CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKECrOMA.X TELETHON ES. ... t'ttv rlrruj.if trtG . Mnetnr rtjiffcr Minrt rMlt"r . . 4nnipu!nf roon bupL building ... ...Main nTO ...Main 77t Main 7"7U . ..Main 7t7o . . . M jio T"T ...Main TuIO A ' A A " A A '- HEtl.ia THEATER tSev.nth and Taytorl Max Flsman In ths ctmdr. '"The n the Horn ' Popalar mllnM this after noon 2 li o"cloca. Toolgnt .1A. JRPHF.CX THKATEK I Morrison, between fmh and Keven:h Vauaemne. This Bit rnoAfi at I lj and toolset at 8-1S- PANTA5ES THCATEK (Kourth and Stark V-u.1v11I.. Thl aflsrnooa at to a'ght at I - sjd B. EMPKESS THE ATE R Park and uh ng tonl VaudeX'le. ThlB afternoon at a. 11 and foment a ?:& and . TR. AK.-AUE. OH JOT. ODEON. TT VuLI Klrei run pictures. 11 A. M.. J P. M. OAKS PARK Ph'lllp Pels, and Oaks Park sleiropulltsa Optra woartau This afternMr. and tonight. VAt:OIIN.TREET liRnUXWt-Portland ve. Oakland. ThlB afternoon at a. OHEbONUN AT THE RESORTS. Tmr th sjeaeaeea dMIrary f To Oregs aiaa at MnaM rmrta. aabwrilM Ihrauia th fallawlac .seats. 1ty rale. Kubscsip tlaaw fcy mall ar pitiMa la "Iriara; (anaa ftprtngs. .Mlae-ral prlln HalH fa I aadla . M. rflBdorf t.llln. lprina T'' ",1"? talamkte BVark Ralph 1C. lk; l.rarb.rt l ark K. J. rmlrhnrmt l.eeig rVrx-b Mraehal a. etport fcrge f-yWestes' i aa f ark K-.Brrb?' Parlfw It j I- T. M. X art la a Aprtngs Cha-. . Hmmjm maid lark Mratt. mraoui m w. AdiinUmiill tatsasdrd far ths City Nrl la Brie ralnmai la fun day's ssso moat h aaafted ta Tba Orrg.nlaa koalisraa afflrB by a-raark Oalarday rrewlng. FlOHT FOR BRASl'H TO COKTIWCB. reappointed or refusal of the t'oun cil to (rant the Mount Hood Railway a permit to lay a temporary track for ten block! on Villa avenue from Eaat Klghtleth street, property owner on the atreet and residents of Montavllla say they will continue to demand the Improvement. -V N. Bearla. secretary of the Montavllla Board of Trade, said yesterday that the case will be taken up again. -Restdents on Villa avenue went this extension." he said, "and w Intend to demand that the permit be granted. It Is stranire that the Mount Hood Railroad Company, a areat interurban line. Is refused an entrance Into Portland. Last Sunday 1000 tickets were sold for the excursion trips over the line, and passengers were com pelled to walk from Eaat Eightieth street to the depot ten blocks away. There Is something back of this op position to this connection on the part of the Councllmen who voted against tba measure." Tm E-M-r Northwest Company to day received and now have on exhibi tion at their salesroom, corner Chap man and Alder streets, the 113 E-M-F models. The local branch was fortun ate In having secured the tlrst carload shtpmant of these models made from the factory this year. The E-M-P Company hava marie no mechanical changes whatever, following the same principle to which they have adhered from the start, but hava Improved the cars In their general detail of appoint ment, finish and body design. All three models are equipped with drop frame, more roomy bodies and a number of minor details which Improve tha looks very much, and all cars this year will be equipped with demountable rime. The color of the running gears Is changed to gray. Every car In tha Brat shipment was sold before arrival." Hiiaa.10 Asks Prvonr-g. For tha second time In Ave years William Suesa. a sawyer of the Inman-Poulaen Lumber Company- 1 for orc agalnat his wife. Edna Sues, yes terday In the County Court. He named Earl Rock ford, also of Portland, as co respondent. Charged by Huess with a statutory crime. Rockford and Mr a. HUM! axe oeiia uuun -" - action of tha grand Jury. Hueas re ceived bis freedom from :he last Mrs. ttuesa five yeara ago. when she left Suesa with a man named Bailey. The plea, which 8oess filed, charges that Mr. Suess left him with Rockford. whom she married In Pendleton after a trip to Baker, Or. He asks that the court gtve him sol rights to bla property, which Includes real estate In Brooklyn. Woopa-rocg Cfnow Fum Pilpiatm. At tha meeting of the Woodstock Women's Christian Temperance Union Thursday Mrs. Oeorge trew. Miss Fan nie Drew and Mrs. Rosa Osborn wera elected delegates to the state conven tion, which will meet In Medford Octo ber (-11. Delegates to the county con vention to meet In Hawthorne-Avenue Presbyterian Church. September !