...T i inn bhi. i TLfLL -.- 1. FTI..U. Family. O-- A-rlMal I - , I 4 - coronAPt "rvy- ho.. IX THC FHIOAPI- W fcoT SIDE .V.i'lHBuHHOuD. High Cl.BB Fo'lcd ' Ap.rtiri.n. at ttu.nm.r . Ratea Vry Raaaonabi. the yom mvu lth and M.r. hall mtm. Superior fltr4 r rlc- part-ens. In meat b.autiful M"?"",; in,., i..- fireproof etructur. with ir.od.ra i-pro.m.nt. V.' vou da,.. bt of ..rvte.. and T, i.e tr.a lrfnr erv.r la Prl " 'Viu'p.rb clt, bom. ,"',?mI,rrt" dent r transient .i.tor. ! lb ";.- inv, in merit of th Hn:" b.for y l-wata. at A hit n-elea apartm.nt-hoi- ofrd el raon.ot rat. Fhoa Mareaell loll r11 Wlt-t APARTVEXT. t'H end Mar- l . 1 --d 4 room arer.m.n.a. t-s ice - ti city. UmnhM 1012. TH WHEELD!, Cr. Park and Taylor t- THE W HIELDO A!. Car. TQLA aad l-u Walking P'Mt . , Oa-pl! furlod 3. apertmants; buildings w -- trletU madam; aarrtc arsi-elaa- T. CROIX -KPARTJ-r.V-TS. IT Cl-lr: a ivy furnlsh-d J-room irtmnt and unfirn..t.ed I -room teleim....' tr. P.. m -ch apartment. Flat. IRVING-TOT TLT 1TTH AND TILLAMOOK. W..-,tlf-l r.w building: -Bhogenr -.--.. prlv... front porch-. n4 sr. a ecraa4 sleeping porch.; 1 rlnaara h-fTdwoc-rl floors, bullt-ln bulT.t. Stac. til. bath., fin. ',ch-;?u'PB,l wriS ga rang, and wBtr-h.tr; thla round.! b b-a-U-l barnaa; rani 4T.a Cut r.M and Bra.. C J-iJa. Eaat jrrR RtS'T--!"! d room f .al. oa ain. 1 mlruiM from bialn-a "' ai-al rana and aa plata. bullt-ln aard r-ba and panirr. lar rloat.. lar... a-ll-l.cntad rooma. . and ...ctrlc J '';. J" r. ..a. bath and .MMu.i: M. and trill act .'art till f-or 1. If ta.n no. Kr at drua atora.'rrot and S-ft'XJM furni.h-4 moo.rn f.at. yard and t . aarn.ni. aalklna di.lanr.. 4." loth Ca-I aatorda- and l.nd or altar F. M. Phon. wain - TO AOfl.T. -ro.im. hot a at.r boat. a:P ln( porch, lil.i". aaat and north vlaw hot and roid tr. (aa o. Iinol.uin. Vonlaom.ry at. l'hoBAI KEW 1-room f'al. furn.rr. nr.p:ar. . ra-. aat.r bratar. iinol.um oa bltch.a and bathroom. E. Sth and Evar.tt aia. E-A car: I3VV Nw tnod.rn room uppar flat la Ir-lnaloa, Tu!pp.d with all lntl coav.nl.noaa pnon. Fail M E1.T furnl.h.d ft room fiat. ood loca tion, rant r-aonat. Inquir. Vl Inloo ii rKnn I t?Aa ..... c or - w '- , o prT Modrra furniah'd n.-r om fat. furnac and (lrplac. I'hoaa Orar.a Muaie to.. Main 1 4 -J. VERT Traaar!lflat"of 1 or 4 rooma. a. II fjrnan.-l la mioul-f walk f-m- town; i-rmi r.aaonani.. -.r-n... J.V- UOHCII S roo- fat. HuliadaT Ad rf non. in.iuir. at !.' WaiKro at. Thona Met.V furnr.n.d mod.ra fl.a-room flat : am !) furonura at a bargain or rant l loa.r I at; bTth. .lrtri- tlghia. on Wllllama aa. carlln.. IUW Pr mo. 7 J o'ng at.; a.y u 1 - Vr W -room flat al.aantljf furnlahad. vry rh.ap. T'i Vanrour Iajuira 7u; .a. I car to i.r t- K '.Vl fiat furnaco. phana. rang., baat.r. r rrp'.aca. i. Jtn. bat- Ana.oir aad Bura- U J ii'Oil f at loaar floor, at. am ta.at. hot and rid aaiar. (aa rang.. S .M. E. Mam Mi.-I.R' -room flat. oath. (aa. ai.clri-ll)r. flr.p . woodnft. aiaionar tuba. 14 r. Worrlaoa. l'H"'r Tafor l.H LvD.SN S-rooia f.at. a.c atr.; 14. HI wi.iama a... -"- I'i. a.,a BENT 4 room onfurnlahad flat. N" H ill tti.tt'ctJ.airabla.yall44.ia S w. ON' farnlahad f.at. - lata ana -.. " o -K X'' modrn flat. a Iring at. K.r ano 4 -room f .la. rant li. til. t. rif. TaMir a 1 4. IF.RV i-room flat. Ma. naar j4-irn. I ' 1 . 1 " ' mil ... . Jt v TTrt : lf i at. furni.hd Mmplm; Waal ltd.. cloaa In. l.i 4th at-STro-i uafurnianad brick flata. 14 coa- v.mcncaa. Ir.quir. I.'t Mark.l IL n'eVI.T furnlahad a-rtvom flat, adulta only. -, , , H'Ji.a-lay - fall from I to i P. M. iwo . flata. raat (Ida. nautO, aodara. rnona Ea.t -1 k.ift:RN ft-room f.at witb flood aula and am.nt. ttl'i Tth at. l-HOO-d wppar aaat flat, mod.ra Impro- miirDIJ3k Iaulra J4Orooa . .p,vit r.t.. bath, atatlonary taka. baaa- tn.nt al d ,u j,i,HB f..t. a.ar fta.1 Brtdga. Phoaa Waod.awa lti aoaptaa Ruawia THE BtiVCK. :tb iad Marabatl. far ai.bad for houa.ka.plng. faa raaga, alaa. trt llghta. bot watar. bath, lauadry. fraai fit mar aaoatb ap; a ci.aa plao. boat la tn. U7 for th monajr; anort diataac from laioa t-pot- Taaa "a" ar lath-at. car, aocva. g. 4 MarahaU au Ma oga CAtaimtOEm.DO- Faralahadand furnianad houa.a.plBfl rooma ainga and aaauita. Room aa, d aad alorrtaoa; ..ry c.atral. iM TO K'CIk; aioaa. furaiabad aaaakaaping rooma. fraa laundry, batx pbaa cl.ao Ua.a. b.au 4M Vumtw a. a and am a fiani.a; taka V aar. JIST AUAT TOU WASI." Ftfrni.bad or unfurnl.had rooma. alaglaw an auita. al eonv.oi-c-. boat locattoxv. mi.vt'R Bl-IK.." -". Morriaoa at. a"l ailKe..nNi rooma for rant at tha It -i. ftootnlng.houa.. ai-tru- light aad fa, com and aa. raat r.aaobabl.. livv "Ird t. 41 IIA'C M' KKl.-O.V cot. Eaat 4th; eora p!'..!y furatani bou..k..plng suilaa; rc.aona la hl -KKCi'lNil rooms. slngi and n j:i.. 47-- u. hii I nion ave.. cor. helrnonl I Khi'K and alcove bit.-hen. hot and cold stirr. siitte of two front rooms. Summer t.t.s. E. Burn. id. .t. Phon f4 1 I-l. FiiRT lhl.T fi.rni.hed housekeeping riMitns. v.r central. r.asonaM. 4--i W .. 'rtn M A J t.-T 10. t'.ay st. high-class hous- kep.rc roims. fun-ih.d or unf uraisn4; wa.kii.ff distanc. Phon A 44IS. FU RM-Urti hftuaekpirTii aad 'elae'pioV rim l to IJW per week. Daol H-.i. 'l d at. Sot'HEatEPINO rooma la new roaerwt b.dg ph-o. Wiil i.a -w-T a Tt'O B..-iy furrti.'ied houeekMpiafl rooms. c irt. 4.s w ..htngiow at. -Ri.j.U suites fur bouaekping Co, in; prtvs:. entr.n.-. - ' ' to uml.la. How aeeplng K---ai la Frtvata raaslly. 2 p 7e a 1 a n T bi. furnib.4 hou.kptr.fl room front post h. light, water. ch-.p. M.m ill" TWO h-au.ekeeplr g room. l'h clo.ef. bsth. paon. (Biiiiif gaa l.-e. 34 .N. i.t i. TWO nte. y-f J'a'sh4 housekeeping rooms: beat. !lg-t. peon. blh. 1 1 -V aT Tth et. TWO rooms heuaeeplng. everything bandv; pn-n. gaa bath. 7M 1st al. jtto f jra ed bueekep!nfl roonr.a 41 o-s i T 11 R Z F". mode-n pie. I- furn.K.ed hDiiM. k.r'- reo-ns. r.s.-ngb e. 104 V. lt-. , riovl asd 'k i"e. bio gas aad prion, ruaa at wt.r. It Col .g st J I v aT ciaA'S tvon aad board 4S Evrtt -.rt. ftPl.r:Xtll. mod-rn i-onv.nl.no.a. l-iwn. fr.ah air: wa king d .'.m.. Waahlngmn at or W car from depot; li. lrt. . p.r toonih: mod.rat. tai- by ii.y or rk. -ITS Cou.