PERKIN'S VERSION OF CRISIS: DENIED Oaklelgh Thorne Says Trust Company Was Not Center of Money Panic. RUN ON BANK DESCRIBED WiU &rren Wlndowa Open, Tellers Par Oat J,oOO.OO In Plngl Day Millions Borrowed to Bare Situation. WASHINGTON. Aur. 11- Oaklelgh Thorn. president of tha Trust Company of America, which became Involved In tne financial panle of lo7. the affairs ct wMc have been linked with the taking over of the Tennessee Coal Iron Company by ! rnlu-d States Steel Corporation at that crista, fol lowed Oeorae Vt 1'erklns today a a witness before the House committee of Inquiry Into the affairs of the Steel Corporation. Mr Thorne declared, contrary to tes timony alven by Mr. I'eralns and other witnesses, that the Company or America was not ta n"cJiief sore point of trouble at the time It was necessary to save the brokerage firm of Moore A S-chlef. He surprised the committee wltn declarations that undue attention bad been directed toward his com pany la that crisis and he denied any knowledge of the agreement testified to by Mr. Perkins, that lb taking over of the Tennessee 'oai Iron Com pany by the Pteel Corporation to save Moore Schley from ruin was de pendent upon the success of the bank ers of New York in raisins; money to save the Trust Company of America ad the Lincoln Truet Company. 9IS.SOO.000 WltlMlrawn In Day. air Thorne was eiamUied relative to a public statement -iven to the press October It. lo:. and attributed to Mr Perkins. In which It wss declared that the "chief sore point of the panic was the Trust Company of America He declared that. Immediately fol lowlna tbla. a run on hl bank oc curred and that tha run In ona oaf took out llJ.fc0O.00e. Tor thU. he admitted, he had con sulted counsel as to the advisability of auing for damage persona he felt ware responsible, but that ha as de terred by the aaesaaUr of mora money from tha bankers of ew York la order to prevent collapsa of bis Institution. That his financial troubles . were Jn any way involved In the difficulties of Moore . Schley at that time he de- Mr. Tteru said that before the panic of 1T his company had assets of . ao90v. tvo far as Tennessee Coal Jron stock wsa Involved In collateral on loana of hta bank. It was nominal, amounting to aomethlng more than Mr Taorna Bald that prior to the panic, he had heard .criticisms of (na kind of business the Trust Com pany of America waa doing. Heavy Borrow lnj 'ecasrjr. Mr. Tnorna told of tha run on tha bank an October IS. 1T. -By It o'clock." ha saiJ. "w seven paylnar vindows open, and wa .re dome ourlTrst to get rid of the That day wc paid out Ill.sOO.OOO." "Did you call for heHpT" -Te." we had ta aet .ash to aava tho sltaat.oa that day.' Mr Thorns- an swered. "I went to Mr. Morgan a off tea and saw Mr.'Moraaa. Mr. Perklna. Mr. fcullman and Mr. Lavld,on 1 told them I had to have money, So far as 1 know tha eamlnina committee, had not mif anv report to Mr. MrBan.- One million dollars. Mr. Thorns said, was lent him by J. '" Morsan o.. the First National Bank and the .Na tional City Bik' Mr. Thome said that fca had obtalncl 1 1.500.0.-0 that after ooon from tha Hanover National Bank, which tided tho situation over, until closing hours. He eaplalned how that afternoon Mr. Moron han called the trust company presidents of New York to meet at the Lnlon Trust Company, and he was called In. He met .Messrs. Morcan. rUlllmsn. -Woodward. King and other Tha"aitutloa was discussed at leogth sad aa arraaa.roent was ma le to end him 110 0'.ut on J.tfO0.ioo of se curities which a committee of bankers waa ta select- The following morning l,s rcTed .iM of this losa and the remainder in various sums up to October J I. .... He received another loan of 115.000. 