-!. wera elected as follow: Mr. J. IX Voce. Mr. Mary Bates. Mrs. Robs Orbora. Mrs. Jeanetta Thomas and Mrs. P. P. Winter. Alternates: Mrs. D. A, A mem an. Mrs. C J. Watkln. Mrs. J. B. Sanders. Mrs. A. B. Smith and Mrs. C A. Teffe. The Woodstock union has en tered tha membership contest. It was reported at the meeting that II new members bad been obtained so far. Buajag Am-T SrKs. The first legal phase of the controversy between regular and private detectives over the recovery of stolen ostrich plumes for Kara Nixon, waa seen In Justice Court yesterday when G. E. Constable, an officer of tha Burns retectlve Agency In this city, filed suit agnJnst Nixon for fits, the amount of a check drawn by Nixon In favor of the detective acency. but cancelled at the bank upon tha advice of City Detective Carpenter. Carpenter's assertion that O. H. Kulper. manager of tha agency, had "shaken down" Nixon, led to countercharges that Carpenter was levying tribute upon under-world women, but thesa charges- failed of substantiation when the woman waa questioned. LAog Portland Pcuoatto Socoht. That Portland will have a good rep resentation at the annual state conven tion of retail grocers, to be held In January In Medford. the Portland Re tail OroceraT Association has appointed a committee to get Portland residents to attend the meeting. The local or ganisation will hold an open meeting September IC. It alma to get enough excursionists to charter a special car. Members of the committee arranging the trip are: James Roberts. F. W. Funk. Arnold Keller. Leo Merrick and Emlle Wommelsdortf Rgv. 8. A. Rtav. 8. J., to Preach im RrrsiaUT. Rev. Simon A. Ryan. 8. J., of St. Ignatius Collese. Chicago, will be the preacher for the annual retreat of the clergy of tha archdiocese, be ginning August 11 and ending Au gust 2i. at Columbia University. The order for the retreat by Archbishop Christie for this yesr Is: "The an nual retreat will open Monday. Au gust tl. St 1:30 P. M.. at Columbia Uni versity. Every member of the diocesan clergy, not provided with written ex cuse. Is ordered to be present." BniitD KixpacD Pbad. Barnard Kindred died here Tbursday at the age of i years and t months. H waa a son of Thomas Kindred, and brother of Tom Kindred, of Portland, and Mrs. J. W. Morrow, of Vancouver. Wash. Funeral services will be held from St. Frsncls Church, at Eaat Eleventh and Eaat Oak streets, this morning, and In terment will be mad in Lone Fir Cemetery.- CorrgDEATa to Steak at O. A. R. Cam mam Comrade Johnson, of. the Confederate Army, will speak at tha campflra of Sumner Post O. A. R. to night In the hall on Grand avenue and East Pine street. KortAH Koai Kits Kost. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Roberta. Main T;. A US4. , Dr. Pbvabbors ha returned to her office t 19 Cnlon avenu North. Akimal. Cnx-Ei.Tr Charoed. Four mules, flinching and tllcktng Hie from their raw withers, where abra sions showed as big ss a man's hand, stood at the door of the police sta tion yesterday afternoon, to be viewed by prospective witnesses to a cruelty charge against their master. A large crowd gathered about and made feel ing comments upon the man who would clamp a collar upon such masses of raw flesh. Some of the animals withers were swollen and Inflamed. The suffer ing animals, together with others not so bad. mere found by Sergeant Crate In a grading camp at East Eleventh and Prescott streets. James Baker, of Baker Bros., contractors, was ar rested for working the animals, and waa released under ball of 1100. Coi-xtt Membership Contest Livelt. Reports from the county Women's Christian Temperance Union member ship contest, which started several weeks ago. are to the effect that nearly all unions In the county are working vigorously for new member." The contest will end In the County W. C, T. IT. convention. September 19-20. In Hawthorne rresbyterlsn Church, when results will be announced. Mrs. Mary Mallet, county president, and Mra. Robert McCourt. president of the Wood slock W. C. T. U, attended the meeting of the Montavllla W. C. T. U. Thurs dsy and organised the contest work. The Montavllla union will take an active part. Sktok's "Hckch" Correct. When Waldemar Seton. Police Commissioner, left for his vacation at the sea coast, recently, he had a premonition that his house would be attacked by thieves in his absence. He went to Chief Slover and secured an order to the patrolmen In the vicinity to keep a watch upon It. The order "was read to the reliefs, and as the petitioner was their "boss they compiled with It to an unusual degree. Seton had the right "hunch, for