Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 12, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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inactivity of Market Gets
Much Attention. N
Grower Beta) to fell at Prrenl
PrVfi and Ber Intimate Even
Lower Fljure Poon Will Be
forced Barlrjr linn.
Coaimtixl Inar'lvltv o tha rlt mar
aar ta r-al'tftg cmelderaSla attention from
flour asaa-rfers. whe naelia! to idtlftr. the
rl-. far wheat la II. f f. rf ladstnlte
reports from foreign
Although ao-virea from Roi' an! from
Iitrila ir .rddtv glmr. local flouring
m:f! Internets era not allltns to
aa Snal. Thara la alaa mora or ot
eartain'v aoout rsMa r-porta. they say. end
the will wait until accural information la
rac!ad hefors going actively Into the mar
ket for thl. .ar'a cram crop.
la tha mantim.. th wlirat farmers of
Or(iti ana WtiH:prw ara timlljf hirvMt
Ing fitpi and ara m-T. concerned
koBi werahausa farilitie than about artce-a.
Growers Caviare that tha.r will .t forca a
kattar mark.c and ara boldlr.g out deter
mined for an Imprttwmpfit "
Locally there la a decided bearish tona
among araia snen. Th poifn out that tha
facilities for Immediate transportation ara
taadequate and tbat tha farmere mil be
reread to tall In tha lo-al market In tha
ad. ttoma f them hat ben offering
ei.gMir reduced figures for bluet. m but tha
growers ara not taking propo.ala sM-
XiMI trsd:ng la vary lnhu Th.ra
h an air of unrer-tsmty Is tht msrket.
seemingly tndiraiix of an early break la
th present eadlo-k.
Bart, pric.a ramaln flrna. Orowere ara
audaciously From &aa:era Wash
ington cama offers ).f:rday to a.Il feed
ba.l.y at lie.
Tha aa'a aituattan ramalna nominal.
Th. XereRarte Kxvhange yeeterday report
.4 local receipte In eara aa follows:
Wheat Barl.y Flour Oata Hay
Monday IT I II
Tuesda 1 4 1
Wednesday 5. 2
Thursday I: 1 la
rr:d) 1 1 1 ara T t IS
s4nn to d I . Zl - ? . ? -1
Taar ago 17 I iJ II :7a
Rap Markrt Mara Artlt at Prvaaat J Igwra
Than Any Tim In Innta.
Haps moved -aterday at 33 canta
a pound, tha season's high prlr art Thure
day by MrN.IT Bra., and fully laO.ftftA
pounls vara taken, by local dral.ra at that
Whl a many fro.rn w.ra ready to aril
at rcnta. It w ia fr.rly p-rdU trd that tha
m.rk.t nrlll co it 49 canta rarly n.xt track.
Ac-nta for ll'-Ntt Broa. purchaa.d AA.
coo pouada at variaua pointa In th Wll
!amrtt. Valley jreat.rdy. Jo. Harrte ran-iracv-d
for tha Trrrlral rrop at Indrpen at t he . prevailing figure, and many aalea .re mad.
Inquiri.a for .pot gooda ara hrglanlng tn
or-;a from tha Indicating that tha
Irf.rrt ara beginning to take an
.3 th. me'ket.
Tb.ra haa been a mora graeral demand
for hopa at the preeent market than at any
figure at nhlcj. aaian bava been made tkta
ae ton.
Foreign reparta ara dtaeouragtag. Hot
o.alh.r coal;noa oil tha Continent. Kvery
lar that the droutk contlnuaa thera add
ta tha atrennth of toe local altuatlon.
Cre? raaditloa hrr ara Pkk
ing l.l be aar"e4 In many aectlona before
th. end of tha month.
too ma.nt r:.AriiK t or likelt
Draaaael Keen rc With Supply Apple
Are Hrnrrv.
Portland markata are by na meana over-it.x-k.rt
nllh peach even tha aupply from
California that now la coming to tha city
not having as affect rondurlva to n great
ly reduced price The local tradera will
b aia la take rare af all peachra that are
likely to be receted here.
Applee ara a llttlo scarce. Dealers bera
aea little timid about ordering heavily
In view of tha eaperted arrtal ol aub
atantlal ahlpmenta from California.
Tha erang demand haa bean curtailed an
account of tha California advance. Wit
home-grown deciduoue frulte In tha markrt
the piriMisr la not bothering much about
Two carloads of Hawaiian pineapple will
arrlva here tedey- The d.mand for thla
nind of fruit continue ataadlly. ,
Perriea a longer ara receiving aarlou
attention from dealer here. Tha recent
hat weather had a dleaetroue afreet upon
tha crop, many berries literally cooking be
fore they wer rip.
There la a heaty stock of cantaloupes
everywhere In the Xorihweet and tha local
market la reeling tha ef'erl of It. Wat.r
ir.elona rind ready aalea at prevailing mar
ket price.
Many lleM Caenla ta Market.
fetter h.en in coming into th mnrket
now and mora of them. In fact- tha poultry
depota were glutted yeaterday with choica
chlcker of nil hinds, potata tn tha Willam
ette Valley are etiipplng ataadlly. many fin
frprintra nlao ajerng Included In local receipts.
bprtngs conaequently dropped a point ) ester-lav
and threaten ta go even lower In
Ik face of tb persistent flow from tha
poultry yarda of th southern part of tha
Th eig market la ateady. Tha Oregon
aapply I unuevaily ateady and dealera ar
taking all they can get from tha Kast.
Iaa than ne-tntb of tha eggs aold bera
new are rctucd In thla etat.
Oetl) Her Doat dvnnr.
fn apita f tha advance In the onion mar
ket at WaMa ".'alia, tha local situation
remalne firm. l-oce I dealera declare that
tha PVaahlcgton transactlona are merely
epcculatlv and tbat It will have no perma
nent affect upon nrirea. Walla Walla onion
Ao!dr cleaned up their eeasoa'a aupply and
In consequence of th threatened shortage
the price adtaaced altshtly tber.
- Pr-tatoe. Wanted la Pertlaad.