00 for l.00.t00 of securities ad vanced by tha bankers November . but paid to him In various smounts from time to time. He es4alned he Mr knew where the money actually cama from, but that Mr. Morgan. Air. Perkins end trie others who were rais ing H hsd areat difficulty In grttlng It. Mr. Thorne also told how he began pa'yiBC back the loans as rapidly as the truet company secorlttea could be realised on- At the present time, ha said, the Trust Company had assets of 4J . . Mr Littleton haa put In the record a statesmen! given to the press by Mr. Thorne on November la which he alluded ta his "utter amaaeroenf that tna chief forto of the panic bad been directed aeaJnst the Trust Company of America, a run unprecedented In the bi.tory of American banking." Mr Littleton ashed the witness or he had conferred during that time with Melville K. Ktoa. aeneral manaaer of the Assisted Pre.s. He said he had. My Idea In talking to Mr. Stone wss to ure the necessity of the ex sminlna committees making a report to Mr. Moraan.- he said. " I knew If the troth of the situation ot to Mr. Morcsa. ws would aet help. When Isler he got the truth, we aot the l 900.0DO." lajudlrlnus Statcrnrnt Withheld. X.ked If he had received the com munication from Mr. Htone reaarrtlns the metier. Mr Thorne said he hsd and produced It. It was read Into tho record, written under date of Novem ber It. l$oT. In tha letter Mr. Stone aid: "1 have no dubt Mr. Terklns state ment on the maht of the ili distinctly emphasiaed the run on the Trust Com pany of America. If. indeed. It did not precipitate It. I do not mean by this that I think there was the slightest purpose on the part of Mr. Perkins to Injure you or the Trust Compsny of America. But we felt that the state meat was so Injudicious that we did 01 send It out. "Later, when I said to Mr. Terkins that 1 thoueht It was very hurtful, he Justified It oa the around that the con ditions were so strained that If public attertton had not been centered upon tha Knickerbocker Trust and tha Trust Compsny ef America, every hank In N.w York probably would hava been Involved. PLACE WHERE P RESIDENT WILL SEEK RECUPERATION FROM . , . - r '' eA..'...j1;l f Tl u rj i PABAMATTA. TAFT NEEDS REST Western Trip Hinges on Op portunity to Recuperate. INVITATIONS POURING IN President Wanta Month to Restore Knerrlcs Before Cndertaklns U Journey Clear Through to the Paolfle Coast- ritcMnrjrr MAniw HUME POK alAk-WB WtT. BIVIRLT. Mass.. Au. Hr-Presl-drat Taft arrtT4 at Beverly thle nvomlns for hla third weeh-es stsy at raranatta. The Preeiaent came from Wuhltiioa on the Federal preea. He eaa accompanlea as far as Ballon by a delegation from Cna crees te the fuc.rml of the late S-oa-ter rvre at twtetea. Me. Leartna Boeton, ibe t aad Msjor Butt., his military aids, mo tored to paramstta. WASHINGTON. Au. 11. Numerous Invitations continued touay to reach tha Wblte House for President Taft to visit cities throughout the South and West during bis coming trip, but owing to the uncertainty of tha dste of tha adjournment of Conferees, the Presi dent has not definitely decided upon tha Itinerary. Tha President Is constantly -recelvinc appeala to Include the Paclnc Coaat la his proaramme. He has said that If ha could get a month of aood rest at fteverly. he would aot object to Inciud Ina the Far" West In hla Journey, but that he must hsva some time for re cuperation. He Is to start on his Southern and Western trip Septem ber is Bbould ha decide to make tha trip to the Paelflc, tha Prealdent prob ably would attend the nrround-breaklne; of the Panama Canal Paclfle Kaposl tloa at San Kranclaco October II. CASH IS PAID FOR TIMBER ( -ontlnu.4 from Pegs l. 1 hacker, praaldent of tha Anglo at London-Paris National Bank, af Ban Fn clsco; Mortimer FUlschharkar, presi dent of the Analo California Trust Company, of San Francisco; 8. O. John son, of tha 8. O. Johnson Company, owners of acres of white plna timber In tha Deschutes country, and O X. Wendilna. president of tho Weed Lumber Company, milling sa.OM.OOO feet of lumber annually, prealdent of the California Pine Boa Company, and president of tha Wendllng-Jjheon Lumber Compsny.. Tha holdings of the Wendilng-Johnson Lumber Company will Include some of ths best milling timber In Oregon, development of the gluslaw country la Western Lane County has .been re tarded because of lack of transporta tion facilities. In addition to tha tim ber, the land la rich In agricultural possibilities. The timber bsa been secured from In dividual ownera and means tha dlstrl button of cash among many people In Lane County. Mr. wendllna said tonight that plana for construction ft milling propertlee and cutting of timber mini necessar ily