yesterdsy morning the premises, at 96 Mllwaukle street, were entered by R thief, who cut the screen door and broke a window. A gardener saw him and aroused the neighborhood, but the Intruder escaped. ' Ctole Sjt:Ai Ketaimeo as Great Aid. Acting Chief of Tollce 8lover baa re ported to the police committee of the Executive Board that the motorcycle squad, organised by him and made a more particular feature than ever be fore, has done-excellent work and be recommends that the members be con tinued. Msyor Rushlight and the mem bers of the committee adopted tne rec ommendation. Reports were submitted by the Chief, showing that the squad has made a good many Important ar rests since he has been In office, and he regards this branch of the service as of much worth to the city, he said. Another motorcycle Is to be purchased soon. Bostokiak Interested ik Esperaxtx An echo of the recent convention of Esperantlats In Portland came in the form of a letter to the Commercial Club yesterday from Edward 8. Payson. a Boston manufacturer, asking to what extent the proposed International language was being employed on the pacific Coast and desiring to be placed In touch with members of the local organisations. The fsct that the Com mercial Club her had published a booklet In Esperanto and had given Its support to the annual convention In July, came to Mr. Payson's attention In a recent meeting of the Boston Esperanto Association. Porttlasd Phtsiciax MissiKO. Dis appearance of Dr. Charles II. Ludlow, a practicing physician, came to light yesterday when his wife" reported to Captain of Detectives Moore that she had not heard from her husband since) February 23. Sh requested that an effort be made to find him. Dr. Ludlow lived at 109 North Ninth street. When last seen he waa attending a woman at I East Seventy-fourth street, and was supposed to have gone to see his patient when he left home. He tele phoned that day. but never returned home. He la SS years old and wears a mustache with a patch of white In It. Labor Cociecn. FtAxg Picnic Plans have been completed by organised labor for a celebration of Labor day, Monday. September 4. A committee, repreaentlng the Central Labor Coun cil, last night reported to that organisa tion that It bad secured Council Crest as the scene of this year's activities. There will, be no formal programme, the usual speechmaklng having been dispensed with. The day will be given over entirely to an all-day picnic for tha laboring men and their families. In the evening those who desire will be entertained at a dance In Christen sen's Hall, on Eleventh street. Saxdt Moviko Hats Exds Mondat. The time In which all buildings on Sandy boulevard eaat of East Twenty eighth street must be moved back to conform to the So-foot street lines, will expire Monday. Then any one who has not complied with this requirement will be liable to a fine. Most of tha buildings hava been moved. Including the larger ones at East Twenty-eighth and also the two-story brick postoftlce building at the Intersection of Alameda avenue. Tha postofflce was moved back without trouble and did not dam age the new lot lines. Watiiuxioh Church Rtsmo Fast. The new Waverlelgh Congregational Church, at East Thirty-third and Ells worth streets. Is nearlng completion. The exterior Is finished and the In terior work Is progressing fast. This building Is almost a reproduction of the former Sunnyslde Congregational Church, the old material from that building having been used In the Waverlelgh Church and the general plan being the same. It will be finished early this Fall. Rev. 8. E. Wlney la the pastor. Ravtxes CoaiPLAtjrEO AOAiNtrr. Com plaints are made about the un sanitary condition of ravines at Eaat Tenth and East Salmon streets and at East Ninth and Division streets. At both places garbage la dumped openly Into the unfilled blocks. At the corner of Division and East Ninth streets garb age Is dumped dally. Part of the refuse Is said to come from tha oampmeet Ing grounds near by. A resident pass ing there yesterday morning counted 17 wharf rata on the heap. Six Cocpi Divorced. Ties of matrimony were unbound for six couples by Judge McGinn yesterday morning. Thoaa obtaining decrees were: Alice Darling from Charles Darling, desertion; Lillian Pearl Rook from Arthur Rook, desertion; Ida May Kelly from John R. Kelly. Intoxica tion and failure to work: Maggie Moore from Alfred Moore, cruelty; Laura Beer from Sampson Beer, desertion: M. E. Swegle from