-h. N. E. rn-rl'.h. ATTR A"Tl V E 1 room auli. connl.ntly arrangcil. aar. Ilntlv furnl.h.d. .ink. gaa rang-, nlc. bath, (cl.phor.a T"0 Flanders at . n-ar Slat. ' 41 MiRTH !TH, n.wly furnlah.J rooma. romnl.t for houa.ka.plng; atrlctly flrat cla.a. HO NT A1HS. nloly turnl.h.d. mod.rn. for rant. S monlha or long.r. 7v6 fc- -al-tnnn. phono ia.t t.lG t Fl RMSHKlt houa.kopirr rooma. bath, aloctrlr light, wat.r. t.l.pliona fr.c: $4.u0 p. I- a.K. ' all .Mtmuoni. LAFItl.: I.ghl. cl.ar. ntc.! lurnlh-d In1-" k-.pina rooma. 2 bio. ka from Ilo City t ara c.r . i c - TWO )iiiui k. rplng ruoma for rent, rraaori a"t. 14 K. Ank.ny. b.lwn 2xh and 13th 114 TWo nlr.lv furnlah-fl hou.-kc.plng rooma !ertrlcltr. phon. bath. .1ll Midi .on .t. ' - HOHHK.V hou.-H'.ping ro.ma. cot lag". -.-,.p. aaay walking dlatanca. 1 15th at. LIOHT hini-k-.pni room., t Mo. ka from William. a. and-1 block from Killl i ! r.a. at. Ka.t 1. t Kt' KM 1111 Kl hou..k. plua. privaia iro liv frr.h painlM ana p.ii-ivi. ohon. fid Dr month. -4-.i Maik.t. TWO furniahl boua.ko.ping room a I IV IS minui-a to vumwww v-.- - a. a i THRtg furnl.h.d houak.plng rooma; , 1 a Tth af IlklB ga. pint. - - - - a. it J FI'RNIfHEU hou-kMTln rooma. 1V4 N. fir-nil ar. tin 3 FlRNISHrn hou-k..pln rooma. . k.a. . - : I MAI k . at Morrl.on at. .in.. C a a . b.iii. . - HoTEKErTjMNa auli.. IJI.V; " room, iia oo rhilrlr.n or do... Il" IHlh lia 4TH ST. .orn.r clay; larg". claan. 1 and room furniahad houa.kplaK ITR.M.-'HF.n hnua.k.apinc room Sow lat cn..i i.iii. I Fl RNIHFJ houk..pln rooma Includ- llig Ullr.m.n.. r.- -- Fl HVIHHF.D hooarkcplng rooma. new and moiirni. w.im .naf..---- FthMSHrll' hou-.k..ping room. lo4 aat 1 "M a. I Mi'", l. -v . . H g.KxM modern r.ald.nc ; a f.oni. baautltu'. ara. inn .---.- . - par.. -l.ct rl.lcnt a.-.ti..n. .loa-ln. cou.d rnt room.: now paving .p.n.aa. fin. homa for prof.lonal or buain.aa man: aom. fiirnilnr. fur !; combat tma with other.. ' imi jiOl'nF. aaven room, tnoderh. baaemenl. woodshed, chlcken-houaa. two loia. noar ear. Mrt I.ura. .'741 fu.ih a. . E.. Naah-v-in. .rstlon. Mount ot t ctr. (H El. I. -room modern houa. In LaJd Aditltlon. rent !:. furnitura for lnqulr Oruaal A 7rtow. 1T Board of T-a de b'dg. 4th and tmk. IIHUCKV -room houae. n.wly flniah.'l. near ldth aad Harrlaon. W eat Side, -0 per month. Klrk-Whlt. K-sity Co S.I H.nry bl.tg. I'hon Main 4e:t:t. (UKixill modern house on Corlxll at.. BoulB Portland. !- p.r month THS l.AW HK.S.-E CO. 4S Al.ler at. FOR RENT N.w modern hnuH; ry e"l--renl.nee. .is rooms, central location, fin neighporhood. reasonable rent right len- Bi.tN.KtHi" nouaa with bath gaa. c m.nt wa.h trara tc; rwnt t-:"- F.aat g.h ard Falling. -Apply 1MPLHIAL l'HAFMAC-T. 4 V n. MOMF.HX. new d-room houee. Inaulra 4T Weirt'.r. corner 17lh. one block from Ifrosaway T-Rot'M hu. lot TvlOO. lih and E. Madlaon . i rent l-t. Apply 4-l tor bell Bldg. Ftlt RENT Fine 4-rnom modern hone with a larg lot on 4-1 Pacramento at.; rent 14. to E. :1TII fcT. for rent. 7 -room bun galow; modern; good district. i'hon C TJ. lIuii.HS n-r.Mim bou.e. 11 cl.an. 1 block from W'-W ear. 54J Faat 17m. V.ROoM mod.rn rot tag., comer T'nlon . and Bt.ph.n St. Phon. Main 7.V.7. 7 ROOMS new. modern, o; 2 blocka cara Apply 4W Magnolia. 4.-. i. Al-I'KH. wslklng dl.lanc. modern r.om hou.. Phone Marshall T4. FOR RENT room houa. el Momaon at.. comer Maaon. b-RooNI house, 47 Montgomery St. I'hon Main tr"Jl. fr-room cotlags. S4th and Ore- city car. J -NEW .tmm hoiiM. Phone YVoodlawn Fara-abe Haaeea. WEI. I. furnished hi)u-. flata rooma, S room cottage. 2 month; another. II7.01; a ut.a two fun.iahed houae hMpmn-roomi. l. l month. a. I-1. Apply 34 .;ih at Nvnh. W car from Depot. -th west on Mortiaon to aWth. block north. 4UROOM modern hol-l for rent furnish..! for months or longer to rsi'on.illa par ty with prtvlisf Of buying. AM Or gonlan. . M"I--HN furni.ned h-room cottage, also 4 room fiat, bath and (aa etov. 614 K. Jl.t W-R car OO. D room furni.h.d eottss.. n.ar Jef fer.on liigB bchool. Teleiioon Main or A I4U3 F1'RNI5HEI 7 -room houa.. .very conveni ence, good location. large yard. to3 Northrup it. KI.KNISI1FD room houae. on car line; nice location, ana i.-s- i.iu. iv.. llama ev. Woodla BWB ell. iCABT PORTl-AND HF.IUHIS. my modem furnlsbed ft-roc m, bom to rponsllil p,rty. two csrlm.a phon S.ilwood -a. rtHNlSHil) t room flat, trlci;r modern: r.nt raaonabl... 742 o:ian au. av.nlr.gs aft.r 6 or aundaya 4-BOOM nicely furnlah-d Ml. strictly mod ern. Ka.t aide, walking dl.lanc. 4d R.-fin. ave. phone Main M 4 4. i Nicely furnlah.d all-room houa. ,V.J Lincoln at. F.KN1SHFD five-HKMU collage for rent. reasonable. i4 Hood at. Mol'tHN tl-room houae. comp.eta. furnishsd. Call Jo Ilih at- House foe Heat, raraltara for -talw. Ft KNITl Rfe7 of p-room houa. equipped to sublet housekeeping rooms, for saie rea sonabl. rent reaeonb:e. you can clear rent. (VI and fuel. Call mornings. 471 Hall t. AI L or part of furniture of 8-room flat, rent .10. fiimlehed. W .t Sid; walking di.tanre: furniture. carpets "actually new reaaonable. used aa prlvala horn - roomers. 1 ;.1. Oregonlan Lt AVlvd city, furnltur of modern 4-roora flat for aai eheap: 4 m-a walk to Poat offie. 14-, Clay at t-RuOM fum.abed hous; new furnltur and In good eondiiioa; good neighborhood: rea sonsbl for csh. ID Hth st- cor. Market. FOR SALE Complete or --pr.te, furnltur 4 -mom mod-en houwr; cloae tn. rvnl fid. E 3'-H. fireaomsn. j.KOOM Hat for renL furniture for sa.e. 4- W. Park at. MODERN 4-room houa for rent, furnltur for al. 1-e Martian at., cor, of 7lh. Fl '.NITI RE of .Vroom cottage for sale. H'iS. terme J1 1 hlrd St. NEW furniture of 5 rooms. Brussels car peta 4lo Ud and Vaughn. HOCriE for rent, a r-wmi. s-m. furniture for sale 3"9 Itavt. at., bet. lllh and i.'.th. H-sitner Hwnrta NEW COUNTRY Ci.l'B epn for mar. bre sad stockholders only. La Whlta. eoeal l.t and entertainer. Otbwr attractMas la STOrtr. In modern b-irk building, flearlng completion, on Orsnd ave.. at Stark, op noslt. Morgao-Al. Iil.y Futnltura Co's store any else from "oi fl. up: So ft, reillnga. for almost any bind of bnelnea thta location off-re the greateet oppor tunity of any In Portland: repe.-ially good opening for bakery, confectionery and del-, teste. ..n. also for e'.ctrlca; tlxtur-s, . M.JRtiAN. FI.1ED.NER A BOYCE." fiJ Ahitigton Hirtg WE bav. for rent, a nue llttie aiore. lix IS. ou Eaat Belmont, between t-rand and Vnlon a . . 4-.V HAHTMAN A THt M PSON. I'h.mt.er of I'onimerc. FOI R-.Tv.RT building and basement. 