be held In abeyance until after fur ther conference with the stockholders of the compsny. In his Judgment he said It would not be less than two rears before bis compsny would be ready to enter the merket or not be fore the completion of tha Coos Psy railroad When the mill Is built It will be located on the Sluslaw River. A mill will be built which will represent an lnestmrnt of not less thsn three quarters of a million to a million dol lars. TIUfcT velds TIT O.V lILtl Wendling-Johnson Company Pre pare for Bond Issue. ROSEBCKO. V.. Aug. 1 1. I Fpeclal.) Kvldence tending to Indicate early construction by the Southern Paelflc of the propossd rsllrosd from Eugene to Marshfleld metsrlallsed here lata today, when tha Wendling-Johnson Lumber Company, of San Franolsro, flleg a trust deed and mortgage with tha County Clerk securing a bond Issue of 11.100.- 000. The deed Is energted la favor of the Michigan Trust Company, of Grand Rsplds. and Involves several thoussnd acres of timber lands In Poiiglas and I.ane counties. Most of thj lend Is ssid to bealong the line of the proposed ex tension, and a 1th the road completed TTTF, if :nr::n - r HNNF.R HOB or TlrTI AT BKVKRLY. MASS. and In operation will be aubject to easy transportstlon. . Local capltallste declare that Mr. Wendllng Is clossly Identified with the Southern Paclfle Company and hsd knowledge of tha plana of the company for the past 1 months and secured most of the valusble timber along the route prior to the announcement, and consequently at a low figure. Roseburg people scout the story that the Southern Psclflc Company wss forced Into constructing the road by Mr. Wendllng. but say the announce ment was made with a view of elimi nating competition from Roseburg. FRANCHISE BOND ASKEfi Vancouver Council Timid In Letting Privilege to Stranger. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Aug. 11. Ppe elal.r That Iwrence Harmon, a Chi cago lawyer, who at tha Uat meeting of tho Common Council asked for a streetcar franchise that proposes an electric system through the principal streets of Vancouver to connect all tha small towns in Clark County with Van couver, will have to put up a heavy bond to show his aood faith before a franchise Is granted him Is certain. ... -1- u -r .he Common Coun cil declare that they will not vote to grant him the irancnise umeee bond Is forthcoming. A bitter flaht Is being made by the Oreaon - Washington Corporation aaalnst the granting of thle franchise and telegrams have been sent East to determine the standing of Harmon. Answers hava been received by the company from the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savlnsa Bank and the General Electric Company, of Chicago, that Harmon la not known by them. ' BANK DATA TELL GROWTH Portland la Only City in Northweet Where Clearings Gain. With bank clearings aggregating I1M71.000 for the week ending yes terday, aa recorded by Bradstreefs, Portland malntalna a declslra lead over other cities of the Pacific Northwest In the volume of business transactsd. In fact. Portland Is tha only city In tha Pacific Northwest whosa bank clearings for tha week show an Increase over those of tha corresponding week last year. Portland'a percentage of gain waa 11.1. -i Bank clearings of Seattle for tha week rescbed a totsl of .J.000. or T.I per cent short of thosefor the sama weak In li. 'lha sama report shows a decrease of Pp cent for Tacoma and I per ceot tor Spokane. Thla showing oa tha part of. Portland Is Irrefutable evidence of aa Increasing prosperity along all lines of Industrial and commercial activities In view, of the fact that this Is regarded the quiet" season of tha year. CLERK'S FINGERS NIMBLE Postal Plstrlbulor Errorleae Rec ord Make Him Champion. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. lllSpe cJal.) Grova C Torre, a clerk in the San Fraoclaco mala postofflcs, la tha champion latter distributor of tha world. la an eablbltlon today Torre broke tha reeord by aortlng tll cars, with no errors, la IT minutes. Thla la an aT,rsge ef ! 