A. J. Swegle. cruelty. Motorctcust Hits Max. A. C. Kemp ton, a visitor from Lincoln, Neb., stay ing at the Imperial Hotel, waa struck and knocked down yesterdsy by a boy riding a motorcycle, at Sixth and Coucb streets. The rider escaped, but Pa trolman Teevln, who reported the ac cident, believes that he can be found. Kempton'a Injuries were not serious. TRACT10 COMPART SrED FOR 17500. Gertrude L W. Goodale, administra trix of the estate of Harry Goodale, who was killed by a streetcar at East Thirty-fourth street and Hawthorne avenue. Jansary . has filed suit against the Portland Railway, Light at Power Company for S7S00. Drgrgg Fticeral Hsxr. The funeral of Mra. Electa Durfee. who died at the Mount St- Joseph Home for the Aged, was held yesterday from tha East Side Funeral Directors' Chapel. The burial was In St. Mary's Cemetery. Mrs. Durfaa waa T3 years old and formerly lived at. Lents. Or. iS Rooms, new building being com pleted, strictly modern. First and Madi son streets, suitable for hotel or rooming-house, to lease for long term. Ap ply Goodman's. St Third street. ' Chamrkr of Commerce safe de posit vault: best protection: low rstes; couruous treatment- Hours, . . Chicaoq Editor Is Guest. J. w. MacEachern. of Chicago, editor of the Northwestern Magaxlne, formerly edi tor of the Valve World, was the guest at a dinner given last night In the Cor nelius Hotel by employes of the Crane Company. Mr. MacEachern was for merly an editorial writer on the Record-Herald and la well known In the newspaper world. This Is his sec ond visit to Portland and on both, oc casions his popularity has been shown by the attentions of his friends here. Those at the dinner were: E. H. Hobbs. W. F. Jeffress. Charles A. McGinn. Arthur Richardson. W. E. Gould. R. M. Sllknltter. Frank Barrow. Frank Hol comb. George E. "Fish. W. Venton. Status or Rath Cass Showh. A two page editorial In the August Issue of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin. Just Issued, giving the exact status of Portland and Spokane under the recent rat decision. Is one of the most Im portant features of the edition. C. A Malboeuf contributea an article on "Marketing the Northweat Fruits." An other contribution treats of the raising of ginseng for profit- Statistics In the current Issua have all been brought down to date and show remarkable In creases In the enterprises of the City of Portland and the state at large. Conmrrtci Report Is Todat. R. R Perklns. who recently returned from a conference of leaders In the Men and Religion Movement, at Silver Bay. N. T-. will report today to the local com mittee In charge of arrangements for sessions of the movement here. To day's meeting will be held at noon In the auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association where the com mittee will eat luncheon. Other roattera In connection with the movement here will be discussed. Quarter Block 'BRjrros S42.500.- The quarter block, at the southwest corner of East Ankeny street and Grand avenue, haa been sold by J. C. Alnsworth. to the American Realty Company for S42.S00. Mr. Alnsworth bought th property two years ego for S29.000. the gain In that time being SI 3.SO0. "Free" Drixks Cacbb Suit. Suit to collect $1.60. alleged to be due for drinks purchased over the bar. was filed In Justice Court yesterday .by Harry Lord, against "John Doe" Mahue. supposed to be a chauffeur. For the trouble of bringing the suit. Lord asks for $10 In addition to the face of the account. "Wikdemuth" on the Willamette. Bathing, luncheons, refreshments. Take Brooklyn car. Parsons' Orchestra, Sun day afternoon and evening. Wakted. A registered drug clerk; city experienced: the best that can be had. AM 339. Oregonlan- GOMPERS COMING HERE LABOR UXIOXS TO GREET LEAD ER ACGCST SI. Armory Is Engaged tor Speech by Federation ChlcfSnd Musicians Plan to Serenade Him, Trades unionists of Portland are look ing forward to the visit to this city August SI of Samuel Gompers. presi dent of the American Federation of La bor. This will bo the first time Mr. Gompers has visited Portland for nlno yeara. and local labor leaders are mak ing extensive arrangomenta for his en tertainment. A committee) representing the Central Labor Council has engaged the Armory for th data of Mr. Gomper' visit, and at o'clock that night he will deliver an address In that building. Mr. Gom pers Is scheduled to arrive hero Thurs day morning. August 31. and will leave for California the following