Thr IS a nt.ref.le absence of good po
tetoee tn the local market and aot much
relief Is in sight. It is predicted that. In-
teari of "Jr. no ywiintt suing taat. tnia
i'e mil Import much that Is needed for
locaj consumption- Washington growers are
pegotiatiag to place heavy orders with buy
are in Portland.
Baak Cleavisg.
fu-k clearings of the Northwestern cities
ealerc were aa follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Pert and 1 SU.T'M lt 7r
r.attle 1.7.1 4l :u 111
Tacoma a.-L ;
fpokaa IQo.s-1 74.JII
ataaj Oiocertaa.
(AI.sf9X Columbia ltlvar 1-paxiad tails.
II 1A pec deaea: S-pauad tails. IIM; t
puad fata. (2-0. eUaska slat, t-pound
ta, . (1 It.
rorrkB Roasted, ta drama X
OKEI Choice. .T per casa: auwJaas)
kaey toe pee p-Miad-
KITI OTalaata. ITHta wear sessi,
Br. ill note. Hl-: ftloerta. Jtc: almonds.
14 f lee; pecan, lie; cocwaauta. 0c p-r
asa: rhestnuta 1tV. per pwaael; ktakary
aa-.s. (aic-c pe wound.
SALT Granulated) li par ton; half
ground. tOOe. SI Mr Pr tan; So. per tea
BKAN't SmaiJ white. 4c; large whit.
e; Lima. Ta; pink. .l red afaaicaaa,
lit; bayox sc.
BICE No. 1 Japan. 4ei cheaper grndaa.
SJ.IO0 4.Si; Southern bOTe: Im
ported Imperial, lit; Import) extra ie t,
fl'GIR Dry granulated. : berry.
14 54: beet. .; extra C IJ.74: powdered,
barrels 14 45: ruhes. barrela l-o
DRUD FRL'ITa Applaa 13HOlHe I r
pataad; aprleova 14c; peaches. 14tta
prunee. Italian. 100 lie: allvar. ltc; fis
wkue and black. tHOTr: currant. 104
lie: raisins looaa MaacataL IHt
b'.achad Thompson. US': unbleached ul
taaa. kSie; seeded
Oratn. I'laear. reed. Eta.
WHtAT .aw rip; blurstem. 91; club
TTc. iet Rueetaa. 7.c. Galley, t . c
Lot r: rsuati. Hj- c.r barre
Stre.jhts. iJ. exports. 3 iO: Valley. 4.SO;
granam. 4.&v. whole vimi. ea-iu.
will .ti f i' Hnn a.t.ja:s r toa
mtddimss. t:-. aborts, l-'i ao J4.00; railed
bar.- .!-;t.
i'iiRN- hole. Jfl: rrarked. I 14 per ten.
B tRI.ET New. feed. l-'JiOfl.S. par ton;
brewlna. iJiial Der too.
OAIe uil white. per ton; new. :4
per ton-
HAT Timothy valley. 13I: alfalfa.
Ill; clover. VSo. grain bay. 110.
Tegetable aad PrwMa.
TOPIi-AU rRUTI Oranges. f4 Snf4TI
per bea. anrornia grapefruit. eSOA.bO;
benanae lM.c per pound: ploeappl. 4
oer iwurd. lemons as li au oar bai.
Frtr:.-.H 'KLITS Cataloti-ea tl."'0t
p.r rr.ia, pej. hca. AiitutI . per bo-.
w aterrnelorta. Ityl'sc per pound, plums. Vtlc
Oil. 7.1 (rr crate, pi uae. el. per bus., new
.Pl. It 7. J. M per ro . r.apuerrlea. e at
blackberriea. II 1.6 I Hi. pears. $ at
X-r Per tioi. t'.eeha.. 3 S Per pound.
it..ET.iMLI-h'.M. astioe: cafbssea.
t- per bundredecight: corn. tOoKa
per dis.n- eutEutnbers alt?!.".. ler bos. ess
ptant. loJ12i,e per In.; garlic 1043 1-1 per
puurui: i-..:e ilo per Saaaa. betneusa
lettuce. $15 0 172 per bos: pepper. Sayio
per pound rv'Msiiee. 12 lC per doaen; toma
tore. t-tctlll . j per ba.
eA'K y.iKTlLt New carrots. (L7
per i ' k . Kt.nii. 41--: beet. $1.7V
POTATOES Mew Oregon, ltasjl par
ONIONS Wall Walla. 11.71 per busdred.
IVeli-e h! Coawftre lrMlnrew
IMIt I.TRV Hene. 14tl4Wc: r-prlns. 174)
17 Sr. durks. yuur.g. I.e. geMt. I.e. turkes.
1 ic
.i. F-voo Oregon rsacb. candles, i
per d.'-en.
BlTltK City rrtam'rt extra. I and -pound
prlnta. la bosee. 20c per pound; leas
tnan boa lots, cartons and Salivary extra.
IKKMC Twins. triplet. and daiataa,
12-ie par pound; Toung Aaaarlca. laws.
FOR K. Fancy. 1 a 1 a Ss a par pouad.
VEAL Fancy. L: a lAo par pound.
Hep. Wool aad JtVAea.
JlOPn lll contracta. iOSSc par pound;
lwiii crop. vc. lirw tftfi, .Ut, !. Is
O 17c.
, MuH AIR Choica. MfsTkiS per pouad.
ndule- Kaatara Or.goa. V 1 4-s net
pound, according t auruakaga; Valley. l&O
ITc per pound.
PtLTS Ktx. 10,c: lambs. Is 10 each;
slicarlinga. lstyaea sacs.
HlDu 4lt.4 bidea. 1 par pound;
aaated calf. lsa17c; salted kip, 11c; salted
etaga. 7c; green bide. Sc; dry bide. 14ajo;
dry caf. It ft. 'Sc. dry ataxs. Ho 14c
CAtCARA BAKU Per pound. 6 0 bo.
I-INtBED Oil- Pur raw ta aamla, Vl
balled, la barrel. ; raw,' la aassa. K4o
boiled, la caaaa. S4c
TLRPENTiNaT Case. Tse; wed barrel a
Tt)-,c; Iroo barrala 44c; lu-cas lota. Is.