4-1 cards a minute. Thla mall had to be thrown Into IT differ ent compartmente. When Torre had finished the 'Judges. Postmaster Fisk and Assistant Postmastsr Burke, found that Torre had not even one card In the wrong compartment. .To Illustrate how quick Torre'a w'ork waa.M said Burke, "try te asp erate the red and black eerda In a playing dack and sort them Into suites In one minute. You wlU nd It almost Impossible." Change in Time 8. P. Trains. On Sunday. August II. train No. IT. tha Roseburg local, will lesvs at 10 P. M. Instead of 4.1s. as at preeent. Wast Bide train No. I for Cervallla and way points will leave Union Depot at M A. M. In stead of A. M. Fertland-Dellae trsln No. T7 will leave Jefferson-street depot at T:l A. M- Instead ef T:40 A. M. So! '&. leaving Jeffsrsoa-strast depot, will run via Perry instssd ef direct, giving additional train service to Amity, McCoy, Crowley and Perry. i e Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to kssp the blood pure tha white corpuscles attack disssse germs like tigers. But often garma multiply so fast tha little fighters are overcome. Then see -pimples, bolls, ecssma. aalt rheum and seres multiply- and strength and sppeilte fell. This condition de msnds Electric Bitters to rsgulsis etomsrh. liver and kidneys arH to ex net poisons from the blood. "They are the best Mood purifier." writes C. T. Purtshn. of Tracy. Calif.. "I have vr found.'" They make rich, r.l blood. tronr nerves and build up your health. Try tuem. oc at all druggists. OREGOXTAN, SATTRDAY, -- furniMintniirrrnn !l . I ARDUOUS DUTIES DEV0LV: - vi M'GARE IS CENSOR Bureau Officials Humiliated, Drug Chief Testifies. WILEY'S ORDERS IGNORED Further Evidence of Friction In De partment of Agriculture Ap pears Curb Placed on Scientists' Tongue. WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. A story of "Inquisitorial" methods In the Depart ment of Agriculture and of "humiliat ing experiences" to which officials In the Bureau of Chemistry were sub jected by Solicitor McCabe of that de partment was recited today to the Mops committee of tha House of Represen tatives. Dr. L. F, Kebler, chief of the drug division of the Bureau of Chemistry, who was recommended for reduction In office for his psrt ln hiring Dr. Rusby. the drug expert, testified thaf he had been held before Solicitor Mc Cabe In McCabe's private office In the presence of a speclsl Government agent named Walsh and a stenographer and had been put through a humiliat ing questioning as to what stock he owned In drug manufacturing com panies. Dr. Kebler said he had been called on by the I'nlted States Attorney In Washington to give testimony In a suit against a "brain food" drug in the Washington Court. He did so on Dr. Wiley's authority. "When Mr. McCabe learned about It," said Dr. Kebler, "he telephoned ma a most, unmerciful calling down." "Do you mean to aay there la a rul ing that the scientists cannot talk with District Attorneys unless they get orders from Solicitor McCabe?" asked Chairman Moss. "Yea, sir; orders In writing." "Can you talk to a member of Con gressT "No. air." Dr. W. D. Blgelow, assistant chief ef tha Bureau of Chemistry, explained the employment of Dr. H. H. Rusby Ha declared that when he and the ethers were summoned before ths personnel bosrd their examination was so eon- i ducted that he did not even know that I chargea of Illegal action had been made agalnat him. WOOL RATE IS AGREED ON (Continued om Pass l. the absolute refusal of the House to accept tha Senate amendments confin ing the free admlaaion of msata and cereala to those coming from countries with whlob the United States has re el prooal trade agreements, which would confine tha free Importation of these artlclea to Imports from Canada. Free Lemons Demanded. Ho said also that the House would Insist upon adding lemona to tha free list. "I will never sign a conference re port on these lines." said Senator Bai ley, almost before the chairman ef the Hoeae conferees hsd had an opportu nity to complete bla outline pf the House position. With this decided opinion Mr. TTn derwood msde an effort to obtain the conaent of all parties to report a dis agreement. Mr. Bailey was again ob durate. "I am frank enough to say." he-added; "that I am never going to agree to a disagreement, "unless I am sure that wa can sustain ourselves In tha Sen ate." REPCBLICAXS