afternoon. Tentative, plans, arranged by labor or ganisations. Influd) a general recep tion at his hotel between and 7 o'clock Thursday afternoon, when sev eral thousand trades unionists will meet the official head of the National labor organisation. Members of the Musicians' Union are also planning to serenade Mr. Gompers following tha reception and before he leaves for th Armory to make his ad dress. It Is expected that In his ad dress Mr. Gompers will discuss the rtghts of th laboring man as be views them, particularly with regard to their right to strike and to conduct boycotts. OREGON SYSTEM IS STUDY Popntar Legislation Will Be Theme of California Speeches;. Georg Judson King, of Toledo, O.. field secretary of th American Direct Legislation League, passed yesterday In this city visiting men prominently Identified with the Oregon system. In cluding representatives of organised labor. The purpose of Mr. King's visit to this city at this time Is personally to study tha Initiative and referendum and recall provisions of the Oregon statutes, preliminary to going to Cali fornia where he will deliver a number of addresses 'In advocacy of the adop tion, at a special election October 12, of th same measures of popular leg islation In that state. Leaving Portland. Mr. King will go to Roseburg, en route to San Fran cisco, where he will make a particular study of the recall as It has been ap plied in the attempted removal from office of Circuit Judge Coke. Report from Southern Oregon are to the effect that the agitation for the recall of Judge Coke have not met with a sufficiently encouraging response from the electors of the district over which he presides to Insure the suc cess of the movement.' ROBBERIES ARE EXPECTED Merchant Are Canlloncvd to Guard Safes W ith Lights. Renewed warning to all merohants and business men to guard their safes against an expected Inroad of the band of yeggraen whose progress up and down the coast has been noted, waa Is sued yesterday with reference to a bur glary committed before daylight yes terday at the second-hand store of B. Trenkman. 102 North Fourth street. All persons having safes are requested to keep a light burning in the vicinity of the strong-box. and officers are di rected to familiarise themselves with the location of all such depositories- -Th Trenkman robbery wa not don by th expected experts, as the method was dissimilar. No valuables were tak en, but th thieve secured a lot of tools suitable for burglary, and It Is thought that they Intend further opera tional. WHERE TO DINE. aUt tha dalteacles of th season at th Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart- its for ladles. SOI Wash, asar Bia . To llv wll Is to eat well: Try Th Criterion. II Sixth tret. Stock Deal Fraudulent, Alleged. Alleging that his ward was Induced by false representations to subscribe for S00 worth of the stork of tha Lum bermen'a Truat Company, J. K. Mock baa started suit against th company REASON 1 WHY NO. i-U why Certificates of Title furnish the BEST protection to buyers of and mort gagees of real estate on behalf of J. L. Mayberry. a minor, to recover the amount, with Interest. Mock asserts that the boy was told that the company had certain property, and that afterwards he learned that the as sertion was untrue. The Court Is also asked to give judgment for $369.85, which amount. It Is declared, the young man expended on behalf of tha com pany. ' FOUR SALOONISTS SUFFER Two Sent to Jail, Two Pay Fines In Woman's Crusade." Two convictions In cases where liquor was sold to intoxicated men were obtained In the Municipal Court yesterday, making four saloonkeepers who have paid penalty for the offense since the fleecing of Frank Skldmore caused his wife to start the crusade. To date one liquor seller has gone to the rockplle. one Is under sentence to go there, but haa appealed, and two have paid fines. Most convincing testimony In the case of Joe Canlch was that of Allen Rltter, the purchaser, who said he had no recollection of being in the saloon or of being arrested.' As the fact of his arrest In Canlch's place was un questioned, the court had no difficulty in concluding that he was noticeably Intoxicated at the time. Canlch and several of his associates told a vague story of Rltter having been refused liquor and having seized another man's glass, which he had In his hand when arrested by Patrolman Ewenness, but Judge Tazwell said he believed the witnesses were lying. Hs Imposed a fine of $250. Louis Borlch sold liquor to Frank Hendley, a youth whose father has been making efforts to keep him away from Intoxicants. The defense ques tioned whether Hendley was sufficient ly Intoxicated that his condition would strike the observer.