GASOLINE Motor aaaollna. troa barrel
17c; caeea. 34o; 4 gaaouna, araa barrata, Ai4
caaea. .
COAL. Oil- Ordiaary ta. caaea, lac;
buia. ta tai.ka, va
BAMS 1C to II i,;antia. l,I4c; 11 ta
14 pounds. ltrl.. 14 to 14 pounds. II
tjlic; 14 to 14 IJuno. II V else; skinned.
le; plcnlca. lr-ec; couaga rail. 1 4c
b'MOKSD MB,TS nteef tan sua. eSol
4ne4 beef acta, .tone; euiee, aoae; la si dee.
:e; knuckles. :t.
LARD Kettle rendered. tleroaa. 11c;
tuba. 11 "e. standard, tlerra. llvsa; tuba,
live; choice ttarcaa. none; tuba, bobs;
shortening, tierces, 4e; tubs. Ic
BAc'O.N Fancy. He: standard, ltc;
caoir. lc: Knglish. 1 7c
litT HALT ClRsO-Regular sheet alear.
dry salt. l-!c: smoked. llc: baaka. light,
salt, llie: amoked. 14 1c: backs, baavy aalt.
l.wc; smoked. It He. export, salt, Uo;
smoaad. 14 wc.
Dirinanl for Orwn Vretables Not
rp to l"ul Murk for Thl So
on Appl? Huylnf Is Brisk.
P EATTLK, Wash., Aui. 1 1. Sp(i.
Thfrt a drii4-4 iu) in fcurin on th
lrtcjil mairket todatr. Wrly mormatf la a bur djr on x he avnu, btt
th (x-iak Irarimc of ymfr4tf cava war
ta dutlntraa laday. Fpaauadlc buy luff; id
not raUeva lha intatoupa markat and murh
of tha California stork im aiMlltna. A'anat-ch-'0
cantaloupe's ara In good condition.
rrtiii r.! ar light. Thara im a
ararciiy of black bdrrrWi and .ogaobrrla to
day. Tha vgaiabla markat la dull. Graao corn 4
in1 tomato4a ara n n in drmand.
( oamiMioi ma ara buyina; up tha avail
abia auppiy of appia and a ra.laf la tlila
markat la azpartad today.
Tha dairy iroduc market via qulat to
day. rlara vara ara. I atockad with
ranch acta and poultry baying waa light.
Tha Durchaatna prira of locai ranch agaja Is
qumad at '.'7 to XV rcnta and farmers ara
ar'Mng frfiy.
W.liiT.ioa rrajmrrT nuttar is still held
at 3lS2 cnts a pound.
Tt iat mark: 1a nrm. owing tn tn
prlr a aakd by th farmrrs. exporters do
ot capoci to piaVtta orders tor s wen or
nrm MarkM rraolls oa All Vegetable a4
Bay Cll
SAV FRANIO, Aug. 11. Tha follow
ing produce prices wer currant hare today:
VegtitaMes Cucumber. ..Mi.Ve; green
pea. $1 w 1 V; at nag beana ! a 2ri toma-
trtea. l "J r rv . rg ian. wwa vuiuua, i
Butter Fancy crtamry. ;c.
Kca Ptora. lie; fancy ranch. 3c.
C na Voung Amrlra. ltlws,
aiiPetufls Bra. 9&.o 0 2.o; middlings.
Hay Wneat. Ill V n-i ana oaia. iiv
f 14. aJfaifa. dv ll .o.
ytjit Applaa. ihotca. 1. 4 .V common.
Maatcaa lianas. $6J..V; raJlfornla
lernrvna, ckolce, . common. pineappiaa
l uiatoea Kany Kaa. nomm., t-t-iau
MarkH Is fia ra to Improao After lostlaau
Is r-rttled.
BOSTON". Aug. 11. Tho commercial bul
letin will aay af the waol market tomorrow:
Trsdtng Is still checked by tariff uncer
tainties, but thara la a fair bueiaeag In
proarees and tha mora confident reeling or
a week ago continues. Thara ta tendency
to make up alura.
M anufacturera hae been unsurceaatul in
ttema up dirahe hold ins a o er tho a1
jui men t of tar.ff d if r- ultima. HoWera ara
t rnf -lrnt that a fth th.a out of tha way
buiineis will expand.
Current demand la grtnd from different
nine and fn a -artety af grades, about
everything from tht fir at to loweat being
called for Territory aool Is still moving
with conet der able freedom fa tha original
bags. Fc aoolg are firm and soid ahead.
Med l'nait at Nrtr Vorh.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. Evaporated
piea nominal for )M crop and about st
for the new. ai l"c tor laitoaer
Prunea acari.a on the .put and prltsa
P to
Quotations: SrMe for riltfirss u
go-40 aad H8 14c for Or.'g..ns
SCs t. Sua.
pacbe. 8rm. Isact've. Chatce.
11.. atr. cbalce. lll:e: faacy. 1
NWT Vek Hail. Etc
NEW TORK. Aug. II Knps F.rm. fg
rlnr coast. 1V10. J.'SI.V. 2ut-c
H'la LMill.
p.'rairum Steady
Wool Uulet.
i lark C4La Prima.
mv TORK. Aug ll-Tha asetaa mar
ket eloaed ea.v and last prices ahow4 a
at loaa of from 4 to T pointa
Union Pacific Leads Market in
Weak Stocks.
Abandonment of Vetern 1,1 nes to
Confer With Employe Ha De
pretslnc Effect Bond Sales
re Ileported Heavj.
sr.VT VOI'.K. Am. It. Following a
spirited npenins ln wnlrh prices of a num
ber Af lean. e4iAt..ri a full DOInt. with
sain af IV tor Canadian Parlflc. todar'l
stork market fell bark In larse Dsrt. '1 ha
atreet. aisctiS.lns the retirement of Mr.
