar.
The real, old-fashioned, molasses kind
The real Fruit Chewing Gum Drops.
Golden maple Fudge The honey kind.
Fresh dipped, chocolate coated walnuts.
They have the fine "moreish taste."
4QO Boys' Suits
Must Find New Homes
$5 to $7.50 Vals.
For $2.98
If .you wish to prosper in this world you
must grasp such opportunities as this. These
are the suits left from that big special pur
chase; odd suits from our regular stock and
broken lines, all assembled in one lot to ef
fect a speedy clean-up. Knickerbocker
styles, good weights, neat patterns, mannish
cut coats, sizes 7 to 17 years quick-witted
parents will buy now for school opening.
This offering merits your early call to
day. Regular $5.00, $6.00, $6.50 0 QQ
Suits now selling for low price P'-"-
Boys' $1.5Q Sweaters 98c
Sale of Boys' and Children's Sweaters, at
tractive little Norfolk and coat styles, also
vest styles; sizes 2y2 to 6 years and 8 to 17
vears. Red, blue, white, gray and many
novelty colors and weaves; regular QQp
$1.50 values, specially priced at only J
Bargain Circle -Main Floor
$1.50 Shirts at 89c
Today, on the "Bargain Circle," between the 'elevators, a sea
sonable sale of most extraordinary values in Men's Shirts. Plain
white or colored patterns in neat stripes and figures, all sizes and
sleeve lengths. These Shirts were bought at a very advantageous
price from one of New York's best houses. They are the coat
styles with cuffs attached, plain or plaited fronts. If you can't
come, send some, one; don't miss this opportunity to supply QQ
your future needs at great saving regular $1.50 Shirts for
Greater Than Ever
Sale of
1 Shoes
Values to $5
This is one of those cases where a new
department manager wants to make
room for his pet lines. A gigantic
clean-up of men's, Women's, boys' and
girls' Shoes. Odds and ends worth up
to $5 a pair on sale now CC
in the basement for only X VIV
Sale Men's Smits
$18.00 Values $10.65
Price, quality, variety, quantity arid worKmanship all contri"
bate towards making this sale of men's Salts without a paral
lel In this city To clean ap a stocK so vast in a short time
necessitates extraordinary price catting For today we offer
yoar choice of any salt in the stocK Good practical young'
men's styles, good weights and well selected pat- Q- f fJT
terns Sizes 31 to 40 Regular $15 to $18 valaes 31U.P3
Men's $25 Suits $14-95
In this lot yon will find salts which an exclusive dealer would
asK yon $30.00 or more for They are the Summer weights,
well tailored and perfect fitting Neat patterns and most un
usual valaes at $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 a suit, - f QC
bargainized for this sale to effect a speedy cleanup V -1 3
25c Tooth Brush 12c
$1.25 Hair Brush 89c
Tooth Brushes, for children and
aduts, all textures, worth cy
to 25c each, special, only A 1C
Hair Brushes, a big assortment of
solid ebony back Brushes, nice
?ize, hand-drawn foil bristle; thfe
repular $1.25 values, spe- qq
cial for today at onlyOJC
35c Face Powder now only 27
A powder we can recommend; all
tints. The "Dora," great cyrj
seller at 35c, special only C
50cTies 25c
For today we offer all our
6hort lines of Men's Four-in-Hand
Ties and Bows; there's
many styles and a good selection
of colors and patterns to choose
from; neat stripes, checks, etc
Regular 50c values all assembled
m one big lot, specially
priced to close out, choice
Sale of
E. &W. SKirts
$3.50, $4 Values $1.85
$2.50 Shirts $1.35
$1.50, $2 Values $1.15
A great sale of those famous E. &
W. Colored Shirts. Every man
knows tbe superior merits of these
popular shirts. They are perfec
tion in fit, style and workmanship;
good patterns to choose from. See
the window display. $3.50 and $4
shirts, $1.85; $2.50 shirts for $1.35,
and regular $1.50 and flj "1 1C
$2.00 Shirts, special f or P A A
Men's French Cuff Shirts, made
of good quality Oxford cloth,
percale, madras, etc. The soft
turnback cuffs and collar to
match; light or medium dark
colors; $1.50 and $2 1 OQ
values; your choice
$2 Pajamas 1.15
Special sale of men's Summer
weight Pajamas in tan, blue and
white; well made, cut generous
ly full,. fastened with loops; our
regular $2.00 values, offered
special for this sale j" 1 C
at low price of only V
Woman's Vest
33c Grade 19c
Fine swiss-ribbed quality, low neck,
sleeveless, finished with beading and
crochet yokes. Our regular 33c sell
ers, specialized for this Anni- 1 Q
versary Sale at low price of
. Women's Silk Hose
75c Grades 35c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the center
aisle, main floor, a sale of women's pure
Silk Hose in the gauze weights with lisle
tops and soles; our regular val"Ef
ues up to 75c, special at only, pr. JaJl
Electric Iron $3.75
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, third floor, a
sale of the "American Superior" Elec
tric Iron, guaranteed ior two years;
equal to any $5.00 iron on
the market; evening price
$1.25 Bath Spray 95c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, third floor, a
sale of Bath Sprays with 6 feet white
rubber tubing; our regular $1.25 QC.