- "That Is according to the point of view," said the court, "and It is plain to me that these saloonkeepers do not care to see thst a man Is drunk when they can avoid It and make a little profit. Borlch waa fined 200. OREGON MAY SHOW WAY Xavy Department to Consider Send ing Warship Through Canal First. The campaign of the Chamber of Com merce to have the- battleship Oregon lead the other vessels through the Panama Canal brought forth a response from Beekman Wlnthrop, Acting Secre tary of the Navy, yesterday. In a tele gram In which he promised that the request would be given full and careful consideration. The formal request was aent from Portland three days ago. The Chamber of Commerce will wait to receive fuller Information from the Oregon delegation In Washington before making further steps In the csmpalgn. SNAPS FINGERS AT FATE TIriy Broadwiek, "Doll Girl," to Make Two Thrilling Drops. Absolutely without any concern what ever. Miss Tiny Broadwiek. the l-year-old "doll girl" balloonist and parachut ist .at the Oaks, will make a daring double parachute drop at the Oaks this afternoon at 4:30. The girl will even go so far as to give the famous triple parachute drop tomorrow afternoon at the same time. On .both nights there will be night as censions at o'clock, when fireworks will be used t mark the falling figures of the aeronauts. The Saturday and Sunday Oaks' bills ar certainly daring enough for the seeker after sensations. G. A. R. ATTENTION. - A special electric lighted tourist car for the accommodation of members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C to the Na tional encampment will leave Portland on the 0.-W. R. A N. limited train leav ing Cnlon Depot August IS at 10 A. M.. and 'will run through to Rochester without change, via the O.-W. R. N, C. P- C. & N. VT. and Lake Shore. For reservations call at our city ticket of fice. Third and Washington streets. Steamer Monarch" for Astoria Cen tennial leaves Washlngton-st. dock T A. M. Fare SI. " ARTISTS Requiring the Best in tools and materials For Summer Sketching- will appreciate onr line of colors, brushes, canvas, sketch blocks, easels, stools, kits, etc. Pictures Moulding Stationery Sanborn, Vail & Co. 170 FIRST 171 FRONT Phone Your Orders M 609 The question of area Is an Important one In the matter of real estate titles. - If you buy a 10-acre tract, do you acquire title to 10 . acres by measurement or to ' only nine and a half acres? If you Invest In a lot fifty by one hundred feet, do you get S000 equare feet of ground or only 4200 square feet? The complete system of maps and surveys (many of them private surveys) owned by this company gives us information on all title matters that can be obtained no other way. You get the benefit of all this . Information in a Certificate, of Title. Investigate be fore you make your deal. Call for booklet. TITLE AXD TRUS'T COMPANY. Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak. White Temple Pulpit s r. : - --slssp"-' Walter Benwell Hlaaon, Minister. Twelfth and Taylor Streets. AXNOlNCEMETS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY SCHOOL 9i4S A. M. A cordial Invitation to attend to all who are not in any other school. REV. DOXALD D. MACI.AURIJf, . Dt of Walla Walla. Wash., will preach. Morning service. 11 o'clock, subject: "OUR FATHER'S CARE" EVENING SERVICE AT 7:30 O'CLOCK, . eubject: "TAKE THE CUP OF SALVATION" B. Y. P. U. MEETING Lower Temple, 6:15. DR. J. WHITCOMB BROt'GHEIWformer pastor of the White Temple, who probablv preaches to the largest reg ular congregations In this country, will be the preacher August 20. There will be apeclal muaie at both services. DR. H. FRANCIS PERRY, who has re cently dedicated a new gl.OKM church In Vancouver, B. C, will preach August 27. Srranarera In the City Cordially Invited. tit.