10 107. ftecond atreet. between Washlrgt 105x on and fltsrk ats . f r leaaa Inquire Of tae R.ed InllltUf. . -1 Armiion p.os FOR BENT ii new stores, cor. 2d and tivll."rl gta : g.-od location for grocery and m.ai market, low r.at: r.ad Am' J.M h W. W . Chri.t.nwn. Tabor 1.2. oRirK atore. 24x.v'. full baaem.nt. Eaat I I ' n inn ri 'i". m .luinau, 17 K 1Mb.. iV.KAL stores st eaat .rd Manioa-a. krldsa. I-'1 t 14. accord.- t alaa. la- Bun. 271 Hawthorne ave. BIOKE good locatloa. big payro.l. Tha aU B clary Co.. 444 Aider at- Mm tilt. Ftet RFNT .aior.. Al ty Tar'. t N.. near Davla. good location; cn.ap renu T3 THE MOKMSO OKEfiOXIAX SATURDAY, AUGUST 12. 19U. I mR R tT. I Dl.-.3 ' . .. . a - I - OFFICK FOR RENT. Ill TO ,8. MEHCHANT9 TTUST Hfll.DINf. th and Waahlnglon. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES. All-night -alavator aanrlc; apacial la dncamanla on yearly leaaa. Itt Bwallaad bldg.. tth and Waahlnglon. OFF. TIT, room In Tcon building for rant, furnlah.d or unftirnl.hod ; oacallant aaat view. lnqulr WJU Yeon. IX)" AND TOfNP. LOST Or taken, at Eugano, July 18. small lloatnn brlnillo bulldog with whlta cheat and bln.k far, with clipped ears and .hurt mil: had on collar ilh nam. ana addreaa and llreiia; will pay reward for Hi dok or for Infoi mafion leading to nla recovery when ha hna ben received; any one aoeing auch dog pleHa. notify 8. 8- Hi(.l. Ifj Momaon mt.h Portland, Or. Ul.-r Aloui lha laal of Juna or first of July lll a email teleecope containing riooka: w aa left In alorage. lth.r In a rooming huu.a or oihr plac by t orriellua Turpln. row deceased. K.ward la elferM a .. i.raiaiin. eoneertiln. tham by Al bert Turpln. Telephoti Main B or A Inl-O. 17ST Uurlna tha Roae r'arnlval. at tn. ...i.. - i .... .i.i.aui tiaeVOomh. anak da- a sn lop. et with brlllisnls. on red, and j girl -ho wore eame to BonneMlla picnic. July !. B.-.ept reward and return combT A V 'regonlan. FOU.NU W'Uar you pan buy g.aulna balr maitroaau r.tall at whol.sal prloas; w r.oovaia mattroase and return aame dyj w alao raoovat faalhara Portland Carled Hair Factory. K. Matsger. 114-1.1 Front. fh-n Ma.o 474. A 1174. LOOT i-io.k rertlfiral. In name of Jark- .on and railing for T ahar.a of Or.gon Boiax rnmpanv and one certificate for 4.M.I share, in nam of Brooke, together with tnewrlten papera. Finder return ' ! i.ewls M.1g ; reward. Lik-T On F.aat 14ih. eor. of Oak to tor. line ladva open-face, fancy dial, gold eiirh with pin with oakleaf on cor. Finder will pl-aaa leave at lU Eaat Oak and b rewarded. LOST Ring, set w ith two dlamon la and turquoise, between 'JUS 14tb t. and Hlil at. cor Jefferson; reward. Bturn offlc. 14th at. LOUT A tan hand-made waist, w hile shop ping at Meier Frank1 tor. Finder will rwreive reward hy calllngup Mln20. LtjSTF.xlcrrler. marked with one black eve nd black poi on lll Phone Kaat .111. :.;'!l K. a.ld North; reward. laO T Yellow I ereUn cat; return to 4H Vlata in., Portland Heights, or telephone A .i.o... r.w.i.i i i LOST Whit bull terrier. "Soul lierner ;" - fall J. 1- S. Mnead. at East J:J Inlon aj'.. and tVurf St. LOST Small Jeweled fraternity tun. DTD; finder return to apt. . IyJoy apt.; re ward. LOMT Brown male d... No. a .'.4. Rturo to 2!V4 Market, or Main "841: reward. BVIXjr.'8OPPOrlTf MTIKS. TRAVELING DEMONSTRATOR WANTED. Hlgh-arade automobile traveling aalea rn.B wanted to make aal.a and appoint aventa. Profile according to your ability. Territory allotted. Why work for others when an Investment of IKKkl makes you Independent ?M Oregonlan. Want a live rariner with liiaio to man age and tak half Interct In a hlgh-rlaas motion-picture thesier. This Is legitimate and will atand cloae.t Investigation, tall -. . u t nmhar U.ch.n-re bldg.. between It A M and 1 P. M. GRiXKHV and dcllcateaeen with fur nished llelng-rooma doing 1 dally caeh sales rent R: price for ator-k. furnllurs. ere 4ixl Ther 1. two lovelv rangea I w....d and coal, tha othr gas. tall 303 Lumber Exchange. t FoR SAI.l. tfol right to a llv-wlre spe cialty line; every Duslnes place snd prl .. . . . i . . r a a nroaoect. owner has other business: must leave elty: $lto takes possession. Call after It A. .M.. 167 S. 17th st. Mr. Ba'ch. I'RINT ahop opportunity: Preaent owner compelled to take over thla well-estao-li.hed hu.lne.a on debt; easily worth '.oo. will sell 1.00 oash, terms: or al most half for all -cash; glva pjiona i SJ7. Oregonlan. A t'.tH'D live young man with .11WXI as partner In paying business; rspltal to be used to expand; no boosera; a thai ugh Investigation at niy expens. E 8. oregonlan. I'ARTNKK wsnld. good steady bualness. mechanical Una, good proposition, the party null mean bualneee; considering volume of buslnees can bs hsndled for small amount. A HI.. Oregonlan. MOV INli-PloTVRB THEATER laocationa rurnisnea gratie, pl-te moving-picture outtlt. on easy term. . ,o teach to operate. .New York Film Exchange. BJIt-, Waahlnglon st. jj credit, collection mansger or stock salesman: had bank. Implement and lum ber experience: only high-claea poeltlnn roneldered. -lit Boaton block. Min- neivio:i. Minn CASH bun good paying millinery atand In department store In ,own,,t .,.. nesr Pcnl-nd; good cause for selling. Apply E. W. ... car Lowengart at Co.. 7th and Burn.lde. ONE of lh best-known restaurant men In the city having more buaineas than h can handle alone -III tak a partner to help him In his buaineas. Room :l Lumber WANTED Partner with ll" to takehalf inirr.it in m " -1 " - - - . .. aiotl'to per -.ar. 1 nle.a you have the mon.v and ar. a hualler. don't anawer. v- ).-- ire.onlan. OI POHTI MTV for energetic man to help hi week salarv and ah. re of profile; small Investment re quired. secur.l. Particulars, ilto-i Stsrk street. Foil rAi. Kin.st paying bualneea In the city for man and wife. cTiesp rout liv ing room, connecting. Call at 11 Di vision St. Ties -' - UAl.r interest la an oio .."'--'- -n-ss doing a good business. For full par ticular call Klnn.y A ktamph.r. kuaM Exrlisng tldg..rooma 6-1--3-. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stor.. near en trance of new ritv park, good Hxturea. Isrs new building, valuable lea.e. rent ..." " .. ... ..tor-.. T.bor 2.50. I I a : pro - . i -v FOR SALE tleneral atore doing over I Ha) . dy biialneaa. in best suburb of Portland. Write Oror-r' Association. 