value, special for evening sale at a
Framed Pictures
50 c Values 29c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A special
which will interest every lover of art.
Beautiful carbons, framed in 14-inch
oak molding. Size of carbon, 6x8. Re
productions of paintings by famous ar
tists, such as "Madonna," by Boden
hauser; "Christ and the Rich Ruler," by
Hofman; "Christ in Gethsemane,"
by Hofman; "Madonna," by Sichel;
"Rembrandt von Rijn," by Rembrandt;
"Cupids Asleep and Awake," and other
popular subjects. Actual 50c OQ
picture, offered special for, each.""''
15c Toilet Soap 3c
6 to 9:30 P. M., in the center aisle, an
evening sale of Toilet Soaps, broken
boxes and odd lots or with soiled wrap
pers, but soap is perfect; values up O
to loc, special for this sale, a cake
15c Talcum 8c
6 to 9:30 P. M. only, Willow's Talcum in
assorted odors, regular 15c cans, Qg
special evening price, the can, only 0
Palm Olive Cream
50c Jars For 23c
6 to 9:30 P. M. Don't miss this chance.
The famous and jo justly popular Palm
Olive Cream, put up in jars; a2
great seller at 50c; evening price"'''
lOc Hair Nets 3c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the center
aisle, a sale of large size Hair Nets in
all shades of silks; our regular lOo 0
values, special at 35c dozen, or each
40c Coffee 26c
No phone or mail orders will be filled.
6 to 9 :30 only. Come to the store to give
your order. Our Imperial Roast OC.
Coffee, a regular 40c grade, foroc
Stuffed Olives on sale for theOC
evening only, 3 bottles, special
35c Ribbon 17c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today, an i evening
sale oi high-grade pure silk Ribbons
moire and taffeta, in every wanted shade
full 6-inch width, suitable for hair
bows, hat trimming, etc. ; regu- 1 J
lar values up to 35c yard, only
75c Ribbon 33c
6 to 9:30 P. M., a big assortment of
high-grade fancy Silk Ribbon, in Dres
den, changeable, moire and French nov
elties; widths to 6 inches; values OO
up to 75c, special price, the yard'''
Granitoid Paving Company Is
Underbid for Contract.
Concern Aftr Long Preparation for
Improrement of Rl Block, on
Front Bid $37,000 and
It RlTal $30,000.
Many month, of labor on th part of of Granitoid paving
cam to nauirht TnMr. wnrn OI
blirb A Joplln. rival contractor, tin
aorbH Rudolph P. Rlumo. In round num
bers n.arlv i;oo on a pavlnc
rontrart. Thtrr wa. r.t ron.t.rna
tioa wh.n tha mn who bad worked up
th. Job at mnrh troubl. and nptnn
found tboiti.alvoa bat.n by compet
itor. A. th. Granitoid Company had fll.d
In th. offlr. of th. City Auditor an ot
f.r to permit any bidder to u tho
pat.ntod material, known aa cranltold.
any of th. contrartora at liberty
to bid on It. Giobtacb a Joplln. a lar.
eompanr. .Ilpp.d In a bid of IJ0.C0O.
where., that of tha other bidder w
IJJ.0OO. If tha UKual cour. of pro
radur la followed, th rontrart will
bo let to tha lowent blddor. Tha pro
posed work la from Tonta to Sixteenth
Itre.ts. ,
A great number of blda for hard-aur-f.r
str.eta sort ope.ned. but tha old
k.. urirM h.ld away on all of thee.