Krl a from the llarrltnan boards, rlearly In-
lined toaarda the belief that thla was Im
pelled bv i in uitinsni-ti wbictl bavs cropped
u n tn fbe l.ii
In the snlnde nf the apeculatlvc community-
Mr. rrtra a Wlthdraeal irym lite- I ni"n
I'arlfle and allied propertlee also
to' explain tha recent hraty otfrrlnss at
marked recessions of Itsrrimaa issues .and
oth.r storks of the earns rlaas.
Mr. Krick s Intention to retire baa been
knnsn to many af bla aasucllatee lur aev
era) weeka
Other matters thst bsd a depressing In
fluent e Included sdices from the teest that
the II I mole Central offtrlale. followlns the
lead of th 1'nlon larlf Ic-tfouthern. faMftc
llns. have derltned to encags In further
tonferenree with their employes over the
wage queetloa and cables from Liverpool that
th irik situation there hsd assumed
larmlns proporttna
The stock markM soM off In the last
hour under the lead ef 1'nlon Farlfr. which
was almost th weake.t Iraue on the market,
made a new low record, as did Keadlns.
Gieat .Nonasrn. et. Paul. Baltimore a iilno.
l.ouisllia Nashville. Atlantic CoaM l.lne.
Atehtson. American rmelilng nnd Weatcrn
Earnlaae of additional road, for June
ebaw a rivrrrait of almoet (1. 7000041 In the
sroee. which wss cut ta a net decrease of
esit.noO by reducing operating expenses.
fionda were heavy. Total sales, par alua.
1 IU5.IKWV I'nitad States Government bonds
werg unchnnge4 on call.
Fe es. H'gh. "Low. Bid.
A Ills Cha! pf .. Iix VI XI
Amal Coprer .. IC.Roo S2
Am Agncult .. S ;.7' A4 W
Am F-et bugsr. Ml, .VI', IW1I4
American ten.. 4xl V 9 a ' a
Am Csr at Fdy. l.nnn 50 ISO
Am t'olton Oil. shi .'.r. Te 63 33
Am Hi I.t pf 2i0 ill 21 21
Am I' Serurl !'
Am l.lnaeed Oil joo SIR
Am l.oromtlve l.K'tn r, J- Arlg
Am flmel a Ref t:.a0 1.0" 70
do preferred.. 100 103 106 J4f
Am Pteel Fde B
Am sugar Rrf.. i0 line. UM, IIS
Am Tel 4 Tel.. :.1' 134 : li-4 l.H1.,
Am Tobarca pf. bg . 1 . VI
Am Woolen ... vn'J Cl'm
Anaconda M Co 7 f7 S
Atchlaon . . . . . g o in.1, lost lot 'a
do preferred.. i'"0 in, 1 ').,
All Coaat Line.. K0l 124 121', 122
Belt 4 Ohio ... ..VOi l;r lltl . 12
Rethlrhom Steel cn SI1, SS
Bmnk R Tran.. S.ioo 7 7 "R'i
Canadian Pac .. 14oo jips -':T4 137 'i
Central Leatri.r 'i0 2ia 24 -
do preferred. 7
Central of N .1 SMt
Chea Ohio .. .l0 T44 II's T-1'4
Chicago Alton 8"
Chi Gl .. 2no 30 I'll
do preferred 40 S
Chicago a N W rywi 14 leO' 140
C. M a Ml Paul 14.Hl 1I7U U4S 11.
c. c. c a 8t 1 R
Col Fuel a Iron
' i no fin An 14 m 14
I.7110 1.14 lTS i:(7
Conaot Ilia 1
Corn Prndurta .. l.iK IS 12 H "4
Del A Hudaon 17ft
O R Oranda. 4f" 2' 23 -I1,
do aref erred.. 0 SS M ls M '
Plstlllers' gecurl HS M3 S2
Erie ll.ano ill ) 3D
do 1st pf 2.:iK 51 4!H H
da 24 pf 3' hi ks S
Oeneral Elec .. 1.10.1 1S41 -. 1 " 1 1
Gt North pf ... .7tV 1ST K4 l-'S
Ot North Ore .. 6.109 lilt 4t 41
lillaoia Central. " 1skv in-m J3t
Interbor Met .. 14, la 1KV4
do preferred.. l.BVXI 4h 4J S S
Inter Harvester goo ll 11RH lis1
Inter Uer'n pf 4O0 I5H l
Int Paper 4
Int Pump S00 SV 34
Iowa Central 1
K C Southern.. 1.B0U S114 8
do preferred R.
Laclede Gaa ... .o 104 104
lunula a .Naah.. l.!r" 144 H2S 142
iii a at I. . . J" xi s
m f a a s M lit v !S-
VI. k.n a Tee lllir) .'1.1 V :2
do preferred. . i' "o e
Mo P.rlflc 4.S0O 434 41t 41
Nat Flerult 134 S
N.tlonal lad .. 1 W f
Mel N By 2 Pf 'v
N T Central ... -Vol l-4' lnRi, in.T
N T. tnt a W.a 4t, SO" S"i
Norfo.k a WSS4 1.4O0 104 i0: 102',
North Ant " T?S .1
Northern Pse. 1 " l-'SSi H-'a
rsclfl- Mall .... l.i"l .?..
Pennsylvania ... 8.2"a 121 li"
People a Gas . .. luw a JJ
Ptusburg V-oll"- " tOO isi JJH
rre.eed 8 Car ... ?3
Ry bte.l Spring
Kesdtng un.o"u i.n- ";ts
Republic Steel 27 2. -
do preferred.. "1 2 4 M , fH
RoVk I.l.nd CO ljao-. S I'. ."
a. wreferred.. S.e'f' 4 W SIS '
Ft L a S F 2 pf 4tW 44 . 43 43
8t L. Southwest
4 prererrea.. - ' ' 'e
Sloe Sheffield 100 '?
Pouthem P.c .. 14.4w llrtS 114 114
Souther. R ... 1.IWO 2U -'JH
do prferra.. ' V. 1." ' . "
T"St I. - 44 44 43
Union Paclftc ..163.1'0 17 1.3 l.S
do preferred.. "r
F nalty ... -- !' i"
U " Ruhber ... 1 2'H 4 ;-
II B Hteel . ..ltUt.'.'oO 74 1 '.". -
l r riteei . . . . . , , e T ittL 1 1 .Mi
do preierrea.. .V ...
ft ah Copper ... J.4on ;.. ;? ;?