414 Commer cial i iuw A r i It- l -va.o. , For eale cheap, good less and Inde pendent llcenae. location Ideal. T d.l. .. . . -I C V t CV, l-a Iir.fnni.n. I'EVM laundry and roomlng-houae at a bars. in and a money-maker: poor health le.son for selling; price ;-4. Adflre.s A. . . n.niliin Oe. t 1'erins' r. - - CPI'ORTl'NITV to secure Interest in a eoli.l hu.ines. thsl will pa vou IHS a month now and an be Increase). tl.M0 required. . i -.a-La 1.1 ark at.- FOR SALE A.ijolnlng the boat property In the atate: coal and clay opened up. For full particulara. D. Davia. car Llttl Fall Clay Co.. Waah LADY with few thouf and can Join aelect f-ult orchird proposition; reference given and re.iulred. D 3-7. lregvnisn. FOU SALE One hlackani'th ahop. good lo- atlon. Inquire O. D. Wllllamaon. prop, of f. s. SitvMce H Front at. ,r .t general atore In VA lllamette Vallev. 2"i nou l.u.tne.. annually; must sell ac- ... ka.ith AV x:,n Oreeon'.an. ri.ilin im " . 7 a . - ..... I'lDAfl DRl 'I nlUKB. oown . will ell at invoice: liberal dlacount for . ... 1 , . 1 O.aan.lin SNAP for live rcalaurant man; little money "r.qulr.d. will etand full Investlgalion. P. i. in-J Snrlnsdeld. Or. SAIOON and holel wltn niu-toom. gooa l,u-w.-s, c.ntrally located. It 3o.1, Ore- o.l saloon for .al .heap, clearing 40 per month; good location In Spokane. Vdilrees R. C. White. Torpenlah. FlR RET Flue opening for hardwar store, none In i iwn; or for general store. C. E Hedge. Hrsverton.Or. fX.ivSAI.E or trade, meat market In down town district, caeh hualneaa. Itrwi per day. M 3''7. Oregonlan. CI' A IL confeelionerv and fruit .lore for sale, with lease: best location on Wash Itigt'.n st. O 378 Oregonlan. g..ia WILL buy a good paying business. See oner. lo Madison ... between 1 and 12 A. M. GOoD CUt.NER SALOON: (l-ycar leaaa. ln- quire room '-'7 Corbett bldg gTtic'ks of tF.rchandlae bought for cash: strl .ly ronfldeniMl. H 321. Oregonlan. O R )' ' I-' li Y Kent 2'1. nue location; taka lion.- or roomlng-houae. ,".2't All.ky. MEAT MARK ET, furnlah.d: ' holes loca lion; r.ni .i. r n.,.i-i r. ....... HuME restaurant, confectionery and lunch. Owner; living rooms. US Rua.ell st. Flt SALE A'aaka petro'.um coal-Block, rhe.p. AC 31.. tlregotilan. Wll.l. "ii meri hatiii .e for raah. atrictly , o".ertlal. J. T. Ureen. 1.11 rl st. -;;. ki ef r.-ri H.n.llse bnucht for e.sh; ' s-rl.'tiv v-onnd-n-lal 4 1 P. of Trad-. RFSTAfRANT for sal, apply 313 Yamhill, near Park St. - - -.-.... nTirr t FUfAKCIAI PARTIES contemplating trip to th Mdd': l or Kaatern states mat represent tj. best lrrlgstrd land proposition In in. ;orthwe.t snd hava ths opportunity to maka big commlaalons and all traveling epen.e. Tha lands will aland tha closesl Inve.tlgstlon. th company Is In excellent nanelsl standing and Tor prwi-cu""-" erfeot water supply ind Inducements to ettlers. w ar without competition. " Inlerealed. S'ldresr S Sill. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted In atnplo mrg. bu.lne.a. lame profit., larseat firma in I". bu from u.; experience not atiaolutely neces aary. but must fie aober and a hustler: to kind of man I want will guarantee ."iO. besides tliMi a month salary first year: In vestment $l."uti; terms on jiai t to l.e paid out of profits; will show and eschanaa reference with man meaning buslnesa. C.iH room Ilk l nth at. IS there anyon who will lnv-t 1200 tn a manufacturing company Incorporated un- oer in laws or uresonr He win t,r 6ix eharea of stock, together with the excluatve atat rlghta of the States or Washington and Montana: good for vr Id y.ars for a patented household article. Addreaa P. O. Box 4120. Portland, Or., for appointment. ATTFNTION. A business that haa netted 22X alnco ' the flrat M the year. lull, and bueines property and nlc residence; ni'idern. up-lo-dnle. Is In a pro-perous growing town on the Columbia Rlvr; pill trade for Portland property. Improved or unlm prnv.d: write today. Address 4.4 Lum bermen, bhlg. OROCICRT One of th beet location and cieaneat stock of goods In residenc dis trict of Portland. East Side; from 14000 to 9ftn4 huslneaa per month; excellent fix ture and low rent: on good lease; will sell at In-olre: then Is not a bad featut about It. fee Hall A Reark. oil c'ham ber of Com mere. DO tOU WANT TO SELL? If you want to aall your bualn. ar rant a partner hi- your bualne. eall and lat me talk It over with yon. I has buyer, waiting to get a flood paying buain.aa W. Lawrence. Ill Lumbar eliang bldg. Botb pbon TOkl TO TH 9 PACIFIC WITH WARD," Aranta wanted In Paclflo JJortbwaat. Pactric Mutnal Lixa. 4S 7rs oia 11 millions asssta We loan money. U. U. Ward. Mgr.. Tit Spaldlnfl bid COI NTRT HOTEL TO LEASE. New modern hrlck; can lease for term of eara; furnished or will aell furniture; Jl.VMi caah required: can clear 'imi to :! month, heat hold town to be found: this Is a snap for a hotel man. See owner or write H. K. James. ; linli mrir Slarkl. CICiA'fT AND rO.NKEi TIONfc.RV STORE FOB 5i. Owner will sell or trad for rooming house up to $r"K: thla la a nice place, is In a good location and cheap rent. CO-OI'ERATIVE TtEALTY COMP ANT, S!W-i-l Railway Exchange. FOR SALE, account akknese, all or jart of frX) sharea. 10 per ahare. In movlng-plc-' ture company; sharea paying 70 per cent per annum, guaranteed. For particulara write Roberts. BIJou Theater. Missoula, Mont. MEAT MARKET for rtw: Is close In and In a thickly settled residence district: has a fin family trada; a dandy propoaition for a flood steady man, will trade for a CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. .MIl-W-51 Railway Exchange. FOR HALF One-half or controlling Interest In $!0.lMM fuel corporation doing Jfioini each month with a iiood profit; position with good salary (Gen. Mgr. . The above tan be had lor 40lH. I30V0 down. D -tO-'t, Oregonlan. YOLNOs WAV, PTRAWOBB. Mate careful Investigation at exp.Be. , 0t ..iter befor you lav.t money la aay proposition. Advisory Departmsnt. X. U. t:. a. BISINESS opportunity; splendid location for general merchandise establishment; Jamlaon. or.; In midst of sp'endid fruit country Juat being developed. Full partic ulara apply W illow River Land Irriga tion CO.. tjrc-g.n. vir. f So SHARES of th capital Block of th American Automatic Fender Company, at 16 pr share If taken at one. A. w. P-.'