CANCEL PAIRS Preparations 1 Made to Support President In Veto. WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. Republican Leader Mann gave formal notice In the House todsy thst Republican members wou'd ask for cancellation of all pairs so far as votes on vetoed measures were concerned. Mr. Msnn explained that he expected the President to veto whatever tariff bills are aent to him snd that every Republican vote In the House would be needed. Representative Ferris, of Oklahoma, asked whether It was meant that ex isting paira were to be repudiated. Mann replied that as to votes on ve toed measures, paired Republicans would give two votes for one and therefore all Republicans would be asked to cancel their pairs. Speaker Clark sopped the discussion by an nouncing: "The House has nothing to do with this pair business." SN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel. San Fran cisco todav were: C.'J. Groat, William Burke. William H.--Hawkins. F. W. Plummer. J. B. Lockwood and wife. D. B. Whittle, G. A. Steel. f . it; 1911. ASHEATCONTINUES Rhine Is at Low Ebb, Brooks Dry Up and' Water Fam ine Threatens, BERLIN IS 99- IN SHADE Three Weeks Hot Spell Has Broken All Records Many Cases of Sunstroke and Insanity , Are Reported.' . BERLIN, Aug. 11. The heated term, which has continued for 21 days, break ing the German records, is unabated throughout Germany, and during the past few days the temperature nas been higher than before. Deaths from sun stroke are reported from all sections, t A water famine threatens some dis tricts, where the brooks are drying up. Fish are dying on the river beds in the Eiffel resrion and in Westphalia. Navi gation on the chief streams has been almost suspended, owing to low water. The Rhine at Rudesheim Is lower than It has been since 1811. Passenger steamers on the Elbe have suspended service through the region above Dres den. Cases of persons becoming Insane hern use of the heat are reported. The picture galleries In the Germanic Museum at Nuremburg have been tem porarily closed and the costly pictures stored In cooler rooms because Tracking paint and warping panels threatened their ruin. The thermometer on side streets of Berlin registered 99 in the shade today $100 JOY RIDE IS FREE Worthless Check. Given Chauffeur Considered No Crime. TACOMA, Wash, Aug. I lT-- Special.) A person who goes for a Joyrlde in a rented automobile and at the end of the trip tenders the chauffeur a check for tha costs does not commit a crime If he has no money in the bank, and knows he has not, according to the construction placed on tha new criminal code by Deputy Prosecutor Nolle and Burmelster today. The case brought to their notice was one in which Joseph Christian took 1100 worth of automobile riding. He banded Frank. Pratt, an automobile driver, a check for the tamount. The driver found that Christian had no money In the bank. He was informed that under the new criminal code he could net proceed against Christian. LINE WORK BEGINS MONDAY Road From Eugene to Monroe Will Be Rushed to Completion. EUGENE, Or, Aug. 11. (Special.) Announcement was made tonight by. Manager George D. O'Connor, of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Railway, that construction work will start Mon day on the electric line from Eugene to Monroe to connect with the Corval lls & Alsea. Work will be begun at Monroe, where the company has a considerable force of men and teams assembled. Right of way has now been secured clear to Eugene. A crew of men has been busy for some time ballasting and straightening up the track of tho Corvallis & Alsea, which will connect with the new lino at Monroe and eight miles of it is now ready for traffic. M. D. Delany, an official of the Al bany Street Railway Company, la staying at the Perkins. Smoke Sensibly The All-Havana cigar is In tended for your after-dinner hours. For your business hours, the only safe smoke is a mild, delightful blend of Havana and domestic leaf. Gen Arthur Mild 10c Cigar AT rOUNTA!M,MOrCLa,OII gLSCWMCNC Get the Original and Genuine .ORLIGK'S MALTED 71 ILK "CtteifrM JmUaticn The Food Drink for All Ages RICH MILK. MALT CKA1JI EXTRACT, IN F0W0EK Not in any Milk Trust C- Insist on "HORLICK'S" Take a package home Portland Printing House Co. 0. I Vtrlf&t. Frv sou Urn M alaee.. Latalocue aU i .mm.'c PRINTING Kails. Muiulug mod Hunk tievk mhla Abases: .Mala U1. A lilk -. ?aih asl Taylor atreeuh pertlaaa. Oreeea. D AO r-E-n NOW J fcfS Curable Can' give positive proof and names of ?errnna cured bv my tratmpnt. Fr in ormatHn write DR. STERN'S MEDI CAL DISPEN'SART. Dept. No. 4. KS South Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. : AUGUST 12. Till U II II II 111 V L LLLUk II I B lillFTVF 11 t I jjpr- BEACH Is the pleasnre haunt in-thi3 part of the country, this Summer, Its devotees rejoice to learn that they can now go and come on a regu lar eehedule, independent of tides. The popular excursion steamer, "T. J. POTTER" leaves Portland, Ash-street Dock, touching at Astoriar on down trip. DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 8 A. M. SATURDAYS ONLY, 1:00 P. M., TO MEGLER DIRECT. Also the steamers "HASSALO" and "HARVEST QUEEN," leaving Portland daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 P. M. Saturday at 10:00 P. M., touching at Astoria. REDUCED FARES PREVAIL rrom All Points ia the Northwest Via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. FARES FROM PORTLAND Season Tickets $ 4.00 Saturday to Monday Tickets $3.00 Five Ride Commutation Tickets $15.00 Round Trip to Astoria : ,.$ 3.00 Ideal cottage and camp life, a magnificent beach that is not surpassed anywherer with all the comforts of home without costing any more than if vou remained at home. M Call at City Tlrket Office. Third and Washington street, for reserva tions, etc., or write to WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent 0.TW. R. & N. Co., Portland, Or. JW1 with wilir lltmrn't WW 1 rqrfWtUHUItf"L.M::MrrTF7T n --a sr.,.. -I . .-I-vaTagai Go Journeying East There'll be so much to tell about when you get back after a vacation trip East on the Great Northern Railway, through the Rockies at sun-. set; with the west world bathed in colors, as you view it from the commodious observation plat form on the Oriental Limited the perfect through train to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago. The Lake Park Region of Minnesota pos sesses sylvan charm, and the glorious Great Lakes trip carries you through a land of enchantment to great cities in the East. Get folder, "Eastern Trips lor Western People" and information about Special Jtound-Trip Summer Fares. Call on or address . . H. DICKSON, 0. P. & T. A. . ARCHIBALD GRAY, A. G. F. & P. A. 122 Third St., Portland, Or, , ww 1 fifing w t . ... ... ..milium LfflLr.,!'. ikfiiLiitt.iiim, ISoT tli Coast W laimifed FIRST-CLASS II Electric-lighted, with barber, bath, clothes- , pressing service, library and those famous ft f J Northern Pacific Dining Cars. Only train J ft ia (he Northwest that does not carry tourist t i cars or coaches. f Dally io Minneapolis and t. Pan! Im- yff &r I ' mediate connectlona for points beyondy r JJ ' A- D. CHABLT03T A p Assistant General Passenger Aaeat, f f Corner Third and Morrison Streets, g Portland, Pnonea Main 244, A 1344 fill - . .1 nnrt with Connecting at rnn". .,r,r,9 , Charlotte Islands and local p'"'- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY VW1" .MOl.MAI.V DIVISION) . ' m . , Tfimert every Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for R?v7rPR "cO fml'ea) and returning arrive. Prince Rupert 6:?0 P. M. TVr7uhhUt"k.?.aandSSrggak checked from Seattle. Victoria or Vancouver. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (l)oul.le Tracjc Koute) . . Four Through Trains Daily -Np Excess Fare To all DOints East; stniKlard and T. nrlsl sleepers, dining cars serving mea.s y n-:a-carti and club breakfast. Low 80 aad SO-day round-trip Tourist Tickets. Send for free booklet giving rouif-s and rates. J. H. BURGIS. General Agent, Passenger Dept. Flr3t Ave. and Tesler Vf ay. Seattle, W aao. mirrin i hi an- lWi- M xffVLj jvjfjaitiita litis U..aJ i 4 1M m &4 a J North Coast Tourist Route "Norway of America." STEAMSHIPS "PRINCE RUPERT" and "PRINCE GEORGE.'! Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'Clock Midnight for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart, S. S. "PRINCE ALBERT" for Qusea