Th.r. la apparent aa y.t no dt.poei-
tlon on tha part of the pavlnir compa
nies to cut price, although th. admin
istration haa announced that It Intends
to force tha rate far below what they
wore when. Mayor Rasnlla-ht took of
fice. The Executive Board confirmed May
or Ruahllirht's discharge of Polloo Ser-
e.nt Cole without hesitation, refor-
rtn It to the police committee for tho
purpose of servlna; official notle on tho
dismissed man. it also aoopiea mo re
port of Its Dollco committee, recom
mending tho dismissal from the police
force of H. A. Galbratth. a patrolman,
for drunkenness.
Commissioner Would Banish In-
aarance Firm From State.
Asking a temporary restraining order
prohibiting the Phoenix Mutual Fire
Insurance Company from doing busl
ne.a In th atat and asking that th
order after argument become perma
nent. Insurance Commissioner Koaer
haa filed suit In th Multnomah County
Circuit Court against th company.
Kozer alleaea that on Intimations
that th solvency of th company was
Impaired he commenced an Investiga
tion Into Its booka May it and ascer
tained that lossea In excess of ! cent
for every $100 of Insurance In force re
mained unpaid, which la contrary to
th state law governing th operation
of Insurance rorapanlee.
May 27. th complaint allege. Mr.
Koser ordered all losses paid Imme
diately, but declares that no effort has
been made to obey the order. Irre
parable Injury to the public la likely
to result, he sat, if the company la
allowed to continue business In Oregon.
Data for argument haa not yet been
A well-known tes Moines womta
after suffering miserably for two daya
from bowel complaint, waa cured by
one do, of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Kor !.
by all
Steamer "Monarch" for Astoria Cen
tennial l.av.a Waahlagtoa-et. dock 7
A. M. rare II.
Police Sergeant Likely to Suc
ceed Slover as Captain.
Inskeep Is Xext and Circle I Third
in Examination Taken Recent
Ijr Joseph Keller Passes
With J 9.3 5.
Harry Riley, at present sergeant,
probably will he named to succeed Acting-Chief
of Police Slover aa captain.
When th civil service commission met
yesterday afternoon ani markinga of
the papers for police captains were ap
proved. Riley waa found to have passed
highest. 11 stood 17. IS; Chester A.
Inn keep 15. and Harry A. Circle 85.1.
Tha civil service commission will, on
request, certify to the Chief of Police
the three named, from which there
will be appointed one. While any of
the three may be chosen. It has been
the rule to select the highest number,
which. In this case, la Sergeant Riley.
Ixng Experience Had.
Sergeant Riley haa long been a mem
ber of tbe police force In thia city and
ha also had experience a a patrolman
In San Tranclsco. He served as a pa
trolman for several years, when he waa
promoted to his present rank. He has
alnce had charge of various districts.
Joseph Keller, a sergeant, who was
placed In command of the aecond relief
when Captain Slover waa mad Acting-
Chief, took the examination and passed
at 79.35. It was generally believed
that he would receive tha appointment
If he passed sufficiently high.
Quia for Chief Nigh.
Secretary Tupper announced to May
or Rushlight and members of the com
mission that he Intends to hold exam
ination for Chief of the Fire Depart
ment early In September. Owing to the
death of David Campbell, there la a
vacancy In that position, which li
filled temporarily by Assistant Chief
Mayor Rushlight called attention of
the Commissioners to the per cent
given for experience In the examina
tions for Building Inspector and Elec
trical Inspector. He said that he felt
a greater per cent should be given for
practical experience than for experi
ence gained In a technical school. Th
members, however, after discussing the
subject, decided that the examination
srope covered all points quite thor
oughly and developed all the necessary
Information. -No action waa taken on
the aubject by the Commissioners.
Young Woman's Parents Forbid Her
Proposed Balloon Trip.
Fay King, whose Intention to make
a balloon ascension with Tiny Broad
wick was announced lc not going to
soar. Several Important reasons have
developed which make auch a feat on
the part of the young woman impossi
ble. In the rirst place the advance story
spoiled It all. It called the attention
of the young artist's parents to th
feat contemplsted by their daughter,
and both father and mother emphati
cally set their psrental feet down and
announced that no such action would
be permitted. Miss Fay Is an only
Buv It now. Now la the time to buy
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It Is almost
certain to b. needed before th 8umm.r
Is over. This remedy baa no auperior.
For sal by all dealers.
Because of
Because of
the Buyers
Factories at Portland, Astoria, Salem,
Lyons, Dallas, Harrisburg, Gardner
18a-20 Front Street
Portland, Oregon