.l Metropolitan Llf bldg., Minneapolis. M Inn. . WANTED MEAT MARKET. New store. . modern, basement, water service, good locstlon for sanitary mar ket 12.1 per month. l.VW Belmont St., Mt. Tabor. W. A. Ho.sack. Tabor H42. FOR SALE Good paying pawnshop in lumbering town of l'-'.r.iio population, long leaaa cheap rent; good reaaona for aell Ing; can reduce stock to f-tmo. Address Hoqulam Loan Office. Hoqulam. Waali LUNCH counter; If you have $.000 and want on of tn beat In heart of oily. lo;k this up; las; reasonable rent. J -i. Oregon ian ' CASH STORE. I.1VINO BOOMS. Small cash grocery, with living rooms, low rent. 1350 will buy It. Call room lis Lumber Exchange bldg for SAI E Elegantly firnlahed email ho teT In the heart of the city, five yeare leaaa- :5o to handle, balance monthly pmnts of tl'W- lnquli-e Calumet Hotel. FOU SALE Mv Interest In good fuel, sand and gravel biialne... with aeryltes. also house and lot; will consider trade. R. p;m. ec iMh . r Fv)R SALE Suburban grocery: must -- . once on account of sickness; "ell lo cated: will bear investigation. Phono Columbia 176. . FOti SALE Flrst-claa. merchant tailor .,.. - m.i.i.,.t stork, good loca tion for alteratlona. cleaning and press- Ing: must leava tow u. aw -i .... LdCrllT gro.erlea. oonfertlonery. etc.. corner ca.h store with living rooms, for 4S0. extra good trade: splendid growing dis trict, call Ilhi. Stark st. BO .NO laaues and loana. 1V,000. upward, aatotlated L. N. Koeenbaum. lawyer and nlnclal agent. Height bldg- Seattle, Wn. FOR- SALE Five .hare. Potter Coin Ma chine .lock at 70. Addreaa It., la. Baker. The Da Ilea, Or. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCK. 8. T.l.phone and other bonds bought aa .old Fletcher Inv. Co.. 123 Ablngton. RESTAURANT and lunch .counter wanta partner to act a cashier: owner does the cooking. Room fc-3 Lumber Kxchanx-. WANT banner, good furnltur. good list of acreage good deal for right parly; O0 renillred. AN :t.W, Oregonlan. V-OR HALE Royal Bakery and Lunchroom. Call or addre.a ft E. Olbson. 1112-104 3d st.. Hood Hlver. Or. WANTED Partner In restaurant buaineas. Call Woodlawn 2411; S53 Union ave. N. WANTED Paitner for good paying bual ne... Woodlnn 2411. AOo BUSINESS carda. l.0O: you muat bring this ad. Boa. City Prlntery. 1U2H Third. K IK) Ml NO HOl KS. FOR SALE A bargain. 7."-room hotel. 50 mlloe out ot l-oriiaiiu. p.i - v--... time or trde; muat sell at once. W rlto or call Al Davla. Holel Anllera. luth and W aslnngton sts. ATTnACTIVE apartment-house; 21 apart ments beautiful location: good money maker; long leaar: no agenta; good terms. Addrea'a A E 3.'7. Oregonlan. 10-ROOM hcsise on 14th .1 . near Washington- well fuinl.hed. ard. baaement. fur nace; cheao rent; good Income; 700; easy terms. Mar. hall 3'i- 32 FINE .tranelent rooming-house close In, good ,le.e; a money-maker. Owner, phone Mam UP 17. 7-P.OOM prlval boarding-hous for s.ile. 16.MI- good Income; cheap rent; Eaat Side. AD 3-4. oregonlan. ITrOOMsT heart of city, for aala by owner; no sgenta N 323. Oregonlan. 21 ROOMS H. K.i right In town; must aell; make offer. Owner. Marshall --.i-.M. ou-RoOM hotel, close to Portland Hotel I..VKI will handle. Main 4tl4j. SPECIAL OTICESL rraposal. Invited. 8EALKD bids will be received at th office of the undersigned. 4"2 Tllford bldg. Portland. Or., until i 1'. M. August 1.. 1W1I for construction of a si-hool bulldinie on block 2. Weston, an addition to the ( llnton Kellv school building and for the heating and ventilating of the following schools: Glencoe. Kerns. Lents. New Mount Tajjor. all to b In accordance with plans and specifications of architect T. J. Jones, copies of which may be oblalned at his" office. 40" Tllford hldg. Bids to b on each achool separately and all to be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid. payable to R. H Thomae. P.-hool clerk. , Board of Dl le'ctors reserves the right to reject in, and all bids. R. H. Thomas. School Clerk. Auau.t 11. lll. Portland. Oregon. SEALED bids will h received at the, offlc of the undersigned. 4"2 Tllford building. Portland, until S P. M.. August 17. 11-11. for floor-sweeping vacuum cleaner plant to b Installed In the Jefferaon High School. In a. cordance with plan, and i specifications of ,,-hool electrician. Mr. D. J. Phillips, copies of which may b obtained at In achool clerk a cffloe. Certified check for 10 rr .,"' amount bid. pi-ihH I" R- H. Thomas. .,-hool clerk, must accompany each pro- PB"'ird reserve, th right to reject any and .11 bids. h THOMA, ji-h-,,,, CIerk. Portland. Oregon. August 111, 1KIL ProDaeala tnvlte4 KOfiCfS0 F SPECI A L STOCK HOLD ERST MEETING. OREGON MARBLE A LIME COMPANY. . ' Notice Is hereby given that there 111 be a special meeting of th stockholder of Oregon Marble i Mm Company, at the law offices of Pint A Piatt. 901-908 Board of Trnde bulletin. Portland. Or, on Tuesday, the 22d iy of Aug u, J9". at the hour of 3 o clock P. M at which meeting there will be submlttad for ac tion by said stockholders the following "'Pirsi The election of a board of thre director, to hold office until the next annual meeting nr.d until ihelr ruccei gprs shall be elected and Qualified. Second Consideration of a resolution for the sal of all of the property of said corporation. . . Third Consideration of a resolution au thorising the dissolution of said crDra tlon. settling of ,'s business and -disposing of Its property. Fourth Such o:Ser business as Is cog nate and grmar.o to any of the lore- '"tVi notlc l lvn and said meeting la called, puraua.it to the written re oue.t of atockhollcia of aaid corporation holding more than four-flftha of the cap- d',r,ec,.loJnCkof'tnrbi-.r8d''0f SfiSa of "Wat Por,,cd.OLrg.Angul.B1.I, Qeeret-rv Oregon Marble . Llm Company. VrrTs foil STEAM HEATING FOR B NURSES' HOMK. AT MULTNOMAH hide Will ba received at the off c of Bridge. Webber. 42 Hinl" B lid Ing. rortland. Oregon, until 10 A M. Thursday. August 24. 1911. for the steam heating In Nurses' Home, on Mult nomah Ho.p.tal Ground., at Second and Porter atreets, Portland. Oregon .,... Plana and BPclflcaliona may b .obtained at th -offlc of the rrhltecta. -,-. No propo.als will be consldecd unless orner oi "".""" .;-.ihl. h.nk. for County, cerinieu i- - . - ."a .... ... n amount equal ten per cent of the , forr,,:dP.7 fixed and q uld a tid damage. rnterrntvs.'-rfurnirr. Sblrho" .? for th. faithful t ?. the said work. In th event th contract la 1Wr"h.,?lg,bt Uxur-asly reaerved to rej.ot any and all bid. receiv ed. . j-. County Judge. W. L. LIOHTNBB. County Commissioner. - D. V. HART. County Commissioner. SEATTLE. Wash., July 14. 