Va-rar. Cbana - l.". ?
W.baah ....... J'"' i'" .7 .7
do areferraa.. -" "I
WMtrr. M4 .. 4-0 J 0. o,
w,.ttng Elae .. . J J5
Western Union, ljno "J4 TJ T44
. - AV L B . 20t S
LehTgn Vslliy.. 1"2X I' '
Total sales (or the day. I21.2O0 aharaa.
NBW YORK. " Closing qtaota-
U0"W 5 rg.1"0 N- T C gn 3... I"
do roopon ...l"0W:No Pacific s... TtB
do roupon
U (t Jt reg
V do " .upon ' I", i 101 Li nton P.clf 10 4a 1..1 ,
D new s rs.liaVls Central 4s. Ptft
do coin-on ...HI lapanea 4s ..... S
n u No factric .....
D fl G 4
Flocks 1
Aug. 11.
Boat on.
ITIoelng quotations:
A llnuea
iMohaw k
Amalg Copper.. 3
A Z I- Han. . I
Arlsona Com .. 1'i
B a c c & s M. 10
Putte Coalll'on. 1
Nevada Con
Mplulnt Minrs
!North Butte....
.North Uk.. . . .
1 nd Dominion..
. 4
4 .
I'al A A rlsona . . Ill
Cal a Hecla 4ltS
Centennial ..... S
I'arrott (S A CI.
t'op Ran Con C. MH
f. Putt Cop M. 12
rtanklln I"
ftlroux Con ....
rjran Con . . .T
3rene Cananaa. r)s
'Shannon ........
Sup a Ros Mln..
I A.
U 6 6) H a 41. 3.1
do nreferreri . . 47 W
Roalle tCop) 14
'I'tah Con l.
t tsli ?opper Co. 4.'i
v'lnnna TA
'vYolverlne H4
rr Lake.
4k Cnpnrr. . . .
1 Salle Topper
eliami Copper...
Money. Exchange. Etr. .
SEW YORK. Aug. II. Monty on call 2
: ruling rate 2; cloalng bid. 2; of
frrrd at 2. Time loan easier; ato days,
-kg! per cent: PO rlsyB. Se per cent;
Six months. 4 per cent. Prims mar.
centlle psper. 4ft per rent.
Sterling exchange easy with sctusl busi
ness in bankers' hills at 14 ej75 for rii-djy
bills snd st t4.Bftt0 for demand. Cammerclal
bit.. 4 '3. .
Far silaer. S2c.
Mexican dollara. 45c.
Government bonds steady; rsllroad bonds
CHICAGO.. Auf. 11. Exchange an New
Terk. e discount.
AN rRA.VCIfCO. Aug. 11 .-Sterling. 4
cats. 11.1:: sight. S4.S4.
Drsfls Sight, psr: telegraph, te prem
ium. LONDON", Aug. 11. Bsr silver. 24 1 -1 d
per ounce; monev. 1 per rent; the rste
of discount In th open market for short
btils Is IS! Pr irnl; the rst nf dis
count In tka open mark.: for three months',
pills X t 14; par cent. '
Coodltioa of tha Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. At tha begin- t
nlr.g of business today tha condition ef tb
Ln:tea biatea i.rea.ary was:
Working balance In Treasury of
fices ; $ 84.040.14S
In banks snd Philippine Treasury S4.55.14
Total of general fund 147.9:.S3
Receipts yesterday t!?.
Disbursements 4.740.441
Deficit, to date. n.331..'l
Deficit la.t year i;.73.l4o
The figurea exclude Panama Canal and
public deal trsnssctiuns.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. II. Standard copper
qul-!t. Spot. l:.17 ei l:.J7c: August. Sep
tember. October and November. I ll.IOte
i:.I7c. London rtrin. Spot. 54 1-B 4d;
futures. IS" s Sd Arrials reported in
New York today, 740 tons: customs-house
returns report SM4 tons for this month.
Lske copper. 1S.7.1 ta 13c: electrolytic, 12. SO
g) 1 'I 76c : casting. 12.2Y12.S0r.
Tin quiet. spot. 4;.0rl3.S0c: Xugust.
4;. SA4 4;t.20c; September. 42.7541 42.2.C; No
vember. 41.25 J 41. 7ic. London firm. Spot.
4114 lrs; futures. 187 5s.
Lesd quiet. 4.44.40 Near York; 4.4t
A 4 47 test St Louis. Ixndon. 11 14s 3d.
Spelter, nomlnsl. 4.0Sn4.1ic New York;
t toe? 4 10c Esst St. I-ouls. London, iz
:b td.
Antimonv quiet; Ceokson's. 0c.
Iron Cteveisnd ' warrants. 47s 11 In
London. Lorsllv iron wss steady and -onn-er
erede. ouoied a ahade higher. No. 1
foundry Northern. 81 i.ISei 1 4..10 ; No
gi 16.25: No. I Southern and No. 1
ern soft. i .7.e) 1 i.4.
2. !
Market I Ixiii. on Sheep Demand
In All Braniliet Weak Best
Hogs Bring $8.
Nominal prices continued to Pv" "t'?,!
Portland stork ysrds eterday s
neaa aa Itglit- The run In all branches
was not beuer than average, the principal
movement being In sheep. ..,ii.d
The local market now is well upr,lird
with mutton stock and In consequence of
t hi pr. vailing low price, there was no trad
ing in this line. On Lie ol ''"1.h"d ''-?.,
m.nd is rather limited and It Is dou"tfu
If there will oc any material movement at
present prices. Kuyers ia. the figuree will
have to be ahsded a mil io meet their
fTn hoar markrt held up to 1. thla price
being paid for several choi.s lots, ons sale
ye.t"tia morning was at S for .tut?
averaging 24 pound.. However. these
prlcea ar far below the corresponding Hg
uies pa'r! in Omaha and Chicago.