-?.,.., lt ealtk at Wilhoit Springs Tvro Wo oka Hero Bettor Than Six at tho Soa Shoro Wilhoit Springs Water is a wonderful tonia and curative agent. Living in the open among the fir trees and drinking the spring water builds np ones entire system both physical and mental. KaHaras stomach tron ble and oibsr complaints hi nick tune. Quiets tba Dsrroos system. Your choice ot Hotel. Cottages or Testa. Hon ting, Ftabrog and trsmpiBf tbrougb tha woods, into. Btobila, leaves Electric BotaC Oregon City, every say at S p. am. Pleasant 2$ mila trip. Call Ions; distance "Wilhoit" and make reserva tions, or mail Inquiry to Wilhoit Springs, Wilhoit. Or. SOLID CAKE NO WASTE SAPOLIO Cleans when others fail and requires less effort NO DIRT CAN RESIST IT THE COLONIAL SEASIDE. OR. Now Open for ths Season. RATES S3 .60. Special Bate for Families. Electric lights in every room. Free 'oris to and from all trains. Good nahlng. boating and saddle horssa. UXD8LEY SON. TS THIS CLOUDS aborv th smoke, wher th air U cool vnd braclBf. CLOUD CAP INN OX MOUNT HOOD. Leave Portland 10 A. X reach th Inn :10 p. M. For rates and reservations Be O.-W. R. N. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington1 Sts. Foster & Kleiser High Grade Commercial and Electria SIGNS E3asrt Ttb. and East Everett Sta. Pheaas) Baa lllli B-2224. HOME BUILDERS We are contractors and will furnish lot and finance the building of a home for you on easy payments. We give references and ask references. WYATT. ESTABROOK at RAY, 901 casrk bldar. Phone ataUs 4211. PALE Areeal4oitek BeadaeBe, lads' rasuoa, savr store acta, and bad eooa. Barker's HAIR BALSAWI Cleaners sad beam i net toe asm I P a KmiziaQt trovfh. I Sever Tans to BeatoYs Gray I JBeir to its Ttmitiul Color. Cans aei rtjn-v astir Bullae. I III. .JJ 1A - T 'w--4aL-aw-.Jy Bl-IUUa arapteau. watch are aaally DrODI C re red a baa jou kasw vbal to do. rLUlbai Wa save caraa tbaaa eomplalnis latrrr Tears with SCSS-S IBTBOTKB UTSB 1UI. Tea leas Vauar and leal better after Being lb em. Oas atu Br a dees. 33c a bos at stores er bf aaall. Wow BJuaVtSTnlr OeUMO CO, niladelpals. Rom nd Trips CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST. LOUIS. $70.00 NEW YORK . . UlflQ Kfi PHILADELPHIA P 1 uo,JU BOSTON $110.00 BALTIMORE . . 1107 Crt WAS H I N GTONj v 1 u ' .. . . 1 79 cn r tviaituv Tickets told August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30; September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Return limit October 31. Stopovers and choice of routes in each direction. Rochester, $91.35; August 14 to 17. Inland Empire Express Leaves North Bank Limited Leaves . CITY TICKET OFFICE, FIFTH AND STARK STS. THE NORTH BANK STATION, ELEVENTH AND H0YT STS. SCHOOLS The Pre-eminent School for Well-Born Girls And Every Near York Advantage. On a macniflcent height overlooking the Hudson, with a thirty-mile view of the river. Five modern buildings, set in a park of fourteen acres ol grove "The Castle' 'STTM 0. B. mmmmmm Miss C. L Mason's TARHVTOWN-OIV-HIIDSON. J V- "dignifying THE INDUSTRIES" Situated on Lake Steilacoom A select school for boys, situated In a" rural district, particularly adapted to all kinds of outdoor Bporta the year around. College preparatory, with spe cial instruction In languages. Modern buildings, limited attendance. Fall term begins Sept. 21st, 1911. For catalog and Information, write p. S. PCLrORD, Principal. South Taconia, Wash. NEAR OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA Mills Seminary entirely dropped. Only Col lege work done at this historic Institution, A woman! College, chartered 188 ft. Entrance and rradna tlen requiremens equivalent to those of other Coileree fol women. Work recornbsed st the Unh-erihy of Oreron, Stanford, and University of California, course for coarse. Twcnry-two departments. Stronr faculty. Laboratories well eqnipped. Excellent opportunities for Home Economies. Mntic and Art. Modern rrowatinm and apeclal care for bealtk of ttrjdenta. President, Lnella Clay Caraon, A. M., LL. D. For catalogue address Re(isrjsr. Mills Colicfe P. 0 California. The Allen Preparatory School FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Fits for ail colleges and technical schools. Graduates from this school. In Eastern Institutions, rank with stu dents from the best secondary schools of Now England. Special courses. Office hours 10 to 11 A. M. For Catalogue address THE ALLES PREPARATORY SCHOOL Portland, Or.. East 12th and Salmon Sta. LAW DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Portland Ore-con - Three years" course leading; to degree of Bachelor of Laws, Night classes under experienced practi tioners. For catalogue and full In formation address the Secretary, 610 Corbett Building. Portland. Oregon. MOUNT TAMALPAIS MILITARY ACADEMY San Rafael. Cal. AX ACCREDITED HIt.H SCHOOL GRAMMAR GRADES Infantry, Cavalry. Mounted Artillery, Ooen-AIr Swlmmlns; Pool and Gym. ARTHUR CROSBY, D. D., Head Master. Ask for printed matter at Orearonlan offlcs .