1911. Sealed pro posals for dredging and con-ruction and fens r of mattress sills In the Snohomish l iver. WaThlngton. will be received her. until 12 M August 14. 1011. nd,hn publicly opened. Information on applica tion. C. W, Kuti. Major Engrs. Miscellaneous. OI YMPIA BOTTLING WORKS t"REP'-i-ritTAKV NOTICE: Notice is hereby ve to rh. Circuit Court of the Stat. pinA,0H. MMa;rTa- Ar " f, .Bo.U.ng Work, and ha. fixed rriaa.1. in. ...... 77 Je.rlltol lull. for the last aay in V, ; , file clalma with A. H. MrCurtain. mav Rece elver. t 6UII Henry BulHling. run. Oregon.. All claim, must oe -v. creditors. ,,.r,pTUS Rerelver of Olynipla' Bottling Works. OREGON IMPORTING COMPANY CREDI TORS TAKE NOTICE: Notice aJ given that the Circuit Court of the 8 tate nf Oregon for Multnomah County has ap ' pointed A. H. McCurtam Recel r "r 1 J Oregon Importing Company and haa flxeo. Friday, the ISIh day of September. Jll. for the last day In which creditor, may file claim, with A. H. M,c;urla'";," celver at y0 Henry Building. Portland, Oregon. All claims muat be aworn to by creditors. -..ntaTUV. pecelver of Oregon Importing Company NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholder, of th Port land r" Asiatic Sieamshlp Company, for the election of directors and th tranaac 1 tlon of any other business, will be held at room HOT. Wells-Fargo building. Port land, Oregon, on Thuraday, September T. 111. at 2 o'clock P. M. L. F. STEEL, Secretary. I WILL not be reaponaible for any debt, contracted by my wire (Mrl. W. A. Dun can. Jr.) from this date on. Signed W. A. Duncan. Jr. xanciau "international MORTOAC.F. bank. J AV. MATTHES. AGENT. 222 FAILING BUILDING. LOANS ON CITY nKSIDE.VCE AND FARMS. NO BROKERAGE CHARGED. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES Or .elier'. equity In contract, of .al on ...i ..mi In Washington or Oregon. Loans. H. K. Nobis. 314 Lumbermen. b,a-- - - - FIRST 'nd .econd mortgage, and oontraol. purchased on farm and city property any where In Or.gon or Waehlnif too. B. la. Devereaux. 1002-8 Spalding bldg. MONET to loan, any amount. flr.t and aeo- nd mortgage, and contract, on farm and city property purcha.edu . W. A. BOT McKay oiag. 12MI0 lo loan on iiupiu-... n...u-, o.ut..va 7 per cent. Leonard Broa.. 317 Chamber commerce. Money to Loan Real Lstata. I $100,000 and 50.000 to loan at 6 pr C$700O to loan at S per cent on West Sloe sccuriiv. in.iii). $7,100 and n0t0 to loan at 7 rer cent. ISOiio, 25oO and 1400 to loan at T pr Ce" ' HARTXIAN ft THOMPSON. Mortgage Loan Dept.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. y-iai lupnnvvn cliv oroDertr or for bnlld .... o.imo.e.' to ft ye a re" time: liberal repayment privilege; money advancad a building progr...... a... -y.ua.i. ...- tnga A Loan Association. 240 Stark at. I.,no niio O.N Improved city or farm property; building or am.H loan, at loweet rate.; large loana a specialty. McKenzle & Co.. ol4-.Mn-Olt iierniiB-r mos- WANTED We have money to loan on in side Improved Portland real estate in .mounts of 11000. (JU0O and $ooii. 12l Grand .vs. - WE have $5400 to loan out In .mall um. on good city property. C. F. Pfluger A Co. real estate and loan agenta, suit 12 Mulkey bltg . -'a anri .-nrnion -- ir.o. I.. $50"0. j-o.ooo. -rv triiv ON IMPROVED PROPERTY. SEE MR. EASTO.N- AT 202 BOARD OF 1 n A ks c. -.ii r le.o tin non or lees. re. I eatat se curity. Farrlngton Farrlngton. 414 Commercial ciup oiog. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan oa Portland property In auma from $louO t 150 00' at lowest current rates. Morgan. FUednr Boyo. 608-306 Abtngtoa bldg. "rpER CENT MONEY FOR JlUltlUAUr. a.vo.-.-. 1 FRANK PORTER. 1H4 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN for 3 to 3 yeara. at 7 per cent these' amouiita apply to Goodaell Broa. a 0 n uu mwi-'-. to I OA s" for 8 to 6 years. $15.0KI. $23, li(i. Apply to Goodaell Bros.. 433 Wor c-..ter bl'.lg MONEY to loan on Improved real estate .. ...nrfin. ourDoaea Columbia Llf u ' 7- fiia Rmlriln. btlrl- Truat compwor. - e - IMPHOVtu or uuiiiij,.-- oj,. building, loana, contract, and mortgages Pu.1.'d."'-ir h Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. DOUR H -- .. 1 . vtriH-aAGB loan, on city property; lowest UOK.UAua i ",. ro.. Uck'.i hld rates av. .-" a a bdu ... PRIVATE funaa w .--..., term, reaaunable: mortgages purchased. il'y c- Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. fiooooo TO LOAN, larg loan, a Pec'klt)'. bu'lidlnfl lo.ns. low.t rat. W. Ii. Bk. ilO-olo r a.....' - unv FY ioaned without brokerage If we PN.faX '.,-. rale la. R. Balll Co- DUlia, v--i. - - 81 Ablnflton -"" erai .v-".-a. "uliHTGAUiS LOANS AT REASONABLB -yRJ.i-T p H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDO. nA 1 - j. spfi-iaL ad-morlgag real estate loans oi 8Irh....TraVmsnta Boom 812 Hamilton. TTmPTb $V400 to loan, real eatat aecurlty. Jul chamber ot Commerce. TJinvEV TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATK. . u HARDING. 318 Ch. of Com. jund. loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thora ta .tate agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C. of C. uov7 any amount, 6 to 8 per out, Good- "g,J,a' S.itfc 81t Spalding bldf. yuKti for good lnalda loana. 6. T, 8. Carlock Muellhaupt. 1032 Cham, of Com. MOHTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND PER CENT. LEWIS 6ALCMON. 2o3 STARK ST. cdivaTE money loanea on real eatat nrOrt rB'" .i. room 204. Gerllnser blri m. gag.-- aa. ; . - ainriii AND $1500 to lend on Improved city 'l;-r.p.r'ty. J"hn Pain, .10.1 Spalding bldg. private funds, $1000 to $20,000 to loan oa ' topVov.d real ..tat. Main 201S. Money to -Loan Real Estate. MONET TO LO A - , . We can mak quick loan on e'""-1 Improved residence or business In amounts of 110t0 to 100.000. 0 to 8 Pr oent, large loans a specialty. . .. J. H. TIPTON CO.. 110S-10 gpalalng bldg. WE pay the highest cah price for bullder'11 contracts and second mortgages, also mak loans on chattels, collateral, etc. Home Installment Co.. 6u8 -McKay bldg. Phone Marshall 2500. PLENTY of money to loan at 8 and 1 par cent on real estate security. 1DW. P. MALI 104 Second si, r Money to Loan 'liattel. and Salaries - WE LOAN SUiVlI. LOW RATES. gUICK LOANS. NO BED TAPE. NO DELAY. ANT AMOUNT. FROM 10 TJP. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, diamond, and all other klnd.of personal property; payment, arranged weekly or monthly to suit your convenience; cour teous treatment to all; private office, and all business .trictly confidential. GRAY & CUNNINGHAM. 01-I Rothchild bldg.. 2S7 Vi W ashington. Between 4th and 5th .t. L s t t DO X. OTT KEET. MONET f W- wul furnish you. strictly confldsa. tlal and without d.lay. a loan in any amount, on your auto, piano, furnitura livestock, storage receipt and all kinds ot securities: on terms to suit; alo week ly r monthly paymenta. WE BUY AND LOAN a first and aaoond real eatat mortflaflea and contract.. U. B. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGES CO. 112 Hamilton bldg. 181 8d. ' Main 2084. WE HAVE MONET TO LOAN. On .alarie only. In amount, of from $.1 to 1100.- at the lowest possible rates. Being salary loan broker exclusively, we are enabled to make the best term, and give the qulcke.t possible service. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. 808 Falling Bldg..- cor. 3d and Wash, sts. MONET FOR." SALARIED PEOPLE. Womsn keeping house and others fur nished without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when vou want It. and pay as you can. Offlc" In all principal cities. D.. H. Tol- man, 31T Lumber Exchange. MONEY ADVAJfCED an furnltur. plsnos, storage rsctpta, at. Lowest rates. HUTTON CREDIT CO-. il Bp.lUlus mut. LOWEST RATES Loan on all kind of se curity, chattel or real estate. Union Bro k.raaa Co.. 613 Ablngton bldg.. 106 8a. MONET loaned on diamond, and Jewelry. a .1-. ...If ... . 1 lltl. .trictly connaentiai. ---ti -" A LOAN for th ukitif. ealary or chattal. TOI laOau IO., JJCa-lll m LOW rate; wa loan money on dlamonda and Jewelry, fluarx it iliuii. i - u'- ... LOANS on diamonda and other aecurltiea. -., ...ii o tu..hin.mn hlrlr m. non, mum e. " n.n.ii-i . n a U'nl-d WANTED From private party, ivy. -a ti.M .l.a. tm-n amountB of 110O0. Oh flr.t mortgage. Provident Inveatment & oo. oo". on'? Unarrl of Trade l rustee V.O., 4"a, aua a.o a,. - DICK WANTED $3iW0 from private party on I i-rult farm, for 2 or 8 years; good securl tv; will pav 8 per cent. AS 3-.M, ore gonlan. $lSOO WANTED on beautiful bungalow; ..lit -ov a nee cent attorney', fee., but no brokerage; will .how thla place. AO 220. Oregonlan. WANT $1300 ON MODERN BUNGALOW' and large lot, will pay S per cent to prl vate party. AO 3-4. oregonmu IN amountB from - to .1R.-MK at 8 per cent on high-Class impruvm . --oi a..o- . Wm. C. Borcii.r, 216 Oregonlan hldg. WANT l..no ON MODERN BUNGALOW. WILL PAY S PER CENT TO PRIVATE PARTY. A 823. OREGON I A.N. I WANT in)0 two yeare. 8 per cent loan on $.,oOO home. Answer r. vr. ri. ... $H.M) FOR 3 yeara: 8 per cent on home. Principals pnone .'in-. LET us place your money, good mortgage refereneea F. H. Lewla. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES $12 4-lnch switches 7-,i 10 S-'-lnch .wltche. ? 8 -6-inch .wltche. z Hair dre.slng ., Face massage -' Shampoo ;..... - --' Manicuring, 2.1c. flv for . .. .'V,1,'. Superfluous hair removed by clectrii.lt. guaranteed not to return. , $4 00 l-'.-Oft and $.0O PUFFS REDUCED TO $1.45. Cut hair in any .hade; swltchea any length. Prices Just half. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 to 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington ata KICK men and women who want to be well 6 W? h.v. the mo.t expensive, flne.t equipped, prlvats office, on the Pacific Coast- every known therapeutlo appliance used In America or Europ. we h.ve; we use no drugs, we never operate; wa us ;v'!rj? .Tectrlial and mechanical treat ment and ar th. only physician, on the Pacific Coast using radium: com and be examined and. our office.; It will colt y" nothing; w. employ the be.t regi. tered physicians and surgeon, to verify our dU.nosl. of each Patient', disease w occupy th entire north half of the thfrd floor of the Rothchild bldg. Dr. -V. k. Mallory, Naturopath. DR CATHERINE C. GATES 1 have had eleven yeara' practical experience In treat fng nervoua and chronic diaeaae. I u.e no drnk-a Phone for appointment. Ma r Jhall 8 I , or call at SuT Abington bldg., , a Third St. Hour. 9 to 12. 1 to 6. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helalngf or. .r.doal.- rheumatlam, nervou. and jtom Kd0:!rm.n under .ictn. dlreo- "VcoSrdoS'fro1 i--5 carll" .. Phon Ea.t 260. B 1808- DR. ALICE A. GRlFF. .. .? women and children, haa re xno, " to -Itay.tt. Bldg.. 813 ii Wash ington at. i.iivrT HANEBUT. Ta..dlng wig and toup makr.; finest toe. to? hman hair goods, hairdrewlng murlng, face and acalp treatmenta 147 Tth it ". -" Morrl.on. Vhone, Main 646. ?' a niF-l when delayed ue Lorens Com Hrfd'E7sot Tablet,; always dependable; ??a"LZ? StlD-faylor Drug Co.. 211 Morrison .t. . VVM d Leases peculiar to TVH J. V. -a U a . " - Dt- rr. -1. rti.h.ias. ecsema and rectal W.?m-V. Washington bld.. 4th and Washington, Mala 8474. riiAD"l'ATE masseuse of Stockholm Swe- i.J T eltes treatments at patlenta' real Sences; -e.t ot reference.. Phone Main 847H. WALKER, .peclall.t for men, quickly Dres blood and .kin ailment., kidney and bUdd.r troubles and piles. Consultation .11. 181 1st t Portland. rji. Tr s. O. Tablets for debility from nV cause; price $1. any address; money "turned f " fa"- Dr. Pierce Remedy fo 24tOA "'"" -i STEVENS. 14 year. Portland', leading oiimlit and clairvoyant, has her lata KoE Palmistry Mad; Euy,". on Ml at 1434 Yamhill, corner no "nB A A. AUSPLUND. ni.aa.ea of women and surgery. Exsra ...im ". 802 Merchant Truat bldfl , J" .j Waahlnflton. Phon Main 4047. DRES- suit, lor r.nt. 1.60 montb: k..p DVo.rr clothe cleaned. pr.ased. buttons I?iid on. rips Repaired. Prompt calla and ceTlviriea Unique Tailoring Co.. 8u Stark. -Tw.iF ALFRED KOHLER will glve'lessons in English, writing and all subjects. Call 812 Main. - M. OUT Or co.uoi.v... uotitrhe. u."il curl, and purr., 75c. Sanl-.-.Jauty Parlor.. 40o Dekum bldg. tary : . ... , EWIS, late of San Francisco, treat. Mb.ldness and diseased .caip. 405 Stark. Mam J- r r. rvs -If la need- of confidential advice. on.uU Dr. Plerc: no charge Call or ?isu Morrl.on .L Main an-"- ;'-iHKNZ NEKVB TONIC TABU.T3 rto "..? vitality. 2-o box; 0 box $1.25. blip Drug Co.. 2b Morlaon.t. . . w . K 5 6-ilP. mental and spiritual cl-MKS.-..' . Aliskv bldg. Main &824. iiivi... THE Hummel Corset Parlors. 141 11th. wll reopen Aug- -I- v. uk- COURTK1UHT, feature and skin sp UMi. vrJX io.h .t N. Phone Main 5042. elan.