Cattle are hv no means active, both sup
ply and demand belug steady. Ed knorr,
of Cottonwood. Idaho, shipped two car I'-ads
Into tha market- yestsrday. securing -'o
for his light steers near ths close of tns
""fhe following were tho dsy's arrivals; l"
csttle. s sheep snd 2.1.-. hogs
Yesterday's shippers were: Joseph kruse.
I.lsho 4'slls. Idaho. 1 csr of hogs; Frost
Ireton. Boiee. 1 csr of hogs; J. H. kinsmsn.
lieppner. 1 cars of sheep; Kd Knorr. t ot
tonood, Idsho, a cars of cattle; A. Beard.
Condon. 1 car of cattle, and J. D. Jones,
Forest 7roe. 1 raj- of bogs.
Th day's ssles were as follows:
Weight. Price.
IT steers I" ?.
4 heifers .'
7 hog,
4 hogs '"4 '-I?
17 stea-rs Ol 5.'..
7 steer ! ? 2V
54 strers 1 "1 "J-i-'
1 cow 4. la
so nog.-: i
II stockers lit
Pricea current st tiie I'ortlnrKl Union
saa kards for tba varioua claea of atock
Extia choice steers ."..73i 16.00
Choice steers 5. 'OS .i
Good to choice steers 8.26
Choice cows t-Iiti i 1
Good to choica cows 4.254J 4.B0
Good, average 1U50 pounds 4. HO 4 25
Common cows ?
Choica heifers I Is f 522
Clioic bulls - J M? S-I5
Choivs calvea 200 lbs. and under T OO a? 7.2J
Good to choir calvas 6 60& 0
Common cslve 4.00 9 8.00
Choice sUgs .. 4 50 47J
Good to cholcs stags 4.25 9 4.50
Extra choir light hogs......... T.00J S.05
Cliuue heavy horn T
Heavy rough nogs. . - 6.2j S.6U
Choi, . yearlings, wethers, cosrse
wool . 8-25 0 8 50
Choice yearling wethers, cat of
mountains B.2H9 SnO
Cholcs two snd threes S.ooa S.oO
Choice Spring lambs 8.25 6 50
Good to choic Spring lambs .... 5'i0 6.5
Cii"lc killing wa 2.T5C 3.00
The following quotations represent prices
on this markrt for the different class of
horses: Drafter. extra heavy, 8:iOoej50O;
drafters 14O0 to 17!K Iba.. 4 1 Ml fl .160 ; draft
ers. tu0 to 14O0 iba, 1100-250; chunks,
175 and up; saddle horses. (60 and up.
Chicago IJveelexk Market.
CHICAGO. Aug. 11. Cattle Recelpta es
timated at 2i"0; markat atrong: beevea.
.VMw 5.75; Texas steera. 4.5l'(f 6.25; West
ern ateers. S4 103 S.40; stoekers and feeders.
f:t. iiui 5. .hi; cos and heifers. $2.204.10;
cslxes. 4."..75'i V2.Y
Ijogs Receipts rstimsted st 14.ono: mar
ket stegdv to strong;' light. $7,255 7.r;
mixed. iT.rXitT.SO; heavy. 6.lMift T.70;
roticli eOti7.15; good to choice heavy,
S7.t.i7T.7o; pig". 4.10jI.To; bulk of gales,
7 354 T.7i.
cheep Receipts estimated at 7000; mar
ket generally 10c higher; native. I2.4l
g.85; Weatern. -' 75 a 3..": yearlinga. a.76J
4.6:.: lambs, native, 4.0O.7.OO; Western,
1 "
New York "near Markrt.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. Quotations today:
Raw sugar, strong, muscovado. 6 teat, 4.41
e4.4Sc: centrifugal. 84 teat. 4.87 e 4.41c:
molasses. 8 test. 4.U D 4.1Sc. Refined
firm. Cut loaf. 4.65c: erunhed, 4.45c; mould
A. 4. 1 He; cubes, 4c: XXXX powdered, 6.4c;
powdered. 4.85o: granulated. 6.75c; diamond
A. 6. .'5c; confectioner A and No. 1. 6.40c. ;
No. 1. 4.15c; No. 8. 6.50c; No. 4. 8.45c: No.
6. 6.40c: No. 6, 5 :5c; No. 7, 5.10c; No. 8,
5.;:.c; No. 8. 6.!0c: No. 10. 6.15c: No. 11,
6.10c; No. 12, 5.06c: No. 13 and 14. 5c.
drain at San Fraarlix-o.
HAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 11. Barley
Mav. 81.40 hid. 11.61 asked; December,
(I 41).
Upot qaolatlons: Walla Walla. 11.449
1.47; red Russian. 41-440 1.47: Tur
key red. 41.67431.44: klueatem. 4I.40
1.45: feed barley. 81.474)1.50; brewing;,
61.6041 1 65'. white oats. 1.6041 52; bran,
111: middlings. $31; shorts, 824.60.
Receipts Klour. I:t4 qusrter ssrks;
wheal. 13 rental; barley, 64SO rentals;
o.i a. 404 centals: middlings. 36 sacks; hay,
481 tona
Chicago rroafar. Market.
r-UTr-inn An 11. Butter Rteadv.
Creameries. COJjJSc; dairies. 18922c.
m- - l I . Bu.(nlf 1 1 . 1 . .... ' a
mark, eases included. 10 at ltc; first. 16 c;
prime ncie. i
Cheese Steady. Dairies. ll7?rSc; twins,
124t13c: young Amertcss, 13aji8e;
long horns. 11 4 Uc.
Movement, at Port ol New York."
t. W 1UKIV. auk. i. ' v
chandlse and dry gooda at Ine port of New
York tor the o euunis -vusuet e were
valued et glVtM".""-
tmports oa specie . "i
.Tork for the w ek ending t xl.vy s era 6110.-
... a U 1 H ". mn A
P,ti auvrr ai". e
avxpons of specie f r ths vk war
f 1,141.422 silver and 41 .2'J0 go 4.