-TV L1 TTmTTt. .h. SISTFBS OF- THE HOLY NAMES Of JESUS AND MARY. Gru. A,lmU nd CtlUiitt Cmnm. Moilc Art. Elocstlos snd Commer cial Depts. JUridmt Daj Snivels. Refined Moral and Intellectaal TraialDr. Write f orABnouscement. Address trSTKK lUrtRWK si. Mrj'r jieqJtmj. PtnlJ MISS HAKKER'f? SCHOOL, Palo Alto. California. Boarding: and day school for girls. Accred ited to Eastern and California colleses. Horns Economics, Music, Arts and Crafts. Resident nurse or youns: children. Illustrated cata logue. Tenth year basins August 22. 1911. MANZANITA HALL; '00 A healthful home school for boys. Pre rrsree for college and technical school. First Semester opens Aug. 29. 1B1L Catalogue on reauest. W. A. SHED P. Head Master- HILL MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND, OREGON. Send for Illustrated Cataloa, a Eas ST. PAUL . . . MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OMAHA KANSAS CITY $60.00 WINNIPEG . . j DENVER . . , COLORADO $55.00 SPRINGS J Direct Train Service To St. Paul, Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Denver 9:55 A. M. 7:00 P. M. AXD COLLEGES. and lawn, tvery surrounding 01 rennea Deauiy. Aajacenito we great city, wuu&c uncMueucu iauuti culture, pleasure anu miuppuik aic icauuj au.9iuict under chaperonage. This school's College Preparatory, Graduating and Finishing Courses have enviable reputations. Also its special courses in Art. Music. Elocution, Languages, Literature. Science, Nature Study. Handicrafts and Domestic Science. Be rand the finished culture Imparted Is the Imbued spirit of aelf-rellance. inltlaUve and power to meet every future need. In these qualities our glrU excel. Certificate admits to feeding colleges. One . teacher to three pupils. Now York Cltr Annex. European clasa for travel and study. . Vritt lor beauuful catalogue to KASOK, IX. at.. Leek Bex SS8, TanytowB. V. T. s GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN NEW YORK 1 This Is the title of a. beautiful 64-page book, which will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a . costal In the mall TODAT and It will be sent FREE. The aim of the College 1 to dignify and popularise the industries, and to serve ALL the people. It offer courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engin eering. Forestry, Domestic. Science and Art, Com merce, Pharmacy and Music The College opens September 23d. Catalog free. - Address: REGISTRAR, 0RE00H AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, CorvaUla, Oregon. - 1 Ideal Preparatory School for Girls. Admits to any college; onus, ual advantages In Music and Art. Complete course In Do mestic Science. Fine gym nasium. Splendidly located. In a wholesome and Invigor ating: climate. Individual in struction and home care. Get further . Information and booklet from HISS JULIA P. BAILET, 2-0f Pacific Avenue, Spokane, tVasfau BUSINESS COLLEGE Shorthand, typewriting:, bookkeep ing;. It will pay you to investigate our Special Summer Ratea now in effect. Day and night school. Main 7622. Lu A. May, Prin. SIXTH AIVD WASHIXGTOV STS.. PORTLAND, OREGON. BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS. J PORTLAND. OREGON XJL WRITE FOR CATALOG Th School that Places You in a Good Position Portland Academy PRIMARY AX1) GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Organised as a ' fitting sohool for tha academy. Does the work of the grades In seven years. Experienced teachers In every grade. Special attention to reading, spell ing, grammar, geography and arithmetic For full Information apply for catalogue. PorUand, Oregon J ' f Resident and Day Sohool for Girls In" charge of Bisters of fit. John Baptist (Kpisoopal il S GoUeg late. Acaaamlo sac Elaiaantary naparaeeate. stasia. An, sieesnon. wymnaaium. For catalog address THE SISTER SUPERIOR Office a, St. Helens Hall Home and Dmr School for Girla. near Stanford University. Accredited by coUcre Eatt and Wcit Grammar and Prim-4 auy department. Four new bnlldinjt a Ket.denee for 4( pupils; a Recitation Hail of 12 rootntt a Gyanatimn an 4 Auditorium ; a Domestic Science Buaralow. Extern' j rroonda.- Music. Art. Domestic Science, Out-of-door Pbyn icsi Train Inc. School opens September 4, 1911. For UIum t rated rattaiofne. arldreit the Principal. MARY I. LOCKEY. A. B. Palo Alto, Cel. Established 1SOO OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worceiter Bldg. Portland, Or.