-, -vv - , Vi upsrfl6ous hair removed. Mrs. U. MqL...uP"" ,,,,, Kida. Main 247SL J. tl 1"; a i -- - . . of FIGS Remedies for dl.ea.ea of B?i.n. 632 Davi. .4. Main 8215. Bl'SINEfV PRTEfTORY. Asaayer and Anabat. a SENNET, gold, .liver and platinum refi'iyer. as.ayer and chemist; gold buyer. d floor, l.aivs -m " -a MONTANA AESAT OFFICE Laboratory and or-testlnf work. 184 Morrison St. W.lls A Probstl. mining engineers. cnm l.t. and assavers 204 V. Waahlngtoa. Ants Bnppllea. V P KEEN AN CO.. 110 Fourth at.. Em plr auto tires. Pop Mfg. Co.' bicrelea. auto blcycl and motor .upplle. vehici rubber ttras. Fbonea M. 31-2. A 4133. BCSIXESS DIRECTOBT. Attorney . A. El. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General -. !- . - . a.aml-Afl. RiDUfcl I. 1424 to'l4.'8 Yeon bldg. M. 73; A 307L THOMAS D. REED, lawyer, removed to 400 Oregonlan bldg. 41h floor. Bat lis and Bwlmmlnc- HILL'S SANITARIUM Rheumatic treat ment, elegant plunge. IIS Front. M. 441. Brass and Mac hi no Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Braa. casting and machine work. 106 N. Ottt. Main B.ua. Cblrupractlo Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia Bldfl.. n.xt Star -l neater. A 1.311; res. -t Bi. stttn; xs s.i.- T Chiropodist. WILLIAM Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th only scientific chiropodist. In th. city. Parlor. 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Dr. Martin Braun, .urgeon chiropodist from tn imperial University Hospital, visnnw. Austria. 208 Rothchild bldg. Ph. Main itil. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mr. M. D. -alii, oiricea 42s -meaner piag. ...- Cofl-ctlona. PORTLAND Collection Agenoy '1TA',;?,T blcfr. All debt collected. A mi. - Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER, contractor. Jobbing, .of flc and store setting. 8 N. tlt U Main toe - a -hi rnArlln KCS ROBERT WAKEFIELD, general oontroi-ft 414 wella-targo oiug. -aam w.v. Dancing. WALTZ, two-atep, three-atap aad dancing leaaon. 23c; every morning. " ernoon and vning. Prof. WaL Dancing School. 8Stt Waan. U bU w. Park and loth ata RINOLER'S dancing achool, polJ i rates, private Instruction dally. 3814 -')r- Itentuta. ALVEOLAR TEETH where -lDfw"i,.!" Impossible; does away entirely wltn P' brldgawork; w cure pyorrhea l'0 i.e. hi .h...i,ni v larma to reliable PoPl. Alveolar Dental Co., ahlnrton bldg. 104 - : -...!. D --.H- -?-.?AR.,I,!2.N- ilsdua$9-lIM ' 1 .- . 1 1 ' . I .. -tain Mg4. crtBnis iruii Dim, . THE old reliable Union PalnlM. DenU-t 1st snd Morrison sts. Detective) Agency. " ARE YOU IX DOUBT? Expert detective service In delleat and Intricate investigation "quiring tact and diplomacy and experience; 'utt "orf. and honest: work guaranteed; highest ref erences and credentials; daily ; reporti If you want an object accomp " doings of a person ascertained, address AR -s;o, y.i es.'.n" ugm en M o- " ROBSR Machinery Co.. Coast agent , Sea bury .team engine and boilers, ga. olina .n glnea 281-283 E. Morrln st. Phon. la. ! ' Feed Store. ZIGLER & M1SXER. hay. grain, t"' . .ui-i. 44 Grand av- Knglnea Oa. and Bteam. Leal her and Findlnfla. jea.v-.-jr -- CHAS. L. MASTICK , CO .74 Front. th of every description, tap., mfr.. J A. STROWBRIDGE. LEATHluK CO.-S-- i.ii.i,.n it.ii isfl Front u fcmil Thlelhorn. vl"te.e. pup'l 400 Marquam. A 4160. Maranai. OBIDian uiii "-'""tr Hlllg M- 1987' rrrr in; ift-i7 Dekuia Dla --ir.t. Olis and G-a. COAST-MADE P'r -T cTlmata W bsst tiawi " z. 409 rhrh" "f comm.rc. BIQfl- . . 1 L; Mock. attorny- PATENTrprocured by J - otUca. Book- irvlGTrmeatlo 1" .nta. Infringement cases- " Paving. F.nbrokert In Portland. 11 oiu 1'lpe . in pipe CO. Factory and POoftic.An Flmuber. :-ov CO- PLUMBt-Ka- FOX. -a x,ln 2001; J 200ll im Gllsan. Main 4i. Rug o""1- -j .,t"5TT works buii -.' OHlnvi-"' ".-7 ruga -a" .-o- 'o- VTvv-1 ' Morrlsoila . ti J Safes. vCI .H SAFE CO.. 108 d St. - ftf1 " Socjjdlandjood . TTti furnltur and tool. Hlgb- -T Flxtur- 1 STT-uii-a Co.. branch Grand Rap--cot ettt-d Boyt. R. Lutk - -"r . 1 . u HAMILTON BLDQ. -vT5TlRprm4i'tck; prompt delivery. Salsa !ii-r-Co . and Coucb; na "?tJtZJ ct"t wTlb 5 j7T anciTransfer. -"7qr7rranafer A Storage Co offloea C. O. PICK a.,""; a-.tory brick wars-ouee. C and u"mroaU room, and fireproof vault ..paral iron ro J(- d f lor valuabea. ft- uur, moved aad .ib.; Pnr!ioSing: apeclai rate. mad. on packed IO' rh'trouV-i cara to all 4om-U, or.ign oointa' Main $ A 1194. -OAGE-FREli!. v! K,.ho.d hauled by u. (9 AU houaehold warehou.-.- l"to ou., J for balanc of month, and at lutcly lr '"a thereafter. Eiptrt mov th lo" "i for ahipplnfl. Kin, ua up ta "Dbon let th. Van Horn Tratu- .lrhCo. mc -iSS-JkT61Twh TRANSFER CO. Generll trm-- 0?.d d pi pianos nd,,,ur?fi Front mt. X.l.phon. for shipment. . --lii2---TFEil CO.." oatabllahad 187 OBBGON T"' .urwardlng agenta btoraga Tianafer antt I-"" btwMO 0n nd 6tW Mali -p-r7rrrT " "..- Main S. A Alois. a- J r- - oa rebuilt ijiwwru.fi, 10 BrKClAI. " , selling a number, of due mcu as at act- ooau fiiat-class rnacu--. 0 ilnc. 'Bmltus... Rcmlngstons .. Smith Premiere - BllllLi. t .....al 10 dv 01-er"w-mdii"ail makes of maohinaa and machin. wBw.-i. M!c-S-?a?ln2ry7lyPr.nUn. Co. " .01, 203. 203 Second at. Corner m a -a-. rhT"exchane for the largest typa- WE r on thU Coa.t; lnv..U.t.: n'mak all P"ce- Tb Typ.wnt.r Z-T, " ,.,., second-hand rentals, at out SSW, ""i""?, c. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407. . rates. P- Vreinarv bcnoul or College. -; rn.ANC13CO VETERINARY COL- BX.Ji-rvK Session begins Sept. 16. Catalog u. " Keane. 1811 Market u. a. F. L VdlJrill-n, -or. i IKG wells a apeclalty; prlc reasoa call Main 1346 or write Miller P.";. Morrison St.. Portland. Woo- and coai. C 'uvslDBl FUEL CO. WnoUsala and rs- WVii 4-ft sawed fir and hardwood. Office and yards at 123 E. Tth at. Phona Ea.t 724: B 2777. ; DRY BLOCK WOOD, mixed with smaller wood. 1160 per load, delivered to any o lace In the city. Portland Wrecking Co.-, fo5-107 11th t- North. Main 87. A. 8786. SEGHERS WOOD CO. Saw.d -ft oord wood and .labwood. 9th and GiUaa. U, , 00 1 . a 04 1 K Bo 0 V : a-, oeua. CEMBAL WOOD YARD Wood and oeL Main 1606: A 2415. A . . ..tiTra rr'irT. rri vtr rv-c- WOOD BRANCH E- 3D IT.-WOOP. KATIONAL FUEL CO. coal 4d Wood, AiiiaU S60. 887 Water at. ------- ' Yaxldern-lst. Ttnieada. fur :irk. F. B. Flalaj, .- Iter..