New York Coffee) Future.
closed stesdy at a net 'sdvsnce of 84f!4
..... lie noil ha. Aneii.t. 11.77r
September. J l ine; October. 11.50c; Novem
ber. ll.SOc: Decemher. ll.L'Sc; January.
11. :; Kebruar), 11.17c: March. 11.15c;
April. 1112c; Msy. . 11.10c; June and July,
II. use.
Spot coffee steady. Rio No. 7. !le: San.
tos No. 4. ltc- MH4 coffee dull. Cordovau
14 914c nominal. -
Wool at St. Imis.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 11. Wool unciisngr-d.
MrdlLm gi sdes. combing st d clitlullK, 1 4 rr
i i-c ht nnc. ITIltj; heivy fine, wy
l.-c: tub-w sshed. :'t ft 4Xic.
Duluth tlsx Market.
DLLI TH. Aug. IL VIA on trsck gnd in
stoie 12 35: to arrive. 82.16: September.
2 1' bid. October. 42.07; November, 4S.0T
Market at Minneapolta.
MINNKAPOLi. Aug. 11. Flax, Ii30;
ba lev TOcfl 6l."i: corn. No. 3 yellow , 45 c:
oats. No . white. 1S1C. r. No. .
An ordinary case of diarrhoea can, as
rule, be-cured by a single dose of
Chamberlain's olie. Cholera and Diar
rhoea jt.m.dy. This r.m.ry hs u
perior for bowel complaints. For saia
by all dealera.
Tightening by Farmers Gives
Bull Tone to Market.
Keporis. from Texas Indicate Heavy
Is on Account of Hot Winds.
Coti n try Offerinfcb of Oats
Show Falling Off.
CHICAGO. Aug. 11 With exporters and
millers competing for offerings and with
farmers reported to hsva stopped selling
hard Winter grades, the whsat market to
day took an upward turn. Closing prices
wer steady at a net range of 4s to
Latest figures on corn showed a gain of
to tTc and for oats a rise of to Sc.
The oulcom. In provisions was 5 to 27 c
Improved demand for cash wheat both
here and at the seaboard acted as the main
lever that pried futures up. Novslty In
this line wss call for a round lot to go
Into storsgs In Inks elevators st Msnltowoc.
Representatives of the American, Esstern
mrils were Jostling esch other for sn ad
vantsgs and there was videnc of a healthy
Inquiry from foreigners. Reports were cur
rent thst India was rainless snd that th.
export surplus In Russia would be even
smaller than recently predicted, not mora
than 44.000.000 bushels.
Tha greatest atrength of the aesslon ds
veloped Just before ths close and was In
decided contrast with early weakness. Sep
tember xsnged from 82 to S193C.
finishing steady at 3?lc.
Corn advanced following reporte from
Texas that the corn plantings were burn
ing up under hot winds and lack of rain.
September fluctuated between 4c snd 654
lH.c with the close steady &SC net
higher at 65 ft Si Sc. Cash grsdes were
Arm. No. 2 vellow was quoted at 6Sfi6ir.
. Oats gathered a llttl strength from th.
fact that country offerings wer not large.
High and low points for the September op
tion proved to be 42c and 41c, with
Istest sales c net higher at 42c.
Stop-loss orders were dislodged in th.
provision markat ss a result, of active specu
Istlvs seiling. Pork showed a drop of
27 c last night, lard was off 5 to 10c and
rihs 10 to ;2c.
Th leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Sept S : !
Dee .T "
May 1.02 1.03 1.0! 1.03
Sept .45 .45 .64i .434
Jlec 42 3 .6:
May 65 .63 .64 .65
Sept 41 42 .41 .42
Dec 44 .41 .4'4
May 46 .47 -46 .47
Sept 17.26 17.35 1S.S0 16.87
Jsn 16.56 16-56 16.27 16.27
Jan....... "6 .1.7. 8.60 8 60
Sept.. 8.02 .2 8.R2 M5
Oct....... S.07 .07 8.K0 8.82
Dec. 8.72 8.72 8.65 8.65
Sept 420 9.20 8.00 9.00
Oct. S.10 S.10 . 8.90 8.90
Jan 8.40 8.40 8.27 8.2.
r'aah nimtallnna Were It follows:
Klour Bookings smaller at rocent ad
vance. Rva NO. t. 87 e.
Barley Feed or mixing. 653 S3c; lair to
choice malting, 41061.14.
Timothy seed 411 ft 13.50.
Clover 81 3 iff 18-
I'ork Mess, per barrel. 317.50 aj 1 ,.75.
Lard Per 100 pounds. IS. 77.
Short ribs Sides (loosei. 88.62 J? 9.1 .
Sides Short, clear- boxed), 9 (8 9.25.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour wer.
equal to 306.000 bushels. Exports for the
week, as shown by Bradatreet'e, were equal
to 2.561,000 bushels. Primary receipts were
671.000 bushels, compared ' with 1,421.000
bushels tho corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow:,
215 ears: corn. S3 cars; oats. 806 cars; bogs,
10.000 head.
Daily movement of produce:
Receipts, shipments.
Flour, barrels llM '!!!
Wheat, bushels 2!i6.40i 24.3no
Corn, bushels 70..V1O 3;-J
Oats, bushels 287.700
Rva. bushels P.DOO
Barley, bushels 25.500
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
TACOMA. A ua. 11. Wheat Export: Blue
stem. RSc; club. Sic. Milling: Bluestem,
7!e; club, 7c. Receipts, wheat 7 cars, hay
i cars. "
SEATTLE. Aug. 11. Wheat Bluestem.
Jtc: fortyfolrl. 7!c: rrh. 7sc; rife 78c: red
Russian. 77e: oats. 2rt per ton; barley,
426.50 per ton: bags. 4&.SO.
European Grain Market.
LONDON, Aug. 11. Cargoea steady. Wslla
Walla for shipment tat 85s 6d: October wheat
closed at la 2d: December wheat closed
at Ta Sd: English country markets steady;
French country markets firm.
LIVERPOOL. Aug. It. Wheat October,
Ts ld; December. 7s 3d. Weather cloudy.
Rainmakers' Fete to Be Given for
Week In October.
BOISK. Idaho. Aiiit. 11. (Special)
Great preparations ara bfting made by
the cltliens of Boise for the Halnmak
erg' fontlval. which will ba held here in
connection with tha Intermountaln fair
during- the week of October . The fact
that thore has been a severe drouth In
the- Middlej West this but that tha
crops In Southern Idaho are better than
ever because of irrigation, is the motif
for tha festival. More than 415.000 has
been raised among; th business men
for the celebration.
The main object of those in charere of
the celebration is to- bring; before tha
people outside of tha irrigation belt the
true significance of irrigation.
While the programme for the week
will be on. of amusement. It Is planned
to have several features touching on lr-
"Bltullthle pavement will b here and
in good condition when all th. other
pavements have gone to the bad, and
there is no doubt but what in a few
years all the other pavement In the city
will be replaced by bituiithie." From
a special telegram from Rome. N. Y-,
iij tha Utica Pally Press.
C.nsirucia AsphaJt and other Blto
ailtious Pavements. 60s-4u4 Kl.ctn.
tela. Portland. Or. Osltar -iusaa.
lumber mens
National Ban
Capital $1,000,000
A Progressive Commercial Bank with a Sivinjs Depart
ment Under Government Supervision
4 Per Cent'Interest on Savings
Capital - - - $1,000,000.00
Surplus Profits $900,000.00
J. C. AIXSWORTH. President. 1 " R. XV. SCHtfEER, Cashier.
R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President.
A. M. W RIGHT. AasUtant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier.
Established 1859.
Surplus and Undivided Profits.
Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail
able oa all parts' of the world. .
Corner Washington
First National Bank
Capital $1,500,000
Surplus 750,000
Oldest National Bank West of the
Rocky Mountains
rUatlon which will educate and in
struct. A series of floats showing the
evolution of irrigation will be seen.
From an agricultural standpoint, it will
not be excelled by any fair in the Pa
cific Northwest. Every county in the
state will have an exhibit. The racing
programme also will be complete. The
Ferullo band has been secured for the
week, and will play two concerts a day.
A stadium to seat 7000 or 8000 people
will be constructed downtown, and in
the center of it a dance floor will be
Land Sale to Pendleton Proposed.
WASHINGTON, Aug:. 1 1. A bill was
introduced in the Senate today to au
thorize the sale of certain lands with
in the UmatillaUndian reservation, ap
proximating 00 acres, to the City of
Pendleton, at a price to be fixed by a
commission of appraisement composed
of Superintendent Sch wartzlander. ex
Representative Kills and E. J- Somer
ville, of Pendleton.
Astoria Centennial
Str. "Monarch" Daily
AT 7 A- FARE ?l.t)0 .
Music, Dancing; Cafeteria.
No Liquors. '
Willamette River Route
Steamer Ornn. for St. Paul and way land
Monday Wednesday. Frliis, 6:45 A. M.
lT..mer -Pomona for Oregon City daily.
a. St.. 2 F. M. ; Sunday 8 A. M.. 11 and 8
Tsylor-Streel Dock, rhone Mam 40.
Steamer Anvil
sails from Albers Dock No. 3 Saturday,
. Tt ipm forTillamook.BayCity.
Newport Florence. Bandon and Coqiiille
Hiver points, i n t i. . . . -
Phone Main 628, A 4596. Dock phone A
1802. Main 151. Freight and passengers.
Sails from Ainsworm Dock. Portland. 9
A. M.. Aug. 4. W. 14. -j. -J9. Sept 3. S.
IS. IS. 2i, 2S snd every day(. Freight re
ceived at Ainsworth Dock daily up to 5 P.
31 Passenger fare, first-class. $10; second
class. T, Including meals and berth. Ticket
clTRe Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 23.
stain 170. A 1234.
Corner Fifth
and Stark
. 800,000.00
and Third Street!
' Freight received
daily at Oak-at. dock
for Ths Dalits.
Hood River. White
Bslmon. Umatilla.
Kennewick. Pasco,
Richland. Hanford,
White Bluffs, and
iH.Ai-mMrilata rjoints.
Steamer leaves Portland Sun Tw
Thurs.. T A. M. Returning leaves Tha Dalle
Man.. Wed.. Fri.. 7 A. M.. arriving at Port,
land about S P. M. sams day. 3.
Buchanan. Supt.: w. S. Smallwood. Gaol,
Mgr. Phona Main 260. A 3627.
i. n . .
, . I Aek about I
Atlantic Transport
Red Star
Whit Star
White Star-Dominion
in the
619 Second Ave, Seattle, Wash.
Trom Ainsworto Dork. Portlsnd. t A. M.
S.S. Beaver, Aug. 11, Bear 18, Rose City 21.
From Pan Francisco, iorxiiDuunu.
8.S. Bear An. 9. Rose City 14. Beaver 1.
. . 1 . . o ,
From bsn rearo. .rinuou-...
S.S. Rose City Aug. 12, Beaver 17, Bear St
H. A. Mosher. C. T. A., 142 Third St. ,
J w. Ransom, agent. Alnsworth Dock.
' Phones Msin 402. Main 26S, A 1402, '
San Francisco, Los Angeles
and San Pedro .Direct.
North Pacific S. . Cos S. S. Roanoke
s S. Elder sail avery Wednesday alter
nately at P. M. Titcket otflca Ui Third
St.. near Alder.
M4RTIN J. HIGLET. Passeoser Ageni.
W. E. SI.l'SSER. FreUjht Agent.
Phones M. 1314. A 1CU. -
Low Rates. Schedule Tima. ,
215 Railway Exchange Bids;.,
1'ortlana, or,
Wain B3TB. A 3933.
(Union Line of V. Z.)
Direct through stesmers. ssiling trom fsn
Francisco Aug. 23 and every iS dsvs. Well
ington and back. 1st c'.sjs. 214. Other rstes
lso low. The line to Isles ot the South Seas.
For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents,
or address Oceanic S. 6. Co., San FrancUco.